Bookstores and Glory Holes

By Jonathan Seagull

Published on Feb 7, 2003


DISCLAIMER: This story contains descriptions of gay sexual activity between men. If you are not over 18 years of age, or if you find this type of story offensive, or if viewing this material is illegal where you are, then please DON'T READ IT! If you choose to read it, then I hope you enjoy it!

Basis for this Story: This story describes true events that have occurred in my life. It tells about my visits to adult bookstores. This is one chapter in a series, more will follow. Note: The chapters are in no particular order.

Bookstores and Glory Holes

Chapter 10 - Running Into People I Know

Being in the closet, whenever I go to a bookstore, I worry that I might run into someone I know who's there too, or that someone might see me entering or leaving the store. I worry that they'll blow my cover. The first few months I started going, I never ran into anyone I knew. Eventually I did. This chapter will tell about the experiences I've had when I've run into people I know.


The first person I ran into who I knew, was a guy I knew as a little kid, who I graduated from high school with. One night I entered the bookstore, and headed to the back room. As I was going into the room, a guy came out carrying a movie projector. He apparently worked there, and was repairing a broken machine. He looked at me, and I looked at him and we both recognized each other. We never said a word to each other, or even acknowledged that we recognized each other, but I knew he knew me, and I knew him. He did tinge pink in the face, as I expect I did too. He went on his way, and I went on mine. I didn't see him anymore that evening, nor ever again.

There's a funny twist to this story that I should tell. I knew this boy since I was in Kindergarten. We were good friends when I was in first and second grade. We even used to play at each other's houses. Here's the funny part. I still remember one time that we were playing with my trains down in my cellar, and he suggested we play "Doctor" instead. I was game, not realizing where he was going with it. We took turns being the doctor and patient. First he was the doctor and pretended to listen to my heart with a play stethoscope, he looked in my mouth and ears with a flash light. Then he said I needed a shot. I told him I didn't want even a pretend shot. He said it wouldn't hurt though, so I agreed. He told me to pull my pants and underwear down, and then he stood behind me, pulled his own down and he stuck his tiny little penis between my ass cheeks and let it sit there a minute. When he pulled out and we'd pulled our pants up again, it was my turn to be the doctor and I did all the same things to him, including the shot! We almost got caught though. We were just pulling our pants up, when my mother came to see what we were up to. We made it just in time! I think that was my first "nekkid" experience of any kind with anyone else. We never did it again, and as time went by, we drifted apart, making different friends. By the time we were in high school, we barely ever saw each other anymore. I heard he was in trouble a lot too.

The Bastard

The next person I ran into, I literally ran into on the sidewalk outside the store. It was a few months later, and I had just left the store and was headed to my car, when I bumped into a guy, who turned out to be a salesman I'd worked with a couple years earlier. He was the nasiest, most miserable person I knew. I hated him, and he hated me. We always had carried on though as if we were agreeable with each other. When he saw me, he smirked and said "Came down to the well for a little drink eh?" I looked him in the eye and said "likewise I see." He just smiled his greasy smile and continued on in. He died a few years after that and another buddy of mine talked me into going to his wake. I went on the off chance I might see some of the guys I'd worked with. I didn't. They apparently didn't like him any better than I did. I met his wife and kids though: lovely woman, nice boy about 16, and a younger girl. All I could think was "if only you knew the things your husband/father did that you didn't know about!" Of course I kept my mouth shut, and said a few nice things to them about the guy (lying through my teeth of course).

The Godfather

Sometime later, I walked into my favorite bookstore and there was my Godmother's husband in the back of the shop! He was coming out of one video room, and heading for another. He saw me, but I pretended I hadn't seen him and turned into the first video room quickly. He exited the store. I could see he looked extremely embarassed and terrified too. Since he'd left, I stayed and had some fun. When I ran into him at the next family function, he tried to get me alone. I let him. We talked. I let him run the conversation. He never mentioned the bookstore, and I never let on that I'd seen him. He seemed to relax after a few minutes. I have since seen him two more times at the same store. The second time was a repeat of the first time. The last time was just a couple months ago. I was sitting in a booth and he came in the store and entered the booth next to me. I realized it was him, because I peeked through the buddy window and saw his face! He was horny. He quickly opened his fly and pulled out a short thin, penis, and started to work on it, grinning laciviously at me. He didn't realize it was me, as all he could see of me was my eye. I closed the cover to the buddy window and exited the booth and store, and went to a different bookstore instead. One fact about this that might interest anyone who's reading this is that the man is 81 years old! He's a great guy, but I have no interest in anyone that age.


When I was in high school, there was a boy a couple years younger than me who I liked. He liked me too. We were friends and nothing sexual ever happened, although I would've loved for it to. He was so damned cute, and I had the hots for him in a big way. He was short, skinny, and had creamy white skin, dark brown hair, and gorgeous blue eyes. He also had one hell of a great personality. I'd always wished I'd gotten to see him naked, but as he was younger than me, I didn't end up with him in my phys ed classes, and we didn't hang out enough outside of school for there to ever have been an opportunity to see each other naked. Once I was out of school, I didn't see him again, until years later, I was at a bookstore, and as I entered a video room, I saw him slip into a booth. I popped into the neighboring one. Unfortunately there were no glory holes in these booths, just tiny eyeball sized peep holes down near the floor under the shelf the video equipment sat on. I crouched down and peered through at my friend. I could tell he had a straight film playing, as I heard girls in it. I thought, "I'm finally going to see his dick!" Boy was I disappointed. He never pulled it out. He was hard and it was laying flat against his belly (inside his pants), pointing up toward his navel. He was very engrossed in the film he was watching, and was breathing heavily, his nostrils flaring. God I wanted to suck him off! He was standing, with the backs of his knees up against the edge of the bench. Eventually he reached down and rubbed up and down the underside of his hardon, through his jeans. Then he started running the zipper of his fly up and down. It looked to be rubbing righ up and down his urethra. When his quarter ran out he picked up a paper bag off the bench that obviously had a magazine in it and exited the booth. A couple seconds later, even though my flick was still running, I left too and followed him. I saw him disappearing out the front door. I was very disappointed. And I've never seen him there again!

A Co-worker Catches Me

One day I arrived at work and a woman I worked with said "You'll never guess where I saw you yesterday!" Then she preceeded to tell me that she'd seen me coming out of the bookstore. I didn't know what to say, so I denied it. She realized I was lying, and said "don't worry about it, I won't tell anyone!" That was that. And I never heard any rumors to that affect, so I assume she didn't tell anyone.

The Garbage Boys from Out of Town

One day I pulled up in front of the bookstore, parking a few spaces away from a garbage truck. When I looked over at it, I realized it belonged to a tiny garbage company that operated in a town about an hour away. I was familiar with them, because I knew the owner of the garbage collection company and his 18 year old son. As I was about to get out of my car, the door of the bookstore opened, and out came the son and his best friend. Both were all grins. Luckily they didn't see me and just got in the truck and drove off. I believe they were supposed to be working picking up garbage. I would've liked to have seen what they were up to in there. Wonder if they shared a booth? There'd been rumors about the two of them having a "relationship". I've seen the boy since. He's been married and already divorced. There are still rumors. My guess is he's closeted - like me. Wouldn't mind finding out for myself - he's pretty cute. Unfortunately, I don't have the opportunity to run into him anymore.

The Nude Model

I currently work with a curious little old man. This guy is a closet pervert. Everyone knows he's gay. He's into kinky stuff I believe from the things I've heard. He likes to go to the local college and pose naked for the art students when they are working on nude paintings. I've seen him at the bookstore a couple times. Both times he was buying magazines and a dildo! I never let him catch me. I slip out before he notices I'm there.

The Sporting Goods Guy

About two years ago, I'm in a booth and had the door ajar. Suddenly it opens and a guy peers in. He jumps in and locks the door behind him. My pants are down, so he takes my dick in his hand and starts masturbating me. Then he looks up and we both realize we used to work together years ago - along with the bastard I mentioned up above. This guy sold sporting goods though. He grinned and dropped to his knees and started sucking on me. After a minute he looked up and whispered that he'd like to set something permanent up with me. I said OK, we could exchange e-mail addresses afterward. He sucked me some more. My token ran out and he didn't have any so he said he'd get some and come back. Well he didn't come back and didn't come back and my tokens all ran out, so I left the booth. There he was talking to a guy. When he saw me he started to come toward me, but the other guy stopped him again. I just thought - the hell with him. I ended up going to the other video room and found someone else who wanted to suck me off. I haven't seen this guy again either.

The Ex-Con

I grew up across the street from a large family. One daughter was a little older than me. She got pregnant right out of high school, married the guy, had the baby - a boy, then got a divorce. She subsequently remarried a couple of times. As the boy from her first marriage grew up, they lived near my parent's house. Eventually they moved a few blocks away. The boy for whatever reason kept trying to get into their old house. I never found out why. Maybe he'd left a stash of drugs there or something - who knows? Anyway, this one day, he managed to break in and got caught. He was arrested and ended up serving time in prison. I believe it might actually have been a youth detention facility - he was pretty young at the time. After he got out, I saw him around town a bit. Then one day I was at the bookstore, and I saw him cruising around the booths. He was relatively cute and I was really horny, so I went in and entered the booth next to him. It had buddy windows. He never opened his. Nor did he try to peek. I heard a straight film running. I also heard the sounds of him jacking off. He finished, and left a couple minutes later. I saw him at the bookstore several times after that. He is very good looking. All the guys were after him, which appeared to annoy him, but he kept cruising around the booths like he was looking for something/someone himself, so he was giving mixed signals. I never saw him enter a booth with anyone, or go in one where there was a buddy window (the glory holes were gone by the time he began coming to the bookstores).

Finally, the last time I saw him there, as he cruised, I made a point of letting him see me. When he saw me, he suddenly looked nervous, scared, and embarassed. I smiled and winked at him. He went quickly into a booth. I wondered if he expected me to follow him, but then I heard the door lock. I watched several guys try to push it open. I finally went into the booth in front of his, and got on the floor and looked through that peep hole I mentioned earlier. He had his pants down and was masturbating. I heard a straight film playing. He had a nice 7" cut cock, average thickness, nice hairless scrotum with two cute ovals dangling in it. I watched as he slowly jacked off watching the movie. I could tell his orgasm was building, as his nostrils flared and he started beating off faster. Suddenly he gasped and shot a wad of cum into the wall. It was followed by 3 or 4 more shots. When he finally finished, he shook his shrinking penis to get the last drop of cum off the tip of it, and put it away, straightened himself up, and left.

I haven't seen him there since. He's married with a baby now, although I think he was married already before I started seeing him showing up at the bookstores. I ended up at his grandmother's wake recently. You should've seen the terrified look on his face when I went and talked to his mother! Of course I didn't say anything. Hope he realizes now - I'm not going to blow his cover. Hope he hasn't blown mine either!

Eric - My Trainee

I saved the best, albeit somewhat frustrating (for me) story till last. I went into a bookstore a couple years ago and went into a booth that shared a buddy window with an adjoining booth, which was occupied. I looked through and saw a young guy, his pants down around his ankles, laying back in the chair, masturbating with his left hand, as he pinched and played with his right nipple with his right hand. He had his head back and there was a look of euphoria on his face, as he pleasured himself. I quickly put some tokens in the machine, and pulled my pants down and began to masturbate. When he heard the movie start in my booth he looked up, a smile on his face, as he saw me jerking off. It was then that I realized I knew the guy. He'd been a trainee of mine, several years earlier. I couldn't tell if he recognized me or not.

He tilted his head back and continued tweaking his nipples and playing with his cut 9 inches of manhood, while his balls bobbed up and down I could see that through the slits of his eyes he was watching the same gay flick I'd selected. He looked over at me again and smiled again. I indicated I wanted to join him, but he smiled and shook his head "no". I was so disappointed. He was hot! It was obvious though that he was lost in his own self-induced ecstasy.

I ignored the movie and sat down to watch the boy gratifying himself. He was obviously enjoying his own manipulations. Everytime he tweaked his nipple, he'd gasp. As he jerked off, I saw a drop of precum ooze out of his piss slit. His breathing became heavier. He continued running his hand up and down his pole, and he'd abandoned watching the movie as well. Occasionally he'd glance through half-closed eyes at me, watching me masturbating as I watched him. He'd smile at me then. I smiled back. It was only a couple minutes and I could tell his orgasm was building. Mine had begun to as well. His face turned a little red, his breathing became heavier, he began jerking off harder, and he started thrusting his hips up and down a bit on the chair, as his orgasm approached. I could hear him moaning a bit too. Suddenly he tensed, let out a tiny cry, and a string of cum shot out of his dick, landing on his chest, neck and chin. This was quickly followed by 4 or 5 more shots, until the boy's torso was covered in strings and globs of cum. As he came, I too began to shoot my load, splattering it all over the pane in the buddy window. I caught a glimpse of Eric looking at me between his own spasms, and grinning, as he realized I was cumming with him. Eventually both our orgasms subsided and Eric's tense body relaxed, his dick oozing the last bit of cum. He looked at me and grinned again, then started looking for some tissue, which when he found it he used to clean himself off with. I too found some and cleaned up. I got dressed, and was ready to go, but Eric put another dollar in the machine and laid back still naked. I tapped the glass, and he grinned at me, and took his dick in his hand again, all set to go again! I smiled and waved at him, he smiled and waved back, and I left.

I wish he'd have let me join him. I think we'd have had a good time together. I haven't seen him since.

So there you have the stories about the people I've run into at the bookstores, who I knew previous to meeting them there. Some, like Eric and George, I obviously didn't mind running into. Other's, like my Godmother's husband, or some co-workers, I would rather not have run into. It does seem though that everyone I've met that I know has been discreet about having met me there. I think that for the most part, they feel the same way - they don't want anyone they know to see them their either! It's kind of like a code of conduct amongst the people who go to bookstores!

----------------------------------------------------------------------------- I hope you enjoyed this chapter of my story, the next one will be published shortly.

Next: Chapter 11

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