Booker Burns

By Maxieplus / Maxwell Dowling

Published on Jul 13, 2019


Booker Burns 9

Unbeknown to me Hildy had rallied the troops for our first public opening day, she had brought cook with her, he just wanted to see how it all worked out. He didn't actually interfere with the cooking side of it. He was very impressed with Book, and I saw him more than once checking him out. But the biggest surprise for me was he had young Michael with him. I nearly cried when I saw him he looked so grown up as I hugged him to bits. He hasn't lost that love in his eyes because it appeared when he mentioned Cook in our conversation.

He settled himself next to the kids who had a smaller table to do their colouring in, he talked the baby talk with them then the customers started to come by.

They were apprehensive at first the biggest question was "Is it free?" The word got around and Ant and aunty started dishing up the lasagne and veggies. Hildy and I manned the vegetables, mum settled into the opportunity shop, and I did see more than one person go in and buy something. There was a sign outside to let the local workers know they could get a hearty seven-dollar meal. It was almost a mirror image of the city one. Book helped Ant and he also kept up with the fresh buttered rolls, he seemed a little out of sorts today. There weren't hundreds, maybe forty souls but it was hard to tell. Aunt Jenny will know from the meal count she has served.

I heard laughing and saw happy faces both black and white, Cook had sat down with a coffee and was playing with the babies, he looked at them with love in his eyes too.

I noticed a well-dressed guy come in and speak to aunt Jenny, she didn't look too good when he seemed to leave in a big huff. She started talking to Hildy and mum so I sidled up and had a listen in.

"He's the new priest at St Andrews, a smart ass money grabber. He wanted to know how much the kitchen was donating to the church funds." She screwed her face up as she laughed.

"So what did you tell him?"

"I told him to take it up with the council, but as far as I know the money goes straight back into buying food for the kitchen to feed the poor. I think the little smart ass was a bit miffed. What a bloody nerve." Hildy patted her shoulder and replied.

"Well the church should be donating to the kitchen, they are the richest religion in the world."

I thought about it and yes what a nerve, I had no idea that would be the first of many painful times I would see that man.

It was a long five hours and when lunch was over and cleaned up Ant had to rush off and see to his restaurant, but the rest of us went back to the farm. My bigger surprise and Cooks too was Michaels reaction. He didn't know where to look first when the babies started showing him all their animal friends. I told cook that Mike could spend a week or so here on the school holidays maybe. He will be safe with us all and if he didn't have much on, he and Stan could come with him.

He said he would ask him if that was something he would like to do. He and Stan were giving Michael only good thoughts and memories nowadays, and I had a profound respect for them both.

Again Books reaction when we closed up for the day got to me, he had gone very quiet when we arrived back home it didn't go unnoticed. Aunty was getting ready to bathe the babes and mum as always was feeding the help with soup kitchen leftovers.

"How much did we take today?" I asked her.

"Well the shop took twenty-five dollars and the kitchen took eighty from the workers in town. That's pretty good for the first day."

"Excellent," Hildy called out.

"I have to hold onto it to buy for next week, I hope word gets around to the local businesses we need at least three hundred to break even," Jenny told us.

When the babies were put to sleep everyone started leaving. Michael thanked me for the invitation, and he would be very very happy to help out in the holidays. I kissed his head and wished him luck, and we would see him when he's available. I also told him he wasn't coming here to work he was coming for a relaxing holiday. He grinned and replied.

"Maybe I can help a little?"

"Okay we will see, maybe you can be in charge of the chicken coop." He giggled and was still smiling when Cook turned onto the highway to drive them home.

As we settled into each other's arms that night I felt a feeling of accomplishment and was very happy the day went so well. Now for my bigger and more important problem.

"What happened today Book, why did you suddenly change?"

After a few seconds I heard him sigh.

"There's nothing I can't get past you, is there?"

"No baby, nothing, so what got you so down?" I held him in my arms and kissed his face.

"Seeing all those sad faces Zack, I don't think I realized it was that bad out there. I was thinking about how my life changed when I went to stay with you in the city. You and I know my next step would have been the streets. I had thought about it a lot of times even when I was a boy I wanted to become a hobo or join the circus, but shit Zack I don't think I would have coped too well with it all."

I placed my hand over his heart and replied.

"That would never have happened Book, this big heart of yours would have put a stop to it. If you really think about it, it did stop you probably more than once. I have to admit I thought about it too, imagining you in a line up at the soup kitchen absolutely tore me apart. I won't let that happen and I couldn't let that happen." I kissed his sweet lips.

His leg parted mine as he prepared me for a Booker Burns special, he opened me up then gently made love to me. I whispered, "I love you." In his ears, as he kissed my face many times. After he finished he pulled me in to hold me while we slept I could hear his heartbeat and it lulled me off into dreamtime.

I have work today, so I held my man and sons then kissed them as I prepared to leave for town. It's only a ten-minute drive and the road is pretty good, I always have a smooth run into there. I opened the office and turned the computers on, they were just coming to life when Matt came in.

"Good morning Zack, everything all right in your world?"

"Yes, Matt all's good do you want me to run through your list with you?"

"No, it's pretty easy today just a couple that have moved into town that needs assistance, three kids and another on the way isn't making mums life any easier." He smiled. I knew this situation very well.

"Does daddy drink?"

"And smoke, so there's not much money left at the end of the week, I am going to steer her towards the soup kitchen, then I have to go talk to the headmistress at the kid's school. Just to make sure all's well with them."

"Good, at least the kitchen will alleviate some of mums worries but find out if the kids that go to school are eating enough maybe they can call by the kitchen on the way home and get some leftovers for dinner."

"Sounds like a plan Zack, I really don't know how she's going to take it, but its a neighbour that rang in she's worried about the kids."

"Well if you get a chance to talk to the neighbour tell him or her to hang a bag of fruit over the fence occasionally or a couple of loaves of bread." I smiled at him knowing full well they won't. It's in the doing that will help this family out, not passing the buck.

Sure we can help but if the mum doesn't want any help there's only so much we can do. Which gave me another thought, maybe I might call by the local newspaper office and offer my services, or maybe I will just write a short essay for them to print, something to do with being neighbourly.

I saw Matt off then grabbed my keys to go out to see the Aboriginal elders. I wanted permission to go visit a long-standing client, but first I need permission to enter the reserve. I also have to have my car searched for alcohol, it's a serious problem up here, and I could get into a lot of trouble if I try to smuggle any in.

When I was first here, I was offered big money to bring beer into the little dusty township, but thankfully I had read the rules of dealing with these folk thoroughly. When the government banned alcohol the residents turned to glue and petrol sniffing.

The kids were the worst affected. Sure they were enticed to go to school, at least there they would have been educated a little, but as soon as they could go on welfare they would quit school and stay at home. It's a merry go round for them with nowhere safe to get off it.

I had seen fist fights in the streets between the Aborigine and white teens, but by the time they are twenty-five or so the fight would almost be knocked out of them. That's when their real trouble would start, they would give up. And of course getting back to school, the kids by order of their elders left everything white at the front gate. As soon as they passed through the reserve's fencing they became Aboriginal again, no homework was done and of course, nothing spoken about their day. They would just go play in the red powdery dirt and go to bed filthy once more.

The lady I wanted to talk to was Nan, she was a very jolly lady in her fifties and what she doesn't know about her people isn't worth knowing. I always see her first she knows who needs my attention; she knows everything.

The elders (Two old guys sitting on cushions on the floor of an air-conditioned office) welcomed me and I sat with them. It was hard to understand their words at first but eventually, I settled in and could easily understand their distorted English. I got my permission to see nan so I thanked them and walked down the dusty street to her small house, a dog lapped at my feet probably thinking I had food.

"Good morning nan, how are you today?"

"Good morning young white fella, did ya bring some ciggies for old nan?"

I felt around in my briefcase and found two packs then handed them over to her. She was sitting in her rocking chair on the porch, I sat on the bench next to it.

"How have things been here the past week nan, quiet or out of control?"

"Some quiet day like today, but many fights between the community brudders, old nan gets a bit tired of it."

"Okay, so nothings changed."

"Nup nuthin." She answered as she lit up a ciggy, she took a deep draw then yelled into the doorway.

"Adoni baby, cool lemonade for our special guest please." She uses his real name.

Adam was her grandchild a boy about seven years old, he doesn't go to school, nan keeps him close to her because he was another victim of neglect. His little body was twisted with a hip deformity, something the doctors tried to fix but made worse when he was younger. He lives with bolts and rods in his little body so his nan makes sure he's protected from the older kids by refusing to send him to school. She has a government tutor for him that comes by twice a week. She insists he learn as much as he can and she is in good health herself, and should see his children being born if that ever happens. If anyone had more power with me here than the elders it would be nan, she gets things done, and its because she never worshipped the dreaded bottle of whiskey, she sees things very clearly.

I sipped on my cold lemonade and Adam sat on a stool next to gran to have his.

"This is good young fella, did you do something different this time?"

"No nan, just the same as always." He giggled. She played with his mop of black curly hair.

"Well its good stuff, we should sell it and make a lot of white man's money." She then lifted her glass to her lips and made a satisfying sound. Adam laughed and I saw it again, pure love in his dark eyes.

"Did Lucas come by nan?"

"Yes young fella, I told him what I knew but I don't think I helped him a real lot."

"Well I had seen the boy around here a bit, was he a fighter?"

"No Mister Zack he was one of your kind, he kept to himself I think he was making plans to move to the big city when it happened. He was a very nice young fella."

"One of my men?"

"You know one of those man lover's men."

"Oh." I get it, he was gay.

"Lucas is a good policeman but I don't think he will solve this one, too many closed mouths around here nobody wants to deal with the white man, especially a copper."

"Well if you hear anything let me know and I'll tell him."

"He had a boyfriend in town."

"How do you know that?"

"He used to get the bus every day to go see him, when he came back he would have treats for the kiddies, he couldn't afford that on his government handout."

"It makes sense nan, did you tell Lucas that?"

"No little brudda, I thought you might do that for me. I didn't tell Lucas much at all because I would get beaten if I opened my mouth to a Cop, but you're all right. They like government people; especially you. When you talk to him just say black mans secret business." She looked around in case someone was listening. I got the gist of her words, black mans business means roughly it's a closed shop, no one talks breathes or remembers anything.

I finished my drink which was amazing and asked if anyone else needed my expertise. Nan said no, it was pretty quiet around here at the moment. I hugged her and thanked Adoni.

He giggled some more then I went to my car to go to the next reserve. I was thinking about him as I drove to my next appointment, he's not being used as a carer his nan cares for him, a lot. And she keeps him out of harm's way as much as she possibly can, but I did see that love in his eyes more than once today.

I had 'that' chat with her when he wasn't around, and it was decided that she would leave it up to me if anything bad happened to her. I immediately said I would take him in and see that he has a great life on the farm. I think she was delighted with that response because she shrilled a tune into the air because she had made a great deal.

I had spoken to Book about it, and he was very happy to take on another kid his grin was awesome but he also had a few doubts about handling Adam with kid gloves. I told him it was just a precaution; nan was in excellent health this was just a plan for the next ten years until Adam could fend for himself socially.

When my day was over, I drove back to our small country town. I will write up the papers tonight and file them tomorrow. I spoke to Lucas on the way in and he already knew about the lover in town, in fact there were many, the boy had been selling himself up on the highway bypass. I told him what nan had said, and I said I would fish around some more info. Maybe Book will know if there's any gay's in town, maybe not.

"No Zack, I don't know of anyone that's gay, maybe a closeted guy, but from what you told me probably a guy or guys with some money. You did say he had money when he returned from town. Maybe Luke's right and he was selling himself."

"That's a possibility Book, he might have been on the game it would explain the money he had."

Book fished around in his pocket and pulled out a twenty dollar note and handed it to me. Then he pulled his zipper down. The dirty bugger he was treating me like a rent boy, so I took his twenty and did my best work on him.

I wanted to make my next TV show about sharing, sharing the load with your neighbours. I sat up until one in the morning writing a sort of script then I tried to recite it into the camera. I also did a piece about it to send to the local newspaper then I gave up because I was dog tired by then. I checked the babies and crawled into bed. Book immediately swung his arm over me and I felt absolutely loved.

I wanted to sleep in today but the boys had other ideas, a foal will be born sometime this morning and they insisted I be there to witness it. Book had left early and as I pulled my underwear up I heard them all come in for breakfast.

"Good morning everyone." I dragged myself into the kitchen.

"Good morning." Both the guys said as mum hugged me, Book leered at me because I had put on a sexy pair of running shorts.

I leaned over and kissed him then the babies wanted my attention just for a minute, and then by magic they were in front of the TV again.

I lifted my leg and placed it on the farmhouse chair, giving Book a good show, then I scratched myself thoroughly his eyes never leaving me. Mum placed food in front of me and I dropped the knife on the floor. As I bent over to pick it up I heard a low moan. And when I looked over at Book he was almost foaming at the mouth.

"Gee that missus of yours is a bit of a cock teaser today, isn't he boss." Sam said to Book, another groan as young Douglas laughed. I just ploughed on ahead and ate my food knowing full well Book was horned up and sometime this morning he will corner me and have his wicked way with my body. I almost felt sorry for him because I had woken up horny as hell and was aching for some farmer Burns man action.

"How is Dolly?"

"Ready to pop one out at any moment boss."

"Good, at least it wasn't in the middle of the night."

"She wouldn't dare, not with the babies and you around, daytime is much more civilized." I cleared my throat.

"When are you going to see Hildy Sam?"

"In two week's time boss any messages?"

"Yes talk her into relocating here will you." I smiled.

"I will try boss, where's she going to live?"

"With Jenny in town, certainly not out here with you lot."

"I'm insulted you would think that boss, maybe I should marry her and move into town with them." I think Joe's in love.

"Do that and your fired, she's mine, not yours and I want her head to be clear every day."

"Fat chance of that boss, she's already got the hots for me."

Sam laughed his head off and the babies came to the kitchen door to see what the noise was all about. When they deemed everyone was okay the moved back to the sofa.

It was on for young and old when we heard the whinny coming from the stables.

"Troops fall in." Book called into the lounge room. The boys were at his side in an instant, they knew they were going for a tour of the farmyard. But what they didn't know is they would be watching Dolly give birth. Something that happens so often on a farm. They have seen sheep and cattle being born but this is another kind of birth for them to see.

The boys were in the stall before we all got there and I heard Sam say.

"One more push Dolly my love and you will get a big surprise."

She cried out again and I could see the little foal float out of her body. A baby boy this time and my kids went crazy when his mum cleaned him up, and he almost immediately started trying to stand.

It took the little fella about an hour and he was still unsteady but wanted a drink, so mum obliged him.

"What will we call him baby?"

"I don't know maybe Sam would like that job."

"Boy, it is then." Sam grinned.

"What?" Book almost yelled.

"His name is Boy, and if you can come up with a better one let me know."

So its Boy for now, and I'm no good at horse names at all, and I doubt whether the kids would know what has happened or what we were talking about. They just wanted to play and talk with the foal.

He had finally settled in with his mum so I took the kids for their daily tour, at the chicken coop they threw corn at them and then they had to make sure the stock had enough food and water. They were very tired after all that work so I put them to bed for a nap.... then it happened. Full on sex as Booker grabbed me by the arm and took me out to the hayloft. I didn't think he would last long and I was so pleased he wanted to go the whole nine yards. I was exhausted when he had finished ravishing my body and as I wiped up he had that cheeky boy grin on his face.

"What's up?"

"Nothing, I just can't believe we are doing this, it's awesome Zack." He whispered.

"That it is Book." I pulled him over and started kissing him all over, I was pretty sure he was almost ready to go again.

During the night I woke briefly and he had moved down the bed and his arm was wrapped around my waist and face was nuzzled into my belly. We slept well and in the morning I was being woken up with one of his morning tongue baths.

"You taste so good Zack."

"Thank you Book, I try to stay farmyard smelly for you." I chuckled.

The moment was lost as he started tickling me.

Then the boys wanted up, I guess they need to start their exciting new day.

Later on, Book and I were in the bedroom making the bed.

"What are you doing today Zack?"

"I thought I would work on some more videos for Dex, why?"

"I have to go into town and order some feed want to come, we can take the boys to Ant's place for lunch maybe."

"Sure that would be nice I want to have a look in Target and see what they have in kid's clothes."

"Do they need some more baby?"

"They sure do, they are growing so fast."

"Maybe we can look at wedding rings while we are there." I blushed then his face burst into a big smile, he was being a silly boy again.

"Book you already gave me one." I flashed my gold band at him. He walked over to the dresser and pulled out a little box. I opened it then kissed the ring and placed it on his finger. Then I gave him the deepest pash I could manage. His legs buckled and I hung on and went in for some more.

"Wow, you're getting so good with this!" He moaned into my mouth.

"Wow, you too!" I replied.

"We need to find a celebrant Book, now it's all legal and everything, I guess we had better do it right. Do you think the new priest will do it, he seemed a little gay the other day?"

"No, no priests Zachy, we get a celebrant."

"I can't wait to see you in your wedding suit Zachy, we had better go to the city soon to get them."

"Sure Book and the same for me too, what kind of underwear should we wear, jocks?"

It started at that very moment and my legs were over my shoulders and Book was checking out my tight buns. The only complaint I had was that it wasn't long enough, but he sure has gotten pretty good at it.

I adored Book and couldn't wait to be legally married to him. As I said earlier, Booker and I know just about everyone in our small town. We were brought up here and went to school here. We never have a problem with any of the shopkeepers or our school friends. The only thing we didn't know about was if there were any other gay couples in the area.

We had our morning tea and Book said he was going to check on the foul, we can go shopping in the city next week if I could hold off. I agreed and I was hoping for a rematch when the boys and mum have their afternoon naps.

"When are you going into town to see your gran Book?" Mum asked.

"Oh, probably Monday, maybe." Book lowered his head again and I held his chin up to meet my eyes.

"Book you don't have to go you know, you don't owe her a damn thing. " And he doesn't, she was an old bitch and she still gets into Books head when he visits her. He always comes back with a solemn down trodden look about him.

"No, I will go see her, I'm all she's got"

"Well don't take her crap Book, stand up for yourself." I tried to give him some courage, he changed the subject.

"What day do you want to go camping Zack?"

"Maybe Saturday and come back Sunday morning, do you want to take the boys?"

"No, if that's all right with you mum."

"Of course it is son, we have loads of fun when you're both not here." She rolled her eyes.

I know she doesn't because the boys miss us and play up a bit.

I actually hated Book's gran with a passion, she knew he was being abused. In fact, she encouraged it by adding to his terrible childhood. He only visits her out of some sort of respect for the elderly. She has them all conned at the home they think she's a dear little old thing, but I think she's just an old actress.

She also asks to see Beetle, she somehow found out about him so we told her Book was his father, she doesn't have to know about our situation. I thought it best she doesn't. If she hears anything from the local gossip mongers then we will deny it all, and just go with our first plan. Hopefully, she won't live that much longer then we can celebrate Books life again. And there's no way Beetle will be taken there, he doesn't have to know her either.

I had walked down to the barn with the kids to get the boys in for lunch, we watched the new foul play with his mum while the kids screamed.

I felt light kisses on the back of my head, the kids saw him and again wanted up into Books great big arms.

"Did you get your TV talk done baby?"

"Yes, movie one and two are in the can." I laughed.

"Can I watch them as you do them?"

"If you want, no problem."

"Okay after lunch, I'm starving."

"I'll get the boys fed while you wash up, mums warming your lunch up now."

He patted my ass then walked into the worker's bathroom attached to the barn. I walked my kids over to the house, they stopped occasionally to pick up stones and then proceeded to throw them, something little boys like to do a lot. Mum was ready with some sandwiches for the little kids and a farm style stew for us big guys.

Where Book and I camped wasn't that far away and we still had phone coverage, there's a sort of small mountain on his property covered in bushy trees and big boulders, it has a waterfall and a small river running through it, and we usually set up near the falls. We had left early because we wanted to have a swim, it was a nice day. Book and I weren't more than a mile away from the farmhouse when he insisted we get naked,

I slipped my shorts down and gave him a view of my new black jockstrap. He groaned many times as we walked up to the hill and I deliberately spread my legs wider as I stepped over broken branches and rocks. I made him go in front halfway up, he had his Jocks on today so I slipped them off him and kissed his privates, while I did that awesome job. He will be nude today, and his ass dimpled in the right spots and I was as worked up as hell just watching his strong legs climb over rocks everything was on show. This was our time, our foreplay moment and when we arrived at the swimming hole he dropped the backpack and walked into the pool. I followed him and we both sat in the shallow waters to soak up the coolness. We kissed a lot and he blushed as I played with him in his now excited state. His hand moved to mine and we spent an hour just touching and feeling each other.

We then lay on a big boulder and dried off in the sun, and after he set the tent up we made love. It was wonderfully urgent and I gave him my ass because it had gone all itchy and had a real wanting feel about it.

"I love you Zachy, so very very much." He whispered in my ear.

as he gave his seed to me. We lay there for a long time then it was my turn and I got a very warm welcomed head job off him.

We had drifted off to sleep with my legs across his awesome body, this is our place our very own secret hideaway, no one comes here except us. The babies have been here with us but sometimes we just like to be here on our own. I woke to birds screeching in the trees and turned over onto my stomach and watched them fall gently from the branches, maybe its a love dance or something.

I started thinking about mum, and I wanted her to enjoy her retirement at the farm. She does a lot for us, and I sometimes feel really guilty about using her up.

Maybe I will talk to aunty Jenny about it, maybe she can help out sometimes. Or maybe I can quit my job and give her a hand.

Sometime soon I will do a list of jobs she does and try and minimize her workload. I felt a large hand on my bum then it started rubbing it in circles. The groan came next and then he started with a finger, I was drowning in the wonderful feelings Book was giving me and didn't want to move, but nature called and I eventually had to. I also needed to go and have a bit of a clean-up. I turned and looked at him, his eyes were closed and he was smiling. Okay, I suppose I could lay here for another ten minutes while he enjoyed himself.

Eventually, after a lot of kissing, we made a move, well I did. I took the wet bag with the soap in it and headed for the pool.

Because it was pretty shallow the sun warms it up a little so it was just like having a cool bath. When I slipped into the water, Book was two minutes behind me, and naked. I drowned in his perfect body and thought how did I get so lucky, there are thousands of guys out there that Book could have been with, but he had chosen me a long time ago when we were little boys and I felt very special.

Next: Chapter 10

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