Booker Burns

By Maxieplus / Maxwell Dowling

Published on Dec 4, 2019


Booker Burns 27

Mum moved into her new rooms the next day, we all helped and for the first time in weeks, I had a sort of spring in my step. Book was talking to David about some sort of bush cabin and I overheard him say he would do some plans.

I went to find mum she had the boys in front of her new TV and was feeding them lunch. The rooms were so bright; she is going to love it here I know she will. I could smell food in her gas oven, she decided to try it out for our lunch. I guess its easier for her but she promised it was a one-off this time, she liked the old wood stove in our kitchen better.

The party day has arrived once again and the weather was just as nice as the last day, we all dressed up and had more photos taken, plus another movie. Everything had been planned the same except for the wedding. My boys looked amazing and the kids were just so beautiful. We had bought them different outfits for this day, more kid-friendly, and Book had placed a small square of foam rubber in the back of his car so they could have a nap if needed.

Aunty broke open the champagne and was all over the kids like a rash. She and I had talked for hours after the incident, she was terrified at the thought someone wanted us dead because we were gay. Anyway, I'm not going to dwell on it again, she was fine, we were fine, and everyone else was so excited to, at last, party on.

We arrived much the same way, and all our friends were there, and more. I noticed Luke had more security around the park and as soon as we stepped out of the car the cameras went off and the band started playing. Ant again manned the food and we had thousands of photos taken with the guests. Mrs. Truscott looked magnificent in her tangerine sequinned frock, she gave me and Book an extra special cuddle and then Book and I carried our boys and started the dance by doing a slow circle dance with them, just to get them in the party mood. I didn't want Lucky to be swamped by a lot of people so I hung onto him firmly, just so he knows we are close. Beetle giggled his way through the jig and Book laughed along with him, both had dimples for miles.

Millie looked so gorgeous when I asked her to dance she went all shy and told me she didn't know how to. I told her I would show her, and I did. We did the mum dance and rocked from side to side, I saw her kids watching her proudly with Maree making sure they were all safe. Maree was next, then mum then aunty and Hildy. I had no idea who Book was dancing with, but I think this one had a suit on. As I dropped aunty off I went to investigate and there he was in David's arms. But it was short-lived when he saw me his dimples went wild and he beelined to me as David went to grab Gino's mum. I have no idea how Luke does it but he looked immaculate in the same liquid looking Italian suit he had on at the last party. Andy looked like the country boy again and his smiles went for days as Luke swished him around, stopping occasionally to kiss him. I guess he's out of the closet now.

Book had a firm hold on me and moved me over to the bar, we ordered our drinks and the babies had a juice. He then sat us at our favorite picnic table and we watched the sunset. The kids wanted a swim but we said not this time, maybe tomorrow. Everything was magic as we watched the town folk move around the floor. At one stage it was standing room only there was so many.

We had to make a thank you speech, sometime during the night but for the moment I think Jill was going to sing. She was good, very good and folks stopped dancing just to watch her belt out a tune. Janice was all starry-eyed and was the first to congratulate her giving her a passionate kiss.

I felt a hand on my shoulder.

"Sorry I'm late, I had to come and wish you both a long happy marriage." I looked up and there was Dexter, he wasn't in his suit he was in jeans and a t-shirt. My guess was right, he did have a sculptured body and was showing it off tonight.

"Book, can I ask Zack for a dance?"

"Knock yourself out Dex, but don't forget to drop him off after it, and don't go passing him around, he's not into that whole group thing."

He giggled, then I heard him groan something under his breath.

"What did you say Book?"

"Nothing Zachy."

"It wasn't nothing Book, what was it?"

"So much for getting married and taking you off the market." He blushed.

I laughed as I grabbed a very spunky Dexter and started moving him around the dance floor. We only just got through one song when there was a tap on my shoulder.

"May I butt in?" Daniel said with a big smile.

"Of course, I have to go and see if I've still got a husband. Thank you, Dex."

"I am sure I'm going to love this dance." Daniel grinned and rubbed his hands together, Dexter laughed. Dan looked so different with his long hair all cut short, and between you and me, he and Dex suited each other as they almost molded together.

Now, where is that husband of mine? I went back to the table and it had been taken over by some teens so I looked around the dance floor, then over at our table.

"Mum, have you seen Book?"

"He was here a couple of minutes ago son, I think he went towards the car." She had the boys and was feeding them roast potatoes and gravy, so I headed for Books car.

I found him in the driver's seat so I opened the passenger side door and got in.

"What took you so long?" He mumbled.

"I had to introduce Dex to Daniel, they are having a very nice dance together." I grinned as his hand took mine and he kissed it.

"Husband, come with me."


"Just come will you, stop being so anti-social." I got him out of the car and walked him over to the bandstand. I requested a song both Book and I liked a bit when we were at school, then I spoke to the MC.

"Ladies and gentlemen will you please clear the floor and let our hosts have their wedding dance." Book gripped my hand and said.

"Zachy, no, there are too many people."

"What did I say to you when I read my vows at the swimming hole?"

"That you will love me forever?"

"Well I don't have to say this, but forever starts right now." I took him in my arms just as the music started up.

Moonlight serenade played through the speakers and Book's eyes lit up. He had recognized the song and his feet started moving me around the dance floor slowly.

"I remember this music Zack, and do you know what I was thinking when I heard it back then?"

"You were thinking of us getting married and you dancing me around the floor to it."

"How did you know?"

"Because I was thinking the same thing." I kissed him midway through the song and we stopped moving. The whole party stopped when he hungrily reciprocated to almost porn movie level. Then he moved me around like a feather boa, and I was sad because the music was ending and I didn't want to let go of him. The applause was deafening but we didn't move as the next song arrived, it was just as beautiful, so we mum danced from side to side because he didn't want to let me go.

I couldn't explain how I felt about Book in words, when it came to him I was a thorough blank sheet, but I am hoping by showing him he will get the idea, and there is no way I am ever going to upset him. To be truthful If it wasn't for Dexter dancing with me, I wouldn't have had that wonderful dance with my new husband, so everything slipped back into place when Book whispered in my ear.

"I'm hungry Zack, do you want to eat with me?" I smiled and we both walked over to Ants makeshift restaurant.

We got some food and sat at the family table with the kids.

"When did you learn to dance like that Book?"

"I've been taking lessons off mum when you weren't there." He blushed

"You did very well, can I slot you in for any further dances you might like to have in your life?"

"Of course, that's why I learned because I wanted to dance, but only with you."

"Well we still have a few hours to go and of course there's our sort of wedding night to get through. I think you are going to be busy tonight." I grinned.

"I so want to fuck you Zachy."

"Be my guest Book, anything's possible tonight."

"Good." He dropped his head and I pulled it up and kissed his gravy streaked lips.

We both got down on our knees and danced with the kids then we had another slow one, then it was time for a speech.

I was called to the dais and the introductions were made.

"I would firstly like to thank every one of you for coming to our town celebration. This has been long overdue and Book and I would like to personally thank you for all your welcomed prayers and wishes over the past four or five weeks."

I paused for the clapping.

"You are all very special to our little family, and we want you to know if there's anything we can do for your family please don't hesitate to ask, after all, we are a tight-knit community and we should be helping each other out. The town party has been a big success and we would like to make it an annual event for our town, so mark this weekend in your calendar for next year."

More applause.

"I would like to thank my mum and aunty Jenny for their help to put this shindig on and lastly, I would like to thank my new Husband for marrying me. I believe I am kind of off the market now, so all you single boys will have to look elsewhere." The crowd roared with laughter.

"My two sons, what can I say about them?" I paused to get rid of that lump in my throat.

"They have been through so much in their short lives, and we try our best to shield them from the evils of this world. My biggest wish is when they hit school age they will have plenty of mates around them to shield them from any craziness that seems to go with being at school. Our other wish is that they will be strong enough to help your children and grandchildren in stressful times. Booker Burns and I had that kind of schooling and we had many many school mates surrounding us. This is a great town with great people living here, and I couldn't imagine living anywhere else in the world than right here. Thank you all and enjoy yourselves. And don't forget I'm off the market and so is Booker Burns" I laughed as I stepped down from the makeshift stage and took Books hand for another dance.

"Zachy, can you come with me for a minute?" Book took my hand and he walked me over to the car, he opened it and we both slid in.

"What's up?"

"Zack, can you pull your t-shirt up for a minute?" I was a little confused, but when I did his hand brushed back and forth on my bush. He moaned a bit then he smelt his fingers and let out a big breath.

"God that turns me on Zachy." He went back to playing with my pubes.

"I guess Rory was right Book."

"How so?"

"He said this suit was for your eyes only, can we go home now? I need you so fucking bad."

"I'll get the kids." He was out of that car before I could tuck my t-shirt in, and walking towards mum and the boys.

"We didn't say goodnight to anyone Book, do you think they will get upset?"

"No Zack, they won't even know we are missing and anyway it's expected of us to leave before the party ends." The kids had fallen asleep in the back so we gently grabbed one each and put them to bed. Mum had stayed on a little longer I think she wanted to give us some time together, or she needed a few more dances.

It wasn't a rushed night when we finally got into our bedroom. Book stopped me from undressing he wanted to hold me and slow dance for a minute or two.

"Take your jacket off baby." He whispered I did what he wanted.

"Now the t-shirt." I slipped it over my head making sure I popped my muscles for show. He then started on my nipples and ended at my pubes. they were soaking wet by the time he came up for breath, and I had his laces undone and had pushed his fly apart to touch him.

"Stay here." He swept his hands over my bum and moved in behind me, his stiff member slid between my legs and his hands held my bundle which was larger than it was an hour ago.

He moved back and forth kissing my neck, his hands moved and covered my chest muscles, and his thumbs tweaked my nips. He was turning me on to the point I was on the verge of cumming no hands.

"I love you Zachy." He whispered in my ear as he undid my pants and they fell to the floor.

"I love you too Book." I leaned back and kissed his lips. He spat on his hand and pushed me into the wall and tried to slip inside me with some effort.

"This would go better on the bed Book."

"I don't want to move baby, just give me another few minutes will you?"

"Okay." He tried to get a good shot at me but it just didn't work so he turned me around and lifted me, my legs went around his waist, now he had a better shot at making love to me.

It was an uncomfortable position for us both, so I eventually ended up on my knees on top of the bed and Book doggy styled me.

We were well spent by the time we had our wedding night frolics, and he wouldn't stop moaning that he wanted it to last forever. I kissed him once more then tried to sleep, I was in my little world, my husband was a good catch, and he was also a beautiful lover.

Later on, we heard mum pull into the driveway, she came inside and kissed the babies' goodnight then we heard her door close. Book was now leaning on his elbow looking at me, his eyes sparkled and his lips were wet. He kissed me deeply and when he finished he lay back pulling me into him.

"Goodnight again my beautiful husband and thank you for my second chance at life."

Goodnight Booker Burns, I love you."

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