Booker Burns

By Maxieplus / Maxwell Dowling

Published on Nov 29, 2019


Booker Burns 26

"Zack he's only in there to get some quiet time, and I want to monitor him for the next few hours. Then I will have him shifted into Bookers room, we will remove the drip before he wakes, and take some blood samples."

"Thank you doctor; thank you seems so very little to say, but for now thank you." I leaned in and hugged him.

"That's okay my boy, just hold his hand and cuddle him, he may not know your here, but then again he might? He's perfectly all right and his wound will heal beautifully, in time." I looked down at my son, he had a big bandage around his right leg and a drip in his arm.

I spent the night with my husband and two sons, I couldn't get into bed with Book because he had all sorts of drips around him, but I could hold my two sons. Lucky had come around and he and Beetle needed to cuddle and commiserate for a bit but eventually, he was smiling at me. I knew he was scared shitless with his surroundings but between aunty, mum, Sam and Hildy we calmed him down enough for him to fall back to sleep again.

I had a sort of sleepless night, and once when I went to the toilet I kissed my Book on his perfect lips, he responded with a big smile. I knew he had been awake, he was watching me; I think because he knows how I get in these situations. Things get a bit messy in my head.

I had fallen asleep again sitting in a chair with my head on Book's shoulder, he was kissing my face then I became aware we weren't the only ones in the room, it was morning.

Both mum and aunty had the boys who looked a hundred percent better, Hildy was the first to rush and hug me. I could hear her sobbing into my bare chest, so I held her and whispered.

"When you finished can you lick those tears off, and can you start with my right nipple; its kind of horny." I felt her go rigid then heard a small giggle, then I saw her beautiful smile.

"In your dreams lover boy,"

"How are you feeling?" Aunty said.

"Wrung out, useless weak, embarrassed useless, useless, useless, all the above" I felt Book turn his head towards me and said.

"Be quiet Zack, you're not useless, you did everything that's expected of you, for me and our boy."

"But Book?" He shut me up by pulling me in and kissing me.

I heard another shuffle and looked up at Janice.

"Can I finish the ceremony now?" she handed me my suit jacket she had rescued and I smiled and took my vows out.

Book was smiling like the Cheshire cat.

I unfolded my vows and started reading as mum placed herself on the other bed with the boys. My boy Lucky did manage a giggle for her. I told them of my love for all three of them, and how my life had changed since they appeared then I looked into my Books eyes and told him I had always loved him and I always will, forever and a day. I always knew that my love will make him right whenever he's down. I also told him I would follow him to the end of my days. I went on until there was nothing left to read then I heard Janice say.

"Congratulations by the power invested in me, I now pronounce you husband, and husband." I kissed Book like I've never kissed him before and I also heard loud clapping and cheering throughout the hospital. The intercom had been turned on so the town folk that was still there could be a part of it.

"Can you boys sign this and I will file it with Births deaths and marriages"

I passed the pen to Book, he smiled and signed it then I did the same. Sam and Hildy witnessed it and Janice placed one form in an envelope and passed it over to us. Our marriage certificate was gently placed on the bed and our boys were hugged and kissed, the smiles on their faces were beautiful, thankfully Lucky's pain killers were still working. I unpinned the forgotten rings from their tear-streaked t-shirts and placed Books back to where it will stay forever, then he did mine.

Mum had sent someone up the street to get me some decent clothes, my suit pants were almost in rags and Book's beautiful jacket was shredded. I changed into jeans and a new t-shirt then the doctor came in to see Book. He cleared the room and I listened to his words.

"Book you can go home in a day or two, but I caution you there's to be no heavy lifting or farm work, you need complete rest until your body recovers." He smiled.

"That's a bit soon isn't it" I had frozen, and panicked.

"No Zack not unusual in these modern times, I will get the ambulance to get him home and settled, you can wash him until he can manage the shower and the district nurse will call every day. We don't see any problems Book, the wound is clean and the artery has already started to heal. I will need to see Lucky in a few days, but the nurse or you Zack can change his dressings when it's needed. All he will need is infant antibiotics to stave off any infection and maybe a pain killer if he gets agitated."

"They must stay here for a couple of extra days Doc, sorry but I can't have him at home, it's dusty and they won't sit still for anyone." I looked at Book and dropped my head, he knew what was going on inside, I was panicking and he knew it. He lifted my chin and said.

"Zacks right doc, can you keep me here for a few weeks, I could do with the rest. He thinks he's feeling pain but I know its only his inner hurt, and he forgets I hold the cure for his hurt." I heard his giggle. He knows I won't last two weeks without his arms around me, so I started feeling guilty again, and he was right. I wasn't in any pain but I hurt badly inside.

"Mum can you take the boys home please; they need to get back to something like normal. I want to stay here. Can you get Sam to bring my car in just in case?"

"Already done son, Hildy bought it in."

"Thank you." I looked at my best friend.

"Zack please go home with the boys I will worry to no end about them. I need you to be with them please for me?" He had his pleading voice on. I shook my head no but told him I would stay with him all day then maybe go and be with our boys tonight.

"Now tell me what happened," He said.

"Book I'll let Luke tell you if you don't mind, he's waiting in the hallway," Mum said.

She went and got Luke and his face told me volumes, things were not good.

"Book, Zack. I hope your both feeling better, and little Lucky how are you, baby? "

He tickled Lucky who started laughing, he was okay I knew he was.

"Father Todd escaped custody from the sanatorium, he got a hold of a handgun and a car from god knows where, and his first stop was the Leitchville aged care home," I had a bad feeling about this.

"He shot granny Burns didn't he?" Book asked.

"Yes Book, twice, she's gone they couldn't revive her."

"Good riddance." Was Books reply.

"I thought you might react like that Book, then he crashed the wedding and got close enough to shoot you and Lucky. He has been charged, but you know the courts nowadays he may get life behind bars, or he may get years in the sanatorium. It's hard to guess now."

"Okay did you lock my guns up?" Book smiled at me.

"Yep, he will be around for a few years yet." he stared at me, I blushed.

"We have shifted him to the city Zack, he is stark raving mad." I thought about it for a second and replied.

"Good, and thank you, Luke."

"How did the party go after we left?"

"Zack, a lot of the guests followed you into town. They weren't here to be ghouls, they were here as concerned friends of you and Books and of course Lucky. Ant made up plates and whoever was left took food home. There was no point in continuing, a gloom had come over the guests." Aunt Jenny said.

"So no dancing or drinking."

"They didn't feel like it Zack, it sort of all fell apart. Food was taken to the soup kitchen the cakes will be handed out for the rest of the week to anyone that wants them. We put aside the sweet bags because when this is all over, there will be another proper party planned."

"What makes you think we want to organize another party?"

"You don't have a choice son, the town expects it and so do I. When you sort through your feelings I'm sure you will agree with me we have to finish what we started." She kissed my forehead, it felt good.

We spent the rest of the morning fussing over the babies, then it was time to distract them, and mum to take them home to be in familiar surroundings. When she mentioned the TV was missing them, they were more than willing to go home.

Book was still getting checked out every hour and by two his tubes were all removed. He was sent for a scan and the doc deemed him to be fighting fit. There was no sign of anything looming, his bloods were perfect; like him.

The nurse took all the machines away and I lay on the bed with him. We napped the afternoon away and I felt loved. I was watching him sleep and wanted him to wake up and kiss me again, when the nurse left for the last time we had that opportunity.

Book smiled as a quietness came over the hospital. Patients had been fed and meds were handed out for the night.

Mum had rung and the boys were having a great time in front of the TV, Sam was taking them for a tour to see their animal friends then its dinner time. She will ring if anything happens but she doesn't think Lucky will worry too much, tonight will confirm that if there are no nightmares.

We made out a little, this night should have been our almost wedding night and all the plans I had for yesterday were now canceled because the nurses will be checking on Book through out the night. So there will be no passionate moves in here, I suppose.

"Zachy, why don't you want me to come home?"

"I don't know Book; I just think your safer being here at the moment."

"I would heal better a home baby; we could stay in bed all day." He wiggled his eyebrows.

"You know what Book, you're right. Now he's gone and been locked up again. I think the best place for you is with me at home. I'm sorry I just panicked because I felt unsafe with having you at the farm. But I'm okay now and you can come home with me in the morning or the next day."

"Zachy, my side is hurting can you check that is not bleeding again?" I did and as I did his member grew bigger and bigger, what can a groom do on his almost wedding night but thoroughly check him out. It relaxed me to have Book in my mouth and my brain was only concentrating on his complete happiness. He apologized he couldn't do the same to me but that was okay, I had my fist and a great subject to perve on, as he gently kissed me.

I got a phone call from Jenny, she and mum are going to sleep with the kids in her room, they are okay and asking for us but it's not a panic kind of asking. I settled down next to my man and we tried to sleep, I couldn't leave him, not on this special night.

I heard a strange sound during the night, some shuffling outside the window woke me, and I smelt a wonderful aroma I didn't recognize. Some kind of mumbling and sticks being tapped together. I lifted my head then went to look and saw two Aborigines sitting on the path gently whispering a chant, a nurse was beside the bed checking Books blood pressure, he was awake and looking at me.

"They are performing a healing ritual Zack, they were sent from the Ninda elders." My old window breaking foes, and my new friends, no Zack, not everyone is bad. If they had sent their two best medicine men to us they must be worried about us.

The painted up guys left just as the sun came up, doctor Mitchell arrived after breakfast and Book signed himself out. We got him into the mica van (Hospital transport van) and I followed him back to our home. He had assured me he was in no pain and he was very eager to go see Lucky and Beetle.

We pulled up in the front of the farmhouse there were cars everywhere, and most of the tables and chairs were taken, but after a load of hugs from our friends, we were settled in with coffee with our sons and family once more. Book had to have pillows surrounding him and he also had to be very careful not to pop his stitches. Our boys were almost crying as we took it in turns to hold them, they looked so good and I couldn't wait to get them on my own so I could whisper loving things in their ears.

"How was their night mum?"

"Good son, not a peep out of them, I thought the Aborigine would wake them with their chanting but they seemed to sleep very peacefully."

"You got them here too, we had them looking after us outside the hospital room."

"Really? they turned up here around nine and sat in the paddock with a fire going. It was kind of nice. Hildy said they only let the special white people see their men's business." I smiled and sort of thanked them under my breath.

The guys sitting on our porch were all our best friends, and Dexter was the most concerned for Book. I smiled at him and said a silent thank you because Books chest pumped up, it looked so good. He will leave tomorrow to give us some space, plus he had to get back to work. He also told us he had been interviewed for the news, our wedding was front-page news because of the shooting. He said we should expect news hounds trying to get interviews and mum said she was manning the phones and vetoing everything. I hadn't realized it was that big a deal, and when I talked to Dex, later on, he said the network had received thousands of calls to find out about my welfare.

"You had better do another talk Zack, maybe about religious nutters." he grinned and I promised him I already had heaps of words going around in my head.

I took David's hand and squeezed it, it's been a harrowing time for everyone. We need to assure our friends that everything is all right, and life goes on.

"How was your date David, were your parents there Gino?"

"Yes Zack," Gino replied then he laughed at David's face.

"What's happening boys?" I smiled as I watched Sam bring out another packet of biscuits and offer them all to Book.

"You tell them Gino; they are your parents." Dave laughed again and shook his head. Gino blushed and said.

"Mum said on the way home that she hoped our wedding won't be as dramatic, it's not the Italian way." We all started laughing and I was so happy for them. Gino had been so scared his parents would reject him, it wasn't the case after all his mum was already planning their big day. I hugged them both and wished them well, this will be interesting and Italian weddings are huge.

"Can we use your lake for it, Zack?" Gino said. David nearly fell off his stool.


"Well, I had better take a leaf out of Book's book baby, and marry you as soon as possible. You know to take you off the market. Daniel is looking at you like your prime rib eye beef." He looked over at Daniel, who in turn laughed.

"Make it quick, you're both starting to look good to me now," Daniel shouted out. Gino kissed Davo deeply and I knew my old school mates will be all right.

Hildy was staring at me all this time, and I know she wants to have a long talk to me, but I am saving that up for when we are alone.

"Was the lake cleaned up mom?"

"Yes Book, the council finished this morning."

"I feel terrible that the priest cheated the town out of a good knee's up," I said.

"As soon as I get mobile Zack, we will do it all over again. Not the wedding, just the party." Book confirmed as I watched his eyes droop.

"You want to do it all again?" I asked quietly.

"Yes Zack, they are all our friends and they did come to the hospital out of concern for us all. They are our other treasures Zack and we had better ring Rory to get some more suits up here." His head was drooping so I had better get him into bed.

"Umm, excuse me guys but you have to take your vows again." Dex interrupted.

"Why?" I asked

"Because the networks doing a documentary on it and want to give it a happy ending."

"No fucking way Dexter not happening."

"You don't want to tell your side of the story Book, there is plenty of gay guys that are going through what you did with that idiot priest, its time the church was called to account."

"Dex can we talk about this later I need to get my husband to bed."

"Want any help, Zack, Book?" he smiled.

We both said aloud.


That was it, I got Book into bed, he insisted he didn't want bed clothes on, he wanted to cuddle me. As I slipped in next to him he winched and I apologized, then his big arms went around my body holding me nice and close.

I heard Beetle at the door then I spied Lucky with his white bandage, they were wanting to come in with us. Book lost his woody and I helped the boys into our bed. We all slept until the late afternoon, I giggled a little until Book slapped my thigh and told me to shut up.

I was making sure I didn't bump Lucky or Book when I turned over and looked into his blue eyes then I kissed the tip of Beetles nose as his eyes closed, he would have been so confused.

"They will be a bit needy for a few days Zack, then they will forget all about it. It might be worth the trip to take them back to the lake and show them all the bads gone." Hildy said in the kitchen when I went to get coffee.

"Your right and I know everything will be okay because I do love my family and any pain or hurt I feel can't compete with that. So I have to throw everything I have into loving them more and loving our friends and family." I took her hand and kissed it.

She shook her head and agreed with me then she did something she never has done before. She kissed my lips gently.

"I love you, my friend, never change and never forget that you are well and truly loved too." She stood there holding me for ages then Ava wanted her attention.

For the following week, we had some fun in the shower when we placed a chair in it for safety reasons, that chair was incorporated in our gentle lovemaking routine. Cook and Michael left the day after Dex did. I got an extra special hug from Michael and a promise he would see us again soon. I hadn't had the time to introduce him to the Docs son Jordon but will make that my mission next time. Book mainly slept and watched TV with the boys, Sam and Douglas looked after the animals and Hildy went back to work. I filled in my time reading write-ups and doing a special talk on the church and gay marriage. I didn't want the network to do a sixty-minute special because I didn't want my kids involved or the townspeople.

The media shut up very quickly when some other disaster took over the screen. I was happy it happened, that way because it was getting a bit relentless.

One beautiful sunny day in the second week I gathered up my small family and took them back to the lake. It wasn't a hard thing to do, but I had thought about what Hildy had said and wanted to see my baby's reaction. All they saw was the cool lake and as we splashed them around in the water their giggles warmed us and we kissed them until they got sick of it. I had wrapped Lucky's leg in plastic and it worked perfectly. Books stitches had come out and he was healing well and although Lucky was uncomfortable sometimes he didn't show signs of any pain.

"I guess that answers one question Book, now how are you feeling?" We sat at the picnic table while the kids had a ten-minute nap in the shade.

"I'm okay Zack, really good. I want to talk to you about the new party. I certainly don't want it to be a wedding but I want it to go ahead as a thank you night."

"Will we make it the same as before?"

"Yes baby, cakes food beer and a band. Lots of fairy lights and sparkles." His eyes were already sparkling as he talked to me.

"Do you want to do this?" I wanted him to be sure.

"We can't deprive the town of a party Zack, it has to be done again, and done properly, that means new suits for us and maybe a new dress for mum." I knew Book had already started organizing another big day while he was held up in the bedroom, I didn't care too much but he was insistent.

"Well, I guess we had better go to the city to get more clothes then."

"No Rory is shipping us new ones, he has our sizes and heard about the wedding disaster, I rang him yesterday." He grinned.


"In the ovens Zack, aunty and Ant have it all covered."


"At the ready, it's all going to be the same baby, we have to have that party."

I thought about it some more, then I agreed with him.

"Ring Rory and get a new frock sent for mum, same design. I don't want her to wear the original one it's damaged." Book flipped out his phone and had a very dirty talk to Mr. Rory, I know this because Book dropped his voice a few octaves. He also invited him to the wedding but he declined saying he had some stuff to do, but he would appreciate a photo or two. One can only wonder why that was about.

The party saved us from going down a slippery slope, well it saved me. I hadn't gone back to work and I don't think I wanted to. Hildy had got a couple of temporary workers in and I was helping her with the write-ups from home.

I wanted to have a quiet word with her when I can. I have Dexter's work, that gives me a very good wage, and I want to be with my family more. If anything came out of the whole disaster I realized that life was too short and family is paramount.

We set the date, and once again I wrote a very personal piece for the paper. We had made statements to Luke and there won't be a court case, Mr. Priest was deemed far too insane to have one.

Our suits arrived with a replacement frock for mum, and we had decided to get a new Cody Mitchell original frock for Maree Truscott the bank manager's wife, she can't be expected to wear the same frock twice. We had also found out that she was the one the priest ran into after shooting Book. I don't think she wrestled him to the ground but I think she lost her footing and fell on him tearing her beautiful dress in the process. It was dangerous but by the time it happened, he had already dropped the gun.

Granny Burns was placed in the family grave at the local cemetery, and from all reports, there was just the new priest and the funeral guys there. Book will do a small headstone but he vowed he would never go near her resting place. I had done my piece for Dexter's show and it had the most hits ever and the cards and flowers that turned up at the farm were never-ending. Mostly from strangers some even with money with them, some with offers to help Book and me out (In bed), those were thrown in the bin. The boys got teddies and toys sent to them and in my TV speech I had thanked everyone for their kind support, and the monetary donations will be donated to aunts charity.

I was sitting on our porch a few days before the new party when Hildy drove up the road, she was early today. She parked out the front and when she alighted she looked like a woman on a mission.

"We need to have a meeting boyfriend; it's become rather urgent now." She huffed.

"Oh, what's up my queen bee?" I smiled at her because I usually come up with a different name every time I address her.

"Well the two replacements are amazing, and I have offered them permanent placements today. They have accepted the posts." This sounds interesting.

"Lovely man I need you, I need your keen eyes and I have taken steps to make you my assistant permanently, and in a couple of months, I want you to take over my position. Can you do that?"

"Of course I can, does that mean I get to work from home then?"

"Yes and no, you will still check the guys write-ups and the ones I send to you for now, and I want you to get used to sitting at the soup kitchen to do your work. You see urgent cases more so there than any visits you do."

"What's going on baby?" Book had arrived he looked magnificent in his baggy jeans and a torn tank top. He was helping David with the painting in mums flat, they had already started on the bunkhouse and mum was itching to move into her new place.

"I think I just got a new job but I don't understand why yet, she's bleeding it a bit, sit with us." I looked at Hildy then Book and had a very dirty thought, something about licking the sweat from his body.

"I'm going back to the city Zack; I am needed there more than here. I want you to take over the northwestern branch, and I don't want you to be doing any more than you are hired to do. That means no out of town visits, no settlements, just making the final decisions, you have done it before, it's an easy job."

"Okay, I agree its not hard work I can do that. Now tell me why do you want to go back to that dirty old city?"

"I am needed there. I told you I was only here temporarily baby; I have important work to do there."

"Fucking tell me you bloody secretive bugger otherwise I will rub your new hair in the dirt." I started giggling at her shocked face.

"You can't tell anyone Zack Book, not until I announce it. I'm standing at the next election as an Independent for Aboriginal affairs. I have more than a good chance of winning." She grinned, I was so happy for her I could have burst.

"So, in other words, I am taking your job over permanently in a few months."

"Now you get it, and I can help you more from Canberra. I can't wait to get my hands on some of those sniveling political layabouts. I am going to split the areas into three you look after the northwest and central. I have people in mind to take over the other two."

"What about Sam?"

"He's behind me one hundred percent, this is a big gong for me and he understands."

"I would like to be behind you Zachy," Book whispered, the sleazy bugger, and the answer is yes anytime Booker Burns.

"Well I'm happy for you then, go shake them up, and don't forget your friends while you're at it." I looked at her with genuine love.

I hugged her and wondered if Book's offer to get behind me was still on the table.

"When are you leaving?"

"Day after the party boyfriend, we need to have at least one dance." She chuckled. How could I get mad with her, this was a good opportunity for her to make a big difference to her community.

Mum came out with coffee and cakes, our boys and a little girl followed. Lucky's bandages were off and the stitches were taken out. He did favor his left leg when he remembered his injury but on the whole, he was bouncing back beautifully. Book was doing some farm work two weeks after his operation, but only light duties, he is already talking about going back to work full time.

My phone rang just as a delivery van came up the road, it was Mrs, Truscott thanking us for the lovely gown that had just been delivered. I promised her a dance and she thanked me humbly. No one had ever done something that beautiful for her before, she was sniffling into the phone.

The van delivered mums new dress and our new suits, Hildy gave me a filthy look and I said to her.

"You don't need another one, your new one is still in perfect condition. You don't get dirty, you don't cook and you don't do housework, you sit on your huge bum all day, you're going to make a perfect politician." I couldn't stop laughing.

Book handed the dress to mum and he stared at our suits. I grabbed them and went to hang them up; he followed. I wanted to get back to the cakes, but he wanted to hold me for a minute or two."Let's hope these have better luck than the last ones."

"They will Book, no one can hurt us now, and just think with my new job I will be home more often too, want some cake?"

He pumped his hips into my backside then let me go, I think the cake is winning and I hoped to God he doesn't shower before I get to him.

"Is the painting finished Davo?" I asked my hunky builder as he sat with us.

"Yes Zack, all done you can move in whenever you want Mrs. T." Mum sat up straight, she was more than ready to move in because that will mean more sleepovers with the kids.

"We will do it in the morning mum, the paint has to dry overnight, maybe Hildy might help you. The new bed is being delivered in the morning too, so leave the old one where it is." I chuckled again at my mum's face, and I think I'm about to get a good talking too from my boss. I was so happy for her she's going to kick butt at the capitol, but I wondered how Ava was going to cope.

"Umm, Hild's how are you going to juggle Canberra and Ava?"

"If you don't mind, can she stay with you all, it will only be when Parliament sits Zack, and I will fly home for four days out of seven. I would like to set up my office in town, then I will have a more permanent address when I move back here to live." My tears threatened as I grabbed her to hug the living daylights out of her. This has made me happy and my mood lifted to an unbelievable level. We get Ava all of the time and Hildy most of the time. Book didn't say anything and I thought he might not like the idea of having a little girl around the house.

"Book what's up you didn't say anything about Ava staying here."

"I am happy Zachy. I was more worried that mum would have another job, but she said she was thrilled she gets a little girl to look after too."

"Oh, and that's all?" I stroked his face.

"Yes and no, I saw your face when she told you, you changed and I was trying to work out why, but then I decided that Hildy's news has made you very happy, so I am happy too." He kissed me again as he moved his body closer to mine. I had my doubts that he was telling the truth but if I was a betting man I would bet that he didn't want Ava to come to our swimming hole, it's a man only kind of place, like men's business.

"We will tell her there's Lions in the hills."

"Tell who?"


He looked me in the eyes and kissed me passionately and ground himself into my crotch.

"We will build the cabin; can you open your legs slightly Zack my hammer is feeling happy again?"

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