Booker Burns

By Maxieplus / Maxwell Dowling

Published on Oct 31, 2019


Booker Burns 23

The kitchen looked spick and span, David and his brothers had placed a temporary door in the opening to stop any further dust appearing. Mum was busy taking some scones out of the oven, Book was helping with the renovation and I grabbed two babies and walked out to have a look. They are going for broke because half the framing was up and I could see the outline of the rooms more clearly. I kissed Book then went around to the porch. The two brothers grabbed a scone each then headed back to town to see girlfriends, I think. David sat with us and had a coffee and he and Book talked about the next stage of the build.

It was then he noticed my hair, and ran his fingers through it, he put them to his nose and smelt them.

"Did you go to Gino's today?"

"Yes, I needed a hair treatment badly." I ran my fingers through my locks.

"He did a good job Zachy it looks nice." Book smiled.

David didn't react but he did have a look, the men came around the corner just as Hildy pulled up. Sam opened the door and handed Ava over to her and after some hugs and kisses, she needed to sit down.

"It's been a big day boyfriend, your hair looks nice."

"Go see Gino he does a great job my lovely."

"I might just do that this old girl needs a new do." She smiled, and I noticed no one argued with her. I burst out laughing because her eyes darted from one to another waiting for a smart assed answer.

"Okay, then we all agree my hair is rubbish." Again everyone was quiet. Book broke the silence by grabbing some more scones, he fed Beetle some and he was telling me about his day helping with the build. Well she does need a new do, her hair is so wild at the moment you can hardly make out there's a real woman under it. I will pass Gino's number over to her later on.

"He wants me to meet him at the lake on the way home," David whispered to me.

"Are you going?"

"I don't know, everything's broken I don't have anything to say anymore."

"Do it for me, won't you. Just meet him and listen to what he has to say; for me."

"For you, yes, but for him no."

"David you're being too hard on yourself, don't shut him out just yet, listen to him that's all I ask."

"Did he say something to you?" He looked hopeful.

"Yes but I have to keep it private, but please meet him."

"Okay, I will then, another rejection won't hurt me."

"Good." What did he mean by another rejection, I think I'm missing something here.

It took him a half-hour to put everything away then he said his goodbyes and left. Let's hope the next time we see him he will have a smile on his face.

I don't know what to do about Daniel, but maybe someone will come out of the closet one day for him. I helped mum in the kitchen and she still held onto the wet dishcloth absentmindedly wiping things down as she went. I cooked my fried chicken special, its easy and Book loves it. Hildy was talking to the kids in front of the TV, she was telling them what sort of animals they were and making their sounds too. We often did that so they could learn names and some numbers but it's too early for them at the moment they are still virtually babies.

By the time dinner was ready Book was almost drooling and he wasn't drooling for dinner either, he was looking at me. I wondered how David and Gino were getting along at the lake. My imagination was going crazy thinking about those two hunks getting it on there.

After Book loaded his plate up, mum with hands on her hips said.

"Did you leave anything for everyone else son?"

"There plenty left mum." He blushed then scraped some mash onto my plate.

"I have never seen anyone put it away like you do Booker Burns, you are going to get fat one day, mark my words."

He slipped a piece of chicken over to me too, although it was a small bit; I felt special.

Hildy and Joe were laughing into their dinners, and young Douglas was only thinking about his date tonight.

"Where are you both going, Doug?"

"Movies boss, Emma likes the movies we are going to sit in the back row."

"Oh, that's nice I remember the back row." Mum smiled dreamingly.


"Well, your father and I loved being right up in the back row, it was nice and dark."

I know what happens in the back row at the movie theatre and the couples weren't watching movies either. Thanks, mum for the visual I may have nightmares tonight, yuk.

Book took my hand after he helped wash up and lead me out into the farmyard. I was thinking he might be up for a root tonight but all he wanted to do was lean on the corral fence and talk. He needed my reassurance he wouldn't be embarrassed with this wedding, I told him to make his speech short and simple and anyway, he was supposed to be telling me, not the whole town so he can lower his voice. We kissed for ages then he wanted to watch the news so I huddled in the office and checked my clients for tomorrow.

Another red flag and I thought about ignoring it but my inquisitive nature got the better of me. My fan just thanked me he had a lot to think about and I had helped him immensely.

I wrote back that if he needed any more help I was at his disposal. I looked over some more comments then got stuck on a thread that wasn't very nice. I understood the concerns of the posters and I wished I could have commented on some of them, but its best left alone. They were at least having a decent conversation about my last appearance so it did some good. I heard Book call me and switched the computer off, he was going to bed and I was holding him up.

We showered and dried each other Book lingered a little longer and I wondered if he found a pimple or something on my back.

"Zack your ass is beautiful."

"Thank you Book but not as good as yours."

"No, I meant your ass is perfect I could watch it all day." I turned around and kissed him then I wiggled my bubble butt at him and he chased me into bed.

"Zack, can I ask you something?"

"Yes Book anything."

"You know when we were young like fourteen, did you ever think about screwing me, like did you like my ass?"

"Yes Book, it drove me crazy even then you had some muscle appearing all over I think your ass was the first to receive some."

"Good, so I'm not just imagining it then."

"Imagining what Book?"

"Well I use to look at your ass and try and think of ways to touch it but it never happened. When I had stayed overnight at your house I used to feel it while you slept though, I didn't do it often I was too scared."

"Me too Book." I grinned.


"I did the same when you went off to sleep."

"Oh." He sighed.


"Yes, Book."

"Can I feel it now?"

I moved onto my stomach and said.

"Knock yourself out, lover boy." Then I giggled.

I think that was Books idea of foreplay tonight, he not only felt my firm ass he had to do it again from the inside.

One screaming kid and one concerned brother woke me suddenly during the night. Beetle has a tummy upset, so I grabbed Lucky and put him in with Book. Taking Beetle into the lounge room I placed him over my knee and gently rubbed his back, I was sympathizing with his pain he burped up a big one. Spew went everywhere down my dressing gown, he must have had a blockage and it would have hurt him. I heard Lucky still making a fuss in the bedroom then Book bought him out.

"Can you get me a washcloth baby I don't want to spread this spew all over the carpet?"

He put Luck on the sofa and he immediately reached for Beetle who needed his hugs too.

"What was it?"

"I don't know, sour milk maybe some sort of blockage he seems okay now."

"We had better go see doctor Mitchell in the morning just to get him checked out." Book was wiping me down with the damp cloth when mum came out pulling her dressing gown around her small frame.

"What's happening?"

"Beetles been sick mum, I don't know what it was but we better get him to the doctor in the morning."

"Well it's only just gone four I'll stay up with him you boys go back to bed." She walked out to the kitchen and lit the stove.

"Go back to bed Book, I can get this." He stared at me then took Beetle out of my arms and started kissing him.

"Coffee would be nice Zachy." He smiled. Lucky had settled down a bit and I could see he needed a few more hours sleep, so I laid him down on his big fluffy rug and placed a small cushion under his head. Then I did the same with Beetle and they both held onto each other and went back to sleep.

I turned on the dim lamp and went to the kitchen to find that coffee.

"Mum it's too early, go get some more sleep."

"No son, I would have been up in an hour anyway I can have a nanny nap sometime today." She smiled and pushed her wild hair back over her ears.

Just another early morning mishap in our household. The kids are usually fine but sometimes things happen, and when ones up everyone's up.

Book started making some toast I think he's hungry, he will go and check the stock around five with the boys. I decided to put a wash on while I waited for breakfast to cook, this place was the height of activity this morning. Beetles little episode had begun our day on the wrong foot.

When it got nearer to eight I rang the surgery and made an appointment for Beetle and Lucky, I may as well have them both checked out. I had things to do for work but I can do them in the afternoon. a disheveled Hildy came in to find some coffee, she had Ava in her arms and placed her on the floor with the boys. I told her what had happened and she said to take the day off then looked at my schedule. She was moving things to her diary and I protested because she has a lot to do in the next few days.

"Don't worry about it lover, the kids are paramount when they are sick. I can get this done baby at least there are no reserves to visit." She smiled at me.

She knew I had canceled all reserve visits for three to four weeks, it was my way of telling them to lift their game and start doing things for themselves. Book arrived with the local paper in his hands he has been down to the gate to collect it. Sam grabbed for it but Book was too quick he snapped it back. After giving Sam a long stare he smoothed it out and started reading.

This could take some time because Book likes to read everything even the want ads.

"It's ready good Zachy, they have done a great job." He was talking about the invitation, the editor has given us a full-page and added balloons and party hats to the ad.

"Let me see Book." Mum held her hand out, Book started to hold it closer but had better thoughts and handed it over to mum. Hildy read it Sam read it and I read it before handing it back to Booker. He sneered at Sam because he lingered a little too long.

"I hope this is going to go off like you imagine boys, it all sounds so very lovely," Hildy said.

"Yes it should, I have to do the final once over next week and organize anything we have forgotten."

"I can't see anything son, it all looks well and truly organized." Mum offered her opinion, it was then I noticed we were one man down this morning.

"Where's young Douglas?" I asked Sam.

"He didn't come home last night maybe he caught himself a little filly in town." He stifled a giggle.

"Oh hell, he's probably had a sleepover at Emma's," Book said.

"I hope he wore a condom boyfriend." Hildy shocked us.

Mum glared at her as she placed more eggs on the table.

Sam started next.

"My poor little boy, he's lost his virginity I hope he's okay."

Then he started belly laughing.

I was pleased for him, he and Emma are a great couple, and she is wise beyond her years. Young Douglas was so frustrated it's about time he has started getting a sex life.

I heard a little one moan and went to see if everything was okay with bubs. He has a fever so we gave him a baby aspirin and a good warm bath. Lucky was next as Book commiserated with Beetle. I thought I would get both of them to the doctors early in case he could see them as soon as possible.

After bundling them into Books car we headed off towards town passing young Douglas on the way. He waved with a big smile on his face and it warmed me to know he has found someone to share his life with. Pulling up at the surgery there were a few cars, I did the usual thing and deducted the doctors and staff cars that left me with one possible patient car.

Book took our Lucky, and I held Beetle, he was still unsettled and every time I looked into his eyes I saw a helpless baby looking back at me. The nurse was sympathetic and we sat in the waiting room alone. After ten minutes a man walked out then the nurse said doctor Mitchell will see us next.

He checked both the kids out and it was deemed to be just a tummy ache, he asked if we had given him anything, we said just an aspirin.

"Well give him another one late afternoon boys and he should sleep through the night. Maybe something he ate or drank you will probably never know. He's just a little unsettled now because it must have frightened him and it's made him uncomfortable." He smiled.

The intercom went.

"Doctor Mitchell, there's a man from the church here; have you done the letter?"

"Yes Melanie I will bring it out, I won't be a minute boy's." He grabbed an envelope and went to hand it to the nurse, when he came back he had a big smile on his face.

"Things are looking up in town today, a wedding invitation in the paper and Father Todd being carted off last night." he chuckled.

"What, he's gone?" Book was surprised.

"Yes, too many complaints were received by the Bishop they came and got him last night. He ranted and raved so much they called me to give him a sedative. He's going to a psyche facility and his replacement will be here before the weekend." He chuckled again, I sort of felt sorry for the man.

"Good, I hope he gets the help he needs then." No malice in Books words just a slight concern.

"Well hopefully we will get our church back, the first mass on Sunday will tell us whether the new priest is good or not. We were so sick of going to the next town to go to church, but Father Todd was a terrible person."

"Yes he was, he interfered in our lives to the point I was about to complain myself," I said.

"No need Zack, the congregation got together and wrote a letter of complaint, a hundred and fifty signatures. He wasn't doing any good for the church anyway, his attendances were way down and so was the donation box."

"Well let's hope the new one will preach about a better loving God, not that hateful one Todd bought into our town." Book smiled. I don't think he cared in the end. I didn't go to see him because Book would have been mad and he had served his purpose and had Granny Burns removed from our lives.

"Anyway boys you're good to go, and this little one will come good, just ignore his moans for attention for an hour or so, he will get over this mornings panic, thank you for the invitation my son Jordon and I will be there."

"Not your wife?" The doc chuckled again, he did have a great smile.

"No wife boys, just my beautiful son, he's adopted. My partner and I adopted him twelve years ago but unfortunately, the partner left not long after, preferring a single life with a younger crowd." He had hope in his eyes.

"Awesome, I mean that's awful but awesome you have a son to love."

"Yes, he's a great kid he just turned seventeen and starting to show signs of dating boys himself, just like his old dad." He smiled.

He started checking Lucky out and we talked for the next fifteen minutes, which included a dinner invitation and we left feeling like the whole town was gay.

"Are you thinking what I am Book?"

"No what are you thinking?"

"He would be the ideal partner for Daniel, we can do a match up." I laughed until Book pulled over and shut me up with a long lingering kiss. The boys did settle down and when we got back to the farm they headed for the TV. We had a long talk with mum and she agreed that maybe something Beetle ate, it could have been anything from the farmyard to the barbeque we had last night.

With Hildy doing my rounds today I was at a loss as to what to do. David and his brothers had turned up and were hard at work banging nails into wood. My boys weren't interested today because Book had put their favorite DVD in for them to watch, mum had given them some warm milk and they were under their blankets on the floor, it won't be long before they are fast asleep again.

I thought I would go out and see what's been happening. David nodded and I surveyed the build. I was forging ahead at a great speed. I felt his hand on my shoulder and David pulled me aside.

"He didn't turn up."

"Really? he must have been tied up of something."

"Well he's done his dash with me now, I can't go on this way, Zack. I have not only lost a good friend I've lost all hope in finding someone here in town. I have decided when this build is finished I'm moving to the city."

"Maybe it's his parents Dave, they are after all Italian and I don't think very gay-friendly."

"That's his problem, I would tell them to get over it but it seems like maybe he's been talking to you. Do you think it's his parents?"

"Yes." I sort of had to tell him what I knew but only a little of it.

"In the meantime, I'm going out for dinner with Daniel tonight, I don't think it will lead to anything but I may get a good round of man sex by the end of the night." He smiled.

"Well don't do anything hasty Davo, Gino's new to all this." He dropped his head.

"No he's not Zack, we fooled around lots when we were at school."

"What?" Tell me something I didn't know Dave.

"After school, we did a bit of touching and kissing. He said he wasn't really into it that much, but he let me blow him quite a few times."

"That's strange, normally straights would shy away from that sort of thing."

"Well he told me he was straight, but I had my reservations back then because he got off on it. Then when we left the school he changed and started treating me like his drinking buddy it was like a light switch had been turned off."

"Well, I know that he would probably be involved with his Italian family and their beliefs. Maybe he's being pressured to get married Dave, he hasn't said anything but maybe that's what it is."

"Maybe." He got that lost look again and I was worried for him.

He was called over to look at something so I went in search of my farmer boy. He was down in the lower paddock looking at a new calf so I went back to sit on the front porch. After sitting in the sun for a good ten minutes I was shaken awake by mum. She had made us afternoon tea and I could hear the men coming up the yard.

The builders joined us and we talked about its progress, Dave said it should be almost finished by the time our wedding day arrives. He was going to hire a couple of men to help because he had things to do after the wedding. His brothers looked at him and one shook his head.

"Do you want us to go and talk to him, Dave?"


"Gino, do you want us to shake him up a bit?"

"No, John leave him alone mind your own business."

"No can do brother, you hurt we hurt." John smiled.

They knew what was going on in Dave's life, even though he tries to hide it.

"How did you know?"

"We have known for ages brother, we almost caught you and him going at it when we got in from school one day. Your school pants and his were sticking out like you have just had sex and wanted more." Mum looked at the both of them they apologized.

"Well, It's never going to happen again. I'm going to move to the city after the wedding."

"What about your business?"

"You guys can run it, I'll help with the quotes and I can always get a job on a building site." He sounded like he hadn't planned this all out.

"Just wait for a while Dave, give it some time." I smiled.

"I'm sick of hanging around Zack, I need to spread out a bit. Doing what I did with Gino has ruined me and I need to fix it."

"By going to the city, you think that will fix it then?"

"I won't hurt Zack, I at least have to give it a go."

I won't say anything else, he's made his mind up and I don't blame him. Book was a bit the same, a bit slow off the mark but he's come good now, and I love him more every minute of every day.

I helped mum in the kitchen then watched some TV with the kids then I went to the porch again to greet Hildy.

She had a big day but was really on a high when she swooped Ava up. I went to get some biscuits and coffee and by this time she had set her computer up and was reading some write-ups.

The kids were on the floor playing and the men came by to snaffle some biscuits. David and his brothers had gone home and our late afternoon catch up was the same as always. The babies wanted our attention and Book ate most of the biscuits. Mum moved off to start organizing dinners and Hildy asked me to read a few write-ups, which I did. Then I went with Book to look at the build. The roof was on and he said tomorrow they will start on the electrics and plumbing.

I had to go and visit a couple of clients and wanted to call into Deans place to see if he was okay. So I headed off to do some work. Dean was happy to see me and I noticed his place had been cleaned up and looked much more like a home now. He didn't need anything else so I then went to the Glaziers to organize the window replacements. Tom said he will get started on it today and wanted to know if he could bring a friend to the town party. I told him everyone was welcome, and he certainly was, seeing we went to school together.

With that all done I went back to the kitchen, which was busy. Hildy had her head stuck in the computer, I didn't get a reaction from her so I went to help behind the counter.

"Zack can you help Maree serve today, the line is getting busy."

"Sure aunty." So I took up my position at the serving counter. The plates came through thick and fast as I dealt out pasta bake today. I was getting hungry I didn't have much to eat last night and breakfast this morning was just toast.

I noticed a tiny lady come through the door, and when she saw me she smiled for miles. I waved at Millie and was so glad to see that smile on her face again.

"I'll take this Zack, good afternoon Millie, are you eating in today?"

"Yes please Mrs, Millie's been busy watching TV and learning about white men custom, I sometimes miss my lunch."

"Well I'll give you a phone number and you just ring me here and I can drop some food off for you, have you got containers today?"

"Yes please Mrs. Maree and thank you."

She handed over a plastic bag so we can give her something for the kids, in the meantime I made up a dish for her. She smiled at me again and her eyes glistened as she said.

"Not all white men are bad men Mr. Zack, thank you."

"Our pleasure Millie and yes you are quite right."

I looked at Maree and she had her hand up so I slapped it, understanding that she is a great person and I was too quick to judge. I should have looked deeper into her situation before judging her.

"Andy, so good to see you, no University today?" My friend Andy walked in to get some food for Luke and his offsider.

"No Zack, study day today so I'm having lunch with Luke at the station." He beamed as his smile lit up the room.

"So everything is going okay at your place then?"

"Oh yes, everything is just rosy Zack. When there's no one around I want to have a word with you about something."

I made up his take always and he smiled and winked at me. Methinks Luke is getting laid and so is Andy, his mum would be so happy to know he's snaffled himself one of the most eligible bachelors in town. I watched as his tight buns bounced out the door and again decided that Book had the best ones in town.

Speaking of the devil, I spied my husband to be, and my two sons coming in the door. Aunty was onto them immediately and Book threw fifty dollars into the donation box.

"Mr. Booker we owe you some change." Maree was quick to say.

"No thank you, its a donation and I will have a double serving thank you, Miss Maree." Booker smiled at her I think she checked his ass out as he walked over to the table to sit with mum and the kids.

"So what brings you here today potential husband of mine?"

"I wanted to take mum out for lunch so this is the cheapest and classiest restaurant I could find in town." He giggled as mum nudged his arm.

My boys were kissed and hugged then mum and I started feeding them while Book shoveled food into his gob with a big spoon. My mouth dropped as I watched him, he saw me and slowed down a bit.

"Hungry Book?"

He blushed for miles and his dimples said it all. I looked over at Millie she was sitting alone but had a gentle smile on her face as she ate her meal slowly.

"We need to talk about something Book and mum"

"And what would that be?" Mum said.

"Our aborigine friends and our wedding guest list, transport in other words."

"Zack I have been talking to the local school bus owner he's agreed to have two busses transport our guests to and from the lake they will run the service every hour." I looked at Book he's got everything covered.

"And our aborigine friends?"

"They are welcome Zack, you know that, go tell Millie to bring the kids too."

"Where's the pickup point?"

"At the town hall."

I rubbed my man's shoulders and went to tell Millie.

"Thank you, Mr. Zack, but Millie hasn't got any good clothes to go to a posh wedding, but it sounds like it's going to be a good day." She smiled. Just as I was about to say something Maree came over and asked Millie if she was going. She got the same answer as I did then she amazed me once again.

"Millie I have a people mover, and I will pick you and the kids up and drop you off. Now when you have finished we can go look in the shop for something for you to wear. I seem to remember there was a very nice cocktail frock in there this morning, it will only need some minor adjustments. Margaret can do that for you, she's handy with a sewing machine." Millie blushed I think.

"Thank you, Maree. " I was a bit choked up with her at that moment.

"Anything to help Zack, isn't that what you are always saying?"

"Yes, Maree and thank you, because I want Millie and you both there when I get married." I smiled at Millie who had buried her head in her meal again.

I had emailed off copies of the advert to Dexter and Cook just so they know what day it will be on, and they can organize some sort of accommodation. We didn't have the room at the farm but Book suggested we hire some temporary bungalows which I thought was a great idea, he said he would do that if it's necessary.

The crowd had settled down and I helped with the cleaning up.

Mum is going to drive the kids home and Book is coming with me. I guess its another visit to the lake for us.

Surprising when we arrived, there was another car there, its the first one I have seen here in the past six months. We parked well away from it next to a picnic table. Book had grabbed a couple of coffees before we left the kitchen and now I think under the circumstances we are going to have a long talk.

"That's Gino's car Zack, I wonder if he's alone." I sipped my drink as I sat down.

I took Books hands and said.

"What are your plans?" He blushed again.

"Well my first plan was to have me a little of Zack's mouth but I will have to wait until tonight by the looks of it." His legs were going at it big time. I read somewhere years ago that a man who shakes his legs is more than randy, and I think that's about right. We talked for a few minutes about the transport to the lake and Book said it's going to be so helpful if people wanted to drink, could I place an ad in the paper to let our guests know. I made notes and his legs moved at an unbelievable rate.

"Hi Zack, hi Book. fancy seeing you out here." Gino laughed.

"Hi Gino, on your lonesome today?"

His head dropped and I saw that glistening in his eyes.

"I had some things to think about, this place is awesome I hardly get out here nowadays."

"It is, we usually meet here after work to talk, it's nice and peaceful."

"Yes, but that's not what I heard in town, you come here to have man sex all the time, its off limits at certain hours I believe." He laughed. I blushed because the whole town now knows we use this lake for sex.

"Mind you, Zack, it's just a rumor." He laughed again.

"So have you caught up with David yet?"

"No Zack, I got some thinking to do that's all."

"Well, it doesn't matter now, when our build is completed he's moving to the city."


"He said the other day he was going to get a job on a building site and move to the city."

"But his business is here."

"His brothers will take it over apparently. I'm thinking about having a farewell party for him soon, do you think you will come?" he got that confused look on his face then it turned into pure panic. He couldn't wait to dump us as he walked to his car and roared off and he wasn't going into town he was heading for our place. I laughed because David will be pleased to see him again.

Next: Chapter 24

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