Booker Burns

By Maxieplus / Maxwell Dowling

Published on Oct 13, 2019


Chapter 20

I made a few phone calls before I went to work, and my first visit will be the welfare offices to see my old schoolmate Jill. Armed with the necessary papers I pulled up into the car park, the line of clients went out the door, some I knew by name, some I didn't know at all. I walked in and made a beeline to Jill's office and tapped on her door.

"Hi Zack, I thought I might see you this morning." She stood and we hugged.

"Well, I kind of have been busy these past few weeks did that Cranley woman move yet?"

"Yes, Zack, into a very nice house closer to town I believe." She grinned because she knew the woman too well.

"When is the wedding Zack, I'm hanging out to meet some singles, and to catch up with old friends." She giggled.

"There will be an announcement in the local paper in a week or so honey, and most of the single men coming you will already know." I smiled at her gorgeous face.

"Well you never know, maybe I'm just looking at the wrong sex." I think she was trying to tell me something, but I think I already knew that little secret. Back at school she always made moo eyes at the girls but didn't seem too interested in the boys. I knew my Booker was safe around her.

"Well, maybe there will be a couple of ladies there that you might want to have a glass of wine with."

"Or full-on nipple crushing sex maybe."

We both laughed as I handed over my paperwork.

"Yes Zack this looks like a good plan to me, I will get nans paperwork and address changed this morning. Do you know if she has a bank account or did she use that community one they all seem to love?"

"Her own Jill, I set it up six months ago because she wasn't getting her full entitlements."

"Yes, unfortunately, we can't do anything about that its government business. They seem to turn a blind eye to anything to do with the aborigine. You can tell Margaret to start moving into Cranley's place when she's ready. I will give you the keys its been cleaned and will be freshly painted by the end of the week, so she's good to go."

"Thanks, Jill I know there are people on your books that are more deserving. I appreciate your help with this."

"If you recommend it, it goes ahead in my book. Speaking of Book, is he okay now?"

"More than okay Jill, in fact, he was a little moonstruck at two this morning and wouldn't let me go to sleep."

I laughed because I knew it would get her going. She growled through her teeth, then I said she should go to the two-dollar shop and start talking to Wilma the lady who runs it. I had heard a rumor her daughter was gay. Her eyes lit up and she thanked me by nearly pulling my arm from its socket, she's so strong.

Off to Margaret's place, I went with some happy news for a change. She was over the moon when I handed her the keys, her boys will start moving them over when they get back.

I had a coffee and one biscuit with her as we talked about Millie up the back. She told me she was being more friendly with her and she even babysits for her daughter from time to time for a small fee. They are keeping an eye on her and her kids, something that everyone should be doing. I was now hungry and if Books around he will ring me, so I headed for the office.

No Matt today he must be in the city, I could see he had done his write-ups and left them for me to look over.

My phone rang just as I opened up my sandwich. Book was his same old self, he asked the usual questions and I answered while we both ate together over the phone.

"Did you enjoy last night baby?"

"I sure did, but it was a bit late Book, why did you get up for anyway?"

"I woke up and saw you in the moonlight, you were awesome Zachy all lumps and bumps I had to have a piece of you, tired or not."

"Oh, I see I turned you on a bit then?"

"You sure did baby, more than you know."

The conversation went back and forth until I couldn't take it anymore and whipped out my member and we had phone sex.

He finished the conversation by asking me to meet him at the lake. This is going to be another exhausting day; I can feel it already. I finished up what I had to do, then I had time to go to the soup kitchen.

I took my laptop and some paperwork to sit and observe, just like Hildy does in the city. Aunty had more help than she needed at the moment, so I wasn't needed. I paid for my meal and as I ate I read Matts casework which was impeccable and signed off on a few of my loose ends. Thank god I had a win with Margaret and Millie, in a way Maree Cranley had done me a great favor by moving. I suppose she will never know how many families she helped by leaving.

With that done I sent off what I had to send and filed away what wasn't urgent. I was about to get up when I spied father Todd coming through the door. He made a quick beeline to me when he realized I was there.

"You won't get away with it you know."

"Get away with what, exactly?" He had disturbed my peace and I was a bit pissed off.

"Putting that old lady into a government facility, I am working on getting her out so she can sue the ass off her ungrateful grandson."

"If she steps one foot out of that facility, I will wipe the floor with you, there are no third chances she will have to go into private accommodation which she can't afford. Book will have her charged with child abuse, deliberately putting a child in mortal danger, and slander. He will put her in jail." I stressed that last point.

"He's the child of satin, and you're his lap dog."

"Yes I am and I'm happy to say I'm going to marry him very soon too because I love him more than his family ever did." I ignored his comment and I could see aunty slowly moving towards us, I think she wants to know what's happening.

"Then you both will burn in hell forever."

"Would you like to debate that very topic publicly? like maybe I could come to your church one Sunday and we could have a debate on gay marriage and burning in hell. You are not the only one that has studied the bible, and I've read the Koran if you would rather debate a different religion."

"You wouldn't dare; God will condemn you to hell, you blasphemous sinner."

"Yes, God will condemn all sinners, but not me as a man because he made all men and women in his image. It's my sins he will condemn and if love is a condemning factor then I am lost forever in hell. That's according to you, but not my god."

"You are a sinner in his eyes."

"No, in your eyes maybe, but not my Gods. Who hurt you so much that you have to change your God into some sort of monster?"


"Who hurt you? a boyfriend or a lover, who? I am very interested in who did this thing awful to you."

"Where do you get off telling me how to live my life."

"Well, we seem to have a bit of a standoff then don't we, what a dilemma you have. On one hand, you stand in your church and condemn anyone that sins when you should be talking to your congregation about love and kindness, anything but how not to hate their god, but how to love their god."

"I tell the truth; it's not my fault they don't believe me."

"Oh, but it is your fault, Father Todd, people look to you for guidance. But you don't preach that do you? you preach hate and revenge and incite bigotry for an hour and a half. I bet you didn't learn that in your training." I smiled then said again.

"Who hurt you, who turned you into this monster?"

I had him where I wanted him, but he backed off, then stormed out.

"That went well Zack, do you think he is gay?"

"Maybe, but he's been hurt badly somewhere along the line. He's covering up a shit load of emotional baggage. I can tell by the way he wants to badger Book and myself if he hates gays so much why doesn't he just stay away."

"Well, I hear that his bosses aren't too happy with him after receiving Luke's complaints."

"Yeah aunty, Luke said almost the same thing maybe he's on his last warning."

"Maybe honey, do you want some dessert or do you have to be out at the lake?"

"What? how do you know that?"

"I rang sis, she said Books showering and going out."

"I had better run then." I blushed and smiled my way through packing up for the day.

I zapped my car open and placed my work stuff on the back seat then I loosened my tie. I was been thinking about father Todd, what an odd man.

Shrugging it off I drove to the lake with my brain rotating his words and when I saw Books truck my mood lifted. I often wonder why there's no one else out here at this time of day. The weather is perfect for picnics and swimming. I suppose the kids prefer the local pool. No Book to be seen, I suppose he's around somewhere I had better look for him in the water again. Oh, he's not in the water he's laying on a blanket in those bloody speedos. All thoughts of mad priests left as I straddled him starting with some very passionate kisses, and fondling. Thank god we had dressed after we had finished our lovemaking; anyone could turn up at any time.

We were greeted by mum and the kids, our coffee and scones were waiting as I listened to Beetles take on missing me today.

"He's telling you that Boy pushed him over with his head."

"Really? he must love you so much to do that. " I made a fuss.

That stopped the moans arriving as he thought about what I said. Lucky was clapping his hands and it wasn't long before Beetle buried his head in my chest laughing. Dribble and spit soaking my shirt.

"We have to organize a barbeque Saturday night Book; I want to get Emma together with her father."

"Sure Zack that will be cool. Did you hear anything about the money they owe her?"

"Not yet, but he did say he was going to sue them, mention that word to the elders and they will fall over themselves giving out a refund."

"Will it be a lot?" Mum asked.

"Yes mum, sixteen year's worth, they have money to burn in their private bank. This should set Emma up if she uses it to buy a flat or a small house in town."

Mum had cooked a great meal as usual and after I made some more phone calls I then played with my sons. They had taken their last tour of the farmyard and were now sitting in front of the TV. Book and I sat on the sofa with the boys and mum was again in her favorite chair. It was Books turn to answer the phone. It was David Truscott our builder. He was coming to make a start later in the week, he's nearly finished his other job and can start on ours very soon. He invited him to our barbeque and I immediately thought, why not, he knows Daniel from the building business, maybe they will get to know each other a bit better.

While Book talked to him I switched on my laptop, my second video will be shown tomorrow and I wanted to check in on the first one. On the channels catch up I followed the links to the Dexter Walsh morning show. I found my spot and noticed it had two hundred comments and about a hundred and fifty thousand likes. I started reading the comments, some were interesting and some were full of crap.

One long one stood out and the viewer wanted to know my thoughts on the churches role in society today, should they follow their hearts or follow the long-standing rules. I almost jumped at the chance to reply but I bookmarked it and will answer when I have thought about it for a while. Book came in to get me, I think he's wanting some more of Zack tonight. I don't mind at all; I mean he's not exactly butt ugly.

He made me put on those speedos, he stayed naked as his big hands slid all over my body, my perfect safe place was here in Books arms or to have him in mine. We slept undisturbed for the night and then he got up again at five to go check the stock.

A moan was heard as he kissed me.

"In here, or will I leave them?"

"In here Book, they might wake mum up." I smiled sleepily. They were both put into bed with me and I cuddled them as all three of us went back to sleep. For some reason Lucky was a bit restless and I ended up with a wet nappy shoved into my face, he had twisted himself around in the bed, so I didn't want him to be uncomfortable and checked them both out and yep both needed a wash and a change. By now they were wide awake and ready to start their day, but first I had to get my kisses and hugs before anything else happened.

With a baby in both arms, I walked out to the kitchen.

"Good morning mum, I got two wet ones this morning." I giggled as she kissed both boys and took Beetle off me.

He wanted to watch TV, we wanted to give them both a bath.

We wiped them down as the water filled the big rubber bath, not too hot it's a warm morning and they only need a good rinse.

"Okay one squeaky clean baby, next one." Mum shoved Beetle into my arms and I rubbed him down with a big fluffy towel, he laughed at me. I powdered oiled and checked his ears then a clean nappy was installed with a little singlet. I placed him on the floor and he headed towards the living room. Lucky was next and he almost did the same except he had waited until we finished to have another morning pee. I dipped him in the water as mum went to put on the toast giggling to herself.

"You little terror, you deliberately did that on purpose didn't you?" I blew a fart into his tummy, he giggled then screamed "More."

After many more tummy fart's I put him with Beetle in front of the TV then went to clean up and help mum.

"Have we got everything for Saturday night mum?"

"Yes son, just the salads to make now, but I will do them on the day. How many do you think are coming?"

"Around five or six mum, plus us so I recon if we cater for twelve we will be covered."

"Okay then, now tell me what happened with the priest."

"You been talking to aunty again, god mum where do you find the time?"

"I fit her in at least once a day son, she's my only sister so we talk a lot."

She smiled and placed the big plate of eggs and bacon in the oven. The boys were coming up I could hear them laughing.

"Nothing much to tell mum, but he bailed me up and we had a quick conversation about burning in hell, the bible, the Koran and such."

"The Koran?"


"Have you read it?"

"No mum but he doesn't need to know that." I laughed.

"Strange man Zack, you had better stay away from him don't you think?"

"Stay away from who mum?" Book had heard her as he walked in the door. Two little faces appeared to get some hugs from him. He swooped them both up and kissed their cheeks they laughed then wanted down.

"Who Zack?"

I hadn't told Book about father Todd's meeting with me because I really couldn't explain it myself, but anyway, as he grabbed at the toast on the table I told him what happened. He listened then shook his head.

"Why didn't you tell me yesterday?"

"Because I wasn't all that fussed about it Book, I want to go and see him before the weekend and try and find out what is happening in his life."

"Umm I don't think so Zack, please don't get involved with him it might mean trouble."

"Well, he did say he's still on granny's side." Maybe I won't.

"Doesn't matter, stay away from him he's bad news." He meant what he said, I didn't have a choice now. I know that tone in Books voice and I dare not go behind his back.

"Good morning wifey, wife's mum and all that, did you sleep well?"

"Yes thank you, Sam, and you?"

"Yes, looking forward to Saturday night, will we need ties?"

I looked him up and down and snorted. Mum put the food on the table, they jumped on it before Book realized it was there.

I managed to get two eggs and a piece of bacon before it was demolished again. Mum held her plate well out of the way as she sat with us. She scraped another egg and some bacon onto my plate.

"You are much too slow son, less talk more eating I think."

"Yes, mum." I appreciated her forward-thinking because I was hungry.

"I mean it Zack, please stay away from that idiot." Book placed his hand on my shoulder so I promised I wouldn't go talk to him I would just leave it alone.

"Oh Zack, Wilma didn't have all the stuff we needed for the bags, she rang last night to say its all there now, can you pick it up for me, when you can,"

"Yes mum no problems."

After breakfast, the troops had to do their morning tour and the boys went back to whatever they were doing for the day. Mostly they rode around checking fences and made sure there was plenty of water and feed for the stock. I sometimes could hear them laughing in the barn, they did do a good job but sometimes they want to play too.

The kids were put down for a mid-morning nap, and I went back to my computer. I copied and pasted one of my better write ups I did at university to the question on the catch-up page. Maybe that will satisfy the writer because it was full of the churches role in society. I had won an award for this piece and it was printed in every university paper in the country.

With that done I wanted to go see nan and give her the key to her new house. Book didn't have to go to the reserve, Luke had organized her belongings to be stored until nan was fit to move in so I rang him to get it delivered to her new address. I said my goodbyes to Book and mum and the boys got an extra hug, then I went into town.

Before I went to Nan's I called into the two-dollar shop to collect our order. Wilma greeted me with a big smile then we went through it with me. Silk bags and ribbons were in one box and the larger one had packets of assorted lollies in it. The cake stands were in another big carton, I paid her with my card and then had a bit of a look around her small shop, I ended up buying some toys for the kids while I was there.

"How are the wedding plans coming along Zack?"

"Good Wilma, it's going to be a small one I think."

"No, don't do that to this town Zack, everyone's hanging out for it. You can't exclude the town it will be our first gay wedding you know." I grinned at her and her knowing that the stuff I had picked up wasn't for a few people it was for hundreds.

"All we have to do now is find a celebrant who will want to marry two guys."

"My daughter Janice will do that job perfectly Zack, do you want her number?"

"I didn't know that. Of course, I want her number is she gay-friendly?"

"More than anyone else in this town Zack, she's heavily into the ladies herself. That's if she can find one that is." She giggled, that's right Janice's mum put it out there, so that confirms that another rumor was correct.

"maybe she should be talking to Jill at the dole office." I grinned but I didn't elaborate.

She handed over the number with a smile and I thanked her then left. I sat in the car and spoke to Janice for five minutes, she seems nice and excited I was asking her to officiate. I then asked her to the barbeque Saturday night which she accepted.

I then rang Jill and invited her also telling her she may get a nice surprise while she's there. I did hear that Janice was gay during a gossip moment at the soup kitchen. One of the volunteers was talking about her.

Feeling pleased with myself I then drove to the motel where nan was staying with Adoni.

"Hello, young fella, what brings you to nans door today?"

"Hi nan, you're looking a little better, I have come by to drive you to your new house."

"My new house, did you hear that Adoni our new house. Nan better behave herself she's never had a new house before is there a new bedroom for my lovely grandson Mr. Zach?"

"Yes nan a bedroom with a TV in it too, so your grandson can improve his education." I grinned at Adam, he knew it was all a game but when I mentioned the TV his ears pricked up and his smile got bigger.

"Grab your handbag nan, I'll get the suitcases and we can go. I made sure Adam was buckled up and drove us three streets away to the small two bedroomed home. I told nan on the way we will go shopping after we look at what she needs.

I know she has some money because she hardly left the compound to spend any. The house will be freshly painted sometime next week and all nans meager possessions had already been scattered around. It had been dropped off early this morning with some extras like a washing machine and a big-screen TV. Adam went to his bedroom and sure enough another TV proudly sat on his set of drawers, he yelled a happy sound when he also saw the new computer. I looked in the kitchen cupboards and the small freezer, they were all full, thank you Book, and thank you Luke, for organizing the furniture.

"Well it looks like you don't need anything nan, it's been all done for you." I smiled.

"Must have been the neverland fairy folk Mr, Zack, they even left some lemons for that delicious cool lemonade Adoni makes for his nan."

"Well your fully stocked, and if you need anything just let me know."

"Got any cigarettes on you, Mr. Zack?"

I pulled out two packets and handed them to her, but I had noticed a carton in her cupboard also.

"Nan, can we sit a while?"

"Yes, Mr. Zack can we sit on the back porch, nan would love a ciggy, no smoking at the motel has made nan a little edgy."

"Yes of course." I opened the back door and walked out onto the porch, sitting there was nans table and chairs all set up and Luke had placed an ashtray and a vase of wildflowers on the table.

She lit it up and relaxed a little.

"Now, what do you want to talk to old nan about?"

"Your pension and carers allowance, it will have your rent deducted before you get it nan and I want to talk to you about Adam and the school across the road."

"I am way ahead of you Mr. Zack, I have spoken to the headmaster and he's a very nice white fella with a hint of the dark in him. We got along really good. He's offered to make room for Adoni two days a week, and if he likes going to school we will make it three and then maybe five days." She smiled and added.

"You aren't the only one that can make white fella deals." Then she coughed and laughed at the same time. My job was done she didn't need anything else and Adoni had perched himself on his new bed and was watching a wildlife show on his very own personal TV.

My next stop was to see if Millie needed anything, she was full of big smiles when she greeted me at the door. I told her about nan and she should make friends with her because she has loads of wisdom to part with. She didn't need anything and thanked me many times for coming to her rescue. She hadn't heard from her husband and didn't want to now. I think she's gathered loads of courage and is learning to live in the white man's world every day. I left her with some food vouchers and bid her farewell.

I hadn't seen Will for a few days and wondered where he had been when I pulled up next to his car at our office car park.

"Hi Zack, sorry I haven't rung I've been quite busy these past few days."

"That's okay Matt as long as you're okay." I smiled.

"Well I do have some news for you can we sit for a minute, I'm just finishing off some reports."

"You're leaving me aren't you?"

"Yes Zack, sorry to tell you but my fiancé wants me in the city with her. She's scored a really good job with the government and its too good to pass up. I will be out of here in two days and I am sorry I didn't discuss it with you first."

"That's okay Mattie as long as you're happy that's the main thing, did you organize a replacement or should I do that?"

"Yes and no, when I spoke to Hildy she said to leave it to her and a new girl will start Monday. I think she's got someone in mind but she didn't tell me her name sorry."

"I will ring her tonight Matt please don't stress over it, I wish you all the luck in the world and I hope she gave you a good area to work in."

"Yes, she did she even hooked me up with someone that wants to rent out a bigger flat. Julie and I are so grateful to her it's even furnished."

"Well done, I'm very pleased for you both."

We went through his visits for next week and he asked for some advice on a few new clients he hadn't yet seen. I told him to leave the files on my desk and I will go through them with the new girl.

"Zachy have you eaten yet?" Book rang me not long after I jumped in the car to go to the soup kitchen.

"I am on my way to the kitchen Book, I am a bit hungry."

"Okay, I will meet you there then."

His car was in the car park when I pulled in, and my heart did skip, and I almost raced into the building just to see him. He had the kids and mum with him so I kissed and cuddled them first. then I did mum and aunty. Book will have to wait for his hug but I did place my arm over his shoulder as we got in line to get some roast beef which smelled awesome. Book put fifty dollars on the counter and ordered two meals for us and two desserts for the kids, mum had already fed them.

"Can we have a double helping please aunty?"

"Coming up boys, two huge meals for the two hungry boys please Maree."

"Coming up Jenny." I did a double-take and saw that Cranley woman behind the kitchen bench, she was smiling at me.

"What the fuck?"

"Shush Zack, she's volunteering today and doing a great job of it too," Aunty whispered. I actually felt some butterflies in my tummy and smiled back at her, then I went one further and mouthed. 'Well done.'

I was pleased she had finally got the drift of what I was telling her, but knowing her as I do, she's probably only here to get free meals. Stop it Zach, she's at least trying. Book told aunty to keep the change as we picked up our oversized meals and went to sit at a table next to the boy's kiddy one. Mum came over with their custard and cake then sat and fed them.

"What's she doing here mum?"

"She just turned up son, and we are short-staffed so Jenny put her to work. She hasn't said much except she wanted to help."

"Oh, okay I suppose that's a start."

"So what did you get up to today?" Book was wanting to talk.

"I shifted nan and Adam, thank you for filling up the cupboards and for the extra TV's Book. I didn't say anything but I know it was you." I smiled.

"Well, we do what we can Zachy, share it around." That's my Book he gets it.

"I also found a celebrant and invited her to the Saturday night barbeque so we can talk about it."

"Who did you get?" You have a suspicious mind, Mr. Burns.

"Wilma's daughter Janice she's a celebrant, and I believe one of us." I smiled again.

"I also picked up some forms from the courthouse we have to fill them out and return them before the wedding. That will be the legal stuff the other stuff Janice will do. Book we have to write out something for our vows too."

"I've been working on it Zack but I think I wrote too much it sounds like I'm making a speech in parliament."

"They get a bit that way Book I'll look it over for you."

"NO! it's private and you can't read it."

"Okay, okay keep your shirt on, I won't read it then." I laughed.

"Mum I picked up your order too they are in the back of the car."

"Good we can at least get started on them tonight, I'm looking forward to it."

"So is there anything else Zack?"

"I don't think so Book, we can go through the list tonight I don't want to miss anything."

"Okay, when is the announcement going in the paper?"

"It will be in next Tuesday's edition."


"You nervous Book?"

"I wasn't ten minutes ago, but I am now."

"I have a cure for that." I gave him my best come hither look.

He blushed and his legs started shuffling under the table.

"Mum, can you take the boys home?"

"Of course son I'll use your car then I can get started on the sweet bags. Haven't you worn those things out at the lake yet?"


"Well in my day..."

"Stop right there mum, we have gone off-topic change the subject." I glared at her, she laughed.

"Well, I just thought since you're going to the lake you should take the kids for a swim." Thanks, mum.

"Shush up mum they will hear you." Book pleaded.

Two sets of eyes were looking at us. I don't think they heard but it is a good idea; it's been hot today.

"Are there any towels in the shop mum?"

"Yes, son I'll go grab a couple." She got up and headed into the shop.

Book wasn't very happy, but he also was torn between Zacks dick and the kids having a well-deserved swim.

We placed them in their seats and mum took my car. Book then drove us to the lake, our boys hadn't been here before so they were all eyes when we pulled into a parking spot. We kissed a lot and got quite hot while we stripped down to our underwear, I could see Book was very excited. The boys were stripped then I heard.

"Troops fall in." They waddled over to Book then followed us both down to the water's edge.

The lake had a sandy beach although a very small one but the kids loved it, then they were taken by each of us into the water. Luck's arms held me tight around the neck and there was no way he was going to let go. I held him quite firm to make him feel safe then I start swishing around in the water, that got him giggling. I could hear Beetle doing the same, I think he was a little braver than Lucky. After getting them well and truly soaked we put the towels on the sandy patch and the boys got some sun into their bones while I bent into the old tree watching them. Book just couldn't wait any longer, he had to have a go at my bubble butt.

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