Booker Burns

By Maxieplus / Maxwell Dowling

Published on Aug 30, 2019


d Chapter 13

The next time we saw Andy was at the funeral, it was held at the funeral parlor, he didn't want any priests to officiate so Mr. Porter conducted a small service where Sarah's friends got up and spoke about her. The head boy at school made a speech about the boys and I wasn't surprised to see a lot of mourners and school mates there. Andy held his own throughout the service, he sat with us and Luke gave his courage by squeezing his hand occasionally.

Aunty and mum had done a great job for the wake. There was plenty of food and drinks laid on. The town folk had made extra cakes and sandwiches and I was so proud to be part of this community. I was about to go and say goodbye to Andy when I saw him go outside, I think he was having a minute to himself.

"I had no idea mum had this many friends in town."

"She was well known for her simple caring nature Alex, everybody I have talked to has a story about her. She was admired and loved around here and so will you be if you return."

"I guess she was Zack, thank you again. I couldn't have done this on my own."

"If you need help Andy or advice all you have to do is ask."

"That's what Luke says, but I hate taking advantage of him too. I never knew he had a soft side to him, Zack he was always a bit rough headed at school, I sort of avoided him he made me nervous when I was around him."

"Well, he's probably found his mojo in the police force Andy. I never had a problem with him he's always been good to me, and Book."

"Zack, I avoided him because I kind of liked him a lot, but he was older than me." He blushed.

"Maybe he feels the same Andy, look deeper into your friendship, he might just be on your side if you know what I mean." He smiled at me.

"I wanted to tell you but I sort of figured you and Book were the main guys in town. I always knew that one day you would get together. You both fought like a married couple even in sixth grade." He laughed quite loudly.

"Well we didn't know, otherwise we could have helped you when you left."

"And you reckon if I had come out my stepfather would have let me live?"

"Oh god Andy I'm sorry I didn't think about that, your mum said something that day and I'm sure she was saying the same thing."

"She knew about me?"

"I don't know for sure, but I'm eighty percent certain she did Andy, she said." I paused.

"If John finds out Andy's secret he will kill us all." or something like that.

"I didn't know she suspected Zack." his head dropped, I lifted it again.

"She is someone you can be very proud of Andy, she loved you dearly and she would want you to achieve something in your life, and I also got the feeling she wanted you to be you, no one else but you."

His tears arrived, but not in buckets just gentle slow drops.

I hugged him and rubbed his back, then whispered.

"You come to us first if you need anything our friend, even if its a hug we will be there for you."

Just as I said that Book came out with Luke and I suddenly had a thought I pulled Luke aside and told him what Sarah said about secrets, he asked me what secret I said I couldn't tell him but maybe someone told John and that's what sparked the fire.

Luke told me he would ask around and not to worry about Andy he's always had a soft spot for him, even when they were younger.

I didn't say anything that's another one of Andy's secrets only for him to tell.

"Are we ready to go, Zack I want a swim before it gets dark." Book had already said his goodbyes and he ushered me to his beat-up old car. I took his hand and kissed it as he drove out to the lake, I was getting excited. We parked under the big willow tree and made out a little, then got out of the car.

"Did you sort him out Zachy?"

"Sort of Book, he's sad and that's to be expected. I told him even if he wants a hug he's to come to us for it."

Book grabbed me and kissed me madly he couldn't have his tongue any deeper in my mouth as he sucked the life out of me. My legs buckled from the sheer joy of pressing my lips to his. Then he whispered.

"Have you got any lube on you Zack?"

"No Book I didn't think to bring any to a funeral." I laughed.

"It's okay, then I'm gunner have to use some good old fashioned spit then." He was acting like a kid again, and he didn't want a swim at the lake he wanted something else instead. I let him enter me and the deeper he went the more excited I become as I bent over his bonnet, I could hear the old car groan, or was that me?

Everything was good at home, Emma had done a great job babysitting, and the boys followed her around like they have found a new friend. Little Doug was also following her around and as she got into aunt Jenny's car she sang out.

"I will see you at seven Douglas, don't be late."

They were going to the pictures in town tonight, let the romance begin.

Because I had the day off Tuesday, I will have to work on Friday to catch up.

It was a shitty day, it seemed to drag on for ages, I had been out to the Yarrawonga station and argued with the elders until I was blue in the face. They wouldn't let me into the compound, and they didn't tell me why except it was secret women's business. Then they gave me another page of demands for me to send to the government.

I knew all about secret women's business, and I also knew men weren't allowed to go near them until it had finished; that could take a week, maybe two.

I went back to the office to file my reports. Book came by he had made an appointment with Larry Goods his lawyer. He sat with me and we shared my sandwich then he had to go downstairs. He almost begged me to go with him, so I did.

"Hi Book, hi Zachy, good to see you both. That meal the other day was great. I'll be back Friday for some more, please thank your aunty again for opening the soup kitchen." He smiled.

"That's good to know Larry, now why did you want to see me?" Book said.

"Well Book I went out to the storage box and found the relevant paperwork, you own the farm that's not the issue here, but I feel there's been a little bit of funny stuff going on behind your back."

"What funny stuff Larry?" Book moved closer and Larry couldn't stop grinning.

"I'm going to love doing this Book if anyone was so deserving of it, it would be you."

"Tell me." I could see Books getting a little impatient.

"Okay okay, when your great-granddaddy signed over the farm to your grandpa and grandma he didn't just give it to them, he sold it to them. Because your grans family had money he sold it to them for three hundred pounds in those days. It was a small fortune in our money nowadays."

"I don't get it if grans family had money why didn't gran have any?" I said.

"Let me firstly try and explain about granny's wealth, her parents brought her the farm for a wedding present, it was put into both their names and they didn't have to pay and money back. They left their remaining wealth to her brothers, she got nothing else."

This is interesting.

"Well, when your great-granddaddy died he hadn't spent any of that money he got for the farm. He had invested it in a Commonwealth Bank fixed interest account, and in those days the interest was quite good. It was almost forgotten about by the time your grandfather died. But before he did die he added more into it, then moved the account into your name after you were born. As you know he died when you were a little kid. He also didn't tell anyone he had done that so nobody went looking."

He was still grinning almost laughing, Books face was getting redder and redder and he was about to explode.

"Hang on Book don't get sore, this is the best part. Your grandfather willed the farm to your dad with a stipulation you were to receive it upon his death, he only left grandma some cash. The farm was almost automatically signed over to you when your dad died. I found your granddads will, there was no mention of the passbook. He had left it separate with his lawyer so your father and gran couldn't get to it or even know about it. I chased it Book, it was with that lawyer's papers with your name on it, and you know what, it was in my storage box all along." He laughed then opened the drawer and threw a very old battered passbook and an envelope on his desk.

"Booker Burns my friend you are now worth around one million-plus dollar's, and no one can take it away from you, my heartiest congratulations my friend."

He laughed louder.

"What the frig are you saying, Larry?"

"Your granddaddy loved you, but hated your father." he couldn't stop laughing then he said.

"And he hated your gran even more."

I laughed because it was infectious, then I leaned over to Book and said.

"I suppose you will get that new car now." He was still confused and I knew he would want me to explain it all tonight when we are alone.

"What do I do now?"

"You leave it to me Book, I have sent off a reply to grans lawyers, threatening court action if they try to blackmail you again, and a copy of your title to the farm, which I will say again is watertight." He thumped his fist on the table and we jumped.

"The bank book is still a valid account and I have shown it to the manager of the local branch and he confirmed there was a lot of money in it. He couldn't tell me the exact amount but he held up one finger. You have to go and see him with your birth certificate and drivers license to reclaim it. It has been locked away in the unclaimed accounts division but still collecting interest. Then you can buy a new car and maybe pay my exorbitant fees for doing all this hard work for you."

"But why didn't the bank manager inform me, I have accounts there?"

"It was shifted into another division years ago Book, he wouldn't know what's in there, that's all head office legal stuff, it was never linked to any of your accounts."

"So I'm rich then?"

"Looks like it Booker Burns, how sweet it is." he beamed.

"Take me home Zack I think I want to absorb this a bit more in private." He stood up and hugged Larry who was getting ready to knock off work. I took his hand and lead him towards the door.

"Book you will need this." He handed Book the passbook and envelope.

"Uh thanks, what's in the envelope?" he asked.

"It's the paperwork they signed to change the name of the account. all legal." He smiled.

I drove us home because I was sure Book would be up at the car dealers buying a new Ford or Nissan tomorrow. Maybe he could give his old bomb to Andy.

When we arrived home mum was sitting on the porch with the kids, who immediately wanted cuddles and kisses from us both. Book slumped into his easy chair with Beetle and looked at mum, she was a bit confused with our sullen faces.

"What's up boys, and don't tell me nothing, it's written all over your faces that something's going on." She said.

Book let out a big breath and looked at me.

"You tell her Zachy I still can't get my head around it."

"We had an appointment with Larry, Book's lawyer. He told us a fascinating story about grans family, and Books great grandfather. The outcome is that Book is now very wealthy to the tune of a million or so dollars and he's a bit confused with it all."

"So where did all this money come from?"

"His great grandfather stored it in a bank account, his grandfather placed more cash in it then put the account into Books name. It was forgotten until Larry searched for it and now Book has to present himself at the bank tomorrow to reclaim it." She was staring at us like we were on some sort of drug.

"So you're rich and your grans not?"

"That's about the size of it mum, she can't get her hands on the farm or the money it all belongs to Book." She laughed.

He looked at her and added.

"My grandfather loved me but not my grandmother or father. He hid his money in that account so my dad couldn't get to it. My dad hid his money in the chicken house where I found it anyway."

"My god Book, that's wonderful, what a pleasant surprise for you." I could see she was stifling another giggle.

"It's for us all mum, would you like a new kitchen?"

She then giggled more and replied.

"No thank you very much son, I have just gotten used to the old one. But thank you for the thought, a nice bathroom of my own would be okay with me though." She smiled.

"You got it." Book looked at me.

"I have everything I need Book, don't go overboard you still need to figure out where we are going to have the wedding." I laughed.

"At the hall Zachy and we will invite the whole town so they can see you in your awesome new Armani suit." He leered, I'm in for it tonight.

We had coffee and sat with our sons while mum made a salad. Book then lit the barbeque and put some steaks on. While they were cooking I set the porch table and made sure he had some of the kid's small sausages cooking.

We all were a little bit shocked, so it was a quiet night. It was Friday night and Douglas was itching to get to Emma's to pick her up for the dance, which was held once a month in the town hall, they had changed plans to go dancing instead of the flicks. He was all spruced up and raring to go. Sam had gone to the city finally to spend the weekend with Hildy, so there was no shit-stirring happening, just a young man taking his new girlfriend out.

I will take Book in tomorrow, thankfully the bank is open Saturday and there are three car dealers in town. We might take the kids and mum for the drive. Book said later he will put an extension on the house for mum. He wants her to have her own space, so he will do a full bathroom small kitchen bedroom and a sitting room. Big enough for her to have a lot of room. We didn't need any more room and we will gain mums old bedroom we can put one of the kids in there.

We put the babies to bed then we showered and went to bed ourselves. Book was sucking on my nipple and I was explaining everything to him in our language. He nipped at my body while I talked. I knew it wasn't sinking in when he lifted my leg and started on my ass, then he really made love to me.

"I love you Zachy, more than ever." He whispered later on.

"Me too you Book, go to sleep, my awesome friend."

We slept off an on and we even heard Douglas come home around one am. I was excited for Book, he never had anything as a child and this is just magic. I woke as the rooster started doing his thing and Book was leaning on one elbow looking at me.

"How long have you been awake?"

"Ages Zachy, I have been trying to decide what to buy you but I can't for the life of me think of anything."

"I don't need anything Book, my car is fine I live in the best place on earth and I have the most handsome fiancée anyone could ever have. I also have two awesome sons and a mum that I love a hell of a lot."

He kissed me deeply, then sighed. He has already completed my life. I don't need more things just more of him.

"Would you like your own office in town so you can start a practice up?"

"No thank you, Book I'm happy with what I'm doing now, maybe later when it gets too much I might want to revisit that idea."

"Okay, would you like me to buy you a nicer ring with a big diamond in it?"

"No my rings for life, don't you go messing with my ring Booker Burns."

He was working up to that, he already had a finger inside me, it felt good. I wanted him badly and I didn't care if the boys were awake I wanted it now. I heard mum come up the hallway, then she was talking to the babies. The house went quiet she has taken them to the kitchen. I rolled onto my side and Book felt like steel as he plowed into me. We took our time as he kissed the back of my neck I had a handful of his awesome ass trying to push him in further.

We showered together then went in search of coffee. Young Douglas was sitting at the table having breakfast, he had a big smile on his face.

"Did you have a good time last night Doug?"

"Yes boss, she's a good dancer."

"It must have gone till late, I heard you come in around one." Mum was fishing.

"It finished at eleven-thirty mum, I took her to get a pizza then up to the lookout for a while, I didn't know we had a curfew." He grinned.

"You haven't but Emma's still young kiddo." Book said.

"I am aware of that Book, and she's a pretty old young person too. She knows what she's doing, and where she's going everything is orderly in her life. She got permission to stay up late. I'm a bit smitten and a bit drawn to her sexually, but that doesn't mean I would disrespect her or our aunty in any way." He blushed.

I didn't say anything because I think young Douglas is in love. Book winked at me I did let a slight smile appear.

"What time are you going into town son" Change the subject mum.

"About ten mum, the bank closes at one so we need to try and get things organized before then."

"Okay can you drop us at Jenny's, we will walk up to the shops with the kids. I want to see how she went yesterday."

"I forgot about the kitchen, you haven't heard anything?"

"No son only that it was very busy."

"Okay after breakfast we can start leaving then, Book do you have anything to do?"

"No Zack, Doug can do the feeds I think I will take a day off."

"If your going to aunties can you give her this earring, Emma dropped it in the car last night." He fished around in his pocket for it.

"No Doug, if I know my women it was deliberately left there so you could return it sometime later today." Book winked at him.

"Why don't you go over around dinner time," I said.

Doug smiled then he blushed some more.

"Thanks, boss."

"Mum can you drive my car home with the kids, I will have the new one but it won't have the kiddy seats?" Book asked.

"Sure son, no problem."

I guess I had better pack the lube for on the way home then. I looked over at Book, he was red in the face and leering at me again, he was almost jumping up and down on his seat

Yes, the lube would be an excellent idea today.

We loaded up the car and Book drove us into town if he gets a new one mum can drive his old one home. We dropped mum at aunt Jenny's place, she had been standing out the front waiting to see the kids.

"How much did you do yesterday aunty?"

"Three hundred all up, give or take a few dollars."

"Fantastic." And it was a good result, that's more than enough to keep it going.

Book set up the strollers and we left the boys with them, Book and I will catch them up later on.

We parked in the car park, and as we walked into the bank I squeezed his hand for good luck. Upon entering the old building I took a chair while Book went to the counter and asked for the manager. A well-dressed man appeared and shook Books hand then lead him into the office, as they got there the manager noticed me and beckoned me to follow.

"Do you want Zack to sit in on our meeting Book?"

"Yes please, I thought I might not have been allowed to."

"Nonsense he's practically your husband and by the way, Maree and I are still waiting for our invitations boys."

"There in the mail Jacob, give us a little time though." I smiled at him.

Everybody in town knew Jacob and Maree they were born here and went to school with my mum, so we have been around them all our lives.

"Well, when you both are ready; we accept in advance. Now Book I trust Larry has bought you up to speed on the account?"

"Yes Mr. Truscott, I am having trouble believing it."

"Well let Larry and I take care of it all, it's real Book and now did you bring the papers for proof of identity?"

"Yes sir." Book handed over the envelope with his birth certificate in and searched around in his wallet and passed his drivers license over.

"Good I'll get the ball rolling then."

"What do I need to do with it?"

"Booker that's up to you my boy, but I would like to think you would let the bank look after it for you. We can discuss it after I finish this."

He tapped away on his computer then got his accountant to do something and printed out a long lengthy printout of the balances over the years. It took a long time to do that, we were offered coffee but declined we were too nervous.

Then he got Book to tap his PIN into a keypad.

"I thought I got it wrong Book, that balance I sort of gave Larry wasn't right."

"Oh, so I'm not a millionaire then." Book laughed more from nervousness than anything.

"Yes, you are my boy to the tune of two million four hundred and fifty-five thousand dollars and sixty cents. I have transferred it out of storage and into your account. I want to have a talk to you about investment accounts and superannuation, but we can do that sometime during the week when our investment manager comes in."

"What did you say?"

"Book are you okay?" I grabbed his hand. I noticed tears running down his face he was in shock.

"Book, don't stress about it its just numbers, big ones I grant you but take your time, let it sink in a bit." I talked to him.

Then he started rambling on. I couldn't help but laugh at his excited face.

"I want Zack to have some of it and the boys, I want to buy a car and I want to help zacks mum." He hasn't planned all this, it's all off the top of his head he's so excited.

"Book please, go buy yourself a new car and get one for Zack too as a wedding present to you both, then come and see me during the week. I know what you're saying and we can help you with all that. But my boy, take my advice don't go mad with it, many folks never get this chance in their lives so don't stuff it up by giving it all away." He smiled.

"I will talk to him tonight Jacob, he won't be going crazy with the money believe me." I smiled at Book, he placed his hands on my arms and kissed me.

"Keep going boys its kind of turning me on a bit."

"Pervert," Book replied then let me go.

When we finished I rang mum she and aunt Jenny were just heading into Target then they were going to Big W.

Book was shaking so much I steered him towards the car and I made him sit in the passenger seat.

I then drove us to the Ford dealers. I wanted Book to have a look at the territory I kinda liked its shape, and they were having a sale at the moment.

Buddy Kidman saw us coming he went to school with us and he's very trustworthy.

"Hi Book Hi Zack, when's the wedding, we are dying to witness it."

"Soon Buddy, soon as I get myself a new car and find a place to have the wedding at," Book said.

"Hell Book you can have it in dads showroom if you like he will probably throw in the old Roller for you to use."

There was a vintage Rolls Royce in the huge showroom it was just for show, but I know they hire it out sometimes for weddings.

"Now what can I sell you today?"

"Can we look at Territory's Buddy," I said.

Book headed for the used car department, I was looking at the brand new ones.

"Book that line over there is last years run-out models, they are still new but heavily reduced." Book walked over to about six cars.

"I thought you wanted a new one?" I whispered.

"I do and these are new, we don't want to go all crazy Zachy what color do you like?" He grinned.

"The silver-blue Book, don't get a dark one it will look dirty all the time."

"What discounts are you offering today Buddy?" He stared at him while I got inside and looked at all the gadgets.

"Book they are already reduced but for you, I can give you another ten percent off."

"And what if I want two?"

"That's ten percent off each." Buddy went red.

He wasn't looking at the territories and I wondered why until I saw it, a Ranger dual cab four-wheel drive had caught his eye.

"Okay Buddy, Zack will take that territory I'll have that white four by four. Can I use my card and Buddy I want fifteen percent off each car and the full warranties please" Book smiled, I didn't need a new car my old one was perfectly all right.

"No Book we are here to get you a car not shopping for everyone else."

"Shut up Zachy." I did because he wanted to do this for us.

Poor Buddy nearly fainted but he agreed to Books terms.

"Zachy I want you to bring your old car here, Buddy is going to organize to have it detailed and serviced and we will give it to Andy so he can do his runs into the city for school. My old bomb isn't safe for him to drive after Buddy's men transfer the kid's seats to my new one he can sell it for scrap." He laughed as Buddy rubbed his hands together.

He kissed me, It all made sense and my car would suit Andy to a tee but I think Buddy has sprung a woody. It's not everyday he gets to sell two cars.

By the time I cleaned out Books car and the mechanics transferred the baby seats to my new one the paperwork was all done, Book said Buddy will send in the plates to the RTA. He will also throw in a full tank of petrol in each car. Buddy sort of bowed again he was so excited I could almost hear him involuntary fart.

The keys were handed over and Book said goodbye to his old bomb. It took us a while to work out the gadgets because we had never had them in our cars. In the end, I decided to look at them later. Book was raring to go and honking his horn. Mum and Jenny were at Ants restaurant they were going to have lunch. So Book and I headed in that direction, I could see him as proud as punch sitting high in his new truck, it suited him.

We got there just as mum and aunty did, they fussed over the cars and I asked mum if she was capable of driving mine home. She's more than capable of driving anything so this will be a breeze for her. I wanted to ride with Book anyway.

I picked Beetle up and he was smiling for miles, I kissed him all over the face and placed him in his high chair.

"Dad." He said, I kissed him again and told him we will order him some sketti, he giggled.

"How was the big date, aunty?"

She stifled a giggle.

"Well when she got in I told her off for being a half an hour late, I think she was surprised but also quite chuffed that someone would worry about her."

"Well I don't think they were up to no good, Douglas is a great boy he said they just talked."

"Yeah Emma said the same thing when she got in, I believe she likes him a lot but its early days yet. You might get another mouth to feed at the farm soon." She looked at mum who answered.

"Bring it on."

"Aunty I wanted to ask you about the bungalow out the back of your place in the city, is it still empty?"

"Yes it is Zack, it's still empty I am in no rush to let it out, why?"

"I was wondering if I could have it for Andy, to use when he has to be in Melbourne."

"That's fine son, does he want it for free or a rental?"

"I don't know aunty but I will pick up the tab for him so at the moment yes for free, to him. I don't know how many days he will be spending at Uni, I will ring him he's staying with Luke at the moment. We want to give him my old car to commute but sometimes it's not always the best idea to be on the road."

"That's good of you Zack, and yes I will do my bit by giving him the flat for free."

"We can pay aunty there's no need for you to lose out."

"No, its okay baby he has to pay the electricity and gas they are separate meters as you know, that's all I ask."

"Good, thank you very much."

"When are you going to give him the car?"

"As soon as it's detailed and signed over maybe in a couple of days."

We heard shouting coming from the kitchen it was Ant and it sounded like he wasn't happy.

"I told you last week I won't be donating to your church now get out of here or I will have you arrested for trespassing."

Our sniveling priest came bounding out of the kitchen, he spied us, in particular, he saw Book. He made a beeline to our table and was furious. He pointed his finger at Book and yelled.

"You owe your grandmother money; whether you like it or not she will get it."

"I don't owe the old cow anything and mind your own business, it's got nothing to do with you."

"It is my business she's suffering in that home. I am going to take her back to her farm where she belongs and there's nothing you can do about it."

Is this idiot for real my god he's crazy?

"Then I will have you arrested and her thrown in jail for child abuse." Book wasn't happy this idiot disturbed his day. It was then he looked at me, I think he was trying to remember where he had seen me before. Then he turned back to Booker.

"You probably deserved the abuse you heathen poofter." That was it, Book was on his feet in an instant he marched up to the idiot and grabbed him by the throat then he frog marched him backward out the restaurant door. We heard a very loud, "Fuck off, don't come back."

He was seething when he arrived at the table, he kissed my head then grabbed his car keys.

"I will be back in fifteen minutes." He left us with our mouths wide open.

"Mum, look after the kids he's gone to the home god knows what he will do. I have to chase him." I took my keys and followed Book into the car park. I got there just in time to watch him scream into the main street and roar up the road.

I followed but of course, lost him on the way. Pulling up at the home I saw his car parked side on, he didn't even bother to put it in a spot properly. I locked up and ran into the nursing home.

I could hear shouting coming from grans room the nurses were listening at the door, there was nothing they could do.

"If you think you're going to control me as an adult then think again you old fucker, keep your trap shut or I will shut it for you with this fist." He was livid, I walked in and took his hand I wanted to try and calm him down.

"What are you doing here poof?" Gran has such a way with words.

"Saving your skin old woman and if you address me like that once more, I will tear the skin off your decaying body strip by strip."

I looked into Books eyes and pleaded with him to leave, there was nothing he could do about it.

"Book let's go you can't change stupid."

"There's plenty I can do Zachy, let's go see the governor I want to cancel my payment agreement." He looked at granny butter wouldn't melt in her mouth, she tried to be all kind and lovely and said.

"Book I need your help don't do that to me please."

"Already done you old cow, see how you like being abused because the next home won't be as nice as this one, maybe your best mate the priest will put you up. Oh and by the way, the next home you go to will be a government-run facility, and that means you will have to deal with Zacks office. Have a nice day granny."

He then took my hand and kissed it, then he marched me up to the office where he canceled the extra payments he had been making to the home. Her pension wasn't enough to afford her a private room she will have to share with three others in a ward now. I guess I will be called back to sort something out for her. We sat in his truck, mum had rung and said aunty was driving them home.

"Follow me I have a cure for your anger Book." He drove me out to the lake and we made love for ages until he had calmed down enough to drive the rest of the way home. At least we christened his new car. I will bring my old car tomorrow and drop it at the dealer's, then walk up to the home to get my new one in the morning.

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Next: Chapter 14

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