Booker Burns

By Maxieplus / Maxwell Dowling

Published on Aug 23, 2019


Chapter 12

Book drove me into town, and when we got to the office I pulled the blinds up and opened the windows because I wanted to let all the sadness out and some fresh air in, so I could continue my work in peace. He made sure I was all right, but before he left there was a knock on the door.

"Hi Zack, hi Book, I saw your car and thought we had better have a talk before you left."

It was Larry Goods, Books lawyer. He had his office downstairs to us. He also had a piece of paper in his hands and was waving it about.

"What's wrong now?" Book groaned.

"Well I received this solicitor's letter yesterday and its a bit confusing Book, here read it."

Book took the paper and started reading it, he laughed then passed it to me. They waited until I had read it then Book made coffee.

"What do you suggest I do Larry?" Book handed him a cup.

"I am at a loss Book; I don't really know what to do."

"You mean grans a little bit insane and you are finding it hard to talk freely."

"Yes, Book may I?" He stuttered.

"Oh, you most certainly can, let it all out Larry. I'm with you one hundred percent."

"Well Book, this letter suggests she's the rightful owner of your farm. It says she has proof, but Book the silly old cow only has copies of the original deeds, when gran and her husband brought the place off your great grandfather. It's been sold and willed away to two people since then. She knows this because she signed the contracts along with your grandfather."

"I know Larry, she's got that new priest in her ear he's hoping to get a slice of the pie when she gets the farm back. They are using the churches, legal people, to try and do just that."

"Well this isn't legal Book, we could sue them for falsifying information, or probably even blackmail. I mean Book, we can almost ruin them."

"I don't want to go that far but I do want her to be quiet and live the rest of her life in peace. Maybe we should talk to that priest."

"We can Book, he's been named in this document as a witness, but first I want to do a search of the history and pull a couple of wills out of storage. As you know I bought my practice off Henry Davis, his name is mentioned on this original title he was the lawyer handling all your great granddads and your grandpa's stuff. I still have his notes and papers in storage we have to keep that stuff for years."

"So we will wait for a while to reply to this ridiculous demand?"

"Yes if you would Book I want to be reassured your claim is watertight, not that it isn't, I just want to make sure that's all."

It was so confusing, if Book loses the farm then that's it, he loses all that hard work he's put into it. And I lose my secret swimming hole.

"You're not worried about it Book are you?"

"Of course not baby, she's a very stupid old woman, who needs to be taught a lesson. Zack, I don't care anymore what happens to her and in fact, I would like the old bitch to be put in jail, that's what I really want."

I think he's letting go, he was sort of grinning at the thought.

He left me soon after Larry had gone, and had made me promise I will ring him if I get into any difficulties. I headed for the police station. I had a good talk to Luke, he said John had been taken to the city and was in lock up. Sarah had a lot of friends in this town and he feared for the man's safety here. It was an open and shut case for him, and my notes on our conversation helped him a lot.

There will be a funeral service but he said it will be a government-funded one, no headstone no markers at all. I told him I would organize the service and a headstone, there was no way she and her kids would be forgotten. He thanked me and reminded me it could get expensive, but I reassured him I had contacts.

My next stop was the funeral parlor, the family that ran it were old friends because I used to play with their kids when I was younger.

Mr. Porter wrote down my instructions and said there was already a family plot owned by Sarah's parents and had been paid for years ago. He told me there was plenty of room for Sarah and her children. I got the directions to the family grave after I gave him my card to swipe through his machine. He had given me an account for the digging of the plot and a small fee for the boxes they will be buried in. Because the fire was so intense there were little remains, mostly ashes. I then got the name of a good headstone maker.

"When's the wedding Zack, we are so looking forward to it. It will be our first gay wedding you know, all the towns talking about it." He smiled at me.

"No date yet Mr. Porter, do we really have to invite the whole state?"

He laughed and replied.

"Only this town Zack, the next town have their own gays to look after." He sort of belly laughed. I had remembered he had a great sense of humor when I was young, I suppose you have to in his line of business.

Off I went to visit another client, we can't call them welfare anything nowadays, its clients now. After that, I ended my day back at the office going through the paperwork I had done yesterday and checking my partner Matts work, as always it was impeccable.

Book rang me and wanted to know if I had eaten, I said no. So he made me open my sandwich and eat it while he was on the phone. I spoke to him about Sarah's funeral and he agreed with me that we would pick up the tab for the headstone and a small get together at the soup kitchen. I will ring aunty to organise that for the day.

I had gotten Andy's phone number off Luke.

Andy was also a school mate and his little brothers were in the classes well below us. I remembered them as always being happy and I did recall the sadness I would see in Andy's eyes when he spoke about his family life. Nothing major was revealed, just us kids talking, but I will ring him tonight.

It was a much-needed hug Book gave me when I got home, he was freshly showered but the boys were not ready for a bath yet I was home early as promised. They were in front of the TV as usual and as usual, I kissed them both while Book waited on the porch for me. He wouldn't follow me in until we had our daily coffee and catch up together.

"That was a nice thing to do Zack, I had been wondering what will happen. I knew Andy went to the city to study because I went to his farewell party. I don't really know about the younger ones I never had anything much to do with them."

"Neither did I Book, but I believe the two boys were good students. I didn't get their names off Lucas, I will ask Andy tonight."

"Do you want me to talk to him Zack, I know him a little better than you."

"Good, I don't really want to deal with it at the moment, can you? I need birthdates and full names for their headstones?"

"Of course I will baby, just relax and think about that big surprise you are getting later tonight."

"What sur..?" I stopped mid-sentence because it dawned on me that Book was the surprise.

I was pleased to see aunt Jenny's car come up the drive, I can talk to her about the wake. She had Emma with her, and she was looking every inch the young lady.

'Hi, boys I hear you need my help?" Jenny smiled.

"Um, how did you know?" I was amazed.

"Jack Porter, he thought you might need a hand with the wake."

"Yes we do, we were going to call you tonight, how are you today Emma?"

"Very well Mr. Zack and thank you for getting the key card for me, the bank rang this morning they want me to pick it up tomorrow."

"That's my pleasure kiddo." I saw her squirm.

"Sorry, young lady." I bowed my head.

It was as if a light switch went off in my head, of course, she was so perfect.

"Where's the boys Book?"

"Out in the barn Zack why?"

"Oh, nothing I thought they would be up for afternoon tea soon."

"They will be, is it important?"

"No not really, I just thought they might like to meet Emma that's all." he stared at me and his dimples went wild when he smiled. Then he shook his head and blushed furiously. I think he got it, Emma would be perfect for young Douglas. Maybe I'm getting ahead of myself a bit. Doug was a good looking boy who had aboriginal in him but his skin was almost white like Emma's as opposed to Sam's black skin. It was like pepper and salt when Sam and he were together, god I have some evil thoughts.

Mum bought out coffee and scones, and we all sat at the porch table to discuss what we do next. Sam and Doug came around the corner and Doug stopped in his tracks, methinks he was blushing. They were both introduced to Emma and I made sure Doug was seated beside her, she had passed over her exercise book to me. I will read it tonight and give it back to her in the morning on my way through town. The little boys smelt scones so they didn't miss out and of course, Book went to look for more.

The work at the farm will always make sure Book maintains that perfect body, he is shaped like an hourglass all curves and muscle. His tan defines the mountains of muscle on his chest and legs and I have to stop writing about him because I am getting very randy.

Later when they had left I read her notes and there were no surprises there, her stepbrother was trying out her wares, and he wanted her to look after his mates too, for money. That's when she realized her life was in danger and she complained to the elders, they thought it best she immediately leave the compound, citing she was a harlot in the making.

It was her sensible approach to it all that amazed me, she had virtually given me a lesson in patience. She patiently waited until she could take no more, and she knew she couldn't stay in that situation. She had seen too many girls being used like that on the reserve, and she definitely wasn't going to be one of them.

She had planned to run away but thought her best bet was children's services and had demanded to see me when she spoke to the elders. They wouldn't hear any of her complaints and she nearly cried when they said she could get out of the community next time I was there. See, they were in charge but were also frightened I would dob them in for letting this abuse to go on for longer than it has.

"Now where were we Zachy?" Book had just climbed into bed and was blushing like crazy because he had a question for me.

"Okay, where were we Book?"

He nuzzled in and whispered to me.

"Can you do me tonight?" You're a silly man Booker Burns; of course, I can 'do you'. We both glowed after we had spent our bodies and were just looking into each other's eyes before sleep took us when I had a thought.

"Book didn't you tell me your father had money buried around here somewhere?"

"Yes Zack I found it in the chicken coop in a big wooden box, there was loads of cash and some gold bars. I am using the cash to get the farm operational again and to pay the boys. The gold is tucked under the floorboards in this room I call it my hidden treasure chest. I can show you tomorrow if you like, I put it there for a rainy day."

I snuggled into him and stroked his butt cheek, typical Book he's almost like a kid sometimes, but at the moment he's a full-blooded man and I think he's ready to go again.

Soup kitchen today, and my day off so when we woke Book was being a naughty kid again, he had backed up to me and was trying to put my dick in his ass. Twice last night I obliged him and twice I was in heaven. I was spent this morning but I know he was only teasing me. I heard him giggle when he did that, and I giggled when the boys waddled in to greet us good morning. They landed in bed giggling then mum bought coffee into us almost giggling. I'm surrounded by giggling gerties today.

"Stay in bed boys there is plenty of time today, the men have done the muck outs, they have the foal out in the yard to get some exercise. That was it, the boys were out of that bed and at the back door in no time. Mum rolled her eyes and went to attend to that little chore while Book took a handful of my nut's and played with them.

We dressed and had a late breakfast then Book drove us into town. Jenny and a few volunteers were already there setting up. I had a box of baby clothes for the op shop so I put them on the shelves for sale. I noticed a lot of items had appeared since last week. It will get to the stage where we will have to pay to get rid of the junky stuff that's dumped at the back door.

Unfortunately for me and Sam, Hildy was tied up in the city today she couldn't make it. I will make him go and see her next week sometime.

Open signs were put out the front, and Ant turned up in his van which was full of food. I sat my kids at a small table with some pencils and coloring books then I helped aunty dish up the plates. The clients started arriving and I manned the service counter with Book. We could keep an eye on the kids from there. The line was big today and of course, Miss Maree bloody Cranley came by for a free feed, she had the audacity to bring some containers for take away, for her kids was her excuse. We obliged her just this once but Jenny told her not to make it a habit. She looked at me and I just said.

"She's the boss, not me." I pointed my thumb over my shoulder.

The truth be known she was better off than most people, as I said she bleeds the system for whatever she can get. I suspected also that the fathers of her kids send her money when they have some spare.

There were some suits and office workers that arrived around twelve. We had capped the price of a decent meal at seven dollars and they were happy to get something different for their lunches. We made an express lane just for them, and Luke and his off sider were a welcomed addition to our humble kitchen. As usual Luke's uniform looked like it was bursting at the seams and my god did he have a wonderful shape. He must work out every day, but no, my Books body is much better. I wondered if he would be prepared to wear tighter jeans.

Larry Goods and his secretary had closed shop to eat here. Word had got around so aunty was very pleased the town got behind her.

The sad faces were still there and I saw hope in their eyes as they passed through, I smiled and chatted a lot just to give some encouragement along the way.

I saw a small woman who looked like she could do with some extra help come in, she was heavily pregnant and I guessed she was one of Matts clients, the new family in town.

I watched as she handed a note to Jenny then Book served her with a meal. Jenny read it and then prepared some meals for her to take home with her. She looked downtrodden and a bit wore out, but she managed to smile when the meals were placed into her shopping trolley. I looked over at Miss smarty pants and her hackles had gone up. She bounded over and whispered to me.

"Get me a couple more Zack, she's getting heaps."

"She has four kids and no money, why would you think you're deserving of anything more than what you got? If I was you I would be offering to help her and her family, not sitting on your fat ass thinking up ways to rort the system." She had that shocked look on her face, so I quietly said to her.

"No, don't do that with me anymore. I know your game very well I have played it many many times before. And in future, if you aren't deserving of it you won't get it. And by the way, I will be recommending that Centrelink (welfare office) people go through your accounts to see if there's any extra money being deposited into them." I was bloody mad with her what a nerve to think she's more deserving than this poor woman.

"You can't talk to me like that."

"I just did," I answered curtly.

"I want another caseworker appointed then."

"Sure, but they will come from my office and I can assure you they will be well versed on your position."

"I will write a big letter of complaint then."

"Do your worst, and by the way make this your last visit to the soup kitchen. They don't need you freeloading off them too." I smiled at her and added.

"Have a delightful day Miss. Cranley." I then gave her one of my best smarmy smiles.

Okay okay, it's not what I do, but when people are capable and as intelligent as she is, there are jobs to be had and morals to adhere to.

"Zack, calm down," Jenny whispered to me.

"She had it coming, bloody freeloader," I said a little bit too loud.

"Well, not here it's not the done thing."

"Well I just did it and I feel wonderful. Come on don't tell me you were almost on the brink of saying something yourself aunty." I smiled at her.

She cleared her throat and the next thing I heard was her and mum having a laugh over a cup of tea.

After everything that's happened this week I wasn't in the mood for that woman's bull shit today. I grabbed myself a meal and sat with Book and our babies, they make me feel less inclined to kill anyone.

The following morning, I opened the local newspaper and sipped my coffee while I read it. It's not a big paper but all us locals supported it. My write up was mentioned on the front page, then it was printed in its entirety on page three. I was proud to see it in print even though I thought it was a bloody mess. Mum told me yesterday she had handed it to the editor when he came in for a meal. I guess they don't have much news to talk about, so he printed it just for the sake of filling up his pages.

"Thanks, mum but it's not that good."

"You always say that Zack, and as always I don't believe you, that's why I passed it on. And the editor expects a wedding invitation for printing it too." She smiled, I kissed her cheek. Book came out freshly showered and he gave me a lingering kiss and a quizzical look. I didn't understand him until he waited until mums back was fully turned, then he opened his dressing gown. He had a full blown boner, I started laughing it was enormous today.

"What's up Zack?" Mum placed toast on the table.

"I was just thinking about that dopey woman yesterday; I hope her kids liked the takeaway." Talk about thinking quick.

"Well I doubt she will be back Zack, not after the tongue lashing she got from you." she giggled.

Book started licking his lips and making lewd suggestions with his finger. I get that he's randy this morning, thank god I don't have work. Maybe I will corner him in the barn later on, my ass is going to be quite sore I'm certain of that.

"Good morning boss, bosses wifey and his mummy, did you all sleep well?" Sam came in and sat at the table.

"Good morning Sam, yes we did sleep well thank you, where's young Douglas?" Mum asked.

"He's still in the shower, that boy sure does take his time washing, if I was a real thinking man I would think he's in there doing something really nasty."

"Nasty?" Poor mum, she wouldn't even think that men sometimes masturbate in the shower.

"Oh nothing Zacks mummy, maybe he's shaving today he got to look his best just in case that pretty little filly visits again." He smirked at me.

"She's still finding her feet Sam, still a few things to work out now she's left the compound. I have to try and get her a job, it's not urgent yet but I would like to see her start a new life." I replied.

"Well he sure did fall head over heels in love with her, I must admit she's a good looker."

"Are you off to the city next week Sam?" Book asked with his mouth full of toast.

"Yes boss, leaving Monday be back Wednesday. I want to take Hildy out one night, for dinner or a hamburger or something."

"Well when you get to the something, just remember to talk her into coming back here to work," I said.

"I will missus, but from what she was saying last night she's really bogged down at the moment. She might not be able to come here." He had a serious tone to his voice.

"Well, it's early days Sam, maybe you can charm her into coming to live here with us." You could marry her and then she won't have a choice, I said under my breath.

Doug arrived looking like he was going to a big fancy social dance, he was all spruced up and I detected a slight waft of aftershave.

"Where are you off to today Doug?" Book asked.

"Into town boss, I need to get some fencing wire."

"You need to be all gussied up to do that?"

"Yes boss you never know who you will meet on the way, it's all about image boss, the farm has a reputation to uphold." Sam sniggered.

"I see." Book didn't believe him.

"Oh Doug, while you're there can you return these food containers to Jenny, tell her they have been thoroughly washed." Mum pointed to a plastic bag loaded up with takeaway containers, then she winked at me.

"Sure missus, I sure can do that for you." His eyes lit up.

"You might want to say hello to that cute filly that's living there too." Sam sniggered again. Doug was a handsome kid and I did see Emma look sideways at him more than once when she was here. I passed the newspaper to Book and pointed to the write-up announcement on the front page, my name was in big letters.

"Local TV star Zack Tierney writes for the tribune." the headlines said. I took some toast into the boys, they were being very quiet and I wanted to see what they were up to.

Beetle had fallen asleep and Luck's eyes told me he needed ten minutes more, they were so heavy. I placed a cushion on the floor and gently toppled him onto it, he made a small noise, I kissed him gently then he was fast asleep as I rubbed his back gently.

I pulled the kitchen door closed and told everyone they were sleeping.

We finished up our breakfast, Doug took the bag of goods and Sam and Book went to check the stock. Mum and I did the dishes and planned lunch. Because it was the weekend we will have a Sunday roast as usual, but today we usually make up hamburgers or hot dogs, it's an easy day.

I needed to do another TV stint, I wanted to get a few done in advance and I already know what I would be talking about, helping hands. It was just an idea at the moment but I had to put it to paper just to see if I had it right. It was a new take on an old essay I had written, helping hands helping people and family cousins grandparents, a loaf of bread hung over the back fence. Visit when you can just to make sure people are okay, all that sort of stuff.

I heard a knock on the door and mum answer it. Some voices then she popped her head into the office and said.

"Zack Andy's here with Luke, they want to speak to you and Book."

"Okay, mum I'll call Book in." I then rang my farmer boy.

I shook Andy's hand and gave him a man hug, he looked so grown up since I saw him last. We sat at the kitchen table and mum put some biscuits and coffee on, my little boys popped their heads in and they got a bickie each to eat while they watched some show on TV. Book came in and did the same to Andy as I had done, only his was a quick one.

"I am so sorry we have to meet again under these circumstances Andy, and my sincerest condolences to you for your loss."

"It's okay, thank you Book I guess I saw it coming but I didn't think he would harm the boys and please I really don't want to talk about them, it hurts too much to even think about it."

"I understand my friend, they were your loving brothers."

"Thank you, Zack, for all you have done I will be eternally grateful to you for all the help you have given me."

I couldn't say anything I just nodded. It was an embarrassing moment. I guess because he really didn't know what to say.

"I had plenty of help and there was no way that your mum and brothers would be buried in an unmarked grave. Did you get the headstone designs I mailed you?"

"Yes, thank you so much, I just don't have the funds to do anything at the moment, the house wasn't insured so all I have left is a block of land."

"It was in your name then Andy?"

"Yes Book, my real father bought it in my name before he took off. I guess he figured mum would remarry and he didn't want the new husband to get his hands on it, so yes I own the land."

"I didn't know Sarah had been married before." I started to drop my head but quickly lifted it upright.

"My real dad was a mess too Zack, he also drank a lot but he was good to me and mum. They drifted apart over the years and he just up and left one day. My brothers are only half, that's why there is a big age difference between us." A tear ran down his cheek.

"I was trying to find a better job so they could all come and live with me. John knew the house was mine and this is all my fault. I refused to sell it several times because I knew he would take the money and piss it up against the wall. Zack, when I do eventually sell the land you will be repaid in full, it's just I don't have any at the moment." I was numb and fighting to find words to say.

He was a great looking young man, what am I saying he's nearly my age and gorgeous, his eyes lit up whenever he mentioned his mum and brothers they were the bluest eyes I have ever seen on a man.

"Andy's staying with me while he's here. I will help him sort out some legal work and then I can ring a mate in the city he might have a spare room for him." Luke smiled.

"So you have a job but nowhere to stay Andy?" I asked.

"I have a sort of job working part-time at Woolworths, I had to leave college to earn some money so I could eat. Mum didn't have any and I wouldn't have dared to even ask her, she struggled like I'm doing now."

"But you were a grade A student Andy, what happened to you?" Poor Book was still struggling.

"I got a scholarship as you know Book, but it wasn't enough for me to pay rent and to live on. I had to defer it until I could earn some money."

"What were you doing at school I don't think you ever told me."

"Graphic design Zack. I loved doing that at University, but, I can't go back to it until I get a decent job then I can do it online and at school part-time."

I thought about it, but wanted to talk to Book before I made a decision. Aunt Jenny still has the house and cottage where I lived, I think the house is rented to friends I will have to ask her.

"Well, we will give you all the help you need Andy, let's get the funeral out of the way before we tackle your other problems."

"Thank you, Zack I am forever in your debt. I can work something out there's no need to go to any more trouble you both have done enough and you too Luke, thank you for bringing me home again." He looked at Luke like he was a big brother, they would have known each other at school, Luke was the epitome of the popular jock like Book but three or four classes ahead of us.

"Well Andy we will get this sorted one way or the other, you can stay here with us at the farm, do your online work and commute to the city when you have to. I'm sure we can find you some work and a small car for you to travel in, can't we Zack?" Book has it all organized.

"Of course we can, and when you decide to sell the property maybe you can invest it in a small flat or house in town." I offered.

"You have no idea how much I missed you guys while I was there, that would be awesome but a little out of my league I think." His head dropped I wanted to pull it up again. I was floored when Book did it for me.

"Don't submit Andy look straight ahead and meet your future with open eyes. We all are here to help you and don't ever feel you're not good enough because we all know you are. Don't forget we are still mates and we still look out for each other." he blushed then smiled and it was awesome to see, methinks he likes my Booker Burns a little.

He handed over birthdates and full names to me, now I will get the ball rolling on the headstone. It will be done after the funeral.

"Well, I have to get to work, and this guy has to make some phone calls. Andy, you have to quit your job then go see the dean about continuing your studies. I would like you to live with me, but if you want to come out here I will understand." Luke said.

"Thank you Book and Zack, I will take Luke up on his offer just until I can find a job and a place to live on my own."

I feel I am missing something, and can't quite put my finger on it but it will come to me.

"Well you have a job here if you want it, just mucking out the stables and maybe doing some fencing repairs, we can show you how to do that."

"Thank you Book, I have so much to think about and I will let you know. I will catch up with you all at the funeral on Tuesday. Mrs. Tierney it's been good to see you again, and thank you for the coffee." He was a polite man and my mum gave him a big hug, her eyes were red and I suppose she will dart off to the bathroom to freshen up soon as they leave.

We said our goodbyes and watched the guys drive out the front gate then Book wanted to talk to me on the porch.

"Do you think we should buy him a small car Zack, he's going to need one if he's commuting?"

"Yes Book but we had better ask him first, there's something happening here and I can't quite put my finger on it."

"Luke's smitten with him, I think Andy feels the same baby. I think Luke's just been busted, he hides his sexuality quite well don't you think?" He giggled.

"You saw that? my god Book I think your right. Luke's never said anything but I did wonder why our hunky local policeman was still single, not that he's that old. I just don't see him with any girls and he does spend a lot of time at the gym." I think Luke's tight uniform is worn that way to attract the boys, not the ladies.

"Well there was a time I wouldn't have minded giving Andy a length he's got some serious ass happening in those jeans Zachy." Book shocked me again.

"What? you have been perving on his ass now, how long has his been going on?"

"About as long as you making moo cow eyes at Luke baby."

"I don't do that, I'm a good boy." I feigned shock.

"Well come over to the barn and I will show you how naughty you can be, and maybe I might just show you my super length." He grinned and blushed at the same time.

He strolled towards the barn showing off his perfect ass in his jeans while I went inside to check the boys, mum was sitting on the sofa playing building blocks with them and I slipped out the back door to check out Books mighty length.

Next: Chapter 13

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