Bondi Beach


Published on Jan 2, 2012


This story is fictional, but it could have happened. It's the third part of the Bondi Beach story.

If you like this story, you may also like my story "Gerrard Sports Shop Visit" in the Celebrity section.

It hadn't occurred to me that Drew hadn't opened the shop this morning but now that he reminded me I questioned it.

"You'll see when we get back," he said with an air of mystery.

We did the reverse of what we'd done earlier in the day - train to Bondi Junction and then the bus out to the beach from there. It was already getting to be more familiar, even though this was only the second day that I'd been there. It wasn't a surprise when Drew got up to get off the bus.

Once on the pavement, Drew seemed to know everybody that walked past him. I guess that made sense since he had the surf shop and was therefore part of the scene and the scenery. We finally got back to the shop and I was shocked to find the doors open and people walking round inside.

I started to speak incoherently, worried that we hadn't locked the door behind us or that someone had broken in. "Hey, slow down, mate!" Drew said, breaking into my confusion.

"I guess you didn't tell him, Drew?"

I recognized the voice, but couldn't place it for a moment. Then I saw where it was coming from. It was Sam, the waitress from last night.

"No, I thought I'd leave it as a surprise for him. Maybe I should have told him."

"Erm, I'm still here!" I said, indignantly. "You can call me by name..."

"I'm sorry," Drew started to explain. "Sam works in the bar in the afternoons and evenings and here in the mornings. That's how she was able to flirt so easily last night, knowing that she wasn't going to get anywhere. She opened up this morning when we were on the way to the city.

"And now, I must be going to my other job at the bar. I'm already late! Good job that both my bosses are understandable." She grabbed her bag and punched Drew in the arm and kissed me on the cheek as she passed him on the way to the door.

"Hey, leave my boyfriend alone!" Drew objected. She turned and winked at me, sure again that she would get nowhere but enjoying winding him up. With that, she hurried off to the bar.

For the afternoon, Drew and I dealt with customers and helped them choose the right items to buy and convinced them to part with more cash (in some cases) than they had intended to. They all seemed to go away happy though. When 6 o'clock arrived, Drew announced that we were closing to the customers that were still in the shop which caused some of them to depart without purchases but some of them grabbed the things that they'd been looking at and paid for them. A good afternoon had been had by all it would seem, as Drew was very happy with the afternoon's takings.

That night, Drew and I had dinner at home. A quick trip to the supermarket had got us all of the things that we needed and Drew did the cooking. After dinner, we started telling each other our life stories. It made sense to do it early in our potential relationship, so that there were no skeletons in the cupboard for either of us.

"I kind of came out in my late twenties," Drew said, "but I was in denial for a long time I guess. I'd always known that I liked guys and I'd always found guys way more attractive than girls, but I just put it down to envy. Me being envious of them because they had the partner and the car and the job and all the trimmings. Then I met some people that really didn't care who I was, they were just my friends for who I was."

"I don't understand?" I interjected.

"They had no expectations of me and didn't want to classify me as anything, they just accepted that I was Drew and that was that. How about you?"

"I came out in my early thirties. Like you, I'd known I was gay for years, denied it, looked at it as being envious but not really believing that. I kept buying gay porn, getting off on it, then threw it away and told myself I could 'go straight'."

"I guess that didn't work..." Drew mused.

"No. Not really. It just made me miserable when I was trying to, 'go straight'. My first experience of man to man sex was a let down. We got as far as sitting on his bed and that's when he started telling me about his boyfriend who was in prison for burglary."

"I can see that'd be a turn-off!" Drew laughed.

"Yeah," I said into my glass of wine.

"Hey, mate, I didn't mean that to put you down?"

"No, I put myself down enough for both of us. It's just one of those things that I do. Saves you the effort."

"Well," he said, getting up from the table and coming round to my side, "you don't need to put yourself down." He pulled me into a standing position and put my glass on the table. "You're slim, handsome, well built where it matters and you tick all the boxes for me. And you kiss so well that I think I'm in heaven." Our lips met but with Drew taking the lead, pushing gently, then a bit more insistently, pushing his tongue round my dentalwork. It was horny as fuck! We broke the kiss and Drew led me back to bed.

We'd been sat at the table in just speedos so it was easy enough to carry on that way in bed. Drew seemed to worship every bit of my body. He found all of my ticklish bits but that didn't matter as we were both enjoying it too much to worry. He was in control and, unusually for me, I let him. He ran his tongue and lips from my mouth to my neck, from my neck to my armpits (who knew how receptive they were? Fuck!) then down my body to start again from my toes. He took it slowly, gently and made me so horny that I didn't think I'd be able to control myself. He turned me over and then went up my back instead. Kissing and tonguing as he had my front, but pausing when he got to my ass. He pushed the speedos to one side and started rimming me. Nobody had ever done that to me. It was electric! I started moaning like I'd been plugged in to the mains.

"You like that?" he asked.

"Oh yeah!"

"Me too."

He carried on rimming me for a few more minutes, then moved up my back and back to my neck, kissing me from behind. It was only now that I realized my trunks were really wet and sticky at the front and my cock was deflating. I'd come without touching my cock at all.

"I'm sorry, I think I've made a mess of the bedlinen already," I confessed.

"I thought you might have," Drew laughed as he turned me back over to my back. "Yup, a nice load in there," he added as he looked in my trunks.

"Sorry. I couldn't help it..."

"Hey, it's fine mate. I'm flattered that I can get you off without even touching your cock. That's a great trick if ever there was one!" He kissed me on the lips. "You fancy a shower?" he grinned, raising an eyebrow in question.

"What about you...? Aren't you cumming?" I asked, trying to be a considerate lover.

"Oh yeah! That's what the shower's for!" he grinned and pulled me out of bed and into the bathroom.

I turned the water on and let it run for a moment or two, letting it heat up. Then stepped under the water and pulled Drew in with me. We kissed for ages, worshipping each other all over again. I finally dropped to my knees in front of Drew and placed my mouth over his cock. My tongue played with the head, running down the frenulum and round what I could get to of the ridge round the head. He was breathing heavily, trying to put off the inevitable. For my part, I was trying to encourage the inevitable by playing with his balls through the lycra of his speedos. It became too much as Drew gasped, "Oh..., fuck..., yeah..., I'm..., cumming..., ohhhhh..." And, with that, he did. I didn't usually like the taste but I left my mouth over the head of his cock as he shot his load. Straining it through the material, it had a sweetness that I hadn't experienced before when I'd tasted my own. It didn't seem to stick in my throat either as mine did. It was fair to say that I was hooked!

I tried to get every drop that I could through the fabric but eventually gave up when Drew pulled me up to my feet and then dropped to his knees to do me again. My cock had come back to life (unusual for me) and was straining at the fabric of my trunks. His talented tongue traced itself all over my speedo-clad member and brought me off again. It took him longer this time, but it was no less momentous. Drew was one fantastic lover!

We washed each other with passion yet with gentleness and consideration. Showering wasn't a chore but a pleasure shared. Exhausted, we went to bed and fell asleep with me nestled against him, him spooning me. I'd never felt so safe, so loved and so wanted.

The following morning, Drew woke me up with breakfast in bed. I could definitely get used to this! We shared breakfast and then cast the tray aside to worship each other again. After a few minutes though, Drew seemed to turn very sad and stopped what he was doing.

"Hey, what's the matter?" I queried, cupping his chin in my hand and bringing his face to look at me so that we could look at each others' eyes.

"I was just thinking..." he trailed off. "Are you going to stay.. or... are you going to go back... to England?" He sounded like he was almost choking on the words. His eyes were moist, straining back the idea of tears.

"I don't know..." I said slowly. "I was thinking of it, but then I met you and came here and..." Drew was definitely crying now and all I could do was pull him up and put my arms around him and hug him like there was no tomorrow. If I made the wrong decision now, there might well be no tomorrow. "Hey, I'm here now," I said as he looked up at my face with big, wet, puppydog eyes that only a cruel, callous person could possibly refuse. I pulled him closer to me but didn't initiate anything sexual, I just pulled him into me for a hug and for closeness and to tell him that whatever happened tomorrow or the day after or the week after that, I was here now and all that mattered in my world was Drew. I think he finally got the message as we both dropped into an exhausted sleep.

What seemed like only minutes later (but was actually hours), we were woken by knocking on the door. Well, the knocking was more like banging. I got up, grabbed a towel from the bathroom to cover my modesty and went to see what all the noise was about. It turned out that Drew was late for work again and Sam was trying to wake us both up.

"Sleepy head, it's two in the afternoon. What are you doing?" she shrieked. "On second thoughts, don't tell me. I don't want to know that much!"

"We were asleep until some mad woman woke us up..." came the voice from the bedroom. "Give us five and we'll be down."

"Great, now I'll be even later for the bar than I was yesterday!"

"Yeah, yeah," was Drew's reaction. He'd found some board shorts and a rash guard in double quick time and, with the flip-flops (sorry, "thongs") that I'd left by the bed, was on his way to the stairs.

With Sam quiesced and sent on her way to her other job, I felt it safe to go downstairs with a mug of tea each for Drew and me.

"Hey, thanks mate."

"No problem," I responded, putting both drinks on the counter and sliding an arm around his waist. "You want some lunch?"

"Not yet, there's customers to be dealt with," Drew said, sweeping his hand round the view of the store for added effect.

"Oh, don't let me stop you," said a dark haired guy who was just browsing the racks near the counter. "I'll be here for a while yet." He was slim, a day or two of stubble on his chin, crew-cut hair and an ass to die for!

"Ok, a sandwich would be good."

"I'll be right back." I exited, looking again at the guy browsing the racks as I passed him.

Having found bread, spread and cheese for the sandwiches, I went back downstairs with a plate enough for two. The dark-haired guy was now chatting to Drew in what seemed like a very relaxed manner. I could even say friendly or familiar. I wasn't sure about this...

"Your friend's back," he said.

"Steve, meet Mike. Mike, Steve."

"Pleased to meet you," I said, shaking hands very cordially.

"He's worried, Drew."

"Don't be," Drew said to me. "Mike's my an old friend. An ass to die for, but friend nonetheless and so not a threat. Except if you like him more than me..." Drew trailed off, leaving the comment as neither a question nor a statement.

We chatted for a while, me explaining why I was in Australia and how Drew and I had met up (well, the version for discussion in polite company anyway!) and debating the weather and the seasons and the usual kind of small talk. Drew interrupted the conversation to go and help a customer at which point Mike dragged me into a rack of clothes to help him find what he was looking for. Once we were out of line of sight from Drew, he turned serious.

"Ok," he said, "three rules."

"What the..." I interrupted.

"Don't fuck Drew about. He's too special to do that."

I tried to interrupt again and was silenced by Mike.

"Don't cheat on him or think about cheating on him. He's too special for that and he hurts more than most."

"But I..." Mike interrupted my interruption.

"And most of all, if you love him then remember that and don't fuck him about. See rules 1 and 2. Ok?"

I was silent and stunned.

"I said, OK?"

I was thinking of a smart-ass retort or denial or complaint, but thought against it, choosing discretion instead. "Ok," I answered him.

"Good. Now, what do you think of these jammers?" he asked as Drew came round the corner of the rack.

"Are you trying to chat my boyfriend up, Mike?"

"Who, me?" he grinned in response. "Of course!"

Later, over dinner, Drew interrogated me over what Mike had been up to.

"He was being a friend to you, checking what my intentions were, and putting them right if they weren't."

"He was telling you not to fuck me about then?"

"Yeah..." I conceded. "Not that I was going to, but he kicked me in the balls just to make sure that I don't."

"He's like that. Always trying to protect me from getting hurt so that I never find out what it's like to get hurt."

"He's loyal, and you can't argue against loyalty. He also made me come to my senses."

"That's worrying," Drew mused as he looked up at me and then down at his now empty plate. I leaned over and pulled his chin up so that he was looking at me again.

"Hey, Drew. You're second guessing me without any clues. You're worse than I am!"

"Saving you the trouble," he mumbled back.

"Look at me."


"Look at me."

Drew looked up at me with those puppy dog eyes, already welling up in tears before I'd told him what was happening. I took hold of his hands, making sure that he was looking at me, even through the tears that were starting to roll down his cheeks. "I'm not going anywhere," I stated.

"Wha...? I don't understand. England and family and..."

"I'm staying here, with you, if you'll have me? Drew, I want to stay here."

He started crying all the more, though this time it wasn't clear whether they were tears of joy, tears of shock or tears of sorrow. I was confused!

"Well, say something, Drew!"

"Yes, yes, yes," he shouted. He jumped up, pulling me with him and pulled me into a hug. I think we'd both found home.

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