Bondi Beach


Published on May 15, 2011


This story is fictional, but it could happen. It's the second part of the Bondi Beach story.

If you like this story, you may also like my story "Gerrard Sports Shop Visit" in the Celebrity section.

The day after meeting Drew, I woke up in the (then) strange bed. It took me a moment or two to realize where I was. The events of the day and evening before then came running back to me and overwhelming my mind. I'd met Drew, a gorgeous man who seemed to think that I was similarly gorgeous, we'd found that we shared an interest in speedos and rash guards and, most importantly, that we were totally captivated by each other.

Just as this set of thoughts was crystalizing in my head, I felt Drew move behind me and start nuzzling my neck. When he realized I was awake, he greeted me with, "Mornin' stud. How's it going?"

"Mmmm, morning," I replied and turned over to kiss him deeply.

"Mmmmm," he grunted, then separated. "How's your swimming?"

"Not great. How's yours?"

"I dunno," Drew grinned. "You come to the best country in the world, with the best beaches and the best surfing, you can't surf and your swimming's not great..."

"Whoa, slow down."

"...but you love Speedos and you keep interrupting me at the most important bit." He punched me playfully on the arm. "We'll go by your hotel, pick your stuff up, book you out and then head over to the pool so that we can look at your swimming." As he said the words, he slowed his speech so that he emphasized every word and made sure that I was understanding what he was telling me. "Remember that we agreed you were going to move in here until you decided whether to go back to England or not? Well, today's still the first part of that decision process so get your arse out of bed and get in the shower while I get you a clean pair of Smugglers from downstairs."

I headed for the bathroom as he headed downstairs. Moments later he was back with a pair of speedos which he put on the rail before sliding into the shower next to me. Drew worshipped my body, first with his mouth and hands, then with the washcloth. My cock was stiff as a board again.

"Seems like I have a problem?" I said, pointing to my stiffness.

"We'll handle that later. Get yourself dry."

I pouted playfully, then got out of the shower and grabbed a towel. By the time Drew was finished I was dry and wearing the speedos that he'd got for me. "I wasn't sure which ones you'd like," Drew said as he came up behind me, "so I found a pair I liked and figured that if I did you probably would. They fit you pretty well," he added as his hands started to follow the outline of the trunks, first over my arse and then over my cock and balls. "They feel great from where I'm standing. How about you?"

"That feels great..." I answered, lost in the feelings of his hand touching me through the trunks.

"Right, grab your thongs and we'll get going before your stiff grows any more and we have to take care of it again."

I pouted again, but resigned myself to following him out of the bathroom and finding the rest of my clothes. I pulled on the shorts, slipped my feet in the flip-flops and I was ready.

"Good enough to eat," Drew said, looking at me as he came back from the kitchen with a glass of orange juice each. "That'll keep you going until breakfast," he added. He picked up the keys and guided me to the door.

At the kerb, his keys deactivated the alarm on a jeep. It was topless (like us) and, from the kick that the engine had when he pulled away from the kerb, it had lots under the covers too (again, like us!) Shortly we were in the middle of Sydney and heading to my hotel.

It took about fifteen minutes to throw everything in bags and fill my cases. We decided that breakfast would be a good idea so had that in the hotel before breaking the news to the receptionist that I was leaving today instead of next week. He looked relieved, as the hotel was pretty full. The car loaded, I handed the key back in at reception, bid the receptionist farewell (he was quite cute, after all!) and headed back to Drew's apartment. After unloading there, Drew reminded me that we were going to look at my swimming.

"We can do it here in Bondi or up in the city. Which do you prefer?"

"Which is better?"

"The city's cleaner but the outdoor pool here is fun too."

"Erm, the city I think. It'll be more like what I've swum in before so it won't take me as long to get used to it."

"Cool. If we bus it in, we'll be able to sightsee afterwards without needing to worry about the car."

"Sounds cool," I replied and we were off again. Teeshirts and water in place this time, since it was getting warm outside.

By the time we got to the city, we'd decided on the "Ian Thorpe Aquatic Centre", grabbing the monorail from the centre of the city over to the pool.

"The city's great," I commented as we watched it going past from the carriage.

Once inside the pool, we stripped our shorts and teeshirts off, leaving just the trunks and headed to the poolside.

"What's your favorite stroke?" Drew asked.

"You, I think?"

"SWIM stroke, stupid," giving me another playful punch on the arm.

"Oww, that's assault. You got away with it once but twice is assault. Three times and I'm calling the cops for battery!"

"Just get in the water," Drew groaned.

"Yes, Boss."

I slid in the water and started doing a bit of breast stroke. It was my best stroke, but I still didn't like getting out of my depth. I guess I was still out of my depth with whatever was happening between me and Drew. I'd gone in his shop for a pair of shorts and got what appeared to be the start of a relationship and a swim coach and a job and an offer to stay here instead of going back to England. It was a whirlwind!

Drew realized that I was staying in the shallow end of the pool and quickly picked me up on it. "Do you not like deep water?" he asked.

"Not really. My swimming isn't that good although my breast stroke is ok and I can do a full length, I don't like being in water deeper than my chest."

"Ok, let's work on that," he said. "Swim to half way up the pool and wait there."

I did as he asked and stopped half way up the pool.

"That was easy, wasn't it?"

I admitted that it was.

"So, let's do that again between here and that end," he said, pointing at the deep end. "I'm here, so you're not going to drown if you get into trouble."

Over the next half hour, Drew got me swimming first from half way up the pool into the deep end, then the whole length of the pool. I couldn't believe how well I was swimming by the time that Drew suggested we should get out and get dry. "Time for lunch," he added.

Both of us were sporting erections as we changed out of our budgie smugglers and got dry. Wearing just shorts as we left the pool didn't help to hide them either! Soon though, the walking and the cool breeze made them subside and we could walk into town without looking indecent. A good thing, since we travelled down to the Rocks for lunch of pancakes and fruit. "Keeps you regular and gives you energy," Drew suggested, "keeping you in shape for tonight..."

"What's tonight?"

"Depends what you want, but it could be a meal and spend the evening drinking or a quick takeaway followed by an evening in bed..."

"Mmmm, sounds like two good plans. Which are we doing?"

"We'll decide later. We'd better be heading back now though. I have work this afternoon."

It hadn't occurred to me that Drew hadn't opened the shop this morning but now that he reminded me I questioned it.

"You'll see when we get back," he said with an air of mystery.

Next: Chapter 3

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