Bondi Beach


Published on Apr 2, 2011


This story is fictional, but it could happen.

If you like this story, you may also like my story "Gerrard Sports Shop Visit" in the Celebrity section.

While I was in Sydney, I thought it would be a good idea to go and visit Bondi Beach. Everyone in the UK told me that was where they'd want to go so it seemed like a good idea to go and see if it lived up to all of their expectations. I'd tried emigrating, but the jobs market was making it tough to find a job that would keep me so it looked like I was heading back to Blighty with my tail between my legs. No job this side of the world and no job the other side for that matter. I needed some fun before I went back to reality in England.

I hopped on the train from the city up to Bondi Junction, then got the bus up to the beach. It was beautiful! Golden sand, golden guys, blue sky. Perfect. It might have been the edge of winter, but it was still warm enough in the sun to get guys out in shorts and speedos. Clearly the shorts I was in wouldn't do - I had to find some new ones.

Wandering along the promenade, I went into a surf shop to find some board shorts or speedos - something that's look better than the cargo shorts I was wearing. The guy behind the counter greeted me with a, "G'day, how's it going?" His voice relaxed me there and then. I would have fallen into his arms and stayed forever if I could. Not so much love at first sight as lust at first sound. Taller than me (probably 6'2 or 6'3 maybe?), shoulder length brown hair, gorgeous eyes that said, "take me to bed," (well, I thought they did anyway, or maybe it was a hope?) and a smile that would break any ice. Similar build to me, but slightly more muscular.

"You ok mate?" he asked, making me realize that I was starring a little too long.

"Yeah, fine thanks, I, erm, I'm sorry. It's been a hard week."

"Well, hopefully that'll change now. What can I help you with?" God, that voice!!!

"I was looking for some board shorts, probably white and a pair of speedos."

"Cool, that should make it easy. What size?"

"34 in English, not sure what that is in Aussie sizes though..." My voice tailed off as I showed my ignorance of Aussie life.

"Sure, follow me." How could I not?

As he came out from behind the counter, I got a great view. Drew (at least that's what his badge said) was wearing a tight pair of white board shorts, what looked like blue speedos underneath, a tight, fitted, white rash guard and a pair of thongs (or flip flops as I'd been brought up with calling them.) His tan set off the image beautifully. In other words, he was just my type and my erection was starting to get difficult to conceal as I watched his ass as he walked in front of me to the clothes rails.

He flicked through the rails until he found a pair of speedos and a pair of shorts identical to the ones that he was wearing. He pulled out a rash guard too. "You seem to like them," he said, turning round and giving me a smile fit to burst my shorts open.

"I'm, er, I, er, I'm sorry."

"Hey, dude. I'm not offended. We're easier over here than back in England," he said. "I'm flattered. You can try these on at the back of the store," he added, handing me the garments and indicating where I should be going.

A moment later, I was in the booth at the back of the store pulling on the speedos when I heard him say, "looks like you're having trouble there?" He was peering over the door and grinning like a Cheshire Cat. "Want a hand?" he asked as he opened the booth door. "I've put the closed sign up as we're pretty quiet this time of year." He pulled me to him and started kissing me. Gently at first, them becoming more insistent. After what seemed like forever and seemed like just an instant, he broke the kiss. "Follow me," he said, taking my hand.

"Should I bring my stuff?"

"Yeah, or you can leave it down here?" I snatched it up as he pulled me away.

He lead me through the back of the store and up a flight of stairs. The stairs opened out into a lounge area. He kept walking and I followed him into a bedroom. It was above the door to the store and had a view of the sea and the beach. The view was fantastic through the blinds on huge windows that filled one side of the room. He pulled me to him again and our lips met. Tongues inspected dentalwork until we both came up for air.

"Wow," we both said, then laughing. "Snap!"

"You look great in those Smugglers," he said. "You fancy trying on the shorts and rash guard?"

I was confused. "Smugglers? What are Smugglers?"

"Budgy Smugglers. Speedos. Trunks. DTs."

I blushed at not understanding the language.

"You don't know Budgy Smugglers?"

"I do now," I muttered.

"Hey, what's wrong?"

"Nothing, I'm just realizing that I'm not as good at Australian as I'd hoped."

"Hey, dude, some things don't need language. You're doing ok with me so far!" he said in between putting his arms round my waist and kissing me on the forehead. "In fact, you're doing great. Now, about the shorts and the shirt?"

"Ok, but why?"

"We can both strip then. I've seen yours, so we can both strip and you can see mine," he grinned.

I pulled on the shorts and shirt. He motioned for me to look at myself in the mirror. "You look good enough to eat," he said. "Or fuck. I think I'd like the fuck part."

I blushed again.

We turned to face each other and our hands started to explore each others bodies, encased in the rash guards and shorts. My fingers ran down his spine as his did to mine. He shivered as my fingers dropped down the curve at the bottom of his back and hit the waist of the shorts. I brought my hands round the front and he shivered again. "I'm ticklish," he said to my unasked question.

Our shorts fell to the floor. As we stepped out of them our hands inspected each other's Budgy Smugglers and shirts. Hands then lifted shirts over our heads and we were just in matching pairs of trunks. He guided me to the bed and we lay down next to each other.

"You're gorgeous," he said, running his hand over my body. "You're making me so horny."

He rolled me onto my back and started to kiss me, starting at my mouth and moving to my chin. He kissed my throat and my neck, moving downwards to my chest. The sensations ran right through my body, from my head to my cock, from my cock to my toes and from my toes to my head again. I could do nothing but gasp as I surrendered to his mouth caressing my body. He bit my left nipple, causing slight pain but causing so much pleasure that the pain soon passed. Then he moved to my right nipple and did the same there. Moving back to the left he caressed the ring that I'd put in that morning, running his tongue over the ring and across the nipple itself. He moved between my legs and was kissing my abs. I was getting close to shooting even without touching my cock, until he moved and came back to my face.

"How's it going now?" he asked.

I tried to breath slower and answer him, "better," I gasped.

"You seemed like you were getting close to shooting. I didn't want you to peak too soon."

I wrapped my arms around him, pulled him on top of me and kissed him deeply. Then we rolled over and I repeated on him what he'd done on me. When I got to his crotch, I moved so that we were 69ing and my mouth was caressing his cock through his trunks. He tasted great. The nylon was getting in the way so I slid my hand in and released his cock. I left the trunks in place though, pulling them under his balls. His balls, like his cock, were huge. I licked from the back of his balls, all round them, lathering them up, then moved on to his cock, alternating between deep throating him and running my tongue round the head. He was doing the same to me too. God, we're so alike!

My climax was rushing towards me. I moved off his cock and gasped, "I'm cumming," (at least that's what I'd intended to say, it probably came out all mixed up.) He put his mouth over the head of my cock and sucked even harder. Six shots hit him in the back of the throat. As my climax ended, his started and his cum splashed on my face. I rolled over onto my back, completely exhausted.

A moment later, his face appeared above mine and asked, "you enjoy that?"

"Oh, yes... Fuck. Great."

He kissed me on the lips. "I'll get you a towel."

Drew was back a moment later with a towel. I wiped my face with it. "Thanks," I added. "I'm Steve by the way."

"Drew. Pleased to meet you! You fancy a beer?"

"You got anything else?"

"There's wine?"

"That'd be good. Thanks."

"I'll bring it over. You get comfortable," he said, wandering out of the room in his trunks. He was still fucking gorgeous!

He came back with a bottle of wine and two glasses and slid next to me under the duvet.

"You had many dates start like this?" I asked.

"Nope, but there's always a first," he replied as he poured the wine. "I normally supply the wine before inviting someone home. You made me want to try something different." He settled back into the pillow as we drank our wine, then put the glasses aside as we fell back into each others arms, kissing each other deeply.

I broke the action by announcing that I needed to pee. He directed me to the toilet. I did what I needed, then went back and sat on the bed.

"So what brings you to Sydney?" Drew asked.

"I was trying to emigrate and get a job out here."


"I'm booked on a plane back to England. Jobs are a bit tough to find over here..." I trailed off.

"Well, that's solved. You fancy working in a surf shop?"

"I can't surf, and I've never worked in a shop"

"Me neither until I bought this place. Now I've done both. Plus there's plenty of space for you to move in here with me. My bed's plenty big enough for both of us."

"I, er, erm, I can't."

"You've got a work permit, haven't you?"

"Yeah, but I've just met you and I'm booked on a plane back to the other side of the world next week."

"Well, you can move in here for the week and see how we go. If you still want to go back next week then I'll take you to the airport and see you off. If you don't, you can stay here. Easy."

"If you're sure?"

He pulled me into an embrace, "Yes, I'm sure," he said and kissed me on the lips again.

"You hungry?"

"Always," I said. "May I buy you dinner, Boss?"

"I was thinking of ordering in, but I like the sound of that. Boss. Boss. Yeah, I like that!"

"What's good round here?" I asked.

"Well, there's you. You're good. And there's me, I'm good," he grinned. "Oh, and making love in speedos, that's good too."

"I meant for food!"

"Oh, the bar down the street does a mean steak and fries."

"Sounds good."

We dressed (slightly) and headed down to the bar. He was clearly a regular as the waitress knew him well enough to flirt with him and take his joking rejections in good part.

"You still haven't introduced your friend, Drew" she asked as she cleared the plates away. "You've been all but making out with each other all meal and you haven't told me who the competition is!"

"Sam, meet Steve. Steve, Sam."

"Pleased to meet you," she said, shaking my hand. "Hope your intentions are honourable Steve?" she asked.

"Ignore her Steve. You want another drink or you had enough?"

"Don't mind," I said. "Happy to have another?"

We had another round of drinks which we drank watching the sea hitting the beach. As one round turned into two, he took my hand and we sat there holding hands beneath the table. I looked down and couldn't see which fingers were his and which were mine. It was almost as electric as the sex had been earlier in the day.

"Will you stay over?" Drew asked, as we walked back up the road to the shop and the apartment.

"I need my toothbrush and some clean clothes."

"Well, there's lots of clothes in the shop and I'm sure I've got a spare toothbrush."

"Ok, you've convinced me. I can go back to the hotel tomorrow."

"Good. You can get your stuff and we can bring it back here so you can move in."

He opened the door to the apartment, blocking my way for a moment. "May I?" he asked.

"May you what?"

"May I carry you over the threshold this time?"

"What? Oh, you fool," I said, slapping him on the arm. With that, he picked me up and did as his word, carrying me over the threshold, kicking the door shut, carrying me into the bedroom and dropped me on the bed. "Don't move," he said, kissing me before turning round and going to lock the door.

And, like an obedient boyfriend, I didn't! I'm still here in the flat over the shop in Bondi and sitting up in our bed typing this.

It was definitely worth visiting Bondi Beach!

Next: Chapter 2

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