Bondage Model

By Krypton

Published on Oct 3, 2020


When I woke up I was feeling a little light headed, and foggy about how I had gotten there. It was dark, so I couldn't really make out where I was. But I knew I was lying on my back on a comfortable bed that sort of enveloped me.

Slowly I regained consciousness and began to remember meeting Mike, the ride to his house, and having a drink with him. Then I noticed that something was covering my hands. They felt like gloves, but there were no fingers so all I could do is lift my arms and move my hand, but couldn't touch anything.

The room was cool. I then realized that I was naked. I also felt something strange around my cock. It felt like something was tied around my balls and there was something pinching my cock.

As i reached for my cock the gloves I was wearing prevented me from being able to do anything. Just then, Mike entered the room and turned on the lights. I could see now that it was a large ornate bedroom painted dark red and with a lot of medieval looking furniture. With the lights on, I could see that my hands were indeed encased in padded leather gloves and there was a chastity cage around my cock.

Mike then sat a the edge of the bed and brushed the hair from my eyes and said, "Good morning, honey." He then spent a little time gently stoking my skin, starting with my lower belly and slowly moving up to my chest and nipples. He told me what a cute little body I had, which gave me the tingles, and asked if I was ready to have some fun. I nodded.

Mike led me out of the room down a long hallway to a posh looking bathroom. It was all marble and had a large walk in shower surrounded three sides with glass so that you could see clearly anyone inside. He asked me to hold out my hands and then untied each glove. Once removed, Mike gave me a toothbrush and toothpaste and said to start by brushing my teeth.

After I was done, Mike guided me to the shower, where I noticed that there were two hooks mounted high up on one of the walls. Mike pulled out a pair of handcuffs, fastened them onto my wrists, then pulled my hands upward so he could attach the chain in the middle to the hook. There I was standing naked with my hands stretched above my head.

Mike pulled a key from his pocket and then began to remove the cock cage. It felt good as the blood began to flow back into my balls. He turned on the water, but it wasn't hitting me yet. He then grabbed a can of shaving cream and spread it all over my body from he tops of my feet to my neck. For several minutes he meticulously shaved everything neck down. He even had me turn around so he could get the back of my legs.

I felt a bit chilled as a stood there being shaved. And as I looked down I saw that any remnants of hair on my legs and crotch were competent gone. He even hot my pits, although I usually kept those shaved myself. The last area Mike tackled was my ass. He used one hand to spread my cheeks and then he other to swipe the razor leaving my ass completely hairless in the process.

Once Mike was done, he used he handheld shower wand to rinse me off. Then he lathered me up with body wash and used a wash rag to scrub my body. Took special care to scrub my ass and cock and said, "you're going to get a lot of attention down here babe."

Finishing, Mike sprayed me down again. Satisfied all the soap was off, he turned off the water and helped me out of the shower. He then used a large fluffy towel to dry me off head to toe As I just stood there, hands cuffed in front of me. My hair remained damp and unkempt, as all he did was ruffle the towel through it.

All done, Mike produced a leather collar, which he buckled around my neck. He then attached a silver chain to the collar and led me out of the bathroom. Mike just continued to walk down the hall with me, padding behind him naked and shivering until we reached a set of stairs going down.

We descended the stairs, until we got to a large oak door. Mike used a key to unlock the door and then ushered me inside. Once in, he turned on the lights and locked the door again using a key from the inside.

The room was expansive. The ceiling was at least 10 feet high, the floor concrete and the walls covered with soundproofing foam, the kind you would expect to see in a music studio. The room I guessed to be about 20 feet wide and three times as long. There were several stations, I would call them, where there was a set up.

In one area, there was a a large wooden X with cuffs for hands and feet at each corner. Another area there was what looked like a sling made of ropes. Yet another area was a grid of metal piping that ran from floor to ceiling. There was a set up that looked like a bedroom with a bed and night stands. And there was an area set up like a photo studio with a black backdrop and tripods for lights and cameras.

As I stood there I'm awe and in fright, Mike told me that he loved the photos and videos that I was in from that big event. He also told me that he produces gay erotic videos and photos that he sells online and that he's been looking for someone like me who he could use to photograph and film in various bondage situations.

Then he told me that if I still agreed to continue, he would pay me $1000 per day. He explained that a day might mean a few hours or it could mean much longer depending on the shoot. He also assured me I would not ever be permanently injured, although I would experience pain. I asked how often would I work and he said it would be at least once a week, and that he would text me when he needed me. He said in order to continue, I would have to agree and sign a release.

Eager to do this, I said sure, let's go for it. Mike was pleased with my response and led me to a small desk where the paperwork was waiting, I sat down and read through it. All legal stuff and disclaimers. And I signed it.

Ok, let's get started, Mike said. With that he led me to the far end of the room where he had a bunch of gear hanging on various pegs. Gags, whips, dildos, harnesses and other stuff I didn't recognize. He grabbed a head harness that had a blindfold and ballgag attached and began to fasten it around my head. It took a few minutes to get all the straps lined up and buckled and the gag firmly and deeply in place. It wasn't uncomfortable however I could not see, speak clearly and I could feel drool building up in my mouth.

Next, Mike led me to a piece of furniture, which I could not see. He helped me lay down on it head facing down. It was padded and narrow so that I sort of straddled it like a horse. Then he placed my knees and arms one what felt like padded panels extending from the apparatus. I could feel him binding me at the wrists and ankles to the device. Then he unhooked the chain from the collar I was wearing and attached a much shorter one that he used to connect the collar to the apparatus. Once done, I was not able to move other than my head from side to side or to arch my back a bit.

I just stayed there as Mike was fiddling with something a few feet away. When he came back he said that with every scene, he will capture a bunch of still shots at the beginning, then video, then a few more stills showing some of the action. For the next several minutes I could hear him snapping shots from different angles. I could tell he was up close a few times to my head and then my ass. I imagined how I must have looked, skinny and smooth, strapped to this thing, head covered in a harness with my messy blonde hair poking out. I actually started to bone up thinking about all the guys who would get off to the sight.

So far this wasn't too bad.

To be continued?

Next: Chapter 5

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