Bondage in Space

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Dec 17, 2021


"Baron Obeid. It is SO good to see you. And as always, right on time." Gvion fairly oozed oil as he took Baron Obeid's hand. If you got close enough, you could smell the thick pomade that he had applied to his hair that morning - the pomade he only used when an "important" client was scheduled to consider a purchase. And Baron Obeid was as important a client as one could imagine. Obeid purchased "living merchandise" as Gvion called it, for his Commander, Malkus . "Malkus the Wealthy" as he was sometimes called, and "Malkus the perverted" as he was also called. Gvion had purchased ALL of the "living merchandise" that had been recovered from the capture of the Cyclon space ship. Its capture had been the result of the work of one of the most idiosyncratic and most brilliant of the space command of the planet Ore. Commander Narayan had been experimenting with a sonic disrupter device, for well over 25 years. His failed experiments, including the one which destroyed his, and three other homes, had been the subject of commentary, humor, and much discussion. Narayan was convinced that the Cyclon's shield technology could be overcome if he could break the codes as to how those shields were generated. He had examined more space ship debris than one could imagine. Finally, he had what he thought was the correct sonic frequencies. He built a device, and sought to have it manufactured for every war ship in the Ore fleet. Command was not interested. He decided, then, to put one on his OWN ship. It had been installed by galley slaves who either did what they were told or were slaughtered, but his ship, the Falcon, had not had opportunity to use it. That changed about a month ago. The Falcon had been on routine patrol. "Commander Narayan, exotic bird on the screen." "Exotic Bird" was the nickname that the Ores used for Cyclon ships. "Magnify. Bring it into close range." His surveillance crew did so. Yes, it was indeed an "exotic bird" . "Fledgling" Narayan stated to no one in particular. The "fledglings" were not the true warships of the Cyclon fleet. These were more than "hatchlings," the term the Ores used to describe the smaller, training ships that were the first step to being an actual War bird commander. "Fledglings" were cadets and senior members of the Cyclon command who were on the final steps of their education (the cadets), and the supervisors who had a "hands off" approach unless there were a dire emergency. Ranta was the senior officer on the fledgling that day. Thirty years into being in the fleet, Ranta was said to be able to fix anything, to manufacture anything, and to know more about space ship operation than anyone in the galaxy. Narayan would have loved to have someone of Ranta's experience on his team. Truth was, no Orian had the background and any who came close were not interested in being a part of something that had been rejected by the Orian ship. "Wait until it approaches. We'll give them warning and then if they persist ... we'll try the new weapon."

The Cyclon ship, the Dante, was commanded by Cadet Doron, one of the two sons of one of, if not THE greatest commanders in Cyclon military history, General Ptolemy. Ptolemy had died after Doron and his brother, Ezel, had entered military academy. Their mother had died some years before. The two of them had each other and, while it was against standard protocol to allow brothers to serve on the same ship, the unique bond that only twins had, and the arguments Doron and Ezel had advanced for serving together had convinced command to allow it. By "twins," we mean FRATERNAL twins. Doron and Ezel were not identical, although it would appear that they were to observe them at a distance. Both had dirty blond hair, pale skin, and blue eyes. Neither was particularly hairy, although Doron would tease Ezel about his need to shave his moustache from time to time. "You must have gotten that from mom," was his standard line: Ptolemy himself was as smooth skinned as Doron. Doron had inherited his father's wiry, thin build. Ezel, in contrast, had a thicker body, somewhere in between the hefty muscularity of the red haired Ranta and his thinner twin. The fact that they worked "like paired plow horses" one of the very senior Admirals had said, made the pairing much more persuasive. That day, Ezel was on the helm. He followed protocol when he addressed his brother. "Captain, an Orian ship at 6. Probably ten minutes away. And closing. "Open a channel, Lieutenant. Let's see if we can reach them." "Aye." Ezel did what had been requested. Narayan's strong features came up on the screen. "This is Captain Doron of the Dante. Please state your mission and intentions." Narayan saw the young man and nearly exploded in laughter. "Captain Doron. Commander Narayan of the Orian command. I shall answer you once you answer me: have you had your first drink yet?" Doron could hear the laughter on the Orian ship. He blushed. He was more than past the legal drinking age for Cyclons, but those who were in the command were not permitted to drink until they had their first war bird command, or when they turned 30. Generally, they turned 30 first. "I repeat my question, Commander Narayan. Please state your mission and your intentions." "TO BLOW YOUR BLOODY ARSES OUT OF THE SKIES. PREPARE FOR BATTLE." Ranta heard the voice and came over "Is that Narayan?" The Orian captain smiled. "Well, well, well, Ranta. We meet again." Ranta laughed. "Yeah, you and your cockamamie weapons technology. Captain Doron is looking for his first kill. I'd suggest you retreat or he may win his wings at your expense. " "Ha ha. Good one. I suspect his wings are about to be CLIPPED!" "SHIELDS UP" Ranta couldn't help himself. He shouldn't have, but Narayan was unpredictable "Arm torpedos" was Doron's follow up. Then they felt the disrupter. More than one crew member was knocked out of their seats by the force. "CAPTAIN. SHIELD CAPACITY IS DOWN TO... CAPTAIN WE HAVE NO SHIELDS" Ezel's frantic voice rang out. "FIRE ALL TORPEDOS." "Captain, weapons are off line. The energy wave. It... it disabled us." "SONOFABITCH he perfected it." Ranta muttered under his breath. He scratched his beard. They were going to die. "BOOM!" There was a second blast and, this time, emergency signals blared through the ship. "HULL BREACH," Ezel yelled. "SEAL OFF THE SECTION." From the viewer, Doron could see bodies floating into space: the crew members working in the breached section of the ship. Narayan appeared on the screen again. "Captain Doron, it appears you'll have to wait for your first drink. You have no shield, and your hull is compromised. I suggest you prepare yourself for traction or... prepare for another breach." They hadn't trained Doron for this. He looked around for advice. Ranta spoke in a low voice. "Captain, lives are at stake. For now, it' s best to surrender. Save as many crew as you can." Doron sighed. "Prepare for traction." Ezel brought Narayan back on line. "You win Narayan. THIS time" Narayan laughed. "There will be no next time, Captain. All I wanted to do was show my weapon was functional. Bringing in a Fledgling?

Bringing in Ptolemy's son? I can leave the force in glory." xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

The crew of the Dante was met by two lines of Orian military, brandishing weapons. As each crew member exited the damaged ship, he or she was put in wrist manacles and marched into a large receiving room. Among the people standing there was Gvion. He had "salvage rights" to any ship that the armada captured. No one knew HOW he had gotten it, but it was believed that he had supplied Malkus with his first bed mate. At that time, Malkus enjoyed the company of women. Now, however, he had favored young men for some time. And he had a type. Gvion knew exactly what it was. Gvion walked through the mass of prisoners. He was accompanied by two scribal helpers, who would take notes. As Gvion walked, one of the assistants touched each prisoner with one of two lasers: red for women, blue for men. A number visible only under infrared was placed on one of their hands. For some time, all that could be heard was Gvion's voice: " number 3 red to brothel. number 6 blue to mines. number 9 red to general" And so on and so forth. He was classifying the prisoners for what he thought they would be best at as slaves. He would pay a bounty for each prisoner he took. When all was said and done, he had marked 155 as "living merchandise" as he called them. That is how Doron, Ezel, and Ranta wound up with 152 other prisoners, in the bowels of Gvion's warehouse.

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Now he turned to Baron Obeid: "I have separated out those of the prisoners whom I think Malkus would most appreciate. I selected only the best." Obeid looked at the smaller selection. There were about 20, mostly blond, a few with darker hair who had the body type Malkus preferred. And Ranta. Obeid smiled. "It IS a rather comely selection." He looked at Ezel. Then he looked at Doron. "Are you twins?" his eyes got wide. Ezel spat at him. Obeid only laughed. "Best you do that to me than to Malkus, should he select you. He DOES appreciate fire. " "As do you, Baron. That is why the red one is here." Obeid smiled. "Ah, yes, he is indeed comely. He would make a fine addition to my home. But... I am, sadly, only here to bring a selection to Malkus. " He went through the group. He chose two blond men. Then he smiled. "The twins as well." He reached into his purse to present a down payment to Gvion, who shook his head. "It is not necessary Baron. When you return for the red head, you may pay for all three." "Ha ha. Do not wait for that Gvion. But I will take up your offer. You know Lord Malkus is good for the price." "Indeed, he is. I owe much to Lord Malkus. Be well Obeid. Do know: I do not think the red head will last for long. It is rare to find one at all, let alone one with that muscularity." Obeid laughed and turned to his own assistants. "Take them to the ship. Make sure they are well bound." xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Malkus' title was obscure. In the language of the Orians, it could be Lord or Master or Dominant One. The language has a different word for "king," and that was not part of Malkus title. Many simply referred to him as Commander, in view of his service to the empire, that had ended some years ago. Obeid had arrived at the manor and left the "consignment" in a cell. He went to Malkus' quarters. Normally, he had the privilege of entering without permission, but today, since he had something "special" for Malkus, he approached the thin man who sat at the desk outside of Malkus' suite. "Kassis, I bring you greetings. " "And I return them Baron Obeid. Surely you realize you need not ask permission to see Lord Malkus." Obeid smiled. "Ah, but today is a special day Kassis. You and many others have spoken of how our Master seems... shall we say, lonely?" Kassis shook his head. "Indeed. It is a shame that Faran took it upon himself to try to escape... again. What were the security guards to do?" "I agree with you Kassis. Lord Malkus had treated him so well too. To think, he advanced a mere porter from a cargo ship to his official consort, and he received no gratitude. Well... as I'm sure you've heard Kassis, Narayan finally got his invention to work, and he took down a Cyclon ship." "Such is the rumor." Kassis' eyes widened. "Is it true?" "It is. And the ship was taken... with prisoners. I took the liberty of visiting Gvion's 'shop'." Kassis shivered at that name. He had been acquired from Gvion and had no fond memories of his time as "living merchandise," as if he were some plant. He smiled though, at the thought that Malkus might have "something new to play with" as some of the other pages said, perjoratively. "I will summon him. Should I tell him to prepare for a surprise?" "Well, Kassis, if you were to do that, it would not be a surprise." Kassis, who had served on the same cargo ship as Faran and was not "the brightest bulb in the chandelier" as one would say, thought about this "profound" statement for a minute. "That is deep Baron Obeid. Truly deep." He used the facial contact software he had only recently learned, and Malkus' somewhat severe expression appeared. Malkus was not angry, he simply looked serious all the time. Or, NEARLY all the time. When he was dominating a young man, he did not look angry, just possessed. "Kassis, I was reading the latest reports of the capture of the Cyclon ship. VERY interesting. " He laughed. "And to think Ptolemy's sons were on that ship. The battles I had with that old fox over the years. I think we had a draw." "So it is said, Lord Malkus. Is it true that he is the only Commander you did not best?" "Ha ha. Read your history Kassis. Best to read it from objective sources than to hear it from the subject." "I will do that Sir. I did not mean to interrupt your reading, but Baron Obeid wishes to see you" "He does? Why did you not let him enter?" "Lord Malkus, he has insisted that you should come with him. He says that there is a surprise for you." Malkus' face broke into a smile. "I know it is customary to say one does not like surprises. I do. I shall be there in minutes." Indeed, he was. His hand grasped Obeid's forearm. "I wonder what my surprise is old friend. I was told that you were shopping today. Did you find anything of value?" "Very much so My Lord. If you would come with me, I will show you" As they walked to the holding cell, any retainer at the manor dropped his or her eyes and stopped what they were doing. Malkus was not a severe Lord, but he did observe proprieties. "You were reading of the account of the ship capture, I heard." "Indeed I was. I mourn for the loss of all those young lives. All those beautiful young men." Obeid stopped and smiled. "Then the account you are reading is not complete. Yes, some died, but.... Gvion claimed the prisoners by right of salvage" "HE DID? My my my. Yes, I would be VERY interested in inspecting his "living merchandise." Obeid smiled. "I hope you excuse my temerity Lord. I have already conducted an inspection. I took the liberty of taking what I thought you would like on retainer." "OH. And no one knows my taste better than you, Baron Obeid. I wonder what you have chosen." "I brought back four Master. All seemed to be to your liking. " They entered the room where the four prisoners were held . Malkus gasp was easy to hear. "Oh, they are all beautiful . Each and every one of them." He came closer. "WAIT. These two. They seem familiar. " He paused and looked Ezel and Doron over carefully. "OBEID. These two are Ptolemy's sons!" "COMMANDER PTOLEMY" Ezel spat out, before Doron grabbed him and signaled him to be quiet. "Ah, yes. It has been said that while Doron inherited his father's looks, Ezel inherited his temper. " He turned to the younger twin. "You must be Ezel, and you...." he smiled at Doron. "You must be Doron. The spitting image of your father." "Speaking of SPITTING" Ezel yelled and released a wad that just missed Malkus. Obeid was shocked. "Master. I am sorry. I will have him impaled immediately." "No, Obeid, no. " He joked. "If anyone is to impale this young man, it shall be me. MY WAY." Doron knew what Malkus meant. There were more differences between the twins than met the eye. They say that the elder twin is always the dominant one. Such was not the case here. Doron preferred men, and preferred the passive role. As a Cadet, however, he needed to keep that urge under control. Fraternization of a sexual nature, was forbidden. That Ezel was subject to the same rules is one thing. Whether he followed them or not, was another. He did not. He preferred women. And he preferred to dominate them. On this latest tour of duty, he had bedded four of the women, two of whom had disappeared into space after the breach, and two of which waited in Gvion's storehouse. Doron knew, and he had looked the other way. "I think these two are enough for me, Obeid. You have chosen well. " "Yes My Lord. I will return the other two." "No, do not do that. There are retainers who have not received a reward in some time. I'm sure they will enjoy these two. Send them to Raviv and to Harshal. " He looked at Obeid "I know you do not favor blonds, old friend. Rest assured, I shall take care of you by the end of the day. Where is Sami?" "My assistant? I shall call him." "Have him come to Kassis to receive payment for Gvion. There is no need for you to be away from the manor simply to pay a bill. But have the two of them bound. And brought to my chambers." Obeid smiled. "As you will Sir. I shall have them washed first." Malkus returned to his chambers, smiling. What to do first? A wrestling match between them? A contest to see who could shoot his semen further? What?" He smiled. He knew what he would do.

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx "You are MOST beautiful boys. And TWINS. The famous Ptolemy twins." Doron and Ezel were sitting in the middle of a large chamber, back to back. Their wrists were tied to their chairs and they were naked. He saw Doron begin to sport an orgasm. "There is a rumor that one of Ptolemy's sons is gay, and has been known to enjoy a penis in his ass. He moved over and put his hand on Doron's shoulder. "Are you the one I describe?" "NO. HE'S NOT! IT'S ME!" Ezel yelled. It was precisely what Malkus wanted to happen. "How do you like that? Ezel, you have just outed your brother. You DO realize that, don't you?" "WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU MEAN OLD MAN?" Malkus began to laugh. "Oh, you two may be fine soldiers. I do not think you did anything incorrect with engagement with Narayan. Indeed, had I placed a wager, I would have bet on your ship. Who knew that he had perfected the device, and to such a degree? But fate is fate." He stopped. "I digress. Fine soldiers, and totally unskilled at the field of espionage and diplomacy. " He paused and pulled Ezel's hair. "Especially you, Ezel. Spitting at your captor, when you have no apparent means of escape, is quite undiplomatic." "SO IS THREATENING TO FUCK YOUR PRISONER?" "Ezel... Calm down..." Doron spoke. "Please Commander Malkus. My father spoke highly of your skills. Neither of us could come close to fooling you, we know that. Ezel is just... he's just trying to protect his gay brother. Please take me, not him. I have more experience, and I could make you much happier." "And I will take you Doron, in due time. For now though... your brother needs to learn his place. And he will." Malkus summoned Kassis. "Please bring three of the guards. When they are here, I will instruct them on what to do." When the guards arrived, he had them chain Doron to the wall, with no slack in his chains. Then he had him gagged. He had Ezel chained to the platform in the middle of the room, so that Doron could see everything he did to his brother, and Ezel could see Doron's face. A pair of winched chains had Ezel's ankles pulled up and spread. "Everyone loses his virginity eventually, Ezel. Tonight, you will lose yours. "NO. PLEASE. I'M SORRY. I'M SORRY. I MISBEHAVED I.... " He stopped begging when the first of Malkus' fingers entered his ass. He would, eventually slide in three, with Doron moaning and trying to scream through his gag all the time. "You seem to be sufficiently opened, to take your first cock, young man. " Malkus smiled and dropped his robe. "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH" came out of Doron while Ezel started yelling for help.

In another section of the manor, Sami knocked on Baron Obeid's door. "Master? Excuse the intrusion. When Lord Malkus sent me to pay Gvion, he gave me extra funds. He told me "make sure you bring back something for the Baron. He's been very good to me. So... I spoke to Gvion. I hope this slave is suitable." Sami stepped away. There was Ranta: he was bound, gagged, and furious. Obeid smiled. "I will have to thank Malkus tomorrow. For now, though, I think Sami, I will amuse myself. He came over and stared into Ranta's eyes. "You are a clever one, that I know. But you should keep in mind: Lord Malkus will have no problem in slaying your young friends if anything happens to me. " "mmmmmmmmmmmmmph" Ranta shook his head in acknowledgement. He felt Obeid's hand on his shoulder pressing down. He knew what that meant: he had been a war prisoner before. He got to his knees....

Next: Chapter 2

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