Bondage And Pain

By moc.loa@efasdraW

Published on Dec 19, 2007



Since my early days in school I was aware that anytime I got spanked it would make my wiener get stiff. As I got older I begin to notice that the old gladiator movies would make me hard whenever someone was being tied and whipped. After leading a somewhat normal life through college and into the business world at 32 I was again having thoughts about such things and would occasionally search out gay bondage pictures on the internet. Having never married, in spite of several close calls, I decided to look into the idea of some bondage and pain experiences.

My first step was to do some dirty book store research into the subject and found that most of it was so severe in description that it quickly lost its sexual appeal. Having a bucket of water suspended from my balls or having my nuts crushed sound almost as much fun as having my nipple ripped off.

I had essentially lost interest in the idea but still had in interest in male sex. I decided to stop at a local bar known for a mostly gay clientele and have a drink. The place was nice enough and people appeared to be mostly professional types that could easily pass in any bar as straight. I sat at the bar and ordered a vodka martini and tried to check out the rest of the customers. The bar tender was nice and started up a conversation by asking if I was gay. This set me back a bit and I explained that I didn't know and that I did have some interest. He put me at ease by telling me that the place occasionally gets a straight guy who walks in without knowing the reputation of the bar and gets mad when hit upon by another customer. I admitted that I had heard about the bar and knew that most of the customers were professional gay men so not to worry. After a couple more drinks I had gotten a bit more relaxed and the bar tender would stop and talk when he wasn't busy. He finally asked what I was interested in and I tried to explain that this all started with the bondage and pain idea but that I found most to be way too extreme for my taste. I went on to explain that to me it was the difference between a hickey and a bleeding bite and I had no interest in bleeding. At this point he said that he knew someone that I might want to talk with. It turns out the guy was an Asian guy about my age that ran a business providing bondage and pain services for a fee. He gave me the guy's number and told me to wait a couple days before I call to give him time to tell the guy that I was a referral from him.

I had enough to drink at this point and it became obvious even to the bar tender that I was checking him out. He just winked and said enjoy the look I don't mind the attention. Being a bit embarrassed I paid the bill and left a generous tip and thanked him for his advice.

I waited two days before calling the number he provided and got the typical voice mail message. The first time I hung up but on the second call I decided to leave a message. I explained that I was referred by the bar tender at -------- bar and left my number asking him to return the call. By the time I hung up the phone I had tightness in my groin and felt very excited not knowing for sure where this would go. Ten minutes later my cell rang and the guy calling explained that he was returning my call in regards to having a bondage experience.

He sounded very relaxed and soon had me detailing what I had an interest in. I explained that everything I had seen was so extreme that I was loosing interest and the bar tender felt that he (Chi) might be the answer. At this point he suggested we meet at the same bar and talk a little to determine exactly I would want and how it could be arranged.

Our date was set and my nerves were on edge as the day approached. We met at 1730 and quickly took a quiet booth in the rear. The bar tender noticed and smiled and waved as soon as he saw us enter. Chi was a slight man with sharp facial features but very handsome. He was quite charming and had very quickly made me comfortable. He explained that he offered very complete and clean service and that it might be best if I were to see his facility and look for myself. He went on to explain that some guests liked to have people witness their punishment and would actually pay extra for an audience. He provided the address and we agreed on a time and date to visit.

The location was in an industrial area of town and was located in the second basement of a furniture warehouse. He told me to park on the first level parking and enter a black door marked Chi Products and go down the stairs and turn left and knock on the first door on the right. On the appointed night I did as instructed and after knocking the door was opened by Chi who was wearing a leather vest and tight leather shorts. His outfit revealed a well toned and muscular body void of body hair or blemish. He was very stunning.

He very politely directed me to a small but well appointed office and following me in closed the door. He said that he was expecting a customer and that he had to prepare some things for the appointment. He then handed me a menu and told me that it contained three examples of punishments that he would provide and would give me an idea of what I could expect to see in the viewing area later. He said if none of the descriptions appealed to me we could arrange a customized program. He quietly left and I started to review the written descriptions.

The first was the most extreme level offered and resulted in a nipple piercing with a lot of blood and severe pain. Clearly this was not my idea of fun.

The next involved being whipped with a cane and having very large butt plugs inserted. Again this was a bit much for me.

The last level is a man who arrived late and after inspection it was determined that he had not adequately douched himself which resulted in him being taken to the "wet room" for an enema. After finishing he was moved to the "arena area" where he is secured naked to a punishment bench. He is given ten strikes with a leather paddle causing him to cry out and beg them to stop but resulting in little serious damage. He is then removed from the bench and placed on an exam table where he was strapped down with his legs spread secured to stirrups. Nipples are pinched and ass lubed ending in being fucked hard and exposed to some simple pain. The experience is guaranteed to result in a mind blowing orgasm for the customer.

Wow, I'm sitting in the chair covered in sweat with a raging hard on poking out the front of my pants. The door opened and Chi stood with a grin asking me if I had made a selection, knowing from my look that I had found what I wanted.

He ushered me into the viewing area of the arena which to my delight contained every kind of device you could imagine. Chi explained that on a busy night there may be five or six customers in various stages of punishment which only adds to the excitement. He said he enjoys all the screams and crying out but has no stomach for pain himself.

To my surprise I saw man as in the menu description being lead into the "wet room" section. The man was forced naked over a padded frame with his head lower than his ass and a rather large nozzle was lubed and inserted. As the water flowed the man would moan and cry out. The man administering the enema held him in place in spite of his thrashing about. The water was turned off and he was assisted to a small cubical containing a toilet. After expelling all of the water the man was escorted back to the frame begging them not to do it again and trying to resist with no success.

After three trips to the fame the man was finally allowed to take a quick shower and was then led to punishment bench and secured hand and foot in a position with his legs spread wide. The man administering the punishment was dressed in leather shorts and vests and took the opportunity to quietly talk to the man while he caressed his exposed ass gently brushing lightly over his exposed hole. The man's cock was sticking straight out as the first blow landed causing him to scream and jerk at the restraints. Each strike was timed to allow the man to compose himself betweens blows. With the final blow, in spite of quietly sobbing, when the man was released and turned around his still rigid cock was dripping with excitement.

With weak knees the man was led to a bench similar to a medical exam table with stirrups. Placed on his back with his feet raised he was secured by heavy Velcro straps. The man was sweating profusely but still maintaining his erection

He was allowed to rest for a few minute during which time he appeared to become more apprehensive with a serious look of fear showing on his face. A door near his bench opened and a large light skinned black man dressed only in white nylon bikini briefs entered. He went directly to the man and began to caress his face and neck slowly working his way down to the mans nipples where he toyed with them for minutes before grabbing and twisting first one then the other each time eliciting an almost female scream. Strangely the man's cock remained rock hard and dripping. The man next moved to his victims groin area where he lightly caressed his cock and balls before stepping between his legs to get serious.

As the black man dropped his white shorts the victim could be heard making an audible gasping noise. Not overly large but perhaps the most perfect cock I have seen was on display. Perhaps eight inches and not too big around it was perfectly smooth, cut and angled up toward his stomach. He wasted no time in lubing and stretching the ass and with no warning stepped forward and shoved the thing fully in the man's ass with one swift push. The man jerked and screamed asking him to wait and let him get used to it. The response was a series of rapid hip movements pulling nearly all the way out and shoving it all the way back. The man cried and thrashed on the table for what seemed like minutes. After calming down he could be seen to actually buck his ass into the thrusts. It didn't take long and he was screaming at the man to fuck him harder.

This part didn't last long and ended when the black man reached up and grabbed the guys balls hard causing an instant eruption of thick cum to spray straight into the air coating the mans chest and stomach. The man was released and led shaking to a private changing and shower area.

When the show was over Chi explained that the experience could be mine for $500 and he would be happy to schedule an appointment for next week. He explained that Thursday is one of the busier nights and that if I wanted to experience the sounds of the dungeon he would schedule a 730 time. I agreed and was escorted back to my car.

On the drive home I realized my cock has been dripping for over an hour and my shorts were soaked. Horny does not begin to describe how I felt and picturing myself on that table was not helping. On entering my apartment I left a trail of clothes on the floor as I headed to the bathroom where after pinching nipples hard a few times grabbed a very rigid cock which took only a half dozen strokes to explode on and into the toilet. I suddenly realized that next Thursday was a long time to wait.

Thursday finally arrived and I had avoided orgasm for four days which means I was loaded and ready. I took only one big enema since I knew that no matter what I did I was going to go through it again at the dungeon. I arrived early and was escorted to the gallery because they were running a little late. Wow, there were three guys undergoing various forms of torment. The screams and sobs were hard to believe since I understood that all of them were from people that had paid money to be abused. The amazing thing was that I sat there with a hard on filling my pants.

The program that I had selected was just finishing with a very small girly looking guy and I arrived just in time to hear him scream and shoot his load. After that I sat nervously waiting for them to clean the equipment and ready the area for me. I started to sweat and could hear my heart beating in my ears. Even considering that I had already provided payment, I considered running for the door. The door opened and Chi stood waiting for me to follow him. We entered the private locker and shower area where I was given a locker to use and told to remove all clothing and place it in the locker. The locker was locked and a key was attached to my wrist on a pink ribbon. It was explained that the pink ribbon identified me as a "first timer" and was designed to make sure all employees of the dungeon were careful not to exceed my picked program.

It was then explained that the program had some variations and that I should not be surprised if some things happened that were not described in the basic program. He went on to explain that this was done to ensure some uncertainty in my mind as to what would happen when I gave up control. I was given a safe word and told that employees would ignore any cries, screams or pleadings. However, if I said the safe word, the program would stop immediately and I would be taken to the locker room allowed to dress and would be escorted to the parking area. My fee was earned and I would not be allowed to ever return.

Chi then escorted me naked to the arena and turned me over to a short but well built muscle type who took me to the wet area for inspection. I was told to mount the frame for inspection, which I knew I would fail. After a cursory inspection I was admonished for failing to properly clean myself out. I heard the dungeon master fumbling with the nozzle and hose assembly behind me. He was nice enough to lube my ass with a slippery substance before forcing the oversized nozzle up my ass. While it was painful I didn't complain but the water started to flow and continued until I could feel my stomach expanding and the cramping began to set in. It wasn't long and I was begging and crying for him to stop. When I finally screamed like a girl he shut off the water and removed the nozzle which he immediately replaced with a butt plug. I was assisted from the rack and taken to an enclosed toilet area and told to hold it as long as I could and then remove the plug and purge the contents. This done I was instructed to return to the rack for the next "treatment".

Two more "treatments" and when I was cleaned out I was given the opportunity to take a quick cold shower and dry off. I felt empty, drained and cold and realized that this was only the beginning. After drying off I stood and waited until the master returned and guided me by the arm back to the rack. I begged and pleaded but he told me to get back on the rack. He then explained that he was going to apply some salve to my ass to make the burning go away and relax my ass a little. I felt his gloved finger apply a cold gel to my ass which immediately felt better. I found myself thanking him for the kindness, which only made him laugh and say you are not done yet boy it only gets worse.

At those words I don't know if panic is the right thought but if not I was very close to it. I was then told to get off the rack and stand by the door and wait for an escort to the punishment horse. As cold as I was I began to sweat and shake with fear. It was only then that I realized that my cock was hard and sticking out with regular drops hitting the floor. At this point my feelings are so mixed that I had trouble sorting out fear from pleasure.

Chi soon arrived to escort me to the punishment horse explaining that since I was new to this he always assumed responsibility for this phase of the program. Feeling some relief I actually relaxed a little as he led me to the horse and began to strap my hands and ankles to the prepared anchor points. With legs spread and ass exposed I was again feeling the apprehension and fear but still maintained a steel hard erection. After I was secured Chi walked around to the front of the horse and I realized that the placement of my head was right at crotch level for him. He laughed and said that the flexibility in program allowed him a blow job periodically. With that, he dropped his leather shorts exposing an uncut six inch cock almost typical of the Asian porn cocks that I had seen. He asked if I had ever sucked a cock and I explained no. He said get used to it because I think you are finding a new course for you life. With that he moved toward my face and told me to open my mouth. Shaking my head I screamed "NO" and tried to remember the safe word I was given. From behind me I sensed a presents and suddenly felt a very hard blow to my ass, followed immediately by another and another. I found myself screaming OK, OK, OK and he stopped. When Chi stepped up to my face this time I'm crying like a baby but quickly opened my mouth and allowed his cock to enter. Not knowing what to expect I found the taste to be somewhat benign and quickly got used to his cock hitting the back of my throat as he fucked my face. He suddenly stiffened and stopped and I felt the explosion of cum filling my mouth. This was immediately followed by his instruction to swallow. With tears running down my face I continued to suck and swallow until he finished.

He pulled up his pants and said that for a first timer I did OK but that my initial refusal had earned me additional stokes of the paddle. With that he walked behind me and I immediately felt the paddle five times in succession. While I cried out I managed to survive these strokes. He stopped and rubbed his hands over my ass and between my legs stroking my still hard cock saying that I was adjusting to this all very well. His had slid up my ass over my hole making me moan deep in my throat and shiver at his touch. I was then treated to ten more strokes without break resulting in my screaming and crying like a baby pleading for him to stop, which of course he did not.

When he finished he walked to the other side of the horse and stroked my face softly and said that I was doing very well. Tears still flowed from my eyes but my cock remained rock hard. Releasing my hands and feet I was assisted in standing and immediately led to the table with the stirrups.

When I was secured to the table with my feet placed in the stirrups and secured I am in absolutely terror struck knowing what will happen next. Looking between my legs, I realize that my cock is still rock hard and dripping and I can see the black door open and the large black man enter that I had seen before. For some reason, I'm bucking at the straps and struggling to get away.

His response to this was a slight smile as he walked up between my legs and ran his hand softly down the back of my leg toward my ass. My struggle to escape only made him laugh more and my fear increased when the smile left his face and he roughly grabbed my rigid cock and squeezed making me gasp saying very softly "boy you are about to get fucked".

As with my previously witnessed act he began to lube my ass and stretch my hole to make room for his cock. I will admit that at this point my nuts are boiling and I need to cum so bad that I'm incoherent and babbling. His fingers felt so good going in and out of my ass. I later realized that he was careful to avoid my prostate, knowing full well that if he touched me at this point I would explode.

I suddenly felt nothing as he stepped back. Then he returned and I felt a searing pain in my ass as he thrust his cock fully into my hole. After a few thrusts the burning pain subsided and I was enjoying his pounding in and out of my ass. There were only a couple minutes of total pleasure when he suddenly grabbed my balls and twisted. I screamed in pain and exploded with an orgasm that was equal amounts of pain and pleasure. The end result was the biggest and certainly the most productive orgasm of my life. He immediately withdrew his cock and began to release the various straps holding me down.

When I was released he left the area and was replaced by Chi who gently helped me from the table and back to the private shower area. He allowed me to sit down and relax for a few minutes and then helped me to the shower. After a brief very hot shower I emerged to find Chi holding a very large fluffy white towel. He proceeded to dry me and talk softly about how well I had done for my first time. He offered a bed to rest for a few minutes which I refused. I quickly dressed and was provided an escort to the parking area.

In the car I suddenly realized that I was exhausted and relieved and felt empty of feelings that I had for years. Will I do this again? I don't know but it was one hell of an experience. I am amazed that pain and pleasure can be so similar and elicit the same physical response, the resulting orgasm being second to none in my experience.

Readers: This is a new direction for me and I'm interested in your response/criticism. Feel free to shoot me an e-mail and I'll try to respond.

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