Bold and Beautiful Men

Published on Jun 7, 2001


Bold and Beautiful Men 7

DISCLAIMER: This the seventh installment of a work a fiction based on a popular daytime drama. The original characters of the actual programs are the property of CPT Holdings. As such, the images portrayed suggest nothing about the sexual orientation of the actors portraying the characters. Characters not under the domain of CPT Holdings are products of the author's imagination. If this suits your fancy and you are of legal age, sit back and turn on the television of your imagination. The author retains copyright of this material. The material cannot be posted without the author's permission.

© 2001 by W. Foster


The couple found themselves grinning from ear to ear when they entered the ballroom area to the sounds of Gloria Gaynor and cheers of welcome from the guests. Victor had done it again---the place looked like one of the hottest discos of the '70s. The lighting, the disco ball, all the decorations, the DJ booth, the tables surrounding the dance area were flawless. Not only that, all the guests were decked out for their trip back to those days---and none of them, to the couple's delight, were wearing underwear.

It was great to see the Genoa City gang from his birthday turn out for their stag party. Neil and Malcolm Winters, Tomas del Cerro, Paul Williams and Cole Howard all looked as good and hot as ever, even in all that polyester. Giovanni was being flirtatious, and Clarke was on his best behavior---perhaps Eric fucked all the conceit out of him. They beamed at Ridge and Adam, Rick and Raymond, C.J. and Tucker and Tevin and Laron, who all gave the couple a thumbs-up followed by hugs and kisses. After all the greetings and well wishes, Thorne and Tarik raised their eyebrows in curiosity as Victor, ever the host, brought over a newcomer for introduction.

"Thorne, Tarik, this is John Silva," Victor said. "John, I'm sure you and Tarik will have a lot of shop talk to share."

"I know we will," John said. "I've heard a lot of good things about you, Tarik."

"Thank you, counselor," Tarik said as he looked upon him with sincere appreciation.

John Silva was a very handsome Hispanic man of forty, his calm, professional manner and grace complementing but not hiding the smoldering heat of passion in his large, dark brown eyes. His 6'0" body was gently defined, strong and yet as sensual as a lion's, and a quick glance at his crotch told them that someone would be in for quite a treat before the night was over.

After a minute of conversation John went off to the buffet table, and Thorne took another appreciative look around the room, his eyes resting upon someone he'd missed at the DJ booth who was joking with Neil Winters. The Forrester stud made a careful study of the man's thick, dark hair, the dimples to die for when he smiled and the hot, prizefighter-like body graced by a full-sleeved gold shirt and tight, black bell-bottomed slacks. "Wait a minute. Isn't that Danny Romalotti?" he said to their captivating host while nudging Tarik.

"That's right, Thorne."

"How did you get him to DJ for this party?"

"How do you think?" Victor said, grinning like a cat with canary feathers on his chin.

"I should have known."

"I guess this means we'll see his talents in areas other than music," Tarik said with a knowing smile.

"Very astute observation, Tarik."

As Victor went off to work the room, the honorees were soon joined by Tevin and Laron, followed closely by Ridge and Adam.

"Whoever poured you into those jumpsuits did an excellent job," Tevin said, smirking.

"Why, thank you, dear brother," Tarik replied. "And my compliments to your tailor. Your booty never looked better."

"That's right, appeal to my vanity. Speaking of clothes, Ridge, I understand that you've been designing some very unique slacks. How have they been doing?"

"Good enough to get orders from almost every guy in here, and word's getting out around L.A."

"By chance, are you wearing a pair now?"

By way of reply, the Forrester stud turned around and allowed Adam to unzip the back of his electric blue skintight bell bottoms, revealing his hot, taut ass, garnering whistles of appreciation from the other two couples.

"The first time he wore a pair of these special slacks, I almost fucked him on the spot," Adam said with an amorous grin. "We were walking down Sunset to get back to the car, and Sexy here walks in front of me. I didn't know what he was up to, and then he makes this move under his suit and lifts up the back of the jacket just high enough for me to see. My cock got hard faster than a high-speed modem!"

"Ridge, you shameless hussy! Surely Adam didn't let that blatant proposition go to waste, did he?" Thorne said kiddingly.

"Are you kidding? We don't normally go to clubs, but he took me to the nearest one he

could find. It was so crowded and noisy in there that no one even knew he was plowing my ass," Ridge said as he zipped up. "As a matter of fact, he took me two more times that night. It was wonderful."

"In that case, put us down for several pairs," Laron said as he squeezed his spouse's ample posterior. "You realize of course, Tevin, this is something Tremain doesn't need to know about. You know how nosy he can be."

"How is he this evening, by the way?" Tarik asked.

"Great. When we left the inn he was giving Bridget makeup tips. They're having a ball."

"Excuse me, but who's Tremain?" Adam said.

"That's right, you haven't formally met him yet. Tremain is our pride and joy---our son."

"We didn't push him either way; we figured that he would just be what he was meant to be," Tevin said. "Of course, it didn't take a rocket scientist to figure out what was what when we saw that RuPaul was his role model. He doesn't want to have the operation, but he likes everything else about drag."

"Doesn't he get hassled at his school?" Ridge asked.

"That happened in the beginning. We were down at his school quite a bit about it during that first quarter because he was kicking the shit out of every boy who attacked him," was Laron's reply.

"He what?" Adam said incredulously.

"That's right. You'll find it hard to believe when you see him, but don't let that fool you. Once the word got out that he was a Ninja, nobody bothered him again." Laron sighed. "We don't blame him for defending himself, but we just wish it had happened some other way. Violence can't be the only way to solve problems like harassment."

"Some of the teachers are another story," Tevin said, rolling his eyes. "We've had to talk to Tremain about his tongue, because he's read them up one wall and down the other over comments they've made. Personally, they deserved it. In the end, changing teachers helped. We do agree on this---our son will never be a victim."

"Wow. He certainly has guts. Does he go to school in drag?" Ridge said.

"For special events. As a matter of fact, he's already shopping around for his gown for the senior prom next year," Laron beamed. "Shalimar's going to make her debut as a full-fledged princess."


"That's his drag name."

"Do you think that's going to be a problem?" Adam said.

"No problem at all. If they even think about forbidding him to, Tremain, with the help of his Uncle Tarik, will sue the pants off them," was Tarik's blunt reply.

Thorne looked at his brother. "You know, Ridge, I was just thinking..."

"I'm way ahead of you, Thorne," Ridge said with a funny little grin. "How would Tremain---or Shalimar---like a Forrester original for the big day, personally designed by me?"

"Are you kidding? His high heels wouldn't touch the ground for weeks," Tevin said with a laugh. "Thanks, Ridge."

"The pleasure's all mine. So, what's he wearing for the wedding?"

"We don't know. He and Bridget have been very secretive about their dresses. We'll find out next week, I guess," Laron said.

"You know, I never really thought about this until the divorce action started, but any one of my kids could turn out to be lesbian or gay, or bi."

"Something to think about," Tevin said plainly. "And should that be the case, you'll need to be prepared to deal with it, as well as help them. And on that note, let's get out on that dance floor. See you there in a few."

It came as no surprise that the guests in committed relationships, such as Ridge and Adam, graciously declined to participate in the racier aspects of the night. However, a host must be prepared for all contingencies, and no one was better at doing that than Victor Newman.

"I can respect that," said Victor with a twinkle in his eye. "Of course, if you just want to watch, you can. It might give you ideas for each other, perhaps some new fantasies to play with."

The couple looked at each other and grinned. "Yes, I think we can do that," Adam said.

Thorne watched his brother and the mature studmuffin head for the dance floor as he stood by the buffet table eating oysters and sipping nonalcoholic champagne. As their humpy host walked by, he remembered a question that had been on the back burner of his mind.

"Victor, just the guy I want to talk to," Thorne said, taking Victor by the arm. I want to ask you something."

"Certainly, Thorne. What is it?"

"It's about that little present you gave us."

"Oh? What about it?"

"Who did you get to videotape the party?"

"I had to have someone I could trust, so I called on John Silva. You have to admit, he did an excellent job."

"I can't deny that. Tarik and I fucked ourselves silly while we were watching it."

"Speaking of fucking," the lusty tycoon said with a look that could make a man's pucker twitch on the spot, "how does an encore performance suit your fancy?"

Thorne paused. Victor Newman was utter temptation wrapped in such a sexy package, standing there with that look in his eye, his shirt open down to his abs and that spellbinding cock outlined in his slacks. Those nights in Genoa City a year ago were so memorable to the Forrester groom-to-be. Maybe it wouldn't hurt, just this one night, to have sex again with this incredibly studly man.....

At that moment a movement at the corner of his eye caught his attention, and he beheld his Rastafarian prince holding court with a group of guests. He looked like a dream, and yet he was a dream firmly planted in reality. His dream. Always and forever. Sighing amorously, Thorne turned his attention back to Victor.

"I've thought a lot about you, Victor," Thorne said, "and I want to thank you for everything you've done for me. Much as I know how I'd enjoy having you fuck me again, I'm getting married to Tarik tomorrow. When all is said and done, I'm a one-man guy at heart, and Tarik is that guy."

Although he was the sexual conqueror of men in Genoa City, Victor found himself disappointed that his hole wouldn't be the happy recipient of Tarik's love club while he plowed the delectable Forrester in front of him into another trip to the heights of ecstasy. Still, there were many other options at the party tonight, and he gave Thorne a warm smile. "I appreciate your candor, Thorne, and I respect your integrity. Tarik is one very fortunate man."

"Thank you, Victor. The thing about it is, I feel like the fortunate one. However, there is someone I know who'd really like to get it on with you."

Victor raised an eyebrow in curiosity. "Really? And who is that?"

Thorne smiled as he saw his oh-so-hot father enter the room. "There he is now. Hey Dad, over here." When Eric approached them, Thorne said impishly, "I believe you two know each other."

"Not in the way I'd like to, but I think we can remedy that situation," Victor purred. "Eric?"

"Yes, I'm sure we can," Eric said with a playful leer, boldly groping the Newman mogul's crotch.

It had been years since he'd worn them, but Thorne managed to navigate the dance floor fairly well in his three-inch platform shoes as he and Tarik danced to "Native New Yorker." He was impressed by Ridge and Adam's moves on the dance floor. Adam led Ridge in a New York Hustle as though they'd been dance partners forever, and he smiled at the way his older brother loved to be dipped. Tevin and Laron worked the floor as though they had lived on it, and probably did back in those disco days. Rick and Raymond and C.J. and Tucker even caught on to the beat by the time everyone got on the floor for "Disco Inferno." As the guests danced and/or reminisced to the music of KC and the Sunshine Band, The Trammps, Sister Sledge, Thelma Houston, Disco Tex, Van McCoy, Silver Convention, the Weather Girls, Abba, Sylvester, Diana Ross, Yvonne Ellerman, Dr. Buzzard's Original Savannah Band, the Village People, Teena Marie, Labelle, the Commodores, the Spinners and others, body temperature and heart rates rose to the levels that would sustain the libidinous men for the festivities to come. Danny, ever the expert DJ, also added extra steam to the heat by mixing in appropriate slow jams with his repertoire, inspired by the way Giovanni sneaked over to his booth and sucked his eleven-and-a-half-inch cock with relish to "Didn't I Blow Your Mind This Time."

After a tribute to Tarik with "Brick House" and a special one for Thorne---"Addicted to Love"---everyone came off the floor and headed for the tables. Once everyone was seated, Victor took the floor to toast the guests of honor and announce, with a snicker, the time for some "good clean fun." The house lights flickered on and off. When they came up in dance mode, the room filled with BeeGees music and in strutted Brad Carlton, dressed in full John Travolta, "Saturday Night Fever" disco attire. As he worked his body to the "Staying Alive" beat, the group laughed, cheered and catcalled.

Brad hadn't taken any clothes off yet, but the things he was doing with his eyes and his tongue already had people warm. "Victor may have drilled every stud in Genoa City, but Brad's still the favorite in the harem," Thorne said to Tarik as the muscle stud finally took off his white suit jacket and twirled it over his head.

"I hear you. He certainly didn't want to come up out of Brad in that video." Tarik said, watching the Carlton sex machine toss his jacket across the room and start removing his shirt. "As a matter of fact, I know just how Victor feels."

"Really? How's that?" Thorne said, seeing their entertainer remove his shirt as his fiancé slowly unzipped the front of his jumpsuit.

"Like I know a good thing when I'm in it," was Tarik's reply, squeezing Thorne's nipple as Brad pulled off his breakaway slacks. "And I'm going to be in it soon."

Erections were rampant in the room and clothes had been discarded to reveal a goodly number of tan lines by the time the luscious Brad pulled off his G-string, delightfully aroused and working the partygoers into greater heat. He spotted Eric watching him intently while squeezing his rigid shaft, and with his own hardon bouncing he sashayed over to the Forrester daddy.

"John Travolta wouldn't have done this on the dance floor, Eric," Brad said as he twisted and squeezed the older man's erect nipples, "but I'm not John Travolta. So...." Before anyone realized what had happened, Brad was sitting in Eric's lap, his arms around Eric's neck, completely impaled on that passion-inducing dick, still working his ass to the beat. The room went up. Wolf howls and generous applause abounded:

"Work it, Brad!"

"Ride that cock!"

"Grind that manpussy!"

"Dance on that dick!"

"Shake your moneymaker!"

"That's some REAL 'Night Fever.'"

Eric growled in delight at the erotic attention Brad was so brazenly giving him. "Yes Brad, that's it. Give me that asspussy. All of it. Show me how much you like my cock."

That was all the encouragement the Newman exec needed, and his body got even more into the music, his anal muscles milking the marble sex column as his piercing eyes beheld the Forrester patriarch with the look of lust.

Brad's performance was perfect to take the party into the next phase, and Clarke was more than happy to help things along. Getting down on his hands and knees, he wrapped his talented mouth around Tomas' delectable dick. Wiggling his ass in an engraved invitation, the Garrison slut felt a welcome cock pull up to his bumper, and a gleam came to his eyes when he saw Paul Williams docked inside of him.

Giovanni, in an advanced state of heat, went down on the floor and spread his cheeks wide, more than ready for anyone to take him. Victor wasted no time in plunging his legendary lust column inside the Mediterranean slut in one quick thrust. A flood of Italian escaped Giovanni's lips as the Newman master began to drill him, only to be stopped by Cole's eight-inch sex wand filling his throat. As Cole groaned happily from being impaled on Malcolm's major perpetuation of the African-American myth, John found a welcome space between Victor and Giovanni and deep-throated Giovanni's burning cock. Neil, seeing Danny standing at the DJ booth with lust-glazed eyes and stroking a raging hardon, quickly lubed up and stepped behind the horny rock star, sitting in the chair and pulling Danny's puckering mancunt onto his nine throbbing inches of need.

For the five couples watching all the erotic action, it was the best of both worlds. All those post-4th of July fireworks of hot fucking and sucking, up close and personal, had their horniness factor at the blast furnace level. At the same time, however, it had the curious effect of making them want their spouses that much more to quench those flames.

As Brad soared higher and higher in his erotic "Night Fever" dance on Eric's rod of steel, Laron and Tevin were drooling. Finally Laron grabbed his spouse from behind and said, "Come on, Tev. I hear that booty of yours calling me."

With a sizzling smile, Tevin grabbed Laron's huge, demanding penis and guided it into the valley between his light cinnamon, bubblicious buns. "Bring it on home, baby, just bring it on home," he purred as the butterscotch dick that knew how to push all of his buttons for the last twenty-one years worked its enjoyable way inside of him.

It was more than the guests of honor could handle. Inspired by Tucker and C.J., Tarik had picked up Thorne and was walking around the room with him, his tribute to Sears Tower fully embedded in Thorne's ecstatic asspussy, sensuously pumping his very happy fiancé to admiring looks and ribald remarks. Every so often he would stop and plunder Thorne's mouth with his tongue, still working his dick and rocking to the music. It was enough to put the Forrester groom-to-be into the stratosphere, making him almost lightheaded from the pleasure. When he came back to earth for a moment, he looked down and saw Rick merrily drilling Raymond on one side of him. On the other side, his father and Brad were rapidly building toward a major climax. In front of him, Ridge was down on his knees, feverishly paying oral tribute to Adam's formidable manmeat. Already on sensory overload from all the sexual energy being expended around him, Tarik chose that moment to hit his G-spot that certain way, and Thorne was lost. The spurts of seed from his studpole drenched the pair, while his vicious grip on Tarik's earthmover caused a serious internal drenching of Thorne's fuck chute.

Brad was next, shouting at the top of his lungs as his orgasm overtook him like a tsunami. Eric cut loose with a loud growl as he poured his heavy load inside of Brad, and soon more howls and cries of climax kicked in like the greatest sexual domino effect. Danny, with his sex juice pooling in his crotch and still impaled to the hilt on Neil's shaft, managed to find a Barry White CD to allow the guests some time to resume normal breathing. Victor, having emptied his nuts into a very satiated Giovanni, looked over at the Carlton studmuffin who had collapsed onto Eric's chest. "Thank you, Brad, for that most amazing performance. This may not be Saturday night, but you definitely succeeded in working up a fever in this crowd," he said with a titillating leer of approval.

After gathering towels from the generous supply and wiping themselves down, the hot, horny guests soon crowded around the refreshment area, wolfing down oysters and quenching their thirsts. Tarik and Thorne were congratulated again with lots of hugs and kisses, and Victor was loudly cheered and applauded for his expertise in planning the stag party. And what a stag party it was---stags in rut, that is. For the next round of purple passion, Danny had put on a tape and taken a break from spinning discs, and was now plundering Cole's manpussy with his spicy eleven-and-a-half inches on top of a table. Cock sluts Clarke and Giovanni were in a heated sixty-nine, spurred on by the way Tomas and John were plowing their juicy fuck tunnels. Victor was in his glory, drilling the ever-willing Brad while Malcolm was behind him, long-dicking the Newman daddy's ravenous hole. And Eric took great delight in watching his ironhard, mature manmeat disappear into Neil's plump, round, honey-colored ass, even as Paul was working his trowel of a cock past the lust-crazed Newman exec's lips and down his throat.

Thorne was blown away. He had never dreamed that seeing his brothers and father in action could be such a turn-on. There was the sexy way Ridge begged Adam to keep fucking him as only a major bottom can. The way Rick took Raymond doggie-style and made the hot entertainer's tobacco brown buns jiggle every time his impressive fucktool rammed deep and hard within. As for his father, the Forrester sex puppy still found it hard to believe that earlier Eric had deep-throated every thick, pulsating, gullet-filling inch of Victor's legendary studmeat.

Some time later, fresh from a sensuous shower, Tarik and Thorne rejoined the party, taking a spot near one of the picture windows and moving to the music of the Village People's "Macho Man." They looked outside into the night, smiling lustily at the full moon and certain that it had to have had some bearing on the horniness level everyone was joyfully experiencing. As they looked back into the ballroom at one couple in particular, they were sure of it.

"Looks like Malcolm didn't waste any time getting into John's legal briefs," Tarik said as the couple watched Malcolm pistoning his thirteen cashew-colored inches into John's eager tunnel of love while John voiced his supreme pleasure in Spanish.

Thorne smiled approvingly at the effect Malcolm's ministrations were having on John's uncut ten-and-a-half inch chorizo. "Come to think of it, that's the first time John's let anyone in his ass tonight. Think that means something?"

"I wouldn't be surprised. Look at them. Look at the way they are with each other."

"Mmmmmmmhmmmmm. And your illustrious colleague is harder than the Hope Diamond. Malcolm must be punching his G-spot bigtime."

"Yeah, I think we may be seeing a love connection here. Think Malcolm will spread his cheeks for John?"

"With that look in his eye? He'll do it faster than you can say, 'Climb on it.' Besides, it happened with Ridge and Adam the first time."

"What happened with us?" a voice from behind them said.

"Hey, Adam," Tarik said, exchanging smug grins with the other couple. He crooked his head in the direction of John and Malcolm's heated lovemaking. "Thorne was just saying you were like that after the first time you two made love---an item."

"Without a doubt. He worked his way into my heart that night---as well as my ass," Ridge said blissfully as he squeezed Adam's rigid cock. "And nobody's getting any of this but me."

"Excuse me, Ridge, but when I last checked, it had your name written all over it," Adam playfully chided.

"Good. Then put it where it belongs."

"Not so fast, Ridge. You haven't said the magic words."

"Adam, please fuck me before I go out of my mind here in front of my brother and his fiancé."

Adam grinned wickedly as he worked his pole back into Ridge's happy love canal. "Better now, my prince?"

"You know it," Ridge said, purring like a contented cat.

"You guys do that very well," Thorne sighed as he watched the standing couple now engaged in a slow fuck.

"Do I hear my baby saying he wants his hole filled, too?" Tarik teased.

"In a heartbeat," was Thorne's reply as he reached for Tarik's giant redwood.

"I guess you'll have to excuse us, you two. Pleasure duty calls, and we need a little more room."

"Oh, don't mind us," Adam said after sucking Ridge's earlobe. "We have plenty of ways to keep busy."

"I'll just bet you do."

"What have you guys been doing all this time, drilling for oil?" Tevin teased as he and Laron passed Rick and C.J., who had just finished making sperm deposits into the very receptive holes of their boyfriends.

"You should talk, after that gusher Laron drilled out of you," C.J. retorted with a laugh.

"Touché. But just remember I've seen you in action tonight, too." Tevin eyed the smug grins of Tucker and Raymond. "You are going to shut them up once you plug their screaming pussies, right?"

"What do you think?" was Tucker's slightly wicked reply.

"I thought so. We'll see you hotties later."

As the older couple left for the nearest shower, the younger couples curled up together to watch the fun a scant ten feet away. Danny proved to be quite talented, judging from the way his hungry hole devoured Brad and Paul's studtools simultaneously while his tonsils were waiting to be whitewashed by Giovanni. Victor had Tomas' legs spreadeagled, deep-dicking him into begging for more. A few feet further away, Clarke was groaning merrily. Like Giovanni, he had eagerly taken every unattached cock at the party and was now basking in the pleasure of getting his ass pounded by Eric again.

"I always had my suspicions about Danny," Tucker said as he watched how thoroughly the legendary rock star was enjoying being filled at both ends. "There was just something about him when I'd see him perform."

"He certainly was drooling at your cock tonight," C.J. said, smirking. "I bet if you'd have given him the green light, he would have been down on his knees before you could blink."

"He seems to be doing fine right now."

"He sure is," Raymond said. "He's a dick lover from way back. I don't know how he managed to keep three wives in the dark about it."

"So what did he say about your decision to come out?" Rick asked.

"According to him, it's a crapshoot. I could lose a lot of fans, gain new ones or nothing may change, but he told me not to let anyone talk me out of it the way he allowed his people to do to him. Isn't that something? This dude actually said he admired my courage."

"Maybe he'll change his mind one day and come out after all."

"If he does, we can say we knew it first," C.J. declared. "As for my dad, I never thought he was such a slut for cock."

"And the two of them together? Go figure," Rick said as he watched the wild coupling between his father and Clarke build. "The funny thing about it is, it's making me horny."

"Me too," C.J. said, looking down for a moment at his very erect studmeat.

"Well, I think we can take care of that little problem for you," Tucker said huskily, pulling the Spectra cutie's warm ass onto his ready and randy rocket while Rick's mancunt welcomed Raymond's majestic love column once more.

"Man, will you check out those two," Tevin said as he was enjoying another helping of Laron's hot booty box, feeling the dampness in his dreadlocks as he wiped sweat off his face.

"Yeah," Laron breathed in contentment at the feel of his husband's familiar ten inches working his ass channel. "I had a feeling there was some special chemistry between them. I know exactly how Malcolm feels right now. What do you think, Neil?"

Neil felt his dick get harder in Brad's mouth as he watched Malcolm on his back with his legs reaching for the sky, a beatific smile on his face as John plundered his depths with his dickstick of delight. "I'd say I've never seen my brother so happy. They talked for quite a while earlier before the guests of honor arrived, but they haven't been separated more than a minute since he jumped in John's ass---dancing together, showering together, snacks and lots of sweet talk."

Just then Malcolm let out a blissful cry as John's love tool hit his special spot, causing the love juice to spray out of his fire hose. Spurred by the erotic sight of the new lovers, Tevin cried out, "Oh, fuck!" as he let loose with a load of semen into Laron's warm, luscious hole. Some thirty seconds later, Laron's cry followed with salvoes of hot cream from his twelve-inch cannon.

While Malcolm was basking in the afterglow of the moment and enjoying John's kisses, he was interrupted by a "Well, well, well." Looking in the direction of the voice with a sated grin, he spotted Neil and Brad taking a spot just a few feet away from him. As he prepared to plow Brad's spicy, eager love canal, Neil drank in the sight of his younger brother lying there reveling in the feelings of being covered and filled by John, and gave him a knowing smirk.

"Keep that up, Malcolm, and John's really going to have you switching your ass for him."

"And you know love it," Brad added as he felt Neil's honey stick open his manpussy.

Feeling John move his dickmeat inside him, Malcolm let out a soft giggle of delight as he said, "If he can dick me like this, I'll switch it for him any time he wants it. Right, baby?"

"That's right, querido, as long as you can keep my ass filled up with that horsecock of yours," John said with a very amorous smile as he rubbed the fresh streaks of cum into the satisfied photographer's six-pack. "As a matter of fact, I can feel it starting to itch again."

"I knew it, I knew it," Laron said as he and Tevin joined the group. "Somebody's dick-whipped."

"And Malcolm has more than enough to scratch that itch, from what I've seen tonight," Tevin said. "Does this mean that you're going to be having him in your office for private consultations?"

"I hope so," John said happily as he felt Malcolm's fingers working their way into his appreciative hole. "He's the only man who's ever been in me."

"What?!" Malcolm said in shock and happiness. "Are you saying that you've never been dicked by Victor?"

"No, querido. The opportunity just never presented itself. Besides," John said with a look that made Malcolm's heart leap, "you're the only one I want in my culo."

"Fine by me, baby, fine by me. And as of tonight, my ass is yours. By the way, where is our host?"

"Working the room---or should I say, working Paul," Tevin replied as the group caught sight of the ace detective bent over a table, his prick achingly hard as the sexy tycoon gave his fuckhole a workout.

"I hope we have that kind of endurance when we get to be his age," Neil said as he walked his way in and out of Brad.

"Unless my ass is deceiving me, you're well on your way already," Brad cooed, working his anal walls around the dick that was giving him so much pleasure.

At one point in the party, in the wee hours of the morning, for the entire twenty minutes Donna Summer moaned passionately to "Love to Love You Baby," all the Forrester and Spectra men were getting dicked to delirious delight. Sitting in Adam's lap, Ridge laid his head back dreamily on his lover's shoulder as he ground his ass around Adam's steel girder. Clarke yowled like a cat in terrible heat, urging Cole to pound his mancunt to a fare-thee-well. Raymond had mounted Rick like a cur with a fresh bitch, drawing yelps of pleasure from the Forrester cutie as he sent his bubble butt to jiggling. C.J.'s eyes were clouded over in an erotic haze. Happily humped in mid-air by Tucker, he gloried in the feel of the strong, furry arms around him as he was plugged again and again. Eric was in serious sexual healing mode as he bounced up and down Victor's humongous sex tool, wonderfully shocked at the spasms inside his hungry manpussy when Victor hit his love button. As for Thorne, the rapturous smile and the lovestruck gleam in his eyes never left his face as he looked up at his soon-to-be spouse, savoring the fourteen inches that made them one, singing to the music and spurring Tarik to greater lovemaking.

The disco diva's song was by no means wasted on the other guests. As Tevin begged Laron to fuck him deeper and Malcolm gave John the ride of his life, the remaining single men formed the ultimate fuck sandwich. With Brad in front and Danny bringing up the rear, the men worked their hungry holes and raging cocks to raunchy satisfaction, heady with the pungent aroma of sex in the air.

Although the partygoers would later jokingly blame it on the full moon, the water and the oysters, they fucked and sucked until just before the crack of dawn, ending the party with a huge group climax. As Thorne power-drilled Tarik's juicy hole into a final, intense orgasm, as Tarik's virile manhood let fly with another hot load, the guests showered the couple with their copious offerings of sex cream.

"Now, doesn't this beat rice?" Victor quipped to the sated couple......

Thorne's heart was filled with love and joy the next afternoon as he and Tarik stood before the justice of the peace at the Rutland City Hall for their civil ceremony. Though they would be holding the wedding back in California in a week, this day, July 7, was the one that would officially begin their married life together.

Surrounded by their families, the two men said their vows and exchanged rings. The ceremony didn't seem as short as it actually was, not when one was pledging one's commitment to another. When the justice of the peace said, "You are now joined," Thorne and Tarik shared a tender kiss that spoke volumes of a love they would have for a lifetime.

Brooke's and Taylor's absence at the ceremony was notable, but understandable. Remembering her word, Stephanie held her peace about Adam as she and the rest of the Forresters congratulated the newlyweds along with the Singletarys. During the reception, the Forrester brothers also took some special time to better acquaint themselves with Tremain, the cute, slim, mocha-complexioned young man possessing a strong feminine aura, who had become fast friends with their sister.

As small and intimate as the civil ceremony was in Vermont, the wedding in
Bel Air was quite the gala affair. Victor was there, as was nearly everyone from the stag party---Clarke, on the other hand, knew enough not to be there. Lea De Laria was an honored guest---their "Cupid," as the newlyweds regarded her.

Preceding them down the aisle were Bridget and Shalimar, dressed in flowing, pastel yellow, retro-'30s bias cut gowns. Though Thorne had known him for months, the transformation still amazed him. As Tremain he was cute; as Shalimar he was positively stunning. The Forrester exec could very easily see Shalimar do quite well as one of their runway models if he chose to do so.

As Tamara followed the teenagers down the aisle as matron of honor, Tarik caught the admiring look Vaughan gave her---in the sunflower yellow gown she wore, she actually looked even lovelier than she was the day they were married. Even as she joined Bridget and Shalimar on the left side of the altar, Vaughan didn't take his eyes off her. Glancing at Thorne, Tarik pictured himself giving Thorne that same look after many years of marriage, and a warm smile came across his face.

To the tune of "Always and Forever," Thorne and Tarik floated down the aisle together in matching white tuxes, beaming at the friends and family that had gathered together in the packed chapel. Their parents were glowing with happiness and support for them. Smiles abounded from the guests. Victor, ever the suave and powerful presence, gave them a good-luck wink. Neil, Cole, Tomas, Giovanni, Paul, C.J., Tucker, Laron, Adam and Brad nodded in knowing approval. To the right of the altar Vincent and Valentine, Tarik's nephews, gave them the high sign along with Rick and Raymond. At the altar itself, Ridge and Tevin, their best men, were beaming.

Noticing how close together Malcolm Winters and John Silva were sitting---and holding hands---Thorne gave the new couple an encouraging smile of approval. Remembering a conversation they had the night of the stag party on how tough it had been for John to find a mate period, it was good to know that nice guys didn't always finish last.

It was so hard for the two of them not to get misty-eyed when they said their vows to one another. When they exchanged rings once again, they felt thankful and blessed to share this moment, this public declaration of their love and commitment to each other. There would always be those who would pooh-pooh the notion of two men or two women getting married, but Thorne and Tarik knew that they wouldn't have settled for anything less. As it turned out, there were but few dry eyes in the chapel as the two were pronounced husband and husband. After they shared a tender and beautiful kiss, the minister said, "I present to you Tarik and Thorne Forrester-Singletary." The assembly applauded and bubbles were blown upon the couple as they happily went back up the aisle.

Given Tarik's prominence in the city and the Forrester connection, security was tight at both the wedding and the reception. To stave off the media, the newlyweds had agreed to give one columnist who had been fair and honorable in previous dealings an exclusive story. Their precautions had been fortuitous in another way, for Amber had gotten wind of the nuptials. Stinging from Brooke's gleefully malicious tongue about the divorce and Rick's relationship with Raymond, the cheap tart had arrived at the Forrester estate for the reception inebriated and loaded for bear. Although some of the guests heard the raucous insults and verbal abuse Amber heaped upon the guards, she didn't get past the gates and was unceremoniously turned out into the street.

John and Malcolm weren't the only new twosome that came out of that wild stag party. Giovanni had become quite enamored of Danny Romalotti, who had flown to L.A. and spent the entire week with him---also in him and under him. When Danny showed up at the reception, Giovanni's face lit up like the Vegas Strip at night. When Thorne saw them actually dancing together, he felt encouraged for them. Perhaps this was the incentive Danny had needed to take those first steps out of the closet.

Shalimar also had a date, a hot, fun-loving Blatino named Fernando Harper. According to Laron and Tevin, Fernando had already asked Shalimar to the senior prom and he had passed their grueling inspection, to Shalimar's delight. Seeing them together in this setting enjoying themselves, Thorne and Tarik found themselves thinking about how much things had changed since they were teenagers, and they exchanged a smile at the thought that some things had changed for the better.

"Again, congratulations and the best of luck to you both," Victor said as he gave the newlyweds a hearty handshake. Next to Tarik, Victor Newman was the sexiest man that ever wore a tux, and Thorne knew that he would always feel gratitude for this sensuous mogul who had brought him out.

"Thanks, Victor," Thorne said. Glancing around the pool area, he lowered his voice to a conspiratorial level. "By the way, now that Malcolm's got a boyfriend, who's going to keep your hole stuffed?"

"Yeah, Victor," Tarik added. "What I saw at our stag party and what Thorne told me confirms it, not to mention the evidence of that video you sent us. When it comes to getting fucked, you like your men tall, dark, handsome and smart---and most importantly, hung bigger than you are. Admit it, Victor. You're a size queen."

"Ah, so you've found me out," the Newman magnate said with a little chuckle. "Well, I'm sure I'll find the man with all the necessary qualifications. You know me well enough to know that."

"That we do, Victor," Thorne said with a ribald grin. "Your little secret is safe with us. And we can't thank you enough for everything you've done for us."

"It was my pleasure," Victor beamed. "And if you'll excuse me, I must attend to Bradley. I'll talk to you again before you leave." As he went off to find Brad, Victor was thankful that he had left before the newlyweds had seen the look of longing coming into his eyes at the thought of Tarik's penile masterpiece; even his pucker was twitching over it as he walked. Although he was sincerely happy for Thorne and Tarik, he knew that he would only have his fantasies of having what Thorne took inside of him regularly---at least until a suitable, unattached man could be found, and the corporate giant swore he would find one soon. After all, he was Victor Newman. Perhaps I'll have this hot, sexy man fuck me on top of my desk at the office; I've never done that before, he thought. Of course I'll have him trained to my cock, but I'll make him want my hole at every opportunity he can get it. And I'll see to it that he gets it. Malcolm, you'll never know how much you made me realize what I'd been missing. And Thorne, I'll never forget you for making that birthday wish last year....

Tarik and Thorne's happiness turned out to be infectious, from the dancing to the toasts to smashing each other in the face with wedding cake. Even the problems Ridge and Adam faced with family members at this time were put aside in honor of this special and festive occasion. As they danced together with frosting-smeared faces, they endured the good-natured ribbing from their friends and families with laughter.

"You know, we could just lick this stuff off," Tarik said with a wicked grin.

Thorne's grin was equally wicked. "Really? And how do you propose we do this?"

"Easy. I start with your face, then you work on mine, and then..."

"Sounds delicious. Want to try it out tonight?"

"Definitely. We wouldn't want to scandalize our guests, would we?"

"Scandalize them? Half of them would probably want front-row seats."

"I hear you, baby. Speaking of guests, was I imagining things, or did I see Brooke at our wedding?"

Thorne's eyebrows lifted in surprise. "Brooke was there?"

"Yeah. The more I think about it, the more positive I am that I saw her there."

"Hmmmm. I would think that was the last place she'd show up at today."

"Perhaps she had to see for herself that we're serious. She put up a brave front the moment I saw her, but there was a look in her eyes."

"What kind of look?"

"As though she finally admitted to herself that it was over."

Thorne sighed. "Well, it like Rick's been telling me. I hope she can find someone else that she can be happy with---she's played out all the Forrester men. As for what Mother would say about it..."

"I know, baby, I know. But hasn't this been a fantastic day?"

"That and more, babe," Thorne beamed. "That and more. Have I told you lately that I love you?"

"Oh, about five minutes ago. But you can always tell me again," Tarik said flirtatiously.

As Thorne held his legs up and groaned happily from Tarik's persistent plowing, he couldn't help but think about how good life had been to him after so many years of nonstop, drawn-out drama. Finding the man of his dreams, marrying him and now the joy of knowing that another long-held dream would come true---Tarik also shared his desire for a child. Somehow, the ambiance of their South Pacific honeymoon was enhanced by the news. Sure, life would continue to bring its share of problems and challenges, but somehow they didn't seem as dire as they used to be. Today, right now, was a time for love, happiness and thanks for all the abundant blessings he'd been given.

He parted his lips to receive yet another of Tarik's long, mind-scattering kisses as his ears received the relaxing sound of gentle waves breaking behind them on the beach. Even the sun, benevolently shining down upon the newlyweds from above, seemed pleased.


For all of you who took the time to read and support "Bold and Beautiful Men," my heartiest thanks. Special appreciation goes to Jimmy, Hugh, Bill, Jon, Luke and Gymhunk; you guys are the best. Questions and comments can be sent to As usual, make sure you include "Bold and Beautiful Men" in the "Subject" area of your e-mail so I can readily identify it, and if you plan on contacting me to flame, it will be ignored and deleted.

Have a good one! (:-)

Next: Chapter 8: Sultan of Genoa City 1

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