Bodybuilder Fantasies

By Derek Flex

Published on Apr 19, 2000


Bodybuilder Fantasies Episode One - Aaron Maddron by Derek Flex

Author's note: The following story is pure fiction involving bodybuilders who are well-known in the public eye. No assumption is made that these bodybuilders would ever engage in the acts described herein. These are purely fantasy accounts, intended for the enjoyment of the reader.

Aaron stood in front of me at the foot of the bed. Even fully dressed, he was incredible. His award-winning physique was huge and ripped. He was definitely in contest condition. His blonde hair and sexy, slightly-crooked smile was hot. His arms were nearly ripping apart the sleeves of his royal blue polo shirt. I was totally blown away by those triceps and biceps. I couldn't take my eyes off that thick vein which bulged on the biceps muscle. And his chest pulled tightly against the fabric in the front of his shirt, accentuating every inch of muscle.

As far as my favorite bodybuilders go, Aaron Maddron had to be pretty close to the top of the list. I had spent countless hours at the sink of my bathroom, filling it with semen as I fantasized at his awesome pictures.

I looked at Aaron as I laid on the bed, and felt my cock tighten inside my jeans. It was as hard as a rock, and throbbing with desire. He smiled at me. He knew what I wanted, and he was turned-on by the prospect of blowing some guy away with his physique.

It was like a dream. Here we were in my hotel room, just Aaron and myself. All alone. It had happened like the most unbelievable fantasy.

He had been signing autographs at the convention hall. When our eyes met, he seemed to allow his gaze to linger a little longer than normal. Of course, I'm sure he could see how much I was checking him out. I was sure that a guy like him wouldn't ever, in my wildest dreams, be interested in me. But with a dizzying sequence of events, we found ourselves talking at the booth. And when the convention was over for the day, we found ourselves having dinner together in the hotel restaurant. What followed was in a word: Unbelievable.

"Do you ever get tired of people staring at you?" I asked as we started the main course.

"Well," he smiled, "Sometimes. It just depends. Actually, it's kind of a rush to see other guys glue their eyes to you. It's like you've already won, even without doing anything. They just give up and gawk at your muscles. It's as if they're saying 'I'd give anything to have a body like yours.' That's always a turnon to me." He smiled and chomped down on his skinless chicken.

I thought I'd go for a little more with the next question. "Do you ever think about the fact that many of those guys who look at your body aren't just interested in bodybuilding, per se?"

Aaron grinned as he chewed. "Yup. I guess it just comes with the territory. I know there are guys who go home and jerk off about me all the time. That's also pretty fascinating to me. Depending on the guy, I sometimes like to blow them away and maybe squeeze my pecs for them and watch them melt. It's a power rush."

"It doesn't bother you that they're having fantasizes about sex with you?"

"Naw," he smiled as he brought his napkin to his mouth. "I don't begrudge a guy for his fantasies. Let him have a little fun, I like to say."

"Geez," I said. "So, have you ever actually let a guy come on to you? Maybe lead him on and give him some good fodder for later masturbation sessions?"

"Well, I guess I have at times." Aaron took another bite and paused while he chewed. "There was this one guy. Last fall. I was doing a guest posing appearance at a convention. After the show this bodybuilder guy --just a beginner-- came up to me. We talked awhile and he asked me if I ever would be willing to pose for him. He seemed kind of cool, so we went up to his room and I posed for him for a while. I could tell he was getting off on it. He tried to hide his hand under a bath towel while he pushed on himself, but I could see what was going on. When I was done posing, I told him I was going to put on some boxers I had in my duffle bag. I pulled my posing strap off and took it pretty slow. His body started jerking a little bit while I was standing there nude."

"And you didn't do anything?" I asked.

"Well, I flexed my pecs while I fiddled with my boxers a little bit," Aaron smiled. "The kid went wacko. He couldn't stop jerking. So finally, before I put the boxers on, I walked over to him and put my hand on his shoulder and said 'glad you enjoyed the routine.' I just got dressed and left. I'll have to admit that it was such a turnon that when I got back to my room I jerked off in the shower."

"Shit," I tried to hide my excitement. "That poor guy!" I started laughing. Aaron joined in.

"I don't know, someday I'll probably get up the nerve to actually stick around and enjoy some of the fruits of my labors," he laughed.

"What do you mean?" I probed.

"I don't know. I actually think it would be kinda cool to watch a guy blow his wad while I flex for him. That'd be the ultimate power rush." Aaron's voice was almost at a whisper. "To think that just by looking at me a guy would cream right in front of me. It's like something I've kinda always dreamed about-- like having someone sort of worship your body." He got a little more serious and his eyes looked away as he envisioned the scene.

I was only too ready to help him realize this fantasy of his.

So, after only a little prodding, Aaron and I made our way up to my hotel room. We hadn't actually agreed that I was going to jerk off while he posed. We just went up there under the premise that he was just going to show me his routine.

I locked the door and playfully jumped onto the queen-sized bed. Aaron made his way to the foot of the bed, and that's where we found ourselves now.

He looked intently at me and tightened his triceps muscle on his left arm. The horseshoe bulged, nearly pulling the sleeve apart.

"Shit." I said quietly.

Aaron smiled. "You know, a lot of bodybuilders look fantastic, but many of them aren't really that strong. Maybe I should give you a little strength and flexibility demonstration."

"Shoot," I said.

Aaron walked over to the side of the bed, next to the round table which sat in front of the patio door. The curtains were pulled shut. A TV sat on the bureau behind Aaron. He faced me. Aaron bent over and placed both his hands on the carpet, his beautiful butt sticking up in the air, his legs straight.

He shifted his weight onto his hands and began to balance himself into a handstand. His back was incredible! He slowly lifted his legs up. Very slowly. His arms seemed to take the stress of his huge body in stride. Indeed, his upper arms looked as if they were the size of most men's legs so they didn't have any problem with this feat. The sleeve fabric of his shirt scooted up, exposing every rippling muscle of Aaron's triceps and biceps as he held his handstand.

"Awesome," I exclaimed.

Aaron barely shifted his weight again, and let his whole body's tonnage come to rest on his right arm. Slowly, he lifted his left arm and brought it straight against his body, resting his hand against his legs. He was doing a handstand on just one hand.

"Shiiiiit," I moaned. My cock pressed against my jeans like it was a solid steel pipe.

Then, I nearly began to pee as Aaron demonstrated his true strength. Slowly the blonde muscleman began to bend his arm. The muscles twitched and rippled as he lowered himself. Within a few seconds, his face was an inch off the floor, his whole body perfectly balanced above it, supported only by that one bulging, fucking powerful arm. Aaron pushed, and his body began to rise. He straightened it and paused, then bent it again, lowering himself into another one-arm handstand pushup. In all, he did ten reps of this inhuman strength feat. Each time he lowered and raised himself, he groaned as he exerted his strength. The sound of him working that arm, moaning and breathing, was so sensual! And with each rep I nearly came.

When he was done with his right arm, he switched to his left arm, and with the same deftness of body, Aaron did ten handstand pushups again. When he finished, he brought both hands to the carpet and supported himself and did TEN MORE two-hand handstand pushups. He breathed heavily as he reached the end, exhaling loudly as he pushed up.

Finally, Aaron was done. He brought his legs down, shifted his weight back onto his feet, and slowly stood up. His face was flushed, and his chest rose and fell as he breathed. He flopped his arms, loosely shaking out his now-pumped muscles. The polo shirt sleeves were bunched high, neatly gripping the deep crevasse between his delts and upper arms. This caused his arms to stick obscenely out of his sleeves, bulging with pumped mountains of muscles.

Aaron looked at the huge, stiff pipe that was sticking only too-obviously up my right pant leg. "You seem to like what you're seeing," he grinned.

I looked down to see what he meant, and was astonished that my boner was so obvious under my jeans. It was huge.

"Looks like those pants might be a little too tight," Aaron grinned. "You want me to help you loosen them?"

"Uh, sure," I said, barely nodding my head.

The next few seconds seemed like a dream. My stomach tightened into a huge knot and I felt lightheaded. I couldn't believe this was happening. Aaron unbuckled my belt. My genitals were screaming for release. He undid my button and began to unzip my pants. He had a slow hand. He looked down at me and gave me his trademark sexy grin.

His muscular fingers moved the zipper down, and then he took both hands and pulled the opening wide. His muscular forearms and upper arms bulged only inches in front of my eyes.

My white cotton briefs were wet with precum.

"You know, it'd be pretty cool if I could see your reaction to my posing," Aaron said. "Do you mind taking that thing out so I could watch you while I pose?"

I couldn't move. I was in shock, I think.

"Well, maybe I'll just..." Aaron's voice trailed off as he pulled my briefs down and slung them under my balls. My cock rose in the air. It was as hard and stiff as it had ever been. My heart was racing a million miles an hour. I could hear it pounding, and it wouldn't surprise me if Aaron could hear it too.

My penis stood at full erection, in adoration of Aaron's body.

Precum dripped onto my abs and dribbled down the side of my torso. Aaron took the tip of his finger and ran it from my slit hole all the way down the outer edge of my shaft, pausing just under my cut to tickle my sex spot, then continuing down to tickle me under my balls. He knew both of the places where a man likes to be touched, and he was only too willing to drive me crazy with this knowledge.

Aaron removed his finger and stood up straight. "Looks like I better get posing, or else you're going to blow before I even take my shirt off," he smiled.

Just those words were nearly enough to send me into an orgasm, but somehow I held off, knowing that this was only going to get better.

"Geezshit," Aaron grinned. "This is so cool. To think that just by looking at me, you're totally ready to shoot!" He took one step back and started untucking his shirt. "Let's see if this has any effect on you." He pulled his shirt out of his pants and tugged it up and over his head, letting it fall on the floor. His muscular torso was tighter than his pictures show. Or maybe it was just that he was in contest shape. He was TOTALLY ripped to shreds! He grinned and flexed his pecs, making them dance. He looked down at my cock and smiled again when he saw the precum almost pour out in a steady stream.

Aaron continued his stripping. He unzipped his pants and pulled them down over his objecting quads. He was wearing a metallic gray posing strap. He was limp, but a tiny spot had formed on his trunks where the tip of his cock pressed against the fabric.

"Lets see how long you can go before you loose control," he grinned.

"That isn't going to take long," I nearly moaned.

Aaron smiled and began flexing. Double biceps. I nearly came right there as he showed off those guns. He was a masterful poser, and he could tell that the slower and more laborious his posing, the more it drove me crazy. He raised his hands and put them behind his neck and tightened his abs, squirming his torso back and forth, all the while grinning that irresistible grin of his.

I brought my hand to my cock and started touching myself. Aaron liked it. He took a step towards me, his hands still behind his head, and kept gyrating his body back and forth. He bit his lower lip and bent his legs, nearly touching my face with the fabric of his trunks. My hand gripped my penis and I started masturbating myself as Aaron watched.

I looked straight up the front of his body. It was an amazing mountain range of bulging, rippling peaks and valleys, topped off by the Mt. Everest of his pecs. Aaron's trunks touched my cheek as I laid close to the edge of the bed, and I felt the warmth of his limp cock behind the fabric as it brushed against my face. Instinctively, my face turned and I opened my mouth. I began teething his limp cock, and soon the front of his trunks were wet with my saliva. His cock was still limp, but it was getting fuller. I removed my mouth and Aaron stepped back and went into a side biceps pose. His thick cock was totally outlined as the wet fabric of his trunks clung tightly.

When he was done with his side biceps pose, Aaron relaxed and said. "Let's try an experiment." He looked at my stiff cock and said "I'll bet that if you stick that thing inside my posing trunks next to my cock, I can have you shooting within a minute."

Without answering, I stopped pumping myself and got up, pulling my pants and briefs all the way off. I faced Aaron, his heavily muscled body only inches from mine. He moved closer, and we touched. I could smell the muscle on his warm body. My shirt touched his pecs, and he kind of nuzzled himself into me. He took my wet rod and stuck it inside the left leg hole of his trunks. It lied right next to his cock inside his trunks. Aaron didn't move. I didn't either.

He leaned into me, our lips nearly touching. His bulging muscles overwhelmed me. I put my hands on his arms. My fingers trembled. I moved my left hand onto his pec, and he flexed it for me. I had never felt anything like it. It totally blew me away. The corners of Aaron's mouth turned up and the center of his mouth parted, showing just the two center teeth. It was the most sexy grin I had ever seen.

I started filling his trunks with my jizz. It almost sounded like a can of shaving cream spraying as the cum squirted out in short bursts, hitting the inside of his trunks. Aaron stood still, allowing me to totally loose control in his paralyzing presence. About halfway through my orgasm, Aaron leaned into me even more, and parted my lips with his tongue. He brought his left hand up to my cheek and held it there, gently probing my mouth, holding me lightly. My hand rested on his bulging biceps; my fingers ran over and over the rigid vein on his arm.

Aaron was a fantastic kisser.

I continued offering my milk to him, and soon his trunks were sopping with my jizz. I finished and pulled out. Immediately, Aaron started tugging his trunks down. His whole genitals were wet with my slimy cream. My cum smeared all over his legs as he finished stripping.

I started stroking his cock, and within seconds, it was fully stiff. It was a well-defined penis, rising tightly against his abs. I bent over and took it in my mouth, sucking and licking it. It was incredibly stiff. A light salty taste made it even more delicious. Aaron put his hands behind his head, and soon started shooting into my mouth.

"Awwww fuck!" he groaned. His jerks were hard. My mouth filled with his sweet milk. Aaron hit a few poses as he finished his orgasm.

He decided to spend the night in my room. We began corresponding, discretely so his wife wouldn't know what he had done. Whenever he was in town we stayed together at the hotel. It was a fantasy that I lived over, and over, and over...

Tell me what you think! Please send me your comments about this story. Got a favorite bodybuilder you would like to have featured in a story? Maybe you have a favorite bodybuilder fantasy you want to share with me? Please send your thoughts to: Derek Flex at


Next: Chapter 2: Mike Matarazzo

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