Body Parts

By moc.liame@yugraluger

Published on Mar 7, 2001



Before I left my home today, on my way to work, I rearrange my clothing to allow me full access to my private parts. I rolled down my underpants to just above my knees. I remove the belt from the last belt loop on either side of my zipper and I rolled my pants tops, that contains the belt loops, back under. This allowed me complete freedom to my private parts. I don't usually do this but today was different. I woke up hot after dreaming all night about making love to another. I did not want the usually hand job that I normally do after nights like last night. I didn't do anything to myself in the shower; I just wash myself as I normally do. Oh yes, I was hot and I knew that I couldn't take this all day. I was thinking to myself that sometime today I would be jacking myself off. I wish I had another way to handle this problem of mine. I needed and wanted another outlet.

Today, I hope, would be different. I don't know why I say that because today is like every day. When I went outside, I had my coat on but I still felt the cool breeze that blew across my open dick as I got into my car. Once inside the car, I let my coat flop open showing what I had to no one in sight. I must admit that I could be larger in that department, but that was all right, it keeps me going. I had to watch myself now, I didn't want to get caught doing what I was doing as I drove down the street. I reached the red light at the end of my street and I quickly looked around for anyone that could spy on me as I continued to move my foreskin back and forth. I wasn't doing it hard enough to cause me to eject my juices, but just enough to keep me hard and hot.

I quickly got into the traffic flow and headed for the park that was close to my house. I usually went there to relaxed before I went into work. The few minutes sitting in the park just relaxed me before I got behind my desk. I didn't like my job but you need to do something.

As I drove into the parking lot, I notice one other. A pickup truck was parked on the same side that I decided to park. He had pulled in where I backed in. From this angle I was allowed a complete view of any car that drives in. I was able to watch everything around me. The driver of the truck was doing something with his hands and arms, but I couldn't tell what. I was about five or six car lengths from him and he was so much taller than I was because he had the pickup model. My car was built close to the ground. I continued to move my foreskin back and fourth. If I really wanted to, I really could jack off now. It was feeling that good. He again was moving his hands but I really could not tell what was going on, nor did I care. I guess he was doing the same as I was. I thought, what a waste. I could just walk up to his window and see what he was doing. I couldn't do that because my pants were still opened in front and besides that, I didn't care. I looked at my watch. It was about 8:00am. I needed to rearrange my clothes before I went to work so I decided to head for the men's room. I started my car and I pulled behind him as I headed for the driveway that went around the parking lot. I didn't look at him as I passed but as I made the turn onto the driveway I then looked at him. He had his driver door open and he was sitting sideways in his seat. There in his mid section was his dick sticking straight up into the air. I didn't see anything on the bottom part of his body. I believe he had a shirt on and nothing else. I couldn't believe it. Where I had rearranged my clothes in front, he just took his pants and everything off. I guess the both of us had the same idea.

I watch him as I continued down the driveway and made the turn back around into the parking lot. I droved pass him and backed into the spot on the other side of him. I rolled down my window as I back in. He said as I turned off my motor, "Are you a cop?" and I said "If I were, I wouldn't have my dick in my hands right now". I said "let me see it, I want to see your dick. I got to see your dick" He fully opened his door as I got out of my car. There it was, standing at attention, straight up in the air. Looking me straight in the eye. I don't know if there was ever a perfect dick in this world and I don't know if this was it, but I do know that I could have loved that dick as anyone could love someone's else dick. To me this dick was perfect. It looked perfect. It was beautiful. I was taken in by it. I didn't care if everyone that I knew in the world was with me right then; I wanted that dick. I said to myself "If ever I wanted to play and suck on someone else body part, this dick was it. As I said before, this dick was perfect. I was so hot. I don't believe I have ever been this hot in my whole live. I had a burning sensation from within. I forgot about my own dick. It was just hanging there, with my pants all-open around it. I started to stroke this beautiful dick with my right hand as he removed his own hands. My left hand had coupled his balls. I remember how hot his balls felt in my cool hand. He leaned back giving me as much room as I wanted and needed. I always thought my dick was nice, but compared to his, mine looked liked a piece of meat. Mine had a foreskin that allowed me to slide it up and down from the tip of my shaft to almost the hair. When the skin was back, you could see the complete redness of the staff. His didn't have that skin and his was just as red as mine. His was longer, but mine was wider. I remember going all the way down on it, not once but several times. I remember feeling his hair on my lips. Yea, I guess, I took it all. Once I stopped and raised my head, a drop of pre-com came to the top of his slit. I used my palm as I rubbed it over his dome. His eyes were still closed and he was moaning. I then lower my head as I again sucked on it. His dick was both hard and soft at the same time. I rubbed it onto my face and teeth and all around my mouth. I made a popping noise as I pull it from my mouth. I sucked on it hard, and then I sucked on it soft. I could feel it all the way back into my mouth. I was thinking that I could make it come right then. I could suck on it all day. What would I do with the liquid? Swallow it of course. I had tasted mine own on those few occasions when I made myself come. I couldn't get enough of that dome and staff. I was in love.

Let me tell you, I don't suck dicks. I only did it once when I was younger. This friend of mine wanted to suck on me all the time and I only did it to him once. I enjoyed it but I don't remember why I only did it once. I do know that I was hot that time also. We had a relationship for about 2 years and in that time I only sucked him off once. I guess I was afraid of catching something. This was different and I don't know why. I guess I was so hot that I didn't care.

He motion that I should get in and I walked around the back of his truck and I got in. My pants were still open and my dick was bouncing as I walked around his truck. Liquid had formed on my dome like his. The lot was still empty. No one in sight, we had the complete parking lot to ourselves. After I got in his truck I didn't waste any time but I again place my mouth on his dick. I continued to suck on him moving my head up and down. I guess 30 or 40 seconds had pass. I never though I would be the one to continually suck, but I did. He said he was Cumming and I rose up to watch this pure white liquid roll and roll out of the slit at the top of his tower. If fact, this liquid was whiter than white. I looked at his closed eyes and I knew he was enjoying himself. Would I have taken his liquid in my mouth, I don't know. I could have and I would have, just to see how much pleasure he was in. I had a thought of taking it in my mouth again after he had ejected, but I didn't do it. I was just watching him with his closed eyes.

He then took his index finger and wiped the fluid and dropped it out of his window onto the ground. He still didn't have any pants on. He reached over and for the first time since everything had started, he placed my dick into his mouth as he started to suck on me. He just wanted to complete me. I guess I did that good of a job on him. I didn't care if he finishes me off or not; I got what I wanted. I now knew that I could suck on someone else's dick. Oh how I was afraid to do that. A car was coming down the access road and I hurried out of his truck and got into my car. The driver of the other car looked at us as he drives quickly by and back out of the driveway. I like to know what he was thinking. I knew what I was thinking. I had enjoyed myself and I couldn't wait until the next time I did this. Oh what a good day this was going to be.

I looked at him through the open windows and I said, "next time". He quickly backed out and disappeared down the drive way and out of the park. I slowly drove over to the men's room. I was again stroking my manhood as I drove. It felt different. After I parked, I walked over to the little room and after I went in, I finish myself off. I jacked my self off not once but twice. I didn't care for I knew I would suck on a dick again and again. A ton of liquid came out of my dick and I really enjoyed what I did to myself and what I did to my new friend in the pickup. I was going to do this as many times as I wanted and could. I will meet my new friend again some day. I quickly redress and went to work. Tomorrow was another day but today was a perfect day

Believe this or not, this story is true. One other time I did met the guy in the pickup and almost everything happened the same way only the next time he made me cum before he came. He said he wanted me also. I have not seen him since the fall but spring is coming. Summer is going to be great

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