Body Painting Nude

Published on Oct 2, 1998



The storm outside had ended. But it was chilly. I alone, in my dorm room, had been reading and taking notes...making up for the party time I enjoyed during the term. The dorm was empty except for the security guards that came and went. I got to enjoy the freedom of walking buck naked down the hall to the john, shower, piss whatever and trot back to the warmth of my bed in a nice quiet room. I like my roomies, but once in awhile it's nice NOT to have them around. Some thumping above me startled me. Someone was either crashing in the dorm or some animal was loose. I pulled on my sweatshirt and went down the hall and upstairs not worrying that all I had on was my boxers and sweat shirt. I heard the noise louder and louder as I got close to the dorm room above mine. There was a light coming from the open door and I approached it carefully. What I saw took my breath away. A totally naked boy with very round buttocks was painting the walls with a roller. I cleared my throat and thought he'd shreak or grab something to hide his ample cock and balls..but all he did was jump and turn to look at me. "I thought I was the only one left here" I stammered more embarassed apparently then the naked kid in front of me. He turned facing me and smiled. I tried to keep my eyes on his face and not his smooth chest, taught stomach and tasty looking ballsac. "Naw....thought I was the only one too. Best time to paint this dump while nobody was here to complain about the smell" He turned and returned to painting. My eyes freely traced his back and buttocks again. His thick thighs had a nice fawn like hair on to play with, I thought. "What are YOU doing here?" I said studying that I had to or else I'd be flunked out. And I didn't have a family to spend Thanksgiving with anyway. He turned to me and his smile was gone. His round eyes looked past my face..the grey circles glowed as if they were lights in darkness. "Too bad" he said and I knew he meant it. "You going to paint all night?" I was just making conversation and enjoying his lack of modesty. Paint spots dotted his smooth physique. "Got to get this done so the smell will be gone by the time THEY get back" I knew he meant his two roommates. All the dorm rooms had three students in them. It was crowded.... "But none of you will be spending that much time in your rooms anyway" the freshman advisor had told us. "Want some help?" I heard my own words come out without me thinking. "Sure, but you better strip down or you'll never get the paint out" he said looking over his shoulder then turned back adding "There's another roller there". It was a if he knew I'd be coming, volunteering and stripping naked to stand beside him. My clothing lay in a pile just outside the room. My bare feet felt paint drops fall on them. He showed me how to shake the roller so few drops would fall. I stood naked beside him painting the wall. "What do you do if you get an erection?" I asked. "You get paint on it" he said without hesitaton. I bent over to look at his cock. He laughed. I saw some paint on it. We worked hard into the late night...ok, not "hard" I mean we worked diligently. And we stood in the center of the room looking at the finished job while the rest of the world slept. "You have paint on your butt" he said patting my ass. "I didn't think you noticed" I said. "Can't miss it" he said. "You should talk" I replied. "Great, two naked, bubble butts .. we can go into business painting people's homes" We laughed. "Hey look" he stood in front of me "you have paint there" "Where?" He took the roller and slid it down my chest, stomach and over my crotch. "There" "What about you?" I aimed my roller weapon and rolled it over the two round buttocks I had admired for the past couple of hours. We stopped before we spilled paint on the carpet. And after throwing newspapers that kept the carpet clean away, closing the paint cans, we went to the showers to wash the rollers and each other off. "Hey, was fun" he said. I knew I was supposed to say somethng sexy or seductive. I KNEW he felt what I felt..but instead I added "Well got to hit they I can go to the library tommorrow". We shook hands. How ridiculous, I thought, two horny, naked men who had made no secret they liked each others' bodies, shaking hands. I carried my clothes and walked naked down the hall and down the stairs. I passed the security guard on the way and we nodded. He didn't react to my nudity at all. I wondered what his dick was like. He was a tall, clean cut black man. I had never had sex with a black man. My cock hardened. But the image in my head wasn't the security guard, it was the naked kid painting the walls upstairs. I didn't even know his name. I threw the clothing on the floor and crawled into my bed..intent on sleeping or jacking off or whatever happened first. I heard the knocking and turned on the lamp. He was there, wearing boxer boxer shorts. "Hi, sorry to bother you but the paint smell is unbearable..and I think these are yours" He snapped the waistband on my boxers he wore. "Can I crash?" "Sure" I said We didn't discuss it...just naturally he walked in, pulled the boxers off and got into the bed. I moved in beside him and we began to do all we both had fantasized about upstairs. "By the way, the library is closed tommorrow" he said. I started to say "I know" but his mouth covered mine. We both loved each others' buttocks, we both slobbered over each others cocks and we both enjoyed fuckng each other. It was just becoming light outside when we came a third time all over each other. "Want to get a shower?" I asked. "Naw...I love the aroma of your sperm" he said. The week dissappeared too quickly. I was amazed how much more I seemed to be studying and learning as we lay together, our bare legs intertwined on my bed as I read. We moved his furnture back into place..but he still stayed in my room. "Want the paint smell to go completely away" he lied and I agreed. Our peers began to return that next weekend and we relunctantly put on clothing and separated. Bobby, I learned his name, showed off his work to the roommates who nodded and said they were going to get some beer. He introduced me saying I helped. They nodded and inviited me to drink with them. "So where are you going for Christmas break" One of them asked me in the bar. "Probably stay here, get caught up on stuff and paint my room" Bobby looked up and smiled. He knew I needed help. One year later, we stood side by side, totally naked using paint rollers on our first apartment. We decided to ignore fraternity life and share a place instead....and we waited for our third roommate to arrive. We found him thru the campus gay newspaper. So we decided to stay naked, paint and wait for him to help too.

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