Body Buddies

By moc.loa@tuoniKID

Published on Nov 7, 1996



Body Buddies Part 1

When I came to my senses, I realized my clenched fist was moist and my fingers were cemented shut, reinforced by love-soaked pubic hairs. The program credits were moving from the bottom to the top of the screen.

I had missed the announcement and the final awarding of trophies to the first, second and third place winners of the National Reebok Aerobic Team Championship competition. It was the final move of the last competing group that had sent me over the brink and into ecstasy.

Through carefully planned choreographic movement the three team members lunged into their final position, the thrusting hips of the blond muscled hunk pointing directly toward the upturned cheeks of his equally muscled male team member, while their female counterpart slid underneath and between their legs, ending with her upturned face directly beneath their baskets. To have been any one of the three competitors would have been an rousing experience.

It was at that point that my hand, itself, had choreographed the final movement which sent cum shooting out of my excited shaft, splattering my chest with its first shots and then dribbling over my fingers with each succeeding less forceful burst. The next few minutes were lost to the world as I recovered from both choreographed climaxes.

Disentangling my fingers from the matted hairs, I slid my hand over the bulge above my waistline toward the accumulation of wetness in the valley between my erect nipples. Damned was the inactivity that had allowed the flab to develop over the last few years.

Now, staring at the first-place winners being shown on the screen, their form-fitting tights revealing rippled, flat stomachs above equally rippled crotches, I vowed once more to begin a workout program which would bring me back into the shape I had once enjoyed.

A thought crossed my mind. Reaching across to the end table, I picked up the latest copy of Austin's gay weekly and thumbed to the classified ad section. Looking down the steamy columns, I came to an ad I had noticed before, but hadn't really paid much attention to. BODY BUDDIES was the caption. "Body Conditioning with a plus." A phone number was given.

Picking up the receiver, I punched in the number and waited a few moments before the ring was answered on the other end.

"Body Buddies at your service," was the reply. "What can I do for you?"

My heart pounded in my throat as I heard a voice of rich baritone quality, sturdy, not effeminate, and sensuously exciting.

"Uh, well I don't know for sure," I said, suddenly searching for words. "I used to be in pretty good shape, but over the last few years I've allowed my desk job to take a toll on my body and I have a few parts of me that I would like to get rid of or reshape."

"I see. And, uh, how did you know of our service?"

"Well, I subscribe to the local gay weekly and I noticed your ad," I responded.

"Very good, uh ...." and there was a hesitation.

"Kipp," I responded.

"All right Kipp. I believe that we might be able to be of service to you. Our procedure begins with a personal consultation to explain our program and then gives you the opportunity to decide if you would like to pursue it. I must tell you up front, however, that because of the amount of personal attention afforded each of our clients, our program is very expensive. But, it has proven to be the answer for many guys like yourself over the past four years. Would you like to set up an appointment?"

"Yes, I would," I said.

With that, we set up a time for 3:00 p.m. the next day. He explained that BODY BUDDIES was a service run as a separate part of a well-known gym located on Guadalupe Street, a few blocks down from the university campus. I was familiar with the place, for I had seen university hunks coming and going into the place ever since I moved into an apartment nearby.

"When you come in, ask for Dave and tell them that Kipp is calling."

With that, we hung up and I began the long impatient wait until the next day. My best friend was out of town, so to pass the time I prepared something to eat and then popped a good movie into the VCR. It was one of Tom Cruise's recent hits I had rented that afternoon while coming home from the office.

After watching the movie, I managed to get some sleep, then woke up the next morning to do laundry, wash the car, straighten the apartment and take a long soaking bath to really get myself clean, inside and out, before settling back to watch the clock until it was time to leave for the appointment.

It had been a hot day. When I got to the gym there were guys coming and going in all sorts of dress and undress. The site was impressive.

As I walked in the door there was a large wall of glass on the left. Through it, I could see guys of varying heights and statures wearing tight workout pants and tank tops. Some had impressive bulges between their legs and others were not quite so interestingly endowed. In front of me was a smaller window which opened into the check-in room. Walking to the opening, I asked the attendant to tell Dave that Kipp desired to see him.

"Oh yes, Kipp. Dave is expecting you. If you'll walk down the hall and go through the blue door, Dave will be with you directly."

I did as I was instructed. When I opened the door I saw that I was in an office attractively decorated with numerous objects associated with the male physique. Displayed on one wall were penciled drawings of nudes artistically arranged in a grouping. Directly behind the desk was a life-sized impressionistic painting of a body lying spread-eagle on his back, legs opened wide with his balls and cock dangling invitingly while huge arms were pumping iron.

Still, on another place on the wall, the framed cover of a prominent gay magazine with a handsome stud on the cover. There were potted plants sitting around the room to create a pleasing, comfortable atmosphere.

Sitting down on a long, plush couch, I noticed directly in front of me on the glass cocktail table a statue of a large penis, erecting itself from two rounded balls encased in a lifelike skin sac. I was just about to reach out and touch it when I was startled with the opening of a door. In walked the body of a man the sight of which almost took my breath away.

It was a bit older version of the hunk displayed on the magazine cover on the wall. I wondered if the object on the table was a replica of this guy also. A quick glance to his crotch revealed that as a good possibility. Extending his hand, he said, "Hi, I'm Dave. You're Kipp, I presume."

I gulped a "Yes," as his muscled hand tightly squeezed mine.

He continued, "So, you want to do some things to get into shape? That's commendable." He gave me a sweeping once over. "However, I must admit that judging from our conversation on the phone you're not in as bad a condition as I had assumed."

"Um, he must be a little impressed with me," I silently thought. "This might be even better than I had hoped."

He sat down on the couch near enough to me that as he leaned back and opened his legs, his right knee was almost touching mine. From time to time as he spoke, he reached out with his hand to emphasize a point by squeezing my thigh. That, coupled with the fact that as he sat there the loose leg opening of his trunks revealed a dark cavern of blond pubic hair, caused me to feel movement between my legs and to know that my blood was flowing and would soon reveal how pleasurable this interview was.

He explained that this program was a very expensive one, but that in the past it had been very successful and had many satisfied clients.

After explaining the costs, I agreed to accept the terms. So, after signing some paperwork and pulling out the plastic money, we began the procedure.

"Our first step," Dave said, "is to take some measurements. We want to be able to keep track of your progress, and, as you will see, some aspects of your program will depend on what size "equipment" that can handle you, and, in turn, you can handle. You will need to strip."

My heart took a jump. Although I knew this was not going to be the usual conditioning program, I was a bit inhibited at removing my clothing just now, especially since I was a bit more than just minutely aroused from sitting on the couch, listening to him talk. Anyway, I began the process.

First, off came the sneakers. Next, came the tank top and then the shorts. All that was left was the black string bikini which was beginning to strain at its seams. I looked embarrassed.

"Don't worry." Dave urged, glancing between my legs, then noticing my face. "This happens all the time with our clients."

With that, I slipped my fingers under the strings and pushed it down, awkwardly lifting my legs through the openings. Finally, there I stood, completely revealed.

"Well, Kipp, as I said before, you're not in as bad a condition as you had indicated over the phone. And, I can tell by looking at you that you already possess some things that will make this process a more satisfying one for everyone involved."

Taking the tape measure, he instructed me to make a fist and flex each of my biceps. Doing so, he measured each of them and registered the results on the form on the table.

Next, came the chest measurement. Carefully placing the tape over each, by now, erect nipple, he gathered the ends at the back and registered that measurement. Completing the neck and ankle measurements, he then placed both his cool hands on my leg, one on the inside thigh, the other on the outside calf, indicating that I should move my legs a bit more open, making it easier to take the next measurements.

He took the calf measurement and then slid the tape up higher on my leg to encircle my thigh. Completing that, he allowed the tape to slip up higher as he pulled one end of it. As it slid around my leg it rubbed against my ball sac, sending a signal to my hormonal pump to complete what had been progressing with each measurement.

With no delay, my penis was now extended to what I thought was its full length and stood there at rigid attention.

"Yep, that always works." Dave offered. "These preliminary measurements pave the way for the measurements that come next."

With that, he reach forward and took hold of my love handle. A shiver zoomed through my body as I felt the squeeze of his hand on it. He pulled it down slightly and then ran his fingers back and forth along its length a few times. "We want to be sure to take an accurate measurement of it." he said.

After he pumped a few more times, it grew even larger and a sparkle appeared at the end.

"Uh oh," he said. "We mustn't let things get messed up."

Turning around, he reached his fingers into the opening of a tissue box only to find it empty. "Oh well, this will be better anyway," he exclaimed. Squatting down, he quickly leaned forward, stuck his tongue out and in one quick movement, licked the drop of pre-cum that had oozed from the opening slit.

As he pulled back, a thread of it stretched from its still moist end to his mouth. He leaned forward once more and just enclosed the glans within his mouth and gave a suck on it that sounded like the bottom of a fountain soda. "Mmmm, you must have had Italian food last night," he said, pulling back. "A definite taste of oregano."

Staying in the squatting position, he then wrapped the tape measure around the middle of my rock hard penis. "Five and a half inches," he exclaimed. "You're bigger around than most guys are long." Using the measure the long way, he extended the end of it from the base of my cock all the way to the tip.

He pulled the skin back at the end, revealing the full helmet. "Ten and a half. Wow! I can see we're going to have to find a big buddy for you."

I thought that was the end of the measuring, so I turned, started to pick up my shorts and was interrupted with, "There's one more measurement that we haven't taken yet. If you'll just step with me through this door, we'll take care of it."

He opened the door and I walked through. In this room there was an array of equipment. I recognized it to be exercise equipment similar to most other workout equipment I had used before. Coming through the door himself, he led me over to a table exactly like one in a doctor's examination room and motioned for me to sit down on the nearest end of it.

When I did so, he gently eased me down until I was lying on my back. Completing that, he then lifted each leg and placed the heel of each foot into a stirrup-like device just like I had seen attached to the tables in doctor's examining rooms. There I was, lying on my back, legs opened wide, knees bent back with my heels in the stirrups and my ass opened to Dave's full view.

"I will be as gentle with this measurement as I can be." he said. "When we get into the full program, we are going to have to be sure and use the right sized stimulus during some of the routines." I didn't know exactly what he was talking about, but I thought I had a petty good idea.

He reached for a tube of K-Y from a nearby table. Squeezing some of the artificial pre-cum onto his fingers, he squatted down in front of my exposed hole. Lifting my head as much as I could so that I could see what he was doing, I saw him dip the index finger of his right hand into the jelly and then extend it toward my anus. Using a circular motion, he began to rub the smooth ointment round and round the opening, slowly moving toward the bull's-eye.

"For your eventual comfort," he said, "we will need to perform a minor shave job in order to eliminate any unwanted friction caused by the hairs encircling your hole. That won't keep me from getting the necessary measurement at this time, however."

As he finished the last word, I felt the penetration of his finger. He continued to turn his finger round and round as he gradually pushed in a little further with each turn.

"We have to be sure you are well lubricated. It's important that your first time here is not spoiled with any unpleasantness."

"Unpleasantness?" I thought. "How could anything going on here be unpleasant?"

After inserting the first finger as far as it could reach into the cavern, I felt him pull it out until just the end of it was still in and then I felt the addition of another finger expand the opening a little more. Then, with the same turning motions, I felt both fingers slowly making their way deep into my body.

He worked with skill, using his thumb to continue to massage around the outside of the opening, encouraging my spincture muscles to relax and receive the full length and width of his fingers. Skillfully, he continued to turn his fingers around, allowing the tips to brush against my prostate, sending thrilling vibrations throughout my whole body.

My cock was extending halfway up my stomach and juice was flowing freely out the end, filling my naval cavity even without an orgasm. I moaned with pleasure.

Sensing that I was well lubricated, he gently pulled the fingers from the opening, stood and walked over to a shelf where he took off a rectangular, cubed box. He brought it over, set it on a stand nearby and lifted the top.

There, in a neat line, were a series of flesh-like erect phalluses in graduated sizes, beginning with a relatively short, narrow one, and increasing in size to a huge, Jeff Stryker sized one.

"Before we begin your program," Dave remarked, "we are going to need to know the maximum size your hole can accommodate. Being able to utilize that to its fullest will enhance your enjoyment of the program and, in the end, give quicker and more satisfying results."

With that, he reached to the box and picked up one of the cocks, not the smallest, but not the largest either. Putting the circumcised end to my slick opening, he gently pushed it in. With practically no resistance it went in easily and just as easily came out again.

Gradually working with larger and larger cock pieces, he methodically tested my ability to accept the devices in my anal cavity. Each time he would slip one in, he would exclaim in a low, moan-like voice, "Yeah, man. That's good. Take it nice and easy." Finally, as he reached for the largest one in the display box, he said, "Now, if you can take this one, there will be no restriction as to what guy we can assign as your body buddy. There's only one person around here that can surpass these dimensions."

With that, he took the Jeff Stryker one, placed the head at the opening and began the gentle push to move it in. Again, it went in smoothly and easily. Little slurping sounds accompanied the gentle moving in and out of the well-lubricated hole.

A moan, not of pain, but of delight exited my mouth as I breathed heavily and my body convulsed in spasms of delight as the huge cock moved in and out of my body.

By now, I could tell Dave was breathing heavily, having been overcome by the sensations of the previous procedure. Leaving the big dick in my rump, he stood. Lifting my head up as far as I could, I saw him place his thumbs into the elastic waistband of his shorts and with one swift motion, push them downward. Already excited from what had been going on as well as well as the inserted dong that was still in my butt, I nearly exploded in an orgasmic convulsion as I saw what was revealed between the muscular thighs of my counselor. Bouncing like a springboard from the sudden release of the shorts, was the most breathtaking, perfectly formed piece of meat I had ever before beheld .

The circumcised, crimson colored head crowned a shaft that was large at the bottom, but increased in its diameter toward the middle of its length and then tapered slightly as it reached the outer rim of the glans. Love canals of blood snaked the length as well as offshooting around the curvature of the erotic pillar, disappearing beneath the surface, only to reappear as wiggly ridges, capturing the light and accentuating the dark caverns between them.

Hairs, cradling the piercing protrusion, were varying shades of blond, some in perspiration soaked ringlets, others feathering their way up and out from the focal point, glistening in the illumination of the room.

Hanging below by cords bulging with strained tension were two passion producing orbs, smooth and hairless, moving up and down with the pulsation of the phallic wonder, as if saying, "Take me. I'm yours."

Reaching my hand forward, and making some unintelligible utterance, I motioned for Dave to come to the side of the table. Kicking the shorts from around his ankles and stripping off the tank top, he came.

His pulsating flesh was level with my face and as I turned it to the side, my mouth opened. Almost immediately I was lapping hungrily at the piece of flesh. It was already salty from the sticky fluid oozing from the slit. I suckled the tip like a baby going for milk, and as I did, Dave's eyes rolled back as did his head, and his mouth opened wide as he sucked in breath.

"Oh, Gahhhhd," he moaned.

With slow, measured rhythm he began pumping in and out, each push going a little farther until my throat was stretched to its limit and his balls were wedged between his tight thighs and my sunken cheek. Each time he pulled out, I would tighten my lips around the shaft and feel the ripples of the blood engorged veins as knuckles do on an old-fashioned rub board.

Pulse after pulse he drove into my mouth until I was about to pass out from lack of oxygen. Making a gurgling sound, I gagged, and before I knew it Dave had withdrawn his organ, reached under me with his right hand, pulled my face to his, wrapped his other arm around my body and literally lifted me from the table.

Then in wild abandoned passion, he placed his mouth first over mine and then all over my face and neck and ears and shoulders, his tongue shooting fiery darts down to my chest and out to the taunt, hard nipples. I was gasping for air in huge convulsive heaves partly from the face fucking, but mostly from the passion emanating from this savage, erotic attack.

Swinging me around, he lifted me into a seated position, the gigantic dildo now plunged deeper into my bosom from the weight of my body. Immediately, he plunged his face into my crotch, opened his mouth and received my emblazoned penis.

Extending my hands behind me to grip the edges of the table, I leaned back, opened my legs and reveled in the glory of the attention now being given to my fuck pole by my new conditioning counselor. While I had expected this specialized conditioning program to be highly out of the ordinary and one of unusual delights, I had no idea that this preliminary introduction would be so wildly satisfying.

Up and down, up and down his head bobbed as the edges of his lips whitened from the tension that forced the blood out of them. At the same time, attached to his hands were a million "magic fingers" that ran quickly up and down the inside of my legs, underneath my balls, pinching, pulling hair and tantalizing everything from the tips of my toes to the prickly ends of my nipples.

He was a true artist that could read my inner passion and bring me right to the threshold of release before subsiding his motions enough to allow me to slide gently from the peak and then repeat the passionate delight, bringing me to the peak again and again without ever going over. Doing this more times than I could count, he then stood, pushed me backwards and gently turned me around until I was, once more, lying on my back.

Moving to the end of the table, he once again lifted my feet into the stirrups and kneeled down. In one quick motion, he pulled the phallus from my hole and immediately replaced it with his long tongue, curled as if into a soda straw, flicking it in and out of the opening as an animal satisfies an unquenchable thirst. With wild passion, I reached for my organ and began pumping it up and down in uncontrollable movement, at times forcing the skin down from the top and holding it that way until I was almost spewing ejaculate from the slit.

Keeping the discharge under control, I would once more pump the shaft until I was on the brink of explosion time and time again. Although I could have shot wildly, I wanted to save the explosion for the ultimate shared climax.

Suddenly, Dave withdrew his face from my cleft, stood, took his tool into his right hand, reached forward with his left fingers to just open the orifice of my ass, and then plunged his eight and one-half inches right up the chute, completely filling the hollowness that had a few moments before been filled with the Stryker dildo. There was no empty space.

By now, unable to remain in control of his passions, he thrust forward and backward, each time growling like an animal in heat, thrashing in and out until he was in such a frenzy that he wildly screamed and brought himself to the point where I felt a sudden gush of warm love liquid flowing inside my bowels.

Chest heaving up and down, pulling in leviathanic gasps of air, he continued to thrust in and out in diminishing frenzy as spasm after spasm emptied every microcosmic ounce of juice from his organ. With contraction after contraction of my burrowed muscles, I matched his lust and sucked in each of those jets of cum until it was nestled deep inside my body.

Reviving from the tranquil transfusion of the sementic solution, I was unable to control my desire for climax. So, grabbing my love equipment, I began to beat frenziedly.

Suddenly, just as I was coming to that ecstatic point, I felt Dave clamp his hands on top of mine, stopping the delirious movement. Just as quickly, he removed my legs from the stirrups and whipped the stirrups from their mountings. Moving to the head of the table, he lifted me until I was in a sitting position.

He slipped his hands first under my arms and then across my chest and, clasping his fingers together, he quickly pulled me until my body was stretched the full length of the examining table. Coming back to the side, he jumped onto the table, stood on his knees, straddled and faced me, positioning his ass just above my fuck pole.

He then reached between his legs with one hand, grabbed the pole, reached behind his butt with the other hand and, using his fingers, positioned the sticky end of my penis against the opening of his ass. Closing his eyes, he resolutely lowered his body, backward and downward onto the pole, allowing it to slide in smoothly until his buttocks rested firmly on my stomach.

The skin on my penis pulled tightly down toward the base. Even though there had to have been many cocks up his ass before, this instructor knew how to control the muscles around his hole to keep it tight and to provide plenty of friction for both the giver and the taker.

Then, resting his hands proudly on the top of each hip, he thrust his pelvis proudly forward and began moving his body up and down making my long, greasy cock slide in and out, up and down into the opening of his ass. Even though I was wild with excitement and needed to burst with orgasmic eruption, he continued to move up and down with measured, slow movement, keeping me right on the brink of exploding ecstasy.

"Faster, faster!" I yelled. But he didn't obey my command. Instead, he opened his mouth, threw his head back, took in long and deep breaths, matching the up and down movements on the slick pole, reveling in the delirious sensations. The muscles of his legs were drawn as tight as the skin on my penis as he controlled the descent each time. Again, I shouted, "Move that fucking ass faster!" But there was still no difference in the speed with which he propelled.

Finally, unable to control myself any longer, I reached for his still excited shaft and, wrapping both hands around it, I began to beat up and down on it fiercely. With continued frenzy, I slid the skin from the bottom of the pole to the top until his balls were even with the purple head.

Up and down I moved faster and faster, like the piston motion of a racing Thunderbird, frantically trying to force him to increase his speed. Finally, it began to work. I could see his chest beginning to move in and out a little faster.

The long deep breaths turned to shorter, quicker ones. The eyelids began to flutter and the lips clenched against his teeth as the up and down movements of his legs began to increase in speed. His hands came down and clenched at my waist on both sides as he began to pump his body up and down with gradually increasing speed.

Little by little he moved faster and faster until he was catching up with the speed I was imposing on his shaft. Together we were feeding each other's passions, milking up the held back volcanic lava.

Faster and faster we beat and we moved until his head fell forward and thrashed from side to side in uncontrollable rage and we were both emitting passionate cries of intractable lust. Building and building in frenzy and movement, we climbed and climbed in rage until suddenly, like a rowdy, stadium-filled crowd, we exploded with ear deafening screams and ejaculating fury as straight from the ends of our shafts we exploded stream after stream of hot, roaring cum into and on top of our heated, sweat glistening bodies.

Still joined together, his body fell forward on mine, mashing the just emitted juice throughout the crevices of our torsos and into the fleecy covering of our chests. Slithering up and down and from side to side in wild fury, lubricated by our own liquid graphite, our lips coupled and our tongues tangled in fractious fury, each of our bodies receiving its probing from separate love instruments.

For several minutes we lay intertwined as the ecstasies drained from our bodies. My mind drifted into a subliminal phantasm of images fed by our just completed rollick.

Reality only began to dawn as my senses were stimulated by the foaming waters of a Jacuzzi hot tub. There, caressed by my conditioning counselor, tiny bubbles nibbling at my nipples and nudging my anustic opening, I felt complete, fulfilled, apexed on the summit of rapture.

He tenderly kissed my lips, looked into my eyes and sighed, "That was only the beginning."

With that, his fingers slid from the grip on my shoulders, cascaded over my pectorals, rippled down the whiskered trail past my navel and made contact with the erotic intersection beneath the waters. My mind again drifted into celestial wonder as I watched his cherubic face disappear beneath the rolling water and make loving connection with the lustful spermatic god below. "Aaaaahhhuuuuuuhhhhhh!"

Body Buddies Part 2

Monday morning. Not usually my favorite of the week. But today, I felt different. Pushing back the cover, I lay for a few moments, allowing the cool breeze of the air conditioner to give my body its wake up call.

Early morning light was beginning to make its way into my fifteenth floor apartment, causing the white bed linens to create a halo around my naked body. Gazing into the mirrored ceiling, I studied my physique.

"Well, not what I want it to be," I thought, "But two . . . three months. . ." All night long I had dreamed of the previous Saturday and the introductory session of the Body Buddies conditioning program. Today was my first real workout session. If only I could skip work and go directly to the gym.

Continuing to watch my reflected image in the ceiling, I recalled my time with Dave on last Saturday. With my legs spread wide, I could see the fleshy Stryker dildo as he carefully maneuvered it into my ass hole.

I could feel again his probing tongue, curled to a tip, flicking the hairs around my opening, shooting its way into the puckered passageway. I could savor once more the warm rush of fluid as Dave ejaculated into the grotto of my groin and I could remember the exhilaration of his ride on top of me.

A bare-assed bronco, held on only by the human leathered saddle horn up his chute. The horn in my hand right now remembered, too, the explosion that sent burst after burst of love juice up that chute.

"Enough of that," I said out loud. I wanted to save these pent-up feelings for this afternoon's workout session.

Getting off the bed, my pumped-up penis led me to the john where I had to sit awhile, waiting for it to get soft enough to take a piss. It's always difficult for me to pee shortly after having an orgasm, or, in this case, almost having one. This "library time" in the morning is used to accomplish my daily constitution.

Today, I wanted to be sure that was well taken care of before this afternoon's workout session. While waiting, I picked up my latest fuck magazine and thumbed through the pages.

"Good studs," I thought to myself. "But not any better than the one I romped with last Saturday."

Finally accomplishing the task at hand, I dropped the tissue into the bowl, pressed the lever and then started running hot water into the sink. Wetting my face, I lathered it and then whisked off the two day old beard. Next came the shower. . The prickles of the jet spray on my nipples reminded me of the jacuzzi bubbles from two days before. That led my thoughts to the climax with Dave in the bubbling water. "Damn, what a lover," I thought.

I reached for the soap and began to lather up my body. Once again the erotic senses began overtaking me as I caressed my nipples and ran my hands down my body, fingering the insides of my thighs and gently bouncing the balls hanging in the silken storage sac.

Moving my hands to the back, I pulled the milky melons apart and fingered the "G" spot. Twirling my finger around the opening and feeling the tuft of hair encircling it, I remembered the comment Dave had made about my needing a minor "shave job". I assumed that would be coming this afternoon as a part of the workout session.

Gently, I pushed a finger into and through the opening, moving it slowly in and out past the soapy lubrication. Taking in a slow breath, I exhaled just as slowly, savoring the feeling I was able to provide for myself. I pictured the final event of the consultation from two days before.

Following our final escapade in the jacuzzi, Dave and I showered, dried off, dressed and returned once more to his office. "There's one more thing you need to accomplish before going today," he said. Picking up a three ring binder from the table behind his desk, he brought it over to where I was seated. Sitting beside me, he remarked, "You need to pick out your buddy."

"I hoped that had already been decided," I retorted while reaching out and tweaking the bulge between his legs.

"Well," he hedged. "That was just a little bonus for the program. You've really paid for a lot more and we want to be sure you get your money's worth." Secretly, I hoped that wasn't the only bonus he planned to give me.

Dave lifted the top cover of the book and began to thumb through the pages. "You may select any one of the guys that are pictured here," he said. "You will notice the 'dimensions' of each one, but as I told you earlier, since you passed the maximum test, there's not a guy in here that can't match your specifications.

He handed the book to me and I began to thumb through. Page after page of real studs. Since this was a university town, I assumed that this was how these guys were "working their way through college." Although the pictures were only head shots of the individuals, it was fun to imagine what the remainder of their bodies looked like.

Sensing that I was perhaps disappointed at not being able to see their entire bodies, Dave said, "I can assure you that you will not be disappointed in the physical attributes of any of these. They were tested and selected first of all for their "hunk appeal" as well as for their sex appeal and for what they needed to satisfy their own sexual appetites. These guys can give as well as take a lot of action."

I turned and looked at page after page of beautiful young men. I could see this was not going to be an easy decision. Finally, after weighing the facts of what visually stimulated me sexually most of the time, I zeroed in on a guy named Kevin.

According to the statistics, Kevin was twenty-one years old, five feet, eight inches tall, blond with moderate body hair and a shaft that was eight inches long when flacid and eleven inches when erect. The circumference was supposed to be five inches around.

"Well, I think I can handle that all right," I mused as I indicated with my finger the choice I had made.

"Good choice," stated Dave. "Kevin just transferred here from California at the beginning of this semester. He's spent a lot of time on the beach and has the best looking tan of any of the guys on our staff. And besides, I interviewed and auditioned him, myself, and can attest to his ability to do you a good job."

At that, Dave asked me to make an appointment at the front desk for the next Monday afternoon. He extended his hand, we shook and I made my way out his office door. Now, here I was at the beginning of that Monday.

After a few moments, I arrested my reverie and remembered that I had to get a move on. "Mustn't give the boss any reason to put a damper on this day," I thought.

Throwing together a quick breakfast, I ate, then donned the shirt, tie and suit I had selected for the day. I then threw some workout clothes into the sports bag, picked up the briefcase and made my way out the door.

The pedestrian and vehicular traffic was lost to me as I made my way to the bus stop. All that was on my mind were the mental imaginings of what was to come this afternoon with my body buddy named Kevin. The day passed so slowly that it seemed as if it would never end.

Finally, here I was, walking through the front door of the gym. "Good afternoon, Kipp," the attendant at the window chimed as I walked in. "Dave is waiting for you in his office. You may go right in."

Striding eagerly down the hall, I reached for the knob, but was startled when the door opened before I could touch it. Standing there in the opening was my counselor, Dave.

"Damn, he's good looking," I thought as I walked past him. Entering the room, my breath was nearly arrested by the sight greeting me there. This must be Kevin. There was no doubt about it. Standing there, exactly as the statistics had indicated, was another hunk of a man the likes of which I could never remember seeing before. His arms and legs were heavily muscled and were enticingly revealed through the stretched, tight tanktop and the bike shorts.

The erect nipples topping the rounded pectorals pushed out the thin material of the tank. I wondered if something had already been going on prior to my arriving. The other dimensions as revealed through the spandex were not as distinct, but I could see enough to confirm my suspicious and could tell that what he had between his legs would adequately satisfy me when the time came.

"Hi. I'm Kevin," he said as he firmly grasped my extended hand and flashed a smile that would kill.

I managed to mumble my name and express my pleasure at meeting him.

"Kipp, I notice from the notes I made last Saturday that you are going to need a small shave job each time you come for your workout," Dave said. "I hope that doesn't make you uncomfortable."

"Quite the contrary," I responded. "I've had them many times. The only difference is, I've had to give them to myself."

"Well, then this will be a new experience." Dave replied. "Your buddy here will do the honors. That way you two can begin to get to know each other." He opened the door to the room we were in the last time and indicated for the two of us to enter. "Kevin, why don't you help him undress while I set up the shaving equipment."

Awkwardly, I put my sports bag onto a bench near a set of lockers, removed my coat and stood there. I didn't really know what to do next. It really wasn't necessary for me to know, for just as swiftly as I turned around, Kevin took the coat from me, hung it in a locker and before I knew it, his fingers were gently unknotting my tie, slipping it from around my neck, then unbuttoning my shirt, first at the cuffs, and then at the front, starting at the bottom and working his way up.

When it was completely unbuttoned, he slipped his hands inside, cupped the nipples on each of my pectorals and then gently slid his hands up and over the shoulders, taking with it the shirt. He slid it down over my back, as his hands made their way down the length of my arms.

Putting his hands again on my shoulders, he gently forced me down until I was sitting on the bench.

Squatting before me, he unlaced my shoes, next slipping each of them, as well as my socks, off. He picked up first one foot and gently massaged it before doing the same to the other. I was already on the way to feeling the stirrings at the center of my body, but with these movements, the stirrings were accelerated somewhat.

Still kneeling before me, he reached for the buckle of my belt, loosened it and then slipped the fingers of his right hand into the waistband of my pants. With his left hand, he found the zipper tab and pulled it down. Reaching inside the fly, he joined the fingers of both hands in releasing the latch that alone held the top of the pants together. That opened, he allowed the two sides to flap back.

"Nice underwear," he said as he placed his opened hand around the growing bulge and gripped it firmly, giving it an upward pull. I read the motion to mean that he wanted me to stand. I obliged and when I did he reached behind me, slipped his hands in between the pants and my underwear, cupped the two mounds of my ass and slowly slipped the pants over my butt and then my legs. Shivers ran up the length of my body as I felt his hands gently touching the hair on my legs.

I assumed he would remove the underwear next. I was surprised, however, when he took me by the hand and led me to the end of the examining table which had hosted the activities two days before.

"Sit here," he said, tapping the end of the table.

I obeyed and then he moved to the side of me, gently put one hand on my back and the other on my chest and eased me backward until I was lying on my back. He then picked the stirrup trappings up from another table and mounted them at the sides of the table. Thinking that the next step would be putting my legs into them, I began to raise them to do just that when he stopped me.

"We've got to take care of these," he said, snapping one of the strings of my bikini against my skin. I relaxed my legs and he moved to the foot of the table. Leaning forward as far as he could, he placed his fingertips onto my shoulders and began making quick, dancing movements with them, moving across my body.

As he continued to do this, he slowly moved them downward, first over my nipples and into the hair of my chest, then further down my abdomen, slowing to give adequate coverage to my navel and then further until his fingers were at the strings of my bikini on each side of my waist. Slipping the fingers under the straps, he gently but firmly gave them a pull toward himself.

I lifted my butt some to allow them to slide past and then he moved them the remainder of the way down my legs and off my feet. Upon its sudden release from the undergarment, my already aroused cock sprang into the air but then flopped down onto my stomach and slightly lay over to one side.

"Dave assured me I would like you as a client," Kevin remarked, "and I can tell he was right."

With that, he lifted each leg until it was resting in the stirrup, just as it had been the other day when Dave was taking my "measurements."

In the meantime, Dave had been gathering the shaving equipment and now he brought it over and set it on another table nearby.

"I have some more business to attend to," he said. "I'll leave you two alone for awhile and will return shortly."

I nodded an O.K. and he left.

Glancing at the table as best I could, I noticed that the equipment was a bit more primitive than what I used at home. There was a mug with a brush extending out of its top and lying beside it, a straight edged razor. "Oh, so this is going to be like the good ol' days," I remarked.

"Yup," and then with a little thought, "I guess." he said. "I wonder if they did it just this way in the good ol' days, though."

He squatted down so that his face was even with my ass hole. With his fingers, he reached forward and began fingering the tuft of hair growing around the opening. He pulled on it a bit to check the length of it, I suppose, and then I felt him rest one of his fingers on the opening,

Using his other fingers, he seemed to spread the hairs open, making them extend from the center like rays from the sun. "This is going to be simple to do," he said, "And enjoyable, too."

He stood, reached over to the table and picked up the mug. Using the other hand, he twirled the brush round and round the cup, working up a rich lather. When it was sufficiently developed, he moved back to my bare butt and moved the brush toward it.

I gave a start when I felt the tips of the hairs touch my opening. It felt as if a thousand hummingbirds were fucking my rosehole with their long, skinny tongues. My breath sucked in in short spurts when he began to move the brush round and round, transferring the lather from the hair in the brush to the hair on my ass.

He continued to move it round and round, moving from a wider circle to a smaller one and then zeroing right into the opening, giving a push to the brush, forcing the puckered skin to open somewhat, allowing the silky hairs of the brush to enter somewhat.

When it was sufficiently lathered, he lay down the brush and then picked up the straight edge razor. Working with smooth, deft, movements, he began to remove the hair beneath the lather.

I could feel him place his fuck finger on the opening and his thumb on the skin of my butt and then spread them apart, making the skin taunt so that the razor would glide smoothly over it. After each swipe of the razor, he would pick up a towel, wipe the cut hair and lather from it and then reposition his fingers on the opening.

At times, it would seem as if he were extending his finger up into the opening, giving me a little teasing fuck. Once, my spincture muscles gave way and his finger slipped completely inside. Voluntarily, they contracted, and his finger was momentarily locked inside the hole.

I was immediately embarrassed and had to consciously relax so that he could remove his finger. "Sorry about that," I apologized. "Don't mention it," he responded. "Remember, I'm doing this for more than the money."

He continued to make one small cut after another until he had completely circled the anal opening. When he had finished with the razor, he took a finger and glided it all around the opening, checking for any stubble that might need a touch up. His finger felt so smooth, combined with the hairless skin and the lather.

I moaned with pleasure and he continued to rub gently, circling out and around the opening and then pinwheeling toward the center.

Suddenly, I felt a different sensation. There was something harder and more blunt pushing into the opening of my anus. Then, just as suddenly, I realized what it was. Dave was fucking my butt hole with the handle of the brush. In and out it moved, the knobbed end meeting some enjoyable resistance as it moved past the muscled opening. I felt as if I were in a euphoric dream.

By now my cock had worked itself into a rock hard rod, clear liquid running from the end of it and making a glistening stream down my side and onto the table. Finally, Kevin pulled the brush knob out of the opening for the last time and then walked over to a sink and I heard water running. Soon, he returned, and I felt a warm cloth touch the area having just received the last attention. Gently, he moved the cloth round and round my ass, wiping off the remaining lather. Finishing that, I felt his fingers administering a soft cream which I supposed was to inhibit any chaffing that might occur. All too soon that function ceased.

"I think we're finished with that part." he said. And then noticing the somewhat messy emission from my penis, he picked up the warm cloth and made it meet my penis and added, "Let's just take care of this."

He lifted the rod, making it stand straight up and then moved the cloth gently over it, cleaning the oozy fluid from its end. Secretly, I was hoping he would just lean over and clean it with his tongue. "No such luck this time," I additionally thought.

Just then, Dave re-entered the room and came to the end of the table upon which I was still lying. Reaching forward, he massaged the area that had just been shaved. "Nice and smooth," he remarked. "How was it?"

"Great," I replied. "I think we're well on our way to becoming great buddies."

Fingering my balls and picking up my extended penis he said, "I can see that. Didn't I tell you that's the way it'd be?" Giving me a slap on the butt, he continued, " Well, it's time for us to get on with the program. You two come with me."

Kevin helped me lift my legs from the stirrups and get off the table. We both followed Dave through another door and into a room I hadn't seen before. Inside was a large number of machines.

As I looked at them, I could tell they were workout equipment, but they were somewhat different in appearance from all the other workout equipment I had ever seen before. It appeared that these had been altered in some way. I was soon to see why.

"Before we begin with the actual exercises," Dave said, "We always spend some time warming up. It's important that the muscles are well stretched so that we don't overextend them. Kevin and I know each of them well, so we'll just begin each one and you join in as you see how it is done."

With that, the two of them stood on either side of me, facing the wall of mirrors. They were handsome, Dave in his coach's shorts and Kevin in his bike shorts. Although Dave's shorts were tight, they were not skin tight. They seemed to loosely mold themselves around the curvatures of his body, designed to account for the natural bulges of a man's physique.

Between his legs, there was a distinct rounding out, defined by the laced fly which was exposed. The laces made their way up from the bottom, crisscrossing over the pubic hill and ending in a bow at the edge of a lush forest of hair just barely revealed above the top of the shorts.

Kevin, on the other hand, did have on skin tight shorts and there was no padded crotch to disguise what was beneath. I had already read what his dimensions were and could tell by the shiny sculpture reflected in the mirror that the statistics didn't lie. Snaking its way to the right of the juncture point of the two lower limbs was a tubular appendage extending partially down his inner thigh. I could faintly make out the shape of the knob, but its distinction was befogged because of the tight covering of the shorts and his own natural foreskin.

The warm ups began with some lunges. Each guy stood with feet separated about three feet apart, toes pointing partially out. Hands went on the hips.

First, there was a slow lunge to the right and then one to the left, repeating the sequence for a total of twenty counts. Remember, I was stark naked, which, even though I'm not usually too self conscious to be seen without any clothes on, made me feel faintly strange, standing there between two clothed, hunks.

Naturally, I joined in the exercise, and since it was not too difficult to catch on to, my eyes went back and forth to the two guy's reflections; that is, one part of each of their reflections.

With each lunge, their "equipment" rearranged itself underneath the cloth. I could see that Kevin's dick was sliding not through the cloth, but through its own skin, allowing the glans to exit the foreskin. When it did that, its shape was more pronounced. On the opposite lunge, it would slip back into its skin covering, and the two balls would shift on the other side.

Dave's cock and balls would shift also, but since his shorts weren't as tight, I could see no definition. The bulge would move from one side of the laces to the other. You can imagine what was happening to me all the time I was watching this.

The exercise was not strenuous enough to cause my cock not to react, so there it was inching it's way out, gradually extending out to its maximum potential. Since it is so long when it is hard, it always has a "hang" to it. It would droop to the right with the right lunge and it would droop to the left with the left lunge, bouncing against the skin of my thigh with each stop in the movement.

That warm-up completed, they started the next one. For this one, each of us had a long bar which we placed behind our head, resting it on our shoulders. Extending our arms out along it, we grasped it in our hands and, standing with our legs apart and slightly bent, we would twist; again to the right and then to the left.

Dave cautioned me to hold the trunk of my body erect in order to produce the best tension. We did each of these twists a total of ten times. Still, I was as excited between my legs now as I was when we were doing the other exercise.

The third and final warm-up exercise was designed to stretch our calf muscles. Standing in front of the mirror, we placed both palms of our hands onto the mirror and then stepped the right foot back. Then, lowering the left knee, the calf of the extended leg would stretch. We would hold that for a count of five and then exchange legs and do the same thing with the other.

Since I was so close to the mirror, I couldn't see well the other two guys, but I could see my own cock perfectly. It was still extended beautifully, if I do say so myself. The foreskin was pulled back just a little so that the piss slit and about a third of the glans was revealed.

Since by now I was working up a sweat, it was obvious my body was warm. Even if I hadn't been sweating, I could have told I was warm because of the way my balls were hanging in their sac. They were drooped low, the right one hanging naturally a little lower than the other.

Each time I would lower one of my knees, all three units would dangle in unison, bouncing deliciously up and down. It made me wish I could accomplish the acrobatic act of sucking my own dick. We did each of these stretches a total of ten times.

Following the three warm-up exercises Dave said, "We are now going to begin the first in our series of actual exercises. This work out will seem easy to you now because we will do a very limited number of repetitions. However, with each succeeding session, we will add to the number of reps and it will get progressively more strenuous. This first exercise is the basic one everyone does following the warm-ups".

He stood deliciously before me. "It's the sit-up. In our gym, however, we add a different twist to it. To begin with, we place one end of this bench called the incline bench about six inches off the floor and rest the other end on the floor. You will place your feet under the ankle locks on the raised end and your head on the other end, lying down with your knees raised and bent slightly."

I did as he instructed. When I was in place he said, "Good. Now this is the way it is regularly done. However, as a part of this program we add a part that we call our 'special twist.'"

"Now, Kevin, here, is going to place one leg over your body and straddle you and the incline. A part of the conditioning which keeps his legs in shape is to squat low enough to create the muscle tension he needs and at the same time give you a target. It will seem a bit awkward at first, but you'll soon get the hang of it."

I began to see what he meant by "the hang of it." With a nod from the instructor, Kevin first grabbed the tail of the tank and peeled it enticingly up and over his head. Dropping that onto a workbench, he then inserted his thumbs into the top of the bike shorts. He turned his back to me and, with legs slightly bent, he began the push downward, slowly revealing the tight butt cheeks topping off his gigantic, adductors. Pushing further, like a tight condom stripping off a rock hard shaft, the shorts went lower, stopping at the ankles.

Still holding onto the tops, Kevin bent lower and lifted first, one leg and then the other to release them from the fabric grip. I could see from the rear view afforded me that something indeed impressive was about to make its appearance. There, suspended between the two muscular poles by cords covered with straining, satiny smooth skin, was a double bulged pouch. One bulge, slightly larger than the other drooped vulgarly lower as if the booty inside were about to drop out.

Slowly, as inch by inch of skin disappeared to be replaced by other as it came into view, he began his rotation. This carousel, though horseless, was carrying a stud never the less. With laser eyes piercing the distance between us, I locked in on the searing, hot body as it bit by bit revealed its payload.

So intent was my gaze locked onto the appearing warhead that I quit breathing at the sight it. His picture did him no justice. For there, standing to the side of me was the most beautiful hunk of man I had ever seen.

Big, rounded, melon-shaped, hairless pectorals, each topped with a deep rose-colored, erect nipple in the center, stared back at my intense gape. Encircling the raised primroses were scores of hairless follicle studs catching the illumination of the room and making a "thousand points of light." Sweeping the gaze lower, my eyes were feasted with the view of a cock hanging a full eight inches long, its length causing it to arch out over the ball sac. Highlights accentuated the deep shadows cast by the bulging veins weaving back and forth and juncturing with each other around the length of the weighty spout.

The fireman's hat knob peeked its double nippled eye outside the tightly drawn skin. Slowly, it continued to emerge and reveal more of itself as ounce after ounce of hot blood coursed its way through the throbbing canals, painstakingly erecting the most commanding piece of manhood ever created. Bobbing back and forth as Kevin twitched his muscles, it came to dangle directly in my view as Kevin tossed the trunks aside, lifted one leg, straddled me and stood there, towering above me. Suddenly, my body forced an audible gasp as it pleaded for oxygen.

"Now," my instructor said, "the object of this exercise is for you to take the tips of your fingers, place them lightly against the back of your head and then, using the muscles in your abdomen, raise your upper torso until you can just reach the end of his penis with your lips. The exercise is best done in slow, smooth movements, raising and lowering your body for five reps, exhaling through your lips as you come up and breathing in through the nostrils as you come down."

Boy, this was going to be some workout. Kevin, evidently accustomed to this activity, squatted down just the right amount so that his cock was about two feet above and in front of me. He was close enough that I could smell the athletic musk aroma from his groin. "Well, here goes," I thought.

With that, I tightened my stomach, formed my lips into a circle and lifted my upper body, blowing out the hole in my mouth until it just touched the tip of Kevin's dangling penis. Then, I slowly lowered myself until my head rested on the bench. I wondered if this was the original meaning of the term "blow job."

I noticed that each time I came up, I had to rise a little higher, because the penis was becoming enlarged and was gradually straightening and lifting up with each succeeding rep.

Each time my head came up he had to move his butt back just enough to keep my mouth from covering the shaft of his tool. My lips could only get as far as touching the taut end of the foreskin that was still stretched tightly over two-thirds of his glans.

With each repetition, I could see a little bit more of his natural love lubricant oozing out of the slit. Finally, by the last rep, a string of it kept attached to my lips, arching downward and coming to rest on my chest. It soon became evident what "body conditioning with a plus" meant. The trick of this program is to make you work hard to do what you really want to do, without worrying about the pain involved.

At the end of the five reps, my instructor interrupted, "That's great Dave. Now we'll rest for one minute and then repeat the routine." As I relaxed against the bench, Kevin continued to straddle me, but he stood up, his cock and balls dangling straight above my face.

The string of pre-cum stretched from the end of the luscious tube. To either side of me were massive legs, each of course, leading upward toward the point of focus. Lying there, my eyes closed momentarily as I reveled in these sensuous moments and pictured in my mind all the glorious things I'd like to do to that luscious body.

Body Buddies Part 3

My reverie was broken by a voice saying, "Now don't go to sleep on us."

"Oh, there's no danger of that," I replied as I opened my eyes. There, still above me was my own personal, naked workout partner straddling my body as I lay back on the incline sit-up board. "How could one be so lucky?," I thought.

Looking up, I studied his special equipment. Although his balls were loose in the skin, they were very large, with the one still hanging slightly lower than the other. The skin stretched around them, seeming almost transparent from the tightness caused by their weight. The tiny blood vessels feathered their way in miniature systems just underneath the surface. The natural seam separating both sides of the sack into separate compartments made its way from the base of his cock, under the orbs, and led to places lost to view from my present position. As I studied them, I could tell that he must periodically get a shave job done on them, for there were no hairs protruding from the follicle openings.

By now, his shaft had grown considerably in size. I could tell that he enjoyed this part of his job as much as I did. Since his penis was so long, even as it hardened, it still arched downward, but now the veins were straining on the side and their dark color accented the elongated tube. He was uncut, but the end of the shaft was still perfectly shaped like a fireman's hat, the outer edge well defined as it stretched the sheath of skin covering it.

"Well, the minute's up. Time for the second rep."

"Let's get going," I said.

Kevin squatted again, this time having to step backward a bit more because of the lengthening of his shaft from the first set of sit-ups. With the fingers of his right hand he touched the end of his penis, brushing off some of the liquid. He then reached down and quickly massaged that, as well as the other that had collected there, into my chest before putting his hand back onto his hip. Pursing my lips once more, I placed my fingertips behind my head and began to steadily rise up. There it was, my target hanging deliciously ready for my lips.

This time, I tried to raise a little higher and open my lips a bit more so that I could take more of the head into my mouth. He didn't move his butt backward as I touched him. Instead, he held a steady stance, the look on his face showing that he was also savoring this part of the exercise. It worked, and I used my tongue to just pry underneath the remaining skin covering his shaft. With each lift, I was able to push the skin further back until, by the last rep of this set, I had succeeded in revealing the entire hat.

All too soon the five reps were over and as I started up for the sixth, my instructor placed his hand on my shoulder, stopping me from completing it. "Not too many." he said. " We want you to have a good beginning and not be too sore after this first workout."

It had already been a good beginning, and I felt I could go on doing this forever without ever any thought of soreness.

The next exercise was one which was not in the least similar to any I had ever seen before. My instructor said that it also was designed to tighten the abdomen. "Now, you are to sit down on this stool." It was a stool which was at the end of and on an equal level with another bench.

Once I had done this, Dave said, "It is necessary for you to now lie back onto the bench."

As I lay back, I discovered that there were two padded columns on either side of the bench around which I was to wrap each arm for support. As I was now, my butt was resting on the stool and my knees were bent with my feet planted on the floor. Next, Dave and Kevin each took one of my legs, straightened them out, bringing them up horizontally to the same level as the remainder of my body. They then opened them up until they formed an open V, moved another padded bench under them and rested them there.

Kevin had been wearing padded stretch weights around his wrists. He took one of them off, stepped into the opening between my legs and then waited for my instructor to explain what was taking place. "Now, Kevin is going to add some more weight to your body in order to make you work a little bit harder."

With that, he clenched his right hand into a fist and slid the weight off his wrist until it encompassed the fist. Then, with his fist opened as much as possible, he reached forward with his left hand, gathered my cock and balls into as small a wad as possible and then place his opened hand over them. There was slight pain as he compressed the shaft and orbs together, but once he had them enclosed, he carefully guided the wrist weight off the fist and onto and around my gathered jewels, forming a gigantic cock ring from the softened weight.

"Hot Damn!" I exclaimed.

Dave then explained that in a moment, he was going to remove the stool from under my butt, and the object of this exercise was to relax my stomach muscles, allowing my butt to be pulled by gravity toward the floor and then bring it back to the horizontal level of my body by tightening my stomach muscles. He explained that before he did that, however, he wanted me to feel what the weight would do to my balls. With that, Kevin leaned over, and with his fingers reaching under the weight he bounced them up and down, allowing my cock and balls to move the same way. By this time, my cock was so full of excitement that it stood straight out from the furry covering of the weighted cock ring. Damn, it felt so good.

Seeing my arousal, Dave said that he was going to add another aspect to the exercise which he did not always do the first time. With that, he placed two benches horizontally on either side of the bench upon which I was lying. Kevin then straddled me in a sixty-nine position, his knees resting on the benches on either side of me. He placed his mouth above my shaft and arranged his rod just above my face. That arrangement in place, Dave then removed the stool from under me and I was about to begin the process of lowering my hips and then bringing them up again when Kevin said, "Wait!"

Since I was lying with my face straight up, I wasn't aware of any reason I should wait. "I want to get this cock lubricated before we begin," he said. Holding himself up with one arm, he took the towering shaft in the other hand, leaned forward and first took the entire length of penis into his mouth. Doing that, he then slid it out and producing salivated ointment from his mouth, he proceeded to spread it all around the shaft with his tongue, going up and down the length of it and ending at the tip with circling motions around the edge of the glans. When he finished that he said, "Okay, you can begin."

I did begin, and each time I lifted my butt, my extended shaft slipped into Kevin's mouth. Up and down I went as Kevin's lips tightened around the extension, making them feel like a tight ass hole opening. I fucked in and I fucked out. I could feel the end of my cock going up into Kevin's throat. The only amazing thing about it was that I couldn't feel his teeth grating against any part of the skin. Again, we were to do two sets of five reps. Each time I came up, I held that position as long as I could, allowing my penis the stay in Kevin's mouth. God, why stop with five reps.

The wait between sets seemed like an eternity. But as I lay there, I could look up at Kevin's penis and balls hanging above my face. Not only could I see them, but I could smell them as well. My eyes circled round and round his equipment, memorizing its individualistic curves and crevices. I memorized the two little nippled peaks at the end of the glans with the slit extending between them. I memorized the curvature of the penis as each vein inched its way down the long length and provided the blood that pumped its way into this perfect specimen of manhood. I memorized the seam of the ball sac as I could now see it make its way to the anus opening. I memorized each sight and smell, storing it in the computer bank of my mind, ready to pull it out upon demand when I needed it for my personal use when I would not be at the gym.

Dave broke the silence of my reverie with the words, "Okay, Kip. You can get your ass to moving again." Then came the next five reps. Slowly up and slowly down, gliding up and gliding down, fucking in and fucking out, dilatorily moving my love rod high into Kevin's throat and then out again. It's a good thing there were only five more to do. I know the sixth thrust would have sent me into immediate orgasmic response. The sensation of the weight on my balls being lifted up and down was spectacular. I vowed to buy myself a wrist weight and reward myself with the sensation of wearing a cock ring like that all day long. Kevin removed himself from above me and at the same time Dave asked, "Well, how do you like it so far?"

"Hot damn!" I said. "Hot damn! I never want this to end."

"Oh yes you do." stated Dave. "The end is the best." It dawned on me what he meant, for each workout session was to end with a "reward" for successful accomplishment of each session's objectives.

The next exercise explained to me was a squat. Dave insisted that we begin with a very light weight on the barbell which was hoisted and placed behind my neck, resting on my shoulders. He then explained that I was to squat, being careful to keep my back perpendicular to the floor, and then stand back up again. He demonstrated it for me. As he went down, the muscles in his legs strained and the fabric of the shorts tightened across his round butt. Taking the barbell from across his shoulders and placing it on the floor he said, "Now, it's your turn." I started to squat down when he interrupted with, "However, there is still one additional part to it."

I thought for a moment and then said, "Ah, yes. The twist."

"Before you begin, there is a little work to do." With that, he nodded to Kevin. Kevin moved to one of the narrow workout benches and lay down on it, his ass cheeks resting just on the end of it. He then opened his legs wide, allowing his cock and balls to dangle freely. "In order for this exercise to work properly, Kevin has to be aroused to the point that his penis is stimulated to its maximum. Your first job is to get it hard and you can do it any way you want to."

"Seeing a lot of the work has already been done, I think I can take care of that." I said. So, kneeling down between his legs, I reached forward, and, using both hands, took his shaft in one and worked each of his orbs with the other. They moved around easily in their skin sac. I pulled on them and I could tell by the moans elicited from Kevin's mouth that it caused mild, luscious pain. I felt his sausage stiffen as I manipulated them.

Wanting to arouse him more, I formed my lips into a circle and began to blow warm breath on them. Then, I opened my mouth as wide as I could and placed it on and around each orb one at a time, using my tongue to rub the hairless skin to cause the blood to circulate around the nuts. After two or three minutes of doing this, I began to see two differences. First, the cords attaching the nuts to the groin began to pull tightly and then loosen, making his balls move up and down in the sack. His shaft had tightened and had become rock hard and was also throbbing in unison with the nuts. Letting go of it, it was standing tall and erect, resembling the leaning tower is Pisa, except that it was swaying back and forth. I further inspired it by putting my mouth over the end of it and slowing sliding up and down on it, tightening my lips as I did so. The veins on the side began to grow also and I could feel them nearly bursting through the skin of his shaft as my lips moved up and down. It didn't take very many strokes until it was ready for the next exercise. He was ready, but I was not quite ready yet.

Dave said, "You need to bend over." When I did so, he took a tube of KY, squeezed an amount out on his fingers and then rubbed in onto and around my asshole, gently sticking his middle finger into the opening. "We've got to make sure you are well greased for this one." he said.

With this, I picked up the lightly weighted barbell, and straddled Kevin. Kevin placed his legs together and held his shaft in place while I stood directly above it. Upon a signal from Dave, I slowly began to squat until I could feel the end of Kevin's shaft touching the puckered opening of my butt. Going a little lower, I felt the spinctered hole open and I felt the shaft begin to make its way up the slick opening. Ahhhhhhhh! What a sensation. Since he was so long, I almost immediately felt the end of his penis hit the spot of ecstasy. I wanted to stay in that position, but that would not be executing the exercise properly. So, tightening my calves and thighs, I began my rise up and off the stick. Stopping at the top only momentarily, I began the decline again and once more felt the engorging of my hole as his shaft slid easily in. There was a duet of moans coming from both Kevin's and my mouth. It was pure ecstasy for both of us. After one set of five, I stood for a few moments to allow my leg muscles to recuperate from their exertion. What exertion, I thought.

The second set of five was to be a little different. "This time, " Dave said, "you are going to give yourself a treat." He explained to me that once I had squatted onto the tube, I was to hold that position and then gently bounce up and down, giving myself a fuck.

That is exactly what I did. I quickly moved up and down in short quick bursts and then came up slowly, allowing the swollen flesh to ease out of my hole until I felt the head barely inside the opening. Then, I plunged downward again until I felt it hit against the prostate gland and shoot pulses throughout my body and groans of pleasure from Kevin. Each time I went down, I felt his tube grow larger and harder.

Because of the way he was thrashing his head back and forth, squeezing his eyes tightly shut, gritting his teeth and breathing heavily and quick, I could tell that he was about to reach the ultimate point over which he would have no control. Dave, realizing the same thing, stopped me before we both reached a point of no return.

"God damn it. What a fuck, man!" Dave screamed ecstatically. "Man, this is the ultimate!"

His breath was still coming in convulsions as I disengaged myself from his tool and stepped aside, putting the barbell on the floor. For a few moments I couldn't stand with my legs together. I felt just like I had been on an all day ride on a wide-assed saddle. I reached between my legs and rubbed the hole that had just had the workout. As I stuck a finger inside, the muscle voluntarily grabbed it and clamped tightly around it holding it in its capture. Slowly and forcefully I withdrew it from the opening.

The next exercise we undertook was a very unique version of the bench press. For this particular exercise, the gym had constructed a special device using chains and counterlevers. The object was to lie on your back on a bench under a set of barbells upon which had been constructed a special seat. This seat allowed someone to sit and at the same time extend their butt over and behind the bar. Through the adding and taking away of counterweights, the amount of force needed to raise and lower the barbell could be controlled to equal the number of pounds desired.

The seat was specially designed to conform to the relative uniform shape of buttocks. It was unique, however, in that the bottom of it was open. Anyone sitting in it was treated to the special sensation of having your ass cheeks gently pulled open and your butt hole exposed.

After I lay on my back, Kevin climbed onto the seat and the instructor adjusted the weights so that with the proper amount of exertion, I could push the bar up and allow it to come back down with moderate ease. Of course, the plus to this exercise was the fact that as Kevin sat in the seat, his butt hole was directly above my face. As my arms allowed it to come down, his spinctered hole came right down to my mouth and with my extended tongue, I could insert it in the opening.

While I had my arms extended I could get a beautiful view of the tight, but pliable muscle. I could tell that whenever Kevin got his balls shaved, he must have also had his butt hole shaved, for there were no hairs growing around the opening. It was all silky smooth and a delight to see as well as run my tongue around and into the circle. He groaned with pleasure as I allowed him to come down and he grunted words of encouragement to entice me to raise him up and then lower him onto my curled, extended tongue. Again, we did two sets of five repetitions before this exercise was over.

The next new exercise was an adaptation of the leg press. The Universal machine had been adapted to accommodate this variation. The distance that the seat sat from the structure of the machine had been lengthened enough so as to allow a person to kneel in front on a roller platform. While sitting there with your legs open and resting on the foot pads, you would push out. As you did so, the roller platform would move away from you and, as you released the leg tension, the platform would come back to its staring position.

I sat down in the seat, opened my legs and placed my feet on the pads. The weighted cock ring pulled down just enough to allow my penis to jut out straight in front of me. It needed to extend that way because of what my workout buddy was to do. Kevin climbed onto the roller platform, kneeled down in front of me, directing his face toward my crotch. He opened his mouth, took in the length of my cock, and allowed it to go down deep into his throat. Damn, what a good feeling of warmth as the muscles of his throat closed in around it.

Upon receiving a signal from Dave, I began the actual exercise. As I pushed forward with my legs, the platform carrying Kevin moved away from me and my penis came out of his mouth. As I relaxed my legs, Kevin moved forward with opened mouth and my penis slid once more into it, moving across his tongue and down into his throat. Two sets of five reps were not enough to satisfy me, of course.

Following this exercise was one which used the same machine, but worked the muscles in my feet, ankles and calves. Instead of placing my feet flat on the pad, I placed just my toes and the balls of my feet onto the pads, extended my legs straight out and then flexed my feet, moving the platform back and forth just a little bit. The motions were quicker and not as long. For this exercise, Kevin moved forward on the platform. Once again, he placed his mouth onto my dick and I began my foot movements. As my feet moved back and forth, so did he, only this time my penis did not come out of his mouth. The result was just a really wonderful face fuck. Again, two sets of five repetitions just did not satisfy me, but, instead, made me horny for more.

After about an hour and a half of these and several more routines, we were finished with the first session; that is, all but the bonus part. The bonus was planned to be a reward for completing all the routines according to the program guideline. For this, we had to go to another special room.

Dave led the way. I followed him and Kevin followed me. When we walked through the door, I saw that it was a lavishly equipped bedroom with a gigantic waterbed at one end and a large, opened bathroom with a wall of glass exposing a beautifully landscaped garden area at the other end. Two handsome lamps cast a soft glow, augmenting the diffused light coming from outside. There was plush carpet surrounding the bed which, itself, was approximately nine inches above the level of the floor. In front of the glass was a gigantic tiled tub, full of gently flowing water. "This is where we will relax for awhile," Dave said.

Saying that, he began removing his clothes and dropping them to the floor. When he finished, both he and Kevin took me by the hands and led me into the tub of water. Around the perimeter and under the water was a ledge which gave us a place to sit. When we were seated, Kevin pushed a nearby button and suddenly the water began to froth and foam around us. There were tiny jets of air shooting out of miniature holes in the ledge. Some of the jets were immediately under my ass hole and air bubbles were trying to penetrate the opening. Others were catching my ball sac and penis and were masturbating them. I leaned my head back, stretched my arms out along the edge of the tub, opened my legs wide and just sat there, taking it all in.

In a moment I noticed an additional movement between my legs. Opening my eyes, I could see that Dave had moved directly across from me in the tub and had stretched his legs out across the expanse of water and was playing with my nuts with his toes. Although I could not see them clearly because of the foam, I could tell that he had long toes and could tell that they were very agile because of what he was doing with them. He took one of my balls between his big toe and the second toe and pulled on it. He pulled on it as far as the cord would allow and then he let go, allowing it to yank back against my groin like a yo-yo. When he finished doing that several times, he wrapped the same two toes around my extended dick and pumped up and down on it. I just stared at him as he did it, taking in the gorgeous face and the smirky grin.

Before long I had had all I could take without giving some. Lunging across the tub, I grabbed him with both arms, pulled his chest close to mine and planted my lips on top of his. He immediately opened his mouth and my tongue shot inward, sliding over his tongue and down his throat as far as it would reach. Our bodies writhed against each other and our dicks slithered back and forth across the ripples of our torso through the slippery water. Kevin then got into the action, his face pushing between ours until all three tongues were lapping at each other and hands were groping under the water feeling each other's secret places that were so alive with passionate excitement.

As if we all had the same idea at the same time, we leapt from the water, grabbed large, luxurious towels and began rubbing each other until most of the water had been extracted from the surface of our bodies. In unison movement we moved toward the bed and fell on it. As if it were all pre-planned, Dave and Kevin grabbed me, rolling me over onto my back and began working on me. Kevin stood up on the bed and lifted up one of my legs. Starting with the tip end of my toes he began slurping them into his mouth. He worked each one individually, taking time to lick between them.

At the same time he was working with his mouth, his hands were equally busy, running his fingers quickly all around my leg, up and down, reaching tantalizingly for the prize between my legs, never quite getting there, but, instead retreating back to places he had covered before. Eventually, he began working his mouth down the expanse of the leg toward the bed, where, as he got lower, he pushed my leg back a little distance toward my chest, opening up his view of the love cavern he had manicured earlier. Before I knew it, he had his lips over the opening, puckering them together, pushing then into the hole and then opening them wide in order to throw open the gunny sacked door. He thrust his razor sharp tongue inside and licked the sides until they felt raw.

At the same time, Dave had gone for my nipples and was working them over with both his hand and his mouth. Pinching them tightly until they stood at attention, he then reached forward with his mouth and took one of them between his teeth. While holding it there, he rubbed against it from inside his mouth with his tongue, causing stars to shoot throughout my body from both the pleasure and the pain.

So feverishly did Kevin work, that loud slurping noises began coming from where he was working on my butt. Drawing Dave's attention there, my tits were relieved of their assault and the attention was shifted to my cock. Bouncing around madly from the goings on around my ass, Dave quickly straddled me, grabbed my cock wildly and began devouring it madly, attacking it like a wild animal going for red meat. Plunge after plunge it went down his throat, then out again. Alternating that with running the tongue around the outside edge of the glans built me higher and higher, feverishly reaching for the climax.

Sensing my closeness to the end, he savagely took one ball in each of his hands and squeezed them tightly, bringing from my lips a blood curdling scream and was partly filled with passion but markedly the result of pain also. With the cry of pain I spasmodically lifted my head at the same time and rammed it into Dave's open ass spread wide before me.

With another quick motion I grabbed for the dangling cock and balls attached to that ass and began to work over all three parts. It was hard to keep my head lifted high enough to work on the musky crevice, but by pulling on his well-hung balls I managed to hold myself up. The strength of the pull made him take notice and almost instantly he was moaning and whimpering loudly from the pain, but not enough so that he let go of my balls. Instead, we both worked even harder than ever to mutilate what was presently under our bondage. It was at that time that I realized something was inside my ass hole and it wasn't Kevin's tongue.

Becoming cognizant of the situation, I realized that Kevin had thrust my legs higher and had rammed his tool straight up the opened chute and was churning away trying to turn the cream into butter. Dave ceased the assault on my nuts and gave his attention to Kevin. In frenzied fury he reached forward to meet Kevin's groping arms as they embraced each other there above my body while one of them continued to ram away inside of me.

Lying back onto the bed, I reached forward with both arms, grabbed Dave's dick in one hand and mine in the other. I began to feverishly pump them as all three of our bodies writhed in agony and animalistic moans and groans filled the pungent air of the room. With each second of movement we moved faster and faster, the two of them devouring each other with tongues connected at the mouth. Kevin sawed away at my butt and I pumped away, bringing the liquid of life from deep within, getting ready to burst from the two fountains of pleasure.

Faster and faster we moved. Hastier and hastier we squirmed toward the inevitable crest. Swifter and swifter we plunged hands, tongues and dicks until abruptly . . . there was a sudden stillness, a holding of breath, a pause before the plummet, an interval of nonexistence, before the beastly burst of erotic lustfulness exploded from every pore of our bodies and screams of passion tripped the trigger and detonated the armory of pent-up explosives.

Screams filled the air. Weeping washed the atmosphere. Hands and arms writhed in flailing agitation as streams and streams of hot, molten semen erupted from tepid testicles and shot through the air and into the hollow of my bosom.

Slowly, deliberately, indispensably, the pumps stopped their pumping, the gasps stopped their gasping and the hands stopped their handling until all three of our bodies were lifeless and limp, having fallen over into a mound of tender caressing and subliminal reverie.

When finally there was a realization of consciousness, I slowly opened my eyes to see that there was no outside light coming in through the bathroom window except the lights of the night on the nearby buildings. Gazing around the bed, I noticed my two new friends staring at me through the dim light of the bedside lamp. Slowly, Kevin reached across Dave and placed his hand on my hip, giving it a gentle squeeze. Dave looked first at Kevin and then at me before winking and saying, "You know, you've got quite a body, buddy."

With that the two of them fell upon me once more, placing small peck-like kisses in strategic places all over me. I lay back and reveled once more in the attention being given me as my mind recalled the ad I had responded to a few days earlier. "BODY BUDDIES. Body Conditioning with a plus."

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