Bobs Journey

By moc.loa@0002ainatisuL

Published on May 13, 2023


This story is gay pornographic fiction! Should depictions of homosexual acts or domination offend your sensibilities, read no further! If you are under the age of consent, turn back at once!

Bob's Journey By: Brad Jardine

The light was turned off and my door closed and I lay in stoned silence, my only company the nipple driven into the plastic, causing discomfort and the charm holding my painful balls and cock, seeking relief. My jaw and throat still aching from my lessons in cock sucking reminded me that this was not a dream. I listened as I heard the muffled voices of my caretakers talking and laughing, planning my tomorrow.

Exhausted, I gave into sleep, knowing this was only the beginning

Chapter 2

A sharp stinging on my ass brought me out of sleep. My eyes opened wide and I noted that it was still in the dead of night. The clouds must have passed, as my room appeared bathed in moonlight. I noted my bedroom door that was closed was now opened and standing over me, with a belt in his hands was a now very drunk, still naked Gene.

Gene leaned over my prone and ensnared body and in whispered slur, stated firmly, "If you think that just because you are a REAL faggot that I won't break you, you are wrong."

He then stood up and two more stinging cracks on my ass brought my head shooting upward and my body gyrating. The minute my head retreated back onto the plastic blanketed bed and my tortured body was stagnating there were three more cracks on my ass in quick succession. As the third one was landing my head was back up and my body was again gyrating. Tears were again flowing from my eyes and I was sobbing from the new pain center on my body.

Guttural sounds were all that would come out of my ravaged throat from the ass thrashing I was experiencing.

Gene walked a little uneasy from the beers out of my bedroom and closed the door again. I lay dazed and confused for a time and finally returned to an uncomfortable sleep.

The next sensation to stir me was the feeling of someone massaging my shoulders. I opened my eyes and it certainly was morning, sunlight was flooding the room and Alan was standing above me working on my shoulders. My hands and legs were no longer tethered.

"I don't want you to be too stiff from your sleep." Alan said, "What happened, your ass is all red?"

"Gene came in last night and beat me with a belt." I responded.

"Well, I've seen worse...much worse. You are doing good going along with what is happening to you. Now get out of bed and take a stretch. Time to get you cleaned up and ready for breakfast" Alan said as he was backing away.

I stood up, although a little shaky. I maneuvered my body to get any kinks out and took assessment of pain points. My nipple was a bright blue, my throat, when I cleared it was still throbbing, my ass was still warm and the charm between my legs was causing intense pain to my cock and balls. I noticed Alan had already showered and was wearing only a crisp white pair of boxers.

"You really smell like a well used faggot. Follow me" Gene directed.

I followed him into the bathroom. He took the small padlock key he was holding and removed the charm from my cock and balls.

"Get on the toilet and pee" Gene directed.

As I did, my relieved cock and balls felt light as a feather.

"Clean your pussy!" Gene said handing me my pussy cleaner.

I crawled to the floor and conducted the pussy cleaning ritual Alan had taught me. With the final release I looked in the toilet, then looked at Alan saying, "When the water is clear, the pussy is clean."

Alan smiled and handing me my toothbrush and toothpaste, "Good, now brush your teeth and get that faggot smell cleaned off."

As I started to shower, I realized that the acidic piss I had on my face and torso definitely had an affect. My skin was sensitive to the washcloth and soap. I winced when the washcloth passed over my nipple and when I washed my ass; I could barely touch it. My balls were in agony and my cock, which usually becomes hard when I wash it, was surprising limp, especially with Alan standing there, looking so tempting to me. I finished and Alan opened the shower curtain and threw me a towel.

"Dry off and wait right there", Alan said as he walked out of the bathroom.

He returned one or two minutes later as I had just finished drying and handed me a pair of girl's underwear.

"You are borrowing these from my little sister." Alan said. "I'm giving you a rest from your charm as you have some work to do this morning. I would advise that you don't fuck up and pop a boner, although I think that might be hard for you to do right now." A toothy grin appearing on Alan's face. "It's these or the charm, faggot."

I stepped into the panties and pulled them up. They were pink with strawberries and had an elastic lace trim on the leg openings and waistband. They were too small, but I pulled them up, straining the fabric until they were in place. The leg openings were cutting into me and the waistband barely made it over my warm ass and just covered the small patch of pubic hair over my limp cock. I tucked my cock and balls towards my ass, trying my best to hide what was not to be seen.

"That looks fine" Alan said approvingly as he lifted me up to my toes by my armpit and led me. "Now for some breakfast".

We went into the kitchen where Gene, already showered, was sitting at the table in an untied bathrobe. I noticed a table of cereal, toast, juice and milk and two place settings. Gene pointed to the floor next to him and Alan dropped me off there. I fell to the floor and looked up at Gene.

"Hungry, faggot?" Gene inquired.

"Yes, Sir." I responded, slightly hoarse.

"Your breakfast is under the table." Gene instructed.

I crawled under the table and saw no food there.

Gene opening his robe said "Here's your breakfast, faggot, suck it out."

I maneuvered my head between his legs. It was very tight, but I managed to get his cock in my mouth and began to gently suck in earnest, mindful that my jaws were to remain as wide open as they could. This was the first opportunity I had to wrap my lips completely around Gene's cock and truly demonstrate what my tongue and lips could do and I did not want to fuck it up.

Gene's cock was growing, but he was not as interested in my actions as he was in talking to Alan. "Do YOU have any special plans for the faggot today" Gene asked Alan as he was pouring a bowl of corn flakes.

"Well, the faggot made a mess all over the house last night, so I thought he should start the day by cleaning the whole place up." Alan responded.

Gene continued "I told you last night, we should have had the faggot clean up before he went to bed. Oh well, I guess that will keep the faggot busy for a while. I'm leaving after breakfast. I have to stop at the house and then I told Duke I would stop by the bowling alley today. The faggot won't give you any trouble, will you, faggot?"

"No, Sir", I slurred while Gene's now hard cock was firmly planted in my mouth.

I felt Gene's balls crawling up my chin as his cock started to swell in my mouth and poured forth my breakfast. I kept gobbling as I heard him buttering a slice of toast.

"You still hungry, faggot?" Gene asked.

"Yes, Sir. Thank you, Sir" I responded with his cock, starting to go limp in my mouth.

"Then go ask Alan for some breakfast." Gene directed.

I turned under the table and directed to Gene, "May I have some more breakfast, Sir?"

"Go ahead, pig." Gene said in a demeaning tone.

I crawled up between his legs and fished his cock from his boxers and, like a baby to a bottle began to suck my breakfast out.

"Those panties look better on this faggot than they did on Earl." Gene said laughing, "More natural. Earl was right...What we have here is a real honest to God faggot "

"I know." said Alan, " Not much of a challenge."

"Hell" Gene recanted, "We are doing this faggot a big favor. We're helping him know what his life is going to be like. I just hope the faggot fucking appreciates it?"

Alan's cock swelled and my second breakfast course poured down my throat. He reached down and put his cock back into his boxers.

"Some faggots just don't know when to say thank you." Alan continued his conversation with Gene, while giving me a swift and firm kick my groin under the table, reminding my piss shooter and balls of their sublime agony.

"If the faggot under this table does not get down and kiss your foot for reminding him just what an inconsiderate faggot he is, I would say, we need to cut off his food supply." Gene sternly stated.

I immediately dropped lower and kissed Alan's foot saying "Thank you for teaching me and feeding me. "

Gene extended his foot under the table and I; turning around found myself kissing the bottom of his foot as he pushed it firmly against my face. Rubbing my face with the sole of his foot,

"Thank you, Sir." I said with his foot sole still well planted on my face.

My mentors finished their breakfasts and Gene got up from the table. Alan dragged me from under the table and told me to clean the kitchen. I went about cleaning up the kitchen while Alan sat there watching me. I heard the door open and close as Gene was off.

For the next two hours I was cleaning up the living room, throwing away bottles and scrubbing the rug where some piss had leaked. I threw out the plastic bags on my bed and opened the windows to air my room out from the stench I had put there last night because I am a faggot. Then I cleaned the bathroom, where, with permission, I took a crap and again cleaned my pussy.

I then went into the living room where Alan was sitting, watching television. The telephone rang. Alan got up to answer it.

"Hi Baby." Alan began, "I told you I would be here all weekend.... You know I would rather be with you.... His mother will be back tomorrow night and I promise I will come right over when I leave....Karen gave me her car this weekend so we'll go to the Drive-in in Warwick, How does that sound, Baby?....Okay, Baby, I'll see you then...Love you."

Alan hung up the phone looked at me with anger in his eyes. "I'm not going to miss fucking pussy because of some faggot. Take those damned panties off and get the fuck over here." Alan firmly stated.

I crawled over to him and he grabbed my hair as soon as it was within his reach. He pulled me to his crotch and pulled his cock out of his boxers and shoved it in my mouth. I started to suck it, my jaws sore from the consistent workout with the target ring. The minute his cock started to get hard again, he pulled it out of my mouth and ordered "Open that mouth wide faggot".

He, lunging his full cock into my mouth, jabbed my throat that was still raw from last night. He then pulled it all the way out and plugged it again. He repeated this about 10 times, then left it in my mouth and ordered, "Get it wet, Faggot."

I generated as much spit as I could on his engorged cock. He then dragged me over to the couch and threw me against it; my ass was sticking out exposed. He positioned himself behind me and shoved his cock hard into my pussy. I screamed in pain, but he just took the panties I had taken off and shoved them in my mouth without losing a beat in his rhythmic pummeling of my pussy. I couldn't decide which was worse, the rediscovered pain of that first fuck by Earl or his hips grinding into my ass, still raw from last nights beating.

Before I could decide I felt his cock swell and felt five shots get fired into my pussy. He pulled his cock out, sat on the couch next to me and swatted my still tender ass, providing a friendly reminder of the torture.

"Clean the cock that fucked you", Alan directed. I crawled back to the floor while he removed the panties he had shoved in my mouth and replaced then with his cock. I buried it into my throat and carefully tongued the cock that had just invaded my pussy.

He pulled my head off his cock and, with a fistful of hair, directed my face at his.

"Thank you, Sir" I said.

Alan responded by launching a gob of spit on my face and released my hair while throwing me down to the ground.

"Get dressed and go do your homework." Alan directed, throwing the panties in my spit soaked face.

I could hardly believe my cock was still only semi hard at this point, but I struggled to get the panties back on and went to my bedroom to complete my weekend homework assignments. I would normally wait until Sunday night to do this, but there was no reason to question Alan at this point.

I sat on my newly sensitive ass, studying my solid geometry when it dawned on me the lessons Alan and Gene were giving me was keeping them from doing what he really wanted. How could I show my appreciation for seeing what my life was destined to be? What could I do to make up for the inconvenience I was creating for someone who was only trying to teach me and seeing to it that I learned.

I cracked the chemistry book, followed by Shakespeare and Latin. While studying the telephone rang 5 or 6 times and someone came to the door. I thought if it had something to do with me, Alan would have called me. When someone was actually at the door, I had shorts and a T shirt ready to throw on because I didn't want anyone to see me only in pink, lace trimmed panties that were visibly too small.

I looked at the clock on my desk and it was 4:30 when I was completed with my assignments.

After a short debate over whether I should seek Alan out, I went into the living room. Alan was lounging on the couch in jeans and a shirt and watching today's game, alone.

"Sir, would you like me to make dinner for us?" I asked from the hallway, just peeking around the corner so as not to bother Alan too much.

Without taking his eyes off the game, Alan spoke. "No need. Your neighbor, Eleanor I think she said her name was, brought over a casserole. I set out a plate of it and some water for you in the kitchen. Also, your mother called and she'll be home tomorrow at 3. Gene is coming back in a little while and is going to take care of you while I go out with Sandy. You mother won't call back tonight. Now go and eat your dinner and clean your pussy."

As I walked through to the kitchen, Alan pointed down, indicating that I should be crawling. I crawled into the kitchen and looked around for my dinner. In the corner of the room was a small plate of noodle casserole, next to that was a bowl of water. I sat down on the floor and devoured the casserole in about one minute and washed it down with a little water when Alan came in and saw me next to the empty plate and bowl.

"Good Boy." He said patting me on the head "Now go clean your pussy, Gene will be here any minute."

Alan returned to the game and I went to the toilet to clean my pussy. I had just finished cleaning my pussy thoroughly and pissing when Alan walked into the bathroom.

Alan took the panties he had loaned me earlier and replaced them with the charm he had created for me. My cock and balls certainly remembered the feeling of the weighty charm as the discomfort I had felt last night shot back between my legs. Alan then produced the target ring and put it back on my ear as he had done yesterday and inspected me. I quietly followed Alan back into the living room. About 15 minutes later, the post-game show was just wrapping up when Gene opened the front door and walked in.

Gene tossed Alan his car keys, saying, "Here you go. Have a good time with Sandy. I'll take care of the faggot."

Alan responded as he was leaving "The neighbor brought over a casserole. There is plenty left if you get hungry and it's not bad. I fed the fag. He's all ready"

Alan left and Gene and I were alone. Anticipation and fear consumed me. Gene's prone body was reclining on the couch as I knelt on the floor before him.

"Take off my boots, faggot." Gene directed.

Realizing the evenings activities were about to begin, I crawled down to the other side of the couch and, with my hands quivering, untied and removed each of his leather work boots. Placing them on the floor, I knelt before them and waited for what was to happen next.

Shortly later, the silence of the evening was broken by Gene, "That's better." Gene said, putting his hands behind the back of his neck and looking at me with a quizzical look.

"Tell me something, who besides Earl knows that you are a faggot?" Gene asked.

"No one, Sir", I replied.

"So why did you start sucking Earl's cock?" Gene followed.

" Sir, I had heard from a lot of people that he was having sex with pretty much anyone". I responded.

"So, let me see...I turned Earl into a bitch and people found out. You found out and thought that gave you a right to suck HIS cock, which you did. Then he told me about you and I have been giving you cock along with Alan. That pretty much means that without me, you would never have had any cock at all...RIGHT, FAGGOT". Gene postulated.

"Yes, Sir." I responded.

"Then you should be a lot more grateful to me for providing you with the cock that a low life faggot like you needs." Gene continued.

"Yes, Sir. I am grateful." I said looking downward.

"Not grateful enough, faggot, but you will be." Gene declared with a look and smile that could only be described as evil. Gene then reclined and looking at the ceiling said "I am sick of the sight of you, faggot. Go into the kitchen and get the pail you used to clean the carpet. Fill it with ice and put 4 beers in it so I do not have to go into the kitchen, bring that here, then go to your room and stay out of my sight until I need you."

I continued looking downward. "Yes, Sir".

Crawling to the kitchen to do as I was instructed, I considered what Gene had told me and realized that he was right. That all the cock I had was because of him. He was in control of the cock that I could and could not have. Making him happy and dealing with meeting his needs was all I could do to satisfy the needs that I was realizing.

Completing my assigned task I crawled into the living room with the iced beer and placed it next to the couch within Gene's reach. Gene was still looking at the ceiling, deep in thought, ignoring my presence. I skulked out of the living room and returned to my bedroom where I lay in my bed and thought about what my, now benefactor, had just said.

It was apparent that cock and my availability to get it, was up to Gene. He could order Alan or Earl to give me cock and they would or he could tell them that I was to receive no cock and they would comply, leaving an aching in the pit of my stomach that I did not want to realize. My life was totally and completely in Gene's hands, he directed, he ruled and if I appreciate him enough and do whatever he tells me and suffer whatever he wants to do to me, Gene may bestow the cock upon me that I now know I need. I wanted, to the point of aching, to be buried between his legs right now, but I sensed what that would yield...pain beyond my capacity to accept. As the sun set, my eyes closed and I fell into an uncomfortable sleep.

A stinging crack on my ass brought me to a groggy reality as Gene was standing over me. The clock on my desk noted a time of 11:18. A second feeling of leather on tender skin brought me back to total consciousness.

"Get in the living room, faggot...NOW!" Gene ordered.

I crawled out of bed, checked for the target ring and made sure my charm was still in place, although the pain in my groin let me know that my charm was still there, and went into the living room. As I reached the end of the hall and looked around the corner into the room, I saw Gene sitting on the couch with another man. Gene saw that I was there and waved me into the room, then pointing in front of the new arrival as if to tell me that I should be kneeling in front of his guest. I crawled across the room and sat at the intruders' feet. He was big man, big and sloppy. His gray hair was uncombed and there was a cigar sticking out of the mouth in his unshaven face. He wore a blue and white plaid, short sleeve shirt with a pad and pencil sticking out of the pocket. His pants were dirty and well-worn shoes. He initially looked at me with surprise when I crawled into the room but as I reached him, he was now looking at Gene and nodding with a smile on his face.

"Go on." Gene urged looking at his guest. Sensing apprehension, Gene looked immediately to me and barked, "FAGGOT! Tell him what you need!"

"Please, Sir..." I stated looking upward to the stranger, "I need cock, please."

It took just ten seconds for this man to pull out his cock, grabbed my head and shoved his hairy cock into my mouth. His cock started to grow and I started to work it as hard as I could. "Not so fast faggot..." Gene ordered, "Take your time with that man's cock. Make it feel REAL good." I stopped pumping and held his cock at the base of my throat, taking my tongue and creating snakelike movements along the base of his cock to the head while holding the cock in my mouth as Earl had taught me. The man groaned and Gene nodded. I continued working his cock head and then taking the entire shaft, burying it as far down my throat as it would go. More groans. After 15 minutes or so, the man grabbed my head and face fucked me until his swollen cock delivered a load in my needy throat. He lifted my head and I backed away.

"Thank you, Sir" I blurted softly.

Gene's guest stood up and pulled the pad out of his pocket. He opened it up, ripped out a page and handed it to Gene. "We're even" he stated flatly.

Gene looked pleased, saying, "I hope that means, anytime." Gene's guest took a puff of his cigar and headed for the door.

As the man opened the door Alan was just walking in.

"Oh, Hi, Russell." Alan said startled by his presence.

The man grunted under his breath and continued to leave.

Alan came into the living room and looked at me and then Gene.

"I was hoping you didn't put the faggot away for the night. The only thing I got from Sandy tonight was a boner". He was standing in front of me.

Alan pulled the target ring from my ear and handed it to me, saying "Put it in."

Alan opened his jeans, pulled out my cock and positioned it at the target and lunged his cock forward passed my mouth and directly into my throat, where it reminded my throat of the fucking it had just gotten the previous evening. As if by instinct, saliva again was building up and ran out of the sides of my mouth, down my face and onto my torso.

Gene got off the couch and took something out of his jeans pocket. He knelt down behind me and pressed against my back. His arms reached around me as if to hug my chest while holding my arms in place. Alan was slowly deep fucking my throat and watched as Gene produced two alligator clips and simultaneously snapped one on each of my nipples, followed by Gene grabbing me around the mid section and Alan holding me head for the result. The result was equally simultaneous as I tried to break away; my tits were in such pain. I screamed and the result was nothing more than a strong vibration on Alan's cock and a river of saliva flowing down me. Alan moaned at the sensation.

After a few moments, the stinging sharp pain was replaced by a consistent ache that match the discomfort created by the heavily weighty charm that was still dangling between my legs. Gene slowly released me to assure that I wouldn't do something stupid. I didn't. Gene then reached around and pulled down his zipper and pulled out his cock, reached around and gathered the mixture if spit and tears that were free flowing down my chest and lubed his cock. Pulling my ass up and mounting me from behind, he forced his way into my worn pussy. Gene adjusted my pussy as Alan adjusted my head and they began to fuck me in both holes. The charm and clips moved like pendulums under the motion, providing constant reminders to me of their existence and assuring free flowing lube for Gene should he want it.

With my throat vibrating between screams and moans, Alan's cock spewed a huge load down my throat, planting it so deep and long that I gasped for air when he finally released me. All the time Gene was still firmly planting his cock deep inside my pussy. He readjusted my ass so that he could get a better angle for fucking and pounded me long and hard. As I felt his cock swelling inside me he reached around my back and yanked off the alligator clips and hugged me into place under him. I bucked straight up to a chant from Alan, "Ride 'em cowboy" and Gene shooting load after load deep in my pussy, moaning and rubbing my raw nipples to ensure a long and fulfilling ride. The charm was pulling my cock and balls downwards and the discomfort was attempting to reach levels that were as great as the waves of intense pain that were being unleashed in my body under Gene's massage.

Writhing directly to the floor with Gene's release, tears streaming down my face, Alan looked on and said, "the faggot looks like a fish out of water."

Exhausted and having reached new thresholds for pain, I slumped to the floor and murmured an obligatory thank you, Sir to the two who permissibly tortured my body to create reactions that would enhance their own pleasures.

As my writhing subsided, Gene directed, "Clean the cocks, faggot."

I crawled up first to Alan, who removed the target ring and lowered me head to clean his cock. Alan positioned the target ring around my ear and planted his cock in my throat, giving me a drink of his golden urine when I had finished. I then raised my head and said ""Thank You, Sir!" With a flick of his hand, and nothing more, Alan sent me on my way to clean Gene.

When I was within his reach, Gene grabbed my hair and hauled me over to him, shoving my face into his crotch and rubbing his cock and ball all over my face. "Clean the filth you put on my cock." He demanded.

When I finished to his satisfaction, he threw me to the floor by my hair and I whimpered, "Thank you very much, Sir."

"Now go and piss for me and go to bed. It's late." Alan said.

I crawled to the bathroom, got on the toilet, pissed and then as if a new instinct had been created, grabbed my toothbrush urinated directly on it under the charm and brushed my teeth as I pissed for Alan.

Crawling into my room, I noticed that Alan and Gene were both in my room on either side of my bed. Alan patted my bed and I climbed onto the newly replaced plastic bags that covered it. I was again tied to the four legs of my bed frame, this time on my back. When they had completed their task, both looked down on me.

Gene spoke while pinching the nipple nearest him, "Night, faggot."

My body immediately started gyrating, as it had the night before from a new pain point, as the lights were turned off and the door was closed.

With the memory of my conversation with Gene and the events of the day and evening, I gave into my exhaustion and again slept.

Morning arrived and I awoke most conscious of my ravaged body and being. I was free from the ties that bound just last night. My charm was gone, as was the target ring. I became aware that nothing was left except my naked body, pain, and the smell of a well-used faggot. Sensing that I was alone, I arose and went for my now learned morning bathroom rituals. Following cleaning out my insides, through emptying my bladder and flushing my pussy, I showered, every pain center was brought back to life by the water from the shower that felt like warmed needles being fired at my ravaged being. After my body was dried, I became aware that the reminders to my pain centers self inflicted and that this was somehow natural and something that I would experience again and again.

There were no panties, no charm and no direction on what to do and what to wear. Sitting on the floor of the bathroom, I felt both confused and undirected. How could it be that in such a short time, I required direction to even move from the spot? The realization of what I was and what I was becoming started to seep into my very soul. Enveloped in uncertainty and degradation, I attempted to figure out what to do next. Concluding that no movement would be the best move; I sat naked on the floor.

After what seemed an anguishing long time, Alan opened the bathroom door, looking down at me, and asked, "What's wrong?"

"I don't know what to do." I muttered.

"Get dressed. Your mother will be home in two hours." Alan said.

"What should I wear?" I queried, totally unaware of the answer, tears welling up in my eyes and soul.

Alan looked down at me grinning, "Clothes." was his only response as he turned and walked away.

I returned to my bedroom and dressed in Jeans and no shirt, as I did not want anything to accidentally rub the black and blue nipples I was sporting. Just the air on them was enough to remind me of the past two evenings.

Pensively I moved into the kitchen and Alan was seated at the table.

"What do you want for breakfast?" Alan asked.

"Your cock, Sir" I said not sure how he would respond.

"Not today. " Alan said as he was handing me a box of cereal.

In a total state of confusion, I sat at the table and poured a bowl. I looked around and asked, "Where's Gene?"

"Gene left last night. We talked for a while after you were put to bed. He honestly never met anyone like you, he said. He wants to test just how far you will go to get cock. " Alan started, "He told me to tell you not to bother him. He will get you when he wants you. I think he has a plan for you. I don't know anything else."

"What should I do?" I asked looking for some direction.

"Pray he changes his mind as just uses you to take him off once in a while." Alan said flatly, not even addressing the question or need in me. Alan continued, "Look, I'm taking off after breakfast. You'll be fine until your mother gets home. Just straighten up and watch some television until she gets home. Put on a shirt. You don't want your mother to see those fag tits. If your mother asks, tell her we watched the Mets and just hung out. Don't tell her Gene was here at all. I am taking your target ring and charm with me. No sense leaving them around for your mother to find. Why should she be put through the torment of finding out her son is a faggot."

"Okay, Alan" I said realizing my education for the weekend was over. I looked down; disappointment on my face, as a sense of abandonment overwhelmed me.

As if sensing this, Alan stood up, walked over to me and held my chin in his hand and lifted my face, looking directly into my eyes. "After this weekend, I know what you need and you know what you need. Don't fuck up your chances of getting it. Be patient, faggot. You don't get cock on your terms." As he finished saying this, he massaged my bruised nipple. I winced and moaned simultaneously from his touch.

"When I leave and before you start to straighten up, I give you permission to go to your room and jerk off alone. You are to cum once. Then do not touch your cock again until a man tells you to. This is the only time you can do it...if you do not go immediately into your room, do not touch your cock until you are told to again" Alan directed.

"Thank You, Sir!" I said, grateful for the direction and equally happy that I was going to get to cum, myself.

Alan looked out the window, then gave me a toothy grin and said, "I'm going now. Don't forget, either immediately after I leave or not at all."

"Yes, Sir" I said anxious to get started.

As Alan walked out the door I heard him say "Hey, Earl, go right on in. His mother will be home in an hour and a half."

"I won't be here that long. Just taking you guys up on your offer on Friday." Earl laughed.

Gene turned around and looked at me in the doorway, shrugged his shoulders and said to me, "Too bad." Then he walked off laughing.

Earl walked past me and I followed him into my bedroom. He turned around, looked at me and pointed down to the ground. His look was not friendly. I could see the disdain in his face. He looked down at me, already kneeling and looking up with a yearning in my eyes, he emulated my look of want and leaned closer to my face. Just as I was aching for our lips to meet, he spit a huge gob on my face, his look immediately returning to one of contempt and ordered "Suck my cock faggot. Open wide."

With me opening as wide as my newly stretched jaws would allow, he fished out his cock through his fly, leaving his jeans closed around his waist and shoved it deep down my throat.

He spoke as he was pumping my throat with his swollen cock "Yeah, faggot. You love that don't you?"

Pulling me head off his cock by my hair, I slurred "Yes, Sir." whereupon his cock was immediately returned to my still sensitive throat.

After 15 minutes of alternately providing the head of his cock for teasing by my tongue and slamming his cock down my throat, I felt the familiar swelling and his sweet cum oozing down my throat.

As his cock grew limp in my mouth, Earl ordered, "Suck it clean, faggot." I obeyed.

Earl pulled out his cock and returned it and zipped up. He turned to leave and looked back at me as I expressed my thanks "I like this set up a lot better, faggot, and you will too. See you at the bus stop" Earl declared and started laughing out loud as he left my room. As I heard the front door close, I realized that I had no time and was not able to jerk off the semi hard cock in my jeans. My balls were aching beyond any experience I had ever known.

I straightened up the house and laid down on the living room couch with the Met's game on the television and tried to take my mind off Gene, Alan, Earl and Gene's guest Russell. Realizing what I was and the lessons learned over the weekend consumed my mind. My thoughts were swimming and my tormented body assured me of the reality that was around me when my mother and her beau walked through the door.

She walked over and hugged me hard. My eyes rolled into the back of my head as she ground my shirt into my tortured nipples. After some obligatory discussion on the weekends events for her that fell on ears that were disconnected from my brain, which concentrated on my own weekend experiences, I waited for a silence to excuse myself to my room.

The telephone rang and I saw my chance as Richard was saying something about horseback riding. I bolted up and announced that I would get the phone.

"Hello", I said lifting the receiver and grateful for the break from the droning conversation.

"Hey, faggot..." It was Gene "...Put your mommy on the phone". I momentarily froze. "Hand the phone to her NOW, faggot!"

I pointed the receiver towards my mother. I should have just slammed the receiver down, but there was something in me that drove me to follow the instruction. I know my face was glazed over with fear. What was he going to tell her? Piss started to well up immediately and as I handed her the phone I shot off to the bathroom as piss was starting to leave my piss shooter.

"Hello", I heard my mother's voice from the toilet where I was sitting, with my head in my hands and awaiting my fate. "Yes, we had a good time too...Really...Thanks for calling and telling me. Bob sometimes doesn't tell me things like this. Is Karen feeling better?... Good. We'll thanks again, Alan, for keeping Bob company."

I removed my head from my hands. Gene and Alan must have been together. Oh God, is this what I have to go through. Living in constant fear of what these two men were going to do to. Now the question of what Alan told my mother. I emerged from the bathroom with nothing left in my bladder and realizing that I had to face her.

As I entered the living room again, she scolded, "Mrs. Westin brought over a casserole and you didn't tell me? I had to hear it from Alan. Sometimes I wish you would just tell me things like that. "

"I'm sorry." I said while my mind breathed a sigh of relief.

Alan and Gene hadn't told my mother that she gave birth to a faggot...yet!


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