Bobs Journey

By moc.loa@0002ainatisuL

Published on May 7, 2023


This story is gay pornographic fiction! Should depictions of homosexual acts or domination offend your sensibilities, read no further! If you are under the age of consent, turn back at once!

Bob's Journey By: Brad Jardine

Walking down the short graveled road with Earl to our secret spot in the woods at the end, I was anticipating the very same thing I had been enjoying for months, Earl's cock. His perfect seven-inch cock planted inside my throat or ass, whichever he preferred this day. My goal was to get his spunk and satisfy that growing need I alone recognized.

It was rarely at Earl's insistence that we took that walk, or that we got together, it was at mine. It was the need deep within me to get cock and be used as a vessel that I felt could not be filled, coupled with Earl's willingness to provide the fluid to fill it that made the match that kept these sessions going. Whether in our homes when our parents were out, in the school restrooms during school, in the lake, or just a session on the bus, I loved playing with Earl's cock and he willingly provided it. It was well known by everyone our age in the small resort town in North Jersey where we came from that Earl was easy, being a tool for sex from the time he was a sophomore. I sometimes wonder if I was just being lazy, realizing that this oh so willing sex toy could be used to feed my never ending need for cock.

We climbed down the embankment at the end of the road and Earl leaned himself up against the large boulder that jutted out of the earth at the base of the embankment as I took my place, on my knees looking up at his chiseled face. Our bodies, both lithe on our 5' 7" frames could have been matched bookends His brown straight hair, usually uncombed, and sharp chiseled features were in direct contrast to my very soft, almost feminine features and curly strawberry blonde hair.

Earl didn't really want to get together today, but I insisted. I needed his cock to provide me with that glorious cream that I needed and only he could provide, as I did not want others to know that I had this hunger. He looked into the woods blankly, waiting for me to take what I wanted. I opened his fly, pulled out his cock and placed his hands on either side of my face. As he had done dozens of times before, he guided my face down on his already hard cock. After ten minutes of enthusiastically working on his magnificent appendage, he pulled my face off his cock and maneuvered my body, face first against the rock as he had done only three times before as an indication that he wanted to drop his load deep inside my asspussy. I dutifully stripped off my pants and spread my legs, bent into a position where he could get full access to the pussy, now used to his impaling cock. When I think of the pain that I first experienced in giving my ass to Earl, I cringed as his cock rubbed against the small tight hole, but now my pussy wanted that cock as mush as my throat did. I only wish that he could cum in both my pussy and throat, but he would only give me one load and I left it to him to decide where it would go. With a little spit as lube, he was in there, and with a few deep intense plunges I felt the growth of his cock and the impending load that would indicate the end of our playtime together. He came without a sound and pulled up his pants as I leaned against the rock, clinging to it so as not to melt into the limp rag-doll like state that I felt from his big cock routing out my system.

Earl broke the silence as usual. "Thanks for letting me fuck you again. I hope you enjoy it more than I did when it happened to me."

I was curious. "Who fucked you? I asked.

"Gene and Alan both fucked me and I hated it. Remember when they would take me to their tree house and I thought it was something special like those older guys really liked me. Well they took me there and forced me to suck their cocks and then raped me constantly. That will now, thankfully end."

I was even more curious. "Why?

Earl did not answer; he was already walking up the embankment. I quickly pulled up my pants and followed. He was waiting at the top of the embankment and we were back on the graveled road.

"Why no more?" I asked as we were strolling back to the main road. He looked me in the eyes and said, "Because they said that when they get someone else, they will leave me alone, and I told them you would be more than happy to take my place. Why do you think I let you play with my cock, suck it and fuck you? I am no fag, you are!"

I stopped dead in my tracks. How could Earl do this? Did he tell them about us? I had to know but Earl had already arrived at his house and he would not invite me in. He just turned at me and said, "I'll see you tomorrow at the bus stop."

I was asking, almost begging for a response, "Have you said anything? What did you tell them? I have to know. Please, Earl, tell me." He just walked into his house, gave me an emotionless look and walked inside.

I went home, panicking over what my best friend had done.

I went into my home and my mother had set out dinner after work. My father had long ago died in the Korean conflict and my mother worked to support us and keep up the house payment. I was what might be considered a latchkey kid in the country. She was at work when I got home from school, but she was always home by 5:30 and I did not need a babysitter for such a short time, especially since I was a high school junior.

"I am going out of town this weekend with Dick." she announced at dinner. "He will be here on Friday and we will be returning on Sunday night. I have asked Karen to stay at the house with you so you will not be lonely."

Dick was her boyfriend. My mother was a beautiful woman and he was just the latest in a long string of boyfriends.

"Okay" I said. My mind was not on what she was saying, but on what had transpired not an hour ago. "Where are you going?" I blurted out, feigning interest.

"The Poconos" she said.

I went to my room and thought about the day and how small the town was where we lived. There were four distinct lake communities that made up the town and nothing else. All the other land around it was owned as watershed so the chances for the town getting bigger was non existent. I thought about Karen, a recent graduate at my school and Alan's older sister by one year. My mind raced all night with what Alan, Gene and maybe Karen knew from Earl. I got little sleep. My thoughts were of Gene and Alan, both seniors and best friends. I had known Alan, through Karen forever. They did not live far from us and when my mother would go on trips with her boyfriends I would either stay with Karen's family or she would stay with me at our house.

Alan was okay. Fun to hang out. He took the role of older brother when I was there. Teaching me how to climb trees and how to swing a bat for baseball, although I was so bad at these fundamentally male things, he would laugh and just told me to keep trying. He had no troubles though. He was all man and although two years older, you could see he had already developed into what anyone would describe as a man's man. Athletic and outgoing, he towered over me at 6' 1" and was proud of his prowess. I felt so inferior to him, but appreciated that he paid me any attention at all.

At the bus stop in the morning, I pulled Earl aside from the 6 kids waiting there and asked, "Did you tell anybody about us?"

Earl looked at me, then looked at the ground and said, "I had to. I am not a fag and it was the only way to make them stop. I'm sorry, but I'm tired of all this stuff. I asked Carol to go out with me and she said yes. I am finished with all the crap I had to put up with. It was Gene. He just wouldn't stop. He wouldn't leave me alone. When I told him about you, about how you sucked my cock every day, he told me to fuck you and get you ready and he would take over and I could stop. Now, you leave me alone too." The bus came and Earl deliberately got on after me and sat as far away from me as he could get. I felt dejected and alone.

I avoided as much as I could any contact with anyone that day, going through the motions of a normal day, but always on the lookout for Gene and Alan. In a High School of only 240 students that was hard, but I was successful. I was grateful that Gene had a car and that he and Alan drove to school, but I could not help but think what conversations were going on in that car. As I was going through my day in fear, I could not help but feel the rock hard appendage that pressed against my underwear all day as I was thinking about what was going to happen to me.

Gene was what one might say was disturbed. His parents were squatters on the watershed and had been for generations. Gene drove fast and exerted himself through fighting anyone that crossed his path. He was feared by everyone, except Alan and a few others who he hung out with. Gene was 6'2", muscled but not beefy like a football player. But, he was strong and won every fight. He was a force to be reckoned with and even the vice principal treated him with respect, forgoing expulsion when he knew that it was the last year he would have to put up with Gene's assaults on the student body.

At the end of the day, I got back on the bus and watched as Earl sat with Carol. Thank god it was Friday and I would not have to deal with the fear and anticipation of what, if anything was going to happen to me. I had spent the time it took for the bus to take me home to convince myself that Earl was just making up the story about Gene and Alan so he could lose me as a friend to pursue his relationship with Carol. I got off the bus and crossed the street to my house.

My mother was busy packing when the phone rang. She stopped, answered it, said okay, and hung up. She then turned to me. Dick was waiting in the living room with me, patiently waiting for his weekend to begin. "That was Karen," she said. "Karen has the flu and can not stay with you this weekend, but Alan said he was not busy and would keep you company."

My heart sunk but what could I say. Maybe Gene had not talked to Alan and maybe Earl had not even talked to Gene. I was barely paying attention as she kissed me on the cheek and assured me that Alan would be here shortly.

I sat there wondering what was about to happen, if anything not knowing that this weekend was about to become a turning point in my life. I wondered if my mother had known what was about to transpire, if she would have been so anxious to hand my life over to those that would so wantonly consume it.

I sat in my bedroom waiting for what was to happen next with a hard on inexplicably between my legs. I had just pulled down my pants for a quick JO when I heard the front door open and Alan's voice, "Bob where are you?"

"Be right there, Alan." I said as I hastily pulled up my pants and rearranged myself to attempt to hide my 6-inch hard on.

I raced down the hall and saw Alan in the living room. Jeans and T-shirt were what he was wearing and for some reason, I found myself looking at his crotch, wondering what lay beneath those jeans. With a toothy grin he ignored my prying eyes and said, very matter of factly, "The Mets are playing tonight and I thought we would catch it. I put some beer in the fridge I got from my house and Karen told me there was lots of food if we get hungry. Are you hungry now?"

"No, I am not hungry right now" was all I could blurt out. I was wondering, at that moment, whether he had noticed my gaze or had just ignored it.

"Well, you let me know when you want something to eat" he said as his hand momentarily grabbed his crotch, seemingly to rearrange himself...or was this an invitation.

My mind was so cluttered with what was happening, and the hard on I was carrying I felt was going to give my deepest desires away that I could do nothing but say, "Would it be all right if I go to the lake for a swim before the game?" I knew my face was flushed and I just had to get out of there and attempt to sort things out.

"Go ahead." Alan said, but be home by 6:30. The game starts at 7.

"Okay" I muttered as I left. I wondered if Alan had realized, in my zeal to get out of there, that I had taken neither my bathing suit nor a towel. Or had he noticed how flushed I was and was enjoying my self imposed torment.

I walked to the lake and sat on the small man made beach, convincing myself I was overreacting and that this was nothing more than it was going to be, just a weekend with Alan and baseball. I breathed a sigh of relieved disappointment as I went home, relieved that my secret hunger was secure and disappointed that I was not going to satisfy my need for cock.

When I walked in, Alan was sitting on the couch, watching the television and drinking a beer. He looked sexy lying across the couch; one jean clad leg draped over the back on the couch as he sat up against the arm.

"Are you hungry yet? He asked in monotone and the fact that his eyes did not sway from his television viewing of the pre-game showed he had little concern for my answer.

"I'm really not hungry yet." was all I could say.

Alan swung his legs down and sitting on the couch with a fixed gaze directly in my eyes said, "I hope you are not planning on giving me any trouble this weekend. I want to tell your mother and her friend when they back that you did everything you were told to do and that you were no problem for me."

"I'll do my best" I responded.

"Good, now you can start by getting me another beer. They are in the fridge." Alan stated in a flat monotone, resuming his position on the couch with his leg draped over the back.

I ran to the fridge, open it and discovered there was a lot of beer in there. Looked like at least a case. I thought, how drunk is he planning on getting? I grabbed a beer and returned to the living room.

As I was returning to the living room, there was a knock at the front door. "Go and answer the door" Alan said, "I invited a couple of buddies over to watch the game with us."

"Who?" I requested.

"Just go and answer the damned door." was his only response, "NOW"

I went to the door, his beer still in my hand, opened the door and before me were Earl and Gene. My mouth and eyes immediately dropped to the floor as I realized that all my fears were about to be realized. I was unaware at that time that I could not conceive, even in my greatest fears, just what I was about to go through at the hands of these men over the course of my weekend.

Gene was also dressed in jeans, a T-shirt and boots with cigarettes rolled up in his sleeve, a cigarette behind his ear, slicked dark brown hair and steel brown eyes staring right at me, looking with loathing of my slender body in what must have appeared a subservient position. Earl was wearing the shirt and slacks he was wearing at school that day and was standing behind Gene. Gene pushed me out of the way and walked into the living room where Alan was sitting up waiting. Earl and I exchanged a look as he walked past me and he had a look of anticipation on his face. I could tell he had no idea what was about to happen specifically, but that he was here by no choice of his own.

I followed them into the living room, walked across the room and handed Alan his beer. All eyes were on me as the commercial for Wise Potato chips blared from the television.

"That looks good. Get me one and one for my friend here." Gene demanded.

I looked at Alan and he looked at me and said, "Better do what he says or it will go bad for you."

As I was going to the kitchen to get the beers I heard them talking in the living room. I could not hear exactly what they were saying, but Gene and Alan were doing all of the talking. When I returned with the beers, the coffee table had been moved off to the side and the three of them were sitting on the couch. I walked over and handed first Earl and then Gene their beers. I was waiting for someone to move over and make a place for me to sit on the couch, when Gene stood up, put his hands on my shoulders and pushed me down, letting me know that I would be sitting on the floor. I got the message and sat on the floor in the middle of the room facing the couch. While Gene was reseating himself I spun around to face the television for the game that was going to start in 5 minutes.

"Hey, turn around and look at me" Gene ordered. I did what he said. His stare was intense. Like he was looking at my sole and not the physical presence of me. Alan and Earl were ignoring this silent interchange where my soul was being consumed with the gaze of Gene. My head immediately looked downward to the floor as if instinctive.

"Alan tells me that you didn't eat anything since he's been here. Is that true?" Gene asked.

"No, I haven't been hungry" I replied not sure of where this was going. Earl and Alan were still ignoring the conversation and looking at the pre-game.

"Well, Earl here tells me you must be hungry since you used to eat his cum almost every day and you haven't had it for a couple of days now. As a matter of fact, I think he told me that since he started fucking you, he stopped letting you eat his loads. Is that true or is Earl here telling me a lie?" Gene asked while my head was still down.

I looked at Earl through the corner of my eye and realized that, in fact the last three times we had sex, and since he started fucking me, that, although he allowed me to suck his cock, he always came in my ass. I saw he was returning my looks through the corner of his eye and I understood that his moment of truth was now. No matter how I answered, I would either have to tell a lie and betray a friend or accept that Gene and Alan both knew my secret.

I raised my head and looked directly into the eyes that were stabbing into me and said. "Earl is telling the truth."

I looked at the three before me. All were looking at me. Earl had an expression of relief, Alan's was slight disbelief as he looked at me shaking his head and Gene just held that impaling stare.

"I've been saying it for years. That you acted like a fag and even looked like a fag, like you want to be a girl...suck men's cocks and get fucked, just like a girl would..." Gene went on but I tuned him out. I just looked at the floor, tears welling up inside as I realized that I, in fact, was a fag and before me were men.

Gene must have realized that I stopped listening because the next thing I experienced was his hand coming down across my face, knocking me flat on the floor and looking up tears now streaming from my eyes as he is standing over me maintaining that menacing stare.

With the sound of thunder, the television announced that there was going to be a rain delay and they were covering the field. Gene grabbed me under my armpit and hauled me up roughly picking me up to the point that I was on the tips of my toes.

"Lesson one, faggot, always pay attention to people who are better than you and since you are nothing more than a faggot, that's everybody. AND..." Gene said as he easily threw me back down on the floor, "Your place is on the floor with the other dirt under a real man's feet".

The telephone started to ring. Alan got up from the couch, walked over me and crossed the room to answer it.

"Hello, Mrs. Norman" Alan said, "Yes, I got here right after you left." There was a pause and Alan started rubbing his crotch and looking at me when he said, "Yes, I am getting something ready for him to eat right now." That statement was followed by a toothy grin. "We are sure hoping the rain delay won't be that long or that the rain isn't going to washout your weekend plans." Alan continued to chatter to my mother. "Here. Let me put him on the phone to say hi."

Alan handed me the phone and smiled as he went back to the couch. "Hi Mom" I said trying to not show that I was sobbing. Gene's glare never waned. "Sorry Mom, thanks for getting Alan to keep me company." At that point, instead of thanking her I wanted to ask her why she allowed this to happen. Why she hadn't cancelled her trip if Karen couldn't stay. But all I could do was thank her. Thank her for putting her faggot son in this position. Again I started to well up so I said I loved her and handed the phone to Alan and resumed my place back on the floor.

Alan took the phone, wished her a good time, assured her that we would have a good time this weekend and hung up the phone.

Again, looking at me with a toothy smile, Alan returned to the couch as the rain was subsiding at the stadium and you could hear the organ concert ending.

"Okay, faggot" Gene demanded, "Crawl into the kitchen and get us all another beer...NOW."

I started to get up but was shoved back to the floor under Gene's boot. "I told you to crawl, Fag". With that, he sent me crawling to the kitchen with a reminder as he kicked my ass with his boot, sending my head down to the floor.

I could only carry two beers back at a time so it took some time and two trips to get the beers out to them and the game was underway. I felt that since the game was going, I would be safe for a while, but Gene immediately ordered that I turn around and face them again. I was not to watch the game and was to watch the floor. I did as I was directed, still feeling the twinges from the slap, kick and rough treatment that was already having an impact on my body and mind.

"So, is this faggot a good cock sucker?" Gene asked turning his attention to Earl. "Or does he just open his mouth and expect you to do all the work of moving you cock around."

"No, Gene, you will see, he is one great cock sucker. He barely gags and loves to deep throat but he has learned how to use his tongue the way you like it." Earl stated

"Well then, are you hungry yet faggot? Are you hungry to eat a real man's cock and have his cum pouring down your faggot throat?" Gene demanded looking right at me.

"Yes" I said, loathing myself for expressing the need I felt to extract from these three the manjuice I hungered for.

"Yes, what?" Gene retorted with another whack across the face that drove me back down into the floor. I had no idea how to respond so I just sat there for a minute, afraid to speak or move or I would be beaten down again, waiting for a miracle answer to come. "Just like a stupid bitch." Gene said firmly, "Too fucking stupid to know how to address men. Dumber than a bitch. I only hope that by the end of tonight I can upgrade this faggot to bitch. That should be your first goal faggot. To prove that you are worthy of being a bitch to a real man. First off, faggot you will refer to each of us as SIR, got that. Now answer my question...Are you hungry for a real man's cock and taste his cum?"

"Yes, Sir. I am hungry for a real man's cock and to taste his cum." I responded.

"I am not really convinced. Earl, let this faggot suck your cock as a demonstration. Give Alan and I a real show that we can enjoy when we are not watching the game. Treat him like a faggot, you remember how we treat faggots, like we treated you up until tonight. If he is what we are looking for, you are off the hook and will be treated like a man by Alan, I and everyone else we know."

Earl stood up and pointed for me to crawl over to him and kneel between his legs. Looking up at him as I had so many times before, there was suddenly a strange look on his face. No longer did he look disinterested as he did had before when I sucked his cock. His eyes looked almost mean, intense as he stared down at me.

"That beer is getting to me and I have to piss before you suck my cock." He said. I started to move aside so he could get by me to go to the bathroom.

"No, faggot. I have to piss now." He said as he grabbed my hair and pulled my head back. Could it be that my friend was going to piss right there, right on me.

"You better not let any piss get on your mother's carpet." Alan chimed, losing that toothy grin.

"Take out my cock and put it to your mouth now, faggot", Earl demanded. "If I piss on myself, it will not go well for you."

"Or, for you." Gene directed to Earl.

"DO IT FUCKING NOW!" Earl demanded.

I reached up and pulled down his fly, fished his cock out from his underwear and in its' half rigid state held it over my mouth. I was waiting for the first of the piss and it took very little time for that. As it started to flow, I gagged, then swallowed and tried my best to keep up with the flow. Piss went up my nose but I took it all. When the main stream was finished and Earl swatted my hand away and took his final squirt in a small stream up and down my face. "Next time ask for the final squirt" Earl insisted "and you won't have to wear it faggot".

"Yes, Sir" I said

The taste of Earl's piss was in my mouth and I was realizing that I had become my former friends' toilet. He had pissed not only in me but also on me for the entertainment of the person who was supposed to be taking care of me, and his friend.

Gene was now intent on the action and Alan was only listening to the game, turning his eyes away from the action only when he heard a cheer from the crowd or loud boos.

"Now, faggot. Strip and beg me to let you suck my cock while doing it. NOW faggot", Earl demanded. In all the times I had sucked his cock the only time I was undressed in any state was when he pulled down my pants to fuck me. So here I was, rolling around on the floor so as not to stand, stripping off my clothes and begging him to suck his cock.

"Please, Sir. Let me suck your cock. I need to suck your cock. I promise I will suck your cock better than I ever have before and will make your cock feel better than I ever have before. Please allow me the chance to make your cock shoot inside me. Please, Sir, I need to suck your cock. Please, Sir...Please." I pleaded while becoming naked.

I kneeled before Earl again, looking down with one final, "Please, Sir. I am hungry for your cock. I need it."

"No one on this couch wants to see a faggots piss rod". Earl said, while grabbing my hair and having me to look him in the face. "Faggots do not have cocks and no real man wants to see what they piss from. Tuck that between your legs NOW." I immediately complied.

"Now..", Earl leaned over while he started speaking. When his face was about six inches from my face and the want in my face was clearly seen, he worked up a gob and spit directly on my face. He then stood back up, with my hair in his hand and rubbed his spit and piss drippings all over my face with his semi-hard cock.

"Open your mouth and stick out your tongue, faggot", Earl said. With that he took his cock wet from the piss drippings and spit and rested it on my tongue. "Lick it clean faggot", Earl ordered. I licked and licked his cock, the one I had known so well but realized that I was just actually learning for the first time, was a man's cock.

Having licked Earl's cock and balls clean of the piss and spit he rubbed off my face, Earl, still firmly holding my hair made me follow him as he sat down on the couch and, putting both his hands at the nape of his necked, ordered, "SUCK FAGGOT!"

With my piss shooter tucked between my legs, I took his cock in my mouth as I had so many times before. This time, however, as an entertainment for Gene and Alan.

I worked my tongue up and down his cock while it was planted in my throat and worked it with my tongue as my head bobbed up and down on Earls cock. As I forced his cock down my throat, I gagged but kept going. I wanted to show just how much of his cock I could take. Once in a while, Gene would reach over and move my head for a better view or would shove my head further on Earl's cock to hear when I would gag. This gagging generated by Earl's cock and Gene's actions made them both moan softly. One enjoying the sensation while the other enjoying the torment.

Earl's legs were starting to quiver and his cock was swelling. I knew that I would be enjoying his load soon when he reach around from behind his head and grabbed my head lifting it off his cock now standing erect ready to shoot. With the head just past my lip he shot a huge load, shooting bullet after bullet of sweet cum. It shot down my throat, into my mouth on my lips and ran down his cock and onto his pants and zipper. Gene and Alan looked as he shot the load and a cheer for a homerun simultaneously and ironically sounded from the television. Gene laughed as he reached over and shoved my head down on Earls' cock ordering me to swallow it all, every drop.

Earls' body jerked as I sucked on his sensitive cock and swallowed it and the golden cream that it emitted. He threw my head off and leaned back into the couch.

"You got a big wet spot on your pants there, buddy", Alan said to Earl while Gene laughed out loud, "But I guess that is a small price to pay to be promoted from bitch to man, right".

"Better than the broken arm you got when we first trained you on being a faggot" Said Gene, matter of factly. "No one is going to bother you again. If they do, you tell them that they will have to deal with me. You have my protection. And, remember, as of now, this faggot will now take your load whenever and if you ever want to use him. Enjoy dating Carol. Now, faggot get Alan and I another beer, NOW!"

As I was crawling out of the room to get the beers, I overheard Gene and Alan congratulating Earl for finding a real faggot and how much fun they were about to have breaking me in as a bitch for them to use. They laughed with each other and asked Earl to come back on Sunday if he didn't get any from Carol on Saturday night.

By the time I returned from the kitchen with the beers, Earl was gone and Alan and Gene now spread out on the opposite ends of the couch lounging and watching the game, now in its' third inning. I presented each of them with their beers and did not know where I should be. I must have looked confused to the as they looked at each other and laughed.

"What the hell is the matter with you, faggot?" Alan asked.

"I don't know where I am supposed to be and I need to piss", I whimpered.

"I need to piss too. You want to piss for me faggot?" Gene said

"Yes, Sir" I immediately responded, having only a slight idea what he meant.

Gene got up, pulled down his zipper, pulled my head back by pushing my forehead backwards and my mouth was opened. He pulled out his cock and held it at my mouth and started filling me with his piss. While he was looking up and moaning with relief, I tried to catch a look at his cock. I couldn't catch a great look from my position and I was busy watching and swallowing that golden stream poring into my mouth, but his head was bigger than Earl's and his cock looked larger, but was only semi hard right now.

When Gene was finished, Alan came over, grabbed my forehead and started to empty his bladder into my too.

"Beer does this to me every time. You'll be pissing a lot for me tonight" Alan declared.

"Now go and piss for us." Gene ordered, "crawl to the bathroom and sit on the pot and piss like a bitch, sitting down. If I find out that you are standing up pissing or even hear that you are standing up while pissing, I will break your fucking leg so you won't make that mistake again, do you understand, faggot?"

"Yes, Sir, I understand that I am to piss like a bitch." I said crawling away after getting a shove from Gene's boot on my ass and a snide laugh.

I crawled up on the toilet. As I was taking what I can only describe as the longest piss in my life, I was concentrating on the smell, taste and feel of the combinations of Earl's cum mixed with the piss from Earl, Alan and Gene. I felt some discomfort pissing out of my raging hard on as I was enveloped in the man essence that covered me, seeing myself for what I was and discovering a need within me, a need that ached within me as I sit in my degradation.

Alan opened the door and was coming towards me. My head immediately lowered, my piss interrupted by combination of shock and fear. Alan sat on the edge of the tub across from the toilet, reached over and lifted my head so that we were eye to eye. He gave me a broad smile and started to talk calmly to me.

"Bob, There was another rain delay so Gene thought it was a good time for me to come in and talk to you a little bit. I want you to listen carefully to what I am saying to you. I always thought of you as a nice kid, but you are no longer a kid. You should be happy that someone who actually knows you as well as I do is able to start you on the journey you are destined to take. You should be grateful to Earl for giving you to Gene and I so that you can learn the skills you will need on your journey."

Gene held my chin firmly in his hand so my eyes were riveted on him.

"Have you finished peeing yet?" Gene asked.

"Yes, Sir" I responded, wanting to look down but Gene's firm hand keeps me concentrating on him.

"Good. Now I am about to do something very nice for you and you should be grateful. This will assist in you not being punished as you learn to suck cock without any tooth problems. Earl told us that you use your teeth too much when you suck cock. Gene wanted to teach you through punishment, but I did some work in the metal shop this week so I hope this keeps you from suffering too much while learning. Now you just sit here and I will be right back."

I sat there with my head lowered and thought about what Alan had just said. I thought that I had no idea what I was about to learn, but if Alan was going to help me, I knew I could get through it. I trusted him and knew he could control Gene. At least I hoped he could. I sat there, thinking about all the emotions racing through me and my hand instinctively reached down to massage the boner I had since this ordeal began, when Alan was back and pulled my hand away.

"Never touch yourself in the presence of a man and never cum without permission of a man." Gene pointedly directed. "Now repeat that to me so I know that you understand it."

"I will never touch my cock in the presence of a man and I will not cum without permission of a man. But, Sir, I do not understand, how can I jerk myself off with a man present and only cum with his permission?" I asked, really wanting him to tell me what this meant.

"You are too stupid to know right now, but you will learn what it means. Never...and I mean never ask a question without permission." was his only response as he emptied a bag of metal rings on the counter next to the toilet.

"This is what I made for you in metal shop this week, let's see which one fits best. Now, open up your mouth as wide as you can." Alan directed as he released my chin and went about sizing up which ring he would try first.

He held it up for me to see. It was a metal O ring, grooved on the exterior like a pulley ring with a rubber O ring in jutting out from the groove.

"The rubber ring should keep you from chipping your teeth while you are wearing this "target ring" Alan said matter of factly, "Now Open wider".

Alan placed the entire ring inside my open mouth. He then selected two bottom teeth as the base, right next to my front teeth and brought the back of it up, inside my mouth to find the top teeth where the ring would be locked in place.

"OPEN WIDER!" he demanded.

He positioned the ring on the corresponding top teeth, then checked to make sure it was locked into place. Seemingly satisfied, Alan stood up in front of me, pulled down his zipper, pulled out his cock and shoved his semi hard cock in my forced wide open mouth, putting it inside the target ring and filling my mouth to my throat.

"Good." He exclaimed while pulling out his cock and putting it back inside his pants. I knew I could say nothing, but I wanted that cock back in my wide-open mouth, I wanted to feel it hard and pushing into me.

He took the "target ring" out of my mouth and put it behind my ear and pulled my ear lobe through it. "Until you learn to suck cock without teething a man's cock, we will probably be using this. I hope you are grateful that I created it so that you may be able to avoid punishment. I would hate to see you choked or thrown across the room."

"Now just one more thing I want to talk to you about...It's your pussy." Alan stated like a teacher to a student. "You must learn how and when to clean your pussy as neither Gene nor I want to put our cock in a nasty pussy. Now crawl down on the floor and stick your ass up in the air."

He then leaned down and showed me a black rubber ball with a funnel tip. "This is your pussy cleaner. You will keep this with you at all times. Now I will properly show you how to use it. When you learn how to use it I will tell you when to use it. Now kiss your pussy cleaner."

I complied.

Alan then drew a basin of warm water, plunged the pussy cleaner in the water and squeezed the bulb to fill it with water. He then put a tip of Vaseline on the tip and he put the tip inside my asshole and squeezed the ball, filling my pussy with water. May back arched inward as I felt the water force it's way inside me.

Alan repeated the process, telling me that I was to put three bulbs of water into my pussy before I even thought about losing it. The third insert was the most discomforting, but Alan did not seem to care about my discomfort, only that I was learning. With the third insert, he took the pussy cleaner around and had me kiss it again. I was then instructed to crawl back up on the toilet and release the water.

After the flush, he handed me the pussy cleaner and had me clean my own pussy while he watched. I completed the two additional flushes and with the third one, he looked at me while I was on the toilet and said, "When the water is clear, the pussy is clean. REPEAT THAT!"

"When the water is clear, the pussy is clean." I repeated. "Sir, I have to piss again."

"Before you piss look at me and listen carefully" Alan started " You are to clean your pussy every time you take a crap, you are additionally to clean it every day at 5 PM and any other time you are directed. You will learn that it is part of who you are and you will miss it when you have a dirty pussy". Alan assured.

Bowing my head, I quietly asked, "May I please piss, Sir."

"You're learning. Sure you can piss. Go ahead." Alan said while he was collecting the other rings, "We may find some use for these later". He looked at me with that toothy grin again.

He placed the metal ring over my ear and told me to keep it there so it was handy and to return to the living room. "Don't worry about the piss and cum on your face", Alan said turning to me just before he left the bathroom, "It's a faggots makeup."

I finished pissing out of my hard cock and was trying to decide which was more uncomfortable, the water going in or the water going out through my hardon

I crawled back into the living room where Alan and Gene were again lounging on the couch and watching the newly resumed game.

When I crawled into the living room, Alan pointed in front of Gene so I assumed that I belonged in front of Gene. The end of the inning brought a break in the silence of the room.

"What did you learn, faggot?" Gene demanded

"I learned that I am a faggot. I am to do as I am instructed without question. I am not to stand unless directed. I am not to touch my own cock in the presence of a man and am not to cum without the permission of a man. I am never to apply teeth when sucking cock and my "target ring" may be used to assist me in learning. My pussy is to remain clean at all ties and I am to carry my pussy cleaner with me." I stated, confident that I got it right.

"WHAT ELSE FAGGOT?" Gene yelled.

I stammered searching for the answer Gene was expecting when he stood up and slapped me so hard across the face that I moved about two feet before hitting the floor. "Go and get the charm you made for the faggot this week in metal shop and I'll get the ice" Gene directed to Alan.

Alan shot up and went into my mother's room where his bag was and Gene went into the kitchen and walked back with a saucepan filled with ice while I was crying on the floor, the entire right side of my face was on fire.

"One more time, faggot...If I have to repeat it again, your ass will be raw when I finish with you. Nobody in this room wants to see your piss hose, faggot...NOBODY!" Gene bellowed. "Now, stick your piss hole and balls in this saucepan."

Gene put the saucepan on the floor and I crawled to it and inserted my piss hose and balls into the ice filled saucepan.

"Stick them in there", Gene ordered. "I want to see only the ice that is covering them."

I maneuvered the ice so that it completely covered my cock and balls and the discomfort I was feeling in both my cock and balls from the long time hard on was replaced with the stinging pain of having my cock and balls frozen. They both shriveled and were small and in pain like a thousand needles were being implanted in them at the same time.

Gene walked back into the room holding a heart shaped metal locket. In no time he walked over to me and pulled my shriveled cock and balls out of the ice. He then placed the locket in such a way that each ball was in the top of the heart and my cock, what was left of it was shoved in between them. Alan then told me that there was a small hole at the bottom of the heart so I could piss out of it and he close the charm up and locked it in place with a small lock he pulled out of his pocket.

"Now you're charming, faggot" Alan gibed as he sat back down on the couch.

"Yeah" laughed Gene "And it will be charming for quite some time."

I no longer had a cock or balls, just a small heavy charm hanging between my legs. The base of my cock was squeezed by the weighty charm and it pulled my cock and balls down. The sensation of the stabbing cold stayed with me as the metal conducted the cold. The pain was intense, but I could do nothing about it. Gene and Alan left me on the floor and returned to the bottom of the seventh inning.

During the rest of the game, I got them one more round of beers and each of them used me as a urinal again. Pretty uneventful considering what I had to learn and remember. I spent my time concentrating on who I was and what was expected and that I could do this. I was trying to make sense of what was happening to me. The pain, the hard on, the things that were rushing through my mind and all the lessons I had been taught that for the most part seemed very logical and right to me. In my mind, I never waned from my constant attention to wanting to get those two cocks and milk them and have them fill me up.

Bottom of the ninth and Gene snapped his fingers and pointed for me to crawl over to him. As I knelt before the lounging body of Gene, he never took his eyes off the game. He reached over and started flicking my tit with his left hand, then massaging it until the nipple was standing straight. I had never felt a sensation like that before. The pain inside the charm was building up as my cock tried to get hard without any room. My face started to grimace at the pain between my legs from the weighty charm when Gene held my nipple between the thumbnail and his index finger nail and squeezed as hard as he could. The pain was intense and I backed away. He just pulled me closer to him by my nipple.

"Don't move faggot...I am doing this for you." Gene said not moving his gaze from the game.

"Thank You Sir" I whimpered while he continued to alternately massage, then torture, my tit.

The game was over, the final Mets 8, Dodgers 3.

Alan told me to go and turn the television off. Gene released my tortured nipple and I crawled to the set and turned it off, when I turned around, both Gene and Alan were standing up and stripping. The beers were starting to do their job and they were both pretty drunk. I was scared wondering what more they were going to do or more to the point how much more they were going to inflict pain for the purpose of teaching me what I needed and wanted to know.

Gene pulled twice on his balls and cock and then pointed to Alan. I crawled to Alan and knelt before him, looking downward, as that now seemed natural to me when facing these men. Alan leaned over and grabbed my chin roughly in his hands and moved my face so that it was looking upward at him. His eyes were slightly glazed over from the beer, but were still intense. The yearning in my eyes did not escape Alan as he looked at Gene.

"This faggot NEEDS cock." Alan said to Gene while they both laughed.

Gene looked back at Alan saying, "Maybe he does. How do you know? Has he begged for it or even asked for it? Does he think this is about the faggot or the men?"

Alan looked down at me, still holding my face up by my chin, "Well?" directing the question at me.

"Please, Sir, use me, teach me to know what I am" was all I could get out.

"Kiss what you need" Alan ordered.

I moved forward and kissed his cock and then each of the balls that hung on either side of his fat cock. It appeared to react as I could watch it growing from a soft to a semi hard state. A spot of pre-cum emerged from the head and Alan ordered me to lick it off. I did as directed, darting my tongue outward and transferring the pre-cum from the tip of his manhood to the tip of my tongue. I savored the taste and produced a quiet moan.

"That is the end of it for you, faggot", Alan spoke "Now it is about me."

Alan then took the target ring he had fabricated for me, ordered me to open wide, then wider and positioned the ring in my mouth as he had before. The charm between my legs was throbbing as my captured cock and balls were attempting to grow where no growth was allowed. I was starting to realize that my jaws were now starting to feel the impact of being held open. I had experienced nothing like this in my life to date. But I was going to get this cock that I was looking at. There was a trail from the naval in flat stomach leading down to his cock, longer than mine but not as long as Earl's and fatter than both of our cocks, which was my only point of reference at the time. His balls hung down low and were fat and I hoped they were filled with the juices that I wanted and needed.

Gene walked behind me and held my head firmly in his hands. His cock rubbing into the back of my head, nestled in my blonde locks.

Alan took his cock and moved it forward. It slid into the target ring and moved further and further into my mouth until it hit the back of my mouth and started to invade my throat. As it entered my throat, my immediate reaction was to clamp down, but that was not going to happen and it just continued to penetrate me. I started too gag and my mouth became wet with the natural juices I was creating. Since my mouth could not close around the cock, saliva started to trickle out of both sides of my mouth.

"Open that up", Gene urged as he held my head firmly in place, "Fuck that faggot's throat!"

Gene pushed in further and started a rhythmic pace invading my throat, then retreating. I gagged and created more saliva, now flowing steady and washing onto my chest. The pain in my jaws, my throat and the pain in my nipples and from the charm took my mind into new dimensions. I was in a new place, a place my mind had never been before. Gene stepped up the pace, burying his public hairs into my nose and slapping my chin with his balls. After what seemed hours of raping my throat, his cock started to swell inside me and the assault was even more intense, as was the pain I was feeling. Tears started to merge with the flowing saliva. Gene pulled his cock out and holding his cock in front of my mouth shot his load through the target. The first shot hit the back of my throat, right at the most painful point; the remainder lay on my tongue. I could not swallow with the implanted target and his cum just sat in my mouth. I savored his sweet man-juice and wanted to swallow it, but it was starting to mix with the saliva and tears and was leaving what should have been its final destination.

Gene spun me around and shoved his cock through the target, shoving Alan's load deep down my throat. Although not as fat as Alan's, Gene's cock was at least an inch longer and invaded new places yet unused in my throat. Gene grabbed the back of my head and I felt that he was peeing directly down my throat. I was struggling for air, but my body was limp from use. Just as I was starting to pass out, Gene completed and pulled his cock out just far enough that I could take in air. I could hear him laughing at Gene while he violently fucked my now sore and tender throat until he too, started to swell up. But instead of placing his load in my mouth, he put his load where his piss was released, far down my throat with no opportunity to taste it.

He pulled out his cock and released me back to the floor, falling like a limp rag as the two men who had just orally raped my throat returned to reclining on the couch, both gazing down on me. Alan worked up a gob and spit four feet right on my face with some going into the target.

With a toothy grin, he stood up, took his cock in his hand and a stream of piss started coming at me, most of it landing directly into the ring. Since I could not swallow, it trickled down my open throat as well as went outside my mouth, flowing onto my face and chest.

I lay there looking up, limp and in an all-consuming mixture of pain and satisfaction that I had completed this task.

Alan leaned down and removed the target and I slowly closed and maneuvered my exhausted and pained jaw. The back of my throat in anguish from its use as a pussy, fucked by real men instead of as a tool for extracting the juices I hunger for.

"Don't you have something to say, faggot?" Gene demanded "Say something."

"Thank you. Sir" was all I could mutter, the sound not much louder than a whisper escaping from my violated throat.

"Kiss the cocks that fed you", Gene demanded.

It took all the strength I had left to crawl up between their legs and plant kisses on the cocks and balls that had just provided me with the juices I needed, albeit in a manner that suited only their most animal instincts.

"Sir, may I pee for you now, please" I begged, having to relieve myself of the liquids that had been poured into me earlier.

"Shit," Alan directed at Gene, "this faggot must have a bladder the size of a pea."

Gene responded with a laugh and set me on my way, pushing me to the floor by pushing my with his foot on my ass, driving me to the floor.

As I crawled up on the toilet to further relieve myself, I realized that the only way the heavy charm would be directed at the base of the toilet is if I spread my legs as far as I could so it hung freely, pulling my balls and cock downward. The pee did trickle out of the hole at the base of the heat charm, but the pain was almost unbearable. A few fresh tears escaped as I pissed their pee and I examined the remains of what I was. My nipple now sported a bruise and I reached to touch it. I withdrew from my own touch, wincing from the pain and sensitivity that was left. My entire torso was covered with cum, saliva and piss and the stench was actually intoxicating. As I pissed and was consumed by the noxious odor, I reached up and massaged the bruised nipple, taking myself back to the place I had explored in the living room not 15 minutes earlier. My head reeled backwards. I did not even notice Gene watching me from the door.

Gene walked over and smacked my hand away from my ravaged nipple. Grabbed my tender nipple between his thumb and forefinger and pulled it hard. The pain made me scream and that brought a laugh from Gene.

"It's past your bedtime so we are putting you to bed now. More tomorrow, faggot." Gene stated. "It's time for you to brush your teeth before going to bed."

As I crawled off the toilet, Gene took my toothbrush and swirled it around in the toilet with the piss I had just expelled.

"No sense losing the taste you seem to love so much, faggot" Gene declared.

I brushed my teeth and went to spit in the toilet when Gene stopped me and ordered me to swallow. I obeyed and looked down to the floor, humiliated that my new toothpaste was pee.

I crawled into my bedroom and Gene and Alan were both standing at my bed. I noticed the bed was covered in plastic trash bags and there were ropes tied to the legs of the bed fame.

"Climb in faggot" Alan directed.

Alan positioned me on my stomach as my legs and hands were tied to the corners of the bed. I lay there on the plastic, no pillow as Alan declared, "There is no reason your sheets should be stained because a faggot would prefer to be soaked in piss, cum and saliva rather than try to keep itself clean. Now, think about the lessons you learned today and sleep. You will need a lot more strength tomorrow as your lessons continue. Good Night"

"Yes, Sir, Thank you Sir", I whimpered through my raw throat.

The light was turned off and my door closed and I lay in stoned silence, my only company the nipple driven into the plastic, causing discomfort and the charm holding my painful balls and cock, seeking relief. My jaw and throat still aching from my lessons in cock sucking reminded me that this was not a dream. I listened as I heard the muffled voices of my caretakers talking and laughing, planning my tomorrow.

Exhausted, I gave into sleep, knowing this was only the beginning


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