Bob's Holidays

By Francis Scott

Published on Mar 29, 2023


Bob's Holidays Chapter 9

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The following story is a work of fiction from the authors mind. It contains adult situations between consenting adults. If this offends you and is illegal in your area, WHY ARE YOU HERE? Any similarities to actual people or events is purely coincidental. This story does not promote safe sex. Please practice safe sex at all times. Don't put your life or someone else's in jeopardy.

If you haven't read my story, "My Alphabet Friends," I would recommend doing so. All characters in this series are from My Alphabet Friends. There are pictures of the characters at the end of each chapter. You will find, My Alphabet Friends, in Gay/Adult Friends.

Bob's Holidays

By Francis Scott

Chapter 9 - Arbor Day

It was nice to relax by the pool with Graham. We were enjoying another cold beer. We weren't very hungry. We had indulged in the appetizers and canapes at the party. So far no phone calls. It was keeping me a little on edge and Graham could read me well. "Nothing to worry about babe. This isn't Sam's first party at the hotel and everyone will keep a close eye on the grads to made sure they don't get unruly and leave the party drunk."

I know. I just want everything to be perfect. "What did you think of Margaret's decorations?"

"She definitely is a natural. Those decorations were perfect for a grad party. I liked the wooden arch trellis where they could take pictures. I also liked the way the tables were decorated. I don't know. I guess I liked everything. It just seemed to all blend together so well."

"I agree. You could just feel how much she put into it. I'm glad we were able to make her dream come true. The best test will be when Jenna returns and checks in."

Our stomachs started growling and we got up and walked up to the kitchen and raided the frig. We made ourselves a couple of ham and cheese sandwiches and warmed them in the microwave. Wasn't too bad. It was enough for us. We weren't all that hungry. And we went back down to the pool and relaxed. "What do you want do to for the rest of the evening?"

"How about if we watch another Agatha Christie movie in the theater room?"

"Good idea. Let's do it."

We got up and went downstairs and I let Graham find the next movie. I didn't fix any popcorn. We weren't hungry. And we sat together watching the movie. The movie was good. It was another older one in black and white. We played with each other a little while we watched the movie. I liked running Graham's balls around in my fingers and watching him squirm and wiggle around and his cock getting hard. He was lightly brushing my cock with his fingers and making me hard. But we agreed we were going to watch the movie and no fooling around until we went to bed.

My phone rang almost making me jump out of the chair. Especially watching the spy movie at just one of the most suspenseful parts. It was Steve calling me and thanking me for giving them such a great party. Most everyone was still at the party and behaving themselves. Nobody was rowdy or drunk. So that was a relief to me. I thanked him for the call and told him to go back to the party and enjoy himself.

I told Graham that it was Steve that called. Comfirming that everyone was behaving themselves and enjoying the party.

We were still fooling around a little while we watched the movie. It was getting close finishing and it was getting later. I received another phone call. This time it was Sam and he told me the party was starting to wind down. Most of the grads had other parties there were going to. Nobody got drunk and they were all well behaved. I passed the information on to Graham.

The movie finished and we were ready to go to bed. Then our cell phones started ringing. Some of the grads were calling us and thanking us for a swell party. They really enjoyed themselves and appreciaed us having a graduation party for them. Graham told he his calls were basically the same.

I turned off the theater system and we walked arm in arm up to our bedroom.

We crawled into bed and started some heavy making out. It felt like it was something we needed and craved. We were hungry for each other. I couldn't get enought of Graham and he couldn't get enough of me. We were urgent for each other. I devoured Graham in one gulp and he moaned out. He then did the same to me. We were furiously fingering each other's holes. It seemed like we were having a contest to see who could get the other off first. Graham was doing a good job. But I wasn't about to lose. I sucked down harder on his cock and found his prostate and started giving it a good workout. That was all it took until he was pumping out a big load in my throat. I soon came after Graham. My load was forceful and was hitting the back of Graham's throat. We lay back panting and sweating. We hadn't had sex like that in a long time. We looked at each other and started laughing.

"What do you think? Should we take a shower and then go to sleep?"

"Yeah. I want to get this sweat off.

We got out of bed and walked into the shower. We only put one shower head on and we both stood next to each other to rinse the sweat and sexual residue off.

We got out and dried each other off.

We crawled back into bed. We didn't set the alarm and thought we would do some laps in the pool in the morning before breakfast. We were soon off in dreamland.

I woke up before Graham. I let him sleep and carefully crawled out of bed so I wouldn't wake him. He looked so content sleeping. I went downstairs and decided to make some breakfast. We could do our laps after. We didn't have anything planned for today. Just take it easy. Monday, tomorrow, would come soon enough.

I heard some noise and saw Graham walking down the stairs rubbing the sleepies out of his eyes. His big morning woody pointing the way. Graham came up behind me shoving his big hardon between my legs, rubbing between my balls. "You know that makes it hard for me to concentrate on our breakfast."

"I was thinking of dessert first."

"Let's eat breakfast and then have dessert in the pool."

"Ok. You win. I'm hungry. Let's eat and then we'll have dessert in the pool"

We ate breakfast and put everything away quickly and rushed down to the pool. We dove in and had some hot pool sex. Nothing much happened during the day. We received a few more phone calls thanking us for the grad party. Sam called and told us the party generated more requests to use the banquet room for future parties and they wanted the same decorating company that we used for the grad party. Sam was happy about that and so were we. Graham and I watched another movie and then we went to bed.

We were kind of dragging early Monday morning. We did our workout with the guys. I didn't see Cal. I asked Dave about that and he told me Cal wasn't feeling well and had to pass on working out this morning. I asked Dave if he wanted me to call Cal today or visit him and see how he was doing. Dave said no. Cal told him he thought he had the twenty four hour flu and would feel fine tomorrow. We finished our working out. We had some hot sex in the shower. Jerking and sucking everyone off. Margaret's sister had a big breakfast ready for us to eat outside. We ate quick as we were all running a couple minutes late for work. We thanked Margaret's sister for a delicious breakfast. We all hugged and kissed in the garage and left for work.

Monday went well. It was nice to get back on a regular schedule.

In a couple of weeks Steve would take the bar exam. I knew he had enrolled in the bar preparatory classes. According to Steve the bar exam covered many different topics and you needed to be prepared for any one of the topics. I was sure he would pass with flying colors and he was smart young man and graduated second in his class at the university. My dad was anxious for him to finish and pass the bar exam. He had a vacancy waiting for him.

Irving and Mark started today with Graham and Preston. Graham told me their first day would be orientation and then they would work with senior partners.

I went for lunch at the diner. Graham wasn't able to make it. Mondays were always very busy for him. Millie wasn't busy so she had time to talk with me. She said all she heard about was the fantastic graduation party at the hotel. She asked me why she wasn't invited to the party. She said all those hot young men running around, she would have been in heaven. I told her we would invite her the next time. She left to bring my lunch. The diner was filling up and Millie didn't have any more time to talk. I ate my lunch and paid the bill and gave Millie a good sized tip.

I walked back to the clinic and the afternoon went fast. I was glad. I was ready for the day to end. I loved my work, but it was time to leave.

I stopped by Jenna's decorating shop to see Margaret. I saw Margaret in the back room when I walked in. She spotted me and came out. I asked her how everything was going. She said she couldn't be happier. "After the St. Patrick's Party and the Graduation Party they were getting requests for more decorating. I can't thank you and Graham enough."

"I'm glad to hear that."

Margaret told me Jenna was coming on Wednesday for a few days then flying back to New York City. The New York City store is up and running and doing very well. Especially with Anthony's help. I told Margaret I was glad to hear that. And was sure that Jenna would be satisfied with the job that Margaret was doing. I told Margaret I needed to leave and told her, her sister was doing an excellent job.

I got home and Maragaret's sister was still at the house. I asked her how her first day by herself went. She told me no problems. Just getting used to where everything is located and so I'm a little slow. I told her not to worry about it. And to remember that Friday's were half day of work so she could have a long weekend. She thanked me and told me again how much she liked working here. She could work at her own pace without any pressure. I told her that Graham and I were not demanding. Once in awhile we have parties and might ask her to work a little longer or prepare something special. But that didn't happen often. And we always paid extra for the extra work. She told me she was finished and was ready to leave. I told her like I told Margaret. You know when your work is finished. And you don't have to tell me. If you need to leave early on some days that's fine. Don't worry about it. Maybe just let us know a day ahead so when we get home and don't see you we don't get worried that something happened to you. She thanked me again and told me she appreciated everything that I and Graham had told her. She then left.

Graham wasn't home yet. I didn't expect him till later. I then was wondering about Cal and if I should give him a call. Dave said he would be ok. Maybe I'd give Dave a call and see if he knew how Cal was. Dave should be home from work. I picked up cell phone and called Dave. "Hi Bob, how you doing?"

"I'm fine thanks. Was checking in to see how Cal was doing."

"I just got off the phone with Cal. He sounded liked his old self and told me he was feeling fine. He would coming in the morning to workout and was returning to work tomorrow."

"That's good to hear. I'm glad he's feeling better and like his old self. Look forward to seeing you guys tomorrow morning."

I was glad Cal was feeling ok.

I went upstairs and stripped out of my work clothes. I didn't put anything on. It was another warm day. I just slipped on some flip flops and walked out to the pool. Grabbed myself a cold beer and relaxed on a lounger reading the daily paper. Nothing much of interest in the paper. Read a couple of the editorials. Checked the sports page and that was about it. I laid the paper down on the table by my lounger. I waited for Graham to get home and then I warm dinner for us. Margaret's sister was a really good cook. I wouldn't say anything to Margaret, but I thought her sister was a better cook.

I noticed another arrangement of flowers in the living room. They must have come from the star. He told us on the card with the first flowers a new arrangement would come once a week.

I was looking for Graham. He was running later than usual. I expected him home by now. It was nice relaxing by the pool. A few calls were still trickling in, thanking us for the graduation party. I saw a shadow and looked up and there stood Graham. "You were quiet. I didn't even hear you?"

I got up and gave my lover a big hug and kiss and and Graham hugged and kissed me back. "How did Irving and Mark's first day at work go?"

Graham laid down next to me. He had a jock on but had slipped it off. "Their first day is orientation. But from what I heard from their supervisors, they asked good questions and seemed eager to get started."

"How soon will they start on projects?"

The first ninety days is their trial period. Preston and I have to go through the formality of the trial period. It is required by law and our HR person would go through the ceiling if we didn't follow policy. They will be supervised as they start on minor projects. As their ability increases and their knowledge of how we work on projects, they will gradually be eased into major projects. Major projects won't happen until they have finished their trial period. From what I know from their interviews and what I heard today from the supervisors. I don't see any problems with either of them. They are going to be a good fit for our investment firm. Besides we have one senior partner that will be retiring this fall. So having Irving and Mark on board will be a big benefit."

"How about you babe? How was your day?"

"My day went well. I stopped by Jenna's shop to talk to Margaret. She told me she has been getting a lot of calls for decorating jobs. It seems our St. Patrick's Day party and now the graduation party has generated a lot of business. I'm sure Jenna will be happy when she returns. Margaret told me Jenna would be returning this Wednesday for a few days. Probably to check on Margaret to see how everything is going. Margaret sure looked good. The best I've seen her look in a long time. This job was just what she needed. I'm glad for Margaret that it is working out well for her."

I'm going to get our dinner ready. You just relax here and I will let you know when dinner is ready. I saw Graham get up and get himself a beer. I went up to the kitchen and started warming our dinner. I thought we'd eat in the dining room. We could enjoy one of the flower arrangements from the star and his partner.

It went fast warming our dinner. Everything smelled good. I set the dining room table while I waited for the food to get warm. I used one of our nicer sets of dinnerware and silverware. I heard the beep and yelled out the back door that dinner was ready in the dining room. I had set a couple of candles on the table and lit them and brought out our dinner in some of better serving dishes. Graham walked in and we sat down and ate. "Why the fancy dishes?"

"I don't know. It just felt right."

We had veal cutlets with round buttered potato balls and glazed carrots. Everything was delicious. Graham said, "I think Margaret's sister is a better cook than Margaret."

"I know. I was thinking the same thing too. But I thought I better not say anything to Margaret."

"That's for sure. But it might not make any difference now that she is doing a job she loves."

"I don't think she would care. But let's not chance it."

"The flowers look nice."

"Their one of the arrangements from the star and his partner. The flowers we received this week are in the living room."

We finished our dinner and decided to watch a movie again in the theater room. We weren't even half way through the series of Agatha Christie so another black and white movie was in the works for tonight.

Graham helped me clear the table and put everything away and we went downstairs arm in arm to watch a good movie.

We passed on popcorn, but I did grab us a cold beer from the mini. It kept the beer cold. Just the way we liked it. Graham got the movie started and we sat comfortably together in a theater chair. We had one leg draped over the other and we fit together perfect in the chair. The movie was good and kept our attention. We did a little fooling around and were getting each other pretty horny by the time the movie ended. We were anxious to get to our bedroom and take care of our rock hard hardons.

Graham set the alarm and I snuggled up next to him. Reaching around and grasping his big thick hardon. He laid back on his back while I took over. Kissing and making out with him. Devouring his body with kisses and nibbles. I saved his cock for last. Kissed and nibbled on the side of the Graham's thighs driving him crazy and making his cock ooze copious amounts of precum. I then licked between his balls and up the back side of his hard throbbing shaft to the tip. I licked off and sucked out some of his delicious precum. Then slowly took him into my mouth and down my throat. Wrapping my throat muscles around his cock. Graham looked so happy. I cupped his big balls and started fingering his hole. That was all it took. I felt his hole clamp down on my fingers and his cock spasm and squirt out long thick gobs of cum hitting the back of my throat. Graham was really turned on and only shoots hard when he's really horny.

He finished cumming and we laid on our sides kissing and hugging. Graham said, "now your turn." I told him let's wait until tomorrow morning. We fell asleep facing each other and hugging. What a nice way to fall asleep and wake up.

It seemed like we had just fallen asleep and it was already time to get up. I wanted to get downstairs and talk with Cal. I needed to be tactful. I didn't want him being suspicious of Dave calling me.

We crawled out of bed and made our way downstairs. We could hear some of the guys talking and working out. I saw Dave and Cal. Graham and I put on our jocks and joined the guys. We stretched and got warmed up. When I got the chance I told Cal that I heard he wasn't feeling well yesterday. He said he had picked up the twenty four hour flu and felt like his regular self now. I was glad to hear that. We all got into a good workout and then got into another good workout in the shower. There was a lot of sucking and fucking in the shower. It was a great way to end our work out. We ended up drying each other off. Got dressed. Then we all walked upstairs together to eat another wonderful breakfast. We ate outside on the patio table. You could feel that it was going to be another warm day. We all finished breakfast and thanked Margaret's sister for another fantastic breakfast. We hugged and kissed in the garage and left for work.

I hooked my phone up to my connection in my car. I wanted to talk to Holden and make sure he was coming over tonight after work for our massage. It had been a few days with everything that had been going on. I didn't want him forgetting about us. Holden told me, he was just going to call me to see if we were on for tonight's massage. I told him we would be ready for him.

The day went well. Graham and I met at the diner for lunch. I got home a few minutes before Graham. I told Graham, Holden was coming over for our massage. The massage's went well. We ended up getting fucked by Holden's big fat eight incher. He sucked us off while he fucked us. We had a good dinner and had Holden join us. Preston had called Holden to find out what happened to him. Holden told him that we were back on schedule for our Tuesday and Thursday massages.

Holden left and we had a few messages on our land line. More thank you's for the great graduation party. I had just finished listening to the message when my cell phone rang. And then I heard Graham's cell phone ringing. It was Brody calling me. "Hi Brody. "How's it going?"

"Everything is fine. I'm calling for a reason. There was an annoucement at work for volunteers to help plant trees for Arbor Day. Arbor Day is this Thursday. But Tyrell and me volunteered for the mill to do the tree planting. Tyrell and I are calling everyone we can ?think of we help us out planting trees. I was wondering if you and Graham would like to help us?"

"I hear Graham talking to Tyrell. I can't answer for Graham. But I know I would be glad to help out. Do you want me to help calling more of the guys to see if they would like to help plant trees?"

"That would be great. If it's not a problem for you?"

"Not at all. Where are we meeting and what time?"

"We're meeting out in front of my house and leave from there. I was thinking early. Leaving at seven by the latest. The mill will have all the saplings loaded into trucks, waiting for us."

"How many trees are we looking at planting?"

"The mill has forty thousand saplings. Most of the trees will be planted to reforest some of their land. The rest will be scattered out around town."

"That is a lot of trees. We are going to need a big crew. Do you want me to talk to the mayor and see what his thoughts are?"

"That's a wonderful idea. Maybe he knows of some areas for new trees and maybe some of the city workers wouldn't mind helping out."

"I'll give him a call and then get back to you. I think we should hang up so I can start calling the guys and the mayor before it gets too late."

I hung up and I saw Graham had finished talking Tyrell. "Did you agree to help?"

"Of course. You?"

"The same. I told Brody I would start calling our friends to see if they wanted to help and then the mayor."

Graham said, "let me start calling our friends while you talk to the mayor. You know the mayor better than I do."

We both got back on our cell phones. I gave the mayor a call to his private number. "Hello Bob. Nice to hear from you. Is there something I can help you with?"

I gave the mayor all the information on the tree planting. We talked for awhile and he really liked the idea of planting some of the trees in the city. He told me of a new park that was being constructed and would need trees. Also, he mentioned two new boulevards going in that would need trees. The mayor gave me the location of those projects and told me approximately how many trees they would need. He said he would have workers at the three sites to plant the trees. Also he mentioned that he would have a stand setup by the courthouse for free saplings and we could drop off a bunch of the saplings there. I thanked him for all of his help.

I called Brody back and told him about my conversation with the mayor. He thanked me and said that everything was coming together quickly. I told Brody that Graham was calling our friends to help plant trees this coming weekend. And Graham would call him with his information.

Graham had finished his calls and said everyone wanted to help. Even Steve who was busy studying for his bar exam and taking professional bar exam classes. I told Graham to give Brody a call. He was getting everything ready for this weekend.

I heard Graham talk to Brody and gave him a list of names of those that would be helping. Brody told Graham that many of the foresters that worked the mill's forests would also be helping. They knew specifically where the trees should be planted.

That pretty much shot our evening. But it would be worth it to help out. Graham seemed to like the idea too. We worked together and ate a late dinner. We went up to the sunroom after dinner to relax for a bit. Graham turned the tv on and found a good college football game that was starting the second half. We relaxed with a beer on a lounger watching the game. We should be sports commentators. We analyzed every play and made comments on what should have been done different and why did that do that play and on and on and on. We finished our beer and the game was turning into a runaway. We were going to call it a night and head to bed.

Graham set the alarm and we snuggled together and fell asleep.

Wednesday already. I was going to check in on Margaret after work today and see how she's doing. Jenna was also supposed to arrive today. I thought Margaret said she would be here visiting for a week and then heading back to New York City. It would be nice to see Jenna and find out about her new store in New York City.

Wednesday was a busy day it was already the time of year to do physicals. Actually, my favorite time of year. Physicals for new employees at the mill. And sports physicals. My day was full of physicals. When I left I took a drive over to Jenna's decorating shop. I parked in the front and walked in. I saw Margaret busy in the back with a girl working the front. I didn't see Jenna around. The girl at the counter was polite and I told her I would like to talk to Margaret. The girl went to the back room and I saw Margaret turn and walked to the front with Jenna following her. "Hello ladies. I wanted to see if you made it today Jenna and I see you have. I hope Margaret has lots of good news for you?"

"It is nice to be back for a few days. I was planning on staying a week. But with the excellent job Margaret is doing, I will be cutting my visit short. Margaret is doing an excellent job here. And the decorations for the graduation party were perfect. Thank you for having the party at your hotel."

"I'm glad to hear everything is going well. How is your new store in New York City?"

"Well, with your friend's help, Anthony. I'm already making money and have done three big party decorations for some very wealthy people that Anthony knows. I'm booked full and I have a good staff to help me. Margaret is doing a great job here. I'm giving her a raise and she is booked solid for the next two months. I know she and the crew here will do an excellent job and I have nothing to worry about."

"Well, I just wanted to check in and see you and glad to hear your two stores are doing well. Always nice to see you Margaret. I need to leave now and get home. It was a long day of work for me."

"Thanks for coming by Bob. And have a good rest of the day."

I drove home which was only a few blocks from the decorating store. I pulled into the garage and saw Graham's car. He got done with work at regular time. He was probably wondering where I was.

I walked into the kitchen and could see Graham stretched out on a lounger talking on his cell phone. I went upstairs and changed into a jock and went back down to see my lover.

I walked out and Graham didn't see me right away. Then looked up and was a little startled. "I see or hear you."

"You were busy talking on your phone."

"Tyrell called me with the rest of the details on the tree planting."

"Anything I should know?"

"Not really. Tyrell said the mill was providing lunch Saturday and Sunday and lots of bottled water. He said we should wear old clothes. Jeans, tshirt, boots preferably. Tyrell also said they were hoping to at least complete half the number trees Saturday. If we got more planted the better. Trucks would be coming and going as we emptied them."

"Did he saw how many trucks they had?"

"No. But forty thousand trees, I would guess would be at least six to eight trucks, maybe more."

"I'm glad they are providing lunch and bottled water. It supposed to be hot and humid on the weekend. Tyrell hinted something about a party, but I didn't pry. I'm sure if there's a party after. He will tell us on Saturday."

Graham got up and got me a beer. When he came back and handed me the beer I told him about stopping at Jenna's shop and talking with her and Margaret.

The beer tasted good. It was another warm and humid evening. I finished my beer and dove into the pool to get cooled off. The water was refreshing and felt good. Soon Graham joined me.

We decided to eat later. Maybe just a light dinner. We didn't eat much when the weather was so warm. Mainly just sandwiches or appetizers. We were getting rather good at making appetizers that we liked.

Graham and I swam a few laps. We climbed out and put robes on and walked up to the kitchen. I started pulling things out of the frig for sandwiches and appetizers. Graham helped me and soon we had an appetizer tray made that we refrigerated. And a plate of sandwiches that we decided to would wash down with another cold beer.

Graham followed me up to the sunroom and we set the tray of food down on a little table by a double lounger. The birds were busy watching every move we made. They started whistling and making sounds like some of the recorded music. When sounds of tropical birds was playing. The birds started going crazy. They were mimicking the sounds of the tropical birds exactly. Graham and I started laughing. This was first we had heard the birds do this. Then the birds starting laughing with us. Which made Graham and me laugh the much harder.

I got us a couple of beers from the tiki bar and we ate our sandwiches and watched the news and sipped on our beer. We finished eating and watched a movie on regular tv. It was pretty good. Graham and I made out on the lounger during the movie. The movie finished. We said good night to the birds and went to bed. We made out some more in bed. We got so hot and heavy after, I don't know, I would guess a couple of hours of hot making out we fell asleep.

The next few days went fast. Pretty uneventful. I was enjoying doing the physicals. Our phone calls had stopped thanking us for the graduation party. Graham and I decided to go to bed early Friday night. We set the alarm for six. That would give us enough time to shower and dress and have breakfast. Brody didn't live that far away. So it would only take a few minutes to get to his house. We didn't have any sex. We wanted to be rested and ready for a long day of work outside.

The alarm went off waking us from a sound sleep. We got up right away and took a shower. Dried each other off. We abstained from sex. We thought we could have some fun tonight when we got home from work. If we weren't too tired. We got dressed in jeans, tshirts and hiking boots. This seemed strange attire for going to work. But this was going to be different kind of work. After we dressed we went downstairs to fix breakfast. We still had plenty of time. Breakfast didn't take that long to fix. We ate a good hearty breakfast and took off in my SUV for Brody's house.

There were already many cars parked out in front of Brody's house. I saw some of our friends milling around. I found a place to park and we got out. Brody spotted us and came over. He said they were almost ready to head out. Two guys were already at the courthouse and getting the stand setup for distributing trees. Actually, they were small saplings. Brody said they were all hybrid saplings and were fast growing. One truck had already left to distribute trees to the constructions sites. The two boulevards and the new park.

Brody grabbed a megaphone and got everyone's attention. He told us we would go over to the reforestation site in two trucks and then the four crews would be assigned. He said he would give us more instructions when we got to the planting site.

We piled into the two trucks and were on our way to the reforestation site.

The site was quite a few miles out of town. I didn't even know it existed. It was fenced off with security fence and an Authorized Personnel sign was posted on the gate. There was also a guards station by the gate.

The guard opened the two big double gates and we drove in. We went quite a few hundred yards until I saw equipment setup. I assumed for the planting.

We all got out of the trucks and waited for Brody's instructions.

I saw Tyrell join Brody. Brody had his megaphone with him again and got everyone's attention. He started reading off the crews and where to go. It worked out that most of the partners were split up. I don't know if that was done on purpose or just by chance. Graham and I were on different crews.

I walked over to where Brody told our crew to go. I was going to be placing a tree into the hole. Someone else would water the hole first. I would place a tree and then another person in our crew would fill in the hole. It seemed like a fairly easy operation. There was a small piece of equipment. I wasn't sure what you could call it. I guess a hole digger. I thought we'd be using a hand held auger. But this was much better and faster. The hole digger had a hydraulic auger that went fast. The machine had a built in distance recorder so that the trees were evenly placed. I found out the different kinds of trees that were being planted. There was black ash, red maple, white oak and american elm. I couldn't tell one tree from another they all looked the same to me. The driver of the hole digger was our crew boss and got us all into postion and went through what we would be doing. A water truck followed on the side. A low bed truck had the saplings. We were all in position and ready to go.

I heard the hole digger start. It made a lot of noise. The first hole was dug. Watered was poured in. I placed a sapling in the hole and the person behind me filled in the hole. And this was how our day went. It was getting hot and the driver stopped. He said it was time for a water break. A cooler of chilled water bottles appeared. I didn't know from where. But the cool water was welcome. I was sweating profusely and glad I didn't have to wear any dressy clothes. I poured some of the water over my hair and that felt good. I thought I'd see steam rising from my body, I was so warm. I drank the rest of the water. The driver told us we were doing good for the first time doing this. He told us we would soon be half way through this row. I didn't know how long the rows were, but they seemed to go on and on with no end in sight.

The work wasn't hard. Just tiring with this hot day and high humidity. It was good to have the bottled water to keep us hydrated. We kept going on and on. I had heard from some the guys that the city took a lot of maple and elm trees. And the stand was steadily handing out saplings.

Even as hot as it was, I was starting to get hungry. We must have finished the first row because we were starting down a second one. The driver turned back to us and told us we would be stopping for lunch soon. A truck would come to pick us up. He said a tent was setup for lunch. I asked him how long a row was. He said a quarter of a mile. And we were aiming to get four rows done today and four more tomorrow.

Soon the driver of the hole digger stopped and said it was lunch time. A truck should be here soon to take us to the tent. I saw dust billowing up and soon a truck stopped right next to us with dust blowing around all over. We all got into the truck and he took us to the tent. I saw Graham and walked over to talk to him. He looked as hot and sweaty as me. "Did you hear the news?"

"No. What?"

"Quinton and Reeve are having a pool party when we finish for the day."

"This is the first I heard about a pool party. But that sure sounds good. We will need to head home first and get a change of clothes."

"I heard they were having food catered in and an open bar."

"That sounds perfect. I'm going to be ready after I finish today for the pool."

Lunch was okay. Nothing special. But it was a nice gesture on the part of the paper mill to provide a free lunch for all of us. We had ham and cheese sandwiches and BLT's with bottled water or coca cola. Graham had one sandwich of each. I opted for the ham and cheese with bottled water. Graham had bottled water too. It was nice to be in the shade and out of the hot sun for a little bit. Everyone took their time eating lunch. Reeve came over to talk to us.

He mentioned that he and Quinton were having a pool party for all the guys when we finished today. There would be food and beverages. We told him we would need to go home first and get a change of clothes. Didn't want to put this dirty sweaty clothes back on. He said most of the guys were going to do that. But he just wanted us to know that they were having the party and we come back as soon as we could. Soon Brody got on the megaphone and told us all that lunch was over and time to get back into our crews and work.

What a spoil sport. I was enjoying the shade and talking with Reeve. I hadn't had a chance to talk to him in a long time. But it was time to plant more trees.

Our crew got back into the truck and we were soon back to the row we left off on. I felt good after relaxing and having some lunch and was ready for work. The rest of day went well and the driver of the hole digger said we got over half done. He seemed pleased. I was sure hot and sweaty again by the time we finished. Those rows were sure long. Each row being a quarter of a mile. We finished four rows and were about half way on the fifth row. It was after five thirty and we our crew arrived back at the entrance. I didn't see Graham so I waited around for him. Only two trucks were back from work. There were four crews.

I saw Reeve again and he walked over and we talked some more. I was interested in what he was doing at the hospital. He said he was slowly moving into the director of emergency position. He really liked working emergency and had a good group of doctors. Reeve asked me again if we were coming to the party. I told him we planned on it. I was just waiting on Graham and then we would drive home and grab a change of clothes and be back for the party.

I saw a couple more trucks like we arrived in coming from the planting field. Dust was billowing up in a big cloud. The driver of one of the truck's screeched to a stop sliding a little from too much velocity. The second truck behind him was going at a reasonable speed. The crews got out of the trucks. I saw Graham and waved over to him. He spotted me and walked over to me.

Before we left, Brody got on the megaphone and thanked everyone for helping. He told us the same time tomorrow.

I had brought a couple of oversized towels for my front seats. I wasn't sure of our condition after working all day in the sun. We arranged the towels and sat down and I took off for the house. We looked at each other and started laughing. We looked like we had a good suntan from all the dirt and dust on us. It was going to feel good to get into Quinton and Reeve's pool. I had only seen their pool a couple of times and I knew it was huge.

We arrived at the house and we ran upstairs and grabbed some shorts and tshirts and sandals to wear after our swim. I asked Graham if we should rinse off first. The guys aren't going to want us going into their pool in this condition. We decided on a quick rinse in the outside shower. We got all the dirt and grime rinsed off. Dried each other off and put on our other clothes. These work clothes we took downstairs and set by the washer.

We were ready to go. We both agreed we felt much better getting rinsed off.

I pulled into Reeve and Quinton's driveway. Everything about their house was big. This was the biggest house in this complex. It didn't seem very many of the guys had arrived yet. We walked into. The front door was unlocked and saw everyone that was there out in the backyard. I saw a couple of tents set up. And a few people in the pool.

Both Quinton and Reeve came over to welcome us in all their naked glory. They were two hot guys. Reminded me of Graham and me. They told us more guys would be coming. But they were going home to bring a change of clothes. They showed us around. They had the same DJ that we used for our parties. The DJ saw us and waved to us. They showed us the two tents. One tent had catered food and the adjacent tent was the bar. They had a couple of bartenders working that would also work as waiters.

Quinton and Reeve then took us down to the pool. I knew their pool was big. I just forgot how big it was. It was probably three times bigger than our pool. And our pool wasn't that small. But everything about this place was big. It was nice to see Quinton and Reeve doing so well and they could afford a catered party. The bartender/waiters were walking around and asking everybody what they wanted to drink. We told one of the waiters we wanted a cold beer.

The party was started to rock n' roll. Most everybody had arrived, but with a big backyard and pool. It didn't looked crowded. Almost everbody was in the pool. Just relaxing and cooling off after a long day working in the sun. I saw a few sunburned bodies. I told Graham we should take some sunscreen with us tomorrow.

Graham and I relaxed on loungers by the pool. It was fun watching everybody. Some were swimming, other making out and other's having sex with their partner or in groups. I was getting a little hungry. I knew Graham was. So we got up and walked over to the buffet. It was self serve, but we didn't care. We could pick and choose what we wanted.

I had some of the tossed salad. Baked beans. Honey glazed ham. Graham had the roast beef in place of the ham. We took our plates and beverages with us back to our loungers. The food was very good. I would have to ask Quinton or Reeve who they had cater the food.

We decided not to stay too long. We needed to get up early again tomorrow morning for another long day planting trees. Brody and Travis pulled up loungers and were talking with us. Brody said with the trees that city took and stand at the courthouse and our planting yesterday. Over twenty six thousand trees were either distributed or planted. He said that was excellent. And said we might not have to work as late tomorrow. God those guys were sexy. Brody was muscular. Because of his work and working out with us. Travis stayed fit. But not overly muscular. More the swimming diving form to his body.

Their big cocks and balls were really mouth watering and eye catching. I was looking for Dave and Cal. Wanted to see how Cal was feeling. We could look for them later. Brody and Travis finished eating and took off to mingle.

As we looked around not many people were mingling. Most were copulating with their partner or in groups. It was pretty hot to look at. Graham got up from his lounger and laid down on top of me. Rubbing his hardon against my cock. Making me get hard instantly. I felt his back down to his firm hard ass cheeks, squeezing them. I ran a finger over his hole and felt him shudder. We were kissing frantically. Like it was our last time. Our cocks were rock hard and oozing precum. Helping to let them slide together and over each other easily. Graham eased himself off me. I was wondering if I did something wrong. He whispered to me to pull my legs up to my chest. That exposed my hole and moved me to the right level for penetration. I saw Graham rub his precum over his cock. Getting slick and primed for my hole. He then got down and started giving me one of his fantastic rim jobs. He had me moaning and squirming in no time. My cock was leaking precum. It was oozing steadily out of the pee slit. I saw Graham line his cock up with my hole and felt the head enter through my ring. My hole pulled and sucked Graham's cock in. Graham didn't have to ease his cock in. My hole was grabbing it and pulling it for him. His cock felt so good in my hole. Graham was really good at fucking me. Not hard and forceful, but more of a gentle loving fuck. He did slow thrusts in and out and the head of his cock on each thrust rubbed over my prostate. I wanted him to go faster and get it over with. I was was sweating and panting, just like Graham. He was getting me close with his prostate massage. I felt Graham straighten and jerk and spasm and felt his hot love juice filling me up. I told him I was going to cum. He bent down and took the head of my cock in his mouth as I started erupting. He swallowed all of my load. And my hole easily took all of his load. That was fantastic love making.

I didn't think we had it in us after working all day in the hot sun. But we had time to relax and a good dinner and a couple of beers. So I guess that combination did the trick. I told Graham how much I loved him and he told me he loved me more every day. He climbed back on his lounger. We didn't have a mess. Graham's load was in my hole and he had swallowed all of mine.

I heard a lot of slurping and sucking and skin slapping skin. We had fun watching our friends going at it. It was nice how nobody had any inhibitions and didn't mind having sex when they felt like it.

I saw Quinton and Reeve walking over. "You guys having a good time at our little party?"

"Yes. This was a great idea after working out in the hot sun all day. It looks like everyone was able to make it?"

"Yeah. Everyone of our friends that worked today, came to the party. So it was a success."

"The food was great. Where did you have it catered from?"

"We used the caterers in the new strip mall. They seemed glad to get the business. I don't think they've been open very long."

"Text me their name and phone number. Would like to give them business when we have our next party."

"Sure we can do that. Preston is using them tomorrow for his party."

"I'm not sure how much longer we will be staying. It's going to be another long day planting trees tomorrow. And we have to get up early to be at Brody's."

"I hear you. I've been hearing the guys saying the same thing. I think the party will be breaking up soon."

They took off and mingled with some of our friends. I saw Dave and Cal walking around called for them to come over. They grabbed a couple of loungers and relaxed with us. Cal was looking good. Dave looked the same as always. I don't think Dave ever changed. "You enjoying the party?"

"Yeah. This was a great idea. Neither Dave nor my place is big enough for this kind of party. We both have pools, but not enough backyard. We're thinking about leaving soon. Have to get up early to be at Brody's."

"We're thinking he same thing. I haven't seen Tyrell. Do you know what happened to him?"

Dave said, "I heard they had another party to go to so Tyrell made a quick appearance here and then left for the other party."

We all got up and decided to say our goodbyes and leave for home. We walked around and talked to the guys. We thanked Quinton and Reeve for the party. We thought we better leave and get a good rest and be ready for planting trees tomorrow.

We got home and relaxed in the living for a bit. Watching the late news and weather. Weather was still staying hot and humid for the next few days. No change in the weather, in sight. Once the news and weather finished we went upstairs to bed. We curled up together. Graham set the alarm and we were soon sound asleep.

We woke up to the alarm going off. We crawled out of bed and emptied our bladders and took a quick shower. We put on jeans, tshirts and our hiking boots. That was plenty of clothes as warm as it was working in the sun. I went downstairs before Graham and got breakfast started. According to Brody this might be a shorter day. Since we got so many trees planted yesterday. I hoped so. We would go to Preston's party.

I got busy getting breakfast ready and heard Graham coming down the stairs. He pressed into me from behind. Wrapping his arms around me and feeling his hardon pressing against my ass. He started rubbing my nipples through my tshirt making them hard and kissing me on my neck and ears. I told him we don't have time for this right now. He sighed and said he knew. He helped me finish breakfast and we ate in the breakfast nook. We put everything away and Graham was driving us today in his car. We grabbed a couple of towels to put over the seat when we finished work. We agreed to come home after work and rinse off and change clothes and then go to Preston's party.

Graham pulled up close to Brody's house. It looked like most of the guys were already there. Some looked pretty rough. Probably too much to drink at Quinton and Reeve's party. Brody got on the megaphone and told everyone to get into their groups and then get in the truck to start the day. We all piled into the truck and soon we were on our way to where we left off yesterday.

We all got out of the truck and back into our places. The driver started up the hole digger and soon we were planting trees. It was going smoothly and we got into a good routine. After yesterday, we knew exactly what we needed to do. I could tell it was going faster today. We had cleared off the lowbed truck of sapling and needed to wait until the next one pulled up. It didn't take long and soon we were back to planting trees. Lunch time came around and we were taken back to the tent.

Lunch was pretty much the same as yesterday. Sandwiches and beverages. Bottled water and coca cola. Graham sat with me and I asked him how his crew was doing. He told they were going like lightning. According to Brody we would finish earlier today. With distribution of trees yesterday to the city and the stand giving out trees at the courthouse and our planting. We were already approaching fifty thousand trees. We still had a few thousand more left to plant. The paper mill wanted forty thousand trees planted. We finished eating and just tried to relax a bit. We were dirty grimy and dusty. Just like yesterday. This hot weather could dehydrate a person fast. I was surprised nobody had heat stroke or fainted.

Brody got up and used his megaphone. He told everyone that we had a great day going. And would probably be planting more than the forty thousand required. He said at the pace we were going we should finish right around five this afternoon. That got a cheer from everybody. He then told us all it was time to get back to work. That brought out the moans and groans.

Our crew got back into the truck and soon we were back to where we left off planting. I thought our crew was doing a good job. The driver of the hole digger kept encouraging us and telling us what a good job we were doing. I didn't know if that helped or not. All I knew was that five couldn't come soon enough.

We kept on going. These rows seemed to get longer and longer. The driver of the hole digger told us that we were on the last row. When we finished this row we would be taken back to the lunch tent. We kept up our steady pace, but I couldn't see the end of the row yet.

We kept up a good pace and finally I could see the end of our last row a long ways ahead. At least the end was in sight. We all finally finished our last row and the driver told us we had done an excellent job in two days. He said the truck would be here shortly to take us back to the front.

The truck came to a quick stop with dusk billowing all over. We climbed into the truck and we went back to the entrance. It looked like we were the first ones finished. I checked the time and it was just after four thirty. I grabbed a cold bottle of water out of the cooler and it tasted good. I took a seat under the tent to cool down a little.

I saw a couple more trucks coming to the entrance. I saw Graham get out of one of the trucks and I waved to him. He walked over and looked hot and tired and just as dirty and grimy as me. I grabbed him a cold bottle of water out of one of the coolers and he sat down beside me. "It's over babe."

"Thank god. I never thought this day would end. Our driver of the hole digger said we planted more than the forty thousand trees."

"That's what our driver told us. Is the last crew finishing?"

"I don't know. They were a long ways away from where we were working. I should think they would be finishing soon."

We needed to wait for Brody and get the final count on planting and the go ahead to leave.

Graham said he saw the last truck coming. It came to a screeching stop close to the tent. Dust billowing out all over. I don't know if the driver did that on purpose. Brody and the rest of the crew got out. They got some cold bottled water and chugged it down. Not good to drink cold water fast when your body is warm.

Brody finished his water and grabbed the megaphone. He thanked us all for a job well done. He said with the trees the city planted and the trees that were given away at the stand at the courthouse and our planting. Over fifty three thousand trees were planted. We had planted close to fiftyone thousand trees. Brody said this a very productive two days and the paper mill was very pleased with our efforts and thanked us. He said we could leave and there was a party at Preston and Holden's house.

We arranged the towels over the front seats in Graham's car and took off for the house.

When we arrived we dashed for the outside shower and rinsed off the dirt and grime. We used the towels from the car for drying off. We went upstairs and put on some cargo shorts a nice pull over and some sandals and left for Preston's house in Graham's car.

When we arrived their were already a lot cars parked around. We got out and could hear the music. It sounded like the party was in full swing. Graham and I were ready to let our hair down and have a good time. After two day working in the hot sun, we felt we deserved getting it on with our friends.

The front door was open and we walked in. Everyone was out in the backyard. It was set up pretty well. The DJ was close to the outside entrance. He greeted us and was wearing just a jock that was well packed. We saw guys dancing, some in the pool and jacuzzi. There were three tents set up. I assumed for drinks and food, but unsure about the third tent. Graham and I decided to check out the tents.

Preston saw us and came over and thanked us for coming. We told him we wouldn't miss it. "What's in the tents?"

"Go ahead and check them out. I think you might get a surprise."

That aroused our curiosity and like I thought. The first tent we came to was the buffet. Preston and Holden used the new caterers in the strip mall, that Reeve and Quinton had at their party. The second tent was the bar with bartenders. The third tent took us by surprise. Holden had a massage table set up with oils warming. "Hi guys. Does this look familiar?"

"Sure does. We will be visiting you soon for a massage. We just got here and need to greet everyone first. And get something to eat and drink. Have you been busy giving massages?"

"Kind of sporadic. But I'll look forward to giving you guys a special massage with benefits."

"I don't think you'll have to wait long until we visit you."

We walked back to the buffet and filled a couple of small plates. Waiters were going around and we asked for a couple of beers. Once we had our beers we started eating drinking and walking around. We greeted all our friends and found a place to sit so we could finish our food and beer. Then we were going for a massage.

It was fun watching everybody while we ate and drank our beer. Some of the guys were dancing and really getting into the music. There was a lot of gyrating and grinding and shaking. The guys in the jacuzzi looked like they were all getting better acquainted. I didn't see any faces without smiles on them. The pool was busy with guys on the edge getting blowjobs or fucked. Others standing in the shallow end with their hands below the water. We knew what they were doing.

We finished our food and beer and discarded the plastic plate and plastic glass and walked over to Holden's tent.

"Glad to see you made it back."

"You ready for us?"

"You bet. Who's going first?"

Graham and I did rock paper scissors and Graham won. "Looks like Graham is going first."

"Go ahead and sit down in the chair Bob, while you wait. You can see what your massage will be like when it's your turn."

I got a waiters attention and orderd another beer while I waited. The waiter came back with my beer as Holden started pouring warm oil on Graham's shoulders and back. Holden started working the oil in and working out any kinks or knots in Graham's muscles. Holden then poursed oil on the back of Graham's legs and worked the oil in. Rubbed up inside his upper thighs and brushing against Graham's big balls. Next he poured a little oil on Graham's firm tight buttocks. Holden took his time working the oil in and rubbing the side of his hand between Graham's ass cheeks. This caused Graham to give out a low moan. Holden told Graham to turn over. It was time to do the front. I could see that Graham was semi hard. Holden was wearing basketball shorts. Obviously freeballing in them. I could see his big cock swinging inside his shorts as he walked around. Holden poured oil on Graham's chest working the oil in and paying special attention to my lover's pecs and nips. I saw his nips get hard and his cock twitch a couple of times. Holden them massaged the front of Graham's legs. Again working up the thighs and brushing against Graham's balls. He then massaged Graham's feet and toes. Then moved up to his arms and massaged his arms hands and fingers. He was saving the best for last. Holden then poured a little of the oil in his hands and wrapped his hands around Graham's cock. I could see Graham's cock growing. Holden moved his hands around Graham's cock slowly up and down. He put some oil on Graham's cock and I saw it running down the side of his shaft. Holden started slowly stroking with one hand while the other oiled hand started feeling Graham's balls and getting them all slick with oil. I saw the hand feeling Graham's balls moving down lower and under, easing a couple oiled fingers in Graham's hole. Then I saw Holden oil his hole pushing the oil in with two or three fingers. He climbed up on the massage table and lowered his hole slowly down Graham's shaft. Inch by inch Graham's shaft disappeared into Holden's hole. Graham had the most contented look on his face. Finally I saw Holden's ass cheeks nestled in Graham's pubes. Holden started rocking back and forth and moving up and down. I didn't know that Holden got fucked I had only seen Holden sucked off and him fucking someone else. Holden must of said something to Graham and I saw Graham lean up while Holden leaned down. Graham was taking the thick head of Holden between his lips and looking like Holden was shooting in his mouth. Holden was cumming in Graham's mouth causing his hole to constrict on Graham's hard throbbing shaft. Making Graham moan loud and I knew Graham was shooting up Holden's hole. They both looked satisfied. After a couple of minutes, Holden got off Graham. Holden grabbed a towel and wiped Graham off and then himself. Holden looked over to me. "You ready?"

"You bet." I gulped down the rest of my beer and climbed up on the massage table. Graham sat down where I had been and ordered a beer from a waiter.

Holden started out the same as with Graham on me. First doing my back side and then having me turn over and doing my front. However, when it got to the fun part. Holden told me to pull my legs up to my chest. I soon felt Holden's warm wet tongue licking around my hole and then over my hole getting it wet. Then I felt his mouth like a vacuum on my hole and him nibbling on the sides of my hole. Then he curled his tongue and started inserting it and out of my hole. Like a little penis. I was hoping Graham was watching. Graham did ok. But he could pick up a few pointers from Holden. Then I felt one of Holden's fat fingers enter my hole. He moved it around and my hole easily accepted his finger. Then I felt a second and a third finger in my hole. One of his fingers found my prostate and rubbed over it a couple of times. That made me rock hard and start leaking precum. I felt Holden pull his fingers out and I had an empty feeling. Then I felt something warm and slick pressing at my entrance. I knew it was the thick head of Holden's eight inch cock. He eased the head in and I heard a little pop and he was in. I felt a quick tinge of pain, but it didn't last. I felt Holden slowly ease his cock in. Inch by inch until his balls were pressed against mine. Holden's cock was longer than Graham's. But the thickness felt the same. He then slowly started thrusting in and out. Taking his time and going slow. It really felt hot when his balls rubbed and pressed against mine. Then the head of his cock hit my prostate sending electrical jolts through my body. I told Holden I was going to cum soon. He started picking up his pace. I told him I was ready and he bent down and took the head of my cock into his mouth. As he rubbed against my prostate the next time I started flooding his mouth with my load. That must have pushed Holden over the edge. I felt his big cock thicken and start spasming in my hole. Soon his hot cum was filling my hole. He got off my cock and bent down further and gave me a cum kiss. My cum didn't taste too bad. We laid together with him still in my hole for a few minutes. Finally Holden pulled out and got off the massage table. He got a towel and wiped me off and then himself. "Now I know what we have to look forward to Tuesday."

"You know it. Something I look forward to."

We left Holden feeling really relaxed and got ourselves another beer. Reeve and Quinton walked over. "You guys looked relaxed."

"We just finished having a massage from Holden. It was very invigorating. You guys should take advantage of a massage. Holden is a massage therapist."

Reeve and Quinton looked at each other. "I think we'll do that. I have some sore muscles that a massage could help."

We watched Reeve and Quinton walk over to Holden's tent. We knew they would be happy with the massage with benefits.

We got into a group that was dancing. It was fun. Cocks and balls bouncing around and hitting each other. I mentioned to Graham, this was the most I had seen Cal in a long time. He's usually busy with work. It was nice to see him having a good time and letting his hair down. He looked good and didn't show any signs of having the flu.

We then moved to another group dancing and talked and danced with them. I saw Tyrell over in the jacuzzi. I was wondering how he got away from Rashona. She kept a tight leash on him.

Graham and I decided to get something to eat and drink and then call it a night. Work tomorrow and two parties, back to back, we were starting to feel a little tired. I think more from working out in the hot sun. I saw a few more sunburns. Graham and I had brought our sunscreen today and we kept applying liberally.

I tried the roast beef and a garden salad with another cold beer. Graham had ham and roast beef with baked beans and a dinner roll. I don't know how he put away so much food and not gain weight. I guess he has good metabolism and working out helps.

We finished eating and drinking and thought we would make our rounds and say our goodbyes to everyone and a special thank you to Preston and Holden for a great party. Preston showed us where our clothes were. We got dressed and thanked him again. We hugged and kissed and Graham drove us home.

Graham pulled into the garage. We walked into the kitchen and went upstairs. Stripped off our clothes and put them away. Crawled into bed and made out for I don't know how long. All I knew was I was waking up to the alarm.

We slowly crawled out of bed. Two days of working in the sun and two parties back to back had really hit us. We got in a good workout with the guys and we got into a big circle suck. That was fun and hot. Breakfast was great again. And soon we were all off to work.

The next days went fast and I slowly got back to my regular self. I stopped by Jenna's decorating shop. But I noticed the sign had been changed to J & M Decorating. I walked in and Margaret spotted me and came out to the front counter. "What's with the sign change?"

"Well. I've become a co-owner of the decorating shop. Jenna was so impressed with what I've done in such a short time and being booked every week for at least two "months out. She's very pleased and made me a co-owner of her two decorating shops."

"That's fantastic news Margaret. I knew you would do a good job. Is Jenna around? I want to say my goodbyes. I know she will be leaving for New York City soon."

"Unfortunately, something came up at her New York City store and she was needed. She left yesterday. But when I talk to her on the phone I will tell her about you wanting to say your goodbyes to her."

"Thanks Margaret. I better get going and finish my day at the clinic. Congratulations again Margaret. You deserve it."

Graham and I had started planning a party for Steve at our house, once he passed his bar exam. His parents were too busy to have a party for him and they seemed very aloof when I briefly talked with them. Seemed a little like my parents. Always too busy to attend any of Reggie or my achievements in high school and college. Steve would be taking his bar exam over two days next week. I wasn't familiar with the bar exam. Steve explained it to me. That there were twelve different topics and he would be tested on one of the twelve topics. The exam is twelve hours long and it's divided between two days. The exam would be held at the universities school of law. Steve was happy about that and wouldn't have to travel and stay somewhere to take the exam.

The week of Steve's exam had arrived. We had talked a couple times on the phone. He felt ready. The exam would start on Tuesday and finish on Wednesday. He said he didn't feel nervous. He was confident he was well prepared. The preparatory classes had helped along with his study group. Both Graham and I wished him the best. And gave him as much encouragement as we could. We told him we knew he would pass and soon be working at my dad's law firm. He seemed upbeat when we got off the phone. I was anxious now to hear how he did on his bar exam.

Margaret and her crew would decorate the house. The covered patio and part of the side of the pool would be used. One tent would be put up or whatever Margaret came up with in her decorations for drinks. Waiters would we going around with appetizers and drinks. I had worked out with Sam, waiters and bartenders. Graham and I ordered the appetizers from the new catering store in the strip mall. Now we just needed Steve to pass his bar exam.

The last I talked with Steve. He would be given his results after the second day of his bar exam. The examiners would convene for about a half hour and then announce the results to all the applicants taking the exam.

The party was scheduled for Friday. We told Steve he could invite whomever he wanted and the number of people he invited didn't matter. I talked to my dad and he was coming, but mom wouldn't be able to. She was too busy. That sounded familiar. Some of the faculty in the law school were invited, as well as the examiners. My dad had connections and was able to get those people invited. Irving and Mark were also coming over with Preston and Holden. I knew Steve would invite his study group and some other friends he had made at the university. It sounded like we should have a nice sized group attending his congratulatory party.

Wednesday was already here and the last day of Steve's bar exam. He would get his results today. He promised he would call me as soon as the results were given by the examiners. I don't know who was more nervous, me or Steve. He didn't sound nervous the last time we talked. At least my day was going quickly and Graham and I were meeting at the diner for lunch. I walked into the diner and sat down at my favorite table. My cell phone started ringing. It was Steve. "You have good news for me?"

He sounded distraught and really down. "Well, I was the last of applicants to have the results read." Then his voice changed completely. "The examiners said they were impressed with me and I had received the best scores on the written and oral parts of the exam in the history of this states' history of the bar exam. I couldn't be happier Bob."

"That's wonderful Steve. Do you want to come over later and have an early congratulatory party?"

"Thanks for the invite. I'll wait until Friday. My friends from law school and me are going out to celebrate which might last until tomorrow. So I think Friday will be perfect for the party."

"Congratulations. I'll be sure to tell Graham when we talk. I know he was wondering how you did on the exam. I'll let you go and celebrate. That's just fantastic, Steve."

That sure made my day. I saw my big stud of a husband walk in and sit down next to me. "I just got off the phone with Steve."

"I hope he had good news."

"Not good, great news. He passed his bar exam breaking state records."

"I knew he was smart. This just proves it."

Millie was busy so we didn't have much time to talk. We ordered the special, paid Millie and left her a tip and went back to work.

Margaret was supposed to start the decorations today. I couldn't wait to see what she had planned. I think she was starting early so she would have some time to talk to her sister. The rest of the day went fast and I was anxious to get home.

I pulled into the garage and walked into the kitchen. Margaret's sister was busy in the kitchen. She told me, "they started decorated today."

I walked out to the back patio and it was really a unique idea that Margaret had. It looked like when the decorating was finished, it would be a courtroom. Complete with judge's area. A witness stand and a place for a court recorder. The judge's chambers would be the bar. I thought that was a different idea. I wasn't exactly sure how that would be received by some of the people attending the party. But it was a party and not a real courtroom. There was also a podium for the witnesses to talk. I liked it. Have to see what Graham thought.

Graham came home shortly and he joined me outside to look at the progress of the decorations. He didn't see any problem with the judge's chambers being the bar. It thought it was kind of comical and a good idea.

We didn't do much the rest of the day and we woke up Friday morning. We worked out with the guys. Ate a good hearty breakfast and Graham and I would be home early. We both worked half days on Friday. I told Margaret's sister she didn't need to stay and work her regular half day. Everything was ready for the party and she didn't have to work longer. She liked that and told good luck with the party and tell Steve how proud we all are of him accomplishments.

The morning flew by and soon we were all leaving the clinic except Quinton who was having a busy day with his patients and would be leaving later.

I got home and saw Graham's car in the garage. He didn't usually get home before me. I walked into the kitchen and saw Graham talking to Margaret out on the patio. I walked out and greeted them. The courtroom really came together and the judge's chamber looked really good with the bar. Margaret and her crew had down another outstanding job. I thanked her and she told me they were almost finished. Just a few finishing touches and they would be done. I told her not to worry the party wasn't starting until six, so she had plenty of time. She said she had another party to start on when she finished here.

Graham and I walked around looking at the decorations and staying out of the worker's way. It really looked good. Margaret sure came up with good ideas. It was no surprise that Jenna made her a co-owner of her two decorating shops. Margaret said they were finished and asked us what we thought. We told her it was perfect. She definitely was a natural at decorating. She rounded up her crew and they left.

I asked Graham if the appetizers had arrived. He said he didn't think so. We walked up to the kitchen and checked the frig. Nothing in there. They should be coming soon, I would think. The waiters and bartenders wouldn't arrive until five.

We went upstairs and changed into some sweat pants and a tshirt and flip flops. It felt good getting out of our work clothes. It would have felt better to wear just a jock or nothing. But with the caterers coming soon and then the staff coming later. We decided on wearing clothes. We would change around four thirty for the party.

Graham and I walked down to the pool and relaxed on a lounger. I got us a couple of cold beers. I asked Graham and Irving and Mark. He said they were doing an excellent job. And it seemed like they at always worked at the investment firm. They would soon be finishing their required trial period and then would be working on smaller projects on their own with supervision and gradually work into larger projects and start receiving calls and setting up more project for the firm. Preston and me are very happy to have them onboard. They are two fine men with great potential.

The beer was going down pretty fast. This hot and humid weather made us thirsty, but not so hungry. I heard the speaker. I looked at Graham. He got up and went up to the foyer and pressed the button. A large catering van came in. He opened the doors for the two men and told them to put the trays on the kitchen island. Graham gave them a tip and they left.

Graham hollered out to me and I got up and walked up to the kitchen. Their were eight large trays of appetizers. They looked and smelled good. Each four trays were on a stackable rack. We were able to make room in the frig for both stacks of appetizer trays.

Since we were up. We decided to get dressed and ready for the party. We jumped in the shower to rinse off the sweat and cool down. We thought we should have jumped in the pool for a few minutes. We started making out in the shower and before I knew it, Graham was fucking me. It felt good. He was going slow and gentle and kissing my neck and ears. My cock was rock hard and sticking straight out. Once Graham came in my hole. We switched places and I slowly entered my lover. Taking my time and kissing and nibbling on Graham's ears. Reaching around and feeling his pecs and nibs. It didn't take me long to cum and soon I was filling Graham's hole. We used the hand held shower wand to clean out our holes. I definitely didn't want any wet spots on my dress pants or cum running down my leg. That would be fun to explain. Once I finished cleaning myself out. Graham did the same. We toweled each other off getting semi hard.

We went into the walkin closet to decide on what we would wear. We decided on semi casual formal clothes. We pulled out some of our tailor made clothes and decided what shirt would go the best with the pants. Graham was better than me at colors. We finally decided on what we would wear. We got dressed with a nice belt and dress shoes. Checked ourselves out in the floor length mirror and thought we looked ready for the party.

I checked the time and it was only a few minutes until the waiters and bartenders should be arriving. We decided we would play our own music. We a built in sound system in the house and was connected to the backyard. So some nice easy listening background music would be good. I told Graham to go ahead pick out the music. He was going to do it on his bluetooth on his cell phone. I started hearing some low music. It sounded really nice. "Good choice of music babe."

"Thanks. I'm glad you like it."

We sat down in the living room and I wanted to check our 24/7 weather channel and see what the forecast looked like. They were at commercials, so we had to wait a couple of minutes. Once the weather came on it looked like the new few days weather was going to be the same. Hot and humid. With a chance of changing weather the middle of next week. They didn't mention what the change of weather would be.

I heard the speaker and walked over and pressed the button to open the gate. It looked like our staff had arrived. I saw four men get out in what I would call lawyer style suits. Margaret probably had something to do with that. I opened the front doors for them and let them in. Graham and I greeted them and showed the bartenders where the bar would be set up. They liked the judge's chambers. They said this was the first time they worked at a bar in a judge's chambers. They thought it was a unique idea. They all really liked the decorations and thought it looked like a real courtroom.

The waiters helped the bartenders get the bar set up. Graham and I had moved an ice machine into the bar so if they ran out of ice they could always use from the machine. They arranged the bar pretty well. Glasses on one end with napkins wrapped around the glasses. The different liquor bottled were lined up with the different mixes lined up behind the liquor bottles. Four of them didn't take long to have the bar ready. Beer was in a cooler on ice and they had a towel for wiping off the beer bottles and they had beer glasses ready with napkings. Everything looked ready to go. They told Graham and me that they had plenty of room.

While the bartenders were finishing. We took the waiters up to the kitchen and showed them where the trays of appetizers were located. They said it would be good to keep the appetizers chilled with this warm weather until the guests arrived.

I saw my guard that I had used before. He had a guest list of people that would be attending the party. If someone showed up that wasn't on the list he would call us to make sure they could enter. He was very good and professional.

The special guest of honor arrived in a car with some friends. I didn't know if they were just college friends or his study group. It was like a caravan of cars coming. I saw my dad get out of his car. Then some older people. I assumed they were staff or examiners for the bar exam. They walked up to the front door and Graham and I started greeting everyone and told them to go to the backyard. I told one of the waiters to keep an eye on the foyer when more people arrived and direct them to the backyard.

Steve introduced his study group friends to us. He said his other college friends should be coming shortly. We greeted staff from the law school at the univeristy and some of the examiners. They looked like examiners. I would have to try to get them to smile later. Graham and I shook my dad's hand. He gave us both hugs and apoligized for mom not coming. We walked out to the backyard with my dad. My dad started laughing. "You know this looks just like a courtroom."

"Wsit till you see the judge's chamber." We led my dad down to the bar. "This is the first time I've seen a full bar in the judge's chamber. This is really a unique idea." We told dad that Jenna and Margaret's decorating company did the decorating for the party.

Dad left us and started mingling and talking with the faculty from the university law school and the bar exam examiners. I thought I saw one of the examiners actually smile while my dad was talking to her.

Guests were still trickling in. The bartenders looked busy and the waiters were taking around drinks. I didn't want any appetizers served until everyone arrived.

Guests were still trickling in. Then I got a call from the guard the everyone one the guest list had arrived. I told him to go ahead and close the gate and wait for another hour in case there were some stragglers.

I told the waiters everyone was here. They could start serving appetizers. Everyone looked like they were getting along. Steve had a large group around him and was busy talking. It looked like everyone was drinking. Graham and I had a beer. I wasn't sure if I wanted any hard liquor. Graham said he was going to have a scotch and water after his beer. The appetizers were good. At least the couple that I ate.

I heard people talking about the decorations. Then I saw my dad walk up to the judges seat and it looked like he pulled out a bag. He crouched down and when he stood up he had a judges robe on. I didn't see him bring in the robe. It must have been put their earlier. I saw one of the law school faculty walk over to the podium and announced. "The honorable judge John has entered the courtroom. Let's have your attention."

I knew nothing about this. But it was fitting. My dad walked down to the podium. "It is my pleasure to welcome you all to this wonderful party for a very special young man. In case you don't know. Our guest of honor, Steve. Broke state records when he took his bar exam. That got cheers and whistles from the audience. Also, you may not know, but Steve will be joining my law firm and started his job this coming Monday. Now I would like our special guest of honor to come forward."

Steve walked slowly up to the podium. Some of his friends pushing him forward. Finally he was standing next to my dad. To everyone clapping. My dad continued. "Steve didn't know anything about this. But my did pulled a document out of his robe. Steve it is my pleasure to present you your diploma from law school and a certificate of outstanding accomplishments on the bar exam. In case you don't know. This certificate is rarely given out. It is given by the governor of our wonderful state for a student or students that have done an outstanding job in their university studies and for breaking state records on the bar exam." Again everyone applauded and cheered Steve as he accepted his diploma and certificate. "Now it's time to enjoy this party given by son and his husband for Steve. Please congratulate Steve when you get a chance. His accomplishments are quite remarkable."

I saw my dad take the robe off. It had to be hot wearing that robe. I saw groups down by the pool and another large group at the pergola. As the weatherman promised, it was a warm and humid evening. I think the weather made everyone drink. I walked over to a group of faculty and some of the examiners. They thanked me for having this party for Steve. I explained to them about Steve's parents and my partner and I felt it was the least we could do for Steve. They thanked me again. And I actually saw some smiles. They told how much they liked the decorations. It was very fitting for this party. I asked them what they thought about the judge's chamber. They started laughing and said they knew of a couple of circuit court judges that had a couple of bottles stowed away in their desks. I left them and wanted to talk to Irving and Mark.

Graham and I walked around got another appetizer and beer. I saw my dad walking over to us. I was wondering what he wanted. He told us he was leaving and going around and thanking everyone for coming. He thanked us for a wonderful party for Steve. Dad left us and saw him walking up to the foyer to leave.

We continued walking around looking for Irving and Mark. I spotted them with a group guys around their age at the pergola. Graham and I walked over to the pergola and Irving and Mark saw us coming and got up and walked over to us. "This is a great party you guys gave for Steve. His parents really suck."

"Yes they do. That's why we wanted this party."

"Steve is really happy you guys did this for him. And helping him get hired at your dad's law firm."

"It's the least we could for Steve. He's a likeable young man and very smart. He deserves the best. He's worked for it. How are you guys doing at Graham and Preston's investment firm?"

"We're loving it. It's even better working for guys that you know. We feel we are fitting in and not outsiders anymore."

"That's good to hear. I've only heard good things about you two working with Graham and Preston. We're going to walk around a little more. Enjoy yourselves and the bar will be open for another couple of hours."

We went back over to the courtroom and talked to some of the other people we hadn't met. They were from the school of law. Graham and I had a good conversation with them. They told us they were honored to be here to give Steve they special thanks and being such a wonderful student. And they way he excelled in his studies and went way beyond other students. They were amazed at his quick thinking and his ability to communicate. All skills important for a good lawyer. Also, his memory was exceptional and they felt he would have been able to answer all twelve topics at the bar exam.

The party was starting to wind down. Some of the older people were leaving. They thanked us again for having this party for Steve. It just left Steve and a few of his friends. I told the waiters and bartenders they could take down the bar in about a half hour. The young guys and girls finished the rest of the appetizers. Graham and I relaxed by the pool. It was still really warm and humid. I was wondering if it was going to be like this all night. Thank god for A/C.

A bartender brought us another beer. Graham and I talked about the party and thought it was a success. We needed to thank Margaret this coming week on an outstanding job of decorating. Graham was starting to feel a little frisky. I told him we needed to wait until everyone had left before we started fooling around. He just sighed and laid back on his lounger. We laid on separate loungers. Even though everyone knew Graham and me were partners. We didn't want to give off any bad signs.

The young people walked over to us and said they were leaving and thanked us for such an awesome party. We hugged and shook hands with everyone and followed them out to the foyer and watched them leave. Steve came back and told us that he could never thank us enough for everything we had done for him. We told him it was our pleasure. And we just wanted you to have a chance to be with your friends and have some fun.

Steve thanked us again and then he joined his friends and we watched them leave.

We walked back outside and the bartenders and waiters were taking down the bar. We showed them where everything went. With four of them, they were finished in no time. They left and it left just me and Graham. We looked around and didn't see any trash anywhere. The caterers would be back tomorrow morning to pick up their appetizer trays and the two storage racks. I was sure Margaret would be over to take down the decorations. That would give Graham and me a chance to thank her.

We went upstairs and stripped out of our dress clothes. Slowly undressing each other and getting horny. By the time we got to our boxers they were tented. We slowly slid each other's boxers off and took the thick hard flared head into our mouths. Sucking and licking off the precum. We put on jocks and went down to watch the late news and weather.

We would finish our fooling around when we went to bed.

The news was the same. Just a repeat of the earlier news. The weather didn't look like any change soon. They did mention, like before, that a change in the weather was coming by the middle of next week. They didn't give any details on what the weather change would be.

We went upstairs and slowly slid each other's jocks off. When they feel to our feet, we kicked them off. We crawled into bed next to each other on our sides. Our hardons were hitting and rubbing together as we kissed and hugged and made out. We weren't tired and didn't have to get up early so we had plenty of time to have fun.

Graham turned and laid on his back. I got over the top of him so our cocks were laying on top of each other. Our precum was making them slick and wet and made it easy to rub and grind them together. We kept kissing and Graham was feeling me all over. I then moved around so we were in a sixty nine. My hard cock and balls were hanging down over Graham's face. Graham's hard cock was sticking straight up. I licked around the head and sucked the head in and out. Making little popping sounds. I reached down and played with Graham's balls while I keep kissing and sucking his big thick head. Graham was leaking copious amounts now of precum and I was sucking it out and swallowing it. It tasted sweet and salty. I then slowly sucked Graham's length down my throat until my nose was buried in his manly smelling pubes. Graham had taken me to the base of my cock. We both got a good sucking rhythm going. Graham was playing with my balls like I was with his. I squeezed my throat muscles around Graham's cock. Graham hadn't mastered that technique yet. But he kept trying. I then sucked him up and down with my throat muscles wrapped around his throbbing shaft. Graham was going to town on my cock. And I could feel my cum starting to churn in my balls. I felt Graham's balls pulling up and I knew it wouldn't be long for him. Finally, we couldn't hold back any longer and our cocks thickened and spasmed and we were shooting out at the same time. I loved it when we came at the same time. It was such a wonderful feeling. We just laid there with each other's cocks in our mouths, until they went soft. We licked the residue off each other's cocks and laid back panting and regaining our normal breathing. We looked at each other and smiled and mouthed, I love you. We snuggled up together and I pulled the covers over us and we fell asleep.

We woke up and decided not to work out. We could do some laps in the pool later. We went in the bathroom and splashed some water on our faces. We put on some gym shorts, tshirts and flip flops and went down to make some breakfast. It was just after eight. I guess we were more tired than we thought. Our morning woodies were tenting our shorts, but we didn't care. Nobody else was around. Then I remembered the caterers would be coming and Margaret and her crew. I asked Graham if we should put some jocks on to help control our hardons. He said nah, let's give them a show. I gave Graham a smirk and we went back to making our breakfast.

We were just finishing when I heard the speaker. It was the caterers coming. I got everything out on the kitchen counter. I thought they could come in and take their things. I wanted to see if they noticed Graham's and my hardons.

I pressed the button and I saw a small catering van come in. Two men got out and walked up to the front door. I opened the front doors for them and they walked in. I showed them where their things were. I saw them giving quick glances to Graham and me. I was sure they were checking us out. Finally one of the men said, "it looks like your glad to see us?"

"We're always glad to get recognized."

The same man said, "maybe we should come back later when we finish work and get better acquainted."

"We have nothing planned for the rest of the day. And you know where we live. Just press the speaker button and we can open the gate for you. We will be up and waiting for you."

They seemed to get my meaning and they gave us a smile and handshake and said they finished at noon and then would come over.

I watched them leave. They were a couple of nice looking men. They looked close to our age in their early thirties. One of the men was tall. He had to be over six feet. He had a black beard and looked muscular under his uniform. The other man was short and stocky. Also, looked well muscled.

"What do you think babe?"

"I think we just found a couple more friends. Should be fun to get better acquainted with them."

We ate at the breakfast nook. Our breakfast was simple but filling. We cleaned off the table in the break nook and put everything away. Then went upstairs to shower and get ready for the day.

We finished our shower. We didn't fool around. We were waiting to see what would happen when the caterers came back. We put on our robes, naked underneath, and walked down to the pool.

We just got to the pool when I heard the speaker. It was Margaret and her crew. They pulled in with a big truck. I opened the doors for them. Gave Margaret a kiss and hug and they went out to the backyard. Margaret greeted Graham and they started disassembling the decorations and carried them out to the truck. I told Margaret the decorations were a big hit and really made the party perfect. She said she had received some thank you's and orders for decorating. They were quick and in a couple of hours they had everything disassembled and loaded in the truck. Margaret thanked us for the business and we thanked her for an excellent job. We watched them leave and went back to the pool.

We got back onto a double lounger and laid on top of our robes. I looked at my cell phone and it was just after eleven thirty. I told Graham the time and we had time for a few laps and then I would see what Margaret's sister had fixed for the weekend. We got up and dived into the pool. The cool water felt good. These hot days were draining of energy. We did a few laps and the we got out.

We put our robes on and walked up to the kitchen. We checked out the frig and we looked at each other. Neither one of us wanted to do any cooking. We agreed to have something delivered. Chinese sounded good. We hadn't eaten Chinese food in awhile. We thought we ask the caterers when they came if they liked Chinese take out. We walked back down to the pool and laid on our robes again. We put sunscreen on each other. Which was always a fun experience. Helping each other with those hard to reach places. We just laid in the sun absorbing the rays and getting our vitamin D.

Graham and I expected to hear the speaker anytime. We were looking forward to the caterers. They looked like hot men. I just about ready to doze off when I heard the speaker. Graham and I got up. Put our robes on and walked up to the foyer. Graham pressed the button to open the gate and saw a big Cadillac Towncar pull in. I didn't think they made town cars anymore. This looked like a restored Cadillac Town Car. It was a beauty.

We watched them get out and they had cargo shorts on. A nice looking pull over and sandals. They walked up to the front doors and Graham and I greeted them and invited them in. "This is really quite a house you two have."

"We like it. Sometimes it seems like too much house. But we've adjusted and feel right at home."

"Come in." We all went out to the backyard and down to the pool. God these guys were gorgeous. I hadn't really seen them close. They told Graham and me they were cousins and were fortunate to get a job at the new caterers in the strip mall. I told them to grab a lounger and I would get them a couple of towels to lay on and get comfortable. While I went back into the house, Graham got the guys beers. They liked beer. Men of our own heart. Graham told them they should get comfortable. This hot weather is draining. I came down with a couple of oversized towels. The caterers were standing up and standing to undress. I laid the towels down on their double lounger. Graham and I couldn't stop staring. These guys definitely worked out a gym. "Do you like what you see?"

"Very much." Both Graham and I said. "Just take your time so we can take everything in. Graham told me they were cousins. They faced each other and helped each other undress. They kicked their sandals off and helped each other out of their shorts. They were wearing some designer underwear that was tight fitting. It didn't leave anything to the imagination. The slowly slid each other's briefs down and they kicked them off. The tall caterer looked to be about eight inches hard and uncut, he had big low hanging balls with thick pubes. His cousin was close to our size. Seven inches and he was thick. Also uncut with hairy pubes. They laid back on the loungers with their legs spread so we could get a good look. Graham and I got up and took our robes off and laid them on our double lounger. They complimented us and liked what they saw.

"Is anybody hungry or should we wait awhile for lunch?"

The caterers started laughing. "Dessert would be good. Looks delicious from where I'm sitting. Yeah, I'm a little hungry. How about you cuz?"

"Yeah, I could take a bite to eat."

"Do you guys like Chinese food?"

"We love it."

"Good I'm going to order delivery. Anthing special you like?"

"We like it all."

"Perfect." I picked up my cell phone can called the Chinese restaurant and placed our order. "It will be ready in about twenty to thirty minutes."

"Why don't we go for a swim while we wait."

We all got up and dove into the pool. And the caterers said, "how about a competition. The winners get to do whatever they want to the losers."

Graham and I looked at each. "Ok. Let's do it."

We all got down on the shallow end. The caterer said that we would swim to the deep end and then back to the shallow end. The two that touched the wall first were the winners. We all agreed and got into position. On three we started swimming. The caterers were pretty good. They must have swam before. It was close going to the deep end. But both Graham and I didn't know how to do a flip turn, so we lost miserably on the return lap to the shallow end.

"Looks like me and my cuz are the winners. Now we have our choice of what we can do to you two." Looking at Graham and me.

Just then I heard the speaker. "I think our food is here. Saved by the speaker."

I told the guys to stay put and I'd bring the food down. I let the delivery man in and had him put our Chinese food on the kitchen island. I paid him and gave him a tip.

While I was getting our food ready on a large tray with plates and silverware, Graham was getting us another round of beer.

I brought the large tray down and set it on a table between the loungers. The food smelled good. The caterers liked what I had ordered and we all dug in to some delicious Chinese food. We ate and talked and drank our beer. I could tell the caterers were plotting their strategy on how to celebrate their win. Soon the food was gone and everyone was stuffed. The beer tasted good with the Chinese food.

I loaded the tray with empty Chinese food containers. Plates and silverware and took it up to the kitchen. I got everything put away and in the dishwasher and walked down to the pool.

"The food was good. Thank you guys. Now it's time for dessert."

Graham and I looked at each other and wondered what they had in mind.

The caterers told us to go into the shallow end of the pool and they followed us. They told Graham and me to face the shallow end. The tall guy got behind me and the short stocky guy got behind Graham. The tall guy pressed up behind me and wrapped his arms around me. He pressed his big cock between the cheeks of my ass. Then he started feeling my pecs and nips. Making my nips get hard. I saw the short stocky guy doing the same thing to Graham. I felt his cock getting hard and he started rubbing it up and down and over my pucker. His hands were slowly working their way down my chest and over my abs. I felt the head of his cock enter my hole and ease in. Being in the pool helped it slide in easier. His hands were now through my pubes and one hand started playing with my balls while the other hand was feeling my cock. He soon had my cock hard and was slow stroking me. He leaned down and was kissing my neck and nibbling on my ears. He had me rock hard now. As he slowly fucked me he slowly stroked my cock. I wanted him to stroke me faster, but he kept slow stroking me, really working me up. His hand fondling my balls was getting me hot and horny. I started pushing back on his cock, trying to drive it further into me. He must have got the message because he soon started stroking me faster and fucking me faster. I was humping back and forth. Driving his cock in further and making his hand stroke me faster. I was breathing hard and panting I was getting close to cumming. I finally couldn't hold back any longer. He had all my senses on overdrive. I started shooting out and could see long strands of cum in the pool water. My ring constricted on his cock and that brought him over the edge and I felt him pumping a big load deep into my hole. He collapsed against me, panting and gasping for air. We just stood there with his cock in my hole and his hand around my cock and balls. Finally he got soft and I could feel his big cock sliding out of my hole. He whispered in my ear, "how was that. Did you like losing?"

I turned and gave him a kiss. I guess that answered his question. Graham looked like he had got a good fuck. We all climbed out of the shallow end and went back to our loungers. I got us all a cold beer. And we relaxed on our loungers.

The caterers told us it took them about twenty minutes to recharge and then it would be the second part of their dessert. Graham and I looked at each other and just shrugged our shoulders.

We finished our beer and the caterers told us they were recharged. They looked like it. Their balls were big and hanging down and swinging back and forth when they got up from their lounger. The short stocky guy came over with me and Graham joined the tall guy on their lounger. We got into a sixty nine with the short stocky guy over the top of me. I could see his cock and balls dangling over my face. I reached up and felt his big balls while I guided his cock into my mouth and I started deep throating him. I felt his warm lips on the head of my cock. He was sucking out my precum. He had one of his hands fondling and caressing my balls. That always got me aroused fast and soon I was pointing up like a flag pole. I felt him slowly slide his mouth down over my head and then down my shaft. His throat opened and my cock slid into his throat. I had him deep throated. We started bobbing up and down and getting a good rhythm going. I knew it would take me awhile to cum. I didn't recharge as fast they did. But I didn't care. This guy really knew what he was doing and it felt fantastic. We were soon humping each other's mouths and getting closer and closer. I felt his cock harden and thicken in my throat and soon felt his hot cum hitting the sides of my throat. I soon came after him. Pumping out a good sized load bathing the sides of his throat. We laid their enjoying each other's cocks in our mouths until we got soft and then he laid back next to me. We hugged and kissed and could taste each other's cum.

I saw Graham and the tall guy making out on their lounger. Finally the tall guy said, "this was great. I'm sure glad we made the catering delivery here. You guys are fantastic and I hope we can do this again."

I spoke up, "you guys are welcome to stay. We don't have anything planned for tomorrow."

They told us they wished they could. But they were working a party later today at the Country Club. "We have you guy's cell phone numbers and will give you a call when we get some free time and see if it works out for you and Graham."

We got up and went into the house. They got dressed back in their uniforms and we kissed and hugged and watched them leave.

I looked at Graham. I sure wasn't expecting that. I wish they could have stayed overnight."

"Yeah. I really enjoyed myself. They are a couple of really nice guys. We should include them in our group of friends."

"I think we should think about that first. They are good guys. But we just met and I think we should get to know them better before we make a decision on inviting them into our group of friends."

Graham and I didn't do much the rest of the day. Watched a movie. Ate a little dinner and then went to bed.

The next few days went by quickly and Wednesday when I returned to the clinic after lunch. My cell phone range and it was Dave calling me. I was wondering what was going on. He never calls me and if he has anything to tell me, he usually tells me when we workout in the morning. "Hi Dave. What a pleasant surprise."

At first I didn't hear anything. "Dave you there?"

I heard some mumbling and I thought I heard him crying. "Dave what's going on?"

"Cal is in the hospital in ICU."

End of Chapter 9 - Arbor Day

Chapter 10 Coming Soon

If you would like to see the characters in the story, please read "My Alphabet Friends," and there are photos of characters at the end of each chapter.

Your comments and suggestions are always welcome. I answer all emails I receive. I ask that you please put Nifty or the title of the story in the subject line. Then I'll know it's not spam. I am already working on Chapter 10. I hope you enjoy my story as much as I like writng it. Please email me at:

Next: Chapter 10

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