Bob's Holidays

By Francis Scott

Published on Mar 14, 2023


Bob's Holidays Chapter 8

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The following story is a work of fiction from the authors mind. It contains adult situations between consenting adults. If this offends you and is illegal in your area, WHY ARE YOU HERE? Any similarities to actual people or events is purely coincidental. This story does not promote safe sex. Please practice safe sex at all times. Don't put your life or someone else's in jeopardy.

If you haven't read my story, "My Alphabet Friends," I would recommend doing so. All characters in this series are from My Alphabet Friends. There are pictures of the characters at the end of each chapter. You will find, My Alphabet Friends, in Gay/Adult Friends.

Bob's Holidays

By Francis Scott

Chapter 8 - Easter

Bob kept talking with the star's manager and partner. He was calling to see when would be a good time to visit. Bob and Graham still were recovering from their St. Patrick's Day party. "When are looking to have some time to visit?"

"Checking my partners's schedule. It would be the week after Easter Sunday for one week."

"Hold on and let me check with Graham. This is the star's manager. They want to come for the week after Easter Sunday. That's fine with me. We don't have anything planned."

"That's perfect. It will work perfect for us. I think we better send a limousine from the hotel to pick you guys up. Rather than the Rolls Royce limousine. That would cause too much attention and I don't think that is what you want. Give me a call later and we can work out the logistics and keep everything as anonymous as possible."

He thanked me and disconnected.

Graham and I talked after the phone call. We still had about three weeks before they would be arriving. So we felt we had plenty of time to get everything ready. We would have a serious talk with Margaret. We wanted her working while they were staying here. But secrecy was of upmost importance. And she would need to understand to keep her lips sealed. I assumed over the next few days we would be working out all the details for their arrival.

We then talked about the party and how great everything went. I told Graham what Anthony had told me about wanted to help Jenna from Decorations and Things and starting a second store in New York City with his help. I told Graham I would call Jenna tomorrow at lunchtime and give her a heads up when Anthony calls her.

I changed the subject back to the star. "What were some of the things the star liked?"

"I remember us ordering red roses. I think he liked candles and chocolate and white wine. I'll start checking on fine candles and chocolate to have ready when they arrive along with a couple of big arrangements of red roses and a case of good white wine. I'll check with Sam about using a hotel limousine while they are here. I don't want him bringing his Rolls Royce limousine, it would attract too much attention and that is what he is trying to avoid."

Graham agreed with me on everything. I told him when the manager calls me back I can check on his favorite food and what he likes to eat at restaurants. And any other things he really likes to make his stay as enjoyable and comfortable as possible.

I looked at Graham. "You know babe. It seems we always have a lot going on."

"That's true. Never a dull moment. But we seem to handle it well."

"You know the graduation is fast approaching too. Mark Irving and Steve will soon be graduating. That reminds I need to talk to my dad."

Graham and I didn't do much the rest of the day. We ate the rest of the appetizers and had a small dinner. Surprisingly Graham wasn't that hungry. I asked him if he was feeling ok. He said he had enough to eat and drink at the party. He was still kind of full. "You too full for a cold beer?"

"Never too full for that. Let's go down and relax in the jacuzzi. I'll get us a couple of cold beers."

It was nice having glass holders built in on two sides of the jacuzzi. The beer stayed cold and we relaxed together letting the warm water swirl around us. Sipping on our cold beer. We held each other around the shoulders and sat tight together. I could never get tired of feeling my lover's hot body next to me.

The DJ had moved out all his sound equipment and had left to get ready for a wedding reception. We had kiss and hugged and we promised to always use his services for our parties. He told us this party was really something. It was the best party he had every played at and been a part of. We thanked him and he left.

The caterers from the hotel came and loaded the serving dishes and folding tables.

Jenna and her crew came over and disassembled the castle. It seemed to come down faster than when it went up. They were finished in a couple of hours. Jenna thanked us for using her shop. We told her we wouldn't use anybody else. She and her crew did a fantastic job. I also talked to her privately about Anthony. She said that would be a big decision on her part. She liked being a small company and wasn't sure about setting up a shop all the way in New York City. She told me she would listen to what Anthony had to tell her and then make a decision. She thanked us again for using her decorating shop and we kissed and hugged and she left with her crew.

Graham was giving me all he signs he was horny while we were in the jacuzzi. He was getting all lovey dovey. I was hoping I could encourage him to get into a sixty nine. I told him. "Let's move to a lounger."

I saw a big smile on his face. I told him to recline the lounger all the way and lay on his back. I got over him with my cock and balls hanging over his face. I put my lips on the tip of his cock like I was going to kiss it. But inside I did a little suck and pulled out some of my lover's sweet salty precum. I slowly opened my lips and mouth and slowly slid down Graham's hard throbbing shaft. Graham was busy sucking on my balls. First one then the other. He was rolling them around in his mouth with his tongue. Getting my balls all wet with his saliva. I reached down and took Graham's balls in my hand and started playing and fondling them while I just held his hard cock in my throat with my throat muscles wrapped around it. Graham stopped on my balls and felt his lips and mouth taking in my cock. He gagged a little. He still had to work on deep throating. But he kept trying and soon he had me buried in his throat. It felt wonderful. I started bobbing up and down on Graham's cock. I saw him sweating and starting to pant and gasp for air. He got off my cock and got his air back and then took me again to the base. He started sucking my cock and getting me close. I could feel Graham's cock thickening and getting bigger in my throat. I heard a muffled grunt and felt his cum hitting the sides of my throat. I answered Graham with a big load shooting down his throat into his stomach. We stayed liked that for a minute or two and then when we started to soften. We got off each other. "Wow babe, That was terrific."

'It sure was. I haven't cum that hard in a long time."

Graham got up and got us another cold beer. Also our last cold beer. Then we were going to bed. We were both tired. I think the party was catching up with us. And an early sleep would help us get well rested for tomorrow, Monday.

Graham came back with our beer and handed me mine. We kissed and sipped on our beer. I think we should talk to Margaret soon so she's aware of what's going to happen soon. I want her to keep working her regular hours. Margaret is a good cook and can easily prepare the special food for the star. The food he likes the best. We can go out a few times too. Just have to alert where we are going about the privacy issue. Monday isn't a good day to talk to Margaret, but I'm hoping we and both get home about the same time from work Tuesday and sit down and have a serious talk with her. Graham agreed. And told me it was something we needed to do and the sooner the better.

We also needed to decide what we were going to do for Easter. I had a couple of ideas and I would run them by Graham and see what he thought.

We finished our beer and decided to go to bed. I was tired and I think Graham was too. We crawled into bed together. And we curled up together and soon we were out like a light.

I woke up before Graham and the alarm was blaring. I reached over and turned the alarm off waking up Graham. "Sorry babe. I was turning the alarm off."

"No problem. I was half awake and half asleep and it's time to get up and workout." We jumped out of bed ran downstairs to workout. A few of our friends were already there working out. We joined them and did our warm up and stretches and then worked out. While we were working they told us again what an excellent party we had had. We finished working out and jumped in the shower. We had fun washing each other all over in the shower. We got into a big circle jerk and soon were shooting our loads all over each other and the shower walls. We rinsed off and dried each other off. Got dressed and headed upstairs for breakfast.

Margaret had a good spread ready for us on the outside patio table. We had been having some great weather. And it felt like it was going to be another nice day. Unfortunatly, working inside I don't get much chance to enjoy the weather. I finished eating and went into the kitchen to talk to Margaret for a couple of minutes. "Everything ok Bob?"

"Everything is perfect as always. I just wanted to ask you if you stay tomorrow until Graham and I get home from work. We have something important to discuss with you."

"Margaret got a concerned look on her face. I hope your not firing me?"

"No Margaret. Nothing like that. We have some important news to share with you and like I said. Some things to discuss with you."

"Ok. I can stay until you two get home tomorrow after work. But you still have me worried."

"Nothing to be worried about Margaret. It has nothing to do with your work."

I went back to join the guys. They were finishing their breakfast and we all headed out to the garage. We all kissed Margaret on the cheek as we went into the garage. We got into a group hug and kiss and headed out to work.

Monday was going fast for me. I called Graham and to see if he could join me for lunch at the diner. He said he was too busy and would have to pass and would probably get home late tonight.

It was lunch time and I walked to the diner. The diner was busy and I had to sit at a different table. Millie came over right away and asked me what I would like. I told her a black coffee and the special. She asked me if Graham was joining me. I told her no, he was having a busy day. Millie told she would be right back. She apologized for not being able to talk. But she said she was busy and didn't have time.

Millie briskly brought my lunch to me. And then was gone to wait on another table. The diner looked almost completely full. And the cook only uses one waitress. He's a tight wad and likes to hold onto his money. I ate my lunch and was just getting ready to leave my money on the table when I got a text message. The message was from the star's manager/partner. He had sent me a list of the star's favorite things. I already knew about the food. But now he included his favorite chocolate candles red roses and white wine. The manager specified it didn't really matter on the cost of red roses. He liked ones that had a lot of perfume. Well, I knew I had my work cut out for me. I had no idea about candles chocolate and red roses with a lot of perfume. I thought I should check with the specialty store in the strip mall. They might be able to give me some help. I could do that tomorrow. I was glad the manager contacted me early and was giving me plenty of time to get everything. I put the bill with my money on the table with a tip for Millie and walked back to the clinic.

The afternoon went quickly and I was on my way home. I was thinking about the text message from the star's manager. I could do a little research on the internet when I got home and see what I could come up with. I arrived home. Parked in the garage and walked into the kitchen. It looked like Margaret was gone for the day. I checked the frig and she had our dinner ready for us in containers to be zapped in the microwave.

I went upstairs and got out of my work clothes and put on a green jock. One I had worn at the party. Margaret had washed it and it was clean and fresh smelling. Not sweaty with a strong musky smell.

I walked down to the kitchen and grabbed a cold beer. Grabbed my laptop out of the library/study room and went to the living room. I turned on the news and booted my laptop. I opened the text message and started doing some searches on good quality candles. The best I found were Lladro Candles. They were expensive. One thousand dollars or more per candle. But the star was worth it. I had my laptop connected to my wireless printer so I could print out my findings. And then check tomorrow with the shop in the strip mall. Lladro candles looked like a good way to go. Maybe if I ordered in quantity I would get a discount. Next I searched on chocolate. I remember my mother always raving about La Chuorsa chocolate from Switzerland. I did a search and found out it wasn't as expensive as the candles. It was $645.00 per kilo. So I would get just over two pounds of chocolate for that price. Not bad a deal I thought. I printed out that information. Last was red roses with a lot of perfume. I found Mister Lincoln red roses that were supposed to be very aromatic. I could get a dozen of those roses for between $45 to $65 dollars. Not a bad deal. Could check the florists in the strip mall and see if they can order those roses. Then I checked on white wine. I found Montrachet Grand Cru white wine. It was very expensive and averaged $4,200 to $7,700 per bottle. I printed out the information. That went quicker than I thought it would. I turned off my laptop and took it back to the library/study room and picked up my printed copies. Everything looked good. I will take my copies with me to the strip mall and hopefully get some good results tomorrow. I already knew the star and his partner would be arriving on Easter Monday. The day after Easter. So that will make it easy to have things delivered and ready in the adjoining master bedroom.

I put the printouts with my things in our master bedroom. I didn't want to forget them tomorrow. I would take an early lunch and go to the strip mall and see if could get everything on my printouts ordered.

I would eat dinner with Graham when he got home. I hadn't touched my beer when I busy searching on the laptop. I took a sip and wasn't as cold as I liked, but it would do. I started watching the last of the news and then the weather. The forecast was showing nice weather all week.

It was already going on six thirty and no Graham. He told me he would be late. I went upstairs to the sunroom. To check on our babies. Our macaws. They looked like they were sleeping when I walked in and then they saw me they started squaking and making all kinds of noise. I guess that meant they were glad to see me. I filled their food dishes with nuts and fresh pieces of fruit. Then filled their water dishes. That seemed to calm them down. I talked to them and got on a lounger that was situated between the two pairs of parrots. The background music was very peaceful. It was playing sounds of the ocean. The waves and you could hear tropical birds. Then it changed to rain in a tropical rain forest.

I was wishing Graham would get home soon. I missed him and it was unusal for him to be this late. Even on Mondays, his busiest day of the week.

I thought I heard a noise downstairs so I thought I better go down and investigate. It was my cell phone ringing. I had forgot to take up to the sunroom with me. It was Graham calling and telling me he was wrapping things up in the office and would be home soon. I told him I would have a cold beer ready for him and dinner.

I went to the kitchen and got myself busy warming dinner for the both of us. Just taking me time. I put a couple of the glasses in the glass chiller. The microwave beeped and I took out our dinner. I set the patio table. It was another nice warm late afternoon. It was would be nice to enjoy the weather. Both of us working inside all day we need to take advantage of this nice weather. This time of the year the weather can change fast.

I was finishing getting the patio table ready when I heard the kitchen door. There was my lover. Graham looked me over and gave me a big smile. "Like what you see?"

"You bet baby. You look so hot in that green jock."

"Go upstairs and change. Dinner is ready and we can eat out on the patio table."

I watched Graham walk upstairs. His nice tight ass showing off perfectly in his dress pants. Couldn't wait to see him in a jock. He was so hot and made me horny instantly.

I was taking dinner out to the table when Graham came downstairs. He wore a green jock like me. He looked fantastic. Our working out was really paying off. Graham was well defined not overly muscled, just looked perfect. He had me drooling while I looked at him. I went back into the kitchen and brought our cold beers. We sat down next to each other and enjoyed our dinner.

I told Graham about my internet searches and he was glad I was taking care of everything. He didn't really have time. I then reminded Graham we were going to talk to Margaret tomorrow after work. He said he would be on his regular schedule tomorrow. Monday were always busy with meetings and organizing the week.

We finished our dinner and Graham helped me clear the table and put everything away. We went back outside and took our beer down to the pool. It was warm and humid, but it was nice being outside. We laid tight together on a lounger.

Then I started thinking about Easter and what we should do. Graham looked at me. "Bob, don't you every give your mind a rest?"

"Sure. But I wanted to know your ideas of what we should do for Easter Sunday. I don't think we want to cook or have food catered."

Graham said, "how about if we invite everyone to the hotel and have Easter lunch there. They usually have a wonderful buffet. Or you can still order off the menu."

"I like that idea. I can give Sam a call once we know how many people are coming. Who should we call?"

"Definitely our parents. I'll call my brother and sister and see if they can make it. And I'll call my brother and see if they can come. I think that is everyone?"

"That was easy. Now what should we do the rest of the evening?"

"How about a dip in the pool and then watch a movie downstairs in the theater room?"

"I like how your mind works babe."

We dove into the pool coming up next to each other. We had taken our jocks off and were naked in the pool. We brushed up against each other and kissed. We did a few laps not really pushing ourselves and then climbed out of the pool. We put our jocks back on and our robes and walked into the house. Graham went downstairs to get a movie ready while I made us some popcorn. I wasn't really hungry, but I knew Graham would like the popcorn. I needed to buy an old fashioned popcorn popper and a small frig for cold beverages. I think I can check on that when I check on things for the star and his partner in the strip mall.

The popcorn finished and I put it in a big bowl and carried it downstairs. I sat down next to Graham and put the bowl between us. Graham started the movie. We hadn't seen this movie before and it looked pretty good. Graham started the movie and was already busy munching on the popcorn.

We didn't talk much during the movie. It was really good and kept our attention. We did a little fondling and fooling around, but mostly kept our attention on the movie. The movie finished and Graham turned off the theater system. We got up and I grabbed the popcorn bowl and we went upstairs. Graham kept going up the stairs to the bedroom. He turned and gave me a sexy look and told me he would be waiting for him. It didn't take me long to take care of the popcorn bowl and soon I was running up the stairs to our bedroom.

I entered the bedroom and Graham had the lights out and just a couple of rays of moonlight were coming in through the curtains. I could see Graham stretched out naked on the bed with a big beautiful hardon.

"Oh my god Graham."

"What? I something wrong?"

"No, your perfect. I could just stand here and devour you with my eyes for hours. But I want to devour you with something else and not just my eyes."

I got on the bed on top of Graham. My cock had sprung rock hard as soon as I had seen Graham. It was a little difficult and uncomfortable with me on top of Graham and our big hardons. I kissed my lover and worked my way down his chest, biting and nibbling on his nips. Licked around his navel making Graham laugh. He was ticklish there. Then licked through his treasure trail to his pubes. Which needed trimming. Licked around the base of his cock and then up the back side nibbling on his thick vein till I got to the head. Then slowly sucked his hard shaft into my throat until I had him devoured down my throat. I could hear Graham moaning. He told me he was getting close but didn't want to cum yet. I got off his cock and he told me to lay on my back and pull my legs up to my chest so my hole was exposed. Graham started giving me a fantastic rim job. I don't where he learned some of things he was doing, but I didn't care. It felt fantastic. He licked a couple of his fingers and eased them in. Stretching my hole and one of his fingers found my prostate and was rubbing back and forth over it making me leak and get super horny. I saw Graham grab some lube off the nightstand and lube his hard shaft. I thought I had wet his cock enough when it was in my throat. I guess not. He eased his thick shaft into my hole slowly and gently. He leaned down and kissed me as the rest of his shaft slid into my grabbing hole. He slowly thrust in and out of my hole. The head of his cock found my prostate and was giving it a good workout. Graham had me moaning and groaning in no time and told him I was going to shoot soon. He bent down and took the head of my cock in his mouth just as I started shooting. I felt him pumping my hole full of his big load. This was awesome cumming at the same time. Something we try to do. But usually never pull it off. We just stayed like that for a few minutes until Graham got soft and his cock slowly slid out of my hole. We collapsed together panting and sweating and that was how we fell asleep.

We woke up to to the alarm. Got in a good workout. Had a little sex in the shower with the guys and went up for breakfast. Graham and I mentioned to Margaret for her to be sure to stay until we got home. We should be home around five or five thirty at the latest and we would make the talk short and to the point. I noticed Margaret still looked a little nervous and on edge. I kissed her on the cheek and told her there was nothing to worry about.

Tuesday went by quickly. Graham and I had lunch at the diner. I made it a quick lunch as I wanted to head over to the strip mall and check on getting some or all of the items ordered for when the star and his partner stayed with us for a week. Millie was flirting with Graham and I laughed a couple of times. Graham's face was beet red when we left the diner.

I made a quick trip to the strip mall and went into the seafood and meat shop first and placed my order for seafood and their best cuts of beef and to have it delivered on Good Friday. I then went into the boutique where I hoped I could order the candles. I went in and showed them the printout that I had. They said they could order Lladro candles and if I ordered in quantity they could throw in two extra for free. I asked them how many I would need to order to get the free ones. They told me a dozen. I told them to go ahead and place the order. I told them I would like them delivered on Good Friday if that was possible. They told they would have the order delivered on Good Friday and thanked me for placing the order early and giving them plenty of time. The lady told most of their clients were people staying at the hotel and wanted things on the same day or the next day. I asked the shop owner if she knew where I could order La Chuorsa Chocolates and Mister Lincoln Roses. She told the florist shop her in the strip mall should be able to take care of that. I walked down a few shops to the Florists and showed the lady my printouts. She said they could order Mister Lincoln Roses. I told her I would like four arrangements with a dozen red roses in each arrangement. I told her I would like the roses in a nice crystal vases. She showed me what they had and I told her the crystal vases that I liked. I then mentioned the chocolate and she said they could special order on the chocolates and I told her I would like a double order of the chocolate. She asked me if I wanted the chocolate arranged with the roses or separate. I told her I would leave that decision to her. I asked her if everything could be delivered on Good Friday and she told they could do that. So far so good. This was going faster than I planned on. I then went into the specialty liquor store in the strip mall. I showed the man what I was looking for. I handed him my printout. He looked surprised. I don't get a lot of requests for this wine. But sometimes the hotel makes an order of this wine. Probably depends on who is staying in the hotel. He told me he could order the wine and his price was $5,100 per bottle. I asked him if I ordered in quantity if I could get a discount. He said they don't give discounts, but could put in an extra bottle of the same wine. I asked him how many bottles I would need to order to get the extra bottle. He told I would need to order at least six or more bottles of wine. I told him I would like six bottles ordered and if it could be delivered on Good Friday. He told me they could deliver it with pleasure. He asked me if it was a present. I told him yes and he said they would gift wrap the wine for me. I thanked him and left and I needed to get back to work. I got into my SUV and then remembered I wanted to see if one of the shops sold an antique popcorn popper and a small frig. I got out of my SUV and walked to the collectible's store. I couldn't believe in the front window was the popcorn popper I had been thinking of. I walked into the store and asked the clerk if the popcorn popper in the front window was for sale. She said they had boxed ones, exactly the same for sale. I asked her if I could buy the assembled popcorn popper. She said she could sell that one. I then asked her if she had any small refrigerators. She said she had a collectible Coca-Cola frig. It was bright red with the Coca Cola logo across the front. I told her it was perfect. The popcorn popper was a bright red too. I told her I would buy the frig with the popcorn popper. I asked her if the two items could be delivered to my house. She said they could to that and the two items would be delivered tomorrow. I paid her and thanked her. I got back into SUV and headed back to work.

The rest of Tuesday went quick and I was soon pulling into the garage. I saw Graham's car in the garage. It was just going on five fifteen so I knew I made good time. I wondered how long Graham had been here. I walked into the kitchen and saw Graham and Margaret sitting at the breakfast nook. I told them I would be right back so we could have our quick talk. I wanted to go upstairs and freshen up a bit first.

I came back downstairs and joined Graham and Margaret at the breakfast nook. I sat by Graham and Margaret was across from us. She looked very nervous and her bottom lip was trembling. "Well, let's start and get this overwith so Margaret can get home. I'll get right to the point. The British star and his manager are going to be staying here for one week, starting on Easter Monday. We want you to work the week they are here. Your a great a good cook and will be able to prepare all the the star's favorite food. The reason we wanted to talk to you. You need to keep the star's visit here a secret. You can't tell anyone. His privacy is very important to him and that is one reason why he is visiting here for some R & R. Do you think you can keep this a secret, Margaret?"

"Definitely I can keep it a secret. It will just be my pleasure to be able to help while he and his manager are staying here. Besides I will be able to get a few glimpses of him while he's here. I know I can't ask for an autograph, but I will survive."

"Thanks Margaret. That's all we had to say. If we think of anything else we will let you know."

We watched Margaret leave. "What do you think babe?"

"Margaret has worked for us for a long time without any problems. I think we can trust her to keep the star's visit a secret. Like she said, just being able to see him and catch glimpses will be enough for her."

We went upstairs and stripped down and put some jocks on. Graham helped me in the kitchen and we soon had our dinner ready. We ate outside and enjoyed the nice weather.

The next few days went fast. I notified our friends that we wouldn't be working the week of Easter Monday. And called Holden and told we wouldn't be getting any massages the week of the Easter Monday.

I talked go Graham and asked him what he thought about Margaret working half days when the star and his partner were here. "That way we would have some privacy and could go around naked. Margaret is a good cook and can easily prepare things in advance and we can warm up the food for us. Or I could check with Sam and if see if knows someone that could cook dinner for us and keep the star's secret."

"I don't know babe. The more people me have around here the more risk we have of getting the star exposed. Remember we have the gardener coming once a week and the pool company comes once a week."

"That's right I forgot about that. Maybe we can go up to the sunroom when the pool cleaners are here. The gardener can work in the back yard first and then we can go to the library/study room while he goes upstairs and finishes his gardening and the birds."

"I think that will work. Margaret can just alert us when they come to do their work. And we can work something out so the star and his manager are not seen."

I called my father and asked him when we could meet. He told me how about if he invited me to the Country Club tomorrow for lunch and we could talk.

I pulled into the Country Club and saw my father's car parked in a reserved area. I walked in and saw him sitting by one of the windows. I took a seat across from him. "Good to see you Bob. It seems we never get any time anymore to talk. I've been looking forward to this after you called me."

"Thanks dad. It is nice to have some time together to talk." A waiter came over and I ordered some black coffee and my dad did the same.

"So what did you want to talk to me about?" I told my dad all about Steve and that he would be graduating soon from the university and then taking his bar exams. I could see my dad taking in everything that I had told him.

"So I guess you would like me to interview him and see if I'm interested in having him work at my law firm as a junior lawyer?"

"That's about the size of it. I think you'd be quite impressed with Steve. He's very intelligent and I think he's graduating first in his class. I just wanted to run him by you to get your thoughts."

"Well, I do have two of my senior lawyers retiring this summer. I could use a new junior lawyer. But I will need to go through my usual protocol and if he can impress me. I will hire him. That's all I can promise you right now without talking to him."

"I will tell Steve what you told me. I will have him call you to set up an interview. I know your going to be impressed with him."

Our waiter came back with our black coffee and we ordered lunch. We talked about things in general. My work and how Graham and I were getting along. We finished lunch and I told dad I needed to get back to the clinic. He said he a big case he was working and should get back to, to. We didn't have to pay for lunch since dad was a member of the Country Club. We shook hands and left for work.

The rest of day went well. When I got home I gave Steve a call and told him about my conversation with my father. He thanked me and told me he would gave my dad a call soon to set up an interview. He said he was busy now studying for finals and for the bar exam. He said he had a good study group and that helped everyone in their group.

When I got home Margaret told an antique popcorn popper and a mini frig had been delivered. They were in the foyer. I didn't know where you wanted the items. So I left them there. "No problem Margaret. I will have Graham help move the items downstairs to the theater room when he gets home." Margaret left and when Graham got home he helped move the two items downstairs to the theater room. They looked good and looked like they belonged in the theater room.

It was already only a week until the British star and his manager/partner would be arriving. I had their transportation ready for them. I would be using one of the hotel limousines while they were here. They had agreed that would be the best way of getting around and not being noticed or exposed and keep their privacy. Sam told me it wasn't a problem using a hotel limousine if they needed to another limousine they had a place where they could rent one for a good price. This Friday I should receive everything I had ordered. I had checked with the shops and they confirmed that everything would be delivered on Good Friday. Since I only worked a half day on Friday. I was hoping I would be home when they started delivering my orders. I was having Margaret work a full day on Friday. She is good at arranging and organizing things. So I will have her take care of the orders and arrange the master bedroom for them.

Graham and I had made our phone call to our parents and sibling for Easter Sunday lunch at the hotel. Our sibling told us they couldn't make it. They were too busy with work to get away. Graham's parents were driving down and would spend a little time with us and then drive back home. My parents, of course, were too busy to come to the house and visit for awhile. I called Sam and told him we would need a table for six reserved for Easter Sunday lunch. Sam told me he would take care of it.

Margaret was getting all excited about the arrival soon of the star and his manager. She jokingly asked me if she could sneak a couple of pictures on her cell phone. I gave her one of my looks and I heard her snickering to herself as she walked back to the kitchen. She told me she would help me on Good Friday to get the deliveries arranged in the second master bedroom.

I was nervous all week. I didn't want anything to go wrong. I hoped all our deliveries would arrive on Good Friday. And that the star and his partner would like our house and enjoy themselves. I knew I was probably nervous and overreacting for nothing. I could feel Graham feeling the same as me. He was going to work a half day on Good Friday and get home to help. I don't know how much help Graham would be. It was worse than me at decorating and arranging things.

Here it was Good Friday already. It seemed like Graham and me were just talking about the star his manager coming to visit. And that I should check on ordering the things the star liked. I got home and saw Graham's car in the garage. I walked in and was stopped immediately by Margaret. "What's up Margaret?"

"Well the seafood and beef arrived. You didn't tell me about that. I managed to find places in the big freezer and put a few things in refrigerator freezer. Has anything else arrived yet?" She said she knew that that some of the deliveries were on their way. The shops had called. She said that they were on their way to deliver the goods. I told Margaret I was going upstairs and change clothes. I put on some old sweat pants a tshirt and flip flops and went back downstairs.

When I got downstairs I heard the speaker and pressed the button to open the gate. It looked like a delivery van from the florists. A driver msn got out and took out some roses. I opened the front door and told him to put the roses on the kitchen island. He went back to the van and brought in the last two vases of roses. He then went back and brought in two big boxes of chocolate. I thanked the delivery person and gave him a tip. You could smell the roses. I noticed there were instructions on one of the bouquets and how to care for the roses. Margaret told me the packets were plant food and would keep the roses lasting longer. She told me the roses were beautiful. I asked her if she would arrange them in the second master bedroom. While Margaret was taking care of the roses, I heard the speaker again. I pressed the button to open the gate. And candles were delivered in a very elegant gift box. I asked the driver to put the box of candles on the kitchen counter. I thanked him and gave him a tip. The only thing missing was the wine. But they told me it would be delivered today. I took the box of candles up to the master bedroom. Margaret had done an excellent job of arranging the flowers. The room smelled great. I told her these were candles to be placed around. And left Margaret in the master bedroom, busy getting everything arranged. I heard the speaker while I was in the master bedroom with Margaret. I ran downstairs and pressed the button and opened the gate. A delivery van from the liquor store pulled in. The delivery man took out a large box of the bottles of wine. I opened the front doors for him and told him to put the box on the kitchen counter. I thanked him and gave him a tip. The box looked too big to have seven bottle of wine. I had ordered six bottles and the shop owner told he would put in an extra bottle free of charge for my order. I was curious to see how bottles of wine were in the box. I opened the box and there was ten bottles of wine with a note in the box. The note said that he didn't realize I was one of the owners of the hotel and he included four more bottles of wine free of charge. The hotel was his best customer for this high end wine and it was his pleasure to give us the four bottles free of charge. That was nice of him and I hoped we all liked the wine.

Margaret came back downstairs and said she had the candles arranged. I told her the wine and chocolate were here. I opened the box of chocolates and they were individually wrapped in four small boxes. I asked if she could somehow arrange a couple of bottles of wine and the chocolates in the master bedroom. She said she had an idea of how to arrange those items. She told me to wait downstairs and then she could call me to come up and check everything when she finished.

I was walking around and pacing waiting for Margaret to call. Soon I heard, "Bob come on up and see what you think."

I wasn't sure what to expect. But I knew Margaret could do a better job arranging everything than Graham or me. I walked into the master bedroom. And the first thing I smelled the roses. Margaret had the master bedroom beautifully arranged. The four flower arrangements were placed perfectly. She had the two bottles of wines spaced and placed by two flower arrangements with two boxes each of the chocolate leaning against each bottle of wine. I saw four candles. Two on each night stand. This looks amazing Margaret. "Where are the other candles?"

"Follow me."

I followed Margaret into the bathroom and the candles were spread out in the bathroom. It looked really nice. Margaret had arranged the pillows and bed throw a little differently and everything was just, I don't how to explain it. I guess breath taking. "Margaret you should be a professional decorator. You could rival Jenna."

"That was my dream as a little girl to be a professional decorator. But things never seemed to work out. I thought I saw a tear in the corner of Margaret's eye. Besides I'm too old now to even think about decorating as a career."

"Nonsense Margaret. Your not too old to be a professional decorator. You never know, something might happen and your dream will come true."

"I lost hope on that a long time ago. Don't get my spirits up for nothing, Bob."

We went back downstairs and Graham had not come home yet. I couldn't wait for him to see what a job Margaret did decorating. "I can't think of anything else I need Margaret. So why don't you go and enjoy your weekend."

"Ok, Bob. Are you sure? There's nothing else?"

"No I can't think of anything else. Thank you for your help and don't give up on your decorating."

Margaret gave me a funny look when she left.

I had some ideas running through my mind. If Jenna accepts Anthony's offer to open a decorating store in New York City. Margaret would be the perfect person to run her store in our hometown. I know Margaret's sister that was working for Preston and Holden quit. It was getting to be more work than she wanted. But I might be able to convince her to work for us with Margaret's help. I'll have to talk to Graham about this when he gets home. He never called and told me he would be late.

I went back upstairs to the adjoining master bedroom to look at the bedroom again. I walked in and it was just perfect. Margaret sure had a good idea for using the bedroom space. I saw a packet of instructions for the roses. Margaret must have forget to toss the instructions in the garbage. It mentioned putting the packets of plant food in the water with the roses as soon as possible and to keep the roses lasting a long time. Try to keep them in the coolest place in the house. With the central A/C I didn't think that would be a problem. We didn't keep the house cold, but at a comfortable seventy two degrees fahrenheit. I walked into the bathroom and looked at the candles. They did look expensive. I was sure the containers for the candles were collectible.

I went back downstairs and wanted to read some more about the wine. I took a bottle out of the box and noticed some instructions on the back side of the bottle. It said to chill the wine before serving. I could put a couple three bottles in our wine refrigerator Sunday and the bottles would be chilled for Monday.

I heard Graham come in from the garage. He walked over and gave me a hug and kiss. Graham asked me if everything arrived. I told him everything came and I wanted to show him what Margaret had done in the adjoining master bedroom. We went upstairs and into the second master bedroom. Graham couldn't believe. You mean Margaret did this. She should be a decorator. That's why I told Margaret. And then I explained to Graham Margaret's dream of always being a professional decorator and having her own busines, but now that she was older she knew it would never happen. I then proceeded to tell Graham my idea about Anthony wanted Jenna to open a store in New York City and maybe Margaret could run her store here in our hometown. Margaret's sister quit at Preston and Holden's and maybe she could work for us. "That's a great idea babe. But we better wait and see what happens between Anthony and Jenna first."

We went back downstairs and fixed us a light lunch. Graham went back upstairs to change and came down in his green jock from our St. Patrick's party. That was a distraction I could look at all day. I didn't want our lunch to burn so I had to focus my attention back on my cooking. Graham walked into the kitchen and stood behind me. Pressed up to my back. I could feel his bulge pressing against my ass. He kissed my neck and hugged from behind. Luckily lunch was almost ready. I turned and faced him. Our bulges rubbing together and kissed and hugged him back. "Lunch is ready. Let's eat first and then we can have dessert."

We ate at the breakfast nook. Margaret had some good food ready for us. We ate quick and cleared everything and ran back upstairs to our bedroom. We were hungry for each other. Graham slowly stripped me out of my sweats and tshirt. I was freeballing and when my sweats came off my cock slapped my stomach. I pulled Graham's jock down and his hard cock sprung out as he kicked it off and we got into bed laying on our sides, kissing and making out.

We were hungry for each other. We started doing some heavy making out and found ourselves soon in a sixy nine taking each other's cocks down our throats and feeling each other all over. We were rock hard and leaking. I could taste and feel Graham's precum running down the side of my throat. I was almost shooting out precum so I was worked up. I started going faster on Graham and he picked up his speed on me. We were groaning as best we could with our mouth and throat full of cock. I was feeling Graham's balls and felt them pull up I knew he wouldn't last much longer. I was right. I felt his cock harden and thicken in my throat and soon he was shooting out in my throat. Hitting the walls of my throat. His cumming brought me off and I gave Graham a big load hitting the back of his throat. We both swallowed each other's loads and just laid back on the back panting until our breathing returned to normal. Then I remembered my other two purchases. "I have something to show you in the theater room when your ready."

"I'm ready. Let's see what you have to show me." We put on our flip flops and stayed naked and walked down to the theater room. At first Graham didn't notice my two purchaes and then he looked over on the wall and saw the old fashioned popcorm popper with a small coca cola refrigerator next to it. We walked over and Graham checked out both items. He opened the door to the popcorn popper and took out a piece of paper. The paper gave instructions on how to use the popcorn popper and what to do the first time using it. There was also a popcorn scoop inside the popcorn popper. I hadn't plugged in the refrigerator. Graham opened the door and it would easily hold many cans of beer of and coca cola. Graham plugged it in and told me we should fill it with beverages.

We went up to the kitchen and filled a couple of bins with beer and coca cola. We thought we had plenty to fill the frig. Graham and I went back downstairs and filled the frig. It would actually hold a few more cans. It held more than we thought it would. "What should we do now?"

"Let's go up to the sunroom for a bit and see how the birds are doing?"

We walked arm in arm up to the sunroom. It was nice and bright and sunny in the room. The birds looked like they were sleeping so we left them alone. It looked like that gardener had just been here. All the plants were trimmed and food dishes were full for the birds and their trays had been cleaned. We decided to let the birds sleep and we walked out to the backyard. I thought relaxing by the pool would be nice. I wanted to take it easy as much as possible today and tomorrow. The only thing tomorrow would be early church and then eating lunch with our parents at the hotel. Graham's parents would come back to our house to visit for a bit and then drive back home.

We went down to the theater room and decided to watch a movie. I told Graham I was going to make some popcorn in the new popcorn popper. Graham was fiddling around with the remote for the home theater system trying to find us a movie. I reread the instructions for the popcorn popper. I wiped it out like the instructions said and poured the popcorn in and some oil and salt. I was going to make a small batch to see how it worked. It didn't take long until it was popping just like in the movie theater. It smelled great. I had a few supplies downstairs. I scooped out popcorn into a bowl for us and grabbed a couple of beers from the frig. Graham was waiting for me. I set the bowl between us and Graham got the movie going. It was an old black and white we hadn't seen before.

The movie was good. It kept our interest and Graham managed to eat all the popcorn. I only ate a few kernels. I really wasn't in the mood for eating popcorn. The beer was very cold from the little frig. I think I had it set at the correct temperature. The movie was long and by the time it finished, Graham and I were tired. Graham turned off the theater system. And I took the empty popcorn bowl upstairs. I stuck it in the dishwasher and we walked upstairs to bed. We checked on the adjoining master bedroom one more time. I wasn't sure if that room needed candles. The roses sure made the room smell good. Everything looked so good. Margaret had really outdone herself. I hope I can get her a job with Jenna. I know it would be a dream come true for Margaret. I would miss her at the house and I know Graham would too. But it would be good for Margaret to do something she really loves.

We climbed into bed and set the alarm early. I wanted to go to the early service and get back home early. Then we could get changed and ready to eat lunch at the hotel. I was anxious to see my parents and Graham's parents. It was nice to see everyone getting along so well. Especially Graham with his parents and siblings.

We must have been more tired than we thought. Soon we both out like a light.

Graham woke up before me and nudged me and told me it was time to get up. We took a quick shower jerking each other off. We dried each other off and decided to wear one of our tailor made suits. I was going to wear a very dark blue suit. And Graham was wearing a dark brown suit. We looked pretty sharp after we got dressed. Graham told me he was driving us to church. Anytime I could get out of driving was ok with me. I don't mind driving, but it's something I do with or without. We climbed into Graham's car and we were off to church. I was hoping by going to the early service there would be less people on Easter Sunday.

Graham pulled in and found a close parking spot. We got out and walked up to the church. The priest was out front greeting everyone as they made their way into church. It didn't seem like there was very much people. We greeted the priest and walked into the church. We sat about half way from the front on the left side. The church was beautifully decorated for Easter Sunday. There were Easter lillies all over.

Service started and was nice being at church. The priest gave an interesting message. I didn't see anybody I knew. My parents must be going to a later service or maybe in the afternoon. Service ended and we gave our respects to the priest and soon Graham was driving us home.

We got home and changed out of our suits into jocks and walked out to the pool. We had a few hours before we needed to go to the hotel. It was nice to relax. The weather was uncharacteristically warm. I thought I'd fix something different for us to drink. I told Graham I would be right back. I thought some iced tea would taste good with a slice of lemon. We had a big container of instant tea. So I whipped up a pitcher full and put a slice of lemon on the top side of our glasses and brought everything down on a tray. "What's this?"

"I thought some ice tea would be refreshing with a slice of lemon."

"I poured us each a glass of ice tea. It did taste pretty good and was refreshing. Graham chugged down his glass of ice tea and I poured him a second glass.

"The tea tastes good babe, thanks."

"I figured we'd have plenty to drink at the hotel so some ice tea might hit the spot."

"This was a good idea. What time is it?"

I looked at my cell phone and it was already time to get ready to go for lunch. "It's eleven fifteen already. We probably should finish our tea and get ready to go."

I carried everything back up to the kitchen and put everything away. Graham had already went upstairs to our bedroom. When I got upstairs I saw Graham looking in the second master bedroom. "Everything ok in their babe?"

"Everthing is perfect. I sure hope the star and his partner liked everything?"

"Nothing to worry about. All these things were on the list the manager texted me. These are things the star likes. How's the roses?"

"They still look fresh and smell terrific."

We took a quick shower to freshen up and kissed and hugged in the shower, but no fooling around. We would do that later. We dried each other off taking our time to get all the nooks and crannies dry. We decided to wear our matching cream colored suits. This would be the first time wearing them. We thought it was a good color for Easter. We helped each other get dressed and checked ourselves out in the full length mirror. "Perfect. We look good babe."

"I agree. I know I married the hottest doctor in he world." I gave Graham a kiss and we decided I would drive.

We got into my SUV and off we went to the hotel. I parked in the front and had a valet park my SUV. The doorman opened the door for us and greeted us and told us he was glad to see us. We walked into the lobby and Sam spotted us. He told us he would escort us personally to our table. Our table was elegantly set and decorated with beautiful white roses and lillies arranged as a table runner. The place settings were very elegant. Sam told we they pulled out all the stops and chef was preparing a very special Easter lunch for us. Our parents hadn't arrived yet. I checked the time and it was still about ten minutes for before noon. Sam asked us if we wanted anything to drink and we told him just some ice water and we would have something to drink when everyone arrived.

He told us he had a bottle of one of their finest wines chilling for us. Graham and I sipped on our ice water which had a slice of lemon in the water while we waited. I saw my parents walk in and Graham and I stood up and greeted my parents and then we sat down. My mother had a beautiful corsage on of whites roses and lillies, just like the arrangement on the table. "This table looks fantastic," said my father. My mother agreed with him. "Your corsage is beautiful mother. She said, "Sam pinned this on me. Courtesy of the hotel. I guess it makes a difference when my two sons are the owners of the hotel."

I saw Graham beaming when my mother said our two sons. My dad agreed with my mother. We just made some small talk while we waited for Graham's parents. Graham saw them walk in and we all stood up and greeted Graham's parents. I noticed Graham's mother had on one of the same corsage's like my mother. I noticed a waiter come out with an ice bucket with a bottle of wine in it and a stand for the ice bucket. He set the bucket down between Graham and me. We all stood and I poured us each a flute of white wine. I gave a small thank you and toast to our parents for joining us on Easter Sunday. We all sat back down. The wine was very good. Just out of curiosity I looked at the bottle of wine. I nudged Graham and we noticed it was the same wine we had purchased for the star and his partner. It was really good wine. Everyone complemented us on the wine.

Soon a couple of waiters came out with our lunch. This looked more like dinner. We had roast lamb and cooked ham. Hot cross buns. Glazed carrots, all traditional Easter food. We all enjoyed the lunch very much. We all said we ate more than we should. The waiters cleared the table and brought out dessert. We had chocolate eggs and Simnel cake. Graham really indulged on dessert. We finished our dessert and enjoyed another glass of wine. We had really good conversations with our parents and it was nice to see Graham and my parents getting along so well. My parents said they needed to leave. They had an Easter party to go to. Something to do with my dad's law firm. We all stood and said our goodbyes. I saw Sam rushing into the dining room with a large spray of Easter flowers for my mother, wrapped in beautiful paper. My mother thanked Sam and us for such a wonderful Easter lunch and they left. We all talked some more while we finished our glass of wine. And they decided to leave. Graham's parents were coming to our house for a couple of hours and then they needed to drive home. We got up to leave and Sam greeted us at the door with another large spray of Easter flowers for my mother. Graham's dad said he would follow us back to our house.

We got home and parked in the fron the garage. We walked in through the front doors. Graham led us out to the covered patio. Graham asked us what we wanted to drink. Graham's dad, Graham and me wanted a cold beer. Graham's mother decided on another glass of white wine. We had some good white wine in the wine frig. Not like what we had at the hotel, but still a good white wine. He poured his mother a flute of white wine and brought everything out for us on a tray. We had a good conversation and enjoyed sitting outside. Graham's parents complimented us again on our backyard. They said it looked like something you'd see in a magazine or at some celebrities house.

I wanted Graham's parents to see our new addition to our family. So we got up and took our drinks with us and walked up to the sunroom. They couldn't believe how lush and tropical it looked in the sunroom. The plants had really grown and made a good atmosphere. I showed Graham's parents our new additions to the family. They thought the parrots were beautiful. They couldn't believe how big they were. Graham's dad put some nuts in their bowls and watched them eat. We had another beer in the sunroom and Graham ran downstairs and refilled his mother's wine glass. We talked some more and then they thought they better leave. They had a long drive home. They thanked us for a wonderful Easter and we made sure Graham's mother didn't forget her flowers. We watched them leave and then we went upstairs and changed into jocks. White jocks for Easter.

We went downstairs and put a couple of the good white wine bottles into the wine frig so they would be chilled for tomorrow.

We went out and lounged by the pool. It was pretty warm and humid out so we took a quick dip in the pool. We swam a few laps and then climbed out and got back on a double lounger. It was refreshing being in the pool and I didn't feel so warm now. But of course laying next to Graham kept me warm.

I got up and Graham followed me. We put our jocks back on and went up to the sunroom. The climate control felt good and it wasn't hot and humid like in the backyard. The parrots were sleeping so I checked their food and water dishes and refilled them. Graham got us a couple of beers while I took care of the birds. They didn't wake up and Graham and I lounged together and sipped on our beer.

We had called Margaret to give her a head's up on working half days this coming week. She wasn't too happy about that. But I told her I thought it would be for the best and she finally agreed. She said she could fix seafood for lunch and have beef ready and marinated for grilling. I told her they liked the same kind of breakfast that we did. So whatever she wanted to fix for breakfast would be fine. We then hung up and I could hear her still grumbling and mumbling about something.

It was nice lounging in the sunroom and laying next to my lover. I started tracing the outline of Graham's bulge on the outside of his jock and I could feel the bulge getting bigger and hard. Graham did the same to me. We looked at each other and kissed. I set my finished beer glass down on the table and went back to tracing the outline of Graham's cock and I liked watching it grow and get hard and stretch the pouch of his jock. My cock was doing the same thing as Graham lightly touched the outline with his fingertips. We were getting more and more aroused. Finally I started pulling Graham's jock down and he rasied his hips to help me. His hard cock sprung out slapping his stomach. He then did the same to me and my cock sprung out of my jock with precum flying around. We kept lightly feeling each other's hardons. Edging closer and then backing off. Graham got me so close a couple of times I thought I was going to cum and then he backed off. I could feel Graham tense and knew he was close and then I'd back off. Finally we couldn't take it any longer and we started jerking each other off. We wanted to cover each other with our cum. I knew I would have a big forceful orgasm with all the edging. I couldn't hold back any longer and I arched and started jerking and trembling and shot out all over Graham's chest a couple shots hit his face and then the rest ran down the side of his hand. I jerked Graham fast and felt his cock swell in my hand and he blasted out all over me. Hitting my upper chest and stomach and the rest ran down my hand. We licked and cleaned each other off. Graham's cum always tastes so good. We lay together panting and gasping for breath. We both had powerful orgasms. "God I love you babe." "You too."

"I'm glad we don't do this very often or I think I'd have a heart attack."

"I know what you mean. But the edging is really hot."

We just lay there with the sides of our bodies touching. We started breathing normal and thought we would go downstairs and watch some tv in the living room. We grabbed our jocks and walked back downstairs. We laid down on the sofa with Graham behind me and I snuggled back into him. I turned on the tv and we caught the last of the news. Next weeks forecast looked like nice weather. Rain wasn't mentioned so it looked like a nice week while the star and his partner were visiting. I mentioned to Graham that when the pool cleaners and gardener come, that might be a good time to go for a drive around town and show them your completed projects and those just starting. And give them a tour of our hometown. Graham liked the idea and we had one of the hotel limousines on call for us.

Graham heard from his parents. They had arrived home safely and thanked us for a wonderful lunch and some great conversation. Graham's mother said her flowers looked so pretty in a nice vase she had.

Graham looked pleased and I could tell he was glad that they had called him. I knew I wouldn't hear from my parents. Lunch at the hotel was just another run of the mill lunch for them. Even though it was Easter Sunday. They were always so busy and had other things to do. They never really had much time for Reggie or me.

I could movie came on after the news and we started watching the movie. I asked Graham if wanted anything to drink and he said, "how about some more of that ice tea? That was really good."

I stuck the rest of the ice tea in the pitcher in the frig. It should still be good. I poured us a couple of glasses and brought them to the living room. We sat up and drank our tea and watched the movie. The tea tasted pretty good. We finished the tea in the pitcher. There was a couple glasses each left.

The movie ended and we watched the late news. It was just a repeat of the evening news. The weather forecast was still the same. We grabbed our jocks and went upstairs to bed. We had a big day coming up and a big week. I was a little nervous hoping that everything would be ok and they wouldn't be disappointed in our house or this small town.

Graham saw a concerned look on my face. "What's the matter babe?"

"Just concerned that everything goes ok this week. I hope they aren't disappoined with our house and our small town."

"I think your concerned for nothing. Remember the star is looking for some place private and peaceful for some R & R. I think we have the perfect house for him and his partner and our small town is just what he is looking for. Don't worry about it. Everything will be fine."

"I hope so. I just want everything to be perfect. He was so nice and generous to us in Las Vegas. This is the least we can do for him."

"Don't worry babe. Let's go to bed and get a good rest and you'll feel better in the morning."

I took Graham's advice. We picked up our jocks and walked arm in arm up to our bedroom. I had to look in the adjoining master bedroom. It did look really nice. I hope it would be ok for the star and his partner. The roses looked like Margaret had just placed them in the room. That plant food really did work well.

Graham and I crawled into bed. "Please hold me tight babe. I need all the comforting you can give me. Hopefully, I will be able to sleep a little."

I must have slept. I woke up to the alarm going off. We weren't working out this week or getting massages on Tuesday and Thursday. So we could sleep in later. I did feel pretty good. I must have gotten some sleep. I didn't feel nervous like I did last night. Graham was right. Our house and small town was just what the star and his partner were looking for. He got could some R & R here without worrying about being seen and recognized.

We showered and put some sweats and tshirts on and went downstairs. Margaret was in a tizzy. "What's the matter Margaret?"

"I'm so nervous. I'm going to meet my idol. I hope everything is perfect for him. I'm going to check the master bedroom and make sure everything is ok in there and ready for him and his manager. I have breakfast ready for you too. Where do you want to eat?"

"Let's eat in the breakfast nook. What are you cooking for lunch? I'm going to fix a seafood medley with mixed vegetables and a fresh garden salad. Sound delicious Margaret. I will have filet marinating in the frig and will be ready whenever you decide to grill."

"That's perfect Margaret. Don't worry. You will soon get to meet your idol. We will introduce you to him and his manager. They should be arriving the middle of this morning. Eleven at the latest."

While we were eating breakfast. Margaret went upstairs to double check the master bedroom and make sure everything was ready for the star and his partner. We heard her coming back downstairs. "Everything looks ready for my idol and his manager."

Graham and I finished breakfast and we told Margaret we were going to get changed and ready for the star and his manager. We didn't tell Margaret that the star's manager was also his partner. But the way Margaret idolized the star, I'm sure she knew his manager was also his partner. We got up from the breakfast nook and went upstairs to change.

Graham and me had decided earlier we were going to wear some casual dressy clothes that we had tailored made. We had worn these same clothes in Las Vegas. We checked each other out and made a few minor changes to each other and we looked ready to greet our guest for the week.

We got downstairs and I heard the gate opening. I saw a hotel limousine driving in. "Our guests are here Margaret. You can show the chaffeur where there luggage goes. We will do the introductions first."

We watched the chaffeur get out and open the back doors for the star and his partner. They got out of the limousine and we walked out to greet them. I think Margaret was surprised when the star and his manager kissed us and gave us hugs. We walked into the foyer and I introduced the British star and his manager to Margaret. I think Margaret was shell shocked. It was the first time I think I never heard her say anything. I think she was numb. Margaret would you show the chaffeur where to put the luggage and garment bags.

The star and manager were looking around. "You have quite a home here Bob and Graham. This is really quite impressive. All this mahogany brings back memories when I was a young lad growing up in London. My parents had a home similar to this."

"Let walk out to the backyard." The manager excused himself and told us he would be putting their things away. And he wanted Margaret to show him where everything should go. "I told the star to follow us and we walked out to the backyard. Again he was very impressed. "You guys a fantastic backyard. I have nothing like this at any of my homes. This is really something special. Why don't you give me a tour."

We showed the star around. We went to the pool jacuzzi. We told him about the grotto behind the waterfall. He liked all the ponds and the little stream that meandered around. He really liked the pergola with the firepit and tiki bar. "You guys really have quite a set up here. "I wish I had hired your landscaper to do my backyard. This would rival any star's backyard."

Soon the manager came running out to the backyard. He called the star and told him he needed to see their master bedroom. The star said he had never seen his partner this animated before. We better go see what all the commotion is about. We led the star up to the second master bedroom. We walked into the bedroom and the star just stood there and stared with his mouth open. "Oh my god boys. What have you done here? This is bedroom is fantastic. You have my favorite roses. I liked Mister Lincoln Rose, they give off such a fragrant perfume. And what do we have here. You have two bottles of my favorite white wine with my favorite chocolate. How did you know about about my favorite things? And look at these Lladro candles. You guys really went all out. This is just perfect." The manager told him to look in the bathroom. The star saw all the Lladro candles placed around. Margaret had lit them and they were very fragrant. "This master bedroom is really quite impressive and I appreciate you having my favorite things here. A little bird told us about the things you liked.

Margaret left and went downstairs to start getting lunch ready. She couldn't believe she was going to see the British star all week. He was so friendly. She never thought in a million years she would see her idol. She was singing to herself while she got lunch ready and beef marinated for dinner.

We told the star that they had a serious talk with Margaret and she would keep his presence a secret. She would be working half days all week so that would give them some privacy. Also, your master bedroom connects to our bedroom. I hope you find everything to your satisfaction and you have enough room for all your things. Don't you worry Bob. Everything is perfect. And this master bedroom is huge and the walkin closet will easily hold all our things. Thank you so much for everything. I just need to take some time and take everything in.

Were going to leave you two here. We will be in the backyard when your ready to join us. I know Margaret will be getting lunch ready.

We heard them coming down the stairs and they walked out to the backyard. "I wanted you to know Bob, I brought my personal chef and he's working with the chefs at the hotel. If you need him here just let me know and Sam can have him brought over. He's ok with everything and won't be problem when we have some fun."

"That's a good idea. I have guest bedrooms in the house and a private bedroom downstairs. It would be nice have him prepare dinner for us. I'm not a good cook and Graham is worse than me. Do you want me to give Sam a call and have him driven over?"

"I think that's a good idea. He can always work with Margaret during the morning and maybe give her a few pointers."

"I'll call Sam right now." I called Sam and the chef would be arriving with his things in a few minutes.

"You really have quite a house here Bob and Graham. Is there any chance we can get a tour of your house?"

"Of course. You've already seen the backyard. So let's go back in and you can look at the kitchen and dining room. It looks like you have a gourmet kitchen and your dining room is equisite. I then showed them the library/study room. They both liked this room a lot. Let's go upstairs. You know about the master bedrooms. The four guest bedrooms are on the other side of the hall. They are all good sized bedrooms with adjoining bathrooms. We then walked down the hall and up the stairs to the sunroom. I opened the door for them and let the star and his partner walk in first. "Bob and Graham this room is spectacular. It's very tropical and look at your parrots." The star walked over to the parrots and tried talking to them. They cocked their heads to one side like they were listening to what he was saying. "This room is huge and look at all these tropical plants and full size palm trees. You have your own tropical oasis here." "We like it a lot. It was a birthday present to Graham." We then walked downstairs and I showed them the lockerroom and gym. The game room the extra bedroom and the theater room. "This theater room is state of the art. I like these oversized chairs. And look, you even have an old fashioned popcorn popper with a little mini frig. This house is really awesome."

We walked back upstairs and we heard the limousine pulling in. I saw the chaffeur and chef get out of the car. "Where do you think we should set up the chef. Upstairs or downstairs?" "I think he should be upstairs in one of the guest bedrooms. That way he is close to the action and might want to join us."

I told Margaret this was the chef and introduced him. I told Margaret to set him up in one of the guest bedroom with an en suite bathroom. The chaffeur took his luggage up to the guest bedroom.

"He's quite a looker," I told the star. "I only hire the best." Then he whispered to me, "you should see him naked, my god, he looks like a Greek god." "I'll take your word on that and maybe we will get the oppportunity to find out later."

The chef Margaret and the chaffeur came back downstairs. The chef went with Margaret to the kitchen and the chaffeur left. The chef told us that lunch would be ready soon. I told the chef that we would eat in the dining room. And that there was a bottle of white wine chilling in the wine frig.

We went into the living room and talked for a bit while we waiting on lunch. The star and his partner complimented us on this wonderful house. The star told us it was perfect and he was already feeling more relaxed. Graham and I told them we would take them around the town and show them some of the sites. New projects that were being constructed and some of the completed projects from Graham's investment firm.

The chef came into the living room and told us lunch was ready. And we could get seated in the dining room when we were ready. Just as we were getting up Margaret came in and told us she was leaving for the day and would be back early tomorrow morning to fix breakfast. We all thanked Margaret. The star gave her a kiss on the cheek and I think I saw Margaret blushing. She left giggling like a little school girl.

We walked into the dining room and sat down at the designated places. The chef started bringing in the food. The chef told Graham and me that we had a wonderful gourmet kitchen and he was getting familiar where everything was located. Lunch was fantastic. Margaret and the chef had fixed a seafood medley with mixed vegetables and a fresh garden salad. Everything was delicious. The chef told us that Margaret was a good cook and he thought with them working together, she would even be a better cook. The star thanked us for having one of his favorite foods prepared for him.

The chef came back in and poured a flute of the chilled white wine. He then placed a wine bucket by Graham so he could pour more wine as we needed it. This was the same wine to had drunk at the hotel yesterday for Easter lunch.

The star told us that this was his favorite white wine. And that we should use the two bottles in their bedroom. We told the star that the bottles in his room were his. He thanked us and we talked a little as we finished our lunch.

Once we finished. We got up and the star said he was going to get more comfortable and maybe we could all meet by the pool. Graham and I went to our bedroom as did the star and his partner. I had Margaret hang two plush robes in their walkin closet. Graham and I stripped out of our clothes and put robes on. Naked underneath and walked out and downstairs to the pool. We didn't see the star and his partner, but we thought they would join us soon. I was right and soon they were walking down to the pool in their robes we had purchased for them. Thank you for the robes. They are very plush and feel wonderful. Graham and I were already on a double lounger. The star and his partner relaxed on a double lounger next to us. The chef came down with the bottle of wine and our wine flutes and refilled our glasses. He set the wine bottle down on a small table between the lounger. We were all laying on our robes naked. The chef didn't seem to even notice. I saw the star give him a wink. The chef said, "if it is okay with everyone. I will join you as soon as I finish in the kitchen." We all said it was fine wish us.

Once the chef left the star said. "What until you see him naked. Your not going to believe it. I think we will all be salivating when we see him naked."

This wine was really good. It was definitely worth the price. Graham even liked it and he wasn't a wine drinker like me.

Soon we heard someone walking down to the pool. It was the chef. He had a robe on also and took a lounger across from us. I don't know if it was on purpose or he just wanted to lounge there. But I couldn't wait to see him naked and if the star was correct. He started giving us a little show, slowly removing his robe and letting it slowly drape down over his body with his back to us. Soon his muscular back was exposed and then his ass. His ass cheeks looked like they were carved in marble. I didn't seen any hair on his ass or around his hole. Then he slowly finished taking the robe off. And bent over and laid on his lounger. We could see his big low hangers but not his cock. He then slowly turned and faced us. God, the star was correct. This guy looked so perfect. Like his whole body was carved out of marble. He was solid and well defined. Not bodybuilder, but just a perfect build. He's tall. I would guess six feet three inches. Probably in the one hundred and ninety weight area. No body hair. Just a little tuft under each arm and his pubes were trimmed. And then there was that cock. Oh my god. It was also perfectly straight. It looked to be about six or seven inches soft and it was fat and hefty. He slowly laid down on top of his robe with his legs spread. His big soft cock laid over his big balls.

Graham nudged me. I was still staring at the chef. Graham asked me if I was ok. I told him I was fine. I had never seen such a perfect male body except for my lover. That brought a smile to Graham's face. "We have nothing to be ashamed of. Our bodies are pretty good too."

We finished our flute of wine and decided to take a dip in the pool. The star said he would relax on the shallow end. We all got up, including the chef and we dove into the pool. The water was refreshing. The star stayed on the shallow end watching all of us. We tried to get him to do some laps with us, but he declined. "Maybe tomorrow." The chef came up between Graham and me. Damn he was even hotter and sexier close up. Even his smell was sexy. We maneuvered around so we had the chef between us with Graham behind him and me in the front. The chef's cock and my cock were rubbing together. Graham was pressed his cock between the cheeks of the chef. It was getting pretty hot and I think the star knew what was going on. I reached down and started stroking our cocks together. The chef was definitely a grower and I was wondering how big he got. He told me he was ten inches when completely hard. Wow, but I was still proud of my hard seven thick inches. The chef didn't seem to mind at all. We thought maybe we should climb out and get on a lounger.

It looked like the star and his partner were having some fun. I didn't see any hands above the water and it looke like they were jerking each other off.

We climbed out of the pool and got onto a double lounger. We had the chef lie down on his back and bring his legs up to his chest. Graham got down and started giving him a rim job. I straddled his face and he was busy sucking on my cock and balls. I bent down and took the head of his big shaft into my mouth. I didn't know if I could deep throat ten inches. I had managed the bodyguards, so I thought I should be able to do the chef. He was sucking me all the way in. I bent down more and was able to take him all the way to his shaved pubes. Graham was busy munching and licking his hot hole. I saw Graham spit on his cock and shove it into the chef. The chef was bucking and working Graham's cock further into his hole. I kept up a steady bobbing on his cock. I was able to reach down and play with the chef's big balls. That seemed to really get him going. Graham was sweating and really thrust hard into the chef's hole. I was wondering who would cum first. I felt my cock hardening in the chef's mouth and throat. I knew I would cum soon. I heard Graham grunt and moan I knew he was cumming in the chef's hole. Hearing my lover cum sent me over the edge and I was blasting down the chef's mouth and throat. I heard him gasp and felt some hot spurts shooting up into my mouth and throat. We sucked fucked until we were drained. Then we pulled off to each other to clapping.

The star and his partner were clapping. "That was quite a show. The chef is very friendly."

"He sure is." He thanked us and we thanked him and then he dove back into the pool. And walked over to the star and his partner. We finally talked the star into doing a few laps with us. The exercise would be good for him. A lot of just sitting is not good. He said he did feel better after doing a few laps with us. He said now let's go into the jacuzzi.

I grabbed our wine bottle and flutes and set the bottle on a little table and the wine flutes fit perfectly into the recesses for glasses on the side of the jacuzzi. Graham turned on the jets and heater. The jacuzzi got warm fast. The swirling warm water always got me horny as it did Graham. I was wondering if we would have another round of sex. That chef was one hot dude. The star wasn't too bad either he was hung pretty big and his partner was close to Graham and my size.

There was a lot of feeling going on under the water in the jacuzzi. I was wondering if we were going to end up having sex again. I wasn't complaining. And probably sex tonight before we went to sleep. Two or three times every day while they were here. I was thinking I might need another week of vacation to get rested.

I was between the star and his partner. Graham was between the star and the chef. Like I said, there were no hands above the water. And I felt two pairs of hands feeling me up all over. I saw the same thing happening to Graham. I was getting hard fast and I when I reached over the star and his partner were hard too. The star moved me in front of him and eased his big hard cock up my hole while his partner got in front of me and I entered him. When his partner pushed back, it pushed me harder against the star making his cock go all the way into my hole. This was really a unique experience. It was really cool. We soon got into a rhythm and were making everyone fuck to the max. We were moaning and grunting and soon shooting out our loads in each other's holes. My hole felt full. The star's cock was big and so was his load. My cock hardened. It felt like two inches bigger and I was hitting the walls of the partner's hole. We soon pulled out and collapsed back against each other. I reached down and jerked off the star's partner. He was humping my hand and I could see ropes of cum floating in the jacuzzi and the water swirling it around. I looked like Graham and the chef had cum. They had that glow like you get after sex. I liked this and I wanted us to do it again.

We all climbed out of the jacuzzin and went back onto double loungers. The star was with me and his partner was with Graham. The chef told us he needed to start getting dinner ready. He was preparing something special. We all watched him leave. His nice tight ass looked so inviting. And his big balls and cock bouncing back and forth. Yum, yum.

The star said, let's get out of the jacuzzi, shower and then up to the fantastic sunroom untile dinner is ready. We all liked that idea. And got out of the jacuzzi, grabbed our robes and and we walked up to our bedroom in a group.

The star's partner took their robes to their bedroom and then he came back to join us in our shower. I saw the star staring. "Is everything ok?" "Oh, yes. I've just never seen a shower system like this. How does it work?" Graham got it going. And the star and his partner really liked it. Graham had all the heads spraying out and. The water hit us all over our body. We washed each other and got all the chlorine off. We started chubbing up. But we agreed to wait until after dinner when the chef could join us. Besides, we thought we needed a little break before we had more sex.

We dried each other off. The star's partner went back to their bedroom and brought a couple of different robes. Graham and I changed robes too and we all walked up to the sunroom. The star walked right over to the parrots and started talking and singing to them. They cocked their heads like they did when they were listening. One of the parrots tried mimicking what the star was singing. That brought a smile to his face. He asked if he could have another glass of that white wine. I told him I would be right back and for them to relax and enjoy the sunroom. I saw Graham taking them around and pointing out different things while I went downstairs.

I saw the chef busy in the kitchen. He was wearing an apron and nothing else. "You have quite a house here Bob. The star is very impressed and says he really likes it here. It peaceful and relaxing for him."

"That's nice to hear. That was my major concern, that he would like our house and be able to get some R & R here. I'm going to put a couple more bottles of white wine in the wine frig and grab the chilled bottle. The star would like a flute of wine."

"You go ahead upstairs Bob. I'll bring the wine up with four flutes. And then let you men know when dinner is ready."

"Ok thanks. And thanks for the information about the star. That really has made my day."

I walked back upstairs. I thought I noticed the chef looking me over as I left the kitchen.

I joined the men upstairs. The star's partner was with Graham and the star patted the side next to him for me. I laid down next to the star. The star said, "I have something I have to tell you Bob."

I was thinking, oh boy, here it comes. Something's wrong.

"Me and my partner have only been here a few hours in you and Graham's house. I feel like I've always been here. You have made us feel so welcome. You've went way over the top with all of my favorite things. This is the most relaxed and comfortable I've felt in a long time. This was the best decision we could have all made for us to come and visit you and Graham. I knew you and Graham were nervous when we first arrived. But I can assure you, you have a wonderful house and you have nothing to be nervous about. Everything is perfect. Now let's kiss and hug and remove all the nervousness out of you."

That is just what we did. We gave each other a big hug and kiss. And just laid together with our naked sides touching. "Graham showed us around this fantastic sunroom. This was quite a birthday present. We can tell, both you and Graham are very much in love. That's nice to see. Me and my partner are the same way. You only do things way over the top when your with the person you love and want to be with. And that is what we feel here. We feel a lot of love and comfort and understanding. And we appreciate both you and Graham for that. I felt that connection from you both the very first time we met backstage after one of my shows and we talked. I knew their was something special about you and Graham. I was right. I know this week is going to be perfect with the two of you."

I kissed and hugged the star again. I felt so relieved and I couldn't believe everything he was telling me. I would have to tell Graham about this when I got the chance.

Just then the chef came into the sunroom wearing just his apron and told us that dinner was ready and we could get seated in the dining room when we were ready.

We got up and put our sandals on. We decided to eat dinner naked. We were all comfortable naked around each other and we walked down to the dining in one big group with our arms around each other.

We took our assigned seats. And the chef started bringing in our dinner. He had prepared rib eye steak. He told us that Margaret had prepared a wonderful marinade for the steak. We had buttered potato balls with mixed vegetables and another wonderful fresh garden salad. The steak was tender and delicious. I thought it tasted better than the steak at Milo's. That reminded me. I wanted to invite the star and his partner to Milo's. I knew the star's privacy would be respected at Milo's. I would inform them ahead of time and the procedures would be put in place. For his secrecy and privacy.

We all complimented the chef on a delicious dinner and he told us we should thank Margaret. Her marinade made the steak tender. The chef poured a flute of red wine. I didn't know what kind of red wine the star and his partner liked. I had checked with Sam before the star arrived and he sent over a couple of bottles of red wine from the hotel. The star told us this red wine was very good and really complimented the steak. We thanked him and I needed to thank Sam when I talked to him on his choice of wine.

We continued eating our meal and talking. Soon we had finished and the chef cleared away our plates and brought in dessert. Sam had supplied us with dessert that was left over from Easter Sunday. We had chocolate eggs, hot cross buns and Simnel cake. Graham of course ate dessert for three people. The star and his partner liked the dessert and we told them it was dessert from the hotel they had served on Easter Sunday.

We finished and we all decided to go downstairs to the home theater room and watch a movie. The star surprised Graham and me when he said he liked watching old black and white spy movies, especially Agatha Christie. We told him that was our favorite kind of movie too. We made our way downstairs. The chef told us he would join us when he finished in the kitchen.

We switched around this time when we sat down in the theater chairs. The star was sitting with Graham and his partner was sitting with me. Graham got the theater system going and found a series of Agatha Christie movies we had saved for future viewing. I asked everyone if they wanted some popcorn or something to drink. They passed on the popcorn, even Graham. But the star said a glass of white wine would be nice.

Graham got a movie started that none of us had seen. I got up and went upstairs to get our wine. The chef said he would bring down the wine with wine flutes. He was almost finished in the kitchen. I thanked him and told him we had just started the movie.

I went back downstairs and me and the star's partner got comfy in a theater chair. I noticed Graham and the star also getting pretty cozy in their theater chair. The movie started and it was keeping everyone interested.

I heard the chef coming downstairs. He had a bottle of white wine and five flutes on a silver tray. He set the wine bottle down on a little table by the popcorn machine and poured our glasses of wine. He handed them out. He was naked and looking just as hot as ever. I was hoping he would join me and the star's partner.

The chef went over to Graham and the star first and sat down between them with his legs draped over them. I could hear them moaning and thought I saw some erections. Me and the the star's partner were getting pretty hot and heavy. The star turned around and faced us. "Nobodies cums until we go to bed. Just a lot of edging right now. So we're hot and ready for some hot sex tonight in bed."

I didn't know how the star did it. He had good stamina for somebody his age and he seemed like he could recharge fast. Soon the chef got up and joined me and the star's partner. He did the same with us. He sat between us with his legs draped over each other us. That made his big erection stand straight up. We couldn't help but play with his big cock and balls. He leaned back on us and played with me and the manager. We did all manage to watch the movie to the end. And then it was a mad dash to our master bedroom.

Graham turned off the theater system and we all had our arms around each other in a big group as we walked upstairs to the bedroom. Our hardons were pointing the way.

We couldn't get to the bedroom fast enough. We all flopped down on the bed. Arms and legs all intertwined. Cocks and balls rubbing together. Finally we got situated and the star his partner and the chef were going to work on me first and then Graham after. The chef had his big cock up my hole. Oh my god did that cock fill me up. The star had his big hardon down my throat and the manager was standing over me so the chef could suck him off and the star could give him a good rim job. It was really something to see. The chef really knew how to fuck. He would go slow for awhile and then go fast. They seemed to get a good rhythm going and I knew they were trying to cum at the same time. It was close with the star and chef cumming at the same time. It took the manager a little longer. Once they had all cum they went down on me and with all the hot action I was soon shooting out long thick ropes of cum that they were trying to swallow and were licking off me. Once they finished. It was Graham's turn for the same thing. I watched as they took care of my babe. I couldn't believe how they all managed to stay hard. It took them a little longer to cum but they seemed to have good sized second loads. We all collapsed back on the bed. We got the chef between us with the star and his partner on one side and Graham and me on the other side of the chef. That was the way we fell asleep. Wow, what a day. We had sex three times and all three times were really hot. I couldn't wait to see what tomorrow would bring.

I woke up and felt warm bodies around me. Then I remembered what we did last night in bed. I saw the star and his partner and my lover, but I didn't see the chef. He probably got up early to help Margaret in the kitchen. I leaned over and looked at the nightstand clock. It was going on eight. I never remembered sleeping this late before. But then all the sex we had yesterday, tuckered me out.

I moved around to wiggle my way out of bed without waking anybody. But it didn't work. Soon everybody was awake. I told them the time and we thought we better shower and get dressed for breakfast.

We climbed into the shower and I got all the shower heads going. It felt good on our bodies. We took our time washing each other and enjoying all the body contact. We rinsed off and we were hard. We got into a circle jerk and took care of everybody. We climbed out of the shower and dried each other off.

The star and his partner went back to their bedroom to get dressed. Graham and I got dressed in some more tailor made casual clothes. We thought this would be perfect for our ride around town. We walked out of our bedroom, but didn't see or hear the star and his partner. We went downstairs and Margaret told us that everyone was in the dining room. I could hear talking as we walked into the dining room. The chef was already bringing in breakfast. Margaret came into the dining room and told us that the gardener and pool cleaners usually arrived around nine thirty or ten and it took them about an hour to finish their work. We thanked her and I decided to call Sam as soon as we finished breakfast.

We had coffee and juice with eggs Benedict. Graham, of course, had to eat two helpings of eggs Benedict. We got up and went to the living room. I told the star and his partner I would call Sam for a limousine.

The star and his partner walked into the kitchen and thanked Margaret for a wonderful breakfast and for the marinade that made our steaks last evening so tender and delicious. They each gave her a kiss on the cheek and Margaret was beaming again.

While they were in the kitchen, I called Sam and he told me a limousine would be here shortly and he assured me confideniality. He told many of the hotel guests were very famous people so the hotel staff was good at keeping their presence a secret and.

We all gathered back in the living room and waited on the limousine.

Margaret poked her head into the living room and told us the limousine was here. She and the chef opened the front doors for us and chaffeur had the back doors open for us in the limousine. I checked the bar in the limousine and it was well stocked with white wine and beer.

The limousine had a glass divider from the back to the front. There was a telephone if we needed to talk to the chaffeaur. I had informed Sam earlier of what we wanted to do and so the chaffeur was instructed to take us to all the places he took hotel guests and to take his time.

We started out going to some new construction close to where we lived. With the heavily tinted windows, nobody could see in so the privacy was secure for the star and his partner. Graham and I pointed out different places as went slowly by them. Graham did most of the talking since all the construction was done by his investment firm. The star was quite impressed with all the changes and all the construction that had been completed and was still on going. Sam had called me and told me he had a private area set up in the hotel if we wanted to take a break and have some appetizers. I told him that would be a good surprise for the star. Sam said he would call the chaffeur and give him all the details. Margaret had called me and both the gardener and pool cleaners were busy at the house.

I saw the chaffeur make a turn at the next intersection and knew we were headed to the hotel. The chaffeur drove around to a back entrance. I told the star and his partner that Sam had a special treat for us. And that we were entering through the back entrance and your secrecy would not be jeopardized. The star looked a little reluctant at first and then agreed. We were all ushered quickly and quietly to a private dining area set up especially for the star and his partner. Sam joined us and told the star that his identity would not be known and that secrecy was a big part of their work at the hotel with many important and well known people staying. We were seated at very elegantly decorated table. A water came in and poured us flutes of the star's favorite white wine. And then set a couple of silver trays of appetizers on the table. The appetizers were seafood so the white wine was a perfect choice.

The appetizers were delicious. The star said, "I wish I could have a tour of your hotel, but I don't want to be recognized. I'm here for R & R and not a publicity stunt."

"We'll see, maybe something can be worked out. I'll talk to Sam and see what they do with other high profile people that stay at the hotel so they are not recognized."

We finished our appetizers and wine and were escorted back out to the waiting limousine. We continued our tour of our town. I mentioned that when I moved back to my hometown we had about ten thousand people in town. Now after the lastest census, the mayor told me we are approaching seventy five thousand people. The paper mill has added two more production lines. And had hired many more new people. New businesses continue to open with a demand for housing. The town is booming and we couldn't be happier."

"That is quite an accomplishment. This town is really something else. I really liked the outside of the stadium and the new school is really special. The hardware store is huge. At least from the outside." While we continued our tour I got a call from Margaret. She told me the gardener and pool cleaners had left and they would soon have lunch ready. The chaffeur drove in front of Graham's office building. We finished our beer and the star and his partner had finished their wine. The star got up and got down between my legs rubbing my bulge. I saw his partner doing the same thing to Graham. We want to show you our appreciation for everything you have done for us. The star unloosened my belt and undid the top button of my pants. He slowly pulled the zipper down and you could see my big bulge in my boxers. I lifted my hips and he pulled my pants and boxers down. My cock sprung up almost hitting the star in the face. He licked around the head of my cock. Sucking out my precum. He fondled my balls with his hand while he slowly took my cock down to the base. He knew how to give a good blowjob. This was really good. He started slowly bobbing up and down on my cock. He cupped my balls and inserted a finger into my hole. That was all it took and he had me shooting out a big load hitting the back of his throat. I saw him swallow and he milked out the last couple of drops of my cum. I got dressed as did Graham. I saw the chaffeur now driving by the clinic and then he made his way back to our house. I told the star and his partner and I knew the chaffeur was getting close to finishing the tour and soon we were headed back home.

When we got back home. Margaret was getting ready to leave. I knew she was taking her time so she could see the star again. The star and his partner kissed Margaret on the cheek and thanked her for everything she was doing and then she left. The chef told us lunch would soon be ready if we wanted to get more comfortable. That sounded like a good idea and we all went upstairs and changed out of our clothes and put robes on. Naked underneath.

We all walked out to the patio and walked over to the pergola and lounged in the shade. The star told us he really enjoyed the tour of the our town. We told him smiling that we really enjoyed the tour too. He knew what we meant and he gave us a big smile too. He had laid our robes down and were lying naked on top of them. It felt good in the shade. It was another warm day.

I saw the chef and he found us and walked over. He had just a little apron on that didn't really cover much. That was ok. He was suck good eye candy. He told us lunch was ready and when we were ready to come up to the dining room.

We had a wonderful lunch and dinner. Mixing it up with sex and some exercise in the swimming pool. I was able to get the star to do laps regularly with us. Which I liked to see. The star and his partner kept telling us what a good time they were having. This was the best decision he had ever made. He told us this was the most relaxed he'd been in he couldn't remember how long and definitely would like to come back again if it was okay with us. He repeated himself again telling us how much he liked all his favorite foods and the flowers candles and wine were perfect and way over the top. We told him it was our pleasure. And if he was relaxed and content, then we were satisfied.

Thursday night we had dinner at Milo's. Everything was worked out for top security and privacy. We entered through the back and were escorted into a private dining room. The dining room was decorated way over the top and I noticed the owner had them use his best silver for our place serving and the serving dishes. The star said the food was delcious and would rival any place he had ever eaten. The owner came in and asked us how everything was. We told him it was excellent. The star nodded to his partner. His partner took out the special VIP tickets for two to his next show at Las Vegas. The owner thanked him and told him, for sure he and wife would attend. We left Milo's using a hotel limousine and we had sex in the back of the limousine.

The days were going by too fast and it was already Sunday. The day they needed to leave. The star asked us about the things in their master bedroom. We told them the candles chocolate and bottles of wine were theirs. We wanted to keep the flowers. We were waiting on the hotel limousine to take them to the airport. We didn't talk about leaving. We avoided the topic. The star did tell us that the next time he was relaxing in his home on the French Riviera, he was going to invite us. And then we could all fly back here for some more R & R. I told him that was a wonderful idea and we would look forward to it. The chef had everything ready for when the limousine arrived. Unfortunately, I heard the gate and saw the limousine come in. It was time to say our goodbyes. It was hard seeing them leave. We kissed and hugged along with the chef. And Graham and I watched them leave. Their were a few tears shed but everyone tried to keep the departure as upbeat as possible.

Graham and I dropped our robes in the living room and went out to the pool to relax and rehash everthing that had happened. I told him I was really tired after all the sex we had. But I didn't regret anything. Graham told me he felt the same way. He said it was too bad we couldn't take next week off to just relax, but we knew that was out of the question. It seemed so quiet and peaceful. The star, being older, had an excess of energy and that really kept us all going. Graham and I agreed that we had some good memories with them staying here.

"What do you think babe? They seemed to really enjoy themselves here and could be themselves without worrying about privacy and paparozzi."

"They told us numberous times how much they liked being here and how relaxing it was. I think it was a success."

"What are we going to have for lunch? I'm getting hungry."

"Your always hungry. Let's go check the frig and see what's in there for lunch."

We got up and walked to the kitchen and I opened the frig. I couldn't believe it. The chef had fixed a couple of snack trays and their was a couple of meals in containers to warm. "I don't think I want a meal. How about a snack tray? They look delicious."

"They do look good. Why don't you bring a snack tray down to the pool and I'll grab us a couple of cold beers."

Graham took off to get our beers from the tiki bar. I brought the snack tray down and set it on a small round table by our lounger with some napkins. I grabbed a canape and then Graham handed me my beer. The canape was just a delicious as it looked. It tasted good with beer. I saw Graham grab a couple of canapes and wash them down with beer. We kept relaxing by the pool. We were tired and we nodded off. When I woke I was warm and was wondering if I was going to look like a cooked lobster tomorrow. I forgot to put suncreen on and then I nodded off and napped for awhile. I didn't see Graham. Soon I saw a head sticking out of the water. "Come on in and get cooled off. The water is great."

I took Graham's advice and dove in. The water was cooling to the skin. We swam a few laps and then climbed out. We finished the tray of canapes. I ate more than I usually do. But they were so good.

We had dinner. Was some kind of braised beef. It was another very delicious meal with potatoes and a salad. After we ate we watched a little tv and then turned in. We were tired and were going to try to get as rested a possible for work tomorrow.

We woke up to the alarm and went downstairs and worked out with our friends. Margaret had a big breakfast ready for us. We ate like it was our last meal. We kissed and hugged in the garage and we all left for work.

The first week back to work went well. Monday I was a little sluggish, but by the middle of the week I was back to my regular self.

Thursday I got a call from my dad at lunch time. He had had Steve in for an interview. He told how impressed he was with Steve and would hire him on the spot. But he needed to graduate in a few weeks and then pass his bar exam. My dad since once they hurdles were crossed he had a job at his law firm. I was glad to hear that and I'm sure Steve was happy too.

The next couple of weeks zipped by and it was soon approaching graduation for Steve Irving and Mark. Wednesday I got a call from Jenna. I had kind of forgot about that. She said she had a wonderful conversation with Anthony. He was very convincing and she had agreed with his help to open a decorating store in New York City. Anthony already had the shop bought. All they needed to do was get it stocked and ready to go. Hire a couple of helpers. Jenna said her only concern was her store here in town. She had good workers. But they weren't management material. I told her I thought I might have the perfect person to be the manager and help with decorating. I told her our housekeeper Margaret's dream, since she was a little girl, was to have a decorating store. I'm going to talk to her tomorrow and have her come by your store so you two can talk and hopefully Margaret will be your new store manager. Jenna asked me what we would do for a housekeeper. I told her not to worry about that. We could work something out. Jenna thanked me and thought she should get back to work.

Graham came home and I told him about Jenna's call. And he told me we should talk to Margaret tomorrow morning and she could work a half day and have the afternoon to talke with Jenna. We talked some more about Margaret working for Jenna and hoped Margaret would want to work for her and fulfill her dream. We ate dinner. Watched some tv and went to bed.

When we ate breakfast the next morning, Graham and I took Margaret aside and told her about Jenna's phone call. Margaret's face lit up and I didn't know if she was happy or in shock. Or both. That is good news, but I really like working here and I'm getting to old to work at a decorating store. We told her nonsense. We wanted her to work a half day today. And in the afternoon talk with Jenna. And if you like the offer to take it and we can hire your sister to work as our housekeeper. I think she would like it her with us. Margaret kind of hemmed and hawed around and finally agreed to work a half day and talk to Jenna in the afternoon.

I was getting ready to leave to go home from the clinic when my cell phone rang. I didn't recognize the number. It was Jenna. Bob your a godsend. Margaret is a natural and she is going to star work here full time next Monday. She said something about contacting her sister and show her what needs to be done at your house. I thanked Jenna and left for home. I was happy for Margaret. Her dream was coming true.

I got home and Graham was there. As soon as I came in I told him about my phone call from Jenna and Margaret accepting the manager position. She was going to show her sister what needed to be done here. Graham said he knew he also had received a phone call from Jenna. I think we need to celebrate Margaret's new job and having her dream come true. We still had a bottle of the white wine left and it was in the wine frig. I took it out and opened it and put it on a tray with a couple of regular wine glasses and we went up to the sunroom. I poured us each a glass of wine and we cheered Margaret to her new job.

The next morning after working out and going upstairs. Margaret was all bubbly and energetic. She introduced us to her sister. You could tell she was Margaret's sister. They had the same stature and facial features. She said she would be glad to work for us. And would start full time on Monday if that was ok. I told her once Margaret give the go then it's your house to take care of. Margaret told us with teary eyes how happy she was and thanked both Graham and me for making a dream come true. We told her it was our pleasure, but now we needed to head to work. We thanked Margaret's sister for agreeing to work for us and we left for work.

Wow next week is the graduation already.

Margaret's sister was working out fine and she told us she really liked our house and working here.

Margaret was working out well at Jenna's decorating store. Margaret was working out so well that Jenna had already left to New York City to get a second store open with Anthony's help. She was excited about the opportunities in New York City.

Graham and I had new suits tailored made for the graduation. We wanted to look good for Steve Irving and Mark. The graduation party was being held at the banquet room at the hotel. Graduation was Friday and the party was Saturday. The week went by quickly and Graham and I were anxious to see the guys graduate. Friday I worked a half day and Graham managed to work a half day on Friday. They were having the graduation at the new stadium at three in the afternoon. Margaret's sister worked a half day on Fridays like Margaret had done. She was working out fine and she was a good cook like Margaret. She told us she liked having the house to herself all day. It made it easier for her to get her work done.

She left for the weekend and Graham and I ate a light lunch at the breakfast nook. After we finished eating we went upstairs and stripped down naked and went up to the sunroom. We had some time before we needed to get ready for the graduation. The star and his partner had sent us a beautiful spray of flowers and a large fruit basket. The card on the flowers stated that they had misplaced our address and that was why it took so long to get the flowers and basket sent. The card also stated how much they enjoyed their time with us and that a new flower arrangement would be sent each week. It really wasn't necessary, but Graham and me weren't complaining. The housekeeper had put the arrangement in the living room and the color was a welcome benefit to the room.

The birds were looking very content in the sunroom. I was refilling their food and water dishes. Graham told me I was lucky I didn't have a hardon or the birds might think my hard cock was a perch. Ouch, those long talons wouldn't feel good on the sensitive skin of my cock. I didn't even want to think about that.

I relaxed with my lover. Our hot bodies touching. I grabbed us a couple of beers while we relaxed. Graham said, "we've made some more major changes in people's lives. Margaret has her dream job. Jenna is opening a new store in New York City. Steve will be working at your father's law firm. And Irving and Mark will join Preston and me at the our investment firm. We keep giving out to the community and it really is a nice feeling. It will be nice to be back at the stadium again. That brings back memories."

"It sure does. The best part of that was you proposing to me in front of the town and all of our friends." I looked at my ring and gave it a kiss. Graham did the same to his ring.

We sipped on our beer and just closed our eyes and listened to the soothing music. I didn't want to nod off. I didn't want to be late for the graduation. I finished my beer and looked at my watch. "It's two babe. What do you think? Should we start getting ready?"

"This is so relaxing being here with the man I love. I don't want to get up. But I suppose I should."

We got up and I took our empty glasses to the kitchem while Graham stayed in our bedroom. I came up to our bedroom and Graham had our new suits laid out on the bed. They were both a very dark pin stripe blue. We needed to decide what shirt and tie we were going to wear with our new suits. We picked out a shirt and tie for each other. We decided on black wing tipped shoes with dark blue socks and a dressy black belt. We decided on a dark blue with black striped pocket square to set off our suit. We were dressed and we had to check ourselves out in the floor length mirror. We were just as handsome and dashing as always. We gave each other a kiss. Splashed on some cologne and we were ready to go. I told Graham I was driving, in case we needed to give anyone a lift. I had the room in my SUV. Graham didn't have that much extra room in his Porsche.

We made sure the alarm system was armed and we climbed into my SUV and we were soon on our way to the stadium. I found a good parking spot and we walked into the stadium through the main entrance. They had bleachers arranged down on the field. With a raised platform and podium for the speakers. The chairs were lined up in rows for the graduates. We were still a little early and we bought a coffee while we waited. Soon people started filing in and getting seated. I saw the graduates getting seated also. I saw Steve with two gold braids draped on his graduation gown and seated next to him was a graduate with three gold braids. Guest speakers were getting seated behind the podium. It looked like everyone had arrived. The seating areas were full. Soon the president of the university got up and walked to the podium. With the audience clapping. He gave a typical speech honoring this year's graduating class and pointing out some of the academic achievements of some of the graduates. Naming Steve a magna cum laude and the man seated next to him as summa cum laude. He then turned the microphone over to Steve to give his graduation speech. He thanked the university for allowing him the opportunity to achieve his goals and he apologized to the student with the three gold braids, but explained that he wasn't feeling well and he was giving the class graduation speech in his place. Steve's speech was very personal at times and very funny at times. He gave a wonderful speech to the applause of his fellow graduates and everyone in attendance.

Next the mayor got up and gave his graduation speech. Once the mayor finished the deam of students got up and gave a short speech and then said this was the moment everyone was waiting for. He would be handing out the diplomas and recognizing those students who had earned academic honors and their major field of study. He started with the summa cum laude student with the three gold braids. The student was going to studying medicine and planned to specialize in cardiology. He got a nice applause as he received his diploma. Next was Steve and the dean of students said that Steve had achieved the highest scores and ranking in becoming a lawyer. He was now preparing for the bar exams and knew that Steve would easily pass the exams. The dean said he was going to be hired our very well known law firm in town once he passed his bar exams. Steve got a very nice applause very everyone when he received his diploma. Then the rest of the students started filing forward to receive their diplomas. Other distinctions were mentioned and soon all the graduates had received their diplomas. The university president gave the closing remarks and the graudation ceremoney concluded. Steve walked to the front of the graduates and they started singing the school song. Once they finished they yelled and threw their mortarboards into the air.

The graduates started filing down into the audience. Being congratulated by friends and family. We were able to get over to Steve and we gave him a hug and handshake and congratulated him on his academic accomplishments. He introduced us to his parents who were beaming with pride. We told them we were looking forward to the class graduation party tomorrow at the hotel and then we left.

Most of the graduates were having private parties with family and friends, so that was why the class graduation party was delayed until tomorrow at the hotel banquet room.

We got home just after five. The graduation ceremony was about two hours. The time seemed to fly during the ceremony. Graham and I both enjoyed the ceremony and it brought back memories when we had graduated from college. Graham and I had both graduated with honors, but at different universities. We changed out of our suits and put jocks on. We couldn't wait to see how the banquet room at the hotel would be decorated. Graham and I were funding the party for the graduates. We thought the exposure to the hotel, might generate more business. The chef and his crew were making appetizers and we had bartenders and waiters to do the catering. There would be no charge for the drinks, also part of our funding for the party.

We went upstairs to the sunroom. Graham got us a beer and we relaxed together on a lounger. We put an arm around each other and kissed. The beer tasted good on Graham's lips and said he liked how my beer tasted too. We fell asleep on the lounger. We heard the birds squaking and they woke us up. It was time to get dinner ready.

We had a good dinner and watched a movie in the living room and then went to bed and went right to sleep.

We woke up to sunlight coming into our bedroom. I looked at the clock on the nightstand and it was just after eight. I couldn't believe we had slept that long. I nudged Graham and he woke up and he laid on his side facing me and we gave each other a good morning kiss. I could feel his morning woody hitting and rubbing against mine. "What we going to do about this hard problem?"

Graham gave me one of his sexy smiles and pulled the covers down and we got into a sixty nine. This was one of our favorite positions for making love to each other. We slowly took each other's cocks into our mouths swirling our tongues around and slowly pulling the hard cock down our throat, inch by inch. We fondled and cupped each other's balls, easing a couple of fingers into each other's holes. We were horny and hot for each other and it didn't take us long to achieve a fantastic orgasm filling each other with a big morning load. We kissed and hugged after we came and just laid together in bed for awhile. Finally we got up and made breakfast. We ate in the breakfast nook. We decided to just relax and take it easy until it was time to go to the hotel for the graduation party.

Margaret was getting an early start with her crew decorating the banquet room. She had measured the room earlier and had a good idea of about how many people should be attending. They had a special banner made in the school colors congratulating the class of xxxx. Round tables were being set up and also decorated with tableclothes in the school colors. Flower arrangements were on each table with colors that would highlight the school colors. A wooden trellis was set up and decorated with flowers in the school colors. The arched trellis would make a nice setting for taking pictures. The DJ that we had used at many of parties would be playing music. Margaret had a special decorated area for the DJ. Also the banquet room was big enough that an area for dancing could be set up. Everything was coming along nicely. Margaret had drawn out plans on paper as a guide for the decorations. Margaret had talked to Sam and the waiters and bartenders would be wearing suits in the school colors. Margaret was in her own little world and the crew was doing a fantastic job. This was going to be perfect when it was finished. There was also a long table set up with two large punch bowls. Sam had the chef and his crew make a special punch for the party. Also, they were busy finishing all the appetizers and canapes. The glassware had the year and congratulations to the graduates that could be taken as souvenirs. The napkins were in the school colors with the year and congratulations and could also be taken. It was going on lunch time and Margaret told every one to take a lunch break and be back by one to finish the last few things they needed to do. Sam came in and said they had a special lunch ready for them in the dining room when they were ready. It was courtesy of Bob and Graham. The mention of Bob and Graham brought tears to Margaret's eyes. She could never thank them enough for everything they had done for her. They broke for lunch and ate in the dining room.

Lunch was very good. Nothing real fancy. Soup and sandwiches with coffee tea or iced tea. But the thought was really special to everyone. They finished their lunch and they all headed back to the banquet room ready to finish the decorations. Once the decorating was finished, Margaret would take pictures. Jenna had an album where she saved all her completed decorating jobs. Margaret hoped that when Jenna returned she would like what they had done for the graduation party. They finished and looked everything over one more time. Everything was just as Margaret had planned it. They all thought it looked wonderful. Margaret took a few pictures and then she could print them and add them to the album. They told Sam they were finished and she showed Sam where the DJ was located. And where he could set up his equipment. Sam told Margaret not too worry. He would take care of the last few things. He told Margaret this really looked special.

I checked the time and I told Graham I was bringing something down for a light lunch. We knew there would be appetizers and canapes at the graduation party. I went up to the kitchen and checked around in the frig and I found a few cold cuts crackers and cheese and made us a snack tray. I thought it looked pretty good for me and I did a good job. Have to see what Graham thinks. I took the tray down to the pool and set on a little table by Graham. Graham had got us another cold beer. I fixed a couple of crackers for myself with some of the cold cuts and cheese. Not to bad. Graham liked it too. We finished the snack tray and our beer and thought we'd better start getting ready for the party. Graham helped me with the empty glasses and I took the tray up to the kitchen. Graham put the glasses in the dishwasher and I put the silver tray away.

We decided on some dressy casual clothes. Something we had warm when we stayed with the star and his partner. We took a quick shower first. Washing each other and sucking each other off in the shower. I dried off Graham and then he dried me off. We had our clothes laid out on the bed. We took our time getting dressed. There was no rush. I finished getting dressed before Graham and was primping in front of the mirror when he pushed me out of the way so he could look at himself. We started pushing back and forth and thought we better stop. We agreed we looked good. We were going to over in Graham's car. The valets liked parking Graham's car. We got into Graham's Porsche and we were off to the hotel.

We arrived and parked in front and Graham gave the keys to one of the valet attendants to park his car. They struggled to get the keys to park his car. We thought it was kind of funny.

Graham and I walked in and could already see a good sized crowd of people in the banquet room. As we walked into the banquet room. We were amazed at the decorations. The decorations looked so perfect and just proper for a graduation party. We looked around and saw the DJ and he waved to us. We saw Mark Irving and Steve. They were all busy talking with groups of their college friends. We some older people. Assuming they were parents of some of the graduates. Sam came over and asked us what we thought. We told him these decorations were perfect this party. Sam said that Margaret wasn't coming to the party. I told him to wait and I was giving her a call. I called Maragret's number and she answered on the first ring. "Hi Bob, are you at the hotel?"

"Yes. Graham and I are here and we were looking for you."

"I decided not to come. This party is for the young people that graduated, not some old lady."

"Nonsense Margaret. We expected to see you hear. When we hang up. I want you getting dressed and I'm sending over a hotel limousine to pick you up. You deserve to be here just as much as these graduates. No ifs ands or buts."

"Ok boss. I'll get ready and there as soon as the limousine arrives."

I gave same the address and phone number for Margaret and told him to send a limousine over to pick her up. He said he would get right on it.

The bartenders and waiters looked pretty sharp in the school colors. They suits were perfect. Graham and I took a couple of appetizers off a tray as it went by and we ordered a couple of beers from a bartender.

Steve saw us and broke away from his group of friends and walked over. "This party is just too much. This is way over the top. You guys didn't need to do this."

"Yes we did. And it was something Graham and I talked about for a long time. I just hope that everyone has a good time and enjoys themselves. You all deserve this party after your long hours of studying and attaining your degrees."

"I'm going back to talk to my friends. Thanks again for such a wonderful party."

I heard the DJ pick up the pace of the music. And soon some of the grads were out on the dance floor.

I saw Margaret walk into the banquet room. She looked just stunning and in a full length sequined gown. I hardly recognized her at first. "Margaret you look amazing. I didn't recognize you at first."

"Oh come on. It's just little old me. I found this old thing hanging in the closet and thought I'd see if I could still fit into it. I don't think I look too bad for an old lady."

"Margaret you need to stop calling yourself an old lady. If you not careful some of these grads might take you out on a date."

"Oh posh. If they even notice me, I will be surprised."

"Well don't go to far away. I have a speech to give. Graham doesn't like talking in front of large groups of people."

I made my way over to the DJ and told him to turn off the music for a couple of minutes I needed to give a speech. Everyone started groaning. I picked up the microphone and starte. "First I liked to thank you all for attending your graduation party. I'm Bob and I'm one of the co-owners of the hotel. Me and my partner Graham, know some of the graduates here and we wanted to do something special for all of you after your hard work and attaining your degrees. I hope you enjoy the party. Napkins balloons and the glasses on the table are all yours as souvenirs of this party. Before I finish I would like to introduce a very special lady that is responsible for these fantastic decorations. Margaret would you come over here please." Margaret reluctantly walked over. "Everyone this is Margaret. She is responsible for all these fantastic decorations. Do you think she did a good job?" They all started hollering out, Margaret, Margaret, Margaret. Enjoy your party and there's no curfew." That brought out a few more cheers from the grads.

The DJ went back to playing his music. I noticed a line of young men. "May I help you?"

"We want to personally thank Margaret for all these fantastics decorations."

"Margaret your wanted. These young men want to personally thank you for your decoarating."

Graham and I stood back as we watched the young men. One by one give Margaret a kiss on the cheek and asked her for a dance. We left Margaret. She looked like she was in good hands and having a good time.

Some of the parents came over to Graham and me and thanked us for having such a wonderful party for their sons and daughters. We told them it was something we wanted to do. We knew some of the graduates and we knew that some of their parents couldn't afford a graduation party so this was our little way of helping them out. "That was a wonderful idea of you two. This party is way over the top. But I want you to know that all the parents thank you very much."

We mingled around and saw Preston and Holden and we talked with them for a little while. They looked like proud parents of Irving and Mark. They thanked us for this party. They told us they heard Irving and Mark talking and the grads couldn't wait for this party. "I want to talk to them once I see them break away from the group their talking with."

Graham and I mingled around a little we had another beer and a few more canapes. Finally I saw Irving and Mark break away from the group they had been talking to. We walked and started talking. Irving and Mark thanked us for this wonderful party. They said everyone was talking about this party today and couldn't wait. I asked them, "how soon till you start working with Graham and Preston?"

They both looked at Graham and said they started this coming Monday. They would have orientation the first day and then start on some minor projects to get their feet wet and slowly work into major projects. They said they were excited to get started and couldn't wait. I told them I had one concern with the party. I didn't want anyone getting drunk or driving drunk. They said not to worry. Everyone appeciated you guys having this party for us and weren't going to take advantage of it. We told them we were heading out and to enjoy themselves.

We talked to Sam and the bartenders and waiters before we left. We told them about our concern. Not wanting anyone getting drunk. And not driving drunk. They said so far the crowd wasn't drinking that much and were spacing out their drinks. They were having a good time socializing and dancing and not doing much drinking. "That's good. Just be sure to keep your eyes open and any problems take care of it right away. You have hotel security if you need them." They told us not to worry and they would take care of everything.

The valet brought Graham's car around and we headed home. "What do you think babe of the party?"

"I wished I would have been invited to a party like this when I graduated. I don't think we have anything to worry about. Sam has many years of experience in the hotel business. The waiters and bartenders can spot signs of problems before they escalate."

"Your probably right. I'm worrying for nothing. I just want the party to be a success and everyone to enjoy themselves without any incidents."

"Let's go watch a movie and forget about the party and then head to bed."

End of Chapter 8 - Easter

Chapter 9 Coming Soon

If you would like to see the characters in the story, please read "My Alphabet Friends," and there are photos of characters at the end of each chapter.

Your comments and suggestions are always welcome. I answer all emails I receive. I ask that you please put Nifty or the title of the story in the subject line. Then I'll know it's not spam. I am already working on Chapter 9. I hope you enjoy my story as much as I like writng it. Please email me at:

Next: Chapter 9

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