Bob's Holidays

By Francis Scott

Published on Feb 28, 2023


Bob's Holidays Chapter 7

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The following story is a work of fiction from the authors mind. It contains adult situations between consenting adults. If this offends you and is illegal in your area, WHY ARE YOU HERE? Any similarities to actual people or events is purely coincidental. This story does not promote safe sex. Please practice safe sex at all times. Don't put your life or someone else's in jeopardy.

If you haven't read my story, "My Alphabet Friends," I would recommend doing so. All characters in this series are from My Alphabet Friends. There are pictures of the characters at the end of each chapter. You will find, My Alphabet Friends, in Gay/Adult Friends.

Bob's Holidays

By Francis Scott

Chapter 7 - St. Patrick's Day

Graham and I were looking forward to the weekend and the bodyguards staying with us and Preston's party.

Both Graham and I had received text messages from the bodyguards asking us if it was okay if they came Friday night. Of course, it was okay with us.

The gardener had hung our crystal birds where we had specified to Margaret. They looked nice with the sun shining off of them. I think our parrots thought they were real birds and were trying to talk to them. Of course once the crystal birds were hung, the next couple of days have been cloudy so we can see any nice reflections coming off the birds.

I told Margaret we were having visitors coming for the weekend and if she could get the two adjoining bedrooms freshened for them. She told us no problem and they would be ready.

The rest of the week went fast, which was ok with me. It was Friday and my half day of work. So I would get home early and finish getting things ready for when the bodyguards came later. Wanted to make sure we had a good supply of beer and enough deli food for some good snack trays. I could always call Margaret and see how well we were supplied and pick up a few things before I got home.

Friday was done and I needed to enter a couple of reports in my computer and send them off before I left the clinic. Everyone said goodbye to me while I finished my work. Finished the reports and gave Margaret a call. "Hi Margaret. How we doing on beer? Do you have a good supply on hand? And how about enough deli food for making snack trays?"

"Let me check while your on the phone. You have three and a half cases of beer. You don't have much for making snack trays. So you may want to pick up some more deli meat cheese and cracker assortments."

"Ok. Thanks Margaret. We have enough beer. I will stop by the deli and pick up some things for snack trays.

I finished in my office and locked the clinic and I was on my way to the deli I liked. It was in the new strip mall. I pulled in, in front of the deli store and walked in. I told the girl what I wanted and how much and got everything ready for me. She said they also made snack trays and they could be delivered. I told her that was an excellent idea, since I wasn't very good at making snack trays. I told her what I would like on each tray and she said they would be ready in a couple of hours for delivery. I gave her my address and told her to tell the delivery person to press the button at the gate, so I could open it for the delivery person.

That was easy. That's the way I like making snack trays. Having someone else do it for me.

I got home and Margaret had left for the day. I grabbed an apple from the fruit basket to munch on while I got changed. I stripped down and put my clothes away. Grabbed a robe so I had that to wear when the delivery person came, and walked down to the pool and sat on a lounger under an umbrella awning.

Graham had called me at work and told me he was having a busy day and would be home later and wasn't sure what time.

I read the daily newspaper while I was on the lounger, looking it over. Nothing much of interest. Checked the sports and even that wasn't really that interesting. None of the college football teams that Graham and I liked, were doing very well this season. Read a couple of the editorials and checked the obituaries. Being a doctor, I thought I should check and see if I knew anybody that had passed away. Nobody that I knew or had been to the clinic.

I was getting warm, even in the shade and thought I'd take a quick dip in the pool. I kicked my sandals off and dove into the pool. The water was cool and felt good on my warm skin. I did a few laps and came out. I hadn't brought a towel so I put my robe on to absorb the water. I was glad I did. I heard the speaker.

I walked up to the foyer and it was the delivery person with the snack trays. I pushed the button so the gate would open and watched him drive in. It was an older man. I was hoping for a young college kid. So I'd have something good to look at. He took the two large snack trays out of the back of his van. They were boxed and watched him walk up to the front door. I opened the door for him and greeted him and showed him where he could set the snack trays. I asked him if he had a business card with a phone number. He told me there would be a business card in one of the boxes. I thanked him and gave him a tip and watched him leave.

I opened one of the boxes. The snack tray was set up nice on cardboard tray with a lace paper doily and the snacks were arranged on top of the lace doily. It looked pretty good. I made room in the frig for both snack trays. I opened the second box and a business card was stuck in the corner. I put the second snack tray in the frig and looked at the business card. The card gave the number to call and the name of the manager for the deli. That was perfect.

I put the card in the bureau in the foyer with the rest of our business cards. It might come in handy again.

I checked the time and it was already going on six. Graham wasn't kidding when he said he would be home later. I was hoping he'd be here before the bodyguards arrived. I was feeling horny and felt like some private time with my lover.

I walked back down to the pool and this time I laid out in the late afternoon sun. The sun would be going down soon. I didn't feel like swimming anymore and the jacuzzi didn't look that appealing. I thought I'd walk around on some of the paths and check out the fish ponds and our little stream that meandered around. And then over to the pergola and grotto. I got up and looked in the fish ponds and the koi looked like they were growing. They looked bigger than the last time I checked on them. The ponds looked clean and our little stream went around and through some of the ponds. The water plants looked healthy and also looked like they were growing. Our palm trees were also taller than I remembered. The flower beds were colorful and well groomed. Our gardener did an excellent job. I then made my way over to the otherside and checked out the pergola and tiki bar there. The bar was well stocked and the fire pit was going. I thought I'd turn it off. Nobody was here enjoying it. I then walked over to the waterfall and peeked in to where the grotto was located and the orchids were blooming that had been placed into the rocks. It was really pretty. Many different colors of orchids. Overall, everything looked good and I was very satisfied. Graham and I had been called and emailed a few times with different magazines wanted to photograph our backyard. But we always declined gracefully. We wanted to keep our home and our backyard private. So we enjoyed our backyard and that was all that mattered.

I was still walking around in the yard when I heard someone coming down the steps to the pool. I looked over and there was Graham in all his naked glory. I just looked and stared. I couldn't believe how lucky I was to have such a hot sexy lover and soulmate. He had a big smile on his face as he got closer and closer to me. "What you smiling about?"

"You. I could almost read your mind. And I feel the same way about you. I'm the luckiest man to have you as my partner and soulmate."

We hugged and kissed and I told Graham I was walking around the backyard and checking everything out. I told him that the fish were bigger and the plants and trees were growing. I then mentioned the orchids were blooming in the grotto and it was just beautiful in their, with the waterfall in the front. He took my hand and led me to the grotto. We kicked our sandals off and then ducked under the waterfall and sat down in the grotto. We just marveled looking at all the flowering orchids. I didn't remember that many in the grotto. I think the gardener was propagating the orchids or had purchased more. It seemed more full than I remembered. But it sure looked nice. Graham agreed with me. We just laid back on the seat in the grotto, taking everything in.

I felt Graham's hand rubbing my thigh and then over my cock and balls. I closed my eyes and enjoyed him touching me. I reached over and grabbed Graham's cock, feeling it grow in my hand. Mine was getting hard in Graham's hand. We started a slow stroke on each other. Giving out low moans and enjoying all the feelings going through our bodies. Finally we couldn't take it any longer and moved to the other side of the grotto that had a wider and longer sitting area. I laid down my back and Graham got over me. Soon we were in a sixty nine. Deep throating each other and fondling each other's balls. We were so hot and horny for each other that it didn't take us long to start cumming and filling each other's mouths and throats with sizeable loads. We laid together for a few minutes until our breathing became normal. We kissed and stood up and ducked under the waterfall and put our sandals on.

I thought I saw movement or someone in the living room. I mentioned it to Graham and he took a look and thought someone was there too. I grabbed my robe. Graham was naked and we walked up to the living room. The bodyguards had arrived and were glad to see us in all our nakedness. Graham and I told them to follow us and we showed them the adjoining bedrooms. Not that they would spend that much time in these bedrooms, but it looked good for presentation. They would be spending most of their time in our bedroom. Or at least I hoped so.

I told them once they got situated to join us outside by the pool. I got chilled beers ready for everybody. Soon I heard them coming outside and walking down to the pool. They were all naked and looked just like I remembered them. Tall muscular good looking and well hung. Their cocks and balls were bouncing back and forth as they joined us by the pool. I handed out the beers and a couple of the bodyguards shared loungers with Graham and me. The other two bodyguards shared a lounger together.

The bodyguards were horny. We could tell they had been looking forward to being with me and Graham. They could let their hair down and be themselves for a change. They wanted to fuck us and that was ok with Graham and me after our sixty nine earlier. The bodyguards with us started rimming us. Where they learned that I didn't know, but they sure knew what they were doing and it felt terrific. I think their tongues were small cocks. They could coil their tongues and stick them in our hole and make us groan with pleasure. Then they licked a couple of their fat fingers and shoved them in our hole getting us loose and stretched for their big cocks. Soon they spit on their cocks and shoved them in. Damn those cocks were big. But they sure felt good. It wasn't uncomfortable at all. Just a really nice full feeling. They started out slow and slowly picked up the pace as they got closer and closer to cumming. Soon their cocks were stiffening in our holes and jerking and they gave out a loud moan and shot up our holes bathing the sides with their big load. It felt wonderful. They collapsed next to us until their breathing came back to normal. Then it was the other two bodyguard's turn to fuck us.

The bodyguards exchanged places and now the other two were with us on our loungers. They did pretty much the same thing as the first two bodyguards. They gave us a good rim job. Their big tongues were being poked in and out of our holes. It felt fantastic. Then they spit on a couple of their big fat fingers and eased them in. Working their fingers around and get us loosened up. We should have been still a little loose from the first bodyguards fucking us. They then spit on their cocks and eased them into our holes. Those cocks were sure big, but felt good. I was wondering how Graham was doing. He didn't get fucked that much and these cocks were bigger than we were used to. I heard Graham moaning so I knew it wasn't all bad. The bodyguard fucking me was hitting my prostate and driving me crazy. My cock was leaking like a fountain. Soon I felt the bodyguard's cock harden and thicken in my hole and I knew he was close to cumming. I soon felt shot after shot of his hot cum hitting the sides of my hole. He finally pulled out when he got soft and just laid with me on the lounger until his breathing came back to normal. I noticed Graham's bodyguard was doing the same.

Finally, we all agreed to jump in the pool and exercise a bit. They bodyguards told us he would be our turn to fuck them tonight. We did a few laps back and forth in the pool and then climbed out and went into the jacuzzi. I got everyone another round of beers and then went up and grabbed one of the snack trays from the frig and brought it down for us.

Everyone's eyes lit up then they saw me coming with a large snack tray. I set it down on the table where we were all lounging. It didn't take long before Graham and the bodyguards were indulging in the snack tray. I fixed myself a cracker with some meat and cheese. It was good and even better washing it down with cold beer.

While we were relaxing, Graham and I told the bodyguards about the party tomorrow at Preston's. They asked us if they were welcome. And we told them of course they were. It would be all men at the party and they liked the same things we did. Also, any friends of ours are friends of them too. The party is starting at noon. I plan to be their at noon sharp.

The bodyguards liked the idea of a party tomorrow. They all kept nibbling on the snack tray and soon between the bodyguards and Graham, everything was gone on the tray. I managed to have a couple of crackers with meat and cheese, but that was enough for me.

The sun was going down and it was starting to get a little cool being naked. I asked everyone if they wanted to go in the jacuzzi or go inside. We decided to go inside and downstairs and watch a movie. The bodyguards like movies, like Graham and me and they remembered the theater room from the time before.

We all got up and headed downstairs to the theater room. We all paired of. One of the bodyguards with Graham and me and the other two shared another theater chair. Even though the theater were oversized and thickly cushioned. The two bodyguards had a hard time sitting comfortably in the theater chair. Somehow they squeezed themselves in, but they didn't look very comfortable.

While Graham was finding a movie for us to watch, I was thinking about making popcorn for all of us, but I thought the snack tray was enough. I ran quickly upstairs and got us another round of beers. I still needed to get a small frig for the theater room for beverages. And an antique style popcorn machine. I know I kept thinking about it, but never acted on it.

Graham found a good spy movie none of us had seen and we started watching that. We watched the movie till the end. It was pretty good and seemed to hold everyone's attention.

Graham turned off the theater system and we all put arms around each other and made our way up to the bedroom. We all piled into our bed. How we all fit, I don't know. It looked like a heap of bodies on the bed.

The bodyguards told Graham and me it was our turn now to fuck them. Two of the bodyguards laid down on their backs with their big muscular legs pulled up to the their chests. Graham and I started rimmimg them out. Giving them our best moves. They were moaning and begging us to fuck them. We used our precum as lube and slowly entered their holes. We weren't big like the bodyguards. But their holes were very tight. You could tell they didn't do much fucking. While we were easing our cocks into their holes, the other two bodyguards where standing facing us so we could suck them off. That was pretty hot and we were soon pounding their holes. We got the two bodyguards standing up close to cumming and they were starting to face fuck us. We were pounding the bodyguard's holes now. We were trying to make everybody cum at the same time. We were close as we were filling their holes the two standing were shooting down our throats. That was wild and hot. We all relaxed for a couple of minutes and then the bodyguards changed positions. At least Graham and I could recharge fast and were ready to go. We started rimming the other two bodyguards and were soon sliding our hard cocks into their holes while the other two bodyguards were standing and face fucking Graham and me. Again we almost came at the same time. But the two bodyguards standing took a little longer to cum. Everyone seemed satisfied and were tired. We thought we better get some sleep and be ready for the party tomorrow.

It didn't take us long to fall asleep. After all our sex, we were beat.

Graham and I woke up to sunlight coming in through the curtains. We didn't see the bodyguards. They must have went to their room last night.

Graham and I just laid there in bed. It felt good being lazy in bed. We held each other and gave each other a good morning kiss. "You ready for Preston's party today?"

"You bet. It will be good to see Preston and the rest of our friends. It's been awhile."

We crawled out of bed and could smell breakfast wafting up. I forgot that the bodyguards were actually good cooks. You wouldn't think they knew anything by looking at them. But actually they were quite intelligent and even better, they were good cooks.

We walked into the bathroom and splashed some water on our faces and that helped finish waking us up. We put some flip flops on and made our way downstairs. The breakfast smells were getting stronger and smelled very inviting.

"Where should we eat?" asked one of the bodyguards.

"I looked at Graham and we thought outside would be good."

"Ok. You guys make yourselves comfortable at the patio table and we will be bringing out breakfast in just a couple of minutes."

Soon the four bodyguards came out from the kitchen with their arms loaded with plates placemats silverware and it looked like enough food for a small army.

Breakfast was delicious and we all dug in. The food was so good, it didn't take it long for it to disappear. A couple of the bodyguards said they would clear the table and load the dishwasher. And for the rest of us to go and relax by the pool.

We still had a lot of time before we needed to leave for Preston's party. So we decided to do a few laps in the pool and get a little exercise. It soon got into a competition to see who could swim the fastest and make laps the fastest. Surprisingly, one of the bodyguards was an excellent swimmer and he beat all of us.

We climbed out of the pool and laid down on loungers. Graham and I together and the bodyguards paired up on a couple of other double loungers.

Graham and I were really enjoying having the bodyguards staying with us. We didn't do any fooling around. I knew there would be plenty of opportunities at Preston's party. We just kept lounging and sipping on a cold beer. I was going to need to limit my alcohol consumption, since I was the designated driver. That was okay with me. There would be plenty of diversion at the party.

It was already after eleven and I told everyone I thought we should start getting ready to go. I wanted to be at Preston's party right at noon.

We got up from our loungers and made our way upstairs to our bedroom. The bodyguards were following us into our bedroom. I told the bodyguards, "Graham and I are going to take a shower."

"We were hoping you would be taking a shower. That's why we followed you. We wanted to shower with you guys. We like that awesome shower set up you have in your bathroom."

I remembered that we had all fit in the our shower before. I don't remember how we did it. But soon we were wiggling and squirming around and it was tight fit to get four big bodyguards into our shower, but we managed.

Graham got all the shower heads going on our deluxe system. The water hitting us all over our bodies was really erotic and we were soon all sporting hardons. I was getting horny and I knew the other guys were too. I had promised myself not to have any sex until we got to Preston's party, but this was just too tempting. Four big bodyguard cocks hitting me and rubbing against me. I finally grabbed a couple of their cocks and started stroking them. I saw Graham watching me and he did the same with the other two bodyguards. The bodyguards where stroking us and fondling and playing with our balls. That's all it took until we were all moaning and grunting and shooting our big morning loads. In the close quarters, our cum was hitting everybody and running down our chests and legs and we managed to get rinsed off and climbed out of the shower and dried each other off.

The bodyguards took off to their bedrooms to get changed for the party. Graham and I decided to wear cargo shorts with jocks underneath, a nice pull over shirt and some sandals. We splashed on some cologne and walked out of our bedroom. I heard the door on one of the other bedrooms open and a couple of the bodyguards came out. Dressed pretty similiar to Graham and me. Soon the other two bodyguards came out and we looked like we were ready to go.

We walked into the garage. I was driving and using my big full size Lincoln Navigator. It would fit all six of us. We all climbed in. I saw Graham set the alarm system. I pressed the button on my visor and the garage door opened and then pressed the other button and the gate opened. It was nice have the garage door and gate programmed into the buttons on my visor, especially when it was raining. We left and were on our way to Preston's.

While all of this was going on. The FBI Commander was wrapping up his final Wipeout mission. After carefully checking over the blueprints of the last drug lord's fortress, he knew he was going to have to bring in some heavy duty weapons. He had four jets. Two jets were loaded with six massive destructive bombs each. The other two jets were each loaded with six guided missiles with massive destructive force. First one jet would be flying fast and unload it's six missiles. Then another jet would fly in fast and unload six of the bombs. Then the jet with with missiles and the final jet with bombs. His large land squad would disarm the security system and wait for the jets to finish their destruction. Everything worked as planned and the combination of missiles and bombs pretty much wiped out the Fortress and the bomb shelter. There was still smoke and ash all around as they made their way to what was left in the rubble. The Fortress was leveled and they didn't find any survivors. Which was ok with the Commander. After a full day of clearing rubble. They didn't find any survivors and then it was the landscaping turn to level out the Fortress site. Fill it in and plant some trees and bushes around and you would never know a Fortress existed there. The Commander was pleased with this final Wipeout mission and told his men they did an excellent job. The Commander knew they would all get recommendations and awards for their outstanding work.

It didn't take long for Bob to arrive at Preston's house. He didn't see many cars and thought maybe arriving right at noon wasn't the best idea. Anyhow, they were here and he wasn't leaving and coming back later.

Preston saw them from one of the front windows and told everyone to hide. This was a surprise party for Graham and Bob. A welcome back party and all their friends were there.

Everyone got out of the navigator and Graham and Bob walked ahead of the bodyguards. When they got to the front door, Preston opened the door completely naked. "Hi guys, and who are your guests?"

"These four big guys were our bodyguards and we've become good friends."

"You know your friends are our friends. Come on in and this young man will take your clothes for you. Just leave the sandals on."

They all stripped down and the young man was enjoying, watching them all strip, especially the bodyguards. He took our clothes and we followed Preston in.

"Where's everybody. I didn't see any cars around and thought maybe we should have come later."

"Just follow me." They followed Preston to his sliding doors to the the backyard. Just as Preston opened the doors. People started jumping out and shouting,"surprise" and "welcome back."

There was a big banner stretched out saying, "Welcome back Bob and Graham."

Their was a large covered tent where barbequing was started. The DJ that Bob and Graham had used was playing music. He was just in a very skimpy jockstrap. There was a large projection screen set up. And another covered tent with two long tables with salads, desserts and a large variety of different side dishes. Also, by the DJ, there was a large bar with waiters going around serving drinks and appetizers.

We saw all our close friends. Brock Brody Cal Dave Holden Irving Jarvis Mark Owen Quinton Reeve Reggie Stewart Travis Tyrell Vinton Wayde Xandro Zane Kendrick John Anthony Roland and Sam. Of course Preston Graham me and the bodyguards. I couldn't believe Kendrick and John and Anthony and Roland were here. It was sure nice to see them. Graham and I introduced the bodyguards to all of our friends and soon they were mingling with different groups.

Graham and I each went off in different directions talking with all our friends. I somehow ended up by the barbeque area and I filled a plate with barbequed ribs, some potato salad and baked beans. Forget the healthy eating until Monday and workout Monday.

I was talking with Kendrick and John and asked them how married life was treating them. They told me they couldn't be happier. Everything was working out well for both of them. John was making a lot of money working as a houseboy and had more than enough saved for college. Kendrick was busy writing his travel articles and somtimes was traveling to different locations for new articles. They were enjoying their bungalow that had been renovated into a home for them.

The food was excellent and beer went well with it. I looked around and saw the bodyguards with Cal Dave Travis and Brody going into the grotto. I knew that would be a good time for them.

I walked over and talked to Anthony and Roland. Told them what a nice surprise it was to see them. They told me it worked out perfect. They had just finished an auction and had a few days before the next auction. They were staying at the hotel and said the hotel was just magnificent. It sure was a jem in the middle of nowhere. I told them to come over and visit or stay over at our place. They said they would be sure to come over and visit, but they were settled into the hotel and thought they would stay there.

It was still early and I started looking for Graham. We had agreed we were going to give Preston a special present for this great welcome back party. I looked around more and more.

Preston's backyard was a scaled down version of ours. He had more yard with grass than we did.

I kept walking around and looking for Graham. Finally I saw his head poking out of the jacuzzi. I got his attention and he knew what was up. He toweled off and walked up to me. "You ready?"

"Sure am. Let's find Preston."

We started walking around and looking for Preston. We didn't see him anywhere in the backyard. I looked up to the covered patio and saw him talking with someone in his living room.

Graham and I walked up to the living room and Preston was talking to his partner, Holden. We opened the doors and walked in. Preston and Holden looked at us. "Everything ok guys?"

"Everything is perfect. We were looking for you. We wanted to give you a special thank you for this terrific welcome back party."

"You need to thank Holden too. He was just as responsible for this party as I was."

"How about if we find some place quiet and away from everybody so we can show you how much we appreciate this party."

We followed Preston and Holden back to their master bedroom. They had an oversized king size bed, just like us. I could see both Preston and Holder were semi hard in anticipation. We all laid down on the bed. Graham with Holden and me with Preston.

I started kissing and licking Preston all over. His cock was growing and getting hard. I was using my hands to feel him all over. He was moaning and had his eyes closed. I moved his hands and arms behind his head. I ate out his pits. Preston wasn't that hairy, but sure gave off a hot manly smell. His smell was intoxicating. Bob wrapped his throat muscles around Preston's cock working the length and brushing his tongue over the head of his leaking cock. He fondled Preston's balls and fingered his hole at the same time. Bob glanced over to Graham and saw him doing almost the same thing to Holden's big fat eight inch cock. Preston was bigger. Preston's was big and thick and long, probably close to nine inches.

While the Bob and Graham were having a good time with Preston and Holden. Cal had received a message on his work phone. It was information that he knew Bob and Graham would like. Cal was busy right now with these hot bodyguards. Once they were ready for break, he would find Bob and Graham and give them the good news.

Bob was getting Preston close to cumming. Bob didn't want Preston cumming so soon. I wet a couple of fingers and eased them into my hole, getting it wet and slick. I straddled Preston's chest. Then slowly slid my hole down and over Preston's big hard shaft. That made Preston moan louder and he tried humping up into my hole to make it go faster. However, I could control the situation and just slowly slid down his cock until my ass cheeks were nestled in his pubes. I could feel his pubes tickling my ass. I sat there for about a minute. I looked over at Graham and he seemed to be following all my moves and he was slowly easing his hole down over Holden's big flared head. I could see Holden grabbing the sheets and trying to control himself. I started going slowly up and down on Preston's cock. My ass muscles were wrapped around his throbbing shaft like a glove and I was able to work his shaft from the tip to the base. Graham was now all the way down on the Holden's cock. We were close enough that we could lean over and kiss each other while we worked our good friend's cocks. I could feel Preston's cock thickening and hardening in my hole and knew he was ready to shoot. I clamped my ass muscles harder around his cock and that was all it took to bring him over the edge. Preston held my sides and pumped a big load up my hole. I just sat on his cock until it started going soft. I then climbed off him and went in the bath and brought a washcloth back to wipe him and me off. It looked like Holden was close to filling my lover's hole. He was grimacing and I saw him hump up hard into Graham's hole. I knew he was filling Graham with his cum. Graham climbed off when Holden went soft and grabbed the washcloth from me and cleaned Holden and him off.

Graham and I looked at Preston and Holden. "Was that a good enough thank you? Or do we need to do this again?"

"This is definitely a great thank you. I don't think I could cum again for a good while. Maybe later if you guys are still in the mood." Holden agreed with Preston.

We climbed off the bed and put our sandals on and thought we better join the party. We made our ways out to the patio. Graham and I grabbed a beer from a bartender at the bar. I saw Cal motioning to us. I told Graham. And we walked down to see what Cal wanted.

"Hey Cal, what's up?"

"I just received a call on my work phone from the FBI. I thought you'd like to know that the last drug lord is history. The FBI Commander and his squad wiped him out. So that is the end of the drug cartel, amonst many other things they were involved in. I thought you'd like this good news."

"This is fantastic news Cal. Thanks. Now Graham and I can sleep easier knowing that they don't exist anymore. Maybe we can find a spot where we can show you how much better we feel."

We found a spot by the pergola. We had Cal lay down on a lounger. And both Graham and I started kissing and licking and touching Cal all over. It didn't take Cal long to be sprouting a big boner. I did my magic on his boner while Graham sucked Cal's balls and rimmed him. I was licking the sides of Cal's cock and swirling my tongue around the big thick head. I could hear Graham slurping on those big balls of Cal's. I was making love to Cal's cock and he was squirming and wiggling around on the lounger. I saw Graham licking around Cal's hole and sticking his tongue in and out. I slowly pulled Cal's cock into my mouth and down my throat. Going slow and wanted to feel every inch as it filled my throat. Soon my was nose was buried in Cal's manly smelling pubes. I saw Graham wetting his cock and easing into Cal's waiting hole. Cal didn't get fucked much, like Graham. But it liked it when we did it to him. He told us we took our time and he appreciated that as it gave him time to adjust to being fucked. I was working the length of Cal's cock in my throat and could hear him panting and moaning. Graham was picking up his pace and fucking Cal's hole faster. Graham and I got a good rhythm going. I could see Cal's eyes roll back in his head and felt his big shaft thickening in my throat. Cal soon yelled out and I felt his hot cum hitting the sides of my throat. Graham was grunting and I knew he was cumming in Cal's hole. We just stayed like that for a couple of minutes. Until Cal and Graham went soft. Then Graham and I licked and cleaned Cal's cock off. No drips, no runs, no errors. We got up and kissed and hugged. And Cal told us we could thank him as much as we wanted. We walked back to the barbeque area and we filled a plate. The food was really good.

It as already getting dusk out and I saw some people getting the projection screen ready and the projector.

Preston had told us that Sam had one of the hotel chef's working the barbeque area. And the chef's at the hotel had made all the side dishes and desserts. No wonder everything tasted so good.

I saw Preston walk up to the DJ and grab the microphone. Preston announced that the movie would be starting in about thirty minutes. So if we all wanted something to eat and drink, now would be a good time. Again Preston announced that he was glad Graham and Bob were back home. That brought cheers and clapping and back slapping from all our friends.

I saw the bodyguards coming over to the barbeque area and thought I'd check in with them. "How's it going guys. You enjoying the party?"

"Oh my god Bob. This party is something else. We've never been to a party like this we have a lot of phone numbers from some of the guys here. We definitely are having a great time. Thanks for bringing us to this party."

"We're glad you guys are having a good time. I think you'll like the entertainment on the projection screen when it starts soon. Some of the guys in the entertainment movie are here at the party. I will point them out to you. Or you guys might be able to spot them."

We all sat down in some chairs in front of the projection screen and ate our food and drank our beer. The bodyguards told Graham and me that they were going to need to workout tomorrow morning after eating all this food and drinking a lot of beer. We agreed with them and told them we could all workout together tomorrow morning.

I saw more and more of the guys taking seats now as it was getting darker. The bartenders and waiters were busy serving drinks and clearing empty plates and glasses.

We saw Preston walk up to the DJ again and announce that the movie was ready to start. Soon the DJ stopped his music and we heard the heavy beat of the music in the movie and soon the male strippers appeared on the stage. Graham and I hadn't seen this show. So we sat close to each other. We saw many of the couple sitting together. The bodyguards looked like they were fitting in nicely and were with some small groups of guys. The strippers were putting on a good show and were already down to their g-strings. Preston had the music turned off on the show and the DJ started playing music again. Some of the guys were getting up from the chairs and trying to imitate the strippers. It was fun watching them. Some of our friends were pretty good. Graham and I weren't that good of dancers so we stayed seated.

Graham got up to get another plate of food. He asked me if I wanted anything and I told him I was good. He soon came back with another heaping plate of food. I had a bartender bring us another couple of cold beers while Graham got his food. The bartenders were pretty hot. I don't know if they were from the In and Out Bar or not. They were wearing black tuxedo bow ties and a tiny apron covering their privates and black sandals. Nothing else. They were muscular, tall and good looking.

I saw the bodyguards getting some lap dances and they seemed to be enjoying that. That movie of the strippers was really getting everybody going. Even the DJ had stripped off his jock and was dancing like the strippers.

I started feeling Graham all over while he was eating. Fondling his cock and balls. He almost choked a couple of times while I was fondling his balls and sticking a finger in his hole. He finished his plate of food and the bartender took his empty plate. Graham started fondling me and getting me hard and leaking. Soon he got up and sat down on my lap. Letting my wet and slick cock ease up into his hole. I could feel my cock rubbing over Graham's prostate and he started moaning. He was soon bouncing up and down on me while I was playing with his hard nips and rubbing his pecs. My hot sexy guy was getting me close. He was going faster and I started panting and grunting as I got closer and closer to cumming. Finally, I couldn't hold back any longer and shot blast after blast of cum up my lover's hot hole. Graham leaned back on me with my cock still in his hole. We kissed and soon my cock softened and slowly slid out of Graham's hole. Graham got down and cleaned my cock off. We kissed again and thought we'd walk around and talk some more with our friends.

We saw Zane and I wanted to thank him again for all the work he and his crew did on our backyard. Our backyard is like being in paradise. He told us again, that it was his pleasure. He wanted to do something special for us. I told him that we had received offers from magazines to photograph our backyard, but had declined. We wanted to keep our privacy and not have a lot of people wanted to look at our backyard and filming crews taking pictures. Zane said he understood, but was hoping maybe in the furture we would reconsider. Having his work photographed, would help him with more work. We told him maybe in the future.

I noticed some of the guys had left. I looked at my watch and it was already going on ten. The movie had finished with the strippers a long time ago. I asked Graham if he was ready to leave and he said he had had enough party. We started looking around for the bodyguards, to see if they were ready to leave. I didn't see them and Graham see he didn't know where they were. I had an idea and Graham and I walked down to the grotto. There they were making out with Quinton and Reeve. They saw us and we told them we would leave as soon as they finished.

Graham and me walked over to the pergola. We hadn't been over this way much in Preston's backyard. We sat on a couple of loungers and the firepit felt kind of good. With the sun down, there was a slight chill to the air. We had our last beer while we waited on the bodyguards. We saw them all leaving the grotto. Kissing and hugging. The bodyguards were looking around and spotted us and walked over. We told them we were having our last beer and then would be ready to go. The bodyguards got beers from one of the bartenders and joined us. They thanked us again for inviting them to the party. We told the bodyguards we were planning a party for St. Patrick's Day in a few weeks, and would like them to come if they weren't busy working. They said they would mark it on their calendars and would try to be off from work so they could come to the party.

We finished our beers and there was just a handful of guys walking around. We said our goodbyes to them and looked for Preston and Holden. They were up front by the DJ. We all walked up to them and thanked them for a wonderful party. We all kissed and hugged, even the DJ got into our hugging and kissing. The boy by the door got our clothes. It felt funny to be wearing clothes again. But with the temperature change, they felt good. We said goodbye again and we all piled into my SUV and were on our way home.

On the drive home the bodyguards kept telling us how much fun they had and had never been to a party like this. But they hoped it was the first of many times being invited to our friends's parties. Graham and I told them we would keep them informed when there would be parties. We reminded them again that in a few weeks, we would be having a St. Patrick's Day party.

Since St. Patrick's Day was in the middle of the week. We would have our party the following weekend. They told us again they would be sure to make a note on their calendar's and try to make it. They also put reminders on their cell phones.

We got home and walked into the house. We were all still hyped up after the party. So we decided to strip down and hop in the jacuzzi. It was a little too cool to be lounging by the pool.

We all went upstairs to our bedrooms and stripped down. Put our sandals on and walked down to the jacuzzi. Graham and I brought robes with us. We thought they'd feel good after the jacuzzi. We all climbed into the jacuzzi. The warm swirling water felt good. A couple of bodyguards sat between Graham and me. With the other two bodyguards on each side of us. So we were sandwiched between bodyguards on both sides. We all leaned our heads back and stretched out with our legs over each other. It was relaxing. I soon felt a couple of hands rubbing over my body getting me hard and horny. One of the bodyguards was rubbing and pinching my nips and the other bodyguard was rubbing over my chest and abs and through my shaved pubes. Soon he found my hard cock and balls and started slowly stroking me. The other bodyguard was kissing me and kissing my ears and neck. I was so turned on horny, they could do anything they wanted to me.

I felt the bodyguard that was stroking my cock stop and I didn't know where he was. Then I felt something warm and hard pushing at my hole. I knew right away he was going to fuck me with his big cock. The other bodyguard had moved around and was straddling my chest. How he managed that with his big body I had no idea. He started face fucking me. The other bodyguard had his cock shoved into my hole and I couldn't moan or groan with my mouth full of big hard cock. The other bodyguard started shoving his big cock into my hole until I felt his pubes rubbing my ass. The other bodyguard was slow fucking me so I could get used to his big cock. It felt good and I started pushing back on him so it would go in even deeper. They got a good rhythm going and soon were filling both my holes with thick creamy cum. I felt cum hitting the sides of my hole and the sides of my throat. They all stayed like that until they started going soft and then they pulled out. Graham looked like he was in heaven. He was being fucked and sucked at the same time. I was proud how my lover could take that big bodyguard's cock up his hole. I heard the bodyguards grunting and groaning loud and I knew they were filling Graham with their big loads.

We all relaxed a little longer in the jacuzzi and then decided it was time for bed. Graham and I wrapped ourselves up in our robes and the bodyguards had towels wrapped around them and we walked up to the bedrooms. We told the bodyguards to come into our bedroom we needed to give them some pleasure, like they had done to us.

I was still shaking and trembling a little after that fuck and suck in the jacuzzi as we made our way to our bedroom. Graham and I took off our robes and the bodyguards draped their towels over a chair. We told them to get down on their hands and knees on the bed with their asses sticking up. Graham and I started at one end. I fucked the first bodyguard while Graham got underneath and sucked him off. Then after I came and the bodyguard. We moved to the next bodyguard and this time Graham fucked him while I got under him and sucked him off. We continued the same pattern with the last two bodyguards. We were all sweating and tired. The bodyguards told us they wanted to sleep with us. That was ok with Graham and me. We did the sandwich sleep. Laying on top of one bodyguard while another laid on top of us. A three layer sandwich. What a way to fall asleep. But soon we were off in dreamland.

We woke up late. Or at least I thought it was late. Again the bodyguards were gone and how they managed to get up without waking us, I had no idea. I could smell breakfast being cooked. Graham was yawning and rubbing his eyes and waking up. "Good morning sexy."

"Good morning to you to."

We crawled out of bed and walked into the bathroom. We relieved our bladders and then splashed some water on our faces to finish waking us up. We put some flip flops on and walked downstairs. The breakfast smells were stronger as we got closer and closer to the kitchen.

"Smells good guys. We need you living here all the time. You make a good breakfast."

"Thanks. Wish we could live here. You guys are the best. Where should we eat?"

"Let's eat in the dining room. We haven't eaten in there in awhile."

Graham and I walked into the dining room and sat down. The bodyguards brought in breakfast and soon we were all eating one of their delicious breakfast's.

"What's up for today? I asked the bodyguards.

"Unfortunately, we have to leave early today. The van will be coming to pick us up and take us to our new assignment. From what we understand, it is a long ways from here, so that's why we need to leave early."

"That's too bad. Anthony and Roland were coming over today. And I'm sure they would have liked hanging out with you guys."

"That is too bad. But we do need to get ready soon, so the driver of the van doesn't have to wait on us."

We finished breakfast and the bodyguards cleared the table and put everything away for us. Then they headed upstairs to their bedrooms to get ready to go. It was going to be hard to say goodbye to them. They are always so much fun to have around. And the sex is amazing with them. They seem to have found their groove and gay sex seems to be fitting them well.

Graham and I hung out downstairs so we could say our goodbyes to the bodyguards when they left. I heard the speaker. I let the driver of the van in. The bodyguards were coming downstairs and I told them the van just arrived. They were all carrying sports bags.

We stopped in the foyer and get into a group hug and kiss. "We're going to miss you guys. Be sure to keep in touch and you know your always welcome here. I will give you more information on our St. Patrick's Day party, as soon as we have a date for it and everything is planned."

The bodyguards hugged us again. "We're going to miss you guys too. And we will try our best to be here for your St. Patrick's Day party."

I thought I saw a couple of tears in one of the bodyguard's eyes when he left. We watched them leave. We had robes on. We waved to them as they left through the gate.

"Wow, another hot time with the bodyguards. They sure were a hit at our welcome back party at Prestons. They are great guys and I hope they can make it to our St. Patrick's Day party."

"Let's go take a shower and get ready for Anthony and Roland, I expect them to be here yet this morning."

Graham and I went upstairs and threw our robes on a chair and went into the shower. Graham got the shower system going and we hugged and kissed under the running water. Graham started washing me and his hands felt so good on my body. Then I returned the favor and washed Graham. We were both hard and horny. I turned the showers down and I had Graham lean against the shower wall so I could take his big hard cock into my mouth and give him one of my special blowjobs. It didn't take Graham long to be fucking my mouth and groaning. He filled my mouth and throat with a big load. I held him so he didn't collapse after a powerful orgasm. We then switched positions and Graham went down on me. He was getting better and better at giving me blowjobs. He got me close in no time and soon I was face fucking him. I gave my lover a big load coating the sides of his throat. We rinsed off and climbed out of the shower. We dried each other off, put our robes on and went downstairs.

Graham and I walked down to the pool and relaxed on some loungers. I told Graham that I was thinking of getting a couple more macaws. "I saw some blue, yellow and red colored macaws in a magazine and am going to talk to Xandro and see if can get a pair. What do you think? Is that a good idea?"

"Yes babe. It will give our macaws here some company. And they would make a nice addition. In fact, why don't we go up to the sunroom. We haven't been their in a few days."

We draped our robes on and walked into the house and up to the sunroom. The tropical plants and flowers were growing. The gardener kept everything neat and trim. The macaws seemed glad to see us. They started making noise and almost sounded like they were trying to talk to us. Xandro had told me that macaws don't usually talk. It was nice being in the sunroom. The climate control kept the large room very comfortable. I walked over to the tiki bar and got Graham and me a couple of cold beers. I walked back and handed him his beer. We were sitting on a double lounger with an arm around each other.

The tropical music was playing. We kept the recording going 24/7. Xandro told us it was good for the birds. The birds seemed very content to have company.

Graham and I relaxed on the double lounger not really saying anything. Finally, Graham broke the silence and asked me about our St. Patrick's Day party and if I had some ideas. I told him everybody needed to wear something green. I was going to check with Mark and see if could get his stripper friends together and give us a special show. Also, start calling all our friends to see if they can make it. I was thinking the weekend just after St. Patrick's Day. Since St. Patrick's Day was in the middle of the week. Having the party on the weekend should make it easier for everyone to get away and not have working interfering. Have the food catered and see about having our favorite local decorators do their thing for the party. Also, get ahold of the DJ and have him play his great music. And finally see if Mark can get some bartenders and waiters from the In and Out to work for us.

"Anything else?"

"Very funny Graham."

"You do seem to have everything planned out. I will help where I can. Make phone calls and anything else you need me to do."

"Thanks babe. I know I can always count on you." We kissed and hugged.

I heard the speaker. We had it wired to the sunroom. I pressed the button and Anthony and Roland were here. We didn't bother putting our robes on and went downstairs to greet them. I saw their limousine come in and they got out. Looking just as hot and sexy as always. They walked up to the front door and we hugged and kissed. I saw the chaffeur driving away. Probably to the hotel. Since they were using one of the two hotel limousines.

"It's sure nice to see you guys."

"Nice to see you and Graham too. Looking us up and down."

"We were just relaxing in the sunroom. Would you two like to join us in the sunroom or would you like to go to the backyard?"

"Let's go up to the sunroom. We haven't been their in a long time."

We all made our way up to the sunroom. Anthony and Roland noticed the crystal birds right away. The sun was reflecting off them and making rainbows all over the room. Then they noticed the two macaws. "These parrots are beautiful." The parrots liked the attention and seemd to understand what they were saying and acted very proud and aristocratic.

Anthony and Roland started taking off their clothes. I told them to wait. Graham and I would help them. That brought a smile to their faces. I had Anthony stand up in front of me and Roland stood up in front of Graham. I slowly unbuttoned Anthony's shirt. Feeling over his pecs and squeezing and rubbing his nips as they got hard. Rubbing down his hairy chest and over his abs. Anthony had a nice treasure trail going into the waistband of his trousers. I could see a nice bulge in the front of his dress pants. I then undid his belt and undid the top button of his dress pants. Slowly pulled the zipper down and it looked like his bulge was getting bigger. I rubbed over his bulge which caused him to moan and slowly slid his pants down to his ankles. I undid his shoes and took his socks off. Then I easily finished sliding his pants off. Anthony was just in his underwear and they looked like they were ready to burst open. His erection was so big. I noticed a dark spot where he was leaking on the front of his underwear and sucked on the spot. This caused Anthony to groan loudly. I then put my thumbs on each side of his underwear and slowly slid them down. His big hardon came springing out and my mouth was ready. I readily took him into my mouth while I finished removing his underwear. He was now totally naked in front of me. I fondled his big full balls with one hand while I kept up a nice suck on the length of his big hardon. Anthony was close to nine inches while Roland was Graham and my size, around seven inches hard and thick. I took my hand off of Anthony's balls and held onto his ass cheeks, pulling him into my mouth. Taking all of his length down my throat. I did my magic with my throat muscles and Anthony couldn't hold back. He was thrusting in and out of my mouth. Grunting and groaning loud. I saw his balls pull up and I knew he was going to cum soon. I went faster and faster on his big thick hardon, making him cum. He groaned loud. I think he startled the parrots. And his hard shots of cum were hitting off the sides of my throat. I had to help steady Anthony so he wouldn't fall down. He went soft and licked off the remaining cum and we snuggled down together on a double lounger. It looked like Graham had Roland close. I heard Roland give out a loud grunt and saw his body stiffen up. I knew he was firing down Graham's throat. Once Roland finished cumming they also snuggled down on a double lounger.

Soon I felt Anthony turning on his side and facing me. "You know Bob you are always doing something for someone else. You need someone to take care of you and tend to your wishes."

"I know Anthony. That's why I have Graham. He takes good care of me."

"That's nice to hear. I would also like to take care of you while we are here." Anthony started kissing me and then my neck and ears. It felt really good. He knew what he was doing. While he was kissing me his hands were all over my body. Anthony had me hard in no time. He was now kissing and nibbling on my nips. Squeezing and rubbing my pecs. Slowly working his hands down my chest. Playing around my navel and through a small treasure trail to my shaved pubes. His fingers rubbed over my pubes and then started going up and down the sides of my shaft. That light touch was driving me crazy. I had never felt anything like it. His other hand and fingers were lightly going over my balls. My senses were in overdrive. He had me melting under his touch. He then used a couple of fingers and played with the head of my cock. Making it swell and flare out. I could feel my full balls wanting release. I had to hold back. I didn't want to cum right away. Anthony then started some slow strokes and fondling my balls with his other hand. I was starting to shake and tremble. The sensations were overbearing. Then Antony bent down and I could feel his warm wet lips on the head of my cock. His tongue was pulling across my pee slit and pulling out my precum. "Your precum tastes good Bob." I just mumbled something incoherent. Anthony slowly took my hard thick shaft down his throat. His other hand was now cupping my balls and I felt one of his big fingers in my hole. I tried thrusting up into Anthony's mouth. But he stopped me. He wanted to be in control. He started picking up his pace and he was now bobbing up and down on my cock. He had worked a second finger into my hole and the tip of one of his fingers was rubbing back and forth over my prostate. Anthony knew what he was doing. I was wondering if he did this to Roland or if it was something special, just for me. I didn't care. This was the best I had ever been. I had feelings and sensations I didn't know existed. Anthony started going a little faster again. I couldn't control myself under him. I was thrusting and jerking and twisting around but he kept his mouth on my cock and his fingers in my hole. I couldn't hold back any longer and told him I was going to cum. He sucked me hard as I started filling his throat. I was shooting out hard and fast, like I was in a trance. My whole body now was trembling and shaking. I never had such a powerful orgasm in my life. Anthony kept his throat on my cock until I started going soft. He had pulled his fingers out of my hole. Soon my cock started sliding out of his mouth and Anthony licked me clean. Anthony held me until I regained myself. I looked at him and smiled. "That was fantastic Anthony. Thank you."

"No Bob. It was something you deserved for your generosity and kindness to everyone."

I had finally recovered and I told the guys I was going to get us something to drink. Graham told me no. That he would get drinks for everybody and to just relax.

Graham got up and got white wine for Anthony and Roland and chilled beers for him and me.

Graham handed our drinks to us and we relaxed some more on the double loungers. This was the most action the sunroom had had in a long time. The sunroom was relaxing and peaceful. And with two hot guys it was even better. Even though Anthony was older, you would never know it. It had the stamina of a young man and the body of a young man. He kept himself in very good shape.

As we were all relaxing. I brought up the subject of lunch and what we should do. Anthony spoke up and said not to worry. He had talked to Sam at the hotel. And the hotel was bringing over a catered lunch. Anthony also told Graham and me that Sam had all the master suites redone in different themes. Anthony said the master suite they were in, was decorated in Asian. And all the people for room service for their suite wore oriental costumes. He said the other suites were decorated in different themes of different countries. Sam had raised the prices again, but the with the class of clientele, price didn't matter. And Sam told Anthony they always stayed booked far in advance. And the banquet room and meeting room were always busy.

Graham mentioned that we were planning a St. Patrick's Day party and was hoping they would be able to come. Graham said we were planning on having the party the weekend after St. Patrick's Day. Anthony told us to be sure and call ahead of time and they would try their best to make it to the party.

I heard the speaker and I saw a hotel shuttle was here with our lunch. I pressed the button so the gate would open and they could come in. I put my robe on and walked downstairs. Just as I got down to the foyer they were already unloading trays and other assorted dishes from the shuttle. I opened the front doors for them and showed them where the dining room was. And told them they could set up in the dining room. There was four men and it didn't take them long to get everything ready in the dining room. They told me call them when we finished and they would be back to clear everything and take it back to the hotel. I thanked them and watched them leave.

I went back up to the sunroom and told the guys. Lunch is ready in the dining room. They followed me back downstairs to the dining room. I got us all another round of drinks while they seated themselves and started indulging in lunch. The food was excellent and we had a good variety. All the leftovers I would store away in the frig and freezer. I had also noticed a couple of small snack trays. That would be good in the afternoon and in the evening.

I asked Anthony and Roland how long they could stay.

"Are you trying to get rid of us?"

"Not at all. Graham and I enjoy your company. I was just wondering. I see the hotel caterers had brought a couple of snack trays we can enjoy this afternoon and evening."

"We don't have to leave until this evening. Our flight out is in the middle of the morning tomorrow. So you have quite a few more hours to put up with us."

We enjoyed our lunch and Graham and I thanked Anthony and Roland for being so considerate to have lunch catered.

"It was really quite easy. All I had to do was mention it to Sam and it was taken care of. No charge to any of us. Courtesty of the hotel you two own."

"Great. What do you guys want to do this afternoon?"

"We wanted to see some of your projects that are completed. And those that are under construction. If that's possible Graham? And then maybe go to the exclusive strip mall that caters to the guests at the hotel."

"I'd be glad to show you around our completed projects and those under construction. And they go by some of our completed projects and finish at the strip mall."

"That sounds perfect Graham. Do you want me to call the limousine?"

"No, we can go in my SUV. There's plenty of room for all of us. That why I can drive to the different places, since I'm familiar where they are at," said Bob.

"That is fantastic. You two should be proud of yourselves for what you have done for your hometown."

"We are very proud of our hometown. And we don't think of it as what we have done individually for the town. We think of it as a joint effort. Everybody working together to make our town what it is."

"That's very admirable of you two. But from what I've heard. You two are really responsible for the changes and the growth of your hometown."

"Again. We like to think it has been a joint partnership. Everybody working together."

We finished our great lunch and I told the guys to go ahead and relax wherever they wanted. The sunroom, covered patio, jacuzzi or pool. I was going to clear off all the food and get it packaged and stored in the frig and freezer and would join them shortly.

We all got up and I watched the guys walk down to the pool. I started clearing food off the table. I called the hotel and told them they could come and take their serving dishes.

I was just finishing with the food when I heard the airport shuttle and I opened the gate and they came in. It was the same four men and they easily loaded the trays and serving dishes into the van and left.

I watched them leave and I grabbed my robe and joined the guys by the pool. As I got closer to the pool, I saw Graham having fun with Anthony and Roland. They were in a three way. I grabbed myself a beer and thought I'd watch the entertainment. Of course watching Graham getting fucked by Anthony and Roland sitting over my lover's face and feeding Graham his cock, was making me hard and horny. Roland was facing Anthony and they were kissing. I just kept watching them and playing with my cock and balls.

Anthony and Roland had a good rhythm going on my babe. Graham seemed to be really enjoying all the attention. He was stroking his cock while he sucked Roland and was fucked by Anthony. It looked like Anthony was getting close. I could hear his balls hitting Graham's ass and he had definitely picked up his pace. Roland looked like he was ready to cum any minute. His balls were pulled up tight and he was sweating and pumping in and out of Graham's mouth and throat. I heard Anthony give out a loud grunt and I knew he was filling Graham with a big load. The size of his balls, I'm sure, produced a lot of cum. That seemed to bring Roland over the edge and I saw his cock thicken and harden and I saw Graham swallowing. Graham was pumping his cock hard and fast and soon was shooting out long thick ropes of cum all over his chest.

I started clapping and cheering. "Good job guys. How about if we all head into the pool?"

We all dove into the pool, except Anthony who walked in from the shallow end. "You all ready for some laps?"

I started out and Graham followed. Soon Anthony and Roland joined in and we weren't doing any competition. Just enjoying swimming laps for a little while. Soon we felt we had swam enough and climbed out. Everyone looked refreshed after our time in the pool and we relaxed separately on loungers. Nobody was paired up. Anybody looking in would have thought we had an argument. Since we were all lounging separately. The sun felt good and it didn't take long to get dry.

I said, "lets go over to the pergola and relax their on the loungers. I'm going to bring a snack tray and maybe one of you guys can get us another round of drinks."

I got up and went up to the kitchen. I saw the guys moving around and walked over to the pergola. We had double loungers under the pergola and a niced sized table that would work perfect for the snack tray. I saw Graham go to the tiki bar at the pergola and get wine for Anthony and Roland and chilled beers for him and me.

I grabbed a snack tray out of the frig and then some napkins. I made my way over to the pergola. I sat the tray on the table and placed the napkins in a holder on the table. Graham was the first one to take appetizers off the snack tray. He picked up the tray and handed it to Anthony and Roland who each took a couple of appetizers off the snack tray. I took a couple myself and sat down on the lounger with Graham. We all sipped on our beer and wine and enjoyed the tasty appetizers.

It was really nice having Anthony and Roland spending some time with us. This was really the first time we had a chance to be together. Just the four of us. Usually, there had always been other people around.

It was nice sitting under the pergola in the shade. Graham and I had never really used the pergola much. We all kept nibbling on the snack try and drinking our beer and wine. Anthony and Roland asked if we could all go into the jacuzzi. The warm swirling water would feel good on the muscles. I smiled to myself. The warm swirling water felt good on all the muscles. We got up and Graham and I took our robes and Anthony and Roland took their towels. Graham got the jets and heater going on the jacuzzi.

I walked back to the pergola and brought the snack tray over to the jacuzzi. We had all taken our drinks with us and set them in the drink holders on the sides of the ja>>cuzzi. I climbed in and got comfortable next to Graham. I saw Anthony and Roland getting cozy together.

The jacuzzi was relaxing. The cozier we all got the more relaxed we seemed to be. Soon I saw Anthony nodding off and Roland was helping him stay awake. I nodded to Roland it was ok if Anthony wanted to doze off. I saw Graham yawning a couple of times. I told Graham to just lean his head back on the rest and doze off if he wanted to.

I wasn't that tired and just enjoyed being close to Graham and enjoying the warm swirling water. I saw Anthony and Roland dozing off. They looked comfortable snuggled togther.

I thought I'd climb out and see what I could put together for dinner. There were leftovers from lunch that I stored in the frig and freezer. And check and see what Margaret had fixed. I slowly pulled myself out of Graham's grasp and climbed out. I put my robe on. I didn't want to track in water all over the house.

I checked out the leftovers and Margaret had made a good beef stroganoff. So we would have plenty of food for dinner. I checked the wine cooler and put another couple of bottles of white in so they would be chilled for dinner and a bottle of red wine.

I let the guys relax in the jacuzzi and I putzed around in the kitchen. Taking my time and slowly getting things ready for dinner. I got out our best china. We rarely used it and set the table with the china. I put a couple of silver candelabras on each side of a large flower arrangement in the center of the table. I also got out our best silverware and set the table with that set. Put some nice lace napkins at each place setting. Put out water glasses, wine glasses for red and white wine. I thought I did a pretty good job. Have to wait and see what the guys think. I then got out our silver serving dishes for dinner. I decided on some quiet easy listening music.

I peeked out to see how the guys were in the jacuzzi. It looked like they were starting to stir. I thought I'd walk down and tell them dinner would be ready in about ten minutes. They thanked me and I told them we would be eating in the dining room.

I walked back up to the kitchen and finished getting everything ready. And prepared in the silver serving dishes. I was taking food into the dining room as the guys entered. I showed everyone where to sit and I got the music going and lit the candles. "This is really quite nice Bob. You did a good job of setting the table. Everything is correctly placed." said Anthony. I filled the water glasses and poured us all a glass of white wine. Then I brought in the silver serving dishes with our dinner. I handed each dish first to Anthony and he passed it around. All the food looked good and smelled delicious. I served myself last and we enjoyed our dinner. Graham gave me a wink and saw him mouth, I love you.

When we finished eating. I poured us all a glass of red wine and we talked some more and everyone thanked for a delicious dinner. I said we need to thank the hotel chef for his great lunch he had catered and Margaret for her great beef stroganoff. They all agreed. Graham helped me clear the table and brought in dessert. We had a selection of different cookies, danish two different pies. I put our silver dessert plates on the table and I let the guys decide what they wanted for dessert. Of course Graham had to sample everything. I had a cookie and Anthony and Roland ate cookies and piece of pie. We were stuffed by the time we finished and decided to back up to the sunroom and relax.

I finished in the kitchen and dining room and told the guys I would join them in a few minutes. I left out the dirty dishes and just rinsed them off. Margaret knew how to clean everything and not break anything. Something I wasn't good at.

I walked up to the sunroom to relax with the guys. Letting that big meal settle in my stomach. It was still fairly early and I thought this was a good time to give Anthony and Roland a tour of the city and Graham's and Preston's project completed and under construction. I knew the stores stayed open late until nine or ten so we had a lot of time. I mentioned it to the guys and they said they would get ready to go. Graham and I walked to our bedroom and got changed in some nice casual clothes that we had tailored made. Splashed on some cologne and we were ready to go. We walked out of our bedroom and joined Anthony and Roland and we walked down to the garage and we all got into my SUV.

I had my route pretty well planned out in my mind where I wanted to go. There were a couple of completed projects close to the house that I would start with. We went to the edge of town close to the house where the new elementary school was located. It was large and sprawling. With a large playground and sports fields. We then went by a new completed apartment complexes. I then drove into the center of the town and showed them Graham and Preston's office building. We then went to two completed housing projects where Preston lived and the paper mill housing project. I then drove by the newly completed professional building. Then drove to the other side of town and showed them a couple of new budget hotels another apartment complex that was being completed and another housing project that was just getting started. I then drove to some of the new stores that had been remodeled or newly constructed. This included Wayde's new hardware store, Xandro's remodeled pet store and veterinary clinic. Also, a new florists store, drug store and gas stations. Graham explained how all the shop owners on the main street had had all their facades of their shops redone. We went by the new stadium. Two new supermarkets and then concluded at the strip mall. Anthony and Roland were very impressed with all the new construction and the plans for more and those buildings that were currently under construction. Anthony said he saw a street named after me. Also, a boulevard was being discussed for the middle of the main street. It was wide enough and the mayor thought it would be a nice addition to the main street.

I parked the SUV in front of one of the shop in the strip mall and we all got out. This was the high end strip mall that catered to the hotel guests. This strip mall also had the tailor we used for making our clothes. We started at one and would make our way to the other end. The first shop was a speciality meat store. It had a large assortment of seafood. All your best cuts of beef. They also had different jams and jellies. A large of assortment of different breads and crackers. They also sold stoneware crocks and dinnerware. The shop manager gave us a little tour of the shop. Anthony and Roland were very impressed with the quality and large assortment of different meats. They also made speciality plates to order and have delivered. The next shop was a shoe store like you would see on Fifth Avenue in New York City. It was high end designer shoes. From France, Italy and the USA. They sold both womens and mens shoes. Most of the shoes they sold were special ordered and then shipped to where the customer lived. Our next shop two shops were adjoined in the center on the inside. The first store was womens clothing and the adjoining store was mens clothing. Again all top designers. The shop owner was their and told us that most of the clothes were special ordered and shipped to the customers. A few clothes were purchased off the rack along with accessories like hats scarves gloves and purses.

The next shop was the exclusive men's store were we have our tailor made clothes made. Anthony and Roland were very impressed with this store and spent a lot of time talking to the tailor who was also the shop owner. I saw him showing Anthony and Roland some different fabrics for suits. He then started measuring Anthony and Roland and saw him writing down the measurements in his notebook along with their names and shipping address. The owner also showed them different fabrics for dress shirts. And again he took some more measurements and it looked like they ordered dress shirts to go with their new suits. They finished with tailor and walked over to us. Anthony said the tailor really knew his business and was impressed with the quality of the different fabrics. Besides he said he was paying half the price he would pay in New York City to have two new suits made and four new dress shirts for him and Roland. Anthony said he was going to have all his tailor made clothes made here and then shipped to him. The owner had their measurements and would send photos on his cell phone to Anthony when he received new material. The tailor thanked Graham and me and we told him Anthony and Roland were very good friends of ours and to be sure to give them the best he had to offer. He said, "only the best for my good friends Bob and Graham and their friends."

We left the shop we all had our tailor made clothes and went into the next shop. It was more like a botique. This was the first time that Graham and me had went into all the stores in the strip mall. We had only been to the tailor. As we walked into Collectibles. It definitely was a store of collectibles. They had everything from the whimsical like Betty Boop Disney Comic Books and Sports Card. To the more sophicated and elegant collectibles like Lladro Royal Doulton Dresden Meissen Hummel Royal Copenhagen Lenox Wedgwood Romanov Crystal, Lalique Fabrege and Cartier. We were all amazed at the quality and variety. The shop owner came over to talk to us. I was more curious about how they did on sales. Most of the items were unpriced. Which I knew meant they were expensive. The lady told us that "business was very good. Most of their customers were people staying at the downtown hotel. They ordered items if we didn't have them in stock and liked looking through our catalogs. Once purchased were made, we then shipped the items to their mailing address. I was a little concerned when I first opened about business and the clientele. But I've had many repeat customers and business is very good. If I ever get the chance to meet the owners of the downtown hotel, I would thank them from the bottom of my heart for attracting the quality of guests that they do bringing that class of business to this small town."

I saw Anthony smile to himself and I noticed he took the owner aside and was talking to her. She came back with a big smile on her face and said, "it's my pleasure to meet the owners of the downtown hotel. You have no idea how much you have helped us in this strip mall. If it wasn't for your hotel and your guests. None of these stores in the strip mall would exist."

We thanked her and told her it our pleasure to help our hometown as much as we could and were glad she was doing well with her botique.

We left and the next shop was Cordials. It was a nice name for an old fashion ice cream parlor. All the furnishings were of the 50's. They had booths and an old time looking soda fountain where you could sit up to it. There were the old style music selectors on the tables and booths. Where you could flip through the music choices and punch in what you wanted to hear on the old style jukebox. I noticed they must have had over fifty different flavors of ice cream. Some I had never heard of. You could order pints half gallons and gallon size containers of ice cream. Everything they made was also takeout and could be delivered. We didn't eat anything, but had fun looking around at the posters and decorations of the 50's.

We were getting to the end of the strip mall. There was a jewelry store. A mens store and a womens store. Two more shoe stores for men and women along with selling accessories for men and women in both shoe stores.

We walked back to my SUV and I drove back to the house. Anthony and Roland were surprised with the stores in the strip mall. They told us we had certainly made an impact on this town. We agreed with them as we pulled into the front yard and I parked in the garage. We got out and walked into the kitchen from the garage. Anthony told us they had time for one drink and then they would need to leave.

We went up to the sunroom and I got wine for Anthony and Roland and beers for Graham and me. We sat at one of the tables. The birds started squaking and making a racket. I didn't know if they were glad to see us or telling us off for leaving them alone. But they soon settled down and we were able to talk. We assured Anthony and Roland we would call and let them know about our St. Patrick's Day party once we had everything finalized. Either Graham or I would call them. It depended on whose list for calling they were on. We finished our drinks and Anthony called the hotel for one of the limousines. Sam had purchased Mercedes limousines for the hotel guests. Many of them were used to riding in a limousine and felt more comfortable. We wanted our guests as comfortable as possible. Soon I heard the speaker and let the chaffeur in. We all walked down to the foyer and we kissed and hugged and told them we were going to miss their company. Graham and I watched them get into the limousine and soon they gone.

I asked Graham what he wanted to do. He said, "let's lay together on the couch and watch the late news and then turn in."

We laid down on the couch with Graham snuggled behind me. It felt so good. I got the news on, on our favorite news channel. Nothing much different than what we read in the daily paper. It looked like we would have nice weather this coming week. The news and weather finished and I turned the tv off. We walked arm in arm up to our bedroom.

We climbed into bed and snuggled together. Our naked bodies tight together felt wonderful. I could stay like this forever the feeling was so good. It didn't take us long to fall asleep. Graham had set the alarm so we would wake up early to workout.

The annoying alarm went off waking us up. Graham shut it off and was still groggy and waking up. We went quickly into the bathroom and splashed some water on our faces to finish waking up. We ran downstairs and some of our friends were already warming up and exercising. We changed into our jocks and joined them. We had a good time working out. We mentioned our St. Patrick's Party to the guys, but told them we didn't have any of the details worked out yet. But would be sure to give them calls when everything was in place. They said they would be sure to attend. They really liked our parties. We finished our workout and hit the shower. We all managed to squeeze in. The cocks and balls rubbing against each other made us hard. We got into group jerk and soon everyone was cumming on each other and hitting the shower wall. We rinsed off and dried each other off. We got dressed and went upstairs for breakfast.

Margaret greeted all of us and said she had the patio table ready for breakfast. It was going to be such a nice day. She thought we'd like to eat outside.

Breakfast was a feast. Margaret had really outdone herself. We ate our breakfast and had a good conversation. But we needed to leave for work. We all went into the garage. Hugged and kissed and took off for work.

Monday was going fast for me. I had called Graham earlier to see if he could join me for lunch. He said he would be there. But might be a few minutes late. I was walked over to the diner. It was nice being able to go around without any worries and no more bodyguards following me.

I got close and didn't see Graham's car. I walked in and the diner was about half full. I saw Millie and she saw me and came over.

"There you are. I thought you forgot all about me and the diner."

"Never Millie. Just had a lot going on. We were gone all last week on vacation. And then a party at Prestons."

"Ok. Excuses. Excuses. I'll let you by this time. What would you like?"

"Graham told me to order for him. He was running a few minutes late. Graham told me to order the special for him. I'll have the special too. And two black coffees."

"Ok handsome. I'll be right back with the coffee."

A dose of Millie was just what I needed today. She could always get me in a good mood.

I saw Graham walk in and walk over to my table. He sat down.

"How's your day going babe?"

"Busy. But I was able to get away for a few minutes for lunch."

"Millie is bringing our coffee. And I ordered the special for both of us."

Millie soon returned to the table with our specials and two cups of black coffee. "Sorry I can't stay and talk with you guys. But it's getting busy."

"No problem Millie. We need to eat and run and don't have much time etiher."

Graham told me he would have to eat quick and get back to the office. He had a very important meeting coming up. I told Graham I was going to stop by and talk to Xandro about the blue yellow and red macaws. Hopefully he can order what we want.

We finished our lunch in record time and soon were paying Millie and leaving and going our separate ways. I told Graham I loved him and couldn't wait until he got home tonight. He told me he might be late. It just depends on how his two meetings go this afternoon. I told him good luck.

I watched Graham drive back to work and waved to him. I crossed the street. The pet shop was close to the medical supply company. I walked into the Pet Shop and saw Xandro working the front counter. "Where's all the hired help?"

"We were busy and they took a late lunch. I'll go for lunch when they get back. I had to hire another girl to help out here in the front and she can help me when I'm really busy in the clinic. So what brings you here today? I hope your parents are doing fine?"

"The parrots are fine. But that's why I'm here."

"I don't understand Bob?"

"I was talking with Graham and we want to order another pair of parents. Actually, it was more my idea than Graham's, but he thought it was a good idea. I like to get another mated pair of mostly blue with some yellow and red."

"Let me explain something to you Bob. You already have a mated pair of scarlet macaws. They have the colors you want. I don't think you want another pair of scarlet macaws. Let me show you a picture of a macaw I think you are interested in." Xandro punched something into his computer and then turned his computer so I could look at the monitor. I think this is what your thinking of. I saw the most beautiful macaw. It was all blue on the top and its wings with a vibrant yellow underside.

"That macaw is beautiful. Would you be able to order a mated pair?"

"Let me tell you a little about the macaw first. This macaw is rare, but I know I can order a pair from my sources. These macaws are big. Mature adult macaws are just over a yard long. They eat mainly different kinds of nuts."

"I'm definitely interested Xandro. Just give me the details when you have them and order us a mated pair."

"Ok. Once I have the price and am able to find one of my sources that can ship a mated pair, I will give you call with the information."

"Thanks Xandro. I'm on lunch break right now and better get back to the clinic. Will look forward to your call. Also, Graham and I are going to be planning a St. Patrick's Party and I hope you can make it. Maybe when you call with the information on the parrots, I'll have information for you on our party. Thanks Xandro your help and I hope to hear from you soon."

I left the Pet Shop and walked back to the clinic. I was a few minutes late and my first afternoon appointment was waiting for me. The afternoon went fast and soon everyone was leaving the clinic, locking up and driving home.

When I got home Margaret had left for the day. I went upstairs and changed into just a jock. It felt good to walk around in a jock. Graham wasn't home yet. He had told me he would probably be late coming home.

I would eat dinner with Graham when he got home. I thought I would go up to the sunroom and look around and see where a good place for the new parrots would be. I walked in and the macaws started squaking and making all kinds of noise. I walked over to them and they calmed down immediately. They were getting very accustomed to their new home. They were friendly and didn't try to bite either Graham or me. I fed them a couple of nuts that they liked. When I started talking to them they cocked their heads to one side like they were listening. I told them they were soon going to have some cousins and I hoped they all got along well.

I started walking around looking at different places I thought might be a good fit for the new parrots. I thought a place by one of the palm trees would be good. It wasn't two far from the scarlet macaws and it wouldn't be too warm there for them. I will ask Graham when he gets home what he thinks about this spot.

I thought I heard some noise downstairs. I thought I better go down and see what was going on.

When I got about halfway down the stairs I saw that Graham was home. I walked down to him and we kissed and hugged. I told him about the new macaws and I was just in the sunroom looking for a good place for them. I told him to go and change and go up to the sunroom. I would get dinner ready and bring it up for us.

Margaret had everything in containers to be warmed as always. It make it really easy to zap our dinner in the microwave. Soon the microwave was beeping and I had everything organized on a large tray for us. I walked up the stairs and into the sunroom. I saw my sexy stud in a jock. His muscular and tight ass cheeks framed by his jock. It was mouth watering looking at him.

Graham heard me come in and I saw him walk over to the tiki bar and grab us a couple of chilled beers. Those glass chillers really work good and in just a couple of seconds your glass is chilled. I set the big tray on the table with regular chairs. I got everything arranged on the table for us and Graham handed me my beer. We sat down and enjoyed a wonderful dinner that Margaret had prepared. Once we finished, Graham asked me about the new parrots. I told him what Xandro had told me and he said he hoped Xandro would call soon. And then asked me where I would like the new parrots. We could got up and we walked over to one of the palm trees and I said I thought the new birds would fit well in this spot. Graham liked my idea and said that the new parrots wouldn't be that far from the other parrots. Maybe they could talk back and forth. Xandro thought another pair of macaws would be good for our scarlet macaws. Xandro thought they'd like the company.

Graham helped me get everything back on the tray and we walked down to the kitchen. With the two of us, it didn't take long to put everything away, load the dishwasher and retire outside by the pool.

Once we were lounging by the pool. I told Graham I had our guest lists ready for calling. I told him I thought we should get an early start so everyone could come and get things sorted out with their work. Graham liked that idea. He said he could have his private secretary do the calling on his list. I told Graham I would have Shirley do my calling for me. So the calling should go fast. We agreed on the weekend following St. Patrick's Day. St. Patrick's Day was in the middle of the week and that wouldn't be a good time for a party. Graham and I also decided on who would call the DJ, the decorators caterers bartenders and hopefully the strippers. We got everything sorted out. And we didn't think we had left anything out. We agree if we thought anything else we would run it by each other take care of it.

We relaxed by the pool. Enjoying our cold beer. It had been a warm day. And it was turning into a muggy evening. I finished my beer first and dove into the pool. Soon Graham dove in. We did a few laps and then climbd out. We were planning a quiet relaxing evening. Watching a move in the theater room.

We put our towels on and Graham walked downstairs to get a movie ready for us. I told him I would make us some popcorn and bring another beer. I still hadn't purchased a small frig for beer and an old fashioned popcorn machine for the theater room. I made us a large bowl of popcorn and brought a couple of beers. I saw Graham waiting for me and he had a movie on pause. I sat down next to him and handed him his beer and set the bowl of popcorn between us. We watched the movie and soon were nodding off. We were always tired early on Monday's after a long day of work and fitting a lot of things into the weekend.

Soon we were upstairs in bed and cuddled together sleeping.

The next few days were flying by. Everyone had been called on our guest lists and the only person not able to attend was Cotton, which was disappointing, but with his busy work schedule he just couldn't take the time off. He was disappointed and promised to visit us when he had some free time. The decorators told me they would surprise me with something special. They would work their decorations into the food tent and the DJ's area and something special for the stage area. They also had some unique costumes for the bartenders and waiters. They also told me they had some party favors in green that could be given out when the guests arrived. I talked to Mark personally and he said he could get the strippers together and they would be glad to do a special St. Patrick's Day show for us. Graham told me the DJ was glad to play music for us.

We worked out each morning with our friends. Holden was still coming on Tuesdays and Thursdays for our massages. Graham and I compared notes and it looked like everything was set for the party. All we had to do now was wait until Saturday when the party would start at noon.

Wednesday on St. Patrick's Day, Xandro called me and told me he had been having difficulty getting a mated pair of the blue and yellow macaws, but was finally able to get a pair for us. The people that sold the mated pair had had them for two years. They were moving and weren't able to take the parrots with them. Xandro told me he would bring the birds over after work on Thursday if that was ok. He wanted the the birds to rest and relax for one day. They were very nervous after the long travel. I told Xandro that was fine and was anxious to see the birds Thursday.

I got home after work on Thursday and was anxious to see the birds. Xandro and I hadn't agreed on a time. He had just said after work. I got changed into some old sweat pants and threw on a tshirt. I went up to the sunroom and rechecked the place for the birds. It was going to a perfect spot.

Graham wasn't home yet. He was having another long day of work. I heard the speaker and let Xandro in. Or at least I thought it was Xandro. It was him and I saw he was driving his work van. He opened the back and brought out a cage of two very large beautiful blue and yellow macaws. Just like he had showed me on the computer. I opened the doors for Xandro told him to follow me up to the sunroom. I asked him if needed any help. But he said he was fine. I showed him where I would like birds and he thought that would be a good spot for them. He got the rings installed for the birds and then got each bird perched on a ring. They looked so pretty and like they had always been in that spot. Xandro said they would be a little nervous for couple of days until they adjusted to a new location. But having the other macaws here would help them relax faster. They were big almost double the size of the scarlet macaws. They looked very majestic and didn't seem nervous to me. Xandro had brought a bag of nuts that they liked. He said they liked eating nuts the best. That was their favorite food. I thanked Xandro and asked him how much I owed him. He kind of hemmed and hawed around. Like I told you these birds are more expensive and they were on the endangered species list for a long time. You paid $20,000 for your pair of scarlet macaws. These blue and yellow being more rare and endangered for some time sell for $50,000. I told Xandro no problem. I would notify the bank tomorrow and you could draw out the $50,000 for the birds and draw out more for your expenses. I thanked Xandro and reminded him of the party this Saturday. He said he would be here for sure. I thanked him for the birds and watched him leave.

I heard Graham coming in from the garage. He asked if Xandro had been here and I told he just left. Our two new babies are upstairs in the sunroom. Graham was anxious to see the parrots, just like I was. "Get changed babe and let's go to the sunroom so you can see the new additions to our family." Graham ran up the stairs to our bedroom and changed in record time. We then went up to the sunroom and Graham just stared at the new parrots. "Bob. Their beautiful. They look like they have always been in that spot." I told him that was what I thought too. The birds were busy eating nuts out of their metal food dishes and drinking water out of the other dishes. "They are big." I told Graham the price and he said the price wasn't important. Look at how great these birds are. I told Graham what Xandro had said and we went back downstairs to eat dinner.

Here it was Friday already. The day before the big party. We got a lot of calls from our friends thanking us for the invitation to our party and they couldn't wait until Saturday.

I informed Margaret that there would be alot of different people coming to the house for decorating for the party. I asked Margaret to make sure all the guest bedrooms were ready. I didn't know if anyone was staying over, but I wanted the rooms ready just in case. I was hoping the bodyguards would stay with us along with Anthony and Roland and anyone else that wanted to stay. We had purchased a sleep sofa for the study/library room that was a double size. It could easily fit two people. Also, we had the extra bedroom downstairs that fit two people. So we had plenty of room for any guests that wanted to stay over. Plus the two master bedroom and four guest bedrooms upstairs.

I was anxious to finish work early on Friday. I wanted to see what the decorators were going to do to our backyard to make it ready for our St. Patrick's Day party.

The morning zipped by and soon it was time to leave. Working a half day on Friday was one of the best decisions I had made. Janice Shirley and Quinton liked the half day Fridays. Sometimes me or Quinton would stay later to do reports or finish with some patients.

I tried not to speed going home. I was really excited to see what they decorators did. I pulled into the garage and walked into the kitchen. Margaret was still here which surprised me. She worked a half day on Friday too, so she could have a long weekend. "Margaret your still here?"

"Yes. I had to wait and see what you thought of the decorations. It is really something different. I've never seen anything like it. They are still working, but said they would be putting the finishing touches on soon. Close your eyes and I will you lead out to the backyard."

I knew this had to be something special. Margaret would never do anything like this unless she knew it would surprise me. I closed my eyes and Margaret led me out to the backyard.

"Ok Bob, you can open your eyes."

I just stood their flabbergasted. They had decorated the backyard like a medieval Irish castle. It was fantastic. And like Margaret had said, I had never seen anything like this. I walked over to the owner of the decorating shop and told her this is perfect. She told they still had a few more things to do. And would be back early tomorrow morning to make sure everything stayed in place and in case they needed to make a few minor adjustments. I thanked her and she said they would be working awhile longer.

I looked at Margaret and she knew what I was going to ask. "Yes Bob, I've cooked extra food for lunch and for the weekend. That's why I stayed. I wondered if you would like to serve the workers?"

"Of course Margaret. I'm going to change clothes and will eat a little later. I'l be back down shortly to help you."

I ran upstairs and put on some jeans and tshirt and some deck shoes and ran back downstairs to help Margaret. Margaret was preparing plates of food for the decorators and I poured out some lemonade that Margaret had made. Margaret and I started taking out plates of food and the refreshments. They thanked us, but told us it wasn't necessary. I told them it was necessary. With the magnificent job they were doing, it was the least I could do. They all took a break and ate their lunch and drank their lemonade. I helped Margaret with the plates and glasses when they finished. They went back to work. It was fun watching them. The stones of the castle were made out of some kind of resin material. They were light weight and were form fitting. They had made medieval tents into the imitation stones for the buffet. They had made a special area of the stones for the DJ and there was a cloak room. For taking everyone's clothes. The decorators didn't need to know that. Also, there were hats in green and shamrocks that could be worn that were self adhesive. They had made the castle into the stone work in our backyard so it blended in perfectly. They had stone work around the stage and it also looked natural and like it was always there.

Margaret said she was going to leave and wished us a good party. I thanked her and she left for the weekend.

Graham had called me before I left work and told me he would be able to leave a little early today. I couldn't wait for him to see the decorations. I stayed in the living room where I could watch some of the workers. I fixed myself a plate of food and ate and kept watching. They were putting some kind of artificial ivy on the stones and some kind of artificial moss. Both the ivy and moss were green. So we would have some of the Irish green in the decorations. It looked like they were getting close to finishing. I saw the owner of the decorating shop come up to the living room. We talked for a few minutes and she asked me if I wanted to have another look at the decorations. They were finished for today and like she said, they would be back early tomorrow morning for any last minute adjustments or if anything came apart. I set my plate down on the coffee table and followed her out to the back yard. Everything looked fantastic. The ivy and moss added a special touch of authenticity to the walls. This castle really looked like the real thing and everything blended together so well. It was perfect. I thanked her and her crew and they left and said they would be back around eight tomorrow morning.

I finished my lunch while walking around the backyard. Taking everything in one more time. This castle was the perfect idea for our party. I noticed they had put some kind of artificial stone benches for seating for the show. That was another perfect touch so that everything blended together. I walked back up to the living and put my empty plate in the dishwasher. I was hoping Graham would come home soon. I went back upstairs to the bedroom and put a jock on and went up to the sunroom. I wanted to check on the macaws.

I walked into the sunroom and the parrots weren't squaking. I wasn't sure what they were doing. Maybe they were talking and I had interrupted their conversation. Anyhow they seemed content and not nervous. I checked their food and water dishes and refilled them. They started eating and drinking water. Xandro had fitted stainless steel plates under the rings that caught all their droppings. Xandro said the stainless steel was easy to clean and keep sanitary. That was something the gardener took care of. I was glad to see the parrots getting along well. I walked over to the new blue and yellow parrots and I could touch their backs and rub their heads without them getting all nervous and fidgety. They seemed to like the attention. I then went over to the scarlett macaws and did the same to them. I then left them to get back to their conversation.

I went down to the living and turned on the news and grabbed the daily paper off the coffee table. The news and the newspaper said exactly the same things. I was interested in the weather. I was hoping we'd have nice weather tomorrow for the party. They went to commmercials so I went to the kitchen frig and got myself a cold beer.

The commercials were still going when I got back to the living room. I think the commercials get longer and longer. Finally the weather came on and they were forecasting a nice warm day" tomorrow. No chance of rain and they didn't mention wind. So if that stayed true, it looked like it would be perfect weather for our party.

I was restless. I was anxious for Graham to get home. I wanted him to see the decorations. I was pacing around and checking my watch every five minutes. Finally I heard the kitchen door open and my lover came in. I gave him a big hug and kiss and he hugged and kissed me back. "I have a big surprise for you."

"What is it?"

"If I told you it wouldn't be a surprise. Go upstairs and get changed and when you come down I'll show you your surprise when you come downstairs."

Graham went upstairs to get changed. While he was getting changed I got him a cold beer out of the frig. I heard Graham coming down the stairs and he walked into the kitchen. I handed him his beer. "Surprise."

"Ha, ha, very funny. Now what's my surprise?"

"Ok. Close your eyes and I will lead you to your surprise."

Luckily I had left the sliding doors to patio open. I had Graham hold on to me and I walked slowly out to the covered patio and down a couple of steps.

"Ok. You can open your eyes."

Graham just stood there and stared. His mouth hanging open.

"Are you catching flies?"

"Ha ha. Aren't you the comedian today."

"This is amazing Bob. Was this the local decorators?"

"Yes. They did an outstanding job."

"They sure did. An Irish castle is a fantastic idea. The green moss and ivy gives it a very realistic touch."

We walked around so Graham could take everything in. Graham was thoroughly impressed with everything. "Our guests are going to be really surprised when they see this."

"I'm hungry we have anything to eat?"

"I'll get something ready for you. Why don't you go up to the sunroom and get acquainted with our new parrots."

"Good idea. Don't take too long."

I prepared a heaping plate for Graham. I knew he would eat it all. I carried up to him on a small tray. Opened the door to the sunroom and saw Graham talking to the new parrots. "Having a good conversation?"

"I see the comedian is back. Actually we did have a good conversation."

"What did you talk about?"

"We talked about the party tomorrow."

I set the tray down with Graham's plate of food. He set the plate down beside him and started eating. He soon had the food all eaten and was washing it down with beer.

"What do want to do babe?"

"I think we should just relax and go to bed early and get a good rest for tomorrow."

I left Graham relaxing on a lounger by the parrots and took the dishes and tray down to the kitchen. I told Graham I'd be right back.

I walked back up to the sunroom and I saw Graham dozing. I let him sleep and I relaxed on another lounger. It was peaceful and relaxing in the sunroom. The tropical background music. All the plants and flowers. It was very lush and tropical. Made me think of the Bahamas. Though I thought our sunroom was better than where we stayed in the Bahamas. The only thing missing was the beach and ocean. I soon dozed off.

When I woke up I felt Graham cuddled up to me. He said, "did you get a good rest?"

"I did. How about you? When was the last time I told you how much I love you?"

"Hmmmm. Let me think."

I hit Graham on the arm. "Come on. It can't be that long ago."

"Actually you told me you loved me yesterday when we hugged and kissed and I got home from work."

"That's right. Should we go downstairs and watch a little tv?"

"Sound like a good plan to me. I do want to check out the castle once more. I can't believe how perfect this is for our party."

We got up and said good bye to the birds and walked out to the backyard. The castle was unbelievable we had to look at everything again. They had done such an excellent job. Everything blended together so well and just looked perfect.

We walked back into the living and snuggled up on the couch and found a movie to watch. We enjoyed the movie and thought we should go to bed. We weren't very tired but we knew we should get a good rest. Tomorrow was going to be a busy day and probably a long day.

We crawled into bed together and set the alarm for seven. I told Graham the decorators said they would be here at eight to check everything and make sure nothing came apart. We cuddled up together and kissed and made out for a bit and then dozed off to sleep.

I woke up to the aggravating alarm going off. We thought we better get up right away. We weren't working out this morning. We thought we'd get enough sexercise at the party. We splashed a little water on our faces put on some old sweats and tshirts and ran downstairs to fix a quick breakfast.

I wasn't too bad at fixing breakfast. Graham helped where he could. He wasn't the best in the kitchen. We ate at the kitchen island and cleaned up everything.

We went into the living room and I turned on the morning news. Wanted to check the weather one more time. The weather came on and their wasn't any change from the forecast yesterday. A nice warm day with no chance of rain. Again they didn't mention anything about wind. So it looked like the weather would be perfect for our party.

We relaxed together on the couch and I heard the speaker. It was the decorators. I pushed the button so the gate would open. I watched them pull in and park. They were using one of their business vans. Four people got out and the owner. They walked up to the front door and I let them in. I greeted them as did Graham and they followed us out to the backyard. I let them do their thing. They started checking everything over. I noticed them making a few adjustments here and there and it looked like some of the artificial plants had come loose and they fixed that. In less than an hour they were finished and told us that everything looked good and there shouldn't be any problems. We thanked them again for such a wonderful decorating idea and watched them leave.

We still had over and hour before guests should start arriving. Graham helped me with the boxes of party favors. We had green hats, green bowties and green jocks if they wanted to wear them. But they knew they had to wear something green. We had told everybody when we called them. I rechecked the area for the buffet and it looked great as well as the area for the DJ.

I heard the speaker again and the caterers from the hotel were here to get set up. I noticed the DJ following them in. The caterers started unloading the food and they knew where to go. They were busy getting set up. We greeted the DJ and he was glad to be playing at our party. We told him he could get changed as soon as the caterers finished. He gave us a wink and a smile. I didn't know if everything was ready for the stage or not. I didn't know if the lighting and sound were connected and ready to go.

I walked down to the caterers and one of the chefs from the hotel was there. He told me they had made all traditional Irish food for the party. He told me their was Irish bacon, fried tomatoes, blood sausage, brown soda bread, tea, scones, beef pot roast, apple tarts, Irish coffee, corned beef egg cups, corned beef and cabbage and shepherd's pie. I said it looked like quite a spread and a good variety of food. He said they had also six appetizer trays and wanted to know where he should put them. I told him once he finished setting up the buffet. The trays could go on the kitchen island.

I saw the chef and his crew finishing and I they brought the trays up and set them on the kitchen island. Everything looked very appetizing. I thanked them and they left. I went back outside and told the DJ he could get changed. He stripped down and put on one of the green jocks. He filled out the pouch of jock nicely and he was slightly muscled with some definition. He started getting some good music going.

Preston had mentioned that a young college kid was going to be taking care of the clothes and handing out the party favors. I was hoping he would arrive soon. Or maybe he was coming with Preston and Holden. I thought maybe I should give Preston a call to find out. I found my cell phone and called Preston. "Hi Bob, what's up?"

"I remember you mentioning a young college kid that was going to take care of the clothes and hand out the party favors. Is he coming with you and Holden?"

"No. He should be arriving any minute. I gave him the directions to your house. His name is Steve and he's a member of the college wrestling team. He's a big guy. Muscular, dark brown hair and blue eyes. He's a real knockout and a super nice guy. He will be driving a BMW convertible."

"Ok. Thanks Preston, hopefully he will be arrving soon."

I had just disconnected with Preston when I heard the speaker. A deep bass voice said it was Steve. I opened the gate for him and he drove in, in his BMW convertible. I wondered how a college kid could afford a BMW, must have some rich parents. He pulled in and parked on the side of the garage. He was a big kid. Preston wasn't joking. He walked up to the front door and I opened it for him and greeted Steve. I told him I was Bob and to come on in. I showed where he would be working and he thought the castle was awesome. I told him to take a look around and then get changed. Guests should be starting to arrive soon.

I couldn't help staring at him. He definitely was a member of the wrestling team. You could see the bulging muscles under his pull over shirt and his pants were stretched to the max with his legs muscles. Also I noticed a nice sized bulge in front of his pants. We walked back up to where he would be working. I told him to get changed and showed him the boxes of party favors. It started stripping down right in front of me. He was probably used to undressing in front of other guys being on the wrestling team. He had muscles on top of muscles. He stripped off his boxers and he had one of the biggest soft cocks I had ever seen flopped out. He must of seen me looking as he had a grin on his face. "Like what you see?"

"Definitely Steve."

"Maybe we can get together late when all of the guests have arrived," Steve told me.

"I think that's a good possibility. Also Graham will probably come by. He's my partner and I'm sure he will want to get in on the action too."

"Sounds like fun. The more the merrier," said Steve. Steve changed into one of the green jocks. How he managed to stuff everthing in that jock. I had no idea.

I left him and told Steve that some of the guests were starting to arrive.

It was nice to see the guys arriving with their partners. Brody and Travis followed by my brother Reggie and Jarvis. Next were Quinton and Reeve followed by Preston and Holden. Next were Cal and Dave followed by Xandro and Vinton. Wayde and Zane came next followed by Anthony and Roland followed by Kendrick and John. Owen and Stewart came in followed by some stragglers, Sam and Tyrell. I didn't see Brock Irving Mark or the bodyguards.

Everyone was complimenting me and Graham on an awesome decorating job. We agreed with them told them it was something really special. I saw Brock dressed as a bartender and he was also doing some waiting. I walked over to him and asked him why he was bartending and waiting on people. He said that he missed bartending and wanted to see if still remembered how to do it. Brock looked just as hot as every in green hat, green bowtie and a green jock. I thanked him for coming.

I wanted to talk to Preston and find out what happened to Irving and Mark. I saw him down by the buffet and pulled him aside. "Hey Preston, glad you made it. Where's Irving and Mark?"

"You are going to be surprised, Irving is joining Mark and the strippers for their special show for you and Graham."

That answered that question and now where were the bodyguards. I thought I better go inside and make sure everyone was out enjoying the party. I walked into the living room and it was empty. I went upstairs and the bedrooms were empty. I saw my cell phone and thought I would take a look and see if I had any messages or missed calls. I had one missed call from one of the bodyguards and a message from the same bodyguard. I read the message. "Sorry Bob, we will be their. But our assignment took a bit longer than we thought. We are on our way and should be their in a couple of hours." I checked the time of the message and that meant they would be here in just over an hour.

I saw the waiters going around passing out drinks and appetizers. Some of the guys had already hit the buffet and saw some full plates of food. Others were just walking around and looking at the decorations and pointing to things and talking.

My brother and Jarvis came and asked me if it was ok if they stayed overnight. They planned on doing a lot of drinking and didn't want to risk the long drive back home. I told them to use the adjoining master bedroom. They could move their things in their when they were ready.

I mingled around and I saw Graham walking around. The guys all looked pretty hot in their green hats and green jocks. Some decided to just wear a couple of stick on shamrocks and left off the hat and jock. But everyone was wearing green. Xandro and Vinton came over and asked me if it was okay if they checked in on the macaws. I told them to go ahead and give me a progress report when they finished.

I walked up to check on Steve and he was beaming. He told this was the best party he had ever been too. He couldn't believe all the hot guys here. I told Steve he fit in perfect and everyone was here except the bodyguards. So he could mingle and get something to eat drink when he was ready.

The DJ waved me over and I asked him what was up. He told me he was going to take a quick break. He the player on automatic. He told me that our parties are his favorite. I told him to mingle and get something to eat and drink.

Everyone seemed to like the traditional Irish food. I thought I would go over make myself a small plate. And grab another beer from a waiter. I waved over to a waiter and I told him I would like a beer. He told me he would get me one right away. The waiters and bartenders were on loan from the In and Out Bar. I walked over to the buffet and everyone was complimenting me on the food. I told them the chef from the hotel had prepared traditional Irish food. And it seemed everyone was enjoying it. They said the food was delicious. And our parties are always the best.

I checked the time and the bodyguards should be coming. I told Steve to get ready and I was going to walk up to the foyer and see if they had arrived yet. When I got to the foyer I saw the van pulling in that I knew would have the bodyguards. I saw the bodyguards get out and open the back of the van and take out some sports bags. Good they were planning on staying over. They walked up to the front door and I opened it for them in just my green jock and green hat. They gave me a big smile and I told them they could use a couple of the smaller bedrooms. My brother and his friend were in the adjoining master bedroom. They told me that was fine. I told them to take their bags up and come down and enjoy the party.

I waited for the bodyguards at the bottom of the stairs. They soon were coming back downstairs and they followed me out to the entrance to the party. I introduced them to Steve and he got a big smile on his face when he saw the bodyguards. Soon the bodyguards and Steve were talking and the bodyguards were taking their clothes off and putting on green jocks. Steve was enjoying watching them. I saw them talking some more and heads nodding and a big smile on Steve's face. I wasn't going pry and ask him what happened. But I knew it had to be something good.

The time goes by fast when your having fun. It was already starting to get dusk. The weather was perfect. But it was going to a warm and humid evening. I walked down to the stage to see if everything was ready for the night's show. I walked backstage and saw Mark. He walked over to me and he said everything was ready. Mark told me we were really going like their show tonight. I asked him if the lighting and sound had been installed. He said that had been taken care of a long time ago. Not to worry. I asked him if they wanted anything to eat or drink. He told me to have a waiter come down he would order for everyone. Mark was being a little secretive, but that was okay. I liked their surprises.

I a waiters attention and told him to go backstage and talk to Mark. Mark would tell him what they wanted. I watched the waiter walk backstage and them walk over to the buffet and the long bar, set up by the music.

Soon it was almost dark out and I walked up and took the microphone from the DJ. He quieted the music and I got everyone's attention. "The show is soon going to start. So if you want something to eat and drink now is the time. The show will start in about fifteen minutes."

Graham came over to me and told me our party was a big hit with everyone. They couldn't believe the awesome decorations. The typical Irish food was excellent. They were now anxious to see the show.We saw our friends starting to take seats. Some were sitting with their partners and some had made other groups of friends. I saw the bodyguards and Steve sitting together. I saw the DJ walking over to the bodyguards also. Graham and I had reserved seats close to the front. The waiters and bartenders were mingling and serving food and drinks to the all the seated guests.

It was dark out now and soon some Irish reel music started. Lights came on on the front of the stage. The curtain opened and Mark came out to give a short speech. "Thanks everyone for coming Bob and Graham's party. Isn't this something else?" Everyone was cheering and clapping and patting us on the back. Mark continued, "we have a very special program for tonight. It is a new program and we've been working on it for a couple of weeks. We also had to train a new member to our group and he fit in perfect. So without any further ado, here come the Irish reel dancers." Everyone clapped and cheered.

The lights went out and the music got louder. It was typical Irish reel music. Soon the stage lights came back on and the five strippers and now I saw Irving with them so that made six start dancing to the Irish reel. They were wearing our green hats and green vest and green gym shorts. They were doing a good job to the Irish reel music. You could tell they had practiced. Soon the Irish reel music changed the beat and rhythm to more of a stripping rhythm. The guys were dancing in a straight row. When the music started changing they moved in time to the music soon there were three strippers in front of three strippers behind them. The three behind pulled off the vests and shorts of the three strippers in front of them. The strippers in the front had large shamrock g-strings on. It was really cool to look at. As they were dancing the strippers changed positions and now the three in front had their vests and shorts pulled off. They moved back into a long line and turned their backs to us and bent over. You could see the crack of their asses. They then coupled and started humping and grinding to the music. You could see their cocks getting hard. Then in time to the music they pulled their g-strings off and their big cocks sprung out. They were all semi or fully hard. The audience was cheering and clapping and some got up and were dancing to the music. Others were feeling each other up and making out. The strippers started walking down the stairs from the stage and were dancing in front of me and Graham. Mark and Irving started giving us lap dances. I knew it wouldn't take me long to get hard the way Mark was rubbing his ass over my cock. The other four strippers were dancing and mingling with the audience. I reached around and squeezed Mark's nips and felt his cock get hard in my hand while I felt his big balls. He could feel me getting hard and somehow the way he was dancing he was able to pull my jock down and get my hard cock between his balls. Mark leaned back on my so his cock was sticking straight out. I started jacking him and he was squeezing my cock between his balls getting me close. I heard Graham moaning and he looked like he was ready to cum. I couldn't hold back and shot out rope after rope of hot cum. Hitting Mark's stomach and chest. I felt Mark shudder and spasm and his big cock shot out long thick gobs of cum almost hitting the front of the stage. Once we finished cumming they all went back up on stage and went back to the orignal Irish reel music. Their show was fantastic and soon the lights went out to cheers and yells from the audience.

The lights came back on and most of the guys were still getting it on in the audience. The strippers really got their blood flowing in all the right places. You could hear a lot of moaning groaning and grunting. I think the stone benches were getting a good white wash I saw some of the guys get up and walk through the opening to the pool and grotto area. Some might have been walking over to the jacuzzi and pergola too. The waiters and bartenders were busy handing out drinks and plates of food. I noticed some of the waiters and bartenders had lost their jocks. The DJ got up from the bodyguards and Steve and he was naked too and started the music. The party was really rocking and rolling. I saw Mark and his fellow strippers come out in green jocks and join everyone. I saw a lot of slaps on the back and butt and congratulations being given out to them for an excellent show.This was turning out to be one of our best parties. I looked at Graham and he had that glow after having good sex. "You enjoying the party babe?"

"Oh baby. This is the best party yet. And just imagine. Your brother and Jarvis and bodyguards are staying overnight. I wonder what time we will all fall asleep."

Anthony and Roland came over to us. They were also naked. "You guys sure know how to give a good party. I've never been to a party like this and I hope Roland and me are invited to more. Your friends are fantastic and the show was excellent. And look at these decorations. I've never seen anything like this. Who would think in a small town like this they could decorate to this degree. I took some pictures on my cell phone to show some influencial people these decorations. I hope you don't mind?"

"Not at all. I can text you the name of the owner of the decorating shop and pass her phone number on to you."

"I would appreciate that Bob. I hope she is ready to expand her business and do a lot of traveling. I know people that would pay top dollar for this kind of exceptional decorating."

"I can't promise anything Anthony and I definitely can't speak for her. I do know she will be surprised." I then texted Anthony her name and phone number.

Roland and I will be leaving in a little while. Nothing against you or Graham. But we have an early flight out tomorrow for our next work assignment.

"No problem. I'm just glad you two could make it. And will be sure to inform you of future parties."

We all kissed and hugged and I was kind of sad to see Anthony and Roland leave.

Graham and I walked back into the castle, our backyard. The party was really going strong. The strippers really got everyone into a party mood. The DJ had some really good music going. I saw Irving and Mark and thanked them for a wonderful show. "I didn't know you were a dancer Irving?"

"I didn't either, but Mark and his buddies talked me into it. I'm glad I did it now. Especially for you guys and this fantastic party."

I saw a couple of the bodyguards walking over to us. They asked Graham and me if it was okay if Steve stayed over. I told them as long as it it was okay with his parents. They told me Steve was going on twenty one and his parents lived a few hundred miles away. He was finishing his last year at the local university. I told them sure. They said the DJ might stay over to. I told them that was fine. They had plenty of room in their bedrooms for two more guys.

I looked at Graham, "I don't think the bodyguards will be joining us tonight when we turn in."

"I think your right. But I'm sure your brother and Jarvis will join us for a while. And maybe some surprise guests."

"You never know. We can keep the bedroom door open and see what happens."

Xandro and Vinton came over to talk to us. Xandro told me the macaws were looking good. The new blue and yellow macaws seemed to be settled in. He said the birds were healthy and seemed content in their new home. Xandro said he would be over to do some wing clipping. Some the of the flight feathers were growing and needed to be clipped, or we would have macaws flying around the sunroom.

Graham and I wandered around some more. We went through the opening and heard guys in the grotto. They were a few swimming and a couple of guys in the jacuzzi. Another group was over at the grotto hanging out.

Graham told me he was hungry. So we walked back to the food buffet. I couldn't believe how much had been eaten. I wasn't sure how well traditional Irish food would set with our friends. But it sure looked like they liked the food. All the dessert was gone. And most of the main dishes had only a couple more servings left. Graham found what he was looking for and we took a seat on one of the imitation stone benches. We checked it for cum, but it was clean. I thought I had seen a couple of the waiters wiping off the benches. Brock came over and asked us if we wanted anything to drink. We told him a couple of beers. We asked him how he liked waiting and bartending. He said he really liked it. This was a good group of guys and it was fun bartending and waiting on them.

Graham and I took a seat together on one of the benches. I had just a single helping of the pot roast. It was mouth watering. Brock came over with our beers and sat with us for awhile. It was nice catching up on what he had been doing. The more we talked. The more I missed Brock. He was a good friend and we would have been living together if his work hadn't taken him away. But he seemed happy and content and that was all that mattered.

The party was starting to wind down and we said goodbye to our last guests.

The bodyguards with Steve and the DJ said they were turning in. I told them to keep the noise down. I wanted to get a good nights sleep. They took off to the bedrooms laughing and joking. That just left Reggie and Jarvis and me and Graham. I told Reggie and Jarvis to go ahead upstairs to the bedroom, we would be up their in a few minutes. I wanted to do a walk around and make sure everything was cleaned. I grabbed a few containers from the kitchen to store the leftovers. Graham helped and we soon had everything packaged. The yard looked clean. We checked the grotto jacuzzi and pergola and everything was clean there. We carried the containers into the kitchen and stored them in the frig. I noticed a couple of half trays of appetizers and put them on one of our trays and stored them in the frig. That way all the trays for the hotel would be empty. Graham and I checked everything one more time and everything looked clean.

We walked upstairs arm in arm to our bedroom. We could hear grunting and moaning coming from a couple of the guest bedrooms. I could only imagine what was happening. Actually Steve and the DJ were getting spit roasted by the bodyguards. The bodyguards were taking turns on Steve and the DJ. It would be a long time before they went to sleep.

Graham and I walked into our bedroom. We weren't as tired as we thought we'd be. I could see Reggie and Jarvis laying in our bed with hardons waiting for us. We climbed into bed next to them. Graham with Reggie and me with Jarvis. We all got into sixty nines and soon all you heard was slurping and sucking sounds. Jarvis stuck a couple of fingers in my hole and that was all it took for me to shoot. He soon came after me. After we had all cum. We decided to get into a four way. Graham laid on his back while Reggie fucked Graham. I got over Graham's face and he sucked my cock. Jarvis stood up over Graham facing me so I could suck his cock. Reggie was giving Jarvis a good rim job while fucking Graham. It was quite a sight to see. We were all moaning and grunting soon shaking and spasming as we all came a second time. It was really hot and fun. We were sweating and collapsed back on the bed. We fell asleep cuddled all up together.

We woke up with sunlight coming in. I had no idea what time it was, but I didn't really care. I saw the other guys stirring. We woke up with morning hardons and took turns sucking each other off. That felt good and a great way to wake up. We all crawled out of bed.

I could smell breakfast. We put some flip flops on and walked downstairs to the kitchen. I could hear talking a laughing. The bodyguards were in the kitchen with Steve and the DJ making breakfast. They all looked pretty haggard and tired but seemed to be working well together getting breakfast ready. "Well hello their sleepyheads," said one of the bodyguards. "Glad you could join us. Breakfast will soon be ready."

We ate breakfast in the dining room. That was the only place available for eight men. They bodyguards fixed a good breakfast. We were hungry after all of our exercise. We finished eating and the bodyguards Steve and the DJ said they would need to get ready and leave soon. Reggie and Jarvis said they would be leaving soon too. They had a long drive and didn't want to be tired for work tomorrow.

We all helped to clean the table and put everything away. I got Steve's attention before he went back upstairs to get ready to leave. I wanted to find out a few things about him.

"Hey Steve can we talk for a couple of minutes?"

"Sure Bob, what's up?"

"I was just wondering what you studying at the university and if you would be graduating with Mark and Irving?"

"Well, I'm finishing my degree to be come a lawyer. All I have left will be to take the bar exam. But that won't happen until next month. So I'm busy studying for that. I will be graduating with Mark and Irving."

"That's what I wanted to know. I don't know if you know my father. He's the owner of the law firm here in town. And I told Steve the name of the law firm."

"Wow, I didn't know your father ran a very famous law firm. It had been mentioned in some of my classes."

"I don't know what your plans are after you graduate and pass the bar exam. But I could talk to my father and set up an interview with him. If you would be interested in working for his law firm."

"That's fantastic Bob. I didn't really know what I would do after graduating and hopefully passing the bar exam. But if you could talk to your dad and set something up for me. That would be awesome."

"No problem Steve. It will be my pleasure. I will give you the details at your graduation."

Reggie and Jarvis came down with a couple of small overnight bags. We hugged and kissed and they said the party was terrific. One of the best they had ever been too. They were sorry they needed to leave early, but the long drive and they wanted to get back to their wives. Graham and I understood and we kissed and hugged and they took off.

We heard some commotion and more laughing and joking. The bodyguards, Steve and the DJ came downstairs. They said they needed to leave. The bodyguards told us they have a new assignment starting tomorrow and it's aways away so the van should be here soon to pick them up. Steve said he needed to get back to the university. He had a study group preparing for the bar exam. The DJ said he needed to pack up his things and then get set up for a wedding reception. I heard the van pull in and we kissed and hugged the bodyguards and thanked them for coming. We watched them pile into the van and leave. Steve gave us a big kiss and hug and told me he was anxious to hear what I had to tell him at graduation. That left the DJ who was busy taking down and loading his equipment into the trunk of his car. He finished loading everything and we kissed and hugged. And told us this was the best party ever. He said the bodyguards were really cool dudes and super nice guys and hoped to see them again. We watched him leave.

Graham closed the front doors and the house was suddenly quiet. We walked upstairs to the sunroom to relax and check on the birds. Graham asked what that was all about with Steve. I told him Steve was graduating with a degree as a lawyer. I told him I would talk to my dad and see about setting up an interview with him. Graham told me how terrific I was and always helping someone else. He told me how much he loved me. We hugged and kissed in the sunroom. We looked at our macaws and they seemed happy to see us. Graham and I relaxed on a double lounger and soon my cell phone was ringing and so was Graham's. We answered our phones. It was friends calling us and thanking us for inviting them to the best party ever. We thanked them and then my cell phone rang again. "Hello, this is Bob."

It was the manager/partner of our good friend the star.

Next: Chapter 8

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