Bob's Holidays

By Francis Scott

Published on Jan 13, 2023


Bob's Holidays Chapter 5

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The following story is a work of fiction from the authors mind. It contains adult situations between consenting adults. If this offends you and is illegal in your area, WHY ARE YOU HERE? Any similarities to actual people or events is purely coincidental. This story does not promote safe sex. Please practice safe sex at all times. Don't put your life or someone else's in jeopardy.

If you haven't read my story, "My Alphabet Friends," I would recommend doing so. All characters in this series are from My Alphabet Friends. There are pictures of the characters at the end of each chapter. You will find, My Alphabet Friends, in Gay/Adult Friends.

Bob's Holidays

By Francis Scott

Chapter 5 - Presidents' Day

Bob was glad to be home. He enjoyed their short trip to Washington DC, but he still had lingering thoughts about what had happened.

As they were lounging by the pool they talked about the offer from the British singer. They thought they should take him up on his offer. It was still aways down the road and they would have some time to relax and then prepare for flying out to Las Vegas. He had also told them he would profide his private jet for them. Just to let him know ahead of time so it would be ready for them.

The FBI Commander was a patient man. He knew his job very well, or he wouldn't have been a Commander. The interrogation of the drug lord was coming along. He was starting to wear him down. Soon he would get the information he was looking for.

The main boss was thoroughly pissed with one of his best men being arrested for a second time. He had enough men in his organization he could afford to lose one. He lived in a fort. Actually they called it the Fortress. It was heavily guarded with a small army. He had a large group of body guards that were always with him. He didn't have to worry about being captured. He was one of four main bosses. He had his fingers in gambling, drug trafficking, prostitution, women and young girl trafficking. Was the owner of a couple of Las Vegas casinos. A casino on the French and Italian Rivieras. He had more money than he knew what do with. He also had connections with most of the developed countries. He had US senadors, Embassadors, Prime Ministers, Prestidents of countries. You name it, he had extensive connections and a control room in his Fortress to back it all up with all the latest technical and electronic equipment. Also, an extensive phone system where he could contact anyone on the spur of the moment. Yes, he had nothing to worry about.

Bob was still a little stressed from his ordeal, but he didn't want to say anything to Graham. They relaxed by the pool. Neither one wanted to cook so they decided on delivery. Now they needed to decide on what kind of food they wanted. "What do you want babe?"

"We haven't had our day this week of junk food. How about pizza or a hamburger and fries?"

"Both sound good. I suppose I have to decide on one or the other?"

"That's right Graham. We don't want to overdo the junk food."

"Which one has the fewer calories?"

"Well to honest. Neither one is healthy. They both contain a lot of sugar, sodium and fat. So it's just a choice of which one sounds better for dinner."

"What do you want Bob?"

"I thought I'd leave it up to you?"

"I'm really hungry for a burger and fries."

"Ok babe. Go ahead and order for us. No pickles for me and no double burgers."

"In about two seconds, Graham was on his phone ordering for us. It should be in here in about 20-30 minutes."

"I suppose since you called in the order, I have to pay and answer the door?"

"I hadn't thought about that. But that sounds like a good plan."

"I'm going up to the house and get my robe. How much is the food?"

"He told me twelve dollars. Twelve dollars for two burger and fries?"

"That's what he said."

"He's not getting a big tip at those prices. I'll grab fifteen dollars and he can keep the change."

"Whatever you want to do babe is ok with me."

I ran up to the house and grabbed one of my robes from our walk in closet and grabbed some money. Ran back downstairs and was getting beers out of the frig for Graham and me. Might as well really add the calories on.

I heard the speaker and let the delivery person in. I saw him climb off his motorcycle and unload our order from the back basket. He walked up to the front door. I paid and thanked for the speedy service. He looked a little upset with only a three dollar tip. But neither of us said anything. I watched him leave and took our food in and set it on the kitchen island.

Put our food on some paper plates. Set our beer and food on a tray and took it down to Graham.

Sat down next to Graham on a double lounger. We indulged in our junk food. It's funny how junk food tastes better than heatlhy food. It tasted pretty good. Especially when you don't eat it very often. We chowed down on our hamburgers and french fries and washed it down with our beer. "How about if we go up to your sunroom when we finish eating?"

"Let's do it. We haven't been up there in awhile. Check on the birds and we can relax and see if there is a good game on."

We put everything away and walked upstairs to the sunroom with an arm around each other. We walked in and some tropical music was playing. The birds spotted us and seemed happy to see us. We took a recliner not too far away from the birds. I need to check their schedule. I think Xandro is due to stop by and check the birds. I checked their food and water and everything seemed to be okay. We were on a lounger that faced the big screen tv.

Graham turned on the tv and found a college football game.

"Babe, would you do something for me?" I asked Graham.

"Of course. Anything. Just name it."

"Would lay on top of me so I can feel your hot warm body on top of me. We can rub our cocks together. I want to feel your body all over."

Graham got up in a flash and laid down on top of me. His body felt so good on top of mine. I wanted to feel his neck shoulders back and that gorgeous ass of his.

That's just what I did. I massaged his neck and shoulder muscles. They were tight. "That feels good babe."

I kept working his neck and shoulders and then started rubbing his back. Graham was giving out low moans of approval. I liked how his cock was laying against mine length wise. I rubbed over Graham's two delicious ass globes. Damn he has a nice ass. I was massaging and squeezing his ass cheeks. I could feel his cock oozing out precum on my cock. I ran the side of my hand between his cheeks and I felt Graham shudder. I licked a finger and eased it into his hole. He whispered in my ear how good it felt. I then eased in a second finger and worked them around in his hole stretching it and rubbing his prostate. I knew he was getting ready and couldn't take my fingers much longer.

Soon I felt Graham pushing himself up and move around so his hole was right over the head of my cock. I saw him rub some of his precum on my cock for lube. I didn't have to do anything. Graham slowly slid down my lubed shaft until my pube hairs were tickling his ass cheeks. He had a look of pure contentment on his face. His hole feels so good. It's warm moist and tight and is a perfect fit for my cock. Graham started slowly moving up and down on my hard shaft. I left Graham take over. He was going at his own pace. Since we didn't fuck a lot. I let him be in control. He soon picked up his pace and was moving faster and faster on my hard cock. I knew it wouldn't take me long to cum. The birds seemed to be captivated watching us. They were definitely quiet and watching us. As Graham started going faster, I could feel my cum churning in my balls and moving up my shaft. Soon I was moaning loud and filling my lover with a big load. I could feel it shooting out and hitting the sides of his hole. Graham just sat on me until I finished cumming in his hole. Then he slowly eased himself off me. I saw his big hardon sticking straight out. I told him to stand by me on my side of the lounger. I took his big hard cock in my mouth and gave him one of my best blowjobs. I had Graham humping my mouth and cumming in no time. We were both panting and sweating and relaxed back on the lounger.

I got up and got us a couple of beers from the tiki bar.

"Wow, that was something else babe? I think it gets better every time."

"For sure love. This was fantastic."

We finished watching the game. Our fantastic sex took up most of the game time, but we didn't care.

The game ended and we were getting tired and decided to call it a day. We said good night to the birds and walked down to our bedroom.

Once we got into bed. I asked Graham, "do you know if anything is planned for President's Day? And I think we should start planning our stay in Las Vegas when our friend the British singer is going to be there performing."

"Maybe I'll hear something at work tomorrow about President's Day. I agree, we should start planning our stay in Las Vegas. This will be easy. We have his private jet to use and will be staying at his Las Vegas Villa. So our transportation and housing is already taken care of."

We cuddled up and made out for awhile. Finally, we were so tired we fell asleep in each other's arms.

We woke up to the alarm going off. I felt good. No stress and ready for a new week of work. We crawled out of bed and kissed and went downstairs to workout. A few of the guys were there and we heard a few more coming down the stairs. We got in a good workout for over an hour. Cal pulled me aside and told me he didn't have anymore new information. The last Cal heard, the drug lord was being interrogated by the FBI Commander. But he knew the FBI would contact him if there was any change so Cal could inform us. We all crowded into the shower and washed each other. That was fun. I liked feeling hard cocks hitting my ass and thighs. We decided to jerk each other other. It was a little awkward but we managed to get each other off. Some of the cum was hitting our legs or asses so we washed that off. We got out of the shower and dried each other off. Some of the guys were hard all over again. So they got sucked off. Everyone seemed satisfied and we got dressed and went upstairs for breakfast.

Margaret had everything ready for us on the outside patio table. We ate a good hearty breakfast. Talked for a bit and then headed to the garage to leave for work. We all thanked Margaret for a wonderful breakfast. We got into a group hug and kiss in the garage and left for work. Graham and I talked before we left for work and were going to try to get together for lunch.

Monday morning was going fast. It was the time of year to be doing sports physicals. One of my favorite times of the year. Like feeling those young hung athletes balls and cock and giving them a good prostate exam. Some of them seem to like it too.

I called Graham and told him I was getting ready to go to lunch. He told me he would be able to join me. I told Janice and Shirley bye and walked to the diner.

I arrived at the diner before Graham. I sat down at my favorite table and Millie came over. She wasn't busy yet. We talked for a bit and said her father was doing great and thanked me again for all my help. I told her it was my pleasure. I told her I'd have a black coffee while I waited for Graham.

Soon I saw my hot hunky husband enter the diner. He walked over with a big smile on his face and sat down. "How's your day going babe?"

"Pretty good. Had our regular Monday morning staff meeting. Other than that, it looks like a regular day. Only one meeting in the afternoon, otherwise I can work on my regular things. I did hear that our state representative to Washington DC and our senator to Washington DC will we giving speeches in front of the courthouse on President's Day."

"That should be interesting. I wonder what they will have to say?"

Graham and I don't talk politics much. We both like different political parties so it's best to avoid that conversation. "Do you know what time they are supposed to be giving their speeches?"

"No. I just heard they would be talking. As soon as I have the time I'll let you know."

Millie brought over a coffee for Graham and refilled my cup. We ordered the special. Meatloaf with mashed potatoes gravy and corn. It sounded good. Hopefully not too much fat in the gravy.

"Have you had a chance to think about going to Las Vegas?"

"A little, but I think we should plan that together. All we have to do is call his manager and then it will be a go."

"Let's talk about it tonight when we get home from work."

Millie brought our lunch. And was being her usual flirtatious self. I was glad to see Millie being Millie. We ate our lunch, which was pretty good and paid the bill and left Millie a tip. While we walked out of the diner to told each other how much we loved each other and would talk tonight about going to Las Vegas. We headed back to work.

The FBI Commander was wearing down the drug lord. He knew soon he would be getting all the information he wanted. He wanted to know the exact location of the main boss and what kind of security he had.

The main boss was still fuming and pissed off at having one of his best men arrested. But he had been such a dumb shit to have his weapon exposed. He got what he deserved. The main boss had called in some of his best men from around the world for a special meeting. He wanted Bob and Graham wiped out. They had been nothing but trouble. And they were going to plan how they should be taken care of. This time he didn't want any fucking slip ups. It should be quick and easy.

The main boss knew his man that was arrested was being interrogated by the FBI. So he wanted to double check his security and make sure everything was in top performance. He even hired a few more armed guards and a few more bodyguards. If they found out where he was located. He was ready for them. Bring it on.

The FBI Commander had just been informed about the main boss calling in some of his best men from around the world for a special meeting. The Commander thought this would be the best time to take them down. He just needed the information he wanted from the drug lord and he was going to put more pressure on him to get the information. So they could put a quick plan together to take out the main boss.

Bob finished his day and was on his way home. He pulled in and opened the gate from the button on his visor and noticed Graham's car right behind him. Rarely did they ever arrive home at the same time. But it was always a nice surprise when they did. They both pulled into the garage. Got out of their cars and hugged and kissed walked into the kitchen.

"We're fine Margaret." They said unison. "We're going to change and get out of these work clothes."

"I'm just finishing and have your dinner in containers to be warmed. Have a nice evening and I'll see you two in the tomorrow morning."

They each gave Margaret a kiss on the cheek and thanked her for everything she does.

They ran upstairs and stripped off their work clothes and put on jocks. they went downstairs and Bob's cell phone was ringing. It was Cal. "Hi Cal. Hope you have some good news for us?"

"Yes and no. The FBI Commander was able to break the drug lord and got all the information he wanted. It seems the main boss in Argentina is having a meeting with his top men on how to get rid of you two. He's thoroughly pissed about the drug lord not taking you two out. The Commander recommends you keep your security system at number one. Until I call and give you the all clear to change it back to it's regular setting."

"Do you think we should hire bodyguards until this blows over?"

"I'm not going to say yes or no. I'll leave that decision up to you and Graham. However, I think the more protection you have, the better you will sleep at night."

"Ok Cal. Thanks for the information and I'll run it by Graham about hiring some bodyguards. And see what he thinks."

"What was that all about babe?"

"It was Cal. The FBI Commander broke the drug lord and got all the information he wanted. It seems the main boss in Argentina is pissed the drug lord didn't take us out. He's having a meeting with his top men on how to get rid of us. The FBI Commander recommends we keep our security system at one. I asked him about us hiring bodyguards. Cal didn't say yes or no. He was leaving that up to us. What do you think? Do you think we should hire a couple of body guards?"

"I think we should until this blows over."

"I have no idea where to contact for body guards."

"Maybe if we call our security system, they might know where or whom we can call to hire us some bodyguards."

"Let me get the number off our security system." I called out the number to Graham and he called our security system.

"Hello this Graham calling with a question. Yes Graham go ahead. Bob and I were wondering where or whom we contact to get us some bodyguards?"

"I have two numbers for you. Both agencies come with high recommendations. I should tell you ahead of time that bodyguards are expensive."

"Just a moment please. I need to get a pen and paper. Ok. Can you give me the two numbers?" Bob copied down the numbers and thanked the person for her help.

"I'm going to call the first number she gave me. She said they are both 24/7. Hello, this is Turnbull's. How may I help you?"

"I'm calling to see if you offer bodyguard service?"

"We certainly do. What's your name and I'll see if I got a referral for you?"

"I'm Bob and my partner is Graham. We are both interested in bodyguards. Looking over my notes I had received a call from Cal. I believe he is your local sheriff?"

"That's correct."

"According to my notes. Cal thought you might be giving us a call. We would be happy to be of service to you. What are you looking for?"

"I'm not sure. I've never done this before. I do know that our lives might be in danger and I wanted bodyguard protection."

"Are you looking for a bodyguard for each of you or more?"

"Again, I'm not sure. I was thinking of two bodyguards for each of us."

"What I could do is set you up with four bodyguards. Two for each of you on a renewable monthly contract."

"That sounds perfect. Do they work 24/7?"

"Yes they work 24/7."

"Do we provide food and lodging for them?"

"We have portable units that are set up for sleeping."

"How does it work with our work?"

"They will guard the outside of your office door when your at work. When your driving they will be with you at all times. Anytime you leave your house they are with you. When your at home they will be wandering around your yard guarding."

"How much will this cost us?"

"Ok. For four bodyguards your looking at $20,000 per month."

"How soon would they be able to start. As soon as you both sign the contract and pay for the month. They will be starting."

"Would you be able to bring the contract to our house? We could pay you here."

"I could certainly do that."

"When would be able to come over to our house?"

"As soon as you want. Give me the directions and I could be there in a little while."

I gave him our directions and he said he would be here in about thirty minutes.

I told Graham about our conversation and he said he was glad he was coming over. We needed bodyguards and the sooner the better.

We went upstairs and put some jeans on and tshirts and went back downstairs and waited for the man to arrive.

We soon heard the speaker and Graham pressed the button so the man could drive in. We watched him get out of his car. He looked like he played professional football. He was built, big and tough. He walked up to the front door and rang the doorbell. I went to the door to let him in. We shook hands and I had follow me to the living room.

We talked for a little bit. He had played professional football, but received any injury and had to retire from football. So that was when he set up his security company. He told us it looked like we had a good security system wired into our house. We told him we thought it was a good system.

We then got down to business and he showed us the contract and explained it to us. We both signed the contract as we were required to do. He told us he always does a background check on his new clients and knew we were in good standing with bank. We gave him a signed check for the first month. He told us they would move in the the housing unit tomorrow and set it up on the side of the garage if that was ok. We told him that would be fine. He told us his men are all business. They don't talk a lot, but do a damn good job of protecting their clients. We asked him about our privacy when we were home. He told us that was no problem. He knew we were gay and his men understood that. He told us to do what we normally do. We mentioned about having some of our friends that come over early in the morning to workout. And like he said. Just keep to your regular routine. My men won't interfer in your working out, in fact, they might want to join in if that is ok. We told him for sure.

We stood up and shook hands and asked us what time we usually get home from work. I told him we usually get home around five or five thirty. He said the four men would be here at six tomorrow to start their work.

We shook hands once more and and thanked him. We watched him leave and went back to the living to look at our contract.

I looked at Graham and he looked at me. "Are you thinking the same thing I am?"

"I think so. I'm wondering how we got such a good deal for four bodyguards?"

"I know. That was exactly what I was thinking. I'll talk to Cal tomorrow morning if comes to workout. He might know something about that."

"Let's warm up something to eat. I'm hungry."

Graham and I went out to the kitchen and warmed up dinner Margaret had prepared for us. It was good as usual. We ate out on the patio. "I'm going to have to mention to Margaret tomorrow morning, we're going to have four big men around for awhile. And they will be eating breakfast with us. Also, a housing unit will be moved in for the four men. They are going to be our bodyguards."

We finished our dinner and cleaned off our patio table and put everything away. "You ready for a dip in the pool?"

"Always ready for a dip in the pool with you. You are such a sweet talker."

"Only with you babe. Only with you."

The FBI Commander was finally getting all the information he wanted from the drug lord. He was taping all his interrogations of the drug lord. He didn't want to miss a word. The Commander found out the location of the main boss. That his house was called the Fortress and was supposedly impenetrable, with all the latest in technology. High security fences and walls surrounded the fortress. A small army of men patrolled the fortress. He had at least forty bodyguards inside and everyone was heavily armed and a master of weapons and martial arts.

The FBI Commander thought it sounded liked his men. Now all he had to do was make a plan on capturing the main boss and the men he had called in for a special meeting. Since he didn't need the drug lord any more, he taken to a maximum security prison and put into solitary confinement. A fitting home for him.

The FBI Commander had called in other Commanders and they were going to divise a plan to capture the main boss and his best men. They needed to work fast. He had no idea how long the other men would be meeting with the main boss.

Bob and Graham made their way back to the pool. They laid their oversized towels on a lounger and dove in. The water was a perfect temperature. Bob come up on the other side of the pool, and something caught his eye. As soon as Graham come up next to him. He asked Graham, "do you know what that is. I just noticed the rock outcropping and it looks like a doorway going into something."

"Let's check it out Bob."

They climbed out of the pool and walked over to the rock outcropping. Walked in through a doorway and were surprised to see a changing room for the pool. There were showers and an area for changing clothes with a few lockers. Also, a bathroom was in there. This surprised Bob and Graham. They wondered why they never noticed it before. But the rock outcropping looked like it was part of the rocks on that side of the pool. It was well disguised and set back.

"Wow. I never knew that was there. Zane sure did a good job of disguising the changing room. It fits in perfect."

"How about if we shower outside and then go in and watch a movie downstairs?"

"I like that idea."

We walked over to the outside shower and rinsed the chlorine off. We toweled off and went downstairs to watch a movie.

While Graham was flipping through the movies. I asked him, "I wonder what our body guards will look like. The owner of the company looks like an ex pro football player. I'm sure our bodyguards are going to be about the same."

"Your probably right. We'll find out tomorrow after work."

Graham found a good Agatha Christie movie we hadn't seen. It was in black and white and must have been one of her first movies.

I made a quick batch of popcorn and we watched the movie, sitting together in one of our over sized theater chairs. The movie was good. But our fondling and caressing of each other was better.

Once the movie finished we went upstairs to bed. We had a couple of good hours of making out and making love. We fell asleep in each other's arms.

Now that the FBI Commander had all the information he needed from the drug lord. All he had to do now was contact headquarters and have one of their satellites zero in on the Fortress of the main boss. That would give them all the information they needed on how to capture the main boss and his men he has called in. It should only take a few minutes before he gets the information he needs. Then he can get a full sized team together and be on their way to Argentina. With their high powered jets, it would only take three hours at the most to arrive. And he could use the flight time to finalize his plans with the local government and authories for back up.

The main boss had been tipped off from one of his contacts that the drug lord was spilling his guts to the FBI. That wasn't good news. And now he was even more pissed than before. He alerted his men he was meeting with about the latest information. He told them they needed to finish quick and then leave, before the FBI arrived. With his best men spread out around the world. It would take the FBI quite awile before they located all of them. They just needed to wrap things up here. One more day and they should be finished.

The FBI Commander was starting to receive information from the satellite and it was being printed out. The Fortress looked to be quite a secure place. According to the first images. Their was close to sixty armed men stationed on the Fortress and around it. Images were now coming from the inside of the Fortress. It looked like it had three floors. Bodyguards and other security men were scattered throughout the three floors. There was a high powered electric fence on the outside with numerous security cameras. With a thick stone wall built next to the fence. The satellite images didn't show any tunnels. There was only one main entrance and exit. The FBI Commander was busy now on his phone getting his men together and having a jet ready to transport them as soon as he gave the word. They were using a military jet, but was disguised as a commercial jet. It would store all their gear, plus high tech weapons they would need to get into the Fortress and take out the main boss and his men. Everything was falling into place quickly and the last of the images were printing. He told his men they were on stand by and would be leaving soon.

The Commander gave the go and they were soon on their way to Argentina. He would finalize his plans while they were airborne. They were going to bomb the Fortress and while that was taking place they could disarm the electric fence and security cameras. Planes would fly over dropping bombs on the Fortress. That would keep the guards busy. He didn't want the main boss killed, but if it was necessary. They would take him out.

They would wear all black with black masks so they couldn't be identified. He had a good team of men. They were all highly trained, but he knew this would put them all to the test.

The Commander was confident in his men. He knew he had the best. They would soon be landing and then the bombers would be getting into action. The bombers would go first and then they would move in and disarm the security system and the security cameras and make their way in.

Bob and Graham were getting a good night's sleep. Little did they know what was happening while they were sleeping. They would find out soon enough.

The disguised military plan had a briefing room and the FBI Commander was going over his plans with his men. He had the satellite printouts laid out on the table and explained in detail what he wanted his men to do. There weren't any questions and everyone understood their job.

The plane touched down at the international airport. They parked in a commerical jet slot. They deboarded the plane and were whisked off quickly in two black vans that were waiting for them. Everything was loaded in and they were gone in just a few minutes. On their touchdown, was the cue for the bombers to take off. They would be flying high enough that the Fortress wouldn't be able to detect them. The Commander wanted everything to be done at night. Once the security systems was disarmed and the cameras it would be dark enough and it would make it easy for them to get inside.

The Commander saw the bombers taking off while they were driving rapidly to the Fortress. They had a dirt road that was used by the locals that they were taking them to Fortress. It would take them close enough, that way they could go the rest of the way on foot.

The bombers were flying high and out of detection. They would swoop down fast and drop their bombs and them soar back up to a high altitude. By the time the controllers detected the bombers it would be too late to retaliate. The bombers were in formation and ready to make their descent. The first bombers swooped down in a fast descent dropping four large bombs, hitting the Fortress dead center. The next bombers dropped four bombs to the left of the Fortress. The next bomber to the right of the Fortress. The top and bottom of the Fortress. The last two bombers had high detonation scatter bombs. They would finish off the Fortress.

The main boss and his men had retired for the night and were in the sleeping quarters on the third or top floor. That was where the first bombs hit. The bombs instantly destroyed most of the third floor making large pieces of cement drop onto the second floor breaking it apart. As the bombs kept hitting their target, more and more of the Fortress was destroyed. Most of the security guards and inside guards were killed instantly. Most of the men in the sleeping quarters were killed. A few were barely alive.

The FBI Commander and his men were deactivating the security system at the main gate and taking out the security cameras. The Fortress looked like a pile of rubble. There was smoke and ash and a lot of dust in the air. They quickly made their way in and started working through the rubble looking for survivors. The bombs had really done their job. If anybody survived this bombing it would be a miracle.

They started cautiously making their way into the rubble. They could hear moaning. So obviously someone was alive. They started pulled off big blocks of cement and found one of the main bosses men trapped under some rubble. They pulled him out and laid him out in an open area guarded. They made their way in further into the debris. They heard more noise. It was an armed guard that had survived. He didn't have any weapons and was moaning in pain. A large slab of cement was pressing down hard on him. It took four large FBI agents to lift the large slab off him and pull him out with the other man.

The Commander had called in an industrial crane and heavy duty front end loader to move the large pieces of cements. He could hear the equipment coming. The equipment was unloaded off a lowboy semi trailer. This would speed up the process. The equipment was soon in postion and lifting out large pieces of cement and the front end loader was hauling the pieces away as they kept clearing out the debris. When they finished they had seven men that were still alive. The dead bodies were put into body bags and were being transported back to headquarters for identifcation.

The seven survivors were four drug lords that had been called in by the main boss. Two guards had been alive. And luckily the main boss. They were all in critical condition with severe and life threatening injuries. They were transported in a special van back to headquarters. Before the Commander left he told the equipment operators that he wanted this place leveled and any holes filled in with dirt. He didn't want any trace of the Fortress left.

The Commander and his men left. The operation Wipe Out had been a success. It was quick and efficient. All the men involved needed commendations for a job well done. They followed the black van carrying the survivors. They had their plane ready with a doctor and nurse that worked for the FBI. They pulled in and got loaded back into the plane and were headed back to headquarters.

Bob and Graham woke up to the alarm going off. They slowly made their way out of bed and went downstairs to workout. They hoped the Cal would be their with some information for them. Not all of the guys had arrived yet. A few were changed and couple were warming up. Cal and Dave came in while Bob and Graham were changing into their jocks. Bob and Graham called Cal over, but he didn't have any information for them. Cal told Bob and Graham that the FBI was always quiet about their operations. He said he wouldn't receive any information until the operation was completed.

While Bob and Graham were waking up and making their way downstairs to workout. The workers had finished filling in the hole where the Fortress was. They planted a few full sized trees and bushes and you would never know a Fortress had existed there.

They all got changed into their jocks and warmed up and got in a hour and a half workout. They were sweating and ready for a shower. They stripped off their jocks and hung them up in their lockers and all of them crammed into the shower. They had a good time washing each other. They sucked and jerked each other off. It was a great way to start the day. They went into the locker room and changed into their work clothes.

Bob and Graham talked some more with Cal and asked him if he knew why they were getting such a good price for four bodyguards? He told them the owner owed him a favor so we were only charged a third of what the price would normally be. We thanked Cal and told him the bodyguards were supposed to be here at six after they got home from work. He told Bob and Graham that they were very professional, probably wouldn't talk much. But they knew their job. Also with a smile on his face, he said they would probably like working out with us.

We all got changed and made our way upstairs for breakfast. I talked on the side to Margaret and informed her about the bodyguards starting tonight. So there would be four big men tomorrow morning for breakfast.

We ate at the breakfast nook. We all kissed and thanked Margaret on our way to the garage. We hugged and kissed in the garage and took off for work.

My morning went fast and Graham and I agreed to meet at the diner for lunch. I walked over to the diner and I saw Graham's car parked in front. I walked in and took a seat at our favorite table. Graham was sipping on a cup of coffee. "You ready for our bodyguards?"

"I think I am. It's something we need. I'll feel better having the bodyguards until we know what has happened with the drug lord. And the main boss. Hopefully, Cal will have some information for us soon."

"I agree with you babe. I hope we do hear something soon from Cal. I like the idea of the bodyguards, but I like our privacy too."

Millie came over and brought me a black coffee. We ordered soup and sandwich off the menu. Millie was busy, so she didn't have time to talk.

Millie brought our lunch. We walked some more and were anxious to get home after work and meet our bodyguards. I called Margaret during lunch and she said a large portable housing unit had been moved in and parked on the side of the garage.

I was busy all afternoon during sports physicals. They were coming to an end. It seemed they were going faster this year. I liked to make them last, but it wasn't happening. Feeling those big balls and cocks and doing a thorough prostate exam had many guys leaking and rock hard. Most didn't seem to mind at all. Other's were just glad when the physical was over.

My day finished and I was on my way home. I got home and parked in the garage. It was just after five. Graham hadn't arrived home yet. I walked into the kitchen from the garage and wished Margaret a good evening. She was finishing on her way out. I reminded her about the bodyguards and she had remembered.

Margaret had just left and Graham made it home. We kissed and hugged and went upstairs and changed into something more comfortable. Always felt good to get out of my work clothes. We put on jeans and tshirts and some flip flops. We walked over to the pergola and I grabbed us a couple of beers from the tiki bar located there. We talked more about the bodyguards and wondering what they would be like. We would find out soon.

Our plane would soon be touching down and we would be driven to our headquarters. The doctor and nurse were able to keep the patients stable and the doctor had radioed ahead some medical instructions for when they landed.

We landed and the patients were loaded into a medical van and taken quickly to headquarters. We took our time getting our gear loaded into a couple of vans and then were taken to headquarters. I needed a rest. I had been going steady for over twenty four hours.

It was after five thirty and we expected our bodyguards any time. I knew the boss had told us six so we still had a little more time to wait. We finished out beer and thought we better go to the living room where we could hear the speaker.

Graham had the news on the tv and I read the daily paper while we waited. I heard a noise and then the speaker. I walked over and pushed the button so the gate would open. We saw the boss and four huge men get out of the SUV and walk up to the front door.

They rang the doorbell and Graham and I walked over to the front door and opened it. We greeted the boss and shook hands and invited them in. We went into the living room and were introduced to our bodyguards. They didn't say anything. Just kind of grunted and mumbled something. Those four men were huge. They looked like the Hulk. The boss told us the men would be on guard in front until midnight and then they would turn in to their housing unit. They would be up by five and would workout with us if it was ok. I told them sure. We usually were in the gym downstairs by six and worked out with some of our friends. He said that wasn't a problem.

Graham and I took the boss and the four bodyguards around the house so they could get a look at the layout. The large backyard and then we went downstairs and I showed them the lockerroom and the gym. They seemed to like the gym setup and showed them the shower. We went back upstairs and the boss asked us if we had any questions. We said no. The boss said he was going to leave and we had four of his best bodyguards. We thanked him again and the bodyguards went outside to patrol the front. I asked them if they wanted anything to drink. They said no and thanked me. I told them I would tell them when dinner was ready.

Graham and I went back into the living room and continuing watching the news and reading the daily paper. "What do you think babe about the bodyguards?"

Graham said, "I think it would take an atomic bomb to knock these guys out. I've never seen such big men in my life."

While Bob and Graham were in the living room, it gave the bodyguards a chance to talk. They liked the setup and knew this was going to be an easy job. They knew Bob and Graham were gay. The boss had informed them. They didn't care. They swung both ways with men and women. Working out should be fun. Maybe they could get in on a little action.

Bob heard Graham's stomach rumbling. I'm going to get something warmed up. You want to check with the bodyguards and see where they want to eat. We can eat in the breakfast nook and they can eat out on the outside patio table if that is ok with them.

While Bob was warming dinner Graham walked outside and talked to the guards. They thought a couple of them should stay in the front and couple could eat on the outside patio table and then switch so the other two could eat.

Graham came back in and told me two would eat at a time and then change locations and the other two would eat. They seemed all business, but that was ok. They were here to work, not to be on vacation.

Bob told Graham dinner was ready. Graham went back out and told the guards that dinner was ready. Two of them came in and Graham took them out to the outside covered patio. Bob brought their dinner out to them and they thanked him. We ate at the breakfast nook. They looked like they could eat about three or four servings of dinner. We finished eating and I would out and asked them if they would like a refill. They said please if it was ok. I took their plates and refilled them and took them out. They woofed the food down and left and told the other two to come in and eat dinner. I got two plates ready for the other two bodyguards and they ate two helpings also. They Graham and me and told us they would go back out and patrol the front.

We put everything away and went upstairs and stripped down to our jocks. And went out to the pool. We had robes with us just in case.

The bodyguards were talking out front. They thought Bob and Graham were pretty hot and were glad they were hired to protect them. They were looking forward to working out tomorrow morning with Bob and Graham and some of their friends.

The Commander was anxious to start interrogating the main boss. The doctor at headquarters told the Commander to give him another day until he became more stable. The Commander didn't care. After all the illegal business he was doing, he didn't care what kind of medical condition he was in. He told one of his men to tell him when the doctor left the room. He was going to start interrogating the main boss. Fuck the stable shit.

All of the bodies brought back in body bags had been identified and returned to families. There was only one body that they never recovered. So all in all it was a pretty successful operation. He would get the information he needed from the main boss and shut down this illegal business for good. He wanted the location of the other three main bosses. They would take them down. The Commander couldn't wait.

One of the Commanders men told him the doctor had left the main bosses room. The Commander walked into the room and closed the door and took a seat right next to the side of the main bosses bed. "So shit head how you feeling?"

The main boss didn't say anything. His eyes were open and was breathing on his own. But his lips were sealed.

"I thought you'd thank me for giving you medical treatment and making a full recovery?"

Still the main boss didn't say anything.

The Commander was getting impatient and was going to do something to rattle the main boss. The main bosses right arm and right leg were in traction. So the Commander when he stood up to leave, patted him on his right arm and he could hear the main boss give out a groan and tickled his right foot as he left. "See you soon. Maybe you'll be more talkative when I come back the next time."

The main boss was relieved when the Commander left. He could talk and understand everything that was said to him by the Commander. He was going to keep tight lipped as long as possible. He knew the Commander was a skillful interrogator, but he had his own principles and he wouldn't budge, no matter what the Commander did.

Bob and Graham stripped off their jocks and jumped in the pool. The water was refreshing. They swam a few laps for exercise. Then they stood together on the shallow end of the pool. Kissing and hugging each other lovingly and passionately. Their cocks were rubbing and hitting together and starting to chub up. They climbed out of the pool and reclined their double lounger so it was flat. Graham and Bob moved around on the lounger into a sixty nine. Slowly sucking the length of each other's cocks and sucking on their balls. Fingering each other's holes and really making out. Having hot passionate sex. They would bring each other close to cumming and then back off, trying to hold off as long as we could. Finally, they couldn't stand it any longer and shot out hard squirts into each other's mouths and throats. Graham moved and laid on top of me and we kissed, tasting each other's cum. He moved over on his side of the lounger and I got up and got us a couple of beers.

We lounged by the pool a litte longer until the sun started going down. We slipped our jocks back on and put our robes on. Put our empty beer glasses in the dishwasher and went upstairs to shower. Graham got the shower going for us. He set the shower heads to massage. Our favorite setting. Got the water nice and warm. I took off my robe and jock and joined him in the shower. We washed each other and then dried each other off. "What do you want to do now babe? It's still early?"

"Let's go down to the theater room and watch a movie. But no popcorn. Maybe a snack tray would be better."

"You go ahead and find us a movie and I'll be down shortly with a snack tray."

Graham flicked through the channels and found a good movie. He put it on pause while he waited for Bob. He heard Bob coming down the stairs and Bob put a delicious looking snack tray on the oversized arm of the theater chair. Graham started the movie.

Bob had a few things on his mind. He asked Graham, "what are we going to do about going to Las Vegas with these bodyguards. We don't know how long we will need them."

"I've been thinking about that too. We still have a lot of time before we need to let the British singer's manager know our decision."

They watched the movie and talked and nibbled on the goodies on the snack tray. "What else have you been thinking about?"

"I'm hoping Cal will have some information soon for us. I don't want the bodyguards any longer than necessary."

"Maybe tomorrow morning when we workout he will have some information for us."

"I hope so. I know the boss said to go about our regular routine and pretend like the bodyguards aren't there. But that's hard to do. I still feel they are jeopardizing our privacy."

"I know what you mean. But I feel better having the extra protection. We have no idea what the main boss is up to and drug lord."

"Your right. I guess all we can do is wait."

Bob and Graham finished watching the movie and put the snack tray in the kitchen and went upstairs to bed. They weren't very tired so they knew what they wanted to do.

The bodyguards out front were bored. There wasn't that much for them to do. A couple of them were going to try to sleep for awhile and then relieve the other two and let them sleep. They had been talking and were looking forward to working out with Bob and Graham and some of their friends. They were wondering if Cal would be there to workout. He might had some information for Bob and Graham. Their boss would inform them when there was any changes.

Bob and Graham crawled into bed and snuggled together. Kissing and feeling each other all over. Their breathing started getting ragged and their cocks were getting hard and leaking. Their voices were getting husky with desire. They could never get enough of each other. They were definitely soulmates and partners for life. Bob started sucking Graham's cock. Getting it wet and rock hard. Once Graham's cock was really hard Bob straddled Graham and started easing his hole over the head of his cock. Then slowly sliding down the big hard shaft until his ass cheeks were nestled on Graham's pubes. He just sat there for about a minute. Then Bob slowly started moving up and down on Graham's big hard cock. Graham was moaning and grabbing Bob's sides trying to make him go faster up and down on his cock. Bob's cock was rock hard and sticking straight out. Graham grabbed a hold of it and started stroking Bob. That was really turning Bob on and he started going faster and faster on Graham's cock. Bob was squeezing his ass muscles around Graham's cock like a glove. Working the shaft hard and fast making Graham get closer and closer. Bob could feel Graham getting close. He could tell by how his cock was twitching and throbbing in his hole. Soon Graham gave out a loud grunt and started humping up Bob's hole. Shooting out a huge load. Coating the sides of Bob's hole. Bob was getting close and told Graham he was about to cum. He told Bob to get off him quick and stick his cock in his mouth. Bob did just in time as he started squirting out his load in Graham's mouth and the opening of his throat.

Bob pulled the covers over them and them snuggled and cuddled together and feel asleep. They were tired after their long love making.

The Commander thought he had waited long enough. He was going to give the main boss a little late night visit. He came armed with a feather to his room. The room was dark was a small night light barely making any light in the room. The Commander could hear the main boss sleeping. That wouldn't last long. He pulled a chair up to his right leg and got his feather out and started lightly rubbing the main bosses foot with the feather. He heard the main boss sputtering and waking up. He sounded almost like he was laughing. He opened his eyes and saw the Commander sitting at the foot of his bed. He keep tight lipped even though he wanted to start laughing. He didn't know why. Then he noticed the Commander had a feather and was tickling his right foot.

"Glad to see your awake. Have a few things I want to ask you."

The main boss didn't say anything.

The Commander kept tickling his foot and the main boss was struggling not to laugh.

"Like you to tell me everything you know about the cartel. Where the other main bosses are located and any other information you know."

Still the main boss didn't say anything. The Commander just sat their tickling his right foot. "Well, I guess you don't have anything to say. I'll be back later with some fun little toys and electrical instruments and we can gave a good talk then."

The Commander got up and put the chair away and left the room.

The main boss didn't like the sound of that. He was wondering what kind of toys and electrical instruments he was talking about.

When the Commander got back to his office. He rounded up his surgical instruments and electrical shock device. These little toys usually didn't take long to get someone talking like a jail bird. All he needed was the names and locations of the other main bosses and then they could take down the whole cartel.

Bob and Graham woke up to the alarm going off. It seemed like six came around fast. They were looking forward to working out with the bodyguards. That should be quite a sight. They got out of bed and went downstairs to the lockerroom. They could hear voices. Most of the guys were there and the four bodyguards. It wasn't hard to miss the bodyguards as big as they were. They were wearing jocks like the rest of us. It looked like they were packing their jocks pretty good.

We started warming up and the bodyguards were lifting. They lifted more than any of us. Cal walked over to us and told us he didn't have anymore information from the Commander. We all got in a good workout. Just over an hour. It was going to be interesting to see if we could all squeeze into the shower. Somehow we managed. I don't know how. It was a tight fit but nobody was complaining.

We started washing each other. It took a couple of us to wash a bodyguard as big as they were. They seemed to like the attention. They were all chubbing up. Their flaccid cocks were as big as mine hard. I was wondering how big they got when they were hard. We finished our shower and dried each other off. The bodyguards got down on the changing bench with their cocks sticking up. The smallest of the four bodyguards looked to be at least ten inches. The other's were bigger. We started taking turns sliding our holes down over their big cocks. Damn those cocks were big. Nobody seemed to have too much trouble getting fucked by the bodyguards. Once everyone had cum by getting fucked or sucked or both. We got dressed and went upstairs for breakfast. Graham and I told the bodyguards they were welcome to join us. They told us they should eat outside and get to work.

Margaret got four plates heaped up with food for the bodyguards and Graham and I took the food out to them. They thanked us. Margaret had the patio table ready for breakfast. We all ate our breakfast rather quickly. We walked out to the garage and kissed and hugged. The guys took off for work. Graham and I drove our cars out and two each of the bodyguards got in with us and we left for work.

It felt strange driving to work with two big bodyguards with me. They told me one would stay by the front door to the clinic and the other one would stay by my office door. I asked them if that was necessary and they told me, with a steady stream of patients, they couldn't take any chances and it was for my personal safety.

Graham was uncomfortable too with the bodyguards. It was a major adjustment for him. One guard stayed at the front entrance with the other security guard and the other bodyguard stayed outside his office door. The bodyguards told Graham pretty much the same thing as the bodyguards had told Bob.

Bob's day was going quickly and he was getting ready to go lunch. He would walk over to the diner like he always did. Only this time he would have two bodyguards walking with him. He had called Graham and he was going to meet Bob at the diner for lunch.

Bob arrived at the diner and one of the guards stayed outside by the entrance while another followed Bob into the diner and waited on the side next to Bob's table. Graham came in and was also escorted to the table by a bodyguard. Bob asked Graham if he heard any more about President's Day celebration. He said just that the same thing. A couple of representatives from our state to Washington DC would be giving speeches. The high school marching band would be there and a couple of the local tv stations would be reporting.

Bob and Graham ordered the special with black coffee. They ordered the special for the bodyguards. Millie had asked them who these big men were. They were making her nervous. They gave Millie the shortened version of why the bodyguards were there. That seemed to satisfy Millie and she didn't ask any more questions. They finished their lunch and paid and left Millie a good sized tip and Bob walked back to work. While Graham drove back to work with his two bodyguards.

The FBI Commander had got a good health report from the doctor and that he could start interrogating the main boss as soon as he wanted. He smiled to himself. The doctor didn't know he had already visited the main boss a couple of times and now was ready to get down to some serious business. He was going to get the information he wanted. Either the easy way or the hard way. It didn't matter to the Commander it would depend on cooperative the main boss was.

The Commander got all of his instruments and electrical equipment ready and walked down the hall to the main bosses room. He opened the door and walked in. He noticed the main boss was awake. "Good morning. Ready for a little fun?"

Again, the main boss didn't say anything. But was watching the Commander put the instruments on a tray on a rolling cart. And set up some kind of an electrical device on the bedside table. It looked like surgical instruments and he noticed the electrical device had a series of electrodes that could be attached to the body. He was starting to get nervous and sweat but wasn't going to say anything.

The Commander walked over to the door and locked it. He called a couple of his men and told them to stay by the door to the main bosses room. He was going to be busy talking to the main boss. The Commander's men knew what that meant. He was going to be interrogating the main boss and nobody was to enter the room, no matter what anyone heard coming from the room.

The Commander pulled a chair up close to the side of the main bosses bed. It's time to start playing our little game. We can make this easy or we can make it hard. That depends on you. If you cooperate it will go fast and easy. If not, it could take a long time. "You ready to start cooperating?"

The main boss didn't say anything. He saw the Commander take a pair of surgical pliers off the tray. He opened and closed for effect as he moved in close to the main boss. "It looks like your going to be uncooperative. That's too bad."

The Commander stood up and put the pliers on the first knuckle of the main bosses index finger. The main bosses right hand and arm were in traction. The pliers were surgically sharp and with one fast clip the first knuckle was cut off the index finger. The main boss was obviously in pain but still wasn't staying anything. The Commander made sure to use a lot of alcohol when he bandaged the cut finger. And showed the main boss the first knuckle that had been cut off. Let's get ready for round two. "Do you have anything to say?"

The main boss was still staying tight lipped but was in pain. Well I guess I need to do something else. The Commander was never raising his voice or showing any anger. Let's take a look at that right foot that is in traction. I think I read somewhere if you lose your big toe you have a hard time walking and it affects your balance. Let me find some larger pliers that will snip that big toe right off. The main bosses eyes were getting large. He knew that was going to hurt like hell. But he couldn't give in. He'd have to endure the pain. He saw the Commander opening and closing a large pair of pliers that he knew would easily cut off his big toe. The light from the window was shining off the stainless steel pliers. The Commander kept opening and closing them. The pliers made a snapping noise every time they closed. It was working and the main boss didn't want to lose his big toe. He finally spoke up. "Don't cut my toe off. What do you want to know?"

"Well we're finally getting somewhere. Looks like your coming to your senses and are going to be cooperative. That's a shame. I had so many instruments here to try out."

The Commander had a tape recorder hidden and hit the record button. He wanted to record every word the main boss said. The main boss was very talkative and gave the Commander all the information he needed. The names of the other main bosses and their locations. "That was easy now wasn't it? Not so difficult after all. I leave you now in the hands of the doctor and nurse. They will inform me when your ready to leave our little hospital."

The Commander couldn't believe how easy that went. Now he could set his next operation in place to start wiping out each of three remaining main bosses. He would have one of his men call the security company and tell him what had transpired and that Bob and Graham didn't need bodyguards anymore.

Bob was getting ready to leave the clinic. He was working in his office, doing reports. His cell phone rang and it was a picture of Kendrick and John in their new robes. They looked so cute. Like two big furry bunnies. It had a thank you message attached. Glad they liked the robes.

Bob got back to work. He was close to finishing when his cell phone rang again. The number looked familiar, but he couldn't place it. It was the security boss calling. He told Bob about his phone call from the FBI, but told Bob that since they had paid for the month. The bodyguards would still be working for them. Bob told him that was fine and it might still be a good idea to have the bodyguards for the rest of the month.

The security boss called Graham and gave him the same message and told him that he had talked earlier with Bob.

Graham also received a photo from Kendrick and John in their new robes. He thought they made a handsome couple. He was wishing the front of their robes was open. There was a thank you message attached to the photo.

The bodyguards received a call from their boss. Telling them about the phone call he received from the FBI. He told them they would be working for the rest of the month for Bob and Graham, since they had paid for the month.

The bodyguards were glad to keep working for Bob and Graham. The morning workouts were fun and now they could be a little more relaxed. Bob and Graham were easy clients to work for. Their cook made good meals. And they were getting a chance to find out if they were gay or bisexual. They knew they liked women, but the longer they worked with Bob and Graham, the more they were liked sex with guys. Cal was a big surprise for them. But you can't stereotype gay men.

Bob's afternoon went fast. He was wrapping up sports physicals, unfortunately. He told Shirley and Janice he was leaving for the day. They told him they would be leaving soon. Quinton had left early today. He had some appointment he needed to attend.

The bodyguards left with Bob and he drove back to the house. He parked in the garage and the bodyguards got out and went to front to patrol. Bob closed the garage door and went into the house into the kitchen. It didn't look like anyone was home.

Margaret was gone for the day. And Bob checked the frig and dinner was in microwave containers. Margaret had also fixed a snack tray and that was wrapped and in the frig.

Bob ran upstairs and stripped out of his clothes and put a jock on. And went down to the pool. He had a towel and robe with him. He grabbed a cold beer from the pool tiki bar and relaxed on a lounger.

It felt good to relax after work. He thought he'd just relax on the lounger and wait for Graham to get home and then they could swim and get in a little exercise.

The month was coming to an end pretty soon and the bodyguards would be leaving. They had done a good job. Both Bob and Graham were satisfied having the extra protection. They now needed to call the British singers manager and plan their trip to Las Vegas.

Bob heard the sliding door to the patio open and saw Graham walking down in a jock with a towel and robe. Bob went over to the tiki bar and got Graham a cold beer. They hugged and kissed and reclined together. Both sipping on their cold beer which tasted good after a long day of work.

"Well babe, do you think I should call the British singer's manager and get everything in place for us going to Las Vegas?"

"That's an excellent idea," said Graham. "When should we plan to leave and how long can we be gone?"

"The bodyguards finish the end of this month which is already next week. He's going to be performing starting the middle of next month. I was thinking of going when he first starts his show for a week. How does that sound to you?"

"I like that idea. Our tickets for his shows are open. So they can used anytime while he's performing. Why don't I have my secretary call tomorrow at work and get everything set up. There won't be much for us to do. Since we are using his private jet and staying at his villa in Las Vegas."

Bob heard the doorbell. "Were you expecting anybody?"

"Not that I know of."

"I'll go up and see who is at the door." Bob put his robe on and walked up to the front door and opened it. It was one of the guards. "We were wondering since our time working for you guys is ending soon, we would like to spend a little time with you guys if that is ok?"

"I don't understand. What do you mean?"

"Since there are four of us. A couple would like to hang out with guys and then after a few hours change and the other two could come in and hang out with you and Graham. We really like you guys. You have both been very nice to us and we would like to show our appreciation." The bodyguards really wanted to have more man to man sex and see if that is what they really liked.

"We really like you guys too. Let me run it by Graham and I'll be right back with our decision."

I walked back down to the pool and told Graham it was one of the bodyguards and told Graham what he said. Graham liked the bodyguards too and if they wanted to join us and spend time with us, that was fine with him."

"Ok. I'll go back up and tell the bodyguard that is fine with us and they are welcome to join us and spend time with us."

I walked back up to the front door. I had my robe on. And went out to the front. The same bodyguard came over and I told him that Graham and I liked the idea of you guys joining us. "Just be aware that we usually go around the house in a jock or naked. Right now we are lounging down by the pool."

"Ok. Thanks. I'll tell the other guys and a couple of us will join you down by the pool and then in a few hours, the other two guys will come in and join you."

"The door is unlocked. Just come in when your ready to join us at the pool."

The bodyguard went back and told his buddies what Bob and Graham had decided. They liked that they would be able to spend some time with both of them. In fact, they were starting to chub up in their uniform pants. If that was any indication, maybe they were bisexual or gay. Two of them went into their sleeping trailer and changed into jocks. They took a couple of over sized towels and draped them over their shoulders and walked into the house. They opened the sliding doors going to the outside patio and walked down to Bob and Graham.

Bob wished he had his phone with him so he could take some pictures of these two hot bodyguards. They had smiles on their faces when they joined Bob and Graham. "Thanks for letting us join you guys."

"Our pleasure. Would like something to drink?"

"Just a bottle of water would be fine. We are still technically working. So we can't drink anything with alcohol."

Bob got up and walked over to the tiki bar. One of the bodyguards got on the recliner with Graham. Bob walked back and noticed the change in seating arrangements. It was ok with him. He handed a bottle of water to each of the bodyguards and got on a recliner with the other bodyguard.

Damn, those bodyguards had hot bodies. It looked like their jocks were packed to the max. The bodyguard next to me slid his jock off. His big soft cock was laying on his thigh and his huge balls laying on the recliner. The bodyguard next to Graham did the same thing. Both Graham and I were getting more and more aroused. We each slid our jocks off. I was a little embarassed. The bodyguard's cock soft was as big as mine hard. The bodyguard took my hand and placed on his soft cock. I felt his cock. Feeling the length and squeezing it a little. It seemed to start coming to life and was growing a little. I got more brave and cupped his big balls with my other hand and started rubbing the length of his cock. His cock was definitely getting bigger. I noticed he had his eyes closed with a smile on his face. That was a good sign. At least he wasn't mad at what I was doing. Soon his cock started sticking up. Damn it was getting big. He wasn't completely hard and it looked to be a good thick ten inches. I leaned down and took the head between my lips. That caused his cock to jerk and twitch. I managed to get his big thick swollen head in my mouth. He was giving out some low guttural groans. I slowly started sucking down his shaft. This was the biggest cock I had ever tried to give a blowjob to. My mouth was forced as wide open as I could get it. My throat started opening and I started sucking him down my throat. At least I knew how to breath through my nose. His monster cock was still going down my throat. This was definitely a big cock. He was moaning louder now. Finally my nose was buried in his pubes and had his monster down my throat. I had my throat muscles wrapped around his cock and was starting to work the length of his cock. His eyes flew open and he was gasping. He told me this was the first time anyone had ever taken all of him. I started going faster. He was holding the back of my head making me bob up and down on him. He started groaning louder and I felt his cum going through his big cock. He started firing out hitting the back of the my throat and then the sides of my throat. I had to swallow and swallow to keep up with his blasting. After about six or seven big blasts he started settling down. I felt his cock starting to get soft in my mouth. I licked his cock clean and milked out his last gobs of cum.

I looked over at Graham and he was getting plowed by his bodyguard. His eyes were rolled back in his head and I saw his cock leaking like crazy. I was wondering how Graham was doing. He didn't get fucked that much and the size of the other bodyguard was going to hurt. But he seemed to be taking it like a trooper. And didn't show any signs of pain. The bodyguard grabbed Graham's cock and stroked him while he kept fucking him. I heard the bodyguard give out a low growl and knew he was shooting up Graham's hole. The bodyguard collapsed on top of Graham and you couldn't see Graham with the size of the bodyguard.

We all agreed to jump in the pool and get rinsed off. We all swam a few laps and the two bodyguards said they needed to leave, but the other two would be coming in. They gave us a wink when they said that.

Graham and I stayed in the pool while we waited for the other two bodyguards to come in. We soon saw them walking down the steps to the pool. They looked just as big as the other two bodyguards. Their jocks were packed to the max. When they saw us in the pool, they stripped off their jocks and dove in next to us. They had put their jocks and towels on separate recliners. These guys were just as hot as the last two. We swam down to the shallow end and started doing a lot of gropping and feeling. They started hugging and kissing us. These two bodyguards were a lot more forward than the last two. They didn't hold anything back.

We had a lot of fun in the pool and then we climbed out and got on our loungers. Each of the bodyguards joined us. We were all sporting hardons. These guys were just as big as the other two bodyguards a good ten inches or more and thick.

The bodyguards had us move around into a sixty nine. This was going to be interesting as big as they were. My bodyguard and I were rock hard his big cock was sticking straight up. If there was ever a perfect cock. I would judge his as perfect. It was straight with a big flared head. A big vein running down the back side, otherwise smooth. I got over his face with my cock and balls hanging down. I felt him take one of my balls into my mouth and I started licking his big thick head and pee slit. I was pulling out some of his precum with the tip of my tongue. It tasted pretty good. I felt him take my other ball into his mouth swirling it around in his mouth with his tongue. This guy knew what he was doing. This wasn't his first time. I started doing doing down on his cock taking my time. It was big and I had a lot of stretching to do. I managed to slowly work it all down my throat and he was moaning in approval. I felt him engulf my cock in one quick swallow. Wow, that was amazing. It felt wonderful. He was able to work his throat muscles on my cock. I knew I wouldn't last long but would try to hold off as long as I could. I could feel his big cock throbbing in my throat. I worked his cock good with my throat muscles like he was doing to me. I could tell he was getting close. So was I. I was going to try to get us to cum at the same time. That is such a fantastic feeling. We were both squirming and hardening and soon firing out big loads. His load was bigger than mine, but I managed to swallow it all the way down and he took all of my load. We laid back exhausted and smiled at each other telling each other how fantastic that was.

He told me like the other bodyguards, that they couldn't drink anything. They were still technically working.

I looked at Graham and his bodyguard. They were bent over so far that they were fingering each other's holes. That looked pretty hot. They were furiously sucking each other. You could hear loud slurping sounds coming from them. It didn't talk long until they came. You could hear loud grunting and moaning. They laid back on their lounger and saw them smile at each other.

We relaxed for a bit and then we all dove into the pool and got cooled and rinsed off. We also swam a few laps. They said they needed to get back to work and thanked us for a fun time. We thanked them too and told them we needed to do this again before they were finished working for us. They agreed and would tell the other two guys.

The two bodyguards put their jocks on and toweled off and we watched them them leave. We looked at each other and started laughing. "That was fun. I wasn't expecting that."

"Me either. But I'm glad they wanted to fool around with us. Maybe we can get their names and phone numbers and invite them over once they finish working for us."

"I like that idea. Once in awhile would be okay. I don't thank I could handle them on a regular basis, as big as they are."

"That's true. Once in awhile would be ok."

We relaxed together and Graham brought us beers from the tiki bar. It was a warm day and the beer tasted good. "I'm getting hungry after our sexercise."

"Me too."

"Your always hungry. Let's get the food warmed and serve the bodyguards first and then we can eat when they finish."

We finished our beer and went up to the kitchen and warmed the food in the microwave. Margaret had fixed extra. She must have planned for the bodyguards. We fixed four plates of food with some bottled water for the guys. Graham and I took it out to them in just our jocks. They walked over and thanked us for the dinner and would bring the plates back in when they finished. Graham and I noticed them looking us over in just our jocks. I thought I saw a noticeable bulge in their uniform pants.

We walked back in wiggling our asses.

The bodyguards watched them as they went back into the house. They had to squeeze and adjust their bulges and then finish eating. They were talking amongst themselves and said they needed to get Bob and Graham's phone numbers so they could keep in touch. They definitely wanted to have more fun with these guys.

They finished eating and drinking their bottled water and one of the guards rang the doorbell. Graham walked over since he was closest to the front door. He opened the door, still in his jock, and took the plates and empty water bottles. He thanked the bodyguard and brought the plates into the kitchen and loaded them into the dishwasher.

Graham and I worked together and we decided to eat out on the patio table. It was a nice evening and we wanted to enjoy the weather. We got a tray ready and took everything out. We drank black coffee with our dinner. We finished eating and looked at each other. "What are we going to do now?"

"How about if we go to our bedroom and turn the tv on and just relax together?"

"Ok babe. Whatever you want." And Graham kissed me and loaded the tray and I followed him up to kitchen. Once everything was put away we walked upstairs to our bedroom.

I flicked through the channels and found a movie for us.

Graham snuggled up to me and we started watching the movie. The movie was pretty good and we didn't really fool around much. The movie kept our interest. There was plenty of time after the movie to have our fun.

The Commander was already to head out with his men to take out another main boss. He was briefed on the other main bosses being held up in their Fortresses. Almost like wiping out a military base the way they beefed up their protection. The Commander wasn't concerned. He would wipe this main boss out just like he did the other one. A fast in and out.

The movie finished and we started making out. Graham was such a good lover. He's everything I've ever wanted in a partner. I love him more every day. We were touching and feeling each other all over. Kissing and rolling around on the bed. Our cocks were hitting and rubbing together and we were getting semi's.

We moved around into a sixy nine. Kissing each other other's hardons and sucking on each other's balls. I licked a couple of fingers and stuck them into Graham's hole. His cock flinched and throbbed more in my mouth. Graham was already deep throating me. I took Graham's cock slowly down my throat. Pulling it down my throat with my throat muscles. His cock was perfect for my throat. I could easily work his cock good with my throat muscles. I keep fingering his hole making him leak copious amounts of precum that was washing the sides of my throat. I worked my tongue over his pee slit. Swirling it around and massaging his hard shaft with my throat muscles. I felt his cock hardening in my mouth and thickening and knew my lover was ready to give me his love juice. As he started shooting out I sucked him harder and faster. I swallowed his big load milking out the last of his cum with my throat muscles. I pulled my fingers out and felt myself getting close and started humping Graham's mouth and throat. I gasped and groaned and filled his mouth and throat with an impressive load. Graham swallowed it all and we collapsed together. Kissing and hugged and cuddled together. I pulled the covers over us and Graham turned the tv off and we fell asleep.

The bodyguards were talking outside and couldn't believe that tomorrow was their last day working for Bob and Graham. They had really enjoyed working for them. Especially the fringe benefits. They definitely wanted to get their phone numbers and keep in touch with them. They weren't looking forward to going to the courthouse with Bob and Graham and listening to the speeches from the state representatives to Washington DC, but it was part of the job.

Bob and Graham woke up to the alarm. Thank god it was Friday. Bob worked a half day on Fridays and Graham was working a half day also, so they could attend the Presidents Day ceremony in front of the courthouse. They were going to be sad to see the bodyguards leave. But it had been long enough and they didn't need them anymore. They wanted to share phone numbers and keep in touch with them.

They made their way downstairs, still waking up. They could hear voices, so they knew some of the guys had showed up to work out.

They got to the locker room and the bodyguards were their with Cal Dave Brody and Travis. Cal walked over to us to confirm that we had received the information about the main boss talking and that we were in the clear now. We assured him that we knew and that this was the bodyguard's last day of working for us.

We got in a good workout. God those bodyguards are hot and sexy. Just the right amount of musculature and the way they fill out their jocks is almost mouth watering.

We were all sweating and wiggled and squirmed our way into the shower. The bumping and rubbing together just made it that much better. We washed each other and the bodyguards fucked us all in the shower. How we managed that, I have no idea. We got sucked while we were fucked and we were all smiling with a satisfied look on our faces. We got dressed and went upstairs for breakfast.

Margaret had the breakfast nook ready for the bodyguards. And we ate outside on the patio table. Breakfast was just as delicious as always. But it was getting time to get to work.

We all headed out to the garage, including the bodyguards. We get into a group hug and kiss. The other guys left and it was just Graham and bodyguards and me. We exchanged phone numbers and promised to stay in touch. Two bodyguards got in my car and two in Graham's car and we left for work.

The morning went by quickly and it was approaching lunchtime. Graham and I agreed to meet for lunch at the diner and then leave the diner for the courthouse.

I arrived at the diner with my two bodyguards, but didn't see Graham's car parked in front of the diner. I went in and sat at my favorite table.

Millie came over and we talked for a bit. She said her father was doing very well and almost back to his old self. I told her I was glad to hear that. She thanked me again for my help. I ordered a black coffee and she left to wait on another table.

I saw my husband walk in. Looking just as handsome and sexy as always. One of his bodyguards came inside and stood with mine. The other two waited outside. He ordered a blac coffee when Millie came to the table.

Since we had to have the bodyguards with us, we both agreed to drive to the courthouse. Then there would be room for the bodyguards.

We ordered the special and the special for the bodyguards. It was pretty good. Meatloaf mashed potatoes with gravy and a side of vegetables. Millie knew to have the cook be easy with the gravy on my mashed potatoes. Everything tasted good and we finished. I checked the time and we didn't need to leave yet. The gave Graham time to order dessert. They had homemade blueberry and apple pies. He had a slice of apple pie a la mode.

We paid Millie for four specials and gave her a big tip. She always seemed to appreciate that.

We left the diner and I followed Graham to the Courthouse.

The Courthouse had a large parking lot in the back and the two sides. Leaving the front open. As we got closer to the Courthouse, I could see a policemen directing traffic. Showing us where we could park. It looked like a crowd was starting to gather in the front.

We followed the policeman's directions and were soon parked. We got out of our vehicles and walked to the front of the courthouse. We were getting a few stares having four huge bodyguards following us. Graham and I found a good spot in the middle, not too close to the front and not too far back. It looked like the speeches were soon going to start.

Graham and I saw two local tv stations finishing their setup. Soon the two large front doors to the courthouse opened and the mayor and two people walked down to the podium with him.

There was a good sized crowd gathered. I was surprised. I thought more people would be working. They mayor gave a short speech about the importance of the Presidents' Day and introduced the two state legislators to Washington DC.

They introduced themselves and said they would take turns talking back and forth so they wouldn't duplicate information. They first read a prepared speech by the President. Then they gave some personal experiences with their time with the President. Overall, it wasn't as boring as I thought it would be. They finished their speeches to applause from the crowd that had gathered.

The mayor went to the podium and told us all that there was a hospitality table setup and time for a little socializing and meeting your legislators up close and personal.

Graham and I looked at each other and shrugged our shoulders and walked over to the hospitality table, just as the two legislators approached the table. We introduced ourselves and had a very pleasant conversation with our two state legislators. Other people joined us and we excused ourselves and talked to a few other people that we knew that were in attendance.

We talked to the mayor for a bit. He was glad we could take time off from work to attend. We told him this was something we wanted to do. He told us it was important to the town to see us in attendance. I had never thought about that. But maybe the mayor had a point. I noticed we were filmed a lot by the two tv stations. I didn't know if I like being filmed, but I noticed our bodyguards didn't stop them. We told the mayor we were leaving and thanked him for having this little ceremony for President's Day.

We said our goodbyes to the legislators and we walked back to our cars with our bodyguards right next to us.

We arrived home and parked in the garage. The bodyguards asked me if it was ok if they came in to talk to us for a minute. I looked at Graham and he shook his head yes. "Sure, follow me inside."

I turned off the security system and we entered the house from the garage into the kitchen and walked out to the patio to talk. "So what's on you guy's minds?

"As you know this is our last day working for you and Graham. We don't start our next job until Monday and was wondering if you'd like us to spend the weekend with you two. I know we all would if it's not an imposition?"

Graham and I both smiled. "That wouldn't be any imposition. It would give us all a chance to get to know each other better. Why don't you guys bring in your things and you can get setup in the second master bedroom that is adjoined with ours."

We shook hands and they thanked us profusely and they rushed out to get their things. It seemed like they were gone only a couple of minutes and they were back inside.

"Just follow Graham and me and we'll show you to the master bedroom." We opened the door for them and they were amazed at how large it was. I saw one of the bodyguards frowning and looked puzzled. "What's the matter?"

I don't think this bed will hold the four of us. Even though it's a big bed. We are big men."

"Don't worry, some of you will spend time with us in our bedroom and trade off." That brought a smile to their faces.

"How about if we all get stripped down and go to the pool?"

I saw the bodyguards going through their sports bags. "You don't have to find a swimsuit or jock. I thought we could all go the pool naked."

It seemed we were all stripped out of our clothes in record time. And heading down to the pool.

Graham and I walked behind the bodyguards. It seemed they were getting bigger. And not just in their musculature. Damn they had bodies and knew how to move and show off their bodies.

"Since your not working now, would you like something to drink?"

"Sure. What are you guys drinking?"

"We usually drink a cold beer."

"A cold beer sounds good. We can handle that."

I got up and went over to the tiki bar by the pool and grabbed six cold beers. Handed them out and we lounged and drank our beer. I couldn't stop staring at the bodyguards. They were so perfect. Hot sexy muscular and well hung. What else could a guy want. Graham saw me staring and patted me on the arm. "They are something else aren't they?"

"They sure are. I just hope I can handle four of them."

We sipped on our beer and talked for awhile. We got better acquainted with the bodyguards. We exchanged our cell phone numbers and promised each other we would stay in touch.

We finished our beer and decided to get a few laps in. As big as the bodyguards were, they were actually good swimmers. Our pool was big enough that we all could swim laps at the same time. We finished our laps and got out. We dried off and two of the bodyguards got cozy with Graham, while the other two got cozy with me.

Some how our double loungers didn't look so big with two big bodyguards on each side of us. The two bodyguards with me, and me, had a good talk. They told me how they never really had any gay experience until meeting Graham and myself and experimenting. It was something they were curious about. And the more they did with us, the more they liked it. They thought they would probably still date women, but definitely be looking for the right man too. They were glad we were letting them stay the weekend and would definitely come back and visit when they had time off from work. I told them that I hoped this had been an enjoyable experience for them. That gay sex can be very romantic and satisfying, or rough and abusive. It's just a matter of finding the right person. As you know, Graham and I are pretty easy going and not into anything rough or abusive. We like taking things slow and easy and I think that is making your gay experience more enjoyable and memorable. They agreed with me and told the other two bodyguards were having the same conversation with Graham. "But we are ready for a little more experimenting and trying new things."

"Go ahead. I'm a willing participant."

I was wondering what they had in mind. Finally, I asked. "What do you guys want to do?"

"We want to get fucked and see what it feels like. Would you be willing to do that for us?"

"Of course. How should we do this? Why don't you lay down on your back and pull your legs up to your chest."

The other bodyguard was watching closely. He wanted to do this later and make sure he was doing it right.

I spread the bodyguards cheeks and got busy licking around and over his hot hairy hole. He kept himself clean and I appreciated that. I curled my tongue and stuck the point into his hole. He started giving out some low growls. I was hoping those were growls of pleasure. His hole was tight and you could tell he had never had anything in his hole. After getting his hole wet. I licked a finger and slowly eased it in. I saw a grimace on his face so I went very slow. His hole was so tight, it was hard to get one finger in. I started moving the finger around and stretching his hole. I licked a second finger and eased it with the first finger. Again I saw the grimace on his face. So I went slow and easy. My second finger found his nub and I started rubbing over that. He started jerking and squirming and asked me what that was. He said the feeling was not like anything he had experienced before. It was pure pleasure. I told him I found his prostate and had rubbed over it. He told me not to stop that the pleasure was overwhelming.

I licked a third finger and eased it in with the other two fingers. He felt like he was getting stretched a little. I knew it was still going to hurt him. He still stayed really tight. I told him that it was going to hurt a first, but I'd try to go as slow as possible and told him to breath in and out as much as possible and to push his ass back like he was going to take a dump. I worked the three fingers around in his hole. Trying to loosen him more. Finally, I didn't think I could do any more stretching. My cock was leaking copious amounts of precum so I used my precum to lube my cock and rubbed the head up and down over his hole getting it wet and slick. I nudged the head against his hole and started to ease the head in. His hole was still very tight and I had to push a little harder. Finally, I heard a pop and the head of my cock was swallowed into his hole. He was trying to stifle a scream of pain. So I didn't move my cock and told him to breath in and out. He told me that was helping and to go ahead. I started easing some of the shaft in and then waited again. Finally, which seemed like an hour or longer, but was at the most ten to fifteen minutes I was able to shove the rest of my shaft in and felt my pubes nestled against his ass cheeks.

Finally I saw him relaxing and his breathing normal. I started a slow in and out movement. I saw a smile on his face. This is feeling really good. I knew the head of my cock was rubbing over his prostate sending waves of pleasure through him.

I told the bodyguard watching that he was feeling pleasure now because I was rubbing his prostate with my cock, and once you find your buddies prostate all he will feel is pleasure.

I could see the bodyguard concentrating, so he wouldn't forget anything. I started slow fucking the bodyguard and his groans changed to moans of pleasure. I saw his big cock sticking straight up and I bent down and took the head between my lips. He was leaking and every time I rubbed his prostate more precum would ooze out of his pee slit. It didn't taste too bad. Actually a little sweet and salty. I could feel myself getting close and told him I was going to pick up the pace a bit. I started going fast, feeling my balls hitting his ass. His tight hole was getting me close. I still couldn't believe how tight he was. I sucked him faster as I fucked him faster. I was getting close now. I felt my cock harden and my balls pull up and my cum was shooting in his tight hole. Hitting the sides of his hole. I left my cock in him until I got soft and it slowly slid out of his hole. I continued sucking his cock. Deep throating him to his balls which I was now fondling and playing with. He started humping up into my mouth and gave out a loud roar and filled my throat with his big load. I liked hot it hit the back of my throat and then drooled down my throat. I swallowed a couple of times and then got off his cock. "That was amazing Bob."

"Glad you enjoyed it. I wanted it to be as pleasureable as possible for your first time."

"It was all of that and a lot more. I know it's something I want to continue doing."

I had glanced over at Graham and it had looked like Graham was being a teacher also of rimming and fucking. They had finished and were relaxing on their recliner.

The other bodyguard with me asked me if it would be okay if he tried everything he learned on me. I told him to go for it. The other bodyguard that I had fucked was going for a swim. It would probably sooth his hole.

It looked like Graham was in the same predicament as me. We just smiled at each other and went with it. I wanted to see if I was a good teacher and I would soon find out.

The bodyguard seemed to have a good memory and he was doing everything to me that I had done to his partner. The only difference, it didn't hurt when his huge cock entered my hole. It was just a comfortable full feeling. He was slow and gentle. I was suprised. I thought he would be ramming my hole. He only started going fasted and harder as he got close to cumming. He jerked me off while he slowly fucked my hole. When I felt his cock harden and thicken, I felt him going harder and faster. He shot a big load in my hole. I tried clamping my hole shut, so none would leak out. I shot out all over my chest and stomach. The rest ran down the side of my cock. I was surprised when the bodyguard licked the cum off my cock. It seemed to be the perfect ending to a good fuck.

We got up off our recliner and decided to go for a swim and join the other two bodyguards. Graham and his bodyguard joined us.

Once we were altogether in a group in the pool I couldn't hold back any longer. "So what do you guys think about fucking?"

They almost said in unison, "it was a fantastic experience both giving and receiving. Definitely something we want to do more of."

Graham and I looked at each other and smiled.

"I was thinking of grilling steaks for dinner with vegetables and a fresh garden salad?"

"Sounds good Bob, whatever you want to do. We could always order delivery if that is too much work grilling?"

"Not at all, my pleasure."

"Why don't you guys enjoy the pool and jacuzzi if you want. I'm going to have Graham help me get our dinner ready."

Graham and I climbed out of the pool and we noticed the bodyguards walking over to the jacuzzi. Damn they were hot guys, and super nice.

While all of this was going on at Bob and Graham's house. The FBI Commander had just finished another successful Wipe Out campaign. The second Fortress was almost identical to the first one and it was a quick in and out mission. It couldn't have went any smoother. There wasn't any survivors, but the Commander didn't care. This mission wasn't about having any captives, just a total Wipe Out.

They were already flying back to command center and the Commander would start planning his third Wipe Out mission.

The bodyguards watched Bob and Graham walk up to the house. They really liked Bob and Graham. They were really nice guys and good teachers. They knew once this weekend ended. They were going to miss the two guys. The bodyguards were planning now to be spending more time with men, rather than women. Something about no attachment or worried about getting someone pregnant. Since they usually worked together. They could always take care of each other's needs if they didn't find a willing helper. They climbed into the jacuzzi.

Bob and Graham came out with a big platter of steaks and a large foil packet of mixed vegetables. Bob got the grill going while Graham went back inside and made the fresh garden salad. This gave Bob some time to reflect. If the way the weekend was starting, continued through the weekend. Bob would look forward to Monday, relaxing at work. He would be tired.

One of the bodyguards brought a couple of cold beers up for Bob and Graham. Bob thanked the bodyguard and told him to enjoy the jacuzzi. Dinner would be ready soon. Graham came out of the house with a large tray. He set the table on the covered patio. He put the salad into the frig in the grilling island, and handed Graham the other cold beer. They sat up on the covered patio on a lounger. Bob wanted to be close to the grill. Graham walked down to the jacuzzi and talked to the guys for a bit. Bob could see them laughing and having a good time.

Bob checked the vegetables and they were done. He then checked the steaks and they were also ready. He turned the grill off and grabbed a big platter Graham had set next to the grill. He set the six huge steaks on the platter and then put the vegetables in a large bowl. He hollered down to Graham, "dinners ready."

He set the steaks and vegetables on the table and pulled the salad out of the frig and set it also on the table.

There was a lot of commotion as four big men got out of the jacuzzi. They dried off and wrapped their towels around their neck and shoulders. It was nice to see everyone relaxed being naked. The food was passed around and soon everything was finished. There wasn't even one small piece of anything left to eat. Bob ate more than he usually did, but eating outside and grilling just seemed to make everything taste better.

The bodyguards helped clearing the table and Bob loaded the dishwasher and get it running. "What are we going to do now? Do you guys like movies?" Looking and talking to the bodyguards.

"We sure do. "Let's head into the living room and watch a movie?"

"How about if we go downstairs and watch a movie in our theater room?"

The bodyguards looked at each other. "Are you shitting us? Oops, sorry."

"No I'm not. We have a small theater downstairs with ten oversized theater chairs with a large projection screen and surround sound."

"What are we waiting for. "Let's go and check this out."

Bob realized that the bodyguards had never had a tour of the house. Oh well, that could wait for later. The bobyguards followed Bob and Graham downstairs to the theater room. The knew the lockerroom and the gym. But hadn't noticed this room that had the home theater or the game room.

"You guys really have quite a set up downstairs. That looks like a terrific game room."

"It is. But we don't use it that much. We like watching movies. They walked into the theater room and Graham sat on the lap of one of the bodyguards. They weren't able to sit side by side in the theater chair. The bodyguard was just too big. Bob did the same with another bodyguard and the two sat behind Bob and Graham. Graham had the control and found a movie everyone wanted to watch. Bob got up and went upstairs to bring beers down for everybody. They needed a small frig downstairs for beverages and he still wanted to buy one of those old style popcorn machines like the street venders used to use. I need to make a mental note of that. Bob went upstairs.

It didn't take Bob long to get a tray ready with chilled glasses and beer for everybody. He brought it downstairs everyone took a beer in a chilled glass off the tray. Bob set the tray on the floor by his theater chair and sat back down in the lap of the bodyguard. Bob felt like he was in Santa Claus' lap. This guy was so big. Bob liked it when he wrapped his arms around him and played with his hard nips. Bob could feel something hard poking up between his legs and rubbing over his balls. He spread his legs and the bodyguards big hard cock was sticking up. Bob looked ass the bodyguard and they just smiled. Bob leaned back and continued watching the movie.

This was the best way to watch a movie. Bob saw Graham and his bodyguard getting pretty hot any heavy. They were making out and really getting into it. I soon saw Graham bouncing up and down on the bodyguard's big cock. Graham's cock hitting the stomach and chest of the bodyguard and precum was flying around. They both had lustful looks on their faces and looked like they were ready to cum.

I heard them both grunt I knew Graham was getting filled up. I saw his load hitting the face and chest of the bodyguard. They got up and licked each other off. That was pretty hot watching that.

Somehow the bodyguard I was sitting with was able to flex his cock and make his push on my balls, making me harder and harder. Precum was running down the side of my cock. The bodyguard started kissing my neck and shoulders and reached around and started stroking me. I squeezed my thighs together which was like masturbating his big cock. He was moaning and really enjoying that. I felt him hump up between my thighs when I would squeeze my thighs together. I heard him groan loud and soon big wet thick ropes of cum were hitting my chest and stomach and running down. He started massaging his cum into my body with one hand while his other was rapidly stroking me. I let out a loud grunt and shot way up in the air. My cum came down hitting his legs. We got up and licked each other off.

The body guard with Graham and me went to the back to sit. The other two bodyguards came up and sat with me and Graham. I had almost forgot about them.

These two bodyguards seemed a little on the shy side and I knew I would have to initiate the first sexual actions. Obviously, they had never done anything with a man before. Until they met Graham and me. I turned around and faced him and started kissing his ears and neck. He shut his eyes and moaned and I saw a smile on his face. I started feeling all over his body. Soon I had my hard cock rubbing against his and he seemed to really like that. I felt him reaching around and running a finger over my hole. Maybe he wasn't as shy as I thought he was. He eased one of his fingers in. His finger was so big and fat, it felt almost like a small penis going into my hole. He found my prostate and started rubbing over it. Making me moan and leak precum like crazy. I knew he wanted me to suck his cock. Who was going to pass up an opportunity like that. His big cock, at least ten inches, looked very appetizing. I bent down and started giving him one of my best blowjobs. That made him finger fuck my hole harder and faster and I felt a second finger going in my hole. I was sucking him harder and faster and could feel his cock getting rock hard. He pulled me off his cock and I knew what he wanted. I moved my hole over his cock and slid down his long hard shaft. One of the veins on the side of his cock was massaging my prostate. I knew I would cum fast. I was hoping he would cum fast too. I was moaning louder and louder and couldn't hold back any longer and let out a few long squirts of cum hitting his chest. That set him off and his cock swelled. I didn't think it could get any bigger and felt his hot lava pouring out on the sides of my hole. We both had satisfied looks on our faces. He pulled me in close to him and gave my a kiss on the lips. This was the first any of bodyguards had showed any affection. They hadn't hugged us or kissed us, until now.

It was strange. But as soon as we had finished with hot sex. The movie was showing the credits. Graham turned off the equipment and I loaded the tray with empty beer glasses and we all went upstairs. I put the tray on the kitchen island and would take care of it in the morning. I didn't feel like right now. I was getting tired and I could see a tired looking on Graham's face too.

We all headed upstairs to the bedroom. I told them a couple of them was welcome to spend some time with us in our bedroom. The bodyguards looked at each other and did rock paper scissors and two of them followed us into our bedroom. Since we were all naked there were no clothes to remove. We got on the bed and moved around into a circle suck. That was fun and hot. Graham and I could make the bodyguards cum first. They had to work a bit to make Graham and me cum. After we all came we laid on our backs and I heard the other two bodyguards coming in. I thought the two with us would leave but they didn't. I was wondering what they had in mind for us. Two bodyguards laid on their back and Graham and me to lay down on top of them. Then the other two bodyguards laid down on top of Graham and me. It was like we were the meat in a sandwich. This kind of sandwich I could get used to fast. That was the way we fell asleep.

Graham and I woke up in each other's arms. We didn't see the bodyguards and was wondering how they managed to move us and not wake us up. I was wondering where they were. I got up and went to the bathroom and could smell breakfast so I knew where they were. I heard Graham come into the bathroom and he took a pee with me. "How you feeling?"

"Tired. You?"

"The same and we still have all of today and part of tomorrow with them. I'm not complaining. But I'm wondering how tired I'm going to be by Monday."

"I was thinking the same thing. I'm glad their having a good time and they are making breakfast for us."

We slashed a little water on our faces and walked downstairs to the kitchen. There were our four friends making breakfast. "Hope you don't mind us going ahead making breakfast for everybody?"

"Not at all. Anytime I can get out of cooking I'm happy."

They walked over to Graham and me and each of them gave us a hug and kiss. That surprised Graham and me. "What's that all about?"

"It's our way of showing our appreciation for being such good teachers and being our friends."

Graham and me were taken back. Were weren't expecting that.

"Where should we eat. There's another large room you having seen in the house. We can load everything up on trays and then you guys can follow Graham and me to this surprise room for you guys."

Breakfast was finished and it looked good. We loaded up a couple of big trays and the bodyguards followed us up to the sunroom. They carried the two big trays for Graham and me. Graham opened the door to the sunroom and we all walked in. The bodyguards just stood inside staring with their mouths wide open.

"Is everything ok?"

"This room is amazing. It's like being in the tropics. How did you manage this?"

"It was a surprise birthday present to Graham. We had spend a vacation in the Bahamas and this was my attempt at bringing some of the Bahamas back to our house."

"You did a damn good job. This is something else. Complete with a couple of macaws. The background music is perfect. What do those two doors go to?"

"Go ahead and open them up."

"You have your own personal spa with massage tables."

"Yes. We have a good friend that comes on Tuesday and Thursdays in the evening and gives Graham and me massages."

"You guys have it made in this house. This house is full of surprises."

If they only knew. I was thinking to myself. Especially about Sir Richard Mason, the original owner of this house.

They set the two big trays down on a large round table. And we all dished out breakfast on small plates and washed breakfast down with orange juice and coffee.

The bodyguards told Graham and me that their boss would be sending over movers to take the portable sleeping trailer sometime this morning.

I was glad that would be moved out. I knew that would mean the guys would be leaving tomorrow morning sometime. I would be happy and sad to see them leave.

One of the bodyguards asked me if he could give the parrots some toast. I said sure, but for safety it would be could to break it up in a few pieces and put the toast in their food cup. Those big beaks can snap fingers off like a razor blade.

Our breakfast was delicious. And Graham and I thanked the bodyguards for breakfast. We finished and the bodyguards took a look around the sunroom. They liked the tropical feel it had. All the tropical plants and flowers. The birds and the tiki bar. They thought it was perfect. We told them we liked this room a lot. And have a couple of parties up here.

We finished breakfast and loaded the two trays. The bodyguards followed us back downstairs to the kitchen and we started putting everything away. I thought I heard some noise outside. So I peeked out around the side of the curtain and I told the bodyguards the movers were here for their sleeping trailer.

They told Graham and me that they should be some clothes on and talk and help the movers. They ran up the stairs and came back down with shorts tshirts and flip flops and told us they would be right back.

We could hear them getting the trailer ready for moving from the kitchen. Soon the bodyguards came back in and see the trailer was gone.

"How about if we all take a shower together?"

Everyone liked that idea and we walked back upstairs with arms around each other. The bodyguards went into their bedroom and came back into our bedroom through the adjoining door naked, but with some big oversized towels. Our shower was big in our master bathroom and with the new shower system, I wanted the bodyguards to experience that.

We all climbed into the shower. Even as big as the shower was. It was still a tight fit. The bodyguards started asking about our shower setup. I told them to wait and I would show them how this works. I soon had the complete shower system going. They couldn't believe it. They had never seen anything like it. With the complete shower system going, it felt like hundreds of fingers massaging our bodies. We were all instantly getting hard. Our cocks were rubbing and hitting together as we washed each other. Some of the guys were turned so the shower jets would hit their hole. They couldn't believe all the different sensations going through their bodies.

Our cocks were leaking. We couldn't control ourselves with all those fine jets of water hitting us all over bodies. We started jerking each other off. It felt great in the shower. I had my hands around two bodyguards jerking them like crazy. I saw Graham doing the same thing. They were fondling and jerking us at the same time. Soon we were humping each other's hands and groaning. Soon we shot out massive loads, letting the shower jets rinse our cum down the drain. I turned off the jets and we stepped out of the shower and dried each other off.

"Is there anything special you guys would like to do today?"

"Actually there is. We would need to do some shopping at the mall. If that's not a problem?"

"No problem at all. Let's get dressed and then we can go in my SUV over to the mall and have lunch at the Italian Restaurant."

Graham and I put on some cargo shorts and a nice pull over shirt. We wore jocks under our cargo shorts. Something we didn't do that often because it caused us to become aroused. Some deck shoes and we were ready to go.

We walked downstairs to the living room. I looked through the daily paper while we waited on the bodyguards. I noticed a very small article, tucked away in a corner about another drug cartel boss being Wiped Out. I showed Graham the article. We both agreed it had to be the work the FBI Commander.

We heard the bodyguards coming down the stairs. They had the same idea as us. They were wearing shorts and a pull over shirt with sandals. They looked hot as usual. I think they would look good in anything they wore.

We went to the garage through the kitchen. I armed the security system and we all climbed into my SUV. Luckily it was big and could accommodate four large bodyguards. We were soon on our way to the mall. We got to the mall it looked busy. At least the parking lot was pretty full. And I saw some buses parked over on the side.

We climbed out and we walked into the mall. The mall was busy but not overly crowded like at Christmas time. I asked the guys what they wanted to shop for. They said some sports clothes and then some everyday and dressy clothes.

Graham and I knew the mall pretty well. We told them they were a couple of sports stores close to this location. So we decided to go to those stores first. As we were walking along we got a lot of stares. I think the bodyguards got the stares, not Graham and me.

We went into a couple of sports stores and the men found what they were looking for. The store actually had clothes in their sizes. We then went to men's store for casual yet sporty looking clothes. They found what they were looking for and that finished the shopping. We checked the time and it was approaching lunchtime.

We took all the purchases out to the SUV and got the bags stowed in the back and then we went back into the mall and had a wonderful lunch at the Italian Restaurant. We were all seated in a private restaurant and ate seafood until we all thought we were going to burst. Graham and I shared a bottle of white wine and the bodyguards drank their beer.

We headed home and the bodyguards were like little kids with their purchases. On the drive home they told us they made good money. But their insurance was very expensive. They had to have high risk insurance so that was way they were paid a high wage for each job.

We swam in the pool and relaxed in the jacuzzi hot tub. The guys really liked the sunroom, which made Graham happy and we ate a delivery dinner in the sunroom. One of the bodyguards said he knew how to give massages if we were interested. Graham and I were never one to turn down a good massage. Before I knew it we were getting massaged as well as our cocks and hole. It was a complete massage with fringe benefits. The massage was very relaxing and we all relaxed on loungers. We were tired after a full day of the mall and sexual exercise.

We headed to bed and did like the following night with Graham and I sandwiched between two bodyguards. It was different but enjoyable. Soon we were all snoring.

We woke up and we all decided to help making breakfast. With six of us in the kitchen. Breakfast was ready in no time. We ate outside on the patio table. Breakfast vanished quickly and the bodyguards said they needed to finish packing and getting ready to go.

Graham and I were going to miss the bodyguards, but it would give us a chance to rest. Being teachers can be tiresome. But they were all good students and fast learners. They seemed to like all the new sexual things they learned. They told us they would be back to visit.

We saw them coming down the stairs with their sports bags. Their sports bags looked fuller than when they had arrived. We all sat in the living room. We double checked to make sure we had the correct phone numbers on our cell phones. The bodyguards told us their boss was sending over a van to pick them up and escort them to their next assignment. They told us again how much they enjoyed their time with us and all they had learned. They appreciated how patient we were with them and hoped they could find partners as nice as us. That made Graham and me smile.

I heard the speaker and I let the van in. It was black. It almost looked like a FBI van. Before they left for the van, we got into a group hug and kiss. I thought I saw a couple of tears. They picked up their sports bags and we watched them get into the van. We waved to them as they left. I don't know if they saw us with the heavily tinted windows in the van.

Graham and I went into the living room and crashed on the couch. We laid together and watched a little news on tv. We rehashed the weekend. We were kind of glad they left early. It would give us time to rest and be ready for work tomorrow morning.

I heard my phone beep with a message. I looked at the screen and it was from one of the bodyguards. He told us how much they already missed us. That was nice to hear. I texted back that we coudn't wait until their next visit.

While I was finishing texting my message I heard Graham's phone beep with a message. I thought he was probably hearing from one of the bodyguards too. Nope. Graham's text message was from the manager of the British pop music star. He was confirming that everything was ready for us next weekend and to leaving the following weekend. We would be staying a week at his villa. Graham handed me his phone so I could ready the text message.

"I think I will be ready for Las Vegas next weekend. How about you babe?"

"As long as we are together. I will be ready to go."

On Monday we got everything arranged with our offices to be gone the following week. Shirley had to do some fancy scheduling but with Quinton and Janice's help. I knew everything would run smoothly without me being at the clinic.

End of Chapter 5 - Presidents' Day

Chapter 6 Coming Soon

If you would like to see the characters in the story, please read "My Alphabet Friends," and there are photos of characters at the end of each chapter.

Your comments and suggestions are always welcome. I answer all emails I receive. I ask that you please put Nifty or the title of the story in the subject line. Then I'll know it's not spam. I am already working on Chapter 6. I hope you enjoy my story as much as I like writng it. Please email me at:

Next: Chapter 6

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