Bob's Holidays

By Francis Scott

Published on Dec 11, 2022


Bob's Holidays Chapter 4

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The following story is a work of fiction from the authors mind. It contains adult situations between consenting adults. If this offends you and is illegal in your area, WHY ARE YOU HERE? Any similarities to actual people or events is purely coincidental. This story does not promote safe sex. Please practice safe sex at all times. Don't put your life or someone else's in jeopardy.

If you haven't read my story, "My Alphabet Friends," I would recommend doing so. All characters in this series are from My Alphabet Friends. There are pictures of the characters at the end of each chapter. You will find, My Alphabet Friends, in Gay/Adult Friends.

Bob's Holidays

By Francis Scott

Chapter 4 - Lincoln's Birthday

The party was really rocking and rolling now with the strong stripper beat music playing. The guys really looked hot in their tuxedos. They had obviously practiced and were moving to the music in perfect sync.

I couldn't stop from staring. God they were good. I wondered how long they had practiced together. They moved in a line with their backs to us and stripped their shirts off and tuxedo pants. They turned and faced us and were in jocks that barely contained everything.

I noticed many of our friends were standing up and dancing to the good music. It didn't look like anyone had left the area. Everyone was watching the strippers. They were putting on an excellent show.

Soon as they were dancing to the music, they made their way down the stairs to the audience. They came over in front of Graham and I and started giving us lap dances. Oh my god. Those hot tight asses rubbing over my cock. I knew I would get hard fast. I saw Graham struggling to stay soft too.

All the strippers kept going back and forth on Graham and me. I couldn't hold back any longer and I had a big hardon. When one of the strippers would sit on my lap, they sat so my cock would rub between their big balls. Damn that felt good. I think that was their idea to get us aroused.

Once they seemed satisfied with our arousal they started dancing with some of the guys in the audience.

Finally they made their way back up on stage and finished their show with a standing ovation and cheering hooting clapping and hollering. It was an excellent show and Graham and I applauded just as loud as everyone else.

Once the show finished and the strippers went back stage. Everyone got up and started mingling around. I heard voices in the pool and jacuzzi. I saw a line forming at the buffet table.

The strippers came out and looked like they had freshened up. They all walked over to me and I told them that was a wonderful show. They asked me if I had room for them to stay. I told them certainly. They were welcome to stay. The three strippers from the Bahamas told me they would be flying out tomorrow with John and Kendrick. They needed to get settled into their house and get ready for university classes which would be starting soon.

I told them to go around and mingle and the buffet was still set up if they were hungry. They took off and I was sure they would be well received by everyone. They were hot sexy muscular everything you could want.

Preston walked over and we talked. I told him the entertainment was perfect. He told me they would take down and remove the stage and projection screen tomorrow. I told Preston that wasn't a problem. He said he needed to find Holden. They needed to get comfortable in the grotto.

I told the bartender to bring me a beer. I walked around and talked to our friends. What a great group of friends we have. Everyone gets along well and they never cause any problems. They are respectful and well mannered.

I saw my brother and Jarvis over in the pergola and they looked like they were getting quite friendly. Dave Cal Travis Brody John Cotton Brock Anthony and Roland were in the Jacuzzi. It looked pretty full, but I didn't see anybody complaining. They were having a good time. That's what this was all about. To enjoy yourself and our new backyard.

The music was good. A lot of guys were dancing together to the music. I looked for my husband but I didn't see him. He was probably in the buffet line or sitting at a table by the buffet filling his face.

The groundhog hats were perfect. They were funny looking but they seemed to fit the party. Everyone was welcome to take their hats home. Any extras I would donate somewhere. Graham and I could figure out a place to donate the extra hats.

The party was starting to wind down. Those that lived close were starting to leave. I saw Anthony and Roland getting dressed and I talked with them for a bit. They said they would stop by tomorrow for a little while. They had a late flight out.

I saw Graham in the jacuzzi with the strippers. They all seemed to be having a good time. I thought I'd check that out when everyone was gone. Reggie and Jarvis told me they were heading to the other master bedroom and check on their wives. And might be back a little later.

I didn't see John and Kendrick. But I thought I saw shadows in the grotto. That must be where they are.

I had turned on the pool lights and had lit some tiki torches I had spaced around in different places. That gave enough light. I walked over to the jacuzzi and joined the guys.

The DJ had left a while ago and said he would be back tomorrow to pack up his sound equipment.

The guys were having fun in the jacuzzi. I didn't see any hands above the water but a lot of smiles on their faces. The strippers asked Graham and I if it was ok if they slept with us. I didn't have a problem with that and Graham didn't seem to mind either. We told them sure. The more the merrier.

I saw Kendrick and John walk out of the grotto and when they walked by the jacuzzi, they told us they were going to their bedroom and might join us later if our bedroom door was open. They both had hardons and couldn't seem to get enough of each other. It was nice to see. I was very happy for both of them.

I told the guys I was a little hungry and was going to get something from the buffet. I walked over to the buffet but all the food was gone. I was wondering what happened to the left overs. Then I remembered Sam telling me he would have the waiters containerize the left overs for us and make a couple of large snack plates. I thought on a hunch I'd go up to the kithcen and see if any food was there. When I got to the kitchen I saw two big snack trays on the kitchen island and when I opened the frig, their were all kinds of containers of left overs from the buffet. I bet Sam had something to do with all these left overs. I decided to take a snack tray down to the jacuzzi. I'm sure the other guys were hungry too.

They saw me come down with the tray and I set it on a table by the jacuzzi. I asked the guys if they wanted anything to drink. They all wanted beer. That made it easy. I went over to the bar and poured us all a beer in plastic glasses.

I brought our beer back and handed it to all the guys. Graham held onto my plastic glass for me while I set the tray down. I climbed into the jacuzzi right next to my husband. We were all starting to get a little frisky. I don't know if it was from the beer the close body contact or a combination of both. All I knew was that I liked touching and rubbing against my husband's body. Graham was so hot, how could I not like rubbing my body against his.

Some of the strippers were floating and you could see their big hardons. What a sight that was. They were all hung so big, I was wondering how many feet of cock we had in the jacuzzi.

The strippers were getting tired after their show and mingling with the guests and we decided to call it a night and head to the bedrooms.

Reggie and Jarvis never made it back to the party. They must have been busy in their bedroom.

Graham and I went to our bedroom and left the door open. Mark and his stripper buddies were in one bedroom. And the other three strippers where in the adjoining bedroom. Kendrick and John had their own bedroom and I hadn't seen them either.

Graham and I took a quick shower to rinse the chlorine off. Dried each other off and climbed into bed. We left a nightstand light on, hoping we would have some visitors.

Graham and I were making out and didn't hear the strippers from the Bahamas enter our room. They must have been quiet. Soon we felt some big warm bodies snuggling up to us. I felt something warm and moist in my groin area. I lifted the sheet and one of the strippers was sucking my cock. I wished he was fucking me. Once I started leaking he used my precum as lube and was working it around and in my hole. Soon I felt him get off my cock and ease his big thick flared head into my hole. He was able to bend down far enough to suck me while he fucked me. What a sensation that was. His big cock was doing a good number on my prostate and he was getting me close to cumming. I told him I was going to cum and all I heard were some garbled sounds coming from his mouth as he sucked me. I started cumming and he was swallowing my load. Cumming made my hole constrict on his cock and I felt him stiffen out and grunt and spasm and soon felt him squirting up my hole. He pumped a big load up my hole. I looked over and saw the same thing was happening to Graham. Once the strippers had finished they got up and said now it was time for round two.

Graham and I watched the strippers leave and soon two more walked into our bedroom and crawled in next to us. They did the same as the other two. Sucking and fucking us. Once they finished the last two came in. I'm glad there wasn't any more. My hole was started to get a little sore after so many big cocks filling me up. And Graham looked like he had had enough too.

Mark didn't come in. He was probably busy with Irving.

We were resting after all our hot sex with the strippers. Soon I saw John and Kendrick poke their heads in and asked us if we would like some company. "Come on in guys. There's plenty of room here." Graham and I lifted the covers making space for them. John said, "we're here to show you how much we appreciate everything you've done for us. Bringing Kendrick and me together. Getting me work at the hotel. And indirectly getting me on good terms with my parents."

"We're glad everything worked out like it did. And happy you two are getting married."

They crawled into bed with us and snuggled up to Graham and me. We all started making out. Going slow and easy. Which was fine with me. I was still a little worn out after the strippers. We got into a circle suck and that was a nice way to end the evening. It took Graham and me a little while to cum after being sucked off three times earlier. But we both managed to cum a little.

Kendrick and John asked us if it was ok if they slept with us. We told them we more than happy to have them join us and sleep with us.

I asked John to close the door. He got up quick and ran over and closed the door and ran back and got back in bed. We all snuggled together and fell asleep.

The house was quiet after the party and all the excitement. It seemed everyone was asleep or being very quiet. I never did hear anything from the other master bedroom where my brother Jarvis and their wives were.

We all seemed to be waking up at the same time. A little light was coming in through the curtains. We all kissed and hugged each other. And John went down on me and Kendrick on Graham. Giving us good morning blow jobs. John and I moved around into a sixty nine and I saw Graham and Kendrick doing the same.

John's cock was almost a twin of mine. I deep throated him and that really got him horny and excited. He swallowed me down to my pubes. We got a good rhythm going, bobbing up and down on each other's cocks. We were going to try to get each other to cum at the same time. I would slow down when I knew John was getting close and he did the same to me. We couldn't hold out any long and we both shot out at the same time. What a feeling that was. We sucked out and swallowed each other's loads, milking out the last drops of cum. We watched Graham and Kendrick. They hadn't cum yet. I could tell Graham was getting close by the expression on his face. I heard him grunt and I knew he was shooting down Kendrick's throat. Kendrick started humping Graham's mouth and throat and I heard him groan and I could tell he was cumming. We all laid back on the bed satisfied.

We all got up and headed into the shower. John washed all three of us and then we all washed John. It didn't take us long to get hardons in the shower with John touching us and all of us touching John. Kendrick sat down on the shower seat and we all took our turns getting fucked by Kendrick's big cock.

This was the best way of waking up. A good blow job and fuck. I was ready to start the day. I could smell breakfast. Someone was downstairs making breakfast. We didn't even check the time and walked downstairs naked to eat some breakfast.

We walked downstairs and saw Reggie and Jarvis making a big breakfast.

"Smells good guys."

"We hope you don't mind us making breakfast?"

"Not at all. Anytime I can get out of cooking, I'm happy."

"Where's the wives?"

"They didn't want to be down here around a bunch of naked men. They are getting our things packed. We need to leave early. Long drive back and want to make sure the kids are ok."

"We better eat out on the patio table. There's plenty of room there for everybody."

Soon the rest of the guys started trickling down the stairs. The strippers from the Bahamas, Kendrick and John, and finally Mark and the other three strippers.

"You guys better be making a big breakfast with all these big hungry men?"

"Don't worry Bob. We have it covered. Go ahead and sit out on the patio and we will be bringing the food out soon."

Soon I saw Reggie and Jarvis bringing out our breakfast. It was quite a spread. But with all these big hungry men. I was sure the food would disappear fast. I was right. Before you knew it everything had been eaten. We sat around and talked for a bit drinking our coffee.

We all pitched in and soon everything was cleared and put away. The guys said they were going for a swim. I told them I would join them in a bit. I wanted to check and see what we had for lunch. I wanted to use some of the leftovers from the buffet. While I was checking the frig I heard the speaker. It was the DJ coming to pack up his things. I opened the gate for him and I saw him pull in. He drove a big SUV so I knew he would have plenty of room for his things.

As soon as he came in I told him he was just in time to join us for a swim. He told me he wished he had time. But he had another job and he would need to go there and get set up. He got everything packed into his SUV and I watched him leave. It would have been fun to have the DJ with us in the pool. He's a pretty hot young man.

I finished looking around in the frig. And I saw plenty of food for lunch. I started walking down to the pool and I saw a couple of the strippers picking up some plastic plates and glasses that were laying around. The whole pool area looked clean, with no messes. All that was left was for the stage and big projection screen to go. And then the tents chairs and canvas tents where the buffet was. The strippers stacked the chairs so that would help the movers when they arrived.

The stage and large projection screen were on loan from The In and Out Bar. Preston had told me during the party that he had that all arranged with Mark and Irving and they would haul all that away today.

I joined the guys in the pool. They were having races to see who could swim laps the fastest. I knew I wouldn't do very good, but gave it my best shot. I had brought a robe down for me. I would need to have a robe on when the people from the hotel came to move out their things and take everything back to the hotel.

We were having fun swimming laps. The winner got to suck and fuck whomever he wanted. It looked like one of the strippers from the Bahamas was going to win. Graham was last to take a shot at winning. He came close to beating the stripper from the Bahamas, but fell short by a few seconds. The stripper was elated and of course he choose me to suck and fuck. I didn't mind and Graham was enthusiastic to watch as well as the other guys. The stripper and me climbed out of the pool and got on a lounger. He told me to lay on my back and pull my legs up to my chest and raise my ass a little. I felt his hot tongue licking around my hole and then stabbing in and out. It felt wonderful. I like a good rim job. He then spit on a couple of fingers and worked them into my hole, getting me stretched for his big cock. This stripper was one of them that had a really big long thick cock. He worked a third finger in and kept working his fingers around and stretching me good. I then saw he was leaking like crazy and used some of his precum to lube the inside of my hole. He then eased his big fat mushroom head into my hole. My hole opened and his fat thick head slowly eased in and then he started slowly easing the rest of the big hard shaft into my hole. My hole was pulling on his cock and grabbing it. That was making the stripper moan. I was glad he was taking his time with his monster cock. Soon he started a slow rhythm going in and out of my hole. I pushed back on him to get the full length of his cock and my hole kept a nice suction on his cock. I heard him breathing harder and faster and knew he was getting close. I felt his big cock harden and thicken in my hole and then he shuddered and spasmed and I felt blast after blast of his load way up inside me. It felt really good and I didn't feel any pain or discomfort. He took his time and I appreciated that. He had been stroking me while he was fucking me. When I got close he bent down, sucked me down his throat while I shot out a nice sized morning load down his throat. He swallowed my load and collapsed on top of me. You could barely see me under the stripper as big as he was. Finally our breathing came back to normal. He kissed me and we got up to cheers and applause and dove back into the pool.

I heard the speaker again and told the guys someone was at the gate. I put my robe on and ran up to the house and it was the people from The In and out Bar here to pick up the projection screen and the stage. I pushed the button to open the gate for them.

They wouldn't mind us being naked. In fact, they might join us. They told they wished they had time to a dip in the pool. Especially after looking at the strippers. But they said the boss wanted the projection screen and stage back as soon as possible. So we are kind of in a hurry to get everything hauled back to the bar and the storage room. "Too bad. It would have been nice to have you guys hanging around with us for awhile."

"I know. We were hoping to have some extra time here. But when the boss speaks, we all jump."

We watched them haul everything out from the pool and I followed them out with the last load. I watched them leave and waved goodbye.

Soon my brother and Jarvis and their wives came down with their overnight bags and were ready to leave. I put my robe on and gave them all hugs and kisses. They all waved back to the guys in the pool. And we all told them goodbye.

Kendrick asked me what time it was. I looked over at my cell phone on the little table. It's just after eleven. They said they needed to get ready to leave. Their flight left at one in the afternoon. Graham and I walked up to the house with the strippers and Kendrick and John. We stayed in the living room while they showered and got the last of their things packed. They were flying first class on a commerical flight. So they would have to go through part of security. It would go a little faster flying first class for them. They were flying first class priority.

We didn't do much while we waited in the living. Talked a little about the party and we thought everyone had enjoyed themselves and had a good time. Soon we heard the guys coming down the stairs. I had arranged an airport shuttle for them from the hotel and it was here waiting for them. Graham and I gave them all hugs and kisses and they said they were going to miss us. We told them we'd miss them too. But was glad how everything worked out for all of them.

We watched them walk out to the shuttle. The shuttle driver stowed their luggage in the shuttle. It looked like a few hotel guests were in the shuttle. We watched the shuttle turn around and leave through the gate. We had waved to them.

Just as the shuttle left. A deliver van from the hotel pulled in. They were here to load all the buffet things. The chairs, tables and canvas tents. They were six men and it didn't take long for them to clear everything out of the yard. We thanked them and they left.

That just left the other three strippers and Graham and me. I was expecting Anthony and Roland to be coming any time. I wasn't going to do anything for lunch until they arrived. They had told me they would be coming around lunchtime.

We all decided to head into the jacuzzi. Graham flipped the switch for the heaters and then the jets. It didn't take the water long before it was warm. You could see steam coming off the water. The outside temperature was dropping a little. We were supposed to have a cold front coming in. Temperatures might drop as low as the 50's.

The strippers asked Graham and me if it was ok if they stayed for lunch and then they would need to leave. We told them of course they were welcome to stay for lunch. Jokingly we said they had worked for it.

I heard the front door bell and put on my robe and walked up to the front door. I opened the door and there stood Anthony and Roland. "Hi guys, come on in. We've been relaxing in the jacuzzi if you want to join us?"

"Sure, we would be glad to join you."

"Why don't you strip down here in the living room and I'll put your clothes away for you and go out and join the guys in the jacuzzi. I'll join you all shortly."

They stripped down. I had forgotten about Anthony's big cock. Roland was no slouch either in the cock department. Anthony had a cock like the strippers. I'm sure they would be glad to have Anthony and Roland in the jacuzzi with them.

I hung up Anthony and Roland's clothes in the foyer closet and walked down to the jacuzzi. I walked into the jacuzzi and got comfortable next to Graham. The strippers were making Anthony and Roland comfortable next to them. I could tell they were feeling each other up under the water. I could tell by the expressions on their faces.

Graham and I were getting pretty hot and heavy too. We were feeling each other's cocks and balls. Our balls were moving around with the swirling water. It felt kind of good. I had positioned myself so that where one of he jets shot out water it was going over my hole. That was really turning me on. Graham looked at me and smiled and knew I was really turned on. He kept stroking me under the water faster and faster. I let out a low groan and was blasting out a big load of cum in the jacuzzi. They filters in the jacuzzi would get a good workout. I think some of the guys were getting close to cumming.

I told the guys to enjoy the jacuzzi and use the pool if they wanted. I was going to get something ready for lunch.

Graham followed me up to the kitchen to help. "You didn't have to come up here and help me."

"I know. But I wanted to. I wanted to have some time with my husband."

"Thanks babe. There is still another large snack tray in the frige. And I thought about making a large tray with the cold cuts cheese and crackers. The side dishes we could take down separately."

"I know a side dish I would like the best. Giving me one of his sexy smiles."

"And what would that be?"

"I'm looking at a tasty side dish right now." Looking me directly in the eyes.

Graham got down on his knees and started sucking my balls. Taking one in at a time and rolling them around with his tongue and pulling them out. Graham knew I liked that and I got instantly hard again. He then started licking the sides of my shaft up to the head. Then he swirled his tongue around the head of my cock. Licking over my pee slit and pulling out precum. He then slowly deep throated me. I had to hold onto the kitchen island or I would have collapsed. God he was good at giving me a blow job. He was working the length of my cock with his mouth and throat going slow and driving me crazy. I wanted him to go faster. He kept up the slow pace and I felt my cum churning in my balls. Soon I couldn't hold back any longer and gave my lover another load of cum. Wasn't as big the one I shot in the jacuzzi, but it wasn't a small load either.

Once I was able to steady myself, I had Graham turn around and I went down on him. His big cock was sticking straight out. I started sucking on his balls for a little bit. He liked it, but not as much as me. I licked and kissed the sides of his shaft up to the head. His big cock head was swollen and flared out. I sucked that big head in and out rubbing my tongue over his pee slit. He was moaning and steadying himself against the kitchen island. I then quickly deep throated him. My nose was buried in his pubes absorbing his manly scent. I wrapped my throat muscles around his shaft and worked the length. That really got my husband going. He was trying to fuck my mouth and throat but my throat was doing a good job. I heard Graham give out a loud grunt and gasp and I felt his cock spasming in my throat and he started pumping out a big load hitting the sides of my throat. I swallowed his big load. Once he recovered and was breathing normal. We kissed and told each other we loved them.

I told Graham to take the large snack tray down to the guys. They probably wondered what happened to us. "Ask them what they want to drink?"

I started getting the other large tray ready with different sliced meats, cheeses and crackers. With olives and grapes and mixed nuts.

Graham came back and said Anthony and Roland would like wine. All the other guy would like beer. I told Graham to get the drinks ready while I finished this big tray. "How does the tray look babe?"

"It looks delicious. Almost as delicious as the person getting the tray ready."

"You sweet talker. Keep that up and you'll get whatever you want."

I decided to put the side dishes and big tray on the patio table where there was more room. Graham told the guys that lunch was ready and beverages were served.

The guys brought up the appetizer tray which was over half gone.

We talked while we ate lunch. When we finished the strippers said they needed to get ready to go back. Some were working as bartenders tonight at The In and Out Bar.

We watched them leave and go upstairs to their bedroom. Damn what hot sexy men.

We talked while we finished eating. Anthony and Roland took a refill on their wine glasses and Graham and I had another beer. Anthony and Roland congratulated us on a very fine party. They also said what a fantastic backyard we have. They told us we should have it photographed for a home improvement magazine. We weren't sure if were interested in that. We liked that backyard for our own personal enjoyment. We weren't sure about sharing it with the world in photographs.

We heard the strippers coming down the stairs. They all had overnight bags. We all walked out to the foyer and said our goodbyes. I thanked them for a wonderful show and maybe we can get them again in the future. They told us to just let Mark and Irving know and they could work out the details. They told us how much they enjoyed the party and sleeping overnight.

We all kissed and hugged. Anthony and Roland got into the kissing and hugging too. They stowed their bags in a big SUV and they got in. We watched them leave and waved goodbye to them.

That just left Anthony Roland Graham and myself. It was getting quieter and I liked that. We decided to go down and lounge by the pool. Anthony and Roland said they would need to leave soon too and finish getting ready at the hotel for their flight back to New York City.

They finished the bottle of wine and Graham and I split a third beer. It was relaxing laying in the sun by the pool. It felt good. Wanted to keep my tan. It wasn't too hot. Just a nice comfortable temperature. But you could feel it was going to get cooler later when the sun went down.

Soon Anthony and Roland said they better leave and get back to the hotel. I called a hotel shuttle over to pick them up. They hadn't brought their limousine this time. I got their clothes from the foyer closet and Graham and I helped them get dressed. Paying special to get everything tucked in nice and neat in their boxers. They were already chubbing up by the time we finished.

The airport shuttle hadn't arrived yet. So I pulled down Anthony's zipper and pulled out his nice thick plump cock and started sucking on it. Graham was doing the same to Roland. Anthony leaned back against the wall so I had access to his whole length. He had a niced sized thick cock and I was able to deep throat the whole thing. He was holding the back of my head and humping my mouth. He started going faster and moaning louder. I felt his cock start throbbing in my mouth and throat and he shot out a big load bathing the sides of my throat. I heard Graham swallowing and knew that Roland had cum in his mouth and throat too. I milked out the last drops of Anthony's cum and licked it off and tucked him back in. Graham pulled out the drops of Roland's cum and sucked it off and then tucked him back in.

Their clothes were straightened and back in place. I heard the shuttle pulling in and we kissed and hugged before they walked out to the shuttle. They thanked us for a wonderful time. And would try to get back again soon.

Wow what a time. "Did you enjoy the party Graham?"

"I sure did. How about you?"

"The same. I really enjoyed it too. But I'm glad it's over. It's been a busy last few weeks with the wedding and honeymoon and then our backyard party. I'm ready for some relaxation now."

"I hear you. Me too. It's going to be nice to have it quiet and get back into our routine with work and working out."

"It will be nice to see the guys when we workout and get their reaction to our party tomorrow morning."

Graham and I decided to relax by the pool. We moved our double lounger under a hanging umbrella for our loungers. The shade felt good. But you could start feeling it getting a little cooler. I guess the weatherman was right for a change and the cold front would be moving in for a few days.

"What do you want to do for dinner babe? You want to eat in, go to a restaurant or order delivery?"

"Let's eat here. We have all those delicious leftovers from the buffet. We can indulge ourselves in that food."

"Good. I didn't really feel like going to a restaurant."

We just laid in the shade and relaxed. We both dozed off for awhile. I woke up to cool air. The sun was going down and the cooler air was moving in. I woke Graham and told him I was going in the house it was getting cool out here.

We both got up and walked inside. And settled on the couch and turned the tv on. I'm going to make us a small tray of leftovers from the buffet before we watch a game or a movie. "You just stay here and flip through the channels and find us something to watch and I'll be right back with our dinner tray."

It didn't take long to get a small tray ready for us. Everything was cut and ready for eating so it was just a matter of arranging it on the tray. I thought I had a good variety. I had made a pot of coffee while I was getting the tray ready. I thought a cup of hot coffee would be good with our dinner. It was comfortable in the house and not cool like outside.

I brought everything into the living room. And Graham had an old black and white movie on. He told me there wasn't any games we wanted to watch.

We dug into the tray of food and drank our coffee and watched the movie. We nibbled on the tray of food and didn't talk much. It was just nice to relax.

We were nodding off watching the movie. I think all our traveling was catching up with us.

Between the two of us we managed to eat everything on the tray and drank all our coffee.

I nudged Graham and he woke up. "Let's go to bed babe. We're both tired." Graham turned the tv off and put the tray and coffee cups and insulated thermos in the kitchen. I thought Margaret could take care of that tomorrow morning for us.

Graham was already upstairs in the bedroom. I walked up the stairs and when I entered the bedroom, Graham was spread out naked on the bed snoring. I crawled in quietly next to him and pulled the covers over us. It didnt take me long before I was sound asleep. I made sure to set our alarm for six so we could workout before we went to work.

I woke up to the alarm blaring. It seemed like it got louder every time. I nudged Graham and he rubbed the sleepies out of his eyes. We crawled out of bed and made our way down to the lockerroom. Some of the guys were already here and working out. We put our jocks on and joined the guys. They all thanked us for a great party. They really enjoyed themselves and said they had their groundhog hats in a prominent place in their homes.

We got in a long workout. Everyone was sweating and ready to shower. We all stripped off our jocks and headed into the shower. We were washing each other. We managed to move around so we could jerk off the person next to us. Feeling a warm hard cock in my hand felt pretty good. Most of us came at the same time. They were a couple of stragglers that came after us. We rinsed the cum off and down the drain. We dried each other off. Got dressed and went upstairs for breakfast.

Margaret greeted us and told us she had everything ready in the breakfast nook. She said she thought it was too cool to have breakfast outside. I was hungry after working out. It looked like the other guys were hungry too. Margaret had to bring out a second batch of breakfast to fill us up.

We finished breakfast and it was time to get to work. We all walked out to the garage. We kissed and hugged and we went our different directions to work.

Monday was a regular day. I thanked Janice and Quinton for attending to my patients while I was gone. I called Graham and asked him if he wanted to join for lunch at the diner. He told me he would try, but was having a very busy day so far.

Lunchtime came around and I walked to the diner. It was definitely cooler outside and was glad I had grabbed a light jacket before I left for work.

The diner looked busy. At least there was a lot of cars parked in fronf of the diner. I walked in and it was busy. Millie had my favorite table reserved for me and I thanked her. She brought over the daily paper and told me she would be back with a black coffee and take my order. She was busy so I wasn't going to joke around with her.

I hadn't heard back from Graham. So I didn't know if he was coming for lunch or not. I hadn't read the daily paper at the house. So I looked it over. My little article at the bottom of the second page caught my eye. The article mentioned the drug lord in the Bahamas and he had posted bail and was released. Interesting. I suppose with all their drug money they can easily post bail. It didn't mention if he would be going to court or not. I assumed probably not.

Millie came back with my coffee and I told her I'd have the special. She said she'd be right back with the special. I didn't see Graham and I checked the door every once in awhile. Monday's were usually a very busy day for Graham and Preston.

For some reason I was starting to get those weird feelings again. Like before we were kidnapped in the Bahamas. Something about that article in the newspaper wasn't sitting right with me.

Millie brought my lunch. And it looked like Graham wouldn't be able to make it for lunch. I forgot about the article and ate my lunch. It was pretty good. Soup and sandwich tasted good with the cooler weather. I paid the bill and left Millie a tip and walked back to the clinic.

The rest of the day went by fast. Nothing major. Just common colds from the changing weather. A couple of broken bones to set. And an ultrasound for an expecting mother.

I got home and Margaret was finishing. She told me she had dinner in the frig to be warmed. I thanked her and she left for the day. I went upstairs and put a jock on and walked up to the sunroom. It was nice balmy in the sunroom with the climate control. The parrots seemed glad to see me. They were squaking and dancing around on their large rings. I filled their water cups and grabbed a beer out of the bar.

I had the daily paper with me and I wanted to re-read that article about the drug lord. My weird feelings never went away and picking up the paper seemed to make them stronger.

I read the article over again. But there really wasn't that much information. I would mention it to Graham when he got home.

I finished my beer and grabbed another one. I was sweating and nervous and I only got this way when something bad was going to happen. I hoped Graham wouldn't be late and get home around his usual time.

I thought I heard something downstairs so I got and told the birds bye and walked downstairs.

Graham had just got home. And he could tell by my face something was bothering me. "What's up babe? You don't look right. Is something wrong?"

"Take a look at the article I have circled."

I handed the paper to Graham and he read the article. "That's not good. Do you think it means trouble for us?"

"I don't know. But I do know I have my weird feelings again when I know something bad is going to happen."

"We have the phone number on our cell phones for the chief of police in the Bahamas. Do you want me to give him a call? It's still early enough, he should be in his office."

"Why don't you get changed and meet me at the pool and you can call from there. I'll get you a beer."

Graham ran upstairs and came back almost instantly. That was the fastest I think he every changed clothes. He had a jock on when he came back down. He's so delicious and yummy. I could just gobble him up.

We walked down to the pool. Arm in arm. And got on a double lounger. The weather wasn't too bad. Actually comfortable and not chilly.

Graham got situated on a lounger and I handed him his beer. I snuggled in close to him. I wanted to hear the conversation when he called the chief in the Bahamas.

Graham picked up his phone and speed dialed the chief. He waited for the chief to answer. "Hello, this is Chief Marshall. How may I help you?"

"Hello chief this is Graham calling you from the states."

"Hello Graham, it's good to hear from you. Glad you made it back home safe and sound. So what's on your mind?"

"Bob showed me a small article in the our daily paper. He seems the drug lord has posted bail and is free."

"That's correct. With one other condition that he is never to return to the Bahamas or it will be a federal crime."

"When I got home. Bob was having those weird feelings like he had in the Bahamas. He's worried that something bad is going to happen."

"Well, I don't know what else I can tell you. I do know that the drug lord flew to South America. But I don't know if he was flying anywhere else. That's all the information I received from the airport. If I receive anymore information, I will be sure to pass it on to you. I guess my advice would be observant wherever you go and it would be good if you both were together as much as possible when you leave your house. He does know your names, but I don't know if he has any other information on you. It might be a good idea to notify your local sheriff about this situation and maybe they can do more patrolling by your house. I don't know if they have enough man power to give you personal protection."

"Thanks chief. That's all good advice and thank you for you help."

"My pleasure to be of any help I can, and tell Bob hello from me and stay safe."

"Well, babe. Did you hear all of that?"

"I sure did. I like his idea of us notifying Cal. I think I will call him right now and give him a heads up on what happened in the Bahamas and the possibility of the drug lord and some of his thugs visiting our small town."

I didn't have my phone. So I used Graham's phone to call Cal. "Hello this is Cal, how can I help you Graham?"

Graham now was snuggled next to me so he could hear our conversation. "This isn't Graham, it's Bob. I'm using Graham's phone."

"Hi Bob. What's up?"

"Cal was giving me his work voice and being very formal and businesslike."

I filled Cal in on what happened to us in the Bahamas. Then I told Cal about the newspaper article and how the drug lord new our names. "Graham called the chief of police in the Bahamas and he was the one that recommended we give you a call and maybe having our house patrolled more often and if possible giving us bodyguards or security that would travel with us."

"As you know Bob, I have a small police force. More patrolling wouldn't be a problem, but as far as personal protection, we don't have the manpower for that. Sometimes we get stretched as it is."

"But thanks for calling and I will alert my men to keep their eyes open for strangers and especially any strange people hanging around your clinic or Graham's investment building. And I will alert them to do more patrolling down the street in front of your house."

"Thanks Cal. Any advice you can give us?"

"Really nothing more than what the chief told you. And I will alert the FBI and if I receive anymore information I will be sure to pass it on to both of you."

"Thanks Cal from both of us."

"Well babe. I think we are pretty much on our own. Hopefully the drug lord doesn't know where we live, but I'm not counting on it. I'm still having these weird feelings and sweating and really nervous. I guess we should stick to our regular routine and go about like we don't know anything and maybe this will pass over."

"That's a good thought. Maybe your right. There's really nothing we can do. And we don't want to raise any suspicions if he's already here in town."

"Let's have another beer. What a way to start the week." Graham got up and got us a couple of beers from the tiki bar. There were still some cold ones there from after the party.

We relaxed on a lounger and decided to go in. I was feeling cold. I don't know if it was my weird feeling making me feel cold or if the temperature was dropping. We went in and Graham turned the tv on in the living room.

"Let's go to our bedroom babe. I need you to hold and comfort me. Then I'll feel better. Maybe my strange feelings will go away. At least I wasn't sweating anymore. I didn't like the idea of having to look over my shoulder every where I went from now on.

The main boss was located in Argentina and he didn't like any of his boys going to jail, especially by a couple of fags from the United States. He already had a group of guys ready to work with his main man. As soon as he arrived today. He finished getting everything arranged for his main man, and the new boys that would work with him. Then they would all fly to the United States to take care of those two fags that had bunch of his thugs arrested and were now sitting in a jail in the Bahamas, of all fucking places.

I couldn't believe I was flying to Argentina to meet the main boss. I had only spoke to him once before. He was quite an imposing man. But if he wanted to see me, I wasn't going to pass up this opportunity. I knew he wouldn't pay for me to fly to Argentina if it wasn't important. In a couple of hours I would be meeting him again and get filled in on what was going down.

The plane touched down at the Argentinian International Airport. I was whisked away as soon as I deboarded the plane. No security lines no passport check, no nothing. I wondering how the main boss knew I was here. But I guess he wouldn't be the main boss if he didn't know what was going on.

The limousine had dark tinted windows so I couldn't see where I was. The driver told me that when he started slowing down, to put the black hood over my head. There was a black hood on the seat next to me.

It didn't seem to take long until the limousine was slowing down and I did as instructed, and put the black hood over my head. I couldn't see a thing. I now had a feeling how the fags must have felt when we tied them up and put black hoods over their heads. Obviously the main boss wanted his wereabouts top secret.

I felt the limousine stop and the driver opened the door and helped me out. He closed the limousine door and he helped into a building I assumed. We seemed to walk a long ways and was led into another room and I heard the door close and hood was taken off my head.

I was face to face with main boss. The room was very lavishly decorated. The main boss was doing ok. He hugged me and gave me a kiss on each cheek. That seemed like a scene out of the Godfather. I was wondering if it was the kiss of death.

We took a seat on chairs facing each other and he asked me if wanted something to drink. I told him a whiskey on the rocks would be fine. He snapped his fingers and the limousine driver poured his couple of whiskeys on the rocks.

"I'm glad you made it here ok. How was your flight?"

"Flight was fine. Just surprised you wanted to see me."

"I always like to talk face to face with my most important men. I couldn't have you sitting in jail. Your too valuable to me and the organization. I already am having things worked out for you while we talk. Your going to be setup in an abandoned shack. At least that is what it will look like from the outside. Inside it will have everything you need to carry out your next assignment and start making money again for the organization. But first there is an important matter I need to have you deal with."

"I'll do anything you need."

"I know, and that's why I had you flown here to speak directly with you. I have this folder for you that I want you to memorize. The two fags that you had kidnapped and hooded that were older, are Bob and Graham. Bob is a doctor. And Graham is a financial advisor. After I had some men do a background check on them. I found out they have been fags for a long time and have a large group of fag friends. When you fly out later today. You will be going to Bob and Graham's hometown. I have you setup in an old abandoned shack. One of your new men working for you will pick you up in a limousine and take you to the abandoned shack. Their will be an older car at the shack for you to use. The older car won't arouse suspicion. You will have a driver's license and the car is from the area. So that plates on the car also won't arouse suspicion. Your job is to get rid of the two fags, Bob and Graham. Once they are disposed of then I want you to start getting business going. Everything is explained in this folder I'm giving to you. I want you to notify me. You know how, when you finished off Bob and Graham. If you have any problems, get ahold of me immediately."

"I understand boss. I will be more than happy to get rid of those fags. They were nothing but trouble. And two less fags will make this a much better world."

"Good. That's just what I wanted to hear. I don't have anything else for you. So it's time for you leave and get busy. Again, read and re-read the folder until you know it inside and out. You should have plenty of time on your flight. You will be flying first class priority. So you won't have any long security lines to go through at the airport. Do you have any questions for me?"

"Not that I can think of. You covered everything very well. I want to get busy. It's going to be my pleasure getting rid of Bob and Graham."

The same limousine driver walked in and put the black hood over my head and we walked out. We seemed to take the same long walk until we were outside and I was helped into the limousine. Once we were underway, the driver told me I could take the black hood off. Again, I couldn't see anything out of the dark tinted windows in the limousine.

I was anxious to get started on my assignment. It would be my pleasure to get rid of Bob and Graham. They had been nothing but trouble and they got some of the best men that had worked for me arrested, including me. At least the main boss had the connections to have me released. I wouldn't let him down. He knew that. I just need to get to this small town and get busy.

Graham found a movie on the tv, but I wasn't really interested in it. I was wondering what was going to happen. I didn't like these feelings and I wished they would go away.

Graham held me and snuggled up to me. That made me feel much better. I didn't really pay much attention to the movie.

"I was thinking babe. What should we do about the extra groundhog hats? I was thinking of donating them. But don't really have any ideas. How about you? Any ideas where we should donate them?"

I knew where I wanted to donate them. But I wanted Graham to think he came up with the idea. Rather than forcing my idea on him.

I could tell Graham was thinking. "What about donating them to the university theater department. Isn't that where you donated the clothes you found in the trunks?"

"It is. That's a great idea. I'll call them tomorrow and see if someone can come over and pick them up." That was my idea, but I'm glad Graham mentioned the university theater department.

"Another thing babe. Tax season will soon be here and we need to do some cash donations so we don't end up paying out a large amount in taxes. Somewhere we can donate for a tax right off. I was thinking of making donations to the sheriff's department in the Bahamas and the airport security for all their help. I don't know how much we would need to donate to avoid taxes, but I'm sure you can figure that out for us."

"That's right. I forgot about tax season right around the corner. With everything we've had going on in our lives. I like your idea of donating to the forces in the Bahamas. I can start working on that tomorrow and see what kind of a donation we can make."

"I like that idea Bob. They were big help to us. When I call there I'm going ask if they have any more information on the drug lord that was released from prison."

"Good idea. I'm going to check tomorrow's daily paper and see if there is any more information about the drug lord."

With all our talking the movie had ended and I was actually tired and some of my weird feelings had went away. But other's were still lingering.

We snuggled together and made love. I don't know how long. All I knew was that I was hearing the alarm.

Graham turned the alarm off and we got out of bed and went downstairs to workout. Some of the guys were there. Some were changing and other's were already working out. We changed into our jocks and joined the guys. I was still having my weird feelings but I tried to hide them and act like I usually do. We got in a good workout, just over an hour. We all got into the shower and just jerked each other off. We didn't seem to be in the mood for anything else. After the weekend everyone seemed to be dragging a bit. We dried off and and dressed and went upstairs for breakfast.

Margaret had breakfast ready in the formal dining room. A room we don't use that much. She said it was too chilly outside to eat breakfast. It seemed kind of nice to eat in the dining room.

We ate everything Margaret had cooked. It was good as usual, but it was time to get to work. We all walked into the garage and hugged and kissed and left for work.

Graham told me he would check on how much we could donate to the forces in the Bahamas. He told me it might take a couple of days.

My flight landed and a limousine was waiting for me. After checking over the information in the folder. I found out the shack where I would be working from was on the outside of town. I liked that. Less chance of the cops patrolling there regularly. And the photos looked like a deserted shack with a parking place in the back. I was wishing the driver would go faster. I wanted to get to the shack and start working on my plans to get rid of Bob and Graham.

The limousine stopped and I got out. We were parked in front of the shack. It looked just like the photos in the folder. The used car was parked on the side of the shack. I would move that to back of the shack. The driver dropped off my luggage and gave me the keys to the shack and the car. He told me the utilities were taken care of. All I had to do was buy food. He said he would be bringing my henchmen in a little while and then he took off.

I unlocked the shack and took my suitcases inside. The inside was really fitted out pretty good. There was a kitchen and dining room. Two small bedrooms and a master bedroom. The master bedroom had it's own en suite bathroom. There was a small bathroom in the hallway for the two bedrooms. A small living room and a bunch of equipment stacked on one side of the living room. The shack was furnished and ready to be lived in or to be used in my case.

I set my two suitcases in the master bedroom. I wanted to get the car moved. I found the car keys and went back outside and it started right up. I drove it o the back parking space so it couldn't be see from the highway.

I was going to wait on the henchmen before I took a drive into town. Hopefully one of my new men would know how to cook. I was a horseshit cook and was lost in the kitchen. Besides I have more important things to do than to be cooking. The guys can take care of that and keep this shack clean. I checked the cupboards and frig and everything was stocked. I thought that should keep us going for about three or four days.

I put my things away and stored my suitcases in the closet in the master bedroom. I went out to the living and started looking through the boxes. One box had explosives. Another box had weapons. And third box had some weird sex toy shit. There wer also ski masks and blindfolds and hoods. Then I remembered in the folder, the main boss had mentioned I might like to use the sex toys on the two fags once I had them captured, before I finished them off. That was an excellent idea. However, they might like the sex toys.

I found the door in the kitchen that went down to the basement. You had to lift the door up and then you could prop it open. I found a light switch. The basement was small. And I saw it was already outfitted for torture and their were a few more interesting sex toys in the basement. It looked like a sling and some leather shit to wear.

I wish that fucking driver would get back with my henchmen. I want to start scouting out the town and they can get settled in and make some supper for us.

I turned off the basement light and closed the door to the basement. I heard some noise outside. I grabbed one of the pistols and peeked out one of the front windows. The limousine driver was back with three men. They were big, mean looking and very muscular. Good, just the kind of men I wanted.

I saw the driver unload three sport bags and he took off. They walked up to the front door and knocked. "What the hell is this knocking shit." I looked out the front door and told them to get their asses in here.

They were big, but I think they were lacking in the smarts department. Ok men, get in here. We need to have a talk. They hauled in their sports bags and dropped them on the floor and we walked into the living room. "I don't know what the main man told you. But we have a lot of work to do. I have two faggots I need to kidnap and get rid of before we can really get business going. There is one car parked in the back that I will be using most of the time. I want you guys to start organizing our drug business." One of the guys spoke up, "that's what the main man told us. But we were supposed to follow your instructions. We all have cell phones that have unknown numbers when we call someone. He told us you would probably want to get started on the drug business, since you would be busy scouting out your strategy on kidnapping the two fags."

"Good. These two fags I'm kidnapping were responsible for my last boys getting arrested and I don't want that happening again. They are wealthy and have high profile jobs and well respected in this town. So I will be taking my time and working with you guys to get our drug business going."

"The main boss told me I should get you guys some motorcycles. I will check the town and see what they have available. I'm going to go into town and take a look around. While I'm gone, there are two bedrooms and the living couch makes into a bed. You guys can decide on your sleeping arrangements. And when I get back I'm going to be fucking hungry. So I hope one of you knows how to cook. The box next to the wall here in the living room has weapons. I want you guys armed at all times, so you pick out what you want and the rest I will store away when I get back. Is that understood?"

"Yes boss." They said in unison.

"This is going to be our home for awhile, so start getting used to it. I have the house keys with me and the keys for the car. I'm not sure how long I'll be gone. But I should be back before it's dark. So enjoy your home and start planning out our drug business. And have some grub ready, when I get back."

They watched their boss leave and now could enjoy they hangout till he got back.

Graham was having a busy Monday. He was able to make a few phone calls and get the donations in place between meetings. Bob was going to be surprised at how much they could donate. When Graham called the airport security in the Bahamas and the chief of police they were surprised to be getting a donation. Especially of the size Graham was talking about. They could donate $100,000.00 to both forces. They would still be doing their local donations too. The accounatant assured Graham with these two donations to the Bahamas they wouldn't have to pay any taxes.

Bob's morning went quickly and he was getting ready to walk to the diner for lunch. He was going to call the university drama department during lunch and see if they wanted the extra groundhog hats. He called Graham to meet him for lunch. But Graham wasn't sure if he could get away. He told Bob he might be able to make it for lunch, but not to wait on him.

The drug lord got in the car and took off for town. He knew the town pretty well. The main boss had printed out a map with Bob and Graham's work locations. And here their house was located. He wanted to go by where they worked and see what the area looked like.

He arrived into town and drove down, what was supposedly the main street. Graham's office building was located on this street. It was way too busy for him to be able to kidnap Graham. He saw the diner and knew from the main bosses information that Bob and Graham ate lunch at the diner often. He wanted to drive by Bob's clinic and see what that location looked like. This was better. It was in a quiet area of the town with hardly any people around. He thought he would easily be able to kidnap Bob.

This was just a scouting trip today to get a feel of the town and the areas where Bob and Graham worked. He then drove by their house. It was on the edge of town, but it was too secure for any possibility of kidnapping them their. He also noticed they had a high security alarm system.

Bob was going to be easy to kidnap. Graham was going to be more of a challenge. He thought he'd swing by the diner and have a cup of coffee and maybe get a glimpse of Bob and Graham if they decided to have lunch there.

He drove back down the main street and was able to park in front of the diner.

The drug lord knew what Bob and Graham looked like. There were two 8 x 10 photos of them in the folder of information.

Bob had already arrived at the diner and had ordered a cup of black coffee while he waited a few minutes for Graham. If Graham didn't show in a few minutes he would order lunch and walk back to the clinic.

While he was waiting for Graham he called the university theater department and was lucky to be able to talk to the head of the department. This was the same man he talked to when he had donated the clothes. The man answered and Bob identified himself and told him about the groundhog hats if they would like to have them. He would donate them to the department. The head of the department said sure. He wasn't sure how they would use them, but they couldn't refuse a free donation. He asked Bob if he could come by later and pick them up. Bob told him he usually got home around five or five thirty. So if he came at six he would be sure to be home. They agreed on six.

The drug lord walked into the diner. And spotted Bob. He sat on the opposite side from Bob with a good view of Bob. The drug lord was a nice looking man. He was tall, dark hair, muscular and probably early forties. A little gray was showing on his sideburns. He ordered a black coffee and sat there comtemplating on how he was going to kidnap Bob and Graham. He was the kind of man the got stares on his good looks. He didn't have the stereotypical face of a drug lord. Or if there was a stereotypical look.

The diner door opened and Graham came in. He saw Bob and walked over. Bob told Graham he just got off the phone with the head of university theater department and he was coming by the house at six to pick up the left over groundhog hats.

Graham then told Bob about the donations. And that everything was in place. They could make $100,000. donations to both the airport security and the police department. And with their local donations, they wouldn't have to pay any taxes. Bob told Graham that was perfect. "I bet they were surprised about the donations."

"You have no idea Bob. They couldn't believe we were donating that much money."

"That's great. It's the least we can do for all their help. I'm still having my weird and strange feelings. I haven't heard anything from Cal. I just hope the drug lord doesn't come to our hometown."

"I don't think we have anything to worry about. He had no reason to come to this town. I'm sure he has plans on how to make more money trafficing drugs."

"I hope your right."

Millie came over and we both ordered the special and Graham ordered a black coffee.

The drug lord was seething. He couldn't wait to get his hands on those two fags. He was going to make them pay for getting some of his best men arrested and himself, before he slowly tortured them to death.

The drug lord finished his coffee. Paid and left. He was going to wait in his car to watch Bob and Graham leave.

Bob and Graham talked a little more. Millie was busy. So she didn't have time to talk. She brought their dinner orders. They ate and thought they better get back to work. They told each other how much they loved each other. Paid the bill and left the diner.

The drug lord saw Graham get into his Porsche and take off back to work. He saw Bob walk down the sidewalk. Back to his clinic. Bob was going to be easy to kidnap. He had to do some planning on how he was going to get Graham.

The drug lord drove around town some more. Getting familiar where everything was located. He happened to drive by a motorcyle dealership. He turned around and drove back. He got out of his old car and walked into the showroom and was looking around. A saleman came over and asked him he would like some help. "I see you sell all top of the line motorcycles. Do you have any used motorcycles in good condition."

"Sure follow me. Do you have a specific make your looking for?"

The salesman showed the drug lord what he had. The drug lord spotted the three he wanted. He knew a little about motorcycles and knew these three were in good condition. He just needed to take them for a spin and see how they operated.

"Any chance I can try out these three before, so I can see how they handle?"

"Of course. Look at them some more while I get the keys."

The salesman came back with the keys. And the keys to the drug lord. The drug lord took off on one off his choices and it handled perfectly. He drove it around the block and then did the same with the other two. "These three are just what I'm looking for."

They walked back into the saleman's office and the salesman got out the contracts for the three motorcycles. When it was time to sign the contracts, the drug lord bent over and the salesman thought he saw a gun tucked into the drug lords pants, but he could have been mistaken. They shook hands and he showed the drug lord where the cashier was located. He paid in cash for the three motorcycles. Walked back to the salesman and they shook hands and told him he would be back to pick up the three motorcycles.

They had security cameras in all the offices and throughout the dealership. He wanted to check with security and see if his hunch was right about the drug lord having a gun tucked into his pants.

He walked into security and told them about his concern. They played back the tape from his office and zoomed in to the drug lord. The salesman hunch was correct and the drug lord did have a gun tucked into his pants. He was going to call his good friend Cal and give him a heads up about this man that just bought the three motorcycles.

The dealership had helped Cal in the past. They didn't have much trouble, but then again they didn't want any problems. He called Cal on his office phone. "Hello this Cal. How can I help you?"

"Hello Cal this is a saleman from the motorcycle dealership. I just finished with a customer that bought three motorcycles. I noticed he had a gun tucked into his pants. When we checked our security cameras, it was confirmed he was carrying a gun. I just thought you'd like to know."

"Thanks for the heads up. Make a copy of the tape showing the gun and the face of the customer and I'll swing by in a couple of minutes to pick it up. Thanks for the information."

"Our pleasure to be able to help in any way we can."

The drug lord arrived back at the shack and parked in the back. He walked in, but didn't smell any food. "Ok fuckers, where's my food. And then I have some good news for you."

One of the henchmen was a so so cook. And put some food on a plate and set in front of the boss. "Grab me a beer too. Unless you scum bags drank it all?"

The guy gave him a cold beer from the frig. At least they hadn't drank it all while he was gone. "So did you find out where Bob and Graham work and live?"

"Sure did. Bob is going to be easy to kidnap. Graham is going to take a little work, but I'll get something in place to get his faggy ass. I also bought you three douche bags motorcycles. We might go to the dealership and get them later, or tomorrow morning. Depending on how I feel."

Cal pulled into the motorcycle dealership and walked in. The salesman that had called Cal, identified himself and told Cal to come into his office. He put the copy of the security tape in his computer so Cal could see what the camera had captured.

"Well I'll be damned," said Cal. "Good job. I'll take the tape and run it through our National System and see if anything shows up. Good job and I need to run."

They shook hands and Cal took off back to his office. He knew he would need to alert the FBI, but he wanted to run this scum bag through the system first and see if anything showed up. Then he would call the FBI.

Bob finished and drove home. He was tired. Being stressed with his weird and strange feelings. He couldn't wait to have a cold beer and relax by the pool. He arrived home and drove into the garage. He disarmed the security system. Margaret must be gone or the system wouldn't be armed. He walked into the kitchen and there was a sticky note on the kitchen island. It was from Margaret, saying that she had to leave early and food was ready in the frig.

Bob was going to tell Graham he wanted to set the security system to one. That would alert the police, there was an intruder inside the house. Bob reset the alarm system, he didn't want to take any chances.

Cal got back to his office. He was anxious to see if the national system would have any data on this guy on the surveillance tape. He booted up the national system and put the disk in and waited. He watched as it scanned the data bases. It started slowing down, which meant it was finding matches. Only one match appeared, but that was all Cal needed. "Bingo, this is the same scum bag that had Bob and Graham kidnapped in the Bahamas. No doubt he's here to do the same thing again." I better give the FBI a call. I think I'm going to need all the help I can get.

Cal had a direct line to the FBI branch that was located close to their town. He called the number. "Hello. This is the FBI, how may I help you?"

Cal identified himself and told the FBI the information he had and the surveillance tape with a clear facial shot of the drug lord and the pistol tucked into his pants. He told the FBI he was waiting on a call from the salesman at there local motorcycle dealership. The drug lord was supposed to go with three of his men to take the motorcycles that were purchased.

The FBI agent told Cal to call him as soon as he heard from the salesman and use this same phone number. They would have a team moving into our small town in a matter of minutes.

Bob stripped down naked. Put one of their robes on and walked down to the pool. His beer needed a refill. He went over to the tiki bar and refilled his glass. Stretched out on the lounger and relaxed. He hoped Graham wouldn't be late. He needed Graham big time, and Graham could always help him feel better and get his mind on other things.

It was still early enough and he wanted his boys to have their motorcycles. They would need them to start working on setting up their drug trafficking. He picked up his cell phone and called the salesman at the dealarship and told him he would be there in about fifteen minutes to pick up his motorcycles. The salesman told him they had cleaned the motorcycles and were full of gas. The drug lord thanked him and hung up.


The salesman immediately got on his phone and called Cal and filled him in on his conversation with the drug lord. Cal thanked him, but told him he didn't have time to talk. He needed to make an urgent phone call.

Once Cal hung up with the salesman. He called the FBI agent and told him about the drug lord going to pick up the motorcycles in about fifteen minutes. He said he already had a team in the area and would like his force to help them keep surveillance from a distance of the dealarship. They could keep in touch with their car phones. Cal told the FBI agent he had no idea where they were. So he would have his men out like they were doing routine patrolling until they spotted the drug lord at the dealership. The FBI agent again told Cal to keep him informed. He told Cal the drug lord wouldn't be able to identify their vehicles. So they could stay fairly close to the dealership.

Bob had dozed off. He always got stressed and tired when he had these strange feelings. He woke up to someone kissing him. He was a little startled until he saw Graham smiling at him. "Sorry to wake you babe. You'd looked so peaceful resting."

"No. I'm glad you woke me up. That was sure good news you had about the donations. How was you day and what time is it?"

"It just after four. I managed to finished early today. Thought I'd surprise you."

"I'm glad you did. Let me get you a beer and you can rest here beside me on the lounger." I noticed Graham had put a robe on too.

The weather was comfortable. Our cold front was already moving out. And we getting back to more normal weather. We just laid on our robes and let our naked bodies absorb the rays of the sun.

Graham guzzled his beer down. He was thirsty. "How you feeling husband? You still having your weird feelings?"

"Yeah, still having them. But always feel better when your here with me."

They snuggled together on the lounger. Graham holding Bob tight to him. He knew that would make Bob feel better. It made him feel better too.

The drug lord got his henchmen in the car and they drove over to the motorcycle dealership. He found a parking spot and told his men to stay in the car until he told them to come out.

Cal and his men and the FBI spotted the car. They had high powered binoculars and the it was the drug lord that had parked and walked into the dealership. They could see three men in the car. But couldn't make out their faces. They would wait. They could follow the drug lord and the three thugs on their motorcycles and find out where they were holding up.

The FBI and Cal and his men knew they couldn't make an arrest, since there hadn't been a crime committed, at least not yet. It was just a waiting game now.

The drug lord talked to the salesman and told him he was here for the three motorcycles. The salesman told him they had them ready and would drive them out where he was parked.

The drug lord walked back out to his car and waited. Soon the three motorcycles came out. They looked brand new. They had done a good job of cleaning them. He motioned for his his boys to come out of the car. He told them these were their motorcycles and they could choose which one they wanted. It was easy, since they all looked pretty much the same. The drug lord handed them the keys for the motorcycles and told them to wait. The drug lord shook the salesmans hand. The drug lord told them to head back to the shack and he would follow them.

The FBI and Cal and his men were watching closely and waited while they took off to give them space. They didn't want to make the drug lord suspicious. They just wanted to find out where they were holding up.

Finally they decided to follow the drug lord and his three men on motorcycles. The FBI had black vans which didn't look anything like a police vehicle so they were heading out first. One would pass them while the other followed and another would stay a good distance behind. The FBI told Cal to tell his men to stay put, and would give Cal the details of the their hold out.

Bob and Graham were starting to get pretty hot and heavy on the lounger. Graham was really making out with Bob. He had Bob pull his legs back to his chest. Graham got down between Bob's legs and licked the inside of his thighs up to his balls. First one side and then the other. Graham then started licking around Bob's hole, getting a good whiff of his manly scent which really got him horny. He started lapping over Bob's hole and sticking his tongue in. Bob was moaning and squirming on the lounger, it felt so good. Graham licked a couple of fingers and eased them into Bob's hole, easily finding his prostate and working it back and forth. He licked a third finger and eased it in working them around and getting Bob stretched for his big hardon. Graham rubbed his precum over his cock and pulled his fingers out and eased the big swollen head into Bob's waiting hole. Bob's hole pulled on Graham's head and pulled it in with a popping sound. It then made it easy for Graham to slowly slide the rest of his cock into Bob's hole. Graham started thrusting in and out, slow and easy. Bending down and kissing Bob at the same time. Feeling his pecs and nips and tweaking Bob's nips. Bob was leaking and covering Graham's stomach with precum. Graham started going faster and moved down so he could suck on Bob's leaking cock. He liked the taste of Bob's precum and was sucking it out as fast as it was oozing out the pee slit. Graham could feel his cum churning in his balls and traveling up his shaft. His cock was slowly hardening and getting thicker and started throbbing as he shot thick ropes of cum up Bob's hole. Bob's ass muscles were clamped around his cock milking it continually. Bob couldn't hold back after Graham shot up his hole. He blasted a big load down Graham's throat, panting and gasping for air. Graham finished cumming and pulled out. Bob leaned down and sucked his cum off Graham's cock. They laid back exhausted, but sated. They agreed on one more beer.

"What should we do for dinner?" Bob asked Graham.

"Well we just dessert. What did you have in mind?"

"How about if we go to the Italian Restaurant? We haven't been there in awhile."

"Good idea. Let's shower and then I'll call and make reservations."

The FBI was following the three motorcycles and the drug lord in his car. The FBI knew the town and the surrounding area well. They knew they were going down a highway that wasn't used that much. One of the vans passed the motorcycles and drug lord like they had planned and just kept on going. The driver of the van knew of a side road where he could turn around. He would wait now and would get word if he was needed. There were four FBI agents in each van. They were a specialized tactical unit. The van behind the motorcycles and drug lord knew they were slowing down. So they also slowed to a crawl. They saw the motorcycles and then the car pull off the highway. The van speeded back up and passed the shack and they saw the motorcycles parked on the side of the shack. They didn't see the car, so they figured it must be in the back of the shack.

They turned around with the other van and make their way back to town. They called Cal and told him where the drug lord and his henchmen were located, but not to patrol the area and arouse suspicion.

Once their breathing returned to normal, Bob and Graham got up and carried their robes with them to their bedroom. Bob told Graham he had the security system set to one. He wasn't taking any chances. Graham told Bob to go ahead and get the water ready in the shower. He was going to call and make reservations for us at the Italian Restaurant. Graham called and he had reservations for two at six. They would need to take a quick shower, dress and then head over to the restaurant.

Graham hung his robe with Bob's and walked into the shower. God his lover looked so hot with the water running over his body. Bob had his eyes closed and didn't see Graham enter. Soon he felt Graham's arms wrapped around him. He opened his eyes and they kissed. "I love you more every day." Graham told Bob."

"No. I love you more."

They hugged each other tight together. Their cocks rubbing and hitting together. They didn't have time right now to take care of that. They washed each other quickly. Dried each other off and got dressed in some of their new tailored clothes. They had used some of the gift certificates from their wedding reception. They were also having a couple more new suits made.

They got dressed. Helping each other with the finishing touches. Checked themselves out in the floor length mirror and thought they looked pretty hot and ready for a good dinner.

They went in Graham's Porsche. The Porsche was okay but Bob was use to sitting up high in his SUV. He felt like he was riding on the floor. It didn't take them long to get to the mall and the Italian Restaurant. Graham was able to park in front and they entered from the Mall parking lot. A waiter opened the door for them and lead them back to one of the private dining rooms. "Welcome gentlemen. It's been a while since you've ate here."

"We haven't forgot about the restaurant. We've had a lot of things going on and we are getting back to a more regular routine."

"Well enjoy your dinner. The chef is preparing something special for you men. Would you like a drink before dinner. Yes, we will both take a scotch and water on the rocks. And then a chilled bottle of wine with our dinner."

"Very good. I'll be right back with your drinks."

The drug lords henchmen were anxious to use their new motorcycles and get more familiar with them. They kept bothering the drug lord to take them for a spin. "Will you guys just shut the fuck up. I'm trying to concentrate and figure out how I'm going to kidnap Graham and I also need to think about setting up our drug trafficking business."

"Ok boss. If we weren't here it would be quiet and you could concentrate better."

The more the drug lord thought about it, the better that idea sounded. Besides he was getting tired of listening to them. "Ok, you have the keys for your motorcycles. Get the fuck out of here for awhile, but be back before dark and be careful. I don't want you guys being followed or acting suspicious. You got it?"

"We got it boss. Thanks for letting us go for a spin on our motorcycles. We aren't stopping anywhere. Just going to drive around and get a better feel of these machines."

"Ok. Remember to be back before dark. When you get back. I'll be hungry and one of you shitheads needs to get my dinner ready for me."

They were glad to get out of the shack for a little while.

One of the FBI vans parked at a distance, saw the men emerge from the shack and get on their motorcycles. They thought they better follow them just in case they were up to something. They alerted the other van they were going to follow the men on their motorcycles.

Bob and Graham enjoyed their drink while they waited on their dinner. It was nice to get out of the house. Bob still had his strange feelings, but when he was with Graham they weren't quite as strong. He remembered what Cal had told them to try and be together as much as possible when they were out of the house.

They had finished their drink and the waiter came out with two covered platters and it looked like a couple of side dishes. He went back to the kitchen and came back with an ice bucket and their chilled bottle of white wine.

The waiter set the platters down in front of Bob and Graham and took the covers off. They had lobster and shrimp. Bob's was fixed thermidor and Graham had melted butter for dipping. They had sides of mixed vegetables and white rice.

The waiter opened the bottle of Chardonnay wine and poured them each a flute of wine. They both tasted the wine and told the waiter it was perfect. The waiter left and told them to enjoy their dinner.

The lobster and shrimp was excellent. Not overcooked, perfect. Graham and I each took a good sized helping of the vegetables and the rice was good in the thermidor sauce.

We had a pleasant dinner. And didn't mention anything about the drug lord being in the area. We knew Cal would keep us informed if there were any changes. We just followed his advice and tried to be together as much as we could when we were out of the house.

We finished our dinner. I was full after eating a one pound lobster tail and eight jumbo shrimp with vegetables and rice. Graham looked liked he waiting for more food. I knew what he was going to do.

The waiter came in and cleared our plates. Graham asked him what they had for dessert. He told Graham that they had one of his favorites, strawberry shortcake. Graham's face lit up like a little kid on Christmas morning. I'll have strawberry shortcake. I told the waiter nothing for me. I would finish my wine.

The henchmen were enjoying their motorcycles and being free to drive around. Not being the smartest of people, they didn't notice a black van following them around. They were enjoying the power of their motorcycles. They thought they better head back. They didn't want their boss getting mad at them. They headed back the same way they came into town and pulled up on the side of the shack. It was still sunny out and they didn't think they had been gone that long.

The waiter brought Graham's strawberry shortcake out on a dinner plate. I knew Graham wouldn't have any problem eating all of it. I just watched him in amazement. He finished his dessert and I finished my wine. We gave the waiter a good tip and Graham drove us home.

The drug lord was wondering where Moe, Curly and Larry were. He didn't really care, it was giving him plenty of time to plan his kidnapping of Bob and Graham. He knew how he was going to kidnap Bob. That would be easy. He knew with Bob out of the picture, it would be easier to kidnap Graham. He also had all the details worked out for starting their drug trafficking. He had called the main boss and he liked his ideas. He grabbed himself a beer from the frig while he waited for his men to get back.

Bob and Graham made it home and got settled into their bed in their bedroom. Bob was still stressed and he was tired, even though it was still early. Graham turned on the tv and Bob snuggled into Graham and they watched a movie.

The boys made it back and parked their motorcycles on the side of the shack. The black van went back to it's usual surveillance spot. They walked into the shack and they saw the boss in the living room watching tv and drinking a beer. "It's about time you got home. This fucking beer is making me hungry. Which one of you is fixing us all some grub?"

"I am boss."

"Well, what you waiting for. Get your fucking ass in the kitchen and get busy. I could eat the asshole out of a skunk. After we eat I'm going over my plans with you boys on getting our drug business going."

The drug lord kept watching tv and drinking his beer while he heard noise in the kitchen and started smelling something being cooked.

Bob started nodding off during the movie and Graham turned the tv off and the night light. And gently pulled the covers over them and tried not to move Bob. He needed to a good night's sleep. Maybe he would feel better in the morning. He hoped so. Graham finally fell asleep.

"Your grub is ready boss. Come on out and fill your plate."

"What the fuck. You fix a fucking plate for me and bring it in here with another beer. You think your too good to fix a plate of food for me?"

"No, no boss. I didn't mean it that way. I'll be right there with your food."

These dim bulbs have a lot to learn and I was starting to lose my patience with them. I going to give them copies of my the plans I want set in place to get the drug business going. They need to get a good start on it. I'm going to be busy getting Bob and Graham. I already know how I will get Bob. Graham is going to be a bit trickier.

The food tasted like shit. But at least it was warm and when I added a lot of salt and pepper it was edible. I finished eating and told dim bulb to take my plate and to meet me at the dining room table with the fuck ups.

I laid out my three folders for them. I wanted to explain everything I had planned in the folder with them. So that I was confident they understood everything I wanted done. I wasn't even sure if they could read. They definitely didn't have all the wheels turning in the same direction.

The other guys came in and they sat down next to me. I put a folder in front of each one of them. Everything I'm going to tell you, you'll find in your folders. I thought it was better if I want over it with you to make sure you understand everything and answer your questions.

"Ok boss. We're all ears."

I gave dim bulb number two a scowl. And told them to just sit and listen. They could look at their folders later. I went over all my plans and individually told them what I wanted them to do. Is their any questions? They all shook their heads no. "I assume that means you understand your responsibilities. Oh, and I forget to mention. The first time you fuck up, your name will be listed in the daily papers obituaries. AM I CLEAR!"

"Yes boss. Your very clear and we understand. How soon do you want us starting?"

"You will start tomorrow. I'm going to pick up Bob tomorrow and introduce him to our nice home we have here."

"They all starting laughing. Even the boss."

"Now I want you boys going to bed. We all have a big day tomorrow. If you want a beer go ahead and grab one. I'm going to be turning in soon. I have a few more things I want to think about."

The boss had everything planned and how he was going to kidnap Bob. It would be quick and easy. The area where the clinic was located. Was a quiet neighborhood with very little traffic. So there was no chance of anyone seeing anything out of the ordinary happening. He would kidnap Bob when he left work, which was usually around five or five thirty. Usually on Tuesdays he was the last one to leave. So he would be waiting for him.

He had done enough planning and thinking and was ready for bed. He went into the master bedroom and stripped down to his skivies and went to bed. He was out like a light.

Bob woke up still wrapped up in Graham's arms and laying on him. His warm body felt good. It wondered what time it was. He hadn't heard the alarm. That was because Graham didn't set the alarm last night. He looked at his watch and it was already a quarter to seven. Wow they overselpt and would be late. He woke up Graham and told what time it was. They ran down to the gym. Margaret didn't start till seven.

"We thought you forgot about us."

"We overslept and forgot to turn on the alarm."

They stripped down quick and put a jock on. They could get in a few minutes of working out. They warmed up and lifted and did he treadmill and soon it was shower time.

Cal told Bob and Graham he didn't have any more news for them, but they were keeping a close eye on them. Cal thought something would come down soon. Bob told Cal he was still having his weird and strange feelings. Cal told Bob not to worry. There were two special tactical teams of FBI agents specifically trained for this kind of work.

Bob didn't really feel much better. I knew he would feel better when the drug lord was captured and his henchmen.

They all crowded into the shower and started washing each other. Cal sat down on the the shower seat. They all got in line to get fucked. Bob went first and slid down over Cal's big cock. It didn't take long until he was bouncing up and down on Cal's cock. Bob had his back to Cal and his cock was bouncing around as he worked his hole on Cal's cock. Graham got down between his lover's legs and started giving him a good blowjob. It didn't take long until both Cal and Bob were cumming. Graham went next and Bob gave his lover a good blowjob. Once they came Travis Brody and Dave took their turns. Everyone looked satisfied once we finished. We dried each other off and got dressed.

We headed upstairs for breakfast. Margaret asked us what took us so long. It was just a few minutes before eight. We woofed our breakfast down in record time. We all knew we were going to be late for work.

We all got in the garage and kissed and hugged and took off quick for work.

It didn't take me long to get to work. I parked and rushed into the clinic. Janice had been looking for me. She was attending an emergency patient from the Mill and was glad I had arrived. We worked together on the young man and soon had him ready to leave and told him to come back in a week so I could check his healing. He thanked us and left. The rest of the morning went pretty smooth.

When Graham got to his office. Preston had already started the morning meeting. Graham gathered his papers he needed for the meeting and walked in. They all applauded when he walked in and told him they were glad he could make it.

The drug lord woke up and smelled breakfast. He was going to work with his jerk offs and help them get started. He didn't need to be to the clinic until at least four thirty or a quarter to five. So he had all day to work with his men.

He took a quick shower and got dressed and walked out to the kitchen. He saw one of his men finishing breakfast. "Where are the other scum bags?"

"I think their still sleeping boss?"

"What. I'll get their sorry asses out here on the double." He walked to one of the bedrooms and there were his two men sleeping on separate twin beds. "Well, isn't this cozy? Ok, fuck wads get your fucking asses up. We have a full day of work. I want you out to the kitchen in two minutes."

He walked back out to the kitchen and started eating breakfast. He saw the two sleeping beauties come out rubbing their eyes and getting their plates ready for breakfast. "What the hell you think you doing sitting down at the dining room table? I eat alone. You find your own fucking places to eat."

They mumbled and grumbled and went to the living room to eat. Once everyone had finished breakfast he told his three men to join him at the kitchen table. They all sat down and gave him strange glances. They weren't sure what kind of a mood their boss was in. "Ok. This is going to be like school. I'm going ask each of you some questions and see what you remember about what we talked about yesterday."

He went around from man to man asking them questions about what they were going to be doing today. They all answered correctly and the boss was surprised. They were definitely smarter than they looked. He told them to get busy and he told dim bulb number one he wanted him back here by four. He was going to take him into town on his motorcycle to the clinic. And then return back here to the shack.

"Aren't you kidnapping Bob today boss?"

"That's right dim bulb number two. Dim bulb number one is taking me to the clinic so I can kidnap Susie and then her boyfriend tomorrow or later tonight."

"I don't want to see you back here for the rest of the day. You all know what you need to do. You can all return with dim bulb number one at four. Got it?"

"We got boss."

"Ok. Then why are you still here? Get your fucking ugly faces out of here and get busy."

They hurried out of the shack and he watched them from the kitchen window leave. He now needed to store the extra weapons downstairs and make sure everything was ready in the basement when he brought Bob back.

He checked the box in the living room of extra weapons. All handguns. But all high powered. He opened the basement door in the kitchen and turned the light on. Then he hauled the box of weapons downstairs. He found a perfect spot to store them. He checked out all the sex toys and the torture instruments. And it looked like everything was ready for Bob.

He went back upstairs and turned the light off and closed the basement door. He thought he'd kick back in the living with a beer and watch some tv. He had already knew what he was going to do when he arrived at the clinic. He had excellent skills at breaking and entering. Whether it was a house, a window or getting into a vehicle, he could do it all.

The van that was watching the shack saw the three motorcycles leave. They called their boss and he told them to trail them and see what they were up to. They followed at a safe distance and watched the three men. They were obviously busy setting up business for their drug trafficking. They had purchased a retail store to use as a front for their business. They parked their van across the street but didn't enter the retail store. They called their boss ane informed him of what was going on and the location of the retail store.

They saw the three men close and lock the retail store. They got on their motorcycles and took off. They followed them at a safe distance and it looked like they were heading back to the shack. They were correct. The three men parked their motorcycles by the shack and walked back inside.

Once inside the boss asked, "how did it go boys?"

"No problems boss. Everything is set up and ready to go. And were back here by four just like you wanted."

"Good men. Once I have Bob back here. Tomorrow we can go to the retail store and finalize everything and get business going. Grab yourselves a beer, you deserve it."

"Thanks boss. Remember dim bulb number one your taking me into town so I can pick up Susie and bring her back here."

"I haven't forgotten boss. Just give the word and we will be on our way to the clinic."

The afternoon was going fast for Bob. Janice and Shirley told Bob they had their work all done and if it was okay if they left a little early. Bob told them of course. They left and just him and Quinton were at the clinic. Bob usually did some of his reports on Tuesday, so he stayed a little later.

It was four fifteen and the drug lord was starting to get antsy. "Dim bulb where are you? I'm ready to head to the clinic."

"Be right there boss. I'm taking a dump."

"Thanks for the information. Just what I wanted to know."

They finally got on their way to the clinic. The van saw them leave and with their high powered binoculars. They could tell it was the drug lord and one of his henchmen. They followed them at a distance.

The agents called their boss and told them about the drug lord leaving on a motorcycle with one of his henchmen. He asked his boss if they should alert Bob. He told them to wait to see where they were going.

Bob was busy working on reports in his office. He had just finished his last patient. Quinton poked his head into Bob's office and told him he was leaving for the day. "Have a good day Quinton. I'll soon be leaving. Just finished some reports so I don't get behind."

Bob wasn't feeling well. His weird and strange feelings wouldn't go away. He was able to concentrate on getting his reports done. But it wasn't as easy as usual. At least he only had one more left and then he could leave.

The drug lord and his henchman made into town and the drug lord gave him directions to go to the clinic. The FBI van was a good distance away and Cal and his men had been notified. They were all keeping a safe distance. They didn't want anything to happen to change the drug lords plans. They could tell by the way their were going on the motorcycle, they were going to Bob's clinic. The main FBI boss said he would call Bob and give him a heads up.

Bob was busy concentrating on his reports when his cell phone rang. It startled him, but recognized the number as the FBI. He was hoping they would have some information for him. "Hello, this is Bob."

"Hello Bob, this is FBI Commander. I wanted to inform you that the drug lord and one of his henchmen are on their way to your clinic. Just be cautious and do whatever they tell you. I have my van with my men and the local police are standing by. So you have nothing to worry about. Just act normal and go about the things like you generally do. When I have more information I'll call you."

"Thanks Commander for the information. I'll do my best to try to not be nervous and act as normal as possible."

"Ok Bob. That's all I can ask of you."

The motorcycle pulled up about a half block away from the clinic. The drug lord didn't want Bob hearing the motorcycle. The drug lord got off the motorcycle and told his henchman to go back to the shack and wait there for him. The drug lord walked over to the parking lot. Bob's SUV was the only vehicle in the parking lot. This was going just as planned. The drug lord had some tools with him for getting into locked vehicles. He walked over to Bob's SUV and surprisingly it was unlocked. This was easier than expected. It seemed that when Bob was running late in the morning, in his haste, he forgot to lock his SUV. The drug lord got into the back of the SUV and reached over and pressed the door lock button. Then crouched down in the back and waited for Bob.

The FBI had watched all that taking place. The Commander gave Bob another call.

"Hello Commander. What's happening?"

"The drug lord arrived and is in the back of your SUV. It seems you didn't lock this morning when you came to work. So it was easy for him to get into your vehicle. I just want you to know that he is in the back crouched down. Again, just act normal like nothing out of the ordinary is going on. I'm sure he will be armed, so don't try to be a hero and do whatever he tells you. This will soon be over."

"Thanks again Commander. I will do my best."

Bob finished his last report and got it emailed. He checked around the clinic to maked sure everything was closed and locked. He walked out the front door and locked his clinic. The drug lord could hear the clinic door being closed. He was wearing a ski mast so Bob couldn't identify him. Bob unlocked his SUV and got in and started it up. Turned on the radio like he always did to catch the latest news. He was just going to put the SUV in gear when he felt some cold pressed against his neck. "Follow my instructions and nothing will happen. This gun is loaded and has a hair trigger. One false move and you will be history. Do you understand?"

"I understand perfectly." Bob recognized the voice of the drug lord. He was the same one that was in the Bahamas.

"Good girl. Just follow my directions and nothing will happen."

The FBI and local police were watching everything happening. With their high powered binoculars they could see the pistol pressed to Bob's neck. They saw the SUV leave the parking. The Commander got on his phone to his men in the other van. "Plan Operation Red Flag goes into effect."

The men in other van new what that meant. They were to capture the men in the shack. And that the drug lord was on his way back to the shack with Bob. They waited for the motorcycle to get back before they could put their plan into action.

Bob had no idea where they were going. With his tinted windows on his SUV, nobody could see what was happening inside. Bob was nervous but was able to control himself and not do anything stupid. He followed the drug lord's directions and soon they were leaving town on a road he went down maybe once in hs life.

The motorcycle pull in and they saw the henchman walk into the shack. They could now put their plan into action. They drove slowly to the shack and parked about a half block away. They didn't want the men seeing the van. They all were a well trained tactical team. They got up close to the shack and could hear the men talking inside. One of the FBI agents had a tear gas launcher and he shot two tear gas canisters into the shack through the windows. You could hear the men gasping for breath and they came out of the shack for some fresh air. They weren't armed and the FBI agents easily captured the men and closed the shack door. They handcuffed the men and put them in the back of their van in a secured area. And drove back to their waiting spot.

Cal and his deputies arrived and they were to hide behind the shack. The second FBI van arrived with the Commander. And the Commander had two of his men go back behind the shack with Cal and his deputies. The other two FBI agents, he had hide, but with a good vantage point. They were sharp shooters and they knew what their job was.

Bob was getting nervous and his hands were sweating and he was gripping the steering wheel too hard. The cold metal against his neck was really having an effect on him. He tried not to show that he was nervous and that he was in control of the situation.

The drug lord told Bob to slow down, they would soon be arriving to their destination. Bob did as he was told.

Graham arrived home later than usual and Bob wasn't here yet from work. He knew Bob worked later on Tuesdays, but should be getting home soon. He thought he'd surprise Bob and order Chinese delivery. They hadn't eaten any Chinese food in a long time. And Graham thought Chinese food sounded good. Of course, if he was honest with himself, any food would be good.

As Bob slowed down he saw an old shack up ahead. The drug lord told him to pull in behind the motorcycles. The drug lord didn't notice the two front windows were broken.

The sharp shooters were in position and ready. As soon as the drug lord opened his back door and stepped out to open Bob's door, two shots rang out and the drug lord dropped to the ground. Bob got out quickly, but didn't know where to go. Cal and his deputies grabbed Bob quick and took him behind the shack. The FBI agents swarmed the drug lord and easily got his weapon.

The sharp shooters had been instructed not to kill the drug lord. They wanted him for questioning. He had been shot in the legs, which they would find out later had shattered both knees. Very painful, but fitting for the slime bag that he was. The FBI immediately handcuffed him and put him in the back of the second van in the security hold.

The Commander walked over to Bob and asked him how he was doing. "I think I'm in shock. This has really been a terrifying experience. I just need some time to sit and rest a bit. The stress was almost unbearable."

"We have the drug lord and his henchmen. We need to head back to headquarters. Our work is just beginning. Cal and his men will take care of you."

"Thanks Commander. I'm glad this is over."

"So are we Bob. So are we." Bob watched the two FBI vans leave.

Cal and the deputies came over to check on Bob. "How you doing Bob?"

"Like I told the FBI Commander, I think I'm in shock. This was really terrifying. I didn't know what would happen, if I would live or die. I just need some time to sit and rest."

Cal told the rest of his men to take off and get back to their regular duties. He would stay with Bob to make sure he was ok.

Bob was glad it was just him and Cal. "What will happen now Cal?"

"From what I could gather from the FBI. They won't need anything else from you. They will start their interrogation of the henchmen and the drug lord. They didn't kill the drug lord. They wanted him alive for questioning. They will try to get as much information from him as they can. Once their satisfied they have as much information as he knows. He will be booked, arrested and put away for the rest of his life. Probably the same will happen to his henchmen."

"You ready for me to drive you home?"

"I think so Cal. I really want to get out of this area and home sounds pretty welcome now."

"The keys were still in the SUV and Bob sat on the passenger side. Which felt strange. He was the only one that ever drove his SUV. Cal got the SUV started and they backed out and headed to Bob's house."

Graham was wondering what had happened to Bob. He was never this late getting home and the Chinese delivery should be coming any minute. He thought he'd wait a few more minutes and if Bob didn't arrive, he would give him a call and find out how soon he would be getting home.

They arrived in town and just a few more minutes Bob would be at home. Home would really feel welcome after this harrowing experience. He couldn't wait to have Graham hug him and just hold him. That was what he needed now. "How you feeling now Bob?"

"Much better. Thanks. My strange and weird feelings are gone. I'm just getting tired from the stress and everything that has happened."

"That's understandable. At least your safe and well. I'm sure Graham will be a big comfort when you get home."

"You know it Cal. I don't know what I'd do without Graham. I'm sure he's worried that I haven't come home yet."

They pulled in front of the gate to house and Cal knew how to open the gate. He forgot about the control on the visor that was programmed to open the gate. Cal pulled in and parked the SUV in the garage. They both got out and walked into the kitchen from the garage.

Graham heard the noise in the kitchen. He was just in a jock, but when he saw Bob and Cal he knew that wouldn't be a problem. Graham could tell something was wrong by the look on Bob's face. And why was Cal with Bob.

Cal said, "let's go to the living room and have a good talk."

Graham sat next to Bob and he could feel Bob trembling and shaking. "What's the matter babe?"

"Cal will tell you everything. Please just hold me."

Graham was more than happy to hold his lover.

Cal got started and told Graham what had happened. As Cal explained more and more Graham started holding Bob tighter and kissed him on his head and face. Finally Cal finished. Bob was just sitting their like a statue, numb.

"Bob is in shock and needs rest."

I'll take good care of him Cal and thank you and your men for me. And send a thank you to the Commander and the tactical FBI team for a job well done."

"I'll be sure to do that. I need to call one of my men to pick me up and I better get back to the station."

Cal called one of his deputies that he knew were on patrol and they told Cal they would be there in about five minutes.

Graham heard the speaker and Graham opened the gate. Bob got up and with Graham they gave Cal a big hug and kiss. Bob thanked Cal for everything they had done.

"All part of the job Bob. Just glad I was able to help you."

Cal left and they watched the patrol car leave.

"Oh my god babe. How are you?" Graham was holding Bob tight to him. Bob wasn't shaking or trembling like he was before. And he looked better.

"Much better now that it's all over with. I was in shock for awhile. But I feel ok now. Just tired after the stress and not knowing what was going to happen to me."

They sat together on the couch holding each other. "I was getting worried when it started getting later and later and I was going to give you call just before you and Cal arrived. I ordered some Chinese delivery. I hope you feel like eating?"

"I'm starving. How long till they deliver the food?"

"They should be arriving anytime. You want to answer the door since I'm in just a jock and you still have your work clothes on? I have the money on the table in the foyer."

"Of course. I can take care of that. My weird and strange feelings are gone. Which is a big relief."

They heard the speaker and Bob opened the gate for the deliver van. A young man came to the door with their Chinese food. Bob paid and and tipped him and thanked him. He watched the hot young man leave.

Bob brought the Chinese food to the kitchen island. "Where do you want to eat babe?

"Let's eat in the living room."

"You want to get the food ready for us. I'm going upstairs and change. I want to get out of these work clothes."

Bob got up to the bedroom and it felt good to get out of his work clothes. They had too many memories of what had happened today. He put a jock on and went back downstairs to the living room. Graham had the food ready in the living room. And it smelled delicious. I fixed myself a little plate of the the different Chinese dishes. It was good and I ate more than I usually do. I was tired and asked Graham if he minded if I went to bed. I told him I was tired after everything that had happened. "I'll join you babe."

Graham turned the tv off and I put the rest of the Chinese food in the frig. It would make a good snack tomorrow night.

I stripped off my jock and climbed into bed naked. I told Graham not to set the alarm I wanted to sleep in. I needed a good night's rest.

The FBI Commander had his work cut out for him. The drug lord wasn't cooperating. The henchmen didn't know anything and he knew he wouldn't get any information from them that he needed. The drug lord required a different strategy, but he knew in time he would get the information he was looking for.

As soon as my head hit the pillow I was out like a light. I curled up next to Bob and I soon feel asleep.

I woke up before Bob with light coming in through a bedroom window. I looked over at the alarm clock and it was seven fifteen. I knew I better wake Bob. We needed to shower dress eat breakfast and go to work.

I hated waking Bob, he looked so peaceful. I nudged him and he stirred and opened his eyes. "What time is it?"

"It's seven fifteen. We better get up shower dress eat some breakfast and head out to work."

They crawled out of bed and Graham washed Bob and dried him off. They dressed and walked down to breakfas""t.

Margaret saw them. "Good morning sleepy heads. Your workout buddies already ate breakfast and left for work. I have your breakfast ready for you in the breakfast nook."

Margaret wasn't aware of anything that had happened and Bob wanted to keep it that way. The fewer people that knew about yesterday the better.

They ate their breakfast and both gave Margaret a kiss on the cheek and went to the garage. They kissed and hugged in the garage. Graham told Bob if he needed anything to give him a call. And they should meet for lunch today.

They both left for work going in their separate directions.

It was good to get to work. At least nobody knew about what had happened. So he wouldn't have a thousand questions to answer. The morning went well and he walked over to the diner. He saw Graham's car parked in front. He was glad Graham was already there.

Bob walked in and sat down at his favorite table with Graham. "How you doing babe?"

"I'm doing fine. It's good to be at work. I feel much better and getting a good night's rest helped a lot. I got a call from John. They are back from their wedding. What do you think we should get them for a wedding present?"

"I got a call from Kendrick and he told me the same thing as John told you. I don't know. You have any ideas?"

"I was thinking of us getting them Him and Him plush robes. Like we have and love."

"I like that idea. How we going to get the robes to them?"

I was going to call the owner and have them shipped to him. And then they could deliver the package to Kendrick and John."

"I will call the owner, but I'm sure he wouldn't mind delivering the package to them."

"Also, I know I mentioned I wanted to stay home for awhile. But after what happened yesterday. I think we should head to Washington DC for Lincoln's birthday. I've always wanted to see the National Mall, and the president lays a wreath at Lincoln's memorial and gives a speech. Also, see the Smithsonian Museum while we are there. Leave early Saturday and come home late Monday after the ceremony. What do you think?"

"Let's do it. I'll have my personal secretary get everything set up for us. She's done a great job with our last trips. When is Lincoln's birthday?"

"Not this weekend, but next weekend. We also need to get some warm clothes. It will be winter in Washington DC. I'll call the tailor and tell him what we need and where we're going and having him make some warm clothes for us. We can always pick up scarves and gloves and boots here locally. Even though we don't have cold winter weather. They still sell winter items. Maybe at the tailors. When I call him I will ask if he has those items."

Graham said, "I almost forgot. I heard form our accountant and everything has been finalized for our donations to the airport security and police department in the Bahamas."

"That's good news. I'm sure they can use the money. I'm going to call the owner at the hotel in the Bahamas while we wait for our lunch."

"Hello Bob, good to hear from you."

"Good to hear your voice too. I have a favor to ask."

"Sure. Go ahead."

"Graham and I are purchasing robes for Kendrick and John as wedding presents. I was wondering if I could have them shipped to you and then you could deliver them to Kendrick and John?"

"Of course Bob. It would be my pleasure. You have the mailing address. Be sure to mail the robes priority. They will come faster and go right through customs without any problem."

"Ok. Thanks for the information and hopefully we will be visiting again soon."

"I look forward to you visiting again. Have a good day."

"You too."

Just I disconnected. Millie brought our lunch. She didn't have time to talk. She was having a busy lunch hour.

We finished our lunch and thought we better get back to work. "See you tonight babe, love you."

"Love you too." And we left for work.

The Commander wasn't having an easy time getting information from the drug lord. He wasn't surprised. They were able to keep a tight lip and endure a lot of physical and mental punishment. But he was patient and he knew in time he would get the information he wanted. He kept the drug lord chained to a table in one of their interrogation rooms with the light on. He wasn't allowed back to his cell.

The next few days went by quick for Bob and Graham. Bob was getting back to his regular self. It took some time after his horrific experience. And they were looking forward to their trip to Washington DC. The tailor had their clothes ready and he also included scarves, boots and gloves free of charge. They decided they didn't need any hats. They didn't plan to be outside for a long period of time. They could always purchase hats there if they decided they needed them.

Soon it was Saturday morning. The day of their flight out. They had everything packed and ready to go. They were looking forward to their three days in Washington DC. They heard the limousine pull in. They opened the door for the limousine driver and loaded their two small suitcases and garment bags into the limousine. He opened a back door for them and they got into the limousine.

It didn't take long to get to the airport. A private jet was waiting for them. It was a different flight crew this time. A different pilot, co-pilot and stewardess. They were friendly and the stewardess took care of their suitcases and garment bags. Bob and Graham thanked the limousine driver and gave him a tip. They boarded the plane and soon were on their way to Washington DC.

They had an excellent flight. The breakfast was very good and soon they landed in Washington DC. They could see snow on the ground. At least they had worn some of their new warm winter clothes. They had never experienced snow before. Had just seen it on tv and in magazines. They put scarves on around their necks and put their long winter coats on. They had gloves in their coat pockets. They thanked the crew and everything was loaded into a wating limousine. There were whisked off to their hotel which Graham told Bob was close to the National Mall.

The driver pulled up in front of the Washington DC Carlton Ritz. Wow, did this hotel look fantastic from the outside. Bob couldn't wait to see what it looked like in the inside and what kind of a room they had.

A doorman opened the doors for us. A porter took our luggage and garment bags. We went to the reservation desk and got checked in. We were shown to a private elevator. You couldn't tell it existed from the outside. Once a button was pushed the elevator came open. The porter pushed our luggage cart into the elevator and pressed the twenty fourth floor. The doors opened on the elevator. and it was just a luxurious as the lobby. I thought our hotel was luxurious. But this hotel had us beat by a long shot. We followed the porter to our room. He used a a key card and opened the door. We went in first and the suite was just breath taking. This suite was ten times better than our suite in Las Vegas. The porter brought our luggage in and hung up our garment bags. I tipped him and he left. He gave us one key card and I asked him to bring us a second one. He said he would be right back. He also told us the concierge service and room service were included in the price of our room. I found out later we were in one of their deluxe suites. The suite had three bedrooms. A dining room, kitchen a large balcony that looked out to the National Mall. A large bar fireplace. The master bedroom had a jacuzzi tub. And the shower was a rain shower. Everything was in white Italian marble with gold and white trim. The room was something else and all I could do was just stare. Graham asked me, "is everything ok Bob?"

"Everything is perfect. I can't believe this suite."

"Only the best for my husband."

We emptied our suitcases and changed clothes. The winter clothes were a little warm. I didn't know what we were going to do with all this room, but I wasn't complaining. Graham had really went all out and I appreciated it. This was perfect and now I could get mind on other things and forget about what had happened.

It was going on lunch time and we both were hungry. I checked the hotel brochure and found out they had five restaurants. We decided on the French restaurant.

We went down to the lobby. The porter hadn't brought our second key card. So we went to the concierge and told them. They had a second key card ready for us in about two minutes. We asked them how to get to the French restaurant. The concierge gave us directions and we easily found the restaurant.

A doorman opened the doors for us and asked us if we had reservation. We told him no and didn't know we needed reservations. He asked what room we were in and he said no problem, to follow him. We were led into a special dining area. There weren't many people in this dining area.

We took a seat and asked for a scotch and water on the rocks. The waiter said he would be right back. Within an minute or two he was back with our drinks. He asked if we wanted our lunch or if we wanted to wait. We told him we would wait a bit before eating our lunch.

We finished our drink and the waiter brought out our lunch. He took the covers off our platters and we had shrimp cooked differnt ways. They were jumbo shrimp and looked delicious the way they were arranged on the platter. Some cooked in garlic and butter. Others with cocktail sauce and others prepared thermidor. We finished our shrimp in record time and had fresh homemade apple pie a la mode for dessert.

We waited for the waiter to pay him. He told us our meals were included in the price of our room. We left him a tip and walked back over to the concierge stand. We asked them about going to the Smithsonian Museum. They asked us which one we wanted to see. We told the lady we thought there was only one Smithsonian Museum. She said no, that there were eight Smithsonian Museums. We told her the we wanted to see the oldest museum. She asked us if we wanted to use the hotel shuttle or go in a limousine. We told her we would prefer a limousine. She said she would have a limousine ready for us in fifteen minutes. We told her perfect. We needed to change and then would be right back.

We put sweaters on and grabbed our winter coats and went back to the lobby. The concierge told us our limousine was waiting for us. The doorman opened the front doors to the hotel and we walked out to the limousine. The driver opened a door for us and we got into a nice warm and cozy limousine. He drove us to the main museum. The oldest. He told us this is the one you usually see on tv. He parked in front and we walked in. He told us he would be parked close by when we were ready to leave.

When we walked inside and couldn't believe how massive it was. We spent a couple of hours walking around and decided to return again tomorrow. We talked to the person working the information counter and she told us they were open every day, unless it was a National Holiday, and then they were closed.

You couldn't take pictures inside the museum, but the gift shop had a nice assortment of postcards. We purchased all the different postcards they had.

We left and went back to the hotel. I was feeling tired. And told Graham to order room service for dinner.

We got to our room and we stripped down like we were used to doing. That was a lot of walking we did. Good exercise. We put our hotel robes on. They were complimentary so this set would make four for us. Also, the slipper were complimentary too. Graham ordered room service and the waiter spread everything out on the dining room table. We tipped him and ate a good dinner. We went into our master bedroom and watched some tv and fell asleep with the tv going.

We woke up the next morning and it was already going on eight. We decided to eat breakfast in our room. We took a quick shower and had some fun jerking and sucking each other. I ordered us breakfast and we ate on the balcony. The balcony was enclosed and it was warm out there. We opened the sliding doors to the balcony so the heat from the room would heat the balcony. We had a great view of the National Mall.

We finished our breakfast and decided to get to the Smithsonian as soon as it opened and spend the day there. I noticed they had a cafe/snack bar. We got dressed in some warmer clothes than what we wore yesterday. Graham called the concierge to have the limousine ready for us. We walked down and the driver took us back to the same museum we went to yesterday. There was a lot more we wanted to see. We took as much as we could. We had a coffee and sandwich at the snack bar. It wasn't too bad. It was fresh and the coffee was good. We finished seeing everything we wanted to see and went back to the hotel.

We were tired again after doing so much walking. We dressed and went to a different hotel restaurant. Had a delicious meal and went back to our room. Their was a band playing, but we weren't interested in attending. We sat out on the balcony and just relaxed. I got us a couple of beers from the bar. Tomorrow was our last day and we would be leaving.

Once the President laid the wreath and gave his speech. We were going to walk around the National Mall and then fly home.

We closed the balcony doors and went into the bedroom. We stripped off our robes and climbed in next to each other. We still had some beer to finish. Graham found a good game on the tv. So we started watching the game. We finished our beer and started making out. Soon it changed to making love. We forgot all about the game. Soon we were so exhausted we fell on top of each other and fell asleep.

We woke up early. I don't know why. We weren't going to be working out. Even though the hotel had a gym and four large swimming pools and a spa.

This was our last day and we would be flying out this afternoon. We ordered breakfast in again. We had fun in the shower. This time we sucked each until we were close and then fucked. Depositing our morning loads in each other's holes. We washed the cum off under the shower and dried each other off. We decided we better wear some of new winter clothes. It would be cold for us. The celebration at the Lincoln Memorial was scheduled to start at 10 this morning. And last for one hour or about a hour.

We got dressed in some of our new winter clothes. Put a scarf around our neck and put on our heavy winter coats. We didn't wear boots. We didn't need them. Everything was cleared of snow and it was supposed to be a nice day, according to the weatherman. No wind or snow storms.

We went down to the lobby. And it looked like other hotel guests had the same idea that we did. We walked out and made our way over to the National Mall and walked around a bit. We were a few minutes early and no crowd had started to form yet.

I saw a black limousine with US flags on the front and new that must be the president. There was a black SUV in the front of the limousine and one behind the limousine. Probably security and body guards. One van opened and four men got out that looked like they could be professional football players. They were big men. Then the other van opened and four more men got out. Finally the we saw the president get out of the limousine and he was ushered to the Lincoln Memorial. A crowd had formed. I hadn't seen these people. I had no idea where they came from. We got in the crowd and watched the President place a wreath in front of the Lincoln Me morial and then he went to a makeshift podium with the Presidential Seal on the front. He gave a short speech and everyone applauded when he finished. He then was briskly whisked away into the limousine and left. That didn't take an hour. Only a half hour. That gave us time to walk around the National Mall more.

We were both getting hungry and found a restaurant just a block over from the National Mall and walked in and had a nice warm lunch of soup and sandwich. Which tasted good in this cold weather. Everyone in the restaurant was talking what a nice day it was and it wasn't cold like usual. Both Graham and I looked at each other. We were cold and bundled up like two eskimos. But then this was the first time we had ever experienced winter weather. We finished our lunch and left and continued our walk around the National Mall.

We had seen everything we wanted to see and walked back to the hotel. Went up the private elevator to our room. And changed clothes into something not as warm since we would be flying back soon to our hometown. We got changed and finished packing our suitcases and got our garment bags ready to go.

Graham called down to the front desk and told them we were ready to checkout and if a porter could come to our room for our luggage. They told Graham a porter would be there shortly. A young man knocked on our door and he loaded our suitcases and garment bags on his rolling cart. And we all went down to the lobby. Checkout went fast since everything was covered in the price of the room. They thanked us for staying at the Carlton Ritz and hoped to see us again soon. We thanked them and the porter helped the chaffeur load our bags into the limousine.

We got into the back of the limousine and were on our way to the airport. I leaned over and gave Graham a kiss. "What's that for?"

"I love you. And I really enjoyed our trip here to Washington DC. The hotel room was really special. I liked seeing the National Mall and especially part of the Smithsonian Museum. Thank you babe for making this really special for me."

"Bob you know you are my world. And I was so worried about you. I wanted this to be a special trip for you. And I'm glad it met all your expectations."

We arrived at the airport and it looked like the same flight crew that brought us to Washington DC. The stewardess took care of our bags and we boarded the plane. Graham had tipped the chaffeur and he left. We got situated inside the plane and sat in the sitting area and buckled ourselves in for take off.

We were soon airborne and on our way home. The stewardess asked us if we wanted lunch. I knew Graham was probably hungry. The soup and sandwich wouldn't hold him until we got home. We told her we would both eat lunch. We smell our lunch in our sitting area from the galley. Soon we had reached our flying altitude and the stewardess got the dining room table ready and told us we could get seated and she would bring out our lunch. We had roast beef with all the trimmings. We each had a glass of red wine. The roast beef was mouth watering. It was very tender and each bite was delicious. I ate a little more than I usually do and Graham cleaned up his plate. And was already eating dessert while I finished my plate.

We took our wine back to the sitting area and just relaxed. Soon the pilot announced we would be landing in about an hour. I could feel us started the descent. Soon we were landing and taxiing to our slot. The door opened and the stewardess told us we could deboard the plane. We thanked her and the pilot an co-pilot for a smooth flight.

The limousine was waiting for us to take us home. The stewardess and chaffeur worked together and soon had everything stowed in the li mousine. We waved good bye to the flight crew and were on our way back home. It was just after three in the afternoon. So we had made good time on the flight.

Before we knew it the chaffeur was pulling into our front yard. He parked the limousine and we got out and I disarmed the security system and opened the front door. The chaffeur brought in our things and I showed him where to put them. I thanked him and tipped him. I didn't see Graham. I watched the limousine leave and I saw Graham by the front gate. He was picking up our mail and was looking through it as he walked to the front door.

Graham came in and laid our mail on the kitchen island. We took our bags up to the bedroom and put everything away. We stripped down and put jocks and went back downstairs. Graham went into the living and turned the tv on. I grabbed us a couple of beers and the mail.

"Did you see this in the mail babe?"

"What is it?""It's tickets to our British singer friend shows in Las Vegas. He's going to be performing again and has send us tickets to his show and also information on who we should contact so we can stay in Villa in Las Vegas."

"What do you think? Should we take him up on his offer?"

"Sure why not. Everything is paid for and we have a place to stay. Let's contact his PR person and get all the details."

The main boss in Argentina found out his main boy had fucked up again. And was arrested. He was found out because someone saw his gun sticking out of his pants. What a dumb fuck. This is his problem now. I'm bailed him out once. Now he is on his own. But that still leaves the problem of Bob and Graham. I need to give this some thought and how I'm going to get rid of them.

End of Chapter 4 - Lincoln's Birthday

Chapter 5 Coming Soon

If you would like to see the characters in the story, please read "My Alphabet Friends," and there are photos of characters at the end of each chapter.

Your comments and suggestions are always welcome. I answer all emails I receive. I ask that you please put Nifty or the title of the story in the subject line. Then I'll know it's not spam. I am already working on Chapter 5. I hope you enjoy my story as much as I like writng it. Please email me at:

Next: Chapter 5

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