Bob's Holidays

By Francis Scott

Published on Nov 25, 2022


Bob's Holidays Chapter 3

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The following story is a work of fiction from the authors mind. It contains adult situations between consenting adults. If this offends you and is illegal in your area, WHY ARE YOU HERE? Any similarities to actual people or events is purely coincidental. This story does not promote safe sex. Please practice safe sex at all times. Don't put your life or someone else's in jeopardy.

If you haven't read my story, "My Alphabet Friends," I would recommend doing so. All characters in this series are from My Alphabet Friends. There are pictures of the characters at the end of each chapter. You will find, My Alphabet Friends, in Gay/Adult Friends.

Bob's Holidays

By Francis Scott

Chapter 3 - Groundhog Day

The steward came over and asked us if we would like a drink. I told him I'd have orange juice now and coffee with my breakfast and maybe a drink after breakfast. Graham told the steward the same thing. We noticed his name was John. It was on his name tag on his uniform.

We could smell breakfast and it smelled delicious. I was hungry and Graham was always hungry. I saw John getting the dining room table ready. When he passed our table he said breakfast was almost ready.

John was a nice looking young man. Probably college age. You could tell he had muscles under his uniform. His uniform shirt stretched over his broad shoulders and chest. His uniform pants were stretched around his legs, and you could tell his legs were muscular. He looked to be about our height, six feet. He had dark brown hair and brown eyes.

I noticed Graham watching John and I thought maybe he was getting interested in our steward. "Hello Graham, is everything ok?"

"Everything is great. John is a nice looking young man."

"I've notice you checking him out."

"Do I detect a hint of jealousy?"

"I don't know. Should I be jealous?"

"Nothing to be jealous about babe. Your all the man I need and I'm fortunate to have you as my husband."

We saw John come out from the galley with a large tray that he set in the middle of the dining room table. "Breakfast is ready gentlemen."

We thanked him and took our seats. "Would you like me to serve you?"

"No. That's ok John, we can take care of it."

John left and returned with an insulated carafe of coffee.

Graham took the cover off the large platter. There was scrambled eggs, eggs sunny side up, hashbrowns, sausage, bacon, toast, waffles and pancakes.

This looked like enough food for six people. But I knew Graham would make a big dent in all this food.

I made my plate with two eggs sunny side up, sausage and toast with jam and poured myself a cup of coffee.

Everything was very good. Graham was busy filling his plate. Once he finished I couldn't even see his plate. He poured himself a cup of coffee too.

We finished our breakfast and took our coffee to the sitting area.

John came out from the galley and cleared the dining room table. He saw us sipping on our coffee so he didn't ask us if we wanted anything to drink.

I saw John get Graham's attention and Graham walked over to where John was in the galley. "What's up John?"

"I'm sorry to ask you to come back here, but I have something I want to ask you."

"You can ask me anything. Go ahead."

This is my last flight for me working as a steward. I'm returning home in the Bahamas and university will be starting. I still need more money for university and was wondering if I could work for you and Bob as a houseboy while you stay in the Bahamas?"

"That's a wonderful idea John. I know the owner where we are staying and I'll ask him if he will hire you as a permanent houseboy and you could work for other guests once we leave. I'm sure something could be worked out when you start university so you could continue working at the hotel."

Graham walks back and sits down. "What was that all about?"

"You'll find out soon husband. As soon as we land."

I wasn't pleased about being kept in the dark. There was too many surprises going on for me. I enjoyed our wedding in Las Vegas, but it was all planned by Graham. Now our honeymoon is turning out the same way. All planned by Graham. I was thought we would plan these things together. I still needed to say more to Graham, but I could wait until we got back home.

The pilot announced we were started our descent and would be landing in about an hour.

John brought a small plate of assorted danish roll. I asked him he would refill my coffee. He brought a coffee pot and topped off my cup and Graham's. I took an apple danish off the little plate. It had been warmed and was very good. It tasted good with coffee. Graham of course ate the other five on the plate.

I noticed Graham looking at me and he knew I was upset about something. I didn't say anything. I'd let him make the first comments. "What's the matter Bob? You look upset about something."

"It's nothing Graham. It's something we can talk about when we get home.

The pilot came back on and announced we would be landing in a few minutes and be sure to fasten our seatbelts.

I was getting a strange feeling. That something wasn't right. The closer we got to landing the weirder I felt. I only got these feelings when something bad would happen. These feelings started when I was a young kid. It was like I had premonitions before something happened.

I asked John if I could have a glass of water. He said he wouldn't be able to do that until we landed.

We touched down with a very smooth landing. These pilots were really good. But my feelings were getting stronger. While the pilot taxied the plane, John brought me a glass of water. "Is everything ok babe."

"I'm not sure. I'm getting strange feelings and their getting stronger that something isn't right."

"Do you feel ok. Should we have a doctor ready?"

"No. It's nothing like that. It's a feeling I get when I can tell something is wrong or something bad is going to happen."

I thanked John for the water, but it didn't do anything to strange my feelings.

Soon John opened the door and we could walk out. I saw our limousine waiting for us. I knew where we were, this all looked familiar. We were in the Bahamas. How could I be mad at Graham. This was the perfect place for our honeymoon.

Once we walked out, my feelings started getting stronger. John handed our small suitcases to the chaffeur and he stowed them in the limousine along with our carryon. Then John gave him our garment bags and he hung them in the limousine.

Graham then told me that John would be riding with us. He lives in the Bahamas and is returned home now to attend university. This was his las flight. He wanted to work for us as houseboy to earn some extra money for college. I told John that I would talk to the owner of the hotel and maybe John could be hired as a full time houseboy.

I told Graham that was an excellent idea. That brought a smile to John's face. As we walked to the limousine. We waved back to the pilot and co-pilot. They watched as we made our way to the plane.

As we got closer to the limousine I started getting knots in my stomach and started sweating. The chaffeur opened the door on the far side from the plane. He was rather gruff and scrubby looking. In a very rough voice. He told us to get in and hand him our passports. We told him no and he pulled out a gun and said I want the passports and your cell phones now. He pushed us into the back of the limousine.

Fortunately the pilot and co-pilot had seen some of what happened and the pilot called airport security that their was a problem with the chaffeur of the limousine and something wrong was going on. The airport security said they would put a security check point where you enter and leave the airport and then they could search the limousine.

Other airport security were using high powered binoculars to watch the limousine.

They saw the chaffeur rough handling us. Then the saw the chaffeur tie us up and put black hoods over our heads and then closed the door and he got in and started toward the airport exit. Airport security saw everything that happened. They had all the information they needed to made an arrest. They were hoping the chaffeur or whoever he was, was a member of the drug cartel that had just moved into the Bahams.

Bob Graham and John didn't say anthing. They were afraid for their lives. The knew the limousine was moving, but they had no idea where they were or if they would get out of this mess.

It was a long drive from the back side of the airport to the exit. You had to skirt around the outside fringe of the airport to make it to the exit.

Airport security had everything in place. They had a checkpoint for car entering the airport and for cars leaving the airport. They had place for drivers to pull over while they checked the cars. They had a couple of police cruisers and a couple of motorcycle cops on the exit side, in case the limousine driver decide to make a run for it.

The limousine driver was happy. This had went easier than he thought. These fucking faggots would get what they deserved. Once he had made it to where they were hanging out, these three fags would get a bullet to the back of the head. Three less faggots to have to deal with.

The gang was doing a very good business trafficing drugs to Central and South America and the United States. As business increased, they would start trafficing to Europe. The cartel boss was well organized and he knew what he was doing.

The limousine driver thought he saw a check point up ahead where the exit was. He thought he would slow down and wait for a chance for a fast get away. The security police knew what was happening and they moved a cruiser over to block the exit as the limousine get closer.

The limousine driver was planning his strategy. Once the security officer asked him to get out he would hold him hostage at gun point and then he could make his get away.

As he got close to the check point, the officer waved him over to the checkpoint so they could check the limousine. The officer motioned for him to get out of the limousine. He got out of the limousine and the officer walked over. He grabbed the officer and put his gun to his head. What the limousine driver didn't see was that the other officers were expecting this and had moved in quickly and soon their were six officers guns at the limousine drivers head.

We couldn't tell what was going on. The door was shut, but we could hear talking, but it was garbled and not clear to us.

The limousine driver was thinking fast. Should he pull the trigger and kill the security officer and then be killed, or take his chances with being arrested. He and the other's in cartel had been briefed on what do in these kinds of situations. He decided not to pull the trigger and be arrested. He dropped the gun and within seconds he was handcuffed. "Where are the keys for the car?"

"There in the ignition. You'll find the three fags in the back of the limousine."

One of the officers punched him hard in the stomach when he said that about three fags in the back.

The officers took him off to police headquarters. Two of the other officers opened up one of the back doors. Took our hoods off and untied us and told us what had happened. "Are you guys ok?"

"Yeah. Now that that thug is under arrest. We didn't know if we were going to live or die."

"If you want I can drive you to wherever you were going and the another officer will follow with a squad car to bring me back to the police station."

"That would be great. I think all of our things are ok in the car. I don't think anything was touched or removed."

Graham told the officer where we were going. I noticed John's eyebrows rise when he heard where we were off to.

"Is everything ok John. You seemed surprised when you heard where we were going?"

"Yes, I had called my parents so they knew that I arrived back ok. And told them about working for you guys. They were glad I was ok. And they were glad I found work. I do need to see them when I get a chance."

"That won't be a problem. We have this limousine at our disposal for our time here at the hotel. You will have a lot of free time, so take advantage of it to visit your parents."

We arrived at the hotel. John and the officer took our things out and brought them into the lobby. A porter loaded our bags and John's bag onto a rolling luggage cart. We saw the owner back in his office. He hadn't heard us arrive.

The officer told us he was going to leave and head back to the police station. He took our cell phone numbers and told us he would keep us informed about the thug they arrested and was glad we were ok. We thanked him and told him to thank the other officers and we were glad to be safe and sound.

The owner saw us standing by the front door. He walked out and greeted us. "Hello Bob and Graham so glad to see you. Graham told me about your wedding. Congratulations. Now your spending your honeymoon here at my resort. I couldn't be more pleased. Graham and I worked out all the details with very little expenses for you guys. You are going into my most beautiful deluxe bungalow. The bungalow is only used for very special guests. And who is this young man that's with you?"

"This is John." They shook hands. We have a business thought for John if it works for you?"

"And what might this business thought be?"

"We're having John work as a houseboy for our stay here. And if he works out good. We were hoping you would want to hire him as a full time houseboy. He's going to be starting university and could use the money to help pay for his education."

"That's an interesting idea. I need to give it some thought. And I would like feedback from you and Graham on how John is doing as a houseboy. If you two are satisfied by the time you leave. I will definitely hire him. I know some of our guests would like a houseboy."

"I have some work to do in my office. But I'll visit you later. My best porter will take you to your bungalow. I hope you enjoy it. I think you'll be surprised when you see it."

We thanked the owner and followed the porter to our bungalow. All the bungalows looked pretty nice. The one we had stayed in before was very elegant and special for us.

We all talked about our experience. And it finally sunk in that we were lucky to be alive. We were wondering who the thug was that tried kidnapping us. We hope we'd hear from the police soon.

We arrived at our bungalow. It was in a private secluded area of the resort. It looked very nice from the outside. The porter unlocked the door and opened the double front doors for us. We walked in and our breath was taken away. This bungalow was better than our suite in Las Vegas. It was huge. John helped the porter with our luggage and garment bags. There was a large living room with a fireplace and grand piano. A big formal dining room. Three bedrooms. Graham and I chose the largest bedroom for ourselves and John moved our suitcases in and garment bags. John chose one of the other bedrooms that wasn't being used. He told us someone had things in one of the other bedrooms. Graham and I looked at each other. "Were you expecting anybody else babe?"

"No. Not that I knew of." But he wanted Kendrick to be a surprise for Bob. So he played along that he didn't know what someone else's things were in one of the other bedrooms."

John put his suitcase in the other bedroom and put his things away. He came out and asked us if we would like him to put our things away for us. We told him sure, that would be nice. We were going to look around the bungalow more. There was also a large gourmet kitchen that was fully stocked with food. We opened the sliding doors that went out to the balcony with stairs going down to our own private swimming pool. We walked out onto the balcony and enjoyed the view. You could see the ocean from the balcony. We looked down to the pool. It was a nice sized pool. Then I noticed someone sunbathing on one of the pool loungers. I couldn't tell who it was from the balcony. But the person looked vaguely familiar.

"Let's walk down to the pool. I want to find out who is sunbathing at our pool."

I thought I saw Graham smile to himself as we walked down the stairs to the pool. As we got closer to the person he looked more and more familiar. When I got to the close to his lounger, I knew who it was. "Kendrick, what are you doing here? What a nice surprise."

"Graham called me told me about you coming here for your honeymoon. Fortunately, I was able to get some time off from work and wanted to join you guys. I hope that is ok?"

"That is more than ok." I walked over and Kendrick got up and we hugged and kissed. It was so good to see him.

"We're going to go back up to our bedroom and get changed into our swimsuits and then join you."

"You don't have to wear swimsuits if you don't want to. This is a private bungalow and this pool is very secluded and nobody can see us."

We told Kendrick we'd be right back with our houseboy.

We went up to our bedroom and John had put all our things away for us. We looked for him and he was on his cell phone laying on his bed. "John we're going for a swim and would like you join us. A good friend of ours is here and want to introduce you to him. We are all going to be naked, so a swimsuit is optional if you want to wear one."

We went back to our bedroom and stripped off our clothes and put them away. We put on some flip flops and that was all we were wearing. We walked out of our bedroom and John joined us naked. He was quite a good looking young man. A little shorter than Graham and I. But he was stocky and in very good shape. Not body builder type, but a good trim tight body. He looked to be hung close to the same size as Graham and myself. He had his pubes trimmed which made his cock look bigger. He also had some flip flops on. He said he would grab some towels and join us.

We walked down to Kendrick. He had slid his shorts off and his big cock and balls were hanging down. He was looking just as hot as ever. "Where's the houseboy?"

"He's getting some towels for all us and he'll be right here."

We saw John walking down to the pool with an armful of oversized towels. He walked over to us and we introduced him to Kendrick. John definitely liked what he saw in Kendrick. He couldn't keep his eyes off him. We all grabbed loungers and pulled them together. We put our towels down on our loungers.

"John would you get the suntan lotion off the table and rub suntan lotion over the front of us?"

"Sure. It would be my pleasure."

While John got the suntan lotion and started rubbing into the front of me. Graham was telling Kendrick what happened when we deboarded the plane and went to the limousine. Graham told him we were still a little in shock, but were doing ok now.

Kendrick couldn't believe it. He said it sounded like something you'd see in the movies, not in real life. But was glad we were all ok.

John's hands really felt good on the front of my body. He was doing a good job of rubbing the lotion into my body. As he bent over over me I took the head of his cock into my mouth and licked and sucked on his head. That made him moan. His hands all over my chest stomach and abs were making me chub. I let go of his cock and he just smiled at me.

Then John moved over to Graham and worked the suntan oil into the front of Graham. I noticed he slicked up Graham's cock and balls while doing the rest of Graham's front side. Graham jacked on John's cock while he rubbed the oil in.

He finished with Graham and then moved over to Kendrick. I could tell John really liked Kendrick and was saving him for last. Kendrick was definitely hot and kept himself in terrific shape. He had to for his line of work. While John was working the oil into Kendrick's front side, Kendrick was fingering John's hole. I could see John's cock dripping out precum. He was really turned on. He finished with Kendrick and asked us if we would like something to drink.

I asked Kendrick what time it was. He had his cell phone with him. He said it was going on eleven thirty. I asked the guys how a cold beer sounded. They thought that was a good idea. I told John to bring us beers in chilled glasses and if he wanted a beer or something else to drink to go ahead.

Kendrick was impressed with John. He told us he thought John was an excellent houseboy and should work out great here at the resort. He seemed to like everything that we did to him without any complaints. We told Kendrick we were paying $1000.00 per day. He needed the money for university. Kendrick told us he thought that was a fair price for John jumping to our every whim without objection.

Graham and I told Kendrick it was just nice to relax after our ordeal at the airport with the limousine driver. Maybe head out for lunch here at the resort after we finished our beer and showered. Kendrick said whatever we wanted to do, was ok with him.

John walked over and in a quiet voice, "would it be ok if I called my parents and let them know I'm back, unless you have more you want me to do?"

"Is everything ok John, you seem upset about something?"

"I don't know what I'm going to tell my parents when they ask me where I am. If I mention this resort to them, they know it's a famous gay resort. My parents are very religious and my father preached to my brothers and sisters about the evils of being gay. And he would disown any son or daughter that thought being gay was ok. I'm just worried that I won't have a family anymore."

Graham Kendrick and I looked at each other. "Do you have to tell them where your staying? Can't you tell them you found a job and you're staying with friends?"

"If I tell them I'm staying with friends, they will want to know what friends I'm staying with and then they'll call my friends to verify my story. I really don't know what to do. I want to talk to my parents, but I'm really in a bind on what to tell them."

"What about if you hold off calling your parents today. And all four us visit your parents tomorrow. I helped Graham my partner with his homophobic father and now they get along perfect. Let me see what I can do tomorrow if I can talk to your father privately."

"Would you really do that for me? Of course I would. We would all like to meet your parents. I'm sure they are very nice people. And I will do my best when I talk to your father to make him understand that their is nothing wrong with you. You love your parents and siblings and am still their son and brother to your siblings."

John walked over and gave me a guess on the cheek. "Don't worry John I can be very persuasive." "Believe him John," said Graham. "I never thought I'd be close to my family again and after Bob talked to my hard nosed father he was a different man and now I'm closer to my father than I've ever been."

John looked better. And asked us if we'd like a refill on our beer. We agreed on one more before we got ready for lunch.

While John got the guys another beer, it gave him a chance to think and reflect on himself and his current situation. First, he knew he was gay at an early age. He liked looking at the boys. He liked he girls, but his feelings were different with boys. He had to be very careful at home because his father was always preaching about the sins of being homosexual and the dangers homosexuals were causing in the world. He wasn't sure how his father would react when they all showed up at his house tomorrow. He didn't have much hope that anything would change and he was sure he would be kicked out of his house and not allowed back.

He got another round of beer for the guys with chilled glasses. He didn't want anymore beer. He sure liked Bob Graham and Kendrick and he couldn't believe how helpful Bob and Graham had been to him and possibly working here full time at the hotel and making good money to pay for his university classes.

He brought the beer down to the guys and served them their beer. They thanked John. "Where's your beer John?" asked Bob.

"One is my limit. I'd like to go to my room for awhile if that is ok?"

"Sure. We're just going to relax here by the pool and get a little more sun. When we get ready to shower and get ready for lunch we will let you know. Please don't call your parents John. I'll take care of everything for you tomorrow. Don't worry, everything is going to be ok."

John walked down and gave Bob a kiss and hug and thanked him. But the guys could tell John was worried.

After John left and went back to his bedroom, the guys started talking again about John's home situation. Graham asked Bob, "do you think everything will turn out ok for John?"

"I have no idea. I will have a better idea after I talk to his father. Will just have to play it by ear like I did with you dad Graham. I won't budge in my beliefs and I will do my best to make a better home situation for John. He needs his parents and they need him."

The guys finished their beer which went down pretty fast. They thought they had enough sun and should shower and get ready for lunch.

They got up and took their towels with them. Bob knocked on John's bedroom door and told him they were going to shower and he was welcome to join them. He opened the door and had big smile on his face. "You sure you want your houseboy showering with you?"

"I'm very positive as said Graham and Kendrick. Your part of our little group here. Your a houseboy, but your much more to us than just a houseboy. We like you very much and want you to be comfortable and feel your part of our little group of friends."

Bob saw John wipe a couple of tears away. "You guys have been super nice to me. I'm grateful for everything you've done. I'm just not used to people being nice to me. My parents are very cold with me. And I haven't had any friends. I've been too scared to associate with anyone and have my parents find out about my sexual orientation."

John walked out of his bedroom and joined us in the master bathroom. I got the water going on both rain shower heads. We all fit in the shower. It was a little tight with four men. We were bumping and rubbing together. Soon John got some shower gel on his hands and started washing my back. God his hands felt good on my back. Once he finished with my back then he did Graham and then Kendrick. With his soft smooth touch we were all sporting hardons. I got some shower gel on my hands and washed John's back. I saw his eyes closed and he seemed to be smiling. We then finished washing each other. We got into a circle jerk in the shower, but with the cramped quarters we decided to move to the bed. John toweled us all off and then himself last and we all flopped down on the bed. We got back into a circle suck which was much better than the circle jerk in the shower. I noticed John moved around so he could suck Kendrick's big cock. It looked like he was able to deep throat Kendrick. He obviously had sucked cock before. Soon we were all moaning between sucks and deep throating. Kendrick came first flooding John's mouth and throat with one of his big loads. Then I came then Graham and finally John. We laid back on top of each other panting and regaining our breathing.

Once we had regained our normal breathing we decided to put on some sandals and head to the main dining room. The hotel had two small dining rooms and then the large main dining room. There was also a sandwich cafe at the pool bar. Clothing was not required. The only place we were required to wear clothes was in the front lobby.

John seemed a little nerous. "Everything ok John?"

"Yeah, I'm just not used to being naked like this."

"Don't worry about it. Nobody is going to bother you or really pay that much attention. This is a gay resort and if you start working here full time you need to feel comfortable around all the guests. You have nothing to be ashamed about. Your a very handsome young man with a lot to offer."

That made John blush. He wasn't used to getting compliments. He would get stares when he worked out at the gym but he didn't pay any attention to anyone. His working out helped him clear his mind and relax him. He knew he was muscular and liked how he looked.

They made their way to the main dining room and a waiter seated them. The waiters were naked except for a black bow tie and sandals. It wasn't very busy in the dining room. The waiter came back almost immediately and asked us who we were. When he found out we were Bob and Graham with a couple of friends he handed a note to me.

Everyone was looking at me. "What does the note say Bob?" Everyone was asking me.

The note is from the owner. "Bob and Graham I need to see you as soon as possible in my office, I have some very important information for you. Please come as soon as you can." I looked at the guys. "I guess we're wanted in the owner's office. I hope you two guys are ok with us being gone for awhile. Kendrick and John looked at each other and smiled. I think we will be fine.

Kendrick and John looked at each other. "I wonder what that is all about?"

"I think it might have something to do with the chaffeur driver when we got off the plane."

Bob and Graham made a fast trip to their bungalow. They kissed when they got inside and Bob thanked Graham for a wonderful honeymoon. They put on some dress shorts and a nice shirt. They kept their sandals on and high tailed it to the owner's office.

They had never been in the owner's office. They were wondering what was up. They had never been asked to come to the owner's office before. They felt like they were going to the principals office.

They arrived at the lobby and walked over to where the owner's office was located. His office door was open and it looked like someone else was in his office. The owner spotted them and motioned for them to come into his office. Once inside the office the owner closed the door.

The office was large with a meeting table on one side his desk with two chairs in the front. A sitting area and it looked like a small bar on a side wall. The security officer from the airport was in the owner's office.

"Let's take a seat." They walked over to the sitting area. "I think you gentlemen remember Chief Marshall from the airport. He has some important information he wants to pass on to you two men."

First I want to give my deepeest apologies for what happened at the airport. All the force is glad you are all ok and weren't harmed. With a little work on our part we were able to get information from the limousine driver. He works for the drug cartel that has moved into the Bahamas. With a little more persuasion on our part we found out where the drug cartel was located. With our special forces we were able to capture the cartel and luckily the cartel boss was their at the same time we made our arrest. They are all in custody. We wanted to thank you gentlemen for your help. I know you don't think you did anything, but without the driver kidnapping you guys we would never have been able to make the arrest. The President of the Bahamas has been notified of the capture of the cartel and to show his appreciation, your stay here in the Bahamas is being paid for by the country and any future times you stay here with us. This will be all expense paid every time. Also, the local preacher was using parish funds to help support the cartel. It seems he also had a side business, recruiting young men that needed counseling. He would have the young men strip and he would have sex with them as part of their counseling. All the young men were minors and he is jail with his cartel buddies."

Graham and I looked at each other. We were stunned. "We didn't do anything to help you. But we appreciate your generosity and the President of the Bahamas giving us unlimited free staying here. The information about the preacher is going to be a good help for John. We are all visiting John's family tomorrow and now with the new information I think I can get John's father to change his ideas about gays."

The chief looked pleased. We all shook hands and the chief left. The owner asked us to stay back he wanted to talk to us.

We were still standing when the chief left. The owner shook our hands and thanked us for helping the police. We told the owner, "like we said we really didn't do anything." The owner was pleased that he was being reimbursed from the President of the country for our stay at his hotel and any times we decided to stay in the future.

"The reason I asked you guys to stay back, is because I was wondering how John was doing and if you were pleased with him being a houseboy.

"We are very pleased with John, he's doing an excellent job. We just need now to get his family to accept him being gay. That is why we are all going to visit his parents tomorrow. I'm going to try to convince John's father that their is nothing wrong with his son and he still loves him very much."

"I'm glad to hear John is doing a good job. I would definitely hire him. I've mentioned him to a few guests and they like the idea of having a houseboy helping them. And they are willing pay whatever it costs. As far as John's family problems, please let me know how your visit goes when you get back tomorrow. I know that is cutting into your honeymoon time, but I'm planning something special tomorrow evening in honor of our newlyweds staying with us."

We all shook hands and promised the owner we would let me know how our visit went with John's parents. And told the owner we needed to get back to the main dining room and have our lunch.

We went back to our room and changed out of our clothes. Kissed and hugged again and made it back to the dining room. It looked like Kendrick and John were getting on pretty good. They were laughing and joking. It looked nice to see John laughing. They both looked at us as we sat down.

"So, what was that all about?"

I gave the short condensed version until I told them about the preacher. And I didn't leave out a detail. John's mouth opened wide and I don't think he could believe what I was telling them.

John said, "that's going to be a whole new ball game when you talk to my dad. My dad and the preacher were as thick as thieves. My dad felt the preacher was holier than thou and could never say or do anything wrong. I just hope my dad wasn't involved with the preacher."

"I guess we'll find that out tomorrow. Do you all still want to go tomorrow? Really, only John and I need to go. You two guys can enjoy the resort while we're gone."

The said in unison, "we're going too. In case, something really bad comes down, there's strength in numbers. And we want to be there."

Our waiter came over and asked us if we wanted something to drink before our lunch was served. We told him we hadn't ordered lunch yet. We have strict orders from the owner that everything is to be done special for you guys and everything is on the house. You won't be paying for anything. The chef is preparing a special lunch for you guys.

Graham and I ordered scotch and water on the rocks. Kendrick and John ordered beer.

It felt good to relax. It had been a stressful day so far. We all enjoyed our drinks and beers. From where I was sitting I saw the waiter come out from the kitchen with a big covered tray. He set it down in the middle of table. Then placed small plates in front of us. The waiter took the cover off and we had an assortment of different meats and side dishes. It was a large variety tray. I took some sliced ham and vegetables. The other guys were trying everything on the tray. The food was delicious and excellently prepared. The four of us managed to eat everything on the large tray. Graham of course ate the most. "Now I wonder what they have for dessert," said Graham.

The waiter came back and we told him to thank the chef for a wonderful lunch. "What do you have for dessert?", asked Graham.

We have an assortment of home made pies. We have a three chocolate cake. Strawberry shortcake, which I recomment, because the strawberries are in season right now and they are fresh from the local market."

I opted for apple pie. Graham and John ordered the strawberry shortcake and Kendrick asked the waiter if they had any danish left from breakfast. The waiter told Kendrick he would check in the kitchen. We asked the waiter to bring us coffee when he came back.

The waiter returned with a large insulated coffee carafe and poured us each a cup of coffee. He told Kendrick that their was one apple danish, two raspberry danish and one cream filled danish. He told the waiter he would like an apple danish warmed.

Almost immediately the waiter was back with Kendrick's apple danish. They have zapped in the microwave in the kitchen. We all talked some more about visiting John's family tomorrow. As as we mentioned that John started getting nervous and anxious. I put a hand on John's shoulder. Nothing to worry about John, be positive and I'll get everything worked out for you. We talked about what we wanted to do this afternoon. We thought we would hang out at the main pool, read and just lounge around and be lazy. John and Kendrick said they might head to the gym and workout for awhile and then join us.

The waiter came back and asked us if we would like anything else. Graham motioned him over and told him to charge his tip to our room. Graham whispered to him how much to charge to our room and you could see a big smile on his face.

We finished and got up and made our way back to our bungalow. John and Kendrick grabbed a couple of towels and headed off to the gym. Graham and I grabbed a couple of towels and headed to the main pool. Kendrick and John told us they would join us later at the pool.

In a way, it just nice to be just the two of us for a little while. We kissed and hugged on our way to the pool. We saw a few other couples as we walked to the pool and we nodded to them. The pool area wasn't very busy. We found a couple of loungers on the side that were in the shade. We had brought books with us and planned to do some reading. "How do you think tomorrow is going to go babe with Graham's parents?"

"I have no idea. But I'm just being positive and I'm going to do my best to convince John's father that their is nothing wrong with John, that he's still his son and loves him very much. But is just afraid and frightened that you will kick him out of the house and he won't be welcome at your house anymore. We'll just have to wait and see how it plays out. Once I start talking with John's father, and how he reponds, I will have a better idea of what I should say."

"Since you could turn my father around. I'm sure you can do the same with John's father. You have a good way with words. You should have been a lawyer."

"Nope, being a doctor is what I've always wanted to do. I'm satisfied with my profession."

We relaxed on our loungers. We had moved them close together and started reading. One of the bartenders at the pool came over and asked us if we would like a copy of the daily paper. I told him sure. He went back to the bar and brought back a copy of the daily paper for me. I read over the paper and noticed a big article on the drug cartel and the arrests. Our names were not mentioned, which I was grateful for. We were mentioned as tourists visiting the island. I showed Graham the article and he then read it over.

Kendrick and John were getting in a good workout. The gym was all state of the art equipment. It wasn't very busy which they liked. It gave them better access to everything they wanted to us. They had stretched and warmed up on the treadmills and then did free weights. The spotted for each other. They got in a good workout and decided to shower at the gym and then head back to the bungalow for some more exercise.

Kendrick really liked John. He thought he was a really handsome young man, intelligent and very enjoyable to be around. He had a terrific body from working out. He was well porportioned, a little on the short side, but that wasn't anything important. He had a nice sized cock with big low hanging balls, that he was anxious to get his mouth on.

They were sweating profusely after their workout and a shower would feel good. John's neck and shoulder muscles were a little sore after lifting. The shower room was an open large room. The shower room reminded John of school. The shower room their was one big open room with the shower heads going around the perimeter. They took showers next to each other and John set his shower head to massage. The pulsating warm water felt good on his neck and shoulders. They rinsed and washed off the sweat. They took turns washing each other's backs. They were both chubbed a little after finishing their shower.

John was really taken with Kendrick. He really liked Kendrick. Kendrick was just the kind of guy he fantasized about living with some day. He knew Kendrick liked him and that really made him happy. Kendrick was tall, dark hair, muscular like himself, but not overdoing it. Just trim and fit. He had just a small tuft of hair in the middle of his chest with a very thin hairy treasure trail to his large hanging cock and big balls. He couldn't wait to get his mouth on that cock and his big balls.

The stepped out of the shower room and dried each other off. That's all it took until they were both springing boners. The attraction was their and they couldn't wait to get back to the bungalow and get to know each other better.

They stepped into their sandals. Draped their towels over their shoulders. Put an arm around each other and walked back to the bungalow. They knew Bob and Graham planned on being at the pool all afternoon, so that gave them plenty of time to get to know each other better.

Kendrick and John had adjoining bedrooms. They both went into John's bedroom. John noticed he had two missed calls from his parents. But he wasn't going to call back and follow Bob's advice to wait until tomorrow when they went to his parent's house.

They kicked off their sandals and put their towels on the back of one of the chairs in John's bedroom. They practically ran to the bed and they flopped down laying together. They laid on their sides looking at each other and smiling. Their hardons were hitting together. Soon they hugged each other tight together and started kissing. John broke away from Kendrick and Kendrick gave John a strange look. "I just wanted you to know I much I like you. I don't have much experience with other men. I had a couple of friends from school and we messed around a little and that's the extent of my experience."

"Don't be nervous John, just go with your feelings. I won't do anything you don't want to do. If I do something you don't like. Tell me and I'll stop. I like you very much too."

They went back to kissing and hugging and rubbing their hardons together. John couldn't believe how gentle Kendrick was. They kept making out until Kendrick had John laying flat on his back. He kept kissing John while his hands started feeling John's body. He looked at John and reminded him that if he started doing something he didn't like to tell him to stop. Kendrick was feeling John's hard nips and muscular pecs. Kendrick started kissing John's neck and ears. His hand was moving down John's chest and his fingers were playing around John's navel. Then Kendrick's finger's following down John's almost invisible treasure trail to his pubes. Kendrick's fingers rubbed over John's pubes while he kept kissing his neck and ears. John thought he was in heaven. He had never experienced anything like this in his life. He had thought about it and fantasized about it. But he thought it would never happen to him. Especially with someone as hot as Kendrick. Kendrick felt around the base of John's rock hard cock. And reached down and cupped his big balls in his hand. Rolling them around with his fingers. Kendrick was now sucking and nibbling on John's nips. He could hear John giving out low moans. Kendrick then used his finger tips and traced up the back side of John's hard shaft to the head. He started feeling the swollen head of John's cock. Pulling off precum and licking it off his fingers and then rubbing a precum covered finger over John's lips. John had never tasted himself before and wasn't grossed out. It didn't taste good, but it didn't taste bad either. Kendrick moved around more so his head was over John's groin. His hands went went to feeling John's pecs and nips. Kendrick slowly put his lips on the head of John's cock. It was like a bolt of electricity went through both of them. John shook and shuddered. Kendrick then sucked the head into his mouth. Pulling out more precum with his tongue. John started calming down and his eyes were closed. He was trying to record everything that was happening in his mind. This would make great masturbating material. Kendrick then slowly sucked John's thick cock into his mouth and slowly down his throat. Until his lips were nestled on John's pubes. John couldn't believe how wonderful this felt. But he knew he wouldn't be able to last long. He was a fast cummer and a big cummer. He told Kendrick to go slow or he would be shooting out a load soon. Kendrick didn't care, he wanted to taste John and make his first time something memorable. Kendrick started working the length of John's cock from the base to the head and could feel John's cock hardening and thickening in his mouth. John wasn't lying. Soon Kendrick felt two hard blasts of cum and then it was like a downpour of cum filling his mouth and throat. Kendrick had never experienced a load this big before. He had to swallow a couple of times to keep up with it. Finally John stopped cumming and Kendrick milked out the last couple of drops of cum. Kendrick pulled John into him until his breathing returned to normal. "How was that John? You didn't stop me."

"It was fantastic. Thanks Kendrick for going slow and being so gentle. This was my first time experiencing anything like this. Me and my buddies just jerked each other off. But it was more of a contest to see who could cum first. I hope we can do more tonight and you can show and teach me more things."

"Your a mind reader John, my thoughts exactly. I know your a virgin and I want to make everything we do as memorable for you as possible and enjoyable. Sex should be fun and not done in haste when your with someone you really like. And I really like you John."

"I really like you too Kendrick. I think we should probably join Bob and Graham. They are probably wondering what happened to us."

"Your probably right John. You ready to go back to the pool?"


They got off John's bed and put their sandals on and grabbed their towels off the chair and walked back to the pool.

Bob and Graham were still in the same place where they had left them. Kendrick and John pulled a couple of recliners over so they were all together in a little group. Kendrick made sure his and John's recliners were tight together.

"Did you guys get in a good workout?"

"We sure did. They have a really good gym setup here. It's all state of the art and all the machines look new."

Bob was smiling to himself. He saw he glow that John had and he knew they had sex. He was glad for John. He knew Kendrick would take good care of him.

Bob handed the newspaper over to John and told him to read the article on the second page. He opened the paper and read over the article on the arrest of the drug cartel. Once he finished reading it, he handed it over to Kendrick who also read the article.

A bartender came over and asked us if we wanted anything to drink. They all thought a cold beer would taste good. "I'll be right back with your beers gentlemen." The bartender was a nice looking man. He looked to be about John's age. Beginning college age. He had a good build and was only wearing a little apron and a black bow tie with sandals.

The waiter came back with our beers. We clinked our glasses and said "cheers." The cold beer tasted good. It was another warm day, but the pool was covered so you didn't get direct sunlight. It wasn't hot, just a nice comfortable temperature.

John mentioned he was glad they didn't mention our names in the newpaper article. We all agreed and I told John I had told Graham the same thing. I didn't want any drug lords looking for us.

We all swim in the pool. The water was a nice temperature. Soon we saw more men coming to the pool. It looked like a group of friends. They looked like jocks. Probably on vacation like us. They were all pretty hot and sexy and well hung. They nodded to us as they walked by and we nodded back.

One of the pool bartenders walked over and handed me a note and then left. Everyone asked me what the note said. The note is from the owner. There's a special party going on this evening starting at nine and will be here by the main pool. We are guests of honor at the party. We all looked at each other and wondered what that meant.

We swam a little more. Had another beer and decided to head to the bungalow and lounge around the pool there. We were dried off. We picked up our towels, put our sandals on and made our way back to the bungalow.

It was going on five when we got back to the bungalow. We thought we'd go for dinner around six or sixthirty. So we had plenty of time to relax. We walked down to our private pool and put our towels on loungers. Graham and I got on a double lounger and started getting quite cozy together. Kendrick and John got on the other double lounger. They looked like they were getting on quite well.

Graham and I started making out. We were really getting into. Then we heard Kendrick and John moaning. We looked over and they were in a sixty nine. It seemed like John had come a long ways in a short period of time. John was matching everything Kendrick was doing to him. We went back to making out. Feeling each other all over and kissing.

We liked Kendrick and John's idea and we got into a sixty nine. I took Graham easily down my throat while I had a couple of fingers up his hole working his prostate. Graham was doing the same to me. Graham was getting really good at deep throating, and his two fingers felt good in my hole rubbing back and forth over my prostate. We were both leaking like crazy. Soon Graham couldn't take it any longer with me working my throat muscles on his big hard shaft. He grunted loud and started shooting out. Hitting the sides of my throat with one of his delicious loads. I moaned loud and my body stiffened and I shot hard to the back of Graham's throat. It was a powerful orgasm and I was exhausted and panting after. We laid back on our loungers and watched Kendrick and John as they got closer and closer to cumming.

I could tell Kendrick was teaching John as they went along. But it looked like John was a fast learner and I heard Kendrick moaning. Kendrick's cock is big thick and long and I was surprised to see John taking it all and not gagging. Guess he got a little coaching from Kendrick. Kendrick was bobbing up and down on John's nice sized cock. They weren't doing anything in their holes or with their balls. I saw Kendrick stiffen and I knew he was cumming. John had a hard time keeping it all in his mouth. I saw him swallow and swallow again. He managed to take it all. Then I heard John gasp and saw him shudder and he was humping Kendrick's mouth and shooting out a big load. Kendrick had no problem taking all of John's load. They laid back on their lounger. Looking at each other and smiling.

"That was fun," I said. We all laughed about that. "Anybody ready for a drink or beer?" asked John.

We told him that was the best offer we had had all day. Kendrick said almost the best offer. I could see John blushing. He looked so cute blushing.

We watched John leave to get us all a beer. He was a hot sexy young man. I don't thing John really realized how attractive he was. With his short stocky build, he turns heads wherever he goes.

"It looks like you and John are getting on pretty well?"

"Yeah. John is a great young man. We just seemed to click and get along right away. I'm going to miss him when I have to leave. We have exchanged cell phone numbers and plan to stay in touch as much as we can. I know have another reason to come to the Bahamas more often."

"I'm glad to see you two guys getting along so well. John needs somebody like you right now, while he's learning. Your a good teacher Kendrick. Your kind and gentle and that is what John needs. Besides you have a big cock and balls."

"Kendrick started laughing. I guess I am pretty well endowed. But sex isn't the only thing we do. We talk a lot and are getting to know each other well. That is why I want to go tomorrow with John and give him as much support as I can."

We saw John coming down the steps with our beer. He handed us each a beer and we clinked our glasses. Cold beer in warm tropical climate seems to taste better. We all talked for awhile. Wondering what the show was going to be tonight and what it meant for us to be special guests.

We decided that after we finished our beer we would shower and go for dinner.

It was nice not having to wear any clothes. I just felt so free and natural.

We all finished our beer and John took our empty glasses on a tray up to the kitchen. We all walked back up to the master bedroom and we all wiggled our way into the shower. We got both rain shower heads going again. We mainly wanted to rinse the chlorine off and get the pool smell off from us. With our bumping and rubbing together in the close quarters in the shower, we were soon all sporting hardons. "What we going to do about our boners?" I asked.

I saw Kendrick sit down on the small shower seat. It was a tight fit for him. "Is John ready for this?"

"I forgot about that. No, he hasn't been fucked yet and he haven't even done any fingering."

"While Graham sits down over you. I'll see if I can get John loosened up enough to ride your big thick cock."

Graham eased his hole down over Kendrick's big hardon. I told him to take his time. I told John to brace himself against the shower wall and stick his ass out. I got down between his cheeks. Wow, what a hot looking ass and pucker. I started licking around his hole and sticking my tongue in and out. John was moaning and pushing back on me. He was telling me how good it felt. I then put some shower gel on a finger and eased it into his hole. John was very tight. I asked him if it hurt. "No, it feels good. Shove in another finger." I gelled a second finger and eased it with the first one and I saw John grimace. "You ok John?" "Yeah, just go slow and easy." I started moving my two fingers around, trying to stretch his very tight hole. I knew it was going to hurt when he slid his ass down on Kendrick's big thick cock. I gelled a third finger and eased it in. John was moaning, but he was being a trooper and going with it. One of my fingers found his prostate and he started moaning louder. "That feels really good. I don't know what your touching, but it feels fantastic. I don't feel any pain now." I kept working my fingers around and I heard Kendrick cumming up my lover's hole. Graham eased off and I gelled Kendrick's big cock to get it ready for John. John walked over to Kendrick. I told John I would help him go slow on Kendrick's cock. John straddled Kendrick's big cock and I held John's sides and together we slowly eased John's hole over the head of Kendrick's cock. Kendrick's cock head was wet and shiny from some residual cum. John grimaced when Kendrick's head popped in. I told John to breath and relax and push his ass out like he was taking a shit. That seemed to help a little and I helped him ease down a little more until about half of Kendrick's thick nine inches was in John's hole. John rested a bit and then he went down a couple more inches. He said he felt Kendrick's cock head rubbing over that spot that made him feel good. He said the pain was gone and he eased down the rest of the way on Kendrick's cock until his ass cheeks were nestled on Kendrick's pubes. Then John started going up and down slowly on Kendrick's shaft. Kendrick couldn't believe how tight John was. His hole felt like a vise squeezing his cock. But it felt good and he wanted John to feel good. Soon John was going faster and making sure Kendrick's cock kept rubbing over his prostate, even though he didn't know what it was that was feeling so good. John bent down and kissed Kendrick. Kendrick put his arms around John and told him he loved him. John started going faster and faster on Kendrick's cock and Kendrick told John he was getting close. "Shoot way up in me Kendrick. I want to feel your load inside of me." Kendrick started humping up into John's hole and he grunted loud and started filling John's hot tight hole with another good sized load. John eased himself off and kissed Kendrick again. Now it was my turn. I eased down on Kendrick's cock. He went pretty easy. His cock had a lot of his cum covering it, so the cum made good lube. I knew this would take awhile. But I liked Kendrick's cock in me. That big log could hit places that I didn't know existed and he always managed to rub back and forth over my prostate, giving it a good workout. I was sitting with my back to Kendrick. Graham got between my legs and started giving me a good blow job. I knew I would probably cum before Kendrick. I couldn't hold back any longer and started pumping a load into Graham's mouth and throat. He sucked and swallowed all of my load. My ass constricting on Kendrick's cock when I came, made him cum. He grunted loud again and I felt his hot cum hitting the sides of my hole. I got off Kendrick's cock and we all washed our sex off each other.

We dried off and John and Kendrick went back to John's bedroom to get ready for dinner. Graham and I combed our hair and left it wet. We splashed on some cologne and put our dressy sandals back on. We hollered out in the hallway that we ready to go to dinner. John and Kendrick came out and it looked like they did the same. Their hair was wet and I thought I could smell cologne. They both had some nice looking sandals on. We all walked together to the dining room.

After dinner we would walk over to the main swimming pool and wait for the show to begin.

The waiter came out of the kitchen with a super sized round tray. It looked like it could hold a super sized pizza. The tray was loaded with different kinds of cheese, meat and crackers. It looked delicious the way the chef had it arranged. We also had fresh garden salads to go with our variety tray.

Graham and I ordered scotch and water on the rocks and Kendrick and John ordered beer. I don't know how they could drink so much beer. But then they did go to the gym earlier today and we did some swimming. We started making some cheese and meat crackers. It was just a delicious as it looked. This was a perfect dinner for us. The waiter came with our drinks and we just relaxed and snacked on the food on the tray. Ate our salads and sipped on our drinks. We had a good conversation and were looking forward to the show coming up in a little while.

I noticed John sitting a little funny on his chair. "Everything ok John?"

He got red in the face again and said his ass was a little sore. "You should sit in the hot tub for awhile by the pool. It will help sooth those sore muscles."

"I'll do that. I guess doctor knows best."

"That's right. If you listen to the doctor you will stay fit and healthy."

I saw Graham chuckling and I nudged him. He shut up, but still had a big smile on his face.

We ate as much as we could from the big tray. We asked the waiter if the remainder of food could be brought to us at the pool. That was where we were going now to watch the show. The waiter said that wouldn't be a problem and he would have the rest of the food arranged on a smaller tray and brought in to us. We all told the waiter the amount of the tip and told him to charge it to our bungalow.

We got up from the table and made our way to the pool. A stage was set up and music was playing. Some guys were dancing to the music on the side of the pool. Chairs had been arranged facing the stage with little tables scattered around the sitting area.

The last time we stayed here, there was a big party going on hosted by the owner. This time a show was happening. One of the bartenders from the pool bar told us we had reserved seat up front close to the stage. Since we were special guests these seats had been reserved for us, and anything we wanted to eat and drink was on the house.

I happened to see our waiter from the dining room come into the pool area with a tray of food. I saw him talking to one of the bartenders and looking over in our direction. The waiter handed the bartender the tray of food and I saw him walking over to our reserved area.

"Your waiter from the dining room gave me strict orders to bring this tray of food over for you. Would you men like anything to drink?"

We all agreed on beer in chilled glasses.

We nibbled on our snacks while we waited. We saw more men starting to come in and the it was starting to fill up. I checked my phone and it was almost nine. The bartender brought over our beers.

The lights dimmed down and the music stopped. A spotlight came on and the owner walked up to the podium. He was wearing just one of those little bartender aprons. It was the first time I had seen him almost naked. He was a nice looking man. Probably around fifty. Starting to get a little stomach, but as tall and big as he was it didn't really show that much. He much be really hung. I could see the head of his cock peeking out under the little apron.

The owner started. "Welcome everyone. I'm glad your all hear. We have a good show for you tonight. This show is to honor three men that survived a very dangerous predicament. They managed to help get the drug cartel that had moved into the Bahamas arrested. I would like the three men responsible to stand up please. Please give them a big round of applause, they deserve it." Graham John and myself stood up. I was glad the owner didn't give out any names and kept the information general. We received a standing ovation and then we sat down. The onwer continued. "That is the reason for this special show, to show my appreciation to these three brave young men. Now let's get this show started."

The lights dimmed and the music changed. The stage went dark. Suddenly a spot light came on aimed to the center of the stage a man came out dressed in a cowboy outfit. Welcome gentlemen and welcome to the the all male review, we have a special show ready for you. The man went behind the curtain.

The lights went out and the music started. Some western music, but with a good beat started playing. The curtain opened and the stage lights came on. Three men were dressed in cowboy attire. Everything from chaps to spurs. They were dancing to the music and doing a pretty good job. I still thought Mark and the guys were better. Graham nudged me, "the strippers look like the three guys we saw earlier naked by the pool."

"I'm not sure. I'll have a better idea when their naked."

Graham and I high fived on that.

The male dancers had turned and with their backs to us. They stripped off their chaps and pants and they were just in there vests g-strings boots and hat. They were really hot guys. Tall muscular and well hung from what I remember seeing when they walked past us at the pool.

They turned and faced the audience. They were bumping and grinding to the music. They threw their hats into the audience and stripped off their vests in time to the music. Now they were just in their g-strings. They turned again to the music with their backs to us and you could see their muscular ass cheeks twitching and moving with the music. They squatted down in time with the music and you could see the g-string in the crack of their ass. They bent down as far as they could and slowly slid their g-strings down. They kicked them off in time to the music and then turned and faced us. Damn those guys were hung and muscular. I nudged Graham, "I think your right babe. These are the same guys we saw earlier at the pool."

The strippers kept moving to the music as they were worked their way to the steps that went down from the stage into the audience. They were dancing down the stairs and soon were getting close to our table. They were even hotter and sexier up close. They moved around and started lap dancing Graham Kendrick and myself. I could feel myself chubbing up with that hot hole rubbing over my cock. I noticed Graham kind of squirming too and Kendrick had a look like he was in heaven. Poor John was left out, but he didn't seem to mind. The guy giving me a lap dance whispered in my ear that they would be coming to our bungalow later tonight to finish their lap dances. The three men got up and circled around John. I thought John was going to faint. They were rubbing their asses and cocks all over John. I could see John was hard. The rest of the audience was clapping and cheering. The strippers made their way back up to the stage and finished their routine to a standing ovation.

The lights went out and the music stopped. The spotlight came on and the owner came back out on the stage. "How was the male review men?" Everyone cheered and hollered for more. That concludes the first half of the show. We're going to take a short fifteen minute intermission to get the stage ready for the second half. I hope you enjoy the second half as much as you did the first half.

The lights came back on and some background music was playing. We had finished our beer during the show. We still had a few things left on our tray. A bartender came over and we ordered another round of beers. I looked around and all the chairs were occupied. I didn't know there were that many guys staying at the resort. Maybe the show was open to the public or a a special guest list the owner had. It looked like everyone in the audience was drinking and snacking on something or other.

Soon the lights dimmed and the music stopped. The owner came back on stage and said the second half was ready to start. "I hope you all like Miss Cherry Blossom and her girls."

I wasn't too much into drag. But I thought I could manage to go along with it. Soon some music started a spotlight lit the center of the stage and a really nice looking young lady came out on the stage. As soon as she started talking you could she was a man. But her figure was something else. If she didn't talk you wouldn't know she was a man. "My girls and I have a little number we want to dance for you." Soon all the stage lights came on and and there was seven other very attractive ladies. They were wearing flowing skirts with tight blouses. They had fish net stockings on and were wearing high heels.

The music started and it was the Can Can. They were lined up in a straight line across the stage and they were hollering and dancing very well to the Can Can. Once they finished everyone was clapping and cheering. The spotlight came back on and the same lady was back on stage and said they were now going to sing some songs for us.

The spotlight went out and you could hear music starting by Cher. The spotlight came on and out walked Cher. From the distance you couldn't tell the difference. The voice was perfect and she wasn't lip syncing. She finished her set of songs and the spotlight went out and she walked backstage. Soon music started by Tina Turner and the spotlight came back on. Out walked Tina Turner and again from the distance you would have thought it was Tina Turner. She had good voice and sang some of the biggest hits by Tina Turner. Once she finished music started by Donna Summer. The disco music had many guys in the audience up and dancing. Again another outstanding performance. Then the three came back out on stage and starting singing a medley of popular songs, over a wide range of different music styles. That finished the show and we all stood up and gave them a standing ovation. They were really good for drag. Very perfessional. The owner had really shelled out some bucks for this two part show.

We relaxed at our table and had another round of beer. Our snack tray was empty. "The stripper that was giving me a lap dance, told me they would be at our bungalow later to finish their lap dances." Graham and Kendrick told us that their strippers had told them the same thing.

I saw the owner walking over to our table. "How was the show men?"

"It was fantastic we told him. It must have cost you a bundle. It was expensive, but with celebrities staying at my resort. Business is booming. I couldn't be happier."

"I'm glad to hear it. We didn't really do that much, except get kidnapped."

"But you guys indirectly got the drug cartel captured and locked up and that is what's important. It had been jeopardizing our tourist business. Now it looks like things are getting back to normal."

"We're glad everything isn't getting back to normal."

The owner left our table and I noticed people were starting to leave the pool area. It was getting late. It was just after eleven and we decided to head back to our bungalow.

We got up and walked back to our bungalow, arm in arm. Graham and I and Kendrick and John.

When we arrived, we noticed the strippers outside waiting for us. "What took you guys so long to get back here. We've been waiting for you." They said that with a big smile on their faces. God those guys were good looking.

We walked in and I asked Graham if he would get the hot tub going. John overheard and said he would do it. We all walked in and the strippers really liked our bungalow. We told them we really enjoyed their show and especially the lap dances. They smiled and said that was just a warm up. The real show was going to start now. We walked down to the hot tub. John had the heaters on and the jets going. He asked us all if we would like something to drink. We all agreed on a cold beer. I told John to bring the beer down in plastic glasses. I didn't want any broken glass.

We climbed into the hot tub. The hot tub looked like it could hold eight people. However the strippers moved right in close to us. John came down with a tray that had our beer on it. He handed out the beer and had one for himself. Kendrick took John's beer for him while John walked into the hot tub and get in close to Kendrick.

Our beer went down fast. It tasted good and in the hot water it was refreshing. We sat our plastic glasses out on the side of the hot tub when we finished our beer. You didn't see any hands above the water. There was a lot of feeling and grabbing under the water. I felt one of the strippers grab my cock and he started getting hard in his hand. I reached over and grabbed his big cock. One of the strippers was about Kendrick's size nine inches. The two strippers were bigger. I would guess one was close to ten inches and the other just a hair bigger, probably ten and a half inches. I had a hard time getting my hand to go all the way around his big hardon.

Soon the strippers got up and started dancing around on the edge of the hot tub. Their big hardons were flapping back and forth and their big balls were bouncing up and down. It was quite a sight and very erotic. Graham and I snuggled together while we watched the strippers. We saw Kendrick and John doing the same thing. Soon we thought it was time to head to bed. We weren't tired, but it was getting later. We all dried each other off. It was fun drying off the stippers and feeling those big cocks and balls. They followed us to our bedrooms. The two bigger strippers went with Graham and I to our bedroom. And the one Kendrick's size went with them to their bedroom.

The two strippers told us to get down on the bed on our hands and knees with our asses up in the air. They each got behind us and started giving us a fantastic rim job. I had never felt anything like it. It was the best rim job I had ever had. They asked us if we had any lube and I told them there was some in the drawer in the nightstand. The stripper closest to the nightstand took out the tube of lube and they lubed a couple of fingers. Their fingers slid in easily and found our prostates. They rubbed over our prostates making Graham and I moan and start leaking precum like crazy. They then lubed their cocks and their other hand. I felt a big thick hard head enter my hole. Damn that cock was big, but it felt good. The lubed hand I felt going around my hardon and stroking me. I knew this wouldn't take long. Soon I felt him shooting in my ass. That big cock felt wonderful in my ass. I felt so full. I could feel him shooting in my ass and it must have been a saved load, because he seemed like he kept shooting and shooting up my ass for hours. When in reality it was only a few seconds. I saw Graham getting filled too. His eyes were rolled back in his head. I could feel myself getting close to cumming and I told him. He told me to turn around quick and he took my cock in his mouth just as I started cumming and took my whole load and swallowed it down. I saw the other guy doing the same thing to Graham.

They told us they were going to go to the other bedroom and take care of those two guys like they did us and the other guy would come over and continue the fun with us. We watched them leave and their big cocks were still hard. We saw the other guy come in and we got around into a circle suck. We liked feeling his hard muscled body while we all sucked each other. It couldn't believe it, but it didn't take us long to cum. We could hear moaning and groaning coming from the other bedroom. Finally we were all exhausted and called it a night and we all snuggled together and fell asleep. Wow, what an experience.

Graham and I woke up with a warm wet sensation between our legs. We pulled back the covers and the stripper was giving a good morning blow job. Damn that feels good. Let's move around so we can all suck each other at the same time. We moved around on the bed into a circle suck. It didn't take us long to pump out big loads into each other's mouths and throats.

We need to take a shower and then grab some breakfast. We heard the other guys and they walked into our bedroom. They all looked flushed and satisfied. "It looks like you guys had a good morning wake up call?"

"You could say that. We were wondering about have a group shower this morning?"

"We were just talking about that. It's going to be a tight fight. But with some wiggling and juggling around I think we can all fit."

All of us walked into the bathroom and I got the two rain shower heads going. It looked like maybe four men could fit into the shower. Five was going to be a tight fit. But hey that's the fun of taking a shower together.

We had to do some juggling and jostling around, but we all managed to fit into the shower. John took over bathing us. His hands were soft and he was gentle, it felt good. Soon one of the strippers with the big ten inch cock. Sat down on the little shower seat. I was wondering how he knew about that. Kendrick much have said something to him. We got in line and let him fuck us. While the next in line sucked us off. Damn we were drained by the time we finished, but it was fun. And a great way to start the day.

We said we needed to get some breakfast. So we dried each other off, put on our sandals and walked to the dining room. They had a large breakfast buffet set up. We got in line and filled our plates with the large assortment of breakfast goodies.

We found a large round table for six people and sat down. We started talking while we were eating. I found out the strippers were from the Bahamas and would be starting university this fall. That got John's attention and he started talking with them. He told him he was from the Bahamas too. The strippers asked John what his name was and he told them. Their eyes got wide and they said, is your father the millionaire with the hardware chain. He told that was his father and he would be starting university this fall too. They asked John about his father giving out scholarships for university students and he said he did that. He could do the scholarships as a tax write off. They then talked about what they would be studying and they were all studying the same thing. Economics and Business Administration. John told the strippers they had some business to discuss with his father this morning and if things went well he mention you guys to him about scholarships. Let me get your names and cell phone numbers. John put the information into his cell phone. Graham and I just listened and didn't say anything.

I saw the owner waving at me. I excused myself and walked over to him. He wanted to remind me about telling him how the meeting goes with John's father. He definitely has work for John at the hotel. It seems many guests would be interested in John being their houseboy. I told him once we finished breakfast we were going to visit John's parents. The owner told me he had a limousine ready for us.

We all talked some more and told the strippers we needed to head out to talk to John's parents. Specifically his father and we would get back with them when we returned. We finished breakfast and we didn't have to pay anything. I was full and I saw Graham fixing a few things in a napkin to take with us. The strippers took off to their bungalow and wished us good luck. We thanked them and walked back to our bungalow. We got changed into some nice dress clothes that we had tailored made. It felt strange to have clothes on. John looked nice and we walked back to the lobby. I went in quick to talk to the owner and let him know we were leaving for John's family house.

The limousine pulled up in front of the lobby and we all got in. John gave the limousine driver the directions and you could see the look of surprise on the chaffeurs's face.

We made our way down to the bottom of the hill from the resort and then the driver took a sharp right and we were soon in a neighborhood of gated houses. Most of the houses you couldn't see because of high walls and gates.

The driver came to a stop in front of a gate. John opened the window on his side and the guard at the gate recognized him and opened the gate for us to enter. You couldn't see the house. Only a long tree lined drive that seemed to go on for ever. Finally we could start making out the house. And what a house it was. It was in a Spanish style, three floors and the house looked like it went on forever. We pulled up into a parking spot and I noticed a police cruiser parked at the end of the parking lot.

I mentioned the police cruiser to everyone. The chaffeur came around and opened the door on my side and we all got out of the back of the limousine. John told the chaffeur to stay here by the car. He told us to follow him and not to say anything unless he told us it was ok. He said his parents would be mad that he hadn't called them as soon as he arrived and they won't be happy about me bringing people with me.

We made it up to the front door and John rang the doorbell. A man opened the door and I assumed he was a butler. "Master John how nice to see you. Your parents have been waiting for you. Your mother is not home right now. She's doing some charity work at the Country Club and your father is in his office with the Chief of Police, I believe his name is Marshall. Your father wants to see you as soon as he finished with the Chief of Police. I'll take you upstairs to your father's office."

"That's not necessary James. I know my way perfectly well to my father's office. Why don't you take my friends to the solarium and get them something to drink."

I tried to get John's attention. Finally he saw me nodding at him and he walked over. "What's up Bob?"

"Do you want me to go with you to your father's office?"

"I think I can handle this ok on my own, since Chief Marshall is here. I have an idea of what is going on and I'm sure I can do this ok."

John watched as James took Bob Graham and Kendrick to the solarium. I then made my way up the stairs to my father's office. And waited outside his office on a side chair.

Once the men were by themselves in the solarium, Graham said, "man did you get a good look around this house? John's family must be loaded?"

"If you remember the strippers, they said John's family owns a large chain of hardware stores. Obviously they are doing quite well."

James brought in a pitcher of lemonade with three glasses and set it on a small table where they were seated. "Would you like me to pour you some lemonade?"

"No, that's ok. We will do it ourselves."

James seemed a little peeved and he left in a huff. "I wonder what his problem is?"

"He's probably not used to people doing things for themselves. He's used to doing everything for everybody."

The lemonade was ok, but a cold beer would have tasted better.

John waited and waited for Chief Marshall to leave his father's office. If his hunch was correct he knew his father wouldn't be in a condemning mood, and would be receptive of what he had to tell him.

He could hear some loud talking coming from his father's office. Even with the wooden doors closed, you could hear some loud talking. Finally, the door opened and Chief Marshall came out. "Hello John, it's nice to see you. I think everything is taken care of with your father, and he has a lot to tell you."

"Nice to see you too sir. I hope everything went well with my father?"

"Oh yes. It went very well and now everthing is taken care of. I need to get back to the station. Again, nice seeing you John."

James escorted the Chief to the entrance. Finally the doors came open and John's father came out. "John it's nice to see you. Please come in, we have a lot to talk about." His father didn't have his stern gruff look, in fact his facial expression looked almost pleasant.

John walked in and his father asked him to close the doors. "Take a seat John. I have a lot to tell you. Then I want you to go ahead and tell me what you want to say."

"I'm going first John. Please let me talk until I finish without interrupting. Then it will be your chance to talk to me."

John was surprised. His father hadn't raised his voice or frowned at him. Something definitely happened with the police chief. "As you saw, the police chief was here to see me. It seems that you and some friends were kidnapped when you got off the plane. Tied and hooded in the back of the limousine. The driver was a member of the drug cartel that had made a base here in the Bahamas. The airport security with the help of the police were able to arrest the limousine driver without any casualties. Once he was apprehended they were able to locate the cartel boss and his thugs and make a complete arrest. However, that's where I come into the picture. They found out that someone was helping fund the drug cartel get settled here in the Bahamas. I thought I was making charity donations. That was what one of my accounting staff told me. The chief opened my eyes to the fact that I was funding the drug cartel. The chief then went on to explain how stressed you were to call and come here to see your mother and me. He told me where you were staying and to be honest, I was shocked to find out you were staying at a gay resort. He said that you were being well taken care of and that you could possibly get work at the hotel, working as a houseboy to pay for your university studies. You don't need to work there if you don't want to John, I will gladly pay for your university studies. I know you are studying Econnomics and Business Administration. I want you to know when you finish and get your degree, I will have a job for you working for me, if that is what you want to do. That is really all I have to say. Now it's your turn."

John and his father were sitting next to each other. John thought he saw a couple of tears in father's eyes. He had to brush some tears away before he started talking. "Well I had my suspicions you might be funding the drug cartel, but I didn't know that you didn't know you were doing that. Being kidnapped was one of the most frightening things that has ever happened to me. My friends and I met on the plane. They are on their honeymoon and what a horrible experience for them. I was their steward on the plane. They know the owner of the gay resort where we are staying. And he told them I would have a job their as a houseboy if everything went well after I talked to you. Everyone knew I was under a lot of stress and dreaded coming here today to see you and mom. I wasn't sure what your reaction would be. My friends came with me to give me support and one of them is a doctor and told me he would talk to you if I wanted him to. I know your upset that I'm gay. It's not anything you or mom have done. It's just the way I am. I appreciate your wanting to pay for my education, but I think I want to stay at the hotel and work their. I will make good money and will easily be able to pay for my university studies. That will give me more time to think about what I want to do when I graduate. The resort is at the top of the hill and I'm sure you know of it. I met some other friends at the resort and they are also going to be studying Economics and Business Administration. I have their names and cell phone numbers if you want to contact them. I told them that your foundation gives out scholarships to university students and thought you might want to help them out. Yes they are gay, but they are very nice young men and could really use the financial help."

"Your right John, I was surprised to find out you were gay. But it doesn't change my feelings for you. Your my son and I love you and will always love you. My offer to help you financially with your studies is always there if you decide to change your mind. I would be more than happy to help your friends financially with their studies. I can easily have scholarships arranged for them. You said they were studying Economics and Business Administration, I could use more help along those lines. I will mention to them when I talk to each of them, that I would have jobs waiting for them if they would like to work for me. Just give me their names and cell phone numbers and I will talk to each one of them. How many young men are we talking about?"

"Thanks dad, that means a lot to me. There are three men. And here is their names and phone numbers," as I passed my phone over to my father so he could enter the information in his business phone. When my father finished he handed my phone back to me. "My friends that were on the plane with me are here in the solarium along with a good friend of their's that was already here visiting. They are in the solarium if you would like to see them."

"I would be honored to meet your friends. Any friends of yours are friends of mine. Let's go down to the solarium and get acquainted."

We walked down to the solarium talking and joking as we walked along. I couldn't remember the last time my dad was actually joking with me.

We arrived to the solarium and I saw the guys sitting at one of the tables and it looked like they were drinking lemonade. When they saw me and my father come in they all stood up. They walked out from the table. I introduced each one to my father. My father was quite impressed with all three of them. And how polite and respectful they were and their professional careers.

"It looks like you guys are drinking lemonade. I'm sure you'd like something stronger than that. What can I have James bring us?"

I told my dad they liked beer. So my dad told James to bring us all beers in chilled glasses.

We all had a pleasant conversation and my father expressed his regrets on the kidnapping, but was glad everyone was safe and the drug cartel was arrested. The beer tasted good and my father asked us what we had planned for dinner. We said we would eat at the hotel dining room. "That's not satisfactory. Your mother and I had a dinner engagement, but I'm cancelling that and I want all of you and the other three men to come here for dinner at seven. That will give me a chance to meet the other three men that I will be giving scholarships to and make my job offer to them."

We finished our beer and I told my dad we should be getting back to the hotel and we would be back here at seven for dinner. We have limousine service from the hotel and we will use that to get here for dinner. "What is the attire for dinner?", I asked my father. "Nothing fancy, just casual. It's more important for me to meet these other three men and for all of us to have a good conversation."

We got up from our table and my father actually escorted us to the front door. Something I had never seen him do before. It was something he had James do all of the time. We shook hands and I shook hands with my father and we hugged and walked out to our waiting limousine.

Once we were inside the limousine. I was bombarded with a hundred questions. I answered everyone's questions just as we arrived at the hotel. We went directly into the lobby and found the owner walking around. He saw us and we went into his office. John did all the talking and told the owner he had a new employee if the job was still available. The owner was happy to hear that and told John they could work out the details tomorrow.

We left the owner and lobby and walked down to the main pool. We saw the three strippers and motioned for them to follow us.

We all walked back to our bungalow. When we got inside we told the strippers to meet us down at the pool. They went down to the pool and lounged while they waited for us. We got changed and put some flip flops on and grabbed some towels for all of us. And joined the guys at our pool.

John said he'd be right down. He was going to get us all a beer. While we waited for John, we filled the strippers in on what had happened at John's house with his father. The guys were excited about having dinner with John's parents and finding out about the scholarships and possibly working for John's father when they graduated. They only did the stripping to make money to help pay for university. This sounded like Mark.

John came down with our beers and handed them out to everybody. "Here's to John and his dad." We clinked our glasses and said, Cheers.

It wasn't even lunch time yet and it seemed like we had put in a full morning. It felt good to lounge around. We thought after lunch we would take a drive around town and see the sights and maybe buy a few things for ourselves and our parents. I called the owner on our pool side phone and told him we would like the minibar in the limousine fully stocked we were going to go around town and do some sight seeing.

John told us about some good shops we might want to check out when we went downtown. We swam for awhile to get a little exercise. I tried pushing Graham to do more laps, but that didn't workout very well. We went back to the bungalow and had a little early morning making out. It was fun with the strippers. All five of us piled on our master bed. It was an oversized king sized bed so we all fit on the bed. We got into a hot circle suck and fingered each other's holes and played with their balls until we were pumping out big loads. We showered but behaved ourselves. And decided to go to the dining room and eat lunch and leave early to explore the downtown and maybe take in a couple of tourist sites.

John dried us off, being the perfect houseboy. We were all chubbed a bit after his drying us off and playing with our cocks and balls. We put our sandals on and walked over to the dining room. The dining room wasn't busy. But we were a little early for lunch. We decided to eat off the buffet rather than a menu. We loaded our plates and had a great lunch with great conversation. Everyone was anxious for dinner tonight and what John's father had to tell the strippers. And I was looking forward to going downtown and looking around.

We finished our lunch and walked back to our bungalows to get dressed for going downtown. We finished dressing and walked out. The strippers were just walking up to our bungalow. They all really hot and sexy as always. I thought we made a good looking group. We continued walking up to the front of the hotel and saw our chaffeur and limousine waiting for us. I still got a little nervous when we got into the limousine. I noticed the minibar was well supplied. We told the driver we wanted to explore downtown and maybe do some shopping. John told the driver a couple of places to take us.

The chaffeur went down to the bottom of the hill, but instead of turning to the right to into John's neighborhood, we turned to left and just kept going straight ahead. I don't know how far we went, but John told the driver to stop up ahead in the next block. We didn't even have time for a beer or drink. The driver opened my side of the limousine and we all got out.

John said he thought there would be some stores here we might be interested in. I had a brainstorm while we coming, to maybe buy something for John's parents, as a thank you gift. John thought that was a good idea. And I asked John what his parents liked. He said his father liked anything in gold and his mother collected fine crystal.

We started walking down the sidewalk and I noticed an office supply store. It looked like it had high quality products in the front window. We walked in and started looking around. I wasn't sure what I was looking for. But we started walking around. I noticed some very nice desk assortments. A salesman came over and asked us if we would like some help. I asked him if they had any desk sets in gold. Not gold plated, but in gold. He said they did and for us to follow him. We went into a small back room and he brought out a couple of very handsome desk sets in gold. One set was stamped by Tiffany and the other set was stamped by Cartier. The strippers couldn't believe they made desk sets like this. Graham and John liked both sets, but I told them we needed to agree on one set. Finally we decided on the Tiffany set, it included more pieces. I asked the salesman if the pen holder could be engraved. He said of course and there was no extra charge for engraving. I was thinking to myself, for the price of this desk set, there shouldn't be any charge for engraving. John and I talked about the engraving and finally agreed on John's father name, President and Owner of the hardware chain. I asked the salesman how long it would take before the engraving would be finished. He said their engraver was working today, and it should be ready in about a hour. I paid for the desk set and asked him to have it gift wrapped for us as it was a present and gave him all our names for the gift card. He told us the set would be engraved and gift wrapped in an hour. We told him we would be back later to pick up the desk set.

We continued down the sidewalk and saw many men's and women's clothing stores a drug store and a nice flower shop. Then we came to a fine china and crystalware store. Again, I liked what I saw in the front window. John told me his mother had bought crystal items from this store in the past. We all looked around and soon we were huddled around a display case with a liquer set. A very elegant decanter with eight small liquer glasses. I asked John if his mother would like something like this. He said she would be delighted and didn't have any liquer sets that he could remember. I got the attention of a saleman and asked him if he could remove the set. I wanted to take a closer look at it. The salesman said this was their finest liquer set and that was why it was in this glass display case. I checked one of the small liquer glasses and it was etched Waterford on the bottom. I asked the guys if they liked this set and they thought it would make a nice gift. I told Graham it was his turn to pay for this gift. Once it was paid for I asked the salesman if it could be gift wrapped and he said of course and if we would like it delivered or if we were going to take the set with us. We told him we would be back to pick up the set. John again helped with the gift card, since I didn't know his mother's name and made sure all our names were on the gift card. The gift card looked more elegant than the liquer set.

We left the crystal store and continued walking down the street. We didn't see any other stores on this side of the street that interested us. So we crossed the street and started down the other side of the street. We saw a store for young men's clothing. Graham Kendrick and myself thought we were still young men, even though the other guys were giving us some funny looks. We walked into the store and they had all top name brands of men's clothing. And they had a section especially for college students. The strippers and John made a bee line for the college section of the store. They found cargo pants and shirts with their university name on them. Caps and hoodies also with the university name. They found some nice dress shirts that went along with the cargo pants and cargo shorts. They each also found a nice pair of sandals. I told them to give their stuff to the saleman to take to the checkout counter. That would be a present from Graham and I for having such great friends. But we said now it was our turn to look for something for us including Kendrick. We looked around some more and us three found some nice dress pants and polo shirts that went well with the dress pants. We also picked out another pair of nice dress sandals. And our salesman took those clothes up to the check out counter. Graham and I agreed to pay for everything half and half. I don't know why since we have a joint account. But I guess it felt like we were making the purchases separately. All the guys thanked us profusely and again told them this was for having such great friends.

Graham and I told the salesman to having everything bagged and we would be back in a bit to pick up everything. We all decided that was enough shopping and Graham and I agreed. We wanted to do some sight seeing now. We walked back to the limousine and we told the driver what stores to park in front of. The chaffeur went with me into the stores and we managed to get everything into the back of the limousine. The desk set was gift wrapped very masculinly in a black and gold ribboned box with the gift card on the top. John's mothers crystal set was in a beautiful blue box with a beautiful silver bow and the gift tag was on the top. Our clothing was in separate bags with our names on the bags. How the salesman remembered, I have no clue. But we would double check our clothing bags when we returned to the resort.

Once everything was loaded in, John told the driver where to take us. I noticed we were climbing in elevation and it looked like we were up on a bluff with magnificent views of the ocean and you could see part of the town at the bottom of the bluff. There were some sight seeing telescopes and it looked like a restaurant. With inside and outside seating. We walked over to the telescopes and they were free. You could get some exceptional views of the ocean. Unfortunately, there weren't any cruise ships passing by. We walked over to the restaurant and sat outside so we could take in more of this picturesque view. A waitress came out and asked us if we would like menus. We all asked her if they had ice cream. She said they did. They had malts sundaes smoothies cones and banana splits. The strippers ordered double dip cones, Graham and I ordered sundaes and John and Kendrick ordered malts. She told us she would be right back with our order. We thanked her.

I saw John walk over and talk to our chaffeur. He asked the chaffeur he if knew if the caves had been reopened. The chaffeur said they had. He told him when they finished here at the restaurant to take us to the caves.

The waitress came out with our orders and we woofed our ice cream down. It was really good tasting ice cream and it soon vanished. John paid the bill and we all thanked him and walked back to the limousine the driver opened the doors for us to get in. We thought we'd wait on a beer after just eating ice cream. "Where we off to now John?"

"Someplace that I think your going to be amazed to see."

I noticed the chaffeur driving back down the bluff on the same road we took to get here. Then he turned off to the right which seemed to skirt around the side of the island with a fantastic ocean view. We saw some signs coming up about the fabulous caves of the Bahamas. The chaffeur found a place where he could park the limousine and we got out. The strippers paid our entrance fee and we were given a map of the caves and we were asked if we could like a guide. We said sure. The ticket lady got on her phone and soon a nice looking young lady asked us to follow her. We soon starting entering the caves. From what we could see the caves looked like they went on forever. The first few caves we entered had some reflecting pools with beautiful plants that I never knew existed in caves. They used minimal lighting, more for background and it really made the pools sparkle and bring out the colors of the plants. As we started going further into the caves the temperature was changing and it was a bit cooler than where we started and you could hear a lot of dripping from the ceiling. We entered the cave of stalagmites and stalagtites the calcium drippings from the ceiling made some magnificient formations. Again with the lighting, it really brought out the beauty of the stalagtites and stalagmites. Then we went into the furtherest caves and our guide told us these caves were the oldest and once we entered it looked like we were entering a jewelry store. The crystals were out of this world. I had never seen so many different colors of crystals and so large. I asked her if we could take some pictures and she said unfortunately not, but the gift shop had postcards of the caves if we wanted to purchase a set. We wound our way around and soon we were back where we started. We thanked her for a wonderful tour and the caves were breath taking. We walked over to the gift shop and purchased a few complete sets of postcards of the caves.

We all told John that this had been a great time, but I thought we should head back to the hotel and relax a bit before we went to dinner at his parent's house.

All the guys looked at me like I was a spoil sport. "Come on guys this has been a fantastic time. But we should relax a bit and not rush around to get ready for dinner."

On our way back, John got beers ready for us in chilled glasses. The beer was very cold and tasted good. We just relaxed in the back of the limousine and talked about our purchases and the sight seeing we did. We all told John we have to give him a special thank you later tonight. That brought a blush and a smile to his face.

We arrived back to the hotel and the chaffeur parked in front. He opened the back of the limousine. I got a porter from the hotel with a large rolling cart to take all our purchases back to the bungalow. We thanked the chaffeur and gave him a nice sized tip.

We all walked with the porter to our bungalow. Once inside he unloaded our purchases in the living room. I thanked him and gave him a tip. I set the presents for John's parents on the dining room table. And we grabbed our bags with our names on them. Everyone checked their bags and everything looked to be in order. The strippers said they were taking their bags to their bungalow and would be right back. Graham John and I took our bags back to our bedrooms. Graham pulled me into a hug and said I always came up with the best ideas. I told Graham he always came up with the best surprises.

I heard the front door open and the strippers were back in their naked glory. God those guys were hot and sexy. We were lucky to have made friends with them. We decided to relax again in the hot tub. John brought us beers in plastic glasses. We sat close to each other like we had done before. It felt good having two hot bodies on each side of me. We chugged down our beer and set the plastic glasses on the outside of the hot tub. Soon our hands were under the water and feeling some growing hard cocks. That seemed to bring smiles to everyone's faces. Soon we had the strippers and Kendrick sit up on the edge of the hot tub and spread their legs. Graham John and I took turns going from one to the other sucking their cocks. The guys leaned back so it made their cocks stick straight up to our mouths. Damn those big cocks were a mouthful and a throatful but good to the last drop. We had them all cumming in record time. We all had a satisfied look on our faces.

Then it was our turn and Graham John and I sat up on the edge of the hot tub and the strippers and Kendrick sucked us off. That was one of the hottest experiences of my life. We all settled back down in the hot tub and sat close to each other. John brought us another round of beer. We climbed out of the hot tub and walked down to the pool and we all relaxed on loungers drinking our beer. I told Graham I was starting to leak and he was over in a heartbeat sucking out my last drops of cum.

We dozed off after our workout in the hot tub. When we woke it was five thirty and we thought we better start getting ready to go John's parents house for dinner. John took all the plastic glasses up to the kitchen and threw them in the trash. We all went into the master bathroom and crammed into the shower. John helped washing all of us. We all got hardons and we wanted to fuck. But it was too crowded in the shower. We dried off quickly and got on the bed. The strippers fucked Graham John and I. Once they came inside of us. Graham John and I fucked Kendrick. He looked like he had gone to heaven. His eyes were rolled back and he had a smile of contentment on his face. After shower and fucking it was already six twenty. At least John's parent's house wasn't that far from the hotel. The other guys went back to their bedrooms to get dressed.

Graham and I decided to wear our new clothes we had bought downtown. They were casual, but dressy. We wore dress shoes and then splashed on some cologne. We thought we were ready. We walked out into the hall and to the living room. Soon we heard the other guys coming and they had the same idea as Graham and I and were wearing their new clothes. They all looked pretty sharp. Graham and I grabbed the gifts off the dining room table and we walked up to the front of the hotel. Our chaffeur and limousine were waiting for us. The chaffeur carefully put the gifts in the back of the limousine and we climbed in.

The drive to John's parent's house didn't take long. The guard at the front gate recognized us and let us in. We made the long winding drive to the house. Mansion I should say. I thought Graham and my house was big. But John's parent's house was easily three times bigger than our house. I was hoping we could get a tour of the house while we were there. Finally we came up to the parking area and got out. The chaffeur handed the gifts to Graham and me.

We all walked up to the front doors and James opened the doors for us. John's parents were their waiting for us. And seemed glad to see all of us. Graham and I handed the presents to the John's parents and they said that wasn't necessary. We told them it was something we wanted to do for being so kind to all of us helpful. We walked into the large foyer and they handed their gifts to James and told him to put them in front sitting room.

We were introduced all around and John's parents told us to follow them. We went into a very formal sitting room. And saw the gifts on a table on the side. John's father said, "would you gentlemen like something to drink before dinner?"

Graham Kendrick and I told him we would take a scotch and water on the rocks. The strippers and John had beer. John's mother had a glass of wine.

We all talked and got better acquainted. John's mother was a very attractive woman. She could easily rival Rashona, Tyrell's wife. We had a pleasant time talking and John's father said looking at the strippers, "I have everything ready for you guys when you start university. My foundation will be paying for your university education and I have a small house rented by the foundation that is close to campus for you guys to live. The house is completely furnished and all you have to move in is your clothes. Also, after having a telephone conference call with some of my managers, jobs will be available for you after you graduate if you decide you want to work for me."

The men were flabbergasted. "That is very generous of you sir. I will make it easy for us to concentrate on our studies and not have to be concerned about working and paying for our education. We have no idea how much we appreciate everything you've done."

"Nonsense. After everything you all have done for John to help him after a terrifying experience and consoling him and reassuring him that everything would go ok when he talked to me. That's the least I can do for you men."

John's mother hadn't said anything she was just listening with a smile on her face. Finally she spoke, "I reassure you like my husband said. That this is an honor to be able to help you men with your education. And I hope like I know my husband does, that will work for his company after you graduate."

John was dumbfounded. He had never heard his parents talk like this before. But he was pleased and felt so much better now and comfortable around his mother and father.

James walked in and told us that dinner was ready.

We all stood up and followed John's parents to the formal dining room. What a formal dining room it was. The table was long and could seat twenty people. It was set for the seven of us. Everything was in silver. The room looked to be paneled with mahogany with a copper ceiling. It was really a sight to behold. Soon servants started bringing in trays of food. We were having a standing rib roast with a variety of vegatables and small pototoes shaped in little balls. Once everything was set on the table. Two of the servants started bringing the food around to us and preparing our plates to our preference.

John's father was sitting at the head of the table with John and his mother on each side of him. Graham Kendrick and I said next to John and the strippers sat next to John's mother.

Everyone seemed to know what glasses to use and the correct silverware to use. John's father made a toast before we started eating. "Here's too some wonderful young men that I see having a bright future ahead of them. I'm glad they are a part of John's life and now a part of our family." We all stood and clinked our glasses together. And then we sat down to enjoy our dinner.

Conversation was light and comfortable as we ate. The food was delicious. I found out later they had their own personal chef that did all the cooking with his staff of helpers.

The servants cleared the plates and the food when we had all finished. They then came back in with a variety of fruit on top of vanilla ice cream. John's mother said most of the fruit came from their orchard and the chef had made fresh home made vanilla ice cream. Again the dessert was delicious. I think Graham would have preferred something different for dessert, but he was respectful and didn't say anything. We finished our dessert and we stood up and John's parents told us to follow them and we went back to the sitting room.

I spoke up, "would it be possible to get a tour of this spectacular house?"

John's father beamed and he said, "it would give me and my wife great pleasure to show you around our house."

We stood up and followed John's parents. The ground floor that we were on, had the formal dining room, the formal front sitting room. Then down a small hall and to the right was the large solarium and to the left was a huge gourmet kitchen. Behind the kitchen was a breakfast dining room. With a guest bathroom off on the other side of the small hallway. Continuing to the back of this floor were large sliding glass doors that had a covered patio that worked into a large grilling area and island with seating for at least twenty people. Then there was marble steps and columns that went to the pool and hot tub. The pool was huge with fantastic landscaping with waterfalls pools and it looked like their might be a grotto under one of the waterfalls. Their was a changing building with bathrooms. The backyard was walled in and flowers and trees seemed to fit the landscaping. We walked back in and went up the grand staircase to the first floor. This floor had John's father office which was huge and had a large table, I assumed for board meetings. There was a large ballroom for parties. My guess the room could easily fit two hundred people. There was a balcony for the music and large built in bar on one side of the ballroom. Also their was a library and study behind the ballroom. We then went up to the third floor which was all bedrooms. The master bedroom, looked like something you'd see on tv or in magazines. The master bedroom looked like my whole first floor of my house could fit into it. It was exquisitely decorated. There was an adjoing master bedroom. And the other side of the hallways were six bedrooms. All nice sized and two were adjoing bedrooms. That finished the tour and we went back to the formal sitting room.

"This is quite a home you have here. Where did you find all your statues and pieces of art?"

"My husband and I purchased our statues and art on our travels. We were always looking for something unique and different, that would go with the style of our home. I'm glad you like our art and the way the home is decorated."

"You and your have husband have an excellent eye for art and everything seems to work together."

John's father spoke up, "let's see what you gentlemen purchased for us."

Graham and I got up. Graham handed the black box with the gold ribbon to John's father and I handed the blue box with the silver ribbon to John's mother. These gifts are from all of us to show our appreciation for your hospitality and everything you've done for us.

They carefully unwrapped their presents and read the gift cards and seemed pleased. We all watched in anticipation as they opened their boxes. John's mother gave a gasp of surprise. "This is a very beautiful and expensive liquer set. It's wonderful than you all very much." She walked over and gave us all a kiss on the cheek. John was amazed. He never saw his mother react this way ever. John's father's eyes got wide and he couldn't believe what he was looking at. He showed his wife a couple of the desk set pieces and she was amazed at the quality and asked if the set was gold plated. I said no, "this set was made in gold and not gold plated." John's father thanked us profusely and I had never received anything so remarkable. He said, "I want to see how it looks on my desk." We all followed him to his office. He told James to bring a box for the current desk set. James came back with a box and paper he wrapped the current desk set in the paper and carefully placed it in the box. John's father started placing the new gold desk set on his desk and it really looked nice. His desk was made of black walnut and it really made the desk set stand out. He just stood there and looked and looked at it. Finally he walked over and shook our hands and gave us each a hug. "Thank you men. You don't know what this means to me."

"It's the least we could do for everything you've done for us."

We all walked back down to the formal sitting room and John's mother found a place for her new liquer set. "This set is just stunning. I had noticed it at the store, but I thought I could put off buying it. And it's here in my house and it belongs to me. You men are really something else. I couldn't be happier."

John's had James bring beer for us. He had a scotch on the rocks and his mother had wine. We sat and talked for awhile longer and thought it was time for us to leave. Before we left. John's dad said, "I know you and Graham are leaving tomorrow, but I want you to know your always welcome here in our home. And for the rest of you men, I expect to see you here often."

We we all walked to the door. We all shook hands and John's mother gave us all a kiss on the cheek again. And John's father shook hands with us and gave us each a hug. James opened the front doors for us we all waved back to them as we got into the limousine.

As we were making our way back to the hotel. I asked John, "what do you think? Do you think your parents liked their gifts and us?"

John kind of sputtered and mumbled and finally said, "You all made quite an impression on my parents. This is the first time I've seen them show any emotion for anything. They weren't acting. The presents were perfect for my parents. And what my father did for you guys," looking at the strippers, "was his way of showing his appreication. And I've never heard them mention to anyone that they were welcome anytime in their house."

I then asked John, "do you think you'll move back into your parent's house?"

"No. I don't have any plans to do that. I'm not that far away working at the hotel and living their. I can visit them whenever I want. I think for the time being it is still good to have some distance between us."

We arrived back to our hotel and it was going on ten. I hadn't realized we had stayed that long at John's parent's house. It was really quite an experience.

We weren't tired and decided to change and go to the main pool for a little while. We needed to talk to the owner and maybe we could have him come to the pool. I didn't want to put clothes on to see him in his office and then have to change again for the pool.

We all went to our bungalows and agreed to meet at the main pool. We got changed and left for the pool. We didn't see the strippers when we arrived. So we found a place that would accommodate all of us. I mentioned for one of the bartenders. They seemed know all of us. Probably the owner had something to do with that. We told him we would like a beer and we would like to talk to the owner if he could come over for a few minutes. After the other guys arrived.

He said no problem. He brought our beers just as the other guys arrived and I saw him leave to probably get the owner.

The guys saw us and took the empty loungers next to us. It was getting later and I was wondering if the owner was still in his office. I saw him walk in and he spotted us. He pulled a chair over and asked us how the evening went with John's parents. I gave him a condensed version of what happened. Then John spoke up and said he would like to live at the hotel if that was possible and he would very much like to work at the hotel as a houseboy. The owner was very pleased with that news and told John a new bungalow was being built for the workers, however John could live in the old workers bungalow by himself. That might work out better with the work he would be doing here at the hotel. That way he wouldn't be asked a lot of questions by the other workers and he would be able to come and go as he pleased. The owner told John he already had some guests that were staying that wanted his service as a houseboy. The owner told John that if he was working for one guest, he would make $1000 per day for that guest. If he was working for two or more guests. He would make $2000 per day. John said that was perfect and he wondered about transporation, especially when university started. The owner said he had everything worked out for him for transportation. He seemed John's father had purchased a car for John and it was being kept at the hotel. The owner said he needed to leave and finish some work in his office. He told John they would talk more tomorrow after we left.

The bartender had brought over beers for the other guys. I told them I was going to turn in after I finished my beer. The strippers looked at Graham and me and said they were going to give us a special treat since it was our last night in the Bahamas.

Graham and I looked at each other and wondered what they had planned. We all finished our beer and decided to leave the pool. We all walked back to our bungalow and the guys told Graham and me to lay down on our backs on the bed. I saw them lubing up their big cocks. I knew what was going to happen. It was going to be a fuck and suck marathon. John went first fucking Graham and then Kendrick started fucking me. A couple of the strippers got over our faces and we were sucking on their big cocks. After John and Kendrick came in our holes. A couple of the strippers took over fucking us and we sucked John and Kendrick. Once the two strippers came in us, the last stripper went back and forth on Graham and my holes until he started cumming in Graham and stayed in his hole until he finished. Wow that was some sex marathon. They had stroked Graham and me when they fucked us. We were drained and tired and fell back on a heap on the bed and that was the way we fell asleep.

We woke up with sunlight coming in through the curtains. We started moving around on the bed finding our own spot on the bed to rest. My hole felt a little sore but not uncomfortble. I looked over and Graham was smiling at me. I gave him a smile and kiss. We all just laid their for awhile on the bed until we thought we should get up.

We dragged our lazy asses into the shower and John washed us all. We were hard after his thorough cleansing. And decided to head back to the bed. We maneurved ourselves around in a big circle suck. This was a nice way to start the day. Damn we all had big loads again. Graham and I were sucking on a couple of the strippers and their bigs cocks really filled our mouth and throats. Soon we were all moaning and grunting and shooting out our morning loads.

John wiped us off and we got up. And decided to go for breakfast. We combed our hair and put on some dress sandals and walked over to the main dining room. We all ate off the breakfast buffet. It was good and filling. Once we finished we told the guys we needed to start packing and getting ready for our flight.

They followed us back to our bungalow and they headed down to the pool. John asked us if we needed any help and we told him we were good and to join the guys at the pool. This gave Graham and I a little time together. We didn't say much as we started packing. I think we were tired after the sex marthon last night and a good morning suck. We got dressed in our new clothes and double checked the bungalow to make sure we had everything. Kendrick and John were going to be staying in our bungalow until John's bungalow was ready. Kendrick was going to help John get settled into his own bungalow.

Graham and I walked down to the pool. It was already after ten and our flight was leaving at eleven. We said our goodbyes to all the guys and thanked them for a wonderful time and helping us celebrate our honeymoon. They said they were going to miss us. We had everybodies cell phone numbers and promised to keep in touch. We hugged and kissed and we all a couple of tears in our eyes. It was hard saying goodbye to such good friends.

The guys carried our suitcase carry on and garment bags up to the front of the hotel. The chaffeur and limousine were there to take us to the airport. We said one more good bye and waved to the owner and got into the limousine. The chaffeur had stowed all our luggage.

The drive to the airport seemed to go fast. I thought too fast. I saw our plane waiting for us. Flying on a private jet was the only way to fly. No security lines and no waiting to check in. The limousine driver pulled in close to the plane. Walked around and opened our doors for us. The crew was waiting for us. It was the same pilot and co-pilot. And a new stewardess. They were smiling and greeted us as we boarded the plane. The chaffeur and the stewardess took care of our luggage and garment bags. We waved to the chaffeur.

The planes were all arranged the same way inside. Very comfortable and spacious. The stewardess asked us if we would like anything to drink. I told her the beer we liked and she said she would be right back. We got comfortable in our seats and could hear the cargo doors close. The plane started pressurizing and we started taxiing to the runway.

The stewardess brought our beers and told our lunch would be ready once we were airborne. The beer was very good. And in chilled glasses, it hit the spot.

We finished our beer just in time. The pilot came on and told us to fasten our seatbelts. We would lifting off soon. The stewardess took our empty beer glasses and I saw her seatbelt herself in.

Soon the plane was picking up speed and with these smaller jets. We were airborne in no time. While we were waiting to get to our cruising altitude. I told Graham I wanted to talk to him. He looked at him like something was wrong. "Is everything ok babe?"

"Everything is ok. There is something I need to get off my chest."

"Go ahead I'm all ears."

"I've appreciated how caring and thoughtful you have been with our wedding and honeymoon. However, that was all planned by you as wonderful surprise for me. I have no regrets about the wedding or honeymoon. But in the future, I don't want anymore surprises. I want us to work things out together. We are married and we should be making joint decisions."

"I'm sorry Bob. I didn't realize you had such strong feelings about our wedding and honeymoon. I thought you would like being surprised. But I understand where your coming from. And I agree. Any major events we should plan and workout together. I'm sorry for not asking you and including you in the planning for our wedding and honeymoon."

"Don't worry about it Graham, it's water under the bridge now. Like I said, I really enjoyed our wedding and honeymoon. I just wanted to express my opinion and I'm not mad or disappointed with you. I could never be mad at my husband."

I saw Graham staring out the window for awhile. Not looking at me or saying anything. Finally, he looked back at me. He had tears in his eyes. "I guess now you know I how felt when you did all those things in the house without asking me and assuming I would like everything you did, because you liked it."

"I hope this doesn't mean we are going to be separated again? I was just voicing my opinion. I didn't mean it as being critical or sarcastic."

"Ok. Let's just forget about it."

I could tell Graham was upset and I decided to take a seat in the other sitting area and let him think and have his space. I knew I shouldn't move with the seatbelt sign still on, but it felt we had made our cruising altitude.

The stewardess came out and started getting the dining room table ready for lunch. She told us lunch would be ready soon and asked us if we wanted anything to drink. I told her just a black coffee with lunch. Graham told her he would take another beer.

We didn't talk or look at each other. I grabbed the daily paper that was lying on the table by my seat. I read it over and there wasn't anything really interesting, but it occupied my time.

Lunch smelled good. Whatever it was. It smelled like something Italian, but I couldn't be sure. The stewardess had put our plates across from each other. I moved my plate to the end of the table with my platter of food. She brought my coffee and Graham had his beer with him. I was right. It was Italian food. It was lasagna. And it was delicious. She also had a cloth covered basket with garlic bread. I got up and walked over to the basket, since the basket was close to Graham and took a couple pieces of garlic bread. It had been warmed and tasted good with the lasagna.

I finished my lunch and took my coffee with me to where I was sitting. I pulled out a magazine and started looking it over while I finished my coffee.

The stewardess came out and cleared my plate and platter and asked us if we would like dessert. I told her nothing for me. I heard Graham order apple pie a la mode. I wasn't surprised. I'm sure he was still hungry. The lasagna wouldn't fill him up. Graham stayed at the table and ate his pie and ice cream. He asked her for a black coffee.

When Graham finished he took his coffee and walked back to where he was sitting. Only this time he sat so his back was to me. How childish he was acting. I felt I had every right to tell him how I felt and I told him a couple of times that I appreciated everything he did and I wasn't mad or disappointed. I thought I'd let him sit their and stew for awhile and then I'd walk over and get this straightened out.

The stewardess came out and cleared Graham's plate and platter and I told her I would take a scotch and water on the rocks. I heard Graham tell her he would like the same.

She came out with out drinks and handed them to us. And went back into the galley. I finished my drink and I had had enough of this silent treatment. I hadn't done anything wrong, except express my opinion and tell him I wasn't mad or disappointed. I got up to walk over to Graham. I hadn't noticed him get up and he was walking over to me. We met half together and kissed and hugged. And told each other we were sorry. I thought I saw the stewardess peeking out from the galley, but I wasn't sure. I didn't care at this point. It was more important to reconcile with my husband.

We both went back to where we were originally sitting. We started talking at the same, telling each other that we were being silly and stupid little boys and that we needed to act like married adults. Graham said he was sorry for overreacting and we need to work together and plan together anything we decide to do. But he got a smile on his. "It was fun planning our wedding and honeymoon." I gave him a sock on the arm.

We ordered another scotch and water on the rocks and the stewardess said she would bring out some snacks.

She came back with our drinks and a couple of small trays with cheese and crackers and deli meat. The other tray had assorted nuts pretzels and chips.

I fixed a cracker for myself with cheese and meat. It tasted good. The drink tasted better. Graham and I got back on the same track and we started talking about our honeymoon and how it started being kidnapped. But it got better fast and was nice meeting the strippers and John and his parents. That is quite a mansion they live in. I found out John's father has hardware stores in all the southern states. And in Central and South America. He's always doing some research to see about setting up some hardware stores in Europe.

"I'm glad John is on good terms now with his parents and I hope he starts spending some time with them. Working at the hotel, he will be close to his parents."

The pilot came on and said we were starting our descent and would be landing in about a hour.

We ordered a beer from the stewardess. A beer would taste good with our snacks. I saw that Graham had already made a big dent in both snack trays. I ate more than I thought I would. But it did taste good with the beer.

Soon the pilot came back on said we would be landing in about thirty minutes. He gave us a weather report and the weather sounded pretty much like when we had left. I was ready to get home. The wedding and honeymoon was enough. I wanted a break now for awhile. I was hoping Graham would agree with me to wait a couple of weeks before having our backyard party.

I could feel us making our descent. Soon we landed. Another very smooth flight and landing. I thought you'd feel turbulence in these smaller jets. But so far we haven't. Graham and I waited until the plane finished taxiing and stopped. Soon the door came open and the ladder went down. The stewardess told us we could deboard the plane. We thanked her and the pilot and co-pilot for a very wonderful flight. They thanked us like before, for using their private jet service.

I saw the limousine pull up closer and the chaffeur took our suitcases and garment bags and stowed them in the limousine. He opened one of the back doors for us. We waved to the flight crew and got into the back of the limousine. We kissed and hugged once we were settled into the limousine. The driver took off for home. The minibar was fully stocked. I fixed Graham and I a cold beer. I missed John. He was good at attending to us. I hoped we would hear from him and the strippers. Like an update on how they are doing.

Our drive back to the house was relaxing. And I was glad the driver didn't rush. I was feeling horny and the driver couldn't see us in the back. I started rubbing over Graham's bulge. He spread his legs so I got better access. He reached over and started squeezing and rubbing my bulge. I did the same spreading my legs for him. I undid Graham's pants and pulled the zipper down. I reached into his boxers and felt his growing hardon. Graham then reached over and undid my pants and slid my zipper down and felt him fondling my hardening cock and playing with my balls. I saw Graham's boner poking out the fly of his boxers. I slid his boxers down and leaned over and took his hefty cock into my mouth. Swirling my tongue around the head and licking the sides of his shaft to his balls and then sucking on one ball and then the other. Graham was giving out low moans. I then slowly deep throated him. Playing with his balls as I started bobbing up and down on his cock. I felt him stiffen and tighten up and he started pumping a big load down my throat. About five or six good strong spurts bathing the walls of my throat. I licked off the cum on the sides of his cock and milked out the last couple of oozing drops. He stayed with his pants and boxers down and leaned over and took my cock down his throat in one gulp. I felt one of his hands playing with my balls, which always made me super horny. He was learning fast and had his throat muscles clamped around my throbbing shaft. With his ball play it didn't take my long to cum. I rewarded my lover with some strong spurts of cum hitting the sides of his throat. He licked me clean and also milked out my last gobs of cum. We just sat there with our pants and boxers at our ankles. We kissed and hugged and could taste each other's cum. We slowly pulled up our boxers and pants and refastened them. It looked like nothing had happened. We were still on our honeymoon as far as we were concerned and this time Graham got us a couple of beers.

Just as we finished our second beer I felt the limousine stopping and heard the gate opening. We had the same chaffeur as before and he remembered how to the open the gate. He drive in and everything at least outside looked in order. I walked up to the front door and disarmed the security system. I opened the front door and walked back to the limousine. The chaffeur thanked us for using their service and handed us our suitcases and garment bags. We watched the chaffeur leave and we walked into the house and set our things in the living room.

I walked back and closed the front door. I always like to make a tour of the house when we've been gone. To make sure everything is ok and nothing is awry. I checked everything upstairs downstairs and they went out to the patio and backyard and everything looked like it should. I didn't see anything out of place.

Graham always watched me do this. I think he thought I was overreacting having a hi-tech security system wired directly to the police department. But it just made me feel better knowing everything was ok.

We took our suitcases and garment bags upstairs to the the master bedrooms and put our things away. And our dirty clothes in the hamper for Margaret to wash and iron. We put on jock and went back downstairs to the kitchen.

I checked the frig and Margaret had fixed a lot of food for us. Everything was in containers to be warmed. Also a large assorted snack tray was in the frig with a card. It was from the hotel wishing us a wonderful honeymoon.

I told Graham I wanted to relax by the pool and he said he would take our cell phones and get a couple of beers ready. I told him I was going to bring the snack tray down and add a few more things to it.

I watched Graham's tight firm ass as we walked out on the patio and then made his way down to the pool. I added some more cheese and crackers to the snack plate. And carried it down to the pool.

I saw our cell phones on a small table by our double lounger and sat the snack tray down on the table. I lounged next to Graham. His hot body rubbing against mine. His skin contact was making me chub up in my jock. Graham handed me a beer and we said cheers and took a big chug of our beer.

My cell phone starting ringing. I wondered who was calling us. I mouther to Graham, "my mother."

"Hi mom. How's everything?"

"Everything is fine here. Wanted to see how your honeymoon was?"

"It was great being back in the Bahamas. We had a wonderful time and met some new friends." I gave her the short version about our time in the Bahamas. I didn't mention the kidnapping or my mother would have had a heart attack.

"Bob, the main reason I'm calling is to thank you from me and John for your really thoughtful gifts when you were in Las Vegas for your wedding. Your father really likes his gold nugget jewelry.. They were the perfect gift for him. My necklace and earring set is just stunning. I don't know how you knew my favorite stone was sapphire. The sapphires being surrounded by dimaonds makes a wonderful set. I couldn't be happier. I've already worn the set a couple of times and have received many compliments. I know your probably tired after getting back today. So I'm going to let you get your rest. Again, thank you honey for our wonderful gifts. You are very thoughtful."

"Your welcome mom. And tell dad it was the least I could do for my very wonderful parents."

I got off and was going to tell Graham about my phone call, but I saw him talking on his phone. I mouthed, "my mother."

I was hoping his phone call went as well as mine. I overheard some of his conversation.

"No mom. It was the least I could do. You and dad have been the best parents and I wanted to show my appreciation."

"I know you spent a lot of money on our presents and I don't like you doing that. You need to save your money. Your father is not able to come to the phone. Every since he opened your present and he saw that gold pocket watch and with a beautiful gold fob. He's been crying. Your father had been a pocket watch that was similiar to the one you bought for him from his father when he was a young kid. He lost the watch playing with his friends and never found it. This watch is bringing back all of those memories. All he does is stare at the watch and then start crying. I know he really loves the watch. Thank you Graham for the wonderful presents. That was very thoughtful of you. I'm going to go. I know your probably tired after getting home today."

"Thanks for calling mom. And Bob and I will try to come and visit soon."

"How did your phone call go babe?"

"It went ok. Mom said my dad was crying when he saw the gold pocket watch. He had one similar when he was a kid that was given to him by his father. He lost the watch when he playing with his friends and now his new watch is bringing back memories. Mom liked her present, but being a typical mother she thought I spent too much on their gifts. I told her I would try to get their soon to visit."

"How about your phone call husband?"

"It went well. My mom said they both really liked their presents. My mother has worn your necklace and earring set a couple of times and has received comments on her set. Other than that, not much of anything else."

We talked some more and nibbled on our snack plate and drank our beer. "You ready for a swim?"

"Sure I didn't bring a towel, but we can dry off in the sun."

We stripped off our jocks and dove in the pool. The water felt good and was refreshing. We did a few laps for exercise. But we knew we needed to start using the gym. Graham was floating on his back. His big cock and balls looked so appetizing. I thought I could wait till later and take care of him.

We climbed out of the pool and relaxed back on our double lounger. We finished our beer which was starting to get warm. I asked Graham want he wanted to do for dinner. If we should go somewhere, order delivery and just warm up what Margaret had cooked. He thought for a couple of minutes and said, let's stay home and just warm what Margaret has ready.

"Let's take a quick shower first and then we work together in the kitchen."

We ran upstairs to our bathroom. Our cock and balls flopping back and forth. We jumped in the shower and got the water going. We rinsed off the chlorine and shampooed our hair. That was relaxing and felt good to be using our own shower. We put on a couple of robes that were wedding presents. They had our initals on them.

We went back to the kitchen and I found something I knew we would both like and warmed it up. Graham wasn't a fussy eater. You put food in front of Graham and he eats it. We decided to eat at the island in the kitchen. The food was good as always. We washed it down with coffee and I asked Graham what he wanted do this evening. "How about if we watch a movie in the theater room?"

"Excellent idea." We put our dirty dishes in the dishwasher and put the rest of the food back into the frig. And we headed downstairs to watch a movie. Graham found a black and white spy movie. It was one we hadn't seen. It looked like it would be good.

We settled together into one of our oversized theater chairs. Graham got the movie started and we hugged and watched the movie. The movie wasn't too bad. I felt one of Graham's hands reach into my robe and start feeling my pecs and nips. He started tweaking and rubbing on my nips and they got hard. Graham knew how to turn me on and he was doing a good job. I put my hands behind my head and closed my eyes and enjoyed all the sensations going through my body. He opened my robe and rubbed down my chest and played around my navel and ran his fingers through my trimmed pubes. His fingers lightly played over my growing cock and then he cupped and played with my balls. That's all it took and I was soon rock hard and leaking. He rubbed my precum over my cock and I saw him lick my precum off his fingers and then he stopped and went back to watching the movie.

Ok. Two can play at that game. I reached into Graham's robe and played with his nips and pecs. I knew his nips were directly wired to his cock. And he would get hard immediately. I squeezed and rubbed his nips and then ran my hand down through his little tuft of chest hair and played around his navel, opening his robe more. Then running my fingers through his pubes and feeling the sides of his shaft with my fingers. I cupped his balls and fondled them. I heard him giving out low moans. I ran a finger over his pee slit and pulled out some precum. I licked it off my finger and it tasted good, just like Graham. I stopped and went back to watching the movie.

I saw a smile on Graham's face out of the corner of my eye. We finished watching the movie sporting two big hardons. Graham turned off the player and we went upstairs to our bedroom. We put our robes on a chair and crawled in bed together naked. We started making out. Our big hardons hitting and rubbing together. Finally we moved around into a sixty nine sucking and deep throating each other. We lubed a couple of fingers and were working each other's holes. Finally Graham said he couldn't take it anymore and told me to lay on my back with my legs up. I pulled my legs back to my chest and Graham eased his rock hard cock into my hole. He fucked me slow and tenderly. He was making love to me and I was enjoying every thrust of his cock into and out of my hole. I felt him stiffen and heard him grunt loud and his soon he was pumping a big load inside me. He felt good and the way the head of his cock was rubbing my prostate, made the love making even more sensual. He finished and got off me.

Graham was laying on his back and I told him to pull his legs to his chest. I licked around his hole. I knew he liked rim jobs. I eased a couple of fingers in his hole and found his prostate and rubbed back and forth over it. He was panting and gasping when I found his prostate and told me to make love to him. I gladly accepted the offer and eased my cock into his hole and slowly thrust in and out making sure my shaft was rubbing over his prostate. Graham was going crazy moaning and wiggling and squirming around every time I rubbed his prostate. I could feel myself getting close so I picked up the pace a little. And soon gave my lover a big load shooting way up inside his hole. I fell back exhausted and panting.

We laid on our sides facing each other. I pulled the covers over us and we hugged and kissed and fell asleep.

We woke up to the alarm going off. And ran downstairs to workout. We saw some of the guys their already working out and warming up. We joined them and put on our jocks. We told them we were planning a backyard party in a couple of weekends. Actually Groundhog Day weekend. They said they would be sure to here. They liked our parties and couldn't wait to see our backyard. We were running a bit late so we had to cut workout short. We sucked each other off in the shower. Dried off and got dressed and went upstairs for breakfast.

Margaret welcomed us back. It was good to see Margaret again. We ate our breakfast and talked a little more and headed to the garage. We got into a group hug and kiss and headed to work.

The days went by quickly. Getting back to work and always busy makes the time go by faster.

We invited Margaret to dinner Wednesday night. We went to the Italian Restaurant. The food was good as always. We all shared a bottle of wine. And Margaret thanked us for inviting her to dinner, but that it wasn't necessary. We told her it was necessary. We couldn't live in the house without her and everything she does. This was our way of showing our respect for everything you do. Margaret was happy and she thanked us when we dropped her off at her house.

The next few days were zipping by. Graham and I were planning our backyard party. We had a guest list and we were busy calling people. When I called Preston I asked him if he could get us a big projection screen. I had a movie I wanted to play. I was renting the movie, Groundhog Day. Since our party was on Groundhogs Day. I also checked with the party and costume store and they were ordering fifty groundhog hats for everyone to wear at the party.

So far everyone we had called could come. Even Kendrick Cotton Anthony and Roland were coming. So we would have a big group of men. It should be a great party. We called the DJ we had used before and he said he was ready for one of our parties. Sam said he was having one of the chefs at our hotel make the buffet and it would be delivered and set up. I heard from Preston and he said he had some entertainment lined up and we didn't have to do anything.

Graham and I agreed that it seemed everything was falling into place for our party. We weren't doing any decorating. I didn't want streamers or decorations falling into the swimming pool or any of our small ponds. We had waiters working from The In and Out Bar. So us being naked wouldn't be a problem. The bartenders and waiters would probably we naked too or just wear little skimpy aprons and bow ties. My brother called and he and Jarvis and their wives would be coming. That wouldn't be a problem they would use the second master bedroom that was adjoined to our bedroom. Sleeping arrangements had already been taken care of for those that were coming a long ways and would be staying overnight.

Friday, the day before our party. I went over to the part and costume store and picked up our Groundhog Hats. They were really comical, but it would be fun to see everyone wearing them. I then went to a video rental store and got the move Groundhog Day. I was glad I worked a half day on Friday, I could get home early and check on the setup for the buffet DJ and the projection screen.

I made it home with three large cardboard boxes of groundhog hats and the movie.

I saw a hotel van parked on the side of the garage. I walked into the house and Margaret said the hotel was here and setting up the buffet. She said another truck would be coming to setup the projection screen. The DJ hadn't arrived yet.

I walked out to the backyard and saw two big covered tents for our buffet. The tents were up and the staff was setting up the tables. They told me they would bring the chafing dishes with the food around eleven tomorrow morning. I told them that was perfect and they left. Just as they left I saw some men carrying down the setup for the projection screen. I showed them where I wanted it set up. I asked them if they had chairs. They said they did and brought sixty chairs with them to make sure their was enough seating. I told them to put thirty chairs on one side and thirty chairs on the other side with a walking aisle between the chairs. They said they would do that. I saw the DJ up on the back patio. He was starting to set up his equipment. He asked me what time he should be here and I told him probably ten tomorrow morning.

Everything was coming along perfect and it was looking like a party was happening. Graham had called and told me he was sorry he couldn't be here to help, but he was having a very busy day. I told him not to worry about it. Everything was coming together perfect and he could check everything when he got home.

Margaret told me lunch was ready and she said she had fixed extra for all the workers that were here. I told her she was the best and always so thoughtful. I ate in the breakfast nook and Margaret started carrying out food for all the workers that were still here. I finished my lunch and walked back out to the backyard, as big as our backyard was, the large projection screen and buffet tents barely took up any space. There was still plenty of room for using the pool jacuzzi and grotto and the pergola with the tiki bar. And there was the large patio and covered patio for guests too. I was having the bar setup under part of the covered patio. The weather was supposed to nice over the weekend. I was also going to have the tiki bar going by the pergola and the tiki bar in the sunroom if any of the guests wanted to use the sunroom.

I was really pleased how everything was coming together so fast. It looked good and I hoped Graham would like the setup. The DJ told me he was finished and would be back tomorrow morning at ten.

Margaret had finished with everything and told me she was leaving and hoped our party was a success. I told her I'm sure it would and thanked her for all her help and she left.

All the workers were gone so I decided to go upstairs and put my work clothes away and take a robe and do some swimming and relaxing by the pool.

Once I was ready for the pool, I grabbed a cold beer from the frig and walked down to the pool. Looking up. It looked like a party was going to happen. I liked how much room we have in our backyard. Nothing looked cramped or crowded and looked well planned and organized.

I had my beer in an insulated covered mug. I laid my robe on the lounger and dove into the pool. The pool was the best addition to our backyard. Graham and I used the pool almost every day. Sometimes the jacuzzi to relax our muscles if we had a tense and stressful day. I swam a few laps and felt good. I walked out of the pool and relaxed back on a lounger. I had moved the lounger under an umbrella so I had some shade. I sipped and enjoyed my beer. It gave me time to reflect on all our great friends and how much they liked us and were eager to attend our party tomorrow. I needed to ask Graham how we should setup the groundhog hats. I was thinking at the entrance to the patio. I could have one of the waiters or bartenders handing out the hats when they arrived. And maybe another waiter or bartender taking care of everyone's clothes since I knew they would want to be naked or almost naked.

I finished my beer and was enjoying being in the shade. Graham and I had bought these umbrellas that were designed to cover lounger. They had a long awning that extended out and two double loungers could easily fit under one of these special umbrellas. We had six of the umbrellas spread out around the pool. I heard the sliding doors to the patio and I saw Graham walking down in all his naked glory. God he looked so good. I couldn't never stop staring and enjoying my husband.

I saw him with a robe and carrying a beer. He walked down to me and set his beer down by mine. He hugged and kissed and I asked him how his day went. He said it was a busy day with many meetings and a couple new clients.

He said the backyard really looked good. I asked him if he liked the arrangement or if he thought something should be changed or moved. He said everything looked perfect. I told him the DJ was coming at ten tomorrow morning and the caterers from the hotel would be bringing the food around eleven tomorrow morning. The waiters and bartenders were going to be here at noon. I didn't really expect anyone to arrive until around one in the afternoon or later. I asked Graham if we should have a waiter or bartender at the entrance to the patio handing out the groundhog hats. He thought that would be a good idea, rather than doing it inside the house. I told him about having a waiter or bartender taking care of everyone's clothes and he liked that idea too. I told I thought we should have a bartender in the sunroom in case some of the guest wanted to use the sunroom. And a bartender at the tiki bar by the pergola. He agreed with both ideas.

Graham finished his beer and he asked me if I would like another one. I told him sure. He said he would get us a couple of beers. I was looking forward to our party. I was wondering what kind of entertainment Preston had lined up. Would have to wait and see. I knew it would be good if Preston had it arranged.

I saw Graham come back with our beers. He laid down next to me on our double recliner. We kissed and hugged and agreed we had a great group of friends. And Graham said he was looking forward to the party tomorrow.

I told Graham I had printed out a guest list and had a guard at the gate to let people in. Only those on the list were allowed to enter. Graham liked that idea too. I told him the guard would start work tomorrow morning at ten, in case a few guests came early.

"I'm getting hungry babe. How about you?"

"Sure, what we having?"

"I wasn't sure if you wanted to eat here or if we should go to a restaurant. Or order delivery?"

"How about if you order us some Chinese food? I'm hungry for Chinese?"

"Perfect. I'll find them on my cell phone and call in our order." I found them in my contacts and gave our favorite Chinese restaurant a call and ordered what we liked. They told me it would be about twenty minutes.

I told Graham the Chinese food would be delivered in about twenty minutes. "Where do you want to eat?"

"Let eat out here at the patio"

"Ok. I will get our places ready for us and get some money to pay for our food." I felt lazy and brought out some paper plates and an insulated thermos of coffee. I had just finished getting the patio table ready for us when I heard the speaker. I leave the deliver man in. He riding a motorcycle. I rang the doorbell and I had my robe on when I answered the door. I told him to come in and put the food on the kitchen island. "Nice house you have here." "Thanks." I paid the man and I watched him leave.

The Chinese food smelled good. I told Graham the food was ready. In about two steps he was at the table. Everything tasted very good. We hadn't eating Chinese food in a long time and I think when you wait awhile it tastes better.

I ate more than I usually do and soon we had all the containers empty. "What should we do now?" "After we put everything away, I want to see if there is a good game on the tv."

We worked together clearing the table and putting everything away. And went into the living room. Graham found a game that was just starting. We slid our robes off and snuggled together on the couch and watched the game. Once the game finished we thought we better go to bed and get a good rest. We would pretty have a long day tomorrow.

We crawled into bed. We weren't really tired but knew we needed to get a good night's sleep. We made love for over an hour and finally we were nodding off. We fell asleep quickly after our love making.

I didn't set the alarm and I woke up with sun coming in through the curtains. I looked at the nightstand clock and it was just after eight. That was a long sleep for us. Graham looked like he was still sleeping. I went in and took a quick shower. I went downstairs and started getting some breakfast ready. I took a robe with me just in case someone came early.

I was getting pretty good at making breakfast. Pretty soon I saw Graham dragging his lazy ass down the stairs. "Good morning sunshine." "Morning." "You sound pretty cheerful." "I'm still half awake and half asleep." "You want to shower before you eat breakfast, it isn't ready yet?" "I think I will take a quick shower and be right back." "Put a robe on when you came back down, in case someone comes early." "Yes mother." "Bye Graham, take your shower."

I putzed around in the kitchen taking my time finishing breakfast. I set the table in the breakfast nook for us. I fixed eggs bacon sausage and toast. Coffee was made and I had the orange juice poured. All I needed now was my husband.

I heard Graham coming down the stairs. "Everything is ready at the breakfast nook." "Ok babe."

Graham looked much better after his shower. "Breakfast smells good babe." "Thanks. I hope it tastes as good as it smells."

Breakfast must have tasted ok. Graham finished his plate and filled it a second time. "Your getting good at making breakfast Bob." "I've been getting a lot of practice. You want to go for a quick swim as soon as we finish?"

"Yeah I need the exercise."

"We need to make it quick. The DJ is coming at ten and the caterers at eleven."

We cleaned the breakfast nook in record time. And we threw our robes on a lounger and dove in. We got in a good swim. It was invigorating and we both felt really good after our swim. We still had time to shower and get some clothes on.

We put our robes on and walked up to the master bedroom. Threw our robes on some hangers in the walkin closet and went into the shower. I got all the shower heads going. We washed each other taking our time and getting all those hard to reach places. We jerked each other off and thought that was all we had time for. We rinsed off again so we didn't have any white stuff sticking to us.

We both put on shorts and tshirts and flip flops and no underwear. We thought that was good enough for right now. We made our way downstairs and I heard the speaker. It was the DJ. I opened the gate for him and he drove in and parked to the side of the garage. When he came in I asked him if the guard had arrived. He said he hadn't seen anybody. I told him to go ahead and do whatever he needed to do and to put on some music with a good rhythm.

I told Graham I was walking out to the gate and see if the guard had arrived. I was using a security service and this was an armed guard. I wasn't expecting any problems, but I didn't want any problems either. As I got to the gate, I saw the guard getting out of a truck and he walked over. I opened the gate for him and gave him the guest list. I showed him where the speaker was in case someone showed up that wasn't on the list so he could verify if they should enter or not. I also showed him the button for opening and closing the gate. And I walked back into the house.

I told Graham the guard was here and everything was in place at the gate. Soon I heard a vehicle pull in and it was the catering truck from the hotel. Four people got out and opened the back of their van and started unloading chafing dishes of food. They knew I wanted paper plates used and plastic glasses and cups. They had brought plates glasses and cups in a nice quality plastic. They almost looked like real china. I opened the doors for them and they made their was in and started setting up the buffet. They had sterno holders on the chafing dishes that needed heating and they got those going. Soon everything was unloaded and arranged. I thanked them and they left.

Just as they left the waiters and bartenders arrived. Graham helped me and I took one bartender up to the sunroom and showed him where the tiki bar was. I went back downstairs and Graham and a waiter had a small table set up by the entrance to the patio. They had the boxes of groundhog hats stacked their. I told them to go ahead and put on a groundhog hats. Graham and I put ours on also. They were funny looking, but it fit the day, being Groundhogs Day. I showed the bartenders where the bar was set up in the patio and the tiki bar at the pergola. The waiters I showed where the buffet was set up and the appetizers and they knew about the chafing dishes with sterno heaters. I quickly took a groundhog hat up to the bartender in the sunroom. He laughed when he saw the groundhog hat, but put it on.

All the waiters and bartenders were nice looking young men. They got changed into a bow tie and a little tiny apron and that was all they wore. The waiters did the same, except they didn't wear a bowtie. I noticed the DJ was stripped down to just a jock. He was also good looking.

I got the attention of one of the waiters and asked him if he could take of the clothes of the guest when they stripped down. I showed him where he could put their clothes. We had a large closet in the foyer and that would work perfect for their clothes. Graham and I stripped down naked with just our flip flops on and groundhog hats.

I heard some guests arriving and they were shown to the backyard. They stripped down and put on their ground hog hats. It was Dave Cal Travis and Brody. We greeted each other with a hug and kiss. And Graham and I showed them around the backyard. They were very impressed at the transformation. It was nothing like the old backyard. I showed them where the bar was and waiters would be coming around with appetizers and to make themselve comfortable. Soon a steady stream of guest were coming. I saw Cotton and couldn't believe it. He looked sexier and hotter than ever. I went over and gave him a big kiss and hug. We talked about old times and how much we missed each other. But he said he didn't want to miss our backyard party. I told him to go ahead and mingle I have some more guests I need to greet. I saw Anthony and Roland come walking into the backyard. They looked good in their naked glory and with their groundhog hats. We hugged and kissed and I told them how happy I was to see them. They told me they were staying at the hotel. They weren't sure how much room there would be for them to stay at the house. I introduced them to some other guests. I saw Graham talking with Preston and Holden. I walked over and asked Preston to show me how the player worked for the big screen tv. He showed me and I told him I rented the movie Groundhog Day. He laughed and told me the entertainment would start after the movie finished.

I walked over to the big screen and noticed a stage being put together behind the projection screen. Lighting and sound was being connected. Should be some interesting entertainment. I then looked back up and noticed everyone was mingled and talking and getting along well. And then I saw a sight that almost took my breath away. I saw Kendrick and John at the entrance taking off their clothes and putting on their groundhog hats. I almost ran up to them. When they saw me we all kissed hugged and I noticed Kendrick and John holding hands. "Ok guys, what's going on?"

"Well John and I are going to get married. We got all the information from Graham on your wedding and we are going to do the same thing. John's parents were very supportive and my parents had mixed feelings, but I know in time they will come around."

"That fantastic news. I'm so happy for you guys. Where you going to be living Kendrick?"

"We have everything worked out with the hotel owner. We will live in John's bungalow. It is big and will give us plenty of rooom. John will still work as a houseboy and attend university. I can do my work and travel from anywhere."

"Good for you guys. Does Graham know?"

"He knew before you guys left the Bahamas. We were keeping a surprise for you."

"I like those kind of surprises." The bar is over their gentlemen and the waiters are coming around with appetizers. I going to be showing the movie soon and then we will eat when the movie ends."

I got ahold of the DJ's microphone and got everyone's attention and told them to take a seat in front of the proection screen. The movie was going to start.

Once everyone was seated. I got the movie started and I heard a lot of chuckles and laughs. Many couple were sitting close together and Graham and I sat towards the back.

The movie was funnier than I remembered. I had never really watched the whole movie. As it was finishing and showing the credits. I got back on the microphone and told everyone the buffet was ready and once we finished the buffet the evenings entertainment would be starting.

I saw Reggie and Jarvis and walked over to talk to them. "I didn't know if you guys made it or not. I'm glad you came. Where are the wives?"

"They are in the adjoining master bedroom. Laughing about the groundhog hats. We have strict orders to bring them food when it is ready."

"It's ready guys, so dig in. This backyard is really something Bob. It's hard to remember what the old backyard looked like."

"I try to forget about that and enjoy the transformation."

I saw Graham in the buffet line and I walked to the end of the line. Talking with Tyrell and Sam as we slowly made our way down the buffet line.

We got our food and we joined Graham and Preston. Kendrick and John came over and sat and ate with us. Everyone seemed to be having a good time. There were guests at the pergola. One of the waiters told me there were guests in the sunroom. The pool grotto and hot tub were being used. I was glad for all the plastic dinnerware and cups and glass. There wouldn't be any broken glass to have to deal with. It looked like everyone was getting their fill of the buffet.

It looked like everyone was finishing and I noticed the projection screen and projector had been removed and a large portable stage had been set up and looked like it was ready.

Preston got up and walked up to the DJ and used his microphone. "Gentlemen as a special surprise for Graham and Bob I have some special entertainment for everyone. If you would take a seat in the chairs by the stage the entertainment will soon be starting."

I noticed one of the waiters went inside the house and got the guests that were in the sunroom. And another waiter got the attention of those guests at the pergola grotto jacuzzi and pool.

Soon everyone was seated. Graham and I had front row seats as guests of honor. I heard the DJ starting some really hot music to dance to. It was dark out and a spotlight came on in the center of the stage. I saw the curtain move and Mark came out in a black tuxedo. "Welcome everyone. A few friends of mine would like to give you a show you won't soon forget. And a special show for our guests of honor. Bob and Graham." Everyone cheered and hollered. The spotlight went off and the stage was dark. The music picked up and soon the whole stage was illuminated and there were seven men on the stage. Mark and his stripper buddies and I couldn't believe it. But our stripper friends from the Bahamas had joined Mark's group. Wow, what a hot group of men stripping. I didn't know how that happened that they all got together, but I wasn't complaining. I couldn't wait to see their show.

End of Chapter 3 - Groundhog Day

Chapter 4 Coming Soon

If you would like to see the characters in the story, please read "My Alphabet Friends", and there are photos of characters at the end of each chapter.

Your comments and suggestions are always welcome. I answer all emails I receive. I ask that you please put Nifty or the title of the story in the subject line. Then I'll know it's not spam. I am already working on Chapter 4. I hope you enjoy my story as much as I like writng it. Please email me at:

Next: Chapter 4

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