Bob's Holidays

By Francis Scott

Published on Nov 21, 2023


Bob's Holidays Chapter 24

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The following story is a work of fiction from the authors mind. It contains adult situations between consenting adults. If this offends you and is illegal in your area, WHY ARE YOU HERE? Any similarities to actual people or events is purely coincidental. This story does not promote safe sex. Please practice safe sex at all times. Don't put your life or someone else's in jeopardy.

If you haven't read my story, "My Alphabet Friends," I would recommend doing so. All characters in this series are from My Alphabet Friends. There are pictures of the characters at the end of each chapter. However, at this time there is a problem with the pictures and I will be revising and editing My Alphabet Friends when I finish this series. You will find, My Alphabet Friends, in Gay/Adult Friends. This is it guys, the final chapter.

Bob's Holidays

By Francis Scott

Chapter 24 - Christmas

I couldn't believe how fast the two weeks went with the star and his partner. Graham agreed with me. He said alot had happened while the star was here.

"You know something babe? I never thought about or mentioned Cotton the whole time. He is a distance memory and fading fast."

"I'm glad to hear that Bob. You need to forget about him and let him rot in prison."

"I'm going to wait until the middle of next week to see if I hear back from some of our friends about Christmas. I'm suprised I haven't received any replies. How about you babe? Have you heard anything back from our friends?"

"No, nothing Bob. It does seem strange. They are usually fast in giving replies."

"You know. If everybody goes and invites one friend, like we mentioned in the email, we would have close to eighty men."

"I know, just think about it, eighty naked men for ten days. My god, I'll have a permanent hardon."

"You and me both. How about if get something warmed for dinner. I'm getting hungry."

Graham followed me up to the kitchen and I started pulling out microwave containers from the frig. Graham was checking the containers as I pulled them out. "This looks really good babe. I think it's ham with au gratin potatoes. Something I haven't eaten since I lived at home."

"That does sound good. Let's warm that and eat some of this fresh garden salad."

I got the au gratin potatoes warming and Graham and I set the breakfast nook table. I heard the microwave beep and took out the potatoes and set them on the breakfast nook table. Graham had dished up salad for us in separate bowls. He had our favorite salad dressing on the table with some croutons. The potatoes smelled delicious.

The au gratin potatoes with ham were really good. Like Graham, it was something I hadn't eaten since I had lived at home. We both thought we needed to mention this to Cindy and have her make this once in awhile.

We had just finished eating when my cell phone rang. It was the manager/partner of the star. "Hi. Where you guys at?"

"We just landed in California and are on our way to the our house in Beverly Hills. We haven't been here in a long time and the star wanted to get some more R & R here in California. And we want to thank you for a wonderful time. The star and I thank you for always making us feel welcome. And we're looking forward to Christmas. The star has a doctor coming to the house to get a check up and make sure everything is okay."

"Good. "I'm glad to hear that. How does the star seem after the long flight?"

"He seems like his regular self. We indulged in one of the bottles of white wine and we're coming to the gates of the house. So I need to leave."

I told Graham about our conversation. He was glad he star was feeling okay.

We walked down to the pool and I had a beer with Graham. The outside lights were starting to come on. They were on a timer and some were solar. I left the pool lights off. I liked how they gave off a nice warm glow. Nothing bright and glaring.

We enjoyed our beer and then went into the living room to watch the early news and weather. Then Graham found us a good football game to watch. I made us a big bowl of popcorn and we sat snuggled together with the bowl of popcorn between us while we watched the game.

The game was good and kept our attention. We were criticizing bad plays and cheering good plays. We had another beer which tasted good with the popcorn. At halftime we took a pee break and walked around to stretch and then got back on the couch tight together to watch the second half of the game.

The game ended in a tie. We were tired after the game and went upstairs to our bedroom. I looked in the adjoining master bedroom and it looked bare without the flowers and wine candles. I missed the star and his partner, we always had a good time.

We crawled into bed and made out for I don't know how long. All I know was that the alarm was going off and we needed to get downstairs and workout.

We stumbled around in our bedroom and made our way downstairs. Our friends asked us if we had a good two week vacation. We told them it was great and something we needed. They asked us if we had received their replies to our emails. And we told them no. I thought it was strange I hadn't received their replies. We all got in a good workout and a good sweat. We crammed ourselveds into the shower and jerked each other off. Rinsed off and dried each each other off. Got dressed and went upstairs for breakfast. Cindy was glad to be back to work. She greeted us and told us breakfast was ready on the outside patio table.

We gobbled down breakfast and nothing was left. We kissed Cindy on the cheek and thanked her for a good breakfast. We got into our group hug and kiss in the garage and drove off for work.

I knew I was going to be busy at work. I knew Shirley would give me double duty until I was caught up with all my patients.

I called Graham as it got close to lunchtime and he told me he could make for lunch. I walked over to the diner and I saw Graham's car parked in front of the diner.

I walked in and joined Graham at my favorite table. Millie was right there with our coffee. She was busy and didn't have time to talk.

Graham told me why we hadn't received replies to our emails. "If you remember babe we made the email on the computer in the library/study room." Then it dawned on me. "Of course, that computer has it's own email address that's different from ours. We sent the emails from that computer. I bet when we get home and check the computer, we will have a ton of replies to our email."

"I might be a couple minutes late getting home. It just depends on how soon our client comes in this afternoon for a meeting. And how long it takes."

"No problem. I'll have dinner ready for us and a cold beer waiting for you."

"God I love you. You treat me so good."

"You deserve only the best. Because your perfect for me."

We shut up when Millie came over and took our lunch order. We then started laughing and wondered what Millie would think if she heard us talking.

We ordered the special and Millie was back in a couple of minutes with our lunch. She apologized for not being able to talk with us, but the diner was busy.

We talked some more while we ate our lunch. Wondering if we had a good response to our email for Christmas. I told Graham I couldn't wait to check the computer when I got home. Hopefully, a few of our friends had responded.

Graham and I finished our lunch and passed on dessert. We walked out to the front and we hugged and kissed by Graham's car. I walked back to the clinic and watched Graham take off in the opposite direction for his office building.

My afternoon went fast and I was anxious to get home. When I walked into the kitchen. Cindy had left for the day. And I checked the frig. She made my favorite refreshment with orange, mango and pineapple. The chef had told me he left his recipe for Cindy for the fruit punch.

I ran upstairs and got changed and put a jock on and sandals and went back downstairs. I poured myself a glass of the delicious refreshment and walked down the hall to the library/study room. I booted the computer and drank a little of my refreshment while I waited.

I checked my inbox and it was almost full. I got out a copy of a list of all of our friends. I opened the inbox and was amazed at the response. Almost every reply was from our friends. A few emails of spam was interspersed with the replies. I started going through my inbox and reading the replies. Everyone was really excited about our Christmas plans and couldn't wait. They had friends they wanted to invite. As I checked the replies against my list, there was only two of our friends I hadn't heard from. I coudn't wait to tell Graham when he got home.

I went upstairs to the sunroom to check on the birds. They liked the attention. They heard me walk in and watched me as I walked over to them. I talke to the birds for a few minutes and cleaned and filled their water and food dishes. They dug into the food. They were hungry. I told them the birds I needed to leave, but would be back later.

I walked down to the pool and sipped on my refreshment and looked over the daily paper. I noticed Mabel was running an ad in the entertainment section along with Milo's the diner and a few of the fast food restaurants. I checked out the sports page and our two favorite college football teams were first and second in their division. Nothing interesting in the editorials and I laid the paper down.

I would do a few laps when Graham got home. He should be arriving any time. He told me he would only be a few minutes late.

I walked around the backyard and took in all the plants and trees. Checked the two fish pools and walked along the path of the stream. It was very tranquil and peaceful. The plants had to be constantly trimmed and pruned along with trees. They grew fast and I think the automatic sprinkling system helped. Everything looked so lush and tropical. I walked back to my lounger and laid down. Finished my refreshment and felt lazy and didn't fill like refilling my glass.

I was kind of half awake and half asleep when I felt something warm and fuzzy rubbing against me. I slowly opened my eyes and saw Graham trying to be careful and quiet getting on the lounger next to me. "When did you get home?"

"Just a few minutes a go. I got changed and saw you sleeping so I tried to be quiet, but I guess I didn't do a very good job?"

We leaned together and kissed and hugged. "I have some good news to show you in a few minutes." I noticed Graham had gotten himself a beer.

"What's the good news. Just hold on and I'll show you after you finish your beer."

Graham started talking about work. He always liked to tell me everything they had in the works and how our hometown would change and expand some more. Also, projects that had started. He told me the Amusement Park was doing great and they had a good attendance every day. I told Graham we should go there again.

Graham finished his beer and we got up and I told him to follow me. We left our empty glasses on the kitchen island and walked down the hallway to the library/study room. I had put my list of our friends in the middle desk drawer. I told Graham to bring a chair over so we could sit together and look at the laptop.

The laptop was booted and I opened the inbox. I thought Graham was going to fall off his chair. "Are you kidding me? This looks like all of our friends."

"Almost. Only two that haven't gotten back to us. Kendrick and John told us they had a surprise during Christmas. That we would like."

"This is fantastic babe. We can finalize everything now and let them know it's a go."

"That's why I wanted you to see this. I knew you'd be surprised. I'll wait until Wednesday to get everything finalized. Maybe we will have heard from our last two friends by then."

"Let's have a glass of white wine to celebrate.'

That surprised me. I thought Graham would say a beer. I shut down the laptop and we walked out to the kitchen. I poured us a couple of flutes of white wine. We had a bottle in the wine frig that was chilled. We clinked our glasses together and said, "cheers."

We walked up to the sunroom with our wine glasses. Arm in arm. The birds were busy chirping to the background music. They stopped when we entered the sunroom. We walked around the large room sipping on our wine. We liked looking around. It was almost like a mini backyard. Without a pool and hot tub.

Our massage room got used every Tuesday and Thursday when Holden came over. I looked forward to our massages. They always had interesting happy endings.

Graham looked over at me. "I love you babe. I wouldn't know what to do if you weren't in my life. Just think about how long we've known each other. Who would have thought when we were kids that we would be husband and husband."

"I know I've thought about that too. But I know I made the right choice. There's nobody else I'd rather be with. We have our friends. But we will always have each other."

We kissed and hugged for a long time.

While we went back to sipping on our wine, my cell phone rang. It was the star's partner/manager. He called to give me an update. "Hi Bob. Just wanted to let you know that star is doing great. This R & R with you and Graham and now being at the Beverly Hills house has really rejuvinated the star. This is the most relaxed I've seen him in a long time. The star wanted me tell you that it's a go for us at Christmas. I'm not booking any work for the star for those two weeks."

"That's great news and tell the star we will be looking forward to seeing him and you during Christmas. I was hoping the star would want to go. You two were the last on my list that I hadn't heard back from."

"Well. You can count on his Bob. I'd better go now and check on the star."

"Thanks for the call and I'll tell Graham."

"That was the star's manager. It's a go for them at Christmas. They were the last two I was waiting to hear from. That means all of our friends are going and most of them are inviting one guest each. So we will have close to eighty men."

"Maybe that calls for another glass of wine?"

"Only if you're pouring."

Graham got up and came back with our glasses full of wine.

We got cozy together on the lounger and sipped on our wine. I asked Graham if he had heard from his parents about having an early Christmas. Since we were going to be gone over Christmas. He told me know, but expected to hear back from his parents soon. I told him I hadn't heard from my parents either.

We finished our wine and went into the living room. Graham turned the news on and I took our empty glasses to the kitchen and would let Cindy clean them. The glasses were too delicate for the dishwasher.

I walked back into the living room and joined my man. The news was the same thing repeated over and over again. The weather came on and still more nice more weather. We could use a little rain, but nothing in the forecast.

The news and weather finished and Graham flipped through the movie channels and found something for us to watch. There wasn't any sports on that we wanted to watch. It was a Sherlock Holmes movie. One we hadn't seen. It was pretty good and when the movie finished we watched the late news and weather and it was an exact repeat of the early news and weather.

We went upstairs and crawled into bed. We were and weren't tired. We made out for a long time and finally ended up in a sixty nine. Sucking each other to the base and fingering each other's holes. And our long make out session, it didn't take us long to cum. We almost came at the same time. I thought Graham was trying to flood my mouth and throat. He had a super big load. Mine was just regular. We licked and cleaned each other's cocks off and fell asleep.

Thursday went by fast and when I got home. I went upstairs and changed and told Cindy I would be in the library/study room if Graham got home. I wanted to get everything finalized booked. I heard a knock on the door and Cindy poked her head in, "would like something to drink Bob?"

"Yes, some of that good refreshment would be nice."

"I'll be right back with a big tall glass."

It only took a couple of minutes and Cindy was back with my refreshment. I thanked her and told her to close the door. With just a couple of clicks of the mouse on my laptop, everything was finalized. And we were all booked. Now it was just a matter of time before we would be leaving.

I shut down the laptop and walked out and down the hall to the kitchen. Cindy was getting ready to leave and I thanked her for the refreshment and doing a great job. She looked pleased and told me it was a pleasure to work for us. And then she left.

I went back upstairs and changed to a robe and sandals. I walked down to the pool and just relaxed on a lounger.

My cell phone rang and it was one of the caterers. "Hi guys. What's up?"

"That's a loaded question Bob. I could think of a few answers. Well, we're finishing a big party Friday and then we have the weekend off. I was wondering if you and Graham would like some company?"

"Sure. We don't have anything planned. So, when will you be arriving?"

"We'll get to your place about the middle of the morning Saturday."

"Sound good. We'll look forward to you guys visiting. And I'll tell Graham when he gets home."

That was a nice surprise. I knew what we could do over the weekend. We could all go the Amusement Park. We have the all enclusive pass with up to four guests. So that would workout perfect.

I went up to pour myself another glass of refreshment when Graham walked into the kitchen. He walked over to me and we kissed and hugged. I told him to get changed and meet me at the pool. I had a few things to tell him.

He ran upstairs and I walked down to the pool with my same glass, full of refreshment. I got a beer ready for Graham and had it sitting on a little side table by our lounger.

Graham soon was walking down to the pool. His robe was open and his nice cock and balls were swinging and bounching around. He got comfortable next to me and took a long drink of his beer.

"So what all do have to tell me babe?"

"Well first, I got everything finalized for Christmas. Everyone is booked and ready to go. Second, I got a call from one of the caterers and they are coming over middle of Saturday morning to spend the weekend. Third, I thought that would give us a good opportunity to the Amusment Park. With our all enclusive pass, we won't have to pay for anything."

"I like that babe. And I'm glad you have everything finalized for Christmas. I wouldn't have time to do that. And going to the Amusement Park is a great idea. Now I have one thing to tell you. I got a call at work from my parents and I'll be going next weekend for an early Christmas. I'll leave from work on Friday and come back on Sunday afternoon."

"That's great. I haven't heard from my parents yet. Hopefully soon, and find out what my mom wants to do for an early Christmas."

We didn't do much the rest of the day. We warmed up food Cindy had made. Watched some sports and went to bed. We made love for a good solid hour. And went right to sleep.

Friday rolled around and we both got home about the same time. I had told Cindy to get one of the guest rooms freshened. We had a couple of friends staying the weekend.

I noticed a big fruit basket and another large spray of flower sitting on the little table in the foyer. I read the card and both the fruit basket and flowers were from the star and his partner. I told Graham. We both grabbed a banana and walked up to the sunroom. I seductively peeled the banana peeling down and then sucked on the top of the banana licked around the top and sucking it in and out. I noticed Graham's cock springing to attention. "Babe, you know what our doing to me?"

"I have a good idea and I like what I see."

We ate the bananas in record time and soon we were devouring each other's bananas.

We found a sixty nine was something we really liked. At least at the moment. Graham was on top of me sucking and slurping on my hard cock. I was sucking on Graham's big balls hanging down in front of my face. First rolling one ball around with my tongue and the other one. Then I reached up and pulled his hardon down so I could suck it down my throat. We had wet a couple of fingers and were working them in and out of each other's holes. They really got us going. Especially when a finger rubbed over our prostate. I was working my throat muscles up and down the length of my lover's shaft. Graham was trying to moan and groan, but with my cock fillin his mouth and throat. He wasn't able to. I worked up to the tip of Graham's cock sucking and licking out his precum. His big thick flared head was a dark red color and looking menacing. But tasted delicious. I took him all the way back down and kept up a good massage on his shaft.

Graham was doing a good job on my cock and he continually got better and better. He was trying to work his throat muscles on my shaft. A couple more attempts and I thought he would be able to do it.

Our fingers were going faster and faster in each other's holes. Rubbing our prostates.

I could tell Graham was getting close by the way he was moving his cock in my mouth and throat. I picked up my pace and started going faster and rubbing faster over his prostate. That was all it took to make him cum. He shot out about five hard jets of cum. Hitting the back of my throat. I kept sucking him down and swallowing his cum until he finished cumming.

Then it was my turn to reward my husband. My cock started twitching and jerking in Graham's mouth and throat. And soon I couldn't hold back any longer. And blasted out shot after shot of hot cum down Graham's throat.

We were gasping and panting for air after our orgasms. We licked and sucking off the cum on each other's cocks. And laid back exhausted.

Once Graham regained his normal breathing he got up and got us each a cold beer. I didn't refuse. A cold beer would taste good after our hot love making.

We kissed first and then sipped on our beer. Graham said, "once we finish our beer let's check the reservations and bookings and make sure everything is a go?"

I was a little hungry and asked Graham if we should have lunch first and then check the computer in the library/study room. He told me he was always hungry.

We finished our beer and walked up to the kitchen. Graham put our beer glasses in the dishwasher and then helped me get lunch ready. Cindy had many containers ready for us. I found some homemade spaghetti with meat balls and garlic bread. While I warmed that, Graham cut vegetables and made a delicious looking salad. He put the finished salad into two small bowls for us with our favorite salad dressing and a few croutons.

While Graham finished setting the table, the microwave beeped and set the containers of food on the breakfast nook table. I found a piece of parmesan cheese and a little grater. We grated the cheese over our spaghetti. It was a very delicious lunch and filling. I ate more than I usually do. A couple of helpings of spaghetti with three pieces of garlic bread. I was stuffed by the time we finished eating. Graham was too and we passed on dessert, maybe later.

Graham and I decided to go up to the sunroom. Graham got himself a beer and I had a bottled water. Graham turned the tv on and we watched a college football game that was just getting ready to start.

The birds were surprisingly quiet. Maybe they liked watching the game. The game was pretty good. Both teams were pretty evenly matched. At halftime I went downstairs and brought some snacks up for us to nibble on. Cindy had made some finger sandwiches. Ham and cheese egg salad and salmon with cream cheese and dill. They were very good. We made a good dent in the sandwiches. I thought the caterers would probably bring an appetizer tray. They were good about doing that.

The game finished and I took the sandwiches downstairs and wrapped the plate and set it in the frig.

We walked down the hall to the library/study room to check on the confirmation. Graham pulled a chair next to me and we waited for the computer to boot. We kissed while we waited. The computer finished loading and I opened the folder. We read over all the information and everyone was confirmed for ten days with some special things thrown in, in the package deal. Since it was a large group, we all got a discount price. I shutdown the computer and we had all the information we needed. It was just a matter of time now until we all left for Christmas vacation.

Graham and I did a few laps in the pool. It felt good getting a little exercise. We had a light supper, we weren't all the hungry after a big lunch and snacks in the afternoon.

We went downstairs to watch a movie. Graham found something for us to watch. We both passed on popcorn. The movie was good and kept our interest. We did a lot of fondling and kissing during the movie. I could never get enough of Graham and I knew he felt the same way about me. The movie ended and we went upstairs to our bedroom. It felt warm in our bedroom and I checked the thermostat in our bedroom. The thermostat was set at eighty. No wonder it felt warm in our bedroom. Cindy might have moved the dial when she was cleaning. I turned it down to our regular seventy two and I could feel it getting cooler.

We were both laying on our backs looking at each other. And telling each other how much we loved each other.

I moved around between Graham's legs and started playing with his balls while I licked and kissed the inside of his upper thighs. By nose kept hitting Graham's balls. I put a pillow under Graham's hips and kissed and licked that sensitive area from the balls to the hole. Graham was squirming on the bed and giving out low moans. I pulled a tube of lube out of our nightstand drawer and sat it on the bed close to me. I started licking around Graham's hole and then lapped over it. I liked his manly musky smell. I munched on his hole and then curled my tongue and started darting it into his hole. In and out and in and out. I then lubed a couple of fingers and eased them in and moved them around. Stretching his hole. Then eased a third finger and moved it around finally a fourth finger. I thought Graham was stretched enough and I lubed my hard leaking shaft. I positioned the head at his hole. And slowly shoved in. We didn't fuck that much and I wanted to be as slow and gentle as possible. I felt Graham's hole relaxing and I started thrusting in a little at a time until I felt my pubes resting against Graham's buttocks. I just left my cock in Graham's hole for a couple of minutes. Graham told me to go ahead. He could take it. I started easing out to the head and shoving back in. Going slow and easy. I wanted to go faster. But I didn't want to hurt Graham. I looked at Graham and he had a very blissful look on his face. His cock was rock hard. It almost looked painful, it was so hard. I started thrusting a little faster and Graham was moving with me. I noticed his cock drooling precum and it was started to run down the side. I bent down and licked the precum off and then swirled my tongue around his big flared head and started sucking out his precum. My thrusts were going faster and Graham was pushing back with my thrusts to make me go deeper. I swallowed down about half of Grahams's cock and could feel it throb in my mouth. The head of my cock was hitting Graham's prostate every time I shoved back in. He was groaning louder and pushing hard against my cock. I knew I was getting close. I could feel my cum churning in my balls and getting ready to blast out. I felt Graham's cock stiffen in my mouth and he started shuddering while he shot a load in my mouth and throat. His hole started constricting on my cock and I couldn't hold back any longer and filled my lover's hole with a hot bath of cum. We collapsed back on the bed drained and panting. We looked at each other and started kissing again.

"What was that all about?" Graham asked me.

"I wanted to show you how I loved you."

"You did a good job and you can show me how much love me as much as you want."

"I might just hold you to that."

"We going to be ready for the caterers tomorrow.?"

"You bet. After a good nights sleep we will be recharged and read to go."

I pulled the covers us as we snuggled together with our arms and legs intertwined and fell asleep.

Saturday morning arrived with my cell phone ringing. It was my mom. "Hi mom. How are you and dad?"

"We're fine Robert. Thanks for asking. I'm calling to tell you that I have everything planned for our early Christmas next Saturday. Reginald will have finished a big job by then and will be able to join us our early Christmas. Will that work for you?"

"Yes mom. That's perfect. Graham is leaving Friday after work for an early Christmas with his parents. So that just leaves me here by myself to enjoy Christmas with you and dad and Reggie."

"Good Robert. Look forward to seeing you next Saturday. You can come anytime Saturday."

I told Graham I would be celebrating Christmas on Saturday too with my family. Reggie was supposed to be their. Graham said he didn't know if his brother or sister would be traveling for the early Christmas. I hoped they didn't show, so he could enjoy his time with his parents.

I was having a hard time getting out of bed. I was thinking about Graham and me. How we seemed to get into a rut and would stay with the same thing for a long time. Like right now we liked being in a sixty nine facing each other fingering each other's holes. It wasn't like we didn't like each other. We loved each other alot. It just seemed like we always got into a rut. I would need to ask some of our friends if that happened with them too.

Graham and I finally made our way downstairs and made breakfast. We did something fast and easy. Some frozen waffles with sausage. Coffee and juice. It took us all of ten minutes to get breakfast ready.

It was early and I didn't expect the caterers until around ten or later.

We ate our fast breakfast. It was okay, but I was wondering how many chemicals we were injesting. I wasn't going to look. We put everything away which didn't take long and ran down to the pool and did a few laps.

We needed the exercise to wake up. We rinsed off outside under the shower and laid down on a lounger. We were going to sun dry.

Graham and I kissed and started making out. I told Graham we better wait for the caterers. They were probably saving themselves for a sex filled weekend.

We were dried off and walked arm in arm up to our bedroom. We took a hot steamy shower which felt good. Washed each other and dried each other off. We put robes and sandals on. I laid out robes and sandals for the caterers. I needed to check sometime and see how many robes we had. It seemed every place we stayed they were complimentary, along with the sandals. I knew we had a big collection.

We went down to the living room. It would easier to hear the speaker from there. I wanted to go up to the sunroom. But it was hard to hear the speaker from there.

We had our robes open and were laying next to each other, watching a little pro football. A couple of college games would be starting this afternoon. But we would be gone to the Amusement Park then.

I checked the time and it was a quarter to ten. I expected to hear the speaker now anytime.

I just got comfortable next to Graham when I heard the speaker. I got up naked. I didn't need my robe with the caterers and Graham followed me. I pressed the speaker and talked to one of the caterers and then pressed the button to open the gate.

They drove their van in and parked on the side of the garage. I didn't know if their van would fit in one of the stalls of the garage.

They both got out of the van and opened the back. One of the caterers took out two large trays of appetizers whilte the other caterer took out their overnight bag.

They walked up to the front doors and I opened them as they approached. "The appetizers sure look good. I bet they taste good too?"

The caterer told me, "they taste better as dessert when there rubbed all over my body and then licked off."

"I like that. I'll have to remember that when we get ready to eat some appetizers."

He set the appetizers on the kitchen island and the other caterer asked, "where is our bedroom? I can't wait to get out of the confining clothes and get naked with you guys."

We all walked upstairs and Graham and I showed them there bedroom.

They unpacked their overnight bag. While Graham and I laid on the bed watching them. I thought they looked hot. They seem to get hotter every time I see them. Their big uncut cocks were hanging over their big balls and jiggled and bounced around when they walked. I couldn't wait to get my mouth on those big balls and work that foreskin back and forth over the head. I knew that was what they were waiting for.

With two of them unpacking, it didn't take them long. They draped the robes over their shoulders and put their sandals on and we all walked downstairs and out to the pool.

One of the caterers asked me, "maybe we can all take a sauna tonight. A hot steamy sauna would really relax my sore muscles."

"Of course. We'll do that after we get back. We have a surprise for you guys. We're going to take you to something that's still pretty new here in town. We'll relax a bit first and then take off."

"That sounds interesting. We like surprises."

"I'm sure you'll like where we go."

I couldn't stop staring at the caterers. They were so hot. I think they got hotter every time I saw them. One of the caterers was on my lounger and the other with Graham.

I knew what the caterers wanted. It was oozing out of their pores. I leaned over and started sucking the foreskin over the head of his cock. He was holding the back of my head and making me go down further on his cock. I saw Graham doing the same thing to the caterer with him. Once the foreskin was held back with a big flared head, I slowly pulled and sucked the length of the caterers cock until my nose was buried in his pubes. He liked that and was pushing my head down further on his cock. I couldn't go any further. I had the whole thing down my throat. It was throbbing like crazy and I could feel the precum oozing out of the head. I worked my throat muscles around his hard shaft and started going up and down. My throat muscles working their magic on his shaft. I heard him gasping and would jerk every once in awhile. I felt his cock swelling in my throat and I knew he was going to reward me with a big load. I left his hole alone. I would take care of that later in the sauna. He gasped loud and his cock throbbed and jerked in my throat as he started firing out his orgasm. About six hard shots hit the back of my throat. I had to swallow a couple of times and then was able to slowly ease off his cock.

Once his cock was out of my mouth and throat. I licked off the cum on the sides of his cock and squeezed the head to get the last couple of drops. He laid back exhaused. Panting and gasping for breath. "That was fantastic Bob. I don't know how you do it. But it always feels good."

I saw Graham's caterer laying back and looking exhausted too.


Once the caterers had regained their normal breathing and had come down from a sexual high. We decided to get changed and take them to the Amusement Park. I told them shorts and a pull over shirts would be perfect.

We all got changed walked out of our bedrooms at almost the same time. No matter what the caterers wore, they always looked good. I knew they would get alot of stares at the Amusement Park. We were all dressed about the same.

We walked downstairs to the kitchen and then into the garage. We all got into my SUV. The caterers switched when they got into my SUV. I pulled out of the garage and we left for the Amusement Park. On the way the caterer in front with me, started rubbing the inside of my upper thigh. My cock was growing and nothing I could do while I was driving. I didn't really want to leave the SUV with a big hardon pressing out the front of my shorts. The caterer had a big smile on his face. Like he had done a good job.

When I looked in the rear view mirror. It looked like Graham and the caterer in the back seat were having a good time.

We arrived at the large parking lot. The caterers didn't have a clue where we were. As soon I parked a shuttle bus was right there to pick us up. We got into the shuttle bus and were transported to the main entrance.

Once we got to the main entrance, the caterers knew where we were. "Are you kidding me? We've wanted to come here, but it seemed we were always too busy to make it. This is great?"

We got out of the shuttle bus and walked up to the front gate. I asked Graham if he had our special pass and he patted his shirt pocket. When we got to the gate, Graham showed the young girl our special pass and we were let in automatically. The young girl welcomed us to the Amusement Park and thanked us for returning and hoped we had a good time. She gave us a map of the park.

The park was busy. I suppose it was on the weekends. And we have been having great weather. It seemed a lot of kids were at the park. I didn't seem a lot of adults. We decided to head to the water park. Once we walked to the water park, it was pretty busy. It seemed like this was where most of the kids were congretating. So we decided to stay too long. We went on the log water ride. Which was fun and then we left the water park.

We wanted something to snack on so we followed the same walkway we were on. We came to some food stands and I got a chili dog and the rest of the guys had sloppy joes with a soft drink. They had some tables setup in front of the stand and we took a seat and ate our snack. We would have a bigger lunch later.

We came to some rides and the guys convinced me to go on a roller coaster with them. Graham knew how much I didn't like going on rides so I sat with him and the caterers were behind us. The roller coaster went upside down, had some sharp dips and it went this way and that way. And thought I had lost my stomch a few times. By the time the rided ended, I had white knuckles from holding on so tight. It was a relief when the roller coaster came to a stop.

It looked like some knew rides had been added. I went on the tilt-a-whirl. That was more my type of ride. We spun around and enjoyed it.

There was the fun house and we all went through that. It was really for young kids, but it was kind of fun.

We all decided to take a break and found a stand selling lemonade and we all got a tall glass of lemonade. A cold beer would have tasted better. But you could only drink alcoholic beverages inside the restaurants. It was a park policy.

We continued down the same walkway and came to an empty bench and decided to take a break and do some people watching. Of course on the caterers told me I could sit in his lap and see what comes up. I knew what would come up. He already looked like he had a big bulge started.

As men would walk by. We tried to guess what kind of underwear they were wearing or if they were going commando. What they would look like with their shirt off or all of their clothes. We had fun and wondered how accurate we were.

We finished our lemonade and discarded the empty containers in a trash bin. And continued on our way. It was already in the afternoon and we decided to find a restaurant. We checked the map and our location and found the fastest route to a buffet style restaurant.

We came to the restaurant and there was a line outside waiting to get in.

We checked our map again a found a sit down restaurant off on the next walkway. They all followed me and and soon we came to the other retaurant. It didn't look as busy and we walked up to the front doors and a hostess opened the doors for us and welcomed us to the restaurant.She took us to a round table that seated four people. We had plenty of room. I noticed people looking over at us. They were probably admiring the caterers. They were quite a site.

Soon our waitress came over and asked us if we would like something to drink. We asked her what beer they had and she told us. We all decided on a stein of tap beer. It was something we all liked. She kept staring at all of us and giggled as she left to get our beer.

We all wondered what that was about. The waitress looked like a senior in high school or a freshman in college. She looked young. She was pretty and wore a short skirt as part of the uniform with a name tag on her blouse.

She came back with our beer and gave us all big smiles. She handed menus to all of us and we told her to come back in a few minutes so we could look over the menu.

There was a large selection of lunch items to choose from. Everything from soup and sandwiches to full entrees. We decided on a big lunch and have the appetizers later at the house. I decided on roast duck. Graham went for a rib eye steak. The two caterers choose the roasted cornish game hen.

Our waitress came back and I noticed herI n nametag said, Rachel. I told Rachel we were ready to order. We all thought we'd have a little fun with the waitress since she seemed attracted to us. I told Rachel I would like my roasted duck well stuffed. The other guys were snickering. Graham told Rachel he would like his big piece of meat with a red center. That caused more snickering. The caterers told Rachel they liked their cornish hens well stuffed. Rachel thanked us and left our table with a red face. But I noticed her looking back at us with a big smile on her face.

I noticed we were all out of beer. When Rachel came out of the kitchen I got her attention, I told her we would take another round of cold wet beer with a foaming top. That guys were almost laughing now. She said she'd be right back with our cold wet beer. As she licked a couple of her fingers and left our table.

The caterers told Graham and me that they were rock hard. If they liked women, they would give Rachel their phone number. But they said they didn't lean that way. And were satisfied with us. Graham and I told the caterers the same thing. We were both hard and couldn't wait for us to have another good romp at the house.

Rachel came with our round of beer. She told us these glasses were really wet and slick and asked us if that's the way we liked it. We told her it was perfect. It should make the beer slide in easier. She told us our lunch would be ready soon. And then in a low voice she told us how hot we all were and that she was wet and her panties were soaked. We all gave her a wink when she left the table.

We all looked at each other and started laughing. One of the caterers told us that he was leaking like crazy and was sure when he got up from the table he would have a big wet spot. Graham said he was leaking too. I reached over under the table, but I couldn't feel any wet spots.

I saw our waitress come out of the kitchen with another waiter helping her. They setup a folding table by our table and set all the food on the folding table. The waitress started serving us. She told me my roast duck was well stuffed and was swellng. Everyone started snickering again. She then set Graham's rib eye steak down and told him his red meat was warm in the center. I thought the caterers were going to fall off their chairs. Then she placed the cornish hens in front of the caterers and told them they were stuffed to the max. They couldn't hold any more. We thanked her for a very enjoyable presentation. She left to the kitchen and looked back at us again, smiling.

Lunch was excellent and we took our time enjoying the food. The caterers said their cornish hens were the best they had ever eaten. I liked my roast duck and it wasn't fat. Graham said his red meat was delicious and we started laughing again. "How often do you eat your red meat?"

"As often as I can. But it's better when someone else eats it." We all agreed with Graham.

We finished our great lunch and our waitress came back and asked us if we wanted another beer. We told her no, but coffee would taste good and what did they have for dessert. She said she would wheel over a dessert cart and we could decide what we wanted.

A waiter came out and cleared off our lunch dishes and set down dessert plates.

Our waitress came back with our coffee and then rolled over a dessert cart. She told us we were free to choose whatever we wanted for dessert. I had a danish. The caterers had chocolate cake and Graham had a piece of apple pie and a cream filled danish. Everything was fresh and had good flavor. I didn't know if it was homemade or boughten. I asked the caterers and they thought it was purchased from a supplier and not homemade. We all still liked the dessert.

We finished our dessert and had another cup of coffee. Our waitress came back and Graham showed her our special pass. She told she enjoyed waiting on us and we told her it was our pleasure. We all give her a tip and she was happy about that.

We got up and continued down the walkway that had brought us to this restaurant. Graham and I thought we hadn't been on this walkway before. It might have been new. We came to a large emporium and walked in. It was loaded with merchandise. I sure wouldn't want to do the inventory in this store. It had all kinds of different souvenirs. And the upstairs had full sized costumes you could purchase. Star Wars characters, Harry Potter characters, you name it, I think the costume was there. We looked around. The caterers wanted to see if their was anything they could use in their business. Graham and I just looked. We weren't really into buying any souvenirs.

I told Graham I had never been in an emporium this big. Graham told he hadn't either. We looked around while we waited on the caterers. I think the caterers were going down every aisle and looking at everything. I hadn't seen them select anything to buy. I walked over to them and told them we would be back tomorrow. They asked me if they could just have a couple minutes more. I told them sure. Just let Graham and me know when your ready to leave. Graham and I looked at the gag gifts. Some of them were really funny. Others I thought were kind of gross. But I guess it depended on your taste and what you were looking for.

We just hung around by the entrance waiting on the caterers. Finally they walked over to us and said they had seen enough. But would like to visit the emporium tomorrow. We told them sure. We all agreed to had enough of the Amusement Park and were ready to leave.

We looked at the map and found the shortest route to exit. We walked and walked and we saw the exit coming up. The same young girl was working at the entrance and the exit. She thanked us for visiting and hoped to see us again soon. We told her we would be back tomorrow.

We got into the shuttle bus and I told the driver what section of the parking lot we were parked. He drove us to that area and I spotted my SUV and told the driver. He parked on the side of my SUV and we got out and thanked him. He took off to pick up some more guests.

We all got into my SUV. This time the caterers switched places with Graham and me. I pulled out of the parking lot and took my time driving home. The caterer was doing just like his partner. He was rubbing my upper thigh and getting me hard. I didn't mind. We were going home and I was ready for some fun with the caterers. I felt the caterer undo the top button on my shorts and pull the zipper down. My big bulge was pushing through the opening. Really bulging my briefs. The caterer rubbed over my bulge and I almost swerved off the street. Then he started squeezing my bulge. He was driving me crazy and making it hard for me to concentrate on driving. At least we were almost home. Our gate was coming up. I pressed the secret button and the gate opened and I drove in and parked in the garage.

We got out of the SUV and my shorts fell to my ankles. I easily took them off and draped them over my shoulder. The same caterer was next to me and had a hand down the back of briefs. He was squeezing my ass cheeks and rubbing his fingers up and down over my hole. It felt great and couldn't wait to get inside and return the favor.

We told the caterers we would get changed and meet back down here in the living room and see what we wanted to do.

They told us nonsense. They would help us get undressed and then we could undress them. We all marched upstairs to our bedroom. The same caterers that sat with us coming home from the Amusement Park was paired up with Graham and me. Since I was already in my underwear. It wouldn't take long to get me naked. The caterer had me sit on the bed and he took my sandals off kissing and sucking each of my toes. Then he had me stand up and slowly pulled my shirt off. Rubbing over my hard nips constantly. My cock was straining my underwear. He left my underwear for last. Then he hooked his thumbs on each side of the briefs and slowly pulled them down. I noticed his face was positioned close to my briefs. Soon he pulled them down and over my hardon and my cock sprang out right into the caterers waiting mouth. Oh my god. Did that feel good. He had me so horny. I stepped out of my briefs and we checked on Graham and the other caterer. The caterer had just stripped Graham.

They grabbed our big erections and we followed them into their guest bedroom. The caterer stood in front of me and I started from the top, pulling his shirt off. Making sure to rub over his hard nips, like he had done to me. I then took his sandals off as he lifted each foot. Then slowly undid the top button of his cargo shorts and pulled the zipper down. Like me, he was wearing briefs and his erection looked like it was going to tear open the front of his briefs. I made sure my hand rubbed and bumped against his hardon when I undid his shorts. They fell to his feet and and he kicked them off. I then had my fingers on each side of his briefs and slowly slid his briefs down. They got caught on his big hardon. So I reached into his briefs and moved his hardon so I could finish sliding them down. He stepped out of his briefs when they hit his feet. And now was completely naked like me.

I looked over to Graham and he had his caterer naked. Then in a couple of quick motions the caterers had Graham and me on their bed with our legs in the air. It happened so fast. I almost lost my breath. I felt a pillow under my hips and a hot wet tongue licking over my hole and munching on it. These guys were good. I could tell they had done this before. Probably to each other. I told the caterer there was lube in our nightstand drawer. He told me not to worry about it. They brought a good supply. I couldn't wait to feel his big cock filling me up. It didn't take long. He was working some fingers around in my hole and getting me stretched for his big cock. He must have thought he had me loose enough. I heard him lathering his cock with lube and felt the big thick head at my entrance. With one quick shove the head was in. I felt some minor discomfort, but it soon went away. The caterer was holding my sides and slowly sliding more and more into me. I was starting to get a nice full feeling. The size of their cocks would make anybody feel full. I started pushing back on his thrusts to get the full feeling. His big cock was hitting new places inside of me and I was really getting into it. He slowly kept going faster and faster. I was wondering how long he could last. I squeezed his cock with my ass muscles and he liked that and told me to do it again. I felt his cock throb and twitch in my hole when I squeezed his big shaft.

He let a loud groan and I felt his cock swell in my hole and felt his hot lava filling my hole. He blasted out jet after jet of cum. I knew some would leak out. I wouldn't be able to hold all of that big load. His cock slowly slid out of my hole and I felt some of his cum running down and onto my balls. He bent down and I felt his hot tongue licking off the cum. He laid back exhausted and told me to face fuck him. I had been drooling precum the whole time he was fucking me.

I knee walked up and straddled his chest and aimed my cock at his mouth. He pulled me down a little and my cock slid into his mouth. He was good. He took me to the base with no problem. His throat muscles were clamped around my hard throbbing shaft. It felt really awesome and I knew I couldn't hold out long. This just felt too good. I told him I was getting close and he started sucking me faster and hard. I gave out a loud moan and my cock swelled and started blasting down his throat. My load wasn't as big as his, but I did okay. I saw him swallow a couple of times.

It looked like Graham and his caterer were finishing. And relaxing like us. We decided to relax a little long and then have some dinner and then a hot steamy sauna.

Graham and I watched the caterers in the kitchen. They worked well together and soon had dinner ready for us. We squeezed in at the breakfast nook table and enjoyed our dinner with some good conversation. The caterers were really looking forward to a sauna. Graham and I winked at each other. That was a signal that we would like it too. I was really enjoying the caterers. I think it was something both Graham and I needed.

Graham and I cleaned the kitchen and put everything away. And then we all walked downstairs. Graham turned the radiator on to start heating the sauna. While we waited we played some pinball and foosball. We had some good competition. The caterers were good foosball players. They wiped our butts. We thought we were good. But they obviously had played foosball before.

Graham checked the sauna and walked back and told us it was ready. I grabbed some towels from the lockerroom and spread them out on the top bench in the sauna. We got comfortable on the top bench and Graham got the steam started and the timer for thirty minutes. We were all leaning back against the wall with our legs spread and touching and our eyes closed absorbing the steam.

The caterer next to me looked over and asked me if I would fuck him. I told him I would be more than glad to. So we all moved around on the top bench. The caterer laid down on the top bench and I lifted his legs and he pulled them back to his chest. I spit on his hot waiting hole. And then spit on my cock and got it slick. I started easing the head in while I felt his nips and pecs and rubbed my hands over his abs. Damn he was hot. Graham moved over the caterers face with his balls and cock hanging down. The caterer starting sucking on Graham's big balls. That left the other caterer who got behind me and started fucking my hot hole. I my hole instinctively pulled his cock in and I heard him moaning.

Graham and I kissed while I fucked the caterer and the caterer started sucking on Graham's cock. I heard Graham give out some moans. These guys were hot and primed for some hot sexual fun. And Graham and I more than willing to help them out. We all got a good rhythm going. The caterer behind me was really filling my hole. His big cock was rubbing back and forth over my prostate. I knew I had hit the caterers prostate with my cock. He gave out some grunts and I felt his hole constrict on my cock. Graham looked like he was in heaven with the caterer deep throating his cock.

We all picked up our pace and started going faster. It was a signal we were all getting close to cumming. I knew I couldn't hold out much longer with the caterer continually contricting his hole on my cock. God that felt good. He was working the length of my cock. The caterer on his back was pushing back against me to get my cock to go in deeper. Graham was face fucking the caterer hard. It looked like he was trying to get every inch of his cock down the caterers throat. Their was a lot of moaning and grunting going on. I felt my cock swell and throb in the caterers hole and I start blasting out. Coating the sides of his hole with my load. I felt the caterer behind me groaning and grunting and felt his big cock shot out in my hole. I was feeling full of cum. Graham and was fucking the caterers mouth hard and I saw him jerk and shudder and I knew he was filling the caterers mouth and throat with his load. That left the caterer laying down. He hadn't cum yet. So we all got down and started giving him a good suck and tongue bath. Graham and I were working on his cock and balls while his caterer partner was kissing him and playing with his nips and pecs. Soon we heard him groan and start jerking and he filled my mouth and throat with a big delicious load. We all laid back exhausted and relaxed. I check the time and we only had five minutes left.

It seemed like we were having sex for a long time.

I told Graham it was time to turn off the radiator and for us to leave. We wiped the sweat and residual cum off each other. And walked into the lockeroom and shower.

We washed each other off and the caterers were already getting hard again. I couldn't believe it. They were only a couple of years younger than us and they were already recharged and ready to go.

They sat down next to each other on the shower seat and Graham and I got down and started giving them blow jobs. They liked that. Especially when we sucked the foreskin back and forth over the head. We played with their big balls while we sucked them. They reached over and started stroking Graham and me. That made us suck them harder and faster. I was working my throat muscles on the caterer and he was moaning and squirming around. He was really into my sucking him. Graham was bobbing up and down fast on the caterer and he was also moaning. Soon they seemed to gasped loud almost at the same time and I felt some hard blasts of cum hitting the back of my throat. I sucked him harder and faster, getting all the last drops of cum. Graham had pulled off his caterer and was cleaning off his big hard shaft. I slowly slid my throat and mouth off his cock and licked off the leftover cum.

We got out of the shower and dried each other off. "That was a great sauna." We all agreed. "How about if we all go down to the pool?"

One of the caterers said he would bring down some appetizers for us. The rest of walked down to the pool. Graham got us all a cold beer while we waited for the other caterer.

While I was waiting for the caterer. I was thinking how the caterers were like other members of our family. We all got along so well and fit together well.

The other caterer came down and set an appetizer tray on one of the small side tables by our loungers. The caterers switched with Graham and me. We were laying next to each other and sipping on our beer. The caterer next to me grabbed an appetizer and asked me if I was hungry. I told him it looked delicious. "Good," he said. And then started rubbing the appetizers all over my chest pecs and nips and then over my abs. Once there wasn't anything left of the appetizer. He bent over and started licking it off. I saw the other caterer doing the same thing to Graham. Damm this felt erotic. And I got an instant boner.

Once he had licked off the appetizer, he grabbed another one and started rubbing it all over my hard shaft and balls. Then bent down and licked it off. My cock was drooling and mixing with the appetizer. The caterer told me it was like frosting on the cake. He licked it off and had me rock hard and throbbing. When he finished licking me off. He laid back with a contented look on his face.

I reach over and grabbed two appetizers. I started rubbing one of the appetizers over the caterers chest pecs nips and abs, like he had done to me and licked it all over. His cock was standing at attention. I then rubbed the second appetizer all over his rigid shaft and big low hanging balls. And took my time licking off the appetizers. Licking up and down the sides of his hard shaft. Then sucking one ball in and then the other one. Once I had him clean. He told me we should go for a swim.

We got up from our lounger with an arm around each other and dove in. I noticed Graham cleaning appetizer off his caterer. He gave me a wink before we dove into the pool.

The pool filter was going to be busy with these food particles in the pool. The rest of the appetizer came off our body once we dove in. We horsed around and pulled each other into a tight hug. Our hardons hitting and rubbing together under the water. We lip locked and tasted some of the last remnants of the appetizers. We were getting horny rubbing our cocks together and I reached down and started fisting our cocks together. The caterer was big and the head of his cock was rubbing between my balls. Which was a real turnon for me. He told me he would tell me when he was close to cumming. I told him I would tell him too.

I head some splashing and Graham and his caterer dove into the pool and joined us. The water was calm and I'm sure they would see what we were doing under the water. The caterer told me he was getting really close to cumming. I told him to sit up on the edge of the pool and spread his lead. He did that and I swallowed his big cock down my throat, just as he started spurting out his cum. I swallowed it down and it made good dessert after the appetizers. I played with his balls while I finished sucking him off. Once he was drained he slid back into the pool and I told him it was know my turn. I sat up on the edge and spread my legs. He gobbled down my hard shaft and I shot out a nice sized load in his throat. He swallowed it down and gave my balls a good tongue bathing.

I wished these guys lived with us. But then again, Graham and I may never get any work done.

We were relaxed after that fun and we decided to go to the theater room and watch a movie. One of the caterers brought the rest of the appetizers to the theater room.

Graham found a movie for us to watch and we doubled up in our oversized theater chairs and started watching the movie. We were all kissing and making out during the movie. But I managed to watch most of the movie to the end.

I ate one appetizer and the other guys finished the tray.

The movie ended and we all went upstairs. One of the caterers set the empty appetizer tray on the kitchen island.

We all walked arm in arm up to our bedroom. And paired off when we got into bed.

The caterers soon had Graham and my legs in the air and were giving us fantastic rim jobs. I told the caterer with me, there was lube in the nightstand drawer. He pulled out the tube and set it on the bed. He was working my hole good and getting me wet and stretched with fingers and his tongue. Once he thought he had me stretched enough I felt a cold wet hard cock head at the entrance to my hole. His thick hard head slid in and my ass muscles took over pulling in his big long hard shaft until his wiry pubes were tickling my ass cheeks.

God he felt good. I had that wonderful full feeling. His cock was hitting all the right spots in my hole. I couldn't stop moaning with pleasure. The head of his cock was continually rubbing back and forth over my prostate making me super hot and horny. I was working my hole good on his hard shaft. I couldn't stop myself from pushing back on his cock when he shoved in. It was went so deep it was almost at my second hole.

I looked over at Graham and his eyes were rolled back and I knew that meant he was really enjoying himself. Good for him. We didn't fuck that much but enjoyed it when it happened.

These guys were experts at fucking and you could tell they had done a lot of it. I felt myself getting close and I wasn't even touching myself. The caterer was going faster and faster and I could tell he was close too.

I heard Graham moaning and saw him shooting out all over himself. He wasn't touching his cock. That must have set the caterer off that was fucking him, because I heard him give out a loud grunt and I could tell he was filling my husband with a big load.

Watching Graham cum without touching himself, set me off. And I started shooting out hitting my upper chest and stomach with thick ropes of cum. The rest was running down the side of my hand. The caterer was pounding my hold now and I was matching him with my thrusts against him. I was constricting my hole on his cock and I felt his cock swell and start throbbing convulsively in my hole. He had a big load saved up for me. He was blasting out gobs of cum filling me up.

He pulled out and leaned down and licked my cum off me and then kissed me so I could taste my cum. I knew what my cum tasted like. Once he had me cleaned off. I licked off the residual cum on his cock. I liked the taste of his cum better than mine.

We laid back on the back and watched Graham and his partner. They were busy cleaning each other off. Licking off cum and kissing. They saw us watching and just continued on with what they were doing.

They finally laid back on the bed and we all got together into a nice cozy snuggle and fell right to sleep.

Graham and I woke up to an empty bed. We didn't know where the caterers were. I didn't think they had left. They would have told us. I crawled out of bed and told Graham I was going to check the guest bedroom and be right back. I walked naked over to the guest bedroom and all the caterers things were still in the guest bedroom. I walked back into our bedroom and told Graham. We thought they were probably down at the pool.

Graham and I were being lazy asses and just laid snuggled together in bed. Kissing and talking.

Soon one of the caterers poked his head into the bedroom and told us it was time to get out of bed and have some breakfast. So that was what the caterers were doing, fixing breakfast.

We slowly crawled out of bed and walked into the bathroom and slashed some water on our faces. Put some flip flops on and walked downstairs to some great breakfast smells.

The caterer in the kitchen told us everything was ready on the outside patio table. It felt warm when we walked outside. It was going to be another nice day. We sat down and the other caterer joined us and we had a great breakfast. Talking about everything we had done so far. And what we were going to do today.

We finished breakfast and Graham and I helped the caterers clear the patio table and put everything away.

We all walked upstairs to our bedroom together.

We hopped in the shower and washed each other. It didn't take us long to all be sprouting hardons. One of the caterers sat down on the shower seat and I sat down on his rock hard shaft. The other caterer started sucking me off. I saw Graham behind the caterer that was sucking me and he was giving him a rim job.

It didn't take us long to cum. We were all worked up. I got off the caterer and then Graham sat down while the other caterer sucked off Graham. I got behind the caterer and started fucking his hot hole. Damn he was hot and tight. It felt great. Soon we all came at almost the same time. The only one that hadn't cum was the caterer that had sucked us off. So we all gave the caterer a good tongue bath and sucked him off, while sucking his balls. His partner gave him a good rim job. It didn't take him long to cum. And soon we were all sated.

We rinsed off and then dried each other off. The caterers went back to their guest bedroom and we all got dressed for the Amusement Park. We put cargo shorts on and pull over with some nice looking deck shoes. Once Graham and I were dressed we walked out into the hall just as the caterers were coming out of the guest bedroom. We all dressed similar.

We all kissed and gave each other a nice squeeze so that we all had a little bulge showing. And walked downstairs to the garage.

I drove us again to the Amusement Park. Graham patted his shirt pocket telling me he had our special pass.

One of the caterers sat in front with me and the other in the back seat next to Graham.

It didn't take long to arrive at the Amusement Park. I was glad. Because the caterer in the front with me was rubbing over my crotch and I was getting a big boner. I didn't want to be walking around with a hardon and a wet spot. I heard Graham and caterer moaning in the back and I was wondering what they were up to. They probably were, "up."

As soon as I found a parking spot, the shuttle was right there to pick us up. The parking lot was pretty full. I was glad to see that.

Once we got into the shuttle and seated, I asked the driver why it was so busy. He told me that it was kids's weekend. Everything was half price for the kids. That made sense. I now knew why it was so busy yesterday and today. The driver dropped us off in front of the main entrance and we got out.

Graham showed a different girl working today, our special pass and she welcomed us all to the Amusement Park and gave us another map. Graham and I were starting to get a collection of maps. This would make our third one.

We looked at the map once we were inside the park. And decided to go to the part of the park that was the newest and had just opened. The caterers reminded Graham and me they wanted to spend some time at the Emporium.

We started walking down a walkway we hadn't been down before. The caterers didn't care. They told us they would be back again. Tanhey really liked it here. We came to a large enclosed, covered ride. I checked the sign and it was some kind of roller coaster. The guys convinced me to go on the ride with them.

We got into two cars. The caterers behind Graham and me. And the roller coaster started. We seemed to be going through a chute with thousands of colored lights flashing. Graham told me we were on the space shuttle, and we were going to be launched. Wonderful, I thought to myself. We were making a fast climb and soon it was like we were being propelled out. It was completely dark in this area. A few lights flashed here and there. And I felt our car being turned and flipped and going this way and that way. The guys were really enjoying it. I could take it or leave it.

Finally, we slowed down and came to a stop. Thank god I was glad it was over. The guys said we should go on this ride again later. I was glad they said later.

We left the ride and got back on our walkway. Right next to the Space Shuttle was another roller coaster called The Mouse. It looked really small and compact compared to the Space Shuttle. Again, I was talked into going on this roller coaster. This time the caterers paired off with Graham and me. I somehow got into the first car with a caterer. The ride started and soon we were going up and down fast. Making sharp turns and almost going upside down a couple of times. I was glad when it came to a stop.

This was enough roller coasters for me. The next attraction was a haunted house. We hadn't been in this one. This was part of the new section of the park. I could handle this ride. It was dark once we got inside and into our car. Our car turned and tilted backwards like we were falling down the stairs. When we got to the bottom it looked like a dungeon. With skulls in glass containers and they were talking. Soon we started to climb like we were going upstairs and we could look down to a ballroom with the ghosts dancing. Then we noticed a ghost sitting next to us. They must have used a halogram to project the image. It was kind of cool. Our ride came to a stop and our car opened automatically for us. The attendants for the ride looked like zombies and showed us to the exit.

The next attractions were for younger kids and I was glad. I needed a break from rides. It was going on noon and we decided to find a place to eat. We huddled together and checked the map. The walkway we were on would soon have some eating places. We decided to wanted to go to inside sit-down restaurant.

We continued down the walkway and we could see food signs coming up on both sides of the walkway. It looked like restaurants from different countries. We had a hard time deciding on which restaurant. We finally decided on France and walked in. The hostess greeted us in French and I talked to her. Her French was very good and told me she was an exchange student from France, working at the Amusement Park to help pay for her college education. She showed us to a table. And we talked some more before we were seated. She told us our waitress would be right with us.

We looked around and the restaurant was like a typical French cafe. French music was playing and the colors represented the French flag.

Our waitress came to our table and welcomed us to the French restaurant. She spoke English, but had a distinctive French accent. She asked us what we would like to drink and I told her a good bottle of red wine chilled. She told me she would be right back.

The waitress had handed us menus. At least the items were in French and English. It helped the guys to know what they were ordering.

Our waitress came back with our bottle of red wine in an ice bucket with a stand. She set it up next to me and asked us if we would lik to pour the wine. She poured us each a flute of the red wine. I tasted the wine and it was very good.

She then asked us if we were ready to order. I told her we were. I went first and ordered the Magret de Canard, speaking French, which she seemed to like. I had ordered seared duck breast. Graham and one of the caterers ordered Entrecote, which is a boneless rib eye steak. They ordered in English and the waitress understood exactly what they wanted. The other caterer ordered steak-frites or a rib eye steak with fries. He managed to get his order out in some understandable French. The waitress thanked us for our order and told us it would be about twenty minutes before our lunch was ready. We told her there was no hurry. She thanked us and left for the kitchen.

We had a nice conversation while we waited on our lunch. Our lunch was more like dinner. I knew Graham and I wouldn't eat much for dinner after this big lunch. The caterers told us they would like to go the Emporium after lunch. They wanted to see if they could find something they could use at work.

I saw our waitress with a helper walking over to our table. The helper set up a table and our dinner was placed on the serving table. The waitress then placed our lunches in front of us and told us to enjoy our lunch. She would check back in a couple of minutes.

My duck was delcious and cooked perfectly. I hadn't eaten this since I was in France. Graham and the caterer said their rib eye steaks were cooked to perfection. The other caterer said his rib eye was mouth watering and the french fries were nice and crispy. We enjoyed our lunch and didn't talk much. The food was so good we didn't have time to talk.

Our waitress came back and asked us how our lunch was. I told her in French that I hadn't tasted duck this good since I was in France. She was pleased that we were enjoying lunch and said she would be back when we had finished.

We finished our lunch and I felt full. The other guys looked like they were ready for dessert. Our waitress came and asked us if we would like dessert and we told her we were ready. She cleared the table and wheeled a dessert cart over. We all ordered coffee and she brought that out to us. Graham handed us dessert plates and asked us what we wanted. I told him just a danish. The other guys all had eclairs and Graham had a danish with his eclair. It was mainly different French desserts on the cart. Dessert was good. My danish was soft and the cream filling tasted good. The coffee tasted good and I was wondering if it was a French coffee.

We finished dessert and were ready to leave. Graham showed our special pass to the waitress and she thanked us for eating at the French restaurant and hoped we would return soon. We all left the waitress a tip and she thanked us.

The hostess came over and escorted us to the front doors and she thanked us for eating at the French restaurant and I told her in French that we enjoyed our lunch very much.

Once we were back outside, I pulled my map out and we checked it out to find the shortest route to the Emporium. Every walkway showed a good distance to walk. None of the walkways seemed to have a shortcut to the Emporium. So we took off back on the same walkway.

The Emporium was almost on the opposite side of the park from where we were located. At least I had worn comfortable shoes and after about a half hour of walking we saw the sign for the Emporium and walked in. The air conditioning felt good.

The Emporium had two floors and we started on the bottom floor first. The caterers were taking a close look at everything, but so far hadn't found anything that interested them. We came back to the stairs and went up to the second floor and the caterers started looking over items. They found some items they were interested in. It was serving dishes and trays in a more cartoonish theme. But they said these serving dishes would work for a kids birthday party. They bought two different sets of serving dishes and then we left the Emporium.

I got the map out to found our way to the exit. It wasn't too far from the Emporium. Soon we were at the exit. One of the caterers asked the girl working if he could have a map. She handed him a map and we left the Amusement Park.

We waited a couple of minutes for a shuttle and we got in. I told the driver in what section I was parked. And soon he pulled up close to my SUV.

We got in my SUV and were on our way home. The caterers changed again in my SUV. The other one was sitting up front with me. He started rubbing over my crotch and squeezing the outline of my cock. I was getting hard and having a hard time driving. At least it wasn't the far to our house. I thought I heard belts opening and zippers going down in the backseat. I couldn't see anything in the back from my rear view mirror.

I pressed the button and the gate opened and then I pressed the other button on the visor my garage door opened. The garge door closed and I relcined my seat down. And I lifted my hips while the caterer slide my shorts and boxers down to my ankles. I was already semi hard from all the fondling and playing the caterer had done.

I could hear noise coming from the back seat and could see arms and legs in the air every once in awhile. The caterer took my hard cock down in one fast gulp. I didn't even realize it at first, it happened so fast. He had his throat muscles clamped around my hard shaft. He was good and already had me close to cumming. I told him I wanted to get him off too. He told me later. Right now he wanted to take care of me. He was taking good care of me.

I heard Graham moaning and grunting loud. I knew he was cumming by the sounds he was making. It didn't take me long and I soon shot up a big load in the caterers mouth. He swallowed my load down and started milking my cock with his throat muscles. Finally he pulled his mouth and throat off my cock. He told me that we should go inside and then I could take care of him.

I managed to pull my boxers and shorts up enough so that I could get out of the SUV and walk up to the kitchen door. Graham and the caterer were still in the back seat of my SUV.

The caterer and I walked right upstairs to my bedroom. I shucked my clothes off and then helped the caterer out of his clothes. He told me his partner and Graham would be joining us soon.

We got down on the bed and started making out. I licked the caterer all over and saved his big cock and balls for last. I couldn't hold back any longer. That big hardon looked so inviting. I sucked his foreskin back and forth. But the caterer stopped me and started sucking me down to my pubes. Getting me hard and wet. He then got up over me and slowly slid his hole down on my hard shaft. The head of my cock easily slid into his hole as he slid down my shaft. He was facing away from me.

I heard talking and Graham and his caterer walked into our bedroom. I could tell they were watching us.

The caterer then laid back on me with my cock still impelled in his hole. His big cock was sticking straight up and leaking. I saw Graham walk over and take his cock in his mouth and suck and lick off the precum that was oozing out. Graham was bent down sucking the caterer with his ass sticking out. The other caterer got behind Graham and started humping his hole. God this was hot. I wish I had a video camera. I did on my cell phone, but it was too far away to reach. We all got really into our fucking and sucking. Building up a good rhythm. The caterer on my cock was getting close. I could feel his hole constricting uncontrollably on my cock and it was bringing me close to cumming. I heard the caterer on me give out a loud grunt and he started shooting in Graham's mouth. That's all I needed to hear and I started pumping up a load in his hole. Graham's hole constricted hard on the caterer fucking him. Bringing him over the edge and filling my lover with his big load.

The only person that hadn't cum was Graham. So we got Graham lying flat on the bed and we all started giving him a tongue bath. The caterers were working on Graham's cock and balls while I licked and sucked and nibbled on his nips and pecs. Graham was writhing around on the bed and moaning and gasping. I could tell he was really turned on and enjoying all the sensations running through his body. I saw Graham stiffen and shudder and I knew he was pumping out a big load. The caterer was sucking it all down while the other caterer was sucking on his big balls and pulling on them. Soon Graham was drained and we all laid back on the bed and relaxed.

Soon the caterers told us they needed to finish packing and get ready to leave. They needed to get rested and start working on their next party. I couldn't agree more. I needed to get rested too, but didn't say anthing.

We all got off the bed and walked with the caterers to their guest bedroom. We watched them finish packing and putting on the same clothes they wore to the Amusement Park. We kissed them when they finished and helped them carry their things downstairs. Overnight bag and their purchases from the Emporium at the Amusement Park.

I had their two large appetizer trays on the kitchen island. All cleaned and ready to go. Graham opened the front doors and we all walked out to their van. Graham and I were naked. Thankfully our front gate was solid and you couldn't see through it. The caterers got everything loaded in their van and we kissed and hugged again and thanked them for a great weekend. They told us they were looking forward to the Christmas Party in only a couple of weeks. They told us they had received their confirmation so everything was a go for them.

We watched them leave and we walked back into the house.

I was exhausted and Graham told me he was too. But he enjoyed having the caterers here. This was the best time he had had with any of our friends. I agreed with Graham.

We were like too little kids when we got back into the house and ran down the hallway to the library/study room. I wanted to double check the confirmations. Even though I knew we had before and sent the confirmations to our friends. The computer was booted and I opened the the folder and all the confirmations were there, with our email that we sent to our friends. I couldn't wait. Like the caterers told us before they left, only two weeks until the Christmas Party.

After our big lunch at the Amusement Park, I was still starting to feel hungry. I asked Graham if he wanted something to eat. I knew that was the wrong thing to ask him. Of course, he was hungry.

We raided the frig to see what we could fix for dinner. We found leftovers that needed using and fixed ourselves some sandwiches that I zapped in the microwave to warm. Graham got us each a cold beer. And we carried everything down to the pergola. We hadn't been at the pergola in a long time. We had a nice table their. Just the right size for our dinner.

We enjoyed our sandwiches and they tasted good with beer. We finished our dinner and we took everything back to the kitchen and put everything away.

We then went upstairs to the sunroom. We hadn't been in the sunroom when the caterers were here. I wanted to check on the birds and see how everything looked. The birds were sleeping when we entered and Graham turned on the tv and found us a college football game. He asked me if I wanted a beer and I told him I could handle one more. So we drank beer and watched the game.

It felt good just the two of us. I really enjoyed the caterers spending the weekend with us. It was one of the best weekends. But it was tiring too. Graham and I weren't used to that much sexercise.

The game finished and Graham and I decided to call it a night. We were tired and needed a good rest before started a new work week.

Graham turned the tv off. The game ended in a tie. I took our empty beer glasses downstairs and put them in the dishwasher. And then walked back upstairs to join my husband.

Graham set the alarm and we snuggled together and fell asleep almost immediately.

The alarm woke us up and we got out of bed and walked downstairs to workout with our friends. We could hear talking and they were already busy warming up and working out. Our friends greeted us and told us they were looking forward to the Christmas Party. And told us it was a great idea. We all got in a good workout and squeezed and wiggled into the shower. We had time for a quick jerk and that seemed to help everyone be more relaxed.

We rinsed off and towel dried each other. Got dressed and went upstairs for breakfast. Cindy had a big breakfast ready for us in the dining room. We all took a seat while Cindy brought in our breakfast. We all dug in and soon the breakfast had disappeared. We thanked her and walked into the garage. We got into our regular group hug and kiss and left for work.

Monday seemed to drag for me. I was still a little tired from all of our sexual activity over the weekend. Graham met me for lunch and told me he felt the same way and was glad he didn't have to work late today.

Tuesday, Holden came over for our regular massages. He always liked to surprise us with our happy endings. He gave me a good fuck while he rode Graham until he came in his hole. We relaxed after our massages in the sunroom with a cold beer. Holden told us everyone was ready for our Christmas party and couldn't wait. They had received their confirmations and now were getting organized for leaving.

The rest of the week went fast. And it was Friday. Graham was leaving today for his parents and an early Christmas with them on Saturday. I was going over to my parent's for a Christmas lunch on Saturday, my brother and his family was supposed to be there.

Graham arrived home after work. He had his overnight bag packed and his Christmas presents for his parents. He wasn't changing clothes and was wearing his work clothes. I helped him carry everything out to his car in the garage. This was going to be interested. Trying to fit everything into his sports car. Graham put his overnight bag in first and by moving the passenger seat all the way to the front was able to slide in the mosaic. The baskets easily fit with his overnight bag ont he back seat. We kissed and hugged and I told him to call me when he arrived at his parent's house. He promised he would call me.

We waved to each other when he left. I hoped this would work out well for Graham and no surprises, like his brother or sister. He told me he didn't think they would be at his parent's for an early Christmas.

I was nervous driving to my parent's. My parents liked surprises and I wouldn't be surprised if my brother or sister were there for our early Christmas. I hoped not, but time would tell.

I stopped at the same rest stop as before. I called Bob and told him where I was and that I need to take a pee break and fill my travel mug. This rest stop was only about forty minutes from my hometown. Bob was glad I called and he assured me that everything would workout fine. Just to go with the flow and not overreact. Easy for Bob to say, he didn't have a homophobic brother. My sister was okay, in fact, she was alright when my brother wasn't around.

I relieved my bladder and refilled my travel mug and was back on the highway heading to my hometown. It didn't take long to arrive and drive to my parent's house. I pulled into the driveway and didn't see any other cars around. That was a good sign. I thought I'd leave my overnight bag in the car, just in case. If everything was cool, I could always grab it later and take it to my bedroom.

I pulled out the presents for the parents and closed and locked my car and walked up to the front door. I rang the doorbell and waited. I heard some noise and my dad opened the door and welcomed me. He told me mom was busy in the kitchen. He asked me what I had and I told him a couple of Christmas presents for him and mom.

We walked into the living room and I carried the presents in. So far, so good. Dad asked me if I wanted a beer and I told him sure. He had a game on the tv. My dad was a sports fanatic. As long as a sports game was on the tv, he would watch it. Mom came into the living, drying off her hands on her apron and asked me what was in the big Christmas packages. I told her presents for her and dad. She asked me if they could open the presents now, or if they had to wait. I told her whatever she wanted to do. She handed the smaller wrapped package to my dad and mom opened the larger wrapped package. My dad opened his package first and it was the southwest native baskets. My parents ooohhed and aaaahhed. My mom finished unwrapping the calfskin mosaic tapestry. They both really liked it. My mom said she knew where she wanted the tapestry and where the baskets were going to go. The tapestry and baskets fit in with the decor in the living room. My mom set the baskets down on the side of the hearth in front of the fireplace. She said she'd have dad hang the tapestry later. She knew the perfect spot. They both hugged me and mom gave me a kiss on the cheek. They both said the presents were wonderful.

Mom got up and said she needed to check on dinner. I sat on a side chair while dad sat in his recliner and we watched a MLB game. Not my favorite, but I could struggle through the game.

I told dad I was going to call Bob. He wanted to know when I arrived. Dad told me to ahead. I took my cell phone out of my pocket and called Bob. He answered on the first ring. "Hi babe, did you make it to your parent's?"

"Yes. I've been here for awhile. My parents unwrapped their Christmas presents and really liked the gifts."

"Good to hear. No surprises?"

"No. Nothing. It looks it will just myself with my parents."

"Good for you. Keep me updated and I'm looking forward to a good video chat tonight when we go to bed."

"Me too. Will call you later. Love you."

"Love you too. Bye babe."

I was glad everything was going okay with Graham. He sounded good on the phone.

I had just hung up with Bob when I heard footsteps coming down the stairs from the bedrooms. My dad told me everything was fine and not to get upset. It was my brother. He must have just arrived. I hadn't seen his car when I pulled into the driveway.

He kind of sheepishly walked into the living room. "I wasn't expecting you to be here. I didn't see your car in the driveway."

"I parked in the garage so you wouldn't know I was here."

"That was thoughtful of you. I'm glad I haven't taken my overnight bag out of my car."

"I need to talk to you Graham, privately."

"Why, so you can call me names and ridicule me some more?"

My dad spoke up, "Graham, give him a chance. I think you'll like what he has to tell you."

I got up and followed my brother upstairs to my bedroom. After he walked in behind me, my brother closed and locked the door. He walked over to me and give me a hug and a long passionate kiss. "What's this all about? My homophobic brother kissing and hugging me."

"It was just an act Graham. I needed to come off as this big macho homophobic guy for my appearance and work. I've been gay my whole life. But I've been good at being in the closet. I had a few very discrete times with guys, but I had to be very careful. I've always loved you and admired you, but I couldn't do anything about it. You were always so popular in school and got good grades. I was jealous of you. I had to work hard for everything I achieved. It didn't come easy for me. I guess what I'm trying to say is that I'm sorry for the way I've been most of your life to you. I hope you can accept my apology. I plan started today to change my ways. I still need to maintain my image for work. But I'm going to be a much better brother. Your sister also sends her apologies and we plan to visit you and Bob soon. If that's something you can deal with."

"To be honest. This is a lot to take in and deal with. I don't know if I can change my feelings in just a blink of an eye."

"I understand that bro. I just hope you can accept my apology."

"I can do that. But I'm not sure about anything else. This is a lot to absorb in a short period of time."

"Let's go downstairs and join dad. I'm sure mom and dad are wondering how everything went. Both mom and dad had their suspicions about me and accept the face that I'm gay, but in the closet."

We walked downstairs with my brother's arm around my shoulder. I didn't reciprocate and I don't know if my brother felt how tense I was.

We walked into the living room and dad said, "at least you two aren't arguing or name calling. I hope you two can work everything out."

I looked at dad, "I have a lot to think about. I told my brother I accept is apology. But I think that's all I feel comfortable with right now."

"Well, that's a good start. Let's see how the weekend goes and hopefully you will be getting along fine. Like brothers."

Mom must have been listening. She brought us all a beer. The beer would help relax me a little. I had a lot to tell Bob later. I knew he would have good advice for me.

The game finished and dad told us to go out on the back deck. We all walked out and sat in some adirondack chairs. Dad started talking about when we were kids living at home and some of the crazy stuff we used to do. I knew what he was trying to do. Bring me and my brother closer together. It worked a little. At least we weren't fighting or name calling. But I still stayed pretty quiet.

Mom poked her head in the back deck and told us dinner was ready.

We all got up and carried our beer into the dining room. I let my dad and brother go first and I followed them.

Mom had my brother and me seated next to each other. I think she did it on purpose. She had prepared her famous and delicious pot roast with mashed potatoes and fresh corn on the cob.

Dinner was delicious. I stayed pretty quiet and didn't say much. My brother had a good conversation with mom and dad. We finished dinner and mom brought in two home made pies and different Christmas cookies. I had a piece of her apple pie, as did my dad and brother. I thought I might eat a couple of cookies later.

Once we finished dessert, I excused myself and went upstairs to my bedroom. I wanted to have a long talk with Bob.

I had closed and locked my bedroom door. I didn't want any interruptions. I picked up my cell phone and called Bob. Bob answered almost immediately.

I told Bob about my brother kissing and hugging me. His apology and wanting us to get a brotherly relationship back. Bob told me that at least there wasn't any name calling or arguing or fighting. He told me to think about what my brother had told me. Bob told me he would know if my brother was being sincere. And to go with my feelings. And see what happened.

I told Bob I could call him back later for some hot video chatting. I laid back on my bed and started thinking about everything. Especially what Bob told me. My brother did seem sincere and honest when he talked to me. And he was a pretty good kisser. The more I thought about it. The more I thought I could handle being around him for the weekend.

When I left the dining room. My brother and my parents started talking. My parents told my brother to give me space. I needed time to think and absorb everything. That I we weren't name calling or arguing which was a good sign. And I hadn't left. My dad and brother went back into the living room and my dad found another game on the tv.

I had all kinds of feeling running through me. I was going to try to doze off and maybe a nap would help me. I took my shoes off and stretched out on my bed. Looking at the celing.

I must have dozed off. I heard a light knocking at my bedroom door and someone asking me if everything was okay. I didn't recognize the voice at first and then remembered my brother was here. It was him knocking at my door. He asked me if he could come in. I climbed off my bed and unlocked the door and went back and laid down. My brother poked his head in and asked me if it was okay if he came in. I told him to go ahead. He walked in and closed and locked the door. I saw him take his shoes off and he laid down on my bed next to me.

We didn't say anything. Finally my brother rolled to his side facing me and planting another long passionate kiss on my lips. I kind of froze and wasn't sure what to do. I didn't know what to think. Two kisses doesn't change anything. He told me he loved his wife and his kids were amazing. Maybe he's bi and not gay. He sure needed to do a lot more to convince me he was sincere and really meant what he had said. I broke away from his kiss and laid said laying down on my back on the bed. I could see he had a bulge in his pants. So maybe he did get turned on when he kissed me.

"I think you should go to your bedroom. I have a lot of thinking to do. And see how I feel in the morning. Two kisses doesn't change my thinking. You're going to have to do a lot more to convince me your sincere in your apology."

He crawled off my bed with his head hanging down. I told him not to give me a sad puppy dog face. It wouldn't work. He should do a lot of thinking too and plan how he's going to convince me about his apology. Besides I wanted to call Bob and tell him what was going on and have our video chat.

My brother left my bedroom and didn't say anything. As soon as he left I got up and locked my bedroom door. I took off all my clothes and found my cell phone.

I pumped my cock a couple of times to chub it up and called Bob on video chat.

"Hi babe. How you doing?"

"Great. I've been waiting for this video chat. Can you see me okay?"

"Perfect. How about me?"

"I see you perfect too. It looks like we're both in bed and chubbed up."

"Yup. I pumped my cock a couple of times to chub up. But as soon as I started thinking about you. It got hard all on it's own."

"How's it going with your brother?"

"He's still going around like everything is okay. I told him I needed time to think. And sort things out. At least he's trying to be pleasant. So I think I'll be staying until Sunday. What time you leaving for your parent's tomorrow?"

"Mom told me to come anytime. So I'll probably leave around ten thirty and have time to chat with Reggie and Deb and my niece and nephew."

"Ok. I'll be sure to call you before you leave. Now let's get down to business. Just close your eyes and think of me feeling you all over and sucking your cock down to your balls."

I could see Bob closing his eyes and his cock getting super hard and drooling. "Now think of my licking sucking off your precum while I fondle and play with your big balls."

"God Graham. Your killing me. I'm going to cum without even touching myself."

"Just hold back and now tell me what you'd like to do to me."

I saw Bob open his eyes and he was looking at me. "I'd like to suck your big hard shaft and wrap my throat muscles around it. While I lube a couple of fingers and cup your balls and ease my two fingers in your hole."

"That would sure make me cum right away. I can feel my cum churning already in my balls."

"Me too. Let's stroke now and see if we can cum at the same time."

I could see Bob with a lusty sexy look on his face. He was such a turnon. I grabbed my cock and started stroking too. "Are you getting close?"

"I'm getting there. How about you Graham?"

"I'm getting close. Just watching you is really turning me on."

"I know babe. The same thing is happening to me. I'm getting pretty close to cumming. You?"

"I'm almost there. Let's do a countdown."






I could see Bob's cock throbbing and I knew he was close. Just like me."






Blast off.

I could see Graham shooting out a big load covering his chest and stomach. I matched him doing the same thing. "Wow, that was hot? But it would be so much better if we were together?"

Graham was panting and said. "I know. I was thinking the same thing. Sunday can't come soon enough until we're together."

"I'm glad your there Graham. Maybe this will be the opportunity to get things squared away with your brother. And maybe you two will be on the mend. I hope you have good things to tell me tomorrow and Sunday when you come home. Keep a stiff upper lip. Stay true to yourself and I know you and brother will be back to building a relationship."

"You make it sound so easy. I hope things work out. I want them to. But I just don't feel I can bend that much right now. Maybe after a full day tomorrow. Things will start changing. I'll keep in touch babe. I need to clean off before this cum dries and then try to get some shut eye. Love you."

"Love you too. And I know you will be sending me some good information. I need to clean off here too and get some sleep. Wish I was curling up with my husband. Good night babe and I miss you."

As soon as I hung up with Bob, I ran into my bathroom and took a quick shower to clean the cum off. It took time getting it out of my pubes, but with some soap and a strong stream of water. I managed to rinse the cum down the drain. I felt good after talking with Bob and our short jerk off session. I dried and crawled into bed. I was going to set my clock radio on my nightstand, but I didn't see it. I looked around and it wasn't here. Maybe my brother took it to his room or my parents. No big deal. I could check the time on my cell phone.

It didn't take me long to fall asleep and I was wondering if I was going to have any dreams or more likely nightmares.

I woke up and rubbed my eyes. I was still kind of half awake and half asleep. I thought I heard knocking at my door. I knew it wouldn't be my parents. It must have been my brother. "Yeah, what do you want?"

"I was wondering if I could come in so we could talk."

I was thinking if I wanted to talk so him so early in the morning. But decided maybe I should and get it over with. I crawled out of bed naked and unlocked my door and crawled back into bed. My brother walked in and closed and locked the door. He was wearing a robe and I could tell by the way the front was tented, he was naked underneath.

"So what do you want to talk about?" I was awake now and had my hands behind my head.

My brother said, "it would be easier if I got into bed with you."

"I don't know why. Can't you sit in the chair or just stand in my room and talk to me?"

"I think if I crawled into bed with you. I could get me message across easier."

"Well, I suppose. But I want you staying on the far side of the bed. I don't want to feel you body touching mine."

My brother took his robe off in a flash and was in the bed. I caught a glimpse of his cock. And our cocks looked like they could be twins. He looked like he the same size as me. I hadn't seen my brother naked since we were little kids and showered together. He crawled into the bed and I felt him slowly inching his way closer and closer to me. I put my hand down to stop and he quickly rolled on his side and his hardon was in my hand. "Mmmmmmm, that feels good."

"Your sick. You know that. I told you I didn't want our bodies touching and I definitely don't want to be touching your cock."

"Why not? We're both gay. What better opportunity to get to know each other better."

I had to admit his cock felt pretty good in my hand. I missed Bob and this was a good substitute. What the hell am I thinking about. My brother isn't my husband and I don't want any sexual relationship with him.

All kinds of thoughts were going through my mind. Then I thought about Bob and Reggie. Reggie was married with kids and so was his partner Jarvis. I didn't know if Jarvis had kids. So maybe if we didn't do much it would be okay. At least my brother was being open and honest with me. Or at least I thought so.

I felt my brother's hand moving close to me. I didn't stop him this time and let him continue. Soon I felt his hand on my thigh and my cock was getting thicker and harder. My brother was moving closer to me and soon his hand was rubbing the inside of my thigh almost at my balls. My balls were very erogenous and if he started feeling them and playing with my balls. I would lose all resistance.

For someone who didn't know anything about gay sex. He was doing a pretty good job. He was cupping my balls and that was all it took for me to instinctively spread my legs. I still had my hands behind my head and my eyes closed. My brother pulled the covers down, exposing my hard cock. I could feel the cool air on my cock and balls. My brother was working my balls good with his hand and I thought he bent down. He did. I soon felt a warm tongue lapping my on pits. I didn't have a lot of hair in my armpits. Just a nice little patch under each arm. Bob and I never licked our armpits. It was pretty hot and I could feel my cock leaking and drooling out precum.

My brother stopped licking on my pits and I felt his warm tongue licking off my precum. The then wrapped his lips around my head and sucked out my precum. I couldn't help but give out a low moan. I think that was all the encouragement he needed. And he was going gung-ho on my cock sucking the length up and down. He sure knew what he was doing. I was going to have to ask him how he got all this experience.

I checked my cell phone for the time, and told me brother we need to shower. Mom would be calling us down for breakfast soon. He asked me if he could shower with me. I told him I thought that was a good idea. That brought a smile to his face. The first smile I had seen from him since I arrived.

We crawled off the bed and my brother was already in the shower getting the water to the right temperature. I walked in and he hugged me tight to him and kissed me. I reciprocated and sucked on his tongue. He grabbed the soap and started lathering me all over and then I rinsed the soap off. I did the same to my brother. And again, we looked like twins in the cock department. I thought his balls were just a tad smaller than mine. We toweled dried each other and my brother put his robe on told me we needed to go for a walk later and have a good talk. I told him I could do that. Once he left my bedroom. I closed and locked the door. And decided what I was going to wear. I had brought in my overnight bag last night and had unpacked everything.

I started going through my dresser drawer when I heard my mom, calling up the stairs and telling us breakfast was ready.

I pulled out some cargo shorts and a nice button down shirt and put socks and sneakers on. Then went downstairs for breakfast.

My brother wasn't at the dining room table yet. My mom asked me how I slept and I told her like a log. I gave mom a kiss on the cheek and shook hands with my dad. He told he was glad that I seemed to be getting along with my brother. I told him we were working on it. Just then my brother came into the dining room. He had shorts and a pull over shirt on with sneakers. He kissed mom on the cheek and shook hands with dad.

Mom brought in a small feast for just four people. Breakfast we excellent. Mom was a good cook and she enjoyed cooking and having people enjoy her food. While we were eating breakfast, dad asked us what we planned for the day. I told him me and my brother were going for a walk after breakfast. We had some talking we needed to do. He told us that was an excellent idea. He said he needed to do a little work in the office, but would be home for lunch. Mom said she had a ham in the oven for our Christmas dinner. I knew it would be delicious.

We all finished breakfast and nothing was left. Mom told us, "you know what it means when you eat everything?"

We did. We all got up and kissed mom. Even my dad. You had to kiss the cook when you ate everything.

My brother and I told our parents we were going to go on our walk and have a good talk. Mom asked us if she should get a little bag or basket full of goodies while we went on our walk. We told her know. We were would just drink some bottled water.

Dad reminded us what time lunch was and that we needed to be here for lunch. We told him we would be back for lunch.

My brother and I grabbed a couple of water bottles from the frig and headed outside.

"Where we going?" my brother asked me.

"I know just the spot. Where we used to go on hot days to cool off."

My brother knew where I meant and we started heading out to the back woods and a trail that we knew well.

What my brother and I didn't know was that our father planned to follow us and had his binoculars with him. He wanted to make sure to didn't get into a fight and wanted to check on us. He was concerned.

While we were walking on the trail I asked me brother how he knew so much about gay sex. He told me it wasn't from experience. It was just what he knew he liked so he thought I'd like it to. He liked it when his wife played and sucked on his balls. And when she licked his precum off and gave him blow jobs. He of course liked fucking her and her tight hot wet pussy. I told him fucking in the ass, feels pretty good. The hole is tight and you can get it wet. It hurts a little at first, but soon the pain gives way to incredible pleasure. "Maybe we can try that later and see how it feels."

"So I have to ask you. What changed your thinking about me?"

"Like I told you. I've always known I was gay. I had fooled around when I was young with a couple of friends. But then it stopped when we got interested in girls. Or least when my friends got interested in girls. I still liked looking at the boys in the shower, but had to be careful. I got married because it was what I was expected to do. I love my wife, like I told you. But something is always missing and I know it's having gay sex or a male partner. I love my kids and wouldn't do anything to hurt my family. It's a hard balancing act. And where we live, it's almost impossible to go out by myself and find a man to be with."

"Well, how" do I fit into all of this?"

"I know your gay and have a great partner with Bob. I'm just hoping this weekend, you can show and teach me some more things about being gay. And some pointers on how I could find a male partner. I plan in the future to visit you and Bob, if that's okay and get more experience from the two of you."

"I think we need to see how the rest of this weekend plays out. Then we can decide about having you visit."

"Fair enough."

We arrived at our favorite spot. It was getting warmer out and the little river looked really inviting. We hadn't brought towels and I wasn't sure if we would be dry enough to put out clothes on and head back for lunch.

We walked up close to each other and started undoing each other shirts. I easily slid my brother's over his head and started undoing his shorts. My brother was unbuttoning my shirt and had it off and started working on undong my shorts. We kicked our sneakers off and I put my socks inside my sneakers.

The area we were in was a large open grassed area. With a sloping bank down to the river. The back of the grassy area had the tree line that we had walked out from following the trail.

We were so busy and occupied, getting each other undressed that we didn't notice our father. But we would have had to look hard to see him. He stayed at the tree line and was watching us through his binoculars. He knew I was gay, but wasn't sure about his other son. Seeing us undressed each other was all proof he needed that his other son was gay too. But it wasn't sure if he liked that. With him being married and having kids. He thought he'd watch us awhile longer and see what we did.

I had my brother's shorts loosened and could see a nice bulge in the front. I pulled the zipper down and they fell to his ankles. He kicked them off. He had boxers on and the bulge was now more noticeable. My brother had undone my shorts and I stepped out of them. I had some tighty whities on that I was bulging. Before we pulled our underwear off we walked up tight to each other and started rubbing and grinding our bulges together. We kissed and hugged and gave out low moans of pleasure.

Our father was watching all of this through the binoculars. And still had mixed feelings. The only thing he liked was that we weren't fighting or arguing.

Bob had checked the time and thought Graham should have called him by now. He needed to start getting ready to leave. Bob knew if something bad had happened, Graham would have called him. He just hoped everything was working out with him and his brother. Bob finished getting dressed and ready for Christmas lunch. It was a Christmas lunch because Reggie needed to leave after lunch and get home. He and Deb had a Christmas party to go to on Sunday.

Bob got his presents carefully placed in the back of his SUV, expecially his present for his mom. The shops had done a good job of gift wrapping so he was sure nothing would be broken. He pulled out of the garage and through the gate and was on his way to his parent's house.

We finally broke apart from our hot kiss and I slowly pulled my brother's boxers down and off. His boner was sticking straight out and looked very inviting. My brother then returned the favor and slid down my tighty whities and my boner was also sticking straight out. The heads of our cocks hit and rubbed together. Making us shudder and groan.

Our father had seen enough and left back on the trail. His suspicions were confirmed about my brother. He didn't want to watch us having gay sex. But still had mixed feelings. I knew I hadn't forced myself on my brother or vice versa. He took his time walking back to the house and put his binoculars away and turned on his favorite sports channel.

"Are we going to run into the water like we did when we were kids?"

"I don't see why not." my brother said.

So just like when we were little kids we ran into the river. The water was kind of cold, but felt good on this warm day. We splashed each other and horsed around. Our boners didn't go down. We finally agreed we had enough of the river and walked up on the bank. And laid down next to each other let the sun dry us.

I had just remembered, I was supposed to call Bob this morning. I'm sure he was wondering about me. He was probably on his way to his parent's house by now, or already at their house.

My brother looked over at me. "You want to fuck me. I'd really like to see what it feels like."

"I don't know. Are you sure?"

"Yes. I want you to be the first. Not some stranger that I don't know."

"Ok, turn over and lay on your stomach and raise your hips up."

My brother did like I told him. His ass sure did look inviting. I got down between his cheeks and pulled them apart. His cute little pucker almost looked like it was looking at me. I licked over his hole and he shuddered and jerked and gave out a loud moan. I munched and chewed on his hole and then curled my tongue and started darting it in and out. His hole was really tight and I could tell he had never been fucked.

I asked him how he was doing and he told me not to stop. It felt fantastic. I licked a finger, since we didn't have any lube. And I started to ease it in. His ring tried to resist my finger and I told him to relax and breath in and out. Once I felt him relax, I tried inserting my finger again. This time I was able to get to the second knuckle. I left it there until he was relaxed and use to it. And then slowly starting moving it around. He told me was doing fine and to keep going. I licked a second finger and slowly eased it in next to my other finger. I couldn't believe how tight his hole was. I wasn't sure if I would be able to insert my cock in his tight hole. Once he was relaxed, I worked the two fingers around loosening and stretching him. I then inserted a third finger and did more stretching and finally a fourth finger. I spit on his hole and worked it in with my fingers. My fingers were able to move in and out fairly easy now. I thought that was the most I could stretch him.

I asked him again if he was sure that he wanted me to fuck him. He told me to go ahead, but go slow.

I spit on my cock and get it wet and slick. I was drooling preum, so that would help as lube. I pressed the again against his hole and smeared the precum around and tried to push some of the precum in with my cock head. Again, I felt the resistance and told him to relax and push out like he was taking a dump. Again when I felt him relax and he was pushing out, I managed to insert my cock head. He kind of popped into his hole. I saw a grimace on his face and asked him if he wanted me to pull out. He said no. Just leave it there until I get used to it.

I felt him relax some more and started easing some of my shaft in. Going slow and easy. It felt like it was taking all morning to get my cock in his hole. Finally my pubes were pressed against his ass cheeks. And I left my cock in his hole. He told me to go ahead and I started slowly moving in and out. He told me this feels great. I started going a little faster and I felt him jerk and gasp and he asked me what the wonderful feeling was. I told him my cock had just rubbed his prostate. He told me to keep rubbing it. My cock kept a continual working on his prostate. I saw my brother's cock drooling precum and it was twitching and jerking. Finally he gave a loud gasp and I saw him shoot on his chest. His was constricting like crazy on my cock and I told him I was going to cum. He told me to fill him up. I shot out up load up this tight hot hole.

I slowly pulled out of his hole and we laid back panting and exhausted. He asked me if we should run in the water and get rinsed off. I told him we could lick each other clean. He asked me if that was something gay guys did and I told him yes. He told then that we should do it. I leaned over and licked of my brothers cum. He tasted okay. Not great, but okay. Once I had him cleaned off. He leaned over and licked and cleaned my cum off my cock. He said that wasn't too bad. He said my cum tasted kind of good.

Once we were dried off, we checked the time and thought we should get dressed and start walking back to the house.

He helped each other get dressed and we were chubbed up again. We hoped our boners wouldn't be noticeable by the time we got home. We kissed and put an arm around each other and started our walk back to the house.

I asked me brother, "so what do you think about fucking?"

"It was different. I'm not sure how much I like it. But I'm glad my first time was with you. It hurt alot at first, but then it started getting better and when your cock rubbed my prostate, I thought I was going to cum right away."

"Do you think you'd want to do it again?"

"Sure, but I want to fuck you the next time."

We could see the house up ahead. And we looked each other over and thought we looked okay. We smelled each other and didn't smell like sex. We smelled like the river water.

We walked in and mom greeted us and asked us if we had a good talk. We told her we did and were working things out. There was great smells coming from the kitchen.

I pulled in next to my brother's SUV. Took out my presents and walked up to the front door. The butler opened the door. He was wearing a Santa hat and wasn't looking too happy. He told me to follow him. Everyone was out in the sun room. The kids were in the backyard playing. I walked in and the butler set my presents down. I shook hands with my dad and brother. And kissed my mom and Deb on the cheek. My brother and his wife hadn't brought Christmas presents. They would be returning next week for Christmas with our parents.

"I'm glad you came early Robert." my mom said.

"You told me to come when I was ready."

"How's Graham? Have you heard from him?"

"I've heard from Graham a couple of times. His brother paid a surprise visit and they are trying to workout their differences."

"I hope it works out for Graham. He's such a nice young man."

My dad asked me what I wanted to drink. I told him whatever he and Reggie were drinking. My dad got the attention of the butler and told him something. Soon the butler came back with my drink on a silver tray. It was scotch and water on the rocks. Just the way I liked it.

Mom said, "I feel like a young girl and am anxious to unwrap my Christmas present."

I handed mom her Christmas present and then dad. They were like two little kids tearing off the paper. My mom let a out a gasp. "Oh Graham, where did you ever find this nativity set. It's something I've always wanted."

"I found it in a boutique when we were in Las Vegas."

My dad had opened his present and thanked me. He said he liked the ebony tie rack. It had four bars for hanging ties that could be released and slid out so it made it easy to hang the ties and take them off. He said the four solid ties were perfect. He was in need of some ties.

We had a pleasant conversation. I found out what construction projects my brother's company was working on. Dad briefly mentioned a couple of cases they were working. He couldn't go into details. And I told everyone the practice was going well and staying very busy.

Soon one of the maids told us that lunch was ready. She was also wearing a Santa hat. We all got up and mom told us to take our drinks with us. We walked into the dining room. And it looked marvelous all decorated for Christmas. We sat down at our designated places. The servers were lined up along one wall. While the chef and his staff brought in lunch. It looked more like dinner. But I wasn't complaining.

The chef had prepared a glazed ham and prime rib with scalloped potatoes and green been casserole. Like I said, he seemed more like dinner than lunch. Everything was excellent and we were all complaining that we ate too much. Soon the lunch dishes were cleared and dessert was brought in. There was Christmas pudding. Baked Alaska and little cups of homemade pralines. I was thinking Graham should be here. He would be in heaven with these desserts. I had a small piece of the baked Alaska which was excellent. We finished dessert and mom told us we should go back to the sunroom.

My brother told everyone that they would need to be leaving soon.

We had an after lunch drink and then my brother and his family were ready to leave. We all wished them a safe trip back home and I thanked them for coming for an early Christmas.

I stayed for about another hour talking with my parents. That was about all I could handle. They thanked me for the presents and told me to wish Graham a Merry Christmas from them. They were very vague about my Christmas present, but they said I would soon know what it was. That seemed a little mysterious. I thanked them for a wonderful Christmas lunch and left for home.

I wanted to get back home early. I wanted to be home when Graham called.

My brother and I walked into the living room to join dad and his game on the tv. I had grabbed us all a beer. Mom told me it would be a few minutes before lunch was ready.

My brother and I sat on opposite side chairs. I asked dad if he got all of his office work done. He told he had all the information he needed. He seemed to have a weird smile on his face when he told me that. We sipped on our beer and watched the basquetball game. Not one of my favorite sports, but I could manage. I hoped mom would call us to lunch soon.

We all didn't talk much. Just watched the game. Once dad got into a game, he was oblivious to his surroundings and everyone around him.

Mom called us to lunch. Thank God. And we all took a seat. Mom and dad sat at each end of the table and my brother and I sat across from each other. Lunch was good and light. We'd be having a big Christmas dinner. We had homemade tomato soup with grilled cheese sandwiches. Much better than the diner. I wouldn't tell Millie that.

We ate like we were starved and once we finished lunch, mom brought in an assortment of desserts. No pies. She said the pies were for dinner. But she had different kinds of Christmas cookies. They tasted good with a fresh cup of coffee. We finished and I excused myself and I told everyone I needed to call Bob.

My brother gave me a look and I told him later. Right now I wanted to be alone when I called Bob. He went with my dad back to the living room and they watched more of the basketball game.

They had started watching the game, when my dad looked over at my brother and asked him why he didn't go upstairs with me. He asked my dad why he would do that. My dad told him that we seemed to be having a good time at the river and thought we'd be spending more time together. My brother's face got red and he asked my dad how he knew about that. He told my dad that he thought he was going to the office to do some work. My dad told him that he did. He followed way back behind them with his binoculars and when he saw them strip each other naked, that's all he needed to see. That was his office work. My brother was speechless for a couple of minutes and told my dad that he was spying on us. My dad said no, just confirming something he thought. But was surprised that I was gay, being married and having kids. I told him I was good at suppressing my gay feelings. And it didn't change how I felt about my wife and kids. I just have this yearning for a man, once in awhile and Graham has been great helping me. "Well, I'm not going to say anything to your mom or your family. This will be our secret. I can't say that I agree with what your doing. But I was able to accept Graham, so I can do the same to you." My brother got up and gave my dad a hug and thanked him.

My brother went out to the kitchen and got them another beer. While they started watching the next game.

Once I got into my bedroom, I closed and locked the door. I was hoping Bob would be home. I'd take chance. I laid down on my bed. I had a lot I wanted to tell Bob and get some more input from him. I called Bob's number and he picked up almost immediately. "Hi babe. I've been waiting to hear from you. Everything must be going better. You've haven't come home."

"Everything is okay. My brother and I came to understanding and he's gay. And wants me to help him with gay sex and how to pick up men. I don't mind helping him with gay sex, but I'm not sure how much help I can be helping him pick up men. He also told me, he would like to visit us sometime in the future."

"That's quite a turn around on brother's part. I must say, I'm a little surprised. I have an idea on how you might help him picking up guys. Why don't you invite him to our Christmas party and see if he's willing to go. That would give him a good opportunity to meet our friends and get some pointers on how to pick up men and not get burned like Andy."

"I like that idea. I never thought about that. I'll talk to my brother later and ask him what he thinks about joining us on our Christmas party. And if he can get away. I'll have him join us when we do our video chat tonight. How did your Christmas lunch go?"

"The food was delicious. My mom had their chef go all out. It was nice seeing my brother and his family. Reggie assured me he and Jarvis were going on our Christmas party. He told mom he would be back for Christmas, but that was just for face value. Deb already knew he was joining us on our Christmas party. And she had an excuse ready why Reggie wouldn't be able to make it for Christmas."

"Well babe. I think I better join my dad and brother and watch another boring basketball game."

"Thanks for calling Graham. I was wondering how everything was going. I'm doing okay here and relaxing by the pool naked. My double lounger is pretty empty without you."

"Well, I'll be back tomorrow afternoon. And we can catch up on lost time. See what magic you can perform to get my brother booked on our Christmas party. And I'll let you know tonight what he thinks about going with us."

God it was good hearing Bob's voice. I sure did miss him. And I could tell he missed me too. I could hear it in his voice. I'm sure glad I called him. He always had such good ideas and always wanted to help as much as he could.

I took my phone with me and went downstairs and joined my dad and brother. Another boring basquetball game was on. My brother went out to the kitchen and brought me a beer. He gave me a wink when he handed me the beer. We sat down again on opposite side chairs. At least the game, was in the last period and I wouldn't have to suffer much.

The game ended and my dad asked us if we were going to go for a walk again. I noticed him give a wink to my brother. I told my dad I was thinking about it. I needed the exercise. Dad told us to have a good time if we went for a walk. I looked over at my brother and he nodded in agreement. Dad told us to be home in time for dinner and to be changed into some dress clothes.

My brother and I got up from our chairs. We were dressed in shorts and a tshirt. More clothes would feel warm. It was another warm day. We went down the same trail again as yesterday. I asked my brother what that wink was all about. My brother told me that dad had seen us yesterday. He had binoculars and had watched us. As soon as we were naked he had left back to the house. I asked my brother if he was upset with what he saw. He said no, that it just confirmed what he suspected about me.

We got to the river and stripped each other. We were hard as soon as we were naked. My brother and I decided not to in the river. We just laid on the bank looking at each other. My brother asked me if he had anything else he could show me about gay sex. Graham told me, we oculd what Bob and him liked the most. So we moved around to a sixty nine on our sides. I told my brother to follow what I did.

I took my brother's hard cock, pointing at my face between my lips and sucked out his precum and then licked and swirled my tongue around his big fat head. I felt my brother doing the same thing to me and it felt great. Not as good as Bob, but it was still okay. I licked a couple of fingers and eased them into his hole. His ring didn't close on me and seemed to welcome my two fingers. My brother then did the same to me. I played with my brother's balls while I started sucking in his shaft and then down my throat. He did the same to me. He had to have a go at it a few times before he could take my cock down his throat. I was surprised, but happy. We got a good rhythm going sucking and deep throating each other. My brother was super horny and it didn't take him long to cum. I took his load down my throat and swallowed it all. His cum tasted a little better today. I told my brother I was ready to cum and he started sucking me faster. I shot out a big load hitting the back of his throat. He swallowed almost all of my load. A little was leaking out the sides of his mouth. So I moved around and kissed him, making sure to get the remains of my load off the sides of his mouth. "I really liked that Graham. But I want to fuck you tonight and see how it feels."

We helped each other get dressed. And walked back to the house. We wanted to get back early enough to shower and change into some dress clothes. Like dad wanted us to do. I had almost forgot what Bob had told me. And I mentioned our Christmas party to my brother. He was really interested and wanted me to email him the information to his cell phone. He said he could get away for the ten days But just wanted to look over all the information first. I told my brother that I had Bob confirm a place for him. But it could be cancelled.

I told my brother I had all the information on my cell phone and we could look at in my room after dinner. And maybe that would help him make up his mind.

We arrived at the house and mom was glad we were back. Dad was asleep in the living room with a game on the tv. We told her we were going to shower and change clothes and then be right down.

My brother went to his bedroom and brought his change of clothes to my bedroom. I was already stripped down and ready to take a shower. My brother stripped down and joined me in the shower. We washed each other and soon were hard again. I told my brother we had enough time right now if he wanted to fuck me. It feels good in the shower. I told him to put soap on my hole and lather his cock. I leaned against the shower wall with my ass sticking out. I felt my brother getting lined up and his head at my hole. I pushed back on him, just as he was going to push in. The head of his cock slid right in and my brother couldn't believe how good it felt. He slowly shoved his shaft into my hole. My hole easily took his cock. He told me he couldn't believe how hot and tight my hole was. He said it felt better than his wife's pussy. He started pumping my hole and I kept pushing back to make him go as deep as possible. Soon I heard him groan and felt his cock swell in my hole. And I could feel his cum shooting out and filling me up. He must have been really turned on again. It felt like a big load. My brother slowly pulled out and we rinsed ourselves off. He told me that was fantastic and maybe we could do it again tonight in my bed.

I told him we probably could do it again later. We dried each other off and got dressed. My brother took his change of clothes back to his bedroom. That gave me time to leave my bedroom and walk downstairs. My mother said I looked really nice. She had already changed and had a beautiful dress on and I could smell her perfume. I told mom I was going to the living room to talk to dad.

Dad must have woken up. I could see he had changed into some dress clothes. My dad asked me how our walk was. I told him necessary. I needed the exercise. He didn't say anthing, but I could see the wheels turning. Soon my brother came into the living room and he looked nice in his dress clothes. Dad asked mom how long until dinner. She said at least a half hour. So dad had me grab some beers and we walked out to the back deck.

I liked the back deck. It was shady and cooler back there. Also, there was a nice view. We sipped on beer and just relaxed. We didn't really say much.

I could tell my dad was thinking about something and wanted to say something. Finally my dad said, "I'm sure your brother told you that I saw you two yesterday at the river and I'm sure that's where you went today for your walk. I told your brother that I have mixed feelings about him being gay. I can accept it and it confirms my suspicions. But with him being married and kids, I'm sure how I feel about him being gay."

I told my dad that my brother was very much in the closet and had only come out here at home. Nobody else knows about him being gay. He wanted to experiment and learn more and be sure it was something he wanted. He's told me that he wanted to have gay sex with me and because he trusted me and thought I could give him some pointers.

"I'm glad to hear that. I was concerned that he was flaunting himself being gay and get himself in problems with his family and his work. That's a relief and I feel much better. You boys experiment all you want and I'm glad it's under my roof and not at some strangers."

Mom called us in to dinner. She had the dining room table elegantly set. A beautiful flower arrangement was in the center of the table in very festive holiday colors. She had candles lit and some of our red wine we had purchased was already poured. She had some very nice looking china on the table. And the food was in silver serving dishes.

Mom took the cover off the large silver serving platter and dad cut the ham. Mom had fixed a green bean casserole, which was kind of traditional for Christmas and scalloped potatoes. Everything looked very delicious. We all clinked our wine glasses and thanked mom for an excellent Christmas dinner. I gave mom a kiss on the cheek and thanked her for making a special Christmas dinner for me.

The dinner was excellent. Mom could work for a four or five star restaurant. We all had seconds of everything. My brother could eat almost as much as me. Dad just shook his head watching us eat. He had a smile on his face and I was glad to see that. Once we finished the main course. Mom cleared the dishes and brought in dessert. It was her two pies she had made earlier. A blueberry and an apple pie. We had finished the bottle of red wine and now we had coffee with dessert. I had a piece of both pies. My brother and dad had apple pie. And my mom ate a small piece of blueberry pie. It was mouth watering and I was stuffed after dessert.

I told everyone I was going up to my bedroom and call Bob. My brother told me to hold up and he joined me. We told our parents, we'd be back in a few minutes.

My brother got a change of clothes from his bedroom and then came into my bedroom. He closed and locked the door. I was stripping out of my dress clothes and my brother was doing the same thing. We laid down on my bed naked. And I checked my phone first. Bob had sent me the confirmation information for my brother. I told my brother and sent all the information to his cell phone. He was looking it over while I called Bob on a video chat. Bob answered right away. "Hi babe. Thanks for calling. Did you receive the confirmation information for your brother?"

"Yes. And he's reading it over right now. He lying here with me on my bed naked. Move your phone so I can see him. He looks a lot like you. Especially in the cock and balls department."

"For some reason I thought you'd say that. What you doing this evening?"

"Just laying on the couch naked and watching a game on tv. I forgot to ask you, if your parents liked their Christmas presents."

"They loved the presents. The baskets are on the side of the fireplace on the hearth. And the tapestry is already hung in the living room. Mom had the perfect spot for the tapestry. Did your parents like your Christmas presents?"

"They both gave me compliments on their wonderful Christmas presents. I was surprised to hear them complimenting me. I guess as they get older, they are getting more mellow."

"I'm glad for you babe. Mom made an excellent special Christmas dinner for us. And it was super delicious and I ate too much. But I'll survive. It will be good to get back and start exercising. I think I've gained at least five pounds."

"I know what you mean. I ate more than I usually do. But we can workoff the extra pounds fast. You ready for a video chat?"

"You bet. That's the main reason I called. My brother wants to join in for some experience if that's okay."

"Sure. The more the merrier."

I nudged my brother and asked him he was ready to join in on our video chat. He told me he was and to tell my brother. That he was going to join our Christmas party. I told Bob what my brother had said and he was glad.

My brother laid down close to me. He was erect just like me. I moved my phone so Bob could see us. Then Bob showed us his big hardon. He was feeling his balls and slowly stroking himself. My brother and I started stroking each other. We were all giving out low moans. Soon my brother got down between my legs and started sucking me. I showed Bob. And I could hear him moaning. He told me it looked like my brother was a fast learner. I told him he was and he did a good job. Once my brother brought me off, we moved around and I sucked my brother to orgasm. My brother was showing Bob the hot action. Once I came we watched Bob and he shot out all over his upper chest and stomach. I told him I wished I was their to lick it off.

That concluded our video chat Bob told us that he was going to make sure my brother was confirmed for our Christmas party and would send my brother the final confirmation.

My brother and I took a quick shower, but didn't fool around. We would do that later. We got changed into some casual clothes and I my brother brought his dress clothes back to his bedroom. I walked downstairs. And joined mom and dad in the living room. They were both sitting in their recliners. My dad, of course had a game on and my mom was doing some sewing. Soon my brother came down and joined us. I asked dad if he wanted a beer and he said sure. I got us a round of beer and a glass of wine for my mom. We watched the game with dad.

Once the game ended. We were all tired. Mom asked us if we wanted a snack and I told her I was stuffed. My brother and dad agreed. We couldn't eat anymore. We all walked upstairs to our bedrooms. My brother went to his bedroom and waited until my parents were settled in their bedroom and then he came over to my bedroom.

He closed and locked the door. I was already stripped down naked in my bed and my brother did the same and joined me in bed. We laid on our sides kissed and rubbing and grinding our cocks together. It didn't take us long to get hard. My brother told me to move around and he put a pillow under my hips. I pulled my legs back to my chest and I felt my brother start rimming me. You could tell he didn't have any experience. He was trying to match what I had done to him. I wasn't going to say anything. I wanted him to think he was doing a good job. I told him I had lube in the nightstand. He took the tube out and eased a couple of fingers in my hole. Moving his fingers around and stretching my hole. My hole didn't really need stretching. But again, I didn't say anything.

One of his fingers found my prostate and it send bolts of electricity through my body. My brother asked me if I was okay and I told him he had just found my prostate. I watched him lube his cock and soon he had the head in my hole. And started slowly pushing his shaft in. Soon I felt his pubes against my ass and I knew he was in all the way. He started slow thrusts in and out and I pushed back as he pushed in. Getting the full effect. His cock felt pretty good in my hole and the head had found my prostate and every time he pushed in his cock rubbbed over my prostate. I told him I was close to cumming and I heard my brother grunt and shove in hard and release his load in my hole. He pulled out and I told him I was going to cum.

My brother bent down fast and took the head in his mouth as I started blasting out. He took my load down and I licked and cleaned his cock off. He asked me if it was okay if he slept with me. I told him, of course. We snuggled together and fell asleep almost immediately.

We woke up early Sunday morning. And took care of our morning woodies. We took a quick shower and my brother went back to his room to get dressed. I suspected we would be going to church after breakfast. I was still drying myself off when I heard my mom call upstairs that breakfast was ready. I finished drying myself quickly and put some dress clothes on. Walked downstairs to some good smells coming from the kitchen. My mother told me to take a seat in the dining room. We were waiting on my brother. My dad told me he was glad I was dressed up and ready for church. Soon my brother joined us and mom brought in breakfast. We ate a big hearty breakfast and dad said we had a few minutes before we needed to leave for church. My brother offered to drive us all to church. I was glad. We wouldn't all fit in my sports car. And it gave dad a break from driving.

We all piled into my brother's SUV. Mom sat in front with my brother and dad and I sat in the back seat.

It didn't take long to get to church. We were going to an early service, which I was glad about. I would be leaving right after lunch.

Bob knew I would call him when I left for home.

The parking lot was filling up. And we walked into the church and the priest greeted us at the door. My brother sat on my mom's side and I sat on dad's side. It was a regular Sunday service. Nothing special. The church looked nice all decorated for Christmas. Soon the service ended and the priest told us he was told to see me and my brother.

We got into my brother's SUV and soon were back home. Mom said she was going to be busy in the kitchen. And we all went to the living room and dad found a NFL game. That was bearable. Much better than basketball. Bob and I followed the college football teams. But I don't think dad was a big fan of college football.

We had a beer while we watched the game. The game finished, just when mom told us lunch was ready. She had warmed up the leftovers from last nights fantastic dinner. Everything tasted just as good as it did last night. I told my parents and brother that I needed to finish packing and then needed to leave. It was a long drive back to my house.

I changed clothes and put on something more casual. My brother came up to my room and looked sad. "Sorry to see you leave bro. But I appreciate your understanding and helping me. Tell Bob I definitely will be going to your Christmas party. And that I received the final confirmation."

"I'm glad we were able to workout our differences. It's nice to have my brother back. And we will look forward to you joining us for our Christmas party." We kissed and hugged and I carried my overnight back downstairs.

Mom and dad joined me in the foyer and thanked me for the wonderful Christmas presents. And dad said he was glad we had worked out our differences. He said it was nice having his two boys here for an early Christmas.

We hugged and shook hands and I gave mom a kiss on the cheek. I could easily fit my overnight bag in the back of my car. I got in and waved to everybody as I left. I would call Bob at the first rest stop, like I had done before.

I saw the sign for the rest stop coming up and I was glad. I had two cups of coffee and a large glass of juice for breakfast. A beer with my dad and brother on the back deck. And another two cups of coffee with lunch. I needed to pee and pee bad. I drove into the car parking lot in the rest area quickly. I got out and ran to the building. It wasn't busy and I relieved myself at one of the urinals. That was a close call. I refilled my travel mug and sat down at one of the picnic tables and called Bob.

"Hi babe. Have you left your mom and dads?"

"Yeah. I'm at the first rest stop. I still have another three hours before I'll be home. The traffic hasn't been too bad. So I should be right on schedule. When I get close to home, I'll give you another call."

"Any more news on your brother?"

"No, nothing. He was really excited about our Christmas party. I didn't ask him any details on how he could take the time off from work and be away from the family. I figured if he wanted me to know, he would tell me. At least we're getting along well and I couldn't be happier."

"That's good bro. Maybe we can hook your brother up with Reggie. Since Reggie is married with kids. Reggie might be able to help out your brother. Even though my brother has an open marriage. I think it might still have a few pointers."

"I like that idea. And he might like your brother and Jarvis for a three way. That would be a knew experience for him. I'm just glad he's going to our Christmas party. I'm going to hang up babe. I'm anxious to get home and be with my man. I don't want to waste anymore time."

I finished my call with Bob and took a big swig of my coffee and walked over to my car and got in. I was just going to start my car when I got call from my brother. I hoped everything was okay. I knew how dad could be, especially with me not at the house."

"Hi bro. What's up?"

"Wanted you to know I missed you. Dad had a long talk with me out on the back deck after you left. He wanted me know that he wasn't pleased with my gay decision. I told him it wasn't something I just decided. That I had kept my gay feelings hidden for a long time. And was ready to spread my wings and explore the gay possibilities. That didn't set well with dad. He said that being married and having a family came first. And there shouldn't be any room for gay whatever. I told him that was my problem and I would work it out. I had stayed in the closet this long and I could stay in the closet longer. He kind of huffed and puffed and then we went back into the living room and watched a game. He hasn't said anymore to more about being gay. And I'm really looking forward to your Christmas party. Do think it would be okay if I called Bob and talked with him for a bit?"

"I think that's an excellent idea. Bob always has good ideas and I know he would be glad to talk to you."

"Thanks Graham. I'll do that."

I took off back to our house. It was nice talking to Bob and talking to my brother. I hoped my brother followed through and called Bob.

Once I disconnected after talking to Graham. I looked through my contacts and found Bob's number and called him. "Hello this is Bob. How may I help you?"

Obviously Bob didn't recognize my number. "Hello Bob, this Graham's brother calling."

"Oh good. I'm glad you called. And I'm glad you decided to go to our Christmas party. Did you receive the final confirmation?"

"I did and thank you for including me in your Christmas party. I'm calling for a specific reason. I just got off the phone with Graham and he told me it would be a good idea to call you. That you always had good ideas and advice."

"Well, I don't know about that. I just try to help where I can."

"That's what I'm looking for." I told Bob about my dad's conversation with me and his concerns. And how he spied on Graham and me."

"I guess I can understand your dad's concern. With you being married and having kids. But I think you did the right thing about being open and honest with him about your feelings. I know from talking to your dad in the past. He kind can be a bit stubborn and unbending. But with time I'm sure he'll come around. He has a lot to digest right now and think about. Just give him time and space to take everything in. I don't know if that helps. But that's my suggestion."

"Thanks Bob. Graham was right. It was good talking to you. I feel much better and you seem to know dad pretty well. I think your right. With time and being patient with him, he'll come around. It might not happen right away, but I'm sure it will happen in time."

I felt good after I talked to Bob. And I brought my dad and myself a beer and we sat in the living and watched a game. I checked the time to see how close it was getting to my flight leaving. I told dad I needed to get ready to go. Dad told me he would drive me to the airport. I told him I had a rental and I would be driving myself. I went upstairs and got my overnight bag and walked back downstairs. My mom and dad were there waiting for me. My dad gave me a hug and we shook hands and he told me not to worry. That everything was okay. That sure made me feel better. I gave mom a hug and a kiss on the cheek and thanked her for a wonderful Christmas dinner. I packed my overnight bag in the back of the rental and got in. I waved to my parents and drove to the airport.

I got to the airport early. But that's what I wanted. Security could take time. I parked the rental and paid the fee walked and into the airport. I confirmed my reservation and was told what terminal and gate to go to. It was also printed on my boarding pass. I walked the long distance to the gate and had a few minutes before they started boarding. Soon the boarding started. I was in first class so I was one of the first people to board. The flight took off and I was on my way home.

I was getting close to our hometown. It didn't take as long as I thought it would. Traffic was light and I made good time. Only drove about five miles over the speed limit. Bob would be proud of me.

I pulled in and parked in the garage. I called Bob and told him I would be home soon. I wanted to surprise him. I took my overnight bag out and walked into the kitchen. I saw Bob down by the pool and it didn't look like he heard me. I quietly closed the kitchen door and went upstairs to our bedroom.

I unpacked my overnight bag and put some sandals on and grabbed a towel. And walked downstairs in all my naked glory. The sliding door was open from the living room to the outside patio. So I quietly walked out and down the steps to the pool. I cast a shadow on Bob and he looked up surprised. "Babe, your home. You devil. Where did you call me from?"

"I was in the garage when I called you."

Bob got up right away and he was also naked. We hugged and kissed like it was our first date. Our cocks were swinging and hitting together which felt good. "Lay down babe and rest and I'll get us a couple of beers."

I was so glad Graham was home. He had no idea how much I missed him. I came back with our cold chilled beers and handed Graham a beer. "This tastes great babe."

"I know what will taste even better soon." Giving my husband a devilish grin.

Graham got a big smile on his face and knew exactly what I meant.

It felt good laying together on the lounger. I hadn't really realized until now, how much I had missed Bob. With all the drama at my parent's house. That had kept me occupied.

We finished our beer and laid on our sides facing each other. We started making out and it felt good to feel my husband all over. Our cocks were touching and making us horny. We couldn't hold back any longer soon we were in a sixty nine with our cocks facing each other's faces. I took Graham's hard cock in my mouth and he did the same to me. We sucked each other furiously. Almost like an animal lust for each other. We didn't stop sucking until we were both cumming. We milked each other dry and lay back exhausted.

We warmed some food Cindy had made for us for dinner. We ate in the living room watching a college football game. I was getting tired after my long drive and the stress I had. The game finished and we went upstairs to bed. We cuddled together and that was good enough.

Monday morning and our last week of work. Friday Graham and I were flying to Florida and leaving Saturday for our Christmas Party.

We mumbled and grumbled and got out of bed and went downstairs to workout with our friends. They seemed glad to see us. And told us they were getting anxious and excited for the Christmas party. We all got in a good workout. Even Rick was here to workout with us and told me that he and Andy were really getting along well. Moving in with Andy was the best decision he made. We were all sweating by the time we finished working out. We crowded into the shower and washed each other. We were all hard and horny, but only had time for a quick jerk off. We rinsed the cum off and dried each other. Got changed into our work clothes and went upstairs for breakfast. Cindy greeted me and Graham. We ate a big breakfast outside on the patio table. We had a good conversation we talked more about the Christmas party and everything included in the package deal. We finished our breakfast and it was time to get to work. We thanked Cindy and we all got into a group hug and kiss and left for work.

Graham couldn't join me at lunchtime. Millie told me she had her new house all decorated for Christmas and it looked wonderful. She left my table to get my lunch. When my cell phone rang. I didn't recognize the number, but answered. "Hello this is Bob, may I help you?"

"Hello Bob, you probably don't recognize my phone number. We don't talk that much by phone. But this is the tailor calling you to tell you that you and Graham's new clothes are all ready."

I was surprised. I didn't remember ordering any new tailor made clothes and Graham would have told me if he had ordered anything for us. "I don't remember ordering anything."

"You didn't order any new clothes. These new clothes for you and Graham are a Christmas present from your parents."

"I'll stop by to pick up the new clothes after work. Thanks for calling."

I tried calling my parents house but nobody answered so I left a message on the answering machine, thanking my parents for the new clothes and Graham thanked them too.

Millie brought my lunch. After my phone calls, I was running a little late so I ate quickly and paid and left a tip and walked back to the clinic.

After work I drove over to the strip mall and picked up our new clothes. My parents really went all out. Graham and I had two new suits. Four new dress shirts and four new dress pants. And some new sporty casual clothes. I thanked the tailor and was thinking we could us some of these new clothes at our Christmas party.

When I got home I lugged all the new clothes in an Cindy asked me where all the new clothes came from. I told her the clothes were a Christmas present from my parents to me and Graham. I carried the clothes upstairs and laid Graham's new clothes on the bed and hung my new clothes in the closet.

Cindy left and I got changed. Graham came home and really liked the new clothes. We decided on which of the new clothes we would take with us to our Christmas party.

The next few days went quickly and it was already Friday. Cindy told us she would still be coming every day to clean the house and check and make sure everything was okay. She wanted to be at the house when the gardener worked and the pool cleaners came. We thanked her for her concern and professionalism.

We had a hotel limousine taking us to the airport. Cindy told us the limousine was here. She helped us with our clothes and suitcases and the chaffeur got everything carefully stowed in the limousine. Graham and taken care of our flight on the private jet service and had booked our one night at a hotel close to where we would be leaving for the Christmas party.

Our trip to the airport seemed to drag. We were both anxious for this Christmas party and to be away for ten days from work.

We finally arrived at the airport and the chaffeur parked close to the private jet. A TSA agent greeted us and scanned us and we were good to go. Our luggage and garment bags were stowed on the jet. We had the same flight crew as the last time and they remembered us. Graham and I boarded the jet and the steward had our favorite beer ready for us.

We had a quick flight to Florida. It was just over an hour. So we wouldn't be having a meal on the plane. Just some good appetizers. The steward told us he had made us both a couple of specialty baskets of goodies that we could take with us when we landed.

The pilot came on and told us they had been given a new flight path from air traffic control. And our flight be only forty five minutes. Our flight was some and the steward brought out some appetizers and another beer for us. The appetizers were really good. Graham, of course woofed down all the appetizers I didn't eat.

The pilot came back on and told us we were starting our descent into the Miami International Airport. Forty five minutes went pretty fast. Soon we could see Miami and how much it continues to grow. We had a smooth touch down and the pilot taxied to our deboarding slot. The plane came to a stop and we got up and walked down the steps the steward pilot and navigator thanked us for flying with them and it was always a pleasure of being of service to us.

A limousine was waiting for us to take us to our hotel. Graham told me he had a nice hotel booked close to the marina. We waited a couple of minutes for our luggage and garment bags to be loaded into the limousine. The chaffeur opened the back doors for us and we got in. We thanked the flight crew again, before we left. The chaffeur took us to our hotel. We were in Ft. Lauderdale and the traffic was horrendous. No way, would I drive in Miami. The chaffeur pulled up in front of our hotel. It was the Ritz Carlton. The chaffeur opened our doors we got out. A porter was their for our luggage and garment bags. He seemed to know where to take our luggage. We walked into a very elegant lobby. And walked over to the reservation/reception counter. Graham gave the young man our names and he told us a host would take us to our suite.

We waited a couple of minutes and soon a host greeted and us and asked us to follow him. We took the elevator up to the top floor. We had a penthouse suite. Graham had really went all out. We had our own private pool. And exercise area. A beautiful outside patio by the pool. A large barbeque pit. The suite had a huge master bedroom with three guest bedroom. The kitchen was gourmet with a formal sitting room and dining room. The living was huge with a big wrap around sectional sofa. A grand piano was off to one side. The penthouse had a surround sound music system and some nice background music was playing. The host showed us all the features of the suite and hoped we enjoyed our stay. He told us we had our own private elevator and gave us our electronic keys.

The porter had brought in our luggage and garment bags. The garment bags were hanging in the closet in the master bedroom. And our luggage was on luggage racks ready to be unpacked. Complementary robes and slippers were on the bed. Two large towels had been expertly folded into two swans with their head touching. The necks and heads made a perfect heart shape. A complimentary bottle of wine was on our desk in the master bedroom. With a box of chocolates and a huge spray of roses.

Graham and I changed out of our travel clothes and put the robes on and went out to the patio. It was going on lunch time and our stomachs were grumbling. I brought out the menu for room service. And we looked over the choices for lunch. We both liked the caviar and asparagus salad. It sounded delicious and we liked the ingredients. We had a full stocked bar in the living room and another fully stocked bar in the patio. I called room service and placed our order. I heard a knock on the door and thought that was really fast room service. It was a server that knocked on the door. And asked us if we would like his services. He would attend to all of our needs. Serve us our lunch and make our drinks. I looked at Graham and we weren't sure if we wanted the server. We liked going around naked and I didn't think we could do that with the server. It seemed the server could read our minds and he told us. That he has seen everything. And if we're comfortable going around naked. It was no problem for him. His job was to serve the guests, not criticize them. Graham gave me a nod of approval and we told him I we would like to have him as our server.

I told the server we had ordered room service for lunch. And we were ready for a cold beer before it arrived. He told us the different beers that were offered. We told him our choice and we watched him pour our beer in chilled glasses and placed them on a small serving tray and brought them over to us. We thanked him. Our robes had come a little undone and I saw him looking us over. Maybe this server was a full service server. Time would tell.

While we were waiting on lunch. Graham and I got up and walked around the penthouse. It was huge and covered the whole top floor of this tower of rooms. The server told us this penthouse the biggest one. The penthouse on the top of the other tower was smaller. This penthouse was rarely occupied by two guests. Usually a family or a group of businessmen. He told us we must have had some good connections to get this penthouse. Graham just smiled. The server showed us the office. We hadn't seen that before. It was fully furnished with a desktop computer printer and fax machine. It had high speed internet connection. It was good exercise just walking around this penthouse. We ended back at the patio.

The server told us that our lunch had arrived and asked us where we would like to eat. We told him at the patio table. He wheeled the cart in and prepared the patio table. He asked us what we would like to drink and we told him a glass of white wine. During all of this. Our robes had come open and everything was hanging around and flopping around. The server didn't seem to mind at all. In fact he looked like he had a nice bulge in the front of uniform.

He told us our lunch was ready and we sat down and enjoyed our salad. It was excellent and really good. The white wine was good with the salad. Not our favorite white wine, but this wine was okay.

We finished our lunch and told the server we were going to lounge at the pool and he was welcome to join us. He got a smile on his face and told us he needed to take care of everything from lunch first. He told us his job was to make us feel as welcome and comfortable as possible. We told him if he joined us, we would feel more comfortable.

The server hurried around and soon had notified the kitchen that we had finished. He rolled the cart into our private elevator and it was gone.

He walked out to the patio with a big smile on his face. We watched him strip out of his uniform. He had a nice muscular toned body. You could tell he worked out. His chest was hairless. He pulled off his boxers and he had big thick dark brown pubes. Hairier than I cared for. He had a nice soft cock. I would guess about four or five inches long and it hung over his big low hanging balls. He bent over to remove his boxers and we got a good look at his cute little pink pucker. We motioned him to join us. And he moved a lounger between Graham and me. Graham and I moved our loungers close to the server so we were all grouped tight together. He asked us if we wanted something to drink. And we told him a scotch and water on the rocks. And whatever he wanted. He told us that was the only thing he wasn't allowed to do, was drink with the guests.

We watched him walk over to the bar. His tight firm ass looked so inviting. He prepared our drinks and he had a bottled water. We watched him as he brought our drinks. His cock was swinging back and forth and his balls were bouncing up and down. His cock looked a little firmer and thicker when he handed us our drinks. We thanked him and told him to join us. He climbed onto the lounger between us.

We all had our legs spread. It leg our balls hang down. Graham and I were a little chubbed after watching the server. We all clinked our glasses together with the servers bottled water. He said we were two hot guys and was glad we wanted him to be our server. We told him we were pleased to have him serve us.

The server finished his water and set the empty bottle under his lounger. He reached over and grabbed Graham and my cock. We thickened in his hands almost immediately. He smiled at us and we gave him a big smile back. He slowly started stroking our cocks up and down and Graham and I reached over and started feeling his cock and balls. His cock hardened almost immediately, like us. He was a little bigger than Graham and me. I would guess, close to eight inches and a nice firm thickness. His cock was straight and it looked just perfect. His balls were about the same size as mine. And they made a nice handful.

We couldn't take it any long and needed to have the server fuck us. I got on my back and he lathered his hard cock and shoved it into my hole. Graham got over my face and started feeding me his cock. Once the server came in my ass and Graham in my throat. We moved around so Graham got fucked by the server and I fed Graham my cock. We were tired after our three ways and laid back exhausted. The server got us a cold beer and another bottle of water for us.

"That was fun." said the server. "I was wondering how long it would take for the fun to start."

"We weren't sure about you. But you were definitely a willing participant."

We rested and dozed off and I checked the time when I woke up. I told Graham we should get ready for dinner soon. We all dove in the pool. It felt good and did a few laps. The server told us there was an outside shower to rinse off the chlorine. We got rinsed off and the server toweled us dry.

He put his uniform on and we went to the master bedroom to get dressed for dinner. When we came out the server told us the restaurant he recommended here in the hotel. We took the elevator down and followed the signs and found the Burlock Coast. It was actually a restaurant attached to the Ritz Carlton. We walked in and the host asked us if we had reservations. We hadn't even thought of that. We tol the host we didn't have reservations. He said they were full and we should have made reservations. The host saw our electronic room key and it was for the penthouse in the Ritz Carlton. "Are you gentlemen staying the the penthouse at the Ritz Carlton?" We told we were. "Well, in that case I can find a nice table for you."

We followed the host and were seated at a nice table. He told us our waiter would be here shortly. We thought since we were at the waterfront restaurant, we should have some kind of seafood. Our waiter came and asked us if we would like something to drink before dinner. We told him the beer we liked and left menus and said he would be right back. He had filled our water glasses.

Graham and I looked over the menu and decided on the catch of the day with a good house salad. The waiter brought our beer and asked us if we were ready to order. We told him we'd like the catch of day. He told us it was red snapper around two pounds. We told that would be perfect with a house salad. He thanked us and said he'd put our order in.

We had finished our beer and I got our waiters attention and asked him for two glasses of their best white wine. He said his light came on to serve an order. He'd be right back with our wine. The order was ours and our fish looked delicious. I took a bite and it was tender and mouth watering. You could tell it was fresh. Not like the frozen fish they served at our local restaurants. Our waiter then came back with our wine. Graham also said, this was the best fish he had ever eaten. We finished our dinner and passed on dessert. We showed the waiter our room key to have the dinner billed to our room. He said we were staying in the penthouse and the meal was included in the price of the penthouse. We thanked him for his excellent service and gave him a tip.

We walked back to our private elevator. I was stuffed and I was having a hard time walking. We made it back to our room. And the server had the lights dimmed in the penthouse and our bed turned down. He asked us if there was anything else he could do for us, before he left for the evening. We told him we thought he was staying with us. He said he could only do that if we asked him. So I asked him, "are you spending the night with us?"

"Yes. Since you asked me." We told the server we were going to sit out on the balcony and look at all the lights. And watch some of the ships and yachts at the marina. The server asked us if we wanted anything to drink. I told him a bottle of water would be good. Graham didn't want anything to drink. The server came back with my water and joined us on the balcony. I asked him what the big ship was. He said it was a cruise ship from the Rainbow fleet. That immediately got my and Graham's attention. That was the ship we would be going on tomorrow. I asked him some more questions, but he didn't have a lot of information about the cruise ship. All he knew was that it was a gay cruise ship and only catered to gay men. The crew was gay and they had some big parties. That was all he knew.

Graham and I didn't mention anything to the server about us going on that cruise ship. We thought we had enough night air and we were ready to turn in. Graham and I were tired. The server looked like he was just raring to go. We all got into the big master bed naked. We got into a circle jerk and just before we came, we switched to a circle suck to take each other's loads. The server tasted good and he shot out a big load. We licked and milked out the last drops of cum. Snuggled together and Graham pulled the covers over us and we all fell asleep.

I woke up and the server was gone. Graham was still in bed sleeping. I walked into the huge master bathroom and took a good morning pee and crawled back into bed, waking up Graham. We both had morning woodies. And we took care of each other.

Soon I heard some noise and the server wheeled in our breakfast. And served us our breakfast on two bed trays. I could get used to this kind of service. I asked him if he was going to join us for breakfast. He told he had already ate breakfast. We finished a good breakfast and the server got rid of the cart and dishes.

We all got into the shower and washed each other. The server dried us off and we got changed into our travel clothes. Just some nice cargo shorts deck shoes and a nice button down shirt. We told the server we were checking out early. We wanted to get an early start on our vacation. We kissed him and hugged and gave him a generous tip. He thanked us for a good time and had a porter take our luggage and garment bags down to the lobby.

We all got into the private elevator and Graham and I went to the reservation/reception counter. We took care of checking out and the receptionist thanked us for staying and said our limousine was waiting for us. The porter had the chaffeur stow all our things in the limo. The chaffeur knew where to take us. As we got close to the cruise ship. It really looked big. This was our first time ever being on a cruise and we were really looking forward to it. Especially with all of our friends.

The chaffeur pulled up to the boarding terminal and we got out. A porter for the cruise ship was at the boarding terminal. We walked up and gave the attendant our names. He got a big smile on his face and said he was glad to meet us. That we had done all the reservations through him. He said the porter would take us to our special room and then a host would give us a tour of the ship. We thanked him and followed the porter to our room.

The ship looked big on the outside. It was enourmous on the inside. I could see know why they called it a floating hotel. The porter told us we were the first guests to arrive and he was honored to be able to take us to our room. We seemed to be walking for miles. He told us the guest rooms were on each side of the ship. And the crews quarters were in the lower decks of the ship. The rooms were all on deck five. He told us all the rooms were suites, but we were in a deluxe suite, next to where the special entertainers stayed. We asked him if our suite was quiet. He said all of the suites were sound proofed and very quiet. We finally stopped in front of the door to our suite. The porter opened the suite with a special key. He said he had a copy of this key for us. We followed the porter into our suite. Holy crap. It looked just as nice as the penthouse we were just in. Not as big, but still spacious and very elegantly decorated. Nice art work adorned the suite. There was a bottle of welcome champagne with some chocolates and bouquets were arranged throughout the suite giving off a nice fragrance. We had a master bedroom with two guest bedrooms. A large living room dining room and kitchen. There was a bar at the end of the living room. A desk was setup in the master bedroom with a laptop printer and fax machine. The living room had a large flat screen tv as well as the master bedroom. There was a built in sound system throughout the suite. The porter showed us all the features of the suite and asked us if there was anything else. We told him know and thanked him and tipped him. A young man was standing behind the porter. He was the host and asked us if we were ready for our tour of the ship. We told him to lead the way.

The host told us that once we were inside the ship, we could wear anything we wanted. He said most of the guests went around naked. We told for the moment. We would keep our clothes on.

The deck we were on had the rooms. He told us their was six glass elevators that would take us quickly to whatever deck we wanted to go to. The deck above the rooms was the onship mall. Every kind of store you could imagine was their. Everything from porn shops to jewelry stores souvenir shops electronics clothins, you named it it was there.

The next deck had cafes restaurants and high end boutiques selling organic food and exotic foods.

The next deck was the promenade deck. Where you could go for a leisurely stroll. It went all around the ship. The host told us our suite had a balcony with enough for six to eight people.

The deck above the promenade deck was the exercise deck. There was gym after gym with all the lastest equipment. Everything from just cardio workout yoga martial arts. And many massage parlors spread out on this deck.

The next deck was entertainment. There were two large sixteen screen theaters. He said most of the theaters showed gay porn. But a couple of the theaters showed some of the latest movies. There were six show room. He said two were quite large and that's where they featured the top entertainers. The smaller showrooms had drag shows magicians and circus performers.

The top deck was the lido deck. This had the pools and hot tubs. Also an area for shows and the host said they had some competitions here. Like the most muscular the biggest hung the nicest ass, etc. Also, they had music and some late night pool parties. There four hug pools and hot tubs, they were connected by a waterpark. With slides inner tubes and log rides. The host told us that we hoped we enjoyed our stay and there should be plenty for us to do. We took a glass elevator down to the deck with the rooms. The host gave us our room keys and a map of the decks. We thanked him for an excellent tour and went into our room. So this ship had eight decks. Four decks that weren't accessible to the guest and four decks designed especially for the guests.

We had just entered our room when the room phone rang. We weren't that familiar yet with suite and Graham and I were running around looking for the phone. Finally we found it on the desk. I answered the phone. "Hello this is Bob?"

"Hello Bob, this is your private concierge calling. And was wondering if now was a good time to meet."

"Yes. We just finished our tour with a host and just got back to our suite."

"Great. I'll be to your suite in about five minutes."

I told Graham about the call having our own private concierge. He said that was included in our room.

We just hung around in the living room waiting for the concierge. Finally, we had a knock on the door. I answered the door and a very nice looking young man came. He shook hands with Graham and me and we took a seat in the living room. He had a folder with him. He told us briefly what his duties were. To make sure that our stay was as enjoyable as possible. And that he could make anything we want happen. He told us that he had a schedule of the activities happening each day. And it would be two day until we reached the U.S. Virgin Island and Saint Thomas would be first. The cruise ship had two high powered speed boats. Wind surfing boards and eight jet skis. That we could use anytime we wanted once we reached the Virgin Islands. He said tonight, Sister Rosy and her girls were giving a drag show in Showroom F at eight this evening. Then two pool parties scareheduled to start at ten on the Lido Deck. The two largest pools at the bow and aft of the ship will be used for the parties. Not a lot happening tonight. We want our guests to get settled in time and start adjusting being on a cruise ship. I can also book your dinner plans and tomorrow night you will be dining at the captain's table. Also, I have another schedule of events planned when we reach the Virgin Islands. Helicopter rides. Snorkling and scuba diving are some of the planned activities. Anything else you need, just give me a call. My number is on the bottom of the first page in the folder. You will also have your own private housekeeper and butler. They will be arriving soon. They were waiting for me to talk to you first. I asked him if he had us scheduled for lunch. He said not at this time. But to call him and he would have our reservations ready for us. He recommended two good restaurants for lunch. We reminded us that now that we were on the ship. Clothing was optional. He was wearing clothes, since it was his first time meeting us. But in the future he would be naked. I was thinking, I couldn't wait to see that. He told us our housekeeper and butler would be naked when they arrived.

Graham and I looked at each other. "This is getting better all the time. What do you say? Should we get out of these clothes?"

"I'm ready if you are. This is going to be a very enjoyable cruise. I'm glad we decided on this for Christmas."

"I can't wait to see our friend's reaction."

There was another knock on the door and I answered the door in all my naked glory. A naked young man entered and shook our hands and told us he was the housekeeper. Behind him a little older naked man entered and he was our butler. The butler told us he was in direct contact with our concierge and anything we wanted to just mention to him and he would take care of it with the concierge. I told the housekeeper he could do whatever he did. And he took off to freshen the suite. The butler stood next to us waiting on our requests.

Graham told me that all our meals and specialty activities were paid for in the package deal. The only thing we had to pay for was any shopping we did. And he said if we showed our suite key, we got discounts in many of the shops. Also, anything we attended, shows movies, etc. We had the best seats. We told the butler we would take a beer and told him our preference. He brought us our beer and we walked out to the patio. We then asked the butler what restaurants he recommended for lunch. He told us he would call the concierge and get his recommendations.

We walked out to the patio and relaxed on loungers. It was almost like being at home by the pool. The butler came back with our map and told us the concierge recommended the Rainforest restaurant or the Sunrise restaurant for lunch. We found them on the map. And we closed our eyes and pointed to the restaurant. That didn't work Graham pointed to the Sunrise restaurant and I pointed to the Rainforest restaurant. We tried one more time and this time we both pointed to the Rainforest restaurant. We told the butler our preference and he would be their at twelve thirty for lunch. He told us very good and consider it done.

It was eleven thirty so we had some time to enjoy our beer and relax. We agreed this was the life. This would be a great way to retire. Living on a cruise ship. I caught glimpses of the housekeeper busy dusting and freshing all the rooms.

There was a knock at the door and the butler went to answer it. I saw a huge fruit basket. The butler walked over to us on the patio and told us we had just received this fruit basket. Courtesty of the captain and his crew. He asked where we would like the fruit basket. We told him to put it on the kitchen island and unwrap it. We could enjoy the fresh fruit later.

We finished our beer and it was getting time to go to the Rainforest restaurant for lunch. We didn't need to get changed for lunch. Which seemed kind of strange. We told the butler we were leaving for lunch and he said he would call ahead and let the restaurant know we were coming.

We took the map with us so we could find our way to the restaurant.

The decks were noisey with all our friends and the guests they had invited. It was a little strange at first seeing everyone naked. But it was easy to adjust to. We found the closest glass elevator and took it to the restaurant floor. We talked to a few of our friends and they introduced us to their guests. They told us what a great idea this cruise was. We told them we were heading to the Rainforest restaurant for lunch and hoped to catch up with them again later.

We had a little hike to get to the restaurant. We found the restaurant and it looked like a Rainforest on the inside. The host asked us if we had reservations and gave him our name. He got a smile on his face and took us to a great location in the restaurant. The restaurant had full sized trees with moss all kinds of tropical plants. I guess this was what you would see in a rainforest. Some huge aquariums were around the side of the restaurant with all kinds of tropical fish. Rainforest music playing with rain and birds and frogs and other animals making noise. Our waiter came to the able with menus and asked us what we would like to drink. We told him the beer we were drinking and said he'd be right back. We laid our room key on the table. There wasn't really any other place to put it.

Our waiter came back with our beer and asked us if we were ready to order. We ordered a light lunch. We planned on having a big dinner later. We both ordered a chicken caesar salad.

I told Graham I was really enjoying myself. Even though we hadn't done that much yet. He said he really liked being on this cruise. We were the only people in the restaurant. We didn't see any of our friends. But with so many restaurants and cafes to choose from, it was no surprise.

I asked Graham if he wanted to go the drag show this evening. Graham liked drag shows better than I did. He said we should probably go to Sister Rosy's drag show. Since we were the ones that organized this crew for our friends. I think our presence would be expected. I knew Graham was right and so after dinner we would go the drag show in Showroom F.

Our waiter brought our lunch. The salad was huge and looked delicious. Graham was already eating his and said it was delicious. I took a bite of mine and it was good. We told the waiter we could take a cup of coffee before he left our table.

Kendrick and John walked in and spotted us and walked over. We shook hands and hugged and kissed. They were looking good in their birthday suits. They took a table close to us. They said they had arranged a surprise for us. And we would find out what it was soon. They told us they really liked their super deluxe room. John said their room was just a nice as the bungalows.

We finished our lunch and didn't have dessert. We told Kendrick and John bye and it was nice seeing them. We wondered what the surprise would be.

We took the elevator to the promenade deck and got in a little walking. When we looked over the ledge, it looked like the other decks were busy. Our friends were taking in everything. We came to the end of the promenade deck and made the turn to walk down the other side. We saw a couple of older men walking towards us. They looked familiar as they got closer to us. Then I recognized the men. They were the brothers that owned the bungalows and villas in the Bahamas. They looked good naked. They were the typical daddy type. Moderately hairy, big beer bellies and muscular. They could easily dress up as Santa Claus. We kissed and hugged and were glad to see them. They asked us if we had seen Kendrick and John. We told we had and that they had a surprise for us. They both said together, surprise. When Kendrick and John told us about this cruise. We couldn't pass it up. Everything you guys have done for us. We had to see you and meet your friends. You sure have a good group of friends. This cruise was an excellent idea for Christmas. And it's just what we needed. We hugged and kissed again and took off in different directions.

We took the elevator down to the rooms and we easily found our suite. I used the electronic key and we entered our suite. Our private housekeeper had our bed turned down and told us he didn't have anything else to do. Unless we had something. We told him no and thanked him and he said he would be back early tomorrow morning. Our butler was standing to the side and we told him to call our concierge and see what dining rooms he recommended for dinner.

The butler left us and I saw him calling the concierge on his cell phone. He walked back to us with the map and said the concierge recommended The Steakhouse, Ristorante Italia and Blue Crystal Dining Room. Depending on our preference for dinner. The butler pointed out the restaurants on the map. Graham and I agreed we didn't want steak or Italian food, so that left the Blue Crystal Dining Room. The butler told us that restaurant had a wide variety of food. From French cuisine to Italian to American dining. We thought would be a good choice. We told the butler to make a reservation for us at six. And we would be going to Sister Rosy's drag show at eight in Showroom F and then the pool party at ten. He told us he would take care of everything. We had a lot of time before we needed to get ready for dinner so we went into our bedroom to rest and relax. All the excitement had worn us out a little. The butler asked us if wanted anything. He was going to retire for the day. We told him know and thanked him for his service and help.

Graham set the alarm for six on the nightstand by his bed. Just in case we fell asleep and didn't wake up in time.

It was a good thing he set the alarm. We woke up with it blasting out an awful sound. We freshened up in the bathroom and through a little cologne. It still felt strange, but good, to be going around naked all the time.

We checked the map once more for our directions from our room to the Blue Crystal Dining Room. It was fairly easy to get to. As we took the elevator and walked to the dining room. We passed a few more of our friends and we hugged and kissed. We walked into the dining room. And the host asked us our names. We told him our names and he saw our room key and told us to follow him. We were lead to an excellent location in the restaurant. The host told us our waiter would be with us shortly.

A few more of our friends were in the restaurant and they walked over and we hugged and kissed and they thanked us for this wonderful Christmas cruise idea. They went back to their tables.

Our waiter came. Another nice looking young man. Probably in college. He asked us if we would like something to drink while we looked over the menu. We told him the beer we liked and he said he would be right back.

While Graham and I looked over the menu. I mentioned to Graham that I hadn't seen our brothers. Graham said now that I mentioned it, he hadn't seen his brother, but was sure he was on the ship.

We looked over the menu and they had a big selection to choose from. We both decided to order seafood. I ordered bluefin tuna and Graham ordered Alaskan salmon. A salad was included with the dinner and a side of fresh steamed vegetables.

The waiter came with our beer and took our dinner order. It didn't take long before he came back. Our seafood was on big platters. I had two large fillets of tuna and Graham's salmon was huge. I managed to eat one and a half of the fillets. They were so big. Graham ate all of his salmon and his salad. I was really full and passed on dessert. Graham ordered a peach flambe that a dessert chef prepared at the table. It was always an attention getter when the flames shot up. Graham said it was excellent and the vanilla ice cream was good. We finished and left the restaurant.

It was still a little early before the show. So we walked around on the cafe, bar and restaurant deck. There was everything from bistros fast food cafes and sit down restaurants. The bars were sports bars taco bars cowboy bars leather bars nacho bars beach bars, you named it, the bar was there. It was fun walking by the all the different bars and restaurants. We couldn't believe the variety.

Graham checked the time and thought we should head up to the entertainment deck. We took the stairs for exercise and walked up to the entertainment deck. It was twenty minutes before eight. The show was scheduled to start at eight. We walked to Showroom F. And opened the door and walked in. A man was at the door and asked us our names. We told him and he ushered us to special reserved seats close to the front of the stage. Music was playing before the show started. It looked like a mini Las Vegas showroom. A bartender came over and asked us if we wanted something to drink and some appetizers. Another hot looking man. He was naked and we were starting to get used to seeing everyone naked. We told our beer preference and just a small portion of appetizers. We had just eaten dinner. He told us he would be right back.

The showroom was filling up with our friends. I guess they liked drag shows. The light dimmed down and the music stopped. Soon a spotlight came on and Mama Cass looking lady, I assumed, came out to center stage and welcomed us to her show. She was Sister Rosy and was thanked us for coming to her show and meeting her girls. That brought some hoots and hollers from the audience. Sister Rosy belted out some Mama Cass songs and was pretty good. He/She looked like Mama Cass. She then said her girls were not going to perform for us.

The first to come out looked like Cher and sang a couple of her hits. The next one to perform was dressed like Tina Turner and sang a couple of her songs. The next performer looked like Donna Summer and sang a couple of her hits. The next person looked like Stevie Nicks and same a couple of her hits. Then the lights dimmed and the curtain opened and eight drag ladies performed the can-can. The show was better than I thought. Once the can-can finished, four performers came out and did a little bump and grind dancing to stripper music. And the final part of the show was the indivual singers and Sister Rosy singing a medley of famous songs. Overall, the show was better than I thought it would be. We all gave the performers a standing ovation when they finished and the stage light went off. The house lights came on and it was time to go to the pool party.

The bartender had brought us eight appertizers with our beer. I had a couple of the appetizers and Graham ate the rest.

We left the showeroom and took the elevator up to the Lido deck. Once we arrived on the deck, you could hear the music. We walked to the pool and it was really rocking n' rolling. It looked like most of our friends were at the pool party. Guys were dancing around the edge of the pool, other's were in the pool and trying to dance in the water. Other's were on loungers. It looked like everyone was having a good time. A large cheer and holler went up when our friends saw us. The DJ announced that we had arrived and thanked us for inviting all our friends on this Rainbow cruise. We danced for awhile and then switched with some of our friends. I was still looking for my brother and Graham's brother. I spotted Graham's brother on the far end of the pool with Brock. Those two would make a good couple. Brock was single and extremely good looking. You could tell he was a top notch model. I motioned to Graham and he gave me a thumbs up.

Around midnight we thought we had had enough pool party and told everyone our goodbyes and to enjoy themselves. The pool party was scheduled until two in the morning.

We made it back to our room. We were tired from eating so much dancing and drinking.

Graham opened our room door with the electronic key card. The housekeeper and butler were gone for the day. So it was just Graham and me. Which was fine.

We went straight to the master bedroom. Flopped down on a very comfortable bed and went sound to sleep.

We woke up to the sounds of the housekeeper busy in the suite. We crawled out of bed and showered and dried each other off. We were semi hard after our shower and drying each other off. We put on our sandals. The butler was in the front room. And I grabbed the room service menu off the foyer table. Graham and I looked it over and told the butler what we wanted for breakfast. The butler told us he would call in our order and it should be here in about fifteen minutes. We walked out to the balcony and relaxed on a lounger. Everyone naked, Graham and me, the housekeeper and butler, didn't seem to phase anyone. It was just like it was the most natural thing to do.

Our breakfast arrived and we ate out on the balcony. We didn't have anything planned until dinner with the captain. No parties were planned as far as we knew. The butler told us nothing was planned as the ship would be arriving in port later this afternoon at Saint Thomas. So we decided to go to the mall deck and maybe do a little shopping.

We finished a very delicious breakfast and left for the mall deck. We took the elevator up to the deck. There had to be hundreds of shops stores and boutiques. The mall deck wrapped around on all four sides. The first shop was a jewelry store. We weren't interested in any jewelry. We came to a souvenir shop and looked around. There was minature replica of the ship we were on. We decided to purchase that. We also got a couple of tshirts with a decal of the ship on the front. We paid for our items and had them sent to our room. We walked around and went into some of the boutiques, but nothing really caught our eye. We decided to got to the exercise deck and get in a little workout before dinner tonight with the captain.

Graham and I took the stairs to the exercise deck and found a gym that we liked. A few of our friends were working out and we joined them. We did our stretching and warming up and did some free weights until we thought we had put in enough of a workout. It seemed strange to workout naked. We usually wore jocks. We all showered together and dried off.

I checked the time and it going on lunch time. Our stomachs were growling and we walked to the restaurant deck. We decided on an outside cafe. We had wine with our lunch. We ordered another good salad. We didn't want a large heavy lunch. We were sure we'd have a big dinner with captain tonight.

We left the restaurant and walked back to our room. The butler told us our purchased items were in the master bedroom. We went into the master bedroom and checked out the replica of the cruise ship. It was exactly like the ship we were on. Graham told me you could lift off decks and were able to look inside. That was really cool. We tried on our tshirts and they fit perfectly.

We walked out of the master bedroom and the butler told us we would be arriving at Saint Thomas around four this afternoon.

We walked out to the patio where we got a good view of the ocean. We thought we could see land approaching, but we weren't sure. We had the butler bring us a couple of bottled waters and we relaxed on our lounger. We had moved our loungers together. They didn't have any double loungers on our patio. In fact, our double loungers at home, had been a special order through Wayde's hardware store.

We sipped on our water and just relaxed. We wanted to be rested before dinner tonight. I guess being in our mid thirties could be tiring. I told Graham our workout had tired us out. We did a few laps in the pool and and showered off the chlorine and then sun bathed on our loungers. I thought we were starting to get a little tan. It took my a long time to get a tan, but then it lasted a long time. Graham said he tanned easy, but it didn't last for very long.

Our dinner with the captain was scheduled for seven in the evening. We were looking forward to that. And wondering what the captain would have to say and what kind of a dinner we would have. I thought I might ask the butler later if had any information when we ate with the captain.

We continued to relax on the patio. The butler told us that we had just docked in the port at Saint Thomas. I asked the butler if the cruise was always this smooth. He said it just depended on the weather. So far we are expecting nice weather. Graham and I dozed off.

The butler told us we should probably think about getting ready for dinner. I asked the butler if knew what the captain would have to say and why he invited us to dinner. He told us he didn't have a clue and that was the captain's decision. We asked the butler if we should get dressed for dinner. He said no. The butler reminded us that everyone was nude on this crew, including the captain. He also told us the captain was gay and would be really disappointed if we wore clothes.

Graham and I took a quick shower. Dried each other off and got a little chubbed. That brought a smile to the butler's face. We put on a little cologne and the butler told us he would personally take us to the captain's quarters. He said he had called ahead to the captain and told him we were on our way.

Graham and I were a little nervous. We had know idea what to expect. Soon we approached the captain's door and the butler knocked. A deep bass voice told us to come in. The butler opened the door for us and we walked in and then he left. The captain was standing right there ready to greet us. We all shook hands and he the captain led us into his living room.

The captain was a big man. And he was big all over. He must have been at least six four or five. And older man. I would guess in his late fifties or early sixties. In good shape for his age. Just a little belly, otherwise muscular. He obviously worked out. His cabin boy asked us what we would like to drink. We told him we'd have a scotch and water on the rocks. The captain had the same drink as us.

The captain looked at us and said, "you're probably wondering why I invited you to dinner. I have two reasons. First, I wanted to personally thank you for choosing our cruise line for booking your Christmas party. Second, I've been getting good comments on how respectful your friends are and the staff says they are fun to work with. And I guess I have a third reason. I always do some background checking when someone books the cruise ship full. I found out you two are quite respected in your hometown. You are both very successful professionals. Your generosity has no limits. You've helped almost all of your friends and many of the business people in your town. That is why I made sure you were booked in our best suite for guests. The staff and crew have been told personally by me to give you the best service possible. I guess now you know why you're here."

Graham and I looked at each other. We were really flabbergasted. "We didn't expect anything like this. We just do what we feel is right. And we've never been on a cruise and I know from our friends. Many of them have never been on a cruise either. Having dinner with you. Is quite an honor. And we thank you for your wonderful comments."

"Nonsense. You two deserve everything we can do for you. It's time someone gave something back to you. And that's what we're going to try to do on this cruise. Now are two men hungry. I know I am?"

We all got up and took our drinks into the dining room. The captain's quarters were quite spacious. And very nautical themed. Graham and I sat on each side of the captain. The butler poured us all a glass of white wine. And soon the captain's chef brought out our dinner. The captain liked seafood. And we were all served lobster. Mine was fixed thermidor and I didn't now how the captain knew I liked lobster thermidor. Graham and the captain had their lobster fixed for dipping in melted butter. Also, a fresh garden salad was prepared. We finished our drink and then the captain made a toast. "Here's to two very fine men that I have the pleasure of getting to know."

"And here's to a captain. That's been overly generous to us. But appreciate everything you're doing for us."

We enjoyed our dinner. The lobster was fresh and cooked to perfection. The lobster tails had to be close to two pounds. That was a lot of lobster to eat. The wine was very good and the salad was nice compliment to a very fine dinner. We thanked the chef when we finished our dinner.

The captain said, "you're probably wondering what's for dessert. Well, I have something special planned and I hope you like it."

We all got up and followed the captain. He took us to his master bedroom. Which was bigger than the master bedroom in our suite. A little table was setup by the bed with lube condoms and dildos. "Here's what I was planning for dessert, pointing to the little table. I hope you like what I have planned?"

Graham and I got a smile on our face and told the captain he had an excellent idea for dessert. We all got on the bed. And started making out. Like I said earlier, the captain was big all over. I would guess his soft thick cock was about seven inches soft. The size of Graham and my erection. I was wondering how big his cock got hard. The captain told us he liked being fucked, but didn't usually reciprocate. But would make an exception in our case. He told Graham he wanted him to fuck him first while I sat over his face. The captain was spread out on his bed. We wanted to make out with the captain first. Get him really worked up and then Graham and I could take turns fucking him. We wanted to see his big hard cock. I got down between his legs and started sucking on his big hefty balls. That got the captain moaning. Graham was licking the sides of his soft shaft and then swirling his tongue around the head and lapping off his oozing precum. Graham told me he could feel his cock getting harder. It looked to be about eight inches now, but he wasn't fully erect. I kept slurping on his balls and rolling them around in mouth with my tongue. And Graham had started sucking down his thick head and shaft. Graham said his cock was really hard and big and wouldn't be able to deep throat the whole thing. It was too much for him. So Graham and I switched positions. The captain's erection was sticking straight up. It looked to be a good nine inches. I asked the captain how big he was when he was hard and he told me nine point five inches. That was going to be a mouth and throatful. I took my time and slowly eased that big thick shaft down my throat. Soon his pubes were pushed against my nose. He smelled good. I started working his shaft with my throat muscles. But soon the captain told me to stop. He didn't want to cum yet. Graham had the captain's legs in the air and was eating out his hole. Getting him wet and stretched for a good fucking. Graham used the lube on the little table and no condom. We knew we were all safe. Graham eased his cock in while I sat down over the captain's face and he started eating my hole. Damn he had a big tongue. It felt like a little cock going in and out of my hole.

Soon the captain started sucking on my balls hanging down over his face and Graham picked up his pace fucking the captain. The captain was moaning and bucking back and forth with Graham. He really did like getting fucked. The captain was now sucking my cock and he was good at it. He had sucked cock before and ate out holes. He said he didn't reciprocate often, but never said he didn't reciprocate at all. So he had experience. Graham was ramming his hole hard and fast and I knew he was getting close to cumming. Sweat was dripping off his forehead down onto the captain's chest. Finally Graham gave out a loud groan and filled the captain's hole. He laid back exhausted and I got off the captain's face. The captain told me it was my turn to fuck him. He said he had me primed and ready to go. He sure did. I lined up my cock and it easily slid into his cum filled hole. Graham got over the captain and the captain licked and cleaned off Graham's cock. And then started sucking on Graham's balls. Which always got Graham super horny. I was wondering if my husband would get hard right away. It didn't take me long to cum in the captain's, tight hole. You could tell he didn't get fucked much, or not as much as he wanted. We all laid back on the bed panting and gasping for breath. The captain told us that was the best dessert he had had in a long time. We told any time he wanted more dessert, to just let us know and we'd be right here.

Now we told the captain it was his turn to get off. He had a large dildo on the little side table so I lubed it and started sliding into his wet hole. Graham and I got down on the captain's big erection and we both started licking the sides of his shaft up to the head. The captain was moaning loud and thrashing back and forth. I could tell he liked the big dildo in his hole. I thought the dildo was rubbing his prostate. The captain was wiggling around and pushing back on the dildo and shuddering. Finally he told us he couldn't take it any longer and was going to cum. We both put our lips on his big thick flared head and took his big load down our throats. Spurt after spurt after spurt of cum kept shooting out. Graham and I had to swallow a couple of times. The captain said he was drained and laid there panting and gasping for breath. He kissed both Graham and me and thanked us for a great time. And told us we needed to do this again. We agreed and told him to just let us know and we'd be right here for some more dessert.

We all took a quick shower in the captain's bathroom. Dried each other off and we all kissed ang hugged and left the captain's quarters.

We managed to find our way to the sun deck to relax. We saw more of our friends and we all talked and they thanked us for this wonderful cruise. They were really enjoying themselves.

We found a couple of loungers and relaxed next to each other. Even though it was dark out. It was a nice warm evening. We didn't have anything to drink while we lounged. A couple of different bartenders had asked us.

We left the sun deck and went back to our room. The butler and housekeeper greeted us. The butler said he had list of activities now that we were docked in Saint Thomas. And he handed us the list. There was a lot of things going on and many thing to participate in. We asked the butler about clothes and he said they weren't necessary. The cruise ship had it's own special port in the Virgin Islands and we could be nude all the time.

The butler and housekeeper asked us if we needed anything else and we told them no and they could leave for the day.

The next day we went out on the jet skis. It was a lot of fun. Then we took scuba diving lessons to get certified. Then we could scuba dive when we arrived at the other two Virgin Islands. After lunch we went on a helicopter tour of the Virgin Islands. They sure looked like gems in the crytal clear water. We could see fish and coral reefs from the helicopter. We passed on the speed boats. That wasn't really our thing. The evening was another pool party. And it was a lot of fun. We had a chance to talk to Graham's brother and he was really enjoying himself. And told us this was the life. He and Brock were hanging on each other like they were attached. I was glad for both of them and they seemed very happy. I also spotted my brother, Reggie, and Jarvis. They were dancing to the music. We invited them back to our room for drinks and whatever came up.

We had enough of the pool party and my brother and Jarvis walked back with us to our room. When we walked in I noticed a big flower arrangement and another large fruit basket. I looked at the card and it was a thank you from the captain. I told Graham.

Reggie and Jarvis couldn't believe our suite. They said they really had a nice deluxe room. But it wasn't anything like our suite. We told them that we had this suite courtesty of the cruise line for doing the booking and filling the cruise ship and making all the reservations and confirmations. We showed them around and they couldn't believe all the amenities we had. We told them we also had a housekeeper and butler. But we let them go for the day. We ended out on the outside patio by the pool. I got a round of beer for us and we relaxed on the loungers and talked. They said this cruise was the best idea we had come up with. It was relaxing and a lot of fun. And you could be as free as you wanted to be.

I could tell my brother was horny and I motioned for him to join me on my lounger. And we got into a sixty nine. I liked sucking my brother's cock. It was a perfect fit in my mouth and throat. And Reggie liked how I could massage his shaft with my throat muscles. I saw Graham and Jarvis getting friendly on Graham's lounger. Soon all you heard was sucking and slurping sounds. It didn't take us long to cum. We were ready for this. Once we came, we laid tight together for a little while kissing and making out and tasting each other's cum. Finally, Reggie and Jarvis said they needed to leave. They had some of our friends visiting and wanted to get to know each other better.

We had given Brock and Graham's brother our room number which was also the phone number and told them to visit when they had a chance. But we hadn't heard anything from them.

It was getting later and we decided to turn in. The housekeeper had our bed turned down and the lights dimmed low. It looked very romantic in the bedroom. Graham and I crawled into bed and hugged and kissed facing each other. And we told each other how much we loved them. We agreed this cruise was a really good idea. This would be a Christmas to remember.

The next day we did some more jet skiing and went scuba diving on our own, now that we were certified. We checked out the side of Saint Thomas where we were docked. We ate at one of the typical restaurants and did some looking in the shops for the tourists.

The next day we docked at Saint John, which was the biggest of the U.S. Virgin Islands. This was Christmas day and a special show was scheduled in the big Showroom A at nine in the evening. We went scuba diving again. And there was some beautiful coral reefs to investigate. The tropical fish and coral reefs looked almost artificial. The colors were so vibrant. But it was sure pretty. We passed on another helicopter ride.

We ate lunch at a nice restaurant at Saint John. We did a little tourist shopping. Found a couple more tshirts with Saint John decaled on the front with the coral reef as a background. We had also bought tshirts when we were at Saint Thomas. We ran into Brock and Graham's brother and they joined us. We all walked back on board the ship and made our way to our suite. Brock and Graham's brothers room was on the other side of the ship, the starboard side. As soon I started using my room key the butler opened the door for us and he greeted Brock and Graham's brother. Like my brother and Jarvis. They couldn't believe the suite we had. They said their deluxe room was very nice and big, but nothing like this. We showed them around and they said we really had it made here. We told them we enjoyed our suite.

We walked out to the patio by the pool. They said, "you even have your own private pool. It must feel like being at home?"

"It does. But this is much nicer."

We had another beer and I could tell Graham's brother was getting horny. His cock was chubbing and growing. Brock's big cock was just hanging around. He looked just as hot as always. He stayed in good shape and he was really model material. The butler told us all that there was a pool party at the big pool on the Lido deck at two. There was going to be different awards being offered in different categories. We thanked the butler and we had time before we needed to leave for the party. Soon the electricity was getting pretty heavy in the air and you could feel sexual tension. We took our beer and headed to the master bedroom.

We set our beer down on the nightstands and got into a circle suck on the bed. I was lucky to be by Brock and suck on his big fat eight incher. Graham's brother was sucking me. Graham was sucking his brother and Brock was sucking Graham. Again, all you heard was groans and slurping and sucking sounds. We played with each other's big balls and they really got us all worked up. We all came almost simultaneously, which was pretty hot. We took a quick shower in our large master bathroom. The shower easily fit all four us. We washed each other and kissed in the shower. Dried each other off and we were ready to walk to the Lido deck. We finished our beer and left the suite. We decided to walk to the Lido deck for the exercise.

As we got closer to the Lido deck, you could hear the music and see guys dancing. It was the same DJ and he was also the announcer for the party. It looked like almost everyone was here for the party. The announcer got started. "Let's get this competition started. Those of you who think your the most muscular come on up here on the stage."

I saw Cal Preston Tyrell the caterers and finally the bodyguards walk up on the stage. "Ok, we'll go down the line and by your applause, will determine the winner." First was Preston with a nice round of applause, Tyrell and the caterers also got a nice round of applause. But the loudest applause was for the bodybuilders. The announcer said it was clearly the bodybuilders that won. He had a statue of a bodybuilder that he handed to the bodyguards and everyone was still applauding and hooting and hollering. "Ok, the next award is for the biggest cock. And would the guys with the biggest cocks come up on stage. The same guys went back up on the stage. Again the clear winners were bodyguards. The DJ gave them a statue of a big dildo. Which made everyone in the audience laugh. "Our next award is for the handsomest stud here, come on up you handsome devils." Brock walked up on stage, Kendrick Preston Tyrell the caterers and finally the bodyguards. By applause, Brock was the clear winner. And he was given a lighted vanity mirror, which brought out another round of laughter. "Our next award is for the best ass." Many guys went up on stage and didn't mind flexing there asses for the audience. The winner was Holden. He really did have a nice looking ass. His award was a bag of hamburger buns. That brought another roar of laughter from the audience. "Our final award, is a very special award. It's for the most popular man here." Everyone started looking around and nobody was walking to the stage. "Come on there has to be someone here that is popular with you guys." Soon everyone in the audience started calling our names, Bob and Graham. We were pushed and shoved to the stage and we walked up on the stage. Everyone was stompping their feet, cheering and hooting and hollering our names. Finally it quieted down and the announcer said, by unaminous vote you two are the most popular men here. Your award is a plague that was handcarved and engraved with your names for being the most popular with your friends. We held the plague up and everyone cheered and hollered our names. We went back down to the audience with a lot of pats on our back. The DJ came back, "this concludes the awards. I'm going to crank up the music and I want to see some hot dancing."

Soon the guys started dancing. And congratulated us on being the most popular. They told us we were always the most popular. And who else, but us could have pulled off a fun cruise like this. Graham and I danced for a little while along with Brock and Graham's brother. Soon some of the other guys joined us and we had a large group dancing around. We were getting tired and told the guys we were going to our room to relax and then go to dinner. We wanted to be ready for the main show tonight.

We made it back to our room. And the butler asked us if we wanted something to drink. I told him a bottled water and Graham had a beer. We walked out on the balcony and we could get a partial view of Saint John. These islands were beautiful and very tropical. Almost rainforest tropical. They were beautiful and I was glad our ports on these islands were private and we could go around naked.

I called the butler and asked him for a good restaurant on Saint John for dinner. He said he would check with our concierge and get back to us. It was nice looked out to the crystal clear water. I had never seen water so clear in my life. I heard one of the helicopters giving tours of the island. Something Graham and I hadn't tried yet, was windsurfing. Maybe do that tomorrow.

It was nice to relax out on the balcony. All the walking was good exercise, but tiring too.

The butler came back and told us two names of restaurants that the concierge recommended. They were both close to each other and both had excellent food and a wide variety of choices on the menu. The first restaurant was Bluebeards and the second restaurant was The Cove. I asked the butler if he could get a brochure or something that showed the restaurants. He said certainly.

I saw the housekeeper going around doing his duties. He was a hot young college aged man. Well muscled and hung. I hadn't really looked that close at him before. I could see he was semi hard. I called him over to where I was lounging. And he had a worried look on his face. I told him to get closer to my lounger and his cock was pointed right at my face. I pulled his hips and his cock went right into my mouth. He let out a gasp and soon was humping my mouth. He was about the same size as Graham and me. A good firm seven inches. I easily sucked him to his balls which I started fondling. He started fucking my face harder and faster and grunting. I felt his cock thicken and soon he was shooting thick ropes of cum down my throat. I kept holding his ass tight so I could get all of his cock. I milked out the last drops of cum and kissed the head and thanked. He thanked me. And was wondering why it took so long. He thought Graham and I were pretty hot guys.

The butler had been watching the action and he was rock hard. He was a little bigger than the housekeeper. Close to eight inches and thick. He brought me a couple of brochures on the two restaurants. Graham asked the butler for another beer. I told him I was fine. Graham told the butler to get closer and when he bent over to give Graham his beer. His hard cock rubbed over Graham's lips. Graham opened his mouth and started sucking on the big thick head. The butler was moaning and humping Graham's mouth. Graham soon had his whole length down his throat. Graham didn't have to do much as the butler was thrusting in and our of Graham's mouth and throat. The butler had his hands on Graham's shoulders and was really going to town. I saw the butler stiffen and start jerking and shuddering and he gave out a loud gasp and started pumping his load into Graham's mouth and throat. Graham cleaned off his cock and squeezed out the last drops of cum. The butler thanked Graham and was wondering why it took so long. He thought maybe we weren't attracted to him. We told him no. But we weren't sure if we would be taking advantage of him and the housekeeper. He said, not at all. It was their job to give us the best service as possible. Whatever that service might be. They seemed pleased and I heard the housekeeper humming while he did his work.

Graham and looked closely over the two brochures. They both looked nice and had good menus. However, The Cove faced the water and Bluebeards didn't. So we decided on The Cove. I told the butler to make reservations for us for six thirty at The Cove. He smiled and told us it was pleasure and consider it done. I whispered over to Graham, "I think we made two men very happy." Graham gave me a smile.

It was getting later and Graham and I took a shower. We didn't fool around. We planned to do that later. We put some nice sandals on. Graham grabbed one of our room keys and we left for The Cover. The butler opened the door for us and we left. The decks looked busy with our friends milling around.

We took one of the elevators down to the deboarding deck and walked off to The Cove. We had some distance to walk before we arrived. The lush tropical plants and trees were very inviting. We found The Cove. It had rustic facade, but very sophisticated once you got inside. We gave our host our names and we had a special reserved table facing the water. There was an arrangement of tropical flowers on our table. This was a pretty high class restaurant at least by the decor. Our host told us our waiter would be here shortly. Our waiter came. A nice looking young college aged man. Asked us if we would like something to drink before we ordered dinner. Graham and I both ordered our favorite beer. He told us he would be right back with our beer and menus.

The waiter was back quickly with our beers. In frosted beer mugs. And handed us our menus. He said he would be back in a couple of minutes to take our dinner order. We looked over the menu and it was hard to decide on something. Everything sounded good. I finally decided on a blackened rib eye steak. And Graham said that sounded good to him. Our waiter came back and took our order. He said a house salad was included and asked if we wanted any other sides with our dinner. We told him no, eighteen ounze steaks would be enough with the salad. The waiter came back with a chilled bottle of a very fine red wine. He set up the stand for the wine bucket and poured us each a flute. We told him we hadn't ordered wine. He told us it was compliments of the house. I had finished my beer and tried the wine. It was really good and we thanked the waiter.

I poured Graham a glass of the wine and he liked it. I was glad to see Graham drinking some wine. He was hitting the beer pretty hard. Soon our waiter came with our dinner. Our steaks were sizzling on the metal platters they were served on. The waiter placed our salads along with a three choice salad server on the table and told us to enjoy our dinner. If we needed anything else, to just get his attention.

My rib eye was just pure heaven. It was amazing. Not too much fat and cooked perfectly. Graham said his steak was mouth watering and one of the best he had ever eaten. We drank the wine with our dinner and took our time. A fine steak like this deserved time and we were savoring each mouthful. The salad was good. They didn't have our favorite salad dressing, so I had French and Thousand Island combination. Graham had oil and vinegar on his salad with a pinch of lemon. The salad was fresh and vegetables were crisp. Soon we had finished our dinner and waiter returned. He cleared our dinner dishes and asked us if we were ready for dessert. I passed and told him I would enjoy the wine. Graham asked him what they had for dessert. He said they had different French pastries. I helped Graham with the dessert and he opted for two eclairs. That was my Graham. He could put the food away.

I poured myself the last glass of wine. Graham had coffee with his dessert. The two eclairs were so big they were served on a dinner plate. Graham woofed the eclairs down like nothing. The waiter came back and asked us if we would like anything else. We said no, and everything was excellent. We left him a tip and needed to get back on the ship and to the showroom. It was already seven thirty when we left the restaurant and we had a long walk to the showroom and the show at eight.

We got back on the ship and took the elevator to the entertainment deck. Luckily, we weren't too far from the showroom. We made it to the showroom ten minutes before eight. The doorman asked us our names and got a smile on his face and escorted us to special reserved seats close to the front of the stage. We shook hands and hugged kissed our friends as we made it to our seats. This showroom was huge. Not as big as a Las Vegas showroom, but it was still good size. And was laid out like a Las Vegas showroom. We took our seats and a waiter came and asked us what we would like to drink and there was special appetizers made for us. We told him to give us a little time. We had just finished dinner. He told us no problem, the show was two hours and he would check back with us later.

Soon the lights dimmed and the background music stopped. Right at eight a spotlight came on and a man was standing center stage. He introduced himself and he was one of the cruise directors. He said he was proud to introduce our special entertainment. The performer wanted to do this special Christmas show and was honored to be able to do it for two very special people in his life. With that the lights went off. The cruise director left the stage and a spotlight slowly started coming on as the the curtain slowly opened. The music started and we knew right away who the entertainer was. It was our British star friend doing a special show for us and our friends. The spotlight came fully on and the star was seated at a piano on a turntable, that was slowly rotating. I didn't see any backup singers or band. This was going to be a solo performance. The star was singing one of his hits from the Lion King, "Can you feel the love tonight?" Boy, with him performing, Graham and I sure did feel the love tonight.

This was followed by more of his hits. He just kept singing one hit after another. Some of our friends were singing along and some were standing and dancing to his music. This was turning into more of a concert than a stage show. The waiter came back and asked if we were ready for something to drink and if he could bring a tray of appetizers. We noticed the empty chair by Graham was now filled by the star's manager. he was giving us a big smile. We all ordered a mixed drink and told the waiter to go ahead and bring an appetizer tray. We greeted the manager. He told us when we had told the star about our Christmas plans. He started immediately planning a Christmas show and the cruise line eagerly accepted his invitation to do a special Christmas show. The manager told us he was doing this especially for us. He couldn't think of anyone he would rather spend Christmas with. That was really special to hear. The waiter brought our drinks and placed the tray of appetizers on a little table between the seats.

The manager told us the star would perform for one hour and then there'd be a thirty minute intermission and then the final second hour of the show. The first hour seemed to go by fast and it was already intermission time. The cruise director came back on center stage and announced a thirty minute intermission, but someone very important was going to be on stage if we wanted to give him our birthday wishes.

The stage light went off and then came back on with Santa Claus sitting on a big throne style chair. Santa was wearing his Santa hat. Had a big white beard. A black belt and boots and gloves. Otherwise, he was naked. I recognized him as one of the brothers from the Bahamas. Some of the guys were already making a line and sitting on Santa's knee telling him what they would like for Christmas. It was really funny to watch. Graham and I decided to get in line and play along. Our friends moved us to the front of the line and soon Graham was sitting on Santa's knee. "Well little boy, what can Santa get you for Christas?" "I'd like a big ten inch dildo as Graham's hand moved down Santa's leg and grabbed his cock."

Santa kind of sputtered and said, "Ho, ho, ho. I think that could be arranged."And then asked Graham in a whisper what room we were in. Graham gave him our room number. Graham left santa and went back to our seats. I was next and sat down on Santa's knee. I could feel something hard pressing against my ass cheek. "Well, little boy. What can Santa bring you for Christmas?" "I think I can already feel it rubbing against my ass cheek." "That's a good boy and me and my brother will visit you later. Graham gave me your room number." I left Santa and went back to our seats.

There was still a line waiting to tell Santa what they wanted for Christmas when it was time for the second half of the show. The cruise director came back on center stage and told the guys in line that Santa would be back after the show for any Christmas wishes and requests.

The stage went black and when the spotlight came back on. The star was ready to start the second half. Santa was gone and all our friends were back in their seats. The star told us he was going sing play a few more hits and then a couple of new songs that he had ready. We'd be the first to hear the new songs. And then he was finishing his show with a very special announcement.

The second half of the star's show was just as good as the first. Again many guys were singing along and some were dancing. The star finished his second half with his two new songs. Which we knew would be hits. He got up and walked to center stage. Microphone was on a boom that moved automatically with the person talking or singing. The star started by saying that it was his honor and pleasure to do this Christmas show for us. When he heard about this cruise, he cancelled any other engagements he had and kept these days open. He told us this was his first time on a gay cruise ship and it was very enjoyable. The star was wearing one of his typical outfits. Short shorts with sequines. A matching tailored tux with tails. A top hat and matching platform shoes. The spotlight reflected off the sequines. Everthing he was wearing was in a dark navy blue.

Then he went on to say that he had met two very special friends some time ago. Their friendship kept expanding and they had become very close. So doing this Christmas show was showing his appreciation to his two special friends and their friends that were in attendance. The star he wanted his two special friends to come up on the stage and join him. He said, "will Bob and Graham please come up here."

We looked at each other and the manager started pushing us to get up. Finally we got up and started making our way to the stage. All our friends were clapping and it looked like some had tears in their eyes. When we got on the stage. Graham and I got on each side of the star. He hugged and kissed us in front of all of our friends. The star then went on to say to the audience that they were lucky to have two friends like Bob and Graham. Who else would plan something like this. Their generosity is insurmontable. I knew from the moment I met both of them, their was something special about them. And me and my partner are honored say that we are friends of Bob and Graham. The star backed up, leaving Graham and me center stage. All our are friends were standing and giving us a standing ovation. Finally the clapping stopped and our friends got seats. The star rejoined us and once again said to the audience that he and his partner were honored to be our friends. He then said he wanted to close his show with the opening song.

We hugged the star again and walked back to our seats.

The star walked back to the piano. And played and sang, "Can you you feel the love tonight?'

Wow, what a show. I would have never suspected the star to do a special show for us. Once the last song finished everyone got up and gave the star a standing ovation. It really was a fantastic show. Our friends started leaving the showroom and congratulated Graham and me. We walked back up on the stage and went backstage to the star's dressing room. We knocked on the door and the star let us in. He was getting changed. We wanted to personally thank him. And the star was pleased we did. But he told us he wouldn't expect anything less from us. We asked him what room he was in and told him he was right next to our room. I gave his partner our room number. They were staying on the cruise for the ten days. The star had his own chef with him and his own kitchen and dining room in his suite. So he hadn't left his room, only for this show. We told him we could work something out if he wanted to get out of his room once in awhile. The star was tired. So we kissed and hugged and we left for our room.

The last days of our cruise. Was about the same. Only now we had the star with us. Our butler and our concierge were able to help with the star's privacy and join us. We went on a couple of helicopter rides. We helped the star learn to scuba dive which he really enjoyed. Ate at some very fine restaurants at Saint John and Saint Croix. The star and manager were able to spend some time with us in our room and Graham and I in their room. Which was pretty identicle toour suite. We had some great sex.

Santa and his brother visited us a couple of times and we had some great sex. Santa was a big boy. And was close to ten inches. His brother was a little smaller. We carefully introduced the brothers to the star and his manager. And it worked out fine. We thought the star might like staying at one of the bungalows or villas in the Bahamas. The star really liked the brothers and we all got along well. There was no problem with the star's privacy. And the sex was great.

Finally all good things have to come to end and it was our last day and we were approaching the home port in Miami. We had a special dinner the night before for the star and his partner in our suite. The brothers joined us and ended by having some good dessert in our master bedroom. The star's partner got all the information he needed about the bungalows and villas and would definitely be staying in the Bahamas. Of course they wanted Graham and me to join them. We couldn't think of anyone we'd rather spend our time with. This was sure a vacation to remember and what a great way to spend Christmas.

End of Chapter 24 - Christmas

Well guys. This finishes Bob's Holidays. I hope you've enjoyed reading this series. I had plans to write a few short stories. But due to some problems with, My Alphabet Friends, I need to do some revisions and add back the pictures.

There are photos of characters at the end of each chapter I will be adding some of the new characters from this series.

I hope all my loyal readers will read my revised chapters of My Alphabet Friends and give me their comments. I will email you as I get each revised chapter finished and posted at Nifty. Thanks for following Bob's Holidays.

Your comments and suggestions are always welcome. I answer all emails I receive. I ask that you please put Nifty or the title of the story in the subject line. Then I'll know it's not spam. I hope you have enjoyed this series as much as I liked writng it. Please email me at:

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