Bob's Holidays

By Francis Scott

Published on Oct 27, 2023


Bob's Holidays Chapter 23

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The following story is a work of fiction from the authors mind. It contains adult situations between consenting adults. If this offends you and is illegal in your area, WHY ARE YOU HERE? Any similarities to actual people or events is purely coincidental. This story does not promote safe sex. Please practice safe sex at all times. Don't put your life or someone else's in jeopardy.

If you haven't read my story, "My Alphabet Friends," I would recommend doing so. All characters in this series are from My Alphabet Friends. There are pictures of the characters at the end of each chapter. However, at this time there is a problem with the pictures and I will be revising and editing My Alphabet Friends when I finish this series. You will find, My Alphabet Friends, in Gay/Adult Friends.

Bob's Holidays

By Francis Scott

Chapter 23 - Thanksgiving

Graham and I couldn't believe how those caterers could keep going and going. They weren't that much younger than us. Maybe a year or two.

We got in a good sleep and were ready for Monday morning. We went downstairs and worked out with our friends. Cal pulled me aside and told me that the warden put Cotton and the gang members in solitary confinement for undetermined amount of time. There was also guards posted outside their cells. The warden had almost doubled the amount of guards in the prison. He didn't want any more escapes.

The sweat was pouring down off our bodies by the time we finished working out. We all crammed into the shower and got into a good suck and jerk. We all had a satisfied look on our faces. We dried each other and got dressed. Went upstairs to a good smells coming from the kitchen. Cindy told us she had the dining room ready. We all took a seat and Cindy brought in our breakfast. We had a good conversation while we ate breakfast. And got caught up on what everybody was doing. Rick didn't make it for the workout. I was a little disappointed. I wanted to talk to him.

All of us finished breakfast and we kissed Cindy on the cheek and got into our group hug and kiss in the garage and left for work.

Monday morning went fast and I was soon walking to the diner for lunch. Graham was going to meet me. I walked in and sat at my favorite table. Graham hadn't arrived yet. Millie came over and she wasn't that busy. So we had a chance to talk for a few minutes. She told me how much her friends liked her house. She hadn't done anything else to the house. She thought it looked good and didn't need anymore feminine touches.

Graham walked in and came over to the table. Millie was purposely sitting where Graham would sit. "Where am I supposed to sit?"

Millie patted her lap. "Right here you big stud."

Graham got beet red. I hadn't seen him blush in a long time. I thought by now he would be use to Millie. But to my surprise he sat down in Millie's lap. I think it surprised Millie too. She got up and told Graham to take a seat. She told us she would bring our coffee and a couple of menus. For some reason I didn't see a special on the blackboard.

Millie came back with our coffee and menus and I asked her about no special today. She told us that the cook had a family emergency and didn't come in as early as he usually does and he has My another cook filling in. So that's why there's no special. We both ordered roast chicken with stuffing and fresh corn.

Graham asked me how I was feeling. And I told him much better now. And each passing day Cotton becomes more distant in my memory.

Millie brought our lunch and it was delicious. I could eat this every day and never get tired of it. I asked Graham how he was feeling about everything that had happened. He told me he wasn't close to Cotton and had only met him a couple of times. So it didn't really have much of an impact on him. Graham said he was more concerned about me and how I was handling everything.

We finished our lunch and I had an apple danish and Graham had a piece of apple pie a la mode for dessert. Millie refilled our coffee cups. We finished and I paid the bill and Graham left a tip for Millie.

We walked out to the front of the restaurant where Graham had parked. We kissed and hugged and I walked back to the clinic. I saw Graham head off in the other direction to his office building.

My afternoon seemed to go fast. I was glad. I wanted to get home and just relax and start enjoying being by the pool again. I left before Shirley and Janice and they told me they would be sure to lock up if Quinton left. Otherwise, he would take care of it.

I got home and Cindy was gone and Graham hadn't arrived home yet. I went upstairs and changed. I grabbed a towel and put some flip flops on. Poured myself a glass of refreshment, grabbed the daily paper went down to the pool. I felt comfortable now being in the back yard naked and laying at the pool.

I started looking over the newspaper when my cell phone rang. It was the star's manager. "Hi, how's everything going?"

"Everything is going great here and the star is doing his last shows. He is glad about that. It has really worn him out having to perform almost an extra month."

"So you have some news for me?"

"Yes. We're wondering how your schedule is looking for us to arrive in two weekends?"

"We don't have anything planned and that will still be before Thanksgiving, so it won't interrupt our family get together for the holdiay."

"That's perfect. We are planning on staying two weeks. The star said, because of privacy issues, he would bring his head housekeeper and personal chef. That way you could give your housekeeper a two week vacation."

"That sounds perfect. Do you know when you will be arriving?"

"Not yet. But as soon as I have the details, I'll pass them on to you. The star is using his jet that holds his limousine. So you won't have to send a limousine from the hotel this time."

"It sounds like you have all the bases covered. Graham and I will look foward to seeing you guys."

"Thanks Bob and we look forward to seeing you and Graham. Again, once I know our departure day and time and I let you know."

"Perfect. Look forward to you and the star being here with us."

I'll have to let Graham know about them coming. And we will need to order some more white wine, candles and those special red roses that the star likes.

I set my phone down and took a sip of my refreshment and looked around. We really had a paradise back here. Zane really did a magnificent job. I picked up the paper and started reading where I left off, when my cell phone rang again.

What's with all these phone calls. It was my mom. "Hi mom. Nice to hear your voice."

"Thanks Bob. Always nice to hear your voice too. I'm calling about Thanksgiving coming up. I'm planning on having you and Graham, and Reggie and Deb with their two childen. Since Thanksgving is always on a Thursday. Reggie asked me if I could move the dinner till Saturday. So we will have Thanksgiving dinner on Saturday. That way your brother and his family can stay with us for the weekend."

"As far as I know. Graham is going to be with his family on Thursday for Thanksgiving and driving back on Friday. So Saturday should work out fine. I double check with him when he gets home and if there are any changes, I call and let you know."

"Ok Bob. I'm looking forward to having the family together for Thanksgiving."

"We are looking forward to it too. Thanks for calling mom and I'll pass the information on to Graham."

I set my phone down and I heard a cough. I about jumped off the lounger. Graham was standing there in his naked glory. He sat down next to me on the lounger. He had a cold beer.

"I had a couple of phone calls babe. The first call was from the star's manager. They plan to come in two weekends and spend a couple of weeks with us. Which will workout okay. And won't interfere with our family Thankgiving dinners. The star is using his own limousine and bringing his head housekeeper and personal chef. So we can give Cindy a two week vacation. And the star won't have to worry about privacy. The second call was from my mom and she's inviting us to Thanksgiving dinner on Saturday. Saturday works the best for Reggie. So that shouldn't interfere with you celebrating Thanksgiving on Thursday with your family."

"You want to change jobs and start working as my personal secretary?"

"Ha, ha. Very funny. I just thought you'd like to know what's happening."

"I do and I appreciate it babe. Just giving you a hard time. Saturday will work perfect for Thanksgiving dinner. I'll be back on Friday and be rested and hungry for Thanksgiving dinner Saturday."

"You want me to get dinner ready?"

"Let's enjoy our beverages first and then eat. Besides I might want some dessert before dinner."

Graham gave me a wink and started tickling me. He knew the spots where I was the most ticklish. I told him to stop or I would be spilling my refreshment all over us.

We kissed and Graham started making out. Kissing and feeling me all over. I set my refreshment down and closed my eyes and just enjoyed myself. Soon he had me hard and was playing with my balls. That usually gave me an instant erection and today was no different. Graham licked between my balls up to the head of my cock and slowly took me into his mouth and down his throat. I was moaning, it felt so good. Graham had licked a couple of fingers and I felt him easing them into my hole. With his fingers playing with my prostate and his throat working my hard shaft. It didn't take me long to start cumming. I shot out hard hitting the back of Graham's throat. He sucked and milked out the last drops of cum and I lay there gasping for breath while he went back to kissing me. We finished our refreshment and we went together up to the kitchen.

We warmed up the leftovers from the caterers. I wanted to use up that food first. We ate at the breakfast nook. And the food tasted just as good as when he had eaten with the caterers. Graham, of course, had eyed the dessert they left in the frig. We both had a piece of apple pie. I didn't have any ice cream, but Graham did. Graham filled our coffee cups and we just there not saying much, just reflecting on everything that was going on in our life.

"What you thinking about babe?" I asked Graham.

"I was just thinking about how fortunate we are. We have a great group of friends. We help people when we can and I have the best husband in the whole world."

I got up and walked over to Graham and gave him a long passionate kiss. "You know, none of this would happen if we weren't together. We make a good team."

"Yes we do. And I feel blessed every day to have you in my life."

We finished dessert and put everything away. The leftovers from the caterers were finished. Only dessert was left. Which I'm sure made Graham happy.

Graham and I went upstairs to the sunroom. I wanted to check on the birds and we could watch tv up there.

We took our robes and walked up to the sunroom. The birds looked like they were sleeping. I think the background music put them to sleep. They sure looked pretty and I'm glad we had them.

Graham and I moved a double lounger so it was facing the tv. Graham turned the tv on and I got him a beer and a bottled water for me.

The news was finishing so we watched that. The weather was going to be staying the same. No change there. I'm glad we had and automatic sprinkling system for the backyard. With all this sun and no rain, it needed constant watering. It looked good and the plants and trees looked lush.

There wouldn't be any sports on tv tonight that we wanted to watch. So Graham flipped through the movie channels and found us a movie. I told Graham I would be right back.

I went down to the kitchen and put the rest of the appetizers on a little plate for us and took the plate up to the sunroom. I set it down on Graham's side table and he started eating the appetizers. I knew he would. Drinking beer always gave him an appetite. I put a couple appetizers on a napkin and ate them with my water.

Graham had the movie started. It was a good mystery spy movie. Just what we liked. We always tried to figure who the villain was. Sometimes we nailed it right on the head, most of the time, we were way off.

The movie finished and we decided to hit the hay. I took the empty plate down to the kitchen and put it in the dishwasher. And then went back up to the sunroom.

Graham was talking to the birds. They had woke up and seemed to understand what Graham was saying. Our big blue and green parrots could talk a little and seemed to remember when you repeated something to them.

We grabbed our robes and headed down to our bedroom. We weren't really tired which was okay. I had a surprise for Graham.

We were laying on the bed naked and I moved and put a pillow under Graham's hips. He knew what I was going to do. I kissed him first and worked my way down his chest stomach and abs. Licking and kissing around the base of his cock. I sucked one of Graham's big full balls into my mouth. Rolling it around in my mouth with my tongue and sucking and pulling on it. Then doing the same to the other ball. I licked up the back side of his hard shaft. Kissing and nibbling on that big thick vein. I sucked on Graham's big flared head. Licking and sucking out some of his delicious precum. Then slowly took his length in my mouth and down my throat. I didn't want him to cum. Just wanted him to get really turned on and it was working. Graham was giving me all the signs. I then licked and kissed down the back side of his shaft again. Between his balls and then on space between his balls and his hole. Licking back and forth. I knew that was a very sensitive area for Graham. Then I licked the inside of his upper thighs, my nose brushing against his balls. Then slowly kept working my way closer and closer to his hole. Soon I was licking and munching his cute litte pink hole. Graham was a little sweaty which was a turn on for me. I curled my tongue and stuck it into his hole. I felt his ring clamp down on my tongue. I thought he was trying to break my tongue in two. I managed to pull my tongue out and I licked a couple of fingers. I worked them into Graham's hole. Moving my fingers around and stretching his hole. I then worked in a third finger and then a fourth finger. I thought Graham's hole was stretched enough. I didn't want him to feel any pain. Just pleasure. I lubed my cock and slowly worked the head in. Again his ring tried clamping down on the head of my cock. But I managed to have it all the way in before it tried closing on my cock. Graham looked like he was enjoying himself and not experiencing any pain. I slowly worked a couple inches in and waited. And then one final push I worked the rest of my cock into his hot tight hole. I left my cock in his hole for a couple of minutes. I saw Graham's cock getting hard so I knew I must have rubbed his prostate. I started working my cock slowly in and out of his hole. His cock was starting to drool precum. I bent down and licked the precum off the head of his cock. Graham told me to go faster, it felt really good. I picked up my pace and was now thrusting in and out. I could feel the head of my cock hitting and rubbing Graham's prostate. Graham looked like he was getting close to cumming. So I bent down again and was able to the take the head and a couple inches of his cock into my mouth. The next time I rubbed over his prostate, I felt him tense and start shuddering as he released a big load into my mouth. His hole was constricting like crazy on my cock and I couldn't stop cumming. My cock hard swelled. It felt like it was another inch bigger and I pumped out a big load into my lover. We both finished cumming and we licked and sucked each other clean. Laid back on the lounger with an arm around each other kissing.

"That was awesome babe. You really know how to turn me on. You can do that as often as you want."

"I want to surprise you. So it won't be that often."

We cuddled together and I felt Graham pulling the covers over us. I heard him set the alarm and we slowly drifted off to dreamland.

We woke up to the alarm going off. Crawled out of bed and made our way downstairs to workout. I felt much better after a good workout. Even though Graham and I gave each other good workouts yesterday at the pool and in bed. Cal talked to me for a couple of minutes. He told me if I was interested that Cotton and his gang friends were still in solitary confinement and the warden said they would be there a long time.

We all crowded into the shower and Cal and Travis sat down, so we had our choice of who we wanted fucking us. There was enough of us to make two even lines in front of Cal and Travis. I was in Cal's line and Graham was in Travis' line. I sat down on Cal's big cock with my back to him. He reached around and jerked me off while he gave my hole a good workout. I shot out hard and hit the next guy in line. Soon everyone had been fucked. We all had smiles on our faces. We rinsed off. Dried each other off and got dressed.

Cindy had a big breakfast ready for us on the outside patio table. We talked a little and caught up on what we had all been doing. Ate everything that Cindy had prepared. We got into our regular group hug and kiss and left for work.

I left for lunch early. I wanted to go to the strip mall and get the things ordered for when the star and his manager visited. I got the wine ordered candles and the special roses. I told the person working at the floral shop, not to deliver the roses until next Friday.

The next couple of days went fast and Graham was ready to leave for his parent's house for Thanksgiving. He knew I wasn't going. I didn't really feel comfortable about being around his brother and sister. I wasn't sure how they would react. Besides the orders should be arriving and I could have Cindy start arranging the second master bedroom with the candles and wine. Leaving room for the rose bouquets. Graham understood, but I thought he looked a little disappointed. I told him to call me when he arrived and give me updates on how everything went.

We kissed in the garage and I helped him squeeze his overnight into the back of his sports car. I watched him back out of the garage and I walked out and waved to him as he left.

I wasn't sure what kind of a reception I would receive when I arrived at my parent's house. I knew my parents would be okay, but I wasn't sure about my brother and sister. I hadn't heard anything from them, since they told what they thought about me being gay. They are both married with kids so maybe that will help when we are all together.

I left early and wanted to get to my parent's house before lunchtime. That would give me some time to see how I was going to be received by my brother and sister and if everything seemed cool, I would stay, otherwise, I would apologogize to my parents and tell them what happened and leave for home.

As I got closer to my hometown I was getting more and more nervous. I was sweating and I was gripping the wheel hard. My knuckles were white. And my hands were cramped on the wheel.

I saw my brother's car and what I assumed was my sister's car. I got out and left my bag in my car. I thought I'd wait and see what happened first.

I walked in and my mom was busy in the kitchen. "Hi mom."

"Hi honey. I'm glad you made it for Thanksgiving. Where's Bob?"

"He couldn't make it. He had business to take care, but he wished he could have joined us."

"Well he'll be missed." Mom called dad out to the kitchen.

I heard the tv going in the living room and it sounded like a game was on.

My dad walked out to the kitchen. "Well son, it's good to see you. I'm glad you could make it for Thanksgiving, now we have all the family here. Where's Bob?"

"I just told mom. He couldn't make it. He had business to take care of."

I saw my brother turn around and look out to the kitchen. He was just glaring at me. I thought this was going to be fun. He then got up and walked out to the kitchen. "I need to talk to you outside."

I saw my dad watching and was wondering what my brother was going to say.

"Let's go in the workshop where it's more private."

I didn't know my dad was watching us from a kitchen window. He had left the house and waited until we got into the workshop before he stood by the door listening.

"Well faggy brother, you decided to come home for Thanksgiving. Where's your cocksucking boyfriend? I guess he was smart and decided not to come here for Thanksgiving. The best thing for you to do is get in your car and drive back to wherever your living. I don't want any queer molesting my kids and I know your sister feels the same way."

"I see you haven't changed. Your just as homophobic and bigoted as ever. At least dad has changed and has realized I'm still the same person I've always been and nothing is different about me."

"You've managed to wrap dad around your little finger and make him believe that sissy boys are okay. That won't happen to me. If you decide to stay for Thanksgiving. I'm going to make your time here as miserable as possible."

Just then the workshop door burst open and my dad came storming in. He was beet red with anger. My dad was someone you didn't to rub the wrong way. He stared at my brother. My dad rarely swore. The only time he did was when he was really mad, like right now. "What the fuck do you think you're doing in my house. You've been brought up better than this, or at least I thought so. If anybody is leaving it will be you and your family. Graham deserves an apology. He hasn't done anything wrong and for sure in hell hasn't wrapped me around his little finger. You know that nobody wraps me around their little finger, not even your mother. So either you apologize right now, or you can pack up and leave."

My brother went storming out of the workshop and pushed himself past my father as he walked to the house. I could hear the door slamming shut.

My father looked at me. "I'm sorry about your brother Graham. I was afraid something like this might happen. He hasn't changed. I've tried talking to him and he just clams up and won't listen to reason."

"Don't worry about it dad. I was expecting the worst. I think it might be better if I left so he and his family can stay. It will give you and mom time to spend with your grandkids."

"Nonsense Graham. I standing by what I said. He either apologizes or he and his family can pack up and leave. Let's go in the house and see what's happening. I don't want him upsetting your mother."

We walked into the house. Mom was busy in the kitchen. Dad told me to stay with mom. He was going to have a little family reunion upstairs. He asked my mom where my brother was. She told dad that he went stomping upstairs.

Mom asked me what was going on and I told her about my brother talking to me and then dad coming in. She told me she thought something like this would happen. But mom said, not to worry, your dad would get this taken care of.

Dad walked up the stairs, getting madder with each step he took. He barged into my brother's bedroom. The family was busy packing. "What the hell do you think you're doing. Your not man enough to apologize to your brother?"

"Yes I am man." My brother said. "At least I'm not a fairy sissy boy like that queen downstairs."

My dad was boiling at this point. My father lifted my brother up by his shirt and carried him to the master bedroom. "You stay here while I get your sister. We are having a little chit chat."

My sister and her husband were also busy packing. "And what the hell do you think you're doing?" "I can't be in the house and my kids around a queer. Who knows how long it would take before he starts molesting them."

"This is just wonderful. Two homophobic kids. I thought I raised you better than that. You can get your ass in the master bedroom with your brother. I'm having a little talk with you two."

My sister followed my dad into their master bedroom. She knew better than to say anything when my dad was furious.

My brother and sister sat together on the bed, while my dad pulled a sitting chair over to glare at them. My dad didn't say anything, he just stared and glared at them with the angriest face he could make.

My brother and sister were fidgeting and wondering what their dad was going to say. "Well, I hope your both happy in ruining what should be a nice Thanksgiving Day with all my children here. Your mother started working early this morning in the kitchen getting everything ready for dinner. She's going to be very upset when you two leave."

My brother spoke up, "we didn't ruin anything dad. It's fucking faggot Graham being here. I'm surprised he didn't bring his queer sissy boy boyfriend with him."

"My father got up fast from his chair and smacked his son as hard as he could across the face. I don't want you talking that way about Graham and his partner."

"Why not. You talked that way about Graham for how many years. I don't know what's happened to you. Maybe you like queer boys too."

My father held himself back. He was really going to lay into his son. But thought it wouldn't do any good. "Well, for you both's information. Graham's partner Bob, who is a doctor. had a talk about me about Graham. And really opened my eyes. Your mom and I have changed churches and the new pastor doesn't preach about the sins of homosexuality. We are all God's children and we should learn to love and live with his children no matter what sexual orientation they are. Bob told me how Graham was still the same person he has always been. That he loves me and feels hurt that I didn't accept him."

"Well isn't that lovely. I guess changing churches and had his queer boyfriend talk to you changed you overnight."

Their dad was holding himself back. He knew if he started in on his son, he might not stop, he was so mad. "I've come to a decision. You two can sit here as long as want, but you don't leave this bedroom until you both walk downstairs and apologize to Graham. I don't want you two ruining your mother's hard work and what could still turn out to be a wonderful Thanksgiving Day. Maybe it's time to think about what this day represents and instead of being hateful, it's time to be thankful."

Their dad left them sitting together on the bed. When he closed the door they both looked at each other. They didn't really know what to say. They had never seen their dad this mad before.

"What do you think sis. I've never seen dad this mad before."

"I don't know why you hate Graham so much, he's never done anything to us. Just because he has a male partner. Really doesn't change anything, if you think about it. We all live a long ways from each other so it's not like he and his partner are next door neighbors. Maybe we should give him a chance."

"I don't know. I guess I was more surprised that he was gay. He never acted gay or brought boyfriends home when we were going to school and living at home."

"That's probably because of dad preaching about the sins of homosexuality like the pastor. So Graham didn't feel comfortable coming out. Let's give him a chance and have a nice Thanksgiving. Graham is leaving tomorrow and then we won't have to see him again for a long time."

"Your right sis. I guess I can manage the rest of today and part of tomorrow being around Graham. I may not always be pleasant. I'm just not going to say anything."

"I think dad can live with that. Should we go downstairs and apologize or do you want me to have Graham come up here."

"Why don't you have Graham come up here. I don't really want to be around dad right now."

"Ok. I'll go down and get Graham."

When his sister left, Graham's brother was thinking about what had been said. Maybe Graham was still the same brother he always. He sure was a good high school football player and I heard he did pretty good playing college football too. And he was popular in school. Both girls and boys liked hanging out with Graham. I guess I can give him a chance.

Graham's sister walked out to the porch where her dad and Graham were sitting drinking a beer.

"Graham, you want to follow me. Your brother and I would like to talk to you upstairs in the master bedroom."

I got up and told dad I would be right back. I thought I saw my dad give my sister a wink. I followed her upstairs to the master bedroom.

We walked in and my brother was sitting on the bed. My sister sat down next to my brother and I sat on a sitting chair that was close to the bed.

I wasn't sure what to expect before we walked into the bedroom. I thought my brother would have a baseball bat or something.

My brother started talking. "Your sister and I have been talking. Dad gave us a lecture and a strong talking to. I can't say that I totally agree with you being gay. But I can tolerate it. Your sister and dad have tried to convince me that your still the same brother that I remember from when we lived at home. That might be possible. I will do my best to be polite for the rest of your time here. I might not talk alot, but I won't be calling you names or spouting off anymore."

"I guess that's all I can expect. I'm sure it was has been a shock to both of you. But I want to assure you that I'm still the same brother that I have always been. And your kids are safe around me."

I got up to leave and my brother stopped me. My brother and sister were standing and motioned me over. We got into a group hug and then we all went downstairs.

My sister stayed with my mom and my brother and I went out to dad.

My mom asked my sister how it went upstairs. She told my mom that we had all come to an understanding and that we were ready to enjoy Thanksgiving together as a family. My mom seemed pleased to hear that.

My dad asked us the same that my mom asked me sister. My dad asked us how our talk went upstairs. I didn't say anything. I thought I'd let my brother do the talking. I just sipped on my beer. My brother finally spoke up and said that we had come to an understanding and were ready to enjoy Thanksgiving. My dad seemed pleased to hear that. "Is that the way you feel too Graham?" Asked my dad. I just told them I had a lot of thinking to do and was going to go to my car and call Bob. He is a good listener and always gives good advice.

I got up and took my beer with me. I could feel eyes following me to my car. I got in and let out a sigh of relief. I didn't know if I could spend anymore time with this family and pretend that I'm enjoying myself. I'm sure my dad and brother were having a good conversation and enjoying the game until I came. Then it seemed like all hell broke loose. I was hollered at by my brother and called all kinds of slanderous names. Then my dad cut loose on my brother and sister. None of this would have happened if I hadn't come home for Thanksgiving.

I knew my dad and he was going to start asking my brother questions. Since I left to my car.

"Okay. I'm only going to ask you one question and I want you to be honest with me." My father told my brother.

"Okay. Ask away?"

"Are you sure you and your sister came to understanding? Graham doesn't seem very happy and I feel like he's going to leave."

"All I can tell you is that we had a good talk in your bedroom. I told him how I felt and that I was having a hard time understanding how he could be gay. I told him I would be tolerable and not mention anything else. We then got into a group hug and we came downstairs."

"Well. I still think that Graham is going to leave. It's just a feeling I have."

"If he leaves. It will be his decision. As far as I know, we cleared the air and he knew where his sister and me stood."

I felt good in my car and comfortable. I pulled out my cell phone and called Bob. "Hi Graham. I was wondering when you would call. Good to hear you babe."

"It's great to hear you." Then I told Bob everything that happened from my brother hollering at me in the workshop. My dad getting furious with my brother and sister. And that none of this would have happened if I hadn't come home for Thanksgiving. I told Bob I didn't know what to do. If I should stay and we under the watchful eyes of my brother and sister or if I should come home.

Bob being the diplomat like he is. Said that he couldn't make up my mind for me. That I should way the pros and cons and then make my decision. He always knew the right things to say to me to make me feel better. "Well, babe. I'm going to stay in my car for awhile and do some serious thinking and then I'll make up my mind." Bob told me he knew that I would make the right decision. I thanked my husband for being such a good listener and understanding and I missed him. He told me he missed me too. Bob told me all the items had arrived for when the star and manager came next weekend. The only thing that would be delivered later would be the roses. I thanked my lover again and hung up.

I sat in my car going over in my mind all the pros and cons like Bob mentioned. The cons won out, so I maked my decision.

I walked up to the front of the house and my dad and brother were still sitting on the porch drinking beer. They both looked at me and I told them I had a good talk with Bob and have decided what I'm going to do. I weighed the pros and cons of staying in my mind and the cons won. I'm going to tell my mother and sister goodbye. I just can't stay here and be under scrutinizing eyes watching every move I make. I'm sure everything was going along smooth until I arrived and then it seemed like all hell broke loose. I'm sorry dad. But that is just how I feel. I need time to do more thinking. I'm sorry I can't stay for Thanksgiving, but that's the way it is.

My brother and dad didn't say anything as I walked inside to the kitchen. I told my mom that I would leaving and hugged her and told her I was sorry. But I just didn't feel comfortable being here at this time. Maybe some time in the future. I nodded my head to my sister and walked back out to the porch. I shook hands with my dad and we hugged. And I nodded to my brother and walked proudly to my car.

I felt good and knew I had made the right decision. I got in my car and took off for home. Not looking back and not waving. Leaving in a cloud of dust.

My dad looked at my brother. "You know Graham is right. Everything was peaceful until he came. And then everything really did hit the fan. I just hope that he will come back home again and this isn't the last time I will see him."

My brother kept his mouth shut. Which was unusal for him. He knew if he said anything, his father would really lay into him again.

"I'm going inside to see how your mother is doing. And I hope for your sake, she isn't too upset."

Graham's dad got up with his beer and let the door slam shut when he walked into the kitchen. He walked directly to his wife. She was sitting down at the kitchen table. She looked sad. He put his arms around her and told her everything would be okay. Graham just needed time to think and sort things out. She patted her husband's hands and got up and got back to her cooking. His daughter sat at the kitchen table looking like she was in a trance.

Graham had some satellite music playing in his car and he was humming along with the music. He had his cell phone connected to his built in phone system. He called Bob while he was driving along. He could use Alexis to make the phone call. "Hi babe, you sound like your in your car? Are you on your way home?"

"I sure am. And I feel good. I know I made the right decision. I said my goodbyes to my mom and dad and barely acknowledged my sister and brother."

"I know you weighed the pros and cons and you felt you made the right decision. I can't wait until you get home. And I can promise you there won't be any hollering or name calling."

That got a chuckle from Graham. "I'll call later when I get closer to home to let you know where I'm located."

"Ok, Thanks babe. I'll be waiting for you."

My cell phone rang and it was my dad calling. I let the phone ring. I wasn't ready to talk to any of them right now. Then in a couple of minutes it rang again. This time it was my brother. I was wondering what he wanted. Probably to tell me how happy he was that I left and that I made the right decision. Well he knows what he can do with the right decision and where to stick it. I'm glad I don't have to look at his sorry face. I expect my mom and sister to call soon. I was right. In just a couple of minutes my mom called and then my sister. I didn't answer any of the calls. I'd let them stew and think about how welcomed I had been to their home.

My dad was starting to get upset again. "Graham's not answering his phone. He has it on in his car. And I'm sure he's glad to be away from here. We sure gave him a nice welcome." My dad started glaring at my brother and sister again. "I having another beer on the porch and I don't want anybody disturbing me. I have some thinking to do."

He got up and got himself a cold beer from the frig and walked out to the porch letting the front door slam shut again. Which caused everyone sitting at the kitchen table to jump.

He couldn't stop thinking about Graham and how close they had gotten. Now it seemed like it was all gone and they would have to start over again. He didn't know what to do, to get Graham back, but he was going to give it some serious thought and come up with a plan.

Graham's mom brother and sister sat at the kitchen table. They didn't really say anything. They could tell their mother was upset. But she wouldn't say much. She always let her husband take care of family problems.

Soon Graham's brother got up and told his mom he was going upstairs to relax and spend some time with his wife and kids. And Graham's sister said she was going to do the same with her husband and kids.

They walked together upstairs to their bedrooms. They said they had really messed up this Thanksgiving. And they were worried about Graham. They knew he liked to drive fast and being upset wasn't a good combination. He had had one bad accident and they didn't want to be the cause of another one.

Graham's brother and sister broke away from their spouses so they could have some time to talk. They talked about Graham and agreed that it was best that he left. Everything had been going smoothly with their parents until Graham had arrived. They did feel sorry for Graham and that he felt uncomfortable. But they really felt uncomfortable with him being around their kids.

Graham was over half way home and pulled into a rest stop to refill his travel mug and relieve his bladder. He was the only one at the rest stop. He used one of the smelly urinals and relieved himself. Washed his hands and then refilled his coffee in one of the vending machines. That was all he needed and left for his car.

Before he started his car. He thought he'd give Bob an update where he was. "Hi babe. Glad you called. Where you at?"

Graham gave Bob the details of his location and he knew that Graham was over half way home. "Looks like it will be just over an hour before you get home."

"Yeah. I think so. Traffic isn't too bad."

"Have you received any more phone calls?"

"Ok babe. I'll be looking for you in about an hour."

'I'll call when I'm close to home."

Graham got his cell phone connected to his car's phone system. Started his car and he was off for home.

He was glad to be out of the confines of his parent's house and away from his brother and sister. His cell phone rang some more and he heard the beep signaling he had a message. Graham was in no hurry to answer his phone or read his cell phone messages. I could do that when he got home. If he felt like it.

He knew he could push it if he wanted too while he was on the freeway. But he didn't want to take any chances. He was making good time and driving about five miles over the speed limit, which wasn't any big deal on the freeway. He saw his turnoff ramp coming up to drive down onto county highway eight. Graham thought once he turned onto highway six to their hometown he would give Bob another call.

He had to slow down when he got onto highway eight. It was just a two lane highway. He noticed the In and Out Bar looked busy as well as Milo's. The Bigger One had a few cars parked around on the side of the building. He saw the signs for highway six and he slowed down and put on his signals. There was a place where he could pull over onto the side of the road to call Bob.

"Hi babe. Where you at?"

"I just turned off onto highway six."

"Good you'll soon be home. Your relatives have started calling the house. I've transferred the calls to the answering system. You could listen to them when you get home, if you want to."

"I've received more calls and messages on my cell phone. I'm not ready to talk to them or listen to their messages. Maybe after I get home. We'll see."

"Thanks for calling babe and I'll have a cold beer waiting for you."

While I was waiting on Graham to get home, I made a couple of calls and thought I'd surprise him.

I could see the town up ahead. What a welcome sight that was. My cell phone started ringing again. Why can't they just leave me alone? I'm not ready to talk to them or listen to their messages.

I opened the gate and drove in and parked in the garage. God it felt good to be back home. What a waste of time that was going to my parents and thinking everything would be okay. I hauled my overnight bag out of my sports car and walked into the kitchen.

"Hi babe. I thought I heard some noise in the garage." I walked over and gave my lover a tight long hug. Graham just relaxed into my arms and I could feel all the tension leaving him.

I got Graham's cold beer out of the frig and handed it to him. He downed the beer in two chugs. "Let's go upstairs so you can get changed and put unpack your overnight bag. And then you can tell me what happened."

I carried Graham's overnight bag up to our bedroom. Graham looked tired. I'm sure it was the stress. We got into our bedroom and while Graham was putting his things away he was telling me everything that happened. Graham wasn't upset with his parents. His dad tried to mend everything. But his brother was something else. Telling Graham that he would tolerate him being at their parent's house. Graham's sister didn't say much. But Graham said he could tell that she was agreeing with her brother.

I felt like every move I made I was being scrutinized. I knew my brother thought I would molest his kids. "What a sick bastard he is and I'm glad I don't have to see him or hear him."

Graham had everything put away and I told him I would undress him and just keep standing. I kissed him while I started unbuttoning his shirt. And I took it off and laid it on the bed. The I had him lift a foot and I took his shoe and sock off and then did his other foot. I put his socks in his shoes. I undid his belt and the his pants button. Then slid his zipper down. I could see his cock straining the front of his boxers. I slowly lowered Graham's pants and then feel to his ankles. I took his pants off and laid them on the bed with his shirt. I then I licked and sucked his big bulge through his boxers. That made Graham moan.

I then put a finger on each side of his boxers and lowered them down and he kicked them off.

There was my man standing naked in front of me. What a lovely sight. I dropped my robe and was naked with Graham. We hugged tight together so that our cocks would rub and grind together.

We got on the far side of the bed and laid down into a sixty nine. It was something we started to like alot. Graham's cock was pointing right at my mouth and I took him in. I felt Graham doing the same thing to me. I eased a couple of wet fingers into Graham's hole and felt his cock twitch and jerk in my throat. Graham eased one finger in and he found my prostate right away. We got into a good sucking rhythm. Working each other's holes was getting us hot and horny fast. I felt my cock stiffen in Graham's mouth and throat and I blasted out a big load that he swallowed. Then I felt Graham stiffen out and shudder and he pumped a big load into my throat. I swallowed it all. "Happy Thanksgiving babe."We laid back exhausted and Graham told me he really needed that and felt much better now.

While we were laying in bed looking at each other, I told Graham I had a surprise for later.

We got up and Graham told me he was going to iisten to the answering machine and wanted me with him.

Graham and I walked downstairs and I let Graham press the red flashing button. The answer machine was on speaker, so we would both be able to hear the messages.

Graham pressed the button and it was Graham's mom. She was crying and apologizing for his brother and sister. Graham thought it should be his brother and sister calling and apologizing not his mother.

Graham pressed the button again and the next message was from Graham's dad. He also apologized to Graham on his brother's rude behavior and his sister siding with her brother. The message went on to say that he had another talk with his brother and sister, but he felt it didn't really accomplish anything.

That was the only messages on the answering maching. Nothing from his brother or sister. Graham said he wasn't surprised. But was glad to hear from his mom and dad. He was just sorry that he ruined their Thansgving.

I told Graham that he didn't ruin anything. It was his brother's behavior and attitude that ruined everything. And I also told Graham that he didn't do anything wrong. All he did was drive to his parent's to have Thanksgiving with the whole family.

Graham seemed to be doing okay so far.

We walked down to the pool and Graham said he was going to check his cell phone. While Graham started looking at his missed calls and messages, I got him another beer.

Graham took a big long swig of his beer and said he was waiting for me until he started playing the missed messages. He put them on speaker on his cell phone, so I could hear.

The first missed message was from Graham's dad. Wishing Graham would have stayed to eat a good Thanksgiving dinner and his mom then said that they missed him. Again nothing from his brother or sister. However there two more missed messages.

The next message was from Graham's brother. Graham thought this should be interesting. His brother thanked him for leaving and the family was more relaxed now and enjoying themselves. And then weren't all stressed like when he was there.

"That's my brother babe. All heart. And putting all the blame on me. He must have called from his bedroom. My dad would probably have smashed his cell phone if knew about this message."

The last message was from Graham's sister. "Graham I'm sorry about our brother. But he threatened me if I didn't go along with what he wanted. I'm stil trying to find out why he despises you and and wanted you gone from our parent's house. Dad had another long private talk with him. But I don't think it did any good. Again, I'm sorry Graham and I wished you would have stayed, but I can understand your leaving with our hateful brother."

"I thought my brother was probably up to something with my sister. My sister is more understanding."

"Well that ends the calls and messages. How do you feel?"

"Relieved that I'm not around my brother anymore. And glad to be back here with you."

I leaned over and gave Graham another kiss. And again he just melted into me. I could tell he really needed the attention.

"How does a swim sound babe. You ready for that?"

"You bet. I ready to whip you doing laps."

"We'll see about that." And we both dove into the pool.

We swam around a little to get warmed up and then we started doing laps. We started almost tied the whole time. When we got so tired we couldn't do any more laps. We called it a draw and walked out of the pool.

We rinsed off outside and laid back down on our robes on the lounger.

"So what's this surprise you have me guessing about?"

"I made dinner reservations so we could enjoy Thanksgiving together."

I thought Graham was going to start crying. It looked like he had tears in his eyes. "Bob that's a wonderful idea. There's nobody else I'd rather spend Thanksgiving with. What time is our dinner reservations?"

"I made it for seven with some nogotiating. I think we should probably start getting ready."

We got up off the lounger and walked arm in arm upstairs to our bedroom. While we were walking to the bedroom. I was thinking how I would handle Graham's situation. I didn't really know. It was easier to give advice and counsel other people. But when it came to myself, I wasn't sure. I was glad our family all got along well.

I told Graham we should wear one of our new tailored suits. Graham got out a dark brown suit. He thought it was an appropriate color for Thanksgiving. I had a dark brown suit too, but it was a little different in color than Graham's. We both decided on yellow dress shirts. Graham's dress shirt was a darker yellow than mine. And then we had silk ties that were brown and yellow and thought they'd look good. Dark brown dress shoes and belt and we thought we looked pretty sharp. We splashed on some cologne and adjusted each other's ties and shirts a little and we were ready to go.

I told Graham that I was driving since I knew where I had made the reservations. I wanted it to be a surprise for Graham. The valets liked parking Graham's sports car, and usually flipped a coin to see who got to park his car. That wouldn't happen with my SUV.

We got in my SUV and I headed out to the hotel. Graham was looking more relaxed and content and I was glad for him. I was just hoping his father could drill some sense into his brother so they could all be together as one happy family.

As we got closer to the hotel, Graham knew where I was going. "How did you manager reservations on Thanksgiving Day?"

"Sam worked some magic for the owners of the hotel."

Graham gave me a smile and I pulled up in front. I have one of the valets park my car.

We got out and walked up to the front. The doorman opened the doors for us and welcomed us to our hotel. We walked into a busy lobby. Sam spotted us and led us into a full dining room. A large buffet was setup against the back wall with two chefs working the buffet.

Sam led us to our table with a reserved sign. We were seated and he told us ou waiter would be here shortly and told us he was glad to see us. It had been a long time since we had eaten or visited the hotel.

Our waiter came to our table. He looked like a young college man. He asked if we would like something to drink. I told him a scotch and water on the rocks and Graham ordered a beer. He told us he would be right back with our drinks and we could go to the buffet when we wanted.

Graham and I thought we'd sip on our drinks first and then go to the buffet. The buffet was set up on long tables. I could see salads of different sorts. It looked like ham and turkey. Stuffing and I couldn't tell what was in the smaller bowls, they were too far away.

Graham got a call on his cell phone while we were enjoying our drinks. "Hi dad, how is your Thanksgiving?"

"It's ok, but would be better if you were here. But I can understand you leaving the way your brother behaved. I had another good talk with him. Your brother and sister plan on staying till Sunday, when they fly back to the west coast. I told your brother he wasn't welcome anymore in my house until he apologized to you and changed his ways. Of course he had reply to that. He said it would be a cold day in hell before he apologized to you. He went on to say that he's not the one that needs to change. And he didn't want a sexual predator around his kids. I got mad again, but controlled myself and told him he better think hard and what he's going to do if he wants to come here again. He said if Graham was coming he wouldn't be. He didn't what his kids in jeopardy. He went stomping up to his bedroom like a little kid and I haven't seen him since. Which is okay with me. One other thing Graham, give Bob your brother's phone number. Bob is good at working magic and making people understand about homosexuality. He seems to know what just to say and not make people angry. It might work out the best for all of us if Bob wants to do that. I need leave Graham and check on your mom. I'm sorry about what happened, but maybe we can soon all get together as one happy family."

I told Bob about my conversation with my dad. Bob said that it was different talking to someone on the phone than face to face. But he said if my father thought it might help, I would do it.

Graham gave me his brother's phone number. I told Graham I would call his brother on Friday, since I work a half day. It would give me more time to talk to him if he's receptive.

We finished our drink and I motioned for our waiter. I told him to bring us another round of drinks.

Graham and I got up and walked over to the buffet. We had we wander around tables and then get into a short line. The dining room was full and and it seemed as soon as people left, there were more waiting to get seated. Everything looked good and smelled wonderful. They hadn't placed the dessert out yet. Graham told me to look over on the other side and I saw a long table setup with the dessert.

We grabbed a dinner plate and started making our way down the line. I fixed myself a green salad. Then stayed with the traditional Thanksgiving foods. Stuffing sweet potatoes squash cranberry sauce and a large turkey leg. Graham looked like he wanted to try everything, but his plate wasn't big enough. I told him this was a buffet and he could come back. So he fixed himself a green salad and also stayed with the traditional Thanksgiving food, except he had a large thick slice of glazed ham and a large turkey drumstick. His plate was really full. We walked back to our table and our drinks were sitting there waiting for us.

We lifted our glasses and clinked them and said cheers. And told each other happy Thanksgiving. We really had a lot to be thankful about. We had a great group of friends. Our parents loved us. And we could help people when we could. We had been together now, almost five years. We couldn't ask for more.

We enjoyed our Thanksgiving dinner. And Graham went back for seconds. He said the ham was really good. It was a glazed spiral cut ham. I told him to bring me back a small piece of ham. I wanted to try it. I had the waiter bring me a glass of white wine. I knew they served the white wine that Graham and I liked. Graham stayed with his beer.

Graham came back with a big piece of ham for me. It was more than I wanted. But I wasn't going to complain. Graham was right. The ham was really good. Not salty and the glazing gave a nice rich flavor. It tasted good with the wine.

Graham finished and said he was going for dessert. I told him I would join him. I ate as much of that big piece of ham that I could. The waiter had cleared our dinner dishes.

We got up and walked over to the dessert table. They had a large assortment of different desserts to choose from. Graham had a piece of apple pie and stuck a glazed donut on top. I choose a piece of pecan pie. And we walked back to our table. Dessert was good and it didn't take us long to finish. The pecan pie didn't taste that great with white wine, but it was okay.

Our waiter came back and asked us if we would like anything else. We told him we were full and everything was delicious. Graham and I both gave the waiter a tip and he thanked us.

We got up and walked to the lobby. Sam noticed us and walked over. "How was your Thanksgiving dinner?"

"It was excellent. The chef did an outstanding job."

"That's good to hear, especially from the owners. Now I expect to see you men here more often. You don't have to be strangers. After all, you own this hotel."

We promised Sam we would try to get here more often. And we all walked to the front doors. The doorman opened the doors for us. We thanked Sam again and the doorman thanked us for coming to the hotel. My SUV was parked in front and I tipped the valet. We got in and were on our way home.

Graham had the rest of the week off and didn't go back to work until next Monday. The lucky dog.

We got home and walked upstairs to our bedroom. I remembered I hadn't shown Graham what Cindy had done in the second master bedroom for the star and his manager/partner.

"Hey babe, follow me. I want you to see something." We walked into the other master bedroom and Graham liked how Cindy had started decorating. He told me it was funny how everyone had their own ideas of how to decorate. It looked nice so far."

We walked back into our bedroom and changed out of our suits. And put robes and sandals on.

We went downstairs and I poured myself a glass of refreshment and Graham asked me to get him a beer. He was hitting the beer hard today. I thought he might after his experience at his parent's house.

It was later, but nice to lounge by the pool. The outsides lights had all come on and there was nice reflections off the pool. I didn't turn on the pool lights.

We laid tight together and Graham's warm body felt nice. We both enjoyed our Thanksgiving dinner and didn't really talk much. "How you feeling babe?" I asked Graham.

"Much better. I've pretty much forgotten every thing that happened at my parent's house. I hope they had a pleasant Thanksgiving without me."

What Graham didn't know, was that his mom had set a place setting for Graham. Of course Graham's brother had so say something. "That's the quietiest and most blank I've seen Graham." He thought it was pretty funny and the rest of the family just stared at him.

"Graham's father then said, that is the way it will be from now on without you here." That shut up Graham's brother quick and he didn't say anything.

Bob and Graham thought it was time to head inside. They went into the living room and laid down together while Graham turned on the tv. They watched the late news and weather and then went to bed.

It was Friday morning. Bob's favorite day of the week. Only a half day of work. Graham got up early and they went downstairs to workout and talk with their friends. Most of them had went out to restaurants for Thanksgiving dinner and a few had been with family.

We showered and jerked each other off. Dried each other off and got dressed and went upstairs for breakfast.

Cindy had a small feast prepared and soon it was all gone. We thanked Cindy and we got into our traditional group hug and kiss in the garage. Graham stayed back and told everyone he had the day off. The rest of us drove to work.

Friday morning went fast at the clinic. I got a call from Graham when I was getting ready to leave. He told me he would be home later. He got a call from Preston, to come into the office.

I got home to a quiet house. Cindy and Graham were both gone. Graham had left a post-it note for me on the kitchen island to be sure to call his brother. I hadn't forgotten, but I wanted to get changed and then prepare myself for making the call.

I wasn't afraid of calling him. I just needed to focus on what I wanted to say. It was usually pretty easy. I let the other person do most of the talking and left them with some things to think about. I would put my call on video so he could see me and I could see him.

I was glad Graham wasn't home. Not because of me, but I thought it might upset Graham when he heard me talking to his brother. I got comfortable by the pool and picked up my cell phone. Went to my contacts and found Graham's brother and pressed the number and call icon. I heard his phone ring and ring and ring. I was wondering if he was home. Then I heard a sleepy voice answer the phone. "Hello my phone says Bob, but I don't know who you are?"

"This is Bob calling. I'm Graham's partner."

The phone got quiet for almost a minute. "Oh, your Graham's sissy queer boyfriend."

"No. I'm Graham's partner."

"That's nice. What's on your sleazy mind?"

"I thought it would be good for us to get acquainted."

"And why would I want to be acquainted with a faggot?"

"Because I'm Graham's partner and part of the family."

"Your not part of my family. Thank god. You might have fooled my mom an dad, but you can't pull the wool over my eyes. I know all about you queer faggots."

"Oh really. And how did you get your information? From having some gay friends?"

"Ha,ha. Very funny. I don't associate with fags. I lead a very respectable life with a very loving family."

"That sounds like Graham and me. We lead a very respectable life and we love each other very much."

"You know that's sick and disgusting?"

"And why is that?"

"Because two men or two women aren't supposed to live together or have any kind of relationship?"

"That's interesting. And how did you come to that conclusion?"

"Our preacher talks about the sins of homosexuality and how it's against God's teachings."

"And where does your preacher get his information?"

"He preaches directly from the Bible."

"You sound like a very religious man. That's great. You must know the Bible pretty well?"

"That's for sure."

"That's good to know. Maybe you can help me then. And tell me the verses that talk about the sins of homosexuality."

"I'd be glad to." It sounded like he had a Bible close by him. I heard him flipping pages. He was stammering and mumbling. "Just give me a minute and I'll have the verses for you."

I was thinking, good luck. The Bible doesn't have any verses about homosexuality. The Bible does say we are all God's children and were born in his likeness.

"I can't seem to find the verses right now."

"Let me help you. The Bible doesn't have any verses about the sins of homosexuality. It does have many verses about us being God's children and being born in his likeness. It seems to me if we are God's children then our sexual orientation doesn't matter. We are all accepted by God."

"That's your interruptation."

"No it's not. It's the Bible's interruptation. And since you know the Bible so well, I'm sure you know what I'm talking about."

"Now I would like to tell you a few things. Graham's doesn't know why you hate him. From what he has told me, he's never done anything to make you dislike him. I know from listenting to Graham, that he loves his parents and his brother and sister and would like to be accepted for who he is. He hasn't changed. He's the same brother you've always known. The only difference is that he prefers the same sex for a loving relationship. I should think you'd be happy for Graham. That he's happy. I hope you'll think about what I said and we talked about. Maybe in time you'll be able to accept your brother and renew a brotherly relationship with him."

I disconnected the call. And hoped my words would help Graham and his brother.

Graham's brother was fuming when I ended the call. He knew the Bible specifically stated the sins of homosexualtiy. He just needed more time to find the verses in the Bible. But then he started thinking about what his dad said. And maybe he should talk to the preacher and get everything straight about homosexuality. And if the preacher couldn't point out the Bible verses, then maybe some of what Bob said was true.

Bob felt good after talking with Graham's brother. He thought he might have gotten through to him a little. At least gave him some information to think about. Like he had done with Graham's dad.

Well, tomorrow we were having Thanksgiving at my moms and dads house. At least their wouldn't be any slander or disrespectful language. Everyone got along well and accepted Graham. My brother and his family would be their. It would be nice to see Reggie. Now where was Graham? I needed my man home.

I walked up to the kitchen and poured myself a glass of refreshment. I get a beer ready for Graham when he got home.

I had just put the big glass pitcher of refreshment in the frig when the kitchen door to the garage opened and Graham walked in. I walked over and gave him a kiss and hug.

I got Graham a beer from the frig. "Let's go upstairs so I can watch you change clothes."

We walked together upstairs and Graham told me the big client that he and Preston wee working with, had decided to make some last minute changes. Preston wanted me their so we could decide on the budgeting and if it the changes would stay within the agreed budget.

I watched Graham taking off his clothes and I started to get stiff in my robe. I told Graham about my call with his brother. Graham told me he was surprised that he hadn't hung up and actually listened to what I told him. He said we'd just have to wait and see if my call did any good.

Graham didn't get aroused taking off his clothes. I opened my robe when he came out of the closet so he could see my erection sticking straight up. "It looks like someone is happy to see me."

"I'm always happy to see my man."

Graham walked over to me naked and got down on his knees and leaned over the bed and took my erection in his mouth and slowly down his throat. God that felt good. Graham was getting really good. I saw him grab the tube of lube out of our nightstand. He lubed a couple of fingers and eased them into my hole. My hole grabbed his fingers and pulled them in. Graham started slowly bobbing up and down on my hard cock. I was leaking like a faucet and could feel it running out of my pee slit. And when Graham got up to the head of my cock he would suck my precum out and then go back down to the base of my cock. His fingers were doing a good job of playing with my prostate. My prostate was swollen and I was super horny. I was moaning and enjoying all the wonderful sensations going through my body. Graham was kind and gentle and loving. I knew I would be cumming soon. The next time one of Graham's fingers rubbed my prostate, bolts of electricity ran through my body. Making me shudder and jerk and I started spasming and unloaded a mouthful of cum. Graham swallowed my load down and told me I tasted delicious. He licked the sides and head of my cock and had all the cum gone.

I laid on the bed for a minute and then I got up. I saw Graham had a big gob of precum on the head of his cock. It looked like it was ready to drip down on the floor. I got quickly on my knees and licked and sucked out his precum. Then I got up and kissed him. "Your done already?"

"Yup. I'll take care of my man later."

We put our robes and sandals on and walked down to the pool. Graham still had beer left in his glas and I still had almost a full glass of refreshment.

I had grabbed the daily paper. And we sipped on our beverages and looked over the different sections of the paper. Nothing much grabbed our attention. I told Graham that tomorrow we had Thanksgiving at my parents. He said he remembered and was looking forward to it. At least their wouldn't be any arguments or disrespectful language. I told him it should be enjoyable.

I told Graham I thought I heard the speaker. I put my robe and sandals on and ran up to the foyer. Someone was at the gate. I pressed the button and one of the hotel shuttle buses came in. I was wondering why a shuttle bus was at our house. The driver and a passenger got out and opened the back of the van. They had two large serving platters they carried up to the front doors. I opened the doors for them and told them to set the platters on the kitchen island. They told me there was something special on the platters for us. Courtesy of our hotel. I was thinking Sam must have had something to do with this. I was going to give the two men a tip and they said it wasn't necesarry, this was compliments of the hotel. I thanked them and opened the gate so they could leave.

I was curious and took the covers off the platters. One large platter had pieces of turkey with traditional Thanksgiving side dishes. The other platter had sliced ham with some of the other sides. This was really nice and would be make a nice dinner for Graham and me later. I put the covers back on.

I left the platters on the kitchen island and walked down to Graham and him about the two platters and that I was going to call Sam and thank him.

I picked up my cell phone and called Sam's private number. "Hi Bob, nice to hear from you. You sly devil. We just received the two big platters. Thank you, It was very thoughtful."

"I thought you and Graham would like that. When I told the chef, he thought that was a great idea and got the two platters ready. You guys can enjoy some more Thanksgiving food tonight for your dinner."

"Thanks again Sam and thank the chef. It was a very nice thoughtful jesture."

When I finished my call Graham was looking at me. "What?"

"I'm hungry. It's a little early to eat, don't you think?"

"The food was so good at the buffet. I'm ready to devour some more."

"I think your stomach is a bottomless pit. Can't we wait a little while and eat later. How about if we do some laps and get in some exercise?"

"I suppose, if you say so mommy."

I looked for something to throw at Graham, but I couldn't find anything. We both dove in and horsed around for awhile. Then we did some laps. We were tired after our exercise and walked out of the pool on the shallow end. We rinsed off under the outside shower and put our robes on.

"How about you help me babe, get our dinner ready"

We put our robes on and walked up to the kitchen. You could smell the food and I thought I saw Graham drooling.

We decided to eat in the dining and go all out. Graham set the table with our best Royal Doulton china. And our Waterford crystal glasses. He dimmed the chandeliers over the large dining room table. He lit candles and put one of our flower arrangements in the center of the table.

I had the food warmed and ready for serving. Graham helped me carry everything into the dining room. We served each other and kissed and said another great Thanksgiving dinner.

I had turkey and Graham had ham. I thought everything tasted better than when we ate at the hotel dining room. Maybe all the flavors had more time to mingle. I think I heard that somewhere.

We both ate pumpkin pie for dessert.

Graham helped me get everything put away. And we carefully cleaned the dishes and the crystal stemware and they were put back into the hutch. The hutch was large and went almost the length of the wall. The wood looked like black ash. But I wasn't sure.

I knew that it sure made a nice looking contrast to the dark mahogany. And with the dishes and crystal stemware, it really looked sharp. The drawers held our silver and gold trimmed flatwared. Linen napkins and matching tableclothes were in the other drawers. The shelves held our silver serving dishes.

We turned off the lights in the dining room and decided to watch a movie downstairs in the theater room.

Graham found us a movie to watch and actually refused any popcorn. We split a beer and started watching the movie. We sat together on one of our oversized theater chairs. We had a console between four theater chairs in each row. We had four rows of theater chairs.

A good mystery spy movie ended and we were ready to call it a night.

Graham got everything turned off and we walked arm in arm up to our bedroom.

We hung our robes in the closet and crawled into bed naked. Graham turned the lights off and soon I was on him. "It's my turn to take care of my man and show him I much I love him."

Graham got a big smile on his face and put his arms behind his head.

I got down between his legs and sucked and worked his balls in my mouth rolling one around at a time and sucking on it and then the other ball. Graham was squirming around and I knew he liked what I was doing. I then licked and kissed his upper thighs. My nose hitting and brushing those nice big full balls. I then licked between Graham's balls up to the tip of his cock. I sucked and licked off his precum. I moved a hand down to fondle and cup his big balls, while I started slowly deep throating his fat hardon. Graham was just moaning off and on and I could tell by the look on his face he was really enjoying this. I licked a couple of fingers and eased them into his hole. I liked playing with Graham's prostate and making him hot and horny. When my fingertip touched his prostate he started jerking and shuddering. I knew right away that I had found it. I started deep throating him a little faster. I had his balls cupped in one hand while my fingers were going in and out of his hot hole. My throat muscles were massaging the length of Graham's big hard shaft. Working the length from the base to the tip. I noticed Graham's eyes roll back and he started gasping and groaning loud. I felt his cock swell in my mouth and it felt like it grew an inch. His first hot blast hit the back of my throat and then the next blasts ran down my throat. I had to swallow a couple of times. I then slowly eased off his cock and pulled my fingers out of his hole. I licked and cleaned the cum off his shaft. I squeezed the head and licked off the last drop of cum. I laid back and looked at Graham. "That was fantastic babe."

"That was a delicious Thanksgiving Day dessert."

We were tired after that sexercise. Graham turned the lights off and we snuggled together. I pulled the covers over us and we fell asleep.

Saturday morning came around fast. We crawled out of bed and did a few laps in the pool. We rinsed off outside and then we worked together in the kitchen making breakfast.

We ate at the breakfast nook. Once we finished our breakfast, we cleared off the little table and put everything away.

We walked down to the pool and grabbed our robes and went up to the sunroom. The parrots were busy singing with the background music. Or at least that's what it sounded like. They seemed glad to see Graham and me. I checked their dishes and everything looked okay.

Graham turned on the tv and we watched a college football came that was just starting. I got Graham and me a couple of bottled waters. He thought he had drank enough beer. I agreed with him. He would probably drink beer at my parent's house when we went over for Thanksgiving dinner.

The game was good and Graham and I would make good sports announcers. We criticized bad plays. And cheered when they made good plays. I was approching lunch time and half time. I told Graham I would get something ready for us for lunch and bring it up here to the sunroom.

Graham looked like he was ready to doze off and I told him to relax and I'd be back in a few minutes.

I went downstairs and made a fresh pot of coffee. I warmed up some of the Thanksgiving leftovers. Not too much, just enough to snack on. I didn't want us too full and not enjoy my mother's Thanksgiving dinner.

I got everything ready on a large tray and made my way upstairs to the sunroom. I had to juggle a bit to hold the big tray and open the sunroom door. I managed and walked in and set the big tray on the large round table. I put the plates and silverware down and poured us each a cup of coffee.

Graham walked over and he ate a piece of ham. I did the same. I hadn't eaten much of the ham and it was really good. We ate a little of the side dishes, leaving room for later.

We finished lunch and Graham helped me load the tray and carry it down to kitchen. We put everything away and went back upstairs. I had left the coffee thermos and our cups upstairs in the sunroom.

We went back upstairs and the second half was just getting ready to start. I poured us another cup of coffee and we started watching the second half. The second half was not as exciting as the first half. We watched the game to the end. And we checked the time.

We thought we better think about getting ready to go to my parent's house.

I took the our empty coffee cups and thermos down to the kitchen. Graham went into our bedroom.

I walked back up to the master bedroom and I saw the closet light on and Graham looking around. "What should we wear?"

"We don't need to wear suits. My mother didn't specify that. I think something dressy would be nice. My mother would appreciate that." We each got out tailor made dress pants and tailor made dress shirts. Graham helped me match a nice dress shirt with the pants I was wearing. We started getting dressed. I pulled out a nice belt and dress shoes that I thought went well with my clothes. Graham was already dressed and waiting on me. I finished and we checked ourselves out in the mirror and put on our favorite cologne, Dolce and Gabbana. We thought we looked pretty hot and were ready to go.

Graham wanted to drive and I didn't argue with him. When I could get out of driving, I didn't mind at all. Even though it was just a quick jaunt to my parent's house.

We walked into the gargage and I set the alarm system. Graham pulled out of the garage and his car was just as smooth as ever. I always felt like I was sitting on the ground. His car was so low. I was used to sitting up in my SUV.

Within a few minutes we were pulling up in front of my parent's house. I saw my brother's SUV parked on the side and Graham parked next to his SUV.

We walked up to the front doors and the butler opened the doors for us. I was going to start laughing but controlled myself. The butler was dressed like a pilgrim. I was wondering where my mother got this idea. I was wondering if all the staff was wearing pilgrim costumes.

He showed Graham and me to the sunroom. My parents and brother and his wife were sitting there. They got up when they saw us. And hugged and shook hands with everything. I asked Deb where my niece and nephew were. She told me they were playing in the backyard. It looked like my mother had white wine. So Graham wasn't going to get a beer.

We all talked about what we had all been doing. Getting caught up. My mother asked Graham how his Thanksgiving dinner was with his parents. He said it could have been better. But didn't go into any details and my mother didn't press him. I was glad about that. I was glad my family was including Graham in our conversation.

My father asked Graham if he would follow him. He wanted to talk to him private for a couple of minutes. We all looked at my dad, kind of surprised.

Graham and my dad got up from their chairs and Graham followed my dad to the library. They went inside and my dad closed the door. "Take a seat Graham I want to talk to you for a couple of minutes. Your father and I have become good friends and he called and told me about what happened Thanksgiving Day at your parent's house with your brother. I'm sorry to hear about that. It should have been a happy time for all your family being together. I want you to know that your like another son to me. And I'm glad to have you as part of our family. I going to tell you something now that I've never told Robert, and if you want to tell him later that's okay."

"When I found out Robert was gay, I was really upset. Probably like your dad when he found out you were gay. But I held in my pride and worked through it. I went throught all the scenarios, of what I had done wrong that Robert would be gay. I finally realized that it was nothing me or my wife had done. Robert was born that way and was my son. I was going to have to learn to accept it. I wonder about Reggie. And over time I was able to do that. Now that Robert's older and he has found a great partner. I couldn't be happier for the two of you. I like seeing Robert happy and I know your a big part of that. You two make a wonderful couple and I'm proud to have you as another son."

"Let's go back and join the other's, before they start looking for us."

We got up from our chairs and Bob's dad gave me a big hug. I followed Bob's dad. I had no idea how to get back to the sunroom. This house looked like it went on forever.

We joined the rest of Bob's family and Bob's mother poured us all another glass of white wine. Bob's dad spoke up and said, "I bet you'd rather have a beer Graham?"

"The wine is okay thanks. No, I'm having a beer brought out for you." And he called one of the staff. One of the maid came to the sunroom, in your pilgrim outfit, and said she'd be right back. She came back with a frosty cold beer on silver tray. Graham thanked my dad.

Mom told us dinner would be ready in about a half hour.

We got up and walked out to the backyard. I was thinking how much better our backyard looked. Reggie's kids were playing in the pool and laying on plastic inflatable rafts.

We sat under the covered part of the patio in the shade. I could tell Graham was enjoying his beer. The white wine was good. Not the white wine we had at our house, but it was still good.

Reggie called out to his kids that they Sneeded to get ready for dinner. Deb went over and helped the kids and took them to their bedroom, I assumed, to get ready for dinner.

She came back and joined us and told us the kids would be ready soon. I was sipping slowly on my wine. I would have liked something different, but I didn't want to disappoint my mom.

Soon the kids came out and joined us. They had some nice looking dress clothes on and looked ready for dinner. They sat by their mom. Ir looked like they were drinking orange juice.

Soon a staff member came out, dressed in her pilgrim outfit, and told us dinner was ready.

We all got up and made our way to the formal dining room. My parents had a large table that seated twenty like Graham and me. They had two large chandeliers above the table. And three large hutches to hold all the china silverware napkins tableclothes and assorted silver serving dishes.

Mom had name cards so we knew where to sit. My parents sat at each end of the table. Graham and I sat on one side together. While Reggie's family all sat together on the opposite side from Graham and me.

The servers were ready, dressed in their pilgrim outfits, and started bringing in food and serving us. My mom had the table decorated with a large Thanksgiving flower runner. With orange lit candles they seemed to give off some kind of an aroma. They smelled like pumpkin.

The servers served the ladies first and then us men after. My mom had the chef prepare two large turkeys. All the traditional sides were served. Stuffing cranberry sauce sweet pototates and squash. Everything was delicious and we all thanked my mom for a wonderful Thanksgiving dinner.

While we were eating my mom said we need to go around the table and tell everyone what we are thankful for. "I will start. I'm thankful to have all the family here to enjoy Thanksgiving. And to have Graham joining us for his first time for Thanksgiving."

Graham was next and he said he was thankful for being invited to a wonderful Thanksgiving dinner and was very thankful to have Bob for support. I was next and I thanked my mom for inviting us to this delicious Thanksgiving dinner. And I looked at Graham and thanked him for being my rock and my soulmate.

My dad went next and he said he was glad everyone could make it for Thanksgiving dinner. This is a time for family to be together. And I'm glad we have Graham to share this with us. Then it was my brother's turn and he said he was glad to be invited and that we could all be together for Thanksgiving and thanked his mom for an awesome Thanksgiving dinner. Then finally it was Deb's turn. She said she was glad to have this opportunity to be together with the rest of the family. She said the kids were anxious to see uncle Bob and uncle Graham. I thought I saw Graham tearing up.

My mom thanked everyone for their kind words and to now enjoy the rest of the dinner. We finished the main course and the servers cleared the table and started bringing in dessert.

I don't know whose eyes got bigger, my niece and nephew or Graham's. When they brought in dessert. There was pumpkin pie, caramel apple cheesecake, pecan pie, butter pecan cookies and pumpkin cinnamon rolls.

The kids and Graham really dug into dessert. The rest of us had just a small sampling of everything. We had coffee with our dessert and the kids drank water.

We finished and mom said, "let's go back to the sunroom. I'll have a couple servers bring coffee and the dessert, in case anybody wants more."

We all walked back to the sunroom and the kids went off to their bedroms to change. They soon came running back and told their parents they were going to play in the backyard. Reggie and Deb told them to be careful in the pool.

We drank more coffee and we all ate a little more dessert. Finally Reggie looked at Graham and me, and said, "let's to over to you guys house for awhile."

My parents looked a little surprised. We all got up and Graham and I thanked my mom for a terrific Thanksgiving, even if it was on Saturday. And we shook hands with my dad and he hugged. Everyone followed us out to the front doors.

Graham and I got into his sports car and Reggie got into his SUV and followed us back to our house.

Graham parked in the garage and walked out to open the front door for Reggie. "So what's this about Reggie?"

"Deb has been complaining and being hard to get along with. I just needed a break for a little while. I know everything will be okay. I hope this is okay with guys?"

"Of course Reggie, you're always welcome here."

"Graham and I are going upstairs to get changed and we'll be right back."

"Is it okay if I join you?"

"Of course, let's go." We ran up the stairs to our master bedroom. We all stripped down in record time. Graham and I hung up our clothes and when we came out of the walkin closet, Reggie was laying naked on the bed, feeling his cock and balls and he looked like he was semi hard.

Graham and I looked at each other and smiled. Seeing Reggie's hot body started making us chub up. We each got on a side of Reggie. And we all started making out. Kissing and feeling each other all over. It didn't take us long to get hardons.

Graham moved between Reggie's legs and took his hard shaft down his throat. Reggie started groaning and said this was just what he needed. I straddled my brother's face with my cock and balls hanging down. Reggie started sucking on my balls. God it felt good. He and Jarvis must be getting a lot of practice. I noticed Graham getting off Reggie's hard shaft and moving his hole over his hard cock and positioning the head at his hole. Then I saw Graham slowly slide down Reggie's big hardon. Reggie started sucking on my shaft and I was now moaning. Graham and I were facing each other and started kissing. That seemed to make Reggie really horny and I heard him give out a loud groan and start humping up Graham's hot hole. That sent me over the edge and I started filling my brother's mouth with my load. He swallowed it all down. Once we finished cumming we laid back panting. Then it was my turn to lay down and Reggie and Graham took care of me. When I was finished, Graham laid down and Reggie and I took care of my lover. We were all sated after that and just laid on the bed relaxing.

We finally got up and we gave Reggie some sandals to put and we walked down to the pool naked. I got us all a round beer and we relaxed together on the loungers drinking our beer.

Reggie said, "you guys have it made. Your a couple and don't have any of the marital problems of a nagging and complaining wife. Kids that always need something and the pressure of work to top it off."

"We do get along well. And we don't nag or complain. But you know your welcome anytime Reggie. Anytime you feel like you need to get away. Spend a few day with us and then I'm sure you'll be rejuvenated and ready to get back to the family."

"I just might take you up on that. i don't want to be a pest."

"You're our brother. You would never be a pest. We'd both love to have you here and spend some time with us."

"Thanks guys. That's nice to hear."

We finished our beer and Reggie thought he should head back to our parent's house. He told us he felt better and could handle whatever Deb and the kids had to throw at him. Graham and I chuckled.

We went backupstairs and Graham and I helped Reggie get dressed. All he had to do was lift a foot, now and then, raise his arms and he was dressed. We made sure to give him a nice bulge. He said, "thanks guys. I hope this goes down before I get back to the house."

We walked to the front door with Reggie. We hugged and kissed and watched him leave and head back to our parent's house.

Graham and I went back downt to the pool. I told Graham if he was getting himself another beer to get me a water.

Graham came back to the lounger and laid down next to me. Then I leaned over and asked him, "what did you and dad talk about?"

"Your dad told me I could tell you if I wanted to."

He said that our dads had become good friends. And my dad called and told John, your dad about Thanksgiving and my brother. Also he went on to say that he felt like my dad for awhile about you being gay. He had a hard time accepting that you were gay, but realized it was nothing he or your mom did, you were born that way. He now was wondering about Reggie. He said that when he saw you happy with me, that made him happy. And also as you were happy, so was he. And he considered me another son.

"Wow, I'm surprised. I never had any suspicions about my dad not liking me being gay. I'm glad he turned his feeling around. And now has accepted you into the family as another son. This is fantastic babe."

We didn't do much the rest of the day. Watched some sports on tv. Sunday we went to early church. We thought we needed to give more thanks. We had a lot to be thankful for.

Monday I got a call that the roses would be arriving Friday and then delivered. I would need to tell Cindy so she could expect the flowers. She knew she had two weeks vacation and seemed kind of glad. She told she had a lot of things to do, and the two weeks would work out perfect.

Wednesday I got home from work and Cindy had left for the day and Graham hadn't arrived home. I went upstairs and changed into robe and sandals. Grabbed the daily paper and poured a glass of refreshement. Went down to the pool to just relax and unwind from a busy stressful day at work.

I started reading the paper when my cell phone rang. I thought it was probably the manager finalizing everything for this coming weekend. It wasn't the manager. I recognized the number, but couldn't place the caller. "Hello, this is Bob."

I didn't hear anything for almost a minute. "Hello, is someone there?"

Finally a voice replied. "This is Graham's brother calling."

"Ok. How can I help you?"

"You've already helped me enough. I had a serious talk with our pastor and then my and Graham's dad. It seems everything you told me was true. I'm calling to apologize for my behavior and name calling. My family has changed churches and the change was for the best. I wanted you to know that you really made me thing about a lot of things. And it helped me."

"Well, I'm glad to hear that. I'm sure your father was too. I think the person you really need to apologize to is Graham."

"That's another reason why I called you first. I'm not sure if Graham will want to talk to me or listen to what I have to say."

"I have a suggestion."

"Go ahead."

"Why don't you have your dad call Graham first. They get along well and maybe your dad can break the ice and make your call go more smoothly."

"Thanks Bob. I like that idea. I'll call dad and see what he says. So don't be suprised if I call later when Graham is home."

"Not at all. I'll look forward to you calling back later. Graham isn't home yet. But should be arriving anytime."

"Ok. Thanks and I'll tell my dad to call your house in about thirty minutes."

Well. That was a surprise. I never expected to get this phone call. I know Graham will be surprised. I'm not going to mention anything to him. I hope he gets home soon.

I was thinking about the phone call when my cell phone rang again. This was the caller I was expecting. It was the star's manager. "Hi. How's it going? You have some information for me?"

"Yes finally got everything finalized. We will be arriving Friday afternoon at your airport. At three thirty. Once we deboard the plane and the limousines is lowered down to the tarmac and our luggage loaded, we will be on our way to your house. I assume, probably around fiveish. The star is already looking more relaxed knowing we are going to spend a couple of weeks with you and Graham."

"That's perfect and tell the star we are waiting and can't wait to see both of you."

I managed to workout two weeks off from the clinic. Janice and Quinton would fill in for me while I was gone. If anything major came up, they knew to call me. Shirley wasn't too happy, but I rarely take that much time off. She had to do some juggling with my patients between the two of them.

Graham walked in and I followed him upstairs to get changed. I brought a cold beer with me. He chugged the beer down while I told him about the manager's call. He said he couldn't wait. He had everything arranged at work for two weeks off. Preston Mark and Irving would take care of everything. If anything major came up, Preston said he would give me a call.

Graham changed into a robe and sandals like me and we walked downstairs arm in arm and out to the pool. I grabbed another beer for Graham. I don't know how he didn't gain weight with all the beer he drank. I guess the exercise helped. And he must have fast metabolism.

We got comfortable on a lounger together. And we started reading over the different sections of the paper.

Graham's cell phone rang and I thought he was going to jump off the lounger. It startled him. "Hi dad, I wasn't expecting a call from you. But it's a nice surprise."

"I have some news for you. And I've been asked to break you into the news your going to receive. I received a call from your brother and he's going to call you and apologize for his rude and repulsive behavior. So I wanted to give you heads up. It's up to you if you want to talk to him or not. Like I said, I'm just passing on the information. Also, your brother was almost crying when he called me. And you know how he hates to cry and show emotion."

"Thanks for calling dad. I can't make any promises about talking to him. I need to think about that. I hope it's awhile before he calls."

"Was that your dad?"

"He called to warn me that my brother might call me to apologize. I'm still not sure if I want to talk to him. After the way he talked and treated me. I need to think about it for awhile and come up with a solution."

"I'm not going to pressure you to do anything babe. The decision to talk to your brother is totally up to you. How about if I get you another beer so you can decide what you want to do?"

I got up and walked over to the tiki bar and got Graham another cold beer. I could tell he was tensed up and getting stressed, so I thought the beer might help to relax him a bit.

He drank the beer down fast. "How about if you jump in the pool and swim a few laps?"

We dove in and splashed each other, horsing around. I was glad to see Graham getting back to his regular self. We swam a few laps and I felt good after a little exercise. We rinsed off outside and went back to our lounger and laid down tight to each other.

We started dozing off and Graham's cell phone rang. It startled him again. He mouthed that it was his brother. I saw Graham deciding if he was going to answer or not. He turned his phone off and laid back tight to me.

I didn't say anything. Graham knew what he wanted to do. We fell back to sleep and got in a good rest.

I woke up and didn't see Graham. I looked around and saw him in the living room. He looked like he was talking on his cell phone. I'd let him have his privacy and wait until he came back down to the pool.

I woke up and Bob was still sleeping. I thought this was a good time to turn my cell phone on and talk to my brother. I had two missed messages from him. The message said he called but I never answered my phone, which was correct. The second message said he tried calling again, but my phone was turned off, which was also correct.

I called his number and waited for him to answer. Finally I heard. "Hello Graham. I didn't think you wanted to talk to me. Which is understandable."

"I had to do some soul searching and finally decided to get this call over with."

"I want to tell you how sorry I am for my despicable behavior Thanksgiving Day. I had no right to say the things I did. Since Thanksgiving and returning home. My wife and I have changed churches and are rid of that false preaching pastor we were believing. I also had a talk with dad after we got back home and he helped me alot to understand about you. I now know how wrong I was about everything. I hope you can accept my apology or least thank you for listening."

"It was very hurtful to me. Especially from my brother. Someone I looked up to and idolized. You were always a role model for me when I was growing up. Whether you believe that or not. I accept your apology, but I'm not sure if I'm ready to see you face to face."

"Well, at least this is a start and maybe we can start talking frequently on the phone."

"That's a possibility. I need to leave now. Bob and I have some business to attend to."

"Ok bro. It was good talking to you. At least you listened to what I had to say."

I hung up and I was exhausted. I didn't realize how much I was holding in while I was talking to my brother. It was nice to get his apology. But I still feel alot of hurt and pain from everything he said. If he wants to call that's fine. He will need to make the call. I don't plan to.

I walked down to join Bob. I could see he was awake and looking at the paper.

"Hi babe. Your awake." I laid back down on the lounger next to Bob.

"Yeah. I've been awake for awhile. I looked for you and saw you in the living talking on your phone. So I figured you were talking to your brother and I didn't want to interrupt. How did the call go with your brother?"

"It was okay. He apologized for all the hurtful things he said. He told me they had changed churches and he had another talk with dad. And he understood about me. He wants to start talking regularly on the phone. I told him I wasn't ready yet to see him face to face."

"That's a start. At least you two aren't shouting at each other and name calling. Maybe your brother really wants to get back what he's missed."

"That's a possibility. But it's going to take a long time, before I can really feel comfortable around him."

Friday came around quick. The star and his manager/partner would be arriving late in the afternoon.

When I got home the florists were delivering the roses. When I walked into the kitchen I could smell them. While they carried the beautiful crystal vases of roses up to the second master bedroom. Cindy was upstairs and telling the delivery man where to set the bouquets. I had ordered six bouquets.

I walked upstairs to see how everything was looking in the second master bedroom. The roses smelled wonderful. I liked how Cindy had arranged the flowers with the wine bottles and the candles. One case of wine hadn't been opened and was setting in the closet. The other case of candles were nicely arranged in the master bathroom. She had also put a bottle of wine with two elegant wine flutes on the bed. Arranged with a nice red and gold trimmed bow. The red was a nice touch, it matched the color of the roses. I asked Cindy if she was going to put any roses on the bed with the wine and glasses. She said know, that the roses would be wilted by the time they arrived.

The delivery man had left and Cindy and I walked downstairs. She thanked me again for a two week paid vacation. I told her it was Graham's and my pleasure. That you had deserved and earned your vacation.

Cindy left and I went upstairs to change. I looked into the second master bedroom and I noticed Cindy had a robes on two of the sitting chairs with sandals under the chair. I thought that was a nice touch. She had also set up two large folding luggage racks. Everything looked ready for them.

When I got the call they were on their way to our house, I would light the candles in the bedroom. The smell of the candles and the roses would be very inviting.

I went downstairs and went into the living room and waited for Graham. He should be coming home soon. I had put a couple of our bottles of white wine into our wine frig to cool.

I watched some talk show. Something I never watch. I must have been desparate to watch something on tv.

I heard the kitchen door open and I walked into the kitchen and gave Graham a hug and kiss. And we went upstairs together. I watched Graham get changed into a robe. I could watch him get undressed all the time. I think he went slow to give me a show. Once he got dressed I told him to follow me and we went into the adjoining master bedroom. Graham just stood in the bedroom and stared. This is great. I like the bottle on the bed with the two wine glasses tied with the ribbon.

We then went downstairs and I poured us both a glass of refreshment. I thought we'd have a enough to drink later when the star and his partner arrived.

We made ourselves a quick lunch and I was expecting the caterers to arrive with some appetizers I had ordered. We were eating our lunch when I heard the speaker. It was the caterers. I didn't bother to put my robe on and I let them in through the front door. They had made two large appetizer trays. I made room in the frig for the trays. They said they were sorry they couldn't stay, but they were having a busy weekend. Of course one of the caterers had to give me a good feel and suck the head of my cock. Getting me hard and aroused. He laughed when he left.

We finished our lunch and we put everything away. And went into the living room and Graham found something to watch. I wanted to hang out in the living room and be ready for when the star and his manager arrived. The manager told me he would call when they left the airport for our house. I was expecting to hear from him soon.

We got comfortable on the couch and were getting into the movie that Graham had on the tv. Then my phone rang. I told Graham I thought it was probably the manager calling. I was wrong. It was Andy. "Hi Andy, good to hear from you."

"It's been a while since I've called you and thought I'd give you an update. Everything is going great with Rick and me. We continually get a stronger bond together each day. We are really enjoying our backyard, just like you guys do. I was able to get some double loungers ordered and they look great. We spend as much time as we can in the backyard. Rick is working. That's the only problem with his shift work. We've been back to a couple more times on the weekends to his mom and dad's and it's something we look forward to. They have been great to me and treat me like another son. Well, that's about all I can think of. Except to thank you and Graham again for getting us together at your Halloween party."

"Thanks for the update Andy. And remember, you and Rick are always welcome here. If you need to get away for a few hours or a weekend."

I finished my call with Andy and giving Graham the details of our conversation when my phone rang again. This time it was the manager calling. "I've been expecting your call. Are you on your way here to the house?"

"We're making a fast trip to your house. The star isn't feeling well and I hope you can check him when we arrive. After the plane depressurized he seemed to start feeling bad."

"Can you tell me how he's feeling and what kind of symptoms he has?"

"He says he's having a hard time breathing and his chest feels tight. I have him laying down in the back of the limousine. I don't know what else to do."

"It sounds like he might be having a heart attack. I'm going to call the hospital and have them send an ambulance, just in case. Don't worry about privacy. The hospital deals with high profile patients all the time. And they can take measures to protect the star's privacy. I will be sure to alert the hospital. Try to get here as soon as you can."

I told Graham we better put some clothes on. When we went upstairs I filled Graham in on what was going on with the star and what my diagnosis was. We got dressed quickly in shorts and a shirt with sandals. I grabbed my medical bag. We went downstairs and I called the hospital and told them what I suspected and they send they would send an ambulance over and not to worry about the privacy of the patient. They could make special arrangements in the hospital for him. I thanked them and told them I would give them an update once I had a chance to examine the patient.

I was pacing around and driving Graham crazy and making him nervous. "Bob take a seat and calm down. There's nothing you can do until they get here." I heard the speaker and I opened the gate and let the ambulance in. I went out and talked to the two people. To inform them that they were dealing with a high profile patient and his privacy was of the upmost concern. They told me not to worry. They dealt with high profile patients on a regular basis.

I was wishing they would get here soon. If the star was having a heart attack, time was of the upmost concern. He needed to be treated and fast.

I finally heard the speaker and let the limousine in. The ambulance workers helped to bring in the star and I had them lay him on the couch. The star didn't look good. And it looked like he was having a hard time breathing. I grabbed my stethoscope and checked his breathing. He was having a hard time breathing and told me his chest felt tight.

I told the ambulance workers to get him loaded STAT into the ambulance and I would ride in the back and monitor him and call ahead to emergency. I told Graham to drive over to the hospital once they got everything hauled into the master bedroom. And then have the manager ride with you to the emergency room.

It maybe took two minutes and the star was in the back of the ambulance and we were on our way quickly to the hospital. I used the radio in the ambulance to call emergency at the hospital and told them what was happening and to be ready when we arrived. We should be there in about five minutes.

We arrived and the star was transported rapidly to a secluded part of the emergency room. I was glad Ethan or Mark wasn't working. I knew one of them was a cardiologist. I didn't know this doctor and I stood on the side while he examined the star. Then the doctor ordered a CScan of his chest and wanted the results back STAT. The doctor told me it looked like a minor heart attack. But he wanted everything checked to make sure there wasn't permanment damage.

In a few minutes a radiologist came in with the CScan results. We looked the results over on the viewer. We both breathed a sigh of relief. There wasn't any damage to the heart or major arteries. The doctor told me he would just need to get a lot of rest for the next two or three days and then should be feeling much better. The doctor recommended a low dose aspirin for the next four or five days. The star didn't need an injection to help blood flow. The doctor recommended to get a bottle of oxygen from the pharmacy in the hospital for emergency use. Only to be used if needed. The star was breathing better and his respiration was back to normal. We waited a few more minutes and the cardiologist agreed with me to have the star transported back in an ambulance to our house. I asked the doctor about the star going up and down stairs. He said go give the star two or three days in bed first and then he could start going up and down the stairs.

A nurse came in with a wheelchair and he star was carefully placed into the wheelchair. The nurse told a portable oxygen bottle with breathing tubes was already in the ambulance. The cardiologist and I walked out with the star and the manager and Graham came out of the waiting room. And the cardiologist gave them the prognosis. The cardiologist stayed on his floor to attend more patients. The rest followed the nurse until we reached the ambulance. Graham and the manager took for the house in my SUV and stayed in the back of the ambulance with the star. Making sure he stayed comfortable and didn't need any medical attention.

The ambulance followed Graham back to our house. The ambulance driver and assistant gurneyed the star up to his master bedroom. They got him comfortably into bed. The star was looking better all the time and his breathing was back to normal. I thanked the ambulance driver and his helper and gave them a tip. And they left.

The star's staff came into the bedroom to check on him. The chef, head housekeeper and chaffeur. "He told them he felt much better and there was nothing to worry about. Bob and the cardiologist gave me the best medical care possible and I thank them very much. This bedroom looks wonderful and the roses smell divine."

Graham and I stayed with the star while the rest of the staff went back to work. The chaffeur told us he would clean our cars and the limousine. The head housekeeper brought up water for the star and a glass of refreshment for Graham and me. We thanked him and he left the bedroom.

We had the star propped up on the bed and he was looking at us. "Thank you very much Bob. I knew there was a reason why I should visit you and Graham for a couple of weeks. I couldn't ask for better attention and I appreciate the privacy and how professional the emergency staff was."

"We're going to leave and let you rest. You do need to try to sleep if you can. Your partner is right here with you and he knows to contact me immediately if I'm needed." The small oxygen tank was on the floor close to the bed, if it was needed.

We left and went downstairs. Actually, this gave Graham and me time to work more on our plans for Christmas. All our friends at the Halloween party liked our idea. And our friends we worked out with were asking more questions about our idea for Christmas.

We went into the library/study room and we put a couple of chairs together while I booted the computer. We put our heads together and started brainstorming on ideas for our email to all our friends. We had all the details worked out. The cost for ten days including the flight. The days we would be gone and what the package deal included. We also were mentioning in our email that if any of our friends were having financial problems, being Christmas time, to let us know and we could help out. We wanted everyone to go that wanted to.

We had our email finalized and we read it over a couple of times. And then I attached all our friends to the email and pressed send. Now all we could do was wait and see what kind of a response we got.

I shut down the computer and we walked out to the kitchen. The manager was coming down the stairs. He told us the star was sleeping and thought he could be gone a few minutes. The manager wanted us to know how much the star liked the bedroom. And he thought the star was feeling much better. At least he was talking and not having tightness in his chest and his breathing seemed normal.

I told the manager that those were all good signs that he was doing okay and we didn't need to worry. After a couple more days he should be able to move around and go up and down the stairs.

Since the manager was downstairs and away from the star, I mentioned to him our plans for Christmas. He liked the idea we had and he knew the star wasn't performing over Christmas. Once the star was feeling better he would mention our Christmas plans to him.

The next day the star was already feeling much better and getting antsy staying in bed. He gave Graham and me a good blow job and we face fucked him. The manager said that he had jerked off the star a couple of times and sucked him off. But nothing strenuous like fucking. That would have to wait. The star watched tv and we stayed in his room with him. He liked having the company.

The star told me he wasn't feeling right the last week of performances. He knew that extra performing had really tired him out. And he felt that was what brought on this mild heart attack. I agreed with him and getting this rest would make him feel much better. I told him he should be able to start walking around tomorrow and be able to go up and down the stairs. The star liked hearing that and told me he couldn't wait until tomorrow.

The chef was making some great dishes. I told him about ordering groceries and they would deliver. I gave him the phone number and he took care of ordering what he needed. He told me he liked our kitchen. It was a good setup.

The head housekeeper stayed busy cleaning and doing laundry. He and the chef and chaffeur were in the adjoining guest bedrooms.

The chef and head housekeeper and chaffeur had joined Graham and me their first night in the house. We had left our bedroom door open. The chaffeur and chef were really muscular once they had their clothes off. They were both well hung. A good hefty nine inches. The head housekeeper was a little smaller than the chef and chaffeur. He was probably about five ten. He was a little smaller at a thick hard eight inches.

We had paired and then three ways until all of us were sated. The chef and chaffeur really like having blow jobs. And Graham and I were glad to satisfy them. That opened our holes for the head housekeeper who kept us well plugged. I was anxious to see what would happen tonight.

Graham and I walked down to the pool and the head housekeeper was right there asking us what we wanted to drink. Graham had a beer and I had a glass of refreshment. We watched his tight muscular ass as he walked up to the kitchen. I saw the headhousekeeper and the chef kiss while he got our beverages ready. The chaffeur was outside cleaning the limousine. He had told us, this was the most the limousine had been outside and not in a garage.

I checked on the star a few times each day. And he was steadily getting better. On the second day, he told me I didn't have to leave so soon. He was feeling okay and wanted to have a little fun. I told him soon. He told me I was no fun and acting too professional. I told him it was my job. I told him I would check in and see how he was after breakfast and then he could probably start walking around. He told me it was about time.

The second night the chef chaffeur and head houskeeper joined us again. We had a great circle suck on our big bed. Then we took turns fucking each other. I knew the star couldn't wait to get with Graham and me. But I thought it would happen tomorrow. He seemed to be getting back to his regular self the last time I checked him.

I heard someone coming down the stairs. It was the star followed close behind by his partner. When he got to the bottom fo the stairs, I asked him how he felt. He said fine. I asked him if he felt tired or short winded. He said no. So we all walked out to the pool and got on double loungers. The star with me and the manager with Graham.

We were all wearing robes and they seemed to keep coming open. Finally I just slid my robe off and laid back on it. The other's followed my lead. The star's big cock looked like it was semi hard and getting ready for some serious action.

The head housekeeper came down to the pool with a big smile on his face. Looking us all over. The chef wants to know where you want to eat. I told him we should eat outside on the patio table. The weather's so nice. It's a shame not to enjoy it.

We ate a good breakfast. Taking our time and having a good conversation. We finished eating and went back to the pool. The star wanted to get in the pool and relax. I knew he didn't like swimming. He just liked soaking on the shallow end. The rest of started doing laps and it felt good to stretch the muscles and get in a little exercise. The star watched us. We all walked out of the pool and rinsed off under the outside shower.

We went back to the loungers and let the sun dry us. The star said he would like to go up to the sunroom. So we put our robes and sandals on and walked up to the sunroom. I stood close by the star and kept an eye on him. Making sure he didn't have any problems. He walked up the stairs like he had been doing it all his life.

We all startled the birds when we walked in. They watched us while we got comfortable on some loungers. We laid back and dozed off for a little while. It was very relaxing in the sunroom. The quiet background music and rustle of leaves in the trees. Some of the overhead panels were open. They worked automatically and were part of the climate control in the sunroom. The star and me were fondling each other while we dozed off. I noticed Graham and the manager doing the same thing.

We got back into a regular routine of hot sex. I knew the star was feeling better when he couldn't get enough sex. For someone his age, you would never know. You would think he was still a teenager.

I told him we had been in enough and it was time to get out. I had made dinner reservations at Milo's and had talked to Martin about having our high profile friend visiting us and he needed his privacy protected. Martin assured me it wouldn't be a problem. We could do like we did the last time and come in through the back and directly into the private dining room. Without being noticed. I told him perfect and that we would be there at seven on Saturday.

I tried to convince the star we should go in my SUV and not in his limousine. A Rolls Royce limousine was going to cause a lot of attention. He finally agreed and I told him we could use a scarf and hat to cover him and nobody would recognize him. We were all looking forward to getting out. This was the longest Graham and I had been in the house for a long time.

Saturday came around and the star sat with me in the front seat. Graham and the manager were in the seat behind us. It didn't take us long to get to Milo's. Traffic was light and I parked around in the back. I had called Martin ahead of time so they would be ready for us.

I helped the star with his scarf and hat and he was unrecognizable. We went in through the back door into the large kitchen and directly to the private dining room. Martin told us a very reliable and trustworth waiter would attend to us and was used to waiting on high profile diners.

Our waiter came in. He was a middle aged man. I had never seen him before. He must only work these special requests. He asked what we would like to drink before dinner. The star and manager both ordered white wine and Graham and I ordered a beer. I saw a smile on the star's face.

The waiter brought our beverages and we asked him what we were having for dinner. He told us it was surprise from the chef. But he told us it was seafood. I told him to chill a bottle of white wine and we would have that with our dinner. The waiter left us and told us our dinner would be served in about twenty minutes.

We enjoyed our drinks and talked some more. Mainly about the star's work in Las Vegas.

Soon the waiter came back with a large silver platter and set it in the middle of the table. And the he placed to two smaller covered silver platters on the table. Then setup the stand and bucket for our white wine. The waiter asked us if we would like him to serves. We told him to go ahead. He took the cover off the large silver platter. He was the mini stuffed lobster tails. The two smaller platters had our side dishes.

The waiter served the star first and then his partner. Graham and then finally me. After he served us our dinner. He poured us each a flute of the white wine that we all liked. Before he left he told us to enjoy our dinner and he would be back in a few minutes.

I knew the star liked seafood. So this was the perfect dinner for him. He told us this was the first time he had mini stuffed lobster tails. He really loved it and was going to tell his chef to fix this at home. The sides were good. We finished our dinner and the waiter cleared away the plates and we told him to give us a few minutes before dessert. He poured us another glass of white wine that we sipped on and talked about our dinner.

The waiter came back after a few minutes and asked us if we were ready for dessert. Of course Graham spoke up first and told the waiter we were ready. He wheeled in a dessert cart. Loaded with all kinds of dessert. The star had a piece of caramel apple pie. The manager had a cream filled danish. Graham had a piece of apple pie a danish and two chocolate chip cookies. I opted for an apple danish. The waiter poured us coffee and we our dessert. Graham told the waiter to leave the dessert cart in the our dining room.

I had my medical bag with me and I was doing routine blood pressure checks on the star. Making sure he was getting back to normal. After he finished his dessert and coffee I checked his blood pressure. It was staying stable and in a normal range for his age.

We all agreed we had plenty to eat. And Graham and I left a tip for the waiter and I helped the star with his scarf and hat and we left out the back door and into my SUV. The star's privacy was jeopardized and we made it home safe and sound.

We got home and the star said he wanted to rest and take it easy. I agree with him. He said he and his partner wanted to sleep with us tonight. Graham and I liked that idea and decided to go upstairs to bed.

The star and manager changed in their bedroom and walked into our bedroom naked. We had just finished putting our clothes in the walk in closet and were naked to greet them.

We all crawled into bed with the star next to me and his partner next to Graham. I turned on the tv to a music channel for some background noise. The star and I got into a hot sixty nine. I saw the manager getting ready to start fucking Graham. I took the star's big thick cock all the way down my throat. He gave out a couple of gasps and then swallowed me down. I started fingering the star's hole which he licked and kept humping back on my finger. Especially when one of my fingers found his prostate. That really got him going. And he was sucking me harder and faster. I was working his length with my throat muscles and could feel his precum running down the side of my throat. Soon I heard the star start gasping and grunting and his cock swelled in my mouth as a couple of jets of cum hit the back of my throat. The rest of his cum ran down my throat. The star was going fast on my cock and I couldn't hold back any longer and blasted out a load hitting the back of his throat. We both swallowed each other's loads and licked and milked out the last drops of cum. We kissed and snuggled together.

And watched Graham and his partner. The manager had just cum in Graham's hole and was pulling out his fat engorged cock. Graham told the manager he was ready to cum and he took Graham's cock down in one fast gulp. As Graham started pumping out his load. They licked and cleaned each other off and kissed and snuggled together. And then looked over at us.

We gave them a smile and I turned the tv off. We thought that was as much sexercise as we could handle.

It didn't take us long to fall asleep with contented smiles on our faces.

The next few days were about the same. The star was rested and feeling well. I still monitored his blood pressure off and on. And it was holding steady and staying in a safe healthy range.

We decided to go for a drive in my SUV. I had the chef prepare a picnic basket for us. I knew where I wanted to go and it would be more private and secluded which I knew the star would like.

We all climbed into the SUV and I put the picnic basket in the back and off we went. I drove to the state park. The star put his scarf and hat on and the ranger at the entrance did pay any attention. I didn't see Andy. I didn't know if he was working and I didn't ask. I didn't want to try unnecessary attention to the star. I paid the fee for a day pass and we drove to a large parking lot for cars. They was only a couple of other cars in the parking lot.

We got out and I took the picnic basket out of the back of my SUV and I told everyone to follow me. I knew an area of park that was more private, but still had firepits and picnic tables with a little stream running down the side bank. We arrived at the spot and nobody else was there. Just like I had hoped.

I set the picnic basket on the table and we walked around. The star said he couldn't believe how fresh the air was. The smell of pine was in the air. We walked down to the little stream and you could see fish swimming around. I thought they might be brook trout, but I wasn't sure. We walked back to the picnic table and sat down. I poured us all a glass of white wine that had been chilled. It tasted good in the outdoors.

Graham helped me unpack the picnic basket and get the table set. There was a small tablecloth in the basket, along with plates and silverware. The chef had prepared a typical picnic meal with the sandwiches potato salad and a green tossed salad already prepared with salad dressing and croutons.

We enjoyed our picnic and the star said he really enjoyed this. This was something he had never done. And again he couldn't believe how fresh the air was.

We finished our lunch and I poured us another glass of wine and we walked around some more. The star said he remembered going fly fishing with his father when he was a kid. But they went to a lake to fish. He was wondering how you fished for brook trout. Graham said he knew how to fish for brook trout. "You use worms or live bait on barbless hooks and let the bait go to the bottom of the lake or stream. The trout see the bait moving and bite on. That's all there is to it."

We thought we had spent enough time and Graham and I got everything loaded into the picnic basket and we walked back to my SUV. The star had his scarf and hat on. The parking lot was fuller than when we arrived. We quickly got into the SUV and headed to the exit, following the signs. I thanked the park ranger at the exit and he hoped so see us again soon.

We got home and I handed the picnic basket to the chef and told him it was perfect.

We all went upstairs and changed and put robes on. The chef and house keeper went naked around the house all the time. Which wasn't a problem for me. It made nice scenery. We all went down to the pool and the head house keeper brought us all a glass of fruit punch with pieces of fruit in the drink. It was excellent and we all enjoyed it. Even Graham.

The days went by fast. We went one more time to Milo's for dinner. The second Milo's had fixed a standing rib roast. It was mouth watering and star really like it. I noticed he cut all the fat off his prime rib. Which I was glad to see. He needed to eat healthy.

I had another chance to talk to the manager about our Christmas plans and had emailed the information, Graham and I had prepared. He told me he had talked to the star. Right now the star had nothing booked for Christmas and the manager said he planned to keep it that way. And they would definitely be joining us for Christmas.

It was the day of departure and a sad day. The star thanked us for having him and his partner. He appreciated all the medical attention that he needed. And he felt well and like his regular self. Not tired and no chest tightness like when he arrived. I told the star be sure to have regular check ups with his physician and keep eating healthy. He told me, "yes doctor."

We all kissed and hugged and watched them get into the limousine. We also kissed the chef head housekeeper and chaffeur and thanked them. I noticed the star had a couple of roses that hadn't wilted and he said the wine and candles were boxes and packed in the back of the limousine. Graham and I watched them leave.

The star didn't like long farewells. It made him sad and feel bad. Short and sweet was the way he liked it.

Graham and I walked back into the house and went down to the pool. I had poured us some of the great fruit punch and noticed the chef had made many containers of food to be warmed.

Now we could focus more on our Christmas plans. All our friends had been emailed. And we just needed to see what kind of a response we received. And see if our plans would follow through. Time would tell.

End of Chapter 23 - Thanksgiving

Chapter 24 - Coming Soon

If you would like to see the characters in the story, please read "My Alphabet Friends," and there are photos of characters at the end of each chapter I will be adding some of the new characters from this series. However, due to some problems, the photos are not working at this time. I will be revising and editing all the chapters in My Alphabet Friends when I finish this series. And then the photos will appear.

Your comments and suggestions are always welcome. I answer all emails I receive. I ask that you please put Nifty or the title of the story in the subject line. Then I'll know it's not spam. I am already working on Chapter 24. The final chapter. I hope you have enjoyed this series as much as I liked writng it. Please email me at:

Next: Chapter 24

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