Bob's Holidays

By Francis Scott

Published on Oct 14, 2023


Bob's Holidays Chapter 22

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The following story is a work of fiction from the authors mind. It contains adult situations between consenting adults. If this offends you and is illegal in your area, WHY ARE YOU HERE? Any similarities to actual people or events is purely coincidental. This story does not promote safe sex. Please practice safe sex at all times. Don't put your life or someone else's in jeopardy.

If you haven't read my story, "My Alphabet Friends," I would recommend doing so. All characters in this series are from My Alphabet Friends. There are pictures of the characters at the end of each chapter. However, at this time there is a problem with the pictures and I will be revising and editing My Alphabet Friends when I finish this series. You will find, My Alphabet Friends, in Gay/Adult Friends.

Bob's Holidays

By Francis Scott

Chapter 22 - Election Day

I watched Preston walk up to the DJ and the DJ stopped the good music and put on some eerie Halloween sounds while Preston announced that the entertainment would be starting soon. And to take a seat in front of the stage.

The seating was old style wooden benches. Other seating was covered with styrofoam stones. Everyone started moving to the sitting area. It looked like everyone had a drink and something to eat. I noticed Rick and Andy walking together and finding a place to sit. I was hoping my scheming was working. I thought they would be good for each other.

Graham and I found a spot not too far from Rick and Andy. I wanted to keep an eye on them and see if my matchmaking was working out.

The seating area was starting to fill. Brody took a seat next to me and I was glad to see him. Anthony and Roland were sitting next to Graham and Kendrick and John were sitting behind us. It was nice to have our distant friends sitting close to us. We had a good conversation while we waited for the entertainment to start. I didn't miss Cotton and I didn't even think about him anymore.

Soon it looked like the seating area was full. Everyone was talking and having a good time. The booze was flowing and everyone was having appetizers and filling plates from the buffet.

Soon the curtain opened and everyone got quiet. Preston put a video in of the strippers. And started it. Everyone was moving with the music and some of our friends were standing and trying to match the strippers moves. Kendrick and John sitting behind helped us up to our feet. Brock got up and started dancing with us. Anthony and Roland got into it too. The music was good and strippers really had some good moves. There was no way I could copy the strippers moves. But we had fun.

I saw some of the jocks on top of our friend's heads and cocks and balls flopping and swinging around. That lasted for about a half hour and Preston announced there was a twenty minute intermission and then the entertainment would continue.

The DJ put on some Halloween music, but with an upbeat. How he found this music, I have no idea. But it sure fit the theme of our party. He was busy dancing to the music in his little room. The attendant at the changing room was dancing with the DJ. They looked like they were having fun.

Everyone got up and moved around. Some took pee breaks. Other's refilled their drinks and got another plate of food from the buffet.

The caterers had prepared a whole suckling pig. It was on a special spit over charcoal that was keeping it warm. Also, they had prepared a large sirloin tip roast. I had tried both the pig and roast. They were delicious and tender. They also had many side dishes. The couldrons really helped set the mood for the party.

Graham and I got a refill on our beer and made our way back to our seats. On the way Zane stopped me and told me that Andy had called him and they had already worked out a design and pool for the backyard. Zane said he had the materials ordered and as soon as they received them, they would start work.

Everyone was making their way back to their seats.

Soon Preston got on the microphone and asked everyone if they were ready the second half of the entertainment. Everyone was hooting and hollering yes.

Soon a spotlight came on pointing to the center stage. I noticed the DJ had changed the music to something with a strong beat and rhythm. Soon the curtain opened and the strippers were in a line on the stage. They were wearing Dracula clothes. They then started moving to the music and slowly piece by piece they took off their clothes until they only had our Halloween jocks on. How they managed to stuff everything into those tight skimpy jocks I had no idea.

Mark was kind of the leader of the strippers and he grabbed a mic and asked for a couple of volunteers. Soon all our friends started calling out our names. Our friends sitting close to us helped us up and we made our way to the stage and walked up the steps to Mark. Everyone was clapping and stomping their feet. Mark told us he was going to help us dance with them. I told him he had a big job ahead of himself.

Soon we all get into a line with Graham and me on each side of Mark. He told us to follow what they did. They started slow with the moves and then slowly picked up the pace to the music. It was rather easy following them. We then turned so our asses were facing the audience. Our friends were yelling, take it off. When we had our backs to the audience a couple of the moves was to bend over and spread our cheeks. That way they could see our little puckers. When Graham and were bent over. Mark and another stripper pulled our jocks off. Then they did each other's in time to the music. We turned and faced the audience in our birthday suits. Our friends were standing and dancing and cheering us on.

It was actually kind of fun. Not something I'd want to do on a regular basis, but it was okay with our friends. We then got into a line and started pairing off dancing. Mark told us we could take our seats. He handed us our jocks and everyone was cheering us and applauding. We made it back to our seats and the strippers started dancing down the stairs and into the aisles in the audience. I noticed a lot of gropping and fondling going on. The strippers did some random lap dances and then slowly made their way up on the stage. They got into some bumping and grinding to the music. As the music ended and the spotlight went off and the curtain closed.

Everyone was cheering and hollering for more. Soon the strippers came out from the center of the curtain, wearing the tight skimpy Halloween jocks. Mark came over and asked me if they could have a couple more of the jocks. They wanted to use them in a show. I told him of course and just tell the attendant and he would give them a couple extra.

Soon everyone was up and mingling around. I heard some splashing and laughing in the pool. I wondered if they saw their jocks wet and transparent.

I saw Andy and Rick holding hands and give each other a kiss off and on. That was great. They made a cute couple and I hoped it worked out for them. Graham and I got a refill on our beer. I stopped by the bar and the buffet and the caterers told me this was another great party. They looked so fine in a chef's hat and our Halloween jocks and sandals. The bartenders told me they were having a good time. And that we always had the best parties. I thanked them for their compliments and also for doing such a fine job.

I walked around and talked some more with our friends. Everyone kept telling me what a great party this was. That Graham and I always had parties to look forward to. I saw a lot of jocks on top of the guy's heads. They really had no where else to put them. Unless they stuck them in between their ass cheeks. I saw Preston and Holden together and walked over to them. I thanked Preston for all his help. He told me it was his pleasure and when he mentioned that we were having a party. It was easy to get waiters and bartenders. Everyone seemed to really like our parties.

I hadn't seen the bodyguards all evening. I wondered if they made it or had to cancel at the last minute. I asked around and nobody seemed to know if they came to the party or not.

I walked up to the changing room and asked the attendant if had seen four big men. He said they had arrived a long time ago, but had no idea where they were.

I thought I'd do a little investigating and see if I could find them. I walked down to the pool and asked around and somebody thought there was four large men in the grotto. I walked around the pool and then through the waterfall and into the grotto. There were the bodyguards, busy with a couple of our friends. "Hey Bob, want to join the party?"

"Thanks, but not right now. I was wondering if you guys made it to the party. I hadn't seen you all evening."

"We made a couple of good friends and they have been keeping us occupied all evening."

"Ok. I'll let you get back to your fun and hopefully we will see you before you leave."

The party was starting to wind down and a few people were leaving a little at a time. We mentioned our idea about Christmas to our friends when they left. They liked our idea and to just give them more details as it got closer to Christmas.

The bodyguards left with a couple of our friends. They apologized for not staying, but they wanted to get better acquainted with their new friends. Graham and I smiled and knew exactly what they meant. We thanked them for coming.

Preston and Holden left and Preston told us they would disassemble and remove the stage and projection equipment tomorrow morning. The caterers told us they had all the leftovers packaged and in the refrigerator and freezer. They said they needed to leave and would be back tomorrow morning to remove the rest of their things. They couldn't stay because they had another party to get ready for.

The DJ bartenders and waiters left and again thanked us for a great party. They had a good time and it didn't seem like work. The DJ told us he would be back early tomorrow morning to take his sound equipment. We thanked them for their help and would be glad to have them working at our next party.

That about took care of everybody. Just Reggie and Jarvis were left and we talked a little about the party. They told us we always had good parties. It seemed like that was all we heard all night. We walked around and started turning off the candles. I didn't see any garbage laying around. Nothing floating in the pool or jacuzzi hot tub.

We decided to have one final beer and relax by the pool. We all had our jocks on. I told everybody we should dive in and cool off. I wanted to see my brother and Jarvis in their wet jocks. I wanted to see their reaction.

We set our beers down and we all dove in. We did a few laps but nothing that would count as exercise. We walked out on the shallow end and Reggie said he could see all of us. Our jocks were transparent when wet. I said we can see all of you guys too. That's why I wanted us to dive into the pool. Reggie and Jarvis were about the same size as Graham and me. Seven to seven and a half inches. Cut and thick.

"Let's rinse off outside and then go to bed."

We walked over to the outside shower and rinsed off. I found some towels in the changing room and we used them to dry off. I also saw some drug paraphernalia in the changing room. Some syringes pipes and little packets which I assumed was cocaine, but I couldn't be sure. I wasn't going to say anything to my brother and Jarvis. But I was going to mention it to Graham when I had a chance. I didn't touch anything and I wanted Cal and his deputies to check it out. I wasn't happy about that. That was a first for finding drugs.

We went upstairs to our bedroom. All of us in a group. We stripped out of our wet jocks and climbed on the bed. Reggie got with me and Jarvis with Graham. It had been a long time since I'd had time with my brother. And it felt good. We kissed and made out and eventually moved into a sixty nine position. Our cocks were almost identical twins. Reggie was good at sucking and was able to wrap his throat muscles around my shaft like I did with his. We got a good rhythm going. We had wet a couple of fingers and were working each other's holes. I glanced over and Jarvis was fucking my lover and Graham had a look of sheer pleasure on his face. Reggie found my prostate and started rubbing back and forth over it. It didn't take me long to find Reggie's prostate and start giving it a good workout. That brought us to new sexual highs and our breathing started becoming ragged. I heard Jarvis grunting and shoving hard into Graham's hole. I knew he was filling my lover. Reggie and me were getting close and we steadily picked up our sucking pace. We couldn't hold back any longer and soon we were blasting out our loads hitting the back of each other's throats. Gasping for air we slowly slid our cocks out and we cleaned each other off. We lay back exhausted. To our two lovers applauding us. Graham said, "that was amazing guys. It sure looked like you two were enjoying it?"

"We sure didn enjoy it. You guys looked like you were really into to it too."

"Let's switch partners now and see what comes up."

Jarvis got with me and my brother went over to Graham's side of the bed. Jarvis told me it would take him a couple more minutes to recharge. I told him the same for me. We made out with a lot of kissing and feeling each other up all over. Jarvis was just a hair bigger than Reggie and me. Jarvis was almost identical in size to Graham. About seven and a half inches cut and thick. I told Jarvis I wanted to do a flip fuck and he just gave me a big smile. He asked me, "who's going first?"

"How about if I fuck you first and then you'll be recharged and can fuck me."

"That'll work."

I put a pillow under Jarvis' hips to raise him up a bit. I got down and started rimming his hot hole. Licking over his hole and munching on it. Jarvis was moaning and jerking around. I spread his cheeks and stuck my tongue into his hot hole. His hole pulled my tongue in and I knew he was ready for a good fucking. I lubed my cock and his hole with a couple of fingers and eased my cock head into. Again his hole pulled on the head of my cock and soon I was all the way in. "God that feels good Bob. Just go slow at first. Reggie and I don't fuck that much."

"No problem Jarvis. Your hot tight hole feels so good I'll take all the time you need."

I took my time and let my cock stay in his hole without moving it. He nodded his head and I knew he was ready. I looked over at Graham and he and Reggie were busy in a hot sixty nine. I slowly eased my cock out to the head and slowly slid it back in. The head of my cock rubbed over Jarvis's prostate and I felt him shudder and jerk. His hole clamped on my cock harder everytime I rubbed his prostate. That was driving me crazy and I wanted to go faster. I still took my time moving in and out. I saw Jarvis reach down and start stroking himself. I picked up the pace a little and that seemed to get Jarvis more excited and he was stroking faster. I started working my cock around in his hole, trying to hit all the good spots. I could feel my cum churning in my balls and felt it working it's way up and soon I was pumping a load up Jarvis's hole. He kept clamping on my cock and working it good. I heard him moan and saw him shoot out four or five good thick ropes of cum. I slowly pulled my cock out and we laid back watching Graham and Reggie. They both looked like they had just cum. They had that flushed look on their faces. They laid back with us.

We all cuddled up together and I pulled the covers over us and it didn't take us long to fall asleep.

We woke up to birds chirping and sunlight coming in around the blinds. We all kissed and said, "good morning with a smile on our faces."

We crawled out of bed and relieved our full bladders and said we needed to take a dip in the pool. We grabbed towels from the linen closest and walked down to the pool. We all dove in and started swimming a few laps. It felt good to swim and stretch.

We walked out and rinsed off outside. Dried each other off and we were all sporting morning woodies. We went inside and got on the carpet in the living room in a circle suck. And we sucked each other off to completion. That felt good.

I told Graham Reggie and Jarvis to go upstairs and take a shower. I would get breakfast ready for us.

I heard the guys joking and laughing as they went upstairs. The hot steamy water got them horny. And they jerked each other off. Reggie told Graham they needed to pack and get ready to go. Reggie said he was starting a big job tomorrow and was supposed to receive the rest of blueprints today. He wanted to look everything over so he was ready for tomorrow. Besides the long drive back.

Graham told them to go ahead and get packed and dressed. He was going downstairs to see how Bob was doing with breakfast and help him.

I heard someone coming downstairs. It was my husband. "Where's Reggie and Jarvis?"

"Their getting packed and dressed and will soon be down. Reggie said he was starting a big job tomorrow and needed to review the blueprints and get himself ready for tomorrow."

"Breakfast is almost finished babe. Why don't you set the outside patio table and we can eat out there."

Graham got the table set while I finished breakfast. I kept everything warm until my brother and Jarvis came downstairs.

I heard them coming down the stairs. They set their overnight bags in the foyer and I told them we were eating outside on the patio table. They took a seat and I brought out breakfast. Everybody dug in and enjoyed a hearty breakfast. Reggie apologized for having to leave early, but he wanted to be ready to set a big job tomorrow.

We finished after a good conversation and thanking us for a great party. We all took something back to the kitchen and soon everything was put away and cleaned.

Graham and I walked with my brother and Jarvis to the garage. They put their bags in the back of Reggie's SUV. We hugged and kissed and we told them they were welcome anytime. Graham and I watched them leave and we walked back into the kitchen.

We walked down to the pool and I told Graham about the drugs and drug paraphernalia. I was going to give Cal a call and mention it to him. They could investigate it and do what they wanted with the stuff. Graham told me call him now and maybe they could check it out as soon as tomorrow.

I picked up my cell phone and speed dialed Cal. "Hi Bob, you inviting me back to the party?"

"I wish I was. I found some disturbing things in the pool changing room. Nobody probably noticed the changing room, because it was behind the stage and the back side of the pool."

"What did you find? I found some syringes pipes and packets of white powder which I assumed was cocaine. I didn't touch anything and I was hoping you and your deputies could check it out for me and do what you want with the drug paraphernalia."

"Did you notice anybody going back into the changing room?"

"No. But I wasn't really paying any attention. Besides, like I said, it was blocked by the stage. So you couldn't see anything."

"Thanks for giving me a heads up. Me and a couple of my deputies will come by tomorrow to get fingerprints and bag up all the paraphernalia as evidence. Hopefull, I can get some good fingerprints and then I'll run them through the National Fingerprint Database. Maybe, I'll get a match. But I wouldn't have my hopes up too high."

"Thanks Cal. That's all I can ask. I will tell my housekeeper you'll be coming by tomorrow."

"Ok Bob. Thanks for the call and I'll let you know if I find out anything."

I told Graham what Cal said and about coming tomorrow to check out the drug paraphernalia.

Graham and I didn't do much the rest of the day. We fixed ourselves a good lunch and spent the day watching sports in the living room. We ate some of the leftovers from the party for dinner.

Everyone came to take their things. The DJ, Margaret and her crew. They disassembled the decorations and had them loaded in the van in just over an hour. The caterers came and loaded their serving dishes and appetizer trays into their van. They wished they could stay, but had another big party their were caterering. The crew from the In and Out Bar came and disassembled the stage and projection screen and got everything loaded into their truck. Our backyard was back to normal and actually looked a little naked without the castle.

The leftovers tasted good for dinner. I thought they tasted better then at the party. Graham agreed with me. Our last game finished and we watched the late news and weather. No change in the weather. Sunny and warm.

We went upstairs to bed. We made love for almost an hour and finally we were so tired that I pulled the covers over us and snuggled together and we went right to sleep.

The alarm went off and we went downstairs to workout with our friends. They all thanked us again for a great party and a good time. Rick was there to workout with us. He told me privately that he and Andy really clicked and he had went back to Andy's house after the party. They have each other's phone numbers and are talked every day on the phone. They are taking it slow and will get together when they can. Rick told Andy about helping his father on the farm on his off weekends. Rick said the next weekend is was off, Andy was going with him. Andy had some farm experience from when he was a little kid living at home. Rick said that his told him if he found a partner, he would be welcome at his house. I was glad for Rick. He really looked happy. I guess I haven't lost my matchmaking touch.

We all crowded into the shower and jerking each other off. I didn't see Cal. I would tell Cindy about Cal coming today. We dried each other off, dressed and went upstairs for breakfast. I talked to Cindy in the kitchen so she was aware of Cal coming today.

Cindy had a good breakfast ready for us on the outside patio table. We talked a little, ate, talked some more and ate until everything was gone.

We walked into the kitchen and we all gave Cindy a kiss on the cheek and thanked her for breakfast. We got into a group hug and kiss in the garage and took off for work.

Cal had everything ready in his office. His fingerprinting kit and a couple of evidence bags. He was waiting on all of his deputies to arrive. Once they all arrived and he had his morning briefing he was taking a couple of deputies with him to Bob's house. He would call the house and let Cindy know when he was on his way.

Soon all the deputies were clocked in and they met in the briefing room. And Cal went over the day's duties. He pointed to a couple of his deputies to report to his office. The deputies looked around and shook their heads. They wondered what they had done wrong. The only time you were called to the chief's office, is if you had screwed up.

They reluctantly walked into Cal's office. He told them to take a seat and what why they were called into the office. They both gave a sigh of relief.

They all left the office and Cal told his sergeant he was in charge until he got back. Cal's deputies took the fingerprinting kit and the evidence bags. They got into Cal's squad car and they headed over to Bob's house. Cal got on his radio and called the house and let Cindy know they were on their way and should be there in a few minutes.

Cindy heard the speaker and opened the gate and saw the police car enter. It made her a little nervous. But she knew Cal was a good friend of Bob and Graham. She let the officers in and asked them if they would like a cup of coffee. "Thanks Cindy, maybe after we finish our investigation," Cal said.

Cal knew right where to go and deputies followed him. The deputies couldn't believe the backyard and the big pool. They thought some very wealthy people must live here. They walked into the changing room and they spotted the drug paraphernalia right away. They put on rubber gloves and Cal dusted and lifted some nice prints off the drug packets and a couple of the syringes. They put everything into the two evidence bags and marked them. They looked around inside the changing room, but didn't find anything else. They checked the outside around the changing room and didn't find anything either.

They had put everything into the fingerprinting kit and walked back up to the house. Cindy asked them if they were ready for some coffee. Cal said, "sure. If it's no bother."

"I have a big pot of coffee ready. Why don't you men sit at the breakfast nook and I'll pour your coffee for you."

"Thanks Cindy. I haven't had my morning cup of coffee yet." While the officers were drinking their coffee. Cindy fixed a little plate with some danish and fresh homemade donuts. She was hoping they wouldn't be offended when they saw the donuts. She she sat the plate down and the officers dug into the dessert. Soon the little plate was empty along with their coffee cups. "Thanks Cindy, but we need to get back to the station."

Cindy escorted the men to the front door and thanked her again for the coffee and dessert and she watched them leave.

They got back to the station and everyone went back to their regular duties. Cal was anxious to run the fingerprints through the database. The prints were clear and they would match if they were in the database.

Cal carefully took everything out of his fingerprint kit and scanned the two fingerprints into the National Fingerprint Database. He knew if there was a match it could still take a few minutes with thousands of fingerprints in the database. The program was working and scanning the thousands and thousands of fingerprints. Cal poured himself another cup of coffee while he was waiting. He took a seat and the program was still scanning. Damn, how long is this program going to take? Finally, the scanning was starting to slow down, meaning that the program was close to finishing the scanning. Then the same name popped up on the screen for both of the fingerprints. Cal was surprised when he read the name. He printed out the results. Cal would call Bob at lunchtime with the results. He knew Bob would be surprised or maybe not surprised.

Cal had another call to make first. He knew the person he was calling would appreciate the information. He would fax a copy of the fingerprint results to back up his call.

Cal gave Bob a call and Bob told Cal he was at the diner for lunch. Cal told Bob he had he results from the fingerprints and would bring it over. Cal told his deputies he was going to the diner for lunch and would be back in a little while.

I was thinking about Cal's call. It was a little strange and eerie at the same time. He told me I would be surprised or I might not be surprised when he told me who had the drug paraphernalia in the changing room.

I saw Cal's car pull up in front and my cell phone rang. It was Graham telling me not to wait on him for lunch. If he didn't get to the diner within the next five minutes, he wouldn't be able to make it.

Cal walked in and came over to the table. I saw him carrying a folder. The must be the information. "Hi Bob, you have a strange look on your face."

"After you called me, I'm not sure what to expect."

"Don't worry about it Bob. I didn't call you to upset you. Everything is okay."

"I have all the information here in the this folder. I slide it over and you can look over the information."

"I told Cal he might want to wait a minute that Millie was coming over to our table."

"Well Mr. Policeman, I haven't seen you here in a long time. What's in the folder. You giving Bob papers to arrest him?"

"No. Nothing like that, but it is personal information."

"I thought with Bob's shifty eyes and sneer you would be handcuffing him. Millie was winking at me and smiling."

"I'll take a black coffee and one of your stale donuts."

"I'll have the special Millie."

Millie left and Cal slid the folder over to me. "Take your time and look over all the information."

I was nervous and I controlled my hands so they wouldn't shake. I had no idea what I was going to see. I laid the folder in front of minute and took a deep breath and opened the folder. The first page gave a description of what was found in the changing room. It mentioned that two good fingerprints had been lifted. The second page showed a picture of Cotton. And the fingerprints matched him perfectly. That was all I could handle and put the two papers back in the folder and slid it back to Cal.

Cal was right. I was surprised and not surprised. "What happens now?" I asked Cal. "When I get back to the station I will be faxing these copies to the warden and judge. And talking to both the judge and warden on the phone. When I know what will happen with this knew evidence, I will give you a call. I better get back to work now. Tell Millie her donuts are just as stale as ever."

"Thanks Cal for the information. And I'll be looking forward to your call."

We stood up and shook hands and Cal left the diner.

Millie came over with my lunch and took a seat. "Everything okay Bob?"

"Yeah. Everything is fine. Cal had some information for me and told me to tell you that your donuts are just as stale as ever."

"He did eh. Well, I be sure to keep a couple more donuts out so they get as hard as rock for his next time here. Enjoy your lunch Bob, I better get back to work."

"Thanks Millie for your concern. But I assure you everything is okay."

Millie went back to waiting on tables and I ate my lunch. I was wondering what the judge and warden would do to Cotton with the new information. Cotton was sure digging himself a deeper hole. I wonder how long the drug paraphernalia was in the changing room. Probably every since he was at hour house. I think I better start checking the changing room more often. And put a bug in the gardener's and Cindy's ears.

I finished my lunch and paid the bill and left the money and tip on the table for Millie and walked back to the clinic.

My afternoon went okay. I was thinking about Cotton. I don't know why. But managed to stay focused on my work. I was wondering what Cal would have to say when he gave me call. My day finished and soon I was on my way home. Graham had called and told me he would be running a few minutes late.

When Cal got back to his office. He first faxed the information on Cotton to the judge and then gave him a call. The judge's secretary answered and told Cal that he was out. She thought he was meeting with the warden. Cal thanked her.

If the judge was at the warden's office, that would work out perfect. Cal then faxed the information on Cotton to the warden and gave him a call. "Hi Cal, I just received your information on Cotton. This is just what we needed to keep him here for a long time. It just happens the judge is here and we've looked over the information together. The judge is going to change Cotton's sentence to life in prison. Would you like to talk to the judge?"

"No. That's okay. Just tell the judge that I've faxed the same information on Cotton to his office. Is it okay if I call Bob and tell him the news?"

I heard the warden and judge talking in the background. Then the warden came on the phone. The judge says, "he sees no problem with you calling Bob. Cotton is in prison and the judge is only changing his sentence. And there won't be any sentencing court appearance. The judge will notify the two lawyers so they have the information on file."

"Perfect. Thank you and I'll call Bob a little later."

"Thank you Cal. And thank you for a good job on this case."

I thought I'd call Bob later when I knew he would be at home.

I got home and Cindy was gone for the day. I looked over and didn't see the red light flashing for messages. I was hoping Cal would call.

I went upstairs and changed and put a robe on and sandals. Went up to the sunroom to relax. I checked the birds and they seemed fine. I turned the tv on and grabbed myself a cold beer from the tiki bar. I thought I could cheat and have a beer. I thought a beer would help me relax a bit. However, I knew I wouldn't really relax until I talked to Cal.

I got on a lounger and watched the early news and weather. I had the daily paper with me. The weather was staying the same all this week. There was wasn't much happening in the news. Just the regular noise about the British Royal family, politics, shootings and store closings. At least none of that news affected our hometown. Our town was booming and more new stores were almost opening every day. Our small town wasn't that small anymore.

A sitcom came on which I rarely watch and it was background noise. I started looking over the paper which was a waste of time. Reading the daily paper was the same thing I heard on the tv news.

I put the paper down and sipped on my beer and watched a little of the sitcom. Then my cell phone started ringing. I checked it and it was Cal. "Hi Cal, I've been waiting to hear from you."

"Hi Bob. I waited awhile. I wanted to make sure you were home from work. Like it told you at the diner. I faxed the information to the Cotton's judge and the Federal Prison warden. It happened the judge was meeting with the warden so it worked out well. After they reviewed the papers that I faxed. The judge was increasing Cotton's sentence to life in prison. He said that was the information he needed. The judge would fax the information to the two lawyers so they had the info on file."

"I guess I should be happy. But I have mixed feelings. At least Cotton is where he can't molest any more people."

"I understand Bob. I know you and Cotton were close at one time. But I wanted to share this information with you."

"Thanks Cal. I'm okay. The party really helped me to forget about Cotton, but now with this happening. It seems like it's bringing back all kinds of memories. Good and bad."

"Well Bob, remember you have Graham and he's a good support person for you. Don't leave Graham out. The two of you can work through this."

"Thanks Cal. Your right and Graham and I will work through this."

Speaking of Graham, I wondered where he was. He said he was only going to be a couple of minutes late.

I got up and said goodbye to the birds and took my beer glass downstairs to see if Graham had arrived yet.

I didn't see or hear Graham in our bedroom. I went down to the kitchen and thought I heard the garage door. I was correct. Soon my man walked into the kitchen. I walked over and gave him a long kiss and hug. He could tell just by looking at me that something was wrong. We knew each other well.

"Let's talk babe while I get changed. I can tell something is bothering you."

We walked upstairs together. Arm in arm. That felt good and reassuring. Once we were in our bedroom. I told Graham everything. About Cal and I talking in the diner and then Cal calling me later after he had talked to the judge and warden.

"How do you feel babe?"

"I feel glad that Cotton will spend the rest of his life in prison and won't be able to molest anybody else. But on the other side I feel sad for him. And I don't know why?"

"I think I can help. You two were good friends for awhile and Cotton moved in with you. And that brought you two closer together. Then when he got his job and moved away you felt lost. I think that's your feeling now. You still might be a little attached to Cotton and feel lost that he's going to be gone."

"Thanks for putting everything into perspective. I think you've hit the nail on the head. Would you just hold me? I think I would feel better."

Graham walked over and wrapped his big arms around him. I immediately starting feeling better. "Let's go down to the pool and relax together on a lounger and I think you'll start thinking things through."

Graham was so good to me. He should be a counselor. I knew he was right and the more I thought about it. The more correct he was.

I curled up into Graham on a lounger. He got us both a beer. I thought a beer would relax me.

The more I thought things through. The better I felt. I knew I wouldn't visit Cotton again. The one time was enough. He could sit and stew in his cell or whatever he did all day. I didn't really care anymore. He had sealed his own fate and now he had to live with it.

I was feeling better and I asked Graham if he was ready for dinner.

He told me he was going to order delivery and then we wouldn't have to fix anything.

We ate delivery from the Italian Restaurant. It was good and we ate it all. We watched some tv until we got tired.

We crawled into bed. Graham set the alarm and we made out for awhile. Finally we were tired and fell asleep and I felt Graham pulling the covers over us.

We woke up to the alarm blaring. Graham shut the noisy thing off. I felt pretty good and rested. Cotton was a distant memory. We went downstairs and worked out with our friends. Rick was there and talked to me privately, to tell me thank you for introducing him to Andy. He and Andy were getting along really well and enjoying each other. They couldn't get together often which they thought was the best for starting out. Rick told me he was going to his parent's farm this coming weekend and Andy agreed to go with him. He told me his mom and dad were anxious to meet Andy.

We finished workout out and were hot and sweaty. We squeezed into the shower and Cal sat down. We made our line to get fucked and sucked by the next person in line. How Cal could cum so many times fast, I didn't know. I knew I wouldn't be able to do that. We all rinsed off again. Towel dried each other and got dressed.

Cindy had a big breakfast ready for us in the dining room. We woofed the food down and thanked Cindy. We got into a group hug and kiss in the garage. Cal told me he didn't have anymore information for me. And hoped I was doing okay. I told him I was fine. Graham took good care of me.

I for work and booted my office computer. My cell phone rang. It was one of the caterers asking me if we had anything planned for the weekend. I told him know. They wanted to spend the weekend with us. They might be able to arrive later on Friday. If not, Saturday morning. I told him that was fine. We were looking forward to them spending time with us.

Lunchtime came around and I walked over to the diner. Graham was going to join me. I saw Graham's car parked in front and he was sitting at my favorite table. I walked in and took a seat across from him. "Are you we going to make this a quick lunch?"

"I asked him why?"

"Today is Election Day."

"I forgot all about it. With everything happening with Cotton, Election Day was the furthest thing from my mind. Yeah. Let's grab a quick bite to eat and then head to the courthouse to vote."

We both ate the special quick and soon I was in Graham's car and we were heading to the courthouse.

The courthouse parking lot was looking full. Luckily, someone was leaving and Graham was able to take their parking space. We got out and walked into the courthouse and followed the signs for voting. There was a long line, but it seemed to be going fast. Graham and I were registered voters so that saved some time. Soon we were handed our ballots and escorted to voting booths. I finished before Graham and soon he came out of his voting booth. We got back in his car and Graham drove me to the clinic. We kissed before I got out. I watched Graham drive off to his office building.

I had forgotten to tell Graham about the caterers coming for the weekend. I could tell him when we got home from work.

The afternoon went okay. And I was ready to get home.

Graham's car was already in the garage. I was glad he was home. I walked in and I didn't see Graham. I saw him outside lounging by the pool. I went upstairs and changed and joined my husband by the pool. I had poured myself a glass of refreshment. I took the daily paper with me and went down to join Graham.

I sat down on the lounger next to Graham and leaned over and gave him a kiss and hug. "How you feeling babe? You feeling better?"

"I'm much better. And each day that passes, Cotton becomes more of a distant memory."

"That's good to hear. I was concerned about you. Do you plan on going to the Federal Prison to talk to Cotton?"

"No. It's not going to happen. Our last visit was enough for me. Cotton can think about what he's done by himself."

I mentioned the caterers coming this weekend and Graham liked that idea. He told me that was just what we needed, especially me to get my mind off of things. It had been quite awhile since the caterers had spent any time with us. It seems they were always busy.

Graham and I kept getting phone calls and emails thanking us for a great Halloween party. That was always nice to hear. I'm always glad when our friends enjoy our parties. That's what it's all about.

Gtaham and I dove into the pool and did a few laps. It felt good to stretch and get a little exercise. We rinsed off outside and toweled each other off. Went into the living room and watched a movie.

It was a long movie and finished late. We were tired after the movie. We headed upstairs to bed. We didn't even makeout. Graham and I fell right to sleep.

The next few day seemed to by go quickly and it was already Friday. The caterers had said they might come later in the afternoon today or early tomorrow. I was hoping they would come today.

I arrived home before Graham. He called and told he would be a few minutes late. He had some last minutes things he needed to finish.

Cindy was gone for the weekend.

I went upstairs and changed into a Halloween jock. Grabbed a towel. Poured myself a glass of refreshment. Took the daily paper after the kitchen island and went down to the pool. We were sure having some ideal weather. Just perfect. Not too hod or too cold.

I was sipping on my refreshment when my cell phone rang. It was Andy. "Hi Andy. Good to hear from you."

"I was hoping I'd catch you home. I'm calling early to see if you and Graham have any plans for next weekend."

"Not that I know of. What do you have in mind?"

"Well, I'd like you and Graham to spend next weekend here at my house. I have a couple of surprises for you."

"Sounds good Andy. I'll Graham when he gets home. Do we need to bring anything?"

"Nope. Just yourselves."

"Ok And. You can count on us coming next Friday. We will get to your place around six if that works."

"That's fine. I get home at five. So that will give me time to get the house ready for you guys."

"Ok Andy. See you next weekend."

I saw I had a call waiting. I pushed the button. "Hello this is Bob. I didn't know who the call was from when it was on call waiting.

"Hi Bob. Recognize me?"

"Sure. This is the star's manager. How are you and the star?"

"We're well. The star is getting pretty tired with this extra work. That's why I'm calling you early to see if we can spend a couple of weeks with you guys. Starting in two weekends."

"Of course. You know your always welcome. Graham and I were just talking and hoping you'd be staying soon."

"Good. The star is wrapping up his last shows here in Las Vegas and is ready for some R & R."

"We'll have everything ready for you guys in a couple of weekends."

"Thanks Bob. We look forward to it. As it gets closer to us coming. I'll call with the details."

Our weekends are filling up. I wonder how Rick is doing this weekend. I thought he and Andy would be going to his parents farm. Maybe they are not leaving until tomorrow morning. Since Andy gave me call a few minutes ago.

Rick walked out of the shower. "What did Bob have to say?"

"He said they would we able to make it next weekend. They should be here around six on Friday."

"That's perfect. Since we both get back here around five. That will give us sometime to get everything ready for them."

"You ready to go to my mom and dad's tomorrow morning?"

"Yes. I'm still nervous about us greeting them as a couple."

"Don't worry. My parents will be cool about it."

Rick had just a little towel wrapped around his waist and gave Andy a hug and kiss. "You feel better now?"

"I always feel better when you hug and kiss me."

"That's what I want to hear. Let's go out and see how close Zane and his crew are to finishing our tropical paradise."

Andy opened the sliding glass doors to the patio and they walked out. The crew had left for the day. Andy was wearing a Halloween jock and Rick had his towel draped over his shoulder. The wall going around the backyard was finished and Andy was having it wired into his security system. The pool was almost finished. They had a little tiling left to finish and then it would be done. The plants and trees were already planted and looked wonderful. The waterfalls were going to look nice at night when the lights were turned on around the pool. A sound system had been installed and a large screen tv. The covered patio had also been redone with a large barbeque kitchen. Complete with a small frig and large food preparation area. Not to mention a six burner gas barbeque grill with rotisserie. It looked perfect. A tiki bar was setup at the end of the pool. They had a large pergola with a fire pit. The jacuzzi hot tub was finished. This was better than Andy imagined. It seemed Zane was going all out on their backyard and adding some things they hadn't talked about. But everything looked perfect.

Andy didn't know that Bob had talked with Zane to go all out on his backyard and anything extra that he added that he and Andy hadn't talked about. Bob and Graham would cover the cost. Zane told them not to worry about it. Just consider it a favor.

Graham got home and Bob walked up to the kitchen and kissed and hugged Graham. They went arm in arm up to the bedroom and Bob helped Graham change out his work clothes and put on a Halloween jock. They went downstairs and Bob poured a beer for Graham and told Graham he would get dinner ready.

Graham sat on a kitchen island stool while Bob started warming dinner. Bob told Graham about his call from Andy and his call from the star's manager. Graham was anxious to spend some time with Andy. This was the first time they had been invited by one of their friends to stay at their place.

Bob had dinner finished and they ate at the kitchen island. Graham told Bob about the new big client they had and his plans for the town. He wanted to put in a couple of strip malls out by Amusement Park. A couple more fast food restaurants and another apartment complex. The other client had plans for bus and taxi service. Plus another economy hotel on the edge of town.

"How's everything going with your two big clients?"

"So far so good. Mark and Irving did such a good job on the last big client, Preston and I are having them work with the client for the bus and taxi service and the other econony hotel. Preston and I are working with the other big client. Negotiations are coming along. It just takes time. I heard from our corporate office and they are making our investment firm a regional center. With us generating millions of dollars, they thought it was overdue. So that means a big raise for all of us."

"Plus corporate mentioned something about issuing Preston and me a couple of unlimited travel cards and credit cards. Have to wait and see if that actually happens."

The weekend went too fast and it was already Monday morning.

Rick was nervous while he and Andy finished their packing and loading their overnight bags into Rick's car. Andy offered his car, but Rick said it would be easier if he drove. Rick was wondering what kind of reception they would receive from his dad. I guess I'll just have to wait and see.

Rick pulled out of Andy's large four stall garage and they were on their way to Rick's parents house. Andy could tell Rick was nervous and tried to comfort him as much as he could. He just glad to have Rick as his partner. He couldn't thank Bob enough for introducing them to each other.

They had their travel mugs full of fresh coffee and Andy found a good music station on the radio for them to listen to. Andy moved as close as possible to Rick. It was hard to do with the center console. They were both wearing cargo shorts and a pull over with sandals. Andy managed to rub his hand on the inside of Rick's thigh. He could feel Rick's cock getting hard. Rick told Andy to be careful or he might drive off the road. That didn't stop Andy. Soon he was rubbing Rick's hard shaft through his briefs. He could feel the outline of his big thick musroom head.

Rick said he was going to pull into the next rest stop and maybe the handicapped stall would be available for both of them. Andy kept Rick aroused until the came to the next rest stop.

Rick pulled in quick to the automobile parking lot. He couldn't hide his big hardon. So they made mad dash for the men's bathroom. It was quiet. In fact, they hadn't seen any other cars or trucks parked. They went into the last stall which was the handicapped. Andy undid Rick's cargo shorts and they fell down to his ankles. Andy started sucking on the outline of Rick's big hardon through his briefs. Rick had a hard time not to moan. But he wanted to keep quiet. Soon Andy slowly pulled Ricks briefs down and they got hung up on his big hardon. Andy reached into the briefs and moved Rick's erection and finished sliding the briefs down. Rick's hardon was sticking straight out with a big gob of precum on the piss slit. They were close to the far wall so you couldn't see them from the next closest stall. Andy slowly slid Rick's erection into his mouth and down his throat. It had taken Andy awhile before he could deep throat Rick's big hardon. Andy held onto Rick's ass to pull him in further. Once Andy had Rick's hardon wet and slick with saliva. Andy told Rick to sit down on the toilet and lean back. Andy undid his shorts and wet his hole and slowly slid down Rick's shaft until his ass cheeks were nestled nicely in Rick's pubes. Andy had his back to Rick. Rick reached around and grabbed Andy's hard shaft and started pumping his erection. Andy was slowly bouncing up and down on Rick's erection. They both wanted to moan loud and grunt, but they did their best to stay quiet. They hadn't heard anybody else in the bathroom, but they didn't want to take any chances. Andy had started grabbing Rick's erection with his ass muscles. He had just started doing that. It drove Rick crazy. Rick whispered to Andy that he was getting close. Andy whispered to Rick to stroke him faster and he would be ready to cum with him.

Andy felt Rick's cock harden and stiffen in his hole. And Rick gave out a low grunt and Andy felt him blasting a load up his hole. That sent Andy off and he was shooting out a big load hitting the wall in the stall. Rick stuck his cum covered fingers into Andy's mouth and he licked his cum off Rick's fingers. Andy slowly eased up and off Rick's big hardon. Andy cleaned Rick off and then turned around and Rick cleaned Andy off. They pulled up their cargo shorts. And Rick left the stall first and walked over to the sink to finish cleaning his hands off. There was nobody else in the bathroom. In a couple of minutes Andy came out of the stall and washed his hands off too. They walked out to the entrance and checked the vending machines. They both bought a chocolate bar to munch on for the last part of the drive.

Once they got in the car, they checked their travel mugs and thought they needed a refill. So they went back into the entrance and filled their mugs.

Soon they were back on their way to Rick's parents house. Rick told Andy it was just over thirty minutes away. They looked at each other and smiled and started laughing. "You know that was pretty hot back their in the rest stop. That's the first time I've ever had sex in a rest stop bathroom."

Andy said, "that was a first for me too. But I never had a partner or a boyfriend before. So everything is a first for me."

Andy leaned over and they kissed quickly while Rick was driving.

They entered Rick's hometown which was small. And Andy watched Rick drive through the town and onto a county road. Rick followed the road down and they came to the mailbox of Rick's parents and Rick turned and drove down the long driveway to the house.

Andy thought the farmhouse and buildings looked like something you'd see on a postcard. Everything looked freshly painted and in good condition.

Rick pulled up by one of the buildings and parked. They got out and saw his parents coming out of the house. Rick's dad walked over to them. Rick was wondering how this was going to go. "Good to see you Rick. I'm glad your here to help out on the weekend. And who's this strapping young man?"

Rick had decided he wasn't going to hold back with dad. "Dad, this is my partner Andy."

Rick's dad didn't flinch or bat an eye. He stuck his hand out, "nice to meet you Andy and welcome to our farm. I hope Rick told you about what we do here and what kind of work we do on the weekend when he comes to help."

"Yes sir. Rick gave me a briefing about what was expected."

"You can cut the sir crap. My name is Bart and I'm glad your here."

Rick opened the trunk and they took out their overnight bags. And they all walked up to the farmhouse. They walked in and something smelled good. Rick's mom was busy in the kitchen making something or other. She walked over and hugged Rick and told him how glad she was to see him. Rick introduced Andy to his mother and she hugged Andy and gave him a kiss on the cheek. The kiss on the cheek broke back memories to Andy of when his mother used to kiss him before he left for school. That seemed like a long time ago. Andy started tearing up and Rick noticed.

Soon everyone was looking at Andy. "I'm sorry, but when your mother kissed me on the cheek. It brought back memories from when my mother used to kiss me on the cheek before I left for school."

Rick asked Andy if it was okay to tell his parents about what happened to his. Andy nodded yes. Rick told his parents, Bart and Melody, about how Andy's parents had been killed in a horrible accident when Andy was still in high school. Andy received a large settlement from the accident and from his parent's estate. But it left Andy without his parents.

Both Bart and Melody told Andy how sorry they were for him. He thanked them and said he was okay now.

Bart told Rick and Andy to follow him and bring our overnight bags. We followed dad upstairs to the bedrooms and he pointed to Rick's old bedroom. Rick looked at his dad and his dad nodded yes. "Are you sure dad?"

"I'm positive Rick. Remember the last time you were here and we had a good talk. I told you if you found partner he would always be welcome. And I think you've found a wonderful partner. I'm very happy for both of you. Why don't you guys get unpacked and put some work clothes on and we can start the milking. I waited a bit longer for you guys to come. So I know the girls are waiting to get milked."

Dad left my bedroom and I looked at Andy. "I think you've made a good impression on my dad babe."

We unpacked quickly and got changed into work clothes. I knew my dad would be surprised that Andy would know what to do.

We went back downstairs and my dad was waiting for us. I told my dad I would show Andy what needed to be done. Mom told us dinner would be ready when we finished the milking.

While we walked out to the milking barn. A big refrigerated semi pulled in for the milk. As we got closer and closer to the milking barn we could hear the cows mooing. They were ready to be milked.

We walked into the milking barn and my dad took off in one direction and Andy and I in the other direction. I showed Andy how the button worked for the milking machines. The cows stalls put them in the perfect position for the milking machine. With three of us we were done in record time. And I told dad, Andy and I would take care of cleaning and steriizing the milking machines and make sure the cows went to the other barn to eat. Dad thanked us and he headed back to the farmhouse.

It didn't take Andy and I long to finish. Andy was a natural. Once we had everything finished we walked back to the farmhouse. When we walked in dad told us to join him on the back deck for a cold beer. Andy said he remembered something in Rick's car and asked Rick for the car keys. Andy left the farmhouse and walked out to the Rick's car and came back with two cases of beer and set them down on the back deck by Bart.

"You know young man. If you bring me beer everytime you come, you can stay as long as you want."

That got a smile out of Rick. "It's my pleasure sir, sorry Bart. It was the least I could do."

"Nonsense. But I'm glad you did. So tell me about yourself Andy. Your work, your family and anything else you care to share."

Andy told Bart about finishing high school and getting his degree. He lived in his parents house until he finished college. Then sold the house and moved to where he's located now. He had a knew house constructed. He got his degree in being a park ranger, in fact with his degree, he would quality for chief ranger, head of the region, if and when that would happen.

"How did you met my son?"

Andy told Bart about being invited to Bob and Graham's Halloween party. Bob introduced Andy to Rick and they seemed to click. And now Rick is planning to move into my house and stop paying apartment rent.

"Bob is quite a guy. I don't know if Rick told you. But Bob is responsible for me getting my head on straight. And stop being prejudice and homophobic. He really opened my eyes and I'm glad he did. I couldn't be happier to have Rick back home with us. And to have another son. Nothing could be better. How did you know about farming?"

I told Bart that one of my father's investments was a farm. And I helped him as much as I could. So that's where I get my farming background and love it and miss it. And when Rick mentioned this opportunity I told him I wanted to come and help out.

"That's fine Andy. Tomorrow we will be doing fencing. I save that for when Rick comes. Then it seems to go faster."

Melody called us to dinner. It was a typical farm dinner. Delicious and hearty. We had pot roast. One of my mom's specialties. Once we finished eating. She cleared the table and put dessert on the table. All homemade. Pies, cookies and cake. Rick and I had a piece of pie. Rick's dad had a piece of cake as well as his mom.

Rick's dad told us to go out on the back deck. And we talked somemore. Finally I noticed my dad getting tired and he told us he was going to bed. We could stay up as late as we wanted.

Andy and I stayed out a little longer and soon we started getting tired. I think the drive and working with the milking cows wore us out.

We walked up to my bedroom. I closed and locked the door. I didn't think I needed to lock it, but I'd rather be safe than sorry. Andy and I kissed and hugged and slowly stripped each other. We were hard by the time we got into bed.

We snuggled together under the covers. Rubbing our big hardons together. We made out for a little while and then fell asleep. I had told Andy I had the alarm set early. I didn't tell him how early. Four thirty in the morning. Give us time to shower and get dressed and then milk the cows.

It seemed like we had just went to bed and the alarm was ringing. We jumped out of bed and showered together. We both fit in the shower. Andy washed me and I washed him. It didn't take us long to get hard. We did a quick jerk off. Towel dried each other and put some work clothes on.

We went downstairs and Bart was waiting on us. Rick told his dad that Andy and I could take care of the morning milking for him. He asked us if we were sure. And I told him that Andy was a natural. Bart seemed to like that. Bart told us that breakfast would be ready after the milking.

We walked out to the milking barn. And I heard my dad come outside. He was probably waiting on the semi for the milk.

Andy and I walked into the barn. Andy couldn't believe how well trained the cows were. There were already lined up in the milking stalls. We pressed the buttons and soon the cows were being milked. While they were being milked, Andy asked me why we didn't have more milking cows. I told Andy that my dad used to have twice as many milking cows. But with my older brother and me leaving the farm. My dad needed to cut back. It was too much work for him. Andy said maybe now with his help. Rick's dad would want to increase the size of his herd. Rick said he would mention it to his dad and see what he thought.

The milking was finished and the cows were let out to pasture. We cleaned and sterilized the milking machines. I saw my dad getting paid by the semi driver for the milk. We joined my dad and told him the morning milking was finished. He said let's go in and have breakfast.

Mom had a big breakfast ready for us. We ate heartily. The fresh air and working outside made us hungry. We told my dad that we'd take care of the fencing. If he had something else he needed to do.

"Are you sure. I was planning on helping with the fencing."

"We can handle it dad. It will give you a break and a chance to work on something else."

Dad said he would change the oil in the tractors. And had some tinkering he needed to do on one of the trucks. He said that would take him all day.

We finished breakfast and I told dad we were going to head out and get started. I kissed mom on the cheek and thanked her for a great breakfast. Andy and I were heading out when my mom stopped Andy, and asked for her kiss on the cheek. Andy walked over kind of sheepishly and gave my mom a quick peck on the cheek. She said that she expected her two boys to give her a kiss on the cheek. Andy was smiling when we left the house.

We walked over to the building that housed the two four wheelers and checked the gas and made sure they were full. I grabbed the tools that Andy and I would need and we loading them into the back of our four wheelers. We walked over and I told my dad we were heading out and working on the fences all day. He told us good luck and hoped there wasn't a lot of repairing that needed to be done.

I told Andy we were going to start on the furtherest fence first and then work out way closer to the farmhouse. Andy followed me on his four wheeler and soon we arrived at the outer pasture. A few cows were milling around. They didn't pay any attention to us. Andy and I got started and it was going pretty fast. Soon we came to a spot where the fence looked like it had been trampled. It took both of us awhile to get the posts back up in position and then put the fencing back and tighten it. Then we took off inspecting more of the fence. There were a few posts that needed to be pounded down tight and a few more places where the fence needed to be tightened and that took care of the outer most pasture. We then moved to the next pasture and it went pretty smooth. A couple of places we needed to work on. It was approaching lunchtime and I put a marker where we left off and we headed back to the farmhouse.

We rinsed the sweat and dirt off outside before we went in.

Dad was already sitting at the table. He asked us how it was going. I told him the two outer pastures were almost finished. He seemed surprised and said that we must work good together. I asked dad how his work was going. He said he had just finished the oil changes he wanted to do. And then this afternoon he was going to do some tinkering on one of the trucks.

Mom put a big spread of food on the table for lunch. It looked like dinner time. Lunch was good and filling. It would keep us going until dinner time.

We finished lunch and were eager to get back to work and see how much we could finish this afternoon. I was hoping to finish all the pastures.

We cranked up the four wheelers and soon we were back to where to left off. The rest of the fencing here didn't take long to finish. Then the last pasture was the one closest to the buildings. This one took us longer. There was a lot of repair work to be done. But again with two of us working on the fence, it made the job go faster. Soon we had finished all the fencing and still had time before dinner. I told Andy to follow me. I took off for a favorite spot I liked when I was a kid living at home.

Andy followed me. And we went out to the furtherest pasture and then took a detour down over a hill. At the bottom of the hill was a little stream and pond. Rick told me this was one of is favorit spots to come to when he was a kid at home. He could relax here and think and be away from his father for a little while.

We parked on the bank. And walked down to the stream. The stream ran into the pond and then flowed out of the pond on the back side. The pond was bigger than I thought when you were close to it. Rick asked me if I was ready for a swim. I told him I didn't have a towel. He said it wasn't necessary. We had time to dry off in the sun before we needed to be back for dinner.

We stripped down and I followed Rick. Rick dove in and I dove in after him. The water was clear and not dirty. It felt good after working most of the afternoon. We swam around for a bit in the pond and then walked out and laid down on the bank to let the sun dry us. We laid down next to each other. I could see that Rick was semi hard. And I reached over and started playing with his cock. It sprang to life fast. I leaned over and took his cock in my mouth and down my throat. Rick told me he was getting close and didn't want to cum yet. So I got off his cock and we moved around into a sixty nine. I took Rick's cock back into my mouth and I felt Rick's mouth engulfing my cock. Soon we were humping each other's mouths and fingering each other's holes. It didn't take two horny guys long to cum. Rick shot out hard in my throat. I could feel his cum hitting the back of my throat and running down. I didn't do too bad either. I pumped out a big load in Rick's throat and I saw him swallow. I had already swallowed Rick's big load. We laid back panting and smiling at each other. Rick said, "I love you more every day. Your the best thing that has happened to me."

"Thanks babe. You took the words right out of my mouth. Bob told me to patient and when the time was right I would know it. I can't thank him enough for bringing us together."

"We can thank them this coming weekend when they stay. And show them how much we appreciated them bringing us together."

"Exactly. I want this coming weekend to be special for Bob and Graham, so if you have any suggestions, be sure to let me know. I'm pulling out all the stops for them. They deserve it. They are always doing something for somebody else. And rarely do anything for just themselves."

"I'll think on it and if I come up with something special to do for them. I'll let you know."

We were getting dried off and we stood up and I wiped some of the grass and dirt off Rick and he did the same to me. We helped each other get dressed and decided to head back to the farmhouse for dinner.

We got back and rinsed off outside for presentation. Even though we had rinsed all the dirt sweat and grime off in the pond.

I saw my dad coming out of one of the building where he stored his equipment. "Did you get everything done dad, that you wanted to?"

"Yes. And even a little more. With you boys working on the fencing, it gave me time to get some other things done that I had put off."

We all walked into the farmhouse and mom told us to have a beer while she finished dinner. Rick grabbed us a beer and we all walked out to the back deck.

While we were sitting there enjoying our beer. Rick spoke up. "Dad, Andy mentioned something I thought you might be interested in."

"What's that son?"

"Andy mentioned with him helping here at the farm and really liked it. He was wondering why you didn't buy more milking cows?"

"I've been thinking about that. But wasn't sure if this was a one time deal or if you boys planned on helping every weekend that Rick was free?"

Andy spoke up, "if you don't mind my saying Bart. This has been the best weekend of my life and I would love to come with Rick every free weekend he has and help out, if that is okay with you?"

"That's very generous of you Andy. That would be wonderful. That's all I needed to hear. I'm going to buy another one hundred head of milking cows and another one hundred head of beef cattle for starters and see how that goes. I have plenty of land for haying. Of course, I will need both you boys here when it's haying time. The big barn easily can hold all the hay. It's the same barn I used when I was running five hundred head of milking cows and four hundred head of beef cattle."

Andy asked Bart, "do you need any financial help on purchasing more cows. I would be glad to help out."

Bart was flabbergasted. "Andy we have just met this weekend. And you continue to amaze me. That's a very generous offer. But I can easily handle the cost of purchasing more cattle. But thank you for your offer. You are really quite the young man. And the more I get acquainted with you, the more I'm proud of you being with Rick."

Rick almost spit his beer out. He had never heard his dad talk like this before. Melody called the men in for dinner.

They sat down to another big spread of food. Melody had fixed baked chicken with stuffing, sweet pototoes and fresh corn on the cob. It was another delicious meal. The poor chicken looked pretty bare by the time they all finished dinner.

Melody cleared the table and put the same dessert on the table as at lunch time. Rick and Andy had apple pie with vanilla ice cream. Bart had another piece of cake and Melody nibbled on a cookie. We washed down dessert with another cup of coffee.

Bart told us to go back out to the deck and he would join us in a couple of minutes. Bart wanted to tell Melody about his conversation with Andy and his generous offer. Melody was just as flabbergasted as Bart was. "He truly is a special young man dear." Bart agreed with his wife and they both thought he was a perfect young man for their son.

Bart grabbed three beers from the frig and joined Rick and Andy on the back deck. "I can't believe you boys finished all the fencing. You two sure work together well."

Rick and Andy looked at each other and then said, "we sure do."

They finished their beer and Bart said he was going into the living room to check on the news and weather. "When your a farmer, you always keep a close eye on the weather."

Rick and Andy joined Bart in the living room. They all watched the news and weather and then Bart checked the sports channels and all three men watched a good pro football game.

Once the game finished, Bart told the boys he was going to bed and would see them in the morning.

Rick and I stayed down in the living room and watched the late news and weather and then started watching a movie after the news. After all day outside and working, it was starting to catch up with us. I saw Rick yawning and I was feeling tired too.

Rick grabbed us a couple of chocolate chip cookies from the kitchen and we ate them and watched the movie until we couldn't stay awake any longer.

We walked arm in arm up to my bedroom. And stripped down and crawled into bed. Rick's bed was pretty comfortable. Of course it was comfortable because Rick was in it. Rick looked over at me.

"What did I do something wrong?"

"No babe. Nothings wrong. Your perfect. And I feel like the luckiest man to have you in my life."

"What brought this on?"

"I've never seen my parent's treat anyone the way they have you. You have really won them over. And they really do consider you another son."

I leaned over and pulled Rick to me and gave him a long passionate kiss. "I'm glad to be accepted by your parents. I miss my parents every day. And this is helping me fill a void."

"Andy your just amazing. I don't know how I got so lucky. I could never find anyone else to replace you. And I never would. You're everything I was looking for and so much more."

We kissed and made love for the next hour. We were so exhausted after that we fell right to sleep.

The annoying alarm went off at four thirty. It seemed to be getting earlier and earlier. We crawled out of bed and splashed a little water on our faces. Got dressed in work clothes and went downstairs. My dad was having a morning cup of coffee and offered us each a cup. I told my dad we'd take care of the milking again. He didn't argue with that.

Andy and I finished our coffee and walked out to the milking barn. You could hear some of the cows mooing. Almost like they were calling to us to get milked. We pressed the buttons and the milking machines were busy. Soon the milking was finished and Rick let the cows out to pasture. We cleaned and sterilized the milking machines and walked back out. The big semi was leaving.

All three of us walked back inside for breakfast. Mom had made her famous hash brown omelettes. I had forgot how good these omelettes were. I'd have to try making them at Andy's house. Dad asked us what our plans were. I told him we were going to take one more check around the fencing and make sure we got everything from yesterday. Then we'd have to leave after lunch. We both had busy Mondays coming up.

My dad looked a little disappointed. "Is everything okay dad?"

"Yes and no. I'm glad I met Andy this weekend. I'm just a little sad that you can't stay longer. It sure has been nice having you both here. Well, I think you two want to get going and check the fence. I have some more work to do on some of the equipment. I'll see you boys at lunchtime."

We all got up and thanked mom for a great breakfast. Andy and I got out the four wheelers and the tools and Andy followed me again out to the farthest pasture. The fencing and posts were looking good. With miles of fencing, it took awhile to check everything. Finally we were on the last stretch and didn't find anything that needed work.

We made a fast trip back to the farmhouse. It was approaching lunch time. We parked the four wheelers in the building and put the tools away. We joined my dad and we walked into the house for lunch. Mom had made another one of my favorite dishes. Home made lasagna with garlic bread. I dug in and did the other guys and we almost finished a big pan of lasagna. It was fantastic. Andy and I told my parents me needed to shower and change and finish packing and then we'd have to leave.

We all got up. Andy and I went upstairs to my bedroom. We took a quick shower and didn't fool around. Got dressed in some cargo shorts and tshirts with sandals. Finished packing our bags and carried them downstairs.

Rick's parents were right there waiting for us. I saw that mom had fixed a paper bag full of goodies. I'm sure it was sandwiches and some of her dessert. We all shook hugs. Andy and I hugged and kissed my mom. They told Andy what a pleasure it was meeting him and he was always welcome.

My parents followed us outside and I got the bags loading into my car. Turned the car around to leave and we waved to my parents and they waved back.

"Well what do you think babe? You think you'd want to come back here again?"

"Of course. I had a great time. And being with you all weekend was the best. I really like your parent's farm. And can't wait until we come here again."

"Andy, you know you are really something else."

"What does that mean?"

"You are so nice and so perfect. I know I keep repeating myself. But I don't know how I got so lucky to have you as my partner."

"I'm the lucky one Rick. Your perfect for me. You're everything I've ever dreamt about and wanted. I love you with all my heart and soul."

"Ditto on that Andy. Exactly how I feel about you."

They were quiet most of the way back to Andy's house. They had their travel mugs full of coffee and they munched a little on the goodies that Rick's mother had prepared. Rick told Andy they should wait until the next rest stop and then they can take a break and indulge in all the goodies.

They listened to the music on the radio and sang with some of the songs. Finally a rest stop sign appeared and Rick pulled in. They took out the paper bag and their travel mugs and sat down at a picnic table.

Andy started pulling out a couple of sandwiches. They were ham and cheese and just still a bit warm. They tasted good. There was also egg salad sandwiches and grilled cheese. We must have looked hungry when we left the farmhouse. The dessert was at the bottom. After our sandwich, we both ate a chocolate chip cookie and saved the rest for a snack tonight at home.

We refilled our travel mugs inside the building at one of the vending machines.

We got back into Rick's car and were ready for our final leg. Rick said we should be back at your house in about twenty five minutes. Andy corrected Rick and said our house. Rick smiled at Andy. They were just anxious to get home and relax.

Rick pulled into the driveway and opened one of the garage stalls with his remote. They got out and Rick closed the garage door. Andy turned off the security system and they carried their overnight bags into the house. Everything looked okay in the house. Especially their backyard, which was finished. The backyard lights were on. They were solar powered and gave a nice tranquil glow to the backyard.

They unpacked their bags. Rick was still getting used to Andy's big house. He had only been in the house for a couple of days before they went to his parent's farm.

Andy emptied the paper bag into the frig. They decided to lounge by the pool and relax. They each grabbed a towel and put flip flops on. Otherwise they were naked and moved a couple of loungers together. Andy planned on asking Bob and Graham where they got their double loungers.

We made love on the loungers and in the pool.

Rick and I finished the rest of the sandwiches and dessert that was in the paper bag.

We cuddled together on the sofa in the living room and watched a little tv until we were too tired to stay awake.

Rick and I went to my big master bedroom and made love again and drifted off to dreamland.

Monday morning came around too soon. And soon we kissed and hugged and headed off in different directions to work. Rick had a longer distance to drive than me.

We had started planning for Bob and Graham coming this coming weekend.

Graham and I woke up to the alarm going off. Crawled out of bed and went downstairs to workout with our friends. Rick didn't make for our morning workout. I didn't think he would with his longer commute to work. I as anxious to hear how their weekend went with Andy's parents. We got into a sweat and burn and soon were washing each other in the shower. We only had time for a quick jerk in the shower. We dried each other off, got dressed and headed upstairs for breakfast.

Cindy had the outside patio table ready for us. We all got seated and Cindy brought out our breakfast. We dove into the breakfast like it was our last meal. We were hungry after our workout. All of us cleaned up all the food and nothing was left. We got up and kissed Cindy on the cheek. Got into a group hug and kiss in the garage and headed out to work.

The days were flying by. Wednesday we received our order from France. We didn't have time to deliver the items personally to our parents, so we called our parents and told them they would be receiving three boxes, special delivery.

They called us after they had received the boxes and thanked us. My mom told me they had a dinner party and all the wine was gone, so this came at just the right time. She told me she still got compliments on her perfume and her friends wanted to know the brand.

Friday rolled around and Graham and I were busy packing our overnight bags. We had plenty of time before we needed to leave. It was only about an hours drive from our house.

I went up to the sunroom to check on the birds and cleaned and refilled their food dishes. And added another food dish. I wanted to make sure they had plenty while we were gone. They seemed to try to talk to me. Maybe they were thanking me for filling their food and water dishes. The background music was playing and you could hear the water in the little stream.

I went back down to our master bedroom. Graham told me he was finished packing and I told him I just had a couple more things to put into my overnight bag. I had picked up a case of beer on my way home.

Graham and I agreed to relax by the pool. I poured us each a glass of refreshment and it felt good to be naked with our warm bodies touching on the lounger. We told each other that we wouldn't do any fooling around and wait and see what happened when we were with Andy and Rick.

Graham and I fixed lunch together and ate by the pool. After eating our lunch we dove into the pool and got in a little exercise. It felt good after a busy morning at work. We rinsed off in the outside shower and went back to our double lounger. We still had time before we needed to get ready to leave.

The warm sun felt good on our bodies and we were getting very relaxed. We dozed off in each other's arms. I was just nodding off when my cell phone rang. It was my mom. "Hi mom, surprised to hear from you."

"I'm calling for you father and me. We wanted to thank you again for the wine and my wonderful perfume. You have us hooked on that wine. And it's the only red wine we drink now. We drink the white wine that you boys like."

"Thanks mom for the call. I'm glad you and dad enjoy the wine. We liked it when we were in France and that you would like it too."

I hung up with my mom and saw Graham talking on his cell phone. It sounded like he was talking to his mom. Graham's mom told him, "that wine is wonderful honey. Your father and I love it. We have a glass after dinner when we are watching tv in the living room. And the perfume is lovely. Every time I where the perfume, I get compliments and friends are always asking me the brand."

"That's great mom. I'm glad you and dad are enjoying the wine. And you like your perfume."

After our phone calls we thought we better get changed and leave for Andy's house. We got up and walked upstairs. We were going to wear something very casual. Some cargo shorts and a nice pull over and sandals.

We got dressed and carried our overnight bags out to my SUV. Graham and I went back into the house to take a quick check around and make sure everything was closed and locked. We then went back to the garage and I set the security system.

I pulled out of the garage and we were on our way. The drive was peaceful and we listened to some satellite music. We didn't talk much and just enjoyed the scenery. I soon came to Andy's drive to his house and pulled into the long driveway. This was Graham's first time here. The tree lined drive looked like something you'd see in the movies. We finally arrived at the house and I parked in front of the large garage.

Graham said, "Andy lives here? This house is like a mansion. It looks huge."

"The house is big. Andy told me he was used to living in big houses. Wait until you see the inside."

We got out of my SUV and Andy must have heard us. I saw him and Rick come out of the house. Andy told me he would open a garage stall that I could pull into. Graham and Rick took our overnight bags inside while I pulled my SUV into an empty stall. I noticed Rick's car parked in the garage. I didn't say anything.

Andy gave me a hug and kiss in the garage. And told me he was glad I was here. We walked into his kitchen from the garage. This kitchen was huge, like the rest of the house. He told me that Rick and Graham were in one of the guest bedroom. So we walked down the hall to where they were. The guest bedroom was the size of our master bedroom. Very tastefully decorated. Obviously, Andy had an interior decorator. Andy told us to put our things away, but was hoping we'd be sleeping with him and Rick. We told Andy we hoped so too.

We got our things put away and Andy told us he would give us a tour of the house. Rick followed along with us. I asked Andy, "what are the two surprises you wanted to tell us?"

"First. Rick and I are official partners. Rick has moved in and we are the happiest we've ever been."

Graham and I almost said in unison, "that's wonderful. I'm glad you've found each other. And are happy together."

Andy said, "actually you are responsible for getting us together. After you introduced us at your Halloween party. We clicked and everything seemed to fall into place. We can't thank you enough."

"I'm just glad your both happy. Now what was your second surprise?"

"Actually, I still have one more surprise after this one. But that won't happen until I finish the tour. The second surprise is that Rick's parents were wonderful when we stayed last weekend. Rick's parents called me their son and that made me really happy. After what had happened to my parents. I felt like I had adopted parents. And I'm welcome any time I want to stay with them."

Andy continued our tour and showed us the other guest bedrooms and then his master bedroom, which was huge. We then walked into the study/den and it was also good size. The dining room could seat twenty people and was very elaborate. The living room was awesome. There were two big sectional sofas with I don't know how many pillows. A big flat screen tv on the wall and it looked like a sound system under the tv. The foyer was big. The laundry room was good size. Everything was on one floor, so that made the house bigger. Andy told us he had stairs that went to the basement in the kitchen. The basement was small and he used it for storage and for anything that didn't fit in the kitchen pantry. The kitchen was a huge gourmet kitchen. With a large upright freezer and a large two door refrigerator. The kitchen island could easily handle four people working at it at one time. We then walked back through the living room to the sliding doors that went to the backyard.

Andy and Rick told us to close our eyes. We were now going to see the last surprise. We closed our eyes and Andy and Rick guided us to the backyard. They told us on the count of three to open our eyes. 1.....2.....3..... and we opened our eyes. "Wow this backyard is awesome. You have your own tropical paradise here."

"We love our backyard and can't believe how fantastic it is. We are till finding new things everytime we walk around."

"I like how the rocks make part of your wall. The waterfalls are spectacular. Your pool looks bigger than the old one."

"Zane and his crew really outdid themselves. This was just breath taking the first time I saw the completed work. Your right about the pool. This new pool is almost three times bigger than the old one. This backyard is our second home. We've been spending all our free time by the pool and walking around."

"Let's take a look around and see what all you have in your backyard." Andy and Rick were like two little kids showing us their backyard. There was a grotto behind the biggest waterfall. Lush plants were hanging over the rocks and looked like they had been there forever. The tropical trees made a nice touch. The pergola and fire pit was big and fit into it's spot perfectly. The tiki bar at the end of the bar was a nice touch. There were walkways that we took. At the end of the big waterfall was a built in changing room. Andy and Rick told me that didn't know that was there. It looked like just more of the rocks. The jacuzzi was a nice size, it looked like it could hold eight to ten people. There was a large fish pond with koi. The stream meangered around and at some places you could hear the water gurgling over rocks. It truly was an outstanding backyard. There were stone steps that took you up to a patio area with seating and a mini bar. Also there was a ledge where you could jump or dive off into the pool. Andy told us the pool was the deepest here at fifteen feet. I would need to call Zane and thank him on another wonderful job.

We ended back at the pool. Andy said why don't we get comfortable and have a drink and relax.

Andy and Rick were wearing jocks. God those guys looked hot and sure made a nice looking couple. Graham and I stripped down naked and we pulled four loungers together.

Andy asked me where I got our double loungers. I told him Wayde's hardward store in town ordered them for us. I gave Andy Wayde's personal number and told Andy to mention us and he'd get a discount and free delivery.

Andy and Rick had taken off their jocks and were reclining any laying tight to each other. I think you'd need a crowbar to pull them apart. Graham and I got comfortable together on our loungers. I was waiting for the fun to begin. Everyone seemed to be waiting for the other to start something.

Andy got up and went to the tiki bar and grabbed us all a beer. He brought them over and handed a beer first to Rick and set his down by his lounger. He brought our over and accidentally on purpose spilled some beer on Graham and me. "Sorry guys, I better lick that off." He licked the beer off my cock and it immediately sprang to attention. Then he did the same to Graham and Graham got instantly hard.

Andy then left us with two big hardons and a smile on his face. I saw Andy give Rick a kiss. Rick said, "beer cock tastes pretty good."

Why don't we all move into the hot tub. We have holders built in on the edge of the hot tub for our beer."

We all got up and walked over to the hot tub. Rick turned the jets on while we eased ourselves into the hot water swirling water. Rick was right. They had holders where the beer fit perfectly. We were all in a close knit group on one end of the hot tub. Andy was next to me and Rick was close to Graham. You didn't see any hands above the water. There was a lot of gropping and fondling going on under water.

Andy leaned back so he was almost floating in the hot tub. His boner was sticking out of the water. I couldn't resist and started sucking him down to his pubes. I saw Graham doing the same thing to Rick. Andy started moaning and humping into my mouth. His big cock was making me work taking it down my throat. I managed to take the whole thing and Andy was pumping in and out of mouth faster. I didn't really have to do anything. He was doing all the work. I started playing with his balls and that seemed to really turn him on and he started blasting out a big load. Hitting the back of my throat. I swallowed his load down and he stopped floating on the water. He got back down and told me to press up next to him.

I pressed up tight to him and could feel his big hardon, that hadn't went down, pressed between my ass cheeks. Andy was kissing me on the neck and had reached around and was playing and squeezing my nips. I felt his hands working their way down and soon he had a hold of my erection. Andy started jerking my erection and working the big head of his cock into my hole. My hole grabbed the head and started pulling his big thick shaft into my hole. I started humping back and forth on Andy's hand. It felt so good. That made his cock go in deep every time I humped back into him. I had a good rhythm going and told him I was going to cum. He said, "shoot it for me Bob. Pump out a big load." That was all the encouragement I needed and I shot out rope after rope of cum. I could see my cum swirling around in the hot water. Andy told me not to worry about it. The filters would take care of it.

We finished and put an arm around each other and kissed and then watched Graham and Rick. I could tell they were frotting their hard cocks together and really getting off on it. They were kissing and holding each other tight to their bodies. I could tell by the back and forth motion they were really into it. Rick must have told Graham he was ready to cum. Rick sat up quick on the edge of the hot tub and Graham put his lips on the big thick flared head, just as Rick started cumming. It looked like Graham sucked it all out and they switched positions quick and I saw Rick taking Graham's load and swallowing. They kissed after cumming and joined us.

I said, "that was quite a show you put on for us."

Rick said, "we just wanted thank you for getting us together. And this is just the start of the thank you's."

We thought it was time to get out of the hot tub so that everything didn't shrivel up like a prune.

Andy told us they had an outside shower. We walked over to the shower and rinsed off the chlorine and walked back to our loungers and laid down on top of the towels.

Rick went over to the tiki bar and got us another round of beer. Andy said he would be right back. He came down carrying a big appetizer tray. Andy told us he got the phone number from the caterers we used and they donated a couple of big appetizer trays for the weekend, free of charge, since you guys were joining us.

The appetizers were good and hit the spot.

"We have a surprise for you and Graham for dinner. I hope you like it?"

"I'm sure we will. This weekend is starting out with a lot of surprises."

"Like we said earlier. We wanted to show you how much we appreciated everything you both did for us and getting us together."

"Well you're doing a good job. But I don't want you guys going overboard for us. We're just glad to get out of the house and be able to spend some time with you and Rick."

"We're glad to have you here."

All of just relaxed the rest of the afternoon. It almost felt like being at home and relaxing by the pool.

I heard some noise and I saw Andy get up and walk into the house. I saw some men talking to Andy, but I couldn't make out who they were. We were too far away. I thought I saw some large container being brought in. But I might have been seeing things or a reflection.

I snuggled back with Graham and waited for Andy to get back. Rick was dozing and he didn't look like he heard anything.

Soon I heard Andy walking back down to the pool and it sounded like he was talking to some men. I looked up and the caterers were walking down to the pool. They were all naked and looked just as hot as ever. I liked their big uncut cocks. The caterers were bigger than Andy and Rick. The caterers were nine inches or more.

"Hi guys, good to see you. This is a nice surprise."

"Well we brought a special dinner for you guys and we had a little time to spend with you and Andy and Rick."

"Why don't you join Graham and me on our loungers."

They laid down on top of us. That big flaccid cock rubbing and laying over my cock got me aroused right away.

Andy spoke up, "let's head into the bedroom where there's more room and be comfortable."

We all got up and walked together in a group to the bedroom. Andy one of the caterers and myself got together. Graham the other caterer and Rick got together. Andy and I spit roasted the caterer and I saw Graham and Rick with the same idea with their caterer. There was a lot of moaning and grunting and slurping and slapping of skin. I came first in the caterers mouth and it didn't take Andy long to fill the caterers hot tight hole. The caterers big cock was sticking straight up. Andy and I started licking the sides of that rock hard shaft. Andy went down and started sucking on his big balls. Taking one in at a time and swirling it around with his tongue. While I worked the foreskin back and forth over the head. I knew that drove the caterer crazy. He was groaning loud and starting to buck. Andy came back up quick and we both put our mouths over his big thick head and sucked out his load as he pumped and pumped out his cum. It must have been close to a minute before he stopped cumming. I know it gave me a mouthful to swallow.

We all laid back on each other and watched Graham and Rick with the other caterer. Graham was feeding the caterer his cock while Rick was fucking him and sucking him at the same time.

We were kissing and fondling each other while we watched them.

I saw Graham to rigid and I knew he was shooting a load in the caterers mouth. The caterer moaned and was shooting up Rick's mouth which caused his hole to constrict on Rick's cock make him cum. It looked like big loads were being deposited. They finished cumming and laid back and looked over at us.

After relaxing for a bit and getting our breathing back. We walked into the master bathroom and got into an immense shower. We all easily fit in the shower and we rinsed each other off. Dried each other off and put our sandals on walked out to the kitchen. The caterers told us to relax in the living room and they would tell us when dinner was ready.

Rick turned on the huge flat screen tv and we watched some sports while we waited on dinner.

The caterers turned on the two big chandliers over the long table and dimmed the lights down to a nice warm glow. They lit some candles on the table and they had two large flower arrangements for the table. They found some nice china and flatware and set the table. With cloth napkins in napkin rings. They set out the glassware for wine, water and an appertif. They found a bottle of Campari and filled the appertif glasses.

They had two big silver chafing dishes with sterno warmers. They had fixed a standing rib roast in one of the chafing dishes. The other chafing dish had a variety of different sides everyone could choose from. They had a bottle of red wine chilling in the wine frig.

Everything looked ready and they called the guys in for dinner. Andy and Rick sat together on one side of the side and Graham and me on the other side. The caterers were at each end of the table. With seating for twenty, there was plenty of room. They caterers served Graham and me first, followed by Andy and Rick and then themselves last. We drank our appertif and were ready for a delicious dinner. That smelled wonderful.

Once everyone was served. One of the caterers got up and opened the chilled bottle of red wine and filled our wine glasses. The red wine was good. I'm not much for red wine, but this one was okay.

We all told the caterers how good everything was and were really enjoying such a fine dinner. We sipped on our wine and had a good converstion while we ate. Finally we were finished and the caterers removed the two big chafing dishes to the large kitchen island. They then wheeled in a dessert cart from the kitchen. Almost any dessert you could think of was on this cart. Graham looked like he was in heaven.

There was a variety of pies, cookies, cake, danish, and a variety of French desserts. Including, eclairs, macarons, profiterole, religieuse, mille feuille and cannele. I had never seen that many different French desserts.

We all dug into the dessert and had our little dessert plates full. I splurged on the different French desserts. The other guys tried one or two of the French desserts, but stayed with the typical pie and danish. We drank some really good coffee with our dessert.

Graham and I thanked everybody for a delicious dinner.

The caterers said unfortunately, they had to leave and start getting ready for another big party tomorrow. Graham and I hugged and kissed them and thanked them again for the dinner.

Andy followed the caterers to the kitchen where they packaged all the left overs and dessert and stored some things in the big freezer or refrigerator. The dessert could be left out in a closed container on the kithcen island. They finished with everything and Andy helped them carry their things out to the van. They kissed and hugged outside and Andy thanked them for an excellent job.

Andy came back in and joined us at the pool. We thought we'd go into the living room and see if their was some good sports on the tv. We took our towels and walked into the living room. Andy got the tv going and checked the sports channels. He found a good NFL game on. It would do in place of a college football game. With two big sectional sofas. We could easily cuddle and snuggle together and watch the game.

At half time Andy got us all a beer. I was way over my limit on beer. But I wanted to be sociable and the beer tasted good. I remembered Andy had a big gym and maybe we could workout for a bit tomorrow morning in the gym. I was surprised he hadn't shown us the gym on the tour of the house.

The game finished and we were ready for bed. Andy turned the tv off and we all walked to their big master bedroom. Andy had an oversized bed in their bedroom. It fit all four of us with room to spare.

We got into a group jerk and just before we were ready to cum, we switched to a group suck and took each other's loads. That was all we could handle. The A/C felt good in the bedroom. With the floor to ceiling windows, I'm sure this bedroom could get warm fast. Andy pressed the remote and the blinds came down over the windows. We all helped to pull the covers over us. We managed to get into a group cuddle and didn't take long to fall asleep.

With no alarm we were lazy getting up Saturday morning. Andy asked us if we were ready for breakfast. I asked him if we could go to his gym and workout a bit first and then have breakfast. He said that was a good idea. Rick was still looked like he was sleeping. Andy nudged him and he rubbed his eyes and slowly woke up. Andy told him we were all going to the gym to workout.

Rick slowly crawled out of bed and we made out way to the gym. The gym was on the far end of the house with big floor to ceiling windows that were open to the outside. No curtains or blinds on these windows. Andy had a state of the art gym with all new and lastest equipment. We warmed up and stretched and got on the treadmills. Then we went to the free weights and Andy helped me spot and then I spotted for him. Rick spotted for Graham and then Graham spotted for Rick. By the time we finished we had put in a good hours workout. We were sweating like crazy and walked back to the master bathroom and showered.

Andy and Rick took a seat on the shower ledge. Graham sat down on Rick and I sat down on Andy. I think they were just as horny as we were. Graham and I had saved up for this weekend. And I was getting the feeling Andy and Rick had done the same thing. Andy's big hard cock felt good slowly sliding up my hole. I eased myself down on his cock and leaned back on him. Squeezing his cock with my ass muscles. Andy had reached around and was feeling my nips and squeezing them. And his other hand was stroking me. I saw Graham and Rick doing the same thing. Andy grabbed my sides and was lifting me up and down on his cock. I didn't have to do anything, except squeeze and work his cock with my ass muscles. Andy starting kissing my neck and stroking me faster. I knew that was a sign he was getting close. I felt his cock swell and spasm in my hole and soon he filling my hole with another one of his big loads. It took me another minute before I came. Andy's big hand was wrapped around my cock. Stroking me back and forth. I jerked and shuddered when I came and I shot out the furtherest I think I ever had. My cum hit the far wall in the shower. Graham had matched me and was cumming at the same time. Both our cum seemed to hit an invisible targe on the far shower wall.

I eased off Andy's cock and Graham did the same to Rick. We rinsed off again under the water and rinsed the cum off the wall down the drain.

Rick turned off the shower and we walked out and dried each other off. We put our sandals on and we walked out in a group to the pool.

Our loungers were still grouped together. Graham and I got on our loungers next to each other, and Andy and Rick got on theirs.

I think Andy and Rick were insatiable for sex, but that was okay. After all Graham and I were in our mid thirties and Andy and Rick were approaching thirty. So I couldn't complain with their constant craving for sex. It was fine and enjoyable. And it was something Graham and I were expecting this weekend.

Saturday evening we went out for dinner at a local restaurant. It was more of a mom and pop's restaurant. But the food was excellent and we had a good time. When we got back to Andy and Rick's house we stripped down and had sex until we were all so tired we couldn't stay awake. We all slept together in Andy's huge bed.

Sunday morning we all helped making breakfast. We ate outside on the patio table. And enjoyed the view in the backyard.

We did some laps in the pool and got in a little exercise. Sunday lunch was leftovers from dinner last night. It tasted just a good. And we about finished the left overs.

I told Andy we would need to leave soon. We needed to get back home and get ready for work tomorrow. And had a few things to do around the house.

Once we finished our lunch, we went to the guest bedroom and got packed. Andy and Rick were on the guest room bed watching us. We put on some different shorts and shirt and the same sandals. Andy and Rick carried out our overnight bags for us. We walked into the garage and got into a group hug and kiss. Just like at our house after working out and eating breakfast. Graham and I loaded our overnight bags into the back of my SUV.

Rick opened the garage door and I backed out. We waved goodbye to Andy and Rick and were on our way home. We were ready to leave. We had a good time, but we had had enough sex and were physically and sexually drained.

At least the drive home was only about an hour and soon I was pulling into our garage. We took out our overnight bags and walked into the kitchen. Everything looked okay. We walked upstairs to our bedroom and unpacked our overnight bags. Put everything away and the dirty clothes in the hamper. We put on robes and went upstairs to the sunroom. I wanted to checked on the birds. The birds looked content. I checked their water and food dishes and they needed refilling which I took care of.

Graham and I picked up the daily papers and I poured us each a glass of refreshment and we walked down to the pool. We liked our backyard and thought it was just as good as Andy and Rick's. I did need to call Zane and thank him on a great job.

We sipped on our refreshment and read the daily papers. I decided to call Zane. I picked up my cell phone and called Zane. "Hi Bob, what's up. I wasn't expecting a call from you."

"We just got home from spending the weekend at Andy and Rick's and I wanted to thank you for doing an excellent job on their backyard."

"Thanks Bob. I did like how it turned out. A famous home and decor magazine company is going to take some pictures of the backyard and feature it in their magazine. Andy and Rick know about. It's a matter of working out the logistics."

"That's great. Do you know the magazine and what issue the backyard will be featured in?"

"I know the magazine is, House Beautiful, but I don't know the issue. You could probably get the information from Andy and Rick."

"Okay Zane. Good talking to you and will look forward to seeing your work featured in House Beautiful."

Graham and I relaxed some more. We were tired after so much sexercise.

We ordered delivery for dinner and then watched the second half of a college football game. Graham and I were tired after the game finished and went to bed.

We made out and made love for a little while. Finally, we were so tired that we couldn't stay awake. We cuddled up together and I pull the covers over us. Graham set the alarm and we went right to sleep.

The alarm woke us up. I felt like I could sleep another hour. We slowly crawled out of bed and went downstairs to workout with our friends. I didn't see Cal or Rick. Rick was probably already at work. I knew his day shift started early. I didn't know about Cal. Anything could happen with Cal. We got in a good hot sweaty workout. Dave talked briefly to Graham and me. He told us that Cal got a call from the Federal Prison and he left right away after the call. Cal told me he would call you later.

I didn't like the sound of that. But nothing I could do until I heard from Cal. We all showered together and jerked each other off. Dried off and dressed and went upstairs for breakfast. Cindy had the dining room table ready for us. Once we were seated she started bringing in breakfast. It was really good as always and we all devoured everything.

We got into a group hug and kiss and left for work. I was anxiously waiting to hear from Cal.

I told Janice and Shirley that if I received a call from Cal, to let me know. Even if I was with a patient.

Cal was startled when his cell phone rang. The call came in on an emergency line to his phone, so he knew it was an important call. It was the warden. The warden was screaming and hollering on the phone. Cal I had never heard the warden this upset. Cal could only make out a few words from the warden. Cotton, escape, and gang members. And that was all he could understand. But it was enough, that he knew that Cotton had escaped and probably with gang members.

When Cal got to his office, he received another call from the judge and that confirmed what he thought. Cotton and some prison gang members had escaped from the Federal Prison. They had inside help and the warden had the prison turned upside down trying to get to the bottom of the escape. The judge told Cal that he needed to call Bob and alert him. He might want to have special protection until Cotton and the gang members are arrested.

It was going on lunchtime and I hadn't heard anything. I remembered what the bodyguards had told me. We go with my regular routine and not to act suspicious or nervous.

I walked over to the diner and Graham was able to meet me for lunch. I was glad about that. I hadn't told him anything yet about my conversation with Dave this morning.

Graham hadn't arrived yet and I had Millie bring me a black coffee. Millied asked me if everything was okay. I told her, just a busy morning and I'm glad it's lunchtime.

I couldn't wait for Graham to get here. I needed to tell him all about Cotton and I was about ready to burst.

I saw my man walk and he walked over and took a seat across from me. Right away he could tell something was wrong. "What's wrong babe?"

"I got a call from Cal. Cotton has escaped with a couple of gang members from Federal Prison. I need to make a couple of calls. I want to call Cindy and have her set the alarm to 1. That why the motion sensors will be on and the police will be notifed immediately. I don't want to take any chance. Then I want to call the caterers and let them know what's going on and they may not want to spend this coming weekend with us. I'll eat the special babe whem Millie comes over. I want to get these calls made."

"Hi Bob. I wasn't expecting a call from you. Is everything okay?"

"Yes and no, Cindy. I want you to set the alarm system to number 1. I'll give you more information when I get home from work. There's nothing to worry about. Just go about your regular work."

I thought I'd try the caterers. I wasn't sure if anyone would answer. I called the number that I had and one of the caterers answered. "Hi Bob, what's up?"

"There's no easy way to say this. Cotton and a couple of gang members have escaped from Federal Prison. So I'm not sure if you guys want to stay this coming weekend with us?"

"Of course we do Bob. Remember, there's strength in numbers. Any we're planning on coming over this weekend. Don't worry about us. We're big boys and can take care of ourselves."

"Ok. If your sure. We would like you to spend the weekend with us."

"You can count on us coming and having a good time with you and Graham. Don't worry. Just be stay safe and calm."

I saw my food lunch sitting in front of me. I told Graham I was going to tell Cindy more of what was going on when I got home from work. The caterers said they planned on coming and not to worry. I was thinking, easy for them to say.

We ate our lunch and Graham said he needed to get back to work. He had one of their big clients coming for a short afternoon meeting. I told him to be careful.

We both finished our lunch and paid Millie and gave her a tip and headed back to work.

I walked back to the clinic trying to be as calm and relaxed as I could like nothing was going on. I was glad when I walked into the clinic and made it back with no incident.

I got into my work and stayed focused and the afternoon went fast. I was finishing in my office when my cell phone rang. It was Cal calling.

"Hi Bob. How you doing?"

"Okay, I guess. I'm pretty nervous about the whole situation."

"I can understand that. I have a little information for you. After the warden's big shakedown at the prison. He found the two guards that had helped with Cotton and the gang members escaping. They are in prison where they worked. The warden squeezed out as much information as he could from them. Cotton and his gang member friends left in a prison vehicle. The vehicle was traced. They must have had another vehicle waiting and they took off in that. The prison vehicle was found, but there wasn't any evidence or anything of any help. I have my all my deputies out cruising the highways and town for any suspicious looking vehicles or people. They left the prison in prison clothes, but I'm sure they had a change of clothes waiting for them in the other vehicle. That's about all I can tell you. When I got more information, I'll pass it on to you. Just try to act normal at work and when your outside and driving."

"Thanks Cal. I can't say that I feel any better. I'll feel better when I know they are arrested and back in prison. I called Cindy and had her change our security system to number 1 and I will keep it that way until the coast is clear."

"That's a good idea. I have a deputy that is patrolling your street on a regular basis. Just in case Cotton and his gang friends decide to pay a visit. Do you know if Cotton knows how to open the gate?"

"I don't think. But I'm not sure. I might have shown him how to open it at one time."

"Well, I'll tell my deputy to patrol your street more often and especially in front of your house."

"Thanks Cal. That helps me feel a little better. Can your deputy follow me home. Just in case Cotton is waiting for me to get home from work and follows me in through the gate."

"You bet Bob. That's a good idea. When are you leaving work?"

"I was just finishing in my office when you called."

"Ok. Wait for my deputy to arrive and then he'll follow you to your house."

I shut down my computer and checked my schedule of patients for tomorrow. I looked out the window and saw a patrol car coming. I locked the clinic and walked over to my vehicle. And I pulled out. The officer followed me to my front gate. I waved to him and he waited until I got inside and the gate was closed and then I saw him take off down the street.

I pulled into the garage and felt better. I didn't realize how nervous I was driving home. I walked into the kitchen and Cindy was finishing whatever she had been doing. "Bob you don't look good. Can you tell me what's going on. You have me really nervous setting the security system to number 1."

I told Cindy to take a seat and I told her about Cotton and why he was prison. How he escaped with a couple of gang members and right now they are on the loose. That's why I had her set the alarm to 1.

Cindy asked me a good question about whether it would be safe for he walking home. I told her to wait a minute and I'd call Cal.

"Cal. I got home safe and sound. Cindy had a good question I wanted to run by you. She was wondering if it would be safe for her to work home alone?"

"Tell Cindy to wait and I'll radio my deputy and he will take her home. In his squad car."

I told Cindy what Cal said and she looked relieved. I told her to wait out by the gate and I'd wait there with her. We walked out to the gate and the deputy was pulling up in front of the gate. I opened the gate for Cindy and watched her get into the squad car and leave.

I closed the gate and walked back into the house. I reset the alarm. I wasn't taking any chances.

I went upstairs and changed into a Halloween jock and went to the living room and turned on the news and looked through the daily paper.

I didn't feel comfortable going out in the backyard. I just felt I was being watched. Maybe when Graham got home, I'd feel better. I hoped so.

We couldn't believe how fucking easy it was to escape from a fucking Federal Maximum Security Prison. The warden must be shitting tacks. If the governor finds out about our escape. The warden's job could be on the line.

The guards helped us and were able to get our personal belongings. I had my wallet with all the my cards and if we needed money all we had to do was find the closest ATM.

We were making good time and were already many miles out of town. The gang leader had his keys and one of the keys would open the shack where we were going to hold out until things calmed down.

What Cotton and his cronies didn't know, the FBI had taken over this case. They had Cotton and the gang members cell phone numbers if they tried making calls. They also had Cotton's bank accounts including his cards. So if he tried making a purchase or withdrawing money from ATM they could trace where he was. The FBI felt they had left town and were trying to get as far away as possible. They didn't know how right they were.

Cotton and his jail pals were singing and having a good time in their getaway car. The gang leader said they were getting close to the shack. There would be a gravel road up ahead and to turn down on it and follow it to the end. That's where the shack was located.

Cotton pulled up in front of the shack and that's exactly what it was a shack. The trees grass and bushes were all overgrown. Nobody had lived in the shack for a long time. It didn't look like much from the outside. The gang leader found his key and unlocked the shack. It was much nicer inside than outside. The shack had a small kitchen and dining room. A living room with a gas burning fireplace. And two small bedrooms that shared a bathroom. The inside was all pine paneling. It definitely needed a good cleaning. And then it should look okay. The gang leader told his two escapees to start cleaning the shack. He and Cotton were going into town to buy some grub and hooch. He told his gang members he wanted this shack looking clean when they got back.

The gang members heard their boss and Cotton head out. The town was only about five minutes from the shack. It was a small town with the bare essentials. It did have a supermarket and liquor store. That's all they were interested in. Cotton needed to find an ATM. They got out of the car walked into the supermarket. Right inside was an ATM. Cotton had no problem using his bank card in the ATM. Now they had money for grocery shopping and their booze.

This was just what the FBI was waiting for. The agent working the computers told his boss that Cotton had just used his ATM card and told him what town it was in. Cotton had just made the withdrawal.

The agents headed out fast in a normal looking van. They went as fast as they dared with the van. The town was a good forty to forty five minutes away. They didn't know the vehicle that Cotton and the gang leader were using. They had recent prison photos so they could recognize them if they saw them.

Cotton and the gang leader filled up a shopping cart fast and checked out. They put the groceries into the trunk of the car and walked down the street to the liquor store. They still looked pretty scruffy just escaping prison. They were getting a few stares as they walked to the liquor store. They walked into the liquor store and picked up a hand basket. They bought a couple bottles of cheap whiskey and two cases of beer. Cotton paid for it and they carried their purchases back to the car. They put the booze in the trunk. It was a tight fit. But they squeezed the booze in. They didn't want to get stopped with bottles and beer in the car.

They were ready to leave and drive back to the shack. The van with the agents passed their car on the other side of the road.

Cotton pulled in front of the shack and they unloaded the groceries first. The shack smelled clean and looked much better than when they arrived. The windows were open and fresh air was coming in. The refrigerator worked and Cotton put all the perishables into the frig while the gang leader stocket the cupboards with the other groceries. They went back out and brought in the booze. They put a few cans of beer in the frig freezer. The gang lead told his two gang members to go outside and start cleaning the yard. He wanted to talk to Cotton in private.

The agents arrived in town and parked the van in front of the supermarket. They were in plain clothes. They walked into the supermarket and asked one of the cashiers if she had seen these men. She told the no. They went went the line of cashiers, finally the last cashier said she checked them out. They asked her if she saw what kind of car they were driving. She said she was busy and didn't pay any attention.

They walked down to the liquor store and walked in. And showed the pictures to the man working the till. He said they were just here and bought some cheap whiskey and a couple of cases of beer. They asked him if he had seen what they were driving. He told them he watched them. They looked pretty scruffy and he was leery about them. He said they got into an old white Toyota. He thought it was a Toyota Corolla, but wasn't sure. He didn't have a license plate number. But he told them the way they left town. They thanked him for the information.

The agent driving told his buddies that he saw an old white Toyota pass them when they were entering the town.

They got back into their van and headed onto the same highway they used to enter town and drove back slowly looking for an old white Toyota.

They didn't find anything and many of the houses had long driveways so you couldn't see anything from the highway. They found a spot where they could pull over. They were going to use the drones and see if they could pick up anything. The drones had cameras that they could monitor inside the van. They got the two drones out and had them flying high soon. They had the cameras set for a wide angle. They didn't see anything in their immediate area so they programmed the drones to start searching the next area. Bingo, they got a hit. There was an old white Toyota parked in front of an old shack. They recorded the coordinates and saved them. They weren't going to move in. They were going to have a special SWAT team take care of this. The team leader called headquarters, gave them the coordinates, and that told them to send in the SWAT team.

Graham got home and saw Bob sitting in the living room. He was wondering why Bob was lounging out by the pool. He walked into the living and startled Bob. Bob was a nervous wreck. "What you doing inside babe? You should be outside enjoying the weather. Remember Cal told us to go about our regular routine."

"I know. But I felt like I was being watched and didn't feel comfortable by myself outside."

"Well then, come upstairs with me while I get changed and then we can both go out to the pool."

I felt better, now that Graham was home. We walked upstairs to our master bedroom. I laid on the bed and watched Graham get changed. He put on a Halloween jock, just like me. He grabbed a towel and we walked down to the pool. Graham got us each a cold beer. I didn't refuse the beer. It would help relax me. We laid tight together on the lounger sipping on our beer.

"Do you think they'll find Cotton and the gang members and arrest them?"

"I'm sure they will, it just might not happen as fast as we want."

The beer tasted good and Graham said he would get dinner ready for us. I still didn't feel comfortable outside by myself, so I followed Graham up to the kitchen and watched him get dinner ready. I didn't want delivery. I didn't want to take a chance.

We ate at the kitchen island. The food was good. But I didn't have much of an appetite. Graham got me another beer and thought it might help my appetite. All the beer did was make me full.

We finished dinner and I helped Graham put everything away and clean the kitchen.

I went down to the pool and grabbed our towels and the paper and came back into the living room. I closed the sliding doors to the back patio and locked the doors.

Graham had the early news on and we watched it snuggling together. Nothing was metioned about the Federal Prison escape or any arrests of escaped prisoners.

The news and weather finished and Graham found a good football game for us to watch. I hoped the game would distract me and help me forget about everything.

Once headquarters got the word from a team leader to send in the SWAT team, it only took a couple of minutes for the team to be ready and on their way. The van they were riding in was very quiet. So they could pull up fairly close to the shack. They would still park aways away to not be seen. They programmed the coordinates into the their GPS and were soon on their way to the shack.

We enjoyed watching the football game. It least it got my mind focused on something besides Cotton.

The SWAT team van pulled up behind the other van. They were a safe distance from the shack not to be seen. The two team leaders talked and as far as the one team leader knew, they were all in the shack. They hand't seen anybody come out. They said this would be easy. They would shoot a couple of tear gas canisters into the shack and then wait for them to come out coughing and rubbing their eyes and make the arrest. Another van is coming that will take them back to the Federal Prison. I'm sure the warden will like seeing them all back in prison again.

The game was at half time and I asked Graham if he wanted any popcorn. He told me he would eat some popcorn if I did. I agreed and make us a batch of popcorn. We walked back into the living room and finishing watching the half time show.

The second half started and it was turning into a pretty good game. This second was better than the first half of the game.

The SWAT team got out of their van and the two team leaders talked for a couple of minutes. They moved into the woods to the back of the shack and then the two sides. They were all experts in different weapons and tactical maneuvers. They got into position quietly and easily. Nobody had left the cabin.

The gang leader was showing Cotton the inside of a large metal cabinet in the corner of the living room. It contained weapons. Rifles, pistols and a large cache of ammunition. They were well supplied when they needed to be armed.

The gang leader locked the cabinet while he and Cotton sat in the living room gabbing. The gang leader two his two cohorts to get something ready to eat, he was hungry.

Once the SWAt team was in position. Two of the team members fired into opposite side windows gas bombs. You could hear the people coughing and gagging in the shack. The other FBI team was positioned in the front to handcuff them as they came out of the shack.

It didn't take long before the door opened and they started walking out rubbing their eyes and coughing. They were handcuffed immediately. And led into the Federal Prison van and handcuffed to railings inside the van. Their ankles were also shackled.

Once all four were in the van and secured the van took off for the Federal Prison.

The FBI agents all congratulated themselves on a job well done. They were glad their were no casualties and everything went smooth and easy.

The prison van driver called ahead to the warden and told him they were on their way with the four escaped convicts. The warden couldn't be happier. He would have a welcoming party for the convicts.

The FBI leader called Cal and gave him the information. He told him to go ahead and call Bob if he wanted to.

Cal was happy. He always liked passing on good news and especially to Bob. He picked up his cell phone and called Bob.

Bob was startled when his cell phone rang. He was a bundle of nerves and about jumped out of the lounger. He mouthed Cal to Graham. "Hello Cal, hope you have some news for me?"

"I sure do Bob. And your going to like what I have to tell you. I just received a call from one of the FBI leaders and he told me the four escaped convicts were arrested and in a prison van and on their way to the prison while we are talking."

"Are you kidding me? That's fantastic."

"I'm not kidding. Cotton and the gang leader and two of his cohorts were arrested and are on their way to the Federal Prison."

"Thanks Cal. I feel much better. I was a bundle of nerves and I was driving Graham crazy."

"Well you have nothing to worry about and go about whatever you were doing."

"Thanks Cal and tell the FBI agents that Graham and I thank them on a job well done."

"I'll do that Bob. Have a good day."

"I will now Cal. Thanks again."

Once Cal finished with his call to Bob. He called the FBI leader and told him that Graham and Bob thanked him a job well done. Cal knew they would appreciate that. They really got thanked or recogonized on their work.

Bob told Graham about his call from Cal. Graham looked relieved, mainly for Bob. Graham said, "I think we need a beer to celebrate." Graham got up and got them both a cold beer.

The prison van pulled up to the main gate and it electronically opened and then the second gate and the van pulled into the receiving area. They were armed guards lined up waiting on them. Cotton and the gang members finally regained their senses after the tear gas. One of the canisters had hit the side of Cotton's head when it came flying in through the window. The gas filled the inside of the small shack in less than a minute. The tear gas was almost like mace. It burned the eyes and made it hard to breath.

The van parked and the guards got out of the van and opened the back door. The armed guards swarmed the back of the van while the escapees were unhandcuffed and pulled out from the back of the van. Once they were out of the van. They were handcuffed with their hands behind their backs. The shackles were left on their ankles and they had to shuffle to move. They couldn't walk. There were led into the cafeteria.

Some of the convicts were standing in front of their cells on the second and third floor. They applauded and cheered when Cotton and the gang members were lead in.

The warden was standing in front of his office on the first floor with a megaphone. The guards pushed Cotton and gang members to sit down on one of the benches by a table where they could see the warden.

The warden started, "okay, let's settle down. I want to welcome back our escaped boys. Welcome back boys. I thought a little welcoming party was due. I've missed you and glad to have you back. Now if you ever try escaping again, you will be shot without any questions asked. And your fucking bodies will be fed to the dogs that roam around the prison and the rats. I have a special place for you miserable fuckers. You're going to be in solitary confinement until I feel you've spent enough time. And that's hard to tell how long that will be. You must just rot in solitary. There will be no phone calls and no visitors. I can't imagine anyone calling or visiting your sorry asses. Guards get them out of my sight before I start puking and take them to their new hotel rooms." The warden was laughing as he went back into his office.

The warden couldn't be happier. The FBI did an excellent job and the governor was never notified. There wasn't any reason to call him. This went fast and efficiently. And the warden had increased his guard force. And beefed up the security system in the prison. Nobody would be escaping again, ever.

They enjoyed their cold beer and they kissed and hugged and Bob was slowly feeling better. His nervousness was gone. "What are we going to do for dinner?"

"How about if we order delivery?" Graham said. "That sounds perfect. You can decide on what to order for dinner. Neither of us feel like cooking."

Graham knew what he wanted for dinner. The game had finished and it was an hour before the next game started. He called their favorite pizza place and ordered two large family sized supreme pizzas. The leftover pizza would make a good late night snack. He called in the order and ran upstairs for some money and a robe. The pizza was delivered and it was good. They both drank another beer with their pizza and watched the second game.

It was late when the second game finished. Bob left the security system set to 1 and would change it back tomorrow morning.

The next few days went quickly and Bob was back to his old self. They worked out with their friends in the morning and Bob had talked to Cal and thanked him again for a job well done.

Friday rolled around and the caterers would be coming a little later. Bob had told Cindy to have one of the guest bedrooms ready.

Graham arrived home just after Bob and they ate lunch at the breakfast nook. They went upstairs and changed into robes and sandals and walked down to the pool. Graham noticed Bob wasn't looking over his shoulder and seem relaxed and back to his old self. They had made love a few times and that helped to relax Bob.

They dove in the pool and horsed around and did a few laps. Bob thought he heard a noise and walked out of the pool and put his robe on. He walked up to the foyer and the caterers van had just pulled in. He saw the caterers get out and open the back of the van. They had a couple of large appetizers trays and some covered chafing dishes.

Bob opened the front doors and they set everything on the kitchen island. The other caterer parked the van in the garage. They hugged and kissed in the kitchen and Bob asked them if anything needed to go into the frig. They said not right now. Maybe later.

Graham saw the caterers and walked up naked and they kissed and hugged. Bob and Graham helped the caterers with their overnight bags and they all went upstairs to a guest bedroom. Of course they knew they would all be sleeping together. Graham and Bob watched the caterers put their things away.

The caterers stripped down naked and looked just as hot and sexy as ever. Especially those uncut big cocks.

They walked down together to the pool. One of the caterers was with Graham and the other with Bob on double loungers. It didn't take them long to get hard. And soon all four guys were in sixty nines. Bob sucked the foreskin back and forth over the caterers big thick flared head. That made he suck harder and faster on Bob's cock. Soon Bob took the big cock down his throat. You could see Bob's throat bulge as the that big cock filled it. Bob worked his throat muscles up and down the length of that hard cock in his throat. The caterers was doing a good job on Bob's hardon. They couldn't hold back much longer and soon they were both cumming almost at the same time. Bob had eased a couple of fingers up the caterers hole and that had sent him over the edge. They slowly pulled off each other's cocks and licked them clean. They looked over and watched Graham and the other caterer going at it. They looked liked they were ready to cum. And you hear slurping and sucking and swallowing sounds as they took each other's loads.

We were all satisfied after that little sexual exercise. We rinsed off in the pool and then munched on some appetizers. For dinner they had brought two large chafing dishes of lasagna with garlic bread. They fixed a salad and we had a great dinner eating outside on the patio table.

The rest of the weekend was filled with sex and more sex. The caterers told us they had been saving up for this weekend. And their loads of cum sure seemed like it. We had a great time together and when Sunday rolled around they had to leave to get ready for another big party. We packed up the leftover lasagna and garlic bread. The appetizer trays, they told us we could keep and they would be back later to pick them up.

We kissed and hugged in the garage and watched them leave. I was kind of sad to see them leave, but I couldn't continue with sex three or four times every day. I was tired and so was Graham. We went to bed early and were out like a light.

I was glad the manager and the star hadn't come yet to spend time with us. After everything that happened, it would have been difficult having them here with us. The caterers was enough. Maybe I'd get a call from the star's manager soon.

End of Chapter 22 - Election Day

Chapter 23 - Coming Soon

If you would like to see the characters in the story, please read "My Alphabet Friends," and there are photos of characters at the end of each chapter I will be adding some of the new characters from this series. However, due to some problems, the photos are not working at this time. I will be revising and editing all the chapters in My Alphabet Friends when I finish this series. And then the photos will appear.

Your comments and suggestions are always welcome. I answer all emails I receive. I ask that you please put Nifty or the title of the story in the subject line. Then I'll know it's not spam. I am already working on Chapter 23. And only two chapers left. I hope you enjoy my story as much as I like writng it. Please email me at:

Next: Chapter 23

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