Bob's Holidays

By Francis Scott

Published on Oct 2, 2023


Bob's Holidays Chapter 21

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The following story is a work of fiction from the authors mind. It contains adult situations between consenting adults. If this offends you and is illegal in your area, WHY ARE YOU HERE? Any similarities to actual people or events is purely coincidental. This story does not promote safe sex. Please practice safe sex at all times. Don't put your life or someone else's in jeopardy.

If you haven't read my story, "My Alphabet Friends," I would recommend doing so. All characters in this series are from My Alphabet Friends. There are pictures of the characters at the end of each chapter. However, at this time there is a problem with the pictures and I will be revising and editing My Alphabet Friends when I finish this series. You will find, My Alphabet Friends, in Gay/Adult Friends.

Bob's Holidays

By Francis Scott

Chapter 21 - Halloween

We enjoyed Millie's Open House. The appetizers were really good. And she had a nice mix of people.

I was wondering how Andy was doing by himself. I hoped he was feeling well enough to go back to work on Monday and not pushing himself.

I asked Graham what he wanted to do this weekend. He said nothing. Stay home and relax. I thought that was a good idea. We had had so much going on, it was nice to be just the two of us.

We warmed some dinner and once we finished eating. We went downstairs to watch a movie. I was surprised there wasn't any phone calls. But I was glad too. Graham found a good mystery spy movie in black and white. Our favorite kind of movie to watch. It was good and we sat tight together on a theater seat. I made some popcorn for us to munch on. The movie finished and we were bushed. I think everything that had happened had caught up with us.

I peeked outside before we went upstairs. It was misting out and cool. Weatherman said a possible break in the weather Wednesday. I hope that meant no rain and warmer weather.

Graham and I walked arm in arm up to our bedroom. We took our robes off and crawled into bed. We snuggled up together kissing and touching each other all over. Before we could start anything we were fast asleep.

I woke up before Graham and crawled out of bed and went downstairs. I put a robe on. The A/C in the house felt a little cool. I got breakfast started. I soon heard Graham coming down the stairs. "Good morning babe."

"Good morning to you too." Graham walked up behind me and hugged me and kissed the back of my neck and behind my ears. He knew that really turned me on. I could feel his hardon pressing up against me. I turned to face Graham. And we kissed some more. We reached into reach other's half open robes and grabbed each other's aching hardons. Graham's hand felt so good on my hard cock. I pushed back against him and felt his hard cock pressing against me hole. Graham put some soap on his cock and over my hole and eased his big thick cock into my hole. He felt so good inside. Graham started speeding up his jerking on my cock. Graham had me humping back and forth on his cock and my cock in his hand. I could feel myself getting close. I was hoping Graham was close too.I like when we cum at the same time. I told my babe I was ready to cum. He said he was holding back and waiting for me. I felt him start pumping his big morning load in my hole while is shot out splattering the shower wall with my cum. I leaned back against Graham and he held me tight to him while he finished cumming in my hole. Soon his soft cock slid out of my hole. We rinsed each other off and dried each other. We put robes on and went downstairs.

"That's a great way to start the day babe."

"I agree. We need to do that more often."

"I looked outside, but no change yet in the weather. I put the weather channel on while Graham and I made breakfast. I told Graham we should get a little tv for the kitchen island."

"We should look for a little tv today. We don't have anything planned. I'm sure Cindy would like a tv in the kitchen. We can go to the mall and see what they have."

We finished making our breakfast and ate at the breakfast nook. It looked like it was misting out. Breakfast was good and we put everything away.

Graham and I went upstairs and we got dressed in some jeans and a warm pull over shirt. Grabbed a couple of lightweight jackets and Graham offered to drive.

It didn't take us long to get to the mall. It looked busy. Probably everybody was tired of the weather and staying inside. With Graham driving, it gave me time to play with his bulge in his jeans. I thought a couple of times he was going to swerve off the road. "You know that's now fair."

"I know. But now I can look at your big bulge while we walk around the mall."

"You bad you know."

"I know."

"I'll give even with you."

"I hope so."

Graham got parked and we got out and Graham tried to adjust his bulge so it wasn't as noticeable. I told he could walk behind me and press into my butt so nobody saw his hardon. "That wouldn't get rid of my boner. It would only make it worse."

We went up to the second floor where there were a couple of electronic stores. The first store only had big tv's nothing small like we were looking for. We walked down to the end of the walkway and entered the second store. They had a big selection of different sized tv's. We found a nice little nineteen inch tv. It would fit perfect on the kitchen island. Not too big and not too small. Just right. I paid the clerk for the tv and he told us he would take it out to Graham's car for us. The tv barely fit in the back of Graham's car. The clerk managed to squeeze it into the back seat, any bigger tv and they would have had to deliver it.

It was going on lunchtime and we thought we would try out Mabel's restaurant for lunch. We hadn't been there yet at lunchtime. I called ahead and made reservations for Graham and me.

Graham found a spot close to the restaurant. I noticed the parking ramp looked almost completed. Graham said the mayor had an automatic ticket machine coming. The mayor already had a couple of people ready to work the exit booth. Where the people paid. Graham said as soon the ticket machine arrived and was installed, the ramp would be ready.

We walked into the restaurant and the hostess used us for our name. She gave us a big smile and we followed her to a table. The yellow flowers on the tables were giving off a nice perfume. It smelled nice in the restaurant and I still couldn't get over how nice the yellow looked. We had a nice corner table where we could look outside. The hostess told us our waitress would be right with us.

While we were waiting for our waitress, my cell phone rang. I mouthed Andy to Graham. I hoped everything with okay with Andy. "Hi Andy. Good to hear from you? How your doing?"

"That why I'm calling you Bob. I can't believe how much better I feel. And I'm feeling stronger. I can do everything for myself. No problem showering or putting on clothes."

"That's good Andy. Just don't strain yourself or try moving or twisting around quickly. And no lifting anything heavy. Those ribs may feel better today. But if you overdo it. The pain will return. I hope you have your cloth bandages on. Be sure to wear the bandages to work and take your ointment with you."

"I will Bob. I just wanted to give you a progress report. I wish the weather was nice. So I could use the pool. I think the would be good exercise for me."

"Yes Andy. Anything in the water would be good exercise. If you have a whirlpool tub or a soaking tub. Those would work in place of a pool."

"I do have a jacuzzi tub."

"That's perfect Andy. Put the water as hot as you can stand and turn the jets on and just relax in the swirling water. You can try having a jet hitting your side where your bruised ribs are and see how that feels. If you feel any discomfort, move so the jets aren't hitting your side. The hot water will help the healing."

"Thanks for the help Bob. I wish you and Graham were joining me."

"Me too. We are at Mable's restaurnt and going to order lunch. We just picked up a small tv for the kitchen island. And will install it when we get home. Let me know how the jacuzzi works for you and how you feel. Thanks for calling Andy."

I told Graham what Andy had to say. He said he hoped Andy didn't overdo it since he was feeling better. I told Graham I had told Andy the same thing.

Our waitress came over and asked us if we would like something to drink. I ordered a glass of red house wine and Graham ordered a beer. The waitress handed us our menus and then left to get our drinks.

I was hoping Mabel had a lunch buffet. But I didn't see anything set up. The restaurant was busy and I was glad to see that for Mabel. Graham and I looked over the lunch menu. And I decided on a salisbury steak. Graham decided to have the same thing. I ordered a baked potato with my steak and Graham ordered mashed potatoes. We asked for a dinner salad and the fresh corn.

I asked the waitress if they had a lunch buffet. She told me they had brunch with a buffet on Sunday's. Otherwise the rest of the week you ordered off the menu. The waitress took our lunch orders and left.

The wine was okay. But pretty dry for me. I liked a little sweeter wine. Graham said his beer was good. How could you screw up a beer?

The waitress brought our lunch and it looked and smelled wonderful. It was just as good as it looked. This was the perfect lunch for me. Graham really liked his lunch too and told me the sauce from the steak was good on his mashed potatoes. We finished our lunch and the waitress asked us if we would like dessert.

We both ordered coffee and a fresh home made cream filled danish. Graham's danish disappeared in seconds. I took my time to enjoy it. The coffee was good. The waitress came over and asked us if we would like anything else. We told everything was good and we were full. She thanked us for coming and told us Mabel wasn't able to leave the kitchen. She was too busy. Graham and I gave the waitress a nice tip. She looked like another young college student.

Graham drove us home and I took the tv out of the back of his car while Graham opened the door to the kitchen. I set the box on the kitchen island and started to open it. Graham helped me slide the box off and then the plastic bag ccverlng the tv. We had an outlet on the side of the island where we put the tv. It was a smart tv so we would get it set up for Cindy and then show her how to watch tv or movies if she wanted to.

It didn't take long to setup the tv and get it working. It was perfect on the kitchen island. We had picked up a swivel base so Cindy could turn the tv and watch it from wherever she was working in the kitchen. We left the kitchen to go upstairs and change. I noticed the red light blinking on the answering machine. I told Graham I was going to check the messages and then join him upstairs. He told me he would be waiting.

There were two messages. I pressed the button and the first message was from Rick. I was wondering what was on his mind. He said that he and his dad were still talking every day on the phone. Rick said he had next weekend off from work and was going to visit his parents. I was glad everything was going well with Rick and his dad. I hoped his weekend visit would go just as well.

I pressed the button for the second message. It was from the star's manager. I was wondering if they would be visiting soon. The manager said they were set back again. The next headliner had picked up a virus and it has settled in his throat and he had laryngitis and would be out the rest of the month. He said the star was getting really tired. And would need his R & R when he was able to finish. The manager apologized it was taking so long.

It was okay with me. The longer the better. Besides this was October and we would soon be planning our Halloween Party.

I ran upstairs and gave Graham the news from the two messages. He agreed the longer the better before the star arrived.

I had a hard time concentrating giving Graham the news from the two messages. He was laying spread out naked on the bed and playing with his balls and cock.

I stripped down in record time and jumped on top of Graham so our naked bodies were rubbing together. Graham hugged me and we kissed and rubbed and grinded our cocks together. Graham moved his hands down and was feeling my ass. Squeezing my cheeks and rubbed the side of his hand up and down over my hole. He was getting me so hot for him. I finally moved and straddled his hard cock and eased my hole down over it. Graham held my sides and moved me up and down on his cock. It felt so good feeling his shaft sliding in and out of my hole. He would lift me up so just the head was in my hole and then let me slide down to his pubes. Up and down and up and down. I was jerking my cock while riding Graham. I felt Graham tense up and soon felt him blasting up my hole. I told Graham I was going to cum. I bent down and he lifted his head and cock my thick cock head in mouth as I started shooting out. He gobbled all my load down and my hole felt full of Graham's load.

We laid on the bed regaining our breathing and thought we should take a quick shower and clean ourselves off. We washed each other and Graham cleaned my hole for me. We dried each other off, put on robes and went downstairs.

It was a little early for dinner, but we were both hungry. So we worked together in the kitchen and soon had dinner ready. We put everything on a big tray and Graham helped to carry everything up to the sunroom. It didn't seem much like a sunroom when we entered. As dark and cloudy as it was outside. The birds were glad to see us and started making a ruckus. Graham got our dinner set on a large round table while I talked to the birds and filled their water and food dishes.

I put the tv on while we started eating. The weatherman still said our cold rainy front would be leaving Tuesday night and a warm sunny front was coming in behind it. I hoped so. This gloomy weather had lingered around long enough.

Dinner was good and the birds were quiet. We finished our early dinner and put everything on the large tray. I took it down to the kitchen and Graham was right behind me. He helped me put everything away.

We watched a movie in the theater room and then went to bed.

Sunday we went to early church and then stayed home and it was pretty much a repeat of Saturday, except we didn't go to the mall.

The tv worked good in the kitchen and we hoped Cindy would like it.

Monday morning rolled around and the start of another work week. We worked out with our friends, Rick was there and thanked me again for all my help and he couldn't believe how different his father was. Rick was anxious to visit his parents this coming weekend. I hoped everything went well for him.

We all squeezed into the shower and Cal sat down on the shower seat. We made a line to get fucked by Cal. The next person in line sucked the person getting fucked. We were all pretty drained by the time we finished. We dried each other off and got dressed.

All of us went upstairs and Cindy told us breakfast was ready in the dining room. The dining room was getting a lot of use with this weather. Cindy told me she really liked the tv in the kitchen and she knew how to use a smart tv. We finished eating and went to the garage. We got into a group hug and kiss and took off for work.

I was hoping Cal would have said something to me about a court time for Andy, but the judge must not have been ready for that case.

It was going on lunchtime and Graham had called and told me he would meet for lunch at the diner. I walked over to the diner and got there before Graham. I sat at my favorite table. It was cold and misty out. I had a light jacket on. I took it off in the diner and put on the back of my chair. Millie came over all bubbly and smily. "Well, doc. What did you think of my Open House?"

"It was excellent Millie. Everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves. Your house is beautiful. Were you satisfied?"

"I was very satisfied. Everyone came that I invited and I got a lot of compliments on my house. Thanks to you and Graham. Talking about Graham, where is he?"

"He should be here any minute. He told me he was coming for lunch."

"I'll take a black coffee while I wait for Graham."

"Ok doc. And thanks for coming to my little party. I really appreciated it."

I thought I saw Millie tearing up when she left my table. The bell on the front door rang and Graham walked in and took a seat. I told him about Millie and her party. Graham said he liked the party and thought Millie had done a wonderful job decorating her house.

Millie came back with my coffee and she asked Graham, "well, what did you think of my Open House?"

"I had a good time Millie. You had a nice mix of people. And I liked how nice your house looked."

"Thank you. If it wasn't for you. I wouldn't have my new house. Everyone complimented me on how nice my house was."

"I'm glad to hear that. I'll take a black coffee Millie and the special."

I told Millie I would have the special too.

"How's your day going babe?" I asked Graham.

"It's going well. Just the regular things to deal with. I did hear from our accountant and everything is taken care for tax season. Nothing we need to do."

I saw Millie bringing over our dinner when my cell phone rang. It was a call from our house. It must be Cindy. "Hello Cindy. Is everything okay?"

"Everything is fine Bob. I'm calling because the mailman delivered four boxes from a foreign country. I think the language on the boxes is French, but I'm not sure. I was wondering if you were expecting to receive something from a foreign country?"

"Yes Cindy. Graham and I did an order from France. Please sign for the order and have the postman set the boxes in the foyer and we will take care of them when we get home."

"Ok Bob. He's waiting here for my signature. I wanted to check with you first and make sure this was for you."

"Thank Cindy for calling and giving me the information. Will see you later this afternoon."

I told Graham our order from France had arrived.

The special was meatloaf mashed potatoes with gravy and fresh corn on the cob. I liked the meatloaf. It was handmade fresh in the morning.

Graham and I ate fast. We must have been hungry. We both got a refill on our coffee. Graham had a piece of apple pie for dessert. I passed on dessert. We finished and needed to get back to work. I paid the bill and Graham left Millie a tip. Millie blew us kisses when we left the diner. Good old Millie. What a character. I wouldn't want her any other way.

My afternoon went fast and I was on my way home. I was anxious to check the order from France.

I got home before Graham and I saw the boxes in the foyer. I told Cindy to open the library/study room door. I was going to put the boxes there. Cindy told me she was finished for the day and was going to leave. I thanked her for the phone call and wished a nice rest of the day.

I carried the wine boxes in the library/study room first. They seemed heavier. But then we had ordered two more bottles. Then I carried the two boxes of perfume into the library/study room. I got a letter opener out of the desk drawer to open the boxes.

I opened the wine boxes first. No wonder they were heavier. The vineyard had included two free bottles. As a thank you for our order. I then opened the two perfume boxes and placed Graham's mothers perfume by one of the wine boxes and my mother's perfume by another wine box. They had everything nicely packed and in gift boxes. I couldn't wait for Graham to see this.

I walked out of the library/study room and I heard Graham coming into the kitchen. I walked into the kitchen and gave my husband a kiss and hug. "I have a surprise for you after you get changed."

I walked with Graham upstairs and into our bedroom. I told him I would help him get changed. I slowly unbuttoned his shirt and slid it off. I undid his shoes and he kicked them off. I then undid his belt and the top button of his dress pants. I pulled the zipper down slowly and felt it going over Graham's bulge. I slid his pants down and he stepped out of them. That just left Graham in socks and his bulging boxers. I took his socks off when he lifted each foot. I them rubbed over his bulge, teasing him. I could see a wet spot forming on the outline of his cock head. I reached up a leg opening and played with Graham's balls. I could see his cock straining to be released. I thought I had played around long enough. I put my thumbs on each side of Graham's boxers and slowly started sliding them down. His boxers caught on the front of big hardon. "I guess I won't be able to take these boxers off. Something is holding it up."

"Come on Bob. Take them off. Your killing me."

"I guess since you asked me so nice. I will see if I can remove these boxers." I slid a hand inside his boxers to move his erection and then they fell to his ankles and he kicked them off. His clothes were scattered all around the bedroom. He looked so perfect naked.

I got on my knees and took his big erection in my mouth. Licking and swirling my tongue around his big engorged head. Precum was steadily oozing out and I kept licking it off. My hands went back to playing with Graham's big balls. I had Graham moaning and he was rocking back and forth. Trying to get more of his cock into my mouth. I then started licking the sides of his thick shaft and then licked back up to the head and slowly let his cock slide into my mouth and down my throat. I worked my throat muscles around his cock and started massaging the length from the tip to the base in my throat. I knew this would make Graham come fast. I felt his balls pulling up and I still kept playing with them. I started working his cock faster in my throat. And soon I felt him start shaking and a big blast of cum hit the back of my throat. Followed by four more hard blasts of cum. I swallowed and he was still cumming. I knew I had really turned him on with my teasing. He started trembling and get weak in the knees. I got off his cock and helped him to keep standing. I hugged him tight to me and kissed him. Then went back down and milked out his last couple of gobs of cum.

"Wow babe. That was fantastic. I like being welcomed home like that this. You can do this every day."

"I don't know about every day. But one in awhile to keep the surprise factor there."

I helped Graham gather up his clothes and put them away. He then put a robe on like me and sandals. And we walked arm in arm downstairs and to the library/study room.

Graham saw the boxes and knew that our order from France had arrived. He looked at his wine box and perfume box and liked the special gift wrapping they had done. We wouldn't have to have special gift boxes made this time.

We left the boxes in the library/study room until we were taking them to our parents. "How we going to do this babe? You want to invite your parents here and then give them their presents or do you want to drive there and take them?"

"I'll call them and see if they can drive down and spend the weekend with us. What you going to do about your parents?"

"I think I will invite them over when your parents are here and we can hand out the presents to our parents. How does that sound?"

"I'm going to call my parents right now. So they can plan on coming this coming weekend. Hopefully, they don't have anything planned."

I saw Graham pick up his cell phone off the coffee table and call his parents. "Hi Graham, what a nice surprise to hear from you. I hope everything is okay."

"Everything is fine mom. I'm calling to see if you and dad can spend this coming weekend with us. I have a surprise for you two."

"I don't think we have anything planned for this coming weekend. Hold on while I ask your father." I heard my mom talking to my dad and then she came back on. "We don't have anything planned honey. And your dad said he would like coming down and spending the weekend with you and Bob."

"That's great. We will look forward to seeing you and dad this weekend. You coming Friday or Saturday?"

"Hold on and let me ask your dad. He said we'd leave early Saturday morning and should be to your house around ten or eleven in the morning."

"Perfect mom. I'm looking forward to seeing the both of you Saturday morning."

I then called my parents. Graham and I thought we could have lunch when my parents came over. I called my mom. "Hi Robert, you startled me. I wasn't expecting a call from you."

"I have a surprise for you and dad and was wondering if you could come over this Saturday for lunch. Graham's parents will be here too."

"Let me check my schedule, but I don't think we have anything planned for this coming Saturday. I know there is a party at the Country Club, but that is on Sunday. Saturday is open Robert. What time are you looking at?"

"How about one? We can have cocktails first and then eat lunch."

"Ok Robert. I have your lunch on my planner for one, this coming Saturday. And me and your father look forward to seeing you and Graham and Graham's parents."

Just like my mom. All business and she was able to schedule our lunch for one on Saturday.

I told Graham everything was a go with my parents. "I think I will call the caterers and have them make a small appetizer tray and prepare a nice lunch for us."

"I like that babe."

"I speed dialed the caterers and one of the owners answered. "Hi Bob, it's been awhile since we've talked. What's on your mind?"

"We are having a special get together for our parents. And would like a small appetizer tray and a special lunch catered. Would that work for you?"

"Sure. Calling early. It won't be a problem. What time you looking at on Saturday?"

"We're planning on having cocktails at one with appetizers. And then eat lunch around two or two thirty."

"That will work out perfect Bob. I have you on our planner. We will come around twelve thirty with the appetizer tray and set up the lunch in your dining room. We use special warming chafing dishes so everything will be warm and ready for two or two thirty. We'll hang out in our van and then you can let us know when your ready to eat lunch and then we'll come back in and serve everyone."

"That's great. Graham and I have missed you guys. When are we going to have a chance to get together?"

"Good question. This time of the year, we are always busier than normal. As soon as it let's up I'll give you a call and see about getting together."

"Ok. Sounds good. Look forward to seeing you guys on Saturday."

I gave Graham the gist of the conversation.

It was still cloudy cold and misty outside. We cuddled up on the couch and watched the weather channel. The weather was still forecasting the cold rainy front moving out tomorrow night and a warm sunny front coming in behind it. I hope he was right.

We stretched out on the couch with Graham behind me. Holding me close to him. We had our robes open so our naked bodies were rubbing together and then pulled our robes up over us and we fell asleep.

I woke up and it was dark outside. I didn't want to wake Graham. So I stayed still. And let him sleep.

Finally, I couldn't stay curled up any longer. My legs were starting to cramp and I had to get up and move around. I tried to be as quiet and careful as possible. But as soon as I started moving, I heard Graham mumbling and he was waking up.

I guess he was more tired than I thought. He opened his eyes and asked me what time it was. I told him a quarter to six. We got up and we went into the kitchen to fix some dinner.

We ate the breakfast nook. And they put everything away. I think taking a nap made us more tired. We were yawning and decided to go up to our bedroom and relax on the bed and watch tv. I poured us a couple of glasses of refreshment and then we went upstairs.

We watched tv and sipped on our refreshment. Nothing much on that was interesting. But we managed to watch a movie to the end. Graham turned the tv off and set the alarm and we went to sleep. No fooling around.

The next few days seemed to fly by. I hadn't heard from Rick or Andy. During lunchtime at the diner I got a call from Cal. Giving me the information for Andy on the court date and time. I thought that gave me the perfect reason to call Andy and see how he's doing and pass on the information.

Graham hadn't arrived at the diner yet. I called Andy and he was taking a lunch break. I asked him how he was doing. He said he was feeling stronger every day and said he was still putting the cloth bandages on. The ribs still bothered him at times. I told him he should try to get over here and I could check him out. He said he would try. With the change in our weather, the park was getting busy with backed up reservations. I told Andy about his court date next Wednesday at two in the afternoon. And he told me he would be there. I gave Andy Cal's phone number if he wanted to talk to him. Andy sounded good on the phone. He didn't sound like he had any discomfort.

Graham came in and we ordered the special. I told Graham about my conversation with Andy. Our friends in the morning workout had been asking about Andy and I told them he was recovering and busy at work. He lived too far away to join us in the morning for our workouts. They told Graham and me they missed Andy and he seemed like a really nice guy.

We left the diner and went back to work.

Friday came around and it was nice to work a half day. I had reminded Cindy that Graham's parents were spending the weekend with us and to have the second master bedroom ready for them.

I got home and Cindy was busy in the kitchen preparing extra food for the weekend. And I asked her about the second master bedroom. She told me she freshened it up and it was ready for Graham's parents. I told Cindy I was going upstairs to change.

While I was changing, I got a call from the caterers. One of the caterers told me they had our appetizer tray ready and a delicious lunch planned for Saturday. I thanked him and told him that we looked forward to seeing them.

I put some old worn out gym shorts on and a cutoff sweatshirt and went downstairs. Graham wasn't home yet and Cindy said she was ready to go. I told her to enjoy her weekend and would see her Monday morning.

I went back upstairs and changed into a jock and grabbed a towel. As soon as I got downstairs Graham was coming into the kitchen from the garage. We kissed and hugged and asked me if I would get him a cold beer and he would join me at the pool.

I walked outside and it was warm out. What a nice change in the weather. I think the pool thought we forgot about it. I went over to the tiki bar and got Graham a cold beer in a chilled glass and a cold bottle of water for me.

I watched Graham walking down to the pool. He had put a jock on like me. I could see his fat cock and big balls outlined in his jock. He looked delicious. I just wanted to eat him up. He sat down next to me and took a big swig of his beer. We kissed again. I didn't mind a beer kiss. "This is the life babe. I could spend 24/7 by the pool with my husband."

I told Graham the same thing. I told Graham it looked like a nice weekend and I was glad for his parents coming tomorrow. We could enjoy being outside.

I told Graham about the caterers calling and they had everything ready for tomorrow. I asked him if he was hungry and ready for lunch. He said sure. I should have known. That was the wrong thing to ask. I told Graham to relax and when I had lunch ready I would bring it down here for us.

I fixed cold cuts. Different sliced cheese and crackers on a tray and took it down for our lunch. This worked out perfect for lunch. Graham liked it and said he got plenty to eat. For dinner we warmed some of the food that Cindy had prepared.

We went to bed early to get a good rest for tomorrow. Of course we made out and made love for who knows how long. All I know is that I slept like a baby.

We woke up to sunlight coming in. That was a nice change from the gloomy dark clouds we had been having. We crawled out of bed and went downstairs and make a quick breakfast. It was after eight and that was late for us. We ate at the breakfast nook. And Graham put everything away while I ran upstairs and got us a couple of towels.

We went for a swim after breakfast. Got a few laps in and a little horsing around in the pool. We used the outside shower to rinse off and then went upstairs to take our morning shower.

We washed each other in the shower. That made us both hard. We got close together and kissed while I reached down and fisted our two hardons together. I worked our cocks together until we were bucking and shooting out a couple of big loads. Our cum was hitting each other and splattering all over. We rinsed off and the towel dried each other.

I asked Graham what we should wear. He said something sporty yet dressy. We checked the walkin closet and pulled out some tailor made clothes to wear. I was dressed in browns while Graham was dressed in blues. I thought we looked pretty sharp.

It was just after ten before we walked downstairs. I expected the caterers to come by soon and Graham to hear from his parents.

I was right we were walking into the living room when Graham got a call on his cell phone. "Hi mom. Where are you and dad?"

"Your father says we are about thirty minutes from your town. I won't call again until you hear me pressing the speaker button at the gate."

Graham just finished his call when I heard the doorbell. I looked out and saw the caterers van parked in front. I saw them carrying out a couple of big chafing dishes. I opened the front doors for them and then set the two big chafing dishes on the dining room table. Whatever it was, it sure smelled good. Then one of the caterers went back out and brought in a three tiered appetizer tray. It looked delicious and I made room in the frig for it.

"You guys have any time right now? Or do you have to leave right away?"

"We have a couple of minutes. What did you have in mind?"

Graham and I told the caterers to stand in front of us. We quickly undid their pants and they dropped to their ankles. And then slide their briefs down. Their big hard cocks were erect and ready for action. I liked these big uncut cocks. Graham and I started giving them each blowjobs. Working the foreskin back and forth over the head.

"We've missed this. We need to get back here more often."

We didn't say anything with a mouthful of cock. We played with their big hanging balls while we kept sucking them. I held onto the the caterers ass cheeks and pulled him in tight. To get all of his cock down my throat. It didn't take them long to cum. They gave Graham and me a couple of big loads that bathed our throats. We thanked them and pulled up their briefs and redid their pants.

They thanked us and said they needed to leave for a few minutes and then would be back to serve the appetizers and the lunch.

They had only been gone for a few minutes when I heard the speaker. I let Graham push the button to open the gate and we saw Graham's parents car come in. Graham went to the garage and opened a stall and his dad drove into the garage stall. Graham walked into the garage as his parents got out of the car. Graham hugged his mom and gave her a kiss on the cheek. His dad got out and walked around his car and they shook hands and hugged. Graham took his parents overnight bag out of the back of the car and they all walked into the kitchen.

I greeted his mom and dad and Graham took them upstairs to their bedroom. Graham and his dad came back down and we walked out to the backyard. We sat under the covered part of the patio. Graham offered his dad something to drink. Graham and his dad had a cold beer. I took a cold bottled water. I asked Graham where his mom was. He said she was unpacking and then would join us.

Graham's dad said the traffic was light so he could make good time. He was surprised on a Saturday morning. Usually the traffic is heavy.

Soon we heard Graham's mom coming down the stairs and Graham walked over and helped her to the outside patio to join us. Graham asked his mom what she would like to drink. She said a cup of coffee would be nice. Graham left and came back with a cup of coffee for his mom. She asked us what this surprise was. Graham told her it wouldn't be a surprise if he told her. She would find out after lunch.

I heard the speaker and I excused myself. It was my parents driving in. My dad knew where the button was to open the gate. It was cleverly concealed. My dad was driving his big Mercedes Benz S-Class. He pulled in front of the garage doors and I saw my mom and dad get out. They were very nicely dressed as usual. I was surprised they came over for lunch. They usually had meetings or something going on at the Country Club. But I was glad they came.

I walked out and greeting my parents. I gave my mom a peck on the cheek and my dad and I shook hands. I told them to come in. Graham's parents were here. They walked out with me to the coverd patio. I asked my mom and dad what they would like to drink. My mom had coffee and my dad had a scotch and water on the rocks.

I told Graham to take everyone up tothe sunroom and I would be up with bevereages. I asked Graham's mom if she would like a refill on her coffee. She told me that would be nice. I took her cup and I saw Graham leading everyone up to the sunroom.

I fixed a nice silver tray with the beverages. I felt like a waiter. When I entered the sunroom. Everyone was looking at the parrots and talking to them. I set the tray down on a large round table. Our parents complimented us on this wonderful sunroom. They liked the water feature and all the lush tropical plants and trees. We took a walk around the large sunroom while we sipped on our drinks. Graham and his dad had another beer and my dad took a refill on his scotch and water. I decided to drink a beer.

I thought I heard some noise downstairs and excused myself. I was right. The caterers had arrived. I told them we were all up in the sunroom. One of the caterers said he would bring up the appetizers on a tray while the other caterer got the dining room ready for lunch and lit the sterno burners on the chafing dishes.

I told the caterers I was going back upstairs to the sunroom. The one caterer got some of the appetizers arranged on a nice silver tray and followed me up to the sunroom. Everyone was sitting at the large round table talking. I joined them and the caterer made his way around offerring appetizers. We all took a couple of the appetizers, they were excellent.

Soon we thought we had enough of the sunroom and decided to go outside and sit under the pergola. One of the caterer's was soon there with more appetizers. We were enjoying each other's company and had some good conversations going on. The caterer brought us another tray of appetizers and fixed us drinks. Our mom's decided on a glass of wine and my dad had another scotch and water. I decided to have a beer with Graham and his dad.

It was warm out. But not uncomfortable. The shade in the pergola made it just right. Soon our dads said they were getting hungry. I told them I'd be right back. I walked into the kitchen and told the caterers that we were ready for lunch. They told me everything was ready to go.

I walked down to the pergola and told everyone that lunch was ready. We took our beverages with us and I sat at the head of the table and Graham sat at the other end of the table. Our parents sat on each side of the table. That caterers did an excellent job of making a very classy table setting. They took the covers off the big chafing dishes and then the smaller ones. One of the caterers told us that there was roast beef and glazed spiral cut ham.

The caterers served our parents first. My parents both had roast beef with baked potato and a serving of mixed vegetables with a dinner salad and dinner roll. Graham's parents went for the ham with sweet potatotes mixed vegetables dinner salad and dinner roll. I had the ham also with the sides. Graham went for the roast beef with sides. We all complimented the caterers on a very delicious lunch. One of the caterers filled our water glasses. We enjoyed our lunch very much. Taking our time and savoring every bite. Soon we finished with the main course and the caterers removed the chafing dishes. And wheeled in a dessert cart. I don't know where the dessert cart came from. I didn't remember seeing it. Graham's eyes lit up like a Christmas tree when the dessert cart was wheeled in.

Our mom's both had a danish with coffee. Our dad's had apple pie. Graham had apple pie with ice cream and a cream filled danish. I had a piece of blueberry pie. We all drank coffee with our dessert. The conversation was flowing freely. I was glad to see our parents getting along so well. My mom told us that she and Graham's mother had another spa visit coming up with another complete makeover and they were both looking forward to it.

We finished our dessert and I told everyone to move into the living room. As we left the dining room we thanked the caterers for an excellent lunch. Graham had already taken care of paying the caterers. They were busy packaging all the food for us and putting it in our refrigerator and freezer. Graham reminded them to not forget the dessert. They laughed at Graham and just shook their heads.

Our parents were sitting in the living room talking and drinking coffee. Graham and I told them we'd be right back.

Graham and I walked into the library/study room and brought out our gift boxes for our parents. I thought we might have to make two trips, but we managed to juggle the wine box and perfume box to the living room. Our mom's both said at the same time, what beautiful gift wrapping. I set my two boxes down in front of my mom and dad I said this was for them. Graham did the same with his parents. We told them to go ahead and unwrap their presents. Both dad's unwrapped the big box, which was the wine and the mom's unwrapped the smaller boxes that was the perfume. Both mom's got up and walked over to us and gave us each a kiss and hug. Our dads gave us a hug. And then we all sat down. My mom said, "this is a wonderful surprise." Graham's mom did the same. Both mom's tried their perfume and were acting like two little girls. Our dads liked the wine as did our moms.

My dad took a bottle of wine out and told me to open it and pour us each a glass. I took the wine bottle to the kitchen and opened it. The wine had a nice aroma. I poured us each a glass of wine and took the glasses back to the living room and handed them out. We enjoyed our glass of wine. Graham managed to struggle down a glass of wine. There was enough wine left for the five of us. Graham passed on a second glass of wine.

Rick left early for his parents. They only lived an hour away. But if the traffic was heavy. It could take much longer. He had called before he left but nobody answered his parent's house. Which was strange. His mom always answered the phone. His dad was usually busy doing something on the farm. There was alwasy something that needed to be taken care of.

Rick had worked a double shift the night before. His replacement called in sick and Rick told the foreman he would fill in. He didn't need the extra money, but it was always good for recommendation.

He got a got a good rest and didn't feel tired. The traffic wasn't too bad. He pulled off once at a rest stop on the freeway and refilled his travel coffee mug.

He soon pulled into his hometown and took the highway that would take him to his parent's farm. He knew the route well. It was the same one the school bus took when he was in school here. He saw the mailbox up ahead for his parent's house and turned and went down the long driveway to the farmhouse. He pulled up and nobody came out to greet him. He thought that was strange. He was nervous and that made him more nervous. Maybe his dad was getting a shotgun to greet him. His hands were sweating and he was almost shaking he was so nervous.

Rick left his overnight bag in his car and got out. Still nothing. He called out for his parents and heard someone from the barn. He walked over to the barn and heard a cow making a ruckus.

One of the cows was calving and both his parents were busy trying to pull out the calf. Rick's mom saw Rick and said, "thank god."

Rick told his mom he would take over and help his dad. She could go back to the house. Rick put on some long rubber gloves and started helping his dad. He had helped many times with calving when he lived at home and knew exactly what to do. This was going to be a breech delivery. The calf was positioned with it's bottom first. It was going to be a big strain for the cow. Rick got himself in position with his day and they tried to turn the calf. It worked a little and with two hard pulls the calf came out. The cow gave a moo. It sounded like a moo of relief. Rick and his dad almost fell down when the calf came out. The cow was a good mother and licking her new calf and nudging it to stand up.

Soon the new calf was standing and looked healthy. Rick's dad would have the vet come to check the new calf. This was the only calf he was expecting at this time.

They took off their rubber gloves and rinsed off their arms and hands. And watched the cow with her new calf. Soon the calf was sucking on his mother's milk udder. Once the calf got his fill. He hopping and jumping around. Rick's dad would keep them in the barn for one day and they release them to the heard tomorrow.

Bart thanked Rick for the help and told him he was glad to see him. They shook hands and Bart slapped Rick on the back and they walked to the farmhouse. Rick asked his dad why he didn't have his helper here. Bart said he called his helper, but there was no answer and the cow was ready to deliver so that's why your mom was helping.

They both walked up to the farmhouse and walked in. Bart told his wife to bring him and Rick a couple of beers to the back deck. They walked out to the back deck. Nothing had changed. Everything looked the same as when he lived here. There was a fresh coat of paint on everything, but otherwise it wast just how he remembered.

Bart said, "I've been looking forward to this weekend Rick. We have a lot things to talk about and catch up on. First, I need to apologize for being so narrowed minded and believing everything that our preacher was telling us. Your mom and I have changed churches and it's really changed our attitude. Also, I want to talk to Bob this weekend. I have a few things to tell him. It's just so good to have you here."

Rick thought he heard his dad's voice cracking a couple of times. But he didn't say anything and let his dad continue.

"To be honest dad. I had no idea what to expect this weekend. I thought you might greet me with a shotgun. I really didn't know what to expect. We had a couple of good phone calls. But being face to face is different."

Rick's mom brought out their beers and then went back inside the house. Bart said, "here's to a knew relationship and starting over."

They clinked their beer cans together and both almost chugged their beer down.

"So how does the farm look?", asked Bart.

"From what I could see. Everything looks the same. In good condition and a new coat of paint. I just wished I lived closer so I could help out."

"Don't worry about helping out. My helper does a good job. But maybe when it comes to haying time you'll be able to come and help out?"

"I'll try to get the time off. I'd like that. I miss working on the farm. I like my job very much. But when you grow up on a farm. It's in your blood and it something you always want to be a part of."

"I'm glad to hear that Rick. That brings up another topic. With your brother and sister living so far away and never showing any interest in the farm, I've changed my will and the farm and all the property is in your name. My investments, I divided up between your brother and sister. My banking account and stocks and bonds are in your name."

"Are you sure that's what you want to do dad?"

"I'm positive. Your mom and I talked it over alot and with my lawyer. And he thought I was being reasonable. And everyone was getting a good share of my investments."

"How about another beer. I think we deserved it. Bart called for Melody to bring them two more beers.

As soon as she brought the beers. Bart told Rick they should take a walk around. They walked around and checked all the buildings. Everything was in excellent shape. The farm machinery was knew and shined in the sunlight. They checked on the cow and her new calf. And they looked happy and content. The calf was busy nursing. A hungry little bugger. Bart said the beef cows were out in the far field. The dairy cows would be coming in soon for milking. "Maybe you can help me with the milking?"

"Of course."

"Once the milking is finished. Your mom will have dinner ready. I hope your hungry? She's making a special dinner for you."

"I'm starved and I'm sure after helping with milking. I'll be even hungrier." Rick was happy. He never figured anything like this would happen. His father had changed by a hundred percent and he couldn't be happier. He knew Bob had a lot to do with it and he would call Bob later and thank him.

We went back to the deck and finished our beer. Dad told me the girls should be coming into the barn to get milked. We got up and went to the milking barn. Dad had stalls setup especially for milking. So even though there were many cows to be milked it went rather quickly. The milking machines were setup for ten cows and worked automatically. You just pressed a button and the machines went into place. He had twenty five stalls so we could do all 250 cows in about a half hour. It was really something to see. A refrigerated truck had arrived to deliver the milk to the plant for processing. I don't know how much my dad was paid for each truck, but I knew it was a few thousand dollars twice a day. His holsteins were good milk producers. The milking was finished and the machines automatically detached from the cows and when into a bath for sterilizing and then were air dried and would be ready for the next milking.

I helped dad open the gates so the diary cows could go back into the other barn and socialize or whatever diary cows do all night. Once they were all herded into the other barn we walked into the house. Mom told us to wash our hands and then dinner would be ready.

We washed our hands in the hall bathroom and then went to the dining room. By the smells I thought it was pot roast. It was my favorite meal. My mom made the best pot roast. Nobody elses came close to hers.

I was right. It was pot roast with mashed potatoes and gravy salad and fresh corn on the cob from the my mom's garden.

I thanked my mom for fixing my favorite dinner. She told me anything for her favorite son. That was quite a compliment coming from my mom. She was usually reserved. The men ruled the house and the women stayed in the background. It was delicious like I knew it would be. And I had to have seconds. My mom beamed when I served myself a second helping. "You make the best pot roast mom."

My dad said, "you got that right. Nobody makes pot roast like Melody. She knew this was your favorite dinner."

"Thanks mom. This is really special."

We drank coffee with our dinner and when we couldn't eat anymore. Mom cleared the table and put a fresh apple pie on the table. We all had piece of fresh apple homemade pie.

Once we finished eating my dad and I went into the living to watch some tv. Mom had talked my dad into a dishwasher. So it didn't take her long to put everything away and join us in the living room. My dad had a pro football game on. "You men and your sports."

My dad gave mom a look and she knew to keep quiet. The game was pretty good. Mom got out some sewing and she did that while dad and I watched the game. The game finished and I told my parents that I was going to bed. My dad asked me for Bob's phone number and I gave that to him. I was tired after the drive and working a double shift last night. And I would be getting up early to help dad with the milking. I got up and kissed my mom and gave her a hug. Dad and I shook hands and told me again how glad he was the I came this weekend.

I went upstairs to my old bedroom. A few things had been changed. The curtains, and was painted a different color. I remembered I still had my overnight bag in my car. I ran downstairs and went out to get my overnight bag. I came back in and told my parents I forgot my overnight bag. I wished them another good night and went up to my room. I had a nice sized bedroom with a big closet and an en suite bathroom. Nothing fancy, but it did the job.

I emptied my overnight bag, putting everything away. I stripped down to my briefs and thought I'd give Bob a call. It wasn't that late, but I wanted to give him a call. I speed dialed Bob's number. "Hi Rick. I was hoping to hear from you. How's everything going so far?"

"Bob. It couldn't be better. I helped my dad with a cow that was calving. Helped him with the milking. Dad told me a couple of times how glad he was I came this weekend. My mom made my favorite dinner. And she also was glad I was with them for the weekend. My father is a different person and that's all because of you."

"I'm glad to hear you didn't have any problems. I'm not sure that I had that much of an influence on your dad. But I'm glad everything is working out well with you two. Please keep me informed how your weekend goes. And thanks for calling."

Bart picked up his cell phone that he kept on a small table by his favorite chair. He called the number Rick had given him for Bob. "Hello, this is Bob. How may I help you?"

"Well young man. You've been a big help. This is Bart. Rick's father. And I want to thank you for getting Rick and I close like we once were. My wife and I have changed churches and it has changed us. After your talk with me and what I've been hearing from this new preacher, I believe everything you told me. I now believe my son is the same son he has always been. Nothing is different about him. And if he finds a partner and wants to bring him here for the weekend that is fine. Again, thank you Bob for our talk."

I told Graham about the talk with Bart. Graham was glad for Rick.

My parents left and wished us all well. I helped my dad with the gift boxes and we managed to fit them into the back of his car.

I walked back inside and we all decided to change into something more comfortable and meet by the pool.

Graham and I went up to our bedroom and Graham's parents went to their bedroom. I told Graham I didn't think jocks would be appropriate. Graham just smiled at me. We had to dig through our dresser to find a swimsuit. We never wore swimsuits, but I knew I had one somewhere. We looked and looked and finally found our swimsuits pushed way back in the corner under a bunch of jocks. We put on our swimsuits and didn't do any fooling around. I didn't think big hardons in our swimsuits was appropriate. We grabbed our robes and towels and put on sandals and walked down to the pool. Graham's parents weren't at the pool yet. We took our robes off laid them on our double lounger and laid our towels over the robes.

We dove in and started doing a few laps. I saw Graham's parents coming down. They looked like they had casual clothes on. Graham's mother had a nice looking sundress and Graham's dad was wearing shorts and a tshirt. But they didn't look like they were going to enjoy the pool.

Graham said, "you look comfortable."

"We are. We're just not much into swimming and pools. But this is very relaxing and comfortable."

Graham asked his parents what they would like to drink. Graham's mom had a glass of refreshment and the rest of us drank a beer. His parent's told us again what a nice backyard we had. It was just as tropical as the sunroom. His parents told us they would going to walk around and take in all of the backyard.

Graham and I went back to swimming laps and getting in a little exercise.

Rick went right to sleep after talking to Bob. He was tired after the drive and helping his dad. Tomorrow morning at five would come early for milking the cows. Then they would probably start checking the fences and see if anything needed fixing or repairing. With miles of fencing, it would be a whole day job. Rick's dad had two four wheelers they would use. They would each start at different ends of the fencing. When they met. They would have checked all the fences.

Graham's parents were enjoying walking around the big backyard. They watched the fish in the fish pools and the little stream. They didn't have any frogs or turtles. They didn't want them getting in the pool. They liked the waterfalls and talked about all the different tropical plants and trees. They both agreed this was like anything you would see celebrities having. They walked over to the pergola and sat down in the shade and sipped on their beverages. They could see Graham and Bob in the pool from the pergola.

Bob and Graham thought they had swam enough. Graham got them a beer. They dried off and put their robes on and walked over to join Graham's parents.

"You guys looked like you enjoyed the pool?" said Graham's father.

"We spend a lot of time at the pool, when the weather cooperates."

"I don't blame you. If I was your age. I would probably do the same thing. You two boys sure have a nice house here."

"We like it very much. Are you both ready for some dinner?"

Graham's parents looked at each other and agreed they were ready for dinner.

"We're going to get changed and then we will get dinner ready."

"Nonsense." said Graham's mother. "You show me where everything is located and I'll get dinner ready for us." Graham told his dad to get himself another beer and they would be right back.

Graham's mom followed them up to the kitchen and they showed her where everything was located and the food to warm for dinner. She said, "this is a breeze. I'll have dinner ready in no time. I wish I had a kitchen like this. I would probably never leave it."

We told her we'd be right back after we got changed.

We ran upstairs to our bedroom. Stripped out of our swimsuits and took a quick shower. We hugged and kissed in the shower and sucked each other off. We both needed a release. We put on shorts tshirts and flip flops and went downstairs to the kitchen.

We could hear Graham's mom humming and singing. Graham told me that was a good sign. "How's everything going mom?"

"Perfect. This is really a dream kitchen. I call you guys to dinner in a few minutes. Go out and join your dad."

She looked like she had everything under control and we went down to the pool and joined Graham's dad. He looked like he had nodded off. Then woke up when he heard us. "This is sure relaxing."

"You ready for another beer dad? Bob and I are going to have one."

"Sure. I'm not working or driving. Graham went to the tiki bar and grabbed us all a cold beer in chilled glasses. Graham told his dad that his mom would call us when she had dinner ready.

"I need to tell you boys something and I'm glad your mother isn't here right now."

I was thinking. Oh boy. What's he going to say?

Graham's dad started. "To be honest with you two boys. I was never in favor of same sex relationships. But when I see you two together and how well you get along. It has changed my thinking and opinion. Since you two get along so well and are so happy, it makes me happy and your mom, Graham. I can't say that I totally agree one hundred percent with your relationship. But like I said, Graham is the happiest I've ever seen him. Since Graham's happy, I'm happy. And I have no misgivings. You both are successful with your work and you have a wonderful house and I'm sure a lot of friends. So that's all a father can ask for."

Graham said, "thanks dad. I know this hasn't been easy for you. But thank you for your support. Bob and I are very happy together. And we do have a great group of friends."

We went back to sipping on our beers and Graham's mother called out that dinner was ready.

We got up and walked into the house. She said she set the dining room table for dinner. She didn't think there would be enough room at the breakfast nook. We all sat down and she started bringing the food. I thought we were at Graham's parents house the way his mother cooked for a small army. Everything looked and smelled good. We had lasagna with garlic bread and a salad. There were two large trays of lasagna. And a basket filled with garlic bread. Everyone had seconds, it was so good.

We finished dinner and Graham's mother told us to wait for dessert. She brought in a carafe of coffee and we filled our cups and waited for dessert. There were two different pies and fresh warmed danish rolls.

I had a piece of apple pie as did Graham's mom. Graham's dad had an apple danish. Graham had a piece of blueberry pie and cream filled danish. The coffee was good and fresh. We were quiet while we ate our dessert.

We finished and we asked Graham's parents what they would like to do. "We usually watch a movie after dinner."

"We can get a movie ready in the theater room."

We went downstairs and Graham's mom said she'd join us in a couple of minutes. She wanted to get the kitchen straightened and cleaned. Graham's dad liked our oversized theater chairs. Graham knew the kind of movies his parent's liked and he got one ready while we waited on his mom.

Soon his mom joined us and sat next to her husband. Graham got the movie started and his mom gave Graham compliments on his choice of movie. The movie was okay. Not my favorite genre. But I could manage. Having Graham sitting next to me helped me through the movie. I asked everyone if they wanted popcorn. Everyone declined and said they were full from dinner.

The movie finished and Graham's parents said they were going to retire to their bedroom. They were tired after the long drive. We wished them a good night. Graham got the player turned off and when his parents were upstairs we kissed and hugged. And thought we'd watch the late news in the living room and then go to bed.

We made it to the living room just in time for the news and weather. Our warmer weather looked like it was going to be with us for a few days. At least all of next week according to the forecast. I turned the tv off and we walked upstairs to our bedroom. I made sure the door between the two bedrooms was closed and locked. I didn't want Graham's mom or dad coming in unexpectedly. They might not like what they see.

Graham and I were horny for each other. We got into a sixtynine and sucked each other to orgasm. We fingered each other's holes and played with each other's prostate. We had to keep quiet. I didn't want Graham's parents hearing us. We licked each other clean. Graham pulled the covers over us and we fell asleep.

Rick woke up to his dad knocking on the door. "Rick it's time to get up and get ready to milk the cows."

"I'll be right their dad." Damn, five o'clock came around fast. Rick splashed some water on his face and quickly put on some work clothes and met his dad down in the kitchen. They walked out to the milking barn and the cows were ready. They seemed to be well trained and were waiting to be milked. When they saw Bart, they started mooing. They seemed to know what was going to happen.

We pressed the buttons and the milking machines were in place and starting to milk the cows. I heard a truck pulling in by the barn. It must be the truck for the milk. The truck driver got the sterile hose hooked up and started the milk flowing into the refrigerated truck.

Once the milking was finished. I took care of the milking machines while my dad did his business with the truck driver. I had all the milking machines being sterilized by the time my dad finished with the truck driver. "It sure helps having you here Rick. I wish you were living here. Then I wouldn't have to hire help with the milking.

"Like I told you dad. Every weekend I have off I'll drive up here to help out."

"That's wonderful. I really appreciate that son. Let's go in and have one of your mom's breakfasts and then we have fencing to work on the rest of the day."

Mom had a big breakfast ready for us. "I hope my two men are hungry. I made a big breakfast for you."

Dad and I were hungry and really dug into this good breakfast. When we finished eating breakfast we went upstairs to our bedrooms and showered and changed into some other work clothes for the day.

I heard Graham's parents in the other master bedroom. I checked the bedside clock and it was just after eight. We got up and showered and put on some shorts and a tshirt.

We went downstairs and Graham's mom was busy getting breakfast ready. Graham and I gave her a peck on the cheek. Graham said he could smell his mother's perfume. We saw Graham's dad out by the pool reading the daily paper.

Graham's mom poured Graham and me a glass of fresh squeezed orange juice and we walked down and greeted Graham's dad. We asked him how he slept. He said this was the most relaxed he had felt in a long time. We were glad. Graham asked him if there was anything interesting in the paper. He said they just repeated the news from the television.

Rick and his dad thanked his mom for a hearty breakfast. They walked out to the workshed and got the tools they needed for fence repairing. They had agreed on where they would start and what time they would stop for lunch. They got on the four wheelers and took off. Rick was enjoying the fresh air and openness. He saw the big herd of beef cows out in the far field. He started checking the fence and fence posts. He came across a few fence posts that were loose and he took care of that. So far the fence was looking good. Then he came to a part of the fence that was loose. Rick used some clip hooks and clip pliers and repaired the fence and used the pliers to tighten the fence. He found a few more loose posts. Fortunately, none of the fence posts needed to be replaced. They were all in good condition. It was approaching lunch time and Rick marked where he left off. He thought he was over half way with his part of the fence to check.

He got back to the toolshed a couple of minutes before his dad. Rick washed off the sweat on his arms and hands outside. He had taken his work gloves off. He heard the other four wheeler coming and soon Rick's dad joined and rinsed his hands and arms off. "Well, how did it go Rick?"

"Went well. Mostly some loose posts. I only came to one part of the fence that needed a little repair work. I think I'm over half way on my part of the fence."

"That's great. It's been about the same for me too. It hasn't been that long since I replaced many of the fence posts. I used treated wood so they last a long time. The posts are little more expensive, but when they don't have to be replaced for a long time. It's more cost efficient. Let's go in and grab a cold beer and sit on the back deck while your mom gets our lunch ready."

They walked into the kitchen and Bart grabbed a couple of cold beers from the frig and told Melody they would be on the back deck when lunch was ready. She to take our time. It would be a few more minutes before lunch was ready.

Rick and his dad talked while they waited on lunch. Nothing really important. But some of the crazy things that happened when Rick was living at home and helping on the farm.

Soon Melody told them lunch was ready. They finished their beer and walked into the dining room. Lunch was another feast. It was more like dinner. They had salisbury steak with mashed potatoes and gravy and fresh garden peas. Lunch was delicious. The guys ate like it was their last meal. It made Melody happy to see Rick at home and getting along so well with his dad.

They finished lunch and Bart said it was time to get back to work. They took off on their four wheelers and Rick found his marker where he had left off. He continued checked the fence. He had a few more posts to tighten and a couple of parts of the fence to repair and tighten. And he came to the end of his part of the fence. He didn't see his dad or the four wheeler so he thought he'd drive along the fence until he came to his dad and they could work together and get the rest of the fence finished.

Rick kept going on the four wheeler and still didn't spot his dad. Finally, he came to the four wheeler but didn't see his dad. He looked around and then shooted out for his dad. He thought he heard some noise and started looking around closer and closer to the fence and found his dad lying on the ground. His dad was clutching his calf and looked to be in pain. When Rick got close he saw his dad's foot trapped in a hole. Rick started pulling out dirt with his hands and was able to free his dad's foot. Bart told him he was so busy working on the fence he missed the hole. Rick asked him if he could walk on his foot. He told him no, that it hurt too much. Rick put a marker there and helped his dad up on the four wheeler and drove back to the farmhouse.

Rick called for his mom. He told her to get a couple of ice packs ready. Rick was able to help his dad into the house and get him on his favorite chair, which was a recliner. Rick took his father's boot off and sock. His foot was swollen, but it didn't look like any fractures. He put the ice packs on his dad's foot. Bart said that felt good. Rick told his mom to check on his dad every so often and change the ice packs when they needed it. Also give his dad a couple of ibuprofen. The ibuprofen would help for the inflammation and if he got a fever. He was going back out to finish the rest of the fence.

It didn't take Rick long to find the marker and finish the last part of the fence. He was anxious to get back and see how his dad was doing. He hitched the other four wheeler to the back of his four wheeler. Picked up all tools and found the tools his dad had been using and made his way back to the farmhouse.

Rick got the tools and four wheelers put away and rinsed off outside. He walked inside the house and took a seat by his dad. "How you feeling?"

"I'm feeling much better. I think the ice packe and a couple of ibuprofen helped me." Rick looked at his dad's foot and the swelling was gone. Rick asked his dad if had any pain. He told Rick no. Rick told his dad that the rest of the fence was finished and he had everything put away.

"Thanks Rick. There was a reason why you should have been here this reason. Thanks for all your help. I feel better knowing that all the fence is taken care of.

Rick told his dad that he would need to leave right after dinner. He was working day shift this coming week. And he had to be to work by six in the morning.

Rick got them both a beer and they watched a game on the tv.

Soon Rick's mom told them that dinner was ready. She had prepared it a little early. She knew that Rick wanted to get home and rest before work tomorrow.

Rick helped his dad up and he was able to walk lightly on his sprained foot. They ate delicious dinner of left overs. But his mom's left overs were like another full meal. Rick thanked his mom and dad for a great weekend. But he thought he should be leaving. Rick asked his dad if wanted some help getting back in his chair. Bart told Rick if he went slow he could do it on hs own.

Rick went upstairs and came back down with his overnight bag. He hugged and kissed his mom on the cheek. Bart and Rick hugged and thanked him again for his help and coming for the weekend.

Rick's parents watched Rick leave and they hoped he would come again for the weekend.

It was approaching lunchtime and Graham's mom said she was going to get something ready. Then they would be leaving for home. Graham's dad wanted to get home a little early. He got tired after the long drive.

We went down to the pool and relaxed and waited for lunch to be ready. Graham's dad told us he really enjoyed this weekend with us. It was relaxing and just what he needed.

Graham's mom called us in for lunch. It was a lunch of leftovers, but it was good. She told Graham and me there was still enough for dinner. We enjoyed our lunch and we all agreed the time was too short. They needed to come when they could spend more time. We finished our lunch and we told Graham's mother we would put everything away and clean the kitchen. She told us nonsense, it wouldn't take that long. Besides they were all packed.

We helped Graham's dad with their overnight bags and got them stowed in the back of the car. Graham's mom joined us in the kitchen. She had filled their travel mugs with fresh coffee. We hugged and Graham gave his mom a kiss on the cheek. He shook hands and he and his dad hugged. I shook hands with Graham's dad and he told me we needed to hug too. I was like another son.

Graham and I watched his dad pull out of the garage and then leave through the gate. We waved to them and they waved back. Graham's mom promised to call when they got home. So we know they had arrived safely.

It didn't take Rick long to get home. The traffic was light. He missed the farm, but was glad to be back in his small apartment. Rick turned on the tv and grabbed a beer and watched a good game.

Graham and I didn't take long to get changed into a jock. I told Graham we needed to start planning our Halloween Party. Graham told me that was my responsibility. Graham helped me with the calling and I did all the party planning. Graham took care of our trips when we traveled.

Graham walked down to the pool and I told him I would join him in a couple of minutes. Halloween was coming fast. In only a couple of weekends. I was glad it landed on a Saturday. It made it easier for planning the party.

I went into the library/study room and printed out a list of all of our friends. And took two blank pieces of paper and two pens and walked down to Graham.

"Here's a printout of all of our friends. I've included Rick and Andy on our list. Here's a blank piece of paper and I want you to write down who your calling. I'll call whomever is left over."

While Graham got busy writing down the names of the friends he was calling, I got us a couple of cold beers. I set Graham's beer on a small table by our lounger. I sipped on my beer while I waited for Graham to finish his list.

Graham told me he was finished. It looked like a lot of names. "Are you sure you only put down half of the list of our friends?"

"Yup. This half exactly. Our list seems to get longer every time. But that's good. I like that."

I saw Graham had crossed off the names of the people he was calling. I asked Graham if he had the phone numbers for everybody he was calling. He checked his list and said yes. I would call the friends not crossed off. I didn't need to make a list. I could just use the prinout. I took our papers up to the living room and set the two lists on the coffee table and put the rest of things away in the library/study room desk. And went back and joined my lover.

Graham looked so hot and sexy in his jock laying on the lounger and sipping his beer. I knew exactly what I was going to do. I got on the lounger and bent over and gave Graham a long hot passionate kiss. While my hands were rubbing all over his body. I licked and kissed down his his chest. Kissing and nibbling on his nips. My hands now rubbing over his growing bulge in his jock. I licked around Graham's navel. He was ticklish there and started squirming. I licked and kissed his abs and then licked through some of his pubes close to the waistband of his jock. Graham lifted his hips and I slowly slid his jock down and off. His cock was semi hard and I took it all into my mouth and started working my tongue on the sides and over the head and felt it start growing. One of my hands was playing and fondling Graham's balls. Graham was sipping on his beer and watching me. With a big smile on his face. I held his hard cock back with one hand so I could get to his big balls. I took my ball into my mouth and started rolling it around and tonguing it. Then I did the same to his other ball. I licked back up to the head of his cock and slowly swallowed it down my throat. I had wet a couple of fingers and eased them into Graham's hole. I knew right where his prostate was and I knew if I worked his prostate, he would cum fast. I was right. Graham started moaning while I worked the length of his cock with my throat muscles. He couldn't hold back any longer and I felt him shake and thrust his cock further down my throat while he rocketed out ropes and ropes of cum. Hitting the back of my throat and I could feel it running down my throat. I had to swallow a couple of times to take his big load. I pulled my fingers out and slowly slid my throat and mouth off his cock. I saw a gob of cum on the head of his cock and I licked it off and milked out the last couple of drops of cum. Graham was panting and groaning. And leaned over and gave me a kiss.

Graham told me he would make it up to me tonight. I couldn't wait.

We lounged by the pool and when we finished our beer we dove in and did a few laps. We rinsed off in the outside shower and decided to up to the kitchen fix something for dinner.

It was getting later and I thought Graham's parents should have called by now. I didn't say anything to Graham, I didn't want him to worry.

We put our robes on and Graham put our jocks in the hamper in the upstairs bedroom. I started pulling containers out of the frig and soon Graham was joining me. Graham's mom was right. There was plenty of leftovers for dinner.

Graham got the breakfast nook ready for dinner. I pulled the containers out of the microwave when it beeped and set the warm food containers on the table. There was lasagna and still some pot roast with vegetables left over. I had warmed the rest of the garlic bread and a couple of dinner rolls. It worked out just right. Graham finished the left over lasagna and I finished the left over pot roast. Graham ate the garlic bread and I ate the two dinner rolls. We were full after our dinner and passed on dessert.

Graham helped me clear the table and start putting things away. I heard Graham's cell phone ring. I was hoping it was his parents.

"Hi mom. Did you just get home?"

"Yes. Thank God. We were delayed because of a terrible accident on the freeway. There was a seven car pile up. A semi truck had flipped over and the cars had rammed into it. It was just awful. We had were delayed for over an hour before the wreckers came to move the semi and the cars. But we arrived safe and sound and just wanted to let you know."

"Thanks for calling mom. And I'm glad you weren't involved in the accident."

"Thank you and Bob. We had a wonderful time. Your dad is opening a bottle of wine for us to sip on. I think we need it to calm our nerves after that accident. It's just that the time always goes too fast. Maybe we can plan something where we can stay longer the next time."

"I would like that mom and I know Bob would too. I'm glad you enjoyed your time here with us."

I gave Bob a summary of our conversation. He was glad my parents weren't involved in the accident.

"What we going to do now?" I asked Graham.

"How about a movie downstairs?"

"Sounds good. You want anything to eat or drink?"

"No I'm stuffed. But I think I'll be ready for dessert when we get downstairs."

I smiled to myself and I knew exactly what Graham was talking about.

We finished in the kitchen and walked arm in arm down to the theater room. We took our robes off and threw them on another theater chair.

I sat down in a theater chair as instructed by Graham. Graham was working the remotes and found us a movie to watch. While the movie started Graham got down between my legs. I leaned back and spread my legs to give Graham better access. He started licking the inside of my upper thighs while his hands were rubbing my pecs and squeezing my nips. I could feel my cock growing. As Graham was licking the inside of my upper thighs his nose kept rubbing over my balls. Getting me more and more aroused. My cock was at full erection. Graham was slowly moving his hands down my chest and feeling around my navel and over my abs. Graham stuck his tongue out and licked over my balls. He took one ball into his mouth and started working it inside his mouth with his tongue and then the other ball. My cock had started drooling and precum was running down the side. Graham must have noticed my precum. I felt a ball pop out of his mouth and he was licking the cum off the side of my cock. He then swirled his tongue around the head of my cock and rubbed his tongue back and forth over my pee slit. That was causing me to ooze more precum. Graham had one hand back playing with my balls while he slowly took my cock down his mouth and throat. He started slowly bobbing up and down on the length of my cock and had a good suction. Playing with my balls and sucking me like a vacuum cleaner was getting me closer and closer. I felt my cum churning and knew I was going to blast soon. Graham got his mouth off my cock quick and sat down on me. He squeezed his hole on my cock and that brought me off. I was humping and cumming up my lover's hole. I was playing with Graham's nips and pecs while I kept blasting up his hole. I grabbed Graham's cock and started stroking him and he I felt his cock swelling and he started shooting as I was pumping my load up Graham's hole. That was fantastic cumming at the same time.

We just sat there panting and gasping for breath. I couldn't tell you anything about the movie. But who cared. Finally Graham eased his hole off my cock and sat down between my legs. I held him close to me and we started watching the movie.

The movie finished and Graham turned off the theater system.

We grabbed our robes and walked upstairs to our bedroom. We were tired and threw our robes on a chair, crawled into bed. Snuggled together and fell right to sleep.

We both woke up to the alarm going off. We had agreed last night that we would start calling our friends about our Halloween Party. We slowly made our way downstairs to workout with our friends. Rick was there and told me all about his weekend with his parents. I talked to Cal and asked him if I would be able to attend Andy's court appearance. Cal told me he didn't think so. Those court cases are usually closed to the public. But he said he would double check and get back to me. We all got in a good workout and we mentioned our Halloween Party to our friends we worked out with. They all said they would be here for the party.

We squeezed into the shower and managed to jerk each other off. There was cum all over that we finally managed to wash down the drain. We dried each other off. Got dressed and went upstairs for breakfast.

Cindy had the outside patio table ready for breakfast. It was nice to be able to be outside. It looked and felt like another nice day.

We finished breakfast. Thanked Cindy and got into a group hug and kiss in the garage and left for work. Graham called me at work and told me wouldn't be able to make it for lunch. He had a meeting with a major client. I planned on leaving a few minutes early for lunch. I wanted to talk to Margaret about our Halloween Party. And she what her ideas were.

The morning went fast and I told Shirley I was leaving for lunch. I walked over quickly to J & M Decorating and Margaret happened to be at the front counter. We talked for a few minutes and then I mentioned our Halloween Party coming up soon. She brought out one of her books and we started looking through the book for some ideas. She stopped at a castle dungeon and asked me about that. I told her that looked perfect. She said they could start installing next Monday. The castle dungeon took awhile to complete. I thanked Margaret and told her that was a great idea.

I walked over to the diner and started thinking about the dungeon. Something about the dungeon wasn't sitting right with me. But I couldn't put my finger on what was bothering me about the dungeon. Millie and I talked for a few minutes and then she brought my coffee and lunch. I had told her that Graham couldn't make it. Then the light bulb came on and I now knew what was bothering me about the dungeon. It was Andy's problem with the assailant. The dungeon was a good idea, but I thought it might upset Andy. I called Margaret and told her we needed to change the theme for the Halloween Party. The dungeon was a good idea, but it might upset some of our friends. She said what about the entrance having a drawbridge and then walk into the castle with different rooms off from each side? I told her I liked that idea and to go ahead with it.

I finished my lunch and paid Millie and give her a tip and walked back to the clinic.

The afternoon was just working with pregnant mothers and the common cold.

I was soon in my SUV heading home. I hadn't heard anything from Cal. Maybe he would call a little later.

I walked into the kitchen and I told Cindy to have a nice day and she left. I ran upstairs and changed out of my work clothes. I put a jock on and grabbed a towel and walked down to the pool. I picked up the daily paper, poured myself a glass of refreshment and was ready to relax.

I started looking at the paper when my cell phone rang. It was Cal. "Hi cal. You have some information for me?"

"I do. It's just what I thought. You won't be able to attend Andy's court appearance. The judge doesn't like other people attending and affecting the outcome."

"That's ok. I'll give Andy a call and tell him to call me as soon as he finishes at the courthouse."

"That will work Bob. You have a good rest of the day. I have a pile of paperwork on my desk to finish before I leave for the day."

I had brought my call list with me. I checked to see how many of the names Shirley was able to call. A check mark meant she had called the person. A double checkmark meant they would be coming to the party. There were only two names left on the left to be called. I thought I'd take care of that and then go back to reading the daily paper.

I called the last two people and they definitely wanted to attend. So everyone on my call list was coming to our party. I would start calling the caterers and DJ tomorrow. There was still plenty of time. But I liked to notify people early so they could plan ahead for the party. I also needed to call Preston. He always helped with bartenders waiters and entertainment.

I went back to reading the paper and sipping on my refreshment. While I waited for Graham to get home. My cell phone rang. It was a long distance number. I recognized the call as soon as I answered. They were talking rapidly to me in French. With my limited French speaking ability. I was able to understand that our order for wine and perfume had been confused with somebody else's. They apologized and told me they would be sending four cases of the wine. We had originally ordered a case for each of our parents and only a half case had been sent. For the mixup there were sending a second case gratus. Also, the same thing had happened with the perfume and they were sending a case free for our mom's. I thanked the person I talked to. They told me the wine and perfume were sent today. And there would be no charge to us.

That was unexpected and I thought are orders were incomplete, but didn't pay that much attention. I thought I'd double check the order on the library/study room computer.

I got up and took my things with me and set them on the coffee table in the living room. I went into library/study room and booted the computer. I double checked our order for wine and perfume. Our original order was a case of wine for our parents and a case of perfume for our mom's. We should have received four boxes of wine instead of the two cases we received. They packed six bottle of wine to a case. And we had received a half case of perfume for our moms. There were six bottles of perfume in each box. A case was twelve bottles of perfume. I wondered how long it would take to receive the order. Maybe they put a rush on it.

I shut down the computer and walked back out to the living room and picked up my things and walked back down to the pool. I thought I'd give Andy a call and see if he was home from work. I called Andy and his phone rang and rang and rang. I was just going to disconnect when I heard a breathless Andy answer the phone. "Hi Bob. Andy was panting as he was talking to me. Sorry about being out of breath. I was outside when my cell phone rang and I didn't have it with me. What's up?"

"I talked with Cal to see if I could attend your court appearance this coming Wednesday. Cal checked for me, but said that the judge had those cases closed to the public. I'd like you to give me call when you finish at the courthouse. I'd like to know how it went."

Sure Bob. I can do that. I'd like to thank for you for helping my healing process. I went to the doctor we use at the park and he told me I was healed. He did some feeling around by my ribs and I didn't have any pain. The bruises are healed on my face and my wrists and ankles. I'm now back to my regular ugly self."

"Come on Andy. Your not an ugly guy. In fact, your quite handsome. I have this coming weekend off and was wondering if you and Graham would like some company?"

"Of course. You're always welcome. Did you get a call from Graham about our Halloween party in a couple weeks?"

"I did and thanked Graham for the call. I'm looking forward to the the party and meeting more of your friends. I'll come Friday after work if that is okay. Should arrive at your place around six or six thirty."

"That will work Andy. We will hold dinner until you get here. Don't fix yourself anything to eat."

"Okay. I can't wait to spend a weekend with you guys. I'm really looking forward to it."

"Sounds good Andy. We'll see you this coming Friday."

I heard Graham coming into the kitchen. And then my cell phone rang again. It was my mom. "Hi mom. How you doing?"

"I'm doing well Robert. I wanted to thank you for the wonderful wine. Your father and I are having a dinner party in a little while and we are going to be serving that wine. I have my personal fragrance on, and it's divine. I really like it. I just wanted you to know about the wine."

"I'm glad you and dad like the wine. And it should be a nice addition to your dinner party. And remember your perfume, it's one of a kind. Nobody has your perfume."

"I know Robert. That is why is like it so much. But the fragrance is wonderful. I need to leave and finish getting everything ready for our dinner party."

"Thanks for calling mom. And we'll talk again soon." I didn't want to mention more wine coming. I wanted it to be a surprise.

I didn't see Graham. He must have went upstairs to change. I went into the kitchen and started getting our dinner ready. I prepared a chilled glass of beer for Graham. I knew he would appreciate that.

I heard Graham coming down the stairs in a jock and he came into the kitchen. We kissed and I handed him his beer and told him to sit down relax in the breakfast nook and dinner would soon be ready. While I was finishing dinner I told Graham about the call from France. He said he thought we had ordered more of the wine and perfume. I then told him about my talk with Andy and he wanted to stay this coming weekend with us. Graham said that was fine. The following weekend would be our Halloween party.

I put our dinner on the table and we ate a great dinner.

The rest of Monday and Tuesday we didn't do much. Just our regular routine.

Wednesday came and I hoped everything went okay for Andy at the courthouse. His court time was after lunch, so I knew I wouldn't hear anything from him until I got home from work.

I met Graham at the diner and we had a good lunch. He told the parking ramp by Mabel's restaurant was finished and the covered walkway was in place to her restaurant. I was sure Mabel was glad about that.

We talke with Millie for a few minutes while we ate our lunch. She told us she was really enjoying her new house. A few of her friends had visited and complimented her on her new house. We finished lunch and told Millie we needed to get back to work.

Andy arrived a few minutes early to the courthouse. He was supposed to report to courtroom A. He followed the signs in the courthouse and easily found courtroom A. There was a guard outside the courtroom door and he told Andy that a trial was finishing. And when they finished he was next.

Andy was getting nervous. He didn't like waiting. He didn't see anybody else around. Thank god. He didn't want to see his assailant until they were in the courtroom in front of the judge.

The trial ended and many people were leaving the courtroom. The guard told Andy he could enter. He didn't know where he should go. A nice looking man came over to Andy and told him he was the county DA and would be working with him. He told Andy to follow him. And they said to right of the judge's bench. Soon Andy heard some noise and the assailant came in, in a prison attire and he was handcuffed. A prison guard was on each side of him. They took a seat on the left side of the judges bench. And a man in a suit came over and was talking to Andy's assailant and took his handcuffs off. The DA told Andy that was the assailants lawyer appointed by the court. It was just a formality. It wouldn't affect the outcome with the judge.

Soon a door behind the judges bench opened and the judge walked in, in his black robe. Everyone stood. The assailant was making some wise remarks and I was wondering if the judge heard him. The assailant said, "I bet that judge has a tight ass. I bet those big lips would easily wrap around my cock."

I saw the judge take a seat and everyone sat down. Then the judge said, looking at the assailant, "do you have anymore comments for me?"

The assailant couldn't keep his mouth shut, "Yes I do your majesty. I bet you'd like to take a ride on this." He was squeezing his cock through his prison clothes.

The judge looked at him sternly. "There won't be any more talking in my courtroom. I've heard enough from you to have you sentenced for life. But we have one more formality to attend to. Andy would you stand please. Do you recognize the man that has been talking? And is he the one that assaulted you?"

Andy stood and looked directly at his assailant. "Yes your honor. I would recognize this man anywhere as my assailant. He's the one the tied me to his bed and beat me and sexaully assaulted me."

"Thank you Andy. That's all I needed to hear." Now looked sternly and directly at Andy's assailant, he said to the assailant, "do you have anything else to say?"

"Yes I do your majesty. That man over there," pointed to Andy. "Was a will participant. And he asked me to tie him up and beat him. He said he liked someone being rough with him."

"Anything else you would to say?"

"No, your majesty. That's all."

I could see the blood pressure in the judge's face. The judge kept his cool. And said, "I'm going to play a video for you to see and see if you change your opinion."

What Andy did't know was that the judge had received a security tape that showed Andy being forced by his assailant out of the bar. Also, Andy had left his phone on video when he was in the assailant's house and that confirmed he wasn't a willing participant."

Once the videos finished. The assailant just slumped down in his chair. The judge said, "with your outburst in the my courtroom, Andy making a positive identification of you and the two videos. It's obvious Andy wasn't a willing participant and he was forced abused and assaulted. I'm throwing the book at you. You have a history of doing this to other men. Your going to be taken the Federal Maximum Security prison to the spend the rest of the life without any possibility of parole." The judge slammed his gavel down and said court adjourned.

The guards handcuffed the assailand and when they started escorting him out of the courtroom he turned to Andy and said, "you haven't seen the last of me. I'll get even with you, you bitch." The guards pulled the assailant along back to his cell. Andy was a little shaken, but regained his composure. The DA told Andy he had nothing to worry about. The guards would be coming in a special vehicle to take his assailant to the federal prison.

Andy left the courthouse and just sat in his car for a few minutes to compose himself. He was glad it was over. He trusted the DA and knew that what he said was the truth. He liked the judge and the sentence. He would call Bob after he got home.

Finally Andy started his car. He had taken the afternoon off. He wasn't sure how long it would take at the courthouse and how he would be feeling after the court appearance. Andy took his time getting home. And pulled into his garage and walked into his big house. It was nice to be home and just relax and forget about everything. Andy went to his bedroom and changed into a jock. He started getting into that habit after being with Bob and Graham. He grabbed a cold beer from the frig and went out to his big back covered patio and laid down on a lounger. He would call Bob later when he got home from work.

Bob's afternoon went well and he soon was on his way home. Graham was already parked in the garage. He must have finished early. Bob walked into the kitchen and Graham was talking with Cindy. He was telling her about us receiving more boxes from France and that Margaret and the decorators would be coming every day to start decorating the backyard.

Cindy told us she was finished and would be leaving in a just a couple of minutes. We thanked her and told her we were going upstairs to change.

It felt good getting out of our work clothes and into something less confining. We put on most skimpiest and revealing jocks. Once these jocks were wet. They were transparent.

We walked downstairs and Cindy was gone. Thank goodness. I got Graham cold beer out of the frig and poured myself a tall glass of refreshment. Graham grabbed the daily paper off the kitchen island and we walked down to the pool. Graham was sipping on his beer as we walked to the pool.

We got comfortable together on a double lounger. I told Graham I had made the rest of my calls during lunchtime. The DJ was contacted along with the caterers. I called Preston he would take care of the waiters bartenders and entertainment. Margaret and her decorating crew were scheduled to start tomorrow. Margaret wanted to get things started at the shop first and then they could haul over alot of the completed decorations. I also told Graham that Andy had his court appearance with afternoon and I was hoping to hear from him.

Andy had fallen alseep outside on his lounger. The beer had relaxed him and the stress of appearing in court had taken it's toll. It was going on five thirty and he thought he should give Bob a call and then fix some dinner.

Andy picked up his phone and called Bob. "Hi Andy, have been waiting on your call. Tell me what happened."

"Well, the assailant was shooting off his mouth when the judge entered the courtroom. The judge asked me if I recognized the assailant. The judge was furious with the assailant with his outburst, but kept his cool. He sentenced my assailant to life in the Federal Prison with no possibility of parole. Mainly, because he had assaulted many men and was so arrogant. The assailant told me he would see me again and get even with me when the guards took him out of the courtoom. I highly doubted that. It was a relief to hear the sentencing and see him taken away in handcuffs. He was supposed to be escorted in a special vehicle tomorrow to the Federal Prison."

"I'm sure that is a relief Andy. And I'm sure your glad it's over. Just remember in a couple of days you will be at our house. And we'll help you forget everything about your assailant."

"I'm really looking forward to this coming weekend and being with you guys. It's just what I need to get my head on straight. And then the following weekend will be your Halloween party. That should be a blast."

"Good to hear from you Andy. If you need to call Graham or me. Call us anytime. Day or night. We're here to listen and help where we can."

"Thanks Bob. It's good hearing that. You guys have already done alot for me. And I will show my respect to you this coming weekend."

I told Graham about my conversation with Andy. And he was glad for Andy and looked forward to him being with us this weekend.

Graham kept staring at me. "Is everything okay babe? The way your staring at me, is something wrong?"

"No. Everything is perfect. You look so hot in that skimpy jock."

"Well. You look pretty hot too. Let's jump in the pool with these jocks on and see how we look wet."

We set our things down on our little round tables by our lounger and dove into the pool. Being wet with this skimpy jock. It felt like I didn't have anything on. I told Graham, "I feel like I'm not wearing anything. How about you?"

"I feel the same way. Let's climb out of he pool and see how we look wet."

We swam to the shallow end and walked out of the pool. I looked at Graham and his jock was completely transparent and you could easily see his fat cock and big balls stuffed into that little suit. "You look delicious babe."

"So do you. Your swimsuit is completely transparent. And I could gobble you up."

"Let's get back on the lounger and see what comes up?"

We stripped off our skimpy little jocks and laid down together. The stimulation of the skimpy jock make us erect and our cocks were standing straight up and proud.

We got into a sixty nine in record time and soon were devouring each other's big erections. We came in record time too. The stimulation of wearing the jock had really turned us on and soon we were both pumping out big loads. We licked and sucked and cleaned each other off after we came.

I told Graham I was going to order jocks tomorrow for the party. And I'm going to see what they have in something skimpy and transparent when wet. With a Halloween design. Graham liked that idea and wanted to be with me when I ordered the jocks. I told him I would order them tomorrow after work. We could check out the designs together in the library/study room.

We went up to the kitchen and got our dinner ready. We didn't do much the rest of the day. Thursday I heard from the bodyguards. They wanted to spend the weekend with us, but I managed to convince them to stay the weekend of the party. They were coming for the party. Besides I didn't want anybody else here when Andy came this weekend.

Margaret had started putting up framing. She told me the drawbridge at the entrance would be installed last. She had stones like you would see in an old castle made out of styrofoam and they were starting to attach them to the framing. This was really going look cool. And like an old Medieval Castle. Maybe we'd see dracula flying around.

Friday arrived and Graham and I arrived home at almost the same time. The castle was taking shape. It was starting to look like a castle now. Wooden floors were installed in the bar and buffet areas. The tables and furniture were being covered with the styrofoam stones and made to look like it was part of the castle.

Cindy was finishing in the kitchen. She said she made extra food and a couple of appetizer trays. Also there was more refreshment in the refrigerator freezer that could be thawed and used when needed. We thanked her and told her to have a great weekend. She had freshened the other master bedroom for Andy. Even though he would be sleeping with us.

Graham and I ate a light lunch and then relaxed upstairs in the sunroom. We were tired after a lot happened during the week. The decorations were taking shape. And we were pleased how it looked. We couldn't wait to see the completed castle.

We dozed off and woke up to the birds squaking. They were hungry. I checked the time and it was going on the five thirty. I thought Andy should be here any minute. He told me between five and five thirty. I hoped nothing happened him on his way here. He had enough to deal with and needed to keep working on his recovery. Graham got up and went downstairs and I told him I would join in just a couple of minutes. I was going to refill the bird's water and food dishes. Once that was finished they seemed to calm down. I told the birds I needed to leave, but might see them later.

I joined Graham in the kitchen. He asked me if I wanted a cold beer. I told him I could manage one. I told Graham I wanted to hang out in the living room so I could hear the speaker when Andy arrived.

Graham turned on the tv and we could the last of the early news and weather. Another nice weekend was forecast. That was good. I knew Andy liked hanging out by the pool. It looked like he had a small pool in his backyard, but I couldn't remember for sure.

I heard the speaker and I could tell it was Andy's voice. I pressed the button and the gate opened. Just then my cell phone started ringing. Graham went to the garage and opened a stall for Andy.

Andy got out of his car and Graham told him I was on the phone. He helped Andy with his overnight bag. It seemed more like a small suitcase.

I picked up my cell phone and it was Cal. "Hi Cal, I hope your calling me with good news and not something else going on?"

"Well I need to talk to Andy. Do you have his cell phone number. I have some information for him."

"Andy just arrived here at our house. He's spending the weekend. Do you have information you want me to pass on to him?"

"No. It's something I'd rather tell him personally and then he can decide if he wants to share the information."

"Can you hold on just a minute and I'll tell Andy he has a phone call."


Graham and Andy walked into the kitchen. Graham was carrying Andy's overnight bag. Andy looked just as hot as ever. They were getting ready to walk up to our bedroom. I told Andy he had a phone call and Graham and I would take his overnight bag upstairs to our bedroom. Andy looked at my skeptically. I mouthed, Cal, to him.

Andy took my cell phone from me and Graham and I took Andy's overnight bag upstairs to our bedroom. That would give Andy privacy while he talked to Cal.

"Hello Andy. This is Cal. I have some good news for you. At least I think it's good news. I hope you do to after I tell. Your assailant was found dead in the showerroom this morning. It seem's he was shooting his mouth off at the prison and to the wrong people. He mouthed off to one of the main gang leaders in the prison. And they ganged up on him in the shower room and the rest is history. Let me give you my cell phone number so you can add me to your contacts. Then if I need to contact you in the future I'll have your number."

"Thanks for the information Cal. I have mixed feelings about his death. On one side I'm glad he's dead and can't molest or assault any more men. He's still a human being and that makes me sad. I would have rather seen him spend the rest of his life alive in prison."

"I can understand that Andy. But I wanted to pass the information on to you. How about if we share cell phone numbers?"

Andy and Cal shared cell phone numbers and got the names and numbers entered into their cell phones. Cal asked Andy, "are you going to Bob's and Graham's Halloween Party?"

"I plan to. I've been invited. How about you?"

"Me too. I look forward to meeting you."

"Me too Cal. Thanks for the call. I better see what Graham and Bob are doing with my overnight bag."

Andy was thinking about what Cal told him as he walked up to our bedroom. The more he thought about it. The better he felt. At least he knew his assailant would never be able to take revenge like he told Andy when he left the courtroom.

Andy walked into the bedroom and saw Graham and Bob on the bed waiting for him. They had put his overnight bag on a luggage stand. They told Andy there was a door available for him in the dresser and they made space in the walkin closet.

Andy started unpacking and soon had everything put away. Graham held up another skimpy jock and was waving it at Andy. Bob told Andy to strip down and lay on the bed. He wanted to give him one last check and make sure everything was healed. Graham got off the bed and sat in a chair and watched. Andy took all his clothes off. Damn he was solid and stocky. He looked like his regular self. He laid down on the bed while Bob started checking him over. His facial bruises were completely healed with no scarring. Bob felt around Andy's ribs on both sides and there was no pain or discomfort. Finally, Bob checked Andy's wrists and ankles and the marks and cuts were gone and again no scarring. "You look completely healed Andy. How do you feel?"

"I feel great Bob. I've been working out at home before I go to work and I think that's helped. Now with the news from Cal. I feel much better."

"That's good Andy. That's what a doctor likes to hear. If you don't mind my asking. What did Cal have to tell you?"

"I don't mind telling you. My assailant was found dead this morning in the showerroom. It seems he was shooting his mouth off to one of the prison gang leaders and they took care of him. I had mixed feeling about his death when Cal told me. But the more I think about it. The better I feel that he is gone. He had promised to get revenge on me. At least he won't be able to do that or molest or assault any more men."

"That's a good attitude to have Andy. And he won't be molesting anybody again."

Graham threw the jock at Andy. Andy caught it and put it on. "How am I supposed to squeeze everything into this."

"Do the best you can. We managed, as you can see to get everything in place in our jocks. Then we can go down and enjoy the pool."

Andy managed to get everything crammed into the small jock. I grabbed a towel for Andy and we all walked down to the pool. "Let's go in for a swim and get cooled off."

We dove in and started doing a few laps. Andy was a good swimmer, considering how stocky he was. We swam to the shallow end and walked out. Andy said our jocks are transparent when their wet. "We know. That's why we gave you that jock to wear."

"You guys look so hot," said Andy. "So do you," Graham and I said in unison.

We moved another double lounger to our lounger. We had Andy get in the middle with Graham and me on each side of Andy. We started feeling Andy up and we could see his cock growing in his little jock. We decided to get rid of the jocks and we all slid our jocks off and threw them on the chair with our towels. "That feels much better," I said.

We continued give Andy our special treatment. Andy said, "I wished I lived with you guys. I wouldn't need to look for a partner and get myself in trouble."

"Andy, remember we had this conversation before. You didn't do anything wrong. You could go to the In and Out Bar fifty times and have a great time. That assailant was somebody passing through. And it was only by coincidence you two guys hooked up."

"I know Bob. But I'd rather have the sure thing. We all would, but it doesn't always work that. We will help you as much as we can. And like I told you, the next time you want to go to the In and Out Bar we will go with you."

"That's great guys. How about if you go to the bar tomorrow night?"

Graham and I looked at each other. "Sure, why not. We don't have anything planned. We can eat dinner first at Milo's and then go to the bar after."

We want back to making out with Andy. He was really enjoying all the attention. So were we. We got him so hard his cock looked painful. Graham straddled Andy and slid his hole down Andy's big hard shaft. Until his ass cheeks were in Andy's pubes. Andy just laid there and let Graham do all the work. Graham started moving up and down on Andy's big cock and I could tell Andy's cock was hitting and rubbing on Graham's prostate. Andy started moaning loud and I could tell he was pumping a load up Graham's hole. Graham slid off and a little cum leaked out of Graham's hole. Graham wiped the cum off with a towel. Then it was my turn. Andy told me to give him a couple of minutes to recharge. His cock hadn't went down. It was big and hard and almost looked like a weapon, rather than an instrument of pleasure. He told me he was ready. I slid my hole down over his big hard shaft with my back to Andy. Graham moved around so I could suck on his big hardon. Graham told me once he came he would suck me off. I started bouncing up and down on Andy's cock. Graham was giving me a good face fuck. Andy and Graham were working me over good. I heard Andy grunt loud and felt his cock stiffen in my hole and soon he was blasting out another big load. Bathing the sides of my hole. Graham was close and I heard him groan and felt his cum hitting the back of my throat. My cock was painfully hard and once I slid of Andy. Graham had my cock down his throat. He worked my cock good and it didn't take me long to cum. I soon pumped a big load down Graham's throat. We were all satisfied and laid back on the lounger panting and gasping for breath. Once we recovered we took another dip in the pool. Mainly to get cleaned off. Once we thought we had enough of the pool. I told Graham and Andy I was going to get dinner ready. Graham told me no. That he was ordering delivery.

I wasn't going to argue with Graham. I didn't really feel like getting dinner ready.

I heard Graham on his cell phone ordering pizza. I guess this was going to be junk food day for this month. He ordered two large family size supreme pizzas and was told they would be delivered in about thirty minutes.

That gave us time to go upstairs and shower and put some shorts and tshirts on. Andy thanked us for having a good time at the pool. We told him to wait until we went to bed and then he'd find out what a good time was.

We watched a game on the tv in the living room while we waited on our pizza.

Soon I heard the speaker and let Graham take care of this for a change. He pushed the button so they could drive in. The delivery person came to the door and Graham had him set the two large pizza boxes on the kitchen island. I saw Graham pay for the pizzas and give the delivery man a tip.

While Graham took the pizza to the living room coffee table. I got us each a beer from the frig. Graham had some paper plates and napkins for us on the coffee table. I handed out the beer and we indulged in some good pizza and continued watching the game.

The game finished and our pizza and beer was gone.

We all put everything away and cleaned off the coffee table. We thought it was bed time. We weren't really tired. But I had a few things planned before we went to sleep.

We hung up our robes in the walkin closet and got on the our bed with Andy in the middle. Graham and I had talked earlier and we knew what we were going to do. Andy was such a likeable guy and willing to try anything with us. We told Andy we were going to spit roast him. He asked us what that was and Graham and I got into position. Andy loved it. And then Graham and I switched positions and spit roasted Andy again. We told him he could help spit roast us in the morning.

We made a sandwich of Andy with me behind him and my cock nicely snuggled between his ass cheeks. Graham was on the front side and facing Andy. They were kissing and I knew they were rubbing their cocks together. We finally fell asleep without pulling the covers over us.

We all woke up at almost the same time. Graham and Andy spit roasted me. Then Andy and me spit roasted Graham. Andy really liked it. And he said he could do this all day. I told him I thought we would need to rest once in awhile.

Graham and Andy told me to rest and they would let me know when breakfast was ready. I told them I would wait. Once they left the bedroom I went into the bathroom and took a quick shower. I could smell breakfast wafting up under the bedroom door. I couldn't wait any longer and walked downstairs. "What are you doing down here? We told you we would tell you when breakfast was ready."

"I wasn't tired and the good smells drew me downstairs to the kitchen."

"Ok. I guess we can let you by this time."

I couldn't believe Graham and Andy. They were eating the leftover pizza out of one of the cardboard containers. It was cold. They told me breakfast was ready and we ate at the breakfast nook. Nobody was dressed and it was a pleasant sight eating breakfast in the nude. Breakfast was good and we put everything away.

We decided to get a little early morning exercise in the pool. Then shower and watch some sport until it was time to leave for dinner and the bar.

I ran upstairs and got us each a towel. When I got down to the pool. Graham and Andy were already swimming and horsing around. It was fun watching them. I dove in and we started doing laps. It felt good to get a little exercise and wear off the pizza and beer from last night.

We finished exercising in the pool and rinsed the chlorine off in the outside shower. We towel dried and went upstairs to take a shower. I had already taken a quick shower, but wasn't going to pass up an opportunity to wash Andy. We washed each other all over. We were squeaky clean. We jerked each other off and even after our morning spit roasting, we managed to shoot out some good sized loads. We rinsed the cum down the drain. Toweled each other off and grabbed some shorts, just in case and went to the living room. We sat and snuggled together. Graham found a good college football game and we started watching that.

At half time I called Milo's and made reservations for seven. I talked to Martin and he told he was glad to hear from me. It had been awhile since we had been at Milo's. He told me everything would be ready for us.

We watched the second half. Graham and Andy were drinking beer while they watched the game. I had some refreshment and bottled water. The game finished and we had about a half hour before the next game started.

I told the guys I was going up to the sunroom to check on the birds. They said they would join me and we could watch the second game in the sunroom.

We walked arm in arm up to the sunroom. The birds were sleeping and some nice ocean music was playing. With the waves crashing in and the sound of seagulls.

Graham turned on the tv and they were still doing the pre-game show. That gave me time to clean and refill the food and water dishes for the birds. These big parrots really ate a lot. But Xandro always told us they were healthy and in good condition.

We got comforable on a couple of loungers. I got Graham and Andy another beer and a bottled water for me. The second college football game had a couple of teams playing against each other, that Graham and I followed. So we were interested in the outcome of this game. It would determine which team would be in first place.

The game was good and when it finished it was time for us to get dressed and leave for dinner and the In and Out Bar.

Andy really looked sharp in some nice dress clothes. He complemented Graham and me on how handsome we looked. We kissed and walked down to the garage. I was driving us to Milo's.

We jumped in my SUV and we were on our way to Milo's. It didn't take long to get there. The parking was pretty full. They were always really busy on the weekend. We got out and Martin opened the front door for us and welcomed us to Milo's and told us to follow him. We were escorted to a private dining room. There was a nice flower arrangement in the center of the table welcoming us back to Milo's. Before Martin left he told us our waiter would be right with us.

Soon our waiter walked in and Graham and I looked at each other. It was the same young man from when we were here with the bodyguards and the caterers and had our incident. We had been back to Milo's since and were assured the incident was history and forgotten. The young waiter welcomed up and asked us what we would like to drink. Graham and Andy both ordered beer and I ordered a scotch and water on the rocks that I could nurse on.

The waiter told us he would be right back with our beverages. Andy asked us how we managed to get a private dining room in such a swanky restaurant. I told Andy the story of how this came about. Andy told us it was his first time here and would definitely be back. I told Andy to mention us to Martin and he would have his own private dining room and his meal and drinks would be on the house.

The waiter returned with our beverages and told us our dinner would be ready in a few minutes. I asked the waiter if he could have Martin come here for a couple of minutes. He said he could do that. The waiter left and Graham and Andy looked at me.

"I'm going to tell Martin that Andy is one of our friends. And to be sure to put him on our guest list."

Martin walked in and looked a little bewildered. I introduced Martin to Andy and told Martin that Andy was one of our friends and to be sure to put him on our guest list. Martin said to consider it done. And welcomed Andy to Milo's.

Our waiter came in with a helper and they placed our dinner on the table. There was one large covered silver platter. And two small covered silver platters. The helper left and our waiter took the cover off the large platter. It was one of my favorite dishes here. It was the small lobster tails with different stuffing. The two small platters were au gratin potatoes and a vegetable medley. We also had a house salad. Andy said it looked and smelled wonderful and he liked seafood.

Graham and Andy ordered another beer and I still had almost all of my drink. We started serving ourselves and the dinner was mouth watering. We took our time to enjoy each bite. The three of managed to eat all of the little lobster tails. There was still some of the side dishes left. We passed on dessert and were ready to leave for the In and Out Bar. I tipped the waiter and Martin opened the front door for us and thanked us for dining at Milo's. Martin also told Andy it was a pleasure meeting him and he was always welcome at Milo's.

We hopped into my SUV and before we left Milo's, I asked Andy how he was feeling about going to the bar. He told me he was anxious to get there and being with us he felt good and wasn't concerned.

The In and Out Bar wasn't that far from Milo's and we soon saw the lighted sign for the bar. I pulled into about a half full parking lot. The bar was big so I was sure we could find a place to sit. You could her the music when we got out of the SUV. We walked up to the front doors and walked in. The bar was about half full and we easily found a table. A few guys were dancing and the DJ was really rocking and rolling.

One of the hot shirtless waiters came over to our table and asked us what we would like to drink. Graham and Andy stayed with beer. And I ordered a scotch and water on the rocks. Again, I could nurse this drink and make it last. The waiter was pretty hot. Tall dark hair muscular and wearing the tightest black leather pants I had ever seen. His big bulge didn't leave much to the imagination. I noticed Andy watching him when he left our table.

The owner of the bar came to our table with our drinks. Graham and I knew the owner. He took a seat and starting talking to us. He told Graham and me that it had been a long time since we had been to his bar. He told us the drinks were on the house. He was glad to see us. The owner also mentioned that Preston had talked to him and they had everything worked out for our Halloween Party. I thanked the owner and introduced him to Andy. They shook hands and he said he needed to get back to work.

Andy told us he felt relaxed and was glad to be back to the bar. We noticed large groups of people coming in and the bar was slowly starting to fill up. More people were dancing.

We sipped on our drinks and looked around. It was always fun watching people dancing and flirting. Soon a very nice looking man. About our age came over to our table and asked Andy if he wanted to dance. We nodded to Andy to go ahead. Andy got up and they walked holding hands to the dance floor. They started dancing. For Andy's stockiness, he was a pretty good dancer. Andy and the man danced to a couple of tunes and when the second song finished they kissed and they walked off to their tables. Andy told us the man had been looking at Andy and wanted to dance with him. He didn't want anything else. But enjoyed dancing. It was getting later and we were thinking about leaving. Graham and I had danced a couple of times and we took turns dancing with Andy. We had one more round of drinks and another man came over and asked Andy if he liked dancing. Andy got up and another hot guy invited Andy to the dance floor. They were both good dancers. A slow tune played and they danced tight together. With their arms around each other. The music ended and again Andy came back to the table and the man went back to his group. Andy said it was another guy that had been eyeing him and wanted to dance. We noticed Andy had a big bulge in the front of his pants after that slow dance.

We finished our drinks and thought we'd call it a night. We waved to the owner and he waved back and we got in the SUV. Graham and Andy sat together in the seat behind me. I was wondering what they were up to.

On the drive home I heard a lot of slurping sucking and a little gagging. I knew exactly what they were up to and it was making me hard.

I pulled into the garage and told the guys we were home and it was time to get out of the car. Graham and Andy both had big hardons and didn't bother to zip up their pants. We walked into the kitchen and went right upstairs. We stripped each other out of our clothes and put them away. We got on the bed and got into a circle suck. Once we came we got Andy into another spit roast and Graham and I took turns on Andy. That tired us out and we feel asleep again without pulling the covers over us.

Sunday morning rolled around and Graham was already up. How he managed to leave the bed and not wake Andy or me I have no idea. Andy and I started stirring and soon were awake. I saw Andy's big morning boner sticking straight up. I couldn't resist that. I leaned over and took his big hard cock in my mouth and down my throat. Andy moaned and told me how good it felt. I wet a couple of fingers and eased them into this hole. His hole pulled on my fingers and I found Andy's prostate and started rubbing over it. He told me he wouldn't last much longer. I worked his thick shaft harder and faster with my throat muscles, continually rubbing a finger over his prostate. I felt Andy stiffen out and his cock harden in my throat. He moaned loud and started pumping a big load down my throat. I swallowed a couple of times and pulled off his cock. I licked and sucked out his last couple of gobs of cum. Andy told me now it was my turn. I told him let's wait for Graham and have some fun after breakfast.

We heard Graham calling us down for breakfast. Graham looked so hot in just an apron and flip flops. His ass looked so inviting. We'd take care of that cute ass after breakfast.

Graham had the breakfast nook set and told us to take a seat and he started putting our breakfast on the table. Graham joined us when he finished and we ate a pretty good breakfast. Considering that Graham had prepared it. He wasn't the world's best cook, but I shouldn't say anything. I'm not that good myself.

We ate everything and Graham was pleased. We helped him clean and put everything away. While we were still in the kitchen, I got behind Graham and started giving him a good rim job. I couldn't refuse that cute ass. Andy was in the front of the Graham. He had Graham's apron off and was giving my husband a good blowjob.

Graham reached back and spread his cheeks so I could dig my tongue in deeper. Andy was really going to town on Graham's cock. I couldn't hold back any longer and spit on my cock and slid it into Graham's hot tight hole. We didn't do that much fucking, but we enjoyed it when we did. Graham was pushing back on me so I would go in deeper. Graham was rocking back and forth. Pushing his big hard cock down Andy's throat and then pushing back on my cock making it go in further. Graham was really turned on. I reached around and squeezed and played with his nips. He started groaning and I knew he would cum soon. I felt his ass muscles constrict on my cock and I knew he was filling Andy's throat with a big morning load. That took care of me and I couldn't hold back with his tight ass clamped on my cock. I shot way up my lover's hole. I pulled out and I saw Graham's cock sliding out of Andy's mouth. Andy lick the cum off Graham's cock and milked out the last couple of drops. I wiped my cock off on a kitchen towel. Not the best thing to use, but it was the closest thing available.

We decided to go down to the pool and get a little exercise. I told Graham and Andy I would join them in a couple of minutes. I ran upstairs, threw the kitchen towel in the hamper. And ran back downstairs and joined the guys at the pool.

Graham and Andy were already in the pool. I dove in and joined them. The exercise felt good. And we did laps until we didn't think we could swim another meter. We climbed out and relaxed on the lounger.

Andy was looking at our backyard and told us he wished he had a backyard like this. Or at least a bigger pool. I told him I would give him Zane's number. His company did landscaping and pools according to the customer's specifications.

We dedided to take a shower outside and rinse off the chlorine and then we went upstairs to our bathroom and took a long hot steamy shower. We looked at Andy and told him he hadn't cum yet. He said he couldn't wait to see what we had in mind. We finished washing each other and dried off and I told Andy to go lie on the bed. We soon joined Andy on the bed with one of us on each side of the Andy.

We started making out with Andy. And it didn't take his fat eight incher long to get hard. Graham and I started sucking and licking on Andy's cock and over his big balls. We thought his cock was wet enough and Graham got over Andy and let his hole slowly slide down Andy's hard shaft. Graham was straddling Andy with his back to him. I got in front of my lover and took his erection quickly down my throat. Graham was telling me how good it felt. Andy was saying the same thing to Graham. Andy must have been really turned on. It didn't take him long to start pumping a load up Graham's tight hole. I got Graham off just as Andy finished cumming. Graham load hit the back of my throat and I could feel it run down my throat. I swallowed his big load and let his soft cock slowly slide out of my mouth. We went back to making out with Andy. I knew it took him a few minutes to recharge and then I was going to get fucked my Andy. Finally Andy's cock was sticking up big and proud. I eased my hole down over his cock and wrapped my ass muscles around his shaft. Graham got in front of me and was giving me a great blow job. Andy grabbed my sides and started moving me up and down on his cock. He told me he was going to cum soon. My tight hole was really turning him on. I knew I was going to give Graham a big load soon. I could feel it building and building. I couldn't hold back any longer and started shooting a few strong blasts hitting the back of Graham's throat. When I came it caused my hole to constrict more on Andy's cock and that's all it took for him to pump out another big load up my hole. We lay back exhausted and gasping for air.

We all had smiles on our faces. It really felt good.

Andy told us that unfortunately, he would need to leave after lunch. He had some things he needed to do around his house and yard before work tomorrow. And thought he'd give Zane a call and see when they could meet and work on some ideas for the backyard.

I checked the time and it was approaching lunchtime. I guess our sexual fun lasted quite awhile. I didn't care. All I knew was that it sure felt good.

I told Graham and Andy that I was going to get lunch started. Andy said he was going to get his overnight bag packed and put some clothes on.

Graham went with Andy ustairs and I went into the kitchen to see what I could fix for lunch. I found a full tray of appetizers. We had eaten one tray. Then I fixed a tray of cold cuts, different crackers and a variety of sliced cheese. I got myself out a bottled water from the frig and two cold beers for Graham and Andy.

I heard Graham and Andy coming down the stairs. Graham was carrying Andy's overnight bag. Andy had on some cargo shorts tshirt and some sandals. I think Andy would look hot in anything he wore or didn't wear.

I asked them where they wanted to eat and we agreed on the outside patio table in the shade. The guys helped me with the beverages and the appetizer tray and I brought out the large tray.

We made some crackers and cheese with lunchmeat to eat. It was pretty good and filling. The appetizers were the same as the other's. Cindy had a made a good variety with thin sliced salmon. Some kind of a spinach dip and a cream cheese with different herbs. We ate everything and felt it was more than enough. Graham and Andy finished their beer and Andy told us he should be leaving.

We put everything away and Graham carried Andy's overnight bag to the garage. We hugged and kissed and Andy told us he had had a great weekend. And he wanted to do this again. We agree with him. And just told him to call us first. He was looking forward to our Halloween party next Saturday.

We watched Andy leave and went back inside and to the library/study room. I told Graham I wanted to check out the jocks and put an order in for our Halloween party. I got the website open told Graham to start looking. I was going to call Zane first.

I grabbed my cell phone and called Zane. "Hi Bob. What a surprise. Wasn't expecting a call from you. I hope your not canceling your Halloween party?"

"No. Nothing like that. We have a good friend that's going to call you to have his backyard and pool redone. I want you to go all out on his backyard and give him something really spectacular. His name is Andy and he's had a bit of a rough streak."

"Sure. I would be glad to do that. If he's a friend of yours, he's a friend of mine. What's this guys name and phone number?" I gave Zane the information. I told Zane that Andy might call him yet today after he gets home. And I told Zane that Andy had spent the weekend with us.

"If he doesn't call before the party. You can meet him at the Halloween party. He will be attending."

"Great. Thanks Bob for the information and I looke forward to meeting Andy and working with him."

I told Graham about the conversation with Zane and pulled a chair up so I could sit close to Graham and look at the computer.

"Did you find anything babe?"

"I think so. Let me show you what I found." I liked the two jocks that Graham had found. They were both skimpy and would be transparent when wet. Both jocks could have a Halloween design put on them. "I think I like the first one the best. How about you?"

"I like that one too. What Halloween design to you want on that jock?"

We looked over the Halloween designs and decided on Dracula fangs on the front. It would give our friends something to bite into. Ha, Ha. "How many do you usually order babe?"

I told Graham, "I usally order five dozen. That leaves a few extra for any of our friends that want more than one jock."

Graham placed the order and paid for it and it should arrive in two to three business days.

We shut down the computer and went to the living room to check the sports channels. We found a college football game that was at halftime. I got Graham another beer and I poured myself a glass of refreshment. And I snuggled up to Graham so we could start watching the second half.

The second half just started when my cell phone rang. It was Andy. "Hi Andy. Did you just get home?"

"Yeah I just walked into the house and thought I'd give you a call and let you know I got home okay."

"Thanks for calling Andy. I talked to Zane after you left and he's waiting to hear from you or you two can get together at the Halloween party. I gave him your name and phone number. I hope that's okay?"

"That's fine Bob. I plan to give him a call yet today. Once I get everything unpacked and get comfortable. I would like him to get started on the backyard as soon as possible."

"Ok Andy. Good luck and I hope he isn't already working on a job."

I snuggled up to my husband and Graham put an arm around me while we watched the rest of the game. The game finished close to dinner time and I ordered some Chinese to be delivered. I put some shorts on so I would look presentable when the delivery man came.

We ate our Chinese food and watched the second game. The second game finished late and we went right to bed. We made out for a little while, but were tired after all of our sexual fun with Andy.

The next few days seemed to go fast. I was always anxious to get home and see how the progress was going on the decorations. Everything was really taking shape and was looking great. The rooms were finished for the buffet bar and changing room. A small area had been made for the DJ. The walkways looked like old stone to match the castle. There were cobwebs all over the place, and it looked like fake blood streaks in different areas.

By Thursday Margaret told me they were almost finished. She had some metal keys made on wrist bands for the changing room. The iron keys looked like something you'd see used in a castle. She also told me she had a lot of carved pumpking they would bring Saturday morning. They had battery operated candles inside. Margaret also said, the drawbridge would be installed early Saturday morning, complete with chains. She told me all the doors squeaked.

I had heard from Preston and he said he had everything ready. The waiters and bartenders would arrive around ten Saturday morning. The big projection screen and stage would be assembled early Saturday morning. The DJ told me he would arrive around ten Saturday morning to get set up. The caterers had called and told me they would set up the buffet around eleven or eleven thirty. One of the caterers told me they had a surprise for me on the buffet. All the liquor had arrived and the bartenders could get the bar setup when they arrived. Margaret had made two stone covered bins that would be used for ice. This was going to be great. I just hope our friends liked it.

Our special ordered jocks had arrived on Thursday and I set the box in the changing room. The door really did squeak when you entered the changing room.

Friday arrived and I got home before Graham. He told me he would be a few minutes late. The first thing I did was walk out to the backyard and check on the decorations. This really looked like Medieval Castle. It was perfect. I noticed candles had been placed around for lighting. Just like you'd see in a castle. It looked like the only thing left was the drawbridge.

Cindy left and told me good luck with our party. She thought the decorations looked perfect.

Graham hadn't arrived so I went upstairs and put on one of our Halloween jocks. The fangs on the front were perfect. They were a tight fit, but that was what I wanted. I had to work to get everything stuffed into the jock.

I walked downstairs and walked around the backyard some more. I heard Graham walk down to me. "This looks fantastic babe." "It sure does. I hope our friends like it?" "I don't see why not."

Graham went upstairs to change into one of our Halloween jocks and he looked so hot when he walked back down. "All that's left is the drawbridge and Margaret told me that would be installed early tomorrow morning.

We fixed ourselves a little lunch and watched tv. Dinner was a light meal. We weren't all that hungry. We watched a movie in the living room and then went to bed. We made love for well over an hour. We wanted to be up early to let everyone in to get setup.

I set the alarm for seven. It woke us up and we took a quick shower. We went downstairs together and fixed a quick breakfast. I wasn't sure how soon they would start arriving. He put on shorts tshirts and flip flops.

Breakfast was good and we had just finished putting everthing away when the front gate opened and delivery van for J & M Decorators pulled in. Margaret had a crew with her. The drawbridge looked heavy. I opened the front doors for them and Graham had the sliding door to the backyard open. Four big men carried in the drawbridge. Margaret showed them where to place it. They then installed the chains and the drawbridge fit perfect. It was tapered so it laid flush on the walkway. From the inside you could pull the chains to raise the drawbridge. It was really cool. Margaret put some hanging candles on each side of the drawbridge on the inside and outside. That really finished it off. They then took a quick tour to check all of the decorations and everything looked in order. They left and I thanked Margaret for another great decorating job.

The bartender waiters and stage and projection crew arrived next. I showed the bartenders where everything was so they could get the bar setup and one of the waiters was working the changing room. The stage and projection crew knew exactly where to go and setup.. The stage had a black curtain with cobwebs on it. So it fit in with the decorations. They checked the lighting and everything was ready to go. They left and I thanked them.

They had just left when the caterers arrived. They used one of their vans. They started taking out these big black looking couldrons. They told me this was their surprise. They thought the couldrons would be more realistic looking. The appetizer trays had cobweb style paper doilies which was really a nice touch. They stayed busy getting the buffet table setup. They had dark pewter looking plates for the buffet.

The DJ arrived a little late. He apologized and said that he overslept and then caught tied up in traffic. I showed him his area and he thought our decorations were really cool. I showed him the changing room when he was ready to get changed. He started getting his sound equipment setup.

Everyone that was working at the party was here. So Graham and I thought we'd get changed. We went back up to our bedroom and put the Halloween jocks back on with some old style leather sandals. And walked back down. When we went into the backyard. I noticed everyone had on the Halloween jocks. They liked them, but told us they were a little tight. We told everyone we had ordered them that way on purpose.

The bar looked perfect. With the bottles lined up behind the styrofoam stones. The two stone lined boxes were full of ice and one of our ice machines was concealed behind the two boxes. The buffet looked really authentic with the cauldrons. It looked like everything was ready to go. I had been doing a little scheming and planning and I hoped my idea would work out. Time would tell.

Soon our friends started arriving. They were able to park in the empty lot not too far from our house. I had the same guard working the front gate with his guest list. He knew the routine.

There were some surprises. Anthony and Roland came, they were staying at the hotel. Kendrick and John came from the Bahamas. Brock managed to make it. And then the rest of of our friends. I made sure to talk to our friends that had come a long distance. They told me this party was fantastic. I saw Rick, one of our new friends and introduced him around to everyone that was at the party. I left him with a group of people he was talking with. I then spotted Andy and did the same. Introduced him around to all of our friends and left Rick for last. I then introduced Andy to Rick and told Andy that Rick was one of our new friends also. I then left Andy and Rick together. So they could get acquainted. I saw my brother and Jarvis and talked with them. Reggie told me they had their overnight bags upstairs in the second master bedroom. I told him perfect. As far as I knew, they were the only ones staying overnight.

The drinks were flowing good. Everyone was eating from the buffet and appetizers. I saw small groups of friends talking together and mingling around. The party looked like it was going well.

It started to get dusk. So Graham and I started turned on the battery powered candles in the pumpkins and the hanging candles. The candles gave a nice glow and weren't too bright.

I walked over to talk to Preston and Holden. I thanked Preston for his help. He said he was getting ready to announce the entertainment starting soon.

End of Chapter 21 - Halloween

Chapter 22 - Coming Soon

If you would like to see the characters in the story, please read "My Alphabet Friends," and there are photos of characters at the end of each chapter I will be adding some of the new characters from this series. However, due to some problems, the photos are not working at this time. I will be revising and editing all the chapters in My Alphabet Friends when I finish this series. And then the photos will appear.

Your comments and suggestions are always welcome. I answer all emails I receive. I ask that you please put Nifty or the title of the story in the subject line. Then I'll know it's not spam. I am already working on Chapter 22. I hope you enjoy my story as much as I like writng it. Please email me at:

Next: Chapter 22

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