Bob's Holidays

By Francis Scott

Published on Sep 18, 2023


Bob's Holidays Chapter 20

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The following story is a work of fiction from the authors mind. It contains adult situations between consenting adults. If this offends you and is illegal in your area, WHY ARE YOU HERE? Any similarities to actual people or events is purely coincidental. This story does not promote safe sex. Please practice safe sex at all times. Don't put your life or someone else's in jeopardy.

If you haven't read my story, "My Alphabet Friends," I would recommend doing so. All characters in this series are from My Alphabet Friends. There are pictures of the characters at the end of each chapter. However, at this time there is a problem with the pictures and I will be revising and editing My Alphabet Friends when I finish this series. You will find, My Alphabet Friends, in Gay/Adult Friends.

Bob's Holidays

By Francis Scott

Chapter 20 - Columbus Day

Graham and I went back to the pool. We were already missing Andy. Andy is such a nice guy. I hope he can find someone that will really appreciate him.

We were watching Monday night football in the living room when my cell phone rang. It was Andy. "Hi bud, are you home?"

"Ive been back for a few minutes. Have everything unpacked and going around in jock. I thing you guys have me hooked on wearing a jock in the house when it's just me."

"Thanks for calling Andy. We miss you and were just talking about you."

"I hope you were only saying nice things about me?"

"There's nothing bad we can say about a really super nice guy."

"Thanks Bob. I better leave and relax here so I'm ready for work tomorrow."

"Ok. Andy. Thanks for calling and take care."

I told Graham that Andy had arrived home safely and he missed us. I told him we missed him too and wished him all the best.

It felt good to relax. Back to work tomorrow. We snuggled together on the couch watching a movie. We were both nodding off and Graham turned the tv off and we went upstairs to bed. We started making out but soon fell asleep.

Tuesday morning and back to work. I was thinking about my call from Millie yesterday and how excited she was. I think she meant Open House, even though in the excitement she said, Grand Opening. I was just glad she was excited and happy with her new house. No big deal. She said she would call when she had her Open House.

Graham and I got in a good workout with our friends. It was something we needed after eating the carnival food. Rick joined us and that seemed to make everyone happy. We got into a circle jerk and soon cum was flying all over everybody and the shower walls. We managed to rinse the cum down the drain. It was fun drying each other off. We got dressed and walked upstairs for breakfast. Cindy had the outdoor patio table ready for us. It felt like another warm day. We ate our breakfast quick. All of us were running a few minutes late. We gave Cindy a quick kiss on the cheek and we got into a group hug and kiss in the garage and left for work in a hurry.

I knew I would be working late. I had two make up physicals from last Thursday when I worked a half day. I didn't mind. The two physicals would finish the volunteer workers. I sent their results to their respective bosses.

Graham and I agreed to meet at the diner. This would be Millie's first day back to work. We wanted to talk to her and I'm sure she had plenty to tell us.

My morning went fast. And soon I was walking to the diner. It was hot out again. Like when we were at the carnival. I was glad to get inside the air conditioned diner. The cool air felt good. Graham hadn't made it yet, but I was sure he would soon be here. Millie came over as soon as she saw me sit at my favorite table. "Good to see you back at the diner Millie."

"I'm glad to be back. And the boss is glad I'm back to work. I have a couple of orders to serve. I have some pictures on my cell phone of the new house I want you to see. Millie got the photos ready on her phone. And I asked her to bring me a black coffee.

I looked at the photos of her new house. She had really decorated it nice. I noticed some new knick knacks I hadn't seem before. She might have had them boxed. Her furniture looked perfect in her house. She really had some nice pieces of furniture. The kitchen looked perfect with her copper pans hanging above the kitchen island. She had the office all set up. And she had a couple of pictures on the wall and a small filing cabinet. I really liked the photos and I wanted Graham to see them.

Millie brought my coffee over and asked me if I liked the photos. "You really have your home nicely furnished. The knick knacks really put the finishing touches on."

"I found an exclusive boutique in the strip mall and they had some perfect pieces for my home."

I saw Graham walk in and he walked over and gave Millie a peck on the cheek. She told Graham that I had some photos for him to look at. Graham ordered a black coffee and we both ordered the special. Graham thought Millie had her new home decorated nice. We weren't into the real girly stuff, but Millie had good taste and everything seemed to fit the decor.

While Graham finished looking at the photos, Millie brought our lunch. "What do you boys think? Did I do okay decorating my new house?"

"We think you did an excellent job Millie. You have good taste and everything looks good."

Millie took her phone and told us she needed to get busy. We paid the bill and we each gave Millie a tip. She told us that didn't need a tip after all they we did for her. "The tip for was for good service."

I saw Millie smiling when we left the diner. I told Graham I would be later tonight getting home. I had some make up physicals to do after our half day of work on Thursday.

We kissed in the parking lot and I watched Graham leave. When he was out of sight, I walked back to the clinic.

My afternoon went fast and soon I was doing the last two physicals. These guys were beefy and my favorite type for doing physicals. They were both leaking by the time I finished their prostate exams. When I did the check for abnormalities on their balls. They were leaking like a faucet. I wanted to take their nice sized cocks into my mouth suck out and lick off that precum. But I kept everything professional. One of them I think wanted to do more, but was too shy to make the first move. I saw a wedding ring on his finger and I think that was holding him back.

My last physical left and I went to my office to do their physical forms and get them emailed. It took a bit of time. My computer was running slow. A slow internet connection today. I managed to finally get the second report done and emailed. I checked the clinic and set the alarm and went out the back door to my SUV.

I noticed the time in my SUV and it was going on six. I didn't think it was that late. I hoped Graham had dinner ready. I sure didn't feel like warming anything.

I arrived home and Graham's car was in the garage. I figured he would get home before me. I walked into the kitchem with some great smells. I walked up behind Graham and hugged him. He turned and we kissed and he hugged me back. "You look tired babe?"

"Maybe a little. I'll get changed and be right back down."

"No the food can wait. I'll go upstairs with you and help you out of your clothes."

We walked arm in arm up the stairs. And as Graham promised he helped me out of my clothes. Of course, I was rock hard in my boxers after doing those last two physicals. Graham slowly pulled my boxers down and off and pushed me back on the side of the bed. He got between my legs and gave me a wonderful blowjob. As horny as I was, it didn't take me long to give my man a big load of fresh cum. Graham gulped it down and said now it was time for the main course.

We walked together downstairs. We were both naked and just wearing some flip flops. Graham told me to take a seat at the breakfast nook. He already had the breakfast nook table set. He set the warmed food on the table. It was homemade spaghetti with meat balls. Graham took the block of parmesan cheese out of the frig and then grabbed a grater from a kitchen drawer. He grated fresh parmesan cheese on top of our spaghetti. This was a good dinner with a fresh green salad. I ate a big plate full of the spaghetti. Graham had seconds.

Graham told me go ahead and relax and he would join me after he got everything put away. I went into the living to catch the last of the news and weather. They finally had some rain in the forecast. I would have to see to believe it.

While I was waiting for Graham my cell phone rang. It was the star's manager. "Hi Bob, how you guys doing? We're getting anxious to visit and get some R & R."

"Hey there, good to hear from you. You have any idea when you'll be able to visit?"

"That's why I'm calling. The star has had a delay. The next headliner after the star has been sick. So the star has been working longer than expected to fill in for the next headliner. It looks like he'll be working at least to the end of this month, depending on how the next headliner is feeling. I just wanted to give you the latest news. As it gets closer to a specific date, I'll give you a call so we can get all the arrangements done."

"Ok. That sounds good. We are looking forward to the both of you visiting. It's been a long time. Just keep me posted when you get some specific information. And thanks for calling. Always good to hear from you."

Graham walked down and I told him about my conversation with the star's manager. That's good for me. The longer the better. I couldn't take any time off from work right now. "Your right. I couldn't either. The longer the better."

I grabbed the newspaper and Graham poured us each a glass of refreshment and we walked down to the pool. I was looking through the paper and I notice a big spread for the Amusment Park. It was supposed to be having it's Grand Opening the next weekend. I asked Graham if he knew about the Grand Opening and he told he hadn't heard anything. "Are we going to go?"

"I suppose we should. Even though I don't really like Amusement Parks or carnivals. I think they would like our presence there. We still have our special passes? Right?"

"Yup. I have them tucked away in my dresser drawer."

It was a nice evening to be by the pool. It had cooled down in the evening. I wanted to check the last news and weather and see if we were still supposed to get some rain. That would really cool it down.

We laid tight together. It felt good feeling Graham's naked warm body next to me. We finished our refreshment and reading the newspaper and went up to the living room. Graham put our glasses in the dishwasher and I put the newspaper on the coffee table and turned on the tv.

I found a movie to watch while we waiting for the late news and weather. It was an okay movie. Nothing great. But it managed to keep our attention. We were curled up together on the couch watching the movie. The movie ended just before the late news.The news came on and then the weather. The weatherman was forecasting rain. He said a front was moving in and possibly as soon as tomorrow evening we might be getting some rain. And he said he expected the front to stay over our area. It wasn't moving.

Wednesday at lunch time at the diner, I got a call from Mabel. She said business was great and she was loving having her own restaurant. She asked when we were going to be coming over for lunch or dinner? I told her I'd talk it over with Graham and then make dinner reservations. Mabel told me all the staff knew about us. So as soon as I gave my name they would make reservations for us. No questions asked. I told Mabel to expect us soon.

Graham came into the diner and I told him about Mabel's phone call. He told me we should make reservations for Friday evening. Since we work a half day. We have time to rest before going to dinner. I liked that idea and I told Graham on Thursday I'd call and make dinner reservations for Friday evening.

I hadn't seen Millie at the dinner. I was hoping everything was okay. Soon I saw her come flying out of the kitchen with her hands and arms loaded with lunch orders. The diner was fairly busy. She handed out lunch to some of the people in attendance. She spotted us and came over and we ordered our regular black coffee and the special. She told us she was busy and sorry she didn't have time to talk.

Millie brought our lunch and then took off. The diner was filling up and Millie was really busy. We finished our lunch and paid the billd and gave Millie a tip. She waved to us as we left the diner.

Graham had told me during lunch he would be working late. Which was unusual on a Thursday. He told the weather had delayed a client that he and Preston would be meeting with.

I would get dinner ready for my man when he got home.

Cindy was gone when I got home. So it was just me, myself and I at home. I went upstairs and got changed into a jock. Grabbed the daily paper, poured myself a glass of some good fruit punch and walked down to the pool. I should go up to the sunroom, but I didn't feel like it. I was reading over the paper when my cell phone rang. It was Rick. "Hi Rick, what's up?"

"Nothing at the moment until I heard your voice. Now I'm rock hard."

"Send me a photo. Like to see that."

"Ok. I can do that."

In seconds I heard my phone chirp and I had received a message. There was Rick's cock in all it's erect glory. Damn it looked tasty. "Thanks for the pic. So what's on your mind?"

"I was wondering if you and Graham would like some company this weekend? I have a weekend off for a change with nothing planned."

"Sounds good to me. Graham isn't home yet. He's working late. But we'd love to have you spend the weekend with us. We will be going to the Grand Opening of the Amusement Park and you can go with us."

"Sound good. I get off work early on Friday and thought I'd come over after I get off work. Which will be around five. Five thirty at the lastest."

"We'll be waiting for you. Be nice to see you again. I'm looking at the photo you sent me. You look real good."

I heard Rick chuckling. "I need to get back to work. I'm break. Will see you guys tomorrow between five and five thirty."

"We look forward to it Rick. Ciao."

I know Graham will like Rick being here this weekend. I was hoping to have a weekend with just Graham and me. But Rick is such an easy going guy. It will be fun and a pleasure to have him here. I'll tell Cindy tomorrow morning to get a guest room freshened.

The air was starting to feel a little cooler. I could see some dark clouds in the distant. Hopefully, we could get some rain and cool things down.

I got up and went to the kitchen to refill my glass with fruit punch. I heard the garage door and knew Graham had come home. Soon the kitchen door opened and my husband came in. We hugged and kissed. And said he was glad we had a garage. It was starting to mist and it felt a lot cooler.

I told Graham to go change and I would get dinner ready. I went outside to grab the paper and my towel. I didn't want them getting wet. It was misting and seemed almost like a light rain. It was definitely cooler outside. I checked the temperature and it had dropped almost twenty degrees. It felt like it.<

I put the paper on the coffee table and my robe over one of the kitchen island chairs and started getting dinner warmed. It looked like a standing rib roast. We hadn't eaten one of those in a long time. Mabel also had a fresh garden salad and a variety of steamed vegetables. Also, I saw some homemade dinner rolls in the frig and grabbed them and zapped them in the microwave.

I got the breakfast nook table set and heard Graham coming down the stairs. He had put on a jock also. And looked just as hot and sexy as always. He asked me if I needed any help and I told him it was just about finished. I told him to take a seat. I put everything on the table. I had cut the standing rib roast into individual pieces. The prime rib looked pretty big.

We served ourselves and enjoyed our dinner. Graham ate all of his prime rib and half of another one. Besides a couple of dinner rolls and two helpings of the vegetables. I guess meetings made Graham hungry.

We finished a delicious dinner and I told Graham about Rick's call. Graham looked like he had mixed reactions to Rick coming. "Is everything ok babe. I told Rick it was okay with us to come over for the weekend."

"It's ok. Rick is a cool guy. I was just hoping to have a weekend for the two of us."

"I know. I felt that same way too. But Rick sounded so anxious to come over I couldn't say no. And how often do we say no to our friends?"

"Your right babe. We never refuse our friends and always try to make them feel welcome. It will be okay. We have all of tomorrow afternoon for each other before Rick comes."

"We can have this delicious roast for dinner tomorrow night. I can eat prime rib two days in a row."

"Me too. It was really good."

Graham helped me put everything away and it was raining outside now. We went into the living room and Graham turned the tv on so we could watch the early evening news and weather.

We sat tight to each other with an arm around each other. Graham had grabbed himself a cold beer and I finished my fruit punch. The news was a repeat of what was in the daily paper. I was more interested in the weather.

The weatherman came on and said the front was slowly moving into the area and would hang in this area for a few days. They didn't predict any storms, just a steady rain and cooler temperatures.

We went up to the sunroom after the news and weather. You could hear the rain hitting the glass ceiling. But it didn't look windy outside. The birds were a little agitated. They could sense weather changes. They seemed to calm down a little when Graham and I talked to them. And I turned up the background music and them that seemed to relax them.

Graham turned on our big flat screen in the sunroom and checked the sports channels. A college football game was coming on. I asked Graham if wanted anything to drink and eat. He told me he would take another beer, but was full after a big dinner. I got up and grabbed Graham a beer and put it into a chilled glass for him. I grabbed myself a chilled bottled water and we watched the game get underway.

The game was good. It was two teams we didn't follow. But they played a good game. During half time I put some unsalted mixed nuts in a little bowl for us to munch on. I put a few in the birds food dishes and they really dug into the nuts. Graham said the nuts tasted good with his beer.

The game went into overtime and one team won in a squeaker by two points. We enjoyed the game and told the birds good night. I left the background music turned up. I could still hear the rain hitting the glass roof. I thought it would help the birds stay calm.

We walked down to our bedroom and in seconds we were in a hot sixty nine. We had each other's hard cocks down our throats. Were busy fingering each other's holes and soon we were blasting out a big load in each other's mouths and throats. We slowly pulled out and cleaned each other off. And in just a couple of minutes we were sound asleep.

We woke up Friday morning to the alarm. We groggily got out of bed and made our way downstairs to workout. Most of the guys were already there. We didn't see Rick. He probably was putting in an early shift. All of us were running late. So we took a quick shower. Dried each other off got dressed and went upstairs for breakfast. We ate breakfast in the formal dining room. We got into a group hug and kiss in the garage and we all left for work.

I was glad we worked a half day on Fridays. Graham was too. We agreed to eat lunch at the diner. I had made dinner reservations at Mabel's Restaurant for three and there wasn't any problems.

I saw Graham's car parked in front of the diner and I pulled in next to his car. I walked in and Graham was at our favorite table. He was already eating. He must have been hungry. He told me Mabel had mu lunch ready and my coffee. She was just waiting for me to arrive. Graham knew I liked the special for today.

Millie spotted me and brought my lunch and a cup of black coffee. She said she had more picture to look at when she had a couple of minutes.

I rememebered I still had Rick's picture on my phone. I pulled my phone out and brought up the photo and handed it to Graham. "Remember him?"

"How could I forget. How did you get this photo?"

"Rick sent it to me when he called and asked about coming over this weekend."

We were finishing our lunch when Millie came over and took a seat. "Let me show you some more pictures of the house and see what you guys think."

Millie handed her phone to me first and she had put up some hanging flower baskets in the outside patio. She had some large potted plants in the living room and the hallway. "What do you think?"

"I think it looks nice Millie. It adds some color and fills in the the space nice." I handed the phone over to Graham so he could look. Graham agreed with me and told Millie basically the same thing I had said. "I'm starting to get things organized for my Open House. You two will be the first people I call."

"We can't wait Millie. It will be nice to see your finished home and how you've completed the decorating."

"I better get back to work before the boss gets on my case."

"Thanks for showing us the photos." We paid Millie before she left the table and gave her a tip.

We got into our cars and drove home. I arrived just before Graham and we parked in the garage. Thank god for an attached garage in this rain. It was raining hard enough that if you were outside you'd get drenched. There was no wind, but temperature had dropped considerably with the rain. It was actually cool outside. Graham and I had worn light coats to work.

We went upstairs and took our work clothes off. We decided to rest for a bit before Rick came.

We spread out naked on the bed and soon dozed off. We had had a lot going on and a rest was needed.

I woke up and Graham was still sleeping. I quietly got out of bed. It was a little after five and I expected Rick anytime. I would let Graham sleep until Rick arrived.

I put a robe on and went downstairs. The A/C wasn't coming on that much with the cooler weather outside. It was a nice comfortable seventy two inside. I didn't like it any cooler than that inside. It wasn't healthy.

I was looking for something in the frig. I had no idea what I was looking for. We weren't going for dinner until seven. So I had plenty of time. I found some refreshment way to the back of the frig. I smelled it and it smelled okay. I poured myself a glass and that finished the pitcher of refreshment.

I went into the living room and I could see rain on the sliding glass doors to the patio. I turned on the tv and started watching a movie. I heard footsteps coming down the stairs. I looked back and saw Graham rubbing his eyes. "What time is it?"

"It's just after five thirty. Shouldn't Rick be here?"

"He told me he thought between five and five thirty. But maybe he had to work later."

Then I heard the speaker and opened the gate for Rick. I went into the garage and opened a stall for him. So he didn't have to park outside in the rain. It was raining hard out and maybe that slowed him down.

I watched him get out of his car and I couldn't stop staring. He was wearing tight leather pants and a shirt that tightly hugged his chest. The pants didn't leave anything to the imagination. I could see the outline of his cock down the leg left of his tight leather pants. He took an overnight bag out of the back of his car and walked up to the kitchen door. We hugged and kissed and I told him he was looking good.

"I'm sorry for getting here a little late. The traffic was slow in the heavy rain."

"No problem. Come on in. Graham has been waiting for you."

We walked in and Graham came over and gave Rick a hug and kiss. And told him it was good to see him. I saw Graham staring at Rick and I knew what he was looking at.

We took Rick upstairs to our bedroom and he started unpacking. He told he was going to get comfortable, liked us.

Graham and I almost in unison told him to wait. We had dinner reservations for seven at a new restaurant. And we told him to keep the same clothes on.

We walked back downstairs once Rick had finished putting everything away. Graham and I still had our robes on and we took a seat on the sofa. With Graham and me on each side of Rick. Graham turned the tv on and the same movie was playing that I started watching earlier.

I thought I noticed Rick's cock bigger than when he first got to the house. It looked longer and thicker. But I wasn't going to do anything right now. We'd soon be leaving for dinner.

I checked the time and told Graham I thought we should get ready to go. Rick asked us if he could join us. He wanted to watch us get ready for dinner.

I turned off the tv and we all went upstairs. Rick sat on a chair in our bedroom and watched Graham and me drop our robes and hang them up. We were both naked under our robes. Rick looked like he was licking his lips. We got some dress clothes out of the closet and started getting dressed. I was being a little tease and giving Rick a show while I put my clothes on. I had moved close to him. Graham had a smile on his face when he saw what I was doing. I saw Rick rubbing his crotch a couple of times and adjusting himself.

Graham and I were dressed and we asked Rick if he approved. He told us we looked ready for dinner.

I drove us to Mabel's restaurant. Rick thought it looked nice from the outside. He looked like it was packed. It was raining hard out so we made a quick trip to the front door. Thankfully there was an awning over the front door and that kept the rain off us. We all thought we should have worn a light jacket. The rain was keeping it cool outside.

The hostess opened the door for us and asked me for my name. I told her my name and she escorted us to a reserved table. She thanked us for coming to the restaurant. And told us our waiter would be here shortly. I noticed the hostess eyeing up Rick along with many patrons, men and women in the restaurant. Rick was very attractive and with what he wearing he was leaving very little to the imagination.

Soon our waiter came over. He looked young. Probably just started university and trying to pick up some extra money. The hostess also was young looking. He asked us if we would like a drink before we had our dinner. I ordered a scotch and water on the rocks and Graham and Rick both ordered a tap beer. The waiter said he would be right back with our beverages.

While we waited on our drinks, it gave us time to look around. I was glad to see the restaurant full and it looked like they had people waiting. The fresh flowers on our table was a nice touch. And the dark yellow candles gave off a nice glow and smelled like mango. Rick liked the decor. He said this was the first time he had been in such a nice restaurant with yellow as the main color. But he said he liked it and gave a nice atmosphere to the restaurant. I was wondering if Mabel knew we were at her restaurant.

The waiter brought our beverages and I asked him if Mabel had a couple of minutes to talk to us. He said he would tell her that we were here and be right back.

We clinked our glasses together and said, "cheers." Our waiter came back and told us Mabel would be out in a couple of minutes to talk to us. We thanked him told him we would wait a few minutes on our dinner.

Soon I saw Mabel come out of the kitchen's swinging doors and walked over to our table. She sat down in the empty chair at our table. "It's so nice to see you guys here and whose is this handsome man?"

We introduced Rick to Mabel, the owner of the restaurant. She was gushing all over Rick. She made me think of Millie. I had never seen Mabel act this way. She finally composed herself and said, you can see how busy we are. So I don't have a lot of time to tal"k. It's been like this since we opened for lunch and dinner. And we keep getting more and more reservations and walkins. The chef and I are making a special dinner for you guys. I knew you were coming tonight. The hostess had told me. I better get back to the kitchen and I hope you guys like your special dinner and it was very nice meeting you Rick and your always welcome."

Rick thanked Mabel and so did Graham and me. I was wondering what our special dinner would be.

Soon our waiter came back and asked us if we would like a refill and we told him coffee for me and Graham and Rick ordered another tap beer. As soon as I bring your beverages I will be bringing out your dinner. I see my light came on and I assume it's your dinner.

The waiter came back with our drinks and then left for the counter to the kitchen. I saw him walk over with a big covered tray. He set our table first and then set the big tray down in the center with some smaller trays of side dishes. He took the cover off the big tray and it was prime rib. The rib was lean with very little fat and our side dishes were vegetables and a dinner salad. He told us to enjoy our dinner and left us.

We served ourselves. Graham and Rick took the two biggest prime rib and I took the medium sized one that was left. It was good and tender. The salad was fresh and the vegetables had been steamed. We finished our dinner and the waiter cleared the table and asked us if we would like dessert. Graham and Rick asked the waiter what they had for dessert. They both had apple pie with ice cream. I ordered a black coffee for me as well as Graham and Rick.

I sat back watched Graham and Rick eat their dessert. I just shook my head. I didn't know how they could eat so much. Finally they finished dessert and the waiter came back and asked us if we would like anything else. We told him just the bill. He gave me a funny look and said the meal was on the the house. I told the waiter to thank Mabel for us on an excellent dinner. We all gave the waiter a tip and then we left.

When we got into the SUV Rick sat in front with me and Graham sat behind me. I asked Graham about the new parking ramp. And he said if I looked to my left I would see it under construction. He said the mayor agreed to have a walkway from the ramp to Mabel's cafe. That was a wonderful idea.

I took off for home and we talked about our delicious dinner. Rick was impressed with the restaurant and said he was going to be a regular customer. He didn't like cooking.

We got home and it was still raining heavy. We got out and walked into the kitchen. "Since we can't relax outside, how about if we go to the sunroom?"

All of us walked up to our bedroom and started getting changed. I asked Rick if he needed help getting out of his tight clothes. He said he could manage, but never refused help.

Graham and I were already stripped and we walked over to Rick. Graham helped Rick get out of his tight shirt while I worked on Rick's skin tight leather pants. I managed to get the top button undone and then pulled the zipper down. He was going commando, which caused my cock to twitch. I saw Graham working to get his shirt off. I managed to pull his pants down a little at a time. But it was going slow. I asked him how he managed to get these pants on. He said it wasn't easy. He had to lay down on the bed to get them on. I finally was able to get his pants below his cock and big hanging balls. His cock hit me in the face a couple of times while I worked on his pants. Once I had his pants down to his thighs, it started going easier and faster. And soon I was pulling his pants off. His big cock was semi hard and had a big gob of precum on the slit. I licked it off and I felt him shudder and twitch.

We put some flip flops on and walked together up to the sunroom. While we were walking to the sunroom. Rick asked Graham and me if we could take a sauna later. He saidit had been years since he took a sauna and really like it. We both told him sure.

We entered the sunroom and you could see and hear the rain coming down and hitting the glass ceiling. The birds were a little agitated and Rick started talking to them. Graham and I moved a couple of loungers together. Rick came over and laid down in the middle between Graham and me. We started kissing and feeling each other up.

Making out was fun with Rick. He was good kisser and liked everything like Graham and me. I was feeling over Rick's big cock and balls while Graham was busy kissing Rick and then moving to his ears and neck. Then I saw Graham kissing nibbling and biting on his Rick's nips. Feeling his chest and abs. I started sucking on Rick's big cock. It was getting hard and thick in my throat. I kept playing with his balls.

I thought I had Rick's cock wet enough and I got up and sat down on Rick's cock. My hole slowly opened and I felt the head pop in. I waited a moment and then started slowly sliding down his big shaft.

I saw Graham move around and straddle Rick's chest and was feeding Rick his hard cock. I could hear Rick slurping and sucking on Graham's cock. I had all of Rick's big cock up my hole. It full good and full. Graham had his back to me and I motioned him to lean forward a little. Once Graham did that I was able to slide my cock into his waiting hole. His hole took my cock without any resistance.

We all got a good rhythm going and you could hear a lot of skin slapping together. We were turned on and it didn't take us long to cum. Graham came first filling Rick's mouth and throat. I heard Rick swallow Graham's load. Graham's hole instinctively constricted on my cock and I was filling his hole with a big load. My hole constricted on Rick's cock and I heard him grunt and moan and his cock thickened and hardened in my throat and I felt him shoot out hard blasts of cum hitting the back of my throat. We were exhausted after our sexual fun and laid back panting for air. We finally got back to some regular breathing. I got up and the guys a cold beer and a cold bottle of water for me.

They thanked me for the beer and we just laid and enjoyed the cool liquid. We didn't really say much. We watched the rain coming down and hitting the glass ceiling.

I told Graham to turn on the tv and put the weather channel on. The forecast was more of the same. A steady rain with no end in sight. He said the front was stationary and not moving with the cooler air.

The outside temperature was staying in the sixties during the day and low sixties at night.

We finished our beverages and decided to go downstairs and take a sauna. Graham turned on the radiator to start getting the sauna and water warm. I grabbed some towels for us from the lockerroom and put them in the sauna. We played some pinball while we were waiting on the sauna. Rick told us he got horny in a sauna. The hot steam did it to him every time. Graham and I started smiling. "What you guys smiling about?"

"The same thing happens to us to. We get horny in the sauna."

"It should be an interesting time in the sauna then," said Rick.

Graham checked the sauna and told us it was ready. We walked in and sat up on the top bench where I had the towels laid out. I was next to the radiator and turned the water on to make steam. I did it a few times and you could see the steam rising off the hot rocks.

We laid back against the wall with our legs spread and letting the steam hit us. We were sweating like crazy and I could see Graham and Rick were semi hard. I wasn't far behind them.

I turned the radiator on and made more steam. Laid back and closed my eyes. Letting the steam do it's work and clean my pores. I soon felt a big hand grab my cock and slow stroke me. I peeked out and saw it was Rick and he was doing the same thing to Graham. I slowly reached over and grabbed Rick's hard cock. I felt Graham's hand move over too. As big as Rick's cock was. His cock could take both of our hands. Soon we were all slow stroking each. It felt good in the hot steam. I knew I wouldn't hold back long and I told Rick I was going to cum soon. He bent down and gobbled up my load and swallowed it down. Graham soon told Rick the same thing. And he did the same to Graham. Both Graham and I bent down and put our lips on the thick head of Rick's cock and licked and sucked on it. He groaned loud and shot out another big load into both of our mouths.

I checked the timer and told them we had about ten minutes left. So we just laid them and absorbed some more steam.

Soon time was up and I turned the radiator off. We wiped off the sweat with the towels and walked out of the sauna and into the lockerroom to take a shower. Graham got the water going and we all walked in and washed each other. I think we all kissed more than cleaned each other. We rinsed off and walked out and dried each other off. Put our flip flops on and walked upstairs to our bedroom.

We were tired after our two sexual interludes and Graham and I made a Rick sandwich with me behind him and my cock stretched out over his hole. Graham was facing Rick on the front and they had their big cocks laying together. And that was how we fell asleep.

All of us woke up about the same time. We were going to the Grand Opening at the Amusement park today. I was wondering how that would go with the rain. We crawled out of bed with big morning woodies. We relieved ourselves and then went downstairs to make breakfast. I started pulling things out of the frig and Rick started cooking. While Graham set the breakfast nook table. Graham and I helped Rick and soon we had our breakfast ready. We were hungry and it didn't take long for all the food disappear. We put everything away and thought we'd go upstairs and be lazy until we needed to get ready to go.

Graham and I spit roasted Rick and then we spit roasted each other. We were laying on the bed gasping and panting for air.

We thought we should get ready to go. We all climbed into the shower. Rick liked our shower setup with all the jets and shower heads. Graham got them all going on massage. I thought Rick was going to cum again. He was ooooowing and aaaaaahing with all the jets hitting him. We finished washing each other and then dried each other off. We thought we should wear something warmer today with the cooler weather.

We got out some corduroy pants and a heavy shirt to wear. Rick had some heavy duty slacks to wear and a nice looking flannel shirt. He had also brought a light jacket. We got out a couple of light jackets from the closet and soon we were ready to go. I asked Graham if he had our special passes and he patted his front shirt pocket. We climbed into my SUV and I drove us over to the Amusement Park. You could tell it was bigger and there were a lot of cars in the big parking lot. I saw a couple of shuttles taking people to the main entrance.

It was raining, but didn't ssem as hard as the last couple of days. More of a heavy mist. I found a good parking spot not too far from the main entrance. I turned off the SUV and I saw a shuttle pull up next to my SUV we got out quickly and into the shuttle and were driving to the main entrance. The main entrance was covered so we didn't get wet getting out of the shuttle.

There was a small line while we waited to enter. Graham had our special entrance passes in his hand. We got up to the ticket window and Graham showed our passes. The lady asked for our names. She said she had new special passes for us. She said we could bring two guests with these passes and everything was paid for. Food games rides shops and the two hotels. We thanked her and took our special passes and told her Rick was our guest. As soon as we entered, I noticed all the walkways were covered. That helped with the rain coming down.

Graham had been given a map at the entrance. So we all looked over the map. There was a big red x at the main entrance. We decided to go left and slowly make our way around. We came to some games. We showed our special passes and we played some ring toss. Threw baseballs and flipped coins. Threw darts at balloons. And had fun. We won some games and lost on most of them. We noticed a lot of people. Mostly families with their kids. We told Rick he could be our kid. "Very funny," he said.

We then came to some shops and we started going into them and see if we found anything of interest for us or our families. Nothing caught our eye. But we knew there were many shops spread out through the park. I noticed everything in the shops was half price and I noticed half price signs all over. I was wondering if that was a special for the Grand Opening.

It was going on lunch time and I checked the map and told the guys which way we needed to go to come to some food stands and restaurants. We decided to walk over to one of the hotels and eat in one of their restaurants. I assumed the hotel restaurants were open to the public and not for just hotel guests.

It took us awhile to walk to one of the hotels since they were on the far edge of the park. We were really hungry by the time we arrived. The misty rain had stopped. But it was still cloudy.

We walked into the lobby of one of the hotels. It was very well designed and laid out. It looked similar to the lobby at our hotel only larger. We saw some signs and noticed one pointed the way to a restaurant. We walked down a long wide hallways. With doors on each side. We came to the restaurant and a hostess opened the door for us. We showed her our special passes and she escorted us to a table. She told us our waitress would be right with us.

I saw the hostess talk to our waitress. Probably about our special passes. The waitress came to our table and welcomed us to the Amusement Park and was hoping we were having a good time. We told her we were enjoying ourselves. She asked us if we wanted something to drink. We all ordered a beer. She told us she would be right back with our beverages.

I thought this was a good time to check the weather on my cell phone. I didn't like the way it was looking outside. It was very calm, but very dark clouds moving in. The weather came on, on my cell phone. It said they had alerts out for our area. A possible tornado might be forming in our area. All the conditions were right for a strong tornado. I told the guys about the alert. They said we would eat our lunch and then see what the conditions looked like outside and then decide if we were going to stay or leave.

The waitress came with our beverages and I showed her the weather alert on my phone. She thanked me for mentioning the alert to her and was going to talk to her supervisor. She told us they had a buffet set up or we could eat off the menu. We all agreed to eat off the buffet. She said we were welcome to help ourselves as soon as we wanted.

We got up and walked over to the buffet. We each took a dinner plate and got in line. The buffet was huge with everything you could imagine. Graham and Rick had their plates heaped. I had some roast beef with mashed potatoes and gravy and corn. I also prepared a salad and then walked back to the table. Graham and Rick were trying to prepare a salad with their dinner plate in one hand. Finally they came back to the table and set their dinner plates on the table and went back to fix their salad.

While they were preparing their salads, the waitress came back to the table and thanked me again for the weather alert. She told that no tornadoes had been spotted. But if a tornado was spotted the supervisors would notify the guests in the park.

I started eating my lunch. I wasn't going to wait all day for Graham and Rick. The finally made it back to the table, with a huge salad. I didn't know how they could get so much on a plate.

We enjoyed our lunch and I told the guys what the waitress had told me. We still agreed to check the weather when we finished our lunch and decide what we wanted to do. We still had tomorrow to visit the park.

Lunch was good. My roast beef was tender and had good flavor. Graham and Rick had roast chicken with stuffing and a large piece of ham. They also had many different salads on their dinner plates. Salad was good. They didn't have our favorite dressing so we settled for a combination of french and thousand island. We finished our dinner and the waitress came over and we ordered coffee and a fresh danish for dessert.

Coffee was good and the danish melted in your mouth. I wanted to try something to see if what we were told at the main entrance was correct. I asked the waitress for the bill. She gave me a funny look and told us our meals were on the house. We had special passes and everything was paid for. We thanked her for an excellent lunch and we walked outside.

All of us walked to a more open area where we could get a good look at the sky. I didn't see any funnels, but it was still calm and the temperature had risen. It was very dark out. We looked at each other and finally we decided to leave and not take any chances. Hopefully, the weather would change before tomorrow and we could enjoy all day at the park tomorrow.

If the weather changed later we could always come back.

We used the map to walk to the main entrance. The girl working asked us if we were leaving already. We told her we didn't want to take any chances with the weather. Once the weather changed we would be back.

She thanked us for coming and hoped we came back again soon. A shuttle bus was waiting for us at the main entrance. I remembered the general area where I parked and he drove over there. I told him the Lincoln Navigator. He stopped and we got and got into my SUV. The weather was definitely warmer out. And with our warm clothes I put the A/C on in the SUV. A change from when we came to the Amusement Park and I had the heat on low.

As I got further into town we could here air raid sirens going. A storm must be on its way. I parked in the garage and we got out and went into the kitchen. I went in and turned on the tv to the weather channel. We all sat together on the couch. The weatherman said a tornado had been spotted and was moving towards our town. I went out to the backyard, but couldn't see a funnel cloud. It was dark and calm, no wind. But I knew that could change fast.

We were warm with these heavy clothes on. So we went upstairs and changed into jocks. Wow, did Rick look hot with a jock on. The straps made his bubble butt stand out. The pouch barely contained his big cock and balls. Graham and I put white sport jocks on. We didn't even come close to the way Rick looked. But he told us we both looked hot.

We went back downstairs again and sat in front of the tv watching the weather. No change, so we thought we'd go down to the pool. We would know if the weather was changing if we were outside. I looked up again but didn't see anything. Just dark black clouds.

I grabbed us all a beer. I thought a cold beer might relax us a bit. I prepared three chilled glasses of beer and brought them over to Graham and Rick. The beer tasted good in this warm weather. This was my second beer and my limit.

I suddenly felt a strong gust of wind. I got up from the lounger and walked around but didn't seen anything out of the ordinary. Still just a dark sky and calm. I told the guys I was going in for a couple of minutes and check the weather.

The weather map showed the path of the tornado. It was headed right for our town and should start getting some wind soon. They couldn't predict where it would touch down. In town, or out of town. I was hoping out of town in some unpopulated rural area.

I walked back down to Graham and Rick and told them what the weatherman was forecasting. The safest place in the house would be in the lockerrom. It was cement blocked in and there was no place for the wind to come in. The only lighting was ceiling fluorescent lights. If we needed to take shelter.

We enjoyed our beer by the pool and still no wind at least in our area. I kept looking up and I was driving Graham and Rick crazy. "Bob there's nothing you can do if the storm hits. All we can do is take shelter and wait the storm out."

"I know. But being a doctor I'm concerned about people's safety and if I'd get called for emergency help."

Graham and Rick hadn't thought about that. We finished our beer and decided to go in and watch the weather some more on tv.

The weatherman had a better idea where the tornado would touch down. He said it was building and growing stronger and would touch down close to the state park on highway eight and then keep going west and south. That was only a slightly populated area. A couple of big farms and that was about it. I was more concerned about the state park and how hard it would be hit.

I told Graham I was calling Andy to see how he was doing and if he had any information about the tornado. I speed dialed Andy and he answered. "Hi Bob, how you and Graham doing. Has the storm hit your area?"

"No. This is why I'm calling. According to the local weather, the tornado is supposed to touch down close to the state park and then go west and south. How is everything where you are?"

"Nothing here. No wind. Just calm and dark out."

"That's the way it is here. If it starts getting nasty and the weather gets bad, drive over to our place if you can. It's supposed to miss us."

"Ok. I'll keep that in mind. We do have a fallout shelter here. So that should keep us safe if we need to use it. I better go here Bob. And make sure everyone is safe and knows where to go if the storm hits."

"Ok. Take care Andy and remember my offer."

The weather wasn't getting any better, but it wasn't getting any worse either. It was just staying dark warm and calm. No wind. I was surprised we had electricity. We all watched the weather and you could see the tornado where he was leaving a path. It looked like it just touched down past the state park and was going on their predicted path. West and south.

I didn't know if I should call Andy again. He was probably busy making sure everyone at the park was safe. It seemed the path of the tornado wouldn't affect anybody. It was going through fields and a wooded area. No families lived in that area. I was glad for that.

I asked the guys if we should go back to the Amusement Park. They looked at me like I was crazy. "I guess that means no. Should we all go back down to the pool and relax in the hot tub with the hot steamy water?"

Graham and Rick liked that idea and we walked out back and stripped off our jocks and crawled into the hot tub. I got the jets going and we laid back and relaxed. Of course the hot swirling water, was having the same effect as the hot steam in the sauna. We soon had hardons sticking out of the water.

We reached over and started stroking each other. Our eyes were closed and we were enjoying the feeling of being jerked off. Rick said he was getting close and I moved quickly between his legs and took his big cock down my throat in one fast gulp. He soon erupted into my mouth and throat. He deposited another big load down my throat. I licked him clean and then Graham said he was getting close and Rick sucked Graham off until Graham couldn't shoot out any more cum. He was drained. I announced I was ready and Rick was between my legs in a flash and sucking me off. I shot blast after blast of cum down Rick's throat.

"Well, that was enjoyable. I'm going to check the weather and maybe if you guys feel like it, we can make a return trip to the Amusement Park and eat dinner there."

"Go for it Bob and let us know what the forecast looks like."

I walked into the living and turned the tv on to the weather channel. The weatherman said the tornado was moving out and not a threat anymore. I didn't hear the air raid sirens anymore. He did say another cold rainy front was moving in and should be here by early evening.

I walked down and told the guys the forecast. "What do you want to do. Stay here? Or go back to the Amusement Park?"

Graham and Rick in unison said, "let's go back to the Amusement Park and have dinner there.

We went upstairs and got changed and took some light jackets with us in case the cold front hit while we were at the park.

All of us climbed into my SUV and soon we were on our way back to the Amusement Park. The shuttle bus waited for us to get out of the SUV and took us to the main entrance.

The same young girl was working the ticket booth at the main entrance. She remembered us and let us in. "You decided to come back?"

"Yes. The storm has moved out and thought we'd come back again for a little while."

"Glad to see you back. And here's a map of the park."

I thanked the young girl and we walked into the park. It didn't look as busy as before.

We took a different walkway. It was still warm and cloudy out. But we took our jackets with us, just in case.

We came to some more shops and looked around. Again, we didn't find anything that caught our eye. Maybe later. Graham and Rick went on a roller coaster and I watched. We then came to the water rides and I went on the same ride as before. The imitation log that went around like a roller coaster. I could handle that ride.

"That was fun," said Graham.

"It was a blast." I said.

"Come on Bob, enjoy yourself. That's what an Amusement Park is all about. Having fun."

I tried to act enthused, but I don't think I was very convincing. I was glad to see Graham having a good time. He deserved it. He worked long hours and came home tired some days. Graham needed this.

I could survive and pretend to enjoy myself. I did like walking around and visiting the shops and playing some of the games. It's the rides that aren't my thing.

We came to a huge fun house and we all went in. It was pretty crazy. I did enjoy that and Graham and Rick were glad to see me smiling.

As it got later in the afternoon, the weather was starting to cool down. We put our light jackets on and checked the map to find a restaurant close by where we could eat dinner.

We had a little distance to walk and then saw some food stands up ahead and knew there were a couple of restaurants. One was supposed to be a western style restaurant and the other a 50's bebop restaurant. Graham and Rick wanted to check out the western style restaurant. We walked in and it was rustic with pine log walls and ceiling. The decor was western. And the waiters and waitresses were dressed in western style shirts and jeans, with cowboy hats and boots.

There were playing country western music, which wasn't my favorite, but like the rides, I knew I could survive. A cute little waitress came over and asked us if we wanted to something to drink. We all ordered a tap beer. She told us she would be right back with our beer and menus.

She came back with some big chilled beer steins. And handed us each a menu. Graham showed her our special passes and she made a note on her menu book. We told her to give us a few minutes to check the menu and then we'd be ready to order.

She walked away wiggling her little butt. I wished it was Graham or Rick wiggling their butt. I could just imagine that.

We looked over the menu and everything sounded good. I decided on char broiled chicken. Graham and Rick both ordered grilled steaks.

I told the waitress I would take a black coffee with my dinner. Graham and Rick ordered another beer. The steins were big. They must have been thirsty.

The waitress soon came with our dinner. My char broiled chicken looked good with stuffing and a baked potato and salad. Graham and Rick's steaks looked good. They had au gratin potatoes and a salad. We enjoyed our dinner and were full by the time we finished.

Graham actually passed on dessert. We left the waitress a tip and I heard some people asking the waitress if we forgot to pay. I heard her tell the people that we had special passes that included everything in the park paid for.

We went down a walkway we hadn't been down. We came to some more shops and looked around. One was a specialty boutique with some unique glassware pieces. Graham and I both had a peacock gift wrapped. I knew my mother would like. When the light hit it just right, it reflected into a many different colors really illuminating the peacock feathers. Rick declined and didn't want to pick up anything in the boutique. He looked a little off and upset.

While the clerk finished gift wrapping our peacocks, I pulled Rick over to the side and asked him if everything was okay. He said he was fine. It was just that he wasn't close to his parents. I asked him if there was more he wanted to tell me. He said maybe later. Right now wasn't a good time.

We left the boutique and continued down the walkway. Graham gave me these looks like what is going on? I mouthed to him, "later."

We came to some games and had fun shooting baskets and firing at revolving ducks. I did pretty good at throwing darts and won a big stuffed animal. I told Graham it was his Christmas present. Rick did good on the ring toss and won a nice set of drink glasses.

It was getting to be long enough for us at the Amusement Park and decided to call it a day.

I used the map and we made it to the main entrance. A different girl was working and hoped we had an enjoyable time. We told her it was fun.

The shuttle took us to my SUV and Rick got in front with me and Graham in the back seat.

It didn't take long to get home. We went upstairs and changed into robes and sandals. And we walked out to the pool. Graham and Rick had a beer and I had a bottled water.

We had Rick in the middle between Graham and me. I could tell Rick wanted to say something so I kept quiet and let him go ahead when he was ready.

After a couple of minutes. Rick started. "I'm sorry for the way I acted at the boutique when you and Graham had those lovely peacocks gift wrapped for your moms. I told Bob at the boutique, I wasn't close to my parents and I would tell him more. Well, to make a long story short. When I came out to my parents. My mother was stunned and my father got super angry. He told me he didn't want a fag living in his house. My mother started crying and then ran up to their bedroom. I told my dad fine. I was still the same son I had always been. He didn't say anything and his face was beet red with anger. I went upstairs and packed my things and left. I was already working at the mill and had my own car. So I went to a hotel the first night. Then the next day I used a vacation day and found an apartment. I moved my clothes into the apartment. Did some furniture shopping. Since I left my parent's house. I haven't heard from my mother or father. And I haven't called them. It's going on half a year now. And I'm happy to be away from my parents and living on my own. I make good money at the mill and am much happier now to be away from my parents. I have an older brother and sister. They both live on the other side of the country. They know of my sexual orientation, but I haven't heard from either one of them either. My father is probably filling them with a bunch of garbage."

"I hate when I hear stories like this. Graham's father was very homophobic and after we had a rather heated one on one talk. He changed his mind and attitude. Now Graham and his father get along fine. Graham says it's the best they have ever gotten on. If you don't mind Rick, I wouldn't mind talking to your father. I might be able to convince him that there is nothing wrong with you."

"If you think it might work. I'm all for it. Let me give you their address and phone number. They don't really live that far from here. If you can turn my father around about gays, I'm all for it. I wish you good luck."

"I'll let you know when I'm going to talk to your father. I don't want you or Graham with me. I'd rather be alone and talk to him one on one. I will do this soon."

Rick gave me a hug and kiss and wished me good luck. "Don't worry Rick. I think I can get you and your dad on speaking terms.

It would be like deja vu talking with Rick's dad after talking with Graham's dad. Graham was going to his parents next weekend after work to take his present to his mom. I thought that would be the perfect time to take my present to my mom and then visit Rick's parents and talk to his dad.

Graham told Rick that he had his doubts when Bob said he was going to talk to his father. But after Bob finished talking to my dad. He was a different person. It took him a little time to come around. But now it's like we've always got along fine.

"How about if we take a sauna now. I know Rick would like another sauna."

We all went downstairs and I got the radiator going to warm the sauna. All of us went into the game room while I the sauna was heating. We played a game of pool. And Graham and I lost miserably. Rick liked winning. I checked the sauna and told the guys it was ready. I had put some towels down on the top bench.

We walked into the sauna and sat up on top. We spread our and leaned against the wall absorbing the steam. Graham was regulating the steam this time and the timer. It didn't take us long to be sporting hardons.

Rick told us he would like to fuck us. That was okay with Graham and me. We liked that big cock of Ricks. I laid down on the top bench while Rick slowly slid his big thick cock up my waiting hole. He took his time and let me adjust to his size. Graham was over my face and I was deep throating his cock. Sweat was pouring off our bodies. Rick must have been really turned on. It didn't take him long to cum. And I felt his big cock throbbing and pumping out a nice sized load. Graham didn't disappoint either. I got another one of his tastty loads and swallowed it down. We all kissed and then it was Graham's turn to lay down on the top bench. Rick said he was ready to fill Graham's hole. It took Rick a couple minutes longer to cum. But I could tell he was shooting a big load up Graham's hole. I was pumping a load down my husband's throat. We laid back panting and sweating. Graham checked the time and said we had about five minutes left. We closed our eyes and let the sweat run down our body. Graham said our time was up. He turned off the radiator and wiped the sweat off our bodies and walked into the lockerroom.

I got the shower going and we all walked in. We rinsed the sweat off and washed each other. We were semi hard by the time we finished. We dried each other off and decided to put robes on and go down to the pool.

We went up to our bedroom and I grabbed an extra robe out of our walkin closet for Rick. We put the robes and sandals on and walked out to the pool. You could feel the weather starting to change. The cold rainy front must be moving in. It was cloudy, but no wind. So it was still comfortable outside.

We did a few laps in the pool and horsed around a little and decided to go in and watch a movie.

All of us went downstairs and Graham found a movie for us to watch. I made some popcorn. Rick sat in the middle of an oversized theater chair. Graham sat on one arm of the chair and I sat on the other arm. We had an arm around Rick and our legs were draped over each other. We did a little kissing during the movie and some light making out. Once the movie finished we were ready for bed.

We draped our robes over our shoulders and walked up to our master bedroom. Graham hung out robes up in the closet and Rick and I crawled into bed. I worked it so I was on one side of Rick and he was in the middle. Graham came back and crawled in on the other side of Rick.

We were tired when the movie ended. Now when we were in bed. We were wide awake. We moved around into a circle suck. I was lucky to get Rick's big cock and slurped and sucked him down to his balls. He was moaning and we were trying to all cum at the same time. I didn't know if we could do it. All you heard were sucking sounds. Graham said he was getting close, followed by Rick. I was lagging behind. I heard Graham give out a grunt and I knew he was cumming. That was all I needed to hear and soon Rick and I were cumming. So it almost happened at the same time. We were exhausted after our all our sexual activity. We cuddled up together and went to sleep.

I woke up to feeling some movement in bed. Graham and Rick had gotten up to relieve their bladders. I crawled out of bed and joined them in the bathroom. And soon there were three yellows streams of pee hitting the inside of the toilet bowl. We shook and went downstairs and made breakfast.

Rick and Graham got breakfast started, I turned the tv on in the living room to the weather channel. You could see the cold front moving in. I looked outside and it looked gloomy and cold. I could see a light mist coming down.

I joined the guys in the kitchen and told them about the weather. We would wear heavier clothes again today and take our light jackets.

We ate breakfast at the breakfast nook. It was good. Graham and Rick had done a good job with breakfast. We all ate a danish for dessert and washed it down with a cup of coffee. We had no rush to get to the Amusement Park.

The three of us put everything away and cleaned the kitchen.

We went upstairs to our master bedroom. And walked into the bathroom. Graham got all the jets and shower heads going. Rick complimented us again on our shower arrangement. He really liked it. The massaging pulsing hot steamy water was turning us all on. And soon we had erections. We couldn't keep our hands off each other. We kissed and jerked and kissed some and jerked each other some more. Soon Rick started cumming. Followed by Graham and finally me. We rinsed the cum off each other and off the shower wall until it had all went down the drain. Graham turned off the shower system and we walked out and towel dried each other.

We took our time deciding what we were going to wear. I told the guys I was going to put my robe on again and go outside and get a better idea how cold and rainy it was outside.

I ran downstairs and outside. It was cold like the other day. And the mist was heavy. Almost a light rain. We would need heavy clothes and our jackets.

I ran back in and upstairs and told the guys about the weather. We agreed to wear like we did yesterday. Some corduroy pants and heavy shirts with our jackets. Rick put on another flannel shirt with the same pants he wore yesterday when it was cold out.

Rick made me think of Brock. Anything Rick put on, looked good on him. Just like Brock. Rick was tall like Brock and hung like Brock. I better focus on getting ready. Soon we were changed into our warm clothes. And had our light jackets.

We climbed into my SUV and light rain was hitting the windshield While I drove us over to the Amusement Park. The parking lot didn't look very full. Probably the weather was keeping people away.

I saw a shuttle bus coming over for us. Just we got out of my SUV we could walk right into the shuttle. Soon we were parked at the front entrance.

I had our special passes today. A different young girl was working. I showed her our passes and she thanked us for coming to the Amusement Park and handed me a map.

We took a different walkway and the day went pretty much like yesterday. We all had a good lunch at the other hotel. We walked around some more and it was getting later in the afternoon and thought we had seen enough and were ready to leave.

The young girl at the main entrance thanked us for coming and hoped to see us again soon. A shuttle bus pulled up and took us to my SUV.

We got home and Rick said he needed to get ready to go. He had a busy day tomorrow and needed to do a couple things at his apartment to get ready for work.

We all walked up to our master bedroom. Rick finished packing and he carried his overnight bag downstairs. We never planned on our friends leaving on Sunday, but in a way we liked when they did. That way we wouldn't have to do any explaining to Mabel.

We walked into the garage and got into a group hug and kiss. Rick told us this was like when we finished working out. We laughed and told him exactly. I told Rick I'd call when I was leaving to talk to his dad. Rick had told me his dad's name was Bart. I couldn't wait to have my talk with Bart. I liked talking to homophobics and watching their attitudes slowly changing. Like when I talked to Graham's dad.

Rick got into his car and we watched him leave. We waved to each other.

"Well, it's just us babe."

"That's okay with me. I will be good to relax with my man."

We went into the living room and I turned the tv on and we watched the late news and weather. Another cold rainy stationary front was slowly moving in and at this time the weatherman had no idea how long it would last.

The next few days went quickly at work and Friday was approaching fast. I was going to call Bart, Rick's father on Friday. I already had my strategy prepared and knew how I would be able to enter his parent's house. It was going to be a little unethical, but sometimes you have to use extreme measures.

Thursday night. Graham finished his packing. We had a great night of love making. We had to make up for the time he would be gone. Graham didn't plan to come back until Sunday afternoon. He was leaving for his parents after work.

We woke up to the alarm blaring. Graham turned it off and we went downstairs to workout with our friends. Rick was there and I told him I would be calling his parents when I finished work. I told him I had everything planned and he might receive a phone call from his dad tomorrow.

We all got in a good workout and were sweating liked crazy by the time we finished. We had time for a quick jerk off in the shower. Towel dried each other. Got dressed and went upstairs for breakfast.

We ate in the dining room. It was too cool to eat outside and the breakfast nook was too small for all of us. Cindy had fixed a lumberjack breakfast. A little bit of everything. We finished our breakfast and kissed Cindy on the cheek. We got into a group hug and kissed in the garage. Graham stayed back and we had a special hug and kiss in the garage. I told him to call when he arrived at his parents. He told me he would.

Graham had his gift for his mom and I had mine with me. It was going on closing time at the clinic. I had a couple of calls I wanted to make. I first called my mom. "Hi mom, how you doing? Are you home?"

"Oh. Hi Robert. Yes I just got home. What's up?"

"I was going to stop by for a few minutes since your home."

"Please do. I always look forward to seeing you."

"Is dad home? No. He's going to be working late. They have a big case they are all working on."

"Ok mom. I'll be there in a few minutes."

I then gave Rick's parents a call. I used the phone number he had given me. "A gruff low voice answered."

"Hello is this Bart?"

"Yes it is and who are you?"

"I identified myself and told him why I was calling. I was doing blood tests for the county. The county was running short of people to help so I volunteered. The blood test is to make sure everyone is COVID free."

Bart agreed and I gave him a time I thought I would be there. They didn't live that far away. But they did live in the farming area. So it could be a long drive to get to their house.

I put on my light jacket and locked and left the clinic. I had my gift in the front seat of my SUV and drove over to my mom's.

I rang the doorbell and one of the staff opened the door. I didn't recognize this young lady. I told her who I was and I was expected. She told me to follow her and she took me to the sunroom. My mom was sitting in the sunroom reading a magazine.

She smiled when she saw me and I gave my mom a peck on the cheek. "It's so nice to see you. You don't come over here enough?"

"I know mom. I get busy and time seems to fly by."

"Would you like something to drink?"

"Do you have any refreshment?" My mom rang a little bell she always keeps with her. And the same young lady come into the sunroom. "Bring Robert and me a glass of lemonade."

"What a lovely wrapped box you have."

"Oh, before I forget. This is for you mom."

"My mom carefully unwrapped the gift box. And took the cover off. Then carefully she lifted the object out of the box that was wrapped in colorful tissue paper. She set it on the coffee table and slowly took the tissue off. Oh Robert, this is beautiful. Where did you ever find something like this?"

I then explaind to my mother how Graham and I have special passes to the Amusement Park. And Graham and I found these beautiful peacocks in a boutique, specializing in glassware. Graham is taking an exact replica of this one to his mother this weekend.

"I know this will look beautiful when the sun hits it. Whenever we get some sun. I hope this weather changes soon. It's too cool and rainy all the time."

"I agree mom. But so far it doesn't look like any change in the weather."

The young lady brought in our ice tea and we said cheers. My mom thanked me again for the beautiful peacock. I told her I needed to leave when I finished my lemonade. I had some work to do at the house and I had a special job tomorrow. I'm glad my mother didn't ask for details. I would have had some trouble explaining tomorrow going to Rick's parents house.

The lemonade was good and I thanked my mom. She got up with me and we walked to the entrance. We hugged and I gave her a kiss on the cheek. She watched me leave.

I wanted to get home when Graham called me. And I wanted to call Rick and tell him about my phone call with his dad.

I got changed into a robe and went into the living room and turned on the news. I picked up my cell phone and was hoping Rick would answer. It rang a couple of times and then I heard Rick's deep voice, "Hi Bob, you caught me on break time. Good timing."

"I just took my chances and hoped you would answer. I called your dad. He sounded gruff on the phone."

"That's my dad. That's the way he always talks on the phone." I told Rick that was I was going over to their house just after lunchtime. Since they didn't live a long ways away. It wouldn't take me long to get their. I told Rick the excuse I used to get to talk to his parents. Rick thought that was a clever idea and again, wished me luck. I told Rick again, that if everything went well, and I didn't see why not, that he should get a call from his dad tomorrow. We hung up. Rick's break time was over.

Just at four thirty I got a call from Graham. He said he had been at his parent's house for a little while. His mother loved the glass peacock. And told Graham that he always was so thoughtful. I told Graham about visiting my mom and she also loved the glass peacock. An then I told Graham about my call to Rick's parents. Graham wished me luck and I told him I would call after I got home from their house. Graham told me the drive was cool and rainy all the way to his parent's house. And they were having the same kind of weather as us.

The weather was coming on and there was no change. The cold rainy stationary front looked like it was here to stay for awhile.

I didn't do much the rest of the day. I watched a movie in the living room. And warmed some dinner and ate it in the living room watching the movie.

I opened one of the glass doors to the patio and it was cool outside and misting. I closed that quick and got back on the couch. I thought about buddy and went upstairs and got buddy down from his hiding place in the our closet on the top shelf behind some boxes. I took buddy some lube and a towel downstairs.

I spread the towel out on the couch. I took my robe off and lubed a couple of fingers and worked them into my hole. Then a third and fourth finger. Buddy was eight inches and thick. I then lubed buddy and eased the dildo into my stretched hole. It didn't feel as good as the real thing, but it would do. I started working the dildo in and out while I jerked off with my other hand. Soon I was gasping and grunting and my cum started shooting out. My cum hit my chin and upper chest. Had a little pool of cum on my abs and the rest ran down the side of my hand. I licked the cum off my hand. My cum tasted okay. But I liked Graham's more. I cleaned myself off with the towel and wiped off my hands and the dildo. After my sexercise, I was tired and took everything back up to the bedroom. Put buddy away in his hiding spot and the lube in the nightstand drawer. The towel went in the hamper.

I pulled the covers over and went right to sleep. I was wondering if Graham was thinking about me.

Woke up around eight Saturday morning. I took a shower and put a robe on. I went downstairs and fixed myself a little breakfast. I ate in the living room so I could look outside and see how depressing the weather was today. It looked the same as the past few days. It was cloudy cool and raining. I opened a door to the outside patio and closed it quick. The air felt even cooler.

I put everything away in the kitchen and cleaned the little mess I made. I went upstairs to make sure I had everything from the clinic that I needed. I had my medical bag with some vials in it for collecting blood. I had a rubber tourniquet and syringes for drawing blood and a marker for identifying the vials. It all looked ready when I was.

I was lazy and relaxed in the living room, watching a college football game. It was supposed to end at noon if they didn't go into overtime. That was perfect. I could fix myself a quick lunch and then get ready to go. I had told Rick I would call him just before I left for his parents.

I looked over the daily paper. And there was a short article about the Amusement Park's Grand Opening. It said that attendance was good, in spite of the weather. And they were staying busy. They had reservations at the two hotels and business was steady slowly growing.

The game finished and I turned off the tv and put the paper on the coffee table. I went into the kitchen and warmed some food that Cindy had made. It was pretty good. I ate a salad with my lunch and fresh made dinner roll. Once I finished lunch I went upstairs and got changed into some work clothes. I didn't take a lab coat. I didn't think it was necessary. Rechecked my medical bag and everything was in order. I gave Rick a quick call and told him I was going to be leaving the house now to go to his parents.

I got in my SUV. My light jacket felt good. It was cooler outside and a light mist was coming down. I called Rick's dad and told him I would be there in a few minutes.

My suspicions were true. They lived in the farming area. Mailboxes were on the side of the road with long drives to the farmhouse. They all looked the same. So I took my time and looked for Bart. They were the last driveway. I turned in and slowly made my way to a very nice looking farmhouse. All the buildings looked in good shape and freshly painted. I was wondering how big this farm was and what kind of farming they did.

I got out of my SUV with my medical bag. I had my light jacket on and it felt good in the cool weather. I walked up to the front door and knocked on the door. A very nice looking older lady answered the door. "May I help you? Young man?"

I introduced myself and she told me they were waiting on me. I followed Rick's mom to the dining room. His father was sitting at the dining room table. It looked gruff and he stood and we shook hands. I set my medical bag on the dining room table. Rick's father said, "let's get this overwith. I need to get back to work."

"Ok. I'll do your wife first and then you Bart."

I got out the supplies and showed Rick's mom how to lay her arm so I could draw blood. I put on the turniquet and prepared the syringe and drew the amount of blood that I needed. I asked her what her name was and she told me, "Melody." I wrote Melody on the vial. I put a cotton ball on the the place where I drew the blood and told her to fold her arm to hold the cotton ball for a few minutes.

"Now it's your turn Bart."

"Good make it snappy. I need to get to work."

I started talking to Bart about his farm and that seemed to get his attention. He liked talking about his farm. He told me had cut back some on the work since he was getting older and more tired. He had two hundred head of beef cattle and two hundred head of holsteins for milk. He said he had a truck that came in twice a day to pick up the mild and pay him.

I finished with Bart and he sat there and we talked some more. I asked him, he must have a big crew to help him. He told me he had a man that helped him with the milking machines, otherwise he took care of everything else. He got help when it was haying time. I asked him if he had any children that could help? He said his one son that helped, moved to the west coast along with his sister. "Is that the only children you have?"

I saw Bart starting to get agitated and red in the face. I have another son. But he's not allowed here and I don't talk about him. "Why is that Bart, do you two have a problem getting along?"

"You could say that. He's a fag and he's not welcome here."

"That's a pretty derogatory word and I think most of them prefer to be called gay."

"Whatever, it makes no difference to me. And as along as he doesn't come or call, that's fine with me."

"It seems strange to me that a father would banish his son because he's gay. Does he live a long ways from here?"

"No. He lives in the adjacent town. And why are so interested and concerned about him. Are you a ffffaaa, gay too?"

"Actually I am gay and proud of it. I get along well with my parents and older brother. They realized that I'm still the same person and nothing has changed, except that I like living and being with the same sex."

"Well, I don't think we have anymore to talk about. I don't like GAY'S in my house."

"And why don't you like gay's in your house?"

"They are corrupt and vile and are the will of devil?"

"Do I seem like that to you?"

Bart stuttered a little. "You might be an exception."

"How do you know that we are vile and corrupt and the will of the devil?"

"That's what the pastor preaches. And tells us to stay away from those evil perverted people."

"And where does the pastor get his information about gays?"

"He says the Bible says that gays are evil and the work of the devil and corrupt young children."

This was what I was waiting for. "You seem like a very religious man Bart. I'm sure you read the Bible every day. Would you mind showing me the Bible passages that say that gays are evil and corrupt young children."

Bart picked up his Bible and started thumbing through it. He kept going and going and was getting frustrated. "How about if I find the passages that explains about gays."

He handed me the Bible and I closed and laid it on the table. "Why did you close the Bible?"

"Because there aren't any passages that say that gays are evil corrupt and molest young children. It's your pastor's interpretation and wants you to believe that gays are evil and sinners because they are attracted to the same sex. Remember the Bible says we are all God's children."

Bart was getting red in the face again and I thought he was going to explode. Finally he said, "I know that what our pastor says is the truth."

"That's fine Bart, but remember what he's telling you is not from the Bible. It's his own interpretation. What I can tell you is that Rick misses being with you and his mom. There's nothing more he would like then to be able to help you on the farm and forget the past and start new. He hasn't changed. He's still the same young man you kicked out of your house. I think you should give him a chance. I know your a religious man and can find it in your heart to come to terms with Rick and start rebuilding a relationship."

"It's time for me to leave. I hope you think about what we talked about. Remember that Rick would love to hear from you. Even if it's only talking on the phone. Have a nice day and it was my pleasure meeting you and your wife."

I got up to leave and Bart stayed seated. I saw him looking down and I thought I saw a tear in his eye, but I could have been mistaken. I didn't see Rick's mom and I let myself out of the house.

Got in my SUV and headed back to town. I was wondering if anything would happen. I wasn't sure. Bart was very stubborn and set in his ways and he believed everything the pastor told them. I was going to call Rick after I got home and tell him about the conversation with his dad.

A light rain was coming down and it was still cool out all the way back to the house. I pulled into the garage. Walked into the kitchen and went upstairs to change. I put on a robe and grabbed a beer from the frig and put it in a chilled glass. Picked up the daily paper and went into the living room.

I was surprised I hadn't heard from Graham. I thought I'd give him a call and then Rick. I turned the tv on and found a good game to watch. I speed dialed Graham. He answered right away. "Hi babe, good to hear from you. Sorrry I haven't called. Mom loved the peacock and told me how thoughtful I was. It's raining hard here and the electricity went off for a couple of minutes. That why I hadn't called."

I told Graham about our weather here and my conversation with Rick's dad. Graham agreed with me that he was stubborn. Graham asked me if he thought Rick's dad would call him. I told him I had no idea. I gave him a lot of food for thought. But I don't know if it was enough. Soon the phone went dead. The electricity must have went off again.

I called Rick but his phone was busy. I thought I'd call at halftime and see if he answered.

The cold beer tasted good and helped me relax a bit. I checked over the daily paper, but nothing much of interest in it. Just that everyone was getting tired of this cool rainy weather.

It was getting close to half time and my cell phone rang. I thought it might be Graham calling me back or Rick. Actually, it was the star's manager giving me an update. He told me the star was still filling in for the next headliner that was still sick. The manager apologized to me and said now that it looked like the beginning to the middle of next month before they could visit. I told him to keep me informed and we would be ready when they could arrive.

Half time arrived and I went to the kitchen and got a cold bottled water. One beer was enough. I walked back into the living room and looked through one of the glass doors. I missed relaxing by the pool. It still looked gloomy out and mist was hitting the glass doors. I thought I'd visit the birds when the game finished.

I sat down and waited for the second half of the game to start. I thought I'd try Rick again. This time his phone rang a couple of times. "Hi Bob. Sorry I didn't get back to you earlier, but I had an interesting phone call."

"Do you care to share the details?"

"It sounded like Rick had been crying. Bob your a wonderful man. The call was from my father. I was surprised he called. He told me about your conversation with him. My dad started crying. I don't think I've ever heard him cry. He told me how much he missed me and was sorry for all the terrible things he had said to me. He wanted me to come and spend a weekend when I have time off from work. I work every other weekend. So on my next off weekend I'm going to spend the weekend with my parents. I can't thank you enough Bob and I'll have to come over one of these days to personally thank you."

"I'm glad to hear that Rick. I wasn't sure what your father was thinking when I left. He had his head and I thought he might have a tear in his eye. He never let on to me that he had changed his mind or opinion about gays. But I'm glad it's working out. Be sure to let me know how your weekend goes when you visit your parents."

Well. Isn't that something. I never expected that. But you never know. Maybe I should change professions and become a counselor.

I didn't do much the rest of the day. I fixed myself a little dinner and ate in the sunroom. I kept the birds company, or maybe they kept me company. Graham and I had a good video chat when I went to bed. We got each other off and it was was hot seeing it on video chat. It would have been hotter if he was here with me. Graham told me he was having a great time with his parents and would be leaving tomorrow after lunch.

I told Graham about Rick's dad calling him. Graham said that didn't take long. And Graham told me I should be a counselor. We were both getting more and more tired and finally ended our call.

It didn't take me long to fall asleep.

I woke up to rain hitting the windows. It was just after eight. Guess I was more tired last night than I thought I was. Probably the stress of talking with Rick's father.

I rinsed my face off and went downstairs naked to make a little breakfast. It seemed strange to make breakfast for myself and no Graham. It didn't take long to make a couple of eggs bacon toast and orange juice. It hit the spot and I put everything away. The kitchen looked like it hadn't been used.

I wished I could go outside and do a few laps in the pool. I didn't feel like working out in the gym by myself. I was used to exercising every weekday morning with our friends.

I went back upstairs and showered and did a quick jerk off in the shower. Dried myself off and walked into the bedroom with my cell phone ringing.

I was wondering who was calling me. I didn't expect Graham to call until he left his parent's house. It was Andy calling. "Hi Andy, didn't expect to hear from you?"

I didn't hear anything and then I thought I heard some muffled crying.

"Andy is that you? What's going on? You sound like your crying?"

In a very strained and tired voice I barely heard Andy, "Bob can you come over to my house? Something terrible has happened."

"Sure I can be right there. I don't know where you live. Can you give me directions?"

I had to strain to hear Andy give me directions to his house. I'll be there in a few minutes. "Bring your medical bag with you."

I thought that was a strange request. But I still had it packed from when I went to Bart and Melody's house. I got dressed quick and had saved the conversation so I could put Andy's directions in my GPS. I wasn't familiar where Andy lived.

I jumped in my SUV put the medical bag next to me on the front seat and I was off to Andy's house. The GPS worked perfect. Andy lived in an isolated area. He had a beautiful house on a lake. Then I remembered he had inherited money. He must have had this house built. I saw Andy's car parked in front of the garage and I parked next to his car. I got out and took my medical bag out.

I walked up to the front door and rang the doorbell. I thought I heard someone say come in. The front door was unlocked and I walked in. The house was huge on the inside. I then saw Andy in the living. He looked terrible.

Andy was wearing a robe that was half open and half closed. He had facial bruises. As I got closer to him I set my medical bag down on a chair. It looked like bruises on his wrists and ankles. Like he had been tied with rope. From what I could see. There were bruises and contusions on his face.

As I got close to Andy I was going to hug him, but he stopped me. He said he hurt too much. I asked him what happened.

He told me he heard a couple of co-workers talking about an In and Out Bar and how it was a gay bar. Andy thought he'd check it out. No harm in looking and having a couple of drinks. So he went there last night, Saturday night. He said he was having a good time watching guys dancing together and it looked like everyone was having fun. Soon a big guy came over to talk to Andy. Andy said that he was what he thought they called a bear. The man was good looking and started moving in closer and closer to Andy. Soon the man had a hand on Graham's thigh and was slowly inching up closer to his bulge in his jeans. The man ordered them another drink. That made three for Andy. More than his limit when he was driving. Andy enjoyed talking to the man. He seemed like a really nice guy. Soon the man was sitting right next to Andy with a hand on Andy's bulge. He took one of Andy's hands and placed it on his bulge. Andy said he felt warm and big. But then his mood seemed to change. He started getting rough and was throwing Andy around like he was a sack of potatoes. Andy was hitting himself on the furniture. Finally the guy picked Andy up like he weighed a feather and threw him down on his bed. He quickly stripped Andy of his clothes. When Andy tried to put up resistance, he would start hitting Andy until he let the guy do what he wanted. Soon after Andy was naked the guy tied Andy's wrists and ankles to the bed. Andy was spread eagle on the bed. Andy told me he started sobbering up when he was tied on the bed. But with the restraints he couldn't do anything.

I felt so sorry for Andy. He's such a nice guy. I think that's part of the problem. Andy is too nice and gullible. He doesn't have the experience. I hope this incidient wouldn't dissuade him from finding a partner.

Andy continued on telling me that every time he tried to get free the ropes cut more into his wrists and ankles. I could see the man getting naked and lubing his cock. He put a pillow under Andy's buttocks and started plowing his big cock into Andy's ass raw. Andy started hollering with pain. Every time Andy hollered, the man would start punching him and telling him to shut the fuck up and not be suck a wimp.

I think we should go to your bedroom so I can examine you. You will be more comfortable there.

Andy got up gingerly off the couch and I followed him as he walked slowly to his bedroom. I helped him get up on the bed. What a master bedroom. I thought our master bedroom was big. This one was at least twice the size of ours. With a large sitting area and sliding doors that went out to a private patio. I was wondering what the master bathroom looked like.

I told Andy this might hurt a bit, but I would try to be as gentle as I could. I was going to check for broken bones.

Nothing was broken on Andy's face. Just severely bruised. It would heal in time. I checked his chest and ribs. Everything felt okay. But I knew his ribs were sore from the punching. I had a cloth bandage I would use on his ribs. That would help so he could move around easier. I checked his legs and feet and everything there looked okay.

I helped Andy turn over so I could check his back side. More brusing and save cuts in his ankles from the rope. I had notice his wrists were cut also from the rope. I was most interested in checking his butt and hole and make sure there was no serious damage. I put on some rubber gloves and got some lube out that I used for examinations. I had a scope with me that would help look further into his hole. I was concerned that there might be bleeding and severe torn tissue. I spread Andy's cheeks and from the outside everything looked okay. His hole was a little red on the outside. I opened his hole with a couple of fingers so I could ease the scope inside. It was very red and irritated inside Andy's hole. I didn't see any scar tissue or ripped or torn tissue and no sign of bleeding that was good.

I told Andy that I didn't see any signs of bleeding or torn tissue. He let out a sigh of relief. I told him he migh t be sore or hard to use the toilet and not to strain himself. I told Andy I had some suppositories to use once a day in the morning after he went to the bathroom. The suppositories would help the pain.

I had Andy turn over on his back. And I started applying medicated ointment to his bruises. Once I finished applying the ointment I told Andy I was calling Graham to bring over a couple more cloth bandages. I had Andy sit up on the bed and I applied the one cloth bandage I had with me and wrapped it around his chest to relieve the pain in hs ribs. I told Andy to lay down and relax. He told me he felt a little better.

I called Graham. "Hi babe, what a nice surprise. I didn't expect to hear from you."

"I'm calling for a specific reason. Andy got into a bad situation and I need you to bring over two cloth bandages for the chest and ribs. I'm at Andy's house and I will text you the directions to his house. Have you left your parent's yet?"

"Yeah, I left some time ago and I'm about halfway home. If I see a drug store or a town where I can pull off, I'll pick up the two cloth bandages. What happened to Andy? Is he okay?"

"I'd rather tell you about Andy when you get here and not on the phone. I can tell you that he's doing better. Don't rush to get here. I'll be staying here until you arrive."

I was thinking I better take a blood sample from Andy. To test for any STD's. It's hard to say how clean the man was that abused Andy.

I told Andy about the blood test and why I was doing it. Andy agreed with my one hundred percent.

"Did you get the man's name Andy? Would you remember him if you saw him again?"

"I was drunk when I arrived at his house. When I did start sobering up, I didn't remember much. And I don't recall ever hearing his name. I would definitely remember him if I saw him again."

"Would you mind if a called a friend of mine to come over with some suspect photos and albums and see if you could identify your assailant. He's the chief of police for this county."

"I don't mind at all Bob. I'd like to see him behind bars to he doesn't get the chance to do this again."

"Good man Andy. I'm going to call my friend right now. His name is Cal. Are you doing okay, do you need anything?"

"I'm doing much better Bob. Thank you for everything you've done. Go ahead and call your friend. Maybe he can make it over today."

I sat on a chair close to Andy's bed and called Cal. I was surprised he answered right away. "Hi Bob. How's it going? You caught me working in the office. I have an investigation I'm working on. How can I help you?"

I talked to Cal for a few minutes and explained Andy's situation. He said coincidentally that was the investigation he was working on. It seemed that a man was in the area sexually abusing men and it wasn't consensual. Cal asked me where I was. I gave him the directions for Andy's house and he told me he would be here in a few minutes.

"Did you hear that Andy?"

"I heard most of that conversation and I'm glad he's coming over. Hopefully I can help him identify the man he's looking for."

"I need to check you over again Andy and see if need to apply more ointment." I got the tube out of my medical bag and found a couple of places that could use more ointment. A couple of bad bruises on his face and then his wrists and ankles. Both places looked like they were starting to heal already. I asked Andy if felt like getting up. I would be good to walk around a little.

I helped Andy out of bed and he seemed to be walking a little easier. He told me he felt better walking a bit. And said the cloth bandage around his chest helped him. Andy had put his robe back on by himself and he didn't grimace doing that, so that was a good sign.

We walked out to his huge living room. "You have quite a house here Andy. It's really big and nicely furnished."

"I grew up in a big house so I'm used to having lots of room. It just seems like a regular house to me."

I thought I heard a car outside. I looked out and Graham had arrived. I was surprised to see him so soon, but was glad. He walked up to the front door and I opened it and let him in. We walked into the living room and Graham greeted Andy. Graham handed me a big with the two clothes bandages. Graham noticed the bruises right away but didn't say anything. I had Andy stand up so I could put the other two clothe bangages on. I told him to watch me how I did it. He shouldn't sleep with the bangages on and then put them back on when he gets up in the morning. I told Andy he could shower and then apply the ointment and cloth bandages and the get dressed or put on what he was comfortably wearing.

While I was taking care of Andy, I gave Graham a condensed version of what had happened to Andy. He was hoping Andy could identify the man responsible for his bruises.

I went to the kitchen and got Andy and me a bottled water and took a beer out of the frig for Graham. "Andy, is it okay if Graham drinks one of your beers?"

"Of course. Make yourselves comfortable."

I gave Graham his beer and handed Andy a bottled water. And we talked a little more while we waited on Cal.

I thought I saw the reflection of flashing lights. I looked out towards the garage and Cal must have just pulled up. I saw him carrying a folder and walking up to the front doors. Cal came in and I directed him to the living room. We all talked for a little bit and then he started asking Andy some specific questions. I asked Cal if he would like Graham and me to leave so they could talk privately. Cal told me that as up to Andy. Andy said he would like us to stay.

Andy told Cal everything he could remember from his time at the In and Out Bar to driving to the man's house. He told Cal that he never heard the man's name. But would recognize him if he saw hime again.

Call thanked Andy for the information. Cal recorded everything Andy said. Cal then told Andy he had some pictures he would like him to look at and see if he recognized anybody. We all had our fingers crossed when Andy started looking at the photos. Suddenly Andy stopped and he turned as white as a sheet. And pointed to a photo and he couldn't speak when he saw that photo. He just kept pointing at it.

Cal asked Andy if that was his assailant. Andy shook his head yes and was visibly upset. I sat down next to Andy and tried comforting him. Andy finally spoke, "sorry for acting so wimpy. It's just when I saw him again he brought everything back with a rush."

Cal said, "nothing to apologize for Andy. I was hoping that man was your assailant. We have a good idea where he's located and now we can arrest him. Will you have any problem identifying in front of the circuit judge?"

"No problem at all. It will be my pleasure to see him arrested and locked up."

I asked Cal if wanted a beer. He told he would like one, but being in uniform and on duty, he couldn't have one. I asked him if he would take a bottled water and he told me he could handle that.

We talked some more and I told Cal that I had taken a blood samply. To check for STD's and drugs and Cal told me to be sure to email him the results. It could prove to be very important information.

We talked some more and Andy opened his robe showing off his big eight inch hardon. I thought Cal was going to drop his water bottle. He started licking his lips. Soon we all undressed and Cal started giving Andy a blowjob. Something Cal didn't do much of. He liked fucking. I got behind Cal and started fucking him while Graham laid on the floor and sucked Cal's big cock. I heard Andy grunting and knew he was cumming. Cal constricted his hole on my cock and I started filling him up. Graham felt Cal's cock harden and thicken in his mouth and Cal was soon blasting and hitting the back of Graham's throat with a powerful orgasm. Once we all finished cumming we all sat back and Andy said that was the best medicine. We all started laughing. Cal said he needed to leave and now he had the information he needed and couldn't wait to arrest that scum bag. Andy stood up and we all kissed. And hugged, except for Andy. He was too sore yet for hugging. Cal left and Graham and I sat on each side of Andy naked.

"Thanks guys your the best. I wish you were both my partners. I would have nothing to worry about."

"Unfortunately their are men like the one that accosted you. They are few and far between and are good at what they do. Try to forget about it Andy and just chalk it up as a hard learning experience. The In and Out Bar is a nice place to go to meet someone and don't let that discourage you. When you decide to go the next time, give Graham and me a call and we'll join you. There's strength in numbers."

"I'll do that I feel much better. But I took a week off from work. The way our weather is, I could take a week off with no problem. We're slow right now at the state park."

Andy looked at Graham and Graham asked if something was wrong. "Nothing's wrong Graham. It's that you have't cum. Everyone else didn but you."

"What do you have in mind Andy?"

"I could use a good face fuck if you can manage that?"

"You bet." Graham walked over to Andy and stood over him. His cock was at the perfect level to Andy's mouth. Andy took Graham in and Graham let out a sigh of contentment. I got behind Graham and started eating him out. That made Graham started pumping in and out of Andy's mouth. Andy was sucking Graham's cock like a trooper. I could hear Graham's balls slapping Andy's chin. I was sticking my tongue in and out of Graham's hole. I licked a couple of fingers and eased them into Graham's hole. I found his prostate and started working it good. I knew that would get Graham off fast. I was right and I saw Graham shake and tremble and knew he was shooting a load into Andy's mouth.

We laid back on the couch and relaxed for a bit. "I have a good idea Andy?"

"What's that?"

"Since your not working this coming week and your really not in any shape to take care of yourself. Why don't you spend the week at our house. I can come home at lunchtime and see how you're doing and check your recovery and healing process."

"Andy thought for a couple of minutes. If your sure it wouldn't be a problem. I think that would be a good idea. And the he looked at Graham."

Graham said, "I think that's a great idea. We have plenty of room and Cindy can help out if anything needs to be done. With Bob coming home at lunchtime to check on you. I think it's a win win situation."

"Can one of you put my car in the garage?" The keys are in my pants pocket in my bedroom. The pants should be draped on a chair." Graham took off for the bedroom and came back with the car keys dangling from his hand.

I helped Andy get up from the couch and we walked to his bedroom. He told me where I could find an overnight bag and told me what things to pack. I told Andy we had a closet full of robes so he could use one of ours. He said that looked like everything.

I was going to have Graham take Andy in my SUV, it would be easier for Andy to get in and out of the SUV. I was going to use Graham's car and take the blood sample to the hospital to get tested and have the results tomorrow for Andy and Cal.

Graham came back in and I told him about the driving arrangement. We helped Andy with his things. Andy set the alarm for his house and we helped him into the SUV. Graham put his overnight bag in the back of my SUV and I watched them leave for the house. I got into Graham's car and I felt like I was sitting on the ground.

It didn't take long to get back to town and drove directly to the hospital. I knew right where to go. I talked to the nurse that was working the desk at the laboratory. She knew who I was. I handed her the vial of blood with Andy's name on it and the urine speciment contianer and asked her if I could have the results as soon as possible tomorrow. The CDC tests and a UDT for drugs. Thankfully I had a specimen container in my medical bag so I could get a urine sample from Andy. The nurse told me they would start the tests now and would received the results tomorrow morning. I thanked her and left the lab and hospital for home.

Graham was already home. I expected that. I hoped he was able to get Andy into the house without any problems. Graham and Andy were sitting in the living room. Graham told me he had taken all of Andy's things to the second master bedroom. And had his ointment laid out on the nightstand.

I asked Andy how he was feeling. He told me better but still sore. I told him I would have the lab results tomorrow morning. He had free reins of the house and I would inform Cindy you'd be staying all week in the second master bedroom. And she would help you on the stairs. Andy told me he didn't have any trouble on the stairs as long as he went slow and didn't try to go to fast.

I saw the red light flashing for messages. We received messages when we were talking on our cell phones and we received a call. I had it setup automatically that way. It seemed to work out well. I pushed the button and it was a message from Rick asking me to call him when I had time. I hoped everything was okay and no problems with his dad.

I went into the kitchen and called Rick. "Hi Bob, thanks for getting back to me."

"Is everything okay?"

"Everything is perfect. That's why I had called. My dad called me today and we must of talked for over an hour. He wants me to visit on a weekend as soon as I can. I told him as soon as I had a free weekend I would come for the weekend. And I wanted to thank you again for all that you did. This is the first I've ever talked to my dad for over an hour and had a pleasant conversation."

"I'm glad to hear it Rick. And I hope it continues to get better and better with your dad."

Monday came around and we told Andy he pretty go into the other master bedroom. He seemed to be getting around a little easier. I told him to come downstairs when he was ready and have breakfast with us and he could meet some of our friends.

Graham and I went downstairs and got in a good workout with our friends. Cal was there to work out with us and I could tell he wanted to talk to me. When we got a chance we went off to a more private area. He told me that he took a couple of deputies with him yesterday and arrested the man that was doing the sexual assaults in the area. Cal told me he would call when Andy needed to appear in court as a witness. I told Cal I would email him the lab results as soon as I received them.

We all got into the shower and sucked and jerked each other off. Everyone seemed to feel better after that. We dried each other off and got dressed. Went upstairs and Cindy had everything ready in the dining room. We all walked in and Andy was sitting there. I introduced the guys to Andy. I told him Andy was ready yet for hugging. He was still bruised and it would hurt him to hug. Cindy was busy in the kitchen so all the guys gave Andy a kiss a light pat on the arm or shoulder. Andy told them it was his pleasure meeting them. I told or friends that Andy was going to be another friend and member of our group. They all clapped and cheered.

We finished our breakfast and we told Andy we needed to get to work and to get better fast. I told Andy I would be back at lunchtime to check on him.

Before I left. I talked to Cindy and told her a little about Andy's situation and that he might need help going up and down the stairs. He was in the second master bedroom.

I joined the guys in the garage for our group hug and kiss and then we took off for work.

The morning went fast and soon it was going on lunchtime. I had received the results from the lab. Everything was negative for drugs and STD's. I was glad for Andy, but I wished the man would have had traces of drugs and STD's in his blook. I emailed the results to Cal. Graham knew I was going to the house to check on Andy. He told me he was going to the diner for lunch and see how Millie was doing with her new house.

I got to the house and Andy was sitting in the living watching tv. I asked him how he felt. He said bored. But he felt much better and stronger. He told me he was able to go up and down the stairs on his own without any help. He just needed to take it easy and not try to go to fast. Andy told me he didn't have any trouble putting on the clothe bandages and had applied his medicated ointment. I told Andy we should go upstairs to I can check the bruises and see how your healing.

He got up much faster than before. He had no trouble going up the stairs. I had told Cindy I was going to give Andy a checkup upstairs and she could get the breakfast nook ready for our lunch.

We made it up to the second bedroom. And Andy laid down on the bed. I took off his cloth bandages and felt around a little. He still was a little sore. I told him it takes the ribs a long time to heal. I checked the bruises on his face and wrists and ankles and they were healing. I told Andy about the lab results. He was relieved. I told him that I had emailed the results to Cal and Cal would call when you needed to appear in court. Andy told me he couldn't wait to appear in court and get that man put in jail for a long time.

With me touching Andy in different places, he was sporting a nice big boner. I gave Andy a smirk and then took his hard cock down my throat in one quick gulp. He moaned and tried to hump my mouth, but I think it was hurting him so he stopped. I cupped his big balls and played with them while I started working my throat muscles up and down his shaft. Andy said to keep going, it felt fantastic. I could feel his balls pulling up and I knew it wouldn't be long before he came. I was right. He started moaning and gasping and soon was pumping out a big load in my throat. The force of his orgasm was making his cum hit the back of my throat and I could feel it running down. I had to swallow a couple of times. When Andy finished I licked and cleaned his cock off. We kissed. I put more ointment on his bruises and his cloth bandages. Andy put his robe on and we went downstairs for lunch.

Cindy had everything ready for us and was keeping lunch warm. Cindy asked me how Andy was doing. I told her he was healing, but it would take time. We ate our lunch and I told Andy I needed to get back to work and would be home between five and five thirty. Andy thanked me for letting him stay in our house and I told Andy I was glad I could help him.

I left for work and the rest of day went fast. I was anxious to get home and see if Andy made any progress in his healing.

It seemed strange to be at the diner without Bob. Millied came bouncing over and asked me what I would like. Leaning way down so I could get a good look at her tits. I told Millie I would have coffee and the special. She asked me if I was going to wait for Bob. I told her Bob wouldn't be able to make it this week. He was taking care of a patient at our house. I gave Millie a few of the details about Andy. She told me ok and would be back with my lunch soon.

Millie came with lunch and then took a seat across from me. I have something I wanted to tell both you and Bob. But you can pass the information on for me. This coming Saturday I'm having an Open House and you two are invited. I'm planning it to start around ten in the morning until about three or four in the afternoon. I expect to see you both and if the Bob's patient is feeling better he is welcome too. I thanked Millie and she took off to wait on some other table. I finished my lunch and paid the bill and gave Millie a nice sized tip.

The rest of my day went fast and I didn't have to work late. I was hoping Andy was feeling better and able to make a fast recovery.

I got home and Bob's SUV was already in the garage. I walked into the kitchen and Cindy was just getting ready to leave. I told her to have a nice day and thanks for the extra help. I saw Bob and Andy sitting in the living room and talking. I walked into the living room and they both stood up. I gave a kiss, but no hug. I gave my husband a long kiss and hug. I told them I was going to change and be right back down.

I told Bob and Andy about Millie's Open House this coming Saturday. Andy wasn't sure, it just depended on how he was feeling. Bob was glad to get the news.

Graham came back down in a robe and was naked underneath like Andy and me. I told Graham about Andy's lab results. He was glad that Andy wasn't affected with any STD's or drugs.

The next few day went by rather quickly. I had a minor injury to take care from a mill worker. Something I could fix in the clinic. Andy was healing quick. He's a young strong healthy young man. And that was helping his healing process. The bruises are his face were nearly gone and his wrists and ankles were healing nicely. Just a small trace of the rope cuts. His ribs were slow healing and I told Andy that was normal. He just need to be patient and it wouldn't take that much longer until the ribs were healed. I asked Andy what kind of work he was doing in this miserable weather. He said they were all doing a lot of office work. Nothing outside until the rain stopped. I told Andy that would be good for him and and shouldn't put any strain on his ribs.

Friday came around and Andy's bruises were healed. The ribs were still hurting off and on. He thought he was going to pass on Millie's Open House. He just wanted to stay home and rest. I told Andy there wasn't anything else I could do. The ribs needed to heal on their own and it shouldn't be that much longer.

Andy was all packed and ready to get back to his own house. He was going to return to work on the coming Monday. We helped Andy into my SUV and I put his overnight bag in the back.

It didn't take long to get Andy back to his house. He turned off the alarm and Graham helped Andy into the house while I brought in his overnight bag. I set the overnight bag in his bedroom and Andy thanked us for letting him stay at our house. I told Andy I would call every so often to check on him and see how the ribs were doing. I told Andy to be sure to wear his cloth bandages during the day until the ribs were back to normal. We kissed and no hugging and took off for home.

Graham and I were rather quiet on the way home. We listened to some music. I pulled into the garage and we walked into the kitchen. We warmed some dinner and then watched a movie on the living room tv. We talked a little about Andy and how lucky he was he didn't have any broken bones or other servere injuries. We hoped Andy would call us the next time he wanted to go to the In and Out Bar. Our movied ended and we went to bed.

We made out and then made love and fell asleep.

Saturday morning we took our time getting around. We made breakfast together. It looked like another gloomy day. It was cloudy and misting out. I put the weather channel on and the weatherman said a chance of a change in the weather this coming Wednesday. I hope so. This cold rainy weather had been here too long.

I checked the time and told Graham we should probably get ready to go to Millie's Open House. We went upstairs and took a shower. Kissing and hugging in the shower. Our cocks and balls rubbing and brushing together. We started frotting faster and faster until we started cumming. It was pretty intense. We just help each other tight and let the water run down over us and rinse the cum down the drain. We pulled apart and finished cleaning.

We dried each other off and decided to wear some dressy sporty clothes. We got dressed and checked ourselves out in the mirror. Spashed on some cologne and were ready to go.

I drove us to Millie's new house and I saw a few cars parked by her house. The guard at the gate recognized us and let us in. I could hear music playing. We walked up to the front door and rang the doorbell. Someone opened the door for us. I didn't know this person. It was one of Millie's new neighbors. There were quite a few people inside. You couldn't go outside because of the weather. Millie had waiters going around with appetizers and drinks. Millie spotted us and walked over and thanked us for coming. "It's looks nice Millie. Did you have J & M do the decorating?" She told she did and she used the caterers that we had recommended.

Graham and I walked around and got acquainted with everyone. The DJ that we used for our parties was playing music,. We talked to him for a couple of minutes. The appetizers were good and Graham and I had a beer. Millie's house sure looked nice. She had plenty of room for her party. A few more people arrived and we talked with them. Millie's boss came for a few minutes and then needed to get back to work. A couple of other waitresses that worked at the diner were also at the party. Otherwise, it was friends of Millies and some of the new neighbors.

It was getting later in the afternoon and the party was starting to break up. We thanked Millie for inviting us and we were going to head home.

We got back in my SUV and headed home. When we got inside I saw the red light flashing for a message. I pressed the button and it was a call from the Mayor's office. They were canceling Columbus Day events because of the weather. Everything had been planned for outside.

That was okay with Graham and me. There had been enough going on lately. I was wondering how Andy and Rick were doing. I hoped I would hear from them soon.

End of Chapter 20 - Columbus Day

Chapter 21 - Coming Soon

If you would like to see the characters in the story, please read "My Alphabet Friends," and there are photos of characters at the end of each chapter I will be adding some of the new characters from this series. However, due to some problems, the photos are not working at this time. I will be revising and editing all the chapters in My Alphabet Friends when I finish this series. And then the photos will appear.

Your comments and suggestions are always welcome. I answer all emails I receive. I ask that you please put Nifty or the title of the story in the subject line. Then I'll know it's not spam. I am already working on Chapter 21. I hope you enjoy my story as much as I like writng it. Please email me at:

Next: Chapter 21

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