Bob's Holidays

By Francis Scott

Published on Oct 25, 2022


Bob's Holidays Chapter 2

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The following story is a work of fiction from the authors mind. It contains adult situations between consenting adults. If this offends you or is illegal in your area, WHY ARE YOU HERE? Any similarities to actual people or events is purely coincidental. This story does not promote safe sex. Please practice safe sex at all times. Don't put your life or someone else's in jeopardy.

If you haven't read my story, "My Alphabet Friends," I would recommend doing so. All characters in this series are from My Alphabet Friends. There are pictures of the characters at the end of each chapter. You will find, My Alphabet Friends, in Gay/Adult Friends.

Bob's Holidays

By Francis Scott

Chapter 2 - Martin Luther King Day

They boarded the plane and the stewardess stowed their baggage and garment bags for them. The inside was quite luxurious. They sat in a couple of oversized chairs that were very comfortable. The stewardess asked them if they would like a drink before they took off. They both ordered a scotch and water on the rocks. She brought their drinks. They sipped on their drinks and Bob asked Graham, "so where are we going?"

"Come on babe. It wouldn't be a surprise if I told you."

The flight was going to be over three hours. The stewardess asked us if we were ready for lunch. Graham of course was hungry. "What are we having for lunch?"

"You have two options. The first is lobster or shrimp and the second choice is chateaubriand for two."

Graham and I looked at each other and agreed on the chateaubriand medium rare.

"Would you gentleman like another drink? I'll take a beer and Graham ordered a beer also."

The stewardess was busy getting the dining room set for our lunch. The beer was good. Some brand we hadn't drank before. Some imported brand. I put the name of the beer in my notes on my cell phone. Would see if it was available back in our hometown. And also took a picture of it on my cell phone.

The stewardess came out from the galley with a large silver looking platter. She set it in the middle of the dining room table. And told us our lunch was ready. "Would you like me to serve you?"

"No. We'll take of it. Thank you for asking." She left back to the galley.

I took the cover off and the chateaubriand looked like a small roast. It was sliced and ready for serving. She had also put a gravy boat of au jus on the table if we wanted it on our beef.

I let Graham go first. I wasn't sure if that was good idea or not. He might take it all. He left me a few pieces of beef, a few vegetables and my salad.

The beef was mouth watering, it was so good. The stewardess came back and asked us if everything was ok. We told her it was excellent.

We finished our lunch and went to the sitting area. It felt like we were in a house. There was no turbulence and the flight was so smooth. The stewardess came back and asked us if we would like a drink. We told her we could take another beer. It was very good.

The pilot announced that we were starting our descent and would be landing in about an hour. However, the pilot never mentioned where we would be landing.

The stewardess came back out and told us she had some appetizers ready if we would like to try them. Graham of course spoke right up. "Sure we would like to try the appetizers."

She brought out a small tray with an assortment of appetizers. We still had beer. The appetizers tasted good with beer. Graham had eaten half of the tray of appetizers, before I even took my first one.

The rest of the flight went smoothly. It was really nice being on a private jet and not listening to crying kids and not having to go through security.

The pilot came back on and told us to fasten our seatbelts. We would soon be landing. The jet had tinted windows, so the sun wouldn't be too strong. So you couldn't really see anything when you tried looking out a window.

The pilot made a smooth landing and we were soon ready to deboard the plane. The plane taxied to it's slot and stopped. We undid our seatbelts and waited for the stewardess to open the door so we could leave. Finally the door opened. I got up first and thanked the stewardess, pilot and co-pilot/navigator for a wonderful flight. It was warm wherever we were. It looked like we were on the back side of the airport, which looked quite big. I didn't see any name of the airport. I saw Graham deboard the airplane and saw him thanking everyone. A large black stretch Mercedes limousine was waiting for us. The chaffeur helped the stewardess with our bags and got them stowed away in the limousine. And soon we were on our way. Wherever that was.

The limousine had very dark tinted windows. So it was hard to see anything as we took off. There was a bar in the limousine and Graham poured us drinks. The drink tasted good with the warm weather. It seemed liked we were going a long distance. Finally the limousine slowed down and stopped. The chaffeur walked around to my side of the car and let me and Graham out. Again the hot weather came rushing at us. We were parked in front of a large hotel.

There were fountains shooting water in the air to music that made them look like they were dancing to music. I knew where we were now. We were in Las Vegas. We were parked in front of a very large famous hotel. The driver let us out and we walked up to the front steps and a doorman let us in. The driver brought in our bags. We went up to the reception/reservation counter and the receptionist seemed to have everything ready for Graham. A porter put our bags on a cart and hung up our garment bags and he told us to follow him. The lobby was very busy. And you could see the entrance to the casino.

We followed the porter to an elevator and he took us to the twelfth floor. We went down a long hallway that seemed to go on forwever. He stopped in front of 1214. He ran the key card through the slot and it clicked and a green light came on. He opened the door for us and we walked into a suite like you would see on tv or in a magazine. I couldn't believe it. Graham sure went all out for our wedding. The porter came in and put our bags in each bedroom and hung up our garment bags. We thanked him and I gave him a tip. He said if we needed anything the concierge number was on the phone and also in the brochure next to the phone, and they worked 24/7. He showed us were the wi-fi connection was and if we needed a computer the hotel had computers we could use and have delivered to our room.

After the porter left, Graham and I looked around the suite. There was a grand piano in the living room. All the furnishings and furniture were white with gold trim. Chandeliers hung in the living room and dining room. There was also a fully stocked bar. Also smaller chandeliers in the bathrooms with jacuzzi tubs. There were two bedrooms with their own bathrooms. Both looked like they had king size beds. Sliding doors opened to a large balcony with a hot tub and a barbequing area. "Babe, you went all out for our wedding."

"Nothings too good for my lover. I love you more everyday Bob."

"My exact thoughts for you too love."

We walked together and kissed and hugged. It was only two at Nevada time. So we decided to freshen up after our flight and take a walk around the hotel and check it out. We would only sleep in one bedroom but would use both bedrooms for changing and dressing. We walked into the bathroom in our bedroom and we decided to shower. We could use the jacuzzi tub later. We stripped each other and walked into the shower. Our hardons leading the way. We soaped and bathed each other and jerked each other's big hardons off.

Graham heard his cell phone ringing and told me he would be right back. Graham dried off and found his cell phone and walked back into the bedroom. He didn't want Bob to hear his conversation. The call was from Preston. "Hey Preston, how is everything going on the reception?"

"That's why I'm calling. Just wanted you to know we have everything ready and set to go. When do you think you will be returning on Sunday?"

"We are scheduled to be back around ten thirty or eleven in the morning."

"That's perfect we can have everything ready before you get here. The guests will start arriving around ten. We'll have everything in place. As far as I know, nobody cancelled, and their will be a few surprise guests for you and Bob."

"Great Preston, thank everybody for all their help. We are having a great time and will look forward to meeting the surprise guests Sunday."

We hung up and I went back to bathroom and get back into the shower with Bob. "Who was that babe?"

"It was Preston, he had a question about one of our clients."

"Is everything ok."

"Nothing to worry about. He needed some information off my computer."

I hated lying to Bob. But I didn't want him to know about the reception. I wanted it to be a surprise.

We finished our shower and toweled each other off. We got dressed and I made sure I had the room key with me. We should see about getting another one. We walked out into the hallway and walked the distance to the elevators. An elevator finally arrived and we went down to the lobby.

"Babe, I think we should get another room key, so we each have our own."

We walked over to the reception/reservation and asked the person working if we could get another key to our room. "What room are you in?"

"We are in room 1214."

"You are in one of our luxury suites. I hope your enjoying it. You should have been issued two keys. I don't know why you weren't. Just a moment and I'll activate another key for you for your room."

"Thank you." And we waited a few moments while he activated another key for us.

"Here you go gentlemen. I'm sorry about not having a second key. I hope you enjoy your stay with us. Here are some perk tickets you can use throughout the hotel and casino for your inconvenience in having only one key."

"Thank you. Graham put the second room key and perks in his shirt pocket."

Everything was well marked with signs as to where different areas were located. We decided to go to the Observatory and Botanical Gardens first and then check out the shopping center.

Graham looked at the perk tickets. One was for the Prime Steakhouse. We decided that's where we would eat dinner. There were also a couple of tickets for two shops in the shopping center. And the last two tickets were for reduced tickets to a famous French Circus show that started at nine in showroom A.

The botanical gardens were beautiful and expansive. I had never seen so many different tropical plants and birds. I thought we had a lot of tropical plants at our place. But nothing compared to this. It was just beautiful and breath taking. We wandering around on the paths and took in all over the sights. We finally found our way out and following the signs to the shopping center. The shopping center was set up like a street with stores on both sides. They were all high end stores. It was like walking on Fifth Avenue in New York City and Rodeo Drive in Los Angeles. Almost any kind of store you could think was represented.

We started walking down the sidewalk on one side of the street checking out the different stores. Graham looked at the two tickets for shops, but we didn't see them yet. Finally I spotted one of the stores up ahead. It's an exclusive men's clothing store. We walked in and were greeted by a salesman. "How may I help you gentlemen?"

"We're not sure. We'd just like to look around first and see what you have?"

"We do tailoring on all our clothes, so you're assured of a perfect fit. The tailoring is included in the sales price."

"Thank you. We'll keep that in mind."

We did more looking around. We talked back and forth deciding if we should purchase something or not. The coupon was for twenty five percent off. We finally decided to each buy a dress shirt and dress slacks that would go with the shirt. The clerk helped us, since I wasn't really that good at matching colors. He called the tailor out and he checked out measurements for the shirt and pants. The tailor told us he would have a couple of minor adjustments to make and then they would be ready. We asked him how long it would take. He said he would have our clothes ready in about an hour. We told the clerk we would pay for our clothes when we came back in an hour.

We left the store and continued our walk down the same side of the street. I was looking for the store with our other coupon. It was a jewelry store, according to the coupon. We had almost come to the end of this side of the street when I spotted the store almost directly across from us. We walked over to the jewelry store and walked in. A salesman came over and asked us if we could like some help. We told him we wanted to look around first and then if we spotted something, we would get his attention. I told Graham, we should get something for our parents. My mom liked necklace and earring sets and my dad liked chains or bracelets in gold. Graham wasn't sure about his parents. He only saw his mother wear little tiny earrings and his dad never wore any jewelery, except for his watch. Graham new his mother's birthday was in September so he thought maybe some small earring in her birthstone, and a new watch for his dad. Maybe a pocket watch with a fob. We looked around the shop and I found some nice looking ladies necklace and earring sets. I liked Graham's idea about birthstone jewelry. My mother's birthday was in September also, so we asked the clerk what the birthstone was for September and he told us it was sapphire. We asked him if he had necklaces and earring with sapphires. He showed us what he had. I picked out a necklace and earring set with sapphires, surrounded by diamonds. Graham picked out a simpler set for his mother. But only sapphire earrings. Graham asked the clerk if they had men's pocket watches in gold with a fob. He showed Graham what they had. Graham's dad was a farmer and he noticed that one of the watches had a ranch on the front of the watch case. He liked that and told the clerk he wanted that watch with a gold matching fob. I asked the clerk where the men's gold chains and bracelets were. He pulled out a couple of cases for me to look over. I liked one necklace and bracelet that seemed to look like a set. They were made out of gold nuggets. I knew my dad didn't have anything like. I told the clerk I would purchase that set. We asked him if we could have our purchases gift wrapped and he said of course. We showed him our coupon and got thirty percent off our purchases. We thanked the clerk and liked the gift wrapping. The clerk also thanked us for our purchases.

Checking my watch. Our hour was almost up. So we continued walking down the other side of the street until we were across from the clothing store. We walked across the street. We didn't have to look out for traffic. We walked in and saw our clothes hanging on a rack. The clerk came over and told us our clothes were ready. He suggested we try them on to be sure we had a good fit. We asked him where the changing rooms were. He pointed them out to us. We walked to the changing rooms. We were in rooms across from each other. I asked Graham if he was dressed and he said yes. I told I was too. We walked out so we could look at each other. The clothes fit perfectly. We went back into our changing rooms and put our clothes back on. And put our purchases back on the hangers. We walked out with our new clothes to the clerk. We told him the clothes fit perfect. He seemed pleased. Graham showed him the coupon and we paid the differece. He thanked us for our purchase and we thanked him for his help.

We walked back to inside the lobby and took the elevator up to our room. Graham tried his key card and it worked. We walked into our room and he could see the maid had been in. Everything was straightened and cleaned. There was a large fruit and cheese basket with a bottle of wine on one of our tables. I walked over and the basket was from the clothing store and the wine was from the jewelers. That was really nice of them.

We checked the time and thought we should get ready for dinner. Graham said he had tickets for the French Circus at nine. We decided to wear our new clothes. We wanted to shower before we changed into our new clothes. I told Bob to go ahead and get the shower going and I'd be right in. I wanted to talk to the concierge about our complimentary tickets to the French Circus, since I had already purchased tickets with our hotel room as a package deal. I dialed the number on the phone for the concierge. "Concierge speaking."

"Yes. This is Graham in room 1214 and I received complimentary tickets to the French Circus for this evening. I had already purchased tickets for this show when I reserved our room, as a package deal."

"That's not a problem. When you have time, bring your complimentary tickets down to the concierge counter and we will change them for our top performer for tomorrow night at the same time, in Showroom B.

"Ok. Thank you. We are getting for dinner and we will be eating in one of the hotel's restaurants. When we come down I'll come over and bring over my complimentary tickets."

"Very good sir. We will be happy to help you at your convenience."

I hopped into the shower. And grabbed Bob and kissed and hugged him. "I love you more every day."

"I love you more."

We washed each other and I felt Graham's cock getting hard as I gave it a good thorough washing. Mine did the same when Graham washed my cock. We looked at each other, like we were asking each other what we were going to do about this. We decided on a quick jerk off. I grabbed and squeezed Graham's big hard shaft as he reached over and grabbed mine. We mutually jerked each other off until we were moaning and groaning and shooting out our loads. Hitting the shower wall. We helped each other stand. After our powerful orgasms we got a little weak in the knees. We rinsed off and then dried each other off. We laid our new clothes on the bed. They really did look nice. The clerk and tailor had helped us a lot. We thought we might start having our clothes tailored made. The store where we bought our morning suits did tailor made clothes. Our suits were tailored made. We started getting dressed and helped each other. We weren't wearing suits or ties, but we felt our new clothes said enough without anymore accessories.

Graham checked to make sure he had our meal tickets. I grabbed my key card and we left our room and walked down the hall to the elevators. When we arrived in the lobby, Graham told me he needed to talk quick with the concierge if I wanted to check out the gift shop. I thought it was strange that Graham didn't want me with him, but I didn't ask any questions and walked into the gift shop. I saw Graham walk over to the concierge counter. I didn't watch anymore.

"Hello. I'm Graham and I had called earlier about making a change with my complimentary show tickets."

"What room are you in Graham?"

"Room 1214."

"Ah yes. There's a note here. It seems you were given complimentary tickets for our French Circus show, but you had purchased VIP tickets when you reserved your room as a package deal, is that correct?"

"Exactly. I was told I would get complimentary tickets to your top performer tomorrow night in Showroom B."

"That's correct Graham. Here are your tickets for tomorrow night's show. A couple of the best seats in that showroom and these tickets are also VIP. Enjoy the show tonight and tomorrow night and thank you for letting us help you."

"My pleasure. And thank you."

That was easy enough. Now to find Bob in the gift shop."

I walked into the gift shop and I saw the back of Bob's head. I walked over and asked him if he found anything he wanted. He said not really. There wasn't anything we needed.

We walked back into the lobby and found the sign for our Prime Steakhouse and we walked in. Luckily we had thought about making reservations earlier. It seemed that was the only way you could get a table was by having a reservation. The host asked us for our name. We followed him to our table which was very well decorated as well as the restaurant. All in red and gold. The host told us our waiter would be with us shortly.

The restaurant was fairly full. We looked around and talked while we waited for our waiter. Our waiter came over. A nice looking young man. Probably college age. "Would you gentlemen like a drink before you order dinner?"

"Yes, we'll both take a scotch and water on the rocks."

"Very good, I'll be right back with your drinks."

"Graham. What do the meal tickets say?"

"We get twenty five percent off on the steak of our choice. I'll have the waiter bring the menus when he comes with our drinks."

The waiter came with our scotch and water on the rocks. "Would you bring us menus, please?"

"Of course. I'll be right back with two menus."

The waiter came back almost immediately with two menus.

We looked the menu over and I told Graham I was having a blackened rib eye steak with a baked potato. "The rib eye sounds good to me too."

I got the waiters attention and he came over. "Are you ready to order?"

"Yes. I'm going to have a rib eye, medium rare, blackened with a baked potato. Please specify, I would a very lean rib eye with very little fat."

"And you sir," looking at Graham.

"I'll have a rib eye, medium rare with mashed potatoes.

"Very good gentlemen. I will give the chef your order and it should be ready in just a few minutes. Would like a refill on your drinks?"

"Not for me. I would like a chilled bottle of your best red wine with our dinner."

Graham said, "no more drinks for me. The bottle of wine sounds good."

We finished our drinks and waited on our dinner. "I'm looking forward to the show later. Should be good. I've seen them on tv, and in person should be much better."

"Me too Bob. The show should be good."

We saw the waiter coming with our dinners. He had two covered platters with some side dishes. He served us our platters and took the covers off. The steak was big. He set down my baked potato by my platter and Graham's mashed potatoes were placed on the side of his platter. "I'll be right back with your wine."

The waiter came back with our chilled bottle of wine in an ice bucket on a stand and set it close to Graham.

"Would you like me to pour you each a glass of wine?"

"Yes please." We said in unison.

We both tried the wine and told the waiter the wine was excellent. My steak was very lean. I was glad about that. Very tender and delicious with the blackened seasoning the chef used. Graham told me his steak was excellent, one of the best he had ever had.

I managed to eat all of my steak, some of my baked potato and all of the vegetables. Graham had no trouble eating his steak, mashed potatoes and vegetables.

I poured us each another glass of wine and let our dinner settle. "I suppose your going to eat dessert?"

"I was thinking about it. I'll ask the waiter what they have."

Our waiter came back and asked us if we would like an after dinner drink or dessert. Graham asked him what they had for dessert. Graham settled on peaches flambe. The waiter said it would be prepared at the table. I told the waiter I was finishing our wine we had with our dinner.

Soon a dessert chef came to our table with a little table he was pushing. We watched while he prepared Graham's peaches flambe. The chef prepared it over a rich and creamy vanilla ice cream. It looked very good. But it would be too much for me.

Graham thanked the chef and once he left our table. Graham was already gorging himself on dessert. He had the dessert polished off in record time. I finished my wine and the waiter came back. Graham showed him the meal tickets he had. The waiter said he would apply the discount and the difference would be put on our room tab. Graham told the waiter what room we were in.

We got up and left. I felt full, but not stuffed. Just comfortably full. We had a little time before we needed to go to the showroom. We went back up to our room to relax and decided we would change clothes for the show. We didn't have to dress like we did for dinner. We looked around our room some more. We liked the large private balcony with the hot tub and barbeque kitchen. We were going to try out the hot tub when we came back from the show.

We didn't do much. We relaxed on the balcony, which had a good view and was private. Nice for our nude hot tub sex. I couldn't wait to have Graham with me naked in the hot tub.

We didn't need to shower. We hadn't done anything to get a sweat or dirty. I checked the time and told Graham I thought we should get our clothes out and get ready for the show. "What time is it?"

"It's just after eight. If we start getting ready now we don't have to rush around."

We laid out our new clothes. They looked pretty sharp. I freshened up a bit in the bathroom and Graham did the same. We kept our hands off each other, which was hard to do. I loved feeling Graham's muscular body all over. We would do that later when we came back from the show.

We got dressed. Helped each other straighten their shirt and got in a couple of quick kisses. We finished with a nice belt and dress shoes. Looked at ourselves in the mirror and thought we were ready. It was just after eight thirty so we thought we should make our way to the showroom. "You have the tickets for the show Graham?"

"Right here in my shirt pocket."

I grabbed my room card key and we left for the showroom. We got to the lobby and it was very busy. We followed the signs to the showrooms and found our showroom. There was a doorman that checked our tickets. He motioned to an usher to take us to our reserved seats. We were in a special section reserved for VIP's. The seats were great. While we were waiting a waiter came over and asked us if we would like something to drink. It was included in the ticket. We both ordered a beer while we waited. It looked like we were the only ones in this reserved section.

Our waiter came with our beers. The showroom looked pretty full. Soon the lights dimmed and spotlights started illuminated a huge stage. The curtain opened and the show began. This show was in the water. Some parts of the show gave the illusion of being in water while other performers were actually in tanks of water. The show was great and we really enjoyed it. While the performers were taking their bows, an usher came over and told us he would escort us backstage. Since we had VIP tickets. We could talk to the performers back stage.

The backstage area looked bigger than the front of the stage where they performed. Soon some of the performers came over and we talked. Most were from France and other European countries. Only a handful of the performers were from the United States. Some couldn's speak English so other performers translated for them. We thanked them for a wonderful show. It was so much better seeing the show live than on tv. They gave us some free brochures of their schedule and other brochures with pictures of their show. We thanked them again and the usher led us out.

We both talked about the show as we made our way back to our room. "Do you think we should have our morning suits dry cleaned before we leave for the wedding tomorrow?"

"Let's look at them when we get back to the room. The concierge works 24/7 and we can have them take care of the dry cleaning. The hotel has dry cleaning services."

As soon as we got in the room. We stripped out of our clothes and put them away. Just running around the room in our boxers. We took our suits out of the walkin closet and looked at them. We thought they could use some freshening. I called the concierge and they said that wasn't a problem. They would send someone up shorts to pick up our suits and they would be delivered back to our room early tomorrow morning. "How long will it take to get to our wedding?"

"It's only about sixteen minutes from our hotel."

It was after eleven and we were still a little hyped after the show. "You want to relax in the hot tub or in the jacuzzi tub in the bathroom?"

"Let's go out to the hot tub. It's private their and I can't get enough of that view."

I slowly stripped off Graham's boxers and made sure I was at the right level so I could take his thick head between my lips. I slid his boxers down until they fell at his ankles. He was semi hard and I sucked his thick head and licked his precum off. The we switched positions and Graham did the same to me. Feeling his fingers on my sides made me hard and when my boxers hit my ankles my cock sprang out hitting Graham in the face. He got his lips around the head of my cock and sucked out some precum. "I'm going to turn the jets and heater on."

"I'll be there in just a minute. I'm grabbing us a couple of beers." Then I remembered the concierge was sending someone to our room to take our suits to be dried cleaned. "I'll be there as soon as the concierge takes our suits." I ran into the bathroom and put on one of the complimentary robes and waited. I didn't have to wait long until I heard a knock at the door. A middle aged man opened the door and asked if I had our suits for dry cleaning. I handed him our suits and he told me they would be ready early tomorrow morning. I tipped him and thanked him for the excellent service.

Once he left I hung the robe in the bathroom and grabbed a couple of cold beers from the bar. Walked out to the hot tub. And saw Graham stretched out relaxing in the water swirling water. I handed him his beer and joined him. I snuggled into one of his outstretched arms and he wrapped it around me. We were positioned in the hot tub so we could get a look at the spectacular view.

We finished our beer and Graham pulled me around so I was facing him. We kissed and hugged and could feel our cocks hitting and rubbing together. We held each other tight together. It felt so good. I could stay like this forever. We got out of the hot tub and toweled each other off. Graham turned off the heater and the jets. We talked into our bedroom and crawled into bed. We were both hard and horny for each other. We made out until we were so tired we fell asleep in each other's arms.

I woke up with someone knocking at the door. I had no idea what time it was. I ran into the bathroom and put a robe on and walked to the door. I looked through the peephole and it was the concierge. I opened the door and he handed me our suits. "Thank you."

"Your welcome," he said. He waited there and then I remembered I needed to tip him. Just a minute. I took our suits and hung them in the bedroom and grabbed a ten from my wallet and gave it to the concierge. "Sorry for the wait." And handed him the ten dollars. "Thank you sir, and have a nice day."

I was wide awake now. Graham was still sleeping. I looked at my watch and it was just going on eight. I had no idea what time our wedding was. So I thought I'd better wake up Graham. I knew just how to do that. I crawled under the covers and saw Graham's semi hard cock. I started sucking it and I heard him moan and felt his cock growing in my mouth. God that felt good. I wasn't sure if he was awake yet or still asleep or pretending to be asleep. I didn't care. I was going to give, my soon to be husband, one of the best blow jobs I could.

I think Graham's cock was getting bigger. We needed to measure it one of these days. I pinched his nips while I sucked on the cock head. That always gets my lover going. I played with the head with my tongue. He was groaning and begging me to suck the length of his cock. I kept teasing him and flicking the tip of tongue into his pee slit and pulling out his precum and would go back with my lips and suck on the head pulling out more precum. He would pant and then groan and moan. I slowly took him out of his misery and took his length down my throat. I wrapped my throat muscles around his cock and started massaging the length. Graham's cock was the perfect fit in my mouth and throat. I was working his cock good. He had reached over and was stroking me. We were both groaning it felt so good. Graham started groaning louder and I knew what that meant. Soon I was rewarded with a load bathing my throat. I kept sucking and working the length of his shaft with my throat muscles, milking out the last few drops of cum. He was panted now. I started jerking and spasming and shot out a big load on my neck and chest. Graham quickly bent down and sucked out the rest of my load and licked me clean. We kissed after our powerful orgasms and mingled our cum back and forth.

"What time is it babe?"

"It's just after nine. You want me to order room service for breakfast?"

"Yeah. I'd like that. It will give me more in bed with you. Besides I'm starving after our workout."

I crawled out of bed and called room service. I told them what we wanted for breakfast and they said it would be delivered in about thirty minutes.

I told Graham we would have breakfast in thirty minutes. "Come here." Graham pulled the covers back and how could I resist what a hot sight he presented to me. He was already hard again. I crawled back into bed and snuggled up against him. Running my fingers through his light chest hair. Rubbing his pecs and and squeezing his nips. I saw his cock start leaking and I needed to taste his sweet nectar. I got down between his legs and took his big fat cock down in one quick gulp. One hand was holding and playing with his balls and the other was tweeking his nips while I sucked his cock hard and fast. We didn't have a lot of time, till room service came with our breakfast. I kept working Graham's cock with my throat muscles and I felt him flex his cock a couple of times. I soon had my lover groaning and moaning loud and he tensed and soon shot the most delicious load of cum down my throat. I had to swallow a couple of times to take it all. I licked and sucked out his last gobs of cum.

Luckily, just after we finished I heard a knock on the door. "That's our breakfast, you stay put and I'll bring it in for us."

I put a robe on and opened the door. The man wheeled our breakfast in on a serving cart. "Thank you." And tipped the man. I wheeled the cart of breakfast into the bedroom. Graham already had the pillows propped up for us. I fixed a plate for Graham and handed it to him and then his juice and coffee. "Thanks babe, your the best."

"Anything for my lover." I then fixed my plate and joined Graham in bed eating our breakfast."

We finished and I wheeled the cart out into the hallway. When I came back in the bedroom Graham said we should probably shower and get ready for our wedding. For some reason, that made me nervous. I wanted to marry Graham more than I've ever wanted anythng. So why was I nervous.

I followed Graham to the bathroom. I liked looking at his hot ass as we walked into the bathroom and then the shower. The shower was big and would easily fit four people. We lathered and soaped each other. Not leaving anything out. Graham had me hard in a flash. "I never got you off this morning babe."

"There is still time now." Graham got down on his knees and took my hard cock into his mouth. Sucking me like it was his last meal. He was getting me weak in the knees. "Sit down on the shower seat." I sat down and I saw Graham put some shower gel in his hole and then he lowered his hole down over my throbbing cock. Graham wasn't big on being fucked, so I knew this was something he really wanted. I was glad he lowered himself down on me. That way he could be in control and go at his own pace. I could feel my cock rubbing over his prostate and it was making Graham moan and bounce harder and faster on me. It was like he was going crazy and couldn't get enough. He was going faster and faster and soon he had me shooting up his hot tight hole. I reached around and stroked Graham and it only took a couple of strokes before he was shooting out long thick ropes of cum. He was really turned on and shot out a long way. We just sat their panting and gasping for breath. Finally Graham eased himself off my cock and we rinsed off. "Wow, that was fantastic Bob. We need to do this more often." I couldn't disagree with that. It felt really good for me too.

We walked out of the shower and toweled each other off. We combed our hair and it would be dry by the time we finished dressing. I took out suits out of the walkin closet. There was a tag with "G" on one bag and "B" on the other bag. So it made it easy to tell whose suit was whose. We laid our suits on the bed got and out some silk boxers, dress socks, belt, and shoes. We helped each other put on our boxers. Then we started dressing in our morning suits. The dry cleaners had done a good job and there was no dry cleaning smell. We got dressed and put our top hats on and looked at ourselves in the mirror. We thought we were ready.

Graham called the concierge and they told Graham the limousine was ready to take us to church to get married.

We made our way to the lobby and we saw our chaffeur at the concierge counter talking. He noticed us and walked over and opened the front doors for us and we walked out into the hot air. He then opened one side of the limousine for us to climb into.

We were soon on our way to church to get married. I didn't feel as nervous now. Graham and I were holding hands the whole way to church. We kept mouthing to each other, "I love you."

Soon the car stopped and the driver got out and walked around to my side of the car and opened the door for us. We got out and I knew right away where we were. We were parked right in front of The Little White Chapel. I had seen this many times on tv. This was the first time seeing it in person. It was quite quaint and charming. We walked up to the front steps, arm in arm and someone must have seen us coming because just as we got to the front doors of the church. They came open. We walked in and the front of the church was decorated with flowers in a heart shaped arch. We stood under the arch as the pastor came out from the side and asked us if we were ready. Soon I saw an Elvis impersonator come in and he was going to sing during the wedding service. There was no family. Just Graham and me, the pastor and Elvis.

The Elvis impersonator really had a striking resemblance to Elvis. Only when you were close to him, you could tell he wasn't Elvis, but from a distance, you wouldn't know the difference.

The service started and the pastor asked us if we wanted to say anything. We standing looking at each other. I had my speech memorized and I told Graham everything I wanted. I saw him brush a couple of tears away. Then it was Graham's turn and I couldn't believe the heart felt message he said to me. I too brushed a couple of tears away. The pastor asked us if we had the rings. We then put our rings on each other and the pastor told us we were officially married. He told us we could kiss and we were now husband and husband. Cameras were flashing and pictures were being taken. Elvis was busy blasting out songs. We had a couple of group pictures taken with the pastor and Elvis. And many of just Graham and me. Graham had paid for the wedding earlier. All we had to due now was pay the two photographers and the Elvis impersonator. We waited for a couple of minutes until our pictures were ready. We were anxious to look at the photographs in our room.

We went back and the chaffeur opened the door to the limousine and we got in. He told us congratulations and we thanked him. However, when we left the wedding chapel the driver took a different route and I had no idea where we were going. Graham saw me looking confused. "Don't worry babe. We're going some place special for lunch. It's a wedding surprise."

"Graham, I don't know how many more surprises I can take. You've managed to keep me in the dark about the wedding."

"Nothing to worry about. I know you'll like it."

Graham had managed to reserve a very secluded and private dining room in one of the finest restaurants in Las Vegas. He had pulled a few strings, but nothing was too good for Bob.

"I think we should get ready for lunch. We need to dress in suits."

"Do you we have to wear our morning suits. Or can we wear a different suit?"

"No morning suit babe. Just one of your nicest suits you brought along."

I saw Graham get out one of his tailored designer suits. So I followed along and did the same. We got dressed and splashed a little cologne on and we were ready to go.

We went down to the lobby and our chaffeur was waiting for us. He opened the door for us and we got into our stretch limousine and he drove us somewhere. I had no idea where we were going. Graham just kept a smile on his face and we held hands again and we kissed a few times before we got to where we were going.

The limousine stopped and the driver walked around and opened my door. We climbed out of the limousine and I followed Graham. I had no idea where we were. It looked like a restaurant, but I couldn't be sure. We walked up to the front doors and a doorman opened the doors for us. A waiter was right there waiting for us. He took us to a very secluded and private area of the restaurant. You could only get seats here by reservation and they were generally booked months in advance. Graham happened to have a few connections and was able to get reservations for him and Bob.

We were seated at a table and the waiter brought a chilled bottle of one of their finest red wines. The wine was very good. I knew this was costing Graham a lot of money and I appreciated the thought. Soon the waiter came with our menus and told us he would be back in a couple of minutes to take our order. There was a big R on the front of the menu embossed in gold and I had an idea where we were. I thought we were probably in the MGM eating at Robuchon. I don't know how Graham pulled this off. But I wasn't complaining. I couldn't believe the prices. The cheapest lunch was $500 and it went up from their. Graham got our waiters attention and they talked privately. Soon the waiter took our menus and said our lunch would be coming soon and to enjoy our wine.

Soon our waiter came out carrying a very large covered silver platter. He set it down in the middle of our table and then placed two dinner plates and our silverware. Everything was embossed with the letter R in gold. The waiter took the cover off and I saw two of the largest lobsters I had ever seen. I wasn't sure if I would be able to eat all of that. The waiter prepared our plates with a side of vegetables and then told us to enjoy our meal and left.

I looked at Graham and he looked at me. I knew Graham wouldn't have any trouble eating all of his lobster. I tried my lobster thermidor and it was delicious. Graham ate his lobster with drawn butter for dipping. He said his was delicious too. I managed to eat all of my lobster and Graham was already finished. "Your not going to eat dessert?"

"I was thinking about it. I still have a little room left for dessert."

The waiter came back and asked us if we would like dessert or an after dinner drink. I told the waiter I would have a black coffee and Graham ordered the three chocolate cake.

The waiter returned with my coffee. And a dinner plate with Graham's dessert. Graham's mouth was watering. I couldn't believe him. As big as the dessert was, it almost looked gross. I could never eat anything like that. Graham was going to have workout at least twice a day when we got home. I sipped on my coffee. While I watched Graham eat his dessert. We timed it just right. I finished my coffee and Graham finished his chocolate cake.

Graham had arranged earlier for our lunch. I didn't see him pay anything. He did tip the waiter. I didn't ask. It was his surprise and I didn't want to ruin it. "What should we do the rest of the day?" Graham asked me.

"How about if we look around the casino. Maybe gamble for a little bit and then check out of the five swimming pools this hotel and casino has."

"That sounds great. Some walking would be good after our big lunch."

I was thinking after his big dessert he could use some walking. We finished and got up and left. Our chaffeur took us back to our hotel. We walked back into the lobby. It was busy. We following the sign and arrow to the casino. We walked in and the casino was busy. We started walking around and it seemed like the casino went on for miles. He wound around. We decided to play some dollar slots for a little bit and then walk around some more. Go to our room and change into our swimsuits and check out one of the hotel pools. We sat down next to each other. We weren't sure how to play the slot machines. Luckily a lady was going around serving drinks and helped us and showed us how to play the machines. We thanked her and we started playing. We didn't have any luck and soon started losing interest. The only winner was the casino. We got up and walked down by the tables. We looked up and noticed a second floor to the casino. That must be where the high rollers are. We soon had enough of the casino and went back up to our room.

Once in our room Graham hugged and kissed me. "You having a good time "husband?"

"This is fantastic love. I'm having one of my best times ever and that's because I'm with my husband."

I found the hotel brochure and Graham and I looked at the five different hotel pools. We decided on the pool that had a waterpark. We thought that might be fun if there wasn't too many kids there.

We checked to see what we brought for swimming. We got out our board shorts and tshirts and couple of oversized hotel towels. We wore sandals rather than flip flops. We thought that was more appropriate. We went down to the floor where the pool and waterpark were. We walked in and you could smell chlorine. The whole pool area was huge with a large waterpark. We didn't seem many kids so we thought we'd see what all the waterpark offered.

We walked around and noticed a log ride you could sit in and it went fast through some water tubes. There were inner tubes you could ride on and a couple of long water slides. It looked like plenty. We found a table with chairs and put our towels on the chairs. We decided to try the log ride first. We walked over and an attendant helped us to get into a log. The log had places for two people. One person in the front and one in the back. I was in the front and next time Graham would be in the front. The ride started and it was fun. The log went fast. It was almost like being on a roller coaster. The ride ended and Graham and I switched places.

We then tried a long water slide. That was exhilarating. We went a couple of times on the slide. Then thought we'd relax on the inner tubes. We got the attention of a bartender and we we ordered a couple of beers. They came in plastic glasses. That was understandable. They didn't want broken glass in the water and around the water park. Especially with kids running around barefoot. The inner tube was slow and relaxing. We enjoyed our beer as we went around on the inner tube. Taking in all the tropical plants and birds. The water park was enclosed so they could keep it climate controlled.

We enjoyed our relaxing time in the inner tubes going slowly around the waterpark. Finally we came back to where we started and got out of the tubes. We walked over to where our towels and sandals were. We dried off. We almost started drying each other and then remembered we were in public and stopped and dried ourselves.

We walked over to a couple of loungers and put our towels down and reclined on the loungers. I had a couple of questions I wanted to ask Graham while we were by ourselves. I couldn't stop looking at him. God he looked good. Even with all he eats he still stays fit.

Graham saw me staring at him and he knew I had something on my mind. "What's up Bob?"

"Just a couple of things on my mind? What are we going to do about a reception and I think we should start planning our honeymoon."

"Nothing to worry about husband. I have both things covered and have already starting working on both our reception and honeymoon. You don't have to be concerned about anything."

"I gave him a strange look. I thought both our reception and honeymoon would be something we would discuss together. But I guessed wrong. It seemed Graham was already working on both our reception and honeymoon.

We had another beer and when we finished we decided to head back to our room and relax there. We still had plenty of time to relax before we would go for dinner.

Graham told me to go ahead to the room and he would be there in a couple of minutes. I was wondering what he was up to now. Graham wanted to call Preston to make sure everything was ready for the surprise wedding reception at our house. Graham gave Preston a call. "Hi Graham, what's up?"

"Just checking in to make sure everything is ready for tomorrow?"

"Nothing to worry about. Everything is a go and ready. You think you will be still be back here by about eleven tomorrow morning?"

"Yes. Everything is on schedule on this end."

"Good to hear. Look forward to seeing you guys tomorrow."

"Thanks for everything Preston and look forward to the reception tomorrow."

On his way back to the room. Graham went to the concierge counter and wanted to confirm his reservation for two at Picasso in their hotel for dinner. Picasso was supposed to another one of the best restaurants in Las Vegas. The person working the concierge counter told Graham's reservation for seven was in place. Graham thanked the lady working at the concierge counter and left for his room. He didn't have a room key card. So he would have to knock when he got to the room.

The elevators were busy so he had to wait a couple of minutes before he got an elevator going up. He finally made it to their floor and walked down the long winding hallway to their room. He knocked on the door and waited. Nothing. He knocked again and finally Bob opened the door wearing a skimpy towel. "Did I interrupt something?"

"Yes. I was getting ready for you."

Graham could see the big tent in the little towel. "Looks like your happy to see me?"

"Your going to find out very soon."

Bob pulled Graham into the room and closed and locked the door. Pulling Graham into the bedroom. He stripped Graham out of his clothes in record time, throwing the clothes on the floor. Graham looked so hot naked. Bob devoured him in one fast gulp. Graham wasn't expecting that and his eyes rolled back in his head and his legs got wobbly. Bob was tugging on Graham's big low hangers as he sucked like crazy on his lover's big fat cock. Bob had his throat vacuum sealed around Graham's shaft. Graham was trying to hold back but couldn't. It felt so good what Bob was doing. Graham soon groaned and grunted and I felt his hot lava bathing and shooting out on the sides of my throat. I swallowed down his load and pushed him back on the bed. "Aren't you getting naked?"

"Right now. I wanted to take care of my special lover."

I started a slow strip tease and I knew Graham was watching my every move. I slowly unbuttoned my shirt and twirled it around above my head and threw it on the floor. Then kicked my shoes off. I slowly slid my socks off, wiggling my toes at Graham. Then turnd with my back to him and undid my belt and pulled it off and threw on the floor with my shirt. Then undid the top button on my pants and slowly slid the zipper down. Then put my hands on each side of my pants and slowly slid them down until they fell at my ankles. Then kicked them off and they landed with my shirt and belt. I still had my back to Graham, and put my thumbs into my boxers and pulled the back down so they were under my ass cheeks. I flexed my ass cheeks at Graham. I then bent over spread my cheeks so Graham could get a good look at my hole. I pulled my boxers back up and turned and faced Graham. I could see he had a hardon under the sheets. I slowly slid my boxers down until they got tied up with my hardon. I pulled my boxers down harder and they fell down and my hardon sprung out of my boxers and slapped my stomach. I wet a finger and I turned so Graham could see me insert my wet finger in my hole. He was moaning now. Graham pulled the sheet back and his big hardon looked rock hard. I slowly started stroking the length of my hardon while fingering my hole. I slowly pulled my finger out and it made a popping noise. I grab my balls and played with them while I kept stroking. Graham was leaking like a faucet. I got on the bed and knee walked between Graham's spread legs. I maneuvered my knees on each side of Graham and slowly lowered my hole down on his leaking swollen head. My hole grabbed Graham's head and I slowly slid down his shaft until my ass was resting on his pubes. Graham couldn't take it any longer. He put his hands on my sides and started moving me up and down on his hard cock. I squeezed his shaft with my ass muscles. He reach up and stroked me and played with my big low hanging balls. We soon got a good rhythm going and we started going faster. Moaning and groaning in unison. Graham came first shooting way up inside my hole. I came right after him covering his face neck and chest with my load. I collapsed down on top of Graham and he hugged me tight to him and we just laid like that until our breathing became normal.

We thought we better get up and shower so the cum didn't dry on Graham's chest hair and stick us together. It could hurt trying to get apart even in the shower. "Where did you learn all those strip tease moves? You been getting lessons from Mark and Irving?"

"No. Once I started he just seemed to come to me. Did you like it?"

"Did I like it? I loved it. That really got my blood flowing."

We crawled out of bed and made our way to the shower. The warm water felt good. Graham's hands on me felt better. We washed each other and I made sure I got all the cum out of Graham's chest hair. It didn't take us long to get hard in the shower and we were ready to go at it again. Now that we were married, it seemed like we wanted each other more and more. We got out of the shower and dried each other off. Our hardons pointing to the bed.

We got on the bed and Graham got over me. His big balls and cock hanging down over my face. He had already engulfed my cock in his mouth and was slowly deep throating me. I sucked on Graham's big low hanging balls. Swirling them around in my mouth and licking them with my tongue. Then took Graham all the way down my throat. We were deep throating each other and it felt awesome. We couldn't hold back. We were so turned on with each other. We shot out any other big load and we swallowed each other's cum bath. We cleaned off the head of each other's cocks and made sure we got all the cum.

We got up from the bed and we got out another suit to wear for dinner. Now I see why Graham had wanted me to bring a couple of my better suits besides our morning suits for the wedding. We got dressed and helped each other with our ties and made sure everything was straight and in order. I took a key card with me and put it inside my suit jacket pocket. And we left our room for dinner.

The elevators were busy so we had to wait a couple minutes for a down elevator. It looked like everyone had the same idea we did and were heading for dinner. We arrived at the lobby and I followed Graham. He seemed to know where he was going. We came to the entrance of Picasso and a doorman welcomed us to Picasso. A host talked to Graham and we followed him to our table. The restaurant wasn't overly busy. But it was very elegant and smelled expensive.

"Would you gentleman like a drink before you dinner is served?"

We both ordered scotch and water on the rocks. The waiter came back almost immediately with our drinks. The scotch was very good and smooth. We talked some more. And we started discussing our wedding reception and honeymoon. "Why don't we wait until we get home tomorrow to finalize our reception and start planning our honeymoon? And just enjoy the rest of the time we have here at the hotel?"

I agreed with Graham. The reception and honeymoon wasn't something that we had to decide immediately and I really was enjoying our time here in Las Vegas. Graham had really outdone himself and this was the best surprise and wedding I could have dreamed of.

Being here in Las Vegas was almost like being on our honeymoon. We finished our drinks while we kept talking. Our waiter came back and asked us if we would like another drink. I told him no and that I was ready to order. The waiter looked at Graham. "I ordered earlier for us when I made the reservations. All we have to do is let our waiter know we're ready and he'll bring our dinner out.

I told the waiter I was ready for dinner and Graham nodded to the waiter. In a couple of minutes the waiter came back with two covered silver platters. He placed one in front of each of us. He took the covers off and we had prime rib. We also had a side of mixed vegetables. My prime rib looked very lean and very little fat. Just the way I liked it. It was a big prime rib and I was wondering if I would be able to eat it all. The waiter had also brought a bottle of chilled red wine. The wine was very good and complimented our dinner. Graham took his time eating which surprised me. He said wanted to savor every mouthful it was so good. We finished our prime rib and Graham ordered dessert. That as no surprise. I was full after eating that big prime rib. We finished and Graham tipped the waiter.

We still had a little time before we were going to the show. We went back up to our room and freshened up a bit. Graham found the show tickets and we went back down to the lobby. We found the showroom and Graham presented our tickets to the doorman. An usher took us to our VIP seats. Again we were the only ones seated in the VIP section. The performer was a very popular British songman. Graham had heard he put on a very good show. It would be two hours with a short intermission. A waitress came over and we ordered a couple of beers.

Soon the showroom was filling up. We noticed a couple ushered into the VIP section but they were aways away from us. Soon the lights dimmed and the very large stage was illuminated. The curtains opened and our show was under way. The first hour he performed many of his hits. The second hour was devoted to some new songs and many showtunes he had arranged.

I enjoyed the show very much. It was so much better seeing him in person and hearing his music than on tv. Once the show finished we were ushered backstage to meet the performer. The other couple what was in the VIP section was also there. We let them go first. Then when it was our turn to talk to him. He was very gracious and he autographed our programs. I was surprised. We didn't even ask him to do that. We talked about some of his music and how he came up with his ideas. It was very interesting. Finally we escorted out and made our way back to the lobby.

We went to the concierge counter and asked to have a good red wine sent to our room. "Do you want to have a second bottle of wine?"

"No, why? It seems you two made a big impression on our headliner and he sent a bottle of red wine to your room."

We were speechless. "How can we thank him?"

"Unfortunately, you can't personally. But we can take care of it for you."

"Thank you. Please thank him for us."

We looked at each as we went back to our room. We couldn't believe it. We hadn't said anything that important. But we weren't going to refuse a free bottle of red wine.

Graham opened our room and we walked in. There in the middle of the dining room table was a bottle of red wine in a chilled bucket, along with assorted cheese, fruit and crackers.

I looked at the card and read it. "To two very interesting young men. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to know you. I have your names, addresses and phone numbers from the concierge. The next time I'm in Las Vegas I will send you complimentary tickets and you will be invited to stay at my Las Vegas Villa. Again, thank you for making the acquaintance."

"Wow," we looked at each other. "How can we pass up an opportunity like that. We can't. I can't wait until he's back in Las Vegas again."

We changed and wrapped ourselves in our complimentary hotel robes. I opened and poured us two flutes of red wine and we walked out to the balcony and sipped on our wine. It was very delicious. Graham made us a small plate of the cheese and crackers and fresh fruit.

It was getting later and Graham reminded me we had an early flight out tomorrow morning and should be back to our place around eleven in the morning. I took a photo of the bottle of wine, I wanted to see if it was available in our hometown. We took our robes off and crawled into bed. Graham turned the tv on and we talked about the show and the invitation to the performers villa here in Las Vegas the next time he was a headliner.

We snuggled together. Sometimes feeling the other person's warm body tight to you and curled around you is just as satisfying as sex. We more tired than we thought. I heard Graham breathing quietly and I knew he was asleep. I soon followed him.

We woke up to the alarm going off. It was set early. Something we were used to when we workout. I crawled out of bed and Graham did the same. We made our way to the bathroom and showered. Washing each other and jerking off our morning woodies. Just the touch of Graham's hand on my morning woody made me cum. That same happened to Graham when I grabbed his big morning woody and stroked him. We dried off got dressed in our knew clothes we had bought. Finished packing our overnight bags. Checked all the drawers bathroom and walkin closets and it looked like we had everything.

I grabbed our key cards and we went down to the lobby to check out. Graham paid any outstanding charges to our room. The concierge told us our limousine was ready to take us to the airport. We thanked everyone that had been so helpful to us and the chaffeur stowed our overnight bags and hung out garment bags and soon we were on our way to the airport.

I pulled Graham over to me and gave him a long deep passionate kiss. "Thanks babe for a wonderful time and a great wedding."

"Only the best for my partner and soulmate."

We arrived to the airport and our private jet was waiting for us. It looked like a different stewardess this time. The chaffeur took our overnight bags out of the trunk and handed them to the stewardess who stowed them away in the cargo hold. She took our garment bags and hung them in a special closet in the plane. We boarded and she told us our breakfast would soon be ready once we were in the air.

We looked back before outside through one of the windows and thought about all the wonderful things we had done and now we were husband and husband.

As promised, once we were airborn. The stewardess set the dining room table and told us breakfast was ready. We sat down and she brought out a big spread for breakfast. Graham lit up like a Christmas tree. I ate some scrambled eggs sausage and toast. Graham dug into everything else. I sipped on my juice while I ate my breakfast and Graham didn't seem to have time to drink anything, he was so busy filling his face. Breakfast was good and I finished. Graham had already ate everything. She then brought out an assortment of danish rolls. I ate one with my coffee and Graham ate the other five while he drank his coffee.

We retired to the sitting area and Graham showed me some wedding photos he had saved on his phone. One of the photographers had sent Graham a collection of our wedding photos. The photos brought back some happy memories. We were going to have some of our favorite photos enlarged and then buy some nice silver frames and give one photo each to our parents. The rest we would keep for ourselves and find some places in the house to hang them.

Soon the pilot announced we were starting our descent and would be landing in about a hour.

The stewardess asked us if we wanted anything to drink. I told her I'd have a beer. I mentioned the one we had had before and she said they were well supplied. She brought us each a cold beer in chilled glasses. While we drank our beer we talked about the shows we had seen. And our memorable time talking backstage with the British performer and inviting us to his Villa in Las Vegas.

As we were finishing our beer the pilot announced to were making our final descent and to please fasten our seatbelts. The stewardess cleared our glasses and she buckled herself in.

The pilot made a very smooth landing. Another flight with no turbulence. We waiting while he finished taxiing the airplane and it came to a stop. The door opened and we were let out. At least the outside air wasn't hot like Las Vegas. I saw a stretch limousine waiting for us. Our overnight bags were stowed in the back of the limousine and the chaffeur hung up our garment bags. The crew of the private jet thanked us for using their services. We thanked them and told them this was the only way to fly and we would be sure to contact them the next we planned on flying.

The chaffeur opened a door and we climbed into the back of the limousine. There was a mini bar in the limousine, so Graham got us a beer. It was cold and tasted good.

Graham seemed a little jittery and nervous. "Are you ok babe?"

"Yeah. I'm fine. Just felt a little weird when they depressurized the airplane. I'll be ok. Nothing to worry about."

Graham was nervous about the reception when they arrived at the house. He knew Preston would do a good job and Margaret and Sam were going to help.

Bob was wondering why they had left so early. Checkout wasn't until three in the afternoon. And Graham never has a bad feeling. Somethings going on. I'll have a good talk with Graham when we get to the house and maybe I can get to the bottom of this.

Our drive back to the house was quiet. Graham didn't really say much and when I looked at him. He looked like a bundle of nerves. We pulled up to the gate and I told the driver how to open the gate. We drove in and everything looked calm and peaceful. Just like we had left it.

The chaffeur opened our car door and we got out. The chaffeur told us he would take care of bringing in our overnight bags and garment bags.

I was going to disarm the security system and I noticed it wasn't activated, that was strange. We walked in and the house seemed eerily quiet. After being in the hotel and around hundreds of people every day. Everything seemed ok. Just really strange that the security system wasn't activated.

"Let's go out to the patio and relax for a bit. We can put our things away later."

I followed Graham out to the patio and soon the music started and people started coming out of the woodwork congratulating us. I saw two big tents set up and it looked like food had been catered in. I saw a lot of our friends and it looked like some of Graham's and Preston's business associates. I saw my parents and I walked over to them. Graham I saw talking to his parents.

I talked to my parents for a bit and then my dad said, "I have an important announcement to make." I saw him walk up to the DJ and take the microphone. I heard him getting everybodies attention and asking them to come forward. He then asked Graham and me to come up front with him.

We walked to the front. Everyone that was invited made a half circle around us. My father started. "It gives me great pleasure to announce the wedding of my son and his partner Graham. It wasn't always easy for me to accept Bob's sexual orientation, but he's my son and I love him and I want him happy. This is the happiest I've ever seen him. I love Graham like another son. And I thank you Graham for making Bob happy."

Everyone clapped and cheered. I sure wasn't expecting that. My father hugged both Graham and me.

Next Graham's dad took the microphone. "Like John said, it also gives me great pleasure to announce the wedding of my son to Bob. I had a very hard time accepting Graham being gay. But after his accident and some people giving me a wake up call and talking seriously to me. I did some soul searching and was able to come to terms with Graham. He's my son, I love him and will always love him." He walked over and gave Graham a big hug and then me.

Then both father's took the microphone and told everyone the buffet was ready and now it was time to party and have fun.

Graham and I looked at each other in amazement. We never expected to hear our father's say what they did. Especially in front of a large group of people.

All our friends and relatives were congratulating us. Our friends kept asking when we were going to have a backyard party to celebrate our backyard being finished. We told our friends as soon as we come back from our honeymoon.

Tyrell and Rashona came over and talked with us and congratulated us. Tyrell asked us if we would be interested in participating in Martin Luther Day this coming Friday. We asked him what it would involve. He said they would be marching from his house to the courthouse. Then their would be speeches and a recording would be played of Martin Luther King's famous speech. Then march back to his house where they would have a reception. We asked them what time this was scheduled to start. He told us they would start marching to the courthouse at one. We told Tyrell and Rashona we would be honored and would be at his house before one.

Graham and I made our way to the buffet. Talking with people on our way. We saw Sam and talked with him. He said he had one of the chefs at the hotel prepare the buffet. The buffet looked fantastic, almost anything you could think of was presented on the long tables. Graham was eyeing up the dessert table. We got a couple of plates and filled them and had coffee with our food. We sat at one of the table's where our parents were. They were glad we joined them. Almost at the same time, we thanked our father's for their speeches. We told them it meant a lot to us. We showed them our rings. We ate our food and talked more. And my father and mother excused themselves, but they needed to get some work done for Monday. We thanked them for coming and being a big part of our wedding reception.

The DJ was playing was really nice background music. Nothing too heavy, it just seemed to fit the moment. I saw a lot of people walking and checking out everything in our backyard. They were using plastic glasses which I was glad to see. I didn't want any broken glass in the pool or the surrounding areas. We found Preston and walked over to thank him. I saw Anthony and Roland and I walked over to them. They gave me a kiss and hug and told me congratulations. They both said it was about time we got married. I showed them my wedding ring and they thought it was very special. I told them about having a backyard party to celebrate our backyard being completed and would like them to be here. They asked me when we were going to have the party. I told them we would have it after we got back from our honeymoon. Anthony asked me if he knew where we were going. I told him Graham and I were going to start planning it.

Soon it was getting later and I started seeing people leaving. As they left, they congratulated Graham and me and we thanked them for coming.

Soon it was just Graham's parents, my brother and his wife and a few other friends that looked like they were getting ready to leave.

We walked over to Graham's parents and they said they needed to leave, they had a long drive home as my brother and his wife said the same thing. We thanked them for coming and being a part of our wedding reception. We all kissed and hugged and soon they had left. The DJ was packing up and we thanked him for the wonderful music and told him we were going to be having a backyard party and would be contacting him to supply the music. He told us it would be his pleasure to work at our party. He told us we always have the best parties.

Soon everyone was gone. It looked like everyone was respectful and we didn't see any trash laying around. There was still a lot of food at the buffet. So Graham and I got some containers and start filling them up. Most of the food would go in the freezer and we would keep a variety in the frig for dinner and snacks.

Then we went to the table that was heaped up with wedding presents. We couldn't believe the outpouring of love and support we had received, it was really a wondeful reception and I gave Graham a big kiss and hug and thanked him for this reception. He told me hadn't really done that much. He had called Preston and Sam and they took care of everything.

I told Graham I wanted to change and get more comfortable and then we could start unwrapping our wedding presents.

We walked up to our bedroom and stripped down. We put our new clothes away like we were taught as young kids. We decided to wear jocks. God Graham looked good in his jock. I could stare at him all day and just drool. We walked back downstairs to the living room. I asked Graham to get us a couple of beers and I would start bringing in some of the gifts.

That was good timing. I brought in an armload of presents and Graham had our beer ready on the coffee table. I tried bringing as many of the large boxes first. We each grabbed a box and starting unwrapping. We were like kids on Christmas morning unwrapping Christmas presents. Their were towel sets in Graham's box. They said "Him and Him." I had extra plush bathrobes in my box with our initials, G and B. As we went through the boxes we saved the envelopes for last. We received more towels. Slippers with our initals. Italian handkerchiefs with our initals. A very elegant sterling silver serving set from my brother and his wife. All our friends had went together and gave us each a $5,000.00 gift certifcate at one of the new high end men's stores in the new strip mall. We received each $10,000.00 gift cards from our parents for the same store we had our morning suits tailored and made. Plus other random gift cards for electronics, clothing and household goods. Overall, we were amazed at the outpouring of love and support we had received from everyone that had attended our wedding reception. Of course the party from the town for me, showed how much support Graham and I had without any derogatory comments made about us. We were accepted by our friends family and town for being a couple and I couldn't be happier.

It looked a ton of things to put away. But with both of us working on our presents we soon had everything cleared, sorted and put away. "You getting hungry babe?"

"Yeah. All this unwrapping had made me hungry."

"Where do you want to eat?"

"Let's eat outside and enjoy the weather. Maybe go for a swim."

"I'll get a couple of large snack plates ready. You want to open a bottle of wine?"

Graham got the wine ready and glasses and saw him take them down to a table by the pool. I finished our snack plates with different cheeses, crackers and meat and carried them down where Graham was.

"That looks delicious husband."

It took me by surprise at first and then I realized we are husband and husband legally. I set the two plates down and I fixed a cracker with cheese and meat. Graham did the same. Everything was excellent. You could tell this had been prepared by a chef. All the cheese crackers and meat were all exceptional quality.

We enjoyed our snack and the bottle of wine tasted good. Graham finished the rest of the last plate and I took them back up to the kitchen. I went to our bedroom to find some new bathrobes. I have ones that said his and his and grabbed them. I took them down to where we were lounging. Graham was stripped out of his jock and looking just as hot as ever. I slid my jock off and we dove into the pool.

The water was perfect and refreshing. Since we hadn't worked out for a few days, I decided to do some laps. Swimming is good exercise and uses all the muscles. Graham joined me and we swam laps side by side. I liked seeing his white buttcheeks with the sun shining off them. We finished doing our laps and climbed out of the pool. We were almost breathless. We definitely needed to get back into our workout schedule.

Graham and I laid on our robes and let the sun dry us. We would take a shower together later and clean the chlorine off. We laid together on our double lounger. I reached over and tweeked one of Graham's nips and it got hard right away. He just put his hands behind his head and smiled. I then tweeked the other one. I saw his cock jerk and twitch. I leaned over and licked around the head of his cock. I felt it getting hard in my mouth. Graham changed the position of the recliner so it was reclined the whole way. He lifted me and helped me get over his face. My cock and balls were hanging right over his mouth. I took Graham's cock in mouth and sucked him down to the base. I felt Graham sucking on my ball's first one and then the other. Then he took my thick hard head between his lips. God he was getting good. We were both were moaning between sucks and gasps of air. Soon I was deep throating Graham's cock and playing with his balls. He gagged a little and then managed to take me down his throat. I got a good rhythm going with Graham and I was trying to make us cum at the same time. I kept tugging on Graham's balls and soon he grunting loud and I felt his cock thicken and jerk in my throat and felt squirt after squirt of his hot load bathing the sides of my throat. That brought me over the edge and I rewarded Graham with a big load that he managed to swallow. We lay back exhausted after our swim and great sex.

We looked at each other. "I love you." We said it in unison. I kept looking at Graham. "What are we going to do about our honeymoon? Any ideas where so should go?"

"I should know tomorrow at the office. I want this to be another surprise. You won't be disappointed I assure you."

Graham noticed I looked a little disappointed. "What's the matter babe?"

"I thought our honeymoon, we would plan together. But if you some ideas and something in motion, go ahead with it. Our wedding was a wonderful surprise and I know you would make our honeymoon some place special."

"Don't you worry. Your going to love my idea if I can get everything worked out."

I left the topic and didn't mention it anymore. Graham and I got up and draped our robes over our shoulders and walked back up to the house. We went up to our bedroom and laid our robes on the robe and got into the shower. Graham got all the shower heads going. It was really quite an experience. We washed each other, paying special attention to each other's cock balls and hole. We wanted to make sure everything was clean and ready for some action a little later.

We dried off a little and put our robes on. Went downstairs and Graham flicked through the sports channels. He found a college football game that was just starting the second half. Of course we were couch potato narrators coach and critic all wrapped up into one. The game finished right at ten sharp. I didn't really feel tired. I asked Graham and he didn't feel tired either. But we knew we were going to have a busy day tomorrow at work being Monday. We went upstairs to our bedroom and turned on the tv. "You want anything to drink?"

"Just a cold bottle of water would quench my thirst."

"Be right back. Find something good on the tv."

I ran downstairs and grabbed a couple of cold bottles of water from the frig and ran back upstairs to the bedroom. Graham had an old black and white movie on. Something we liked watching a lot. We hadn't seen this movie. I handed him his water and we snuggled together and started watching the movie that had already started.

Graham and I enjoyed the movie. We weren't able to watch till the end. We were getting tired and nodding off. Graham turned the tv and lights off and set the alarm. We snuggled tightly together and fell asleep.

I woke up to the alarm going off. I saw Graham reach over and shut it off. We slowly and groggily got out of bed. It was six exactly. We made our way downstairs to the lockerroom. Some of the guys were already there warming up and lifting weights. Cal Dave Travis and Brody were there. It was nice to see them. They congratulated again on our wedding and said they really liked the reception. We all worked out. I felt much better after working out. Graham said he did too.

Now it was time to shower. I was wondering if we would get another workout. It didn't take us long to have hardons. Bumping and rubbing against each other as we washed. I saw Travis sit down on the shower seat so we all knew what that meant. They told us the married couple should go first. I sat down over Travis' big hardon and felt it going way up inside me. His big cock could hit places Graham's couldn't. I wasn't complaining, but it felt good. I started moving up and down on Travis' cock. Graham got between my legs and was giving me a good blow job. Soon I came in Graham's mouth and my hole constricted on Travis' cock making him shoot way up inside me. I got off Travis and then Graham eased down over Travis' big nine incher. I got between Graham's legs and gave my lover one of my good blow jobs. It didn't take Graham long to cum. It took Travis a little longer being his second time, but I could tell by the look on his face he was cumming. Then the other guys took their turns. We finished our shower and dried each other off.

We all got dressed and went upstairs for breakfast. Margaret congratulated us on our marriage and thanked us for inviting her to our reception.

Margaret had a big spread ready for us to eat. We wall sat in the breakfast nook and chowed down on a very good breakfast. When we finished eating, we thanked Margaret and headed to the garage to go to work. We got into a group hug and kiss in the garage and soon we were all heading in our different directions to work.

I arrived at the clinic and when I went inside. It was decorated and everyone congratulated me on the wedding and told me they really enjoyed the reception. I told them it was time to get to work. They all gave me a frown and then smiled. Monday was going better than I thought it would. I thought I'd be dragging around. But after a good workout and sleep I felt pretty good.

It was getting close to lunchtime so I thought I'd give Graham a call and see if he wanted to meet me at the diner for lunch. I wanted to see Millie. He said he could get away and would meet me for lunch. Graham told me had some news for me that I would like.

It was lunchtime and I told Shirley I was walking over to the diner for lunch. I walked into the diner and it wasn't very busy. I didn't see Graham and I sat down at my favorite table where I could look outside. I saw Millie busy waiting on another table. She finished and spotted me and walked over. "Hello newlywed. I thought you'd look more tired than you do."

"Millie, Millie, Millie. What would I do without you?"

"Probably quite a bit."

"But congratulations on your wedding. And thank you for inviting me to a wonderful reception. Now what would you like to eat? Or is your better half joining you?"

"Graham should be here any minute. I'll just have a black coffee until he arrives."

"I'll be right back with your coffee and I'll still going to try to have a date with you?"

I just smiled. Good old Millie. I saw Graham walk in and he spotted me and walked over and took a seat. He told me they had decorated at work and congratulated him on his wedding and really enjoyed the reception. I told Graham the same thing happened to me at the clinic.

Millie came back with my coffee. "Well, it's about time you got here. Bob didn't know what to do with himself. I thought I might have to take him back into the supply room and have my way with him."

Graham was cracking up and choking up laughing. "What do the newlyweds want to eat?"

Graham and I ordered the special and Millie brought Graham a black coffee. "So what's the news you have for me?"

"I have everything finalized on our honeymoon. Your going to really enjoy it and be surprised. We can leave next Friday and be back on Sunday. Can you take Friday off from work, so we can leave early?"

"No problem. I can let Shirley know, Janice and Quinton and they take care of morning patients on Friday. You going to give me any clues as to where we're going for our honeymoon?"

"It wouldn't be a surprise if I told you?"

"Spoil sport."

Millie brought our lunch. We ate the daily special. Which was soup and sandwich. Graham and I paid the bill and gave Millie a good tip and we both went back to work.

The rest of the week went quickly and it was already Friday. I went home right after work to change into something more comfortable for marching and being out in the hot sun. Nothing like Las Vegas, but we were having some unseasonable warm weather. I heard Graham and we changed together. I told Graham I would drive us over to Tyrell's house. I had my SUV parked in front of the garage.

We walked out got in the SUV and I drove over to Tyrell's house. There was already quite a large crowd gathered. I found a place to park and Graham and I were introduced to Tyrell and Rashona's parents and relatives. They were friendly and soon we got organized to march to the courthouse. Tyrell told me the mayor had everything ready for speeches and showing a video of Martin Luther King's speech.

Graham and I felt honored to be able to be a part of Martin Luther King day, especially with Tyrell and his wife. We were organized and marched out through the security gate. When we got out onto the street I noticed a couple of motorcycle cops with their lights flashing going in front of so we had clear sailing to the courthouse without any traffic interruptions.

The sun was warm but it wasn't unpleasant. I noticed some of the ladies had umbrellas to block the sun. They were singing as we made our way to the courthouse. We had aways to walk, since Tyrell's house was on the edge of town. As we walked more people started joining us. As we got closer to the courthouse, more and more people were joining in the march and some were singing right along. I don't know the songs that were being sung and I wasn't known for having a good singing voice. So to not make anybody sick, I kept my mouth closed. We didn't carry signs and it was a peaceful march to the courthouse we pay our respects to Martin Luther King and civil rights and equality no matter what our skin color is. It was something both Graham and I believed in and we felt honored to be able to a part of this march and celebration to Martin Luther King.

We arrived at the courthouse and Tyrell took the microphone first and gave a short speech thanking everyone that marched and is taking part in this tribute to Martin Luther King. He then introduced the mayor. The mayor gave a short speech and told everyone present it was his honor to be here to pay tribute to Martin Luther King and then proceeded to say he had a special guest to introduce. The governor of our state walked over to the podium and he also said it was his honor and privilege to be a part of this tribute to Martin Luther King he then introduced a family member of Martin Luther King's family. Everyone was in shock and surprised that a family member would come to our small town. Martin Luther King's granddaughter gave a wonderful speech of how she remembered her grandfather and everything he stood for. She then said let's watch a video of my grandfather. We watched the video and it was amazing to see and hear his devote dedication to civil rights and equal rights for African Americans. Once the video concluded, that ended the presentation and soon we all grouped together, the mayor, governor and granddaughter of Martin Luther King and marched back to Tyrell and Rashona's house.

Once we got back to the house a large buffet was ready for us and an open bar. Graham of course was one of the first in line for the buffet. I took time talking to the mayor governor and Martin Luther King's granddaughter. It was very interesting talking to her. We all made our way to the buffet and filled our dessert plates. I had a waiter bring me a scotch and water on the rocks and joined my husband and some of our friends that were sitting with Graham. We all were glad and honored we had a chance to march and be a small part of the tribute to Martin Luther King. Finally the reception started to thin out and people starting leaving. Some had long drives ahead of them. We greeted and said our goodbyes to Rashona and Tyrell's parents. The mayor and governor had already left. We then said our goodbyes and thank you to Martin Luther King's granddaughter, Tyrell and Rashona.

We walked over to my SUV and waved to some of the people as they drove by us. We got in and I drove us back home. "What did you think babe?"

"I'm glad I had a chance to be a part of this tribute. And the food was great."

I just shook my head and we pulled in and I parked in the garage.

We didn't do much over the weekend and Graham would only give me sketchy information about our honeymoon.

The next week seemed to go fast and we were rapidly approaching Friday when we would be leaving for wherever on our honeymoon. Thursday night we got a small suitcase packed and a carryon. And put a couple of suits in our garment bags. Graham told me I had enough packed. If we needed anything else we could buy it when we arrived.

Friday morning we were up early. The same limousine and driver we had for our wedding arrived and he stowed our bags and garment bags and we were on our way to the airport.

When we arrived at the airport we had the same private jet and crew that we had when we went to Las Vegas. They were glad to see us and we boarded the plane. We were soon airborne and on our way to our honeymoon destination.

End of Chapter 2 - Martin Luther King Day

Chapter 3 Coming Soon

If you would like to see the characters in the story, please read "My Alphabet Friends", and there are photos of characters at the end of each chapter.

Your comments and suggestions are always welcome. I answer all emails I receive. I ask that you please put Nifty or the title of the story in the subject line. Then I'll know it's not spam. I am already working on Chapter 3. I hope you enjoy my story as much as I like writng it. Please email me at:

Next: Chapter 3

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