Bob's Holidays

By Francis Scott

Published on Sep 6, 2023


Bob's Holidays Chapter 19

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The following story is a work of fiction from the authors mind. It contains adult situations between consenting adults. If this offends you and is illegal in your area, WHY ARE YOU HERE? Any similarities to actual people or events is purely coincidental. This story does not promote safe sex. Please practice safe sex at all times. Don't put your life or someone else's in jeopardy.

If you haven't read my story, "My Alphabet Friends," I would recommend doing so. All characters in this series are from My Alphabet Friends. There are pictures of the characters at the end of each chapter. However, at this time there is a problem with the pictures and I will be revising and editing My Alphabet Friends when I finish this series. You will find, My Alphabet Friends, in Gay/Adult Friends.

Bob's Holidays

By Francis Scott

Chapter 19 - Labor Day

I arrived home and still felt exhausted. I pulled into the garage and got out and walked in. Graham was in the kitchen. "Bob you look exhausted."

"I am. It was stressful talking to Cotton."

"How did it go?"

"Cotton answered my questions. He was jealous of me and my success. He thought by drugging robbing and sexual abusing men it would make him successful. He told me I was his idol and wanted everything I had. When I left the guard told me the conversation had been taped and thanked me for getting all that information from Cotton and if I needed a job as an interrogator. They would have one for me."

"Would you like a cold beer or a stiff drink to help relax?"

"Thanks babe. I think I'll pass on anything to drink. It would be nice to have you next to me and hug me. That would be the best stress reliever."

Graham moved in close to Bob and they laid on their sides while Graham just held Bob tight to him.

After Bob left the clinic, the guard that was monitoring the conversation between Bob and Cotton, made two copies of the conversation for the warden. The guard knew the warden would like this conversation. And would pass it on to the circuit judge.

The warden was good friends with all of the circuit and district judges. He was sure something would happen once the warden heard the conversation. But that wouldn't happen until tomorrow, Monday.

Bob was feeling better in Graham's arms. His stress was leaving and he was starting to feel better. "What's on our agenda tomorrow, besides work?" I asked Graham.

"Nothing that I can think of. Work will be enough. I'm going to call the local tv station and have them report on the Grand Opening Wednesday. I'm planning on taking the day off and spend it with Mabel at the restaurant. How about you?"

"I'll be doing physicals all week. Cal is supposed to come in for his physical tomorrow. That should be fun. Calling the local tv station is a great idea. Do you think they'll cover a Grand Opening for a restaurant?"

"I think after I talk to the tv station, they will want to cover the Grand Opening."

"I plan to take Wednesday off too. I want to spend the day at the restaurant."

I could tell Graham wanted to go somewhere for lunch. But I still felt drained after going to the prison. "Babe, would you mind fixing something for lunch. I'm sorry. I know you'd like to go somewhere. But I just don't feel up to it. I feel really drained after being at the prison."

"No problem." I could tell Graham was a little disappointed. I pulled him into me and gave him a kiss and hug.

Graham told me to stay on the lounger and relax and he would bring lunch down when it was ready.

I saw Graham getting the grill ready. Graham was really good at grilling. Almost as good as me, giving myself a pat on the back.

Graham checked the frig and Mabel and Cindy had steaks marinating. He thought steak and baked potatoes on the grill would be good.

While the grill was getting warm, Graham set the bigger round table by the pool. He asked me what I wanted to drink. I told him some more of that good fruit punch. I saw Graham grab himself a beer from the tiki bar. Graham was zapping the potatoes in the microwave. And I saw him walk over to the grill with some meat on a platter. Graham had coated the grates with oil so the steak wouldn't stick. Graham had already salt and peppered the steak and sprinkled on some steak seasoning we both liked. He had too plates ready on the barbeque island for our steaks.

I saw Graham flip the meat on the grill and run up to the kitchen with one of our plates and it looked like baked potatoes on the plate. Then he turned the grill off and put each steak on a plate with the baked potatoe and walked down to the pool. "Lunch is ready babe."

Graham had butter and sour cream on the table for our baked potatoes. We each had a rib eye steak. About an inch thick and lean. With very little fat. The steak was tender and delicious. I ate my baked potato with a little butter and salt and pepper. Graham had butter and sour cream on his baked potato. I was trying to count the calories on Graham's baked potato. I told him we were going to need to do some laps after this lunch. Everything was really good and I complimented Graham on a job well done.

Once everything was put away and the grill cleaned. We both dove into the pool and did laps. The swimming helped me feel better. But it still felt good to just relax and take it easy. We climbed out after a little competition. We were panting and I finished the rest of my fruit punch and Graham chugged down the last of his beer.

Graham ordered delivery for dinner. We watched a movie in the theater room. There wasn't any college football games on and we didn't feel like a pro game. Once the movie ended we went upstairs to bed. Graham was so passionate to me. I fell asleep in his arms.

Monday morning came around too fast. We went downstairs to workout with our friends. Rick had made it and that seemed to make everyone happy. Cal was at our workout and he motioned for me to follow him. We went out to the lockerroom and he told to expect a call from the warden at the Federal Prison. I got a worried look on my face. Cal told me there was nothing to worry about. The warden would have good news for me. Then Cal told me he was looking forward to his afternoon physical. I told him, with a wink and smile, I was looking forward to it to.

We all finished our workout and showered and manager to wiggle around so we could jerk each other off. That was all we had time for. We were running little late. We rinsed off and dried each other off. Got dressed and went upstairs for breakfast.

Mabel pulled me aside and told me she had everything submitted to the daily paper for her Open House. The editor told her it would make today's paper, Tuesday and Wednesday. I told Mabel that was great and Graham and I were looking forward to the Open House.

I walked outside and joined the guys for breakfast. It was another splendid breakfast and one of the last meals Mabel would be preparing for us. Cindy is taking over the duties and is a fast learner.

We all finished breakfast and kissed Mabel and Cindy on the cheek and thanked them. We got into our traditional group hug and kiss in the garage and we all left for work.

My morning went fast with physicals. I was really enjoying giving the firemen physicals. This week would finish their physicals and then I wondered which group would be next.

Graham called and told me he was having a regular busy Monday and wouldn't be able to make it to lunch.

I walked over to the diner and sat down at my favorite table. Millie was over in a flash with the daily paper. Open to the full page spread on the Open House. She sat down right next to me and asked me if I knew anything about this new restaurant. She said she had heard the Graham and I were responsible for the new restaurant. I told Millie I had heard something about it. "I don't think your telling me everything?"

"I don't know what your upset about Millie. That restaurant is way over on the other side of town. This diner has been here forever and you have your regular clientele. I don't see any problem."

"Well, I'm wondering how much of our business were going to lose when the that restaurant opens?"

"Probably none. Like I said. Your well established here and I don't see a problem."

"Well, I hope your right. I suppose you and Graham will be going to the new restaurant?"

"We probably will at first, to see how it's going for the owner. And then we will be returning back here."

"What would like?"

"I'll have a black coffee. And the special sounds good. Graham won't be able to join me today for lunch."

Millie left in a huff. She had left the daily paper on my table. I looked over the spread on the Open House. I liked the photo. It was color. I still couldn't get over how nice the yellow looked Everything looked perfect and I hoped it would work out for Mabel. I didn't really have any doubts.

"Here's your lunch. Setting it down in a huff."

Just as Millie was getting ready to leave the table. I told her, "Millie if your going to act like a little girl, then maybe it's better if Graham and I don't eat here anymore."

She just left still huffing and talking to herself.

I really couldn't enjoy my lunch. I paid the bill and left a very small tip for Millie.

I walked back to the clinic and Janice told me my first afternoon physical was waiting for me. I still had time before I needed to see my first patient. I had left the diner early.

I sat down at my desk and realized I was shaking, I was so mad and pissed at Millie. She had no right to act the way she did. She works at the diner. She's not the owner.

I got to put my lab coat on and get ready for my first afternoon physical when my cell phone rang. I didn't recognize the number. "Hello, this is Bob. How may I help you?"

"Hello Bob, this is the warden at the Federal Prison. I wanted to thank you for a good job of interrogating Cotton. The guard on duty for that interrogation room, gave me two copies of your conversation. That was a good job. I sent one of the copies to the judge that did Cotton's sentencing. The judge got back to me after listening to the tape. He had the two attorney report to his chamber. He played the tape for them and told them this is what he needed to resentence Cotton. With the information on the recording, he sentenced Cotton to another maximum sentence on his three crimes. That makes 48 years in prison and now with no possibility of parole. The judge was ecstatic with the tape and wanted me to personally thank you for a job well done."

"Well. I guess I should say thank you. I didn't realize I had done anything. I just wanted to know why he did the things he did."

"Well, again thank you Bob. I won't keep you. I know your probably busy."

Wow. Another 24 years for Cotton with no parole. I wonder if he will ever realize how serious his crimes were.

I finished getting ready for my first afternoon physical. Once I saw the policeman. I forgot about everything else. He was beefy and hunky just like his fellow policemen. He had a deep voice. I noticed he had big hands and feet. That looked promising. I had him strip while I got some things ready for his exam. I had a form from the police department that I was to use when I did their physicals. I checked all the vital signs and reflexes and everything checked out fine. I did his prostate exam and I felt his hole clamp down on my finger. Once my finger found his prostate, his hole relaxed and I was able to rub back and forth over it and give it a good workout. I had him turn around and the policeman was sporting a big erection. I checked his balls while lifting his erection up. He didn't seem to mind and soon his exam was over and he was getting dressed. I told him I would send his completed report to the chief of police.

We shook hands. And when he left, he told me if he had any medical problems he would be sure to come back here to my clinic.

The next physical went about the same. The policeman could care less about the prostate exam and my examination of his balls. That only left one physical left for the afternoon. It had to be Cal. My boner was so hard in pants I thought it was going to burst through.

I went back to my office and got another form for the policemen's physicals. And went back to exam room one. I walked in and there was Cal in all his naked glory. I closed and locked the exam room door. We kissed and hugged. Cal asked me, "did you hear from the warden at the Federal Prison?"

I told Cal about my conversation with the warden. Cal told me good work and asked me if I was overdressed. I stripped out of my clothes and joined Cal naked. I got the routine part of the physical finished. We were both rock hard when I started his prostate exam. He told me I might want to check his prostate with something bigger and thicker than my finger. I lubed my cock and eased it into his hole. Cal was on his back on the exam table and just the right height for me to fuck him. His hole was tight and wet. And my cock easily slide in. The head of my cock found his prostate and Cal started jerking on the exam table. Soon I felt his hole constrict on my hole and I started exploding up his hole. I finished cumming and my cock slid out of Cal's hole. Cal licked and cleaned my cock off. That brought it back to it's full hardness. I then felt Cal's balls for abnormalities. I had to lift his hard cock up to be able to feel both balls. Cal told me I might want to give his cock a few strokes. I told him I had a better idea. And took his big hard cock down my throat in one fast gulp. "Damn, I don't know how you can do that. But I know it sure feels good."

I worked my magic on with mu throat muscles on Cal's cock and soon had him gasping and panting and shooting a big load in throat. I swallowed down his big load and licked and cleaned his cock off.

We both got dressed and I told Cal I would be emailing the completed exam forms to his office. We kissed and hugged again and Cal left the exam room. Wow, what a hot guy Cal is. I'm sure glad he's a memeber of our group.

I adjusted myself and with my lab coat over the front. Nobody could see my erection. I got busy completing the exam forms on the computer and emailed them off to Cal.

The clinic sounded quiet and everyone had left. I checked around and then locked and left out the back door.

I got home and Graham was already there. That surprised me. I thought he would be working late, since he couldn't make lunch at the diner. He didn't miss anything there. I had a lot to tell Graham.

I walked into the kitchen and I saw my man getting dinner ready for us. We walked up to each other and kissed and hugged.

"This is a first. You getting home after me."

"Afternoon physicals took longer than I thought. Especially Cal's."

"I can see Cal's physical made an impression on you. Your erection looks like it's ready to rip your pants. I have dinner almost ready. Why don't you go upstairs and get changed and then we can eat together."

I went upstairs. I was a little disappointed. I thought Graham would come up to the bedroom and help me undress. I put a jock and flip flops on and went downstairs. My erection was peeking out the waistband. Something smelled good. Graham had dinner ready in the breakfast nook.

We sat down and started eating. I told Graham about Millie at the diner. He thought we should avoid the diner for a few days until she gets her act together. I then told Graham about my call from the warden. Graham asked me what I thought about that. I told him I liked the judges decision. Cotton didn't have any remorse for what he'd done. And then when he was laughing when he left the interrogation room. That really pissed me off. I'm glad they had taped the conversation and that he'd have his sentence increased without parole.

Dinner was good. But I was still sexually charged after doing physicals all day. I helped Graham put everything away. And bumped into him with my boner as much as I could. I think he was getting the message. He turned and faced me and pulled me in tight to him. Graham was wearing a jock too. We started rubbing our bulges together and breathing heavy. We had never made love in the kitchen as strange as that sounds.

Graham pulled my jock down and I kicked it off. My cock was sticking straight out and ready for action. Graham sucked the head of my cock into his mouth. He then slowly started deep throating me. Oh yes, this is just what I needed. He grabbed my firm ass cheeks and pulled me tight to him. He had the whole length of my cock down his throat. He started sucking back and forth on my cock. Getting me closer and closer. I knew it wouldn't take me long to cum. I was on edge all day. Cal helped when we got each other off. But I was still raring to go. Graham started going faster and faster. I couldn't hold back any longer and I started blasting out my load. I felt it hit the sides of Graham's throat. My cock stayed hard. Even after I came. Graham said, "babe your really turned on. I have never seen you this hard and stay this hard after cumming."

"I think I'm going to be ready to go again in a few minutes. I've been so horny on edge all day doing the physicals."

I pulled Graham's jock off and he kicked it off. We were both naked now. We walked arm in arm into the living room. Graham put on the news. I had grabbed the daily paper. I wanted to see the feature on the Open House. Millie had thrown it down at me at the restaurant, but I didn't pay any attention, with her attitude.

The Open House was featured on the second page. I liked the photo. I still couldn't believe how nice the yellow looked. It made the restaurant look bright and cheerful. Mabel was in the center with the chef and the waitresses were on each end. I didn't see a bartender or hostess. The article told the day and time of the Open House. Everyone was invited. There would be appetizers and fruit punch. It would give everyone a chance to see the restaurant. It didn't mention the tv station being there. I guess Graham wanted that to be a surprise.

I showed Graham the Open House and he took the paper so he could look at the photo and read the article. Graham told me he liked the article. The photo really made the restaurant look nice.

I asked Graham how much restaurant set us back. Graham gave me a funny look. I usually didn't talk about money that much. So it took him by surprise. He told me according to the latest figures. The restaurant cost us $243,525. I told him I thought that was reasonable. He said they could have cut costs, but the restaurant wouldn't have come out the way it did. Graham told me that the cost of the restaurant would be used as a tax break. Graham also told me that our accountant would be getting in touch with him soon to advise on how much we needed to invest to not pay taxes. Our donations and now the cost of the restaurant should about take care of it.

We moved around on the sofa. I had a towel underneath me in case we got going again. Graham was laying behind me with his cock nestled between my ass cheeks. God that felt good. It would feel better if it was in my hole. I started squeezing my cheeks on his cock and I could feel it start growing. My hardon had never went down.

I felt Graham kissing my neck and the bottom of my ears. He rubbed the head of his drippng cock over my hole, getting it wet. Then I felt the head of Graham's cock enter my hole. It felt so good. Graham reached around and grabbed my cock and stroked in rhythm with his fucking. I didn't have to do anything, except enjoy all the wonderful sensations going through my body.

I felt Graham's cock twitching in my hole. And I heard him Grunting. I was getting close and so was Graham. I felt his cock thicken and spasm in my hole and soon I felt hot spurts of cum running on the sides of my hole. That brought me over the edge and I soon was shooting out all over the towel. Good thing I remembered the towel. We kept cumming until we were spent and got soft. Graham pulled out and I got up off the towel. A big gob of cum was ready to drop off the head of my cock. Graham quickly moved over and sucked it off. My cock was really sensitive this time after cumming. I saw Graham's cock covered with cum and licked and cleaned the cum off. Tasting a little of myself in the cum.

We agreed we needed a shower. I took the towel and we walked up to our bedroom. Graham got the shower running. I put the towel in the hamper. I walked into the shower and joined Graham. He had his hands all lathered and started rubbing my back and shoulders. That really felt good. Then he move his hands down over my ass and lathered my two firm tight cheeks. Gently rubbing over my hole. My hole was a little sensitive after Graham's fucking. He then had me turn around and he lathered my chest pecs and nips. Getting them hard. He worded down over my abs and through my pubes. Lathered my cock and balls and then my legs. He positioning me under one of the shower heads so I could rinse off. Then I did my man and gave him the same treatment. His hole wasn't sensitive so I worked a couple of fingers in and getting him clean. He rinsed off.

Graham turned the shower off and we toweled dried each other. We put robes and sandals on and walked down to the pool. Graham brought us each a glass of the fruit punch. He told me this finished the fruit punch.

We relaxed and talked for awhile. We talked about the Open House coming up in just a couple of days. Then Graham told me he just found out we are invited to the Amusement Park Saturday and Sunday. We will be members of the select group. Graham told me Preston and Holden would be there. But we probably wouldn't know anybody else. Graham knew the owners of the park and told me one of them would be in attendance. He said we would have survey forms to take with us when we walked around the park, tried rides that were operating and different eating places. I told Graham I wasn't much for rides at Amusement Parks. He told me not to worry about that. There would be plent of other things to do.

Graham ordered delivery for dinner. We had eaten everything Mabel and Cindy had fixed. We watched a good game in the living room. When the game finished we went to bed. Graham was frisky so we made out for awhild and finally nodded off.

Tuesday wasn't very eventful. I enjoyed doing more physicals for the policemen. I ate lunch at the clinic. I had Shirley order delivery for me. Graham told me he was going to do the same thing. We were going to avoid the diner for a few days until Millie was back to her old self.

Shirley told me Millie had her gynecology exam scheduled for this Friday after my last physical in the afternoon. I had mixed feeling about that. I would be hard any horny. Millie wouldn't know that with my lab coat on. I was more concerned on Millie's attitude. And if she would be more like herself Friday.

Tuesday finished and when I got home, I talked with Cindy for a few minutes. I told her she didn't have to work tomorrow, so she could enjoy the Open House. She thanked me and said she'd stay a little longer and get more food prepared. I told her that wasn't necessary. Graham and I could go to a restaurant or order delivery. She thanked me and told me how much she enjoyed working here. I told her we liked having her here and were pleased with her work and cooking. That brought a smile to her face as she left for the day.

My husband got home and we relaxed and did a few laps in the pool. We didn't want to eat out. So we warmed some food the Cindy had prepared for dinner. It was good. Didn't have that little something extra like in Mabel's cooking. It reminded me more of Margaret's cooking. But it was still good and Graham enjoyed it. He ate like it was his last meal.

We watched the news and weather. I took the daily paper to the living room and looked at the spread for the Open House. I pointed it out to Graham. "It looked like Margaret and her crew did some decorating at the restaurant."

Graham grabbed the paper from me. "Your right babe. I didn't notice the decorations before. It sure looks nice. I'm sure Mabel likes it."

The news and weather finished and looked like a nice day tomorrow. I was glad for Mabel. We went downstairs to the theater room and Graham put on a movie we hadn't seen. I made us some popcorn and we split a can of coca-cola. The coca-cola tasted good with the popcorn. Probably because of the salt in the popcorn. The movie was good. But we couldn't stop kissing and making out during the movie. I was wound up after doing physicals all day.

After the movie we went upstairs and finished what we had started in the theater room. We got into a hot sixty nine and took care of each other.

The Open House didn't start until ten, but we wanted to be there earlier in case there was something Mabel wanted us to do. Graham told me he had some good news for Mable. "The building on the opposite corner from Mabel's restaurant is vacant. It's going to be torn down and a municipal parking ramp is going in. That will give plenty of parking space to Mabel's guests. The parking is the only drawback to where Mabel's restaurant is located."

We continued in our sixty nine until we couldn't hold back any longer. Finally we were both cumming at the same time. We licked and cleaned each other off. It was going to be nice to sleep in, in the morning. No workout tomorrow. Our friends knew about the Open House and were going to try to make it. I told everyone at the clinic they could work a half day as long as they spent a little time at the Open House.

We kept going at it and got so tired we feel asleep on top of each other. A pile of arms and legs intertwined.

We hadn't set the alarm. There was no reason to. I woke and felt for Graham. He wasn't in bed. I thought he was probably in the bathroom. I crawled out of bed, but Graham wasn't in the bathroom. He's probably doing some laps in the pool. I crawled back into bed. It felt good to be lazy. I looked at the nightstand clock. It was going on eight. Two hours later than we normally get up.

I heard the bedroom door and Graham came in with two bed tables. One heaped up with food. I saw him separate the food onto the two bed tables. I could smell coffee and it looked like fresh squeezed orange juice. "You went all out babe for breakfast."

"Nothing's too good for my man." And he leaned down and gave me a good morning kiss.

"You know I could get used to this real fast. And expect it every morning."

"Not going to happen. Besides, what would Cindy do?"

"She could eat breakfast in bed with us."

Graham laughed. "I'd like to see that. That wont' be happening."

Graham had fixed a delicious breakfast. It was just right. We finished eating and I helped Graham take everything down to the kitchen. We put everything away and the breakfast dishes made a full load in the dishwasher. I got the dishwasher going and we went upstairs to shower and get ready to go to the Open House.

We took care of our morning woodies in the shower. Dried each other off and put on some new tailor made dress clothes. Not a suit and tie. Dress pants and dress shirt. We put on some dress shoes and dress belts. Splashed on some cologne. Looked at ourselves in the mirror. We did some minor adjustments to each other. Of course I had to brush my hand over Graham's bulge in his pants. "Bob that feels good. But you better stop. I don't want to go to the Open House with a full blown erection. I'll save that for you."

I couldn't argue with that. We flipped a coin to see who would drive. Heads I would drive. Tails, Graham would drive. The coin landed on heads so we headed to the garage and got in my SUV.

It didn't take long to get to the Open House. But Graham was right about parking places. It took me awhile to find a parking spot and we had to walk over a block to get to the Open House.

We saw the local tv station at the restaurant. We walked in and the restaurant was crowded. The tv crew was talking to Mabel. She waved us over to her. I didn't really want to be on tv. But I didn't have a choice. Graham and I walked over to Mabel. She introduced us to the reporter. "These are the owners of the restaurant. Their responsible for this happening. I gave some input and then they took over. I can't thank them enough."

Finally, I waited long enough and I had to say something. I explained how Mabel was our housekeeper and an excellent good. Having her own restaurant was always a dream of hers. All we did was make her dream come true.

"That seems like a lot." Said the tv reporter.

"Not at all. We felt that all that Mabel had done for us. It was the least we could do for her."

That ended the broadcast and the reporter told us this recording would be on the early news tonight.

Mabel had tears in her eyes. "You boys are just something else. Your really something else. You have know idea how happy you've made me."

Graham and I hugged Mabel. "Look around Mabel, this is all yours. We know your restaurant is going to be very successful."

We broke up and started wandering around. I notice the hostess busy scheduling people in her book. The waitresses were busy carrying around appetizers and fruit punch. Graham and I saw some of our friends and talked with them. They told us they had already made dinner reservations. Graham and I thanked them.

We walked over to the hostess and she told us she was already booked for the rest of this month. We told her we didn't want to make reservation, we were just curious on how it was going. She said they were full for dinner for the rest of this month. She was now starting on next month. The hostess told us they didn't do reservations for lunch. It was a first come, first serve basis.

I thought I saw Millie way over on the far side. But I wasn't going over to talk to her. We saw Margaret and walked over to her. Margaret was crying when she saw us. "What's wrong Margaret?"

"Nothing's wrong boys. I'm just so happy for my sister. This is the happiest I've ever seen her. You have no idea how happy you've made her. I told her about you boys. But I didn't think she believed me. I told Mabel I felt the same way when you got me hired at Jenna's Decorating."

We gave Margaret a hug. And told her we were happy for Mabel. We know her restaurant is going to be successful. We need to find Mabel. We have some more good news for her.

We wandered around and found Mabel talking to one of the waitresses. I motioned to Mabel. She walked over. "Is everything ok Bob?"

"Everything is fine. Graham has some good news for you."

"You probably have seen the empty building across the street on the corner. That building is condemned by the city and is going to be torn down. A new municipal parking ramp is going in there. I think the ramp will have four maybe five floors. That will help your customers for finding a parking spot. Parking is the only problem in this part of town."

"That is good news. How soon is this supposed to start?"

"Next week they will be tearing down the old building and getting the lot leveled off. Then the construction company will start. They think in two months the new parking ramp will be ready. It just depends on the weather."

"That's wonderful. Will they be putting up signs that a new parking ramp is coming soon?"

"I don't know Mabel. But that is a good idea and I will mention it to the contruction company. You can tell your customers about the new parking ramp coming soon."

We wandered around some more. And bumped into the caterers. We complimented them on some delicious appetizers. They told us they did it as a favor to us and Mabel. However, they said they were giving out business cards to generate more business. We asked them when they were coming over again. They told us they've been very busy, but as soon as a weekend opens up, they will give us a call.

We mingled a little more. Mabel seemed to be enjoying herself. Margaret did a good job of decorating as always. She choose colors that highlighted the yellow and seemed to bring it out even more. The florist friend of Mabel had made two big table runners of white yellow and orange roses. The orange added a little more color and helped the yellow stand out. Margaret had decorated a lot with different shades of green. Everything looked really nice. I saw a photographer for the daily paper taking photos of the decorations and group shots. Overall, Graham and I thought the Open House was a success.

We were ready to call it a day. It was already in the afternoon and I was getting hungry. The appetizers were good, but not filling. We walked over to Mabel and told her we were going to leave and congratulated her on a very successful Open House. She thanked us for coming and told us we were always welcome. To call first and make reservations and our meal would be on the house. I noticed one of the menus before I left. The folder was yellow and the wording was in a dark green. I liked the colors. The menu was well laid out into the different sections. We kissed Mabel on the cheek and left the restaurant. It was scheduled to open tomorrow for lunch. Graham and I thought we might be back for lunch tomorrow..

While we were walking to my SUV, I mentioned to Graham that Millie never talked to us. She might not have seen us. But it would be interesting this Friday when I do her gynecology exam.

Thursday went quickly. Graham helped me to relieve my sexual tension. Those hungy beefy policement were really getting my blood boiling. I wonder if it will be the firemen or rescue workers next week.

I received a call from Mabel. The restaurant had opened on Thursday. She said she was getting many compliments on her food. The customers liked the menu and the variety. She told me she was packed until dinner time. And they were packed for dinner. Mabel told me having the chef was a great idea. He sure came in handy as busy as they were. It helped right now not serving breakfast. Mabel and the chef could get baking done. Fresh bread, rolls and desserts. Mabel and the chef made the small bread leaves to serve with the meals at dinner time. She said she was tired, but a good tired.

Friday rolled around and I was working a full day, to make up for the patients I couldn't see on Wednesday. I told the rest of the staff they could leave at noon if they wanted to. They told they would stay and help. My morning physicals went fast and I was hard and horny. I ate a delivery lunch in my office. Graham and I hadn't been to the diner all week. Graham was working a half day and he was probably already home. My afternoon physicals took care of those I had missed on Wednesday. Not it was time for Millie's gynecology exam. I was wondering if she showed up. I was back in my office working on the the physical forms for Cal. Janice popped into my office and told me Millie was here for her gynecology exam.

This should be interesting. I wonder what kind of a mood she is in. I'm not going to say anything and if she wants to talk first, that's fine. I'll be a professional doctor and do her exam.

I walked into the exam room and Janice had Millie change into a patient gown and Millie was on the exam table with her feet in the stirrups. Ready for her exam. Janice had my exam instruments laid out for me on a sterile rolling table that I use. I got on my stool and started Millie's exam. Millie hadn't said anything and I didn't either. Millie gave a start when I used the scope. It was probably a little cold. Her exam went fast. I found a couple of polyps and told her they would be sent to the hospital for examination. I should have the results in a couple of days. I told her she could dressed while I left the exam room.

I told Janice I had finished with Millie if she wanted to check on her and make everything was ok. Millie should be getting dressed.

I walked into the exam room and Millie was almost finished getting dressed. Millie asked, "is Bob always the snippy and untalkative."

"No. He is usually quite talkative and tries to keep the patient at ease."

"The only time I've seen Bob untalkative, is if there is a problem with the patient. And that is rare."

"Hmpff. I see. Well maybe you can call me with my results, since Bob doesn't want to talk to me."

"Sure, I can do that Millie. It usually takes a couple of days to get the lab results."

"Thank you Janice. I'll look forward to your call. At least your friendly."

Millie left in a huff and talking to herself."

I walked back to Bob's office and told him about my conversation with Millie. "I think you calling Millie is a good idea. Since she wants to have an attitude, it's better if you call her." I told Janice I was going to finish the paperwork on my policeman physicals and they could leave and I would lock the clinic. Quinton had worked a half day and he had left a long time ago.

I finished the forms and emailed them to Cal. That finished the policemen. I checked the clinic and locked and left for home.

It was dusk when I got home and Graham was doing something in the kitchen. When I walked in we hugged and kissed and Graham followed me up to the bedroom. I told him about Millie while I was changing clothes. Graham told me stop and he would finish changing my clothes for me. Graham was wearing a jock that I saw bulging more and more.

When Graham had me stripped down. He pushed me back so I fell on the bed. "Oops, sorry about that." He was on my hard cock in a flash. Feeling my balls and fingering my hole while sucking me off. He was bobbing up and down fast. God this felt good. Just what I needed to relieve my sexual tension. Graham had me cumming in record time. When he touched my prostate, I couldn't stop cumming. I was shooting and shooting and Graham kept swallowing. He licked my cock clean and then told me dinner ws ready. He just needed to set the breakfast nook.

He told me Mabel had sent something over from the restaurant for us for dinner. Graham put the covered tray on the table. Whatever it was, it smelled good. A fresh salad that Cindy had made and a warm little loaf of bread from the restaurant.

We both had my favorite refreshment for dinner. The orange mango pineapple refreshment was really good. Graham took the cover off the tray and two big porterhouse steaks greeted us. God did they look delicious and big. I was wondering if I would be able to eat it all. The warm bread with butter was great with the steak. The salad was fresh and was a perfect side for our dinner.

I managed to eat everything. I surprised myself. I helped Graham put everything away. I was ready to relax and find out more about our trip to the Amusement Park tomorrow.

We went up to the sunroom to relax. The birds were sleeping when we entered. They didn't hear us. Graham put the tv on so we could watch the news and weather. I asked Graham about tomorrow at the Amusement Park.

He told me he didn't really have anymore information, then what he had told me earlier. Only that one of the owners would meet with us first. And explain what he wanted us to do. Other than that, he didn't have anymore information.

The news was just as uninteresting as usual. And there was no change in the weather. We needed some rain. All those warm days was drying things out. Thankfully, we had an automatic sprinkling system and with the gardener. All our plants and trees stayed fresh looking and healthy.

Graham noticed my erection after doing physicals today. Millie's exam didn't do anything for my erection. Graham slowly jerked me off. God that felt good. Just the right amount of pressure and a good touch. His other hand was playing with my balls. Graham knew I liked my balls played with and made my horny. My cock was leaking and Graham used my precum as lube. He bent down and licked and swirled his tongue around the head of my cock while he kept stroking me. He was going faster and my balls were bouncing around in Graham's hand. He never fingered my hole. I was worked up enough that it wouldn't take me that long to cum. I could feel my cum churning in my balls and starting to work it's way up. Graham felt my cock thicken in his hand and sucked the head into his mouth as I started blasting out my load. I saw Graham let my cum fill his mouth and then he swallowed. "That was fantastic babe. Your really good."

I relaxed and got my breath back to normal. Then I was going to take care of my lover. I bent over and started licking Graham's shaft. Up and down the sides. One of my hands was playing with Graham's nips, getting them hard. I licked and swirled my tongue around the head of his cock. Pulling out his delicious precum. My other hand was fondling and playing with Graham's big full balls. I slowly started sucking down Graham's hard shaft. Opening my throat and taking him all in. Graham had his eyes closed and I could tell by the look on his face he was really enjoying this. I clamped by throat muscles around Graham's shaft and start working it from the tip to the base in my throat. Graham was giving out low groans and grunts. I wet a couple of fingers and eased them into his hole while I cupped his big balls. I moved my fingers around in his hole and found his prostate. I felt Graham jerk and twitch every time I rubbed over his prostate. It was getting larger. I felt his cock throbbing more in my throat and thickening. Soon he moaned loud and his cock grew and he started exploding in my throat. He was pumping out his load hard and fast in my throat. I swallowed a couple of times to take it all. Removed my fingers from his hole and licked and cleaned his cock off as he slowly slid out of my throat and mouth. Graham was panting and gasping for air. "Bob, your blowjobs get better every time. That was amazing."

I took our glasses downstairs and refilled them with refreshment and ran back up to the sunroom. I handed Graham his glass of refreshment. We guzzled it down. Nothing interesting came on after the news and weather. So we decided to look around the sunroom. We hadn't walked around in this big room for a long time.

The birds were awake. I wondered if they liked the show we gave them. They couldn't applaud, maybe flap their wings together. But nothing. We got up and walked arm in arm down to the kitchen. That was enough refreshment. I put our glasses in the dishwasher and we decided to go downstairs and watch a movie. No popcorn. We were full after our big dinner. We did split a beer. Neither one of us wanted a full can of beer. I kept some beer stored the mini frig by the popcorn machine.

Graham found a good mystery spy move in black and white. We hadn't seen this one and it was really good. We sat together and watched the movie. Once it was over we decided to go to bed and get a good rest before our two day weekend at the Amusement Park.

We snuggled up together and went right to sleep.

Graham hadn't set the alarm the night before. So we could sleep in. I asked Graham what time we were expected at the Amusement Park? He told at nine. We would be there from nine to five both Saturday and Sunday. I thought that was a lot of time. But maybe we had a lot to do.

We crawled out of bed and took a shower. Showering each other and then jerking each other in the shower to see who could shoot the most and farthest. Like two young kids. Graham won. His cum hit the shower wall with a splat and then ran down to the drain. My cum shot out. But not with the force of Graham.

We dried each other off and put on some sandals. Walked downstairs and made breakfast together. We ate in the breakfast nook.

Graham and I had got up around seven thirty. It was just after eight. The Amusement Park wasn't that far away. So it might ten fifteen minutes at the most to get there.

Graham and I put everything away and went upstairs to get dressed. We decided on sporty clothes. Something comfortable and some nice showes that were great for a lot of walking. We thought we'd be doing a lot of walking.

We had a few minutes before we needed to leave. So we looked over the daily paper in the living room. It had another feature on Mabel's restauant. Telling the Grand Opening was a success and that the restaurant was very busy. The article included a few photos of guests enjoying their meal. And a photo of Mabel with her staff. I showed the feature article to Graham. He liked the photos.

We thought we'd wasted enough time and and better get to the Amusement Park. Graham told me he would drive. He didn't have to twist my arm on that. If I can get out of driving, I'm a happy camper.

As we got close to the park. We noticed a man guiding traffic as to where to park. It looked like that had a reserved spot for us in the parking lot, close to the entrance. Quite a few cars were already parked.

We got out and I followed Graham to the entrance. There were a few people milling around. I assumed they were waiting on one of the owner's that was going to talk to us. We didn't see Preston and Holden. Graham told me there were a lot of business men here and some representatives of businesses. Graham told me different businesses were represented. Food decorating design construction and architecture. I recognized a couple of workers from J & M Decorating. I was surprised Margaret wasn't here. She was probably busy on a job.

We introduced ourselves to the people present. They were friendly and after talking to some of them. Graham knew who most of them were. They ha directly or indirectly used his investment firm.

A few more people arrived and we spotted Preston and Holden. And we stood with them. Their muscles were really showing through their tight shirts.

Everyone most of have been attendance. Soon a distinguisesd man in a striped business suit walked out to join us. He greeted us and appreciated coming on the weekend. He explained what he would us to do. He had form for today and he said he would have another form for tomorrow. Half of the park was up and ready. Our job was to walk around. Take part in the different food booths and restaurants. Try the rides and just take our time. Try to take in everything in the two days. Write our comments on the form. And check the boxes as it applied. He told us to enjoy ourselves. That's what an Amusement Park is all about. The co-owner told us a small staff was working today and tomorrow. He told us to disperse and walk around and have a good time. He told us we would meet here just before five.

Graham Preston Holden and myself took off down one of the walkways. We had our forms with us. We must have been on one of the main walkways. This walkway was lined with different shops and stores and both sides of the walkway. We went into the first shop and clerk welcomed and was very friendly. This shop had different souvenirs of the park. She told us that we could choose anything we wanted. We looked around and Graham and I decided on tshirts with the name of the park and a nice decal on the front. Preston and Holden went with shorts and shirt combination that had the name of the park and a decal. We thanked the clerk and left the shop. There was some food shops. We all had an ice cream cone. It was warm out and the ice cream tasted good. Preston and Graham got a slice of pizze in another shop. We came to another shop that had collectibles. They had a lot of Disney collectibles and collectibles of the Amusement Park. I asked the clerk of they had any Hummel Collectibles. She said she was sorry, but they didn't. I thought I would get a set of this Amusement Parks Collectibles for my mother. She liked collecting. Graham did the same for his mother.

We continued walking down the walkway. I mentioned to the guys. When it's warm like today. It would be nice if some of these walkways were covered. It would provide some shade and be a little cooler. They agreed with me. It was going to me one of my suggestions on my form. We came to a ride that was a roller coaster. It looked steep and dangerous. I'm not much for carnival rides for Amusement Park rides. With a lot of coaxing. Graham convinced me to go on the ride. Of course Graham and I were in the front car with Preston and Holden behind us. They thought the ride was exciting and fun. I could care less. Rides were not my thing.

So far I hadn't seen anything for little kids. The roller coaster we were just on. Had a sign for kids 14 and older. We walked down further on this same walkway. We came to what was called the campground. It was a restaurant with picnic tables and tents for the kids. Their was a pond with ducks and fish I assumed. We had a light lunch. Burgers and fries with potato salad and baked beans. It was good filling and loaded with calories. Graham and I would need to do some serious exercise in the pool when we got home. We finished our lunch and continued our walk on the same walkway. We came to the playground. This is what I was looking for. Something for the small kids. It had the regular playground equipment and then some rides for the kids. There was a caterpillar that went over some small bumps. Pony rides and a mini roller coaster with some other rides interspersed, that I didn't recognize.

Our walkway was coming to an end and was connected to two walkways. We decided to take the walkway to the right. This brought us to more shops. Some geared to the young kids with stuffed animals and clothes for young children. There was shops for older children and young adults. And then for adults. One shop I liked was called the costume shop. You could buy full sized costumes of the Star Wars series Planet of the Apes Frankenstein Dracula and the werewolf. There were probably more costumes, but we didn't go inside. It was really getting warm out and no covered areas for sitting. There were a couple of benches on our walkway and we took a seat. I thought I saw a shop for beverages up ahead. I told the guys I would see what they had to offer and bring us back something to drink.

I walked up to the shop. They had different fruit smoothies fruit shakes and a variety of different refreshments. I ordered a mango orange shake for Graham and me. I wasn't sure about Preston and Holden. I got them two strawberry smoothies. The girl working, put everything in a carrier for me and I walked back to the guys. I handed the smoothies to Preston and Holden and gave Graham his shake. The cold drinks tasted good on this warm day. We finished our drinks and disposed of the carrier and plastic glasses in one of the many trash containers spreadout on the different walkways. They were disquised with different cartoon characters and movie characters.

We came up to more rides on our walkway. One was called The Tower. I wasn't sure about that. Graham again convinced me to try it. So we walked into an open elevator. Soon the gate for the elevator creaked closed. The operator told us to be prepared for the ride of our life. Whatever that meant. Soon the elevator slowly started ascending and then some red lights started flashing on the elevator panel and the elevator came to a stop. It sounded like cables breaking or coming apart and soon our elevator was dropping fast. Now I remembered why I didn't like rides. Soon it clanked to a stop jolting us around. The doors creaked open and we were back where we started. I was glad to leave that ride. I wasn't impressed. Next was the Fun House. It was okay, but nothing special for me. The guys seemed to like it. We came to a huge high double ferris wheel. I thought I could handle this. When we got to the top. You got a good view of the Amusement Park. The park was huge and you see the park that was till under construction. I was wondering how many acres this park covered. Soon we came back down and got off the ferris wheel. Next was something that looked similar to the tilt-a-whirl. This I could also handle. The four of us squeezed into one of cars. The operator had this smirk on his face and had us spinning until the ride ended.

Next was the House of Fear. I suppose this was their version of a haunted house. Again Graham did some coaxing to get me to go. We were seated together and Preston and Holden were in a car behind us. We started on an upper floor in the haunted mansion and soon our car turned and it was like we were falling backwards down the stairs. We ended up in the basement which was a dungeon and crypt. Different animation jumped out at you and it was dark and dimly lit. I was glad when the ride was over.

Next on our walkway we came to some typical carnival games. Their were ducks going around on a waterway coin toss. Breaking balloons with darts throwing baseballs at bottles. Rifles to shoot ducke going around on some kind of metal disk. Basketball ring toss and a few other spread out games. I tried a couple of the games, but didn't do good. So I lost interest. I watched the guys. Graham and Preston did pretty good at everything they tried. Holden looked bored like me and we just watched them.

I was looking for some enclosed place where we could sit. It was after three and I wanted to work on my survey form and have it finished. The grounds were well manicured and some peacocks were roaming around. We saw a family of ducks walking around. Probably from the pond at the campground. We found an enclosed restaurant and went inside. It was air conditioned and comfortable. We sat at a table. A waitress came over and we all got something cold to drink. I asked the waitress if she had pens or pencils we could borrow to fill out our survey forms. She said she'd be right back. She brought his four pens and we started working on our survey forms. I emphasized covered walkway and covered queue lines for the rides. Otherwise, I gave a favorable report and got everything checked off. We all finished and got a refill on our cold drinks. We still had some time to kill before we needed to be back at the entrance. We finished our refill and thanked the waitress and started our long walk back to the entrance. We had map on the back of our survey form. That helped us to find our way. The walkways wound around and not being familiar, we could have easily got lost. We came to the walkway we started on and I could see the entrance up ahead. A few people were already gathered there talking. We joined them and soon the co-owner joined us. He hoped we had a good time and collected our surveys. He told us to be back here at the same time tomorrow and thanked us again for participating in the survey.

I was ready to get home. Even though it wasn't a strenuous day, it was a tiring day in the heat.

Graham drove into the garage and we walked into the kitchen. We went right upstairs to change. I wanted to get out of these warm sweaty clothes and put a jock on or nothing. We felt like going naked. It was warm at the amusement park.

We weren't hungry yet. So we grabbed a couple of towels and walked down to the pool. We dove in and started doing laps. We weren't in any competition. But the exercise felt good and was needed after the heavy high calorie lunch. After doing almost an hour of laps. We thought that was enough and climbed out of the pool and relaxed together on a lounger. Graham got up and got us each a half glass of beer.

"What did you think about the Amusement Park?" Graham asked me.

"It was okay. Amusement Parks aren't really my thing. But it was okay and I can survive another day."

Graham said he was going up to the kitchen and see what could be fixed for dinner. I got up and went with him. We hadn't touched the food in microwave containers. While we were pulling food out of the frig, my cell phone rang. It was my mom. "Hi mom, what a nice surprise. I wasn't expecting to hear from you."

"Hi Robert. How's your weekend? Are you and Graham in the group that's visiting the new Amusement Park?"

"Yes we are mom. Graham and Preston's investment firm is doing the financing of the Amusement Park."

"I thought so. Some of your father's associates are in the group visiting the park. They mentioned they saw you and Graham. The reason I'm calling is that we are almost out of the wonderful French wine and I'm on my last bottle of perfume. I was wondering if you would be able to put an order in? We can pay you for the the cost."

"I'll be glad to put an order in for you and dad. You don't have to pay me anything. Think of it as an early Christmas present."

"My mom was chuckling. Ok Robert. Thank you and enjoy your weekend."

"Thanks mom. You and dad enjoy your weekend too. I'm not sure how long it will take to receive the order. But as soon as I have the items, I'll bring them over."

I told Graham about the reason my mother called. He said he would give his mom a call and see how they were doing on the wine and perfume. Graham had dinner warming in the microwave. "What's for dinner babe?"

"I have no idea. I just put the containers from the frig into the microwaves."

We kissed and hugged and started feeling each other up while our food was warming. Soon the microwaves beeped and we ate at the kitchen island. Graham and I set the table and put the food on the table. It was a beef filled ravioli. It was really good. I got some fresh parmesan cheese from the frig and grated it over our ravioli. We finished the rest of the salad. And had some wine with our dinner. It was just like eating in the Italian Restaurant.

We put everything away and headed down to the pool. It was getting a little cooler now early evening was settling in. Graham thought he'd call his mom and his see if they were ready for more wine and perfume. I saw him call his mom. "Hi Graham. Good to hear from you. It's been awhile. How are you two boys this weekend?"

"Bob and I are fine mom. We've been at the new Amusement Park doing a survey for one of the owners. We will finish tomorrow. I'm calling to see if your ready for more French wine and perfume?"

"Oh my. We've drank all the French wine. It was really delicious. I still have one bottle of perfume left. I didn't want to bother you about ordering more French wine."

"It's no problem mom. We want to keep you stocked with your perfume and the French wine. Bob is ordering for his parents. So we will include you and dad in our order. I don't know how long it will take to receive the items from France. But I will call you when the items come. Better yet I'll bring them up to you and dad."

"That's wonderful Graham. I hope you boys enjoy your time at the Amusement Park and look forward to hearing from you again, soon. Love you, bye."

"Love you too mom. Tell dad hi from me and talk to you soon."

I told Bob about my conversation with my mom. We thought we'd do a double order for our parents. And hopefully that would last the longer. I told Graham I would get the order ready. I had the form in the desk in the library/study room.

We relaxed at the pool and did a few laps for exercise. We each drank a half can of beer. Went back to the living and watched the evening news and weather. It looked like another very warm day tomorrow.

A college football game came on after the news and weather. While the reporters were doing the pregame show, I went up to the kitchen and fixed some snacks for us. We liked eating mixed nuts. I liked the mixed nuts without salt. Graham liked the salted mixed nuts and he suffered eating the unsalted nuts. I fixed a small plate with cheese and crackers. Graham refilled our beer glasses with another half can of beer and we were ready for the game. The game okay but not that great. One of the teams stayed ahead until the game finished. The other team was outplayed.

We had finished the snacks and headed to bed. We kissed and hugged once we got to bed. Lots of making out and making love until we couldn't keep our eyes open. We fell asleep on top of each other. Graham didn't set the alarm. We didn't need to be to the Amusement Park until nine in the morning. So we could sleep in.

We woke up with sunlight peeking in around the curtains. Graham looked at the alarm clock and it was going on eight. We needed to get in gear. Have breakfast shower and get ready to go to the Amusement Park.

We crawled out of bed and went downstairs naked and fixed a quick breakfast. Put eveything away and went upstairs to the bathroom. We took a quick shower and only had time to jerk each other off. Got dressed in some more casual clothes and Graham drove us to the Amusement Park. We got there a few minutes early.

Preston and Holden were already here, so we hung out with them again. I didn't know anybody else. More of the same group started arriving. At nine on the dot the same co-owner came out to greet us. I noticed he had another handful of survey forms. He gave a quick speech. "Before you get started this morning. I want to compliment you on your comments and suggestions from yesterday. Two of you had suggestions that we are going to implement immediately. Something we never even thought of. We are going to cover the main walkways and the queues to the rides. The areas for the young children will also be covered. I thank the two of you that had those suggestions. Now here are today's survey form. It's the same as the one you used yesterday. I like you to start where you left off yesterday. Hopefully, you'll be able to see the rest of the park that's open. Thank you again for taking part in our survey and I hope once the park is open to the public, you'll be frequent visitors. We have your names saved on a special list and when you visit the park, you'll get a discount."

We all thanked the co-owner and then we took off in different directions to visit the rest of the park. We had been by the carnival style games yesterday when it was time to leave. We walked back to that area and then took a walkway to the right. We came to some more food and beverage stands and restaurants. Then we came into the area of water rides. I tried one that looked like an imitation log. It was sort of like a roller coaster. You went up and down and made some tight turns and the finish was a big splash that covered the walkway. There were water slides. And a large area where you could mosey around on inner tubes and the slow current moved you around. It was enclosed with full sized palm trees. We all passed on that ride. It was going on noon and we were getting hungry and thirsty. I checked the map on the back of our survey form and if we took the next walkway to the right we would come into another eating area.

We walked about three blocks and we could see the eating areas up ahead. We wanted some place air conditioned. It was another very warm day. We found a nice looking restaurant and went inside. The air conditioning hit us and felt great. A hostess took us to a table.

The restaurant was very rustic looking on the inside. It was made out of pine logs. Almost like log cabins you see on tv or in movies. It had a huge fireplace. It was really a neat restaurant. We couldn't take pictures or I would have taken one of this restaurant. A waitress came over and asked us if we would like something to drink. We asked her for menus. She told us to look up behind the counter. There were two big blackboards with the menu and beverages. They did serve tap beer. We all agreed on a tap beer. And told the waitress to give a few minutes to decide on what we wanted for lunch.

I noticed they only served beer and no hard liquor. All of us started looking at the menu. They had a large variety to choose from. I didn't want a big lunch. But something filling at the same time. I decided on a steak sandwich with mashed potatoes and fresh sweet corn. Holden ordered a half grilled chicken with grilled corn on the cob and a baked potato. Graham and Preston both ordered t-bone steaks with baked potatoes and a variety of grilled vegetables.

Our beer went down fast. It tasted good after being out in the warm weather. We ordered another beer while we waited for our lunch. We talked about the Amusement Park. I asked Graham and Preston how many acres the park covered. They told me it was just under one hundred acres. A over one hundred acres when the whole parking lot was finished. They were going to have shuttles from the parking lot to the main park entrance. We were actually using a temporary entrance. This entrance would be closed permanently after today. Then the main entrance would be the only entrance to the park.

I was enjoying today. No roller coasters. I spoke too soon. We came to a roller coaster called the Phantom. Again, Graham convinced me to go with him on the roller coaster. According to the sign. This roller coaster was the highest in the United States. Just what I wanted to read. We were strapped in which didn't help me feel better. Soon we started a slow climb and then it stopped at a drop off. You couldn't see the drop off. It went down at a ninety degree angle. I thought my stomach was in my throat. Then sharp turns where you were almost upside down. I would be glad when this finished. We came to a screeching stop and I was glad to get out. "That was fun wasn't it babe?"

"Yeah. It was great."

Then there were more roller coasters and rides in this area. I didn't go on the bullets or any of the rides. I watched the guys from a safe distance. The rides weren't my idea of fun. They finished going on the rides and we got back on the walkway.

We came to some more shops and we checked them out. Nothing of interest for us. We got what we wanted yesterday. Then we came to some open areas. I wasn't sure what this was all about. I didn't see any benches for sitting or barbeque pits for camping. We couldn't figure out what this open area was all about. I was going to make a note of it on my survey form. We could see a closed off area. It was must where more construction was going on. Maybe that is why there was this open area. It hadn't been developed yet.

We kept following the walkway and we were on the far side of the constructed part of the park. I thought I better check my map. There wasn't anything to see in this area. If we stayed on the the same walkway we would come to a walkway to the right. That would take us into more of the park.

We came to the walkway that went off to the right and we started walking on it. We saw some more stores coming up. I was thirsty again and wanted to find something that would quench my thirst. Just past these shops were a couple of refreshment stands. I got a large icy lemonade. It was good. Not too sweet. The other guys went for soft drinks with lots of ice.

It was already the middle of the afternoon and I told the guys we should find some place where we could fill out our forms. We kept walking on this walkway and came to a welcome kiosk and I asked the girl if there was someplace close that was enclosed where we could fill out our surveys. She told us just ahead was a couple of restaurants that might work for us. We thanked her and continued on.

We came to the restaurants and went into the first one. It was a fifties style restaurant. Complete with a soda fountain. I asked for a glass of water and the guys had another soft drink. We asked the waitress for some pens or pencils. She came back with four pencils. We started working on our surveys. It didn't take me long to fill out my survey. I mentioned that open area with nothing on it. Checked off the boxes and my survey was complete. I sipped on my water while I waited on the other guys. Preston and Holden finished. Just Graham was left. He said he was done. It felt good to sit down in the air conditioning. We thought if we took our time, we would be back to the entrance just before five.

We thanked the waitress and continued on our walkway. Just taking our time and taking everything in. I wasn't sure if I would come back here again. There really wasn't anything for me. This was for a younger crowd. Graham and I could talk about it when they have their Grand Opening. If we want to come back.

I could see the entrance up ahead and a few people there. We joined them and talked about our two days. They were older than us and felt like I did. That the park was really for a younger crowd. Most everyone had arrived and now we were waiting for the co-owner.

Finally the co-owner arrived and apologized for being late. He said he was waiting on our special passes. He handed the passes out and told us to show the pass at the entrance and we would gets discounts on the entrance, rides, food, shops and if we decided to stay at one of the hotels. He handed out maps of the completed park. It would going to be huge. He thanked us for taking the time to review and walk around the park. He said he didn't have anything else for us, unless we had questions. Nobody had questions and we all started leaving.

We didn't feel like cooking. Even though it was a little early to eat dinner. Graham drove us to the mall and we walked over to the Italian Restaurant. We were escorted to a private dining room. And we both ordered a beer. Graham and I were still warm after the walking in the sun at the Amusement Park. The waiter brought out beers in chilled steins. The beer tasted good, but thought I'd switch to wine when our meal arrived.

Graham and I talked about the Amusement Park. He asked me if I wanted to go back again. I told him Amusement Parks don't impress me that much. They have never been a favorite diversion for me. But when they have their Grand Opening, we should probably pay them a visit. Graham didn't say much. I knew he liked the Amusement Park and would like to be a regular visitor.

The waiter asked us if we wanted a refill on our beer. Graham told him he would take a refill and I told him I would have a glass of chilled white wine. He told us our dinner would be here shortly.

"Graham are you mad at me for not being enthusiastic about the Amusement Park?"

"I'm not mad babe. Maybe disappointed. I've always enjoyed carnivals and a couple of times our parents took us to a couple of different Amusement Parks."

"Whenever you want to go to the Amusement Park, let me know. I'll go with you. I may not go on many of the rides, but I can watch you. How's that?"

"That will work. He leaned over and we kissed."

Just then our waiter came in with our beverages and dinner. He had a large covered silver platter. He set the platter down between Graham and me. Placed our beverages by our plates and took the cover off the platter. We had the mini lobster tails with different kinds of filling. I really liked this and so did Graham.

Graham chugged down his second beer and told me he was switching to wine. The wine would taste good with the seafood.

We filled our plates with different mini lobster tails. The waiter brought Graham his wine. We had salad and some steamed mixed vegetables to go with our lobster. We ate everything. I was stuffed. Graham said he was ready for dessert. The waiter came in and cleared off the table and told Graham he would wheel in the dessert cart.

Graham's eyes lit up when the dessert cart was wheeled in. Graham had apple pie and two danish. I had a cream filled danish. I was full, but couldn't resist a fresh danish. We finished our wine and Graham gobbled down one more danish and then we got up to leave. We gave the waiter a nice sized tip and thanked him.

We walked back out into the mall. We didn't have anything to shop for, so we walked back out to Graham's car and went home.

We went upstairs and took off our clothes and put some sandals on. It felt good going around naked.

It was time for the news. So I turned the tv on in the living room and Graham and I sat together and watched the news. My telephone rang while we were watching the news. I picked up phone and it was Andy. "Hi Andy. What a nice surprise. How you doing?"

"I'm doing great. Better now hearing your voice. I was wondering if you wanted some company over Labor Day weekend. I don't have to work and don't have anything planned."

I told Graham it was Andy and he wanted to spend Labor Day weekend with us. He told me sure. It would be nice to have Andy here. "I just passed it by Graham and we'd love to have you here for Labor Day weekend. We don't have anything planned. The town usually has a parade and carnival. You have our address, right?"

"Andy told me the address he had."

"That's right Andy. Will be nice to see you."

"It will be nice to see you guys too, if you know what I mean?"

"I know exactly what you mean. Take care Andy and we look forward to having you spend the long weekend with us."

I looked at Graham. "What babe?"

"I forgot all about Labor Day coming up. It's what? In two weeks?"

"Yeah it is. The town is already making plans. They are having a big parade and a carnival and it will fun to have Andy here to enjoy the festivities."

We finished watching the news and the weather. No change in the weather. Still going to be staying very warm.

We walked down to the pool. Dove in and enjoyed the cool water. We did a few laps. Horsed around in the pool. Then decided to go into the hot tub. We rarely used the hot tub. Usually only got used when we had company. Graham turned the jets on. We sat close to each other and laid our heads back on the edge. The warm water swirling around my cock and balls felt good. The only problem with the hot water was that I got horny. Maybe that was what Graham was hoping for.

This was really relaxing. I was stretched out and floating on the water. Graham did the same thing. I saw his cock was as hard as mine. It looked beautiful sticking straight up. Graham told me to take a seat on the side of the hot tub. As I did as requested. Graham told me to spread my legs. Graham took my down his throat in one fast gulp. I couldn't believe it. He had never done that before. God it felt good. He started bobbing up and down fast on my cock. He had me pumping out a load in record time. We switched positions and Graham came fast too. The warm water was the reason. We were both horny. I licked and cleaned the last remnants of cum off his cock.

We went back to the pool and I went up to the kitchen and poured us each a glass of fruit punch. Cindy made good refreshments. Better than Mabel's.

Graham and I talked some more and agreed we would go to the diner on Wednesday and see what kind of a mood Millie was in. If she was in a bad mood. We wouldn't stay and go somewhere else.

We didn't do much the rest of the day. And soon it was time to turn in. We wanted a good rest for Monday. I told Graham I was going to order the wine and perfume when I got home from work. He told me he would probably be late.

Monday morning came around and we worked out. Had a good breakfast and soon I was at work. Janice popped into my office and told me she had Millie's lab results. She also told me that Millie wanted her to call with the results. I asked Janice for the results. I wanted to look them over before she called Millie. Everything was normal and the two polyps were benign. I handed the results back to Janice and told her to put the results in Millie's patient folder after she called.

I ordered delivery for lunch. I was surprised and not surprised that Millie hadn't called me or Graham. It should be interesting on Wednesday.

I started the firemen's physicals this week. These guys were big and beefy like the policemen. I was going around the clinic with a raging hardon all day. I had a form, similar to the one I used for the policemen. When the form was completed, I had an email address for the fire chief to send the completed forms. Janic told me she had called Millie with the results and was friendly with her. Janice told me she hadn't mentioned anything about me or Graham.

I got home and my hardon was still big and hard. I was hoping Cindy had left for the day. I didn't have anything to cover my big bulge. I walked in and I didn't see Cindy. I thought she had probably left. I looked around and didn't see her. Called her name a couple of times and no reply. I went upstairs and changed into a jock. That didn't help much. The head of my cock was sticking out the waistband.

I went down to the kitchen and poured myself a glass of fruit punch. Then went to the library/study room. I wanted to get the order form in the mail. Thankfully my French was good enough that I was able to fill out the form and had it ready for mailing. There was a place on the form for the payment method, that I filled out. When I had talked with the star's manager, he told me there wouldn't be any problem with the billing. They sent orders to many foreign countries.

I took the form with me and went upstairs and grabbed a robe to put on. I walked out to the front gate and put the mailer into the mailbox and put the flag up. Hopefully, I had enough postage on the mailer. I checked it online and went according to the instructions for postage.

Graham had told me he would be late. I thought I'd go down to the pool and do a few laps. Warm dinner when Graham gets home.

I looked over the paper and sipped another glass of fruit punch. There was a small article about Mabel's restaurant. It said how the restaurant was a success and people were saying how good the food was. The service was excellent and so were the prices. That was nice to see and read.

I was just nodding off when I thought I heard the kitchen door. I was right. Graham was walking down the steps to the pool. He had changed clothes. He gave me a big kiss and hug. And told me he would be right back.

I hadn't done anything with my hardon. I was waiting for Graham. He would take care of me. Soon Graham was back wearing a jock like me. He got over me and slowly slid my jock down and off. I raised my hips to make it easier for him. We moved around into a sixty nine on our sides. Graham had taken his jock off. His fat cock was semi hard. Mine was rock hard and sticking straight out. Graham took my cock into his mouth and started working his tongue all over my shaft and head. I slowly sucked Graham's cock in and felt it get hard in my throat. We both started working the length of each other's cocks. We were sweating and going faster and faster. Soon we were blasting out our loads. Bathing each other's throats with a big orgasm. We licked and cleaned each other off.

We got up and went to the kitchen to get dinner ready. Cindy had made a beef stew. It looked delicious and the smell was something else. We set the table and Graham set the microwave dishes on the table. We ate in the breakfast nook. Cindy had made a fresh salad so we ate that with the stew. We had coffee with our dinner. The stew was really good. The pieces of beef were tender. We ate two bowls of stew. We didn't want any dessert after eating a big dinner.

Graham told me in the living room, that his investment firm had everything finalized for the Amusement Park. The park should be finished next month and then have it's Grand Opening. The construction company was ahead of schedule.

Then Graham told me that some of the carnival was already moved in and he had heard that floats were being made for the parade. It looked to be a big ceremony for Labor Day. The clinic would be closed on Labor Day and Graham said his investment firm would also be closed. He said most of the businesses would still stay open. Some, only half a day.

We didn't do much the rest of the day. Watched Monday night football. Then went to bed. Graham took care of me one more time in bed and then we went to sleep.

Tuesday was pretty uneventful. Graham took care of my hardon for me when he got home. We watched a movie downstairs and then went to bed.

Wednesday we had decided to meet at the diner for lunch. I told Graham whoever got there first to wait for the other person. I wanted us to walk in together. If Millie wasn't friendly and in a bad mood. Then we could leave together.

It was lunch time and I walked over to the diner. I saw Graham's car and he was sitting in it waiting for me. He got out when he saw me and we walked into the diner together. My favorite table was available and we took a seat. I didn't see Millie. She was probably in the kitchen. I saw a different waitress waiting tables. She came over and asked us if we would like a menu. I asked her where Millie was. She told us that her father had a relapse and she took time off to be with him. It didn't sound good when Millie called. I looked at Graham. We ordered black coffee and the special.

I have Millie's phone number on my phone. I'll call her when I get home from work. The problem with her father has probably put her on edge and that's why she hasn't been her regular self. I know her father is up in age. I just wonder how serious his condition is. I'll call my doctor friend that works in the town where Millie's father lives. He might have some information for me.

We drank our coffee and ate our special. We were quiet while we ate. I was thinking about Millie and her father. And I think Graham was doing the same. We finished and paid the bill and gave the waitress a tip. I told Graham I hoped to have information for him when he got home about Millie and her father.

I walked back quickly to the clinic. I wanted to call the doctor in Millie's hometown. I got into my office and used my office phone. I dialed the number and the doctor answered. "Hi Bob. I thought I might hear from you. You are probably calling about Millie's father?"

"I just found out that her father has had a relapse."

"He has had a severe stroke. He's paralyzed on the right side of his body. He can't walk or talk. I waiting on some more test results. But preliminary tests results were not good. I think it's just a matter of time until he passes."

"I'm sorry to hear that. I'm going to give Millie a call when I get home from work. I now know why she was so upset."

"Millie is staying at the hospital and sleeping in her father's room. She is spending all her time with him. I haven't told her my suspicions. I'm waiting until I have all the test results."

"Ok. Thanks for the information. I wish it was better news. I'm still going to call Millie and see if I can help her feel better."

"Ok Bob. Thanks for calling. When I get the last of the test results. I'll email them to you."

I felt a little numb after talking to the doctor. I couldn't imagine how Millie was feeling. I did my afternoon firemen physicals. Two of the guys were leaking and moaning by the time I finished their physicals. They told me this was the best physical they had ever had. That finished my day and soon I was on my way home. I didn't send the information to the chief of police on the physicals. I could do it at home. I had the program downloaded on the home office computer. I'll take me notes home and then finish their forms and get them emailed.

I got home and didn't have an erection. Thinking about Millie and her father had really drained the energy out of me. Graham wasn't home yet and Cindy had left for the day. I got changed into a robe and sandals and went down to the pool with a glass of refreshment. I picked up my cell phone and called Millie.

"Hello Bob. What do you want?"

"Listen Millie. I know why your upset. I just got off the phone with your father's doctor and he updated me on your father's condition. I can understand you being upset. I just want to help as much as I can."

"I don't think there's anything you can do. Besides, why would you care anyway?"

I was starting to get a little upset with Millie, but I kept my cool. "I have a lot of reasons to care Millie. First, I'm a doctor and my job is caring for people. Second, we are friends and I'm concerned when a friend is going through a rough time. Third, I helped you and your father in the past and I plan to help as much as I can again."

"I'm sorry Bob. I'm just having a hard time coping with this information on my father. I know you want to help as much as you can. And I know I haven't been very nice with you or Graham. But when I got the information from the doctor about my father. I think I went into shock and am still having a hard time dealing with the information."

"I can understand that Millie. Is there anything specific you'd like me to do. I could take a day off from work and come up there to be with you and talk directly to your father's doctor. He's a good friend of mine and I know he'll be upfront with me and not hold anything back."

"No Bob. I can manage here. You don't need to come up here. That isn't necessary. The doctor is keeping me well informed. Dad is getting physical therapy. I'm not sure if it's doing any good or if it's even necessary. If you can keep me updated on his condition. That would be the biggest help. Just talking to you, I feel better. Maybe we can talk every day. If that isn't a problem for you?"

"Anything you need Millie. Just give me a call. And it's no problem to call you every day. Do I need to tell your boss at the diner anything?"

"No. He's been very nice to me. And he told me I could take as much time as I needed and my job would always be available for me."

"Ok Millie. Your sounded a little better. You take care and call me anytime day or night if you want to talk. And I'll call you tomorrow. Hopefully, I will have some good news for you from your father's doctor."

"Thanks Bob. I'm getting tired here and I'm going to try to rest for bit. Thanks again for calling. I do feel better."

That must be really hard for Millie. I wish there was more I could do. But I think it's just a waiting game on her father.

I wanted to talk to Graham about Millie's situation and see what he wanted to do.

I didn't have to wait long until my man was coming into the kitchen from the garage. I went over and gave Graham a long passionate kiss. "Get changed babe. I have something to run by you and get your opinion."

I went down to the pool and got Graham and me a cold beer. Graham was coming down in just a robe that was wide open. Showing off his hot body. He took a seat by me on the lounger and I handed him his beer. I started telling Graham about Millie and her father. Graham thought we should visit Millie on Friday. We get done with work early and we don't have anything planned for this weekend. We can pack our overnight bags and stay over somewhere. If we're not too tired. We can always drive back home.

"That's an excellent idea babe. I'm glad I asked you."

We kissed again and Graham saw my big erection. These beefy hot muscular firemen were really getting to me. That reminded me I needed to do today's physical forms and get them emailed to the fire chief. I told Graham I had some work I needed to finish in the office. He told me would get dinner ready. I told him I should be finished by the time he has dinner ready.

We got up and I headed to the library/study room and Graham went to the kitchen. I booted the computer and opened the folder I had from the office files. I found the form I needed and started filling in the information. The form was easy and it didn't take me long to get all the physicals entered and emailed to the chief.

I turned off the computer and walked down the hall to the kitchen. Graham told me had was just finishing and to take a seat at the breakfast nook. He had the rest of my beer sitting on the table. I sipped on the beer watching Graham finish dinner. We ate the rest of the beef stew with fresh homemade dinner rolls and a fresh salad. Everything tasted good and Graham and I managed to finish the stew. I helped Graham clean the table and put everything away.

Graham said, "I think we should go upstairs to our bedroom and watch tv." I noticed he had a smirk on his face." I knew what he had in mind and we raced upstairs to the bedroom.

We got into bed and Graham was all over me. He was sucking on my erection and feeling me up all over. He had me so turned on, I'm surprised I didn't cum right away. With all the hot action Graham was giving me, it didn't take me long to shoot into Graham's waiting mouth. He let my cum fill his mouth and then he swallowed. I couldn't tell you what was on the tv.

We went to sleep shortly after that.

Thursday went by quick. Graham took care of me and my aching erection. Thursday night we packed and wanted to be ready to leave right after work. We would change at home and take a shower and then be on our way. If traffic was light, it would only take a couple of hours to get to Millie's hometown. I was driving, since I had been there before. Besides I had more room in my SUV for our overnight bags and garment bags. We were taking a black suit with us, just in case. I was hoping we wouldn't have to use it.

Friday morning we woke up to the alarm. Worked out with our friends. Ate a great breakfast prepared by Cindy. Cindy had easily made the transition working for us. We all kissed Cindy on the cheek and thanked her for a great breakfast. We hugged and kissed in the garage and left for work.

I got to my office and booted up my computer. I like to check for emails and messages before I start work. I had an email from my doctor friend that was treating Millie's father. In layman terms he told me that Millie's father was in very serious condition. The stroke was even more severe than they had first thought. It was just a matter of time before he passed away. The doctor was glad we were coming to see Millie. He told us this has been very hard on her. She had no family and she is really stressed and on edge. I emailed the doctor back and told him we were leaving after work. He worked a half day on Friday. We planned to stay over, if we needed to.

My morning went fast. I squeezed in four physicals, rather than three so I could finish the rest of the firemen. I was so hard again when I finished the last physical. I had enough time to fill out the online forms and email them to the fire chief. I closed my office and the clinic and I was making a fast trip home.

Graham was already home. His car was in the garage. I walked into the kitchen and Graham was eating something. He asked me if I wanted something. I told him about my email from the doctor friend and I wanted to head out as soon as possible to be with Millie. Graham said he would brown bag some food foI r me.

We both went upstairs and put our work clothes away and took a quick shower. Graham jerked me off and it didn't take me long to cum. That helped me a lot. We got changed and carried our overnight bags and garment bags with us. We got everything loaded into my SUV. Graham had my brown bag of food an our travel mugs filled with coffee.

We took off to Millie's hometown. I went the maximum speed limit on the freeway. Traffic was fairly light and I was making good time. I could see the signs advertising and announcing we were entering Millie's hometown.

I drove directly to the hospital and parked in the doctor's parking lot. Which gave a quicke entrance into the hospital. The receptionist asked me for identification and I showed her my medical card and I asked her what room Millie's father was in. She looked on her computer and gave me the room number and directions. He was on the fourth floor. We took the elevator that was close to the entrance. We got out and I followed the signs that gave the room numbers. We got to Millie's fathers room. The door was closed and I was just going to open the door when the priest exited shaking his head.

Graham and I knew what that meant. We walked in quietly. I could hear Millie crying and leaning over her father. She didn't see us and we walked over to her and gave her a hug. It startled her but she hugged us back crying. Millie managed to tell us that he had just passed. I asked her if she wanted some water. I brought a glass of water over to her and she drank it down. She seemed to get herself under control and told us this has been hard for her. She has no relatives living. Her mother and siblings have passed away and she is the only one left in the family. I told her I was going to the nurses station for a couple of minutes, Graham will be her with you.

I walked out of the room and over to the nurse's station. I asked the nurse if the county coroner had been called. She told me he was on his way. The doctor also had a report for the coroner. I thanked the nurse and went back to the room.

There was nothing I could do until the coroner had pronounced him dead and cause of death. I asked Millie if she knew if her father had a will. She said he did and told me whom to contact. I asked her if there was anything else she would like me to do. Yes to contact the funeral home. There was only one in their small town. I told them I was going to leave and contact the lawyer's office to have the will read and get things organized at the funeral home. I told them I would try to get back as soon as possible. I told Graham that the doctor had prepared a report for the coroner when he came. All Millie needed was a death certificate from the coroner.

I kissed Millie on the cheek and left the room and hospital. Being a small town I had no problem finding the lawyer's office. I identified myself and explained what had happened. The lawyer told me he would come later to Millie's fathers house to read the will. I thanked him and asked him for directions to the funeral home. His directions were good and I pulled up in front of the funeral home. I talked to the funeral director. I picked out a beautiful coffin in mahogany with brass trim. I told him that they were waiting on the coroner at the hospital. He said he would drive over to pick up the body and get it prepared for the funeral. I thanked him and asked him directions to the catholic church. He gave me directions and it was only a couple of blocks from the funeral home. I walked in talked to the priest that I had seen leave the hospital. I told him about talking to the funeral director and asked the priest of the funeral could be on Sunday. He said they didn't usually do funerals on Sunday because of a full day of masses. But he told me he could work the funeral in the the five o'clock mass this Sunday. The priest told him he would have the chapel set up for visitation. I thanked him and he told me he would take care of flowers and announcing the funeral. I thanked the priest and gave him a good stipend for his help and to the church. I went back to the funeral home and told the funeral director. Visitation would be tomorrow at the chapel in the catholic church. I couldn't think of anything else and drove back to the hospital.

I walked into the room. And Graham and Millie were sitting next to each other talking. Millie told me the coroner had come and she had the death certificate. I told Millie about what I had accomplished. She thanked me for all the help. I told her we should probably wait for the funeral director to arrive to take the body to be prepared for tomorrow's visitation and funeral on Sunday.

I left to get us some coffee. I found the cafeteria and brought three coffees up to the room. Millie wasn't crying anymore and seemed to be doing better. I heard a knock on the door and Millie told them to enter. It was the funeral director and a helper. They had a wheeled table they rolled into the room. It was the same height as the bed. They carefully lifted Millie's father and laid him on the table. Covered the body with a white sheet and told us he would be ready for visitation tomorrow at the chapel.

I asked Millie if she was ready to leave. She told me she needed to get all of her father's things together and then she would be ready. I got a small overnight bag down and Millie filled it with his personal items. Graham carried it out the room. I was hugging Millie and put an arm around her and we left the room. And I pulled my SUV up and we all got in. I asked Millie if her car was here. She told me it was, but she could come back later to get her car. She just wanted to get to the house and relax.

I pulled up in front of the garage and we all got out. Millie had her house key and she unlocked the door and I brought in her father's overnight bag and put it in his bedroom.

The house phone started ringing. I handed the phone to Millie. It was the her father's lawyer. "I'm so sorry to hear about your father Millie. I was wondering if it would be okay if I came over in a few minutes to ready the will?"

"That's fine. Come over when you're ready."

I went into the kitchen and made a pot of coffee and brought us all in a cup of coffee. The phone was ringing again. It was some of Millie's friends and her father's friends calling with their condolences. And asked Millie where the visitation would take place. She told them at the chapel in the church. She told them to call the priest to find out the time visitation would start. Millie then heard from the priest. He told Millie he had heard from the funeral home and they would have your father at the chapel at ten in the morning for visitation until nine at night. Then the coffin would be closed and kept in waiting in the chapel until the funeral at five Sunday afternoon. Millie thanked the priest for calling. Millie looked like she was getting stressed from all the phone calls. I told her I would answer the phone if anybody else called. To drink her coffee and try to relax.

There was a knock at the door and I got up and answered the door. I recognized the lawyer I had talked to earlier. He had the same suit on and was carrying a briefcase. I invited him in and he greeted Millie and Graham. He asked if there was a small table he could use. Millie told me where I could find one. I carried the small table over to the lawyer and he told me this was prefect. We were all in the living room. Graham and I were sitting on each side of Millie. She seemed to be composed again. The lawyer told us he was ready to get started.

He first explained how Millie's father had changed his will many times other the past years. After the death of his wife. The deaths of their children and only leaving Millie as the sole survivor of the family. I'm now going to read the will and please don't interrupt or ask questions until I finish. In summary. Millie's father left everything to her. His house and car. He had sold his business some years ago. Millie inherited his money and investments. He also owned many homes in town that he rented. His total assests totaled more than ten million dollars. Millie looked stunned. "Are you sure?"

"It's right here Millie, in black and white. You will get a copy of his will and all his assests. Any questions anybody?"

Millie said she didn't have any questions. She asked him if he would like a cup of coffee. He said he was sorry, but he had to leave. He had one more stop before his day finished. We all shook hands and the lawyer handed Millie her copy of the will.

We went back into the living room and Millie collapsed on the sofa. She was tired and stressed. "How you feeling Millie?" I asked her.

"I feel really tired and drained. I think I could sleep for days. You boys were a life saver for me. Thank you Bob so much for getting everything organized. I couldn't have done it. I was in no condition to do all the funeral planning and then the stunning news from the lawyer. Everything will be transferred over in my name on Monday. I'm going to be a millionare. I never expected that. I will still keep working at the diner. I just need to rest now. If you boys will excuse me, I'm going to bed. I asked Millie for her car keys and I told her Graham and I were going to bring her car to the house. I asked Millie if she would be okay by herself for a few minutes. She told me to go ahead.

We went out and got into my SUV and I drove back to the hospital. I spotted Millie's car in the parking lot. Graham got out and opened Millie's car and started it. He followed me back to Millie's fathers house. Graham parked the car in the garage.

Millie was sitting on the sofa. She looked like she was daydreaming. "Millie, is everything okay? You look lost."

"No. I'm fine. I was just thinking about everything else I need to do. I'm going to sell this house and give all my father's things to Salvation Army and Goodwill. The money I make on the sell, I'm going to give to the church. I won't need the money. Then I need to find a house back in our town. I don't want to live in the apartment anymore. It's on a monthly rental agreement. A new three bedroom house would be nice. And I'll probably buy myself a new car. I'm in need of a new car. But all those things can wait. I need to finish everything here first."

"Don't you think a three bedroom home will be too big for you?"

"Not at all. I like a big house and besides all my good things I have in storage. There wasn't room for anything in my little apartment."

"What kind of car would like or thinking about?"

"I've always dreamed of a really nice SUV. I like yours, but I think a different brand would be better."

Graham and I had the wheels turning in our heads. Graham knew of a nice housing complex. Houses looked pretty much the same. They were already constructed and all you needed to do was pay for the house and it was yours. They had two and three bedroom homes. Graham was thinking that would be perfect for Millie. Also they had an attached two car garage. It was a gated housing complex. So they had security. It will make a perfect gift to Millie.

I had connection with a good car dealer. Where I had bought my Navigator. I was thinking of a BMW iX M60. An electric SUV. I had looked at the vehicle and almost purchased it. But I liked the features on the Navigator. I would call my friend and see if they had any of the BMW's in stock, fully loaded or if I would need to order one. It was going to be my present to Millie.

There was a knock on the door and I went to answer the door. Two ladies were at door carrying two big boxes of food. I helped them and Graham got up and helped me carry the two boxes into the kitchen. Millie knew the two ladies from church, and invited them in. I poured them all a cup of coffee and Graham and I made a small plate of snacks from some of the dessert they had brought over. Graham and I snooped in the two boxes and everything looked good. We refrigerated everything we thought that should go in the refrigerator. I noticed names on the containers.

Graham and I told Millie and the ladies we were going out on the back patio and give them some privacy. Besides we thought it would give us a good chance to make a couple of calls. Even though it was early evening on Friday, we thought we could get ahold of the people we wanted to talk to.

I made a call to my good friend that ran the car dealership that I wanted to talk to. "Hi Bob. Good timing. I was just getting ready to close up shop. I was finishing was paperwork. How can I help you?"

"I have a good friend that just lost her husband. She had an old car. She's looking for something new in and SUV. I thought about the BMW I had looked at. I was wondering if you have any of them in stock, fully loaded?"

"I'm sorry to hear about her loss. I don't have any of them in stock fully loaded. Many people don't want to pay that much. But I could put in a special order and it would arrive in three to four days. Is that the BMW iX M60 you're thinking about?"

"Yes. Exactly. I'm paying for the SUV. It's going to be a present to her. She has so much going on right now. She doesn't need to think about a new car. You have all my billing information?"

"Yes. I have all your billing information on file and on my computer. I wish I was your friend. I like presents like that."

"You are my friend. But your doing ok and don't need me buying you a new car. Just pay for the car with my billing information and call me when the SUV arrives. I liked the black with the dark tinted windows."

"Ok Bob. Consider it done, and you can call me anytime you want. With requests like this."

I saw Graham talking on his cell phone. "Hi Graham. You caught me at a good time. We were just taking a break. What's up?"

I have a good friend that just lost her husband. She's wanting to buy a three bedroom home. I was wondering if you had anything available?"

"We just finished the framing and the inside walls. The electricity is installed and the water. A central A/C unit will be installed tomorrow. Nothing has been finished as far as floors and furnishings."

"That sounds perfect. I want you to install hardwood floors in the living and bedrooms. The halls and kitchen I want travertine tiles. In a nice light cream color. Also, put in your best patio tiles for the backyard. Have the driveway paved. A fully loaded gourmet kitchen with a nice sized island. This lady is a good cook. A fireplace in the living room and a large flat screen tv wall mounted above the mantel on the fireplace. Also a wall mounted flat screen tv in the master bedroom and one of the guest bedrooms. A jacuzzi tub in the master bathroom. Marble would be nice in the master bathroom. A barbeque and island on the back patio. I think that about covers everything. If you have any questions, just give me a call. You can call my bank and have them pay for the house. This is going to be a present to this very special lady."

"Your going to have quite a house. Anybody would love to move into this house."

"Any idea how long till the house will be ready?"

"Using all high end materials, me and my crew should have it finished by the end of the month."

"That's perfect. Thanks. And I can't wait to see the house."

"That sounded like it went well babe?" I asked Graham.

It went perfect. Millie is getting her dream house and we are paying for it. The cost of the house, we can use as a tax writeoff. That would just about take care of our tax needs. How did your call go?"

"My call went great. Do you remember that BMW I was looking at before I bought the Navigator?"

"Yeah. That black electric SUV."

"Yup. That's the one. I just ordered one for Millie, fully loaded and it should arrive in three to four days."

"That's perfect babe. The new house and a new car will take care of our tax writeoffs. I can let the accountant know on Monday. I think we should check on Millie and the her friends. I don't want them eating all the food they brought over."

That made me chuckle and we walked back into the living room. It looked like the ladies were getting ready to leave. We thanked them for coming and being so kind with the food. Millie reminded them about visitation tomorrow at the chapel and the funeral at five in the afternoon on Sunday.

The ladies left and Millie practically collapsed on the living room sofa. "You look tired Millie. You've had a very stressful day."

"I am tired and thank you boys so much for all your help. It sure has made it easier for me. I think I'm going to retire. I'll see you boys in the morning."

"You want anything Millie before you retire?"

"No. I'm fine. The coffee and dessert was enough. You two stay up as late as you want. I know your not as tired as this old lady."

Millie went upstairs and we heard a bedroom door. We went into the living room and Graham put the tv on and we watched a little sports. I saw Graham get up and go to the kitchen. He soon came back with two plates of apple pie and two cups of coffee. The pie was excellent. You could tell it was homemade.

Once the game finished. We were tired and went upstairs to our bedroom. We finished putting our things away and crawled into bed naked. We hadn't had a chance all day to be together and now we were making up for it. We made long passionate love. It felt so good. Finally we nodded off and fell asleep curled up together.

Saturday morning we woke up so some great smells. I could smell bacon. We got up and took a quick shower. We jerked off each other's morning woodies and they didn't want to go down. Now was the time for erections. We put on some cargo shorts and tshirts and went downstairs.

"Something smells good in the kitchen."

"I thought you and Graham would be hungry for breakfast. I already ate some toast and jelly and had my morning cup of coffee."

"I have the dining room table ready for you boys. Just take a seat and I'll bring in your breakfast." Breakfast was good. I knew Millie was a good cook. She was really going to enjoy her new house.

It was going on nine already. And she told us we should probably get changed and ready to go to the chapel for visitation. It was going to be along tiring day. We thanked Millie for a wonderful breakfast and we went back upstairs to our bedroom.

We weren't going to wear our suits to the visitation. Just some nice black dress pants and I was wearing a very dark blue silk shirt. And Graham wore a black silk shirt. Both the pants and shirts were tailor made and fit us perfectly.

We walked downstairs and Millie was already there. Wearing a beautiful black dress. No veil. She said she would wear a black veil tomorrow for the funeral with a different dress.

We walked outside and got into my SUV. Millie sat in the front with me and Graham in the seat behind us. It was a quiet ride to the the church. I think everyone was reflecting on everything that had just happened.

We had a reserved parking place in front of the church. You had to walk into the to church to get to the chapel. We followed Millie. She knew where to go. When we walked into the chapel. Everyone in attendance stood until Millie had a chance to see her father. I thought she said a prayer. I wasn't sure. They had the close part open so you could see part of her father. The funeral home had down a wonderful job. Her father looked like he should get up and walk out. The casket was flanked by candles. And a large floral arrangement was on the top of the casket from Millie. We had ordered a large spray and noticed florists bringing in more and more sprays of flowers. Once Millie finished viewing her father she looked the al l the sprays. Finally she took a that was reserved for her and us. We sat with Millie and she seemed in control of herself. No tears. Probably tomorrow. Once Millie sat down. Everyone in attendance also sat down. Soon people started walking up to the casket. Some marking a cross where Millie's fathers forehead would be and then talked for a couple of minutes with Millie. I noticed they had refreshments set up at the back of the chapel. Many people were already in the chapel and more were coming in. Soon the women started singing they started with Amazing Grace, then Be Not Afraid followed by How Great Thou Art and One Bread, One Body. One of the ladies singing had a beautiful voice. Millie whispered to me that she was a professional singer. You could tell.

I got up and went back to the refreshment table and brought back some coffee and a danish for each of us. I knew Graham would have wanted to have two or three danish, but he needed to use his best manners. Millie thanked me and more people kept visiting with Millie. Millie told me she was fine and we didn't have to stay all day. I told her we might take a lunch break. And if she would like something. She told me a sandwich would be plenty. I asked her if she had a preference. She said whatever looked good. Graham and I got up and hugged Millie and told her we would be back soon. I saw more people move in next Millie and start talking with her.

I knew Millie would be okay. We took off for I don't know where in my SUV. I drove down a block and thought I saw a restaurant. It looked like a mom and pop's restaurant. They usually have good food. We walked in and only handful of people were in the restaurant. I nice looking waitress came over and asked us if we would like menus and something to drink. We told her coffee would be fine. We looked the menu over. They had a good variety of lunch items. I ordered a tuna sandwich for Millie. Graham and I both ordered a salisbury steak with mashed potatoes and corn.

The waitress took our order and told us it would be just a couple of minutes till our lunch was ready. Since they weren't that busy. She soon came back with our lunch. It looked and smelled good. The steak was good and the potatoes were fresh and not instant potatotes. We both told the waitress to compliment the cook. We finished our lunch and the waitress brought out our tuna sandwich with chips in a styrofoam container. We paid the bill and I gave the waitress a nice tip. She thanked us and hoped we came back again. Probably for another tip.

Graham and I left the restaurant and I made our way back to the church. I carried the lunch for Millie. We walked into the chapel and not as many people were there. They were probably working and more would arrived later after work. We sat down next to Millie. She asked us where we ate lunch and I tried to explain the best I could. She told me that was one of the best restaurants for lunch. I took the bag with Millie's lunch up to the refreshment table and put her sandwich and chips on a plate and poured her a cup of coffee and brought it back to her. "What's this?"

"You told us to bring back lunch for you. So that's what we did. It's a tuna sandwich with chips. And here's a cup of coffee."

"This is perfect. They make the best tuna sandwiches. Thank you for thinking of me and bringing me some lunch. I'm not real hungry and this is perfect."

I asked Millie how she was doing. She told me much better. It was nice to see some of her hometown friends. Millie told us some of her husbands co-workers came to the visitation along the with owner of the business where he worked. Millie was surprised, but glad they came.

Millie ate her sandwich and a few of the chips. Drank her coffee and asked if I could get her a refill. She said the tuna sandwich was good. Just like she remembered.

Millie seemed to be in better spirits. I think having many of her friends visit helped her. Tomorrow will probably be a different story with the funeral.

It was after five and Millie thought it was time to leave. Just a few people were in the chapel. They would leave the casket open till nine along with the candles. Then at nine they would close the casket and blow out the candles and clear and put away the refreshment table.

Before we left, I talked to one of the attendants at the refreshment table and asked him if they needed anything. He told me everything was under control. I passed him a tip from hand to hand and thanked him for everything he had done.

I saw Millie standing up with Graham and Millie took one last look at her father and we left the chapel.

I asked Millie she wanted to go to a restaurant for dinner. She told me know. We had a refrigerator full of food that needed to be used.

I drove us back to her father's house and parked in front of the garage. We got out and Millie seemed to be back to her old self. She unlocked the door and we all walked in. She told us she was hungry and was going to fix us dinner from the food brought from the church ladies.

We told Millie we could get dinner ready. She said, "posh." She would get dinner ready for all of us. I hadn't heard posh. Since the last time I was with my grandparents. Millie told us to get changed if we wanted to. It would be a few minutes until dinner was ready.

Graham and I went upstairs to our bedroom. We hugged and kissed and it felt good to be in man's arms. We stripped out of our dress clothes and put them away. Put the same shorts and tshirt on we had worn yesterday. We walked downstairs and could smell dinner.

We walked by the kitchen to the living room and Millie saw us and told us dinner was almost ready. We asked her if she needed any help. She said no, she had everything under control.

Graham turned on the tv and checked the sports channels. He found a game already in progress. One of the college football teams we liked was playing. They were behind. But we knew that could change fast.

It was getting to a good part of the game when Millie told us dinner was ready. She told us we were as bad as her father watching sports. She told us to set up a couple of tv trays in the living and we could eat dinner there and watch the game. We asked if she was okay with that. She told us no problem. Her father did that all the time.

We went to the kitchen and loaded a couple of plates and a cup coffee and we walke back to the living room. Millie said she would join us in just a couple of minutes.

I thought I saw her crying in the kitchen. I got up and told Graham what was going on. I walked into the kitchen and hugged Millie. "Let it all out Millie."

"She cried hard for a couple of minutes. I guess it's all starting to sink in. I'm sorry for being a cry baby."

"Your not a cry baby. Your just showing your grief. Why don't I fix a plate for you and a cup of coffee and join us in the living room. I think you'll feel better."

"Thanks Bob. I feel better. Everything just kind of hit me at once." Graham and I moved so Millie could sit inbetween us. I thought she'd feel better. She said, "seeing you and Graham watching sports, reminded me of my father. I could almost see him sitting in the living room watching a game."

Our dinner was good. We had home made chicken noodle soup with homemade dinner rolls. Graham and I ate two bowls of soup. Millie managed to finish her bowl of soup. Graham and I cleared everything and put everything away for Millie. We stacked and put the tv trays back on the support. Then went back to watching the game. Millie had received a phone call and she was busy talking on the phone. It sounded like another of her friends.

The game was going to finish late. Millie said she was tired and was going to go to bed. We told her we would be going to bed, once the game finished. The game went into overtime. It was really an exciting game. In that last couple of minutes in the second overtime, our favorite team went ahead and won the game. The game couldn't have turned out better.

Graham turned the tv off and we went upstairs to our bedroom. Stripped off our shorts and tshirts. We had been going commando. But I don't think Millie noticed. We crawled into bed and got close together. We kissed and and started making out. Graham and I soon ended up in a sixty nine. We deep throated each other and fingered each other's holes. It didn't take us long to cum. Graham came before me and I swallowed all of his load down. I then followed and saw Graham swallowing my load. We laid back gasping and panting. We needed that. I think we were feeling as much stress as Millie, but for a different reason. We wanted to make sure everything went without a hitch.

Our breathing returned to normal and we cuddled up together and feel asleep.

Sunday morning and the day of the funeral. It wouldn't happen till late afternoon. We were wondering how Millie was feeling. We put shorts and tshirts on. Different ones this time and walked downstairs. "Well, good morning sleep heads. You finally decided to wake up and come downstairs."

We told Millie we got a good sleep. She told us she tossed and turned for awhile and then feel asleep. She told us she felt rested.

Millie told us breakfast was ready and we could all eat in the dining room. Millie brought in breakfast and we all ate and talked together. Millie told us she had already started going through some of her father's things. There were just a few things that she wanted. She said she just needed to get some empty boxes and then she could get going.

While we finished breakfast. I asked Millie if their was a moving company or a UPS store. She told me there were both in town, but wasn't sure if they were open on the weekend. I told Millie if she gave me directions I could check both places and get some empty boxes for her. I asked her if there was a Target in town. She said a new one had just opened on the edge of town. I told her I knew they sold boxes.

We finished breakfast and I had Millie write down the directions for the moving company and UPS store and Target. I told her I would check the places and see if they were open and come back with an SUV full of boxes. Graham stayed behind so he could help Millie clear breakfast and help her sort out her father's things.

I put the UPS store in the my GPS on the computer and found out it wasn't that far away. I followed the directions and I saw a few other cars parked in front. So I knew it was open. I walked in and a nice looking young man asked me how he could help me. I could think of many ways he could help me. I then cleared my thinking and asked him if they any any empty boxes for sell. He told me all they had were two boxes. They were expecting more tomorrow. I told him I would take the two boxes he had. I paid for the boxes and thanked. I thought I noticed him checking me out. I was going commando again. He gave me a wink when I left. Damn, I wish I had more time in Millie's hometown. I loaded the two boxes into the back of my SUV. They looked to be good medium sized boxes.

I then punched in the directions for the moving company in my GPS. That was a little further. I found the store and didn't see anybody parked in front. I thought it was probably closed. I saw lights on inside and tried the front door handle. The door opened and I walked in. I heard a chime announcing someone had entered. I walked up to a counter and an older man came over. "How may I help you?"

"I was wondering if you had any empty boxes for sell?"

"We have many boxes for sell. You'll have to follow me and see our selection and decide what you want." They had a large variety of empty boxes. I bought a dozen of the medium sized boxes and a dozen of the large sized boxes. The man helped me load them into my SUV. We walked back in and I thanked him for his help.

It didn't take me long to get back to Millies. I walked in and told Graham I needed some help. He came out and we carried the boxes upstairs and put the boxes where Millie wanted them. She told me thank you and probably there was more boxes than what she needed. She told me she was selling the furniture with the house. All the appliances would also be included. She was just boxing her father's knick knacks and his clothes. Everything else was staying and being sold with the house.

The house was big. Downstairs was a big kitchen with an island. A large dining room and living room. The back patio was covered and good size. Downstairs was a storage room family room and the laundry room. Upstairs were four bedrooms. A large master bedroom with an en suite bathroom and large walk in closet and three guest bedrooms that were good size. One of the bedrooms used a hall bathroom. The other two bedrooms had a bathroom between the two bedrooms. The house was kept in good condition and everything worked well. I thought Millie should get a good price for the house. I didn't know how the housing market in this area was. But it would be perfect for a family.

I went upstairw and started helping Millie and Graham. Her father had a ton of clothes. Millie wasn't keeping any of the clothes. She kept a few of her father's achievements and awards. Sports trophies and some collectible knick knacks that her mother had collected over the years. It looked like we would be using all the boxes.

I could see Millie was getting tired and I told her we should take a break. We went downstairs and I poured us all a glass of lemonade and we relaxed on the back patio. "I got a lot more accomplished than I planned on. With both of you boy's help. It went fast. I can easily finish everything else. Tomorrow I plan on talking to the realty company. I knew the lady the runs the company and put my father's house on market. I think it will sell fast. There are many new families moving into town and this house would be perfect for a family."

Millie looked at the clock and thought we should get ready to leave. She wanted to be their a couple hours before the funeral. I think she wanted to spend the last few hours with her father.

We all went upstairs to get changed. Graham and I took a quick shower. No fooling around. That would have to wait. We did dry each other off. That was good and bad. We were semi hard. We put on our black suits. These were new tailor made suits. First time we would be wearing them. I thought we looked pretty sharp. We checked each other out in a small mirror. Graham made a couple of adjustments on my tie. We splashed on some cologne and we were ready to go.

We walked downstairs and Millie looked like a million bucks. She had a beautiful black lace dress on. I had never seen Millie dressed up. Only her uniform she wore at work at the diner. She really looked nice and knew how to apply make up. She had a black veil on a small hat she was wearing and a very nice looking black purse. She told us she was ready if we were.

We walked out and got into my SUV and within a few minutes we were parked in our reserved spot. I saw the hearse parked in front of the church. We walked into the church and to the chapel. We walked into the chapel and everyone in attendance stood when Millie walked in. Millie walked directly to the casket and kneeled on the kneeling bench and I saw her praying. Everyone stayed standing out of respect. Once Millie finished I helped her up and she took a seat. Everyone then sat down. Graham and I walked to the casket and said a quick prayer and then joined Millie. Some of the ladies starting singing again.

It was getting close to the time of the funeral in the church. A couple of the pallbearers walked in and closed the casket and wheeled it into the front of the altar in the church. Millie and Graham and me followed the casket into the church. We had reserved seats in the front and the rest of the people filed in and got seated. The church looked like it was about half full. I had no idea how many people would attend.

Soon the priest came out and the funeral mass started. The priest gave a beautiful homily, recognizing what a wonderful man Millie's father was. I thought I saw Millie start tearing up. But I think she was staying composed. The mass ended and Millie was given the ribbons that were on the large flower sprays. She could notify the people that had given sprays to thank them. As the casket was wheeled to the hearse. The large arrangement that Millie had on the casket stayed there. The pallbearers were men that had worked with Millie's father. They were careful and the casket was loaded into the hearse. We followed the hearse to the cemetery. The police had the route to the cemetery blocked off. I didn't know it at the time. But there was a long caravan of cars going to the cemetery. Millie's father had a large mausoleum for the family to be buried. Millie's mother was in the mausoleum and when Millie passed she would be buried in the mausoleum. Millie's two brothers and sister were in the mausoleum. The priest arrived and a short service was performed and the casket was lowered into it's place in the mausoleum. The mausoleum was big enough that you could walk inside. It was beautiful and had two colors of marble. Once the graveside service ended. Millie was handed the flowers that were on the casket. Candles were lit in the mausoleum where the casket was located. Millie said another prayer and then we left. Millie lifted her veil when she left the mausoleum.

We arrived back to the house and told Millie we needed to leave and get home. We had work tomorrow. Millie said not to be concerned, a couple of her good friends were going to stay with her the next couple of days. I was glad to hear that. Millie still had a few things to finish before she could return back to our hometown. Selling the house and then getting papers signed at the bank and the transfer of accounts and funds.

We all went upstairs and got changed. We put on the shorts and tshirts we had on earlier with some sandals. Everything else was packed and ready to go. We walked downstairs with our overnight bags and garment bags. Millie had already changed and was in the kitchen making us some bagged lunches. "Millie that isn't necessary. We can find some place to eat on the way home."

"Nonsense. There is more food here than I know what to do with. You can always stop at a rest stop and eat this dinner."

I knew it wouldn't do any good to argue with Millie. We thanked her and Graham got our bags loaded into my SUV. Millie walked out with us and hugged us and kissed us on the cheek. And thanked us for making everything so easy for her. It was like a big burden had been lifted off her shoulders. She told us her two friends would be coming soon and told us to call her when we got home. So she would know we arrived home okay. We kissed and hugged one more time and then we were on our way home.

Graham asked me. "how you feeling babe. You tired?"

"No. I'm fine. I not as tired as I thought I'd be."

"Well, if you feel tired. Let me know and I'll take over driving."

We were a few miles out of town and just started on the freeway when we came to rest stop. I pulled off the exit and drove into the rest stop. There were some picnic tables where we could eat. Graham got out our big bag of food and I asked Graham what he wanted to drink. He said coffee if they had it. Or water if they didn't have coffee. I walked into the building and checked out the vending machines. There was a coffee vending machine and I bought two black coffees and took them out to the picnic table. Millie had packed some plastic plates and plastic eating utensils. I didn't really like eating off plastic or styrofoam, but we didn't have any choice. The food was good. It was roast beef with mashed potatoes and gravy and fresh corn. We ate it all and were full. There was some apple pie in the bag also. But we thought we could eat that when we got home.

I drove all the way home and we made it back in just under two hours. Traffic was light and it made driving easy. I parked in the garage and we unloaded our bags and walked into the kitchen. There was a large flower arrangement on the kitchen island. I figured it was from the star and his manager. We were still receiving flower arrangements from them. I looked at the card in the arrangement. It was from the women of the church in Millie's home town. Thanking us for being so supportive and helpful to Millie since she didn't have any family. I almost teared up when I read the card. I saw Graham holding back tears too. That was really special and nice of them.

We carried our bags up to our bedroom and Graham started putting things away. I told him I was going to call Millie and let her know we arrived home okay. I picked up my cell phone and called Millie. "Hi Bob, di you make it home okay?"

"We just got home and are starting to put our clothes away. Did you friends arrive?"

"Yes they are here and we are talking about old times when we were young girls."

"It sound like your doing okay Millie?"

"I am. And without your help, I think I'd be in a different disposition."

When you see some of your church friends, tell them thank you for the wonderful flower arrangement. It was a nice surprise when we got home."

"I'll do that Bob. In fact my two friends here are part of the Women's Club at the church. Thanks again for calling me Bob and for all your help. Look forward to seeing you and Graham at the diner soon."

We finished putting our things away and I knew Graham was hungry for dessert. We went downstairs and ate the apple pie with vanilla ice cream. It was good.

We read over the daily papers we had missed while we were gone. Watched the late news and weather and went to bed. The long drive was catching up with me and I was getting tired. Not too tired for my husband. We made out and made love and then had a very restful sleep.

Monday was a busy day. I started physicals for the volunteer firemen and rescue workers. These men came in all shapes and sizes. They seemed to like the physicals.

Graham and I met at the diner for lunch. I talked to the cook, who was the owner. And everything was squared away with Millie's leave of absence. She would have her job when she returned. While we were waiting on our lunch I got a call from the dealership. I talked to my good friend and he told me the new SUV would be driven to his dealership tomorrow. It just happened the automotive plant had just finished six of these SUV's so there wasn't a waiting period. I thanked him and told him to keep the SUV at his dealership until I called to pick it up.

I told Graham about the call. Graham told me he was finishing early today so he could drive to the housing complex. He wanted to check on the Millie's new house and the progress.

Our lunch arrived and we paid the waitress and gave her a tip and left for work.

It seemed strange not to see Millie working at the diner. I got back to my office in the clinic when my phone rang. It was Mabel calling. I was hoping everything was okay. "Hi Bob, just making a quick call to tell you everything is going great here. We stay busy but that's what I like. The chef is a big help. In fact, we're thinking of hiring another person for the kitchen. Another pair of hands of would come in handy. Thank Graham for me too. I need to get back to work."

Millie was busy with her realtor friend. Her friend came over to check the house. She told Millie a three bedroom homes in this neighborhood were selling from $180,000 to $250,000. She told Millie she thought a fair price on the house furnished, would be $210,000 and told Millie she had two couples that were looking for a house. So if they both liked the house, they might get into a bidding war. Millie thanked her and couldn't wait to get the house sold. She had everything boxed and ready for the Salvation Army and Goodwill to come to take the boxes. Otherwise, everything else in boxes she was taking back to her apartment, until she found a house to move into.

My day ended and I got home before Graham. Graham took off a little early from work and drove over to the housing complex to check on the progress on Millie's house. He parked in front of the house he thought would be Millie's. I saw the driveway paved. He walked inside and the contractor saw Graham. He walked over and Graham asked him if this was Millie's house. He said it was. They just finished the fireplace. It looked amazing. All the floors were in and and they were installing kitchen fixtures, cabinets and had the island installed. Graham told the contractor he wanted to see the three guest bedrooms. The first two were good size with a connecting bathroom. The last bedroom was smaller. Graham told the contractor to make this bedroom into an office. It would make a nice sized office. Millie wanted only three bedrooms. He told the contractor to have it wired for internet and a computer. He said they would install a router and put in the office furniture. Graham told the contractor he would buy a laptop for Millie. He asked the contractor how much longer until the house would be finished. He told him he thought by the middle to the end of next week. If there wasn't any delays on materials. He asked me if I wanted the backyard landscaped and I told him to contact Zane and have his crew landscape the backyard. No swimming pool or hot tub. I told him the house was looking amazing. I noticed they had put in recessed lighting in all the rooms. He said the dining room lights had a dimmer as well as in the living room. The sound system would be installed today. I thanked him and I left for home.

I got home and saw Bob's car in the garage. I walked into the kitchen and saw Bob down by the pool relaxing. And his big boner sticking straight up. What a wonderful sight that was. I rushed upstairs and got changed and put a robe and sandals on and walked down to Bob. I sat down next to Bob and leaned over and took his big hardon down my throat. Bob moaned and laid back and spread his legs. I started fondling and playing with his balls. I could feel his cock drooling precum and it was running down my throat. I started bobbing up and down fast on Bob's cock and I felt him jerk and spasm and moan loud. He starte hitting the back of my throat with his load. I swallowed it all and we kissed so Bob could taste his cum. "Thank's babe. I needed that."

I told Bob about Millie's house. He said maybe around the middle of the week they could go together to look at the house.

We warmed dinner together and ate at the breakfast nook. We had a refreshment with our dinner. I heard from the owner of the dealership and he told me Millie's car would be delivered tomorrow at the dealerhsip. I reminded him to keep it there until we brought Millie over to get her new car.Graham and I didn't much the next couple of days. I heard from Millie and the house was sold to a young couple with one child and another on the way. They loved the house and told Millie it was just what they were looking for. They were glad it was furnished. They couldn't afford to furnish a home at this time. She told me the closing was tomorrow and then she was renting a small U-Haul truck and tow her car behind and arrive back to town on Wednesday. We told her to call us if she needed any help.

Graham was good at taking care of my sexual tension doing physicals and Wednesday after work we drove over to Millie's house. The house looked really nice from the outside. I liked the like gray color on the outside. We walked in and I thought the house was finished. I liked the recessed lighting. The kitchen looked perfect. Just like I had envisioned. The rooms were large. I liked the formal dining room. We checked the master bedroom. It was large with a nice jacuzzi tub and steam shower. The walk in closet was a nice size. The two guest bedrooms were also a good size. I liked the office and noticed it was all wired with a router and ready for a computer and printer. Graham went back out to his car and brought in a computer and printer and set them up on the desk. The contractor came over and talked to us and asked us what we thought. We told him this house was perfect for Millie. We walked out to the backyard. The barbeque and barbeque island were installed. Zane and his crew were working on the backyard. Doing a great job as always. We walked over to talk to Zane for a couple of minutes. "What do think guys?"

"This looks perfect Zane. It looks like low maintance plants and trees?"

"Your right. We thought with Millie working, she wouldn't have that much time to tend to a backyard." "I think we'll have our gardener come over and take care of Millie's backyard. He'll like having another job." Zane asked us about a wall around the backyard. We hadn't thought about that. "What do you think Zane?"

"I think an older woman living by herself in a new house should have a wall around the backyard."

"I agree. I stone wall would be nice. How long would it take to put in a wall?"

"About a week and we could get started today."

"Go ahead and go with what you think will look the best."

We left and went back to talk to the contractor. "Is there an alarm system for the house. I thinking about Millie living by herself, that an alarm system would be important."

"We had the local company install an alarm system."

"Zane is going to be putting in a wall around the backyard. It would be good to have the alarm system connected to the wall."

"No problem. I called the company and tell them about wiring the wall when it's finished."

The contractor told us they had just a couple of final things to take care of and then they would be done. Zane and his crew knew how to let themselves in and they would be working. We thanked the contractor for a job well done. We shook hands and left.

"Millie is really getting a nice house. Do you think she'll like it?"

"I'm sure she'll love her new house."

Millie's new car had arrived and they were holding it at the lot until we came with Millie to pick it up. Millie called us on Wednesday and told she was on her way to her apartment. And told us she'd call when she arrived. She said it would take longer driving the truck and towing her car behind.

Graham told me the carnival had moved in and were starting to setup. They would start operating Friday night. He also said, the parade looked to be about an hour. Many businesses were participating in the parade. Two or three marching bands. And the fireworks at night. It looked to be quite a celebration for Labor Day. The daily paper will probably start publishing information about the festivities.

I reminded that Andy was spending the weekend with us. He had told me he would be arriving Friday after work, and leaving sometime on Monday, Labor Day. He had to be back to work the following day on Tuesday. Graham told me he was looking forward to Andy being with us. I thought to myself, me to.

Millie called and told us she had arrived and was looking for two strong men to help her unload the truck. We told her we would be over in a few minutes to help.

We ran upstairs and got changed. I drove over to Millie's apartment and we helped her carry the boxes up to her apartment. We didn't want to mention the new house and that we didn't need to unload the truck. She told to stack the boxes in the second bedroom. She was unpacking anything. She had enough clothes in her bedroom. Then she said she would start checking on houses tomorrow and a new vehicle. Graham and I kept our mouths shut. I thought tomorrow we could take Millie to the dealership to get her new car and then drive by her new house. She should be able to move in. Even though Zane and his crew are working in the backyard.

"How about if we invite you out for dinner. I'm sure your tired and don't feel like cooking.

That's a great idea. I need to shower and change. We told Millie we needed to, to. We told her we'd be back in about thirty minutes to go for dinner.

We left Millie's apartment and got home. We took a quick shower together. With all the kissing and hugging in the shower, I'm not sure how clean we got. We dried each other off and put on some nice casual clothes and I drove back to Millies.

We knocked on the door and Millie was ready. She looked nice and I drove us to the Italian Restaurant. We went into a private dining room and had chicken alfredo. It was good as always. We all drank white wine. We finished dinner and I drove Millie back to her apartment. She thanked us and I told her we had a couple of surprises for her. To just take the U-Haul truck back and park her car. She didn't need to do anything else. She gave us a couple of funny looks and I drove us home.

Thursday we got up early and worked out with our friends. We had a good circle jerk in the shower. Cindy had a big breakfast ready for us and we kissed and hugged in the garage and left for work. Graham and I agreed we were going to work a half day Thursday, so we could take Millie around. I hope she would like her new car and house.

Graham called me at work and told me that Zane and his crew were still busy constructing the wall. Zane told Graham they were about half way done with the wall and the security company would be called when the wall was finished. It was the only thing they had left to do in the backyard. Even though Millie was living in a gated community. We felt she'd feel better with a good security system.

Our half day ended and Millie knew we were coming over to her apartment. We knocked on the door and Millie was ready to leave. We told her we were going to show her one of her surprises. Then eat some lunch and show her, her second surprise. "Well, isn't this day full of surprises?"

"It certainly is Millie."

I drove to the dealership. I had called ahead of time to let them know we were coming. I pulled up to the visitor parking space at the dealership. Millie asked, "why are we are the dealership?"

"You'll find out very soon."

We got out of my SUV and the owner was waiting for us at the front door. "You must be Millie? It's a pleasure to meet you. Please follow me?"

Millie had a strange look on her face. We all followed the owner and he stopped by the BMW iX M60. "That's a nice looking car." said Millie. "Do you like it?" Asked the dealler."

"I like it very much. But I'm sure I don't want to spend that much."

"Why don't you open it and sit inside and see what you think."

Millie got inside on the driver's side. "This is really nice and comfortable. But I'm not sure about all those controls. It looks pretty confusing. I'm sure whoever buys this nice car will know how to use all those controls.

"Well you don't have to worry about the controls. We'll show you how to use them."

"Then Graham and I said, surprise. This is your new car Millie."

I thought Millie was going to collapse. I ran over to her to help her stand. "This is a little present from us to you Millie. The car is paid for and the title and registration are already in your name. And here's your car keys. We all shook the owner's hand and he thanked us and told us he was going to leave us.

"Millie you get into your new car on the passenger side and I'm going to drive us to lunch. While I'm driving I'm going to go slow and show you, and explain the different controls." We took off and in the new car and it rode and handled like a charm. Millie seemed to understand the controls by the time we arrived at the Chinese Restaurant.

We all got out and walked in. Lunch was a buffet at the Chinese Resataurant. We got seated and ordered our drinks. We all walked up to the buffet and filled our plates. I loaded up with seafood and fresh vegetables. Millie did the same as me. Graham had to sample everything. I don't think you could see his plate by the time he finished heaping everything up on it. I told him it was a buffet and he could go back as many times as he wanted. He said he would probably go back. We enjoyed our lunch. And ate dessert. Then it was time to leave.

I had Millie get into the driver's seat. She adjusted everything to her height. She reminded the controls well and I gave her directions as we drove over to the housing complex. I told her where to park. She parked in her new driveway. Graham parked next to us. We all got out and walked up to the front doors. The house was unlocked and we walked in. Millie said this was a very nice house and she liked that it was new. She said the kitchen was excellent. Just what she would like in the house she was going to look for. She checked out the bedroom and the office. The large living and dining room. We then walked out to the backyard. She liked the barbeque and barbeque island. She said the landscaping looked lovely. I saw a pergola with a fire pit had been added since our last visit. Zane and his crew were busy working on the wall. It looked like there were over half way finished with the wall. It was in a terra cotta color. Not the bright red, but more of a subdued rust color. It looked nice with the landscaping. We walked back inside and we gave Millie a funny look.

"All right you two. What's going on?"

"This is our other surprise. This house is yours and it's in your name."

I thought Millie was going to faint again. She started crying, she was so happy. I handed her my handkerchief and she wiped her eyes. "Why are your boys doing all this for me?"

"Because your a good friend Millie. And we knew everything that you were going through with your father was really stressing you. We thought if we could help with a couple of things. It would make it easier for you and less of a burden."

"Now I know what people saw about you two is correct. Your always helping other people. You two are just wonderful. I knew something was going on when I arrived yesterday and we unloaded the boxes. It almost looked like you were going to saw we didn't need to do that. Now I know why. All my nice things in storage is going to look wonderful in this house."

We showed Millie the security system and told her that when Zane was finished with the wall. The security system would wire the wall. She thanked us profusely. I told Millie to get out her cell phone. I had her put in the name and number of a good moving company. I told her they were waiting on her call and then would move everything from her apartment and storage building to her new house. We left the house and gave Millie her house keys. She just stared at her new house. Finally Millie got into her new SUV and I got into my SUV and we drove off. Millie waved to us as we left.

"What do you think babe. Do you think we made a very nice lady happy?"

"I think we did babe. I think we did."

We got home and there were two messages on our answering machine. I pressed the red flashing button. The first was from Millie. She said she was back at her apartment. She had called the moving company and they would get everything moved tomorrow. They provided boxes and special moving equipment. They wrapped furniture. She said they sounded very professional. She had no problem with her landlord. He was just sad to see her leaving. She said she would give us a call when everything was moved in. She thanked us again. At least a hundred times.

I pressed the button again for the second message. It was from Andy. Reminding us he would be arriving tomorrow after work. He thought he should be to our place my six or seven in the evening at the latest. We were looking forward to having Andy stay the weekend with us. It should be fun.

Friday came around and we worked another half day. Shirley wasn't too happy about me working two half days back to back. I would have to finish the volunteers physicals on Tuesday. I arrived home and Graham pulled in behind me. Cindy was on her way out when we arrived and told her to enjoy her long weekend. She told us the same.

We went upstairs and changed into jocks and went to the kitchen to fix some lunch. Cindy had made some beef barley vegetable soup. I liked it alot. I don't think Graham was too crazy about the soup, but he ate it. I knew he would probably have a snack later. Soup wasn't filling for him. We were putting everything away when my cell phone rang. It was Millie. "Hi Millie. How's everything going?"

"Everything is great and still can't stop thanking you boys enough for everything. My new house is way beyond what I expected. Everything looks so nice and it's all brand new. I'm calling because I have everything moved and in place. I just have boxes now to unpack. I have all the boxes marked so I know what is in each box. I have the living room and dining finished and the master bedroom. Also, I have my patio furniture out on the back patio. Zane told me they would be finishing the wall today. It really looks nice and blends in well with the backyard. The security company should come tomorrow to wire the wall into the security system. They were also going to show me how to arm and disarm the security system. Also, what didfferent codes I can use and what they mean. Also, the SUV is perfect the size for me. I think I know how to use all the controls and the computer. I'd like you boys to come over and see what you think about my new house and the way I arranged things."

"Of course Millie. We liked to see your finished house and you laid our everything. I'm sure it looks nice. We'll we there in a few minutes."

Graham and I finished in the kitchen. I called the florists to make up a nice floral arrangement to take to Millie's. We went upstairs to change into some casual clothes. Jumped in my SUV and we were on our way to the florists first. I had to detour a bit because of the carnival getting setup. It looked like it was a large carnival with many rides games and food stands. I found a parking spot close to the florists in the strip mall. They had made a beautiful arrangement of roses. They said there were four dozen roses in the arrangement. I came out and handed the arrangement to Graham. Then took for Millie's house.

I had to stop at the gate and identify myself and Graham to the guard. He opened the gate and let us in. We parked in front of Millie's garage. We pressed the doorbell and Millie answered the door. Graham handed her the floral arrangement. "My aren't these flowers pretty. And they smell good too. Come on in and take a look around while I find a nice vase for the flowers."

We walked in and couldn't believe we were in the same house. Millie had some nice furniture. Some of it looked like antiques. Her dining room set was in a French Provincial style. The table sat twelve people and she had two sideboards and buffets that went with the set. It fit perfect in the dining room. I didn't see any china or glassware. She probably hadn't unpacked it yet. The living had modern furniture. With one large sectional and a smaller sofa and two wing chairs. A very nice wood and glass coffee table. Again, nothing was set out. Probably still in boxes. Millie came back with the roses in a beautiful cut glass vase and set it on the coffee table in the living room. "What do you men think? Does it look a little different?"

"It looks like a house that somebody lives in. You have some very nice pieces of furniture. Everything I've seen looks like it was made for this house." Let's go to the kitchen. Millie had unpacked a lot of kitchen appliances and dishes and cookware. The kitchen looked complete. Let me show you my master bedroom. Millie had an antique sleigh style bed that was a queen size. The wood looked like mahogany. She had a foot rest at the foot of the bed. A sitting area with a nice wing chair and lamp. Her dresser matched the style of the sleigh bed. It was large with a big mirror above it. She also had a free standing dressing mirror. She then showed us the two guest bedrooms. They had their own beds. The office was setup and Millie said she had her new computer ready with the printer. She said she liked the high speed internet. We then followed Millie to the backyard. The wall looked complete and looked super. Millie had a seven piece wicker patio set. And I noticed a couple of loungers and chairs in the pergola. As far as furniture, it seemed Millie had everything she needed. "Your house looks amazing Millie. It looks like you have everything you need."

"I do. I just have boxes to unpack. But I'm going to take my time and get a little down each day. There's no rush." Zane came in and told Millie they had finished. He told Millie the security company should be coming soon. Millie thanks Zane for a beautiful backyard. We shook hands with Zane and then he and his crew left.

Millie asked us if we would like something to drink. We told her thank you but no. We needed to leave. We were expecting a weekend guest arriving in a couple of hours. Millie followed us out and thanked us for the beautiful flowers.

"Millie you look very content and relaxed."

"I am. Thanks to you two boys. I would have never dreamed I would have a new SUV and a new house already paid for. It's like a dream come true and sure had eased the burden I was feeling before."

"We're glad for you Millie. We better leave." We hugged and kissed Millie on the cheek and then left for home to get ready for Andy.

It was a few minutes after five when we got home. Thankfully I didn't see a car parked by the gate waiting for us. I drove in and parked in the garage. Andy could use another stall in our garage for his car. We had a four stall garage.

We got in and went upstairs and changed. We thought once Andy was settled in we would go for a little while to the carnival and eat some carnival food for a snack. I knew Graham liked that.

We heard the speaker and Graham got up and and opened the gate. He said Andy was driving in. I told Graham to open one of the garage stalls for him. I heard Graham go to the garage. Soon Graham and Andy were walking into the kitchen. Andy was carrying an overnight bag. He still had his park uniform on. He looked just as hot and beefy as I remembered. His uniform looked like a UPS drive. The same color. He was wearing uniform shorts that fit snugly. Showing off a very evident bulge. His shirt was a little tight and it also showed off his muscular chest and big beefy arms. He looked delicious and I wanted to gobble him up. I'm sure I'd get the change soon.

Andy complimented Graham and me on our jocks. He said he didn't bring one. We told him we had extras if he wanted to wear one.

We told Andy to follow us and we went up to our bedroom. You can unpack here and I'l find a jock for you. We can relax by the pool and then go to the carnival a little later.

Andy hung some of his clothes up in our closet and then we helped him out of his uniform. Graham was unbuttoning Andy's shirt. Feeling his light hairy chest and tweeking his nips. I was undoing the belt on his shorts and undid the top button and pulled the zipper down. I had a hard time pulling Andy's shorts down his beefy legs. I managed and he stepped out of them. I saw a big wet spot on the front of boxers. I couldn't resist and I had to suck on it. It tasted good. Just like Andy. Andy was moaning while I sucked on that wet spot. I could feel the head of his cock. Graham was busy rubbing Andy's chest and was biting and nibbling on his nips. I slowly slid Andy's boxers down and his big hardon almost slapped me in the face. He was drooling some more precum and I quickly licked it off. Graham had Andy's shirt off and was licking and kissing Andy's neck and ears and then working down his back. I saw Graham squeezing Andy's nice globes. Andy had the perfect bubble butt. Graham slapped the cheeks a couple of times and them spread them open. There was a light dusting of light brown hair covering his hole. Graham went for it and started rimming Andy's hole. I took Andy's big cock in my mouth and let it slide down my throat. I started deep throating Andy while Graham was rimming him. I saw Graham spit on his hard cock and ease the head in Andy's waiting hole. Andy bent over a little for Graham. I was going fast on Andy's cock while Graham speeded up his fucking. Andy was moaning loud and groaning. I heard Graham give out a loud moan and I knew he was filling Andy's hole. That brought Andy over the edge and he started pumping a big load down my throat. I felt his cum spashing and hitting the sides of the throat. I swallowed his load and I saw Graham pull out. "Wow guys. That's quite a welcome."

"We wanted you to feel comfortable here."

"I feel very comfortable. How about if you help me into a jock?"

I had one laying on the bed and I helped Andy get into to and stuffed his thick cock and big balls into the jock. He adjusted himself a little and said he was ready for the pool.

We walked down to the pool and Graham got us a cold beer. All of us thought it would be good to go for a swim after our beer and then change and go to the carnival. Andy told me he thought he was leaking out of his hole. I told him to roll over on his stomach. I bent over and spread his cheeks. I could see some of Graham's cum trying to bubble out of his hole. I licked off the cum on the outside of his hole and then dug my tongue in and pulled out most of Graham's load. My husband's cum always tastes good. I told Andy he was good to go. And he rolled back on his back.

We finished our beer and took our jocks off and dove into the pool. We just swam around. Not really swimming for exercise. We horsed around a little and the climbed out. We rinsed off on the outside shower. Towel dried and went upstairs to change for the carnival. We all wore cargo shorts and a nic Polo pull over. And some sandals.

We got into my SUV and headed to the carnival. It was just a few blocks from our house. You could hear carnival music and kids. Lots of kids. I parked in the municipal parking lot. There was a man there directing traffic and pointing out where to park. We got out and walked over to a ticket stand. Graham and Andy bought an arm band. I didn't want that many tickets and I just bought about five or six tickets. We started walking around and Graham and Andy were digging into the carnival food. They were eating slices of pizza and corn dogs. I had a coke and it tasted kind of good. I might splurge on some carnival food later. The carnival was crowded with young kids. I didn't see many parents. We played a few of the carnival games and lost. We came to the rides and we all got on a tilt-a-whirl car and the operator had us spinning continually. We then went on the ferris wheel. These two rides I could handle. I didn't want to go on the tower of death. The pharoah octopus bullets roller coaster or any of the rides where I thought I'd lose my stomach. I didn't mind watching Graham and Andy. They were like two young kids on the rides. Finally they had enough of the rides and we went to a church stand to eat. We all had sloppy joes with chips potato salad or baked beans. I had my sloppy joe with chips and another coke. Graham and Andy had all three sides with their sloppy joes and also had a coke.

The food was good and when we finished we decided to leave. We still had two and half more days to enjoy the carnival. Graham told us that a fair would be open tomorrow with hand crafts and other items for sale.

We found my SUV in the full parking lot. And I drove us home. It was just after ten and we changed into robes and Graham found a game that was in the third quarter. We all snuggled together on the couch and watched the game. Graham got us another beer. I thought I could handle a second beer. We got into the game. Andy seemed to like it. And we had a good time drinking beer and watching the game. It didn't take us long until we had our robes off and were sitting naked on top of them. Graham and I couldn't get enought of Andy's hot body and he liked showing it off. I was sure we would have another fun time when we went to bed.

The game finished and Graham turned the tv off and we draped our robes over our shoulders and walked arm in arm up to our bedroom.

We hung the robes up in the closet. Kicked our sandals off and got into bed. Andy looked semi hard. Maybe it was anticipation of what was going to happen. We told Andy to lay down on his back. Graham sat down over Andy's face. Andy immediately took Graham's cock into his mouth. I licked a couple of fingers and started fingering and stretching Andy's hole. He was squirming on my fingers and trying to get them to go as deep as possible. One of my fingers touched his prostate and you could see Andy shake and tremble. I eased in a third finger and finally a fourth finger and thought I had Andy stretched enough. I had some lube with me and I lubed my cock and eased the head in. I felt Andy's sphincter clamp down on the head of my cock. I told him to relax. Once I felt him relaxing, I eased the rest of cock in a little at a time. Andy was going to town on Graham's cock and was playing with his balls. I started picked up my pace and was fucking Andy harder. Graham and I leaned together and kissed. Andy told me he was getting close. I broke off from Graham and bent down and took Andy's thick head between my lips just as he started shooting. I thought he was going to shoot my head off. He came hard again. This caused his hole to constrict on my cock and that made me cum. I could feel my cum shooting in his hole. We laid back satisfied and spent. We got into a three way kiss and then we sandwiched Andy in the middle between us and fell asleep.

I woke up to my cell phone ringing. I picked it up and groggily said, "Hello, this is Bob."

It was the perfume and vineyard calling from France. I immediately switched to talking French. Both places told me they had received the order and would be mailing our order to us. And thanked me for placing an order with them. They told me they would include more order forms. Obviously, they liked me placing an order with them.

Graham woke out and I told him about our orders being received in France and they were filling our orders and mailing out the wine and perfume today.

Andy was still out like a light. We carefully got out of bed. Splashed a little water on our faces and went downstairs to make some breakfast. I told Graham I was going upstairs to see if Andy was awake yet. I realized it was Andy's first time in our house and thought I'd give him the grand tour if he was awaked and I'd let Graham finish getting breakfast ready.

I quietly walked into the bedroom and I saw Andy stretching. "Good morning. How'd you sleep?"

"Like a baby. This is the best sleep I've had in a long time."


"Graham is getting breakfast ready. I had just realized this was your first time to our house. I thought I'd give you the grand tour and then breakfast should be ready."

"I need to relieve my bladder and then I'll be ready for the tour."

I let Andy take care of his personal business and waited in the bedroom. Once he came out he looked ready for the tour. We were naked and it just seemed natural. I showed Graham the other bedrooms on this floor. Then we went up to the sunroom. Andy really liked the parrots. We then went downstairs and he couldn't believe that we had our own lockerroom and a well equipped gym. He liked the game room and theater room. And he told me, maybe we could take a sauna later. He really like saunas. We then went out to the backyard. He said this looked just like paradise. He couldn't see much last night in the dark. But the backyard he really liked.

I heard Graham telling us that breakfast was ready. Andy complimented on such a nice house. He said this is like a mansion. We told him no mansion, just a big house.

We ate our breakfast and then did a few laps in the pool.

Andy was telling us that he was looking forward to this weekend. To get more man on man experience. He said he was still pretty shy and had a time trying to find a good friend to spend some time with. He told us he couldn't tell if someone was interested in him and didn't know how to recognize the signs. We told him that to be patient and when it was supposed to happen it would. We were just glad that he wanted to spend this long weekend with us. We told Andy we would include him in our friends list and when we had parties we would be sure to invite him. He liked that and hoped that we had a party soon, so he could meet some of our friends. And maybe get better acquainted with one or two of our friends.

We got out of the pool and went upstairs to shower and get ready for a full day at the carnival. I was going to eat carnival food today for lunch. We had fun in the shower. Andy jerked both Graham and me off at the same time. After we came. We took turns giving Andy a blowjob. He told us we were fantastic. And was glad we were friends. We dried each other off, got dressed and I drove us to the carnival again.

The craft fair was setup, but none of us found anything we wanted or needed. There was some nice handcrafted items. But nothing caught our eye. We walked to the carnival and played some more games. Graham had good luck and won a big teddy bear and a couple of mugs. I won a mug on ring toss. Andy didn't have any luck. He said maybe tomorrow. Graham and Andy went on rides and I watched drinking a coke.

For lunch we went to the catholic food stand. They had the regular hotdogs, hamburgers and sloppy joes. I didn't want another sloppy joe. I order a chesseburger with french fries and coffee. Graham and Andy ordered sloppy joes with potato salad. They didn't have baked beans. In just a couple of minutes our waitress brought our lunch. It was good. But loaded with calories and fat. Graham and I were going to have to exercise big time this coming week.

We just wandered around the carnival and I think the guys went on all the adult rides or rides for older kids. We were getting tired after all the walking and decided to call it a day.

We did some laps in the pool. And decided to take a sauna. Andy really liked the sauna and so did we. Andy's hot body had Graham and me in a trance. We couldn't stop staring at him. We hoped he would find sometime to be with. As hot as he was, he shouldn't have much trouble. I knew he had to be careful being a park ranger and not socialize with the campers. We got into a group jerkoff in the sauna and when we were getting close to moved around into a circle suck. Cumming in each other's mouths. Andy really liked that.

We ordered delivery for dinner from the Thai restaurant. We hadn't eaten from them in a long time and it tasted good. Andy liked spicy food so he was trying all the different dipping sauces.

After dinner we watched a movie in the theater room. We tried to squeeze into one theater chair. We managed to have Andy in the chair and Graham and I on each oversized arm. It wasn't the most comfortable but it worked. We liked the movie, even though we were making out and feeling each other up all over.

Once the movie ended we were all pretty workedup and horny. We upstairs to the bedroom and took turns spit roasting each other until we were drained and so tired we just fell asleep.

Sunday was pretty much a repeat of Saturday. We were looking forward to the parade Monday and the fireworks. The carnival would start tearing down around the middle of the afternoon on Monday. The craft fair, just ran Saturday and Sunday.

We watched a movie again on Sunday night. Graham and I warmed up dinner for us and we ate at the breakfast nook. Andy was telling us this long weekend was going too fast. We agreed with him and wished he could stay longer. He told us he would need to leave right after the fireworks. We would be able to see the fireworks from our backyard.

We had heard from Millie on the weekend and she told us she was all moved in and all the boxes were unpacked. She had just a few things she needed to buy and then she was done. She told me she was planning an Open House soon and would be sure to call and tell us when it was happening. I told her about the caterers and she thanked me. I also mentioned that J & M did a good job of decorating of she wanted to go that route. It was nice hearing Millie's voice. And she sounded like her old self. She told me she would be working at the diner, starting this coming Tuesday.

Monday came and we were ready to go watch the parade. It was like they had said. It was one hour exactly. The high school and college marching bands played. Along with the Marine Marching Band. There were many floats. Some of the floats represented businesses the high school and college had floats. The policemen and firemen had floats. The kids liked their floats because they threw out candy. The parade finished and everyone was going in different directions it seemed. We had enough of the carnival. Besides, it was a hot afternoon and the pool would be very inviting.

We got home and stripped down in record time and were in the pool. The pool felt great as warm as it was. We did some laps for exercise and then relaxed with a couple double loungers pulled together and Andy in the middle. Andy told us he liked all the attention he got this weekend. We told him we were two friendly guys. He said he liked our friendship. Graham and I emphasized to Andy not to be despartate when looking for a friend. Just be yourself and if someone seems attracted to you, go with it and see what happens. The worse that can happen is they can say their not interested and leave. But don't take that personal. It's part of the relationship game. You'll know when it clicks with someone. Andy thanked us for the advice.

We ordered delivery for dinner from the Chinese restaurant. We gobbled everything done with a cold beer. Beer and Chinese food didn't seem right. But it tasted okay. We soon heard some booming sounds and looked out to the backyard and the fireworks were starting.

We walked out to the backyard with an arm around each other's shoulders and watched the fireworks. It was a good fireworks display. It must have cost the city some money. Unfortunately we knew when the fireworks ended Andy would be leaving.

He looked at us with a sad puppy dog face. "What's that face Andy?"

"I'm just feeling sad I need to leave for home."

"Just think about all the fun we had this weekend and what we told you. Keep a stiff upper lip and I know you'll soon be calling us that you found someone to be with."

We followed Andy upstairs so he could grab his overnight bag. He changed into some shorts and a tshirt. We followed him out to the garage and we kissed and hugged for a long time. I thought I saw a tear in the corner of his eye. "We love you buddy and keep in touch with us. And we promise to call you when we have our next party. Hopefully, you will be bringing a friend with you to our party."

Graham pressed the button to open the garage stall. We watched Andy back out and then leave through the gate. He waved to us and we waved back.

It was a little sad seeing Andy leave. I hoped everything worked out for him.

End of Chapter 19 - Labor Day

Chapter 20 - Coming Soon

If you would like to see the characters in the story, please read "My Alphabet Friends," and there are photos of characters at the end of each chapter I will be adding some of the new characters from this series. However, due to some problems, the photos are not working at this time. I will be revising and editing all the chapters in My Alphabet Friends when I finish this series. And then the photos will appear.

Your comments and suggestions are always welcome. I answer all emails I receive. I ask that you please put Nifty or the title of the story in the subject line. Then I'll know it's not spam. I am already working on Chapter 20. I hope you enjoy my story as much as I like writng it. Please email me at:

Next: Chapter 20

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