Bob's Holidays

By Francis Scott

Published on Aug 24, 2023


Bob's Holidays Chapter 18

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The following story is a work of fiction from the authors mind. It contains adult situations between consenting adults. If this offends you and is illegal in your area, WHY ARE YOU HERE? Any similarities to actual people or events is purely coincidental. This story does not promote safe sex. Please practice safe sex at all times. Don't put your life or someone else's in jeopardy.

If you haven't read my story, "My Alphabet Friends," I would recommend doing so. All characters in this series are from My Alphabet Friends. There are pictures of the characters at the end of each chapter. However, at this time there is a problem with the pictures and I will be revising and editing My Alphabet Friends when I finish this series. You will find, My Alphabet Friends, in Gay/Adult Friends.

Bob's Holidays

By Francis Scott

Chapter 18 - Assumption of Mary

We relaxed after we got home from our fishing trip. We were tried. I think from all the time we spent with Andy. Andy would make a nice addition to our group of friends. I hope he calls like he promised. We need to keep in touch.

We unpacked our overnight bags and put everything away. Dirty clothes in the hamper. We put on some sandals and went downstairs naked. It felt good to be able to go around naked. I asked Graham about the fish and cooler. He said he already took care of that. We went down to the pool and it felt good to relax next to each other.

Soon my cell phone rang. I mouthed to Graham, "my mother. Hi mom, everything okay?"

"Everything is fine Robert. I wanted to thank you and Graham for a wonderful time at the spa. I feel like a knew woman. And your father likes the knew woman. Your father told me all about the fishing trip. It sounds like you men had a good time. Tell Graham that I had a wonderful time with his mother. She's really a nice lady. I'm not going to keep you. I know your probably tired. But I wanted to thank you again. It was a wonderful weekend."

"Thanks mom. That's nice to hear. We want our mom and dads to enjoy the weekend and I'm glad you both did."

"My mom wanted me to tell you that she had a great time with your mom. And she really likes your mother."

Graham and I were ready to dive into the pool when Graham's phone rang. I dove in by myself. I was hoping it was Graham's parents calling.

I could hear a little of the conversation. "Hi mom. Thanks for calling. I'm glad you and dad made it home safe."

"We just arrived. We stopped at little diner to get something to eat. I want you to know you father and I had a marvelous time. I don't know how you boys keep coming up with these things. Your father couldn't stop staring at me after my make over. He kept complimenting me on how nice I looked. Your father wants me to tell you that he really enjoyed the fishing trip and is looking forward to the next one."

"Thanks mom. I'm glad you both enjoyed your weekend. It was fun planning it and get everything worked out. Tell dad hi and I hope you enjoy the fish? And you really did look nice mom?"

"Thanks honey. You boys are to good to us. And I'm looking forward to eating the fresh fish."

"After all you and dad for us kids at home, it's the least we can do you our parents."

"Your father is saying something and I can't hear him. I better go and thank you so much honey. It was just wonderful."

Graham gave me gist of their conversation. Similar to mine.

Graham dove right in next to me and we kissed and hugged and started making out in the pool. He climbed out and got on our lounger and continued. Soon we had moved around to a sixty nine on our sides, sucking and deepthroating each. And fingering our tight hot holes until we couldn'd hold back any longer and were shooting out some big loads. We licked cleaned and milked out the last oozing drops of cum and laid back panting. We finally resumed our regular breathing.

"Are you hungry babe. Would you like a snack. We had a big dinner at the state park."

"A snack would taste good. I already had dessert. I'll pour us a couple of beers if you want to check and see what's in the frig."

I walked up to the kitchen while Graham walked over to the tiki bar. I opened the frig and saw an appetizer tray. I didn't remember where that came from. Maybe Mabel made an appetizer tray for us. I'd have to ask her tomorrow. He looked good and enough for the both of us.

I pulled the tray out and set it on the kitchen island and grabbed some nakpkins. I took everything down to our lounger and sat it on the table by our lounger. Graham already had my beer on the table.

Graham grabbed a couple of appetizers on a napking and chowed them down and washed the appetizers down with his beer. I took my time and ate one and sipped on my beer. Graham was really digging in to the appetizers. At the rate he was going, he would soon have them gone. I grabbed another one. They were good. Some with thin sliced smoked salmon with a dollop of cream cheese and some dill sprinkled over on some kind of cracker. It tasted good. I grabbed another one before Graham ate them all.

We were relaxed on the lounger and enjoying the different appetizers.

My phone rang again. I didn't remember the number at first and then I knew who it was. I mouthed, "Andy," to Graham. "Hi Andy, this is a surprise. Your probably thinking I'm call to come over, I would like to, but that is not why I'm calling. I wanted to thank you and Graham to opening my eyes to man sex and how good it can feel and enjoyable. All my coworkers are telling me how happy I look and don't look so forlorn and lost. I don't feel that way anymore. I feel good about myself and I realize I have nothing to hide or be ashamed of. Thanks to you and Graham. Please tell Graham hi from me and that I appreciate everything he did."

"Ok Bob, thanks for the advice. I'm working late today and thought I'd give you guys a quick call."

"Thanks for calling Andy and we look forward to us all spending a weekend together."

"I hope that is all the calls," I told Graham. We decided to go inside and watch some tv in the living. Graham ate the rest of the appetizers while we walked up to the kitchen. We put our empty glasses in the dishwasher and I poured us each a glass of refreshment.

The late news was just starting. We watched the news and then the weather and decided to go to bed.

I was glad this coming week I didn't have any physicals. I had a weeks break. Next week would start the firemen policemen and rescue workers and the volunteers. I had forgot about the volunteers, I was wondering if the departments had many volunteers. I would have to wait to find out.

Once Graham and I hit the bed. We were out like a light. I guess the weekend had caught up with us and a good nights sleep would be welcome.

We wokeup to the alarm going off. Some sunlight coming in around the curtains. We crawled out of bed and made our way downstairs to exercise with our friends. They asked us about the fishing trip and we told them we had a great time. And it was nice it wasn't that far away. Some of the guys seemed interested. I told them if they decided they wanted to go fishing at the state park, to ask for Andy. And when you talk to Andy mention us and you'll get some perks. Andy is a nice guy and you guys would like him. In fact, I'm think about inviting him to our group of friends. I know he would fit in good.

We finished exercising. Showered and jerked each other off. Dried off and got dressed for work. Cal didn't make it for the workout. I wanted to ask him about visition for Cotton. I could always call him or drive by the police department when I went for lunch.

We walked upstairs talking and Mabel told us she had breakfast ready on the outside patio table. We all took a seat and Mable brought out our breakfast. We all ate like it was our last meal. It didn't take long for all the food to disappear.

On our way out to the garage, I told Mabel about our fresh fish in the refrigerator freezer. She said she would have it ready for dinner tonight.

We all got into a group hug and kiss in the garage and took off for work.

It was nice to be back on a more regular schedule. I did miss the physicals, but I didn't think my body could handle three weeks of phyicals in a row. It was already approaching lunch time and I didn't have my next patient until one fifteen. I told Shirley I was leaving for lunch. If anything came up, to call me. I went out the back door and into my SUV.

I was going to take a quick drive over to the police station and talk to Cal if he was in. I saw some of the deputies cruisers, but I didn't see Cal's sheriffs car. He might have parked in the back.

I walked into the police station and I stopped at the front desk and the deputy asked me if he could help me. I asked him if Cal was in. I needed to talk to him. The deputy asked me my name and told me he would be right back.

I saw Cal in his office and the deputy walk in. I saw them talking and Cal looked out to the front and waved me to come into his office. The deputy left and I walked into Cal's office and shut the door. Cal stood up and we shook hands.

"So what's this unexpected visit? Sorry I didn't make it to our morning workout. I had some office business I needed to attend to early."

"No problem. You were missed this morning."

"I know you didn't come in here for casual conversation. So what's on your mind Bob?"

"I was wondering how soon Cotton could have visitors. I have a lot of questions I want to ask him."

"Well, normally at the Federal Prison, the new inmates need to be there a few weeks to get adjusted, before they can have visitors. I haven't heard anything from the warden at the prison about Cotton. So I assume he's settling into the routine. I will give the warden a call later, he's a good friend of mine, and find out Cotton's status on visitors. Then I'll give you a call after I've talked to the warden."

"Thanks Cal. That's all I needed. And I'll look forward to your call later."

"We stood up and shook hands again. Cal gave me a wink and said he wished we could do more."

"I told I wished we could to."

I left the police station and drove over to the diner. It was a few blocks away from the police station. Too far to walk.

I pulled up and parked in front of the diner. I didn't see Graham's car. I didn't know if he was coming for lunch or not. I walked in and my favorite table was occupied. I found a good spot on the side by a window.

While I waited I pulled out my cell phone and saw I had one missed message from Graham. I opened the text message. "Wait ofr me." So I knew he was coming for lunch. I still had plenty of time. It didn't take that long talking to Cal.

Millie came over and asked me what I would like. She asked me where my handsome better half was. I told her very funny and he was on his way. I told her I'd have a black coffee while I waited for Graham.

I was wondering what Cal would have to tell me later. I hoped Cotton could have visitors.

I saw Graham walk in and look around and then he spotted me and walked over and took a seat. Millie brought my coffee and she said, "what would this tall dark handsome man like?" Millie then said, "I'm sorry I'm taken but I'll let you know when I'm available."

Graham was getting used to Millie and didn't blush like he used to. "I'll take a black coffee too Millie, and a menu."

We didn't like the special. Millie brought Graham's coffee and a couple of menus. And then she left. The diner was starting to get busy.

I thought we should have the menu memorized, as many times as we've come to the diner. I thought I'd splurge and have a hamburger steak and french fries. At least the hamburger was lean and hardly any fat. I couldn't say the same thing for the french fries.

I told Graham about my talk with Cal. And told me to be patient. "Cal would call later today and hopefully you will be able to visit Cotton."

I saw Millie coming with our lunch and a pot of coffee. She set our lunches down in front of us and refilled our coffee cups. "Sorry I don't have time to talk. But as you can see, we are getting busy."

We ate our lunch. I told Graham I would have to do laps when I got home to work off this lunch. He just looked at me and smiled. I should be home early today. We're back to a more normal schedule and no new clients at this time.

We finished our lunch and decided it was time to get back to work. We hugged and kissed by my vehicle since it was higher up and we were less noticeable. I saw Graham get in his sports car and head back to his office. I got in my SUV and headed back to the clinic.

The afternoon went without a hitch and I was already finished with my last patient for the day. I told everyone bye and left for home. I got home before Graham. I was just getting out of my SUV when Graham pulled in. I waited for the garage door to close and I walked over and we hugged and kissed and walked into the kitchen together. Something smelled really good in the kitchen.

"What smells so good Mabel?"

"It's your fresh fish. Someone really knew how to fillet fish. Of course I had to try a bit of the fish with the sauce to make sure everything was cooked correctly." Giving us a smile.

"Of course Mabel. I wouldn't expect anything different. Any special instructions for warming the fish and sauce?"

"It would be better if you warmed the fish in the oven under the broiler for a minute or two until it's warm. The sauce can be warmed in the microwave and then you can add as much of the sauce as you want."

"How did it taste?"

"Magnificent as always." Then Mabel started laughing.

"No Mabel you are an excellent cook. Graham and I are always talking about how good everything tastes. So don't put yourself down."

"Thanks. That's nice to hear. I like cooking and enjoy it when you guys like my cooking and your friends for breakfast."

"Well, I'm done for the day. Remember the instruction on warming the fish and sauce."

"Yes mother. Thank you." I saw Mabel smile as we went upstairs to get changed. "You boys have a good evening and I'll see you tomorrow."

"Thanks Mabel. Enjoy your evening too and thank you for cooking the fish."

I heard Mabel leave out the front door. While Graham and I were walking upstairs to our bedroom. We helped each other get changed into nothing. Just our sandals. And I told Graham I was hungry for fish. Graham said as soon as he smelled the fish he was hungry.

We went back downstairs to the kitchen. We had six fillets and it looked like Mabel ate one. So that left five for us. That was a lot of fish. The fillets were big and thick. Three fillets were bass and the other two were walleye. I got the broiler going and set the fish in. I put the microwave container of the sauce in the microwave. I opened the container to take a whiff of the sauce. It smelled like nothing I had ever smelled before.

Graham got the breakfast nook set while I was waiting on the fish and sauce. He put a fresh salad into a couple of bowls for us with our favorite salad dressing and a few croutons and set the bowls on the table.

The fish was finished and I put the fillets on a platter and Graham set the platter on the table. I pulled the container out of the microwave and got a serving spoon and set it on the table. "This looks really good babe."

"It sure does. The smells are something else. You know that Mabel enjoys cooking, I was wondering if she would like owning her own restaurant. We should talk to her. But if it's something she's always wanted to do. Then why deny her the opportunity."

"Their you go again babe. Always thinking about someone else. You know it would be hard to replace Mabel. We lost Margaret and now maybe Mabel."

"I don't know, it was just a thought. Let's enjoy this delicious dinner and then we can give that idea more thought."

The fish was tender and cooked perfect. The sauce was some kind of a creamy parmesan with some herbs. The five fillets looked big. But they were disappearing rapidly. This was really good. "We need to go every weekend fishing. I could get used to this real fast."

"Me too. I think this is the first time we've had fresh water fish at home."

"I think you're right. I don't remember eating fresh water fish here at home."

We managed to eat all five fillets with the sauce. We ate all of our salad and thought that was enough. The fish was filling. We cleared off the table and cleaned the kitchen. Graham got the dishwasher loaded and going.

We walked out to the pool. I made sure I had my cell phone with me. I was anxious to hear what Cal had to tell me. I thought he might have called by now. But I know he was having a busy day.

I told Graham I needed to do some laps. After a heavy lunch and big dinner. I had some calories to burn off. I got up and dove in the pool. Graham hollwered over to me that my cell phone was ringing. Graham told me it was Cal. "Tell him I'll be right there."

"Bobs in the pool Cal and he'll be right here. Can you give me a clue on Bob visiting Cotton?"

"I have good news and bad news for Bob. That's all I can say. I want to give Bob the information that I have."

"Ok Cal, here's Bob."

"Hi Cal. Looks like you've had a busy day?"

"It has been busy and hectic. But to get down to business. I called my friend the warden at the federal prison. He told me Cotton has been a model prisoner so far. However, the judge wanted him in the regular population. Since he couldn't sentence Cotton to more years in prison, he wanted him in the regular population. Their are two big gangs in the Federal Prison right now and word spreads fast. The warden told me the prisoners already know all about Cotton and why he is in prison. Inmates don't like sexual offenders. The warden said the judge wanted him in the regular population for another week and see if he could make it. After another week. He will be able to start having visitors. Once I know his visitation schedule I'll pass it on to you. The only thing in Cotton's favor is that he is stocky and in very good shape and can hold his own."

"Ok Cal. I won't keep you. Thanks for the information. I'll look forward to knowing Cotton's visitation schedule.

I passed the information on to Graham and he didn't say anything. Graham just looked at me. "So what are you doing now?"

"Nothing. All I can do is wait until Cal tells me I can visit Cotton."

I felt physically drained for some reason and I told Graham I was going to bed. I felt tired. He told me would take care of everything and join me in a couple of minutes.

I crawled into bed and pulled the covers over and fell asleep. I didn't hear Graham come into the bedroom. He saw me sound asleep and curled up next to me.

I woke up to the alarm going off. Graham was stirring. We got up and went downstairs to workout. I felt rested and much than did when I went to bed last night. Maybe the stress of Cotton and the fishing trip had worn me out. Graham and I worked out with out friends. Took a hot steamy shower and Cal fucked us one by one. Cal didn't say anything. There was nothing to be said until he heard from the warden that Cotton could have visitors. We toweled each other off. Got dressed and ate a delicious filling breakfast. We kissed Mabel on the cheek and thanked her. And got into a group hug and kiss in the garage and went to work.

I just got to work when my mother called. "Robert, it's mom. Sorry to call you at work, but I wanted to remind you that tomorrow is the Assumption of Mary. Mass is at ten in the morning and then I'm planting a Mary garden around the statues in the backyard. I hope you can attend Robert?"

"I will definitely attend mass, and then your planting of the Mary garden. I will tell Graham and I'm sure he will want to attend. Thanks for reminding me. I've so much going on, I forgot all about it."

"That's why I called Robert. I'll have a lunch ready for the two of you."

"Thanks mom. I better leave. Sorry. I've been informed my first patient is here."

Actually I had a few minutes before my first patient. I wanted to give Graham a call about the Assumption of Mary tomorrow. The time of Mass and my mother's Mary garden.

I called Graham on my cell phone. "Hi babe. What a surprise. I wasn't expecting a call from you."

"I just got off the phone with my mom. She reminded me that tomorrow is the Assumption of Mary. The mass is at ten in the morning and then my mother is planting a Mary garden. She told she would have lunch ready for us."

"Ok Bob. I'll work it out here at the office so that I can go to Mass with you and then your mother's Mary garden. I need to leave Bob. Some clients are here that Preston and I are meeting with."

The rest of the day went well. And got home a few minutes before Graham. Mabel was finishing our dinner and I told her I was going upstairs to change. I was putting my work clothes away when Graham came into the bedroom. "You don't have to stop because I'm here."

"You devil. That's why I love you." We hugged and kissed and I helped Graham out of his clothes. He was hard by the time I finished. So I couldn't refuse that nice hardon of his. I gave him a blowjob on my knees with him standing up. When he came he almost fell over. I had to help him stay steady on his feet. We both got naked and put a robe and sandals on.

When we got downstairs, I poured us each a glass of refreshment. Mabel had left for the day. We decided to got to the sunroom. We needed to give the birds some attention. We walked in and it looked like the birds were sleeping. They must have heard us and starting making a racket and squaking. I checked their food and water dishes and cleaned dished and refilled them. That seemed to calm them down. Graham was talking to them and they cocked their heads listening to him.

The sunroom was really looking nice. The gardener did a good job of trimming the plants. The trees were full size now. The little stream looked perfect, how it meandered around and you could hear it gurgling in different spots when it ran over the rocks.

Graham turned the tv on and the parrots were listening to the tv. Graham put the news on. Nothing much of interested on the news or weather. We got up and went downstairs to the pool.

We dove in the pool and did a few laps. Once we got out and lounged a bit. We talked a little about mass tomorrow for the Assumption of Mary and my mother's Mary garden. I told Graham I would pick him up for mass. He told me it would be better if we both drove. He needed to return to work after mass and Mary's garden. I told I needed to go to work to. So we thought driving separately would probably be the best.

I got up and told Graham I was getting dinner ready. Graham got up to and followed me to the kitchen. We had left our robes on the lounger. I started pulling containers out of the frig. Graham got our salads fixed while I warmed dinner in the microwave. Whatever dinner was, it smelled good. I checked a couple of the containers and it was split pea soup with smoked ham. She also had made fresh dinner rolls that I warmed in the microwave. This wasn't one of Graham's favorit dinners, but he managed to eat a bowl of soup with a couple of fresh rolls. I liked the soup and thought I'd fix a small microwave container I could take for lunch tomorrow. And warm in our microwave at work. Graham looked at me like I was crazy.

I was hoping to hear from Cal this week, but I didn't have my hopes up.

We went back down to the pool with another glass of refreshment. We were lounging and reading the daily paper and my cell phone rang. I didn't recognize the caller, but I did recognize the number. "Hello, this is Bob."

A nice baritone voice said, "Hi Bob. It sounds like you don't remember me. This is Rick and thought I'd give you a call and see what you guys were doing Friday. I have Friday off, but have to work the weekend. I'd likeI to come over and visit Friday if that works for you."

"Friday is perfect Rick. We both work a half day. So why don't you plan on coming over for lunch and then we have the rest of the day to enjoy."

"That sounds perfect." Rick confirmed our address and I told him to press the speaker so I could open the gate for him.

I asked him to call when he was leaving for our house. Then I'd have an idea when to have lunch ready.

I told Graham again who Rick was. It looked like Graham was started to chub up.

"It looks like someone is excited to see Rick."

"It should be interesting after what you told me about him."

We didn't do much the rest of the day. we watched a movie in the theater room and when the movie finished we went to bed. We made out until we were so tired we feel asleep.

Wednesday already. I reminded Graham mass was at ten and then we needed to go my mom's after mass. I didn't know if my dad would be there or not. Just depended on his work.

We both had a little work we could do before we needed to leave for the mass. I was able to take care of one patient. The rest I would have to see in the afternoon. I told Shirley I would be back by one for my first afternoon patient.

I went to my office and took of my lab coat. Straightened my clothes and thought I looked presentable for mass. I arrived at the church with members still entering. I was going to sit with my parents or my mom if my dad didn't show. I wanted Graham sitting with me. The church was filling and the organist was playing some nice music for Mary.

I looked around for my parents. I thought I saw my mom, but I wasn't sure. I walked up to the pew where she was sitting. Boy did she look nice after the makeover. And the new clothes really made her stand out. "Hi mom. Is dad here?"

"No, he couldn't make it. He was too busy at the office."

"Have you seen Graham? He supposed to be coming."

"No. I haven't seen Graham. Look around and maybe you'll spot him."

I took my mother's advice and I saw Graham walking in. I stood up so he could see me and he walked over and greeted my mom and took a seat by me.

Graham and I almost said in unison how nice my mom looked.

"You boys are responsible for this look. The makeover was wonderful. The makeup lady showed me how to apply my makeup and these news clothes really finish off the complete look. I can't thank you both enough."

We heard the bell being ring as the priest entered and we all stood up and the mass for the Assumption of Mary had started.

The churches statue of the Virgin Mary had candles around and angels. It looked really nice. It was a traditional mass with the priest putting emphasis on Mary the mother of God. The mass ended and we greeted the priest as we left the church.

Graham and I followed my mother to her house. It looked like a different priest got out of my mother's car. We all walked into the house and had a fresh lemonade. Then we all walked out to the backyard to where my mother had statues of Mary and Joseph with a fountain behind them. It was really nice looking. I saw the plants that my mother was having planted. I noticed the colors of the flowering plants. White yellow and blue. White and yellow are the papal colors and white and blue are colors for the Virgin Mary. Blue is believed to be a sacred color.

We gathered by the statues and the priest gave a short prayer and blessed the plants. I saw a gardener appear from I don't know where. I only know he was worked for my parents for many years. My mother told him where she wanted the different colors of plants. All yellow and some of the white were placed close to Joseph. All the blue and the rest of the white were planted by Mary. Once it was finished Mary's garden looked nice. Once all the flowers were planted, the priest gave another prayer and we walked back to the sunroom and had another glass of lemonade.

I looked at my watch and told my mother and the priest that I need to leave and get back to work. That my lunch break was almost over. Graham said he needed to get back to his office. We all stood up and shook hands with the priest and gave my mother a peck on the check and she thanked us for coming. We let ourselves out and kissed and hugged. Got in our vehicles and drove back to work.

I got to the clinic a few minutes early. Janice peeked her head in my office and told me my first afternoon patient was here and asked me if I was ready. "Go ahead Janice and take my patient to exam room one. I'll be right there."

I thought the sooner I got started. The sooner I would get done. My afternoon kind of dragged along. But my last patient finished right at five and I was on my way home.

I got home before Graham. He hadn't called me and told me would be late. He was good a leaving me a text message if he was going to be late when he couldn't call. I was kind of glad he wasn't home and Mabel was gone for the day.

I was feeling tired and thought I'd take a nap. I was hoping I wasn't getting something from one of my patients. I went in the bathroom and took some vitamin c and some beta vitamins. That would help boost my resistance against a cold.

I took off my work clothes and laid down on the bed naked and fell asleep.

I parked in the garage and saw Bob's SUV. I knew he would be home before me. I had text messaged him that Preston and I were meeting with a big client. Preston and I had Mark and Irving sit in. This would be their first big client to work with. All of our other staff had already worked with big clients. Preston and I knew Mark and Irving were ready. Mark and Irving were not to say anything. Only listen and take notes. Our meeting finally ended and we introduced Mark and Irving to the this new big client. They were planning on constructing a hotel and mini mall across from the Amusement Park. We thought it was a good idea. Preston and I told the big client, we would still be available if any problems arose, but we told the big client that Mark and Irving were quite capable and I thought you wouldn't mind working with them. Our meeting broke up and the new client talked with Mark and Irving for a few minutes. I saw them leaving smiling and joking. So I knew it was going to work out okay.

I walked into the kitchen and looked down to the pool, but didn't see Bob. That was strange. I thought he was probably relaxing in the sunroom. I'd get changed and them talk to him in the sunroom.

I walked up the stairs and our bedroom door was open. I walked in and saw Bob naked and spread out on the bed sleeping. I quietly took my clothes off and put some sandals on and went back downstairs to warm dinner.

I didn't know how long Bob had been sleeping. It was unusal for him to sleep at this time of the day. Maybe he had busy stressful day. I thought I'd give him a kiss when dinner was ready.

I had the breakfast nook set and ready for dinner. The two microwaves had already beeped and dinner was warm. I thought it as time to go upstairs and wake up Bob.

I was having this wonderful dream. It seemed so real. I visioned myself spreadout on the bed naked. Then feeling a warm body crawling over on top of me. Actually that was what Graham was doing to Bob. Then feeling our cocks rubbing together. Feeling warm kisses on my neck and ears and then gently over my mouth and lips. This is a fantastic dream. This could go on for hours. I could tell by the kisses that it was Graham. Then I thought I heard quietly, "Bob, Bob, are you awake?"

I slowly opened my eyes and just like my dream Graham was on top of me. "Are you ready for dinner. I let you sleep when I got home and warmed dinner. It's ready for us. You must have had a stressful day to be napping at this time?"

I was waking up now. "No, nothing stressful. Just felt tired. There's a cold going around and I think I might have picked up a bit of it from one of my patients. I told some vitamin C when I got home and beta vitamins. I feel better after a rest and with my lover on top of me. I guess my dream was a reality."

"You feel like getting up? Or do want me to help you?"

"None of the above. I want you to stay on top of me. This feels nice."

"I think you should get some food in your body and see how you feel after dinner. And then we can resume where we left off."

"Ok doctor Graham. I can't argue with that medical advice."

I got off Bob and watched him roll over to the side of the and sit up. He looked a little groggy. But otherwise, I didn't see anything wrong with him.

"How do you feel now that your sitting up. Actually I feel better. I think I'll take some more vitamin C with dinner and some more beta vitamins. Then I should be back in ship shape."

Bob put on his sandals and we walked down to the kitchen. Bob saw the breakfast nook ready for dinner. I told Bob to take a seat and I would bring our dinner over. Actually it was a good dinner for the way Bob was feeling. Mabel had made chicken noodle soup. I managed to get Bob to eat two bowls of soup. I told him it was good for him and he didn't argue with me.

We finished our soup with dinner rolls and I told Bob to go into the living room and relax and I would join him shortly.

I saw Bob put on the news and he was reading the daily paper. I finished putting everything away and joined Bob. We were both naked and I snuggled up to him. He liked that. "How you feeling babe?"

"Much better thanks. I think after a good nights sleep I will feel good in the morning. I'll take some more vitamins before I go to bed."

We watched the news and weather and then a good college football game came on. Just before the game started, Graham poured us each a glass of refreshment. We laid down on the sofa with Graham behind me. I felt his big cock nestled between my ass cheeks and the length over my hole. It felt wonderful. I wasn't getting hard. So I knew I wasn't feeling up to par.

The game was good. Two teams we followed and liked watching were playing. It came up to halftime and Graham made us a snack. He warmed a small bowl of soup for me and he had a couple of sandwiches.

I told Graham we should tell Mabel we want to talk to her after work on Friday. Ask her about her cooking and if she's had a dream to have her own restaurant. Graham told me he would call the mayor and see if there were any buildings that would work for a small restaurant or diner.

The second half of our game started and we watched to the end. I wasn't tired and feeling better. But I still wanted to get a long nights sleep.

Graham turned the tv off and we walked arm in arm to the bedroom. Graham was in a romantic mood and I wasn't going to deny him some good love making. So we made love for a couple of hours. I took my vitamins and then we went to sleep.

We woke up to the alarm and I felt much better. We went downstairs and worked out with our friends. Cal wasn't able to workout with us. Dave told us he was busy on a case. We worked out in the shower, jerking and sucking each other off. We dried each other, got dressed and went upstairs for breakfast. Mabel was busy finishing in the kitchen. She had the outside patio table ready for us for breakfast. Graham and I walked into the kitchen to talk to Mabel about talking to her tomorrow after work. She gave us a funny look just like her sister, Margaret. "Is everything okay. Did I do something wrong?"

"No. Nothing like that Mabel. We just have something we want to ask you and get your opinion. Nothings wrong and there's nothing to worry about."

She looked a little better when we left the kitchen and joined our friends outside. Mabel fixed a big lumberjack breakfast. It was filling, but good.

Graham and my day went fast. We soon were at home and had another great massage from Holden with benefits.

I was feeling good and like my regular self. It was Friday and Graham and I got home almost at the same time. I asked Mabel if she had a couple of minutes so we could talk. She told me she did.

We all took a seat in the living room. "Let me start Mabel. I know you like cooking and are a very good cook. Have you thought about having your own restaurant or diner?"

She looked at Graham and me. "She got a big smile on her face. When I was little girl I was always in the kitchen with my mother. My mother was a very good cook and she taught me how to cook. Then I'd experiment and try different things. Sometimes they were good and somtimes not so good. But since I was that little girl. I have loved cooking and feeling good when people liked my cooking. When I got a little older I got married. My husband wanted a stay home wife. So that put all my desires about cooking for other people out the window. I still did a lot of cooking. We had three children. So I was cooking for the five of us. The family really enjoyed my cooking. When my husband died, our children had all moved away. My husband was a good provider so I never had to worry about money and I still live comfortably. Now to answer your question. Before I was married I had thought about maybe working in a restaurant and someday owning my own restaurant. But it never happened and now I'm satisfied being your housekeeper. It gets me out of the house and I make good money."

Graham took over. "What do think about owning your restaurant? And doing the cooking?"

"Oh my. I don't know. I'm getting old for that much work. It's something I thought about many years ago. But you have sparked my interest. What do you boys have in mind?"

Again Graham took over. "I talked with the Mayor today and there are two vacant building that would work perfect for a restaurant and both buildings are in good locations. My investment firm would back you and get you setup in your own restaurant if your interested."

"I thought Mabel was going to faint. I ran over to her."

"Mabel, Mabel. Are you okay?"

"Yes, I'm fine. You just took me by surprise. I don't know, this is all happening so fast. I really like your idea. But there is a lot of work in setting up a restaurant."

"You don't have to worry about that. All you would need to do is supervise. We would get whatever you needed. Like I said you would supervise and tell us what you needed and where you wanted things to go. And then it would be ready for your grand opening."

"Margaret told me about you boys and how you are always helping other people. And what you did for my sister. I suppose you talked to her like you talking me?"

"Sort of. All we would like to do is make a dream of your come true. With your excellent cooking skills, that will sell the restaurant and you will be doing something you love to do."

"Have you boys every been used car salesmen? You sure give a good sales pitch. Let me think about this over the weekend and I'll give you my decision on Monday."

"Ok. Fair enough Mabel. Just remember we will take care of all the logistics and all you'll have to do is cook your excellent food."

"I better leave so you boys can enjoy your weekend and me to. I have a lot to think about and I might call my sister and talk with her. Thanks for the offer."

We thanked Mabel for all she does for us and walked her out to the front door.

Mabel had just left when I heard the speaker. "Hello?"

"Hi Bob. Rick here. You told me to use the speaker."

I pressed the button and Rick drove in. He had a new pickup. Whew. That was close. I had forgot about him coming today for lunch, when we were talking with Mabel.

"We just finished a business talk with our housekeeper and I lost track of time. I hope you don't mind that lunch isn't ready?"

"Not at all. No problem for me. I usually eat lunch a little later anyway."

"That perfect. Why don't you come upstairs with us. We were just going to get into something more comfortable."

I remembered how hot Rick was from doing his physical. I remembered all my the essential details. He was tall. If I remembered correctly he was six two. Dark black hair. Piercing blue eyes. Clean shaven. He had chest hair. Not excessive. No hair on his back. A light coating of hair on his arms and legs. He looked perfect. Now to the finer points. He has a big cock. Over nine inches and thick. Dark black pubes. I don't remember if they were trimmed or not. And big bull hanging balls.

As we walked upstairs. I didn't think Rick was wearing any underwear. You could clearly see the outline of his cock through the shorts he was wearing. And his tight tshirt really set off his muscles.

We got up to our bedroom and told Rick we were stripping down and putting robes and sandals on. He said the sounded perfect to him. If we had a robe and sandals for him. I checked the other bedroom and came back with a robe and sandals for Rick. We all stripped down. And I noticed Graham staring at Rick. Rick was for sure, an eyeful. He had no problem stripping down in front of us. In fact, he seemed to take his time. His big flaccid cock looked to be about six or seven inches. And those big balls were mouth watering. He slid his robe on and slipped his feet into the sandals. We quickly put our robes and sandals on.

Rick told us we had quite a house here. Why don't we give you a tour and then we can end at the pool. Since we were on the second floor, we showed Rick the guest bedrooms and the second master bedroom. I said he liked the mahogany and the molding. We then went upstairs to the sunroom. Rick said, "you have to be kidding me. A rooftop sunroom. This room is fantastic. Very tropical. I like the parrots. A tiki bar and it looks like a massage room. You guys have it made."

I told Rick the sunroom was a birthday present to Graham.

we then walked downstairs and showed Rick the gourmet kitchen breakfast nook and dining room. We then walked down the hall and we walked into the library/study room. "This is another fantastic room. I bet you spend a lot of time in here?"

"Not that much. We spend most of our time in the sunroom or in the backyard at the pool." We then walked downstairs and showed Rick the theater room game room sauna lockerroom and gym.

"This house is full of surprises. You guys really have it made."

"We like it and we are comfortable."

We walked upstairs and showed Rick the living room. The living room was large with a large sectional and two wing chairs. With a large wall mounted flat screen tv. We then opened he sliding doors and walked out to the covered patio. Rick really liked the barbeque island and the mini kitchen. We then walked down to the pool. "I thought the sunroom was something else. This backyard is like something you'd see on tv or in magazines. It looks like a celebrities backyard. This is just awesome. Let's walk around, I want to take everything in."

We walked around the large pool. Showed him the changing room. Then we walked by one of the waterfalls and told him there was a grotto behind the waterfall. We followed some of the paths that wandered around the fish ponds. He liked the little stream. We walked over to the pergola and he liked that it had it's own tiki bar. And fire pit. We walked up to the jacuzzi hot tub and then back to the pool. We moved two double loungers together, so we could have Rick in the middle. We took our robes off and laid down naked on top of them.

I was feeling good now. I think all the rest I got and the vitamins helped get rid of whatever I had.

I asked the guys if they were hungry. Graham said he was and Rick said he would eat when we did. I told them I was going up to the kitchen and see what Mabel had fixed and make lunch into a snack or bite sized portions.

I got up and looked back and saw Graham and Rick getting better acquainted. They were kissing and feeling each other up.

I checked the frig and pulled out what Mabel had fixed. She had fixed lasagna again. It was really good. I could cut the lasagna into small pieces and put it on a serving dish. The garlic break would be easy to cut into bite sized pieces. I got everything arranged on a couple of trays and took everything out to the outside patio table. I thought we could use that like a buffet. I set some small plates silverware and napkins on the table and it looked ready. I didn't put the salad out. We could have the salad as part of our dinner.

I looked down to Graham and Rick and they looked busy in a hot sixty nine. Graham was trying to deep throat Rick's big cock, but looked like he was having some difficulty. Graham hadn't deep throated a cock that big. He never attempted the bodyguards or the caterers. I thought I better go down and help. Graham saw me out of the corner of his eye and went behind Rick and started rimming him while I took Rick down my throat. He was moaning and saying how good it felt. It had been a long time since someone was able to take all of him.

I worked my magical throat muscles on his cock. Graham was stretching Rick's hole and I saw him lather spit on his cock and shove it into Rick's hole. I kept sucking hard on Rick's cock. Rick didn't seem to mind getting fucked. Graham and I got a good rhythm going and I felt Rick getting close to cumming. I saw his big balls pull up. I heard him grunt and spasm and soon he was blasting out a king sized load. Hitting the back of throat. His load was so big I had to swallow a couple of times.

When Rick came he started constricting on Graham's cock, causing Graham to start shooting into Rick's tight hot hole. Graham was panting when he pulled out of Rick's hole.

We all laid back exhausted. Rick told us we were great. And wished he could stay the weekend. But he had to leave later and get ready for work tomorrow. But he told us he would be ready for round two soon.

I told Graham and Rick lunch was on the patio table. We all got up and walked up to the covered patio. I wasn't sure how warm the food would be now. But you could smell it. Graham and Rick filled their plates and I had a couple pieces of lasagna and piece of garlic bread and we walked back to our lounger. We eat our lunch while relaxing on the lounger.

While we were eating lunch, Rick told us he had overheard a few things from Brody and Tyrell about our parties and how they were glad to be good friends of ours.

We told Rick we would like to include him in our group of friends if he was interested. He told us he was definitely interested. After we finished our lunch. We exchanged phone numbers and told Rick we would add him to our friends list. And he was always welcome. Just to call first to make sure we were home.

Graham said, "how about a swim?"

I told Graham and Rick to go ahead and I would join them after I got everything put away.

It didn't take long to put everything away. And soon I was joining the guys in the pool. Rick was definitely tall. He stood above Graham and me. We did a few laps and walked out on the shallow end where there were steps. We went back to the lounger.

Rick asked us if it would be possible to take a sauna. He said he had a neighbor that had a sauna that he could use. But the neighbor had moved and that ended his sauna use.

We told Rick, "sure." We got up and took our robes with us and walked downstairs. "I really can't get over this lockerroom and gym. Maybe I can come over early and workout with you guys. Then I could start meeting some of your friends. We told him sure. We worked out at six in the morning and usually for an hour or a little longer. He said he thought he could work that out. Graham turned the radiator on to get the sauna warm.

We walked into the game room and decided on a game of pool. Rick was a good pool player. Much better than Graham and me. Our game ended, with Rick winning easily, and Graham checked the sauna and told us the sauna was ready. I grabbed three towels from the lockerroom. And we all walked into the sauna.

We laid our towels on the top bench. We had Rick sit between us. Graham turned on the water and the steam shot up. Graham set the timer for thirty minutes. Rick told us the warm steam made him horny. I told him welcome to the club. Graham and I always get horny in the sauna.

Soon we were all sporting hardons without even touching each other. It was a sight to behold. Rick wasn't kidding when he said the hot steam made him horny.

It didn't take us long to get a hold of each other's hardons and give them some slow strokes. We leaned back against the wall and spread our legs. Draping a leg over the person closest to us. We had our eyes closed and Graham gave us another blast of steam. We picked up our stroking pace. Damn Rick's big thick cock felt good in my hand. I like how it throbbed in time with his heartbeat. Graham was playing was Rick's balls while Rick was jerking both of us off at the same time.

I started stroking Rick faster while Graham kept fondling and massaging Rick's balls. Rick started bucking in my hand and speeded up his stroking of Graham and me. Rick was panting and I knew he was getting close. I heard Graham grunt and shoot out on his chest, some hitting his chin. Rick was bucking faster and faster and moaning loud. I felt his cock thicken in my hand and grow at least another inch. He shot out a massive load hitting face chest and stomach. The rest was running down his hand. Finally I couldn't hold back any longer seeing both Graham and Rick cum set me off. I came all over my upper chest and abs. A few gobs of cum oozed out and ran down the side of my hand.

Graham looked over at the timer and told us our time was up and we needed a shower. Graham turned the radiator off and we used our towels to wipe our cum off. We walked out of the sauna a little wobbly. Put our sandals on and walked into the the lockerroom. I got the shower going and we all walked in. We got busy washing each other and getting all the cum off. Rick was already hard again. I think he was ready for round three.

I told Rick to sit on the shower seat and lean back so his big hardon was sticking straight up. Graham said he would go first and he slowly lowered his hole down on Rick's big throbbing shaft. It took Graham a while until all of Rick's big cock was all the in his hole. I took Graham's cock in my mouth and he got hard right away. I saw Graham bouncing up and down on Rick's cock. Rick had a look like he was in heaven. I saw Rick's cock spasm and I knew he was filling my lover's ass with another load of cum. It took Graham a few minutes to cum. But he gave me a nice sized load. We then switched positions and I got down over Rick's hard cock. Rick's cock hadn't went soft and I slowly slid down until my ass cheeks were nestled in his tight wiry pubes. Graham got in front of me and took my cock in his mouth. Just like Graham, my cock got hard as soon as I felt his lips and tongue on my cock. It took Rick a little longer to cum. I didn't care his big cock felt good in my hole. I rewarded my lover with my cum. Not a big load, but enough that he had to swallow.

We got up and rinsed off again. We walked out of the shower and towel dried each other off. We draped our robes over our shoulders, put our sandals on and walked upstairs, arm in arm. Rick told his this was one of the best days of his life. He wished he lived with us.

We walked out to the pool and Graham got us a round of beer. A cold beer tasted good after our sexercise and hot sauna.

I checked the time and it was only middle of the afternoon. I asked Rick what time he needed to leave. He told me around seven or eight. He didn't live that far from our house. He lived in one of the new apartment complexes. He said he had a two bedroom apartment. It was big and he had plenty of room. Everything was new and he was the first tenant in his apartment. It sounded like he really liked his apartment.

I told Graham I was going to order take out in a little while. I asked Graham and Rick what they liked for take out. We had lasagna for lunch. So we weren't ordering pizza. We agreed on the Chinese. I asked Rick what he liked and I would include that in our order.

It felt good to relax with one side of Rick's hot body rubbing against my side. Graham was on the other side of Rick. It didn't long until our beer was gone. Graham got us anothe round. I thought I could handle two beers. That would be my limit. Too filling for me.

This was turning out to be quite a Friday with Rick visiting. He definitely would make a good addition to our group of friends. I knew our friends would like him. I was hoping he would be able to start working out with us.

We sipped on our second beer. Rick said he could live in this backyard permanently.

"It sounds like your glad you came over today?"

"You guys are awesome. Like I said, I wished I lived here with you two guys."

I asked Graham and Rick if they were ready for a swim. We set our beers down and dove into the pool. We got into a little competition swimming laps. Rick being taller than us, had a definite advantage. He was a good swimmer and took the lead quick. He left Graham and I at least a full body length behind him. I had enough laps and I watched Graham and Rick. Soon Graham slowly made his way to the shallow end and Rick followed him. We all walked out on the steps on the shallow end and went back to the lounger. Graham and Rick chugged their beer down. And Graham got himself and Rick another beer.

I told the guys I was going to call in our delivery order from the Chinese restaurant. They said they were hungry and to tell them to make it a quick delivery. I just laughed. I called the Chinese restaurant and they told me about twenty to thirty minutes before our dinner would be delivered. I told the guys. They said that gave them time for at least one more beer.

I got up and got things ready at the kitchen island. I thought I'd better put my robe on and be presentable when they delivered our dinner. I grabbed some money upstairs from my wallet to pay for the dinner and a tip and went back downstairs to the living room.

I walked down to the pool and told Graham and Rick, I was going to wait in the living room for our delivery.

I walked back to the living room and closed the sliding glass doors and curtains to the backyard. That would give Graham and Rick their privacy while the delivery person was here.

I watched some football while I was waiting. It was a pro game, not a college football game.

I heard the speaker and I saw a small van pull in. It had the name of the Chinese restaurant on the side. Don't ask me how to pronounce the name. A young man got out of the van and I saw him open the back of the van and pull out a bag. He walked up to the front of the house and I opened the front doors for him. I told him to put the bag on the kitchen island. He told me I had a nice house. I thanked. I paid for our dinner and gave him a tip. He bowed and thanked me and I watched him leave.

I took the containers out of the bag and got them open. I put chopsticks by each of our plates and a fortune cookie. I took the salad out of the frig and divided into three bowls. I put our favorite salad dressing on all three salads and a few croutons. Everything looked ready.

I opened the curtains and sliding glass doors and told the guys our dinner was ready.

They had a race to see who could get to the kitchen first. I liked watching their balls and cocks swinging and bouncing around. I told them we were eating at the kitchen island and to grab a place to sit and eat. I let Graham and Rick serve themselves first. I wasn't sure if that was a good idea or not. I was wondering if they would leave anything for me. I checked the Chinese food containers and I was surprised to see something left for me. I had some chow mein and egg rolls. Rick was good with the chopsticks. Graham was still having trouble, even though I had showed him many times how to use the chopsticks. He finally went to a knife and fork and ate his dinner. Rather than spearing his food with the chopsticks. The Chinese food was good and I liked the salad with our dinner.

We finished eating and I noticed everything had been eaten. Graham and Rick helped me clean the kitchen and put everything away. Rick said he had about an hour before he needed to leave. He asked us if we could go up to the sunroom. He wanted to spend his last hour in the sunroom.

I still had my robe on and I ran down to the pool and grabbed Grahams and Ricks robes and brought them up to them. We didn't really need them in the sunroom, but I didn't want them left out by the pool.

We all walked up to the sunroom. And hung our robes up on some hooks I had on the door. The birds were busy eating and drinking water when we entered. Rick walked right over to the birds and started talking to them. They cocked their heads like they do when their listening. Rick thougth that was really cool how they were listening to him talk to them.

Graham walked over to the tiki bar and brought a beer for him and Rick. I had a bottled water. We left the birds and put two double loungers together so we could have Rick in the middle between us. They sipped on their beer while I drank my water. We talked about our day and how much fun we had had. Rick said he was going to try to make it tomorrow morning to workout with all of us. I told him to bring his work clothes and if he wanted to keep some gym gear we had plenty of lockers. He said he would remember that.

Graham and Rick finished their beer and Rick said he needed to get ready to go. We all got up and walked down to the bedroom and watched Rick get dressed. He took his time. I think he was doing it on purpose to give us a little show. Graham and I didn't mind watching him. He managed to get everything tucked into his briefs and finally he was dressed. We walked down downstairs and to the foyer. We got into a group hug and kiss and we watched Rick walk out to his car and leave.

"Well babe, what do you think of Rick?" I asked Graham.

"He seemed like he had always been one of our friends. I hope he can make it tomorrow morning to workout. I know the guys are going to go crazy when they see Rick."

We didn't do much over the weekend. We stayed in and watched a lot of football. We finished the food Mabel had fixed for us and ordered more delivery.

It was already Monday morning. I told Graham that I wondered what Mabel's decision would be about having her own restaurant. I also wondered if Rick would be here to workout.

It sounded like most of the guys were already in the gym working out. I heard a lot of talking. I saw Rick in the middle of a group of guys and they were going through their workout routines and giving each other pointers on form. The guys saw us walkin and they asked us where we had been hiding Rick. I told them the short story about how we met Rick. We finished our workout and with one more person. We had a really tight fit in the shower. We managed to wash each other and wiggle around so we could get into a circle jerk. We all came hard and were hitting each other's legs with our cum. We rinsed off again and dried each other off. We got dressed and I asked Rick how he liked some of our friends. He said they were a great group of guys. We got dressed and we all went upstairs for breakfast. "It looks like we have a new member." I introduced Rick to Mabel, our housekeeper. She told us she had breakfast ready on the patio table. She told Graham and me to stay behind, that she had made her decision.

Graham and I held our breath. We had no idea what her decision would be. She said she had a hard time deciding and had talked with her sister, Margaret to help her make a decision. Mabel said with a lot of encouragement from Margaret, that she would like to have her own restaurant. Graham and I let the air out and we were jumping around like to little boys. "That's great Mabel. You and Graham will be spending a lot of time together showing you the two buildings and letting you decide which one you think would work the best."

Mabel then told us she had a good friend, Cindy that would like to take her place. And she would like Cindy to start tomorrow if that was okay, so she could start showing her what all needed to be done each day at the house. We told Mabel that was fine and probably it would good for you two to work together for a couple of days before Graham starts taking out around to the buildings. Mabel liked that idea, but she seemed anxious to get started. That was a good attitude to have when you starting a new business.

We went out and joined our friends. They asked us what all the commotion was about. We told them what was happening with our housekeeper. And they told us how proud they were of Graham and me, how we were always helping other people. We finished our breakfast. And got in line to kiss Mabel and thank her for a great breakfast. We got into our traditional group hug and kiss in the garage and we all left for work.

What Mabel didn't know was that I had the keys from the two buildings from the mayor's office. We wanted Mabel to think that my investment firm was taking care of her opening her new business. What she didn't know was that Bob and I were putting up our own money to get her restaurant started. We could use the investment as a tax write off. We needed a couple more things for tax write offs. It was getting the time of the year and I knew I'd be hearing from our accountant about tax write offs. I as anxious to get started with Mabel. This was going to be fun. I already had contacts for restaurnt furnishings. Food delivery, etc.

I called my friend Cindy and asked her when she could get started. She told me she could come over in a couple hours and get started today. I was nervous and anxious about having my own restaurant. But after talking with my sister, Margaret, she assured me that Bob and Graham would do everything they could to help me and make my restaurant a success. That's what convinced me to go ahead with it. I feel like a young girl. I'm so excited. I know I can make this work.

I wrote down my schedule for Cindy, to give her an idea of what I do each day. And when it was necessary to call Bob or Graham. I also included the schedule for the gardener and the pool cleaners. I looked it over and I didn't think I had left anything out. She would work with me for a couple of days and get the routine down. I knew Cindy was a good cook. Not as good as me, blushing, but I knew Bob and Graham would like her cooking. I told her about making the refreshments and what kind they liked. And if she had her own she like to make to go ahead. I explained about ordering groceries. That looks complete. I don't want the schedule to get too big and overwhelm Cindy.

Graham got to work and talked with Preston. Preston knew Graham and Bob were doing something to help Mabel. When Graham told Preston their plans. Preston told Graham to go ahead and take care of whatever he needed to do to help Mabel. They could run the office if we was out for a few days or in and out.

Bob arrived to patients waiting for him at the clinic. They must have got to the clinic early. I needed to check with Shirley and see what time she opened the clinic.

I heard the speaker and I let Cindy in. I opened the front doors for her and her mouth just stayed open. "It really is quite a house Cindy. I'll show you around and as I explain what I do in each part of the house. I have a schedule made that should help. You are working with me for a couple of days and then you'll be on your own. You may work half the day by yourself. It just depends on how soon Graham takes me to the buildings."

"I'm so happy for you Mabel. Every time I mention Bob and Graham to someone, they only have nice things to say."

"They are really two extraordinary young men. Laid back and very friendly and easy to work for. They will never put extra pressure on you. If they need something special done, they will let you know in advance and pay you extra. Let's start going around the house and I'll show you what I do."

Graham was working out the logistics at his office. For being gone a couple of days and probably coming in and out. With Mark and Irving working on their big client right now, they got the burden off him and Preston. Preston would be available if they had any questions for him. so I thought now was the perfect time to get Mabel setup in her new restaurant. It was going to be fun working with her and helping her. I made a couple of phone calls and everything was set. I thought we should see the two buildings tomorrow and get started right away. I'll talk to her tonight when I got home from work.

Lunch time was approaching and I called Graham to see if he could make it. He told me could and had some information for me.

I walked over to the diner and Graham was already there. I saw him sitting at my favorite table waiting for me. I walked in and gave him a big smile when I sat down across from him. "So what's this news you have for me?"

"I have everything worked out at the office to be gone a couple of days and probably work some half days. I want to take Mabel tomorrow to see the buildings and see what thinks. If they will work for her restaurant or not."

"I think we better see if Cindy has made it to the house. So Mabel can start working with her. And be ready to work a half day or the whole day off."

Graham called the house and Mabel answered. "Hi Graham, I hope you have good news for me and haven't changed your mind?"

"Nothing like that Mabel. I was wondering if Cindy had made it to the house?"

"Cindy is here and I've been working with her. Showing her all over the house what needs to be done. I wrote a schedule for her to help her get everything done and not forget anything."

"That's a great idea Mabel. You sure you've never worked in an office before? The way you sound like your organized."

"Actually, I did work in an office for many years and even after the first years I was married. The extra money helped us when we were starting out."

"It sounds like you will be able to handle your own bookkeeping at your restaurant?"

"I should be able to without any problem."

"I'll probably have one of my accountants work with you. So you don't get overworked and too tired. Anyway, the reason I'm calling. I'd like you to see the two building tomorrow morning. It should only take a few hours and then you can work with Cindy the rest of the day at our house. If you decide on one of the buildings. Then you can start planning what you'll need to setup your restaurant. That's where I can help you with the ordering of new kitchen equipment, tables, chairs, etc."

"That sounds wonderful Graham. Cindy should be able to work a few hours by herself and start getting a feel for the work. I'm getting excited thinking about my own restaurant. This is really a dream come true. I'll look forward, going with you and looking at the buildings Graham. Thank you."

I told Bob about our conversation. Bob was glad Mabel was excited about the restaurant.

Millie came over and I ordered a black coffee. We looked up at the blackboard to check the daily special. Graham and I both ordered the special. Before Millie left our table, she said, "it looks like you two are up to something. Can you give me hint?"

"Sorry Millie, no can do. This is a secret until it is followed through to the end."

"Alright, be that way." And Millie left in a huff.

We drank our coffee and ate our lunch and talked some more about the restaurant. "I think I'm as excited about the restaurant as Mabel is," Graham said.

"That's good babe. Mabel can use all the positive feedback she can get. And with your investment experience. Your the right man to help her. I hope she likes one or both of the buildings tomorrow. Are there any other buildings available if they don't work out?"

"Not that I know of. I would have to check with the mayor's office again and see if anything else is available."

We finished our lunch and I paid the bill and Graham left Millie a tip.

We left and went back to work.

My afternoon went fast. I was suppose to start the physicals for the firemen policemen rescue workers and volunteers. But something had happened and they wouldn't be starting until tomorrow. The day finished and I was on my way home.

I pulled into the garage and I saw Graham's car. I was glad he was home. I walked into the kitchen and Graham Mabel and I assumed the other lady was Cindy, were in a conversation. "I hope I'm not interrupting anything?"

"Oh, hi Bob. I'm glad your home." Said Mabel. I like to introduce Cindy to you. We shook hands and she told me how happy she was to working for Graham and me. She really liked our house and Mabel was showing me everything that needed to be done.

Cindy looked to be younger. I would guess in her early fifties. Margaret and Mable were both in their early sixties. It looked like Cindy might have some Latin blood in her. She had that nice permament tan and her facial features looked to be of Latin heritage. I wasn't going to ask her and feel she was on the spot. It didn't matter to me. As long as she did her work and was satisfied, that was all I cared about.

It looked like Mabel and Cindy were getting dinner finished. Graham talked to Mabel away from Cindy. "I'd liked to take you for a few hours tomorrow morning to look at the two buildings. Do you think Cindy can manage by herself for a few hours tomorrow morning?"

"Cindy is a natural. She's a fast learner. And with the schedule I have made for her. I don't think that would be a problem at all. Since it won't be all day."

"I'll be here around nine to pick you up."

"Ok Graham. I'll be ready and anxious to see the two buildings."

I left Mabel and Cindy to do their thing in the kitchen and Bob and I went upstairs and changed. We put robes on and walked back downstairs. It looked liked Mabel and Cindy were finishing. "We're done for today." Cindy thanked us again for this job opportunity. We told her we were glad to have her onboard.

They left and I poured us a glass of refreshment and we walked down to the pool with the daily paper.

We laid our robes on the lounger and laid back naked tight together. We sipped on our refreshment and read the newspaper.

I went up to see what Mabel and Cindy had made for dinner. Whatever it was it smelled good. As soon as I took the cover off to inspect, I knew exactly what it was. It was chicken alfredo and the smell was out of this world. They had also fixed home made rolls to go with the chicken alfredo.

I put everything in both microwaves and get it warmed. I set the breakfast nook for Graham and me. I called down to him that dinner was ready. Graham told me whatever it was, it sure smelled good. I took the covers off and Graham dug right in. He took big heapings of the chicken alfredo with a couple of warm dinner rolls. I took one big helping and one dinner roll. It was good. Mabel needs to make this in her restaurant and she will have a line waiting to eat.

Graham helped me put everything away and we relaxed by the pool. We didn't do much the rest of the day. And the alarm was already going off.

We worked out with our friends. Rick didn't make it and that disappointed some of us. Probably a work obligation. We showered and sucked each other off. Dried off. Put on our work clothes and went upstairs for breakfast.

Mabel and Cindy had the formal dining room set for us. It looked nice with some fresh cut flowers. Probably from the yard. We were still receiving flower arrangements from the star and his manager. So the house was always very colorful and smelled good. They had made a good breakfast with everything we liked. Not that we were that fussy. We finished eating and lined up and kissed Mabel and Cindy on the cheek and thanked them for a great breakfast. We got into a group hug and kiss in the garage. Graham was last getting into the garage. He wanted to remind Mabel again about looking at the building this morning at nine.

We took off for work and my morning was going fast. I was wondering how the building inspection was going.

Preston and I had a short meeting when I got to work. We looked over our projects and who the leads were from our office on the projects. The biggest project was the amusement park and the restaurant and mini mall across from the Amusement Park. We felt good about the staff we had working on both projects. It was already getting close for me to leave.

I told Preston I was leaving to take Mabel to the two buildings. I got into my car and called Mabel from the car phone. I told her I was on the way to the house. She told me she was ready and Cindy knew what needed to be done while she was gone.

I pulled in and Mabel came right out. She wasn't kidding when she said she was ready. I told her I wanted my travel mug full of coffee. So she took it back into the house and filled it for me. Then we were on our way to the first building. "Are you excited Mabel?"

"You have no idea Graham. I hardly slept last night with so many things going through my mind."

"Well stay positive and everything will work out fine." I pulled up in front of the first building. I had only seen the building from the outside, I had never been either building. We got out and it looked like a two floor building. I found the key in my pocket for this building. I unlocked the front door and we walked in. I found a light switch by the front door and turned it on. The building had electricity and water. The building looked structurally sound. We looked around the first floor and there was a good sized room that would work for a kitchen. The rest of the first floor was well laid out and would be able to serve many quests. We went upstairs. The stairs and balustrades were in good condition. A little cleaning and staining or varnishing and they would look like new. The upstairs was one big room. This would work for parties or if they were full downstairs and needed more space for guests.

We walked back downstairs and I asked Mabel. "what do you think?"

"There is more space in here than it looks from the outside. Everything seems to be in good condition. The large room in the back would make a good sized kitchen. My only concenrn is the second floor. I'm not sure how much it would get used. Maybe if if I had parties booked or meetings. Unless we were so full we needed to use the space upstairs for guests. I need to think about this building and am anxious to see the other building."

We walked out of the building and I closed and locked the door. We got into my car and I drove over a few blocks to the second building. I saw Mabel's face light up when she saw the second building. I think she liked that it was on a corner lot. That way traffic from two directions would see the restaurant. One nice thing I pointed out to Mabel, was that both buildings didn't have any eating places close by. So she would be the only restaurant in either area. She liked that.

We got out of my car and walked up to the second building. I got out the keys and unlocked the door and opened it for Mable. She walked in and found a light switch by the front door. Ever since she saw this building she was smiling. Everything was on one floor. No second floor in this building. There was a second floor with an entrance from the back. There used to be apartments on the second floor. But they have long been abandoned. Mabel could probably buy the second floor and use it for storage if she felt she needed that.

Mabel and I started walking around. This floor had a large room to the back that would make an excellent kitchen. And still left plenty of floor space for many tables and booths if that was what she wanted. Mabel was checking everything closely. She seemed to know what she was doing and I didn't interfere. I let her go and I just followed. The water was working in this building. I could get the inspection reports on both buildings from the mayor's office.

"What do think about this building Mabel?"

"I really like this building. I like everything being on one floor."

"There is a second floor with a back entrance. We could buy the second floor and you could use if for storage if you think you would need that. I don't think so. The kitchen area is huge and I think I could fit a big pantry into the kitchen, which would be more convenient then going up to the second floor. I think I want to go with this building."

"I kind of thought you'd like this building being on the corner. I'm going to drive us to the mayor's office. I need to drop off the first set of keys. Then I want to get the inspection report and the layout of that floor space. It will give you a better idea of what size kitchen you can make."

I drove over to the mayor's office and we walked in. I talked to the receptionist and told her why we were there. I gave her the other set of keys and she told us it would take a couple of minutes to get a copy of the inspection report and a blueprint of the first floor.

We sat down in some very uncomfortable chairs. They had a cold water machine and I asked Mabel if she would like a glass of water. She said that would be nice. I got us each a paper cup full of water. The cold water was refreshing. The buildings were warm and a little stuffy. You could tell they had been closed for a long time.

Soon the receptionist came back and showed me the copy of the inspection report and a copy of a blueprint of the first floor. I asked her how much for the blueprints. She said, "come on Graham, you know there is no charge for you."

Mabel and I thanked her and I handed the copies to Mabel and we walked out to my car. When we got in the car I told Mabel. "I want you to look over those copies carefully. If everything meets your approval I want you to start planning how you want your restaurant laid out. The size of your kitchen and what you'll need as far as work area storage, etc. And the name of your restaurant. You have your work cut out for you."

"This is no work for me Graham. When it's a dream come true. It doesn't seem like work. This will be fun. I never in a thousand years thought I'd being doing something like this."

We got in the car and I drove Mabel back to the house. And I went back to my office.

It was getting close to lunch time and thought I'd give Bob a call.

"Hi babe, what a nice surprise."

"I just got back to the office and realized it's lunchtime soon. I thought you might like some company."

"Of course. I was just getting ready to leave the clinic. Meet you at the diner and you can tell me how morning went with Mabel."

When Mabel got back to Bob and Graham's house, she knew she had her work cut out for her. But she couldn't wait to get started. I would be fun planning her restaurant. She laid the copied out on the kitchen counter. First, she checked with Cindy and Cindy told her everything was going fine. She had almost everything finished. Mabel told Cindy she would be in the kichen if she needed anything.

Mabel started planning the size of the kitchen and the layout. The first floor of this corner building was big and would give her plenty of space for everything she wanted. She planned the size of the pantry. She wanted all stainless steel appliances and fixtures. They were easy to clean. An automatic dishwasher that you loaded and he went into the machine for cleaning and drying automatically. Two large industrial upright freezers. One large industrial size refrigerator. Copper pans for cooking. And whisks spoons and all other utensils needed for cooking. She put down how many tables she wanted and booths around the outside of the perimeter. She planned where the bar would go with bar stools. Then she worked on the menu and how it would be divided. Seafood soup salads chicken pork and beef. Then the colors she wanted for the curtains tablecloths and chairs. Now, what am I going to call my restaurant? This is going to take some thinking.

I better check on Cindy and see how see's doing. I walked upstairs. Cindy was busy cleaning all the bedrooms. "How's it going Cindy?"

"Great. I really like working in this house. Bob and Graham seem like very nice young men."

"Like I told you. They are easy to work for. Oh and before I forget. You work a half day on Friday and don't work weekends."

"Are you kidding? That's fantastic. I will have my weekends to do what I want."

I went downstairs to get it cleaned. Thankfully, the gardener knew how to clean a sauna. I had no idea how a sauna was cleaned. The gardener had a neighbor with a sauna and he used to take saunas with him and the neighbor showed him how to clean a sauna. So once a week when he worked at Bob and Graham's house, he would clean the sauna.

Mabel got the vacuuming done and the laundry. There was always a lot of towels from when all the men worked out. She finished downstairs and went up to the kitchen to check on the pot roast. She had taken the roast out of the freezer yesterday so it would be thawed today. Cindy got the pot roast going in an oversized slow cooker, like they use for buffets or in restaurants. It smelled good when she got to the kitchen. She checked the roast and it was tender and the vegetables were getting soft.

Mabel then checked on Cindy and they pretty much had their work done. Just a little dusting here and there and they would be finished. Mabel was glad she wanted to spend more time on the new restaurant. She showed Cindy what she had done so far. And Cindy thought it looked like a good idea. Mabel told Cindy, the only problem she was having, was coming up with a name for the restaurant. Mabel could see Cindy thinking about that. Cindy said, "what about Ye Olde Downtown Restaurant?" Mabel thought about that and actually liked that idea. "That's a good idea Cindy. I think I'll go with that. I'll ask Graham what he thinks about that name."

The ladies had their work done and they put their two heads together and worked some more on the layout of the restaurant. Cindy came up with a couple of good ideas for the kitchen and Mabel incorporated them into her plans. She then was thinking about staff. How many people she would need for getting started. She would definitely need a helper in the kitchen. And a couple of waitresses and a bartender. It looked like everything was coming together.

Now for the colors. Mabel liked a white top tablecloth over different colored tableclothes underneath. Cloth napkins and nice formal looking silverware. Wine glasses, water glasees and bar glasses. Now what color for the outside and inside. She wanted white in the kitchen. White looked clean and fresh. Also, she would need a health permit before they could open. Also, a liquor license.

Mabel asked Cindy what colors she thought would look good outside and inside the restaurant. Cindy agreed with Mabel on white in the kitchen. Mabel had forgot about the floors and didn't remember the condition. If they needed a buffing or resurfacing. She would need to check that out with Graham. The colors were a dilemma. She was going to have to think on that. Also, did she want a lighted sign or just a hanging swinging sign, and where did she want the sign positioned?

Still a lot of questions to be answered. She would need another visit to the building and that would help her with the colors and the condition of the floors.

It was getting time for Bob and Graham to get home. Mabel checked the pot roast again and everything was done. She put out some containers for their leftovers with the instructions on how to warm the pot roast in the slow cooker.

She heard someone coming in from the garage. It was Bob. "Hi Bob, how was your day?"

"Just a regular day. How was your day? And how is Cindy doing?"

"My day went well and I've decided on the building for the restaurant. I've been working on plans now for the restaurant. Cindy is doing a great job. And she's a fast learner. We have your dinner in the slow cooker on the counter. I put some containers by it for your leftovers and instructions on warming the pot roast.

"Perfect ladies thank you. I'm going upstairs to get changed and I'll be right back down."

I was already in our bedroom when Graham got home. Mabel nabbed him right away and showed Graham what she had done. Graham was impressed with what Mabel had accomplished and really liked the layout. Mabel told Graham about her concerns on the inside and outside colors. The condition of the floors and where to hang the sign. She told Graham she would need another visit to the building. It would help her to decide on those things.

Graham told her he had a set of keys for her. The building was officially hers. And if she wanted to take some time to visit the building tomorrow to go ahead. It seems Cindy has things well in hand. He handed the other set of keys to Mabel.

"Bob is upstairs getting changed. We are finished for the day, unless you have something you need us to do?"

"Not that I can think of. You ladies go. I'm sure you've put in a full day of work. And thank you Cindy for taking over for Mabel."

"My pleasure Graham. I'm enjoying working here and learning all about this house. I still can't over what a wonderful home you two men have."

"Thank you Cindy. We enjoy it here very much. I'm going upstairs to change and look forward to seeing you both tomorrow morning."

Mabel and Cindy left. After Mabel dropped off Cindy, she was going to go to her new building and look around and see if she could get inspired on colors and the position of sign. It would also give her a chance to check on the condition of the floors.

Mabel dropped Cindy off at her house and drove the few blocks to her new building. She parked on the side. Got the keys out of her purse and unlocked the front door. Turned on the lights by the front door and started looking around. She went back outside to look at how the building was situated. She thought a hanging sign from the corner of the building would be perfect. The sign could be seen from both directions. She walked back in and started looking at the floors. The floors were hardwood, but could stand a good buffing. It would bring out the wood color and grain. Otherwise, the floors seemed sound and wouldn't require any other work. Now what colors do I want. I think some kind of a neutral color. Since I'm going to have different colored tablecloths. And a neutral color for the chairs. Maybe the chairs could match the color of the walls. I think a pale yellow would look nice. With yellow upholstering on the chairs. That should look nice. Fresh cut flowers on each table and booth with some nice scented candles. I can already envision it and it's going to look nice.

I'll add those ideas to my plans. I took one more look around and could see everything in place with guests seated and the waitresses busy and the bartender. I locked the front door and got in my car and drove home. I wanted to get my ideas on the colors, floor and sign on my plans. So I wouldn't forget.

It didn't take long to get everything down on my plans. Now I needed to get with Graham and see how soon we could start ordering everything and getting the new restaurant up and running. And plan a Grand Opening. How exciting.

I was able to talk to Graham the next morning. He said he would get a contractor that specialized in restaurants and eating places and have him work with me. Graham also mentioned that he thought a chef would be good to for me. He could learn how I prepare my meals and maybe give me some suggestions and he could take over when I wanted to take some time off. I thought to myself, I would need to think about that.

The next day I met with the contractor and we started planning out the layout of the restaurant and he liked my ideas. I had forgot to decide on a color for the outside of the restaurant. He told me since I wanted a pale color of yellow on the inside. Why not paint the outside a nice yellow color. I asked him if that would be too much yellow. He said maybe I was right. How about a pale green. Green and yellow go together well. We looked at some paint samples and I decided on a light green. The sign would be a darker green with black lettering and some nice iron work for hanging the sign. The contractor and his crew got started with the painting and buffing the floors. A white kitchen. Pale yellow walls in the sitting area. A light green exterior. I thought it would really look nice. I gave the contractor a second set of keys for the building.

I drove back to Bob and Graham's house to check on Cindy. Cindy was busy following the schedule. She was fast and efficient worker. Maybe being ten years or more younger makes a difference. The house looked good. It never really gets that dirty. It was mainly a little straightening here and there. A lot of dusting. And then using a special cleaner for the mahogany. Laundry was done every day. And I usually cleaned the downstairs every other day. The sunroom I cleaned a couple of times a week. It didn't get used that much and never got very dirty or dusty. The gardener would help out sometimes with the cleaning in the sunroom and feed and water the birds. Xandro came once a week to check on the birds. Then cooking dinner for the boys and that was pretty much my day.

I asked Cindy how she liked being the housekeeper for Bob and Graham. She told me it was a dream come true. It wasn't difficult work. Being a big house, the work still went fast. With Bob and Graham gone all day to work. It didn't take long to get everything done. "Thank you so much Mabel for getting me this job. You're a true friend."

They hugged and Mabel told Cindy she was going back to the restaurant to check on the progress. She was anxious to see how the colors looked. She was also having the front door changed. To a more rustic style. It would have iron and wood work. And be a dark green to offset the outside color. As she got close to the building she could see the painters busy on the outside. The green was perfect. She walked inside the floors were almost finished. They looked almost new. The yellow was perfect. Just the color she was looking for. She walked into the kitchen area and the painters were almost finished with the white. They had installed new lighting in the kitchen and it really illuminated everything nicely. Also, ceiling spot lighting had been installed in the dining room.

Mabel then talked to the contractor and he told Mabel the pantry would be installed in the kitchen tomorrow along with some of the kitchen fixtures. The table chairs and booths had been ordered. The bar was being custom built and should be ready by the end of the week. The outside sign was ready to be hung as soon as the paint was dry. Mabel told him everything was going fast and she liked everything so far. The contractor and Mabel had talked some more and they decided on different colors of yellow for the tablecloths with the white top tablecloths. The chairs were upholstered in yellow with wood that matched the bar.

Mabel thanked the contractor for the work they were doing and how nice everything was looking. She was getting ready to leave when Graham walked in. Graham couldn't believe how much had already been done. He liked the colors that Mabel had chosen. The floors really liked nice. And they would have a buffer for cleaners to use when they closed the restaurant each day and the cleaners took over. Graham told Mabel he had already hired a cleaning crew that cleaned many of the restaurants in town. He told Mabel how nice everything looked. Mabel told him she was pleased with the colors and couldn't believe how fast they worked. Their was the contractor with ten men.

Graham and Mabel walked outside and Mabel thanked Graham again for helping her get the restaurant started. Graham told Mabel, the only thing he and Bob wanted was a free meal after she opened. That would be sufficient payment.

The day went fast for Bob and Graham and soon they were on their way home. Graham pulled into the garage and Bob was right behind him. They kissed and hugged in the garage and walked into the kitchen. Mabel and Cindy were busy talking and finishing dinner. "How's my two favorite girls?" Bob said.

They both blushed. "Well, we're finishing you boy's dinner then we will be finished for the day."

"We're going upstairs to change and will see you tomorrow morning."

We got upstairs and my cell phone rang. It was Brody. I was surprised to hear from him. "Hey Brody. Nice to hear from you. What's up?"

"I told you I'd call when I had my work physical with benefits. I feel I need a checkup and was wondering how Friday, late afternoon, would work for you guys? I have to work the weekend, but I thought it would give enough time on Friday for you to finish my physical."

"Friday is perfect. We work a half day on Friday. So come over when your ready."

"Sound great. See you guys on Friday."

I told Graham about Brody's phone call and he said Friday was perfect. It gave them more time to enjoy Brody.

We put robes on and went downstairs. Mabel and Cindy had left for the day. I was sure Mabel would go by the restaurant to check on the progress. Graham poured us each a glass of refreshment. I picked up the daily paper off the kitchen island and we walked down do the pool. Laid naked on our robes and sipped and read the newspaper.

I told Graham I had started the physicals for the firemen policemen rescue workers and volunteers. The policemen were going first. They were big beefy men. They seemed to like the prostate exam and when I checked their balls for lumps and other abnormalities. Some them got hard right away. Other's just seemed to be glad when the physical was over. I told the physicals were having the same effect on me as the sports physicals. Graham looked over and saw I was rock hard.

Graham was just starting to bend down and start playing with my balls and suck the head of my cock when my cell phone rang again. It was the star's manager. I mouthed, "star's manager," to Graham. "Hello. Nice to hear from you."

"Nice to hear you too Bob. The star and I were talking and he'd like to get some R and R at your place when he finishes in Las Vegas. We were wondering if that would work in your schedule?"

"Of course, we would love to have you guys staying with us and getting some much deserved rest. Do have any idea when this would be happening?"

"Well the star is just started his time in Las Vegas. So it would be at least a month before he finishes. As it gets closer to an ending date, I'll give you a call so we can finalize everything."

"That sounds perfect and we look forward to seeing the both of you. Give our regards to the star from both us."

"That was the star's manager babe. They want to come and spend some R and R with us when the star finishes in Las Vegas. It's still over a month away and the manager will call when it gets closer to the star finishing so we can finalize everything."

"Good. We better get rested up before the star gets here. That guy can go 24/7 for sex."

"Now where were we?" looking over at Graham.

Graham leaned over on me and started playing and fondling my balls while he took my thick head between his lips. He slowly sucked down my shaft until my cock was all the way down his throat. He started bobbing up and down my cock while a couple of his fingers feeling my balls found my hole and he eased them in. I was bucking on Graham's fingers, they felt so good and when one of his fingers rubbed over my prostate, it sent bolts of electricity through my body and I started cumming. I thought I'd never stop. I knew I was horny after giving those physicals today, but didn't realize how horny I was. Graham had to swallow a couple of times to take all of my load. He slowly pulled his throat and mouth off my cock. Licking and milking out the last couple of gobs of cum that was oozing out.

"That felt good babe. I needed that."

"Anything to satisfy my man."

We kissed again and finished reading the paper and drinking our refreshment.

We were both hungry and walked up to the kitchen and warmed our dinner. We ate more of the leftover pot roast. It was good as always. They had made enough for a small army. We ate in the breakfast nook. We didn't finish the pot roast, so I put the leftovers in some smaller containers and refrigerated the leftovers. I left the large slow cooker on the counter for Mabel and Cindy to clean tomorrow.

"Babe, how about if we take a drive by Mabel's restaurant. I'd like to see what has been done so far."

"Sure. I'd like to see how far along they got today."

We went upstairs and got changed into some cargo shorts a nice pull over shirt and sandals. Graham drove, since he knew where the restaurant was located.

It didn't take us long to get there. We saw lights on inside, so they were still working. I didn't see Mabel's car. We got out. I really liked the green color on the exterior. The sign looked perfect. "Ye Olde Downtown Restaurant." I liked the way the sign was positioned. It could be seen from two streets. The front door was rustic with some nice iron work. We walked inside and the contractor and his crew were still busy at it. We walked over to the contractor and Graham introduced me to him. The contractor knew that Graham and I were funding the restaurant and paying them. The floors were finished and looked new. I liked the pale yellow on the walls. The white in the kitchen was perfect. The new lighting worked out well. I saw some things in boxes had been moved into the kitchen and along with what looked like a huge pantry. The bar was being setup along part of the back wall. I liked the wood. The contractor said the bar was a combination of dark ash with birch veneer. The birch had a bit of a yellow color, so it fit in with the decor. He told us the curtains would be a light yellow and green with pale yellow sheers. The contractor said more things would be moved in tomorrow. Everything was going faster than planned. We told him what they had accomplished looked just like what Mabel had planned. The contractor told us that Mabel did an excellent job with her plans and designing. It was easy to follow.

We thanked the contractor and told him to keep up the good work and we might stop by tomorrow after work and check on their progress. We shook hands and left.

We got in Graham's car. "It's really looking nice babe."

"The contractor and his crew are professionals. They are a little more expensive, but they do excellent work and come up with good ideas. It is really looking good."

We got back home and didn't do much for the rest of the day. The next couple of days flew by. Graham was good about taking care of my sexual appetite after doing physicals. Cal still hadn't shown up yet for his physical. Couldn't wait to do his physical. Mabel's restaurant was really looking like a restaurant now. Graham and I liked the colors she had chosen. The booths were installed. Instead of vinyl, Mabel had leather seats on the booths. The leather was more expensive, but it would last longer. It was in a yellow color. The different yellow colored tablecloths and with the white tableclothes on top really looked nice. The bar was completely installed with I think twelve bar chairs. You could have a drink while you were waiting to be seated at your table. Or eat your lunch or dinner at the bar. Mabel wasn't serving breakfast yet. She said if the demand was there. Then she would serve breakfast. The kitchen wasn't completely done yet. They were waiting on the special dishwasher. The food preparation table was installed. All the pos and pans and utensils had arrived. All the glassware and silverware also had arrived. Mabel had ordered some special candle holders and of course the candles would be yellow. One of the florists that Mabel new would be providing fresh cut flowers for the tables and booths. Mabel thought that by the weekend they could plan the Grand Opening.

Friday arrived and Graham and I were looking forward to Brody coming over. I did two more physicals for the police department. Cal hadn't shown up. I was a little disappointed. But the two policemen were big hunky men. And seemed to like the physical. Our day ended at the clinic and we all took off for home. I was driving over to the restaurant to meet Graham. We wanted to see if it was finished. I knew Mabel was getting anxious to have her Grand Opening and start business. She had trained a couple of waitresses and the bartender was a professional. Mabel agreed to have a chef work with her. They had a unique system for when orders were ready. They had a box with two lights above the swinging doors to the kitchen. One light was for number one and the other light was for number two. The waitresses had already decided on number one and number two. When the light was lit. It told that waitress that an order was ready. I see Mabel had a hostess station by the front door. So I assumed she would be hiring a hostess to seat guests as they entered and could take care of reservations.

Graham and I got home from work and Mabel and Cindy had lunch ready for us and a nice dinner packed away in the frig. We thanked them and they left for home. I'm sure Mabel was going to her new restaurant to see if that last items arrived for the kitchen.

We went upstairs and put some jocks on from our last party. We thought that would be a good way to greet Brody when he arrived.

Lunch was good. I hoped Cindy had picked up a few cooking tips from Mabel. They had fixed barbequed beef ribs with fresh corn on the cob and a salad. The ribs were lean and not fatty. Just the way I liked them. Graham and I ate like two little pigs. We had a built in barbeque with rotisserie in the kitchen and that was how they had cooked the ribs. Between the two of us we ate everything. I hadn't eaten that much in a long time. But it was really good.

We put everything away and cleaned the kitchen. Now we would wait until Brody arrived.

We walked down to the pool and it felt good to absorb some sun. My cell phone rang and scared the crab out of me. I was busy thinking about other things. I picked up my phone and it was Cal. "Hi Cal. We missed at our morning workout."

"Sorry about that. I've been busy here. And couldn't make the workout. I have information for you on Cotton's visiting times. And the rules and conditions the prison has."

"Ok. Go ahead."

"First you need to call the prison and request a visitation with Cotton. They will ask you why you want to visit him. Just tell them your a friend and were waiting until he could have visitors. They will then tell you the day and time you can visit. You will need to go to the prison to get a visitors number for that day. I managed to pull a few strings with the warden and you will visit Cotton in an interrogation room. Not in the open cafeteria where you generally visit inmates. A guard will escort Cotton into the interrogation room and will handcuff him to the bars on the table. His ankles will be chained together. If there is any problem. Just call for the guard and Cotton will be taken away."

"That sounds pretty straight forward. Do you know what days he can have visitors?"

"I have no idea Bob. You will have to call the prison to get that information. Do you have the phone number for the prison?"

I told Cal the number I had on my phone and he said the was the number for the prison. I asked Cal when he would be in for his physical. He said with all his work he couldn't make it last week. He told me he was scheduled for Monday afternoon. I thanked Cal for the information and looked forward to seeing him on Monday, at the clinic.

I finished my call with Cal and Mabel called. She told me the last things for the kitchen had arrived and the crew would be getting it installed. She had a heavy duty garbage disposal. She decided to hire a dishwasher. That could rinse the dishes and then load the dishwasher and put the dishes away. She asked me if we could come over later and everything should be installed in the kitchen and she could work on the Grand Opening. I told Mabel we had a friend coming over, so we might have to postpone until tomorrow. She that was fine and would give me a call tomorrow when she was at the restaurant.

I told Graham about my call with Cal and my conversation with Mabel. He asked me if I as going to call the Federal Prison. I told him I was going to do it right now.

I touched the call on my phone for the prison. The phone rang a couple of times and gruff voice came on the phone. "Federal Prison, how may I help you?"

"I'm calling to setup a time and day for visiting Cotton. Just a moment and let my check the schedule." The guard came back on. "He has visiting time this Sunday at one in the afternoon nobody has reserved that visiting time."

"Sunday at one is perfect."

"Just come to the prison and park in the visitor's parking. Would you be able to come today to pick up your visitation number?"

"Yes. I could come over right now."

"What is your name?" I gave the guard my name and he told me to give my name when I arrived and come in through the two gates. There is a guards station there and he will have your visitor number."

I thanked the guard and told Graham I was making a quick trip to the prison to get my visitor number for Sunday at one.

I told Graham comes while I'm gone to make him comfortable. Graham gave me a big smile and told me he would make Brody feel very comfortable.

I kissed Graham and ran upstairs to get dressed. I put on dress pants and a dress shirt. I didn't think shorts would be appropriate. Grabbed my car keys and I was ready to go.

Graham was in the kitchen waiting for me. I told Graham, "this shouldn't take long." He told me to take my time and not rush over to the prison. We kissed and hugged and I left for the prison.

The prison was located a few miles out of town. The prison was surrounded by a large swamp. I saw the signs that I was getting close to the Federal Prison. It looked very dreary in the gray color. I parked in the visitor's parking area. I could see armed guards walking on a walkway. I walked up to the front gate and they opened electronically and then the second gate was opened. The gates clanked shut and I felt strange, being inside the prison. There was a guards station right at the second gate, like I had been told. I gave the guard my name and he handed me the visitor number for Sunday. He asked me if I had any questions. I told him know. He told when I came on Sunday, a guard would take me to the room where I would visit Cotton.

The guard opened the two gates and soon I was back in my SUV. I needed to sit for a couple of minutes. That was a little unnerving being inside the prison. I got my composure and took off for home. I was wondering if Brody had arrived.

I didn't call the house. I'd find out soon enough if Brody was there.

Almost as soon as Bob left, Brody arrived. He looked just as hot and studly as ever. I opened the front door for him and we kissed and hugged. He told I liked good in the jock. I told him to get comfortable and we have a beer at the pool.

Brody stripped off his clothes in the living room. He was wearing boxers and I asked him if he wanted a jock. He said sure. I told him to bring his clothes and follow me. We went into our bedroom and I pulled a jock out of my dresser drawers. Brody was taking his boxers off and I told him to wait. I'd do that for him. I could see a nice bulge in Brody's boxers. I put my thumbs on the sides of his boxers and slowly pulled them down. That amazing fat eight incher was semi hard. I got a whiff of his manly scent and I started getting hard in my jock. I had Brody lift his feet so I could slide the jock on. His cock was growing and getting hard. I couldn't resist and gave his thick flared cock head a swipe with my tongue. His cock twitched and leaked a little precum which I licked off. Brody was watching me. I pulled the jock up and managed to get everything packed into the jock. The head of his cock was peeking out the top of the jock. "You look much better Brody."

"I feel much better with your help?"

I had told Brody where Bob was and that he should be returning soon. We walked arm in arm down to the pool and I grabbed us a couple of beers from the tiki bar.

That went easier than I thought at the prison. They guards weren't friendly, but that was understandable with the kind of work they do. All the guards I saw, looked like they could have played pro football. They tall, beefy and very muscular. Reminded me a little of the bodyguards.

I pulled into the garage. I saw Brody's car parked in front. Walked into the kitchen and saw Graham and Brody down at the pool drinking beer. They didn't see me, so I thought I'd surprise them. I went upstairs and changed and put a jock on. That I was wearing earlier. I quietly walked downstairs and out to the pool. They must have seen my shadow, they looked up and I was standing right by the lounger.

"Hey Bob, did you just get back? How did it go at the prison?"

"I just got back. Everything went well for my visit on Sunday. I have my visitor's number and I need to be at the prison at one sharp."

I moved another lounger next to the one Graham and Brody were on. Brody moved into the middle with Graham and me on each side. Graham asked me if I'd like a beer and said sure. We sipped on our beer with our bodies rubbing together on the side. It felt good. Brody was looking just as hot as ever. Just like I remembered when I gave him his physical.

I accidentally spilled some beer on Brody. Actually, I did it on purpose so I could lick it off his hot body. I leaned over and licked the beer of his chest. His nips got hard immediately. I saw his cock twitch in his jock. I took a second look and the jock was one of Graham's. "I like your jock Brody, it just like one of Grahams."

"Ha ha, very funny. You know this is one of Graham's jocks. I was wearing boxers and Graham helped me put this jock on."

"I bet he gave you a helping hand."

Graham and Brody just smiled. "You look good in Graham's jock, Brody. You fill it out well."

"Maybe you'd like to see what is filing it out?"

"Of course I would. Do you need any help?"

"Yeah. The jock fits pretty snug." Brody lifted his hips and I slid it down and off. His big cock flopped out. It wasn't hard now. But it wasn't completely soft either. Brody sure had a nice sized cock. I bent down and licked over the head. He oozed out a little precum and I licked it off. "Feeling good Bob. Don't start something you can't stop."/p>

"I don't plan to. I expect to go all the way."

Graham started playing and fondling Brody's big balls. I took Brody down my throat in one quick gulp. Graham still had a hard time believing that I could do that. Brody was laying there with his eyes closed and a very contented look on his face. I started working my throat muscles on Brody's thick hard shaft. Graham was busy fondling those big balls. I saw Graham lick a couple of fingers and he cupped Brody's balls and eased those two fingers in. Brody's hole pulled on Graham's fingers. Brody started moaning and I started working my throat muscles on his Brody's shaft. Working the length up and down. I could feel him leaking precum. Graham must have found Brody's prostate. I felt Brody jerk and his cock twitch in my throat. Graham kept up a continuous rubbing over Brody's prostate. I kept going faster on his shaft. I felt his cock start thickening in my throat and twitch uncontrollably and soon it swelled and a big shot of cum hit the walls of my throat. Followed by five more big blasts. I had to swallow a couple of times to handle that big load. Graham pulled his fingers out and and pulled a little on Brody's balls. I slid my throat and mouth off his big cock. I licked the cum off the head. His cock was still hard.

"Whew guys. That was something else. I need to come over here more often. That was fantastic."

"Glad you liked it. Our aim is to please."

"Well you sure pleased me."

I checked the time and told the guys I was going to get dinner ready. Brody told us he hated to eat and run. But he wanted to be home when his partner returned from work. He was filling in for somebody today.

We all got up and put and Brody put his jock on. We walked up to the kitchen. Brody said he was going upstairs to get dressed and thanked Graham for the use of his jock.

While Brody was busy upstairs getting changed into his clothes, Graham and I got dinner ready. Graham set the breakfast nook. And I got the food on the table. I warmed up the rest of the pot roast. There was plenty for three people. I hoped we cleaned it up. I didn't want any more leftovers of pot roast.

Brody came back downstairs looking all happy and chipper. We sat down and enjoyed our dinner. I had poured us all a glass of fruit punch that Mabel had made. Her fruit punch was better than Mabel's. We finished dinner and Brody said he better leave. He wanted to be home when his partner got there.

We thanked him for coming and told him he was always welcome. We hugged and kissed and watched Brody leave. Graham I cleared the breakfast nook and got everything put away and in the dishwasher. Thank god. There was no more leftover pot roast. Three meals of pot roast was enough.

Graham and I didn't do much the rest of the day. Watched a movie in the living and went to bed.

Saturday, Graham and I went over to Mabel's restaurant. It sure looked nice. I didn't know yellow could look so nice in a restaurant. It gave it a fresh cheerful atmosphere. Everything was setup and looked ready for customers. Mabel told us the only thing left was the menus. But she was promised, they would be ready on Monday. She had some nice background music playing. A sound system had been installed in the restaurant. The bar was stocked and ready to go. The wood really blended in nice with the decor.

The three of us sat down at a table. Mabel asked us if we wanted something to drink. We told her just water. We started planning out the Grand Opening for the coming Wednesday. She said she would go to the printers later today so that the announcement would start coming out in tomorrow's daily paper. I told Mabel I would contact the caterers and have them bring four big appetizer trays. That would save her cooking time. Some of your good fruit punch would go nice with the appetizers. The bar would be closed until the restaurant officially opened.

Graham and I with Mabel's help, took my final tour around the restaurant and kitchen. Everything look good. Especially being new. Mabel said she would have her two waitresses working on the Grand Opening day. They could walk around with the appetizers and fruit punch. "It sounds like everything is a go Mabel."

"I'm still so excited. My dream has become a reality. You don't know how happy you've made this old lady."

"We're happy for you Mabel. And glad we could help. And your not old. Your only as old as you feel. And I think you feel like a teenager. All we have to do now is wait for the Grand Opening and you will be in business. Did our accountants office get in touch with you?"

"Yes they did. And we have everything worked out. Like I told you, I have bookkeeping experience. So we will be working together."

"We're leaving Mabel. Your restaurant looks amazing. And we know it's going to be a hit. We probably won't be back until the Grand Opening. If anything comes up, just give us a call."

"You boys are wonderful. Margaret was right about you two. Your something else. I can't wait until Wednesday and the Grand Opening.

Graham drove us home and we ordered an extra large pizza. It was time to splurge and get our fat intake for the month. The pizza made a good lunch. I ordered a second pizza we could warm and have for dinner while we watched the football game.

The game finished and we went to bed. Graham was feeling frisky and me made out and made love until we were sweating and panting and passed out from exhaustion and fell asleep.

Oh boy. Here it was Sunday. I was starting to get nervous about visiting Cotton at the Federal Prison. Graham could tell I was starting to tense up and asked me if I wanted him to ride with me. I told him np. I would be okay.

We ate an early lunch. Graham fixed lunch. We had some tomato soup and grilled cheese sandwiches. That was plenty for me. But I had a feeling Graham was still hungry.

It was getting time for me change and leave for the prison. Graham and I walked upstairs to our bedroom. I wasn't sure what to wear. So I put on jeans and a nice polo pull over shirt. Some sneakers and thought I was ready. I asked Graham what he thought about my clothes. He told me he thought I was dressed appropriately. Nothing dressy for the prison. We kissed and hugged in the bedroom and we slowly walked downstairs and to the garage.

Graham asked me again how I was feeling. I told him I was nervous, but I could handle it. He gave me a big kiss and hug in the garage. I got into my SUV and saw Graham wave to me as I left through the gate and started my trek to the prison.

I had plenty of time, but I didn't want to have to rush myself. And just take my time driving there. I was rehearsing in mind what I wanted to ask Cotton. Finally, I decided on one word I was going to ask him. No long speech or a hundred questions. Just one simple word. I felt in my shirt pocket and I had my visitation number.

I started seeing the signs for the prison and I found a parking spot in the visitors section. I got out and locked my SUV and walked up to the first main gate. I heard it creak open and the second gate open. I walked up to the window and showed the guard my visitors number for Sunday. He told me to wait a minute. I saw him talk on his phone. I saw a guard walking over and he asked me if I was her to visit Cotton. I told him I was and showed him my visitors number. The guard told me to follow him.

We walked and walked and turned this way and then that way and finally he unlocked a small room. He told me Cotton would be here shortly. This looked like an interrogation room. Just like you see in the movies or on tv. My chair was bolted to the floor and the chair across from was also bolted to the floor. There was a thick iron bar bolted to the table. I looked around for cameras or recording devices, but I didn't see anything. This waiting for Cotton was making me nervous.

I heard the door creak open and saw two guards bring Cotton in and handcuff him to the iron bar. The guards told if there was any problems to call for them. They would be outside the door.

Cotton looked pretty rough. I think he was having a hard time in prison adjusting and probably getting knocked around by other inmates. This was the worst I had ever seem him. He looked like he had picked up a few prison tattoos.

We sat across from each other and just started at each other for a few minutes. I didn't say anything and Cotton didn't say anything either. My nervousness had left me. I felt in control of myself. I wanted to see if Cotton would say something first. So I kept waiting. Cotton did speak, "why the hell are you here. What the fuck do you want?"

"Obviously, Cotton had picked up the prison lingo." I didn't say anything and just stared at him. I wanted him to get nervous and wonder why I was there.

"Well if your not going to say anything. I calling for the guards to take me back to my cell."

I stared hard and long at Cotton. I could see him sweating. Then I asked him my one word. "Why?"

I could see him thinking. Then he said, "Mr. Goody Two Shoes is asking me why? Well I'll tell you why. You've had your life given to you on a silver platter. I wanted to be like you. I idolzied you. But everything I did never turned out the way I wanted. I was always falling short. And it made me angrier and angrier and finally I decided I needed to do something that would get your attention and get us back together."

"So you thought drugging people, robbing them and then sexually abusing your victims would get us back together?"

"Yes I did. And the more I did it. The more successful I was becoming. And soon I would be just as successful as you and then we could get together."

"You know Cotton. That is pretty sick thinking. I hope your seeing a psychologist in prison?"

"I don't need a fucking psychologist. I've made some good friends here in prison and we are getting everything worked out."

"Really. I'm surprised. And what are you getting worked out?"

"It's too soon to tell anybody. But when the time is right. Everybody will know."

That was all I needed to hear and I called the guards. They uncuffed Cotton and took him out laughing. The guards told me to wait and another guard would be coming to escort me to the front gates.

Soon the other guard came and I asked him if they have recording devices in these rooms. He told me they did and had recorded our conversation. So you heard everything that Cotton said. Yes, and if you're looking for a job as an interrogator we have an opening for you. You did an excellent job of getting information from Cotton. It's going to be very helpful.

The guard showed me to the front and shook my hand and thanked me for my help. The two gates creaked open again and I was on my way home.

For some reason, I felt exhausted and drained after visiting Cotton. I took my time going home and had plenty to tell Graham.

End of Chapter 18 - Assumption of Mary

Chapter 19 - Coming Soon

If you would like to see the characters in the story, please read "My Alphabet Friends," and there are photos of characters at the end of each chapter I will be adding some of the new characters from this series. However, due to some problems the photos are not working at this time. I will be revising and editing all the chapters in My Alphabet Friends when I finish this series.

Your comments and suggestions are always welcome. I answer all emails I receive. I ask that you please put Nifty or the title of the story in the subject line. Then I'll know it's not spam. I am already working on Chapter 19. I hope you enjoy my story as much as I like writng it. Please email me at:

Next: Chapter 19

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