Bob's Holidays

By Francis Scott

Published on Aug 13, 2023


Bob's Holidays Chapter 17

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The following story is a work of fiction from the authors mind. It contains adult situations between consenting adults. If this offends you and is illegal in your area, WHY ARE YOU HERE? Any similarities to actual people or events is purely coincidental. This story does not promote safe sex. Please practice safe sex at all times. Don't put your life or someone else's in jeopardy.

If you haven't read my story, "My Alphabet Friends," I would recommend doing so. All characters in this series are from My Alphabet Friends. There are pictures of the characters at the end of each chapter. However, at this time there is a problem with the pictures and I will be revising and editing My Alphabet Friends when I finish this series. You will find, My Alphabet Friends, in Gay/Adult Friends.

Bob's Holidays

By Francis Scott

Chapter 17 - Parent's Day

We woke up stiff and sore from our unusual sleeping position. We finally got untangled and managed to stretch and work the kinks out.

I told the guys we better shower up here in our bedroom and then put clothes on before we go downstairs. "Margaret is notorious for coming early."

We all managed to walk to the bathroom and go into the shower. The warm water and massaging jets felt good on the sore muscles. We washed each other. Once we were squeaky clean we jerked and sucked each other off. We all agreed that is the best way to shower. We rinsed off and then dried each other off.

Reggie and Jarvis went into the adjoining master bedroom to put some clothes on. Graham and I put on some cargo shorts tshirts and sandals. We were ready to go downstairs and fix breakfast. Reggie and Jarvis were still in the other bedroom. They might have decided to have some more fun.

Nobody had arrived yet to remove their things. I told Graham we should check the changing room and see if any clothes were left in their before Margaret gets here. We walked out to the backyard and checked the room. There were a few clothes laying in one of the bins. It looked like something we were wearing. Graham said that was his shirt and shorts. So we took the clothes out and Graham took them up to our bedroom. I told him I was going to start breakfast.

Graham took the clothes up to our bedroom and I went into the kitchen and finished pulling everything out of the frig for breakfast. I started getting breakfast ready. I heard Graham come back downstairs and he walked into the kitchen and started helping me.

I heard the front gate and saw the decorating van coming in. I opened the front door for Margaret and her crew of four people. I greeted Margaret and told her everyone really liked the decorations. Margaret knew where to go and they got busy in the backyard. It seemed it went fast taking down the decorations, but was slow getting the decorations set up.

I saw Margaret and the crew taking things out to the van. With Graham helping me, breakfast didn't take long to get ready. I asked him if he had checked on Reggie and Jarvis when he took the clothes up to our bedroom? He said they were dressed and were getting their overnight bags packed. They needed to leave early.

Breakfast was almost finished when I saw my brother and Jarvis coming down the stairs with their overnight bags. They set their bags in the foyer.

Margaret told me they were finished. And Graham and I thanked her again for a job well done. She pleased when she and her crew left.

Graham got the breakfast nook set and we all sat down and ate breakfast. We talked about the party. Reggie and Jarvis said they really enjoyed themselves and really liked our friends. Reggie told me again he was interested in the villas and was going to get something setup for a vacation to the Bahamas. I was glad to hear that and I knew the owner of the villas would be pleased.

My parents already had a villa reserved for a couple of weeksn and were inviting Graham's parents to go with for two weeks in the Bahamas.

We finished breakfast and we all helped putting everything away and cleaning the kitchen. My brother said they had a few minutes before they needed to leave. Reggie said he was starting a big construction job tomorrow and wanted to get to the site early. And get an early start.

We starting walking out to the backyard when I heard the speaker. It was the DJ. I opened the gate for him and saw him drive his van in. I went to the front door and opened it for him. He came in and walked out to where his sound equipment was set up. It looked strange without the ticket booth. He said we had another great party. He wished he would have had time to spend with our guests and us, but everyone kept him busy with requests. Before he left he told me he was really interested in the slideshow about the villas. The DJ told me he was going to check into more. It might be somewhere he would be interested in vacationing. I told him he would like it. It's very peaceful and relaxing if that is what he's looking for. We kissed and hugged when he left.

I walked out to the backyard and joined my lover and brother and Jarvis. We talked somewhere about nothing really in particular. But it was nice to lounger and relax. I heard the speaker again and excused myself.

It the the crew to take the projection screen and equipment. I pressed the button and gate opened for them. They knew right where to go and the two of them soon had the everything ready to be packed into their van. We thanked them and they left.

That just left the caterers.

Reggie checked the time and thought they better leave. Being Sunday, traffic would be heavy, with everyone returning home.

We all got up and walked up to the foyer. I was kind of sad to see my brother and Jarvis leave. We got into a group hug and kiss and we watched them leave.

We walked back into the house and the speaker went off. It was the caterers. I opened the gate for them and they came in with their van. We had cleaned all their serving dishes trays and chafing dishes. Their were still some appetizers left on their serving trays. I opened the front door for them and we kissed and hugged. I showed them their cleaned serving dishes stacked on the kitchen island. They thanked me for cleaning their serving dishes. I told them their was still some appetizers left on their tiered serving trays. They said that wasn't a problem. I showed them what was left. They used a small tray that we had cleaned and the leftover appetizers fit perfect on that tray. They said to let us know when the tray was empty and then they would be back to get it. We kissed and hugged again. They said they really enjoyed our party. We always had good parties. They said the villas sounded interesting and they were going to contact the owner of the villas talk to him directly. I watched them leave.

Now it was just Graham and me. And it was still an hour before lunch time. The backyard looked naked without all the decorations. But it was back to it's tropical lush paradise. It was our paradise. And we loved it.

"Well, babe. Did you like the party?"

"I did. I was more concerned on how you were dealing with the Cotton situation?"

"As far as I'm concerned. That is history. Cotton created his own problems and now he has to deal with them. I'm sure when Cal contacts the FBI, they will get to the bottom of things and get it all sorted out. I enjoyed the party, and I didn't even think about Cotton."

"Good. I'm glad to hear that. I was concerned about you."

"What do you want to do for lunch?"

"I don't really feel like going anywhere. I think we have plenty of leftovers from the buffet and a full tray of appetizers. That should be enought for us."

"Would you do something for me?"

"Sure just name it. Would you get me a cold beer?"

"You got it. Graham got up from the lounger and ran down to the tiki bar and brought back two chilled beer glasses."

The beer tasted good. And I was hoping it would help erase the final memories of Cotton. I didn't say anything to Graham that I was still thinking about Cotton. But I knew he was in big trouble. I just had no idea how much trouble. I'm sure Cal would keep me informed.

I finished my beer and Graham got lunch ready for us. And he also fixed dinner. The leftovers tasted good for lunch and dinner. And the appetizers were a good inbetween meal snack.

We watched a movie and then went to bed. We were both tired after the party. We made out and fell asleep still making out.

Monday morning came quick. We worked out with out friends and they thanked us for another great party. Also, they mentioned the villas and were going to check more into vacationing in the Bahamas. I was glad to hear that and I was hoping we had generated a lot of business for the owner of the villas.

I went for lunch at the diner. Graham was having another one of his busy Mondays. So he wasn't able to join me. I had a good talk with Millie while I ate my lunch. I paid Millie and gave her a big tip and then walked back to the clinic. I was finishing the high school and college physicals this week. That was kind of sad. But then I'd be starting physicals for the paper mill workers and then the policemen firemen and emergency rescue workers. So I had that to look forward to. I still was finishing my days with a big boner. I tried to have a folder newspaper or a pamphlet to cover my crotch when I left work.

I got home and Graham wasn't here yet. I knew he would be late. Mabel was gone for the day when I got home. I went upstairs and started changing clothes when my cell phone rang. I recognized the number right away. It was Cal. "Hi Cal, what's up?"

"I turned in the drug bottles to the FBI. They seemed happy to have them. I gave them all the information you had given me about Cotton. They said their was someone in the area where Cotton lived that was selling drugs and getting quite a business going. They told me the material for the drug bottles was of the new type that wouldn't be detected by the TSA scanners and X-Ray machine. They were having their lab analyse the bottles and find out the composition. So they could pass it on to the TSA. They also asked me if Cotton had any nicknames that he used."

"I only know of the nicknames he had here when he played football. I remember, Wonder Boy, Dynamite and Firecracker."

"Are you sure about those nicknames, Bob?"

"I'm positive. You'd see those nicknames in the local paper all the time."

"Thanks. You've been a big help. I need to get back to the FBI with those nicknames and I think I'll more information about Cotton for you tomorrow. Thanks for your help Bob. And thanks for a great party."

I thought that was an interesting phone conversation. Obviously Cal had more information about Cotton than he was telling me. But he probably had strict orders from the FBI not to mention anything about their investigation.

I finished changing out of my work clothes and put a robe and sandals on and went up to the sunroom. We hadn't been up here for a few days. The birds were sleeping when I entered the sunroom. So I walked around them quietly and sat down on a lounger and turned the tv on with low volume. The news was on and then the weather. Not much of anything interesting on the news. The weather didn't look like it was going to be changing anytime soon. We needed rain. We had went over a month without any rain and it was started to get dry around. We had an automatic sprinkling system so our grass was always green and the plants and trees were always green and lush.

I was still a little tired from the party so I closed my eyes and dozed off.

I thought I heard somthing and was still half awake and half asleep and still wasn't completely focused. But I could tell Graham was standing by me. "Hi babe, did you just get home?"

"Yeah. A few minutes ago. I went upstairs and changed and then came down to see you and you weren't at the pool so then I came up here to the sunroom."

I told Graham about my conversation with Cal. He thought like me that Cal knew more than he was saying. But Graham told me I'd probably find out everything he knew soon.

"You hungry and want me to get dinner ready?"

"Let's just relax a bit first."

The next few days seemed to go by fast. It was already Thursday. Graham and I had reeived many phone calls from our friends. Thanking us for a great party. Also, they liked the slideshow of the villas in Bahamas and were in contact with the owner of the villas for a vacation there.

That was nice to hear. I was hoping the owner of the villas was happy with the new business we had generated for him.

Graham asked me if I wanted a glass of refreshment. I told him sure if he was bringing my a glass refreshment. I watched Graham leave and I turned on the tv. I like to catch the news and weather. The birds were awake and watching me. I hear Graham coming into the sunroom and my cell phone started ringing. It was Cal calling. I was wondering what he had to tell me.

"Hi Cal. How's it going?"

"It's going great and I have some news for you about Cotton. I would have called you earlier in the week, but I had to wait until I had the clearance from the FBI. It seems your ex friend has been quite busy where he lives. Once I gave the FBI the bottles of drugs and the nicknames that Cotton was using, they had all the information they needed. The FBI had been keeping a close eye on Cotton and they felt there was something suspicious about him, but they never had anything against him for an arrest. So the FBI were able to trace Cotton to a major drug ring going on in the town where he lives and was branching his business out into the surrounding areas. He had four other men working with him. They would put the drugs into their victim's drinks and wait for the effects to take place. Then once they were under the influence of the drugs they would leave and go to some secluded area or a low budget motel. They would rape their victims and then rob them of their money and any jewelry they were wearing. Once the victims regained consciousness, they didn't remember anything. Who they were with or how they arrived in a low budget motel or stranded out in the woods. The FBI were able to trace the crimes to Cotton, because of the nicknames he used. He used the same nicknames that you gave me. Not very smart on his part. But to make a long story short. Cotton has been arrested along with his accomplices. He didn't deny the accusations and now he and his coworkers are waiting for their sentencing. I think for as long as he's been doing his robbing and sexual assaualt of his victims, the judge will sentence Cotton to the max which is four years for robbery and 20 years for sexual assault. Since these are felonies and federal crimes, he will go to the maximum security prison. I think his accomplices will get lighter sentences, but will have to wait and see. As soon as I have the information on the sentencing, I'll pass it on to you."

"Wow. And to think I actually liked Cotton. He sure changed once he moved out of the area. Or maybe it was something he had been planning for a long time."

"According to the FBI. Cotton was a very likeable young man and very influential and could easily pick out his victims."

"Well I'm glad I had his drugs and he didn't get a chance to use the at our party."

"Me too Bob. That could have been a big disaster. Well, I need to get back to work here at the office. It looks like a long night for me. You guys take care and glad we are good friends."

"We're glad your a good friend of ours too. Don't work too hard and will look forward to you updating me about Cotton's sentencing. Ciao."

Graham was sitting next to me and listening attentively. "Well, did you get the drift of that conversation with Cal?"

"Pretty much. I'm glad he's in jail and can't drug or rape any more men."

"Me too babe. Me too. And to think that at one time we were more than just friends."

"Well don't dwell on it babe. Drink your refreshment and Holden should be coming soon for our massage."

We had a good dinner with Holden. And then we went upstairs for our massages with happy endings. Holden always got naked when he gave us our massages. And don't think I could ever get tired of looking at his hot body.

The next few days went fast. I was expecting a call from Cal any day. But I knew I needed to be patient. He just depended on when Cotton's case came up before the judge.

Graham and I were back into our regular routine. And it was nice just being the two of us. And we had our weekends for us to enjoy. I asked Graham what he wanted to do for Parent's Day, coming up soon. Parent's Day was on a Wednesday, but it would be too hard to plan anything during the work week. We'd have to plan on doing something on the weekend following Parent's Day.

Graham told he would have to give it some thought. And he asked me how long until Parent's Day. I told him it was three weeks away. He told me when he had an idea he would run it by me and see what I thought. I told Graham, we need to plan something more low-key. The Bahamas was enough for the Father's Day. He agreed with me.

I heard the speaker and it must have been Holden. I went downstairs and pushed the gate button and I saw Holden driving in. I recognized his car. He got out and walked up to the front doors and I opened the doors and he walked in. Looking just as hot as ever. In a tight tshirt and tight jeans that didn't leave much to the imagination. I told Graham Holden was upstairs in the sunroom. So we walked upstairs and Holden greeted Graham with a kiss and hug. I noticed Graham giving Holden the once over. "Would you like something to drink?" I asked Holden. He said no, maybe after we finished the massages.

Graham and I left our robes on the lounger and walked into the massage room in just our sandals. Holden already had towels on the massage table and and was geting the oil warm. He had some low background music going. We watched Holden strip while he waited on the oil. He was going commando. I was wondering how the worked with his big cock. I would think it would be uncomfortable going commando.

We kicked our sandals off and got up on the massage table. Putting the folded towel over our butt. We always started by lying on our stomachs. I saw Holden check the oil and it looked like it was ready. He grabbed the oil and started on Graham this time. I liked watching Holden's cock and balls swing back and forth and flop around while he started giving Graham his massage on his neck shoulders and back. I could hear Graham moaning. I knew I would be moaning too. His massages were always good. He then massaged the back of Graham's legs and then worked his feet and toes. Then he had Graham turn over. I could see Graham was getting hard. The little towel was tented. Holden just took the towel off and Graham's cock was sticking straight up. Holden then started massaging Graham's chest pecs and nips. I saw Graham's nips getting hard and Holden made sure to work them good. It made Graham's cock twist and jerk. Holden then massaged Graham's abs and then the front of his legs and working the inside of his thighs. Then his feet and toes. Holden always saved the best for last.

Then Holden slowly massaged the inside of Graham's thighs and I saw the back of his hands brush against Graham's balls. It looked like Holden was starting to plump up. Then he poured oil on the tip of Graham's cock head and the oil ran down the sides of Graham's shaft. Holden took a hold of Graham's shaft and the oil made it easy for Holden to slow stroke Graham. Some of the oil had ran over Graham's balls and I saw Holden's other hand massaging and fondling Graham's balls. Holden had a full blown hardon now. His big eight incher was sticking straight out in front of him. His big balls looked full and they were hanging down. The way Holden was pulling on Graham's balls and sac, I thought Graham's balls would be hanging down to his knees by the time Holden finished. Once Holden felt Graham's cock was hard enough, he got up on the massage table and spread some oil over his oil and worked it in with a couple of fingers and then slowly sat down over Graham's hard shaft. Slowly sliding down Graham's cock. Soon Holden's ass cheeks were nestled in Graham's pubes. Graham looked like he was in heaven. Holden started bouncing up and down on Graham's hard shaft. Holden's cock was bouncing around and precum was flying all over. I heard Graham moaning and I knew he was getting close. Finally Holden did something on Graham's cock with his ass muscles and Graham was pumping a big load up Holden's hole. Holden never came. He looked at me and said I would he this big load was for me.

Holden slowly got off Graham's hard shaft. Holden bent down and licked Graham clean. Then Holden walked over to my massage table. He gave me almost the identical massage that he gave Graham. Except he didn't oil my cock. He had me pull my legs up to my chest and started rimming my hole. His tongue felt as big as his dick. He had me moaning and gasping, it felt so good. Then I saw him pour some oil on his big cock and felt the big flared head at my entrance. Holden went slow and eased his cock all the way in until his pubes were pressing against my ass cheeks. He left his big fat cock in my hole for minute so I could get used to it. Then he started slowly going in and out of my hole. My cock was leaking and jerking, everytime Holden went in and out of my hole. His big cock head found my prostate and it started battering my prostate, getting it engorged. I couldn't take it much longer. Holden had me so hot and horny. Finally I felt his cock thicken and grow in my hole and felt a couple of big blasts hit the walls of hole. Then that was followed by another five or six more blasts of his hot cum. My hole felt full. Holden slid out of my hole and I felt empty. Then he surprised me and bent down and gave me a blowjob. It didn't take me long to cum. He had me so worked up. I shot a big load way down his throat. He swallowed my cum and then we kissed. He wiped the oil off me.

We all thought we needed a shower after our fantastic massages. We went downstairs to our master bathroom and walked into our large shower. Graham got the water going and all the jets and shower heads. We washed and rinsed each other. We all felt we had enough sex. We dried each other off. Holden got dressed and Graham and I put our robes and sandals on and we walked out to the pool and lounged. Graham got us a round of beer. I would have rather drank a glass of refreshment. But one beer wouldn't kill me. Just make me feel full. Holden told us we had another great party. He said that he and Preston were really interested in the villas. And the Bahamas is only about an hour an half from Miami, Florida by airplane. So it's something they are seriously considering. We told Holden they would love the Bahamas and the villas are amazing. I told them that owner of the villas brother has bungalows at the top of the hill. That is exclusively gay. But in about ten to fifteen minutes your up at the top of the hill from the villas. If you mention us to the the owners of the villas and bungalows you'll get a special rate and perks. I would recommend staying at a villa the first time and then go up to the top of the hill and get acquainted with brother that has the bungalows. Many times he has special events taking place at the bungalows and you would be welcome.

Holden thanked me and Graham for the information about the villas and bungalows and would be sure to pass the information on to Preston. He said he needed to leave. He missed Preston and he knew Preston would expect him back soon.

We all got up and walked out to the foyer. We all got into a group hug and kiss and fondle and we watched Holden leave.

That turned into a great Thursday.

Friday arrived and Graham and I were glad we worked only a half day. We both got home at almost the same time. Mabel had a nice lunch ready for us and then she left to enjoy her weekend. Graham and I went upstairs and changed quick. We put on our jocks from the party. We thought we might have some fireworks later. Lunch was just fantastic. Mabel was sure a good cook. Nothing wrong with Margaret's cooking, but Mabel just seemed to have the touch and everything came out perfect and very tasteful. We finished eating and Graham and I put everything away.

We went down to the pool and Graham told he had an idea for Parent's Day. But wanted to tell me early. He wasn't sure how my parents would react to his idea. Graham wanted to run his idea by me first and see what my reaction would be. "Ok husband. What's your idea"

"I was thinking about renting three cabins at the state park on highway eight. We could get some fishing in and hiking. I know my dad likes fishing. My mother never went fishing with us. I know the cabins aren't very modern and are rustic. I guess that's my biggest concern with your parents. I'm not sure if they would like rustic?"

"My dad used to take Reggie and me fishing. We always had a good time. We went to a resort and stayed in a rustic cabin. My mom didn't go. She could care less about fishing. I guess I know my dad would like the idea. It will be harder to convince my mom."

"Maybe we could think of something for our moms while us men go fishing."

"Do you have any ideas? Does your mom drive Bob?"

"Yeah my mom drives and has her own car. What is something she really likes? Any ideas?"

"I know my mom likes going to the spa. I think she has a membership."

"That a good idea. Maybe we could arrange for our mom's to go to the spa that weekend and maybe have a complete makeover done. Do you think your mom would like babe?"

"I know my mom is particular about her hair. So I think a two day makeover would be perfect for our mom's."

"Do you think your mom would mind my mother staying with her?" Graham asked me.

"I don't see any problem with that. They are going to the Bahamas together. I'll run it by my mother first and get her reaction. I know my dad will like going fishing. We haven't done that since Reggie and I were kids."

"So should we rent one big cabin or two small ones?"

"How private are the big cabins? Remember they are rustic."

"Well we should probably rent two small cabins? Do you still have the brochure? They have pictures of what the different cabins look like inside."

"I do. I'll run upstairs and got the brochure. The brochure also had a phone number for information. We should probably call them and see what they have available for fishing."

I ran upstairs and got the brochure. I had it in my top dresser drawer. I pulled it out and ran back downstairs.

I sat next to Graham and we looked the brochure over. The two large cabins looked pretty nice. They really didn't look that rustic. They had two large cabins with modern fixtures and features. They each had two bedrooms. A large kitchen. A small breakfast nook. A large bathroom with a walkin shower. A nice sized living room with a fireplace. Each bedroom had a bathroom a closet and dresser. There was also a back deck that looked out to the woods and the mountains in the distance. The back deck had a barbeque. "What do you think babe? Maybe one of the large cabins would work for the three of us?"

"I think so. They have everything we need."

We looked over the brochure some more and noticed you could rent a fishing boat for the day. And rent fishing poles. The bait you had to purchase, according to your preference. The main lodge and welcome center had a dining room. The dining room served breakfast lunch and dinner and gave the times. There was also a website where you could download the brochure. I'd be sure to give that to my dad when I talked to him and mom. I told Graham I was going to call my parents tomorrow. My mother got home early on Fridays from the law office. Graham told me he was going to call his parents tomorrow too.

We were tired after our fun with Holden and went to our bedroom and watched tv. I brought us each a glass of refreshment. Graham had a movie on that we watched till the end. We then kissed told each other how much we loved them, cuddled together and went sleep.

We woke up to the irritating alarm blaring. Graham shut it off and we went downstairs to workout with our friends. We all got in a good workout, showered and jerked each other off. Dried each other, got dressed and went upstairs for breakfast. Mabel had a big spread of food ready for us on the patio table. We all dug in. We were hungry after a good workout. We finished breakfast and made a line. Kissing Mabel on the cheek and thanking her for a great breakfast. We got into a group hug and kiss in the garage and left for work.

I had my last sports physical this morning. And was looking forward to the next two weeks. When I would do the physicals for the paper mill. Those guys were hot that worked at the mill. They were husky and in good shape. Most of them were pretty well hung. A few were uncut which was always a novelty.

Friday was over and time to head home. Everyone seemed to be glad to finish early today. Maybe they had things planned for the weekend. I planned on calling my mother when I got home.

It didn't long to drive home and soon I was parking in the garage. Graham wasn't home yet. He had called me and told me a had a few last minute things to take care of and would be running a few minutes late.

When I walked into the kitchen, Mabel was finishing our meals for the weekend and was putting them in containers for us. She said she was finished and was would be leaving in a couple of minutes. I thanked her or her great food and told her I was going upstairs to change. And told her to have a great weekend.

I walked upstairs to our bedroom and put one of our jocks on from the party. All our friends took their's home with them and some asked if they could have one or two extra. We always ordered extra just for that reason. I came downstairs in just my jock and sandals. Mabel was gone. I poured myself a glass of refreshment and took my refreshment and cell phone with me down to the pool.

I settled into the lounger and called my mother. "Hi Robert, nice to hear from you."

"Hi mom. I have something to run by you and see if you like our idea."

"Ok Robert. Go ahead."

I told my mother about our plans for her and Graham's mother to have a full make over Saturday and Sunday. The weekend after Parent's Day which was on the Wednesday before the weekend. I told my mother that I wanted to see if dad would like to go on a fishing trip with Graham's dad. Me and Graham? I told mom we found a great state park on highway eight going west. They have cabins and all the gear and boats for fishing."

My mom told me that my dad was always mentioning to my me how he missed our fishing trips when we were kids at home. "I'm sure your father will jump at the chance to go fishing. That's a wonderful idea Robert. You still better talk to your father about it. Rather than me mentioning it to him. Besides, it will be nice to have him out of the house for a couple of days. And we can just have a girls weekend and get pampered. I'm already looking forward to it Robert."

"Thanks mom. I'm glad you like the idea. Graham and I will have all the details worked out. I know what spa you go to. So everything will be set for the two of you. When would be a good time to call dad?"

"Probably anytime now. He should be gone for lunch and that's the best time to get ahold of him. Ok mom. Great talking with you and I'm going to call dad right now."

"Bye honey and thanks for wanted to do that for Parent's Day."

Graham wasn't home yet, like that would make a difference. I took my mother's advice and called my dad. He answered on the first ring. "Hi Bob, good to hear from you."

"I just got off the phone with mom and she recommended I call you now. That you would be having your lunch."

"I am having lunch. Your mom knows my schedule pretty well. So, what's on your mind? But before you tell me I want to thank you for a wonderful time in the Bahamas. And your mother and me are looking forward to returning soon."

"Well, I had talked to mom about Parent's Day coming up in about three weeks. Graham and I were planning something for the weekend right after Parent's Day, since Parent's Day is on a Wednesday.

"What did you have in mind? Well for our mom's. We're inviting Graham's mother and my mom to a full make over at mom's favorite spa. That will occupy them Saturday and Sunday. And for us men, including Graham's father. Graham and I thought about a fishing trip. Graham said his dad likes fishing. I remember when you Reggie and me would go on fishing trips. We would leave early Saturday morning and come back later on Sunday."

"You and Graham come up with the best ideas. I have been reminding your mother about how we all used to go on fishing trips and I how I missed them. What did you have in mind?"

"Right now I just wanted to feel out you and mom and see if you liked our ideas for Parent's Day. You both are in agreement with our ideas. Graham and I found a state park on west highway eight. They have cabins, fishing boats and fishing accessory rentals. So Graham and I thought about renting a couple of cabins. The lodge and welcome center has a dining room. They serve breakfast, lunch and dinner. We would rent one of their biggest cabins for you and Graham's dad. Your cabin has a back deck with a barbecue. So if we're lucky fishing. We can have a fish barbeque."

"That sounds perfect Bob. I was looking at my calendar. So you must be planning in three weeks?"

"That right dad. Graham isn't home yet. So he hasn't made his phone call to his parents. Before I forget. I will text message you the email address for the state park. You will be able to download a brochure and see the pictures of the cabins, lake, hiking trails, and the Welcome Center and lodge with pictures of the inside and the dining room. Once Graham calls his parents and we get everything finalized. I will call you back with all the details."

"That sound perfect Bob. It will nice to have a break from your mom. And have a guys weekend. A fishing trip is a wonderful idea. I look forward to hearing from you soon with all the details."

Graham was home. I hadn't heard him. He was just walking down to the pool in one of our latest party jocks. His fireworks was well packed. "It sounded like you were talking to your dad?"

"Yeah. I called my mom first and that went well. And called my dad and that went well also. They both like our ideas for Parent's Day."

"Great. I'm going to call my parent's now and what they think of our idea."

I watched Graham pick up his cell phone and call his mom. "Hi Graham. What a nice surprise. I want to thank you for such a nice time in the Bahamas. Now we are looking forward to going back with Bob's parents. So what's on your mind honey?"

"Well mom. Bob and are planning something for Parent's Day. And I hope you and dad like our idea. First, Bob had already called his parents and run our idea by them. They both like our idea very much."

"Well tell me Graham. You have me curious now to see what you boys are planning."

"Parent's Day is on a Wednesday in three weeks. So we were planning something for the following Saturday and Sunday. You would ride down with dad and stay with Bev at their house. The mom's will be going to Bev's favorite spa for a complete makeover. It will take both Saturday and Sunday. For us guys we were planning a fishing trip. I know dad likes fishing. Bob's dad likes fishing too as well as Bob and me. We found a state park on west highway eight. The have cabins to rent. They have fishing boats and we can rent all the fishing accesories that we need."

"Oh Graham. I don't know how you boys come up with these wonderful ideas. A complete makeover is something I've always dreamed about, but never thought would happen. You know your dad likes fishing. He's right here and I'm going to hand the phone over to him so you can tell him your plans."

"Hi dad. I don't know how much you heard about my conversation with mom. But Bob and I are planning something for Parent's Day in three weeks. We were hoping you'd want to go on a fishing trip with Bob's dad, Bob and me. We found a state park on west highway eight. They have cabins, fishing boats and fishing gear to rent. We'd leave early Saturday morning and come back later on Sunday. The mom's will be going to Bev's favorite spa for a complete makeover Saturday and Sunday."

"Well this is a surprise. Sure I would like going on a fishing trip with you guys. Just give me all the details as soon as you have everything organized."

"Great dad. I'm glad you like the idea. I will text message you the email address for the state park. You will be able to download a brochure with lots of pictures of the cabins. The lake, the fishing boats and hiking trails. And I will for sure give you all the details once Bob and I get everything organized. Good talking to you dad."

"You too Graham. And keep me informed."

"That went well. Now all we need to do is get everything organized. I was thinking two cabins. A large cabin for your dad and my dad. And a medium sized cabin for us. We should probably get them reserved as soon as possible. They might fill up fast."

"I'll call right now. Why don't you text our dad's the email address for the state park where they can download the brochure."

I called the state park while Graham got busy sending out text messages to our dads. A park ranger answered and I told him what I wanted. He told me wait just a minute and he would check the reservations. He told the cabins filled fast for the weekends. I was hoping they had the cabins we were looking for available. The park ranger came back on and he said this must be your lucky day. He said they had one of the big cabins available that weekend for Saturday and Sunday and one middle sized cabin that was close to the large cabin available. Also for Saturday and Sunday. I gave the park ranger my credit card information and he told me the cabins were reserved. He said we could check in anytime after nine in the morning. He asked me if I would be driving and I said I would. He asked what kind of a vehicle I drove and I told him. He said my vehicle sticker would be ready when we came through the main gate, for my vehicle. It was included in the price of the cabins. The ranger told me their would be a schedule of the times for breakfast lunch and dinner in our cabins. Also, the information for fishing rentals would be on our table. I thanked him and told him we looked forward to a good fishing weekend. He told me he was glad to have us staying at the state park and hoped we enjoyed ourselves. I thanked him, but I forgot to get his name.

Graham looked like he had finished sending his two text messages. He said he had two check marks, so they had received the messages. I told Graham I had the cabins reserved for Saturday and Sunday and we could check in any time after nine in the morning.

Graham asked me if I had the information on the spa his mom went to. I told him I knew the name of the spa, but would have to do a search to get the phone number. I told Graham I was going to take care of that right away. I did a search on my cell phone and the name of the spa came up along with their address and phone number. I clicked the phone number and a very pleasant sounding woman answered. I identified myself and told her why I was calling. She said she knew my mother and would be glad to schedule her and Graham's mother for a complete makeover for the Saturday and Sunday after Parent's Day. She told me the fee and I told her I would pay with my credit card. I gave her the card number and told her to include a $200 dollar tip for doing this specially for me and working on Sunday. She thanked me and said everything was scheduled for both women. She told me they should arrive no later than ten on Saturday so they could get started working on both women. I thanked her and told her I would pass the information on my to my mother.

I told Graham what the woman at the spa had told me. I told Graham I was going to call my mother right now and pass on the information. And tell my dad that everything was set for our fishing weekend. I would come by to pick him up around eight in the morning. I would also have Graham's mother with us.

I gave my mother a call and gave her the information. She thanked me and said she was looking forward to a full makeover. She had never had one done. I told her the time they needed to be at the spa on Saturday and told my mother that Graham's mother would be with us and we would drop her off. I asked mom if dad was home and she said he had just arrived. I asked mom if I could talk to dad for a minute. I told dad that everything was ready for our fishing trip. We could check in anytime after nine. I told dad I would be by his house around eight. I wanted to get to the state park by nine or a few minutes before. He told me he was looking forward to the fishing trip and he would be ready at eight on Saturday.

Graham called his parents and passed on the information. They were coming on Friday and spend the night with us. That way they wouldn't have to leave early on Saturday and be tired when we went fishing and the moms went to the spa.

Graham told me his parents were coming on Friday. So they wouldn't be tired and spend the night with us. I told Graham to remind me to be sure to have Mabel get the second master bedroom ready for your parents. We could close and lock the door from our bedroom so the adjoining bedroom door was closed and locked from our side.

"It sounds like your parents liked our idea for Parent's Day?" I asked Graham.

"Yeah. They liked it very much. My mom said she had always dreamed about having a complete makeover and now it was coming true. My dad said he missed going fishing and this was would be "a great guys weekend."

I could tell Graham was happy. So I was happy. "How about a swim babe?"

We dove in and enjoyed the water. We swam a few laps and then relaxed on the shallow end. It felt good to be in the pool. "What do you want to do for dinner husband?" Graham gave me a funny look.

"How about if we go to the hotel to eat? They have good food and it's nice to see the hotel once in awhile. And have a good talk with Sam."

"I like that idea. Do you want me to call and make reservations? What time should I tell Sam?"

"Make it for six. I don't want to eat late tonight."

We climbed out of the pool and I dried and off and picked up my cell phone and called Sam. "Hi Bob, nice to hear from you. Anything special I can do for you?"

"Yes there is. Graham and I are coming over at six for dinner."

"Perfect Bob. I will let the chef know and will have a table reserved for two. Anything else I can do for you gentlemen?"

"Yes. Graham isn't expecting this. But send over a hotel limousine for us. Probably around five thirty and we can go do the hotel in luxury."

"I like that idea Bob. I will take care of it for you and look forward to seeing you and Graham at six."

"Thanks Sam. Your the best."

Thankfully Graham had went to the tiki bar to get himself a beer. So he didn't hear the last part of my coversation with Sam. I wanted the limousine to be a surprise.

Graham came back with a cold beer. It looked good, but I was going to stick with my refreshment and drink a glass or two of our favorite white wine at the hotel. I held up my empty glass to Graham. He took the hint and ran up to the kitchen and refilled my glass with the good refreshment. He came back down and handed me my refreshment with a long passionate kiss.

"What's that for?"

"What do mean? The refreshment or the kiss?"

"Smart ass. The kiss of course."

"Can't I kiss my good looking husband?"

"Of course babe. Anytime you want?"

"I was hoping we would have heard from Cal by now about Cotton's sentencing. But the sentencing probably hasn't reached the court docket yet."

"Court docket huh?"

"I picked up a few lawyer terms when I lived at home. My dad was busy being a trial lawyer at that time and I would pick up a few words and terms here and there that lawyer's used."

"I see. Do you mind explaining court docket?"

"The court docket is when the sentencing is scheduled to happen. The docket also contains information on the hearing and court briefings. Does that answer your question?"

"Yes. Thanks lawyer Bob."

"Not lawyer Bob. Doctor Bob is sufficient."

"How about if we go up to the living and watch the news and weather?"

We got up and took my refreshment and Graham took his beer to the living room. Graham turned the tv on to the news while we snuggled together. We watched the news and then the weather. Nothing much of interest in the news or weather.

I checked the time and told Graham we should probably get ready for dinner. Graham turned the tv off and went upstairs to our bedroom. We decided to take a quick shower and then get dressed. Graham got the shower going and we washed each other. Of course washing each other made us hard. We jerked each other off and agreed we would do more when we got home later. We dried each other off and decided on wearing a new sport coats we had tailor made. Some nice dress pants and a shirt that went well with everything. Graham helped me choose a shirt. I wasn't always that good at matching colors as Graham liked to remind me. We got dressed and I liked what Graham had chosen for me.

Graham asked me who was driving. I told Graham it was already taken care of. We splashed on some cologne and walked downstairs to the foyer. The chaffeur knew how to open the gate from the outside and the limousine was already parked and waiting for us.

"You devil you. How did you reserve this limousine without me hearing you?"

"When I was talking to Sam, you had went to the tiki bar to get yourself a beer. That was the perfect to mention a limousine to Sam."

"Sneaky little devil aren't you?"

"Something like that." We walked out to the limousine. I made sure the alarm system was armed and we took a seat in the back of the limousine. The chaffeur closed our door and he got in front and we were on our way to the hotel. I poured Graham and me a glass of our favorite white wine. Graham made a face.

"I thought you liked this white wine?"

"I do. But it doesn't taste good after drinking beer."

We arrived at the hotel and the chaffeur opened the back door for us and we got out. We walked up to the front doors and the doorman opened the doors for us and greeted Graham and me. Sam spotted us and told us we had a few minutes before dinner. He asked us if we wanted to follow him up to the sunroom. He said he had made a couple of changes and wanted us to see what me thought.

We followed Sam up to the sunroom and we walked in. Some of the guests were busy lounging using the pool and hottub. "Well, do you see the changes?"

"Not really. Let's walk around a bit and maybe I'll notice the changes." I did notice one change. Sam had added some parrots like we had. The parrots here in the sunroom were the scarlet parrots. Sam had four parrots. He said there were two mated pairs. We walked around some more. I noticed how lush the sunroom looked. The plants are really grown and filled everything in. It looked really nice. I couldn't spot the other change. I asked Graham and he said he didn't see anything different. "Ok you guys. Look over at the massage room."

We both looked over at the massage room. I noticed the change and I think Graham did to at the same time. A spa had been added on with a second massage room. "Business must be good for the addition."

"Business couldn't be better. Our guests are really enjoying the spa and the second massage room. It easily paid for itself in the first week we had it open."

"That's music to my ears Sam. I'm hungry now. Let's go down and enjoy our dinner."

We followed Sam back downstairs and to the dining room. Sam led us to our reserved table. Sam told us we were looking very sharp tonight. Almost like hotel owners. I saw Sam smile when he said that. He told us our waiter would be with us shortly and he left.

I asked Gramam if we would have the same young man that Sam had a serious talk with. Graham told me we would have to wait and see. Our waiter was a different young man. We told him we would have a glass of the white wine and a chilled bottled of white wine with our meal. The waiter told us very good. And said he would be back with our wine. He soon came back with two chilled flutes of white wine. He said he would check back with us in a few minutes to see if we were ready to eat dinner. We thanked him.

"At least we didn't get any funny looks this time from the waiter. This young man seems to have his act together. Sam probably told him ahead of time that the owners would be sitting at this reserved table."

Graham agreed with me. While we were drinking our wine, it gave us a chance to look around the dining room. It looked like Sam had the dining room redecorated. It looked very nice and fit the decor and design of the hotel. I noticed the guests were very formally dressed. Women were wearing long dresses with some very expensive jewelry. The men were wearing expensive tailor made suits or tuxedos. Everyone looked appropriately dressed with this new redecorated dining room.

Graham and I were pleased with the changes that Sam kept making to the hotel. He didn't ask us anymore for our permission. He knew he had free reins.

Our waiter came back and asked us if we would like a refill on our wine and if we were ready for dinner. We told the waiter yes on both things. Another glass of wine and to bring our dinner.

The waiter came back with our chilled wine bottle and filled our wine flutes. Then he left to bring our dinner. He came out with a large covered silver platter. He sat the platter in the center, close to Graham and me. He then went back into the kitchen and brought out our side dishes in small covered silver platters.

The waiter took the cover off the large platter. There were mini stuffed lobster tails with different sea food. Half of the platter was fixed thermidor and the other half was for dipping in melted butter. We had buttered potato balls with parsley and a mixed vegetable side dish. Everything was wonderfully presented and looked delicious. The waiter asked us if we would like him to serve us. We passed and told him we would serve ourselves.

I let Graham serve himself first and then I served myself. Everythig was delicious. This was the first time I had eaten small lobster tails with lobster mixed with other seafood in the theridor sauce. You could tell it was fixed by a knowledgeable chef. Graham said his lobster was really good. The side dishes were good made a good compliment to the lobster. And the white wine topped off our meal. I wasn't able to eat all my half of the large platter, so Graham helped me. The waiter came in and asked us if we would like an afterdinner drink and/or dessert. Graham and I both told the waiter we were full after a wonderful dinner and were just going to sip on our wine and then leave. The thanked us for eating at the hotel dining room. We both gave the waiter a tip and he looked surprised.

We drank our wine and started talking about our fishing trip. I told Graham I was looking forward to the trip. Graham told he was too. He said it would be nice to with our fathers. I told Graham I agreed one hundred percent. We finished our wine and left the dining room.

Sam spotted us leaving the dining room and walked over. He asked us how our service was? We knew what he was referring to. We told him the waiter did an excellent job. There were no funny looks and he didn't want to bring us a bill. I saw Sam smiling to himself. He probably had talked to our waiter ahead of time.

We all walked to the front door and the Sam told us limousine was waiting and ready for us. We thanked Sam for all the renovations and changes to the hotel. The hotel looked fantastic. We shook hand with Sam and left the hotel. The chaffeur opened the back door of the limousine for us and we got in. Soon we arrived back home. We thanked the chaffeur and I gave him a tip.

Graham disarmed the security system and we walked into the house. And Graham rearmed the system. Graham said, "Now I'm ready for dessert."

I knew exactly what Graham was referring to. We quickly went upstairs to our bedroom. Graham started taking off his clothes like he was stripping to some imaginary music. I watched him and started getting hard. He had some good stripping moves. I soon stood up next to him and started stripping off my clothes, trying to match his stripping moves. We soon started helping each other out of the rest of our clothes. We did manage to hang up our clothes in the closet. We were both hard and our cocks and balls were flopping and swinging back and forth. We got on the bed and Graham started kissing and feeling me all over. I told him he better be ready to do this everyday for the next two weeks while I did the mill worker's physicals. Graham knew how worked up I got. He was surprised I never came, giving them physicals. I told him I was saving it for him. Graham kissed down my chest and over my abs. While one hand was rubbing and squeezing my nips. Graham had me so hard that I thought my cock would break off. He licked through my pubes. I was holding the sheets with my hands. He had me so turned on. I was twisting and wiggling around on the bed. He left my cock and balls alone and licked the inside of my thighs just high enough so that his nose would rub up against my balls. Graham was driving me crazy. "Suck me babe. Make me cum. I need to cum."

Graham didn't say anything. He smiled to himself and kept torturing me. Finally he licked between my balls. Then took one ball into his mouth and started sucking on it and rolling it around in his mouth with his tongue. Then he did my other ball. That didn't help me much. I just kept drooling precum like a faucet and kept my cock rock hard. Then he licked up the back side of my cock. Sucking and nibbling on the big vein on the back side. He licked up to the sensitive spot on the back of the head and licked over it and nibbled there. He was driving me mad with desire and lust. He then put his lips on the head of my cock and slowly sucked my head in and out. Pulling out my precum when he sucked on the head. He reached down and started playing with my big full balls. I needed release and he kept the torture up. Then Graham slowly started sucking down my shaft. I felt his throat open and my cock finish sliding down his throat. He just left it there and didn't do anything. I could still feel precum oozing out of the pee slit. Then he started slowly sucking me in and out. He still hadn't mastered the control of his throat muscles to work my cock. But he was still good at sucking my cock. I started thrashing on the bed. I was getting close. Graham knew I was close and slowed down. He was really torturing me this time. He picked up his pace sucking my cock and that was all it took for me to spasm and thicken in his throat and start jetting out blast after blast of hot thick cum. Graham kept me in his throat until I stopped shooting. Then he slowly sucked my cock up to the head and let it flop back on me. Graham finished cleaning off the cum on my cock head and sucked out the last couple of gobs oozing out.

"Wow babe that was fantastic. I hope you do that everyday for the next couple of weeks. I going to need it. You know how hard and horny I get after doing physicals all day. However, I might be able to have some fun when Brody and Tyrell have their physicals. Will have to wait and see."

"Anything for my hot man. And I can't wait to take care of you everyday for next couple of weeks."

I was tired. Probably more tired than Graham. And we decided to all it night. It didn't take me long to fall asleep.

We didn't do much over the weekend. It was nice that it was just Graham and me. It gave us time to be together and do what we wanted, like making love together. I can't remember how many times we made love over the weekend. But, who's counting. It just keeps getting better and better.

Monday came around and we worked out with our friends. We had another great breakfast, prepared by Mabel. We got into a group kiss and hug and went to work.

Graham called me and told he wouldn't be able to make lunch today. He was having a typical busy Monday and probably would be late getting home from work. My two morning physicals went well. God those mill workers were hot. The two men I had this morning, looked like they could have played pro football. They were big, muscular, a little hair and hung like horses. They didn't mind my physical at all. They didn't care about getting naked. They must have assumed it was part of the physical. I got a few grunts and moans when I did their prostate exams and examined their balls for any abnormalities. They both stiffened up nice and looked to be about eight inches and thick. Those cocks would fill my mouth and hole good.

I needed to get those thoughts out of my head. I still had my three afternoon physicals. I somehow needed to get rid of this hardon before I walked over to the diner for lunch. I was surprised I didn't cum in my boxers, as hot those two morning physicals were.

I needed to get those thoughts out of my head. I still had my three afternoon physicals. I somehow needed to get rid of this hardon before I walked over to the diner for lunch. I was surprised I didn't cum in my boxers, as hot those two morning physicals were. I started thinking about the most gross things I could think of. Eating raw liver, my parents having sex, my grandparents having sex and that seemed to help a little. By the time I got to the diner I was back to normal.

I took a seat at my favorite table and Millie came over right away. I told her a black coffee and the special and I would be eating by myself. She was busy so she didn't have a lot of time to talk. The only thing she said was that it sounded like we had a good Independence Day party. I told her it was a success and everyone seemed to enjoy themselves. She said that was what she heard. I wasn't going to ask her who she found out from. I ate my lunch and paid the bill and gave Millie a tip and walked back to the clinic. I was back to normal, but I knew that wouldn't last long. Once I started my first afternoon physical. I would pop an instant boner.

Doing these physicals made me think of Cotton and how he had changed to a criminal life. I still had a hard time believing it, even though the evidence had been right in front of. I remember doing his sports physical and how I made him cum. And how we became better friends after that. Oh well, that's history now. He has chosen his own destiny.

My afternoon physicals, were just as hot as my morning physicals. I was wondering how long I could hold out until Graham got home. I had pretty good self control. This would definitely be a test of that. These guys all got hard. Two were close to Graham and my size. A good hard fat seven inches. And the other guy had to be pushing nine inches. I bet his girlfriend liked that big cock. I sure did like looking at it and brushing against it when I checked his big low hanging balls. I had him lean way over the examination bench so I could get a good view of his cock hanging down between those big delicious balls.

I finished the last afternoon physical and I was sweating. I was so turned on. I could feel my hardon pressing against the front of my pants. It felt like my cock would punch a hole through my pants I was so hard. I went to my office and sat down and needed to compose myself. I took off my lab coat and my hardon was as big as ever. I wiped the sweat off my brow. I thought I'd do a the reports on the afternoon physicals and get the results sent to the HR Dept. at the paper mill. They needed the results in their workers personals folders. I thought working on the reports would get my mind occupied on something else and hopefully my hardon would go down. Graham was coming home late so I knew I had plenty time to get these three reports done and emailed to the HR Dept.

I downloaded a copy of the form the paper mill wanted me to use. Actually the form made it easy to put in the results and email each one off. It only took me about thirty minutes to get the three physical reports done. I felt better and I wasn't bulging my pants like I had been. I walked out to the front and everyone had left. Shirley had locked the front door. So I would leave through the back door and lock it. I double checked around the clinic and everything looked good. I locked the back door and got in my SUV and drove home.

Graham's car wasn't in the garage. I didn't expect him for awhile. Mabel was gone when I walked into the kitchen. And so far today I hadn't heard from Cal.

I was hard and horny, but I could wait for Graham. I was wondering when I would do Brody and Tyrell's physicals. I didn't know. I told Shirley I didn't want to know ahead of time who I was giving physicals to.

With Graham taking caring of me and Holden giving us massages on Tuesday and Thursday, I could make it through the two weeks and get relief.

I went upstairs and changed out of my work clothes and put a robe on and some sandals. Went back downstairs and poured myself a glass of refreshment and picked up the daily paper from the kitchen island and walked down to the pool. I set my refreshment and paper down on a table by the lounger I was using. Took off my robe and kicked my sandals off and relaxed nude on top of my robe. Took a swig of my refreshment. Just as good as ever and started reading the daily newspaper.

There was another announcement from the new Amusement Park. Stating again that a select group of people would be able to enjoy part of the park that was open. The rides and food stands and restaurants would be open. These select guests wouldn't be paying for anything. The owners of the amusement park, however, did want feedback from the select guests. It stated in the article the owner's had a form the select guests would use to write their comments and suggestions.

I continued reading over the editorials. There were are few other's that I found interesting.

Soon a shadow was cast across me and part of the newspaper. I looked up and Graham was looking at me. I didn't even hear him come in. He must have been really quiet. He leaned down and gave me a kiss. I noticed he had a frown on his face. "Is everything ok babe. You don't look like usually do? Did you have a bad day?"

"No, nothing like that. I'm going to go change and be right back and I'll tell you what is going on with me."

That was weird. Graham always tells me when he has a bad day or something is bothering him. I guess I'll just have to wait until he changeds and comes back to the pool.

Soon i saw Graham walking down to me in his naked glory. With a robe draped around his shoulders. He put his robe on next to me and laid down naked next to me.

"Ok babe, tell me what's wrong."

"I'm disappointed."


"I know your doing physicals and I thought I'd see my man hard and horny when I got home. Your flaccid and casually reading the paper. I was all ready to take care of you."

"I've been trying to think of other things and not stay hard all day. If I stayed hard and kept thinking of the physicals today, I would have cum and then I wouldn't be ready for you. All you have to do is touch me and I'm so wired, I know I'll get hard right away."

Graham got a smile on his face and started giving me one of his passionate kisses feeling me all over. And just like I told him. I got hard right away. I saw Graham get up and position the lounger in a flat position. Then Graham got over me in a sixty nine position. God his big balls and cock hanging down over my face. Graham already had my cock in his mouth and was working it down his throat. I knew I couldn't hold on for very long. So I took Graham's cock into my mouth and started sucking on it. He soon got thick and hard in my mouth and I took him down my throat. Graham was bobbing up and down on me and fingering my hole. Playing with my prostate. I knew with that prostate play, I wouldn't hold out much longer. I started going fast on Graham. I was going to try to make us cum at the same time. I told Graham I was close. He said he was too. Soon we both started shooting at the same time. God what a sensation that was. I think I flooded Graham's mouth and throat with my load. I had to swallow Graham's load a couple of times. We laid back panting and gasping for air. Smiling at each other. "You don't look disappointed now babe."

"Nope. I'm very satisfied. I was able to make my man cum."

"You can always make me cum. All I have to do is look at you and I get hard right away."

We kissed some more and Graham changed the position of the lounger so we sitting up.

"I noticed the same notice in the newspaper about the Amusement Park. They are inviting a select group of people to experience the part of the park that is open. They want that select group to do a review of their experience."

"Yeah I know all about that. Since their using our investment firm. I think we might be part of the select group. I'll know for sure this next week."

"I'm hungry." Said Graham. "How about you babe?"

"I'm hungry too. I was waiting for you to get home."

We got up and left our robes on the lounger. Graham and I walked together up to the kitchen to get dinner ready. I opened the frig and saw containers ready for our dinner. I pulled them out and Graham started warming the food in the microwave. "What did Mabel make for dinner?'

"I have no idea. I just put the containers you handed to me in the microwave to warm."

There was a fresh salad so Graham set that on the breakfast nook table with some small salad bowls. He also put our favorite salad dressing and croutons on the table. I heard the microwave beep and Graham finished setting the table while I set the warm containers on the table.

I took the covers off and the smells were out of this world. Mabel had fixed chicken alfredo. And home made garlic bread. She must have thought we were having dinner guests. There was two large microwave containers full of chicken alfredo. Graham and I prepared our salads and then dished up the chicken alfredo. The chicken was so moist and tender. Everything was very good. We drank coffee with our dinner. When Graham really liked something he was eating, he would be making all kinds of sounds of approval. And he was going non stop. We finished eating our dinner and Graham and I put everything away. I passed on dessert and Graham fixed a dessert plate of home made apple pie.

We walked back down to the pool and relaxed together. Graham had his apple pie gone in record time. I told him I would take his dessert plate up to the kitchen. I put it in the dishwasher and them came back down.

I asked Graham if he was ready for a swim. He asked if we should wait after eating. I told him that was an old wives tale and there was no substance in waiting before swimming. We both got up and dove into the pool. So far, no adverse reactions. We did a few laps and then walked out of the pool on the shallow end. And lounged somemore.

We didn't do much for the rest of the day. The next few days went by fast. It helped Tuesday and Thurday, getting our massages. That helped to ease my sexual tension. The physicals were keeping wired tight and on edge until I had sexual release.

Friday I had two morning physicals. The first week of physicals had went fast. I was wondering if these two guys would be Myas hot as the other mill workers I had examined.

Janice told me my first physical was waiting for me in examination room one. So I walked in and this guy was just as hot as the other guys I had examined during the week. I was wondering of the paper mill HR department only hired hot muscular men. His physical went well. He had no problem getting naked. He was rock hard when I did his prostate exam and I heard him give out a couple of moans. Then I had him stand up and face me. His big hardon almost hit me in the face. He had his hands behind his head and his eyes closed. I checked his big full hanging balls for abnormalities and everything checked out okay. His cock was dripping precum. He must have been close to eight inches and his cock looked perfect. Straight as an arrow and no veins showing. Only the big thick vein running down the back of his shaft. I had my plastic gloves and took the liberty to rub his precum over the head. His cock twitched and jerked when I did that. I told him he was leaking on the floor and I told him I was finished with his physical and he could get dressed. I handed him a box of tissues so he could wipe the rest of his precum off. He got dressed and thanked me for a great physical. I thought I saw him give me a wink when he left the examination room. But it was probably my imagination.

I walked back to my office to compose myself as best I could. My hardon was pressed hard against my pants. I was glad my lab coat was long and kept everything covered.

Janice told me my last physical was in examination room one. I walked in and almost fainted. There was Tyrell naked and smiling when I walked in. I closed the examination room door and locked it. I wasn't going to take any chances. He really looked good. His cock looked to be semi hard. I was sure that would change soon. I took off my lab coat and hung it up on the door. I did the basics of his physical first. Checking all his vital signs. I thought I'd do his prostate exam with him lying on his stomach on the examination table.

I asked Tyrell to lie down on his stomach for his prostate exam. He saw me putting on my rubber gloves and get a big dollop of KY cream and I inserted a large dollop of the KY into Tyrell's hole. He moaned as I moved the KY in further and further in his hole. Then I found his prostate. It was enlarged with my rubbing back and forth over it. Tyrell said, "oh man, you're getting me hard and horny."

"That's the idea."

I told Tyrell his prostate was normal. And he could turn over. His big cock was sticking straight up. It looked like a small flag pole. I told him I didn't expect him until next week. Tyrell told me since he and Brody worked in the same area. They had to schedule their physicals on different days. I told Tyrell this was a great way to end the week. He agreed. I told Tyrell I was going to feel his stomach and then on the sides where his kidneys are located and to tell me if he felt any pain. Tyrell could see the bulge in my pants. And while I was examining Tyrell, Tyrell was undoing my pants and sliding them down with my boxers. My hard cock was pointing straight ahead. Tyrell took my cock into his mouth and I started moaning. I finished his exam and bent done and took Tyrell's cock into my mouth and opened my throat. I wasn't sure if I could take all of his cock. Before I started, I asked him how big his cock was. He said when he was hard, like right now, he was 9.6" cut. I told Tyrell he had a fine looking piece of meat. We went back to sucking each other. And I opened my throat and started taking him in. I had never had a cock this big since the bodyguards. So it was going to be a challenge. I went slow and soon had all of his cock in my mouth and throat. My throat looked swollen with his big cock filling it. He got off my cock and told me this was the first time anyone had taken all of him. He said his wife didn't suck his cock. She said it was too big. Tyrell told he would need to come once or twice a week for physicals. I told him I didn't think that would work. But he knew where we lived and he was always welcome. I started going faster on Tyrell's cock and he picked up his pace on my cock. Soon I heard him grunt and jerk and felt a couple of big blasts of his cum hit the back of my throat. And then six more shots blasted out coating the sides of my throat. I had to swallow so I wouldn't choke on his big load. I told him I was close and blasted a nice sized load down his throat. We both looked pretty satisfied. I told Tyrell I needed to finish the last of his exam. So he stood up and I got in front of him and checked his big balls. I told him that finished the exam. We kissed and we both got dressed. He said that was the best physical exam he had ever had. And promised he would have all his physicals done here at my clinic. I reminded him if he needed any quick checkups, to call and we could arrange something at the house. We were both dressed and Tyrell was my last physical. We kissed again and I quietly unlocked the door. Tyrell left first and then I went back to my office. To do the reports on my two morning physicals. I finished the reports and told Janice and Shirley bye and to have a nice weekend. I left out the back door. No bulges this time. Tyrell did a good job on me. But I knew all I would have to do was think about Tyrell when I got home and I would be hard again for Graham.

I got home before Graham. Mabel was gone for the weekend and it looked like she cooked extra. I suppose she thought if we had friends over there would be enough food. I went upstairs and changed and put on of our last party jocks and sandals. Poured myself a glass of refreshment and I thought I'd pay a few bills on the laptop in the library/study room. I took my refreshement with me and went into the room. I booted the laptop and checked to see if their were any emails. We usually don't get many emails on this computer. Mostly on our cell phones and work computers.

I opened an email and it was a confirmation from the state park for our Saturday and Sunday fishing trip. The confirmation of payment on the two cabins for both days and a copy of our permit to stay in the park would be available at the main entrance gate. I thought I'd print out a backup copy of this confirmation and take it with me. The confirmation was sent by an Andy. He must have been the park ranger I talked to on the phone. I would have to remember that name. I think he liked Graham and me. I was picking up vibes from him. Thinking about Andy and then Tyrell's physical, I was bulging my jock. Making the fireworks look bigger.

I checked the other emails, but it was just spam and junk mail. So I cleaned that out. I paid a few bills and thought that was enough. I had finished my refreshment and poured myself another glass and walked down to the pool. I grabbed the daily paper to look over while I waited for Graham. I thought he should be coming home soon.

I sipped on my refreshment and read over the paper. Nothing much ineresting in the paper. Soon I saw a shadow again on my paper and looked up and Graham was smiling at me. I bent down and gave me a kiss. He was naked was a towel draped over his shoulders. "Don't you feel a little overdressed?"

I raised my hips and slid my jock off. I started thinking about the hot park ranger and Tyrell's physical and I soon was springing a boner. "You got home later than usual?"

"I stopped and picked us up some Thai food for lunch. I thought something different would be a nice change."

"Good idea babe. Thai sounds good. We haven't eaten from the new Thai restaurant in a long time. Are you hungry and want to eat right away?"

"No, I'm going to have a cold beer and then some delicious dessert I see waiting for me."

I gave Graham a grin. I knew exactly what he was talking about.

I saw Graham get up and get himself a cold beer. He deserved it. He worked hard and if he wanted a cold beer. Why not?

Graham leaned over and poured some cold beer on my pecs and nips and then made a line down my chest to my navel and on my abs. He licked the cold beer off. I was rock hard now and leaking. I saw him take a big swallow of beer and then wrap his lips around the head of my cock. I cold feel the cold beer on my hot cock. I saw Graham swallow the beer and then he proceeded to give him a great blowjob. Once he finished he swallowed and washed the rest of my cum down with his beer. "How does beer and cum taste?"

"Everything goes good with beer. And especially my husband."

We laid their on the lounger relaxing. I told Graham about the confirmation email for our fishing weekend, and that I had printed a backup copy. I told Graham the park ranger's name was Andy. He was the same ranger that sent the confirmation email.

We thought we had relaxed long enough and we walked naked up to the kitchen. The food smelled wonderful. Graham got some plates and silverware and we ate at the kitchen island. I had another glass of refreshment and Graham got himself another beer out of the frig. The food was good. I think it always tastes better when you haven't eaten it for a long time.

Graham had bought just the right amount. We ate everything. Graham said he already had dessert so he would wait awhile before he had a second helping. I gave him a smirky smile. And we went back down to the pool.

I told Graham about the physical exam for Tyrell. Graham wasn't surprised. I told Graham I was still ready for him. But now I had Brody coming up this coming week.

The pool looked really inviting to the two of us and we dove in. We splashed around and had fun, like two young boys, in the pool. We did a few laps and then rinsed off in the outside shower. We didn't do much the rest of the weekend.

I told Graham I was surprised I hadn't heard from Cal. I guess the sentencing for Cotton was going to take awhile.

We watched a lot tv and movied over the weekend We didn't forget the parrots and spent some time with them.

Monday was here and next week would be our third week and we would heading out on our fishing trip. As the fishing trip kept getting closer and closer, I was looking forward to it.

The week went fast. Too fast doing the physicals for the mill workers. I wished it would last longer. But then I had the firemen policemen and rescue workers coming up soon. In fact, the week after our fishing trip. Those physicals would last a couple of weeks.

Graham was taking care of me when he got home. I was really worked up doing physicals on those hot men. Janice took care of the women's physicals. Thank god. It was already Thursday when I got home. I saw Graham's car in the garage. I was surprised. I usually got home before Graham. Mabel had left and I saw Graham relaxing down by the pool with a cold beer. I thought I'd do a Graham and I quietly went upstairs and changed. I put on sandals and draped a towel over my shoulders. I was thinking about the physicals as I walked down to Graham, and by the time I got to the lounger I was hard. Graham looked up surprised. "I didn't hear you babe?"

"I thought I'd be quiet like you."

I got next to my man and we laid on our sides facing each other. Our cocks hitting together. Graham moved closer to me so the length of our cocks were rubbing together. I was getting hotter and hornier with each rub of our cocks together. Graham could tell what was happening to me. I think he was doing it on purpose. My cock couldn't stop jerking and twitching. I was so turned on.

Finally Graham told me to lie on my back which I eagerly did. He took my cock in his mouth and down his throat in one fast gulp. My eyes almost popped out. I wasn't expecting that. It sure felt good though. Graham worked me hard and fast and soon I rocketing out a big load down his throat. Graham sucked and milked the last of my cum out and I lay back exhausted. "You need a beer babe." I couldn't disagree with that.

Graham got up and got me a beer in a chilled glass and handed it to me. I chugged down almost half the beer. It tasted good and just what I needed. I was regaining my normal breathing when my cell phone rang. It kind of startled me. I wasn't expecting any calls. I looked at the display and I mouthed, "Cal," to Graham.

"Hi Cal, you kind of startled me. I wasn't expecting any phone calls."

"Sorry to startle you Bob. But I was waiting to get home to give you a call. I wanted to call you sooner, but I had to wait until I had clearance from the FBI."

"So you have information on Cotton's sentencing?"

"I do. Cotton had his sentencing last Thursday. All sentencings before the judge are closed to the public and television. I couldn't even be present at the sentencing. I received the information on an encrypted message service that law enforcement uses. Anyhow, I'll get back to the sentencing. The judge gave Cotton the maximum number of years allowed by law. So Cotton will be spending the next 28 years in Federal Prison. The judge told Cotton that he wished he could give him life in prison with no possibility of parole, but the law didn't allow that. The judge also told Cotton he wanted him in the general population. Word spreads fast in prison. And soon the prisoners will know Cotton was charged with sexual assault which isn't looked on kindly by the other prisoners. The judge told Cotton he would be surprised if he lasted a year in the general population. Cotton's accomplices were given half the sentence or 14 years in Federal Prison. Cotton has already started serving his sentence. If he survives and has good manners, he would be eligible for parole in 16 years."

"I'm surprised and not surprised. When he lived here in our hometown, he was one of the most popular students in high school. He was a good football player and we became good friends. The thing I don't understand is how he could change so much. I am wondering how long he had been planning his life of crime?"

"I guess the only one that can answer that question is Cotton. People's minds work in strange ways sometimes. And that is definitely the case with Cotton."

"Can Cotton have visitors?"

"That I don't know Bob. But I can find out and get back to you. I'm sure you have a lot of questions for Cotton."

"I certainly do. Thanks for calling Cal. I still a little out of breath here. And look forward to you calling me back and letting me know about visitation for Cotton."

"I was happy to pass on the information to you Bob. And what's that about being out of breath? What have you and Graham been up to?"

"Well, you'll have to use your imagination Cal. Good night."

"Good night to you and Graham."

"Did you get most of that conversation babe?"

"Only bits and pieces."

I filled Graham in on what Cal had told me. Graham didn't seem surprised. He was only surprised that I would want to visit Cotton in prison if I could. I told Graham I had a lot of questions for Cotton.

"How about if we go downstairs and watch a movie and think about something else?"

"A good idea as always. I'll find us a movie this time. And would you bring me a glass of chilled white wine?"

"Of course. Anything for my husband."

I turned on the theater system and started checking for a movie. While Graham got my wine ready.

I found a movie we would like and I heard Graham coming down the stairs. He had poured us both a glass of wine. I was surprised to see Graham drinking wine.

We watched a good movie to the end and went to bed. Graham made love to me until we were both so exhausted, we fell asleep out of sheer exhaustion.

Friday morning already. We worked out. Ate breakfast and took off to work. Graham and I really liked our half day Fridays. I still hadn't given Brody his physical. I was wondering if he would be the same as Tyrell and my second physical and last physical today. Or maybe he was sick and would need to rechedule his physical. I would find out soon enough.

I got to work and Shirley told me my first physical was waiting for me. She would send him to examination room number one. I got situated in my office. Made sure I had my lab coat on. Didn't want my bulge to be visible if it wasn't Brody. I walked in and a nice looking man was waiting for me. We went through the basics and then I had him strip down. He didn't seem to mind. I did his prostate exam and he gave out a moan. Then I had him turn around. He had a nice sized seven inch cock. Like Graham and me. He had a big bead of precum on the head of his cock. Which I wanted to lick off, but controlled myself. I told him I needed to check his balls for any abnormalies. He told me to check away. He had his eyes closed and his hands behind his head. I finished checking his hefty balls. Everything checked out okay. He asked if I was through checking his balls. I said yes and that he could get dressed. He told me thought it would take longer with a smile on his face. I told him I had another physical after him. But if he needed further checkups I gave him my card with my email address and phone number. And to just give me a call and I was sure we could arrange something at my house. I asked him his name. He said his name was Rick and I could look forward to me calling for a checkup. He finished dressing and we shook hands and he gave me a wink and smile when he left.

Wow. I wasn't expecting that. I wonder if he will give me a call and have a checkup at my house. Time will tell.

I went back to my office and opened my computer to the mill physical exam form. Janice peeked her head in and told me my second physical was waiting for me in exam room one.

I was wondering if this was Brody. I hoped so. I needed some relief after that first physical. I adjusted my lab coat walked into exam room one. There was Brody in all his naked glory. I quickly closed and locked the examination room. "It looks like your ready for me?"

"You know it. Tyrell told me all about his great physical and I am hoping for the same."

"Well, I will do my best. I took off my lab coat and hung it up on the door. My bulge was noticeable and I saw Brody looking and licking his lips. Damn Brody was hot. I think he was even more muscular than before. And his fat eight incher was sticking right out in front of him. I told him to take a set on the examination table and I would take his vital signs. All his vitals were normal. I liked his light coating of hair. Graham had a small tuft of hair in the middle of his chest, otherwise he was smooth. I was smooth with a few pieces of hair under my arms and a fairly full pubes that I kept trimmed and under control. I kept rubbing my finger through his hair while I did his vital signs. I could see his cock twitch and jerk when I did that.

I then told Brody to bend over the examination table. I was going to do his prostate exam. Brody saw me put on my rubber gloves and take out a tube KY lubriant. I some KY on my a couple of fingers and eased it into his hole. Easily finding his prostate. He was moaning as I rubbed over his prostate. I thought I heard Brody saw something, but I wasn't sure. "Did you say something Brody?"

Between gasps as I rubbed over his prostate, he said, "why don't you check my prostate with your big hardon."

"I didn't need to be told twice. I had my pants and boxers down in record time and my cock was all lubed with KY. I rubbed the head over his hole and he started begging me to fuck him. I eased my cock slowly in until my pubes rubbed his ass cheeks. "Oh god Bob, that feels good. Go harder and faster."

"I couldn't refuse a request like that. I picked up my pace and I felt him constrict his ass on my shaft. That's the only encouragement I needed to start jetting a big load in his hole. He constricted his hole again as slid my cock out. The constrictions milked out the last gobs of cum."

I hobbled over with my pants and boxers around my ankles and got us a box of tissue to clean off. I wiped off my cock and I saw Brody wipe off his pucker. I started getting dressed and I saw Brody lay back on the examination table with his his hands behind his head and his big erection sticking straight up. "I hope you have time to take care of this big boy for me Bob?"

I had finished tucking in my shirt and fastened my belt and I was dressed. "I always have time for you Brody. I walked over and wrapped my lips around his big flared cock head. Sucking out some delicious tasting precum. Brody was moaning some more and it looked like he was sweating. I pulled his cock in my mouth and down my throat with my throat muscles. I left his hole alone, but I cupped and fondled his big balls and started working my throat muscles on his big thick shaft. I could feel Brody's cock throb in my throat. He told he was getting close and I told him I was ready. I felt his cock harden and thicken in my throat. It felt like it grew another inch as he started shooting out long hard blasts of cum. Hitting the back of my throat and I could feel his cum running down my throat. I swallowed to take all of him. I slowly worked my throat and mouth off his cock. Pulling out his last oozing drops of cum. I licked and kissed the head. Brody told me I give the best blow jobs. He wished he needed physicals more than once a year. I told him that he knew where I lived and he was always welcome. I helped him up off the examination table and he wiped off one last drop of cum and then got dressed. We hugged and kissed and I watched him leave.

I walked back to my office to do the two reports for the mill. They went fast with a preform they had emailed me. I soon was emailing both report forms to the HR Department at the paper mill.

I walked up front and Shirley was getting ready to leave. I told her to have a great weekend and she told me the same. She told she would check and lock the clinic.

I got home before Graham. He didn't tell me he would be late. Maybe was surprising me with another take out lunch. Or maybe he was just running late.

Mabel was gone and I went upstairs and put a robe and sandals on. I was going to remind Graham, we should call our parents on Wednesday, since that was Parent's Day. Even though we weren't celebrating until the weekend. I poured myself a glass of refreshment, grabbed the daily paper and walked down to the pool. I thought I'd take a quick check in the pool changing room. Make sure it was clean and not a garbage collection bin. I walked in and it looked clean. The gardener probably hosed it down every once in awhile. There was a large shower in the changing room along with a stone bench and a wall of lockers. I walked back out to the lounger.

I sipped on my refreshment and just daydreamed. What a physical with Brody and then Rick wanted to get together again. God, how lucky could I get in one day. But I always had my rock by my side and I wouldn't do anything to jeopardize Graham and my relationship. If Rick wanted to come over Graham would know about it. And it would have to be okay with Graham, or it wouldn't happen. The same thing with Brody.

I just layed here and waited for Graham. I looked over the paper and nothing interesting. Checked the sports and the two college football teams we liked to watch were first and second in their division. It was nice to see that. We hadn't been able to watch many of their games. Most of the time they were blacked out here and we had to watch other teams play.

I heard Graham and I saw him walk down to the pool with a glass of refreshment. He gave me a kiss and set his refreshment down on a table. "How were your physicals today?"

"Very good and interesting. My first physical went well. And the guys name was Rick. He liked the physical, especially the prostate exam and when I checked his big balls for abnormalities. He wanted to do more but I had another physical after Rick. I gave him one of my business cards and told him he could call and I could do a checkup here. Of course if that is okay with you?"

"Of course it's okay with me. Just let me know so I'm here when he comes. I'd like to meet him and maybe we could have a three way. Who was your other physical?"

"Brody was my last physical. And that was pretty hot. He had me fuck him on the examination table and then he gave me a great blow job. He always to start coming over once in awhile."

"That great. Brody is a pretty hot dude. I wouldn't mind getting it on with him. Let me know when he wants to come over and I'm sure the three of us can have a good time."

Graham and I didn't do much over the weekend. I had a couple of things I wanted to pick up at the mall. So I made my purchases and we ate at the Chinese Restaurant and ordered some carry out.

On Sunday I reminded Graham we should call our parents on Wednesday and thank them for being such good parents. Wednesday is Parent's Day. I also told Graham I had called Sam so that a limousine could take our mothers to the spa for the make over Saturday and Sunday.

Graham told me it looked like everything was set for next weekend. Graham told me his mom had called him and they were coming down late afternoon on Friday and stay with us.

Monday arrived and we worked out with our friends. Ate a big breakfast and we all took off for work. Monday went well and Graham said he wasn't swamped with work and could join me for lunch.

This week I had a break from physicals. Next week would start the policemen firemen and rescue workers. I was looking forward to that.

The morning went fast and soon I was walking to the diner for lunch. I saw Graham's car parked in front of the diner. And he was sitting at our favorite table and talking to Millie. I walked in and took a seat across from Graham. "Glad you could join me for lunch."

"Me too babe. All our clients construction is underway and Preston and I have a little break before something else comes up. Mark and Irving are doing a terrific job and it's starting to ease up Preston and my workload. Which is rewarding."

"I'm glad to hear that Graham. So you will be coming home at regular hours?"

"I plan on it, unless something unexpected comes up. But I don't see that happening right now."

Millie came over and asked me what the most handsome man in the diner would like. I told her a black coffee. I asked Graham what he was having for lunch and he told me the special. I told Millie I would also have the special. She told me she would be right back with my coffee.

It was nice to relax with Graham in the diner and be rushed to get back to work. I was on a tighter schedule than Graham. And I needed to stick to a one hour lunch break.

Millie came with my coffee and she set a insulated thermos of coffee on the table for us. She took a seat talked with us for a few minutes. Until the bell rang, signaling an order was ready to be picked up.

While Millie was sitting with us. I reminded her that she was due for a gynecology exam. Millie got a big smile on her face. And told me she would get it scheduled today. She could hardly wait. I gave her such a good exam the last time. I could feel myself getting red and Graham was chuckling. Millie left to bring us our lunch special.

"So you give a good gynecology exam? If it's anything like your prostate exams. I'm sure your a big hit with the ladies."

"Very funny Graham. I don't do that many gynecology exam anymore with the gynecologist in the new professional building. He probably has bigger fingers than me."

"Besides I stay busy enough, without doing many gynecology exams. Thank you very much."

I saw Millie coming over with lunch. Thank god. With Graham's mouth full of food, maybe he'd drop the gynecology topic.

The special was meatloaf, home made, mashed potatoes and gravy and fresh sweet corn. The lunch was good. Very tasty. You could tell it was homemade.

Graham and I finished lunch and we had another cup of coffee. Graham ordered apple pie with ice cream for dessert. I passed on dessert. We finished our coffee and Graham finished his dessert. I paid the bill and Graham left Millie a tip.

We left the diner. It was starting to fill up. Probably the lunch bunch. I stood by the side of Graham's car and we hugged and kissed. And I walked back to the clinic and saw Graham drive off to his office building.

The afternoon seemed to go fast. That was okay with me. I liked my work. But sometimes, having just a regular day was nice, without anything unexpected happening.

It was closing time and I finished my last patient right at five and took off for home. I arrived before Graham.

We didn't do much Monday and Tuesday. Wednesday when I got home from work. I got changed and was lounging by the pool. I picked up my cell phone and called my mother. I knew she would be home. She picked answered right away. "Hi Robert. Nice to hear from you."

"I wanted to wish you and dad a Happy Parent's Day."

"Thank you. That was very thoughtful. Do you have everything ready for you men's fishing trip?"

"Everything is ready mom. And Graham and I have everything ready for you and Graham's mothers make over Saturday and Sunday."

"That's wonderful. I'm really looking forward to having a complete make over. You boys sure know how to makes mothers happy."

"We try mom. We try. Is dad home?"

"No Robert. He's going to be working late today. He's having a busy day with a couple of new clients."

"I'm not going to call and bother him. Maybe when he gets home, you can tell him I called and wished him a Happy Parent's Day. I'll do that dear and thanks for calling."

"Your welcome mom. Always nice talking to you."

I'm glad my mom was looking forward to her make over. I was wondering where Graham was. He should be home by home.

I walked up and poured myself another glass of refreshement. I heard the kitchen door to the garage open. And my husband walked in.

Graham asked me, "do you always greet your guests naked?"

"Only the special ones babe."

We kissed and hugged and Graham went upstairs to change. I told him I'd have a cold beer waiting for him at the pool.

He came down just wearing sandals with a towel draped over his shoulders. He was so handsome. I was lucky to have him as my husband.

I told Graham I had talked to my mom and wished her and dad a Happy Parent's Day. Graham told he should call his parents too.

Graham chugged down half his beer and then I saw him pick up cell phone. "Hi Graham, so nice to hear from you."

"Hi mom. I wanted to wish you and and dad a Happy Parent's Day."

"Thank you Graham. That was very thoughtful. Your father isn't home and he's going to have a long day. I'll tell him you called and wished him a Happy Parent's Day."

"Thanks mom. Also, everything is ready for you and Bob's mom for your make overs, Saturday and Sunday."

"That's wonderful. I'm really looking forward to a complete make over and spending some time with Bev. She's such a nice lady and I'm glad we've become good friends."

"Me too mom. And tell dad everything is ready for our fishing trip."

"I'll do that son. And thank you so much for calling. We're looking forward to seeing you and Bob on Friday."

I was watching and trying to pick up on and Graham's conversation. He finished his call and looked over at him and he said, "they're looking forward to this coming weekend."

I just remembered I needed to remind Mabel to have the second master bedroom for Graham's parents Friday.

Graham chugged down his beer and he walked over and got another. I told Graham I was going to get dinner ready. He said to wait and he'd go with me and help.

Two of us, it didn't take long to get dinner warmed and we ate at the breakfast nook. We didn't do much the rest of the day.

Thursday rolled around and when we went upstairs after working out. I told Mabel Graham's parents were coming Friday and if she could have the adjoining master bedroom freshened and ready for them. She told me no problem. She would take care of it.

When I got home from work Thurdsay, I called Sam to confirm that everything was ready. He told me not to worry and everything was taken care of. I thanked him.

Graham arrived home and I told him about calling Sam, and that everything was ready for Saturday and Sunday. I knew the limousine would be a nice surprise. And I thought about having the caterers bring over a couple of appetizer trays for our mothers, early Saturday morning before they went to the spa. I thought they might like that. I told Graham about that, and he thought that was a good idea.

We had a delicious dinner and then watched some football in the living room. One of our favorite college teams was playing. We enjoyed the game and went upstairs and made love until the wee hours of the morning. Until we realized what time it was and thought we better try to get a few hours sleep.

Friday morning rolled around and I felt a little tired. I was glad we worked only a half day. Mabel told me she would finish getting the second master bedroom for Graham's parents. I thanked her and we all left for work.

Friday went quick and I was glad. I was feeling more tired after only about three or four hours of sleep. I was going to take a nap when I got home.

Graham and I arrived home at almost the same time. Graham looked tired too. We decided to take a nap after Mabel left. Mabel was busy getting extra food ready for all of us. She told me the master bedroom was ready. I thanked her and told her to have a nice weekend. Graham and I were tired and were going to take a nap. Mabel told us she would let herself out when she finished and set the alarm. She told us to our enjoy our fishing trip and she wanted to hear all about it Monday morning.

It didn't take Graham and me long to fall asleep. I set the alarm just in case. So we didn't sleep too long.

I woke up hungry and looked at the alarm and it was after four thirty. Graham was still sleeping. So I quietly got out of bed and put a robe on and went downstairs. I fixed myself a sandwich. It was enough to tide my over until we all ate dinner together. I was thinking Graham's parents should be arriving soon. And I wondered if I should wake up Graham. Until I heard mumbling and grumbling coming down the stairs. "Did you get a good rest babe?"

"I did, but my stomach started rumbling and it woke me up."

"I just ate a sandwich to tide me over until your parents get here. How does that sound?"

"Sounds good. Will you make me a sandwich?"

"Of course. One hot ham and cheese sandwich coming up."

While the sandwich was warming. I fixed a setting for Graham at the kichen island. "What do you want to drink babe?"

"A glass of refreshment would taste good. I poured Graham his glass of refreshment and put his sandwich on a little plate with a napkin. In about three bites the sandwich had disappeared. "I think someone is hungry?"

"You know it babe. But I can wait until my parents get here and we can all eat dinner together."

We thought we should go upstairs and put some clothes on before Graham's parents arrived. We put cargo shorts tshirts and sandals on. It felt strange to be wearing so many clothes.

We went down to the living room where we could hear the speaker. Graham's parents didn't know how to open the gate from the outside. The button for the gate was hidden and seemed to work out well. So far, we hadn't had any unwanted guests.

Graham turned the tv on and we watched the news and weather. It was already going on six and we thought they should be hear by now. Graham said he would wait a few more minutes and if they didn't arrive, he was going to call his mom.

Consequently, we heard the speaker and Graham got up and opened the gate and a garage stall. He watched his dad drive in and then park in the garage. Graham and I walked out to the garage. We greeted each other and Graham's dad opened the trunk. Graham and I took out their bags and told his parents to follow us into the house.

We went upstairs to the second master bedroom and set their bags on a couple of suitcase holders. Graham's mom said she would put things away. She said what a large bedroom. Graham showed his parents the bathroom. The walkin closet and the dresser. His mom said they would have more room than they needed. She told us go ahead downstairs while she put things away.

Graham's dad seemed quite jovial. I was glad for Graham. I knew they had had their differences at one time. But it now seemed they were getting along fine. We walked up to the sunroom and Graham's dad really liked the room. Especially the parrots. I told Graham to go downstairs and tell his mom we were up in the sunroom while I showed Graham's dad around. He told me it had quite a tropical feel. Almost like being in the Bahamas. I told him that was the idea. This sunroom was a birthday persent to Graham after our first time in the Bahamas. I showed him the little stream that wandered around through the lush tropical plants. Then showed him the massage room. And we ended at the tiki bar. I asked Graham's dad if he wanted something to drink. He said a cold beer would hit the spot. I poured us a cold beer in chilled glasses. He like the glass chiller. We sat at a round table, rather than loungers. I heard Graham and his mom coming. I asked Graham's mom what she would like to drink. She said a glass of wine would be nice and I knew what Graham wanted. I asked her if she preferred white or red wine. She said a glass of white wine would be nice. So I poured her a glass of our favorite white wine that was chilled. And poured Graham a beer in a chilled glass. We all sat down at a round table.

We all clinked our glasses together and said, "cheers," almost in unison. Graham's dad and mom started asking us all kinds of question about Saturday and Sunday. We told them it wouldn't be a surprise if we told them. They would have to wait to see what happened.

Graham asked his parents if they had eaten dinner. They said no. They drove straight here. I said why do you three chat and I'll go downstairs and get dinner ready for us.

Graham gave me a wink when I got up and I told them I'd be back when dinner was ready.

I pulled out the containers from the frig. Mabel has left some instructions about warmed the food, salmon and some kind of special sauce she had made for over the top of the salmon. It smelled good and the sauce looked like it had mango in it. I got everything warmed according to Mabel's instructions and set the dining room table. Lit the candles and set the food in serving dishes on the table. I walked up to the sunroom and told everyone that dinner was ready.

We all walked down to the dining room. I had the dinner on the dining room table in some of our more elegant serving dishes.Graham's parent sat across the table from Graham and me. I told Graham's parents to go ahead. Graham's mother took the cover off the large silver platter and served her and her husband the salmon. Then Graham's mother served Graham and me. I told her the sauce was for on top of the salmon. Mabel said she made it special. It smelled delicious. Graham's mother spooned large tablespoon of the sauce on each other our's salmon. There was a fresh garden salad. The we dished up in a separate bowl. I placed our favorite salad dressing and croutons for anyone that wanted them. Mabel had also made homemade bread and dinner rolls. We each had a dinner roll.

Everything was excellent and Graham's parents were commending Mabel on an excellent dinner. The sauce was very good on the salmon. It was the first time for all of us having that sauce. It tasted like mango with orange and some herbs thrown in. We all drank white wine with our dinner. Even Graham and his father. We all enjoyed our dinner. Graham helped me clear the table and I brought out a homemade apple pie and homemade danish for dessert. I also brought out a carafe of coffee.

We drank coffee and enjoyed the dessert. I had a danish as well as Graham's mother. Graham and his dad had a slice of apple pie. We finished and I told them to relax and I would put everything away. I heard Graham and his parents talking and they walked into the living room.

I finished putting everything away and cleaned the kitchen. Got the dishwasher going and joined everyone in the living room. I reminded everyone we would be leaving at eight in the morning. Graham's mother told me that wouldn't be a problem. They were used to getting up early. I told he the same was true for Graham and me. We got up early to exercise before work.

We took our coffee with us and walked out to the backyard. Graham's parents wanted to take a look around. Graham's mother said, "you boys know this backyard is something you'd see on tv or in some home and garden magazines. This backyard is really something else." We walked around drinking our coffee. They liked the full sized palm trees and all the different tropical plants. We walked around the pool and thenthe hot tub. We followed some of the little tiled paths that wound around the fish pools and a little stream from the waterfall that kept the fish pools full. I pointed out the grotto and then we ended at the pergola. We all sat down in regular chairs. It was nice to be in the shade.

Graham's dad said, "you boys really have quite a house here. Nobody would realize from the street what was hidden behind the gate and stone walls."

We went back inside to watch the late news and weather and then we were going to go to bed. Nothing much of interest on the news. According to the forecast, it looked like a nice weekend for our fishing trip. I hoped the weather would hold out. The weather finished and we all got up to go to bed. We all walked together upstairs and into our separate bedroom. Everyone wished each other a good night.

Our alarm went off at six. We took a quick shower and got into our clothes we were going to wear to the state park. Our overnight bags were packed and I made sure I had the printout of the confirmation.

We took our bags downstairs and put them in the foyer. Graham and I started making breakfast. I heard Graham's parents coming downstairs. "Did you get a good sleep?"

Graham's mom said, "I had the best sleep I've had in a long time. That bed is really comfortable."

I noticed they had their overnight bags. I told Graham's father to put the bags with ours. I told them breakfast would be ready in a couple of minutes. I thought we could eat at the breakfast nook. I told Graham's dad the daily paper was on the kitchen island if he wanted to look it over. They sat down at the breakfast nook. I brought fresh coffee and orange juice and set it down for them. Graham took a seat at the breakfast nook and was talking to his parents. Breakfast was finished and I set everything on the breakfast nook table. We took our time eating breakfast. And Graham's mom complimented us on a good breakfast. I felt pleased. Graham's mom is a very good cook.

We finished eating and I told Graham to take his parent's outside while I finished in the kitchen. I saw them walk outside and they took a seat at small table under the covered part of the patio. By the barbecue island.

I got everything put away in the kitchen and joined Graham and his parents. They seemed excited about this weekend. I had hoped so. We had put a lot of time into trying to make everything just right for this weekend. I had slipped a bottle of our favorite white wine into Graham's mothers overnight bag. I thought the mom's would like that.

I checked the time and told everyone I thought we should get going. I wanted to be at the state park as close to nine as possible. We picked up our overnight bags to stow in the back of the SUV. Graham's mother said, "what is this bottle of wine sticking out of my overnight bag."

"I thought you and mom might like the wine."

"Well thank you Bob. I'm sure we will enjoy the wine."

I made sure the alarm system was set and we all climbed into the SUV. Graham sat up front with me and his parents sat in the seat behind us.

Off we went and I called my parents from the SUV. I had a phone system in my SUV. My dad answer and I told him that we were on our way. He thanked and said they were ready for us.

It didn't take long to get to my parents, even though they are on the other side of town. I pulled up to the front of the house. And I saw my parents at the front door. We got out and Graham took out his mother's overnight bag. We all walked up to the front doors. We all shook and the mom's kissed each other on the cheek and said how nice it was to see each other. I told my mom there was a bottle of white wine in Graham's mothers overnight bag. I took my dad's overnight bag and stowed it in the back of the SUV with our bags. Graham and I had picked up a case of beer. I saw my dad had his suitcase bar with him. I put that in the back of the SUV also.

We all kissed and hugged and said our goodbyes. Us guys told the mom's to enjoy their makeover and we couldn't wait to see how they looked when we got back tomorrow.

I took off and soon we were on highway eight going west to the state park. My dad said he had been at the state park many years ago and had forgotten about it.

We all didn't talk much. Maybe the other men were tired. I pulled up the main gate at the state park and showed my confirmation letter. The park ranger checked some kind of ledger or scheduling book. He took out a sticker and told me this was good for the two day we would be here. He told me to be sure to keep the sticker on the dash where it could be seen or it could be put onto the windshield. He told me wait here while he called Andy, to take us to our cabins. We waited a couple of minutes and I heard a four wheeler coming. I remembered Andy from our first time to the park. He got off the SUV and greeted us and welcomed us to the park and told me to follow him. I followed Andy as he maneuvered around the streets or whatever you wanted to call the covered paths. Soon he stopped and I pulled up behind him. We got out of the SUV. Andy pointed out the big cabin. And the middle sized cabin that was close to the big cabin. I pulled out our dad's overnight bags and dads suitcase bar. Graham and I waited while he took our dad's to the cabin. They walked in and Andy must have been showing them around. I saw him put the keys on the kitchen table. He came out with a big smile on his face. "Nice to see you guys. I was wondering if you would be back."

"We thought this was the perfect place to celebrate Parent's Day. Those are our dads and we planned a fishing trip here."

"You picked a good spot for fishing. Let me show you your cabin and then I can explain about fishing in the state park." We took our bags out and followed Andy to the medium sized cabin. He opened the door and we walked in. The cabin was nice. A small kitchen and dining room. A nice sized living room with a fireplace. A large bedroom with a king sized bed and en suite bathroom. With a nice sized shower. Also, a nice sized closet. Enough room for our clothes.

We walked back to the living room and we all sat down. I noticed a nice sized bulge in Andy's ranger pants. He had his legs spread wide. I didn't know if he was doing that on purpose. "Let me explain about our fishing policy here at the state park. He pulled out a brochure. Everything I'm going to tell you is explained in this brochure. Since your at a state park. They are no game wardens. We are the game wardens. There is no limit on how fish you can catch. However, we ask the you only take adult fish and through small fish back into the lake. You can rent a fishing boat for the day. Or in your case, you can rent a fishing boat for two days. It come with an outboard motor for trolling. There is a bait shop and all the fishing gear you could want. The fishing gear can be rented per day. The bait you need to purchase. Because everyone has their preference on what kind of bait they like to use for fishing. Our lake is stocked every two years. It's all freshwater fish. We have northern pike. Walleye bass and sunfish. If your lucky enough you might catch a lake trout. But trout fishing is a whole other ball game. Like I said this is all explained in this brochure I'll leave you guys."

"What about drinking at the state park?"

"You are free to drink in your cabins. Or outside next to your cabins. No drinking while fishing. Our dining room serves alcoholic beverages for lunch and dinner. They also have on/off sale for liquor purchases. Any other questions?"

Graham and I looked at each other and shook our heads no.

"Enjoy your stay and when I'm off duty. I might come over and join you guys for awhile. We can't fraternize with our guests while we are working. But when we are off work. We are free to socialize as much as we want."

<"We'll look forward to that Andy. Be nice to have someone closer to our age to hang out with."

Andy shook our hands and we heard him take off on his four wheeler. Graham I hauled in our large cooler of beer. We had he beer on ice. We weren't sure of the arrangements in the cabin. We put our clothes away and thought we should check on our dads and see how they were doing.

We knocked on their cabin door. My dad opened the door and told us to come in. Their cabin was big. Probably about twice the size of our cabin. They had a big kitchen with a pantry. Large dining room. A big back deck with a barbeque that looked out to the woods and the mountains. A large living room. Similar to ours with a big stone fireplace. There were two good sized bedroom with there own en suite bathroom closet and dresser and tv.

Graham and I plopped ourselves down on the big sectional in front of the fireplace. Soon Graham's dad came out of his bedroom and told us we had really done a good job on finding this state park. He joined us on the sectional. Then my dad came out of his bedroom and joined us. He said almost the same thing as Graham's dad, that we found gem for this fishing trip.

I told our dad's what Andy had told us about the rentals and bait shop. Also, the policy on drinking. We didn't see any problem with that. Dad said he brought his portable bar. I hadn't noticed before, but kind of tucked away in the corner by the fireplace was a corner bar. I walked over and it was stocked with everything you could think of. There was a mini frig. It looked like apartment size. Filled with soft drinks beer orange juice and water. There was a note on the front of the frig. Compliments of the state park. If we needed anything else, they had a number to call fora refill. I asked the men what they wanted to drink. We all agreed on a beer and then thought we should walk around and get familiar where different areas were located.

We chugged down our beer and decide to walk around. We had a map in one of our brochures. I located our cabins on the map. And I told them to follow me. We arrived at the welcome station information center and dining room. We walked in and it was huge on the inside. Much bigger than it looked from the outside. We peeked into the dining room and it was large and kind of wound around that side of the building. The welcome center and information counter was huge. We looked at the large map of the park in the a glass display case. There was an arrow pointing to where we were located. I found our cabins again and located the path to take to the bait shop and boat rentals.

We left the welcome center and followed the path to the bait shop. It was a little hike to get to the bait shop. I saw Andy's four wheeler parked by the bait shop. We all walked in and looked around. You could smell the bait and they had a big wall with all the different fishing gear to rent. I asked the young man about renting fishing boats. He took us outside and showed us what they had. He told us what two boats he recommended for four of us. We picked out the boat we wanted to use for the two days. He recommended if we wanted to go fishing today. We wait until the middle of the afternoon when the sun starts going down. He said the fishing is better then. He took out a brochure that showed the lake. The lake was good size. He marked spots on the lake that were good for still fishing. And then marked some places that were good for trolling. We thanked him. I tucked the brochure into my shirt pocket. I didn't see Andy. I was a little disappointed. We walked out and then I saw Andy down by the fishing boats. I walked over to him and said hi and told him which boat we had decided on. I thought I saw him give his crotch a squeeze and adjust himself. He looked like he had a nice sized bulge. I pretended like I hadn't noticed. I told him, Graham and I were looking forward to him visiting later. He smiled and told me he got off work at six. And would head over to our cabin around nine. To give us plenty of time to fish and eat dinner. He said the staff, that was single, had their own cabins here at the state park. I told him again that we looked forward to seeing him later.

I joined the guys and told them I was talking to a park ranger that I knew. I gave Graham a wink when our dads weren't looking. It was just after twelve thirty and we were all hungry. So we walked back to the welcome center and walked to the dining room. A nice looking young lady was our host. I saw she had four menus and told us to follow here. We had table close to a huge fireplace. A waiter came over and asked us if we would like something to drink before we ordered our lunch. We all agreed on beer. I was surprised to see my dad drinking beer. The waiter came back with four large chilled beer steins. The cold beer tasted good. But I was missing Mabel's refreshment.

The waiter asked us if we were ready to order or if we needed a few minutes. We told him we hadn't even looked at the menu. If he could come back in a few minutes.

I thought I would splurge on the fat and calories and have a double cheeseburger with fries. My dad ordered a sirloin with some kind of a mushroom sauce. Graham's dad ordered a salisbury steak and Graham ordered like me. He ordered a double cheese and bacon burger with fries.

We talked some more and I showed the men the brochure the young man at the bait shop gave me about the best fishing spots. We thought we'd start with trolling then as it got later do some still fishing. Since there was no limit, we hoped we caught a lot of keepers.

The waiter brought our lunch. Everything was very good. We ate in record time. I think we were anxious to start fishing. Nobody ordered dessert. Graham surprised me. I got the waiters attention and asked him for the bill. He told us our meals were on the house. I asked him who was paying for our meals. He said he was sorry, but he couldn't tell us.

I left the waiter a tip. I had an idea of who might be paying for our meals. I would find out later.

It was still a little early to go fishing. We all went out on the back deck. There were adirondack chairs on the back deck. The dads and Graham had another beer. I drank a bottled water. I told them I was going back to our cabin to get changed for fishing. They all thought that was a good idea. And we went to our cabins to change.

I was going to open our cabin door when I spotted a note on our door. I took the note off. It said, "did you enjoy your lunch?" No signature, but I still had an idea of whom it might be from. We went inside our cabin and closed and locked the door. Graham pulled me into a hug and kiss. "I've missed you."

"I've missed you to babe."

We got changed into jeans and a pull over shirt. We wore deck shoes and thought we were ready to catch some fish. I made sure I had our cabin key and we left to join our dads.

They soon came out of their cabin and joined us. We followed the path to the bait shop. We went inside and decided on what we were going to rent and what kind of bait we wanted. We wouldn't need any bait for trolling. We were going to use spinners. The ranger working the bait shop came out and showed us about using the outboard motor. He said it had a full tank of gas that should last us. We loaded our fishing gear into the boat and our bait. Graham's dad was going to run the outboard motor. I took the map out and showed him the closest spot for trolling. We took off for the first trolling spot.

Our moms were surprised when a limousine from the hotel stopped in front of the house to take them to the spa. Graham's mom said, "those boys are treating us royalty."

"They sure are. But we deserve the best."

They both laughed. The chaffeur pulled up in front of the spa and opened the back door for the ladies. The owner of the spa greeted the moms when they entered. The owner was the same lady that did Bob's mother. "You two ladies are in for a big surprise. Your sons went all out for the two of you. The spa is closed today and tomorrow and will only be open for you two ladies. So let's get started."

The moms followed the owner into the back where they were going to get a full body massage first. Then a facial pedicure and manicure. After your pedicure and manicure. You are both getting a new hairstyle that will fit your make over."

"Sounds like a full day?"

"It will be a full day today and tomorrow. I hope you ladies are up for it?"

"We're ready to be babied and pampered."

"You will get plenty of that."

Two massage therapists got started on the moms. The moms didn't know they were also getting a complete new wardrobe. Bob and Graham had called the seamstress in the strip mall and gave the lady their mom's sizes and what they would like made. The seamstress called the spa and talked to the owner to get a better idea of what their make over would could consist of. It gave her a better idea of the new clothes to make for them.

The men arrived at the first spot for trolling and Graham's dad slowed the boat down. They had their fishing poles ready and dropped the lines into the water while they trolled along. They didn't get any hits and Bob showed Graham's dad the next closest spot for trolling. He said let's just keep going here. We will be reaching the next trolling spot. Bob's dad got a hit on his fishing pole and Graham's dad cut the motor. Bob's dad slowly reeled in the line and let some out and kept getting the fish closer to the boat. Graham was closest to Bob's dad and he had the net ready. Soon the fish popped out of the water and Graham was able to get the net underneath the fish. Graham hauled it in the boat and it was a nice sized walleye. They would be able to keep the walleye. It looked to be about four or five pounds. They stored the fish in an open container that was provided at the bait shop and then slung it over the side of the boat. So the fish would get fresh water.

The rest of our day was kind of up and down. I didn't catch any fish. Not even a bite or hit. Graham and his dad both caught a couple of nice bass. So we had caught three nice fish. Graham's dad pulled into the dock and we got out and took our gear back to the bait shop. And the ranger working, asked how we did fishing. We told we had caught three nice keepers. The ranger told us they would clean and fillet our fish if we wanted them to. We told them that would be great. We didn't really have a place for cleaning fish. Once the fish are ready I will bring them up to your cabin. "Do you know what cabin we are in?"

"Yes, the two older men are in one of our big cabins. And you younger guys are in a medium sized cabin, close to the big cabin."

Once we finished in the bait shop. We told the ranger we were going to change and get some dinner. He asked us if we would like our fresh caught fish for dinner. We told him no. We wanted to keep the fish in the freezer. And see how we did tomorrow.

We walked back to our cabins and we got changed into something a little casual. Since this was a state park. We didn't need to wear dress clothes.

We all got changed at about the same time and walked over to the welcome center and into the dining room.

We finished our first day at the spa. And thanked the owner and looked forward to tomorrow. The owner told us we would really like tomorrow. Bev and I already felt different. Felt better and looked so different. The professional make up artist really did an awesome job on us and showed us how to apply the makeup she used. We were both given a complimentary set of the makeup she used. She told us not to apply any makeup when we came tomorrow. She would show one more time on how to apply the makeup.

The chaffeur was outside waiting for us. He opened the back door and we got in and he drove us back to Bev and John's house. What a house they had. It was much bigger than our house and exquisitely decorated. In fact, I was afraid of breaking something. I felt more comfortable in my own house. Where I go walk around with ease and worry about bumping into something or breaking something. But Bev was being an excellent hostess and made me feel very comfortable.

Once we got back to the house. We went into the sunroom and she told one of the staff to bring us each a flute of white wine.

A different hostess greeted us and took us to a table close to the large fireplace again. She told us our waiter would be here in a couple of minutes. The waiter came dinner menus and asked us what we would like to drink. Our dads ordered beer as well as Graham. I asked the waiter what they had for a refreshment. He told me lemonade iced tea and fruit punch. I told I'd take an iced tea unsweetened.

While we waited on our beverages, we talked about our day fishing. We all agreed it was nice to be out on the lake. Even though I didn't catch anything, I still enjoyed my time. Our dad's said we need to do this again. Just us men on a fishing trip. This is a great spot. And there is no limit on the amount of fish you can catch. We looked around and noticed a lot of people eating fish. I noticed a buffet setup and it looked like they were serving fish. Probably fish from the lake.

Our waiter came with our drinks and handed us each a dinner menu. He said there was also a fish buffet if we didn't want anything off the menu. We told him we'd check over the menu and then let him know.

He left and we looked over the menu. It had a good variety of fish steak seafood and chicken. We all said a rib eye steak sounded good. We could eat fish when we got home. Just divide what we caught amonst the four of us. Hopefully, we'll have a better day fishing tomorrow.

Our waiter came back and we give him our order. The guys ordered another beer and I took a refill on my ice tea.

Dinner came and it was delicious. Who would have thought a rustic restaurant in a state park, could serve steak like this. It was just as good as Milo's steak. We took our time eating, enjoying each bite. The waiter came back to our table and we told him to complment the chef. The steak was delicious. He asked us if we would like dessert. We asked him what they had. He said apple and blueberry pie, chocolate cake pecan tarts and a coconut cream pie.

My dad ordered apple pie. Graham's dad ordered blueberry pie and Graham and I both had a pecan tart and a piece of coconut cream pie. Again, the dessert was very good. The waiter said the desserts were made here fresh every morning the kitchen. I got ready to pay the bill and he told us that our meals were on the house. The dada left the waiter a tip and we left to the big cabin.

It was just after seven. After being out in the fresh weather and on the lake all day. It was a little tiring. We all sat out on the back deck and watched the birds going in and out of a birdhouse and a bird feeder. The mountains were very majestic and looked like they were snow capped. The guys had another beer and I opted for a bottled water. My dad asked me, "Bob you used to drink beer all the time. What's up?"

"I just realized I was drinking too much beer. And even with my exercise, was started to get a little stomach. So I backed off on the beer and drink refreshments at home and sometimes a glass of wine."

It was after eight thirty and Graham and I told our dad's we might have a visitor in a few minutes so we need to get back to our cabin. The dad's thanked us for a nice time and were looking forward to tomorrow. They told us to have fun and would see us tomorrow morning for breakfast.

Graham and I walked back to our cabin. I stuck the note in my shirt pocket and was also going to ask Andy about our meals on the house. I noticed a door that went out to the back. I hadn't noticed that door before. I asked Graham if knew about this door and he said no. It was the first time he saw it. I opened the door and we had a little deck on the back corner of the cabin. Enough room for two people and with a little maneuvering, you might be able to fit four people in small chairs. We took a seat out there. There wasn't a lot to see, but it was cool out and felt good to be sitting outside. All we needed was a pool and we'd be all set.

Graham got us a beer and we were talking about the day. I heard a knock on the door and told Graham I would answer the door. I opened the door and Andy came in. I shook hands and told him we were sitting on the back deck. He said, "you found the deck?"

"It' not big, but enough room for us." I noticed Andy was wearing short like us and a nice pull over shirt and sandals. That noticeable bulge was showing in the front of his shorts. I was wondering if he was going commando or if he was that big.

I told Andy that Graham and I were having a beer on the deck, if he wanted to join us. He said sure, a beer sounded good. I told him go out to the deck and visit with Graham while I got him a beer.

I walked out to the deck and apologized to Andy that we didn't have any beer glasses. He told me out of the can was fine. I had a napking wrapped around the can. We clinked our cans together and said, "cheers."

"It's nice meeting you Andy. And Graham want to thank you for everything. Our cabins are perfect and we had a so so day fishing. I didn't catch anything, but the other guys each caught one fish. So it wasn't a shut out. We're hoping to have better luch tomorrow."

"At least most of you caught fish. With the warmer weather the fish aren't biting like they usually do. I would recommend going to the far end of the lake. That is the deepest part of the lake and the water will be the coolest there. You should have better luck fishing."

Andy was sitting with his legs spread and you could see a big bulge on one side of his crotch. I had to force myself not to look. "Thanks for the advice Andy. We will definitely try the far end of the lake." I took the note out of my shirt pocket. "You wouldn't know anything about this would you?"

Andy got a smile on his face. "I'm guilty as charged. I had to be a little discrete. I put the note on your door while I was still working. I didn't want to get into trouble, so I wasn't specific."

"No problem. I just wanted to be sure it was from you. Since we're on that topic. Would you know anything about all our meals being on the house?"

"Again, guilty as charged. We get perks we can use for friends and relatives when they stay at the park, since I don't have any family and I consider you guys friends, I thought I'd use some of my perks and have your meals paid for."

"That's very generous of you Andy. You don't really know us. And what's this about not having any family, if you don't mind talking about it?"

"I don't mind talking about it. But I could use another beer to help me compose myself."

Graham got up and got Andy another beer and anothe for himself and came back out.

"Andy started. I used to not be able to talk about this. But since it's been years. It's easier now. I'm an only child. My parents were killed when I was senior in high school in a plane disaster. I received a large settlement from the airlines and I wouldn't have to work if I didn't want to. But I couldn't see myself just sitting around the house. So here I am a park ranger. My dad was a very rude and outspoken man and never got along with his brothers and sisters and his in-laws. So I never meWE t my aunts uncles and cousins."

I thought I saw a tear in the corner of Andy's eye. "Let's stand up and get into a group hug. I think you'll feel better Andy."

"Thanks I needed that. I don't remember the last time I was hugged. It's mostly all men that work here. I wasn't big on dating and if I can be honest with you guys, I was actually more interested in the guys. But was always too afraid to do anything. Putting the note on your door was the bravest thing I've ever done. I hope I wasn't being too forward?"

"Not at all Andy and I'm glad you thought about being open with Graham and me on your time off. If there is anything we can do to help you, just let us know."

"Thanks guys, just telling you all that is like a big load has been lifted off me. I knew I could trust you guys with my story."

"We appreciate you feeling comfortable in telling us about you. Now I'll tell you a little about us. Graham and I are partners husbands and soulmates. We have a tight group of friends that we like to fool around with at times. We don't mind being with someone else as long as the other knows about it. We did some dating in high school and college, but mainly for appearance. It was never anything serious. When Graham moved back to our hometown, we renewed our friendship and it kept growing until we became a couple."

"Thanks for telling me that Bob. I had my suspicions, but I'm not good at reading people."

"How about if we go inside and get more comfortable and see what happens?"

We got up and took our beer with us and walked into the living and all sat down on the large sofa next to each other. I checked the two outside doors and they were locked. I sat back down next Andy. Graham turned the tv on for some background noise. Graham and I put an arm around Andy and gave him a hug. He just seemed to melt into our arms. He was needing a lot of affection and attention. He probably had been living by himself for a long time without any real friends or close contacts. Andy turned and gave me a kiss on the cheek and then turned and gave Graham a kiss on the cheek.

"Thanks guys. I really needed that. I haven't been close to anyone since I don't know when. I hope we can become friends?"

"I think we already are friends. What would you like to do? We don't want to force anything on you, you don't want to do?"

"That leaves alot of possibilities. I'd like to try everything. The closest I've come to having a relationship is by looking at porn on the computer, which just seems a little too unrealistic for me. And my trusty right hand. I'm a pretty sad case, right?"

"Not at all Andy. You just haven't had the right opportunities until now. We'd be glad to help you and show and do a few things to you if that is okay. If we do something you don't like, just tell us and we'll stop."

"That sound fair enough. I'm anxious to get started."

Graham and I chuckled at Andy's enthusiasm. "Let's all stand up." I don't think Graham was sure what I wanted to do. "Let' slowly undress each other."

"Andy, why don't you help Bob and me out of our clothes. Then when you finish with us. We'll get you out of your clothes."

Andy was nervous. It was obvious he had never done this before. He started with Graham and slid his shirt off. Then he slid my shirt. We kicked our sandals off. He undid Graham's belt and unloosened the top button of his shorts and pulled the zipper down. I could see Graham's bulge. Pushing at the front of his shorts. Then Andy undid the belt of my shorts and undid the top button and pulled the zipper down. I was bulging just like Graham. Andy was nervous when it got down to the good part. His hands were shaking and he was trembling. "Andy, relax and take some deep breaths. Everything is ok. Just take your time, your doing fine."

Andy seemed to be composing himself. He went back to Graham and slid his shorts down and Graham kicked them off. Graham was just in his boxers and his hardon was almost peeking out of the slit. Andy then pulled my shorts down and I did the same as Graham and kicked them off. My bulge was noticeable, but not ready to poke out of the slit in my boxers. I saw Andy lick his lips and then slowly pulled Graham's boxers down. His boxer got caught on his hardon and Andy pulled Graham's hard cock up and was able to slide the boxers down and off. Graham's big hardon was sticking straight out. Andy's bulge looked like it was ready to rip his shorts open. Andy then pulled my boxers down and he was close. When my hardon sprang out, it almost hit him in the face. "You guys are hot and have big dicks."

"Now it's our turn to undress you Andy. You ready?"

"I've been ready since I first saw you guys."

Graham and I walked up to Andy. He had his eyes closed tight. I pulled his shirt off while Graham undid his shorts. I kissed Andy's ears and down his neck. He was moaning and panting already. Then I licked and kissed down his chest and sucked on his hard nips and squeezed his pecs. He really liked that. Graham finished undoing Andy's shorts and pulled them down. Andy kicked them off. His bulge was huge and it looked like his cock head was trying to peek out a leg opening of his boxers. I was wondering how big this guy was. I kept licking and kissing down Andy's chest and over his rippled abs. Then through some thick pubes. He didn't do any manscaping. Graham now was slowly pulling down Andy's boxers. The base of his cock appeared and it was thick and engorged with blood. Graham kept teasing and slowly kept pulling the boxers down. Finally the boxers hit Andy's ankles and he kicked them off. His eyes were still closed tight. His huge cock didn't spring out. He just hung there huge and thick. It looked to be about eight inches maybe a bit more and was cut. The head was a big mushroom size. And was thick. He had two big bull balls hanging down in a big sac. Damn, he was mouth watering and gorgeous. Just the right amount of muscle. His dark brown hair and brown eyes would melt any guy that wanted to be with Andy. I wasn't sure if his cock was completely hard or semi hard. It was difficult to tell.

Graham said, "let's go in the bedroom where it's more comfortable and we have more room." We all walked into the bedroom and had Andy lay down between Graham and me. I went back to sucked and nibbling on Andy's nips and Graham started licking the inside of Andy's thighs up to his big balls. We wanted to make this enjoyable for Andy and something he would want to do again. We wanted his first experience to be memorable and not a disaster for him. I started licking around the base of Andy's cock and I thought I felt it getting bigger and harder.

Our mom's had polished off their bottle of white wine and were a little buzzed. They talked about their first day at the spa. They ate in the sunroom. As it started getting later they thought they should go to bed. They had another full day at the spa tomorrow. They already were looking like Hollywood stars with the first part of their makeover. They couldn't wait to see what was in store for them tomorrow. Bev showed Graham's mother to her bedroom. It was very elegant and big. Bev wished Graham's mother a good night and they should probably be up early for breakfast and ready for the chaffeur.

Graham and I started licking the sides of Andy's shaft. I knew it was growing. I was wondering how much bigger it would get. Graham put his lips on Andy's big thick head. He had to stretch his mouth to take it all in. Andy's eye's shot open and he was watching Graham. Andy said, "that's amazing. I've never felt anything like that before. I didn't know it could feel this good."

"Just wait Andy, it's going to get better."

I went down between Andy's legs and started sucking on those huge balls. I took one into my mouth and started rolling it around with my tongue. Graham was trying to take that thick shaft into his mouth. He was having a hard time. I popped that big ball out of my mouth and worked on the other one. Then I licked up Andy's hard shaft on the back side until I reached Graham's mouth. Then licked up and down. I saw Andy gripping the sheets. Graham couldn't get much of Andy's big shaft into his mouth. I told Graham to get off and work on Andy's balls. I would give his big cock my best shot. I was able to take Tyrell who was longer than Andy, but not as thick. And Cal's big thick cock. I would give it my best effort. I wrapped my lips around the head of Andy's cock and sucked out his oozing precum. Then slowly started sucking him in. My throat tried to open. I had to try to open my throat for his thick cock a couple of times. Finally, my throat adjusted to Andy's size and I could feel my throat muscles slowly pulling that big thick shaft into my throat. I soon had Andy's thick cock all the way in. I had to hold back a minute to adjust. My throat muscles started slowly working the length of Andy's shaft. Andy was moaning loud and gasping for air and telling us not to stop. It felt so good. It felt like Andy was close to coming and I didn't want him to cum yet. So I slowly pulled off his cock. He looked at me, "what's wrong Bob. Did I do something wrong?"

"You didn't do anything wrong Andy. I just don't want you to cum yet. There's more Graham and I want to do, if you think your ready?"

"I'm more than ready. I didn't know it could feel this good."

"We are going to do a few other things. If you don't like what we are doing, tell us to stop and we will. We are going spit roast you. A hot guy like you deserves everything we can give you."

"Andy gave me a puzzled look. Just follow what we are doing. I think you'll like it."

Andy was already laying on his back. I told to pull his legs up to his chest. He hole was still too low. So I told him to raise his hips and I put a pillow under him. Now it was at the right level. I put my lips on his hole and started licking around. I thought he was going to fall off the bed. He told me he had no idea that it would feel so good. I kept licking around his hole and then started munching on it. Curled my tongue and worked it in and out of his hole. His hole was tight and hot. You could tell nothing had ever been in his hole. I spit on a couple of fingers and eased them in. He told me to go slow. I did and when I felt him relax I started stretching his hole with my fingers. I added a third finger and their was no resistance. I saw Graham stroking his cock and getting it rock hard. He got over Andy's face and Andy seemed to know what to do immediately. He took Graham's big shaft into his mouth and tried sucking on it. Graham told Andy, no teeth, but your doing good. I coated my cock with spit and put the head at Andy's hole. Andy was so busy sucking on Graham's cock, he didn't know my cock was at his entrance. I eased the head in and just left it in there. Andy didn't seem to know my cock was in his hole. I eased in a little bit more and no resistance. A little more at a time until I was all the way in. My pubes were soon pressed tight to Andy's ass cheeks. His hole was tight and hot and ready for fucking. I saw Graham fucking Andy's mouth and Andy was sucking on it like a trooper. I started slow fucking Andy's hole. I saw Andy's cock starting to leak. I bent down and took that thick head in my mouth and sucked out his precum. He tasted good. I keep fucking his hole and picking up my pace. Sucking his cock at the same time. I heard Graham grunted and telling Andy he was going to cum. Andy told him to cum in his mouth he wanted to taste him. I started fucking faster. I wanted to try to cum at the same time. I heard Graham moan load and I knew he was filling Andy's mouth with a big load. I felt my balls tighten and soon I was shooting up Andy's hole. Andy's cock hardened and thickened even bigger and he blasted out a gusher of cum. He must of been holding back. I had to swallow two times and then a third time. Once we all finished cumming, Graham pulled out of Andy's mouth and I pulled out of his ass. All I could hear Andy say was, "wow, wow, wow. That was fantastic guys. When are we doing it again?"

Graham and I looked at each other and started laughing. "We need some time to recharge. Besides it's getting late and you probably need to get back to your cabin? Unless you can stay the night with us?"

"I was hoping you guys would invite me. I don't start work until noon tomorrow."

"Well, let's relax a bit and drink a beer and then we'll be ready for round two. How you doing Andy? Was this too much for you?"

"This is like a dream come true. I appreciate you guys being patient with me. I can't wait until round two."

Round two didn't happen until the next morning. We spit roasted Andy again. This time I fucked Andy's mouth and Graham fucked Andy's hole. We took a shower and dried each other off. We exchanged phone numbers and told Andy he was welcome anytime at our house. Just to call first. And when we have our next party. We will be sure to invite him. We finished dressing and we headed out of the cabin. Before we left the cabin. Andy kissed and hugged us and thanked us again. We watched him walk off to his cabin.

We walked over to our dad's cabin. They were walking out just as we arrived. "You guys ready for breakfast?"

"We're famished. Let's go."

We walked to the dining room and had a great sportsman's breakfast and the kitchen fixed us a lunch, since we'd be out on the lake.. Walked down to the bait shop and soon were out on the lake for a full day.

The limousine pulled up in front of the house and our mom''s were ready to go to the spa. They had another full body massage first. Then the makeup artist applied their makeup and explained how to apply the makeup. Their hair was styled into their new hairdo. They had lunch at the spa and then it was time for their new wardrobe. They couldn't believe their sons had a new wardrobe for them. They tried on and modeled their new clothes. The seamstress with pleased and the clothes fit the two women well. The seamstress had a special garment bag and suitcase to hold all their new clothes. The owner of the spa was pleased and said they looked like models. They felt like models. They left the spa in the limousine and felt like they were going to a Hollwood Premier and walking the red carpet. Once they arrived home they had to model their new clothes and look at each other in the mirrow in their bedrooms.

Our fishing went well. I actually caught a couple of fish and the rest of the guys caught a few fish as well. We found a good spot to still fish while we ate our lunch. We thought we should head in around four and have an early dinner and then leave. We did some more trolling and caught a couple more fish. We were on the far end of the lake from the bait shop so we thought we should head back. We trolled on our way back to the bait shop, but didn't catch anything. We pulled into the dock and got out. Turned in our rental fishing gear. And we gave our fish to the bait shop worker and he said he would get this cleaned and filleted right away and brought to us.

We walked back to our cabins. Changed clothes and finish packing our overnight bags. I found another note on our nightstand from Andy. He thanked Graham and me everything. And really appreciated our teaching and patience with him. He told us he would be calling us soon.

We finished packing and double checked and we had everything. We walked out and waited on our dads. Soon they came out out with the fish in a cooler on ice. We ended up with fourteen fillets. The dads each took four fillets and they told us the rest of the fillets were for us. For inviting them on this great fishing trip.

We walked back to my SUV and got everything packed into the back. Graham got in front with me. And our dad's were in the back behind us. We took off and ranger at the main entrance thanked us for staying at the state park and he hoped to see us again. We all thanked and we were on our way home.

I heard our dad's talking about the fishing trip and then their wives. Wondering what they would like after their two days at the spa.

The mom's were anxiously waiting for us to return. They wanted to show off their new look and wardrobe.

It didn't take long to get back to town. I pulled up in front of my parent's house. We all got out and walked up to the front door. I helped my dad with his overnight bag. Our mom's were at the front door waiting for us. I couldn't believe at the transformation. They looked like royalty. They sure looked nice. The dad's said their wives looked like a million bucks. The mom's said they felt like a million bucks. They gave Graham and me kisses.

I took Graham's moms overnight bag. Garment bag and small suitcase from the spa. Actually from the seamstress. And we said our goodbyes and I drove back to our house.

Once we got home we helped Graham's dad get everything loaded into their car. They wanted to leave right away. They had a long drive and Graham's dad had work tomorrow. They thanked us and we watched them leave.

Graham and I talked about our fishing weekend. We thought it was a success and our mom's seemed satisfied. We were anxious to eat our fish. We'd have Mabel fix our fish for us and see how it tasted.

Graham and I hoped Andy would call soon. He was a nice bonus to our fishing weekend.

End of Chapter 17 - Parent's Day

Chapter 18 - Coming Soon

If you would like to see the characters in the story, please read "My Alphabet Friends," and there are photos of characters at the end of each chapter. However, due to some problems the photos are not working at this time. I will be revising and editing all the chapters in My Alphabet Friends when I finish this series.

Your comments and suggestions are always welcome. I answer all emails I receive. I ask that you please put Nifty or the title of the story in the subject line. Then I'll know it's not spam. I am already working on Chapter 18. I hope you enjoy my story as much as I like writng it. Please email me at:

Next: Chapter 18

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