Bob's Holidays

By Francis Scott

Published on Jul 19, 2023


Bob's Holidays Chapter 15

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The following story is a work of fiction from the authors mind. It contains adult situations between consenting adults. If this offends you and is illegal in your area, WHY ARE YOU HERE? Any similarities to actual people or events is purely coincidental. This story does not promote safe sex. Please practice safe sex at all times. Don't put your life or someone else's in jeopardy.

If you haven't read my story, "My Alphabet Friends," I would recommend doing so. All characters in this series are from My Alphabet Friends. There are pictures of the characters at the end of each chapter. However, at this time there is a problem with the pictures and I will be revising and editing My Alphabet Friends when I finish this series. You will find, My Alphabet Friends, in Gay/Adult Friends.

Bob's Holidays

By Francis Scott

Chapter 15 - Father's Day

The party was slowly starting to get underway. I saw many guy stripping down. I saw Steve and Freddy going around with a couple of boxes handing out jocks. I asked Steve what was going on. He said that jocks would be appropriate for the party. Since it was an open house party and jocks are open in the back. I thought that was a clever idea. I saw guys putting jocks on, and the rest of the guests were just in jocks. Graham and I thought we should join the crowd. We had worn jocks. The waiters bartender and DJ were all wearing jocks.

Graham and I walked over to the buffet and it looked delicious and passed by the bar. Everything looked in place and well organized.

We walked back to buffet and filled our plates with a few things. Knowing Graham, he would be going back to the buffet all night.

The candles were looking nice. Giving off a nice glow.

Someone turned off the outside lights and as it kept getting darker the candles illuminated nicely.

Everyone looked like they were in jocks or naked and ready for the entertainment.

Soon the music changed to a heavy dancing beat. Graham and I were sitting close together looking around to see what the entertainment was going to be. We didn't see anything. The we started seeing men come into the patio dancing to the music and starting dance around on the winding aisles. Now I knew why the aisles were arranged the way they were. Everyone seated could get a good view of the dancers wherever they were seated.

As the dancers danced close to us. I see they were the strippers. They were dressed in white jocks with a police cap on and police boots. They looked as hot as ever. Just as ripped as I remembered. I saw Mark dancing with the group that used to dance regularly at the In and Out Bar. They still dance at the bar but not frequently.

The strippers were really getting into the music. Gyrating and strutting their stuff to the music. They were getting us all aroused with their seductive dancing. I noticed some of the strippers were giving lap dances. Other guys were up dancing with the strippers. The party was really rocking and rolling now.

I saw the caterers come in and refill the buffet and it looked like they had some appetizer trays as well.

I saw Preston get up and walk up to the DJ. He announced there was a short intermession in the show. He said they was to give everyone a chance to mingle and talk. Get more food from the buffet have their drinks refilled and take a pee break. Nobody complained and finally Preston said the second half of the show would start in thirty minutes.

Graham and I had a bartender bring us a couple more beers. Graham went over to the buffet to fix another plate of food. We then went over started talking to the strippers. The strippers thanked us for contacting Preston and them being the entertainment. They told us our parties were better. I told the strippers this was the first time for Steve and Freddy having a party in their new house. I sure once they have parties, they will continually get better.

We walked up and talked to the DJ for a few minutes. He also thanked us for referring him to Steve and Freddy. The DJ looked just a hot as every in his white jock. He was muscular and well toned. Not an inch of fat on his body.

We left the DJ and we both took off in different directions talking to our friends and meeting new friends. Everyone said they were having a good time and thought Steve and Freddy did a good job on their first party. Graham and I agreed.

Graham and I made our way back to where we were sitting. The second half of the show should be starting.

I saw Preston walk over to the DJ and he announced that everyone should get seated. The second half of the show will be starting in a couple of minutes.

Preston spotted us and sat down with us for a few minutes. "What do you guys think of Steve and Freddy's first party?"

"We are quite impressed. They did a good job getting everything ready. And you always come through with great entertainment bartenders and waiters."

"Thanks guys. It was fun helping them out for their party. Everytime I talked to them you could hear the excitement in their voices."

"Where are Steve and Freddy? I haven't seen them since we arrived."

"They've been busy making sure everything runs smoothly. Their going around like a chicken with it's head cut off."

"If you spot them tell them we would like to talk to them."

"Will do. I better get this second half of the show started."

I saw Preston wave to the DJ and the music changed back to what he was playing before.

Soon the strippers appeared in the aisles and started dancing to the music. Moving around through the spread out aisles so everyone could get a good look.

Soon the strippers were dancing into the big open aisle. Three strippers faced the front and three were facing behind. On the count of three to the music they pulled their jocks off. That made everybody clap cheer and grab ass. Maybe grabbing a few other things too. This really got the audience moving. They were taking turns dancing with the naked strippers.

Graham thought this was good time to hit the buffet again. This was his third plate of food. I had eaten a couple of the appetizers. We stayed with drinking beer and not touching any hard liquor.

Most of the guys dancing with the strippers were naked. You could see their cocks and balls pressed together and hitting together. It was really hot watching them.

Graham finished his third plate of food and was starting to feel frisky. We started making out where we were sitting. And getting pretty hot and heavy. When I heard, "it looks like you guys are enjoying the party?"

Graham and I broke apart and looked up and Steve was giving us a big smile in all his naked glory. Damn did he look hot. Just the right amount of musculature and big balls and a nice long flaccid cock. I'm sure Freddy has a lot of fun with Steve.

Steve sat down with us. "What do you think about our first party?"

"I think you guys have done an outstanding job."

"Without your help, we wouldn't have been able to pull this off. You guys deserve all the credit. You two sure have a hot group of friends. Freddy and I have met all of them. The only one's that couldn't come were those that lived a long ways away. Or in another country. Most of them had work commitments but we look forward to meeting them sometime in the future."

"What happened to the caterers? I thought they'd stay for the party."

"It just happened, that they have two other engagements to get ready. They wanted to stay and party, but it didn't work out for them this time."

"What do you think about the bodyguards?"

"Those guys are awesome. I've never seen four men so beefed up. Their handsome, well hung and fun to be with. I'm glad they could come to the party. Their staying with you and Graham?"

"Yeah. They wanted to stay with us this weekend for the party."

"Do you like the entertainment? Preston told Freddy and me he would take care of the entertainment bartenders and waiters."

"The strippers are hot. We've had them a many of our parties with Preston's help."

"The four us should go to the In and Out Bar one of these weekends. Do you know of the bar?"

"No. Freddy and I have never been there. I've heard a few things about the bar in passing. I've heard it's a gay bar and they have shows at different times of the year. That's about all I know."

"That's right. They have great music if you and Freddy like to dance. It's far enough out of town that you don't have to worry about seeing someone you know. But if you did know someone. You just found out something about them being in a gay bar. So you could always use that information as a lever if you needed to."

"I think I'd better go around check on everyone and the bar and buffet. Thanks again guys for all your help and I'm sorry I interrupted you guys. Go back to what you were doing."

Graham and I took Steve's advice and went back to our making out. Our hard cocks went down fast when we were talking with Steve. But we knew how to get each other aroused and knew the right spots.

I could hear splashing. So I knew some of the guys were in the pool and probably some in the jacuzzi hot tub too.

Graham and I got busy kissing and feeling each other all over. "Why don't we go over to the pergola where it's more private. And we can do whatever we want over there."

We got up and walked over to the pergola. Just like I thought, we were the only ones and a good distance from everyone else.

The strippers had a big group of guys dancing with them while we walked to the pergola. I don't think I could dance that much. They all looked good. Some of our friends were really good dancers.

We made our way to the pergola and moved a couple of loungers together. Steve and Freddy didn't have any double loungers. We laid on our sides facing each other kissing and really started to get into it. We moved close so our cocks were rubbing together. It didn't take us long to get hard. Graham reached down and started fisting our cocks together. What a feeling that was. He then laid down on his back and I got over him in a sixty nine position. We took our time sucking and licking each other's cocks all over. Feeling each other's holes and inserting a couple of fingers. We took the plunge and deep throated each other. Bobbing up and down on our big hard cocks. Doing this out in the open with a lot of people around was exciting for both of us. It didn't take us long until we were blasting out big loads hitting the sides of each other's throats. I got off Graham and licked and cleaned him off. Then he did the same to me.

We laid on our loungers and relaxed until our breathing returned to normal. Finished our beer and got and decided to join the guys. We walked back to the sitting area and we were trying to find Freddy. We had never talked much with him.

We started looking around and finally I spotted Freddy. He was talking to a couple of our friends. Freddy really looked good. I had never seen him naked. He was muscular and well defined. Not as tall as most of us. He looked to be about five nine or five ten. Dark brown hair and hazel eyes. He had a nice sized cut cock. I think about the same size as Graham and me. Big low hangers. He wasn't very hairy. A little tuft of hair in the middle of his chest and it looked like he trimmed his pubes and shaved his balls. He looked very smooth there.

We walked over and joined them. We all kissed and hugged. Our two friends took off so it just left Graham me and Freddy. We all grabbed another beer from one the waiters going around.

"What do you and Graham think of the party?"

"I think you and Steve did a great job."

"If it wasn't for you guy's help. We wouldn't have been able to pull it off."

We walked over and sat down in the sitting area. Freddy told us he had finished his degree and was now officially the director of social services for the country.

"How did the other case workers take to you being the new director?"

"Well. I had been already working as the director. Most of the workers had been at the social service department for many years. They have all been friendly and nice to me. They realize I'm the person for the job. They don't have the education like I do.

"That's good to hear Freddy. It sounds like you really like your job?"

"I love my work. And I get a lot of satisfaction knowing that we are helping people that really need it. Once I received my diploma, all of the workers had a surprise party for me in the office. It was really a nice jesture on their part. And so far, everything has been running smoothly."

"That's good Freddy. How's everything with you and Steve and this spectacular new house?"

"We were really excited when we could move into our new house. Everything was done just the way we wanted it. Zane did an excellent job on our backyard. We are still getting used to our new house and where everything is located."

"Steve showed us around and it is quite a house."

"Well I better leave and mingle and find Steve. Thanks again for coming and all your help."

Freddy got up and left. We watched his hot ass while he went to find Steve.

"What time is it babe?" Graham looked at his watch. "It's a quarter to twelve."

"Are you kidding me? I was thinking more like ten or maybe eleven."

"Nope. Are you getting tired?"

"Not really. How about you?"

"No. I'm not tired. I can still go for a little longer. Maybe we should get up and walk around and see how we feel. Check on the bodyguards and see how they are doing."

Graham and I got up and Graham grabbed two appetizers off a waiters tray and I took one. We wandered around. There were still a lot of people here. I guess everyone is really enjoying themselves. I'm glad for Steve and Freddy.

The DJ was playing some good dancing music. He had played good music all night. Graham and I stuck together while we walked around. We were looking for the bodyguards. Finally I heard what sounded like one of them. In the grotto behind the waterfall. I wasn't sure if we should go in and disturb them, but what the heck.

I walked in first and I saw a line of our friends and at the end of the line the bodyguards where spit roasting each person in line. What a sight that was. Those big cocks going in and out of tight holes and their big cocks filling mouths and throats. I thought we better leave them.

Graham and I walked out of the grotto. "I think they are going to be here for awhile. Is that okay with you?" I asked Graham.

"I'm not tired and you said you weren't. So I think we can wait a little longer for the bodyguards to finish.

We meandered around and talk to some of the people we didn't know. They were friends of Steve and Freddy. Nice young men to talk to.

I didn't want anymore to eat or drink. Graham grabbed one last beer. And a couple more appetizers. He said that would tide him over till we got home and had dessert.

We took a seat and looked around. It was fun watching everybody. I heard the bodyguards and saw them coming out of the grotto. They spotted Graham and me and walked over.

"You guys having a good time?"

"We've had a great time. Your friends are so hot, but now we're getting tired. We've been busy."

Graham and I just smiled. When they said they had been busy. "So what do you think? Should we get ready to go? It's looks like people are starting to leave."

"I think so. We can say our goodbyes to Steve and Freddy. Find our clothes and leave."

All six of us walked around looking for Steve and Freddy. We spotted them down by the pool changing room. All of us walked down and thanked them for a great party and couldn't wait until the next one. We asked them where our clothes were. They told us to follow them. We all followed Steve and Freddy up to where the DJ was located. There was a small room there with everyones clothes hanging up. We spotted our clothes and got dressed. It seemed kind of weird to have so many clothes on.

The DJ had left and would be back tomorrow to pack up his things.

Once we were dressed we hugged and kissed Steve and Freddy and they followed us to the front door. They watched us all pile into my SUV. Four big bodyguards pretty much filled the SUV. We waved to Steve and Freddy when we left and were on our way home.

It was after twelve thirty when we got home. I was feeling tired. Overall, I thought their party was successful. We went right upstairs to the bedroom and changed out of our clothes and climbed into bed. We had left our bedroom door open. If the bodyguards wanted to join us.

Soon I heard some noise and saw a couple of heads peeking into our bedroom. "Come on in guys. That's why we left the door open." Graham was still awake and the bodyguards crawled in with us. They soon had my legs in the air and were spit roasting me. I didn't mind a big cock in my hole and another big cock in my mouth and throat. They managed to cum again. I don't know many times that made for them. They were patient and slow. Which I appreciated. You would't think they could be that patient as big as they are. Once they finished with me. It was Graham's turn and they spit roasted Graham. They said they were tired and would send in the other two guys. The other two bodyguards came in and did the same. Spit roasting me first and then Graham. We were bushed by the time they finished. We all collapsed back on the bed in pile of arms and legs all entangled. That was how we fell asleep.

I woke, but had no idea what time it was. All I knew was that it was Sunday morning. I didn't see the two bodyguards with Graham and me. They must have went back to their bedroom some time during the night. Graham was stirring and was looking at me and smiling. We gave each other a good morning kiss. "Where's the two bodyguards the were with us last night?"

"I have no idea. They probably went back to their bedroom."

Graham and I crawled out of bed. It was after eight thirty. I knew I was tired after all our sexercise. Graham and I went to the bathroom and splashed some water on our faces and emptied our bladders. We put some sandals on and went downstairs.

We were naked. But it wouldn't matter. The bodyguards always went naked in our house when it was just us guys. I could hear talking as we got closer to the bottom of the stairs. We walked into the kitchen and all four bodyguards were busy making breakfast. "Well sleepy heads you finally woke up."

"Yes we did. How did you two guys manage to untangles without waking us?"

"It wasn't easy, but we managed going slow."

"We're making a big breakfast. I hope that is okay. Where should we eat?"

"Let's eat outside on the patio table."

Graham and I started helping the bodyguards and they told us to go to the patio and relax. They had everything ready. One of the bodyguards came out and set the table. While the other three brought out our breakfast. They also brought a full pitcher of refreshmenat that Mabel had made with six tall glasses. This refreshment was my favorite. It was a combination of orange juice pineapple and mango. All natural with no sugar added. It was delicious on ice. The other one I really liked is what I called a berry medley. It has strawberries blueberries plums raspberries grapes cranberries and watermelon. It has a tangy taste and again no sugar is added.

The bodyguards sat down and we all started eating breakfast. I hadn't seen so much food for breakfast in my life. But I knew that the bodyguards and Graham could really put the food away. By the time we finished eating, there was hardly anything left. Two of the bodyguards cleared the table and came back with danish rolls and a carafe of coffee with coffee cups. We again dug in to the danish rolls that they had warmed. They tasted good with hot black coffee.

Again a couple of the bodyguards cleared the table. And we all agreed to meet at the pool. Graham and I walked down to the pool and got on a double lounger. Soon the bodyguards joined us. And they grabbed us all a beer from the tiki bar. I really didn't want a beer after drinking many yesterday at the party. But I thought one would be okay.

One of the bodyguards had sunscreen and started applying it to all of us. He worked it in good and it felt good. Almost like getting a massage. The sun was strong again today and I'm glad he had some sunscreen with him. The bodyguards were light complected, like Graham, so I'm sure they could get a sunburn fast.

I felt my sunscreen all absorbed and I was starting to get warm. I got up and dove into the pool. Soon I heard more splashes and soon everyone was in the pool with me. We all did some laps. As big as the bodyguards were, they were good swimmers. Swimming was probably some of the exercise they did. They were always in good shape. I suppose they had to be with their line of work.

Soon we all gathered in the shallow end of the pool. And we started feeling each other under the water. I could see some big hard cocks floating on the water. We got into a circle jerk and soon we were moaning and grunting and panting and shooting out loads. "That was fun." Said one of the bodyguards.

We climbed out and rinsed off in the outside shower. We all had towels with us and we decided to up to the sunroom. I knew the bodyguards liked the sunroom. While we were in the house ready to go up to the stairs. I asked the guys if they wanted a glass of refreshment. They all agreed so I told them I would join them in a minute while I got our refreshment poured. I heard the guys going up the stairs and I heard the door to the sunroom being opened. I should have told them to leave the sunroom door open. I poured six tall glasses of refreshment. Mabel always keep some refreshment frozen. So we have a reserve. I put the filled glasses on a tray and walked up to the sunroom. It was a little bit of a balancing act to open the door to the sunroom with the tray of glasses. Somehow I managed and I sat the tray down on a small round table. I handed out the refreshment to everyone.

Everyone liked the refreshment. I asked Graham how the birds were. He told me them seemed fine. I knew he hadn't really checked on them. I put my glass down and walked over to the birds. They were looking at me, but behaving themselves and not making a racket. I checked their water and food dishes and cleaned and refilled them. The birds seemed to like that. They just stayed on their perches and looked like they were listening to us talking.

The bodyguards told us how much they liked this room. They hoped the next time they stayed they could use the massage room. And maybe spend more time in the sauna. I told them I would keep that in mind. They told us they would need to leave after lunch. They had a long haul to their next job. Starting tomorrow. I asked the bodyguards if they had a preference where they would like to eat. They said they didn't want to go to a fancy restaurant. I told them I thought the Main Street Diner would be the perfect place to go. We all agreed we would go to the diner for lunch.

The bodyguards told Graham and me they should probably finish their packing. So we all went upstairs and we followed them into the adjoining bedrooms. It seemed strange to be in one of the guest bedrooms. There was nothing wrong with the guest bedrooms. We just used to our master bedroom. The bodyguards stripped down to change clothes for their long drive. While they got naked Graham and I pushed them down on the bed. And we each went from to the next bodyguard giving them blowjobs. They really liked that. They put their hands behind their heads and just moaned with enjoyment. They soon blasted out big loads. I couldn't believe how much these guys could cum. They sure recharged fast. They soon got changed into travel clothes and had their overnight bags packed.

We all went back downstairs and I told them to follow us to the diner. Graham and me went into the garage and I backed my SUV out. They were waiting for us in their van. We soon were all heading to the diner.

We managed to find a couple of parking places. The bodyguards followed Graham and me into the diner. All the big tables were occupied. So we moved a couple of smaller tables together to make one big table. That seemed to work. And we all had enough sitting space.

Millie hadn't seen us yet. She was busy. Soon I saw her look over and I thought she was going to faint. I saw her grab some menus off the counter and walk over to us. She didn't look very steady on her feet. When she got to our table I asked her, "is everything okay Millie?"

"I don't know. I just got light headed when I saw this table with so many hot looking men."

"Come on Millie, I bet you say that to all your customers."

"No I don't. Who are these hot looking men with you?"

"These men work as bodyguards and they had helped us when we needed it."

"Well, they could guard my body anytime."

I thought I saw a couple of the bodyguards blushing. Millie sure had a way with words. "So what would six hot men like for lunch?"

"How about if you bring us all a cup of black coffee, while we look at the menus."

"You guys are getting your introduction to Millie and an initiation at the same time. Don't pay attention to what she says. She likes to flirt and usually has Graham blushing. It's just Millie being Millie."

I looked at the blackboard above the counter for the special. The special was meatloaf with mashed potatoes and a vegetable. The meatloaf didn't really appeal to me today. I thought I'd order off the menu. We all ordered a large variety plate for six people. I had never ordered this before and would have to ask Millie what was all on this variety plate. We all thought the variety plate should be good.

Millie came back with a large insulated pitcher of coffee and six coffee cups. She poured us each a cup of black coffee.

"Mille. We were all interested on the variety plate for six people. What does this variety plate include?"

"Ok. It has chicken beef duck and some appetizers mixed in between the meat. It isn't ordered often. But I've heard good comments from those that have ordered our variety plates. It also includes vegetables and mashed potatoes, baked potatoes and American fries."

"That sounds perfect to me." I looked at the other guys and they all nodded in agreement. "It looks like we are ordering the variety plate Millie."

"Ok. Thank you. And I'll put your order in. It will be a few minutes before your variety plate is ready."

Millie picked up the menus. Purposely rubbing her boobs over the arms of a couple of the bodyguards.

We drank our coffee and talked about Steve and Freddy's party. It was a fun time and we all thought they did a good job on their first party. The bodyguards asked what happened to the caterers. Steve told me they had a couple other engagements that same day. Otherwise, they would have stayed and partied.

Graham refilled our coffee cups. I saw Millie coming out of the kitchen with a very large tray. She set it down in the middle of the table. She then went back to the kitchen and came back with the sides that were included. The potatoes looked good as did the vegetables. The variety plate was well arranged and I had never seen so much meat on one tray.

Millie asked us if we needed anything else. We told her no and would get her attention if we needed anything else.

Graham and couple of the bodyguards were already heaping up their plates. The rest of us took our time and started nibbling on all the different meats and side dishes.

Everything was delicious and even with six men. We weren't able to eat everything. The bodyguards asked us if it was okay to have the leftover packaged. It would give them a snack on their long drive to their next assignment.

Graham and I looked at each and didn't see any reason why not.

I got Millie's attention and told her we would like the leftovers packaged. Graham asked Millie what they had for dessert. God I was so full. I didn't know how Graham could have any room left for dessert. Graham and the bodyguards ordered dessert. I passed. I was stuffed.

Millie came back with apple pie and ice cream. I just sat back and shook my head watching them eat their dessert.

Soon we all finished and it was time for the bodyguards to start their long drive. I paid the bill and Graham gave Millie a nice sized tip for all her help. I saw Millie slip a little piece of paper to one of the bodyguards and she walked back to the kitchen.

The bodyguard opened the little piece of paper. It had Millie's name and phone number. And he message. For anytime they were here in town. Just give me a call and I'll be glad to help you men anyway I can.

We all got a good chuckle out of that while we left the diner. Graham and I followed the bodyguards to their van. We stood on the side facing away from the diner and kissed and hugged. Graham told the bodyguards they were always welcome and we hoped to see them soon. The bodyguards got into their van and they took off to wherever their next assignment was.

We walked back to my SUV. Got in and I drove home. We talked a little on our way home. I think we were both tired after the workout we got from the bodyguards. While I was driving back, Graham asked me, "what do you want to do the rest of the day?"

"I just want to get home and enjoy my husband?"

I saw Graham smiling and I knew he liked my answer.

I drove into the garage and parked. We got out and walked into the house. Everything looked okay. I was still wondering if we would have anymore critters in the house. I'd asked Millie what the gardener thought.

Graham and I went upstairs to change. We stripped down naked and put robes on and went up to the sunroom. Before I opened the door I thought I heard the birds singing. I told Graham to be quiet while we entered the sunroom. I slowly opened the door and we peeked in. All four birds were singing. This was first time I had heard them sing. They were singing to the background music. They weren't great singers, but you could tell what they were doing.

We walked in and they kept singing. "I forgot to bring up our refreshment."

"I'm going to have a beer."

"I'm going back downstairs to pour myself a glass of refreshment and I'll be right back."

I came back up to the sunroom and Graham was stretched out naked on the lounger. What a sight. He was semi hard and looked like he was waiting for me. I couldn't resist my man. I set my refreshment down on a little round table by our lounger and got between Graham's legs and licked the inside of his upper thighs. Something that really got Graham aroused. Then lightly flicked my tongue over his balls. I already had my man moaning. Then I took my one ball into my mouth and rolled it around with tongue. Then switched to the other ball and did the same. Once I thought I had worked his balls enough. I licked up the back side of his growing cock. Licking and nibbling on that big vein that ran up the back side. I licked up to the head of his cock. Licking his precum off his pee slit and sucking out more of his delicious precum. I started licking the sides of his cock. Graham was moaning louder and squirming around on the lounger. I then slowly put my lips on the head of his rigid cock and slowly sucked him down and into my throat until I felt his pubes brushing against my nose. I started working my throat muscles on his shaft. Massaging and working the length of his cock. Graham told me he couldn't hold out much longer. I licked a couple of fingers and eased them into his hole finding his prostate and working it over good. I went back to deep throating my lover. Once my fingers hit his prostate. It was like a bolt of lightning went through Graham. His body jerked and he stiffened out and shot rope after rope of hot cum in my throat. Bathing the walls of my throat and I could feel his cum running down my throat into my stomach. I slowly eased off his cock and licked him clean. Graham was gasping for air with a satified look on his face.

Once Graham's breathing returned to normal. He looked over at me with a very lustful look. "Now it's your turn babe."

Graham got up and got between my legs. Trying to remember everything I had done to him and duplicating it on me. Graham did an excellent job. And like Graham, when he eased a couple of fingers in my hole and rubbed over my prostate. It brought me over the edge and gave my lover a big load that he swallowed. Graham licked me clean and we laid together on the lounger. Drinking my refreshment and Graham drinking his beer.

Once we finishing drinking. I told Graham I wanted to go the pool and check the yard and see if another critter had been digging for earthworms and grubs.

The birds were still singing when we left. I guess they weren't that interested in what Graham and I had done.

We got up off the lounger and we took our glasses down to the kitchen and put them in the dishwasher. We then walked out to the patio. Graham went in one direction and I went in the other direction. We were checking the lawn and gardens for any signs of digging. When we finished and met. Graham said he didn't see anything. I told him the same. I looked around the wall to see if there were any tree limbs where a raccoon could come into the yard. It didn't look like it. So I hoped that was an isolated incident.

It was the middle of the afternoon and I asked Graham what he wanted to do for dinner. He told he didn't really feel like going to a restaurant. I agreed with him. I told him in a few minutes I would go to the kitchen and see what Mabel had made.

We dove into the pool and did a few laps. The exercise felt good. It would just give us a bigger appetite. And after our exercise in the sunroom. I knew we would both be hungry for dinner. "You stay here babe and relax. I'll go up to the kitchen and make something for dinner."

I saw Graham grab himself another beer while I walked to the kitchen. I looked in the frig to see what I could make for us. Mabel had some things in microwave containers. I opened them and some of the potroast was still there with the mashed potatoes and gravy. I thought I'd make a fresh garden salad in place of vegetables. I got busy cutting vegetables and making our salad while the containers warmed in the microwave.

I timed it just about right. Microwave beeped, just when I finished making the salad. I put all food in containers on a large tray. I set the table for Graham and me in the patio. I then carried out our large tray of food. I think Graham smelled the food. He was already running up to the patio table.

Everything tasted good. And was just enough for the two of us. Just a little salad was left that we could snack on later. Graham helped me clear the table and take everything back to the kitchen. These dishes from dinner were enough to fill the dishwasher. So I got it running.

"What do you want to do now babe?" Looking at Graham.

"How about a nice long mystery movie in the the theater room?"

"Excellent idea. Let's do it."

We went arm in arm down to the theater room and we got comfortable together in a theater chair. Graham got the system going and was flipping through mystery movies and found one that we hadn't seen. It was in black and white and I think I liked those older mystery movies the best. I didn't make any popcorn, since we had just finished dinner.

It felt so good and right with Graham and me sitting tight together. We had reclined the theater seat back a bit so we could spread out. We had a leg over the other and an arm around each other's shoulders while we watched the movie. Of course, we did some fooling around while we watched the movie.

This was a long movie. Just over three hours. By the time the movie finished we were ready for bed. We were both semi hard with a little fooling around.

We went directly upstairs and into bed. We started making out and feeling each other up all over. Soon we were both rock hard. We laid on our sides and moved into a sixty nine postion. We deep throated each other and worked some fingers over each other's prostate. The prostate stimulation always made us cum fast. And tonight was no exception. We almost came at the same time. It was quite a rush and left us shaking and gasping for air.

We cleaned each other off and snuggled together and went right to sleep.

I woke up just as the alarm went off. The alarm was on Graham's side of the bed and I saw an arm move out from the the covers and Graham turned the alarm off. He turned and looked at me and we shared a fantastic good morning kiss. We crawled out of bed and went downstairs to workout.

The workout was just what Graham and I needed. We felt rejuvinated and ready to face Monday at work. We all crowded into the shower and washed each other off. Did a quick jerk off of each other. Toweled each other dry and put our clothes on. Made our way upstairs and Mabel was getting the dining room ready for breakfast.

We all sat down while Mabel brought out our breakfast. It was another big spread of food. Most of the guys had seconds. And soon what was heaping plates of food was all gone. I ate a fresh baked danish and washed it down with a cup of black coffee.

We all got up and thanked Mable for another fantastic breakfast. I saw she was busy getting our favorite refreshment ready. All of us walked into the garage and got in a group hug and kiss. And they we left in different directions for work.

My Monday morning went and soon I was walking to the diner. Graham called and said he didn't know for sure if he could make lunch. I was to only wait about ten minutes for him. And if he didn't arrive in ten minutes he wouldn't be able to make.

I was almost at the diner and I didn't see Graham's car. I walked in and was able to sit at my favorite table. Millie came right over and asked me where the hot bodyguards were. I told her that they had left for work. She looked disappointed. I told her the next time they visited we would be sure to have lunch here at the diner. That seemed to make her feel better. I ordered a black coffee while I waited to see if Graham could make it.

While I was waiting for Graham. My cell phone rang. It was Cal. I was wondering what this call was about. I don't like getting calls from Cal during the working day. It's usually bad news. "Hi Cal. What a surprise to get a call from you."

"I was waiting until you went for lunch. It's nothing bad. It's some information I want to pass on to you and see what your answer is."

"Ok. Go ahead and give the information."

"Well. The medical doctor that we use with the fire department and the rescue squad is retiring. I'm the spokesman for the group I mentioned to you. We were wondering if you would have time to do our physicals?"

"I'm a little surprised. But I guess I shouldn't be. Of course, I'd be glad to help out with the physicals. They would need to be done at the clinic and scheduled with Shirley."

"I was hoping you would agree. Any other questions before I pass the information on to the other departments."

"Yes. The only question that comes to mind. Is when do you usually have your physicals done?"

"Usually at the end of the year. But with three departments, we might start as soon as early fall. The physicals are needed and required by the state."

"I assume there are reports that need to be filled out?"

"That's correct. I will email you a blank form and then you can print out copies. All the departments I mentioned use the same form. So that should make it easier for you."

"I don't see any problem doing the physicals for you guys. Like I said. Be sure to schedule the physicals with Shirley. I can only do about three in day. Physicals take a long time."

"Ok Bob. Thanks for agreeing and I'll get the report form emailed to you sometime, yet today."

"Your welcome Cal. Why didn't you tell me this this morning when we were working out?"

"I just received the information about twenty minutes ago. And was preparing myself on how I should present this information to you."

"Come on Cal. I'm not that hard to talk to. Like I said I'll be glad to help out the departments. Just get the report form to me as soon as possible. So I can look it over and see what it all involves."

That was different. Of course I'd be glad to do their physicals. All those hot men. I might only be able to do one physical a day. I would be so turned on. Something to look forward to.

It had been over ten minutes. And Graham hadn't arrived. He wasn't going to be able to make it for lunch. I ordered the special. Roast chicken with stuffing. Mashed potatoes and gravy with corn.

I could smell my lunch as soon as Millie came out of the kitchen. They didn't fix roast chicken often, but when they did. It was always mouth watering. Today was no exception. I devoured my lunch. I was hungrier than I thought. Once I finished eat lunch. I had another cup of black coffee. Finished my coffee and paid Millie and gave her a tip.

While I walked back to the clinic. I was running all kinds of different scenarios through my mind. Giving all those hot cops firemen and rescue men physicals. I had a big boner in my pants. I walked in the backdoor of the clinic and went straight to my office. I put my lab coat on to cover my very visible hardon and finished the day.

I got home before Graham. I figured I would. He was having a typical busy Monday. Probably a lot of meetings and visiting construction sites.

Mabel was gone when I walked into the kitchen. I see she had left a note on the kitchen island. "Bob, I talked to the gardener. He said he fixed the holes in the yard. And he had talked to the Animal Protection Agency and he with the agents checked the house and yard. They seemed to think you won't have any more problems with raccoons. It was just an isolated incident." I was glad about that. I thought I'd leave the note on the kitchen island so Graham could read it when he got home.

I went upstairs and changed out of my work clothes. I put a jock and sandals on. And thought this would be a good time to pay bills and check any messages on the the laptop in the study. I walked down the hall and walked into the library/study room and booted the computer.

While the computer booted. I looked around this large room. You would never know that it used to be two separate rooms. Then I thought about the library. The secret passage, the tunnel and the work that was being done in the tunnel. I was glad that was in the past and over and done with.

I sat down at the desk and saw I had some messages and a reminder. I checked the messages first. Most of the messages were just spam and nothing of importance. Only one message caught my attention. I opened the message and it was an invitation to the Steve and Freddy's open house. I wonder how they got my email address. Maybe they did an online search. I then opened the reminder. The reminder was that Father's Day was coming up soon in a just a few weeks. I had forgot about that. I was glad I left the reminder. Now Graham and I would have to start planning what we were doing to do for our dads.

I opened up my folder for bills and budget and got busy getting caught up paying bills. I really liked paying bills online and not having to mail in payments and pay with cash or a check. Many places didn't accept personal checks anymore. They only accept plastic cards. This went well and I soon was finishing the budget and bills.

I shut down the computer and walked to the kitchen. I was thirsty and poured myself a glass of refreshment. This refreshment was different, but just as good as the rest. I tasted watermelon cantaloupe kiwi and I thought strawberries to get a touch of sweetness. It tasted good and with ice it was great. Mabel sure knew her way around the kitchen.

When I had opened the frig to get the pitcher of refreshment, I noticed Mabel had made lasagna. I knew that would be good later when I ate with Graham.

I went into the living room and turned on the tv to watch the early news and weather. For some reason I was feeling lonesome. I thought I'd call Anthony and Roland and then try the star's manager. That might help to boost my spirits. I was really missing Graham.

I picked up my cell phone off the coffee table and speed dialed Anthony. It rang and rang and rang and finally Roland answered. "I hope I wasn't interrupting something?"

"Not at all Bob. I was taking the garbage out to the dumpster when the phone rang and so I raced back in to answer the call."

"Good to hear your voice. You and Anthony been busy?"

"Yeah we've been very busy with appraisals and auctions. It just happened today we didn't have anything to do. But tomorrow we have to hit it hard again."

"Graham hasn't come home yet. Mondays are a busy day for him."

"Someone sounds a little lonesome?"

"Yeah I am. I really miss Graham. We do everything together and when he's not here. It just seems a big part of me is missing."

"I hear you Bob. I feel the same way with Anthony. But most of the time we work together. But when we have been separated the lonely feelings settle in."

"I'm glad I was able to talk to you for a few minutes. Tell Anthony hi for me and can't wait to see and be with you guys again."

"We feel the same way Bob. Anthony and I are always talking about you guys. And what a great time we always have when we're together."

"Tell Anthony I called and I feel better after a quick conversation with you. Talk you to you soon. Bye."

"Bye Bob. And call whenever you feel you need to."

That sure did help to lift my spirits. Graham should be coming home soon. I think I'll call the star's manager. We haven't heard from them in a long time.

I picked up my cell phone again off the coffee table and speed dialed the star's manager. He picked up right away. "Hi Bob, good to hear from you. The star and I were just talking about you guys and wondering how you're doing?"

"Everything is good here. Graham isn't back from work and just wanted to talk for a bit."

"You picked a good time to call Bob. Our vacation here in France is coming to a close. The star is working on a new show for Las Vegas. He will headlining there for the next four months. So he's been working hard getting his new show ready."

"What do you do all day when he's busy working?"

"Being the manager. There's always something that needs to be done. I just finished getting everything ready for the villa in Las Vegas. Then I got his shows scheduled one midday show and then one evening show each day. I worked out the ticket prices and how much the star would be making. This all takes time. But it's something I like doing."

"Sounds like a big job?"

"It was at first. But now that I've been doing it for many years. It goes pretty fast."

"You okay Bob? You sound a little lonesome in your voice."

"Graham hasn't come home yet. And I've really been missing him. That was the main reason for my call. It just helps me not to feel so lonely when I talk with our friends."

"We're always here Bob. Just a phone call away. Call us anytime you feel you need to. I better check in on the star and see how he's doing. He's been going steady since early this morning. Thanks for calling and like I said, you can call us anytime you want."

"Thanks. That's nice to hear. Before we end our call. I wanted to thank you and the star for the your help in the order of the wine and perfume. And thank you for the order information."

"It was our pleasure Bob. We both think highly of you and Graham and it was something we wanted to do."

"Thanks. I won't keep you from checking on the star. Graham should be home here soon. Was good hearing your voice. Bye."

"No problem Bob. Good to hear from you too. Ciao."

After my two phone calls, I felt a lot better. I stayed in the living room. I wanted to be close when Graham got home.

I walked to the kitchen and poured myself a pitcher of refreshment. And then walked back into the living and continued watching the news and weather. Graham was really running late today. I hope nothing happened.

The news finished and I was watching the weather when I heard the kitchen door. I got up immediately and went to the kitchen to hug and kiss my man. Graham looked tired.

"That was quite a hug and kiss babe."

"I was feeling lonesome and was missing you."

"Let's go upstairs and I'll help you out of your clothes. Maybe a nice warm shower would help?"

I put an arm around Graham and we walked up to our bedroom. I had Graham stand by the bed while I slowly stripped him out of his clothes. Kissing his body as I removed each piece of clothing. Finally I had Graham down to his boxer briefs and I sucked the outline of his cock through his briefs. Graham started moaning. Graham lifted one leg and then the other so I could slide his boxers off. His hard cock sprang out almost hitting me in the face. I licked his big hardon and swirled my tongue around the head. Graham was getting weak in the knees. So I stopped and helped him into the shower. I had stripped out of my jock. I got the water running and I helped Graham. I washed him and rinsed him off. He told me he felt better after the quick shower. I toweled dried Graham and then myself. I told Graham to lay down on the bed. I got down between his legs and sucked his big balls in one at a time. Rolling them around in my mouth. Graham liked his balls played with and it always makes him rock hard. This was no exception. His cock looked like a steel bar. I then went up to the head and wrapped my lips around his head and slowly I sucked him into my mouth and then down my throat. Graham had his eyes closed and he was giving out low moans and groans. I spit on a couple of fingers and worked them into his hole. I easily found his prostate and started giving it a good workout. Soon Graham was squirming on the bed and telling me he was going to cum. I told him to give it all to me. I wanted to drain him. I speeded up my deep throating and soon Graham was giving me a big load. I could feel his body working to keep shooting out. He would stiffen and blast. Then relax and stiffen and blast again. I don't know how many shots of cum went down my throat. All I knew was that he said he was drained. I sucked up to the head of his cock and licked off the rest of his cum. We both put jocks on and went downstairs for dinner.

I poured Graham a tall glass of refreshment and told him to relax in the living room while I got dinner ready. We kissed and hugged again.

I got the lasagna warmed and the garlic bread. The smells from the food were something else. I pulled out the salad and prepared us a couple of bowls and put our favorite salad dressing on the salads and a few croutons. I got everything ready on a tray with plates and silverware. I went into the living room and pulled the coffee table close to where we were sitting. I then went back and brought the tray out. I set everything on the coffee table and put the tray back in the kitchen.

When I got back to the living room. Graham already had his plate heaped with food. And was eating. I fixed my plate and we sat next to each other with the sides of our bodies touching. It felt so good to have Graham home. Graham ate almost a whole baking dish of lasagna and over half of the garlic bread was gone. He then asked me what we had for dessert. I told him I would have to check and see.

I told Graham to relax and I brought the tray from the kitchen and took everything back. The few leftovers I put into containers and stored in the frig. I looked in the frig and refrigerator freezer to see what we had for dessert. I told Graham there was key lime cheesecake in the freezer and a container of danish rolls. Graham told me he would take a piece of cheesecake with a couple of danish and a cup of black coffee.

The danish sounded good to me. So I warmed the danish rolls and turned poured us each a cup of coffee from the coffee maker. I cut a slice of cheesecake for Graham. I used the tray again and took everything into the living room.

Graham said the cheesecake was really good for store bought. The danish were homemade by Mabel. There were apple and cream filled danish rolls. I gave Graham one each of the danish rolls. And I ate an apple danish with my coffee.

"You had a long day babe."

"Meetings all day and just when I thought we were done and leaving. The investors wanted to look at a couple of the construction sites. We left for the construction sites at the time I usually leave to come home. So that was my day."

"How about you? How was your day?"

"Pretty good. I got a call from Cal which surprised me. Because he never calls me at work, unless it something serious. At least he called me at lunchtime. He asked me if I would be willing to do the physicals for the police department fire department and rescue squads. I told him sure but was wondering what happened to the doctor they used. Cal told me the doctor they had been using was retiring and they didn't know who else they could contact. I told him I would be glad to help out. And their physicals will be the last ones after the school physicals and the paper mill physicals. So it should workout fine."

Graham noticed the big smile on my face. "I know what that means. Your going to be coming home super horny doing those physicals. You'll probably forget all about me?"

"No way babe. I will be coming home horny for my man. And he can have his way with me."

That brought a smile to Graham's face. "What do you want to do this evening babe?"

"Let's stay in the living room and watch tv. Is that okay with you?"

"As long as we are tight together, it's fine with me."

Graham had the remote and he was checking channels. He went to the sports channels first and found a college football game. The teams playing we didn't really follow but it looked like it should be a good game.

I looked a Graham and told him I had been checking the calendar and had a reminder on my computer for Father's Day. I told Graham it was still a few weeks away, but we should start planning what we wanted to do.

Graham asked me if I had any ideas. I told Graham it would be nice to go to the Bahamas for a week. But the place we stay is for gay people and I don't think our parents would like that. So I don't really have any alternative plans. That's why I thought we should start planning early. "Do you have any ideas of what we should do for our fathers?"

"Maybe something could be worked out in the Bahamas. We only stayed at one place for gay people. But there are other places to stay. Let me start checking on that with my secretary and see what we can come up with. In fact, I'll mention it to my secretary tomorrow and let her get started on finding a place for three couples."

I liked that when Graham called us a couple. I knew if Graham and his secretary put their two heads together. They would come up with something. I knew this was something Graham liked doing and he always did a great job.

"Also, babe. When are we going to call Steve and Freddy and invite them to the In and Out Bar? They have never been their."

"Maybe wait until the middle of the week and we can give them a call. This is still too close to their open house party."

We went back to watching the game. We were snuggled up together on the couch. I asked Graham if he wanted some popcorn. He said he would pass. He had eaten enough. That didn't sound like Graham, passing up food. I was wondering if he was sick. "Are you sure? You like popcorn."

"I'm full after dinner. That was a lot of food."

"What about a glass of refreshment?"

"I could go for that."

I uncurled from around Graham and went to the kitchen and poured us each a glass of refreshment. This was a good idea having Mabel make refreshments. Mabel made the best refreshments. They were delicious and really quenched a thirst.

We finished our refreshment and set the glasses on the coffee table. Our game was getting close to finishing. It was an okay game. When your not really into the teams playing, it's hard to stay focused. The game finished and Graham turned off the big screen tv in the living room. And I took our glasses to the kitchen and put them in the dishwasher. We then walked up to our bedroom carrying our jocks, with our arms around each other.

We kicked our sandals off and put our jocks in the clothes hamper and crawled into bed. Graham told me to lay on my back and spread my legs. I was wondering what he was going to do. He told me now it was his turn to take care of me. I wasn't going to complain about that.

I did like I was told and laid on my back and spread my legs. I saw Graham moving down the bed and between my legs. He took my balls, one at a time into his mouth and starting swirling them around with his tongue. Just like Graham, anything done to my balls gets me rock hard and horny. Graham just knew how to manipulate my balls to get me squirming and moaning. Then starting between my balls, Graham licked up the back side of my rigid cock to the head. He then flicked his tongue back and forth over my pee slit. Pulling out my precum. Then wrapped his lips around the head of my cock and sucked my fat flared head in and out. Making a popping sound. Graham was really doing a good job and he was getting me more and more aroused. The he licked and sucked on the sensitive part on the back of my cock head. My cock was rock hard. I couldn't remember the last time it was this hard and I was really turned on. Graham them slowly starting sucking down my shaft and I felt his throat open and my cock finish going all the way in until my pubes were rubbing against his chin. Graham still hadn't mastered working his throat muscles on my shaft. So he was bobbing up and down and working my cock that way. He then spit on a couple of fingers and I felt him working them into my hole. One of his fingers found my prostate and he started rubbing back and forth on my prostate. He knew if he did that it wouldn't take me long to cum. I could feel my cum churning and working it's way up. I told Graham I was going to cum and he went faster and faster. Soon I couldn't hold back any longer and started shooting out into Graham's mouth and open throat. My body was shaking and I was groaning loud. This was a strong orgasm. I kept shooting and finally stopped. Graham slowly let my cock out of his throat and mouth. Licking and cleaning my cock until it flopped out of his mouth. We hugged and kissed and I told Graham what a hot lover he was. It was the truth.

I pulled the covers over us and with this sexercise I was out like a light. Graham had set the alarm so we would get up early to exercise with our friends.

Tuesday morning arrived. I felt rested and ready for the day. Graham was kind of dragging around until we made our way downstairs to work out with our friends. Graham and I got warmed up and then did our workout routines. We all finished and we were hot and sweaty. We crammed into the shower which I enjoyed. I liked feeling these hot muscular bodies bumping and grinding against each other and me. Cal sat down on the shower seat so we all knew what he wanted. We made a line and each got fucked by Cal and while the next person in line sucked us off. We were all pretty drained after that and rinsed ourselves off. We dried each other and got dressed. Headed upstairs for breakfast and made our way to the garage. Cal pulled me aside and thanked me for agreeing to do the physicals. I told him it was my pleasure with a big smile on my face. Cal told me I might get a few surprises too when I did the physicals. That was all Cal would tell me. He didn't give me any details. We all got into a group hug and kiss and left for work.

Tuesday was going well and I was walking to the diner for lunch. Graham said he would join me. As I got closer to the diner I saw Graham's car and saw him sitting at my favorite table. He had a big smile on his face when I walked in and took a seat. "What you smiling about?"

"I have some good news. I contacted the owner of the hotel where we stayed in the Bahamas. He has a brother that has villas that he rents out. These villas are for the straight couples that vacation in the Bahamas. The villas are located at the bottom of the hill from the resort where we stayed. The owner told me that he would email me the details and some photos of the different villas available. Also, he told since it was his brother. He could get a special package rate for us. The package would include all our meals and maid and butler service for one week. Also, limousine service 24/7."

"That's fantastic Graham. I can't wait to see what the villas look like. Sounds like it was pretty easy to get things set up. Now it's just a matter of convincing our parents that they need a vacation for one week."

Graham told me he had some ideas on that. And thought he could convince our father's they needed a weeks vacation. I told him good luck with my father. I would leave it in his hands.

"You seem to know what you want to do. So I wish you good luck with our fathers."

Millie came over. The diner was busy. Graham and I ordered the coffee and the special. They were running roast chicken all week. And it was really good. Graham said he really liked the roast chicken too. But then anything that is food, Graham likes. I haven't seen him refuse anything to eat. He seems to like everything.

Millie came with our specials and coffee. She apologized for not having time to talk. But said you can see we are pretty busy.

Graham and I ate our lunch. It was really good. Once we finished we had another cup of coffee and then thought we better get back to work. Graham paid the bill and I left Millie a tip. We walked out and nobody was around so Graham and I hugged and kissed and then we went our different directions back to work.

The rest of the day went smoothly. Nothing major and I was on my way home.

I got home and Mabel was just finishing our dinner and putting it in the frig when I arrived. She asked me how my day went and I told her nothing major, just patients with colds. She told me she was ready to leave and I thanked her for the delicious refreshments and told her to enjoy the rest of her day.

Once Mabel left I went upstairs and changed out of my work clothes and put a jock on and sandals. I grabbed a towel and went down to the pool. I had the daily paper with me and thought I'd read that. Nothing much of interest in the paper. Some of the new construction was mentioned and I noticed a lot more advertising in the paper. With all the new businesses. They wanted to draw in customers. I just set the paper down and my cell phone rang.

It was a familiar number, but I couldn't place who the caller was. "Hello, this is Bob."

"Hello Bob. This is Kendrick."

That was a surprise. It had been a long time since we had talked. "Good to hear from you Kendrick."

"I'm back in the states and close to your area. I'm just finishing an assignment for work. I have a few extra days before I need to head back to the Bahamas. I was wondering if you would like some company this weekend?"

"Of course. You know your always welcome here."

"I'll be finishing this job on Friday and I can fly in when I finish. And then I'll need to leave on Sunday."

"That's perfect. Graham and I don't have anything planned this weekend. Do you know what time you will arriving at the airport on Friday?"

"Just a minute and I'll check my schedule. I'll be arriving at four."

"I'll have a hotel limousine there to pick you up."

"That's great. I can't wait to see you guys. It's been a long time. And I'll look for the limousine when I arrive."

"What airlines are flying on? I can let the chaffeur know so he's parked by that airline."

"I'm flying on American Airlines."

"Ok perfect. I'll let the chaffeur know. Can't wait to see you. Is John with you?"

"No. Unfortunately. John is in the middle of finals. So he's busy studying and working at the resort. Look forward to this Friday. I need to get back to work. See you soon."

"Ok. Kendrick. Take care and look forward to this Friday."

I thought I better call Sam at the hotel. The sooner they know these things the better and it makes it easier for Sam to work out the logistics.

I called Sam's private number. "Hi Bob. What can I do for you?"

"I have a good friend arriving at the airport this Friday at four on American Airlines. I would like a hotel limousine there to pick him up. His name is Kendrick."

"I'll get it worked out. And Kendrick will be picked up at four and brought to your house."

"Thanks Sam. How's everything at the hotel?"

"Everything is running smoothly. I increased the price of the rooms and nobody even batted an eye. We have almost all the clubs in town using the meeting room. The banquet room stays booked with parties and weddding receptions. So everything is going well."

"I like to hear that. Graham and I need to visit one of these days and maybe eat dinner or lunch their. Thanks for your help Sam."

"No problem. Anything for one of the owners of the hotel."

I heard Graham come in. I walked up to the kitchen and gave him a hug and kiss. Graham was all bubbly and excited. "What you so excited about?"

"I worked a little later to get everything finalized for Father's Day. Everything is ready to go. I talked to your mom and my mom and they said they could easily convince our father's to take a week off from work. The resort is going to email pictures of the villa so we can see what it looks like. Your mother and father will have their passports by the end of the week. I have some connections and it won't take long for their passports. Your parents just renewed their passports. So that is taken care of."

"So in two weekends we will be flying to the Bahamas. Will leave after work on Friday and come home the following Sunday. I can't wait to see what the villa looks like. I gave them our email address. I hope that is okay with you?"

"That's fine babe. I got a call from Kendrick he will be staying here this weekend with us."

"Good. It will be nice to see Kendrick. What about John?"

"Kendrick said that John is in the middle of finals and is working at the resort. So he couldn't get away."

"Why don't you get changed babe, while I get dinner ready. Then we should have received the info on the villa and photos."

Graham ran upstairs and I knew he would be back down soon. He was anxious for me to see the villa. I was kind of excited about seeing it to. I pulled out the containers of food for dinner and started getting everything warmed. Mabel had a made a vegetable salad so I took that out of the frig too. I poured us each a glass of refreshment. Got the breakfast nook set for dinner.

"What's for dinner babe?"

"I have no idea. I just pulled out the containers and started warming them. I have the breakfast nook ready for dinner. The microwave beeped and I pulled the containers out. And set them on the breakfast nook table. Put the salad down and our glasses of refreshment.

Graham opened the large container. It contained four cornish hens. We had roast chicken for lunch and now we were having cornish hens for dinner. Oh well. We each put a cornish hen on our plate with stuffing and sweet potatoes. Along with our salad. This was plenty of food for us. The cornish hens were good. A nice golden brown and juicy, not dry. The stuffing was excellent and the sweet potatoes made a good side along with the salad. I managed to eat all of the cornish. Graham, of course, had no problem eating all of his.

When we finished Graham helped me clear the table and put everything away. There were still a few danish left. So I warmed them and Graham poured us each a cup of coffee. I put the warmed danish on a plate and put them on the breakfast nook table. Graham grabbed an apple danish and I tried one of the cream filled danish. They were good warmed. We finished and I knew Graham was anxious to check out the villa on the computer in the study/library room.

We got up and walked to the library/study room. Graham was almost running to the room. We walked in and pulled a chair close to the computer. Graham sat down in front of the computer and booted it. Graham went into our email and I saw four emails that assumed were information on the villa and photos.

Graham opened the first email. The email gave some background information on the villa. Not all that interesting. The only part that caught my eye was that we were getting a special rate for one week. And the special price included house keeping a butler chaffeur and our meals and the bars. The second email got into more specifics about the villa. Giving the dimensions and an idea of the general layout of the villa. The third email had some photos of the outside of the villa. The villa looked like something a movie star would own. It was awesome. All in white with a wall going all around and a gate at the main entrance. Lush tropical vegetation. Finally, Graham opened the fourth and last email. This was a slide show of the inside of the villa. The villa was also white on the inside. Artwork all over the place. A large gourmet kitchen. A sunken living room with a corner bar. A formal dining room and it looked like a breakfast nook off of the kitchen. Sliding doors in the living room opened to a large patio. And a nice sized pool and jacuzzi hot tub with another bar. Then the slide show showed the bedrooms. There are three master sized bedrooms. All with en suite bathroom and walk in closets. Everything looked high end, the furniture, curtains, etc.

Graham was just ready to shut down the computer when another email came. Graham opened the email and it was from our friend that owned the resort. He stated in the email that he had been talking seriously to his brother that owned the villas. He convinced his brother that we won't be paying anything for the villa. He knew that Graham and I and probably our parents would talk about this great villa and generate interest in our friends and relatives and that would give them more business. Both Graham and I were flabbergasted. This was being extremely generous. We difinitely would do all we could to give them business.

Graham shut down the computer and we went out to the pool. We were still kind of stunned at the generosity. "Well babe, I think we have some work cut out for us. We definitely need to talk to some of our friends and relatives and get them interested in staying in the villas in the the Bahamas."

"Your right babe. We need to take a lot of photos on our cell phones so we can really give a good sales pitch when we get back."

"You think we can get some of our friends and relatives interested in vacationing in the Bahamas?"

"I think so. The Bahamas aren't that far from the states."

"I'm ready for a swim. How about you?"

We dove into the pool and did a few laps. I'm not sure if we even burned off one calorie from our big dinner. But it felt good to do a few laps in the pool.

I was thinking on how we could get our friends and relatives interested in staying in a villa in the Bahamas. Maybe a party after we get home. That would bring most of our friends. I could probably get Regie and Jarvis to come. We could show a slide show of the villas and explain the amenities and after we stay in the Bahamas. I'm sure he would offer a special rate to our friends. That would be another positive to get our friends and family to stay.

Graham had been talking to me. "Bob are you listening to me?"

"Sorry babe. I was thinking on how we can get our friends and relatives interested in vacationing in one of the villas in the Bahamas."

"I was asking you, what you thought about the villa? Do you think our parents will like it? Especially our fathers? Since it is a Father's Day present."

"I know my father will like it. What about your dad?"

"My dad will like it once he's there and away from work."

My cell phone rang and I heard Graham's cell phone ringing. It was my mother. "Hi mom. Everything ok?"

"Bob. I can't believe what you want to do for your father. This is wonderful. I've convinced him he's been working too hard and a week's vacation is just what he needs. He finally agreed. I'll call again as it gets closer to leaving. To get all the details."

"You can check on the internet mom. For the weather. And the shops that are available."

"That's a good idea Bob. I'll do that. I'm excited about going. We have never been to the Bahamas. So this will be a first for us. Again, thank you so much. Love you and will call again soon."

"Ok mom. I'm glad you could convince dad to go. And I'm looking forward to a fun time in the Bahamas."

Graham was still talking on the phone. It sounded like he was talking to his mother or father. I couldn't tell.

I just waited for him to finish talking and find our how his phone call went.

Finally he finished talking and had a big smile on his face. "I guess your phone call went well?"

"It went great. That was my mother that called. She told me she convinced dad that he was working too hard and a weeks vacation is just what he needed. She said he finally agreed. Mom told me she was excited about going. This would be the first time they have ever traveled outside of the United States."

I was happy for Graham. And I knew he was happy too, that his parents would go on this one week vacation.

"I know we don't drink during the week. But this is a special occasion. How about if we have a beer to celebrate?"

"I think one beer won't kill us. And I agree that we need to celebrate. Especially all your hard work babe."

I got up and walked over to the tiki bar and grabbed us a couple of beers in chilled glasses. I handed Graham his beer and I sat down next to him on our lounger.

"Cheers. To a well needed vacation."

We clinked our glasses and sipped on our beer. The beer tasted ok, but kind of strange. Since we hardly drink beer anymore.

We finished our beer and decided to got up to our bedroom and watch tv. We were still hyped after the good news.

Graham turned on the late news and weather. And we snuggled together and watched it. Nothing very interesting on the news. And there was no change in the weather. Just sunny and warm. We were having perfect weather.

The next couple of days flew by and it was already Friday. Kendrick would be arriving late afternoon. The hotel limousine was already to pick up Kendrick when he arrived at the airport. I had Mabel freshen one of the guest bedrooms. I was hoping Kendrick would sleep with us.

Working a half day on Friday was something I looked forward to. Mabel had cooked extra with Kendrick staying. I thought we might go out Saturday night. Milo's and then the In and Out Bar. I don't think Kendrick has ever been to the In and Out Bar.

Mabel told me she was ready to leave and I told her to enjoy her weekend. She thanked me and left.

I heard Graham come in. I told him he just missed Mabel. He told me he saw her leaving and told her to have a good weekend.

Graham and I went upstairs and changed out of our work clothes and put robes on with nothing underneath and some sandals. I checked the frig to see what all Mabel had fixed. There was plenty of food ready to be warmed. I told Graham that I had Mabel freshen one of the guest bedrooms, but was hoping Kendrick would sleep with us. Graham gave me one of his sneering smiles.

"What's with the sneering smile? I thought you liked Kendrick?"

"I do like Kendrick. I was thinking about all the things we could do together in bed."

"You devil. I should have known."

"I'm sure you've been thinking of a few things too?"

"Guilty as charged. I'm looking forward to seeing Kendrick."

Graham and I went up to the sunroom. I poured us a couple of glasses of refreshment and we lounged in the sunroom. We took our robes off and laid back on the lounger.

I was chubbing a little. And Graham placed his ice cold glass on my erection. "What's that for?"

"You were starting to chub up and I wanted to see if the cold glass would make your erection wither."

"It sure did something. As cold as that was." I looked down and my chubby was gone. "You got rid of my chubby fast."

The birds were watching us. They weren't singing or attempting to sing. They seemed contented. I liked the music that was playing. It was the sounds of the rain forest right now. Then it goes to the sounds of the ocean. Very relaxing.

I told Graham about taking Kendrick to Milo's tomorrow night for dinner and then going to the In and Out Bar for a little while. I told Graham that I didn't think Kendrick had been to Milo's or the In and Out Bar. Graham told me he didn't think Kendrick had been to either place. So we would ask Kendrick when he arrived if that was ok with him.

I checked the time and it was just four. Kendrick's flight should be landing at the airport. I could checked the airport on my cell phone and it showed the American Airlines flight on schedule and that it had just landed. It should be just over an hour before Kendrick arrives here at the house.

We went down to the pool and said goodbye to the birds. I wanted to swim a few laps before Kendrick arrived. Graham and I dove into the pool. And got a few laps in. Then we lounged on top of our robes. I told Graham I had put a robe and sandals in the guest room that was ready for Kendrick.

Kendrick went to baggage claim and waited for his two overnight bags to come down the chute on the carousel. He had flown first class, but that didn't mean his bags would be the first coming out on the carousel. Soon an alarm sounded and a red flashing light started blinking. The carousel started rotating and a couple of suitcases came down the chute. Kendrick waited and waited. Finally he saw his two overnight bags come down the chute. He walked over and pulled them off the carousel. He then walked to the entrance and the chaffeur spotted Kendrick and helped him with his bags and stowed them in the back of the limousine. The chaffeur opened a back door for Kendrick and he got into the limousine. He thought he'd give Bob a call and tell him his flight had landed and he was in the limousine and on his way to their house.

Kendrick pulled his cell phone out of his pocket and was going to call Bob. But noticed his phone needed charging. He asked the chaffeur if there was a cell phone charging port in the back where he was sitting. The chaffeur told him the limousine wasn't equiped with a port for charging cell phones. He told Kendrick he was sorry. That took care of that. He wouldn't be able to call Bob. Kendrick asked the chaffeur how long a drive they had. The chaffeur told Kendrick it was about an hour.

Kendrick really wanted to call Bob and let him know he was on his way. He was going to tell Bob that the limousine didn't have a cell phone charging port. It might be something for them to consider.

Bob thought Kendrick would call as soon as he landed and let him know when he was on his way to their house. He hoped nothing happened. Was just surprised he hadn't received a call.

Bob went up to the kitchen to see what Mabel had made for dinner. It was homemade beef stew. It smelled wonderful. Mabel had made fresh rolls and they could be warmed in the microwave. All they could do now was just wait for Kendrick to arrive.

I was wondering why Kendrick hadn't called. Maybe he had a delay. I should try giving him a call. I picked up my cell phone and speed dialed Kendrick. There was no tone. He must have his phoned turned off.

I went down and joined Graham at the pool. I told Graham I was surprised Kendrick hadn't called. "I had tried calling Kendrick, but he had his phone turned off."

"He's probably at baggage claim. That's why his phone is turned off."

"I hope that is what it is and nothing has happened to Kendrick. He should be on his way here by now."

"Nothing we can do babe. But just wait. How about another glass of refreshment?"

I went up and poured Graham and me a glass of refreshment. I couldn't help but wonder about Kendrick. I hoped everything was okay. I took our refreshment down to the pool. Handed Graham his glass and I sat down next to Graham. Graham put an arm around me and told me not to worry. Kendrick is probably on his way here. He may be having phone problems.

Graham always knew how to calm me down. Just feeling his hot warm body next to mine was soothing and relaxing. We sipped on our refreshment and just relaxed on the lounger.

I couldn't help constantly checking the time. I think I was driving Graham crazy. Kendrick should be arriving any time. If my calculations were correct.

Kendrick couldn't wait to get to Bob and Graham's house. They just arrived in town so it would be just a couple of minutes until he was at their house. The chaffeur pulled up to the front gate and pushed the button for the gate to open. The chaffeur pulled in and parked in front of the front door. He opened the door for Kendrick and took out his overnight bags. Kendrick walked up to the front door and rang the doorbell.

I almost flew off the lounger when I heard the doorbell. This has to be Kendrick. Graham got up with me and we put our robes on and I ran up to the front door. I opened the door and there stood Kendrick and chaffeur. I told the chaffeur where to take Kendrick's overnight bags. Graham and I hugged and kissed Kendrick.

"You don't look tired Kendrick."

"No. I got a good rest and this flight wasn't that long."

"Let's go up to your bedroom so you can put your things away. What would you like to drink?"

"I'm dying for a cold beer. I told Kendrick I'd be right back with a cold beer. Graham stayed with Kendrick.

I ran downstairs and got a cold beer in a chilled glass and ran back up to the bedroom. "Here's your beer Kendrick."

"Thanks man. Your a lifesaver."

"I suppose your missing John?"

"You don't know how much I miss him. That's the part of my job that really sucks. The traveling and us being apart. We call each other and video chat. But it's not the same as having him here in the flesh."

Kendrick got his things put away. I told him we had a robe and sandals in the closet. Or you can go around in your birthday suit if you want to. Graham and I usually wear a jock. But sometimes we like going around naked. Kendrick opted for the robe and sandals. Damn, I was hoping he would go naked. I can never get enough of his hot body. We thought you'd like getting your things put away. But we hope you will be sleeping with us?


"I planned on it. If that is okay with you guys."

"It's more than okay. We were hoping you would want to sleep with us. How about if we head down to the pool. Are you getting hungry Kendrick?"

"I'm not hungry right now. I had a snack on the plane. I'll let you know when I get hungry."

We all walked down to the pool. Wearing our robes and sandals. Kendrick moved a double lounger next to our lounger. We took our robes off and sandals and laid back on our robes.

"Man. You guys have it made here. I don't think I'd every leave this pool area. It's fantastic. It's better than some of the hotels I've stayed at. I should do a feature story of your house sometime in the future."

"That's something Graham and I are avoiding. We've had offers before to do a feature of our house in a one of the popular home magazines. We don't want the attention brought to ourselves and our house. We like our privacy and would like to keep it that way."

"It was just a thought. I can understand what your saying. But the next best thing would be to do a feature of your hotel. I know I have it on my list of things to feature."

"I like that idea Kendrick. I'm sure it would boost up business, not that we are needing more business. But it would bring attention to our little hometown."

"Your hometown isn't that little anymore. It has really expanded since the last time I was here. And everywhere you look. You see more construction going on. You guys should be pretty proud of your accomplishments."

"We are glad to see the town growing. Graham's investment firm is responsible for all of the construction. They do a good job of landing big companies that want to invest in our town."

I heard Kendrick's stomach rumble.

"It sounds like someone is getting hungry?"

"Excuse me. But dinner sounds good. I'll eat when you guys do."

I excused myself and told Graham and Kendrick I would get dinner ready. I told Graham we would eat in the sunroom.

They kept lounging by the pool and saw them dive in. I pulled the containers out of the frig and started warming dinner. Mabel had also made a fresh garden salad which I knew would taste good. I divided the salad into three bowls and sprinkled some croutons on the top and our favorite salad dressing. The microwave beeped and I checked the food and it was hot and ready for eating. I pulled out a large tray and loaded everything on the tray. I double checked to make sure I didn't forget anything. I carefully walked upstairs to the sunroom. I had another balancing act. Carrying the large tray and trying to open the sunroom door. I managed to get the sunroom door open and walked in. Graham came over and helped me. I set the big tray down on the large round table. I saw Kendrick walking around and taking everything in. Graham and I got the table set and everything placed on the table. We told Kendrick dinner was ready.

Kendrick said the sunroom was fantastic. He told us this house is full of surprises. If Kendrick only knew. Especially what I had found in the library. That was a real surprise.

We ate our dinner naked. Kendrick was still looking around while we ate. This room is awesome. I've never seen a sunroom on the top of a house before. This is really an unique idea. I told Kendrick the sunroom was a birthday present to Graham. We ate our dinner. The stew was good. Everyone said we needed to compliment Mabel on a fantastic meal. We finished and passed on dessert. I was glad. I didn't have any idea what we had for dessert. Graham helped me load the tray and Graham took it downstairs for me. Kendrick got up and started walking around the sunroom some more. I pointed out a few things to him. The tropical plants had really grown. They looked like they needed pruning again. Kendrick liked the parrots and asked me how I managed to get them. I told him Xandro, that owns a pet store and clinic was able to get our parrots for us. This room is really something else. What other surprises does this house have. I'm going to show you soon.

Graham hadn't come back to the sunroom so Kendrick and I went downstairs. Graham was still in the kitchen putting everything away. I told Graham we were going downstairs and to join us when he finished. Graham knew what I had in mind. Kendrick didn't know about our sauna and I thought a sauna would feel good after our heavy dinner.

We walked past the gym and Kendrick noticed right away the sauna. "Are you kidding me? You guys have a sauna."

"Yeah. I'm going to turn on the radiator so we can take a sauna in a few minutes."

"I love saunas," said Kendrick.

I turned the radiator on so the sauna could start heating. Kendrick and I went into the game room and started playing some pinball machines. Graham came down and joined us. We were all naked. I had a hard time not staring at Kendrick. Kendrick looked more ripped than the last time I saw him. There couldn't have been an ounce of fat on his body. God he looked good. Couldn't wait to explore that hot body tonight in bed.

Graham walked into the game room and joined us on another pinball machine.

I checked the time and thirty minutes had already passed. I walked over to the sauna and walked in. It was warm and the radiator was ready. I told the guys the sauna was ready. We grabbed towels from the lockerroom. Kicked off our sandals and walked into the sauna. Graham was closest to the radiator so he got the steam going and set the timer for thirty minutes.

We were sitting on the top with Kendrick between us. Kendrick had his legs spread and his big flaccid cock was hanging down below his big balls. His balls were hanging down over the sitting area. I saw Graham staring at Kendrick and I gave Graham a wink. Graham released more water on the rocks and the steam rose up. It didn't take us long to start sweating. I soon felt a hand on my cock and it was one of Kendrick's big hands. I see he had reached over and was fondling Graham's cock. I reached over and rubbed the length of Kendrick's cock and felt it start coming life. Graham was feeling Kendrick's big balls. Soon we were all chubbing up. I couldn't take it any longer and started slow stroking Kendrick's cock. I liked how it grew in my hand. Kendrick's cock was a nice thick eight inches. His balls were about the same size as mine, but Kendrick's balls hung down further than mine.

We just sat there leaning against the wall. Our eyes closed and kept busy fondling each other and slow stroking. I opened my eyes to check the time and our thirty minutes was almost up. Time flies when your having fun. I told the guys that our time was up. They all moaned and looked at me like I was crazy. I told them we needed to shower and then we could go upstairs to the bedroom and continue what we started here in the sauna. Graham turned the radiator off and we wiped the sweat off our bodies and walked out and put our sandals on. We went into the lockerroom to shower. We washed and rinsed each other off and towel dried each other. We then went upstairs to our bedroom.

We had Kendrick lay down between us with Graham on one side of Kendrick and me on the other side. Kendrick went back to fondling us and Graham and I were slow stroking Kendrick and fondling his balls. Kendrick said he couldn't take any more of this. And wanted to be spit roasted. Graham and me looked at each other with a big smile on our faces. I put a pillow under Kendrick's hips to lift him up to the right level for fucking. I gave Kendrick a good rim job first. Getting his hole all wet. I lubed a couple of fingers and Kendrick's hole pulled my fingers in. I saw Graham getting over Kendrick's face and Kendrick was sucking on Graham's balls. One of my fingers found Kendrick's prostate and it was like a bolt of lightning went through Kendrick. I lubed up my cock. Slowly pulled my fingers out. And eased the head of my cock into Kendrick's hole. His hole was really tight and hot. Once the head of my cock popped in. His hole grabbed my cock and pulled the rest in. I started slowly fucking Kendrick. He was moaning and groaning. His big cock was sticking straight up. But I was going to leave his cock alone and take care of it later. I saw Kendrick deep throating Graham's cock. I picked up my pace and the head of my cock would rub over Kendrick's prostate every time I pulled out and shoved back in. I told Kendrick I was getting close to cumming. It seemed he worked his ass muscles more on my cock. I could see Graham grimacing and knew he was close to cumming. I heard Graham give out a loud moan and knew he was pumping his load down Kendrick's throat. Somehow Kendrick could constrict more on my cock and that brought me over the edge and I filled Kendrick's hole with a big load. Graham and I collapsed back on the bed. Breathing hard.

Once our breathing came back to normal we got busy on Kendrick. Graham and I started licking the sides of his big hard shaft. Kendrick laid there with his arms behind his head and a big smile on his face. We would lick the length of his shaft. Then we went down lower and we each sucked on one of his big balls. I rolled the ball around in my mouth with my tongue. Then went back up to the head of his cock and flicked my tongue back and forth over his pee slit. We had Kendrick moaning. Graham and I took turns deep throating his big cock and playing with his balls. I could tell Kendrick was trying to hold back from cumming. But soon he couldn't hold out any longer and I felt his cock harden and thicken and start blasting out a big load. Graham and I took turns swallowing his load. Once we had drained Kendrick we all kissed tasting his cum.

We were exhausted and tired. We got into a sandwich with Kendrick in the middle. Graham pulled the covers over us and we fell asleep.

I woke up alone in the bed. I was wondering how they managed to leave the bed without waking me. I looked around and didn't see anybody. I crawled out of bed and went to the bathroom. Emptied my bladder and nobody in the bathroom. I splashed a little water on my face and put my sandals on and walked downstairs.

There were Graham and Kendrick. Busy making breakfast. "Good morning sleep head."

"Yeah. Good morning."

"Somebody woke up on the wrong side of the bed."

"No. I'm ok. Still waking up."

"Maybe a good morning kiss will help?"

Both Graham and Kendrick gave me a good morning kiss.

"I'm feeling better already."

"Breakfast is almost ready. Where do you want to eat?"

"Let's eat outside and enjoy the weather."

"Go ahead and take a seat at the patio table. And we will bring everything out."

Graham and Kendrick brought out breakfast and set the table. They took a seat and we all enjoyed a good breakfast. "What are we going to do today?"

Graham said, "Kendrick wanted to do some shopping. So I think a trip to the mall is in order."

I thought this was a good time to mention tonight. "Kendrick, Graham and I have a surprise for you tonight. But we're not going to tell you what it is. We will be leaving around seven for dinner and then the surprise after dinner."

"Come on you guys. You can't leave my hanging like that. Can't you at least give me a hint?"

"Nope. Sorry Kendrick. It wouldn't be a surprise if we told you or gave you a hint."

We all finished breakfast and thought we'd shower and go early to the mall. Then we'd have all afternoon to enjoy he pool and hot tub.

We ran upstairs and Kendrick showered with Graham and me. We washed each other and jerked each other off in the shower. Towel dried each other and then Kendrick went to the other bedroom to get dressed. Graham and I put on cargo shorts and a nice Polo pull over shirt with some deck shoes.

We walked out of our bedroom just and Kendrick was leaving his bedroom. We much have been on the same frequency. Kendrick was dressed very similar to us.

"It looks like we're ready to hit the mall." We all piled into my SUV and I drove us to the mall. We arrived just as the mall was opening. It was easy to get a good parking spot close to the main entrance.

While we got out of my SUV and were walking to the main entrance. I asked Kendrick what he was shopping for. He told me wanted some nice dress clothes for work. He needed a couple more pair of dress shoes and maybe a couple of dress pants. I didn't know how much he wanted to spend. But I mentioned that we have our dress clothes tailored made. I don't know if your interested in that. Kendrick said since we were already at the mall. Let's see what the mall has to offer. If I don't like what they have here at the mall. Then we can go to your tailor.

Fair enough. Graham and I knew the best stores in the mall for men's dress clothes. So we started checking some of the stores. Kendrick wasn't really finding anything that he liked. We checked as many stores as we knew of. Maybe I should try your tailor.

Why don't we get a bite to eat and then head to the strip mall. Graham mentioned a new restaurant that just opened. He gave me the directions and we headed to the restaurant. As we got close to the restaurant, you could tell it was new. The parking lot was almost full. I managed to find a parking spot where someone was leaving. I parked and we got out and walked up to the restaurant. A host opened the door for us and asked us how many in our party. We told them we needed a table for three. He told me he would check and see what was available. He motioned for us to follow him. The restaurant was packed. And we were seated way to the back corner. A waiter came with menus and asked us if we wanted something to drink before we ordered. We all ordered a beer. We looked over the menu while we waited on our beer.

The waiter came with our beers. He told us the special was salisbury steak mashed potatoes and a vegetable. Salad was extra. I didn't want to eat a lot since we were eating at Milo's tonight. I ordered a chicken salad. Graham and Kendrick ordered the special. The waiter told us he would be back soon with our lunch.

Like the waiter said. He was back shortly with our lunch. For as busy as the restaurant was. Our service was good and Graham and Kendrick's salisbury steak looked good. My salad was huge. We ate our lunch and enjoyed it. We finished and the waiter asked us if we would like another beer and dessert. We passed on another beer and dessert. I paid the bill and Graham left the waiter a tip.

We left and I headed to the strip mall. I was able to park right in front of the store where we have our tailored made clothes. We got out and walked up to the store and walked in. The owner greeted Graham and me. We told him our friend was interested in having some tailor made clothes. I left Kendrick to talk to the owner and tell him what he was looking for. I saw the tailor start taking Kendrick's measurements. Then they looked at different material for clothes. It looked like Kendrick had selected what he wanted. I saw him pay the tailor and it looked like he was giving the tailor his mailing address and phone number. I knew the tailor shipped clothes all over the United States. I didn't know about foreign countries. It looked like they were finished and Kendrick walked back to us. "That was easy. I think we should have come directly here. The tailor will ship my clothes to my address in the Bahamas along with an order form. He has my phone number in case he has any problems. Thanks for bringing me here."

I saw the tailor give Graham and me a wink as we left his store. Kendrick told us he would ship his clothes to him in the Bahamas. The tailor told Kendrick he shipped clothes all over the United States and many foreign countries.

We arrived home and I parked in the garage and we walked into the kitchen. "I think we are ready to relax at the pool."

We ran upstairs and stripped out of our clothes. Grabbed a towel and we walked down to the pool. Our loungers were still in the same position we left them. We laid our towels down and relaxed on the loungers.

We did a few laps in the pool and then went into the hot tub. Graham and I didn't use the hot tub that much. But it felt good on the muscles. I always like to sit in a spot where the jets are right on me. It helps to relax my muscles. We just leaned back and closed our eyes and relaxed. We must have dozed off for a little while. I climbed out to check the time. It was just after five. We still had time before we needed to get ready for dinner.

I told the guys we still had an hour before we needed to get ready for dinner and Kendrick's surprise.

We relaxed in the hot tub. Not really saying much. Just enjoying the hot swirling water. Finally it was time to get ready. We climbed out of the hot tub and rinsed off using the outside shower. Dried off with our towel and went upstair to change into some nice dress clothes. I told Kendrick he would need to wear dress clothes where we were going.

Graham and I put on a pair tailor made dress pants. Mine were black and Graham's were a very dark navy blue. I pulled out a burgundy silk shirt. And decided on a teal silk dress shirt. We weren't going to wear sports coats. We were fine the way we were. Suits were not required at Milo's. Just dress clothes for dinner. Reservations had already been called in and I knew we would be eating in a private dining room.

Graham and I finished getting dressed and walked out. Kendrick soon joined us. God he looked good. I think he could wear tattered clothes and still look good. Kendrick was wearing dark brown dress pants. With a rust colored silk shirt. He looked stunning.

We got into my SUV and we were on our way to Milo's. I knew Kendrick would like Milo's. He had never been there. And I thought he'd like the In and Out Bar. Being Saturday the bar would be busy.

We pulled up to Milo's. The parking lot was about half full. Martin greeted us at the door and we followed him to a private dining room. Martin told us our waiter would be here in a just a minute. Our waiter came in and I ordered a glass of red wine. Graham and Kendrick stayed with beer.

Kendrick said, "this is quite a restaurant. And a private dining room."

We told Kendrick why we were in a private dining room. Kendrick seemed impressed. Our waiter came with our beverages. He told us our dinner would be served shortly.

My red wine was really good. Graham and Kendrick enjoyed their beer. Our waiter came back carrying a large covered silver platter. He sat it down in the center of the table. He told us he would be right back with our sides. He came back with two small covered silver platters. And set them down next to the large platter. He took the cover off the large silver platter and it was a standing rib roast. Which is really prime rib. Our sides were mixed vegetables and the other was what I called potato balls. They were small round balls of potatoes cooked in butter and garlic with a sprinkle of parsley. The waiter asked us if we would like him to serve us. We told him to go ahead and serve Kendrick first. After Kendrick he served Graham and me last.

The food was mouth watering. Kendrick told us this was the best prime rib he had ever eaten. He would need to include this restaurant when he did a review of our town. Kendrick there are little gems to be reviewed all over this town and area. We finished our dinner and the waiter cleared the table and asked us if we would like an after dinner drink and dessert.

I had another glass of red wine and the waiter rolled in a dessert cart. There was a big selection of different desserts. I opted for an apple danish. Graham and Kendrick had a piece of apple pie. I told Kendrick all the desserts are home made here in the kitchen. They have a pastry chef that does an outstanding job. Kendrick agreed. We finished our dessert and were ready to leave. I had told Kendrick earlier that our meals here were on the house and explained to him how that happened.

We got up and Martin escorted us to the front doors. Martin opened the doors for us and we thanked him and got into my SUV.

I looked at Kendrick before I took off. "Now comes your surprise." Graham had a big smile on his face.

I pulled out of the parking lot and drove the two or three miles up the highway to the In and Out Bar. The sign was lit and the parking lot was filling up. They must have something special going on.

We got out of my SUV and walked up to the front doors. You could hear the music. A doorman was at the front door. That was unusal. There was a never a doorman at the In and Out Bar. He told us there was a cover charge for the show tonight. I asked him what the show was. He said, "Cherry Delight and her girls are giving a show tonight. The show starts at nine which is in just a few minutes."

We paid the cover charge and walked into an almost full bar. One of the bartenders/waiters spotted us and led us to an empty table. All the tables were arranged facing the stage where the show would be taking place.

Kendrick was looking around. And all he saw were men. No ladies were to be seen. He asked Graham and me, "is this a gay bar?"

"We told him yup. And it looked like they were going to have a drag show."

Not one of my popular shows. But I thought maybe Graham and Kendrick would like the show. A waiter came over and I ordered a scotch and water on the rocks that I could nurse all night since I was the designated driver. Graham and Kendrick ordered beer.

It looked like the show was about ready to start. The lights were turned off and a spotlight lit the center of the stage. Soon a very voluptuous lady/man came out. "Welcome all you hot studs. My name is Cherry Delight and I have a very special show for you. So just sit back and relax and enjoy the show."

"Everyone was clapping and whistling and stamping their feet."

Soon some music started by Cher and another drag performer came out dressed like Cher. He actually looked a lot like Cher. And he started singing some of her music. He did a good job. When he finished he got a huge round of applause.

When he left the stage Cherry Delight came back out said her girls were going to perform a special act just for us.

The lights dimmed and some really heavy beat good dancing music started. The curtain opened and a line of eight dancers started dancing the Can Can. They started moving off the stage and dancing into the audience. Sitting on different guys laps and giving a good show. They then went back to the stage and finished their number. The audience clapped and hooted and whistled when they finished. Graham and Kendrick seemed to be enjoying the show. It continued with more solo performers and group numbers. Graham and Kendrick kept drinking beer while I sipped on my drink. It was getting later. Going on eleven and we decided to leave. I didn't know how much longer the show would go. Graham and Kendrick finished their beer and I finished my drink. We got up and left the bar. We thought we had stayed long enough.

It was about an hour drive back home. We arrived right at midnight and we walked into the kitchen. We were ready for bed. All of us walked upstairs to our bedroom. Kendrick went to his bedroom and changed out of his clothes and came back to our bedroom in his birthday suit. I could stare at Kendrick all day and never get tired of looking at him. Graham and I just finished putting our clothes away and Kendrick joined us in bed. We had Kendrick in the middle again between us.

We all started kissing and hugging and making out. Feeling each other all over and slowly getting hard and horny. We moved around into a circle suck on the bed. I was the lucky one that got to suck Kendrick's big cock. Graham was sucking me and Kendrick was sucking Graham. We took our time and licked a couple of fingers and eased them into each other's holes. With the blow jobs and fingering of holes it didn't take us long to cum. Fingers were finding prostates and that brought us all over the edge. We almost all came at the same time. Panting and grunting and shooting out big loads. Once our cocks got soft and slid out of the mouths we licked each other clean. We kissed and hugged and curled up together and went to sleep.

I woke up with this wonderful warm feeling between my legs. Maybe I wasn't awake and was dreaming. But then I heard moaning next to me and looked over and Graham was moaning. Soon I felt that warm sensation again and it made me moan. I pulled the covers down and Kendrick was giving Graham and me blow jobs. He had a couple fingers in each of our holes. He then switched to Graham and started bobbing up and down on Graham's cock. Then he stopped and went down on me. Kendrick was doing an excellent job. He knew just when to stop and switch to the other person. But he was getting me closer and closer to cumming. And I could tell Graham was close too. Soon I couldn't hold back any longer I flooded Kendrick's mouth with my load. He swallowed then went to Graham and Graham deposited a big load in Kendrick's mouth. I saw him swallow again. Graham and I just laid their panting and grunting. This was the best way to wake up. I could enjoy this every morning.

"Did you guys enjoy your good morning wake up blow job?"

"It was fantastic. I could get used to being woken up every morning like this."

"You guys just relax and I'm going to make you breakfast. I'll let you know when it's ready."

I heard Kendrick leave the bedroom and go downstairs. I looked over at Graham and he had such a calm peaceful look on his face. "Did you enjoy your good morning blowjob?"

"It was great. Like you said. I could get used to this every morning."

"Maybe it's something we should do every morning."

Graham and I moved close to each other and hugged and kissed and just snuggled together while Kendrick made breakfast.

I heard Kendrick coming up the stairs. He poked his head in our bedroom. "Breakfast is ready guys. I set the breakfast nook. I hope that is okay?"

"That's fine Kendrick. We will right down for breakfast."

Kendrick left and Graham and I crawled out of bed. We put some sandals on and walked downstairs for breakfast. There was wonderful smells coming from the kitchen. I didn't know Kendrick knew how to cook.

We sat down at the breakfast nook. Kendrick brought over breakfast and we all ate together and talked. Kendrick thanked us for a wonderful time last night. He said he would have been perfect if John would have been here to enjoy it. We told him, that he needs to bring John the next time he comes to visit. Kendrick agreed.

We finished breakfast and thanked Kendrick for an outstanding job. We all cleared the breakfast nook and put everything away. Kendrick told us his flight departed at noon. So he only had a little more time to be with us. We asked Kendrick what he wanted to do. He said he would enjoy a little time at the pool.

I grabbed some towels for us and we walked down to the pool. As soon as Kendrick laid his towel down on a lounger, he dove in. We followed him. We swam a few laps and then relaxed on the shallow end. We talked some more about his work and John's work possibilities. Kendrick said as soon as John graduated, he was hired by the resort owner to work in the office and do the bookkeeping. He would work between the the owner of the resort and his brother that owns the villas. So Kendrick said John would be busy. But he was looking forward to it.

We climbed out. Kendrick said he needed to shower and finish packing and then he would need to leave for the airport. I called Sam to make sure a hotel limousine would be here soon to take Kendrick to the airport. Sam assured me that everything was taken care of. In fact, a limousine was already on it's way to our house.

We went upstairs and we all climbed into our shower. Graham got all the jets and shower heads going. Kendrick really liked our shower set up. We washed each other and Graham and I took care of Kendrick in the shower. I sucked Kendrick's big cock while Graham fucked him. Kendrick looked like he had went to heaven. He dumped a big load in my throat and I could tell Graham was filling Kendrick's hole. We rinsed off and made sure Kendrick was clean after our sex. We toweled each other off and Kendrick went to his bedroom to get dressed and finish packing.

We just put robes and sandals on. Kendrick came out in some nice casual clothes. Graham and I took Kendrick's overnight bags and we walked down to the foyer. I could see the limousine already parked by the front door. We set the bags down and got into a group hug and kiss. And told Kendrick we hoped he would be coming again soon and be sure to have John with him the next time.

I opened the front door and the chaffeur took Kendrick's bags to the limousine and stowed them in the back. Kendrick walked to the limousine and the chaffeur had a back door open for him. He waved to us and we waved back. And we watched the limousine leave.

"It was sure fun to have Kendrick here. But I could tell Kendrick missed John."

"I can't blame him. I know I'd miss you if I had to travel by myself."

"Ditto babe. Let's make sure we always travel together."

I closed the front door and I poured us a glass of refreshment and we walked up to the sunroom.

"Just think. Next weekend we will be in the Bahamas for a week. I'm glad we didn't mention it to Kendrick. I wanted it to be a surprise."

The next few days flew by. Graham's parents were driving down to our house Friday morning. I told Mabel to expect them. And to be sure they parked in the garage.

Graham and I would be working our half day as usual on Friday. We already had our bags packed and had some new tailor made clothes. Since we had a private jet. We could kind of set our own time for departure. We would stop and pick up my parents when we left for the airport. I had told them to plan on us stopping around one. We would all be eating lunch on the plane.

As it got closer and closer to Friday. I was actually getting excited about going. Shirley wasn't happy with me taking a week off from work. But she knew she could make all the faces she wanted, but I wouldn't be changing my mind. Graham was bouncing around like a pinball. Making sure everything was going as planned.

Friday arrived and Graham were already going to work. The morning seemed to drag and I was constantly checking my watch. Soon it was closing time and Shirley and Janice they would take care of locking the clinic. They wished me as safe trip and to have a good time. Quinton was busy with a patient. So he wasn't able to come out and see me off.

I arrived home and saw Graham's parents car in the garage next to Graham's car. I walked into the kitchen. And I greeted Graham's parents. I saw their bags in the foyer. The looked nervous, but assured them there was nothing to be afraid about flying. We'd be going a private jet and so it would just be us. That seemed to calm down Graham's mother. I told them I needed to change and then we'd be ready to go.

I ran upstairs to our bedroom and I saw Graham. We hugged and kissed. I told Graham that I reassured his mother that there was nothing to be afraid about flying. Graham told me this would only be the second time they've flown. I changed out of my work clothes. Took a quick shower and put on my clothes for traveling. Something casual and sporty. Graham was ready and we carried our bags downstairs and placed with the Graham's parents bags.

I asked Graham's parents if they were ready. They said as ready as they'd ever be. I saw the hotel limousine parked in the front. I opened the door and the chaffeur took our bags and stowed them in the limousine. Mabel wished us a safe trip and to call her when we arrived so she would know everything was ok.

I was surprised Mabel hadn't fixed something for us to eat on the flight.

The chaffeur had the back two doors open and we all climbed into the back of the limousine. This limousine could hold twelve people in the back. So we had plenty of room. I also noticed their was a mini bar all stocked.

I asked Graham's parents if they wanted anything to drink. They both passed and said they would wait until we were on the plane. The chaffeur drove to my parent's house and he parked in front. The chaffeur walked up to the front door and shook hands with my father. The chaffeur then took my parents bags and stowed them with ours. I saw my mother and father walk down to the limousine. I got out and shook hands with my dad and kissed my mother on the cheek. I really couldn't read my parents. I didn't know if they liked this vacation or not. They got into the limousine and greeted Graham and his parents.

Now we were on our way to the airport. At least flying on a private jet, we wouldn't have to go through security. I could tell Graham's parents were nervous about flying. Not much was said as we went to the airport. My dad poured himself a drink.

We arrived at the airport and the chaffeur drove around to our private jet. This jet looked a little bigger than the ones we had been on. The steward was waiting for us at the top of the steps. He greeted each of us as we entered the plane. Our parents went first and then Graham and me.

This jet could hold fourteen people so the extra space was nice. I saw the steward already had the dining room set up. As we got seated and comfortable the steward checked our passports and said everything was in order. He then asked us if we would something to drink before take off. Graham and I ordered a beer. Our mom's ordered a glass of wine and my dad ordered a scotch and water and Graham's dad had a shot of whiskey straight up.

The seats were very comfortable and oversized. Like when you fly first class. The steward brought our drinks and we thanked him. Nobody was still talking and I was hoping this wouldn't last for the whole flight.

The pilot came on and announced that we would taking off soon and to be sure we had our seatbelts fastened.

We had finished our drinks and the steward told us he would be serving lunch as soon as we reached our cruising altitude.

I saw my parents talking. But only between themselves and not talking to anybody else. Graham and I looked at each other. Graham's parents were looking nervous again. Especially when the plane started moving. We were taxiing to our runway.

Soon we were taking off. On these smaller jets you reach cruising altitude fast. The pilot came on and said we had reached our cruising altitude and were free to walk around the cabin. He told us our flight path looked smooth, without any turbulence.

These luxury private jets were very nice. All decked out in the finest of everything. I saw the steward putting a fine linen tablecloth on the dining room table. Along with gold edged plates and gold plated silverware. The glasses were of good quality crystal. He showed us a menu and we could select what we wanted for lunch. I choose lobster as did Graham. I don't know what our parents selected but I saw them talking to the steward. The steward told us he just be a couple of minutes and our lunch would be served.

Finally my mother spoke to Graham. "Graham this is really a special treat for us. And I want to thank for doing something special like this for your father and for Robert's father. This really means a lot to us. My father didn't say anything. He just sat there stoically."

"Your welcome. Actually, Bob and I talked alot about what we wanted to do. So it was a joint decision. I just took care of the details."

"Well, you've done an excellent job. And I'm sure where we will be staying will be way over the top. Again, thank you very much."

That surprised me. Again, I was wondering if my mother was feeling ok. She never gave out compliments like that. I guess it must have made a big impression on her.

Then Graham's mother spoke to us. "I agree with Beverly. This is wonderful and I couldn't even imagine what a private jet would be like. I have to admit I'm still a little nervous. I've never flown that much. But Graham, you really are a special son. And this is wonderful what you wanted to do for the two fathers."

I thought I saw a tear in the corner of Graham's eye. Again Graham said, "Bob and I planned this together. I just took care of the details."

The fathers didn't say anything. I was wondering what they were thinking.

The steward started bringing out our lunch. And told us we could get seated at the dining room table. There were name tags so we knew where to sit. The mothers were served first. They had both ordered salmon. It smelled wonderful. Our fathers were served next and they had both ordered steak. It looked like rib eye steak, but I wasn't sure. Graham and I were served last. Our lobster looked good. These lobster tails had to be over one pound and I was wondering if I would be able to eat it all. Then the steward put down our bowls of salad and a three serving dish of different salad dressing. And to finish our lunch was a bowl of mixed vegetables and dinner rolls.

The steward filled our water glasses and the white wine glasses and red wine glasses.

My father offered a toast before we started eating. This was the first he had said anything. He stood and said, "here's to two wonderful sons and their thoughtful actions for Father's Day. If this private jet and wonderful lunch are any indication of what's to come. This vacation is going to get better and better. Now let's enjoy this fantastic lunch."

My father sat down and I was surprised. Maybe he had been thinking what he wanted to say and that was why he was so quiet. It stayed quiet while we ate lunch. We finished our lunch and the steward cleared the dishes and rolled out a small dessert cart and a large carafe of coffee. He poured us all a cup of coffee and asked us what we would like from the dessert cart. The mother's each had a danish with their coffee. My father had apple pie a la mode. Graham's father had blueberry pie. Graham and I both had chocolate cake a la mode.

Once we finished dessert we were all stuffed and couldn't eat another bite. We thanked the steward and went back to the sitting area. The mother's started looking through magazines. And us men looked over the daily papers.

Our flight was just over three hours. And it had been sometime since our lunch. The steward brought out a tiered tray of appetizers. He sat the appetizers down on a small round table that was in the center of our sitting area. The steward asked us what we would like and fixed our choices on a small plate with a cloth napkin and another cup of coffee. The appetizers were good and there was a good variety.

The time must have been going fast. The pilot announced that we were starting our descent into the Bahama International Airport. We would be landing in about an hour.

While we sitting in the sitting area. I nudged Graham. I whispered, "why is your dad so quiet? He hasn't said one word."

"I have no idea. I'm going to talk to mom when I get a chance and find out what's going on."

The pilot announced that we were starting our final descent into the Bahamas International Airport. You could feel the plane going lower and lower. I heard the landing gear being engaged and I saw the wings being tipped up for drag. This had been a very smooth flight. Soon the plane was touching down and we had a very smooth landing. The pilot taxied the plane to the area for private flights. Once the plane stopped we unlatched our seatbelts and stood up. The steward opened the door and stairs automatically descended. We started deboarded the plane and the steward pilot and co-pilot thanked us for flying with them.

I saw a limousine waiting for us. There was also a customs official there to check our passports. Once she checked our passports and gave us the okay. We all got into the limousine and were on our way to the villa. The temperature was warm. But it felt cooler than at home. Nobody talked while we were driven to the villa. This quiet treatment was bothering me. I couldn't imagine how Graham felt. After all his planning and getting everything worked out for our parents.

Something was going on and someone was going to have to give. Or I was going to find out what was going on. We were on vacation and you have fun on vacation. You don't go around with your mouth shut and not say anything. The only person that came close to thanking Graham for anything that he had done was my father, which really surprised me. Graham's mother also acknowledged what Graham had done. But my mother and Graham's father hadn't said one word. When we arrived at the villa, if nothing was said beforehand. I was going to find out what was going on.

The drive to the villa was quite scenic and the highway wound around. Everything looked tropical. Soon I felt the limousine slowing down and it parked in front of a large overhead canopy. The chaffeur came around and opened the two back doors for us. The chaffeur told us to into the lobby and the owner was waiting for us.

We all walked in and a rather pudgy man in khaki shorts sandals and a flowered shirt greeted us. And introduced himself as the owner of the villas. He shook all of our hands. He said he wanted to personally take us to our villa.

So we left the lobby and followed him on a winding path. Soon the villas started appearing. They looked like the photos that we were sent. Some were of a moderate size and some looked to be enormous. We kept walking and I was wondering when we would stop. Finally we came to a huge villa on the top of bluff. He told us this was our villa. He opened the front door and told us to walk in. I heard my mother gasp when she walked in. I could see what she was gasping about. This villa was extraordinary. It was much better than the photos. It was huge. The owner said he wanted to show us around. He introduced us to the housekeeper and the butler. Then we followed the owner to a huge gourmet kitchen. The servants quarters were off from the kitchen. Then a very large formal dining room. Everything was on an open floor plan which made everything look huge. We then walked into the living room which had a grand piano on the side with a very large fireplace and a built in bar. On the end of the living room were sliding glass doors that went out to the patio. We went to the patio. There was a large grilling island. It looked more like a small kitchen. Steps from the grilling island went down to the pool. This was an infinity pool with a great view with a tiki bar and pergola on one side. We went back into the living and followed the owner to the bedrooms. There were four bedrooms, but we would only be using three. All three bedrooms were the same size and all had en suite bathrooms and large walkin closets. There was art work all over the house. Like we had seen in the slideshow. Paintings drawings and sculpture were carefully placed throughout the villa.

The owner said that finished the tour. Graham and I thanked him and he gave us three electronic key cards to open the front door. He thought the couples would like their own electronic key card. Before he left he told us that he was just a phone call away. Everything was marked on the phone. If we needed anything. To just give him a call and he would take care of what we needed. Our parents never said one word to the owner and this was really bothering me. I could tell Graham was upset.

The chaffeur brought in our luggage and garment bags and we showed him where to put the the luggage. Once he left I told everyone to meet in the living room. I was going to find out what was going on here. If they were going to keep quiet and not say anything. Then there was no reason in staying and we would plan on flying back. I was really starting to get pissed and Graham knew I had reached my limit.

Once we were all together in the living I told our parents to go ahead and have a seat. Graham sat down close to me.

"I'm going to say something first and I'd appreciate if I wasn't interrupted. You will all get a chance to say something. First, I'm very disappointed in all of you. Graham spent a lot of time planning this vacation and working out all the details. And nobody has the common courtesy to thank him. Look at his villa. We had a private jet. A chaffeured limousine. And what did you all say. Nothing. If you don't like something or your upset about something. You could have at least said something rather than giving Graham the silent treatment. If this continues than I think we shouldn't even bother unpacking and we can fly back tomorrow. That's all I have to say. Now it's your turn looking at the parents."

We waited and waited and waited. Finally my father spoke up. "Robert is right. We haven't said anything to Graham. I don't know why I didn't feel like talking. I'm a lawyer and lawyers like to talk. I guess the only excuse I can come up with is that I was really taken back by everything that was being done for us. It wasn't that I didn't appreciate everything that Graham has done. I was just at a lose of words and I didn't really know what to say. I'm sorry Graham and I really appreciate everything you've done." My father then sat down.

My mother then stood up. "Graham, I'm sorry for not saying anything. I usually let John take the lead and since he didn't say anything I thought I shouldn't say anything either. I want you to know that you've done a wonderful job of organizing everything and John and I want you to know we really appreciate everything." Then my mother sat down.

We waited again for awhile and finally Graham's mother stood up. "Graham, I'm so sorry I never said how much I appreciated everything you've done. Everything has just been wonderful. I was quiet at first because I was getting using to flying. I was really nervous for awhile. I know that's no excuse. But I do feel better being on land. And I can't wait to enjoy the rest of the our vacation. Thank you Graham.

Finally after a pause. Graham's father stood up. "Graham I don't know where to start. I'm sorry for not saying anything. I never expected all of this and it really made me think about all the times I was hurtful to you when you were living at home. I apologize for those times. And I'm overwhelmed by what you have done for Bob's father and me. This way over the top. And I'm not sure I deserve all of this. Please accept my apology son and thank you very much for all you have done." Then Graham's father sat down.

I got back up. "Now that wasn't so hard. was it? Let's get this vacation started now on a good foot and enjoy ourselves. That's why we're here. Thank you for directing your comments to Graham. I know he feels much better."

Then Graham got up. "Thank you all for you comments and apologies. I was taken back when nobody was talking. I thought maybe I forgot something or left something out. But after hearing from each other you individually. I can see where your coming from. I accept your apologies and I must admit I feel one hundred percent better. Like Bob said. We're here to enjoy ourselves. Forget about work and just have a good time. So let's have a good time."

Everyone got up and hugged and kissed Graham. I could tell he was feeling much better. And so was I.

We all got our clothes put away and started wandering around this massive villa.

Now that the air was settled. It was nice to see our parents talking. And Graham told me they all individually apologized to him and thanked him for everything he had done and having everything so well organized.

The butler came out and asked us if we wanted anything to drink or if there was anything he do could for us. All the guys agreed on a drink and our mothers had a glass of wine. We were all wandering around the villa. Taking in everything. It was really was a spectacular place. Graham did a great job and I was going to show him tonight I much I appreciated him.

After our drinks. I told he butler we'd like to get a tour of the area. The butler told me he would call the chaffeur and the limousine would be here in about five minutes. I told everyone the limousine would be here to take us for a tour in about five minutes. Our mothers were scrambling around primping themselves and making sure they looked as good as possible. Graham and I splashed on some cologne and kept the same clothes on from the flight. The butler told us the limousine was here and he opened the front door for us. The chaffeur had the two back doors open and we all climbed into the back of the limousine. This a a Mercedes limousine and it could easily fit ten people in the back. It was also fitted with a mini bar.

The butler had already told the chaffeur we wanted to go on a tour. So off we went. We all enjoyed the tour. The chaffeur would point out and explain things as he drove us around.

Father's Day was a big hit. The owner of the villas has a big cake delivered to our villa. The Father's thanked me and especially Graham for this wonderful vacation. And the fathers again apologized to Graham for their bad behavior.

Graham and I had a chance to visit Kendrick and John while our parents went shopping. They were surprised to see us. We told them we had rented a villa for Father's Day. And we were all staying a week.

Graham noticed his mother looked worried. He asked her what the problem was. She told him that everything was very expensive and really out of their price range. Graham told his mother not to worry. Graham gave his mother his black credit card and told her to buy whatever they wanted and was a treat for both of them. Graham's mother cried and told Graham how thoughtful he was and appreciated him having this vacation for Father's Day. After the way Graham's father had treated Graham when he was living at home. Graham told his mother that was history and was glad everything had worked out for the best. Then he told his mother to enjoy herself shopping. She kissed Graham on the cheek and left happy and singing to herself.

A week sure goes by fast. Graham and I had a chance to talk to the owner of the villas and told him their plans for generating more business. Bob told the owner that he knew his parents were interested in vacationing here. Then Graham and Bob told the owner of their plans to have a Fourth of July party and invite all their friends. They would like to show a special slideshow of the villas. They were wondering if the owner could put together a special slideshow that they could show at their party. The owner told them he liked their idea. And he would get something together and then email them the slideshow. They also asked the owner if their friends and family would get a special rate. The owner said that would be included in the slideshow.

Graham's mother had done a lot of shopping and Graham was glad to see his mother happy. Now it was the job of getting everything packed and ready to leave. Their flight was leaving just after lunch on Saturday.

They ate their last lunch at the villa. The butler had the kitchen staff prepare a special going away lunch. The lunch was excellent as always and everyone seemed a little sad to be leaving. They all agreed that the time went by too fast. Bob's father said they already had a villa reserved and they would be returning soon. He said this resort was excellent and relaxing and it was just what he needed for a break from work. Then Bob's father went on to say that they were inviting another couple to join them. Bob asked who he was inviting. He said the couple is sitting right here and then he mentioned Graham's parents. I thought Graham's mother was going to faint. And Graham's dad had a big smile on his face. Graham's father said that was very generous and they would be glad to join Bob's parents the next time they planned to vacation here.

Everything ended on a good note. And Bob and Graham were glad to see their parent's getting along so well. Bob still couldn't believe that his father was inviting Graham's parents the next time they came here to the Bahamas.

Everyone was packed and waiting for the limousine. The owner had walked down to the villa. And told them he was glad they had enjoyed themselves and looked forward to seeing them again. Graham and I tipped the butler and the housekeeper. They thanked us.

The limousine pulled up and the butler and chaffeur got all of our bags stowed in the limousine and all the purchases. Our parents had their receipts handy. They would need to show the receipts to the customs official. So that all the purchases could be cleared.

We all climbed into the back of the limousine and the owner waved to us as we left for the airport. Our private jet was waiting for us. And it looked like the same flight crew. The steward and the chaffeur got out bags and purchases and the customs official cleared everything. We were in the sitting area while they finished stowing our bags in the cargo hold. The steward brought our garment bags inside and stowed them in a special compartment in the front of the plane.

The steward asked us if we enjoyed our time in the Bahamas. We all agreed it was the best time we had ever had. He asked us if we would like something to drink before we took off. The mother's had wine. Graham and I had beer. And our father's had a mixed drink.

Soon we were airborne and the steward told us he would be bringing out some appetizers.

The appetizers were delicious and we all had another round of drinks. We were all talking about our experience in the Bahamas and what a lavish villa we stayed in. They all agreed, it looked like something a movie star would own. We all said we needed to do this again.

We had another smooth flight and the landing was like we were landing on feathers. You couldn't feel anything. We deboarded the plane and the chaffeur and steward loaded everything into the limousine. We thanked the flight crew and looked forward to returning soon to the Bahamas.

We all got into the hotel limousine and we were on our way home. The fathers kept talking about everything they did in the Bahamas. It was starting to get a little ridiculous. Our mother's started rolling their eyes. Graham and I were laughing. We were just glas they had a good time. That was what this vacation was all about.

We arrived in town and the chaffeur drove to my parent's house. We all got out and hugged and kissed my mother. I thanked them for coming and was glad they enjoyed themselves. My mother told me he had no idea how much they enjoyed themselves. I was glad to hear that and especially glad for Graham. A couple of the staff at my parents house took all the bags and purchases into the house. We all got back into the limousine and waved goodbye to my parents. It just took a couple of minutes and soon we were at our house.

Mabel was their and she opened the front doors when she saw the limousine pull in. She came out and helped the chaffeur bring in all the bags and purchases. The chaffeur left and I gave him a tip and thanked him.

Graham's parents were driving back home today. Graham asked his dad if he was too tired. he told Graham no. He felt fine and rested and he would just take his time driving home. We asked them if they wanted something to eat or drink before they left. Graham's mother said something drink would be nice. I told Mabel to pour us all a tall glass of refreshment with ice and we would be sitting outside under the covered patio.

We went out to the patio and Graham's parents said what a wonderful backyard we had. We told them we enjoyed it. Mabel brought out the refreshment with some fresh homemade danish rolls. We all tried one of Mabel's danish and they were mouth watering as always. We finished our refreshment and I asked Graham's parents if they would like to take the rest of the danish with them. Graham's mother said sure, if it wasn't a problem. Mabel packed the danish and handed it to Graham's mother. Graham's father went into the garage and backed out their car. Everything was loaded into the car and Graham's mother got in. We had kissed her and shook hands with Graham's dad. And watched them leave. Graham had told his mother to call when they got home.

We walked back in and answered Mabel's one hundred questions about the Bahamas. She said she was ready to leave, unless we had something we needed her to do. We told her to go ahead and go and enjoy the rest of her weekend.

Graham and I slumped down on the couch. I was exhausted and Graham said he was too. "Why don't we go upstairs and change out of these clothes and take a nap."

"I like idea that babe."

We went upstairs and stripped out of our clothes and laid down naked on the bed and curled up together and dozed off.

End of Chapter 15 - Father's Day

Chapter 16 - Coming Soon

If you would like to see the characters in the story, please read "My Alphabet Friends," and there are photos of characters at the end of each chapter. However, due to some problems the photos are not working at this time. I will be revising and editing all the chapters in My Alphabet Friends when I finish this series.

Your comments and suggestions are always welcome. I answer all emails I receive. I ask that you please put Nifty or the title of the story in the subject line. Then I'll know it's not spam. I am already working on Chapter 15. I hope you enjoy my story as much as I like writng it. Please email me at:

Next: Chapter 16

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