Bob's Holidays

By Francis Scott

Published on Jul 7, 2023


Bob's Holidays Chapter 14

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The following story is a work of fiction from the authors mind. It contains adult situations between consenting adults. If this offends you and is illegal in your area, WHY ARE YOU HERE? Any similarities to actual people or events is purely coincidental. This story does not promote safe sex. Please practice safe sex at all times. Don't put your life or someone else's in jeopardy.

If you haven't read my story, "My Alphabet Friends," I would recommend doing so. All characters in this series are from My Alphabet Friends. There are pictures of the characters at the end of each chapter. However, at this time there is a problem with the pictures and I will be revising and editing My Alphabet Friends when I finish this series. You will find, My Alphabet Friends, in Gay/Adult Friends.

Bob's Holidays

By Francis Scott

Chapter 14 - Flag Day

I told Graham I wanted to check our messages. The red light was flashing on the answering machine. I pressed the flashing button and the first message was from the bodyguards wanted to see when we could all get together and to give a call back as soon as we could. The second message was from Steve and Freddy. They were going to be having an open house and wanted us to call them back as soon as possible for help on their open house and inviting more people. "What do you think babe? Should I call Steve now before it gets later. Maybe they will be home."

"Go ahead. They should be home and we can help them out with their open house."

I tried Steve's phone number. "Hello, this is Steve. How may I help you?"

Obviously Steve didn't recognize my phone number. "Hi Steve, this is Bob. We just got back home and was checking the messages."

"Hi Bob. Sorry I didn't recognize your phone number. Freddy and me are planning an open house and we need all the help we can get. We were hoping you and Graham would be able to help us out."

"Sure we were talking about that before I gave you call. How can we help you?"

"Well. This is our first party in our new house. We don't really have the contacts for catering. A bar. Waiters and bartenders, etc. Any help you guys could give us would be appreciated. Also, our group of friends is small. So if you could invite some of your friends that would help."

"What Graham and I can do is call our friends and invite them to your open house. Graham has your address so that's not a problem. We'll call Preston and have him setup bartenders and waiters. When is your open house planned and what time?"

"We're thinking in a couple of weekends to give time to get everything organized. Probably start at noon on Saturday."

"What about decorations. Do you want anything decorated?"

"We never thought about that. Do you know someone that could do decorations?"

"Do you have your cell phone handy? I'll give you the name and phone number of the decorators that we use."

I gave Steve the name of J & M Decorators and their phone number. "If you think of anything else. Just give me or Graham a call and we'll be glad to help. Oh, and here's the name and phone number of the DJ we use for music."

"Thanks Bob. This has been a big help. It will make it easier for Freddy and me now to get this all organized and ready in two weekends. Thanks again and you and Graham enjoy the rest of your weekend."

"That went well babe. Steve sounded excited about having a party. I told him he could call you or me if they needed any more help getting their party organized."

"I wonder if clothing is going to be optional. Did Steve mention what everyone should wear?"

"No he didn't. I didn't think about that. I'll call him on Monday and see what their ideas are on attire. I'm putting off calling the bodyguards. That was the other message. I'll call the caterers on Monday and give them Steve's phone number and Steve can get everything arranged with them. I just want to relax with my husband and enjoy our quiet time together."

"I like the way you think. Let's go down to the pool and relax. And enjoy each other."

We draped our robes over our shoulders and walked down to the pool. These robes were are our new ones from the Ritz-Carlton Hotel or condos. They were plush and had our initials on them. We wore our matching sandals.

We laid down together on the lounger. Kissing and hugging and making out. It was like I couldn't get enough of Graham and Graham couldn't get enough of me. We were making up for lost time. We had a good time with Anthony and Roland, but didn't have anytime for ourselves.

Graham and me were getting more and more aroused as our making out got hotter and heavier. Soon we were both sporting our big hard hardons. Graham was using my precum as lube and slowly stroking the length of me up and down. I returned the favor and did the same to my lover. We were starting to breath heavy and moved around to a sixty nine on our sides. Something we had started doing and we really liked it.

I took Graham down my throat. I didn't want him cumming on himself. I liked the taste of his cum and I wanted it bathing the sides of my throat. Graham took my to my pubes and was working his tongue up and down on the back of my thick cock head. He knew the sensitive spot and was working it good. Giving me lots of precum. We reached around and stuck a couple fingers in each other's holes. That was really the frosting on the cake. It made us rock hard and start shooting. One of Graham's fingers was rubbing over my prostate and giving it a good workout. I sucked out my husband's big load and swallowed it all down. Graham then sucking out my load and I saw him swallow. We laid back on the lounger with an arm around each other. We kissed and tasted each other's cum.

I asked Graham if he wanted a glass of Mabel's good refreshment. He told me sure if I was going to have a glass. I got up and walked up to the kitchen and poured us each a glass of refreshment and brought them down for us. The refreshment tasted good after our little sexual love making.

"What should we do for dinner babe? I don't feel like cooking or warming anything up. We can have Mabel's food tomorrow. Should I order delivery or should we go somewhere?"

"Let's go somewhere. Any ideas?"

"No. You decide."

"How about the Chinese restaurant? We've only been there one time. We usually order delivery from them. Isn't that close to Steve and Freddy's housing complex?"

"It is. The sounds like a good idea. Chinese isn't too filling and will be just right."

"Maybe we can take a quick swing by the housing complex and then go to the Chinese restaurant. Should I call and see if we need reservations?"

"It may not hurt to give them a call. When should we leave?"

"How about in an hour. We need to shower and get dressed and check out the housing project and then eat."

I picked up my cell phone and called the Chinese restaurant. We didn't need to make reservations. The person I talked to told me they had a buffet. Or we could order off the menu.

Graham and I got up off our lounger. Put our robes and sandals on and took our empty refreshment glasses to the kitchen. Put the glasses in the dishwasher and walked upstairs to our bedroom. We hung up our robes and Graham got the water going in the shower. He told me the water was ready. I walked in and noticed Graham was already semi hard. I think he really did miss me. We washed each other and I got Graham rock hard again. He washed me and pressed his big hardon up and down over my hole. Feeling his big hardon, didn't take me long to get hard. We jerked each other off while we kissed under the water. Rinsed off our cum and dried each other off.

We decided on some of tailor made sporty clothes. I helped Graham get dressed and then Graham helped me. We looked good in the mirror. We kissed again. Splashed on some cologne and Graham said he was driving us. He knew where the housing project was and a short cut to the Chinese restaurant.

We walked out to the garage through the kitchen. I armed the security system and we took off in Graham's Porsche.

It didn't take us long to get to the housing project. The security gate was finished and a guard was posted. So we didn't drive inside. Graham told me there would be ten houses in this project when it was completed. He said all the homes were big and some of them were two floors. They would all have swimming pools. The pools and landscaping would be done by Zane's company. We knew the pools and landscaping would be over the top, but Zane was good at incorporating the idea's the home owners had.

There were three completed houses in the project. We knew one of them had to be Steve and Freddy's house. Graham thought their house was the one closest to the entrance. It looked big from the outside and had a second floor. But that was about all you could see from the street and through the security gate. Otherwise, the high stone wall blocked everything else.

Graham took off and we went down a new street that took us directly to the Chinese restaurant. I was hardly ever over in this part of town. This was all new development in this area. All done through Graham and Preston's investing firm. It was really quite impressive and I was really proud of Graham on being so successful.

Graham parked in front of the Chinese restaurant. It didn't look busy. At least there wasn't many cars parked in front of the restaurant.

We got out of Graham's car and walked up to the front door. An oriental looked man opened the doors for us and bowed to us as we entered. He was wearing red and black clothes. In a traditional looked oriental style. The name of the restaurant was embroidered on the front of his shirt in gold or maybe yellow thread. Their was a large embroidered dragon on the front of his shirt. Very expertly executed. I didn't know if he spoke English or not, but I thought I'd take a chance.

We followed the host to a table he pointed out to us. I said, "thank you."

He nodded and bowed and left us at the table.

Soon a young man. Also oriental looking walked over to us. He had come out of swinging doors. Probably from the kitchen. He told us he would be our waiter and asked us if we wanted to eat off the buffet or if we would like menus. I asked him if we could check the buffet first before we made a decision. He told us of course.

The buffet looked very good. There was seafood along with chicken and beef dishes. Sweet and sour pork. Egg rolls. Won ton soup. Graham and I thought the buffet looked really good and would eat off the buffet. We went back to our table and told the waiter we would eat off the buffet. He asked us what we would like to drink. We thought since we were in the Chinese restaurant we would drink tea. So the waiter told us he would bring our tea while we served ourselves at the buffet.

We walked back to the buffet. I noticed more people coming into the restaurant. I was glad to see they were getting busy. Graham and I grabbed our plates and started serving ourselves from the buffet. Everything looked and smelled delicious. Of course I couldn't see Graham's white plate by the time he had finished heaping up food on his plate. I told him that it was a buffet. He could back as many times as he wanted.

We walked back to our table and noticed the silverware had been place and two typical Chinese teacups without handles and a teapot were on the table. Graham poured us each a cup of tea. It was very hard, but good. I thought it was green tea, but I wasn't sure. I asked Graham, "are we going to eat our dinner like typical orientals or are we going to eat like foreigners?"

Graham asked me, "what's the difference."

"Orientals eat all of one thing first. If they eat rice. They eat all their rice till gone off their plate. If they eat shrimp. They eat all the shrimp until it's gone. One thing at a time. Foreigners like us, mix up our food when we eat."

Graham told me he was going to eat like a foreigner. I told him I was too.

The food was very good. I told Graham we should come here more often. Graham ate everything on his plate and was ready to go back for seconds. I joined him. I didn't usually eat this much. But everything was really good. I really liked how the seafood was prepared.

We finished seconds and drank a second cup of tea. Graham was ready for dessert and I thought I'd join him. The had a vanilla pudding with a vanilla wafer crust and bananas that looked really good. I had a small dessert plate and dished up some of that dessert for myself. Graham said he was going to try it to.

We went back to our table and the dessert was really good. I was stuffed and Graham said he couldn't eat another bite of anything. I motioned for the waiter. He came over and I asked him for the bill.

The waiter came back shortly and we paid him and left him a tip.

We decided to go home. We didn't have anything else to do in town.

Graham pulled into the garage and we entered the house from the garage into the kitchen. "What should be do now babe?"

"How about a movie in the theater room?"

"Let's get changed and find a good movie to watch."

Graham and I put jocks on and sandals and walked downstairs to the movie room. I let Graham go through the channels and find something for us to watch. We had our theater system connected to the wi-fi and we had over forty thousand channels. I saw Graham in the mystery spy movie channels. He was looking for something we would both like. He seemed to find something and had a movie started.

We sat together. Which I liked. Our legs draped over each other to make room in the theater chair for both of us.

Graham and I were naked and our warm bodies together was a real turn on. Graham had the movie started and it looked like it would be a good one. It was a mystery spy movie with Sherlock Holmes. We hadn't watched many of the Sherlock Holmes' movies. This I thought was one of Arthur Conon Doyles' better mysteries. It kept Graham and my attention. We of course did some fondling and kissing during the movie. But wanted to watch the movie before we did any fooling around. This was Saturday so we didn't have to get up early for work.

We watched the movie to the end. It was exactly two hours. It finished at a good time so I could watch the late news and weather. I told Graham I was going upstairs to the living room and turning on the news. Graham told me he would join me shortly. He wanted to get everything turned off in the theater room.

I stretched out on the big sofa and turned on the news. It was just starting so this was good timing. I heard Graham coming up the stairs and he laid down on the sofa with me. Graham was in front of me and I could press my body against my studly husband. I pressed my cock between his ass cheeks. And propped my head up on a pillow so I could watch the news. I kissed Graham on the back of his neck and behind his ears. I knew that would get him going. I reached around with one arm and held my lover tight to me while we watched the news. I like squeezing and playing with Graham's nips. He liked when I did that and it always got him aroused.

The news finished and the weather came on. Nothing new in the weather. Was staying the same. Mid seventies and clear skies. Perfect temperature. Back to our normal weather. The weather finished and we decided to head to bed.

I turned off the tv and Graham and I walked upstairs to our bedroom with an arm around each other.

We crawled into bed on top of the covers. Graham wasn't tired and I didn't feel tired either. I knew what I wanted to do. We laid on our sides facing each other. Our cocks were pressed tight together and I went back to playing with Graham's nips. They got hard immediately. I leaned in closer and flicked my tongue over his hard nips and nibbled on them. That caused Graham to groan. I could feel his cock stirring and growing. While I played with his nips, Graham reached down and held our cocks together. Feeling his cock growing was having the same effect on me.

Graham rolled over onto his back and I got over him so we could keep frotting our cocks. Our cocks were growing to full erection and I felt mine leaking. Which made good lube while I continued frotting on his Graham's cock. We kissed and Graham had his arms around me. As we continued making out I heard my phone ring. What a nice time to get a phone call.

"Hello, this is Bob." I didn't hear anything on the other end. "This is Bob, may I help you?" Still no answer. I couldn't hear anything. But the other person had not disconnected. I disconnected the call and went back to Graham.

"Who was it babe?"

"Nobody. Probably a wrong number."

We just started making out when my phone rang again. I picked it up and rolled over on my back. "Hello, this is Bob." Again nothing and then I started hearing some heavy breathing. "Hello, who is this." Still nothing, just more heavy breathing. "I can trace this call and find out who you are." I disconnected and checked the number. It was an unknown caller. If it continued I would call my phone provider and tell them I wanted this caller traced.

Graham told me I should call the phone company right now and tell them to trace the call. I took Graham's advice and called my phone provider. "Hello, this is Bob. I just received a couple of disturbing phone calls. With just heavy breathing. The calls came in as an unknown caller. I was wondering if you could trace the calls. I don't want this person calling me anymore."

"We can do that for you Bob. It will take a few minutes and then when we have the information we will call you back."

"Ok. Thank you and will look forward to your call."

"Did you hear that babe?"

"Yeah. I got the gist of it."

"Now I'm curious to find out who that caller was? And how they got my unlisted phone number."

Graham and I went back to making out and getting really into again. When my phone rang. "I guess we're not supposed to make out?"

"Hello Bob. This is your cellular phone company calling back."

"Were you able to trace the call?"

"Yes. However, the call came from the federal prison. We called the prison to inform them you had received unwanted phone calls. The official said he could trace who had just made the call. The inmates had to sign a register whenever they made a phone call. It seems the prisoner was one of the drug lord's henchmen."

"I thought they had all died?"

"Apparently not. But I can assure you that that prisoner won't be making anymore calls."

"How was that prisoner able to call me. I have an unlisted phone number."

"He somehow had your number on a little piece of paper. The guard said he didn't have the paper anymore and he would be spending time in solitary confinement after this escapade. I assure you we are very sorry about this happening. But it sounds like it was an isolated incident and won't happen again."

"Ok. Thank you for the information and help. Hopefully that inmate won't ever get released."

"I hope so to."

I gave Graham the details and told Graham this was quite disturbing. I'm concerned now that that inmate might be released at some future date and want to pay us a visit.

I took Graham's advice and gave Cal a call. I filled him in on what had just happened. He told me he did have some connections at the federal prison and would take care of this tomorrow morning. It was too late now to do anything and it would be easier tomorrow when the people he wanted to call would be working.

I thanked Cal and we disconnected.

"I don't know babe. I'm wide awake now. I wasn't really that tired earlier. It's going to take me a long time to get to sleep. This is going to bother me until I know it is resolved."

"I know babe. It's upsetting to me too. But knowing Cal. He will take care of this and we won't have anything to be concerned about. He'll call us as soon as he has information for us."

We crawled under the covers. Romance and making out was the furthest thing on my mind right now. Graham hugged me tight to him until we both fell asleep. I felt better being in Graham's arms.

I must have slept as I woke up to my cell phone ringing. I picked it up off the nightstand. "Hello, this is Bob." I hadn't looked at the number to know who was calling me.

"Hi Bob. This is Cal. You have nothing to worry about. Like I promised you, I made a couple of calls to the federal prison and the inmate won't be calling you anymore and he won't be getting released. It seems this calling last night on his part, but the frosting on the cake for him. He will be denied parole and will be spending the rest of his sorry ass in federal prison."

"Thanks Cal. That's great news. Thanks for making the calls. I feel much better and I know Graham will too when I tell him. I don't know your schedule today. But if you have time, why don't you and Dave come over. It would be nice to spend some time with you guys."

"Thanks for the invite Bob. I usually put in a few hours in my office to get paperwork done on Sunday. When I finish I'm heading over to Dave's and you may see us at your place this afternoon."

"Ok Cal. Thanks again for the call. And Graham and I will look forward to seeing you and Dave this afternoon."

Graham was stirring and opening his eyes. I gave him a big good morning kiss and then filled him in on Cal's call and about inviting him and Dave over.

Graham told me he was anxious to see Cal and Dave and especially if he had more information for us on the inmate. I told Graham to relax and I would make us breakfast. We could shower or go for a swim after breakfast. I kissed my husband and walked downstairs to the kitchen and got our breakfast started.

I soon heard Graham coming down the stairs. He was naked just like me. He walked up behind me and wrapped his arms around me and kissed me on the neck and my ears. That was always arousing to me. It didn't take me long to get an erection. Graham played with my hardon while I worked on breakfast. It wasn't an easy thing to do. I finally managed to get our breakfast done and told Graham we could eat right here at the kitchen island. Graham broke apart from me and placed our place settings. I dished up breakfast on our plates. I poured us each a cup of coffee and a glass of orange juice.

We ate our breakfast pretty much in silence. Graham knew I was still concerned about the inmate calling me. I knew Graham was concerned too. But I think he was more concerned about me than himself. We finished our breakfast and Graham helped me put everything away and clean the kitchen. We decided to go for a quick swim and then shower after.

Graham walked out to the pool while I ran upstairs and grabbed us a couple of towels. We had sandals on. I caught Graham diving into the pool. That lean muscular body looked so perfect. I put my sandals under the lounger and put the our towels on it. I dove into the water came up right next to Graham. I think I surprised him. He didn't know that I had already come down to the pool.

We hugged and kissed on the shallow end. Then we did a few laps. To work out the kinks and our stiff muscles. I felt good after our doing a few laps and we climbed out of the pool and rinsed out in the outside shower. We dried off a little with the towels and draped them over our shoulder while we went upstairs to shower.

Graham got the water going in the shower while I threw our towels in the hamper and grabbed a couple more. I joined in Graham in the shower. He had all the shower heads and jets going on massage. The water felt good on my body. Graham washed me all over and then I rinsed off the soap. Then I washed Graham and he rinsed off.

We dried off and Graham asked me what I wanted to do. I said let's go up to the sunroom and relax and watch tv. The birds have probably missed us and we haven't been in the sunroom since we got back.

We put sandals on and walked together up to the sunroom naked. Graham opened the door and I followed him in. We could hear the birds before we entered the sunroom. I was wondering why they were making so much racket. When we entered the sunroom they were squaking and carrying on. I realized what the problem was. There was no background music, just static. The sound system must have crashed while we were gone and Xandro doesn't come until Wednesdays. I checked the sound system and reset it. It soon was playing some nice background music. Tropical rain forest birds and rain. The birds immediately stopped making their noise and calmed down. I checked their water and food and cleaned the dishes and refilled them.

Graham came up to me and we both taled to the birds. They seemed glad to see us and would cock their head to one side like they were listening to what we were saying. I think they were listening to us.

We walked back to a lounger and I saw Graham walk over to the tiki bar. While I checked the sports channels. I found a good college football game already in progress. Graham came back with two cold beers. We hadn't drank any beer for awhile. It tasted good and Graham got settled on the lounger next to me. We put an arm around each other and kissed and then sipped on our beer while we watched the game.

We did a little fondling, but nothing too heavy. The game was good a couple of teams we liked were playing. I finished my beer and asked Graham if he wanted another. He said, "sure." I got up and got Graham a beer. I was already feeling full after drinking one beer. I grabbed a bottled water for me and handed Graham his beer. The game finished and the winning team pulled out a squeaker.

It was going on lunch time and I told Graham I would warm up the food Mabel had prepared for us. He could relax here and I could bring the food up when it was ready. He said no. He wanted to watch me in the kitchen. I think he really wanted to stare at my naked body.

I told Graham I thought our orders should be coming soon. The wine and perfume. And the star's manager had told me he would include the information on how we could order more wine and perfume in the future.

Lunch was almost finished and Graham helped me set the breakfast nook for lunch. I put the food on the table. Graham still had some of his beer left and told me he would drink that with lunch. I poured myself a glass of refreshment and had that with my lunch. Lunch was good. Homemade lasagna with a fresh garden salad and garlic bread. I topped my lasagna off with some fresh ground parmasan cheese. Graham passed on the cheese. Everything was delicious. We made a big dent in the lasagna and there would still be enough left of everything for dinner.

I was wondering when Cal and Dave would come over. Was looking forward to seeing Cal and asking him how he was getting along now after his accident. It would be fun to have them here with us.

Graham and I cleared everything off the breakfast nook table. And put everything back in their containers and stored it in the frig.

I grabbed a couple of towels for us and we walked down to the pool. I told Graham we hadn't used the sauna in a long time. Maybe Cal and Dave would like the sauna.

Graham and I swam a few laps in the pool and then used the rinse shower outside and went over to the pergola, which was covered and shady. It seemed we rarely ever used the pergola. The most use it got was when we had parties. We just started relaxing when I heard Cal and Dave. They knew how to get in through the gate. "Hi guys. Good to see you."

Graham and I got up and we hugged and kissed and they helped each other out of their clothes and joined us on a lounger under the pergola. "What would you like to drink?"

"A couple of cold beers would taste great."

"I got up and got Cal and Dave a cold frosty beer in chilled beer steins."

Graham and I weren't drinking anything. I asked Cal, "how you feeling now. You look like your getting around fine?"

"I feel great. The rehab was a bitch at first. But coming here and exercising and using the gym at work I soon was back to my regular self."

"That's good to hear. You look good and you could never tell you were in an accident."

"Graham and I were wondering if you guys would like to take a sauna?"

"Cal looked at Dave and they both nodded yes. A sauna would be good for my muscles."

We all got up from our loungers and walked together into the house and then downstairs to the sauna. I turned the radiator on to get it warm. We went into the game room and played a little pool and pinball while we waited for the steam to be ready. I walked over and checked the sauna and told the guys it was ready.

I grabbed towels for all us and we climbed up onto the top seating and sat down on our towels. It wasn't crowded but we were all touching on our sides, which didn't seem to bother anybody.

Graham turned on the valve and some water dripped down on the rocks and you could hear it fizzle and see the steam rising. Graham did that three times and you could feel the steam. The steam felt good on my body. I just leaned my head back against the wall and closed my eyes and absorbed the steam. The other guys looked like they were doing the same thing to.

I soon felt a hand on my cock and rubbing the length. I looked over to Cal who was next to me. He still had his eyes closed and he was leaning back against the wall. I thought two could play that game. So I reached over and started rubbing the length of his big cock. It seemed to respond right away and I felt it growing as I kept my fingertips rubbing up and down the length. As his cock was growing I felt him grab my cock with his hand and slowly stroke me. I was almost at full erection. Cal's hand felt good on my cock. I wrapped my hand around Cal's cock and it was rock hard. I slowly stroked his long thick cock. Cal had to be close to nine inches. He had a big cock. He definitely looked bigger than my thick seven incher. Cal bent down and took the tip of my cock between his lips and sucked on the head. Damn that felt good. I leaned back farther and spread my legs. Cal bent down further and soon had my cock down his throat. This was the first time I had ever felt Cal deep throating me. I knew he liked to fuck but I didn't know he was good at deep throating. I looked down at Cal just as he was looking up at me. He gave me smile and I closed my eyes and groaned. This was feeling better and better all the time. His other hand started playing with my balls and rolling them around in his fingers. I told him I was getting close so then he started sucking me faster. That's all it took until until I was panting and gasping and feeling my hot cum hitting the sides of Cal's throat. I felt him get off me and saw him swallow my load. He leaned back lower and I saw him spread his legs. I knew exactly what he wanted. I returned the favor and slowly took his big cock down my throat. It took a couple of attempts, but on the second try I was able to take it all. I heard Cal giving out low moans and groans so I knew I was doing it right. I started playing with Cal's big balls and rolling them around in my fingers while I kept up a steady sucking on his cock. I felt Cal stiffen and saw him tremble and shake and I started feeling blast after blast of a big load filling my mouth and throat. I had to swallow a couple of times so I wouldn't start gagging. I moved back up and leaned against the wall. I looked over at him and he gave me another smile.

It looked like Graham and Dave had just finished doing something. They both had flushed faces and I knew that wasn't from the steam. Graham had set the timer and we still had about ten minutes left in the sauna. Graham turned the valve and more steam shot up. We were all covered in slick looking sweat. It made our muscles stand out. Everyone was semi hard when it was time to get out of the sauna. I turned the radiator off and we all took our towels and went into the gym shower. I got the water going and we all climbed into the shower. We rinsed the sweat off and helped each other with a quick lather and then rinsed again. We got into a circle jerk. I wasn't sure about this. I didn't think I would be able to cum again right away. We stood close so our cock heads would sometimes touch. That seemed to help me as I was being stroked. Soon I heard Dave give out a moan and he shot out all over the three of our cocks. The cum made good lube. I heard Cal groan and he shot out next covering our cocks with another good sized load. Graham was next and he shot a couple of blasts that hit our cocks. I was the last one and still didn't feel like I was close to cumming. The guys seemed to know what to do to help and they all moved closer. Feeling their cocks rubbing on my mine got me off and I soon shot out a couple blasts of cum. We rinsed off again and then decided to head down to the pool.

We paired off on the loungers. Now Dave was with me and Cal was with Graham. Seeing Cal naked gave me a chance to check him over. I didn't see any scars and he didn't walk with a limp. He definitely made a good recovery.

It was fun having Cal and Dave with us. I couldn't remember the last time it was just the four of us.

We were still feeling warm from the sauna, even though we had rinsed off after. I dove into the pool and soon the rest of the guys were following my lead. We got into a competition of swimming laps. For as big as Cal was, he was a pretty good swimmer. We had fun doing laps. But soon we thought we had swam enough. We climbed out and went back to our loungers. I checked the time and told the guys I was going to get dinner going. And would call them when it was ready.

I knew what I was going to fix. The same as what Graham and I had for lunch. Lasagna salad and garlic bread. I checked the frig. It didn't seem like enough lasagna for four hungry men. I checked the frig freezer and Mabel had another large container of lasagna in the freezer. I pulled that out and started defrosting it in the microwave. I thought we could eat outside on the covered patio. The table was large and I could get it set while I was waiting on the food to get warm. I got the patio table ready and I heard the microwave beeping.

I took everything out of the microwave and the food seemed warm enough. I zapped the garlic bread for a few seconds and then took everything out to the patio table. I told the guys that dinner was ready and to grab themselves something to drink. I was just having water with my dinner.

I thought the lasagna tasted better the second time. Everyone liked it. The three guys were drinking beer. My water was fine for me. With four hungry men we managed to finish the lasagna and garlic bread. There was a still a little of the salad left. I told the guys to go ahead and relax by the pool and I would join them as soon as I put everything away. It went fast clearing the patio table. All the dishes could go into the dishwasher and the salad I put into a smaller container in the frig.

I walked down and joined the guys.

I thought this was a good time to ask call if he had any more information on the inmate. Cal told me that the only information that he had was what he had told me on the phone. He said that the only think he could add was that they would take care of this situation. I thanked Cal again for all his help in this matter.

Cal said they were ready for another swim and then they would need to leave. We all dove into the pool and did a few laps. Working off a heavy dinner. We rinsed off in the outside shower and then toweled each other off. We went back to the living room where Cal and Dave's clothes were. I knew Cal was horny and he said how about if we all squeeze together on the sofa and get into a circle suck. I had a better idea and I took the cushions off the sofa and laid them together on the floor. That gave us more room to get into a circle. We soon were arranged and I felt Dave sucking on my cock. Dave was really good. He had a lot of practice sucking Cal's big cock. Soon there was a lot of groaning and grunting and mouths and throats being full of cum. We made sure we got every last drop of cum. Cal and Dave got dressed and thanked us for good time. We told them we needed to do this more often. We missed not having them around. They agreed. We hugged and kissed and watched them leave.

We walked back into the house. "Now what babe?"

"Let's go up to our bedroom and see if a good game is on."

I took all the towels and threw them in the hamper. Graham was flipping through the sports channels. I saw him stop and he told a good college football game was just starting the second half.

I crawled in next to my lover and we cuddled together watching the game. We weren't familiar with these two college teams, but the game was pretty good. We watched the game to the end and thought we better get to sleep. Six tomorrow morning would come around soon.

We made out until we were so tired we fell asleep without even pulling the covers over us.

We both woke up to the alarm going off. Graham turned the blaring thing off. Six in the morning seemed awfully early. We managed to crawl out of bed and make our way down to the gym. Many of our friends were there working out. When some of the guys saw us they started asking us questions about the Preakness Stakes. We didn't mind answering their questions. I had actually had a good time. Especially with Anthony and Roland there to join us.We all got in a good workout and felt much better. The sweat was running off our bodies while we all stepped into the shower. I started washing everybody. Soon everyone was getting into washing each other. We were all running a bit late so unfortunately there was no time to fool around. We dried each other off, got dressed and went upstairs for breakfast.

Mabel was finishing a big spread for us and had the outside patio table ready. She told us to take a seat and she would bring breakfast out. She had made hash brown omeletes. One of my favorite dishes. She had fresh squeezed orange juice poured for us. Along with coffee. Everyone complimented Mabel on the hash brown omeletes. The omeletes were big, but Graham and Cal managed to eat two. The rest of just laughed and shook our heads. Once we had all finished the omeletes Mabel brought out a tiered tray of danishes. She said he had made them fresh for us. We all indulged in her delicious danish rolls. But we had to get to work.

On our way to the garage we all kissed Mabel on the cheek and thanked her again for a great breakfast. She looked pleased.

We got into a group hug and kiss and we had to head out to work so we wouldn't be late.


The morning went well for me and it was approaching lunch time. I called Graham and see if he could join me for lunch. He told me he would be able to make it for lunch.

I left the clinic and walked over to the diner. I didn't see Graham's car. I thought this would be a good time to call the bodyguards. They might be busy not able to anwer their phone. But I thought I'd try it anyway.

I ordered a black coffee and Millie brought it over to me. She saw me busy on my cell phone so she didn't interrupt me. I called the one bodyguard that seemed to be the boss. The phone rang and rang and rang and I was just going to disconnect the call when I heard. "Hello, may I help you?"

Obviously he didn't recognize my number. He must not have had my name with my number. "This Bob and I was returning your call."

"Thanks for calling Bob. Me and buddies just wanted to apologize again for our bad behavior at Milo's. We wondered if we would be welcome in your house, in the future, when we have some time off from work?"

"No need to apologize anymore. That's water under the bridge." I then told the bodyguard about Steve and Freddy's open house and they would be glad to have them attend. "You could stay that weekend with us and we could all go together to the open house."

"Hold on Bob and let me check my work schedule. We are free that weekend, that would be perfect. I'll tell the other guys. And you can expect us in two weekends."

I told the bodyguard if he needed anymore information about the party to call Steve and I gave him Steve's phone number.

I had just ended my call when Graham walked in. He sat down across from me and I told him about my call with the bodyguard. Graham told me it was fine if they wanted to stay with us over the open house weekend.

We both ate the special with our regular black coffee. We finished and Graham told me he would be back home at regular time. He didn't have any meetings scheduled for today. All their investment projects were on schedule so all they had to do was stop by the projects now and then to make sure they were working and getting the jobs done.

We finished our lunch and walked out of the diner. We gave each other a quick kiss and I watched Graham leave for work. I walked back to the clinic. I just got into my lab coat and was picking up my stethoscope when my cell phone rang. It was Mable. I was wondering what was wrong, she never called me at work. "Hello Mabel. Is everything ok. You have me worried?"

"Everything is ok. I know I don't call you at work and I shouldn't, but you and Graham received four large boxes that I signed for. They look like they came from a foreign country. I wanted you to know and make sure the boxes were for you and Graham."

"I'm relieved Mabel. You had me worried for a couple of minutes. Yes. Graham and I had ordered some things when we were in France and they were to be delivered to the house. I'm sure thats what's in the boxes. Thanks for calling and letting me know."

I had to sit for a minute and regain my thoughts. I'll let Graham wait until he gets home to see the boxes. I'm not going to call him ahead of time.

The rest of the afternoon went fast. My first afternoon patient had to wait a couple of extra minutes for me. While I regained myself.

I made a fast trip home. I was anxious to see the boxes. I hope the star's partner had included information on how we could order more wine and perfume in the future.

I pulled in through the front gate and parked in the garage. Walking into the side door in the garage that went into the kitchen. Mabel was busy in the kitchen. She was a little startled when I walked in. "Something smells good Mabel?"

"It must be the home made apple pie I just made for you two. It will be done shortly."

"Where are the boxes. I want to check them out and make sure they are from France?"

"I had the delivery man put them in your library/study room. I hope that is okay?"

"That's fine Margaret. I'm be in the library/study room if Graham comes home while your still here."

I walked into the the library/study room and saw the boxes stacked up by the wall. I walked over and looked at a top box. It was postmarked from France. Actually, Nice to be more specific. I knew these were our orders. I set the boxes down and lined them up. I wanted to see if their was any identification for Graham's order and my order. On a general inspection I couldn't see anything. Then when I looked close at the address labels. I saw two boxes addressed to Graham and two boxes addressed to me. Good. This will be a nice surprise for Graham.

I walked out of the library/study room and walked back to the kitchen. "The boxes are our orders. Thanks for calling me Mabel and letting me know they were here. I appreciate your concern."

"I kind of hemmed and hawed around about calling you. But decided I should. I'm glad now that I had called you. I finished for the day and you and Graham have a nice evening."

"Thanks Mabel. You too."

I went upstairs to get changed into a jock and got out of my work clothes. I put on one of our jocks from the Cinco de Mayo party with the big jalapeno on the front.

I came donwstairs just as Graham as coming into the kitchen from the garage. We kissed and hugged. And I told Graham I had something hot and spicy for him. He laughed when he saw the jock I was wearing. "Why don't you get changed babe. I have a surprise for you in library/study room when you're ready."

"Ok. I'll make this quick and be right back to see my surprise."

Graham ran upstiars and I walked back to the library/study room. I checked the desk drawer to find a letter opener. I thought that would work to open the boxes.

Graham was quiet and I didn't hear him come into the library/study room. I had my back to the door when I was rechecking the boxes. I felt too warm hands over my eyes. "Guess who?"

"Well. Let me think. Since Graham is the only other person in the house that's who I place my bet on."

"Your just too smart. Your right." When I turned to face Graham he gave me a big kiss. "Now where's the surprise?"

"Right here." Pointing at the boxes. "Our orders came from France."

Graham left and I wondered where he was going. He came back almost immediately. "Here's a box cutter. That should make it easy getting the boxes open." Graham opened his two boxes and then I opened my two boxes. I noticed on the top of one of my boxes there was a sealed packet. I cut around it carefully with the box cutter and it was all the information I needed for when we wanted to order more perfume and wine.

Graham and I checked the boxes. Everything was excellently packed. Nothing was broken or damaged. We each had six bottles of wine and four bottles of perfume each for our mother's. I told Graham we should buy something special for the wine and perfume. A nice gift box would be perfect. I'll check with J & M Decorating and see what they can come up with. Maybe give the wine and our perfume to our parents this weekend.

I told Graham I would stop by the decorating store tomorrow during lunch and show them what we had and what kind of ideas they had. "I will text you photos of their gift box ideas."

Graham liked that idea. He told he wouldn't have time tomorrow to check on gift boxes for the presents to our parents. Graham told me he would call his parents a little later and see about visiting them this weekend. I told Graham I was going to call my parents a little later too. And see if we could plan to get together this weekend.

I looked at the printout some more with the instructions for ordering more wine and perfume. It was pretty straight forward and an easy form to use for ordering. Of course, it was all in French. So I would have to do the ordering for Graham too when his parents were ready for a refill.

We left the opened boxes in the library/study room and went to the kitchen to fix ourselves some dinner. Graham opened the frig and pulled out the containers of the food Mabel had prepared for us. It smelled like beef stroganoff. There were noodles to warm and she had also fixed a large salad. There was also a large pitcher of refreshment in the frig.

We started zapping our dinner in the microwave. The noodles I heated on the stove in water. I wasn't sure how they would heat in the microwave. Graham got two bowls of salad ready for us and poured our favorite salad dressing on them. I heard the microwave buzz and our noodles looked ready. We prepared our plates in the kitchen and ate at the breakfast nook. Graham took our salads to the table while I poured us each a glass of refreshemnt.

The meal was delicious. Margaret's stroganoff was good. But Mabel had a special touch and hers was better. The salad was crisp and crunchy and with some croutons and salad dressing it was a nice side to the meal. Our refreshment was some kind of berry mixture and it tasted good. I joined Graham back in the kitchen for seconds. This was really good and I felt like splurging.

We finally finished and we both passed on dessert. We put our dishes in the dishwasher and the remainder we containerized and put back in the frig. The leftovers would always make a good snack.

Graham asked me, "what should we do now babe?"

"Let's go up to the sunroom and check on our birds."

"You go ahead Bob. I'm going to pour us another glass of this delicious refreshment. And then I'll join you."

I went upstairs to the sunroom while Graham walked into the kitchen. The birds looked like they were sleeping until they heard me walking and then I saw them open their eyes. They almost looked like they were smiling. If that's possible with parrots. I talked to them all for a little bit. I checked their water and food dishes, but it looked like they had recently been filled. The background music was playing sounds of the ocean and then changed to tropical rain forest. I took a seat on one of the double loungers that were close to the birds.

I heard the door open and saw Graham carrying a couple of tall glasses of refreshment. He also had his cell phone. I thanked him for the refreshment and I told Graham I was going to my parents about getting together this coming weekend. Graham told me he was going to do the same with his parents.

I dialed my dad's number. He rang a couple of times and then I heard. "Hi Bob. Good to hear from you."

"Thanks dad. Good to hear your voice too. I was wondering if you and mom had anything planned for Saturday afternoon. I have a couple of presents for both of you."

"Let me check my appointment book and see how this coming Saturday looks. Stay on the line. I'll be right back."

"Okay." I waited and waited. Finally I heard my dad. "We have a business luncheon at noon. That should only be a couple of hours at the most. This is at the country club. Why don't you plan to come to the country club at two thirty. We should be finished by then and then we have the rest of the day to spend with you."

I saw Graham waiting on his phone. Probably for his parents to answer. "Hi Graham. What a nice surprise getting a call from you. How are you and Bob?"

"We're doing fine dad. Are you and mom going to be home next Saturday? I have a couple of presents I would like to bring."

"Let me check with your mother. As far as I know nothing is planned for next weekend. Hold on and I'll be right back."

I could hear dad in the background talking to mom. He came back on. "I just checked with your mother. We don't have anything planned for next Saturday. Why don't you plan to stay the weekend and you can leave Sunday?"

"Sound good dad. I'll plan on that and look forward to seeing both of you. Love you. Bye."

I looked at Bob. "How did you call go?"

"It went well. Will meet with my parents at the country club at two thirty on Saturday. How did you call go?"

"My call went well. My parents want me to stay overnight and leave on Sunday. I think I will do that. It's been a long time since I've been at their house."

"I'll miss you babe. But I guess I can survive one night without you."

"Will miss you too. We can talk to each other when we go to bed and see what happens." Graham gave me one of his devilish smiles.

The next day I stopped at J & M Decorators to see what they could come up with for a gift box for the wine and perfume. I took the two boxes out of the back of SUV and managed to open the front and set the boxes on the front counter. Margaret was busy in the back and one of her helpers came to the front counter to ask me how they could help me. I told the young girl what my idea was. But had no ideas on how to organize the wine and perfume into one gift box. The girl asked Margaret to come to the front. Margaret greeted me and we shook hands. The girl explained to Margaret what I would like. I saw Margaret thinking for a couple of minutes and then she brought out a notebook and pencil and did a couple of sketches.

The first sketch had the wine bottles lined up along the back of the box with the perfume bottles in the front. I didn't really find that design that appealing. The second drawing, had three wine bottles on each end of the gift box. With the perfume bottles going diagonally in the center between the wine bottles. I liked the second diagram the best. I asked Margaret if I could take a couple of photos of the drawings and send them to Graham. She told me to go ahead. I took a photo of each sketch and sent them to Graham. While I was waiting on a reply from Graham. I told Margaret that I liked the second drawing the best. She told me she could make a cover that would set into the box with handles on each end. While we looked at some decorating ideas my phone beeped and Graham had agreed with me. He liked the second drawing the best.

I gave Margaret more details. That wine and perfume were from France. I could see the wheels turning in her mind with ideas. Margaret told me that was all she needed to know. She told me that the boxes would be ready by Thursday to be picked up. I thanked her and told her I couldn't wait to see what the gift boxes would look like.

I grabbed a quick bite to eat at the diner and talked with Margaret for a bit and then left for work.

I mentioned to Graham when he got home about the ideas Margaret had and he liked everything I mentioned. He told me he was sure she would do an excellent job as always.

The next few days went by fast. We did our early morning workout with our friends. And we got back into our regular routine. I was anxious to see how our gift boxes were going to look.

I told Graham our gift boxes should be ready today and I'd pick his up.

It was lunch time and I left a couple minutes early to go to the decorators. I was anxious to see what Margaret came up with. I pulled up in front of the decorating store and walked in. The same young girl was in the front. I told her I was their to pick up a couple of gift boxes. She said Margaret left instructions. She was busy working on another project and wasn't at the store right now. The girl came back from the back with two very nice looking gift boxes. Margaret had decorated the boxes with the French flag colors. Also, grape vines were all over the boxes with cheese and bread. It looked like she used decals. But it all worked nicely together. The covers fit snug and the carrying handles on the ends were perfect. I took the cover off one of the boxes and saw the slots for the wine bottles on each side and the slots in the middle going diagonally for the perfume bottles. It was perfect.

I thanks the girl and told her to thank Margaret for us. I paid the girl and had her help me with the gift boxes. She carried one out while I loaded the other on the back seat. I then took hers and placed it on the back seat.

I drove carefully home. I didn't want the gift boxes to tip over and break. I pulled into the garage and walked into the kitchen. Mabel was busy preparing our dinner. We greeting each other and I set one of the gift boxes on the kitchen island. Mabel said it looked nice. I went back out to SUV and the other gift box in. Mabel said, "they look almost identical. Do you know which one you want?"

"No. I'm going to let Graham decide and I'll take the other one. Like you said, they are very similar."

"I'm going upstairs to change Mabel. If Graham comes home tell him I'm getting changed."

"Ok Bob. I'll tell Graham."

I put on some old sweats and ran back downstairs. I wanted to see how everything would fit in one of the gift boxes. And how it would look.

I took the gift boxes to the library/study room. We had stored the cases in that room. I opened my wine box. I took the cover off the gift box and set the bottles in. They fit perfect in their slots. I then placed the wine bottles in the center in the diagonal slots. I set the gift box up on the desk. It really looked pretty sharp. Margaret did another outstanding job. I put the cover on. I lifted it up and with the wine bottles evenly distributed. It didn't seem heavy at all. I put everything back in the shipping containers and set the gift box by the other one.

Graham should be home soon. I walked out of the library/study room and I heard Graham entering the kitchen. "Hi babe." We hugged and kissed. "I'm anxious to see the gift boxes where are they?"

"I have them in the library/study room. Let's go and have a look at them."

We walked down the hall and entered the library/study room. Graham just stared and didn't say anything for a couple of minutes. Finally he said, "are you kidding me? These gifts boxes are fantastic. Margaret really did a good job. They look almost identical."

"Which one do you want?"

"It doesn't really matter they look so similar."

"I want you to decided and then I'll take the other one."

"Are you sure?"

"I'm positive."

Graham choose the gift box closest to him and I took the other one.

We were like a couple of little kids getting Christmas presents wrapped. We placed the wine bottles in our gift boxes and then the perfume. They really looked nice full. We then set them up on the desk. And stepped back and took another look at them.

We left and I helped Graham get undressed and changed into a jock. I took off my sweats and Graham put a jock on me. The rest of the evening we watched tv and ate our dinner.

The last two days went fast and it was already Saturday morning. Graham had packed Friday night and was planning to leave early. He wanted to spend as much time as possible with his parents. Since he didn't get to see them very often. We kissed and hugged and I told Graham to be careful. He told me he would call me when he arrived and then we could video chat in the evening.

I watched him leave.

This felt really weird, being in the house all by myself. I couldn't remember the last time we had been away from each other. I fixed an early breakfast for us. So I knew Graham was leaving on a full stomach. I just hoped he would take it easy driving to his parents. Graham had a tendency to really push his Porsche to the max and that car could fly.

I didn't have to be to the country club until two thirty, so I had a lot of time to kill. I went down to the pool and dove in. I did a few laps and then climbed out. Then I relaxed on a lounger with a glass of refreshment.

It was hard leaving Bob. He looked so sad when I left. I couldn't remember the last time we were apart.

I was glad I left early. The traffic was light until mid morning and then it started to pick up. I was making good time. The speed limit on the freeway was 75 mph and no less than 55 mph. I was able to do 75 mph until I was about an hour from my parent's house. The traffic was just too heavy to go very fast. I traveled with the speed of the traffic which was about 60 mph.

I was approaching my exit ramp to drive to my parent's town. I slowed down and pulled off on the exit ramp and followed the signs. I came into the town and nothing had really changed. Everything looked the same as I remembered. It was a small town with about five thousand inhabitants. I went down the main street to the first lights and made a right turn. My parent's house was at the end of this street.

I pulled into the driveway and the house looked the same. A two story Victorian style house. It looked like it had a fresh coat of paint and a new roof. Otherwise, it was exactly the same.

I got out of my car and my parents were standing on the front porch.

"Oh Graham, it's so nice to see you have you here." My mom said, giving each other a big hug and kiss on my mother's cheek. I stuck out my hand to my dad and he pulled me into a hug. The really shocked me. My dad wasn't much for showing emotion. The last time I was hugged by my dad was when I little kid in grade school. "Welcome home Graham. It's sure nice to have you here."

I'm going to grab my bags and I'll be right back. "Do you need any help son?"

"Actually, I could use a helping hand." I handed by bags to my dad and pulled out the gift box. My dad was able to close my car and lock it for me. My hands were will full with the gift.

"What a lovely gift box Graham. You know you didn't need to bring us anything."

"What kind of a son would I be if I didn't bring my parents something?"

Mom opened the door for me and told me to set the gift box on the kitchen counter.

My dad took my overnight bags up to my old room. He came back downstairs and said, "what a nice looking gift box."

I told my parents to go ahead and open it. My dad lifted the top off and my mother let out a gasp and my dad had a big smile on his face.

"You have six bottles of the red wine you liked. And four bottles of your own personalized perfume."

They both hugged me again. "This is wonderful Graham. Thank you so much."

The slots for holding the wine and perfume slide out and then the bottom of the gift box can be used a serving tray.

"Let's sit out on the back porch and catch up on everything you've been up to."

I filled my parents in on my work and our trip to France.

My mother got up and said she was going to get lunch ready. I spoked up and said, "how about if I treat you both to lunch at the Family Diner. I'm sure it's still running. And the food is always excellent there."

"Are you sure Graham. You have done so much already for us. I don't want to put you out."

"Come on mom. How many years did you both feed me and clothe me. I feel you deserve this."

"Ok. We need to freshen up a bit and you might want to to Graham and then we go in dad's car. I don't think we would all fit comfortably in your car."

We walked upstairs and I turned off to the right on the hallway to my room. I walked in and just as my room was as I remembered it. My football trophies. Football memorabilia was still hanging up on the walls. I saw my two bags on the floor and I thought I should hang up my things and put the others in the dresser drawers. The closet and dresser was empty. So I had plenty of space for my things. I got my toiletries organized in the bathroom. I put on some different dress slacks and a nice pull over shirt.

I thought this would be a good time to call Bob. I found my cell phone and speed dialed Bob. "Hi babe. Did you make to your parent's safe and sound?"

"Sure did. My parents have been great so far. My bedroom looks exactly like when I was living at home. I thought about you while I was driving to my parents. I miss you."

"Miss you too. I'm glad you made it their with no problems."

"I'm inviting my parents out for lunch. And their probably waiting on me. I'll give you a video call tonight. Love you."

"Love you too. I'm glad everything is going well with your parents. Look forward to a video chat this evening."

I put on some dress shoes and belt and splashed on some cologne and went back downstairs.

My parents hadn't come downstairs yet. So I looked around. Everything was exactly in the same place as I remembered. I heard my parents coming downstairs. They looked pretty sharp. "It looks like we are ready."

I waited with my mom inside the house while dad drove his car out of the garage. We walked out and mom locked the door. I went to open the back door and my mom told me to sit up front with dad. That was a first. I always sat in the backseat.

"You look nice mom."

"Thanks honey. Do you smell the wonderful perfume?"

"I sure do. Smells nice."

Dad. pulled up in front of the Family Diner. It didn't look very busy according to the parking lot. The diner looked the same as every. It had rough cut cedar shingles on the outside. A typical roof and a large chimney for the pit they used for grilling.

I got out and opened the door for mom. "Thank you Graham. Aren't you the gentleman."

"Anything for the prettiest lady here."

Graham's dad looked at Graham. "Easy on the compliments Graham. They will go to her head. Remember, I have to live with her."

We walked up to the entrance and dad opened the door so mom and me could enter and then he followed us. We found a nice table next to the windows. Our waiter came over and asked what we would like to drink. Mom told the waiter a glass of red wine. Dad and I ordered beer.

Bob was checking the time while he was lounging at the pool. He thought he should shower and start getting ready to go. It was already two. At least the Country Club wasn't that far away.

He got off his lounger and walked over to the outside shower to rinse off the chlorine. It still felt weird not to have Graham here. But it sounds like everything is going well with his parents.

I wrapped a towel around me and put my sandals on and walked upstairs to the bedroom. I hung my robe up in the closet and walked into the bathroom. I got the water going and kicked off my sandals. I stepped in and the massaging jets felt good on my body. I applied the shower gel and lathered myself. Rinsed off the soap and toweled dried off.

I hadn't decided what I was going to wear to the Country Club. I finally decided on something dressy, but a little on the sporty side. I pulled out the tailored made clothes from the closet. A dark pair of blue dress slacks. With a silk teal colored dress shirt. I liked the combination. I finished it off with some nice dresshoes and belt. I splashed on some cologne. Combed my hair again and checked myself out in the mirror. Not bad. At least I don't look like a doctor in these clothes.

I had the gift box on the kitchen island. So I opened the kitchen door to the garage and opened the back of SUV. Then I went back and carried the gift box out and placed it on the back seat. I would have to be carefull driving so it didn't tip over.

I went back to close the kitchen door, but noticed it was already closed. I didn't remember closing it. Strange. Maybe some wind blew it shut. I opened the kitchen door and looked around. Everything looked normal. I closed the kitchen door again and set the alarm.

Opened the garage door and backed out and I was on my way to the Country Club. I still had a few minutes to kill so I took my time driving to the Country Club. Hopefully, mom and dad would be done with their meeting when I arrived.

I could see the sign for the Country Club up ahead. I pulled into the entrance side and followed the winding drive to the parking lot at the main lodge. I was just pulling into the parking lot and I could see my mom and dad talking to an older gentleman. They shook hands and he kissed my mother on the cheek and I saw him drive off.

This was good timing. I grabbed the man's parking spot before someone else. My parents were already walking back inside the main lodge to the dining room.

I parked and opened the back door of my SUV to take out the gift box. This was going to be tricky. Carrying the gift box and closing and locking my SUV. One of the clubhouse workers must have seen my problem and walked over and asked me if I would like some help. I told him a helping hand would be welcome. I handed him the gift box, while I closed the back door and locked my SUV. I pulled out a tip and handed the tip to him while he handed me the gift box. I thanked him and he went on his way.

The gift box wasn't that heavy, but it was an awkward size and it wasn't something you could hold with one hand.

I walked up to the entrance of the country club and I could use my body to push open the front door. Thankfully, they opened to the inside. I made my way to the dining room. It was about half full. A lot of people were looking at me, carrying a very expensive looking gift box. I spotted my parents. Of course, they had to be sitting towards the back. A least they had a big table with plenty of room for the gift box. My dad stood up when I approached the table and I sat the gift box down. We shook hands and gave each other a hug. I kissed my mother on the cheek.

My mother said, "what a lovely looking gift box."

"Thank you mom. It's something I had especially made for you and dad. I think you'll like what is inside."

"Dad, do you want the honors to take the cover off the gift box."

My dad took the cover off and my mother gave out a gasp. "Oh Robert, is this what I think it is?"

I sort of cringed when my mother said Robert. But she is my mother so I have to go along with my formal birth name. "I hope it is. There are six bottles of the red wine you liked from France. Along with four bottles of your personalized perfume."

"Oh Robert, this is wonderful. I really like my perfume. And your dad and I have really enjoyed the red wine."

My dad said. "I'm glad we agreed to meet here at the country club. I wouldn't have wanted to miss out on this. This is really a wonderful present Robert."

"Just so you know. I have the order information. So if you decide you want more of the red wine. And you want more perfume, mom, just let me know and I'll order more for you."

"That's splendid. I'm sure we will be ordering more wine and perfume. Thank you again so much Robert."

I was wondering if I was really talking to my parents. They never give out compliments like this or show much emotion. I was going to ask them if they were feeling ok, but I thought I better not.

My dad said, "are we ready to eat?"

"I thought you and mom ate during your business meeting?"

"No. Just a snack plate. But we're ready for lunch."

The waiter came over and asked if we would like something to drink before we ordered our lunch. Mom ordered a glass of white wine. Dad and I had scotch and water on the rocks.

The waiter brought our drinks and menus. He told us the special was a variety seafood tray. We all agreed on the seafood tray. But told the waiter to bring our lunch in a little while.

The waiter brought our beer and wine for my mom. He told us the buffet was set up or we could order off the menu. I knew I wanted to order off the menu. This restaurant was known for it's great grilled food. We all agreed to order off the menu. But we would order in a little while.

We talked more and caught up on what everyone was doing. Then my parents asked me where Bob was. I told them he was having lunch with his parents and giving them their gift box.

I got our waiters attention and we gave him our order. My dad ordered a blackened rib eye steak from the grill. My mom ordered a blackened broiled salmon. And I ordered a full rack of barbequed ribs off the grill.

Our waiter came back and asked us if we were ready for our seafood tray. We told him yes with a bottle of chilled white wine. While we were waiting on our lunch and wine. My parents asked me where Graham was. I told them he was visiting his parents this weekend and giving them their gift box.

I couldn't believe how hungry I was getting. I was hoping they would bring our lunch soon. I couldn't wait to eat those delicious barbequed ribs. Every time a waiter or waitress would come from the kitchen with an order. The swinging doors would bring those mouth watering smells from the kitchen. I didn't know how much longer I could wait. I thought I saw our waiter coming with our lunch. I saw him carrying three large plates. He served my mom first with her broiled blackened salmon. It look very good. He then served my dad his blackened rib eye steak. It also looked very good. Finally he served me my barbequed ribs. They smelled out of this world. I knew I wouldn't have trouble eating all the ribs. The waiter had also brought some packets of wipes for my fingers. He then went back to the kitchen and brought out our sides. I was having baked beans and homemade potato salad with my ribs. My mom and dad both had a house salad with their lunch.

I was starting to get hungry. I had ate a quick breakfast with Graham before he left for his parents. Then I had done some laps in the pool for exercise. I was watching the waiters, but I didn't see our waiter. Finally I saw him coming with a very large covered tray and some dinner plates. He set the large tray down in the center of our table. Then placed our dinner plates in front of us. He asked us if he would like him to serve us. We told him to go ahead. He served my mom first. She ate just shrimp. Dad and I both ate lobster. And there was still a lot of seafood left on the large tray. We had a fresh green salad with our lunch.

The water refilled our wine flutes. The white wine was Graham and my favorite. The one Graham and I drank at home.

Suddenly all talking stopped while we started eating. Something my parents had always done as long as I could remember. I never asked them why there was no talking when we ate.

The food was delicious. Since my dad had been a president of the country club and now was on the board of directors, all meals were on the house. We enjoyed our lunch and we all passed on dessert.

When my parents pass on dessert, that means they are ready to leave. So we got up and I told dad I would carry out the gift box. Dad opened the door to the country club entrance and we walked out to the parking lot. I followed mom and dad. I didn't know where dad had parked. We made it to his Mercedes and he opened the back door for me. I carefully placed the gift box on the back seat. And then I closed the door.

Mom gave me a kiss on the cheek and thanked me for the wonderful gift box. Dad and I shook hands and hugged and thanked me for the gift box. I watched them leave the parking lot.

I was wondering if my parents were feeling well. I've never seen this much emotion from them ever.

I walked over to my SUV and drove home. While driving home I was wondering how Graham was doing.

My barbequed ribs were just as good as they smelled. My parents were enjoying their lunch. Dad and I ordered another beer and my mom another glass of wine. I thought I saw my mom scowling at my dad. Probably for ordering another beer. I easily ate all my barbeque ribs and dad finished his steak. Mom said her salmon was good, but it was too much. I told her to have the left over piece bagged so she could take it home. I ate a couple of helpings of the baked beans and potato salad. I told mom her potato salad was much better. She looked pleased when I said that. Once we finished, the waiter had mom's leftover salmon bagged and asked us if we would like dessert. We all passed on dessert. I knew mom had made two homemade pies and she probably had cookies and cake hiding somewhere to.

The waiter came back with the bill and paid and give him a nice sized tip.

My parents thanked me for inviting them to lunch. It was wonderful and delicious.

We got up and left the Family Diner. I opened the door for mom and I saw her smiling. It was a short trip back to the house. This was the first time in a long time that I actually felt full.

Dad parked in front of the garage and mom and I got out and walked up to the front door. Mom got out her house key and opened the front door. Dad was parking his car in the garage and they also had a door from the garage to the kitchen. Just as we came in through the front. Dad came in through the side garage door.

Mom put her salmon in a container and then in the frig. Dad and I walked into the living room and dad like college football like Bob and me. He found a good game on the tv. Mom joined us in the living room and shook her head. Men and their sports. "Don't you guys get tired of watching sports?"

"Never mom. Especially when a good college football game is on. Dad just shook his head in agreement."

"Are you guys ready for dessert now?"

"Sure." My dad and I said in unison. "What do you have for dessert?"

"Well let me think. I made apple and blueberry pies today. There are chocolate chip cookies and sugar cookies. A three chocolate cake with chocolate frosting. And home made glazed donuts."

"Is that all?"

I thought my mother was going to throw a pillow at me. My dad was laughing. "Do you have ice cream?"

"I have vanilla ice cream."

"I told mom apple pie with ice cream sounds good." My dad agreed and he also was having apple pie and ice cream.

While my dad and I were watching the game. My dad looked over at and said, "you don't know how happy we are that you wanted to spend the weekend with us. It's been way too long since it was just the three of us in this house."

"Thanks dad. I really appreciate hearing that. I promise I won't take so long to visit in the future."

I arrived home and then remembered how the kitchen door shut on it's own when I had left it open carrying out the gift box. I still think it was a draft that closed the door. But I'll take a check around the house and see if I notice anything different.

I walked into the kitchen and set the alarm. I wasn't taking any chances. I looked around the kitchen. Everything looked okay. Then the foyer and living room. Everything looked like it should. The sliding doors were locked that went to the patio. I walked down the hall and then went into the library/study room. Took a good look around and everything looked okay to me. I left the library/study and walked upstairs and checked the bedrooms and bathrooms. Again, nothing looked out of place or different.

I walked into our bedroom and changed out of my clothes and put a robe on and put some sandals on. I walked back to the kitchen and poured myself a glass of refreshment. And then remembered I hadn't checked the sunroom. So I walked up the stairs and opened the door to the sunroom. One of the birds was trying to sing to the background music. The other parrots were busy chirping away. Maybe they were the backup singers. I looked around and saw the parrots watching me. I looked over everything carefull, but I didn't see anything different or out of place. I checked the birds water food dishes and cleaned and refilled them. They kept singing and chirping and didn't really pay much attention to me.

I left the sunroom and then went downstairs to look around. Nothing different in the game room or the theater room. The sauna lockerroom and gym all looked like it should.

I walked upstairs and out to the patio and lounged by the pool. I was anxious to video chat with Graham tonight. I hope he remembers and doesn't forget.

Maybe I should get buddy out. If I had buddy with me when we video chat, that will get Graham really horny. I got up off my lounger and put my sandals on. And walked upstairs to the bedroom naked. I had left the bedroom door open and walked in. I thought I saw something skurry under the bed, but I could have been seeing things. I went into the walkin closet and pulled down the box I had hidden on the top shelf. I opened the box and took buddy out. Buddy is my eight inch dildo. It doesn't vibrate, but it still gets the job done.

I laid buddy on the bed and it would be ready when I needed it. Out of curiosity I looked under the bed, but didn't see anything. I thought I set the alarm system to number 1. The would turn on the motion sensors and I would know if someone or something was in the house.

I went back upstairs to the bedroom and brought down my work laptop to the lounger. I wanted to read the lastest Journal of the American Medical Association. I sipped on my refreshment and started reading. This report was a little shorter than usually. It looked like it was only five pages.

Mom brought out our pie while dad and I watched the football game. I think mom overdid it. It looked like she served us half a pie with heaping tablespoons of vanilla ice cream. We must have looked hungry. I took a bite of my apple pie. "This is the best mom. Nobody makes apple pie like you." My dad complimented my mom on his blueberry pie.

"Nothing's too good for my two men."

I asked dad about my brother and sister and thought they might be visiting. Dad said my brother and his family were on vacation to Disney World and your sister has been swamped with work. "They wanted to see you. But it wouldn't work out this time. Maybe the next time you stay we can all get together."

Dad must have been hungry. He was really chomping down on his pie and ice cream. I'm usually the first to finish. But dad had me beat like a long shot.

We continued watching the football game until dinner time. Mom told us she was fixing soup and sandwiches after such a big lunch. My dad and I told her that was fine.

I finished reading my journal. Some interesting research going on. Otherwise, not much of anything else that really kept my interest. I got up off the lounger and took my laptop back upstairs. When I got off the lounger I noticed some holes in the lawn. I was going to check that out when I came back to the pool.

I put my laptop back in it's carrying case so it would be ready for Monday and work. I thought again I saw sometime scurry away in the bedroom. This was the second time. I closed the bedroom door and started looking around. Nothing under the bed. I looked behind the furniture and thought I something tucked into the corner behind the dresser. I found a flashlight in the nightstand drawer and shined it into the corner. Tucked back in the corner was a raccoon. He looked like he was shaking. I wasn't going to try touching him or moving him. I let him stay in the corner and I'd call the Animal Protection Agency and hopefully they could get rid of the raccoon today. I put up my laptop in the closet. I didn't want the raccoon getting into it. I quietly left the bedroom and made sure the door was closed. I think this is my intruder.

I walked back down to the pool and did a search for the Animal Protection Agency on my cell phone. I found the number and called them. The phone rang and rang and rang. I was hoping they hadn't left for the day. Just when I was ready to end the call a voice out of breath, came on the phone. "Hello, this is the Animal Protection Agency. How may I help you?"

I gave the person my name and address and told them there was a raccoon in my bedroom that I need removed. The person said he was feeding the animals. As soon as he finished he would come over with a helper to remove the raccoon.

I thanked him and was hoping it wouldn't be too long. He told me was close to finishing feeding the animals and then he would come with his partner.

It was getting close to dinner time. But after a big lunch I wasn't really that hungry. I put my robe on and took my glass of finished refreshment. I checked the frig to see what there was to fix for dinner. I found a few appetizers tucked away in a corner of the frig. I pulled that out with some lunchmeat and cheese and thought I'd make myself a couple of sandwiches and have them with the appetizers. That would be more than enough for dinner. I warmed the coffee while I heated the appetizers and made my sandwiches. When everything was finished I put it on a tray and went to the living room.

I turned on the tv and then remembered I wanted to check those holes in the lawn. I went back out to the patio and there was definitely holes in the lawn. The raccoon was probably digging for earthworms and grubs. I would mention the holes in the lawn to the Animal Protection Agency. I walked back up to the living room.

The appetizers were really good. And I did a pretty good job on my sandwiches. I watched the news while I ate my dinner. I was halfway through my first sandwhich when I heard the gate speaker. It was the Animal Protection Agency. I opened the gate so they could come in. The name of their agency was stenciled on the side of their van. I saw a couple men get out in some kind of work overalls. One grabbed a net out of the back of the van while the other man carried a small cage. They walked up to the front door.

I opened the front door for them. And I thanked them for coming so soon. They asked where the raccoon was. I told them to follow me and we went up to my bedroom. They followed me in and then closed the bedroom door. I told them I saw the raccoon in the corner behind the dresser. One of the men pulled a flashlight out of his back pocket and shined it behind the dresser. He said my raccoon was still there in the corner shaking with fright. They told me to move to the far side of the bedroom while they removed the raccoon. They asked me if it was okay if they moved the dresser. I told them to do whatever they needed to do.

The man with net got close to the corner where the raccoon was. While the other man slowly pulled out that corner of the dresser. As soon as he pulled out the corner, the raccoon ran out of the corner into the net. The man was somehow able to twist the net so the raccoon couldn't get out. The other man opened the trap door while the man with the net somehow again untwisted the net and the raccoon ran into the trap. They closed the door on the trap and told me that was easy. I mentioned to the men the holes in my lawn. They told me that was probably the raccoon looking for food. They like earthworms and grubs. They told this is the third call they have had in this area with raccoon problems.

We walked back downstairs and I asked them if they wanted anything to drink or eat. They thanked me but told me them needed to get back to the animal shelter and take care of this raccoon. I asked them what they would do. They said they would relocate the raccoon up in the woods outside of town. And I shouldn't have any more problems. Just to make sure any windows or doors to the outside are kept closed when nobody is in the room.

They left and I breathed a sigh of relieve. I would have to tell Graham about the raccoon when he calls later.

I walked back to the living room and finished my dinner. I watched the weather. The news had finished while the men were here ridding the house of the raccoon.

My coffee was cold so I refilled it with some hot coffee. I ate my two sandwiches and polished off the appetizers. Put my dishes in the dishwasher and finished my coffee watching a little tv.

Our football game finished and mom said she had dinner ready. We asked her to bring dinner into the living room. Another football was getting ready to start. I saw my mom walked out to the kitchen shaking her and mumbling something to herself.

The soup was some kind of beef vegetable, but really good. She had warmed ham and cheese sandwiches to go with the soup. We drank coffee and mom joined us. Even though she didn't like watching sports.

This second game wouldn't end till about eleven. My parents said they didn't stay up that late. But I could go ahead and watch the game to the end if I wanted to.

Mom took the dinner dishes out to the kitchen and I heard her loading the dishwasher. She walked back into the living and started watching the game with us. It was getting later and I saw my mom yawning and my dad nodding off now and then. They got up and said they were going to bed. They were tired. I kissed mom on the cheek and my dad and I shook hands. Before they went upstairs to bed. They told me how happy they were I was here staying the weekend.

I heard them go upstairs to their bedroom and I went back to watching the game. I was starting to feel a little tired myself. I think the long drive tired me out. I watched the game through the third quarter and I couldn't last any longer. I turned off the tv and went up to my bedroom.

I watched a movie on the tv in the living room. It was already after ten and was wondering when Graham would call. I hope he didn't fall asleep and forget to call. The movie ended and I put me robe on and went upstairs to my bedroom.

I went into my bedroom and moved the corner of the dresser back where the raccoon had been. Took off my robed and hung it up in the closet. Took out my laptop and put on a chair in the bedroom. I was ready to crawl into bed with my cell phone on the night stand when I saw buddy lying on the bed. Oh god. I hope the workers from the animal shelter didn't see buddy lying on the bed. Maybe that was why they left right away.

I had my cell phone lying right beside me. Ready for when Graham called. I took a tube of lube out of the night stand. I was ready now for Graham's call.

The game was pretty good. But I was feeling tired and I wanted to give Bob a video call. I walked into my old bedroom. Locked the door. Didn't want my mom or dad walking in on me naked and video talking with Bob. I doubt if they would come to my bedroom. But I wasn't going to take a chance.

I stripped out of my clothes and hung them up. Laid down on the bed and speed dialed Bob. I set my phone for a video chat.

I had just got up to take a pee when I heard my cell phone ringing. I ran back to the bed and saw it was Graham. "Hi babe. Have been waiting on your call. It's good to see. This video chatting is pretty good."

"Can you see all of me?"

"Just your head and chest. Move your phone around so I can see the rest of you."

Graham did that. Moving his phone around and I saw his naked body and his big hardon sticking straight up.

"Wish that naked body was with me right now." I moved my phone around so Graham could see all of my naked body. And my hardon sticking up.

"You look better every time I see you naked babe. Wish I was sucking on that big hardon and fingering your hole."

"Me too. Except that I might cum right away when you did that."

I saw Graham slowly jerking his cock. Precum was oozing out of the pee slit. "Wish I was there sucking that precum out of your pee slit." I thought that was better than saying urinary meatus, for pee slit.

"I have a little surprise for you. And held up buddy so Graham could see the dildo."

"God Bob, your killing me. I wish that was my cock instead of the dildo."

"Me too. I then spread some lube on the dildo and rubbed some lube over my hole and slowly started inserted the dildo." I could hear Graham moaning.

"Damn Bob, that is so hot. Your going to make me cum if you keep doing that."

"That's the idea babe. I want to see you cum. But I want us to try to cum at the same time." I was slowly stroking my cock while my other hand was working the dildo in and out of my hole."

I told Graham I was getting close. He said he was too. Watching me work buddy in and out. "Give me a countdown when your ready to cum."

"Graham said, 10 - 9 - 8 - 7 - 6 - 5."

"I continued, 4 - 3 - 2 - 1 - 0. "Let's do it and I saw Graham shooting up and cum hitting his chest and abs.

I came at the same time shooting way up in the air and cum splattering back down on my stomach and abs. "Wow that was a powerful orgasm."

"Mine too. I have a towel here to clean off."

"I do too."

"So how is everything going with your parents?"

"It's going great. They have thanked me a couple of times for spending the weekend with them and told me not to wait so long to visit again."

"That great babe. I'm happy for you. Everything went well with my parents. They actually showed some emotion when they opened the gift box. They thanked me and we had a wonderful time eating lunch."

"I'm happy for you babe. I know your parents aren't much for showing emotion or giving any affection."

"So, when do you think you'll be leaving tomorrow?"

"Mom is fixing an early lunch. So I should be back home around four or five at the latest. Depending on traffic."

"Good. I'm glad your coming home in the dark. I had something happen here that I need to tell you about."

"What happened? Your okay?"

"I'm fine. Nothing to worry about. When I got ready to go to the country club I left the kitchen door open so I could put the gift box in the back seat of my SUV. When I went back to the kitchen, the door was closed. I knew I had left it open, so I thought probably a draft closed the door. No big deal. So I set the alarm and went to the country club. When I came home I went upstairs to change and thought I saw something scurry across floor and go under the bed. I looked under the bed, but didn't see anything. I did a quick check around the bedroom. But I still didn't see anything. I put a robe on and poured myself a glass of refreshment and went down to the pool. I was finishing my refreshment when I remembered I had brought my work laptop home. I wanted to read the latest medical journal. When I got up off the lounger I thought I saw some holes in the lawn. I thought I'd check that out when I came back downstairs. I went up and grabbed my laptop, but didn't see anything scurrying around. I set my laptop down on the lounger and took a close look at the lawn. There were definitely some holes in the lawn. Looked like something was digging. I thought probably a skunk or raccoon. They dig for earthworms and grubs. I finished reading the journal and took my laptop upstairs and I definitely saw something run across the floor. I quickly closed the bedroom door and set my laptop in the closet. I didn't want something chewing on my laptop. I grabbed our flashlight out of our nightstand and started checking the bedroom again. I checked all around and finally ended at our big dresser. I shined the flashlight behind the dresser and curled up in the corner was a shaking raccoon. I didn't try to get the raccoon out and left him in the corner. I had my cell phone downstairs by the pool. So I went down and I wanted to call the Animal Protection Agency. Two men came in their van. One man had a net and the other man a small trap. I showed them where the raccoon was and then they caught the raccoon in the net and put him in the trap. And that was the end of the raccoon. They told me they would release the raccoon in the woods outside of town. They also said this was their third call in this area with problems with raccoons. So that is what happened."

"Wow. I'm glad your okay. Raccoons can be nasty critters when they are trapped. Luckily it didn't have rabies and was chasing you around the house. I wonder how it got into the yard and house?"

"I didn't think of that. Probably climbed a tree and then jumped down into the yard. We leave the doors open to the patio and that is probably how it got into the house. At least it's gone and we won't have any more critters in the house."

"Love you babe and can't wait until you get back home tonight. I tired now after our workout."

"Love you too. Tired here too and will call you when I leave tomorrow."

As soon as I ended the video call with Graham. I slipped under the covers and was fast asleep.

As Bob and I ended our video call. I was already half asleep. I couldn't wait to get back home and be with my lover.

I woke up late with the sun coming in through the blinds. I was wondering if Graham was up yet. I put some flip flops on and went downstairs naked to fix myself a quick breakfast. Mabel had made a fruit salad and thought I would eat that with some orange juice. Have my coffee later. I fixed a bowl of fruit salad and took my juice with me and went out to the patio. I stayed under the covered part of the patio. The sun was already beating down and felt like it might be a very warm day today. I finished my breakfast and went back to the kitchen and put my dishes in the dish washer.

I then went upstairs to shower and get ready for the day. I was wishing Graham was with me. We always have a lot of fun in the shower.

I could smell breakfast wafted up and into my bedroom. I went in the bathroom and took a quick shower. Bob and I always shower together and usually have a little fun. Sure wish he was here with me. I finished my shower and dried. Put on some cargo shorts a nice pull over shirt and some sandals and walked downstairs to the kitchen.

"Did you sleep well honey?"

"Yeah mom. I really did. Didn't wake up until I smelled your delicious breakfast."

"Your dad already finished breakfast and he's getting some work done and said he would be back in a little while before you left."

Mom had prepared a feast. I didn't know how many people she was expecting for lunch. I sat in the dining room while mom brought in breakfast. I was hungry, but not this hungry. I managed to make a good dent in the breakfast and thanked mom. She asked me if I wanted a fresh out of the oven danish. I told her sure with a cup of black coffee. I was going into the living room to watch a little tv.

Mom brought in my danish and cup of black coffee.

Mom joined me in the living room drinking coffee with me. She was looking at me while I was watching tv. "You miss Bob don't you?"

"You can't believe how much I miss him. This is the first we have been away from each other."

"I'm glad you have Bob. He's good for you and I know your good for him. When I've seen you two guys together. You have that look in your eye that your very much in love."

"I think mothers have a sixth sense. You sure nailed it on the head. Put I don't think I can leave him at home the next time I come to visit."

"You don't have to. You know Bob is like a second son to us. He's a wonderful man and you two sure make a handsome couple."

That made me blush a little. "That's nice to hear mom and I will be sure to tell Bob. I know he misses see you and dad to."

"Well, I better start deciding on what to fix for lunch. I know you want to leave a little early with your long drive."

"Yeah. Probably leave right at noon. I think I'll go upstairs to my bedroom and finish getting my packing done."

I went back upstairs to check my bedroom and make sure I hadn't forgot anything. It looked like I had everything. Rechecked the closet bathroom and dresser drawers. Did see anything I had missed. I carried my overnight back downstairs and parked it by the front door.

It was already after eleven and I wondered when Graham would call me. I did a few laps in the pool. Mainly to get cooled off from the heat. The is usually the time of the year when we have really warm weather. So I wasn't surprised how warm it was.

I got up and looked around in the frig to see what I could fix for lunch. I thought I would eat early. I didn't want to miss Graham's call when he was leaving. I thought I'd fix myself a couple of ham and cheese sandwiches with a glass of white wine.

I heard my dad come in and he saw my overnight bag by the front door. "Looks like someone is ready to leave?"

"Not yet dad. I'm in the living room. Just want to be ready to go after lunch. Not looking forward to the long drive."

I heard dad pour himself a cup of coffee and he joined me in the living room. "That is a long drive, a good four to five hours depending on the traffic. I think your anxious to get back home and be with Bob. I can tell you miss him. But was still glad you could come and visit. Hopefully next time, you can bring Bob with you and you guys can stay for a few days."

"I'll mention that to Bob and see what we can workout. Time does by go fast. He seems like I just arrived and now it's close to time to leave."

I heard mom busy in the kitchen. She soon called out to us that lunch was ready in the dining room. Dad and I walked into the dining room and took a seat. Mom started bringing in lunch. Fresh baked bread with some kind of soup. Mom said the soup was a tangy Italian soup. Something mom and dad liked and hoped I would to. "You know anything you fix mom, is delicious. And you know how I like to eat, so this shouldn't be any problem.

We each dished up a bowl of soup and I took a fresh piece of bread with some butter on it. It was a garlic bread and went well with the soup. The soup was delicious and dad and I ate a second bowl of soup. Once we finished eating. Mom brought in desserts from yesterday. Dad and I had pie again with ice cream and went into the living.

Mom soon brought in two heaping bowls of pie with ice cream. Dad and I woofed down dessert. I finished my coffee and thought I better leave.

We all walked to the front door. I shook hands with dad and we hugged. I kissed mom on the cheek and we hugged. Mom looked like she had a tear in her eye. "Don't you wait so long to come the next time. And bring that handsome doctor with you." I kissed mom once and shook my dads hand and they walked out to my car with me. I put my overnight bag in the back seat and got in and started the car. I backed out of the driveway and waved to my parents as I took off for home.

I could see them watching me until I was out of sight. There was a rest area just out of town on the freeway and thought I would call Bob from there.

I finished my sandwiches and white wine. I was keeping my cell phone close to me. I didn't want to miss Graham's call. I thought he should be calling soon.

I was loading the dishwasher and it was full so I got it going when my cell phone rang. It was Graham calling.

"Hi sexy. You must be on your way home?"

"Yeah. I pulled into the rest area just out of town on the freeway. I can't wait to get home and have some loving."

"I can't wait either. I'm naked here and will keep a constant hardon for you. How's the traffic so far?"

"It's too soon to tell. But if it looks like I'm going to be later than I expect. I'll give you call. I better get back on the road. I want to have a lot of time to spend with you."

"Ok babe. I love you and be careful. I'm leaking here with anticipation."

"God Bob, don't tell me that. I'll be driving back like a maniac and have a pocket full of traffic tickets. Love you too and I'll be there soon."

It was nice hearing Bob's voice.

I pulled back onto the freeway. So far the traffic wasn't too bad. But I know that could change fast with people returning home for work tomorrow. Staying at their cabins resorts and with family. I had already went half the distance home and the traffic was still light.

It was so hot hearing Graham's voice. Now I wanted to the feel that hot body of his. I hope he didn't push it too fast coming home, and the traffic was light for him.

It was getting later in the afternoon and Graham hadn't called that he was going to arrive later than expected. So, I expected to see him come into the house soon through the kitchen door to the garage.

I was wondering what to fix for dinner. I knew Graham wouldn't want to go to a restaurant. He would be tired after his long drive. I thought I'd order delivery. But what kind of food should I order. What haven't we eaten for awhile? Maybe it was time to splurge on the diet and order some fast food. We rarely eat fast food. Maybe, once a month. I called a fast food place close to this side of town and told them what I wanted delivered. They told me it would be about twenty to thirty minutes before they could deliver the food. I told them that was fine. There was no hurry. I gave them my name address and phone number.

I was making good time. I would soon be coming to the In and Out Bar, The Bigger Shop and Milo's. Then turn off on country road six that would take me directly to our hometown. Still about an hour and half from home. I was wondering what Bob was doing. I was really getting hungry so I hope he had fixed something to eat or ordered delivery. After this long drive I wouldn't feel like driving or going to a restaurant. Besides I wanted to be with Bob. Just the two of us.

I turned off on highway six and could see the lights of the town straight ahead. The street lights must come on early. It's not all that dark out. Just starting to get dusk.

I heard the speaker at the gate and let the delivery man in. I quickly put my robe on and greeted him at the door. I ordered double bacon cheeseburgers two large fries four chocolate chips cookies and two chocolate shakes. I paid the young man and he set the packages of food on the kitchen island. I gave him a tip on his way out and watched him leave. I looked at the food I ordered. Damn, we're going to have to workout hard every morning to burn off all these calories. I think I went overboard on ordering this fast food.

Just then I heard the kitchen door open. And my man walked in carrying his overnight bag. I ran over to him and hugged him tight to me and gave him the best kiss I could manage. Graham hugged me back and we must have kissed for a minute or two. "God I missed you Graham and you were only gone one day. I can't imagine how I'd feel you were for a whole week."

"I missed you too babe. Was thinking about you the whole time I was gone. Mom told me we make a handsome couple and they want you to come the next I visit."

"Well, that's something. Your parents have really come around for you Graham. I couldn't be happier for you. Did they like the gift box?"

"They thought it was wonderful and were very surprised."

"Why don't you go upstairs and get comfortable while I get our dinner ready."

"I thought you ordered delivery. I saw a delivery truck leaving this area when I arrived."

Give me a shout if you need help getting comfortable. It won't take that long to get dinner ready for us. Where do you want to eat?"

"How about if we eat in bedroom? I don't really feel like leaving the bedroom, now that I'm back home and with my lover."

"I like the way you think. I'll be right up with everything on a couple of bed tables."

I loaded everything on one of the bed tables. Thankfully, they could be stacked. I hauled everything upstairs to our bedroom. Graham was laying spread eagle on the bed naked. My hands started shaking and I started sweating when I saw him and I didn't want to spill anything. Graham got up when he saw my predicament and helped carry everything to the bed. He took the full bed table and I set the empty one down on the bed. We got the food separated on the two bed tables. And finally could lay down next to each and eat our dinner.

Graham said, "you didn't need to bring any dessert. My dessert is laying here right next to me."

I gave Graham a big kiss and we ate our dinner and watched tv. We polished everything off, except for the chocolate chip cookies. I left the empty bed tables stacked in the bedroom. I could take them downstairs tomorrow when we get up early to workout.

Graham turned the tv off and one of the bedside lamps. Just a little glow from one of the nightlights was the only light now in the bedroom.

We leaned into each other started making out. We feeling each other all over like it was our first time being together. After all this time together we knew each other's hot spots and how to get the other really hot and horny. We slowly moved around into a sixty nine still sucking and fingering each other. We couldn't get enough the others body. We were definitely making up for the day that Graham was gone. He missed me as much as I missed him. We got into a hot sixty nine working each other into explosive orgasms. Finally we were so tired, I pulled the covers over us while we snuggled together and went right to sleep.

We woke up to the alarm going off. We slowly crawled out of bed. Splashed a little water on our faces in the bathroom. Put on some flip flops and I carried the two bed tables down to the kitchen for Mabel to clean and put away.

As we went down the stairs we could hear some of the guys talking. Some were changing others warming up and still others all ready on the machines exercising. We got changed and went through our warmup and get in a good workout. I felt much better and already felt like I lost a couple of pounds from the heavy fat dinner we had last night. Graham and I felt better after the workout and we all crowded into the shower. All we had time for was a quick circle jerk in the shower. We had run overtime working out. We dried each other off, got dressed and went upstairs for breakfast.

Mabel said, "I thought I was going to have to come downstairs and drag you guys upstairs by your ears."

"I don't think that would have been a good idea. Have you ever been in a men's lockerroom and gym?"

"No. But I'm sure I wouldn't have seen anything I hadn't seen before." She was smiling when she said that.

"Anyhow we made it upstairs in time for breakfast and will get to work on time."

"Ok. If you say so."

We ate outside at the patio table. Mabel brought out our breakfast. We gobbled everything down and thanked Mabel for another good breakfast. We got into a group hug and kiss in the garage and left for work.

Work went well. I didn't feel tired. I went to the diner for lunch and ate by myself. Graham was having a busy Monday and wouldn't be able to join me for lunch.

I worked a little later than I normally do. I knew Graham would be late getting home. So I finished some reports I needed to do and got them sent off on my laptop.

When I got home, Graham's car wasn't in the garage. I walked into the kitchen and Mabel was gone for the day. I figured she probably would be gone, since I had worked later.

I peeked in the frig to see what Mabel had made for supper. Something smelled good. She had made a pot roast with vegetables mashed potatoes and gravy. This was going to taste good. I would wait until Graham got home and we could eat together.

I poured myself a glass of refreshment and walked down to the pool. Just as I was getting settled into a lounger. I saw Graham walking down to me. I got up and we hugged and kissed. "You look tired babe?"

"Yeah. It was one of those days. Meetings and then visiting new investment projects that are under construction."

"Why don't you get changed. I'm sure you want to get out of your work clothes and I'll pour you a glass of refreshment and then eat dinner in a little while."

Graham ran up the stairs and put his work clothes away and grabbed a robe and came back downstairs. I handed him his tall glass of refreshment. And we walked arm in arm down to the pool.

"I have some news for you Bob."

"What's up?"

"Nothings up at the moment. I received an email that the mayor would like all businessmen and professionals to attend a Flag Day ceremony this Friday at two in the afternoon. The message went on to say that the ceremony should only last about an hour."

"I received the same message. Since we both work half days on Friday. That shouldn't be any problem for us. I also received a text message from the bodyguards. They would be arriving early evening Friday. I texted them back and told them that was fine."

Graham looked like he was ready to nod off. "Go ahead and take a nap babe. I'll go up to the kitchenand start getting dinner ready. It's something I know your going to like."

I saw Graham doze off. I went up to the kitchen and took my time. I wanted to Graham to get the rest he needed. I zapped everything in the microwave and soon it was ready to eat. I set the breakfast nook for dinner. I walked down to check on my man. He was still sleeping. I thought I'd wait for a bit and then wake him up, so we didn't eat too late.

I had poured myself another glass of refreshment and snuggled into Graham on the lounger. The lounger made some squeaking noise and when I snuggled up. Graham started stirring. "Sorry babe, I didn't mean to wake you up."

"No problem. I feel better after my short nap. What's for dinner?"

"I have everything ready in the breakfast nook, when you are. What do you want to drink with dinner?"

"I think a glass of the refreshment. It looks really good."

We got up and Graham sat down at the breakfast nook. I took everything out of the microwave that I set to warm. I poured Graham a tall glass of refreshment and joined my man at the breakfast nook.

Graham started serving himself with a big smile on his face.

"What you smiling about?"

"This is one of my favorite foods to eat. My mom used to make pot roast a couple of times a month when I lived at home."

Graham and I dug into our dinner. It was another terrific meal from Mabel. It was very tasty and roast was super tender. The mashed potatoes and gravy were good too. We agreed to needed to compliment Mabel tomorrow morning.

We finished eating and Graham helped me clean the kitchen and put everything away. We then headed upstairs to our bedroom. And had another long night of making out and making love. I couldn't get enough of my husband. He's so perfect in every way. Finally we were exhausted and fell asleep. I don't remember if the alarm was set and we pulled the covers over us.

The next few days seemed to drag. I was looking forward to the weekend and Steve and Freddy's open house party on Saturday.

Graham and I remembered to thank Mabel for that very delicious pot roast. Holden came on Tuesday and Thursday for our massages with happy endings. Sometimes he would just jerk us off. Other times he would give some excellent blow jobs. Or when he was really horny he would fuck us with nice his fat eight incher.

Graham and I spent more time in the sauna. I wanted to eliminate all that fat from our fast food meal. It seemed to be working. With our working out every morning and the sauna. I was feeling much better and not a full feeling. Graham told me he felt the same way.

Friday finally arrived and I was wondering what kind of ceremony the mayor was going to have for Flag Day. I put our Flag out by the gate. We had a holder there for the flag. I had called Mabel and told her that Graham and I were going to eat lunch at the diner and then go to the ceremony when we finished eating.

My half day ended and we all left the clinic. Shirley locked up and I drove over to the diner. I thought I would swing by the courthouse and see if I could get an idea of what was going to happen.

I drove slow in front of the courthouse. A big screen tv was setup and workers were putting chairs down in a semi circle in front the stage.

I turned off the street and drove to the diner. It didn't look very busy. I didn't see Graham's car. I walked in and Millie came right over. "What would like tall dark and handsome?"

"Well you hot waitress. I'm going to have a cup of black coffee while I wait for Graham to join me."

Millie primped her uniform and hair and sauntered back to the counter. I saw her pouring me a cup of coffee.

Millie came back with my coffee and took a seat across from me. She asked me, "did you received any information about the Flag Day ceremony?"

"I received a message on my computer. It read that the ceremony would take place at two this afternoon and that the mayor would like as many businessmen and professionals there as possible."

"That was the message the boss got here."

"Is your boss doing to close the diner and go the ceremony? How about you?"

"He said he hadn't decided if he was going to close. It depended on how busy we were. He told me I could go to represent the diner if I wanted to."

"Are you going to go Millie? You could always ride with Graham and me and then we could bring you back to the diner when the ceremony is over."

"I don't know. Riding with two hot sexy men. I might faint or passout on the ride to the ceremony."

"I don't think that would happen, Millie. But keep my offer in mind and you can let us know before we leave."

Just then I saw Graham come in. Millie got up and Graham took her seat. "At least the better half arrived. What would you like cutey?"

"Just a black coffee. And bring us a couple of menus."

Millie went back to the counter. Fluffing her hard and adjusting her bro or bust. I couldn't tell with her back to us.

She came back with Graham's coffee and menus. And then she went to wait on another couple that had just arrived.

I told Graham that I offered to give Millie a ride with us if she wanted to go to the ceremony. I didn't tell Graham what else she had said.

Graham and I looked over the menus. I thought I'd have salisbury steak and Graham thought that sounded good. It came with mashed potatoes and vegetable and a dinner roll.

Millie finished with the other patrons and walked over. We gave her our order and she went back to the kitchen.

"Did you receive any more information about the ceremony?" I asked Graham.

"No. Nothing. How about you?"

"The same. Didn't receive any more information."

Millie came with our lunch and it looked good. She asked us we wanted anything else. Leaning down so we could get a good look at her tits.

"This will do Millie. And remember what I told me. Just let us know your decision before we leave."

Graham and I took our time eating our lunch. It was a lot of food. We still had a lot of time to kill before we needed to leave to the ceremony.

We talked a lot and slowly ate our lunch. When we finished eating lunch we ordered dessert. We had pie and ice cream. The pies at the diner are homemade and very good. Graham and I finally finished eating. And paid the bill and gave Millie a big tip. Before she left the table I asked her if she had made up her mind about going with us to the ceremony. She told us that she wouldn't be able to go. There was a large group of people coming and she needed to help the boss. She thanked us for the invitation.

Graham rode with me in my SUV and left his car parked at the diner. His car would be safe there.

As I got closer to the courthouse, I could hear music and it looked like people were starting to arrive. I recognized some of the businessmen and a few of the professionals.

I found a parking spot and we got out and walked up to the sitting area. We were able to get some close to the front seats. Since all the chairs were on one level. It would be hard to see if you sitting way to the back.

The music was getting louder. It was the high school marching band. They were playing some patriotic music and they filed in and situated themselves on one side of the stage. We heard more music and this was the university marching band, also playing patriotic music. And they situated themselves on the other side of stage. Once both bands had stopped playing. The two bands starting playing more patriotic music together.

Soon the music stopped and mayor walked up to the podium. Everyone in attendance clapped. I looked around and it looked like the seating area was almost full. The mayor welcomed and thanked us for coming to this Flag Day ceremony. He then gave a speech on the history of flag day and showed us a couple of the early flags. The mayor then said he had a video to show giving more history of the flag and how it originated. I didn't recall my US History classes that well. But I did remember a few things that were mentioned.

The video started and it was actually quite interesting. At least to me. Again the history of the flag and how it originated was emphasized in the video. The video ended showing the different flags that were mentioned in the video. That concluded the video and the mayor went back to the podium. The mayor told us, that before we left they had free flags for anyone that wanted one. I saw a table carried out with different sizes of flags. Since Graham and I had our own flag, we didn't stay to take another one.

I drove Graham back to the diner so he could drive his car home. We both arrived home at the same time. And walked into the kitchen. Mabel was gone. Since she worked only a half day on Friday and no weekends.

Graham and I went upstairs and changed out of our work clothes and went down to the pool with our robes. Graham grabbed us each a cold beer out of the tiki bar and we lounged and sipped on our beer. We had decided to hold off fooling around. We knew there would be plenty of action once the bodyguards arrived.

We laid there reading the daily paper. There was a full page in the newspaper advertising the Flag Day ceremony. I asked Graham what he thought about the ceremony. He said it was okay. But he wasn't very enthusiastic. I think he went because I wanted to go to the ceremony.

We finished reading the paper when I heard the front door. I saw the bodyguards walking in. We got up and we all kissed and hugged and I showed them to their bedrooms that I had Mabel freshen up. They dropped their overnight bags in one of the bedrooms and said they would join us shortly by the pool.

We heard them coming down the stairs and they joined us by pool in a couple of double loungers next to us. I got up and gave them a cold beer. Damn, I think they are more beefed up than the last time they were here.

We all finished our beer and took a hot sauna. The bodyguards told us the hot water always makes them horny. I didn't think they needed any help getting horny. They always seemed to be horny. Their big cocks were sticking straight up. We finished our sauna and showered in the lockerroom. Once we finished showering and drying each other off. We went upstairs to our bedroom and then the fun really started.

Then the action really happened. We fucked and sucked and fingered each other's holes. Ending up with Graham and me being the filling in a bodyguard sandwich. It felt good having a bodyguard pressed up to my front and another pressed up behind me. After all our sex we were bushed and fell right to sleep.

Here it was Saturday. The day of Steve and Freddy's open house. Neither me nor Graham had heard from Steve or Freddy, so we assumed they had everything organized.

We all worked together in the kitchen making our breakfast. It turned out pretty good. We ate outside on the patio table. Graham and I told the bodyguards we were going to buy a couple cases of beer for the party. We knew most of our friends like beer. There were a few that liked hard liquor.

We were lazy and lounged upstairs in the sunroom. We hadn't been spending much time up here and it is a nice calm relaxing environment. The birds were happy to see us. And the bodyguards starting talking to the parrots. I told the bodyguards not to get too close. They birds might decide to bite their cocks hanging down. That's all I needed to say and they kept their distance.

We just lounged upstairs drinking coffee and kept checking the time to see when we needed to get ready to go. We finally thought we were lazy long enough and went downstairs to our bedrooms to get ready to go.

Graham and I put on some sporty dress clothes. Some new ones that we just had tailored made. We walked out and went downstairs. The bodyguards weren't downstairs yet. Graham and I heard some commotion and the bodyguards joined us. They looked just as hot as ever. I think they would look good in anything they wore. They told us they would buy a couple of cases of beer too for the party.

We kissed and hugged as we piled into my SUV. We hadn't given each other a good morning kiss or hug.

I took everyone to a liquor store that I liked to frequent. We got out and went inside and told the clerk what we wanted. We bought two cases of beer each. Two different brands, but both very good. We paid the clerk and loaded the beer into the back of my SUV and now we were ready to party.

I pulled into the gated community. There still many homes under construction, so I easily found a parking spot. Their house looked big from the outside. I was happy for Steve and Freddy. We got out of the SUV and I could hear music.

We hauled the beer up to the front and rang the doorbell. Steve opened the door and let us in. He thanked us for the beer, but it wasn't necessary. Steve got the attention of one of the bartenders and he hauled the beer down to the garage. Steve thanked us for coming and asked us if we would like a tour of the house before everyone arrived. We told him sure.

Just like I thought this was a big house. They had a fully loaded gourmet kitchen. With a big formal dining room. Also, there was a breakfast nook on the side of the kitchen. A huge living room with a big flat screen tv and sound system. On the side of the living room were sliding glass doors that went out to the patio. We then went down a hallway. There was a library den and office. I saw a lot of Steve's collections of law books. He must have done some work at home. At the end of the hall were stairs that went up to the bedrooms. Their master bedroom was huge. It was at least as big as mine and Graham's, maybe even bigger. There were four other bedrooms. They all had en suite bathrooms and walk in closets. Each bedroom had it's own tv and was hooked up to the sound system. Finally we went back downstairs and out to the patio. The DJ greeted us as well as some of our friends. They had a huge pool with a diving board. Steve said the pool was three fourths the size of an olympic pool. There was also a jacuzzi hot tub and a couple of waterfalls. I knew Zane had done this backyard. It spoke Zane all over the place. There was lush tropical trees plant and flowers carefully arranged. I also saw a pergola and the far side of the pool. And they had a changing room for the pool. That made me remember ours that we've never used.

We walked back up to where everybody was. The decorations were over the top. I knew they used Margaret and Jenna's company. I never saw so many balloons in life. Streamers were carefully placed and there was battery operated candles all over the place. Steve said they would use the candles when it got dark. There was a big banner over the bar and buffet table. The banner said, "Welcome to Steve and Freddy's Open House." Steve told me the party would really get going later after the couple leave. Steve thanked us for all the referrals and said it made the party easy to organize.

Steve told us that Preston had entertainment lined up for this evening. He didn't know what it was. Preston told him it would a surprise. I recognized some of the bartender and waiters from the In and Out Bar. Everyone was full dressed and looking good. Graham and I started mingling around and talking and getting acquained with people we didn't know. Most of the people right now were business associates and professional people the Steve and Freddy knew. The bartender brought Graham and me a cold beer.

There was a lot people and I saw more and more of our friends arriving as it got later. Soon the couple were starting to leave. I saw Rashona leave but Tyrell stayed behind. We talked with Tyrell a bit and he said he wanted to stay for party and Preston would take him home.

More and more couples were leaving and soon it was just our group of friends and some of Steve and Freddy's. It was starting to get dusk and I saw the waiters and bartenders turing on the candles. That was a nice idea. The candles were not too bright and just a nice golden glow.

Soon I saw Preston walk up to the DJ and announce the entertainment would soon be starting if we wanted to get seated. The seats were oddly arranged with many open aisles that wound around the chairs. I was wondering what Preston had cooked up.

Next: Chapter 15

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