Bob's Holidays

By Francis Scott

Published on Jun 13, 2023


Bob's Holidays Chapter 13

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The following story is a work of fiction from the authors mind. It contains adult situations between consenting adults. If this offends you and is illegal in your area, WHY ARE YOU HERE? Any similarities to actual people or events is purely coincidental. This story does not promote safe sex. Please practice safe sex at all times. Don't put your life or someone else's in jeopardy.

If you haven't read my story, "My Alphabet Friends," I would recommend doing so. All characters in this series are from My Alphabet Friends. There are pictures of the characters at the end of each chapter. However, at this time there is a problem with the pictures and I will be revising and editing My Alphabet Friends when I fishish this series. You will find, My Alphabet Friends, in Gay/Adult Friends.

Bob's Holidays

By Francis Scott

Chapter 13 - Preakness Stakes

It was nice in the sunroom. We didn't spend enough time here. Sam keeps telling us how much the guests like the sunroom at the hotel with the pool and jacuzzi.

The parrots seemed pretty happy and content with us here. It was relaxing in the sunroom with the background music. If I closed my eyes I could envision Graham and me in the Bahamas. That was the feeling I was trying to duplicate in this sunroom.

While we were relaxing in the sunroom, Graham received a call from his mother. She wanted Graham to know they arrived home safe and thanked him again for the wonderful presents. Then Graham talked to his dad for a bit and he thanked Graham for inviting them to Milo's. He told Graham they would have to come down and spend a weekend with us. Graham told them to be sure to call first and they could arrange a weekend to be together.

I was thinking about my parents. That was the most emotion they showed me every when we were at Milo's. I would be surprised if my mother called and thanked me for the presents and dad thanked me for inviting them to Milo's. Those things just didn't happen with them. They were never much for showing affection or any kind of emotions when Reggie and I were growing up.

Oh well. Mom did thank me for the wonderful presents at Milo's. I guess I shouldn't expect anything else.

Graham and I were being lazy today. And I called the Chinese restaurant for a delivery. We had robes with us in the sunroom. So I could throw my robe on when the delivery came. They told me it would be around thirty minutes before they delivered our food.

I told Graham about the delivery. And told him it was nice his mother called.

I got up and poured us another glass of white wine. The wine was tasting better every time I tried it. Graham was starting to like it to.

We just relaxed and didn't say much. I liked listening to the music. I thought I heard the speaker and told Graham I was going downstairs to check.

I put on my robe and went downstairs. Someone was at the gate. I opened the gate and the delivery truck came in. It had the name of the Chinese restaurant on the side. A man out and took a bag out of the back of the van. And walked up to the front doors. I opened the doors for him and greeted him and told him to put the food on the kitchen island. I paid him and gave him a tip. I didn't think he understood much English. He was older and not really a handsome man. I watched him leave.

I got our food prepared on a large tray with some small plates and silverware. I carried the tray upstairs to the sunroom. Somehow I managed to open the door, carrying the large tray. I set the tray down at a large round table with chairs.

Graham got up and walked over. We opened the containers of food. It was really good. We hadn't eaten Chinese in a quite a few days. So I think that made it taste better. We had chow mein pork fried rice and sweet and sour pork. Three large containers. We managed to eat almost everything. Graham said the leftovers would make a good snack later.

Graham helped me load everything back on the tray. He opened the door for me to the sunroom and took our glasses of wine and followed me to the kitchen. I reclosed the containers of food and put them in the frig. Graham put our plates and silverware in the dishwasher. I wiped off the large tray and put it back in it's place.

Graham asked me, "how about watching a movie babe?"

"Good idea. Why don't you get a movie ready and I'll pour us a couple glasses of the last of the refreshment. And join you downstairs."

Graham took off for the theater room. I poured us a couple of tall glasses of refreshment and that finished it. I put the pitcher in the dishwasher and got it running. I carried our beverages downstairs and Graham had a movie on pause. He told me this was the last of the Agatha Christie movies we had been watching.

We sat together on one of our oversized theater chairs. He felt good having Graham's hot body pressed up against mine. The movie started and it was in black and white. A good movie. I reached over with my free hand and rubbed over Graham's cock and felt his balls. "Mmmmmmm, that feels good."

I felt Graham chubbing up. I just wanted to get him aroused right now, but not cum. I ran my fingertips up his treasure trail to his chest and rubbed over his pecs and nips and squeezed his nips, getting them hard. Graham in the meantime was running his fingertips up and down the length of my cock. Getting me hard. "Let's hold off babe until the movie finishes."

"Ok. If you say so."

We went back to watching the movie and finished our refreshment. The movie was quite good and kept our interest. When it finished Graham turned off the theater system and we walked upstairs to our bedroom, arm in arm.

We were both turned on. Just the way I wanted my lover. Our cocks were pointing the way to the bedroom. We climbed into bed and laid our sides facing each other. I kissed Graham and he kissed me back. Our cocks frotting together. Making us hot and horny for each other. We couldn't take the frotting any longer and moved into a sixty nine position. With me over Graham and Graham lying on his back. I started licking and swirling my tongue on Graham's big flared cock head. Licking out his precum and started sucking the head of his cock in and out. Making a popping sound. Graham was moaning and making him go down on my cock. He was sucking and licking my balls hanging down over his face. My precum was dripping on his face. He moved up to the head of my cock and sucked it in. Pulling out my precum. We soon got into a sucking rhythm on each other's cocks. I played with Graham's balls while I deep throated him. Graham was working on taking my cock to my pubes. He was doing a good job. And soon had all of my cock down his throat. Or I guess up his throat. I pulled off Graham's cock. I didn't want him cumming right away. I licked down the back side of his shaft and sucked and nibbled on the big vein that went the length of the back side. Graham liked when I did that. I bent down further and sucked on his big balls and then licked up the back side of his cock and took him to the pubes in one quick gulp. I heard a muffled moan since my cock was down his throat. We got back into our deep throating rhythm and Graham brought me off first. I pumped out a big load hitting the sides of his throat. Graham soon followed by flooding my mouth and throat with an enormous load. He must have been saving this one. We collapsed back on the bed laying next to each other. Panting and gasping for breath after our strong orgasms.

I went into the bathroom and came back with a warm washcloth and wiped Graham off and then Graham wiped me off.

Graham checked the alarm and it was set for six in the morning.

We snuggled and cuddled together and soon we were sound asleep.

The alarm woke us up and Graham turned it off. We slowly crawled out of bed. Sporting big morning woodies. We made our way downstairs and could hear talking. Some of our friends were already changed and working out. When they spotted us, they asked if we were glad to see them. We said, "always."

Graham and I got changed into jocks and joined the guys. We went with the guys that were stretching and warming up. Then Graham and I got into our workout routine. We all felt we had had enough workout and Dave got the water going in the shower. We all crowded in and washed each other. I saw Cal sit down on the shower seat. We all knew what the meant. So we made a line. Cal must have been feeling much better now. At least his cock looked like it. Standing up big and proud and ready for action. Dave, Cal's partner went first. He sat down on Cal's big cock facing us. The next person in line sucked Dave while Cal fucked him. Finallly it got to my turn. I sat down on Cal's big thick cock and started bouncing up and down. I had my ass muscles wrapped around his big shaft. Remarkably, it didn't take Cal long to cum. Graham was busy sucking me off. Cal shot a good sized load up my hole. Then it was Graham's turn. Graham was the last one in line. I sucked my lover until he shot in my mouth. Making his hole constrict on Cal's cock. Cal moaned loud and shot another load up Graham's hole.

We all rinsed our cum off. Dried each other off. Got dressed for work and went upstairs for breakfast.

Mabel asked what took us so long. We all started snickering. Holding back laughing out loud. "I don't know what is so funny. But next time your late, I'm coming downstairs and make sure you guys are ready for breakfast."

That made it harder for us to not start laughing. We ate our breakfast. Thanked Mabel and we all gave her a kiss on the cheek. We met in the garage and got into a group hug and kiss and took off for work.

My morning went fast and I just got back to my office after my last morning patient. I thought I'd give Graham a call and see if he could meet me for lunch at the diner. I was just picking up my phone when it rang. It was Graham. We must have been on the same frequency. "Hi babe. I was just going to call you to meet for lunch."

"That's why I'm calling you. I was going to see if we could meet for lunch. I have some good news to share with you."

"Ok. I'm going to leave the clinic now and should be at the diner in about ten minutes."

"I'm in my car and ready to drive over to the diner. See you in a few."

Graham seems really happy about something. The last time he was that happy was when we made love. And that was last night. I was wondering what good news he had to share with me.

I walked out of the clinic and walked the couple of blocks to the diner. Graham's car was already parked out front and I could see him sitting at my favorite table.

I walked in and took a seat. Before I could even sit down. Graham was starting to tell me everything in one breath. "Slow down babe. I can't understand anything your telling me."

"Ok. Let me start from the beginning. One of our new clients stopped by my office this morning with two comlimentary tickets to the Preakness Stakes. Can you imagine? The best clubhouse seats. I couldn't believe it. I had to look at the tickets over and over again after he left my office. They are real and really for the Preakness Stakes. Isn't that exciting?"

"I guess so. If your excited. I'm excited." Wondering why I would be excited to watch a bunch of horses run around in a circle. But I went along with my lover.

Graham went on to explain how his grandfather, his father's father and his two brothers own a horse ranch and raise and breed horses. Graham's grandfather had a horse that was sold and ridden in the Kentucky Derby and so they all started to get an interest in watching the triple crown horse races.

Graham told me he had his secretary take care of all our travel and hotel arrangements. He was also having new tailored suits made for the Preakness Stakes. He said men usually wore suits in light pastel colors.

Millie brought our lunch specials and black coffee. She knew Graham was busy telling me things so she left us to our conversation.

Graham then went on to tell me about the Preakness Stakes. The race took place at the Pimlico Race Course in Baltimore, Maryland. We would be staying at the Ritz Carlton which was close to the racetrack. The Preakness States was the second race of the triple crown. The Kentucky Derbry was the first race of the triple crown and the Belmont Stakes was the third race of the triple crown. We have premium tickets in the private clubhouse box seats.

We would be flying on the private jet and leave next Friday after work. Since we both work half days on the Friday. The race is Saturday and we will fly back on Sunday. On the jet. It will only take about three hours to get to Baltimore, Maryland. A limousine will be waiting for us to take us to the Ritz Carlton hotel.

"I guess you really want to see this race?"

"I can't pass up an opportunity like this and with free tickets in the best seats this is going to fantastic. We won't need binoculars. With these seats we will be close enough to the race to see everything. I have already done the betting for us for win place and show. We will also get complimentary black eyed susan drinks. Which is the drink of the Preakness Stakes."

I had mixed feelings about going to a horse race. But since Graham had everything arranged. I would do this for my husband. I knew it was important to him. I was thinking. "What's in a black eyed susan?"

"It has bourbon vodka and peach schnapps orange juice and sour mix. It is fruity and has a very refreshing taste. They will be free in our private clubhouse box seats."

"That sounds pretty potent. But I'll give the drink a try."

We ate our lunch and thought we'd better get back to work. Graham told me things had calmed down at the office and he wouldn't be working lating today. We finished our lunch. I paid Millie and Graham left Millie a tip.

We said our goodbyes and I walked back to the clinic and Graham drove to his office. I was thinking about going to a horse race while I walked back to the clinic. This would be a first for me. I had watched the Kentucky Derby a couple times on tv, but it never really sparked any interest. Maybe seeing a horserace live would be different. This would be a first for me."

The afternoon went well and it was time to call it a day. I finished my last patient right at five. Shirley and Janice were still in the clinic and would close up for me. Quinton had left early. He had something going on. I covered a couple of his patients for him. That was the least I could do after him and Janice covering for me for my two week vacation.

I got home and didn't see Graham's car in the garage. I just closed the garage door when I heard another garage door opening. Graham pulled in. We hugged and kissed in the garage and walked into the kitchen. Mabel was just putting our dinner in the frig. She asked how our day was. We told her just a regular day, but was always nice to get home. She said she was finished for the day. She picked up her things and she left for the day.

Graham and I went upstairs and stripped out of our work clothes. We grabbed a couple of robes and towels and walked down to the pool. I went back up to the kitchen and poured us a couple of glasses of some great smelling refreshment. It tasted as good as it smelled.

We laid our robes on a double lounger and laid down together. Sipping on our refreshment. Graham told me everything for our trip to Baltimore would be finalized by this Wednesday. Even though we weren't leaving until next Friday. Graham wanted to be sure everything was in order for our short trip. He told me our suits would be ready by Thursday of this week. I should go to the tailors on Thursday for a fitting and if it was ok. I could bring the suit home.

Graham was really excited about going to the Preakness Stakes. I was happy since it was something Graham really wanted to do. I wasn't sure how much I would enjoy it. But it would be something different.

The days went by quickly and it was already Thursday. I told Shirley I was taking a long lunch break. I wanted to go to the tailors and see how if my suit was ready.

I drove over to the strip mall and walked into the tailors shop. "Hi Bob. Good to see you. You must be here to see your new suit?"

"Graham told me it should be ready today."

"Let me get it for you and you can try it on and we can check the fit."

The tailor came right out with a nice looking like yellow suit. He took it out of the garment bag and I went into a changing room and put the suit on. Looking in the mirrors in the changing room. I thought it fit well. It as light weight material and it wouldn't be too warm. I walked out of the changing room for the tailor to check the fit.

Looks good Bob. The tailor did a couple of checks on the suit and thought it was a good fit. The tailor threw in a new belt shirt and tie that would go with the suit. Also, he had incuded pocket square that would be perfect for the Preakness Stakes.

I went back into the changing room and put my work clothes on. I took the suit out to the tailor. He arranged it in a garment bag for me. My new shirt belt tie and pocket square were in a box for easy carry. I thanked the tailor and left for the diner.

I hung the garment bag in the back of my SUV and set the box on a back seat. I pulled into the diner and saw Grahma's car parked out in front.

I saw Graham sitting inside waiting for me. I walked in and took a seat across from Graham. I told him I really liked my new suit. It was a light yellow color. The suit was light weight and the tailor included a belt tie and pocket square. Graham told me he had just picked up his suit. His was a mint green color. The tailor had also included a belt tie and pocket square. He told me his suit was perfect for the Preakness Stakes.

Millie sauntered over carrying a couple of menus. "Well, what would the two most handsome men in the diner like for lunch?"

"I guess you're too busy Millie. Or we would have a side of Millie?"

"I see we have a comedian with us today. Very funny Bob?"

"Why don't you bring us our coffee and give us a couple of minutes to look over the menu."

Millie took off to get our coffee. I could see her smiling to herself. "Do you want the special babe?"

"Meatloaf doesn't sound good to me. I'm going to order off the menu."

"Me too." We looked over the menu and we both decided on soup and sandwich. Make it easy for the cook.

Millie came over with our coffee and we told her we were both having the soup and sandwich. She told us she would be right back with our lunch.

Graham and I talked some more about traveling next weekend. He told me not to worry about anything. He had everything taken care of.

Millie came with our lunch. We thanked her. I liked the homemade tomato soup with grilled cheese sandwiches. The cheese tasted good and not some cheap processed brand. We both woofed down our lunch. I was hungrier than I thought I was. We finished eating and thought we better get back to work. We were anxious to show each other our new suits. I thought we'd look pretty good for the Preakness Stakes.

We hugged outside. There wasn't anybody around. I wouldn't have cared anyway. We both drove off to our jobs.

The rest of my day went fast and soon I was on my way home. I pulled into the garage but Graham hadn't arrived yet. I expected he would be home soon. I walked into the kitchen and Mabel was gone for the day. I checked the frig and our dinner was in warming containers and a big pitcher of refreshment was sitting in the frig.

I went upstairs and changed into a jock and sandals and went downstairs. I poured myself a big glass of refreshment and went to the living room. I wanted to look at the paper and watch the early news and weather. I turned on the tv. I just sat back down and my cell phone rang. It was Anthony calling. What a nice surprise. "Hi Anthony. What a nice surprise?"

"Good to hear you too Bob. I was wondering if you guys had anything planned for next weekend? Roland and me have a few days off before our next big appraisal and auction."

"Actually we do have plans for next weekend. Graham has tickets for the Preakness Stakes in Baltimore and we are planning on leaving Friday after work and coming home Sunday."

"Maybe Roland and me could join you?"

"That would be great. You should call Graham. He has all the details."

I just heard Graham come in and motioned for him to join me in the living room. "Anthony, Graham just arrived home. I'm going to hand the phone over to him and let you guys work everything out."

"It's Anthony on the phone and he and Roland would like to join us next weekend for the Preakness Stakes. I told Anthony you have all the information and he should talk to you."

"Hi Anthony, Graham here. I hear you and Roland would like to join us next weekend for the Preakness Stakes."

"Yes. Bob told me you and him are going to the Preakness Stakes. Roland and I are not working that weekend and it would be nic to join you guys. Can you give me some details and I'll see what I can workout on my end."

"Sure. Bob and I are flying out to Baltimore after our half day of work next Friday. We are flying on a private jet. I have arrangements made for a suite at the Ritz Carlton in Baltimore, close to the racetrack. We are scheduled to leave Sunday afternoon. I have Private Clubhouse box seats. I don't know if you could workout seats close to us. The suite has two bedrooms living room dining room, kitchen balcony pool and jacuzzi hot tub. Each bedroom has it's own in suite bathroom with a jacuzzi tub."

"Everything sounds perfect. I can workout getting seats next to you guys and if it's okay we can stay in your suite with you and Bob?"

"That sounds perfect. I'll tell Bob and we will look forward to seeing you guys at the Ritz Carlton next Friday."

I told Bob about my conversation with Anthony and everything was set for them to join us.

I knew what Graham was doing. He was going all out so I would enjoy the Preakness Stakes as much as he did. I could survive a couple days in Baltimore and a horse race. Who knows, maybe I will like it. It will be better with Anthony and Roland with us.

The next few days Graham was busy getting everything finalized for our short trip to the Preakness Stakes. I knew he had everything finished with Anthony. I didn't ask any questions. I'd rather be surprised.

It was already the weekend. Graham and I thought we should take a trip to the strip mall and find some shoes that would go well with our new suits. I had some camel colored shoes that would go well with my light yellow suit. But the shoes were started to get worn and a new pair were needed. Graham didn't really have any shoes that would go with.

It was Sunday so we knew it would be quieter. Most of the stores were open in the strip mall. If the shoe store was closed we could always go to the Mall. They were a couple of good shoe stores there.

We fixed breakfast together. Wearing aprons so we wouldn't burn anything. We ate in the breakfast nook. And drank the last of the refreshment with our breakfast.

After our breakfast we put everything away and cleaned the kitchen. Ran upstairs and jumped in the shower. Washed each other and Graham was feeling frisky this morning. He made sure to wash my cock and balls and hole real good. Graham had me lean back against the shower wall so that my semi hard cock was sticking out. He got on his knees and took my cock into his mouth. Giving my cock head a good tongue bath. He then slowly took me into his mouth and down his throat. I was moaning it felt so good. I soon put a hand behind Graham's head and started humping into his mouth. Graham had me so worked up I knew it wouldn't last long. I felt my cum churning in my balls and slowly working it's way up my shaft. I told Graham I was going to cum. That made him suck me harder and faster. Soon I was panting and gasping for air as I kept shooting down Graham's throat. He swallowed my load and then told me to turn and face the wall with my ass sticking out. I knew what was next. I felt Graham's thick cock head at my back door. He was rubbing the head up and down over my hole. Soon I felt the head pop in and he started making love to me. Graham was so gentle and passionate he could fuck me all day. Or make love to me all day. I had my ass clamped on his cock and was working it good for him. Graham didn't really have to do much the way I worked his cock with my hole. I heard Graham grunt and felt his cock harden in my hole. Soon he was bathing my hole with a big morning load. We washed each other off again and dried each other off.

We decided to wear some nice shorts with a pull over and dressy sandals. Graham told me he was driving us. It looked like a nice day and I liked riding in Graham's Porsche.


While Graham was driving us to the strip mall. He told the new housing complex was finished where Steve and Freddy were moving. Graham thought they would be moving into their new house soon. I told Graham we should take a drive by. I hadn't seen any of the houses once they were finished.

Graham pulled up in front of the high end shoe store in the strip mall. There were a few other cars around. It was hard to tell if the store was open or closed. We got out of Graham's car and walked up to the store. Their weren't any store hours on the front window or door. I tried the door and it was locked. I told Graham it was locked. We were a little bummed out, but we knew the stores would be open in the mall.

We got back in Graham's car and Graham took off for the mall.

What Graham and Bob didn't see was the high end shoe store owner opending his store. It was open until five in the afternoon. He didn't open until ten in the morning on Sundays. Graham and Bob had missed the store opening by about ten minutes.

Bob mentioned to Graham that the new housing development was on the way to the mall. If he wanted to swing by and they could see how some of the finished houses looked. Graham told Bob he would do that.

Bob saw Graham take a turn off the main street their were driving on to the mall. Graham went a couple of blocks to the end of the street and there in front of them was the new housing project. The houses looked big and it was going to be a gated community. Kind of like what Preston Sam Tyrell and Quinton had.

There was no guard which they thought was kind of strange. Since there were completed houses. Graham drove in and out of somewhere a guard appeared. They hadn't seen him earlier. Graham rolled down his window and told the guard they knew some people that were moving in and just wanted to take a quick drive around to see the completed homes. The guard let Graham pass, but told us to stay in the car and make the tour quick.

Graham drove slow. The homes were big. And I thought I asw a pool in the back of one of the homes. It also looked like all the homes were going to be having stone security fences going around their property. It was hard to know which house was Steve and Freddy's. But we knew one of these completed homes was theirs. Graham made the loop and we left the housing project. We waved to the guard as we left and he waved back to us.

Graham got back on the street that went to the mall. We thought the new homes looked nice and were big. We thought all the homes would have pools. Hopefully, Zane would get the contracting job or already had it. Graham didn't know if Zane was contracted for this housing project.

Graham pulled up to the mall and we parked in section D and we walked into the mall. It looked like it had just opened. Then I remembered the mall opened at ten on Sundays. I was wondering if that was when the high end shoe store opened.

We were at the mall now and I knew Graham wouldn't want to drive back to the high end shoe store. Besides we didn't know if they were open on Sundays. We thought we'd find what we were looking for in the mall. I knew there was a men's shoe store on the ground level and a men's shoe store on the first floor. I checked the mall map and saw we were close to the ground floor men's shoe store.

Graham followed me and soon we arrived at the shoe store. A salesman opened the door for us and asked us if we would like some help. We told him about our new suits and the color and that we wanted shoes that would go with our suit colors. He told us to follow him. There were aisles and aisles of men's shoes. Finally the salesman stopped by different colors of brown shoes. He pointed to a camel color shoe and thought that would go good with my light yellow suit. I told I some shoes almost identical to the ones he pointed out to me. I asked him if they kept a record of their sales and names of customers. He said they had that information on their computer. I gave him my name and asked to see if I had purchases these camel shoes before at this store.

I looked at Graham and told him these shoes were identical to the ones I had at home that were wearing out. The salesman came back and told I had bought a pair of camel colored shoes over two years ago. I told him I wanted to buy the camel colored shoes. Graham asked the clerk what color dress shoe would go good with his mint green suit. The salesman told Graham these dark colored camel shoes would go perfect with his suit. Graham ended up buying a pair of the camel shoes also.

We paid the salemans and thanked him for his help."

"That was easy and fast. You want to eat lunch here in the Italian Restaurant?"

"Yeah, let's do it. I want to put my shoes in the car first."

We walked back out to the parking lot and put our new shoes in the back on the floor of Graham's car. We thought our shoes would be safe there and out of site.

Graham and I walked back into the mall and walked over to the Italian Restaurant. It was a little early for lunch. But we were both hungry. We walked into the restaurant and the host asked us where we would like to sit. Obviously a new host. We told the host our names and that we ate in a private dining room. The host apologized and looked up our names on the computer. He told us to follow him. We were led into a private dining room. He told us our waiter would be right with us.

Our waiter came in. It had had this waiter before. He remembered our names and greeted us. He said a bottle of white wine was chilled and ready for us. He left and came back shortly with the wine bottle in a bucket on a stand. He poured us each a glass and said he would be back shortly with our lunch.

After one sip I recognized the white wine. It was the same one we had bought for the star and we kept at home. I was glad to see they were serving this great wine here at the Italian Restaurant.

Our waiter came in with two separate covered silver platters. He set one platter in front of each of us. He took the covers off and we had lobster with a side of vegetables. My lobster was prepared thermidor and Graham's was prepared for dipping in melted butter. The waiter told us to enjoy our lunch and he left. Our lobster was mouth watering and very fresh. With the white wine. This was the perfect lunch. Our lobster tails had to be over one pound. I wasn't sure if I would be able to eat it all. That's a lot of lobster and it's filling. With the white wine I managed to finished my lobster. Graham was already finished with his lobster and was sipping on the white wine.

The waiter came back in and asked us how our lunch was. We told him the lunch was perfect. He asked us if we would like some dessert. Graham told him sure. He said he would be right back with our dessert after he cleared the table. He took the covered trays back to the kitchen and then wheeled in a dessert cart. Graham was already eyeing the cart before the waiter had it all the way into our dining room. The waiter set dessert plates down in front of us with a dessert fork and knife.

Graham asked me what I wanted. I told him a piece of apple pie and I handed Graham my dessert plate. He served me my apple pie. Graham had a piece of three chocolate cake and a cream filled danish. My pie was delicious and it disappeared quickly. I actually finished my dessert before Graham. I finished my wine while I waited for Graham. Graham was eyeing the dessert cart again. I told him to finish his wine and then we should leave. He looked like a little spoiled boy. But he finally agreed with me. Together, we finished the last of the wine. The waiter came in and we told him we were finished and to thank the chef on a delicious lunch. Graham and I tipped the waiter and we left.

We wallked out of the mall and to Graham's car. I checked the back floor and our shoes were there. It didn't take long to get home. We were anxious to try on our new suits with the accessories and new shoes and see how everything came together.

We were like two little kids with new toys. Graham and I carried our new shoes up to the bedroom. We got our new suits out of the walkin closet along with the accessories. We laid our suits on the bed and took them out of the garment bags. I had brown colored dress shirt which I hadn't realized before. I knew my new shoes would look perfect and also a new brown belt. Graham had a blue dress shirt which would look nice with his mint green suit. He also had a brown belt so his new shoes would look perfect.

We put everything on and helped each other so everything was adjusted correctly and looked at ourselves in the mirror. We thought we would be the best dressed men at the Preakness Stakes. We finally finished admiring each other and put everything away.

Graham and I didn't do much for the next few days. Just relaxing and being lazy. We did our early morning workouts with the guys and swam laps in the pool. We wanted to be rested and ready for our short trip this coming Friday.

Wednesday I got a call when I got home from work from the star's partner. He was calling to see if we wanted to order more perfume and wine for our mothers. The manager told me that the perfume factory always kept on record the ingredients and name of the perfume. The vineyard was also having a sale on the wine that we bought. I told the manager I'd have Graham call his mother and I would call my mother and then get back to him.

Graham was upstairs getting changed after just getting home from work. I thought that'd give me time to call my mother. Surprisingly, my mother answered after the first ring. "Hi Bob, so glad your calling. Is there any special reason why your calling?"

"Yes. I just heard from one of our good friends when we were in France. He called to ask me to check with you. If you wanted anymore of your personal perfume. And the vineyard has a sale on the wine that we had purchased."

"The perfume is lovely and I really like it. If you can purchase more I would appreciate it. Your father and I really like the wine. So a couple more bottles would be nice."

"Ok mom. Thanks for the information. I hope everything is fine with you and dad. I'll call my friend in France and place an order. Will get back to you soon. Tell dad hi for me."

I heard Graham coming down the stairs and I told him about the call from the manager. Graham told me he would call his mother right now. "Hi Graham. How's everything?"

"Everything is fine mom. We just heard from one of our friends from France. He wanted to know if we wanted to order more perfume and wine."

"The perfume is wonderful Graham. I get a lot of compliments on it. And your father and I acquired a taste for that delicious wine. So if you can order more perfume and wine, we would appreciate it."

"Thanks mom. That's all I needed to know. I'm glad you like your individual perfume and the wine. We'll get back to our friend in France and put in an order. I'm not sure how long it will take. I'll get back in touch as soon as I have more information."

Bob overheard my conversation. And we talked for a few minutes deciding on how much perfume and wine we should order. We decided on a small case of wine for our parents. Six bottles, and we thought four bottles of perfume for our mom's would be perfect. I told Graham when I called the manager. I would ask him how we could do our own orders in the future.

I checked the time and it was still early enough to call the star's partner. "Hi Bob, I'm glad your calling me back. Do you have the information for me?"

"Yes. Graham and I called our mothers. We would like to buy two small cases of the wine. Six bottles to a case. And four perfume each for our mothers. Also, I was wondering how I could order perfume and wine in the future?"

"That sounds perfect. I'll get back to you on how long your orders will take. Also, I'll text message you the information on how you can order the perfume and wine in the future. They are going to be glad to receive your orders."

"Thanks. Can't wait to receive the perfume and wine. Will look for your text message on how we can order in the future. Nice talking to you and give our regards to the star."

Here it was already Thursday night. We ate what Mabel had fixed for us. Graham was really hyped up and it was making me nervous. I don't know how many times we checked to make sure we had everything packed and hadn't forgotten anything. I was driving us to the airport and would park in the long term parking area. I was told it would be cheaper in the long term parking than in the short term parking.

Graham and I watched the news and weather. I hadn't heard back from the star's partner on our order. But I expected to hear something in the next few days. The weather looked nice. And it looked like nice weather for the Preakness States on Saturday. We watched a movie that came on after the news. It was okay, but it really wasn't that interesting.

Graham and I went up to bed and made love for I don't know how long. I know it was long enough that we fell asleep.

We had told our friends we wouldn't be working out Friday morning. I was starting to look forward to going to the Preakness Stakes. I hoped our morning went fast. We had everything packed and ready to go. Just needed to pack our toiletries and we would be ready.

The alarm went off at seven and we climbed out of bed. We both hard morning woodies. I thought we could take care of them in the shower. Graham got the water going in the shower and I soon joined him. We washed each other. Jerking each other off. We rewashed each other and made sure all the cum had went down the drain. Dried each other off and got dressed for work and we would wear the same clothes on our flight.

Graham and I walked downstairs to have breakfast.

"No workout this morning?" asked Mabel.

"No. We decided against it. Since we are working a half day and then flying out to Baltimore."

"Well. You guys have a safe flight and enjoy your time in Baltimore. I'll be here when you get home."

We ate in the breakfast nook and soon were on our way to work.

My morning went fast and I was on my way home. All the staff at the clinic wished me and Graham a safe trip. I didn't remember telling anyone at the clinic I was going to be gone for the weekend. It must have slipped out.

I parked in the garage and Graham pulled in just after me. We kissed and hugged and went into the kitchen. Mabel was busy cooking or doing something in the kitchen. She told us she had two bags of food ready for us. I had told Mabel we were having lunch on the plane. But I didn't want to hurt her feelings so Graham and I thanked her for being so thoughtful.

We went upstairs and brought our overnight and garment bags down. Mabel helped us as we got everything loaded into the back of my SUV. "I think next time we should hire a limousine. We could always use one from the hotel."

We kissed Mabel on the cheek and she told us she would be leaving soon. Mabel watched us leave for the airport.

It seemed like a short trip to the airport. I let Graham out and he took our bags out of the back of the SUV. I went to the short term parking area and received my ticket and walked back over to Graham. We had been in the airport enough times we knew where to go for a fast security check since we were flying on a private jet. Since we were flying on a private jet, there was no problem with us taking food on the plane.

We went through a private security area fast. I think the TSA agent working remembered us. We walked out onto the tarmac and the steward took our garment bags and stowed them in a special compartment in the front of the plane. Our overnight bags were stowed in the cargo hold.

Graham and I boarded the plane and were greeted by the steward and the pilot. This was a different flight crew. This plane could hold eighteen people. The pilot told us the flight was just over three hours.

We sat in some very plush comfortable leather seats and fastened our seatbelts. The pilot announced that we would be taking off soon. The steward told us he would be serving lunch soon and did something with our two bags of food.

I felt the plane moving and soon we approached our runway and were airborne. The smaller planes are able reach cruising altitude faster than the large commercial planes. As we approached cruising speed I saw the steward come out and started arranged the chairs. This jet was larger and seated eighteen people. The last private jet we were on was smaller and maybe seated eight people at the most. The steward asked us to get up for a moment. Released some lever on the bottom of our chairs and they became swivel chairs. Also he pushed a button and small table came up between our chairs. I noticed he was folding the chairs back then down into the floor. A couple of chairs he left up and I saw him make them swivel. He pushed another button and a larger table came up. Probably the table we would use for lunch.

As he we walked back to use he said our table and chairs ready for lunch. He asked us if we wanted anything to drink. We told him a cold beer would taste good. He came back shortly with our beers in chilled steins and set them on the little table between us. We sipped on our beer while we waited for lunch.

I could smell something good coming from the galley. Soon the steward came out with a linen tablecloth and silverware and linen napkins and set the table. He told us to take a seat and he would bring our lunch out. He came out with a large soup tureen and served us. He then brought out a smaller tray with sandwiches that Mabel had made. The soup was some kind of a beef vegetable barley soup. It was very good and perfect for lunch. Mabel had made egg salad and ham and cheese sandwiches. They were good, but the soup was enough. I told the steward he could take the sandwiches away. The soup was filling and would be enough. The steward asked us if he could serve sandwiches to the pilot and for himself. We told him to go ahead. He seemed happy about that.

We finished our lunch and the steward cleared everything away and wheeled in a small dessert cart. Graham and I ate apple pie with ice cream. The pie tasted home made. We finished dessert and the steward asked us if we wanted anything to drink. We told him a glass of white wine would be good.

We went back to the seating area and the steward brought out two wine flutes of white wine. I sipped mine and it was our favorite white wine. For the price of the private jet, I thought they should be able to serve nothing but the best.

Soon the pilot came on and told us we would be landing in about forty minutes. We had a second glass of wine and then called it quits. When the cabin depressurizes, I didn't want to feel drunk from the wine.

The steward folded the table down and put the seats back that had been in the dining area. He pushed the button and our little table went into the floor. He then had us get up and he put the pins into our chairs so they wouldn't swivel and they were facing the front of the plane. Everything looked ready for landing.

The pilot came on again and told us to make sure we had our seatbelts fastened, that we would be landing soon.

I heard the wing flaps getting ready for landing. I didn't hear the landing gear, but this plane was very quiet.

The pilot made a smooth landing. It was like we landed on feathers. One of the best flights we had ever had. The front door opened and the steward said we could deboard the plane. He also told us a TSA agent would be here to check us quickly. A special service for using a private jet.

Graham and I deboarded the plane and I saw limousine waiting for us. I figured Graham had this arranged ahead of time. We got off the plane and we checked quickly by the TSA agent and checked our bags. We thanked the pilot and steward for a wonderful smooth flight.

The chaffeur stowed our bags in the back of the limousine and opened the back doors for us. I was just ready to get inside the limousine and I saw Anthony and Roland with big smiles on their faces. I knew they were joining, but I didn't know when.

We all told the chaffeur to take us to the hotel. Anthony told us we would be surprised when we arrived at the hotel. But he wouldn't tell us anything else. All of us sat close together. It was so nice to Anthony and Roland. I knew they would make this trip enjoyable.

I could see a big bulge in Anthony's dress slacks. I wasn't sure if it was on purpose or just happy to see us.

The chaffeur pulled up in front of the Ritz Carlton. This looked much different than a hotel. However, there was a lobby. The chaffeur opened the doors for us and we got out. The chaffeur waited for a bellhop to take our bags. We walked into the lobby. It was really something. Very elegant and tastefully decorated. Graham and I walked up to the reservation desk. Graham gave the receptionist his name and she smiled and said our condominium was ready for us. I looked at Graham and mouthed a "condominium."

We told her the chaffeur was waiting on a bellboy or porter to take our bags. She motioned to a bellboy and he went out to get our bags with a rolling cart. The receptionist gave us a map and our card keys to the condominium. She said she had a person that would escort us to our condominium.

This condominium complex was huge. It was deceiving from the front. But it seemed to go on and on. Our escort told us a little about the complex and pointed things out on the map. She told us everything was easy to get to. Finally we arrived at our condominium. She slid one of the key cards in. The lock beeped and a green light came on and she opened the door for us. Holy cow. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. It looked like a small house. There was even an upstairs. She told us she would give us a tour of the condominium.

We went upstairs first. As we were going up the stairs the bellboy came in. She told him to wait. We continued going up stairs. There four large master bedrooms. These bedrooms were huge. They each had en suite bathrooms and walkin closets. Graham and I could see the bedroom that Anthony and Roland had chosen. We decided on the master bedroom on the same side of the floor. Our guide got the bellboys attention and he brought our bags up to the bedroom we had chosen. She showed us the other two bedrooms on the other side and they were identical to our bedroom and Anthony and Roland's.

She then led us downstairs. There was a large gourmet kitchen. She said some guests brought their own chef to cook for them. A very elegant dining room with two chandeliers above the table. Everything was on an open floor plan. We walked into the sunken living room. A large flat screen tv was above the fireplace. Also on the end was part of the swimming pool. I noticed a cutout in the wall where you could swim through to the rest of the pool outside. The living room was elegantly decorated with expensive artwork. Also, a grand piano was in the far corner with a large bar against the rest of that wall. We went outside through sliding glass doors. The pool was immense. A high wall went around the whole outside area. It was private. Also attached to one end of the pool was a jacuzzi hot tub and a built in bar. Also, there was a large barbeque area with seating. She pointed up to where our bedroom was located and there was a balcony with stairs that went down to the patio pool area. She said she had one more area to show us. We went back in and off from the dining room we noticed another set of sliding glass doors. There was a large covered patio with a built in bar. She said that concluded the tour and hoped that we enjoyed our stay and hoped we would decide to return again sometime. We all thanked her and I gave her a tip for such an excellent job of showing us around the condo.

Once she left. I asked everybody, "what should be do now? It's too early for dinner."

Anthony said, "Roland and I walked around before you and Graham arrived. We are familiar where different areas in this complex are located. We could show you around or we can just relax here in this wonderful condo."

"Why don't we change into our natural swimsuits and meet at the pool on the patio."

Everyone liked that idea and we went to our separate bedrooms.

Graham and I noticed we had complimentary robes sandals and slippers. They were of good quality. The robes were very plush with the emblem of the hotel on our robes sandals and slippers. We changed out of our clothes and put the robes and sandals on. They fit perfect.

We walked down to the outdoor patio. Anthony and Roland had the same idea as us. They had their robes laying on the loungers and had their sandles parked on the side of their lounger. We took a couple of loungers next to them and took our robes off and laid them on the loungers. I could feel eyes watching me. I turned to lay down and Anthony had a big smile on his face. I noticed he was still semi hard. Roland was no slouch either. He was sporting close to a full blown hardon. I asked everyone if they wanted anything to drink. Anthony Roland and me agreed on a glass of wine. Graham wanted a cold beer. I went to the pool bar and got everything ready and brought it back for everyone. The bar had red and white wine and I choose the white wine. It was good, but not as good as our special white wine.

All of us talked and caught up on what everyone had been doing. We enjoyed our wine and Graham liked his beer. We thought once we finished here at the pool we would get ready for dinner and eat here in one of the fine restaurants in the hotel/condominiums. Anthony told us they had five restaurants. Two were fine dining two were more casual and relaxed and then they had a snack bar. "Do we need to make reservations?"

"I don't think so. The restaurants are only for the guests staying here. They are not open to the public."

"I'm ready for a swim. Anybody ready to join me?"

Graham and Roland got up. Anthony stayed in his lounger. He wasn't much for swimming. He liked the shallow end of the pool and the hot tub. I should ask him if he knows how to swim. Maybe that's why he doesn't really like the pool that much. We all dove in and the water was refreshing. It was a heated pool, but at a perfect temperature.

I had a feeling in the back of my mind that Anthony and Roland were up to something. But I wasn't sure what it was. Roland swam some laps with Graham and me. He was a pretty good swimmer. Finally we had enough and relaxed at the shallow end.

Roland moved between Graham and me. I felt his hand under the water grabbing my cock. I thought I could see him doing the same thing to Graham under the water. We all snuggled together with Graham and me on each side of Roland. I kissed Roland's neck and Graham did the same from his side. Then we worked down to Roland's chest and licked and bit on his nips. They got rock hard and we bit more on them. I could see Anthony getting more and more aroused. I was wondering how long he would stay in his lounger. We worked our way down Roland's chest until we got to the water level. Graham and I reached under the water and I held Roland's semi hard cock in my hand while Graham held and fondled his big balls. I think Anthony knew what was going on I saw him get up off his lounger and start walking over to us. His big hardon was sticking straight out in front of him. I could watch the big swinging hardon all day. Those big balls under his hardon were flopping back and forth.

Anthony walked into the pool on the shallow end and he joined our happy little group. He stood in front of Roland so that we were all shoulder to shoulder in the pool. We were fondling and playing with each other's cocks under the water. I noticed Roland was getting hard and our cocks were almost close enough to bump together. We moved closer together so that we could feel our cock heads hitting each other's cock. I reached under the water and grabbed Anthony's big cock. He let out a low groan and I saw he had his eyes closed. I worked my hand back and forth on his hard shaftt. It looked like Graham and Roland were getting on to. I could tell by the expressions on their faces. I was wondering how long we could hold out before we would start shooting.

Anthony said, "I think we should go somewhere more comfortable so we don't shoot in the pool and clog the filters."

We started walking out of the pool and we followed Anthony's lead. We put our robes and sandals on and followed Anthony. When we walked to the upstairs I knew what he had in mind. We all followed him like he was our scout leader.

We made it as far as our bedroom and Anthony told us all to take our robes and sandals off and get on the bed. We did as he said. "How do you want us?"

"I want us in a four way. Who wants to get fucked first?"

I volunteered. Anthony had me lay down on my bed. He got between my legs and had me pull my legs up to my chest. Roland sat over my face facing Anthony. That way they could kiss and make out. Graham bent over so he could suck my cock and Anthony could jerk Graham off. This almost looked a circus act. We could make good contortionists.

Whatever they were doing to me. It sure felt good. After we all came. We switched positions until everyone had been fucked in a four way. It was pretty wild but hot.

We all laid back on the bed and rested for a bit. I checked the time. It was already going on eight. I told everyone we should shower and get ready for dinner.

All of us hopped into our shower and washed each other. Everyone was so drained. Nobody could get an erection. Anthony said we could have round two after dinner. We finished our shower and Anthony and Roland went to the adjoining bedroom to get changed for dinner.

Graham and I put on some of our sporty dress clothes. I didn't know if there was a dress code. I didn't even know which restaurant we were going to. We finished getting dressed and Graham had a key card. We waited for Anthony and Roland downstairs. Soon we heard them talking and walking downstairs. They were dressed similar to us. So I didn't feel okay about what we were wearing to dinner.

We left the condo and Graham and I followed Anthony and Roland. They had toured the complex and knew where everything was located. Anthony told us there wasn't really a dress code here unless something special was going on. Otherwise most of the guests were relaxed in what they wore. He said that Roland and him had stayed here once on business.

The dining room we were going to was more relaxed attire. The other dining room was formal and men had to wear suits or sports jackets and women in dresses or gowns.

We arrived at the dining room and the host greeted us and led us to a table for four. He told us our waiter with be with us shortly. I looked around the dining room. It was very spacious and very handsomely decorated. Somes guests in the dining room looked like they just got out of the pool. A few men were in suits or sports jackets. Women were wearing everything from shorts to dresses to gowns. So we had the complete gamut of attire displayed in the dining room.

Our waiter came to our table and asked us if we would like something to drink before we ordered dinner. We all agreed on scotch and water on the rocks. Even Graham ordered a scotch and water and not a beer. I was surprised.

The tables in the dining room had a flower arrangement in the center surrounded by small motif candles. Very craftily arranged. Red tablecloths with gold trim adorned the tables. The chairs were cushioned in red velvet with gold trim. The napkins were white lace and edged in gold. The silverware had a gold emblem signifying the hotel where we were staying. The waiters wore red three piece suits that were edged in gold. Everything went together well. The curtains were white lace with gold trim. It really looked nice for the less formal dining room. I wondered what the formal dining room looked like.

The waiter came with our drinks and handed us each menus. He told us to take our time and he would be back in a few minutes to see if we were ready to order our dinner. The drink tasted good. It was a good quality scotch. I hadn't drank and scotch and water for a long time.

We all started looking over the menus. I thought I saw Anthony give Graham a wink, but I could have been wrong. The menu was in English with French subtitles. Interesting. Maybe the chef was French. Everything looked good on the menu and it was hard to make a decision.

It looked like everyone had decided what to order. I ordered a prime rib. Kind of a big heavy dinner, but I didn't eat it that much and I was sure it would be good here. Anthony and Roland both ordered rib eye steaks and Graham ordered prime rib like me. The waiter asked if we would like another round of drinks. We told him a bottle chilled red wine. One of their best.

The waiter left and we talked some more about the Preakness tomorrow. The race started at two in the afternoon. We thought we should get their early. Around noon. Have lunch served to our box seats and get our bets in. Graham told Anthony and Roland he had already placed our bets online.

The waiter came with out bottle of chilled red wine in an ice bucket on a stand. He asked us if we would like him to pour us a glass of wine. We told him to go ahead. I sipped the wine first. It had a nice fruity taste. Not too dry. Just right. The waiter told us our dinner would be coming soon.

We sipped on our wine while we waited for dinner. Anthony told us we didn't need to order dessert. We would be having dessert later in the bedroom. I and the rest of the guys chuckled about that. Luckily nobody was seated close to us that could overhear the conversation.

Soon I saw our waiter coming with another waiter helping him. Our waiter had our four platters and the other waiter had our side dishes. My prime rib looked and smelled delicious. Graham said his was very good. Anthony and Roland liked their steaks. The sides were mixed vegetables. Small round potato balls and some kind of carrot side dish. I tried a little of all the side dishes. The carrots were good. In some kind of a sauce.

Everyone dug into the side dishes. We all really enjoyed our dinner. I knew Graham wanted dessert. But he was outnumbered by Roland and me and we liked Anthony's idea for dessert. I mentioned to the waiter to bring the bill. I saw Anthony and Graham look at each other. The waiter told us that our meals were already paid for. I looked at Anthony and Graham. "Ok guys. What's up with the meals already paid for?"

Graham and Anthony looked at each other and started laughing.

"What's so funny?"

Graham said, "when I talked with Anthony on the phone. He wanted to do something to help out since I already had the tickets and the room and flight taken care of. He told me he and Roland would pay for all of our meals."

"Thanks guys. But it's really not necessary. It's just nice having you two here with us."

I knew that Anthony liked the hot tub. So I mentioned that we should go back to the room and then go into the hot tub. I saw a smile on Anthony's face.

We all got up and walked back to our condo. Anthony and Roland went into their bedroom and Graham and me into ours. We changed into our robes and sandals and walked out to the hot tub. Anthony and Roland hadn't arrived yet. The outdoor lights were on. They must have been on a timer and illuminated the patio nicely. Graham and me put our robes on a lounger and stuck our sandals under the lounger and walked into the hot tub. The water was hot and the jets were swirling the water around. It did feel pretty good and was relaxing.

Graham and I saw Anthony and Roland walking into the patio. They had their robes on and sandals. They put their robes on a lounger close to our robes and put their sandals under the lounger. They walked into the hot tub and worked their up close to Graham and me. Roland was next to me and Anthony was next to Graham. We leaned our heads against the edge of the hot tub and floated up. Our hard cocks pointed out of the water. Then we would settle back down again next to each other. I liked when the jets and water were swirling around my balls and shooting up my hole. It was a real turn on for me. A lot of hands were under the water. Fondling and feeling were taking place. Anthony said he didn't want to cum in the hot tub. He wanted to wait until we were in bed and then have more fun and cum there. I agreed with Anthony. So we all held off. Just keeping each other aroused. A lot of kissing and making out happened in the hot tub.

Graham got out of the hot tub and got us all beers. Anthony and Roland usually drink wine, but they said a cold beer sounded good. Graham handed us our beers and climbed back into the hot tub.

I really liked Anthony and Roland and wished they lived closer. It would be nice to spend more time with them.

We relaxed more in the hot tub. The beer tasted good being in the hot water. We leaned our heads back on the edge of the hot tub and let our bodies float out. All of us were hard again. Anthony said it was time to get out and head to bed. We rinsed off in the outside shower. Put our robes and sandals on and walked back up to the bedrooms.

Anthony and Roland joined us in our bedroom. We put our robes in the hamper to be cleaned and ready for us. We crawled into bed and Anthony said we would pair off. No more fourways. That was two strenuous. I was paired off with Roland and Graham was paired with Anthony. Roland and I got into sixtynines on our sides facing each other. I liked this position. I could see Graham and Anthony doing the same thing. Our hands were busy roaming over each other's bodies. Exploring all the groves and valleys. The deep throating felt good. Roland was good and could keep up with me. We got a good back and forth rhythm going. Roland did a few things to my cock I had never had done before. He was getting me close. I like how he continually rubbed his tongue over that sensitive spot on the back of my cock head. Soon I felt my cock harden and I was shooting out in Roland's mouth and throat. He rapidly sucked all my load down. That seemed to bring Roland over the edge and he was rewarding me with a big load that I eagerly swallowed.

I heard and watched Graham and Anthony going at it. Graham was able to take Anthony's big thick cock all way to Anthony's pubic hairs. They were moaning and I saw them cum. I think they came at the same time. What a rush that feeling is. I was glad for Graham and Anthony.

We then switched partners and did it all over again. After the second sixtynine we were tired. Anthony and Roland stayed in our bedroom and we all fell asleep in a pile of arms and legs intertwined.

All of woke up to sunlight coming in through the bedroom windows. Graham Roland and me decided to some early morning laps in the pool. Anthony said he would sit and watch us. Anthony told us he had ordered room service for breakfast and would let us know when they brought our breakfast. Anthony told us it was just after eight. So we had plenty of time before we needed to get ready for the races.

I went up to the bedroom and brought down our robes and we all walked out to the patio. I put our robes on a lounger and we all dove into the pool. Anthony reclined on a lounger watching us. The cool water finished waking me up. All of us swim a few laps. Roland knew how to do flip turns so he easily kept up with Graham and me. Anthony told us he liked the view from where he was. He told us not to cum. We could have fun after we came back from the races. "Yes daddy." We all said in unison. Anthony just smiled. He looked good laying their with his big flaccid cock laying across his thigh with his big balls hanging down. I wished I was having Anthony for breakfast.

I saw Athony get up and put his robe on and walk back into the condo. I thought I heard and saw him talking with someone. Anthony walked back out to the patio and told us they had just brought our breakfast.

We swam a couple more laps and then showered off quickly outside. Put our robes and sandals on and walked inside to the dining room. You could smell breakfast as you got closer and closer. There was quite a spread of food. There was french toast waffles pancakes English muffins eggs bacon sausage ham. The kitchen staff must have thought there was a small army here in the condo. It didn't take Graham long to heap up his plate. The rest of us ate more politely and didn't overdue it like Graham. I did have seconds. Everything tasted so good. We finally had our fill and sipped on our coffee and talked a little about the Preakness Stakes. Anthony filled me in on more of the details of the race.

I saw Graham eyeing the danish rolls. And he put a couple of them on a dessert plate. The rest of us were full and didn't have any room left for dessert. Anthony said the danish would stay here and we could pick at them at our leisure. They were in a covered tiered serving dish. We finished our coffee and Anthony said the staff would be in a little while to clear everything.

I checked the time and it was just after nine thirty. Graham and Anthony told us we should probably get ready to go. It's nice to get there early and look at the horses and I think Graham wanted to double check on his bets.

We all made our ways to our bedrooms to get changed. Graham and I laid our clothes out on the bed. And we slowly got dressed. I thought I probably should have taken a quick shower first or both of us. Even though we rinsed off outside. A warm shower would have felt good and I would have felt more refreshed. Anyhow, we slowly got dressed and helped each other to make sure everything was straight and in the right position. Once we were completely dressed in our new suits, we checked ourselves out in the mirror. Two handsome men going to the horse race. Graham really looked good in his mint green suit. The color was good on him. Graham told me he liked me in the light yellow suit. We did one more check and thought we were ready. We walked out of our bedroom and down to the living room.

I didn't see Anthony or Roland yet. Soon I heard them coming down the stairs. They were also wearing light pastel colored suits. Anthony had a light blue suit on and Roland's suit was a light maroon color. They looked pretty dashing and Anthony said he had a limousine picking us up to take his to Pimlico Race course. He said the limousine should be here any minute so it would be good to go to the lobby and see if the chaffeur was here.

I made sure I had an electronic key card with me. And we all walked to the lobby. The chaffeur hadn't arrived yet. So we walked around the massive lobby, taking everything in. I went by the concierge counter and they had some free brochures on the Preakness Stakes. I picked one up and started looking it over. Soon I heard Anthony saying the chaffeur was here.

We walked out of the lobby and the chaffeur opened the back doors of the limousine for us. We all got in and Roland poured us all a glass of white wine. The wine was good, but not as good as our preferred white wine. Anthony said it would be about thirty minutes till we reached the race track.

I showed everyone the brochure I had picked up in the lobby. Everyone looked it over. Anthony and Graham said that our program of the horse race would give the history of the Preakness States and information on the horses. We enjoyed our wine and he drive to the Preakness. I felt the limousine slowing down. The chaffeur pulled up in front of the entrance.

We were in front a large white building. The front said, "Pimlico, Home of the Preakness." The chaffeur opened our back doors and we got out and walked up to the front entrance. I saw the chaffeur pull out and park in reserved parking slots.

A doorman opened the entrance doors for us and welcomed us to Pimlico. Graham and Anthony told the doorman they wanted to look at the horses before we went to our seats. The doorman pointed us in the direction to go.

We walked down a long hallway as we got closer to the end of the hallway. You could smell hay and horses. We came to the stables and told an attendent we wanted to look at some of the horses. He told most of the horses were out on the exercise track being exercises and loosened up before the big race. He showed us where we could go to few the horses being exercised.

We walked to the viewing stands and walked up close to the railing. Graham and Anthony seemed pretty excited. I didn't see anything that interested. Graham pulled me over to him and pointed out the horse that had won the Kentucky Derby, "Easy Going." He said he had placed our bets on Easy Going to win. He then pointed out, "Lord Nelson." Then said we bet on Lord Nelson to place. And then he pointed out "Elgin." And told me we betted on Elgin to show. It all sounded like Chinese to me. I had no idea what Graham was talking about.

After Graham calmed down a bit. He explained win place and show. He said WIN was the horse he betted on to win the race, based on previous wins. PLACE would be the horse that would come in first or second in the race. And SHOW was the horse that would come in one of the first three spots. Graham then told me he betted on Easy Going to win place and show. Then he said he had betted on Lord Nelson to place and Elgin to show with Easy Going and Elgin.

Graham then tried explaing the bets and odds to me. He said Easy Going had odds of 1 to 2. Meaning that on our $1000 dollar. If Easy Going won. We would each win $2000 dollars. Graham then said the odds for Place were 1 to 3. So if Lord Nelson came in one and two. We would each win $3000 dollars each. And Show was 1 to four. So Elgin came in one two or three we would each win $4000 dollars. "Does that make sense?"

"Sort of. It still sounds a little confusing."

"When we get our programs. There is a section on the background of the horses and another section that breaks down and explains the betting."

"I'll look it over when we take our seats."

Graham and Anthony were engrossed watching the horses exercise. It soundeed like Anthony agreed with Graham's choices and had made similar bets. There were busy pointing out different features of the horses that I didn't understand. Roland and I stayed in the back. We didn't find it that interesting.

Finally, which didn't come soon enough for me, Graham and Anthony said we should probably take our seats and wait for the race to start. We left the exercise ring and walked back to the main entrance. We told the doorman we were ready to take our seats. We showed him our special clubhouse box seats and he waved over an usher to show us to our seats.

The usher had raised eyebrows when he saw our tickets. Probably hoping to get a big tip, and he took us to our special seats. He showed us to our seats and we were very close to the racetrack in a special covered area. It looked like we were the only ones seated in this special area. It was still almost an hour before the race so we might have some company before the race starts. We thanked the usher and Anthony and Graham gave him a tip. He said our drinks and lunch would be coming soon.

We looked around and I noticed other men dressed similar to us. Women were wearing large hats and some very flowery sun dresses. Graham told me that they didn't dress as sophisticated for the Preakness Stakes. The Kentucky Derby is where men and women went all out in their finest clothes.

A waiter came over with complimentary black eyed susans. The typical drink of the Preakness Stakes. We told him we would take our lunch in a few minutes. He thanked us and left. I was wondering how my vodka and bourbon drink was going to taste. It came in a tall glass. We had small linen tableclothes on our little tables. I took a sip and it tasted very good. With the peach schnapps orange juice and sour mix. It made a good blend and actually tasted very good. Everyone seemd to like the black eyed susans. I was going to slowly sip on mine. I think after two or three of these drinks they would really hit you.

While I was looking at the track. I saw a vehicle move in the starting stalls. I looked around and behind me and the stands were getting full. I didn't notice anybody else in our clubhouse seats. Maybe they were too expensive. Soon the waiter came back and asked us if we would like our lunch. We told him to go ahead and bring it. Graham Anthony and Roland told the waiter they would take another black eyed susan. I still had half of mine left. I'm glad we have a chaffeur, we might need him to help us leave.

I heard the racetrack announcer mentioning that the horses would soon be coming into the starting stalls and he would announce the names of the horses as they took their spots. While I waited on my lunch. I looked over the leather bound program. Like Graham said. The first couple of pages gave the history of the Pimlico Race course. Then information on the top three horses. The same horses that Graham had betted us on. And finally it concluded with betting. Giving the different kind of bets that could be placed and then how the odds worked. Very similar to what Graham told me. I had just finished reading over the program when our waiter came with our lunch.

Whatever it was. It smelled good. He took the covers off and we each had a portion of a standing rib roast with au jus. Fresh warm bread and a nice medley of vegetables to accompany our roast. I told the waiter I would like a glass of chilled red wine. He gave me a strange look, but didn't say anything. He told us to enjoy our lunch and would be right back with my red wine.

I took a bite of my roast, which is the same a prime rib. It was delicious and mouth watering. So tender it just melted in my mouth. And the au jus was very good for dipping.

The waiter came with my glass of red wine and told us he would be back in a few minutes to see if we needed or wanted anything else.

I started to see the managers leading horses with their jockeys into the starting stalls. The racetrack announcer was giving the names of the horses and a little background information on each horse. People in the stands were applauding and cheering as horses were announced. It looked the middle of the starting stalls when our three horses were announced. First Elgin, then Easy Going and finally Lord Nelson. Easy Going was right in the middle of the starting stalls. Then the final horses were introduced, which filled out the starting stalls.. We had finished our lunch and the waiter had cleared our food and dishes and we decided not to have anything else to drink. I noticed there were complimentary binoculars under our little tables. I didn't know if we would need them as close as we were to the race track.

Soon a special music was played to start the race. The starting stalls opened and the race was on it's way. The announcer was busy announcing the horses and their position. At the first turn our three horses were one two and three. On the back straightaway, Elgin pulled ahead of Lord Nelson. Easy Going was in the lead. It looked like a substantial lead to me. Soon Graham and Anthony were on their feet as the horses would around the last turn and were on the home stretch. Finally the flag went down. We were all hugging each other. I didn't know why. Graham told me that Easy Going won, Elgin came in second and Lord Nelson third. So he told us we won on the win and show.

Graham told me on each of our $3000 dollar bets, we had each won $6000 dollars. Anthony told me that he and Roland had won a substantial amount.

We ordered another black eyed susan from the waiter while we waited. Winning ribbons were being placed on the horses. It looked like the managers and owners of the winning horses were congratulating each other.

We sipped on our drinks and watched the mini ceremony down on the racetrack. Photos were being taken and it looked like a couple of tv stations were doing some interviewing. Soon the tv crews left and the jockeys, along with the managers and owners started taking the horses back to the stables.

We finished our drinks and Anthony handed winning tickets to Roland and Graham handed our winning tickets to me and we left the grandstand seat and went to the betting windows to collect our winnings. Even with four windows open. The lines were still fairly long. We talked and waited and the line slowly moved closer and closer to the window. Finally Anthony was at the window and received his winnings. Roland was next followed by Graham and then me. We all agreed with our winnings we should go to one of the best restaurants in town for dinner. Anthony said he knew the place to go and would mention it to the chaffeur and the time.

We walked out to the entrance and the doorman opened the doors for us and thanked us for coming to the Preakness Stakes. Our limousine pulled up in front and we all got into the back. I noticed Anthony talking to the chaffeur and then he got into the back of the limousine. Graham and me were in the center with Anthony on my left and Roland on the right side of Graham. The back of the limousine could easily fit ten people. I saw Anthony pull out his cell phone and was busy talking with someone. I thought he was probably making dinner reservations. He shut off his phone and told me everything was ready for dinner.

We had a glass of wine again in the limousine. It tasted okay after an excellent lunch. I asked Anthony what time we needed to be ready for dinner. He said around seven thirty. Reservations were for eight.

We arrived back at the hotel and the chaffeur pulled up in front and we got out. The doorman opened the front doors for us. We walked to our condo and I used my electronic key card and we walked in. A huge flower arrangement greeted us in the foyer and Graham told me there was another big flower arrangement in the dining room and living room. The cards on the flower arrangements all said the same thing. "Thank you for staying at the Ritz-Carlton Condos. We hope your enjoying your stay and will decide to come back and visit us again."

For some reason, I thought Anthony had something to do with the flowers. Oh well. It was a nice gesture from the hotel.

All of us decided to get changed into our robes and head out to the pool patio.

Graham and me were at the pool first and we pulled a couple of loungers together. Graham asked me if I wanted a beer. I told him I was still full from lunch, but thought I could handle one cold beer. He got up and I watched my lover walk to the bar and grab us a couple of cold beers. When he walked back his cock as flopping around and his balls were swinging back and forth. I could look at him all day and ever get tired watching him. He handed me a beer and gave me a kiss on the lips.

"Ok. That's enough of that. You want Roland and me getting hardons?"

"Sure why not. You guys look good wearing hardons."

Anthony and Roland joined us and they moved a couple of loungers close together. We were all naked laying on top of our robes. Graham asked Anthony and Roland if they would like a cold beer. Like me, they thought they could handle one beer. Graham got up and got them a couple of cold beers and handed them to them.

Graham and Anthony started talking about the Preakness race. They said how magnificent the horses were. Anthony said he didn't do as good on the betting as Graham. But he said it was a good time and was glad to be able to be with us for the Preakness and stay in such a wonderful hotel. We all agreed with Anthony.

We just rested and enjoyed lounging by the pool. I had brought some sunscreen, but I didn't think we'd need it. The sun didn't seem that potent today. It was staying partly cloudy so it kept it a little cooler. Just a nice comfortable tempertaure.

Graham Roland and me decided to go into the pool. Swim a few laps and then join Anthony that was moving over to the hot tub.

We splashed each other in the pool and acted like little boys. It was fun to horse around. Soon we got serious and started doing a few laps. We thought we had done enough. We climbed out and went over to the rinse shower before going into the hot tub. I knew Anthony was watching us and probably getting a hardon under the water.

We all walked into the hot tub and snuggled together. Our bodies touching and draping our legs over each other. Arms around our shoulders and enjoying the feel of another warm body. We had finished our beers and Graham had taken care of the empty glasses.

There was a lot of fondling and groping under the water. It felt good. We got into a group making out. Kissing and hugging and rubbing our growing hard cocks together. It was pretty hot. I think hotter than the water in the hot tub. The jets swirling the water around added to the sexual excitement. Finally we couldn't take it any longer and decided to put our robes on and relax on our bed.

It didn't take us long to get to our bedroom. Robes were laying all over the place, along with the sandals. We got into a circle suck on the bed. I was sucking Anthony's big cock and Roland was sucking my cock. Anthony was sucking Graham's cock and Graham was sucking Roland's cock. I wish there was some way I could take a video of us or some pictures. But there wasn't any way. Soon we all starting to get close. We could get each other horny fast. As soon as one person starting shooting out their load. It was like a chain reaction and soon the rest of them were cumming. That was really fun. We relaxed back on the bed and we got into a group snuggle and cuddle and dozed off for a little while.

Graham woke up first and started moving around. That woke up the rest of us. I asked Graham what time it was. He said it was just after six thirty. We decided to get up and shower and then get dressed for dinner. Formal attire was required where we were eating. Anthony had informed us earlier in the limousine.

We all got separated and pulled apart from each other. Anthony and Roland got up first and walked to their adjoining bedroom to shower and get dressed for dinner. Once they got up, Graham and me followed their lead.

Graham walked into the bathroom and he told me the water was ready. I joined him in the shower. We gave each other a good washing. And soon were hard again. We decided to do something we really liked. I got behind Graham while he faced the shower wall. I rubbed and pressed my hard cock between his ass cheeks. Kissed him on the neck and then reached around and slowly stroked him. Soon Graham was pushing back against me like he was fucking my hand stroking him. He went faster and faster and I heard him moan and felt his cock get hard in my hand and saw big thick shots of cum hitting the shower wall. Once he finished cumming and was relaxed, we switched positions with Graham's semi hard cock rubbing and pressed between my ass cheeks. He reached around and started stroking my cock. He was kissing me on the back of neck and my ears. He soon had me moaning and panting and shooting out another big load splattering all over the shower wall. We cleaned ourselves again. Getting rid of our cum and sex smell. Washing the walls in the shower and then dried each other off.

We had brought a couple of tailored suits that we had worn in Las Vegas. These were three piece suits. Graham's was a dark navy blue. Very nice looking suit. Mine was a black pin stripe. We laid everything out on the bed and slowly started dressing. Once we were dressed we helped each other to straighten our ties and fix our pocket squares. We splashed some cologne on and double checked ourselves in the mirror and thought we were ready. We walked down to the living room.

We waited on Anthony and Roland. They hadn't come downstairs yet. We looked at the flowers while we waited. These were huge sprays of flowers. I hadn't noticed before. But there was also a large spray on the dining room table arranged like a runner. I heard Anthony and Roland coming downstairs. We joined them in the foyer and Graham checked to see if he had his electronic room key.

We left our condo and walked to the lobby. I saw the chaffeur talking to the doorman. When he saw us he opened the back of the limousine and we climbed in. And we were on our way to some nice restaurant.

It seemed like we were going a long distance. A lot of turns and different parts of the freeway and finally we took an exit ramp and the limousine was slowing down. We pulled up in front of a very expensive looking restaurant. At least that's the way it looked from the outside. I handmade sign in wood said, "The Charleston Restaurant."

The chaffeur opened the doors for us and we got out. A host was at the front doors and welcomed us to the Charleston. Anthony talked to him for a couple of minutes and soon we were headed to a private dining room. Anthony told us he had eaten here before when he was on business and talking with clients.

The private dining room was something else. It was much nicer than Milo's and the Italian Restaurant in the mall. This dining room was all decorated in Louis XIV furniture with two chandeliers above the dining room table. It almost looked too much over the top to serve food. The host told us our waiter would be with us soon.

Our waiter came in dressed in attire like Louis XIV. He asked us if we would like a drink before dinner. Anthony told him to bring one of their best chilled red wines in a bucket. He told us he would be right back.

The waiter came right back with a bottle of red wine in an ice bucket with a stand. He set up the wine stand and bucket next to Anthony. He poured a very small bit of wine in a flute for Anthony to taste. Anthony told him the wine was very good and to pour us each a flute. The waiter poured us each a flute of wine and said he would be back in a few minutes with the menus and take our dinner orders.

The wine was good. But Graham and I were hooked on our white wine. Not that we drank a lot of it. But when we drank wine, that was the wine we preferred. Anthony explained a little about ordering our dinner. We could order a three course dinner, a five course and a seven course. I told Anthony a three course dinner would be more than enough food for me. Everyone agreed on a three course dinner. After our large lunch at the Preakness, I was going to have to work to eat a three course dinner.

I looked at Graham and he looked a little overwhelmed. I told him not to worry. Usually a three course meal is a salad soup and an entree. If he had any problems ordering we would all be glad to help him. He seemed to look relieved.

Our waiter came back with the menus and told us to take our time and he would be back to take our dinner orders. We started looking at the menus and they had a lot of options. I knew right away what I was going to have. Everyone seemed to be making their choices. Graham looked like he didn't need any help. Our waiter came back and asked if we were ready to order. We all told him we were having a three course dinner. I told him I would like the asparagus soup and lettuce salad with the roasted duck. Then Anthony ordered carrot tomoato soup and a lettuce salad with roasted salmon. Graham was next and he ordered caviar and a lettuce salad with smoked salmon. Finally, it was Roland's turn and he ordered lobster soup and arugula salad with tuna. The waiter thanked us and told us we had made some very good dinner choices. Just before he left he told us our dinner would be ready shortly.

While we waited on our dinner. Anthony poured us another glass of wine and he started talking with Graham again about the Preakness. Roland and me were sitting there rolling our eyes. We didn't understand what all the hype was about. The race was over before you even knew what happened. But I was glad to see Graham happy and enjoying something he really liked.

Their conversation was interrupted when the waiter came in with our first course which was the soup. Graham was the only one having something different, caviar. My asparagus soup smelled delicious. I waited until everyone was served and then we started eating our soup. Graham said this was the first time he ate caviar and was something he wanted to try. It was served with crackers. He said it was very good. I wasn't surprised in a restaurant like this. I asked Roland, "how is your lobster soup?"

"It's delicious and a good blend of ingredients."

I told Graham that the waiter would be in soon with our salad and our entree. That it wasn't necessary to eat all of the caviar. He said it was so good that he wanted to eat it all.

Like I had said, the waiter soon came back with our salads and entree. He cleared off the soup to make room. Graham told the waiter he wanted to finish his caviar. We all just shrugged our shoulders. My roasted duck looked mouth watering. It didn't look fatty and was well roasted. Our salads were crisp and fresh with a very good house dressing. Roland said his arugula salad was excellent and he had the same house salad dressing.

We all ate our salad first and then started on our entree. There was a lot of uuuuuuus and aaaaaaaahs the food was so good. I could smell the smoked salmon and Graham said it was perfect. It had some kind of a sauce over it. Anthony's roasted salmon had the same sauce as was on Graham's salmon. Roland's tuna was served with a specially made tartar sauce. We all enjoyed our dinner and thanked Anthony for bringing us to such a nice restaurant and excellent food. Three of us agreed we felt just right and dessert would make us feel stuffed. So we passed on dessert. Graham looked a little disappointed.

The waiter came in to clear our dishes and asked us if we would an after dinner drink. We all passed. I told the waiter to bring the bill. He gave me kind of a funny look and said the meal was on the house. He then left our private dining room.

Anthony looked over at me and said his client here in Baltimore is the owner of this restaurant and with Roland's and my help he was very satisfied with our assistance and told us that anytime we were in Baltimore the food was on the house. Just give the host our names and we would be taken to a private dining room.

Graham and me looked at each other and that was familiar to us with Milo's Supper Club and the Italian Restaurant in the mall.

We decided we were ready to leave and got up. Our waiter escorted us out to the front and Graham and I gave him a hefty tip. The host opened the front doors for us and thanked us for eating at the Charleston and was looking forward to seeing us again.

The chaffeur was right there to take us back to our condo. We talked more about the restaurant and then Anthony and Graham got on another conversation about the Preakness Stakes. Roland and I just looked at each other and smiled.

The limousine was slowing down and we were already parked at the entrance under the canopy. The chaffeur opened the doors for us and we got out and the doorman opened the front doors for us. The lobby was busy. The hotel must be pretty full. A lot of formal wear. Most of the guests must have been eating in the formal dining room. There was a piano player playing music in the lobby.

All of us walked down the hall to our condo. Graham pulled out his electronic key card from the inside pocket in his suit. He slid the card in and it clicked and the green light came on. He opened the door for us and we all walked into our condo.

Anthony said, "why don't we all get changed and meet at the outside patio by the pool."

We went to our separate bedrooms. Graham and I" helped each other out of our suits and hung them up in the large walkin closet. I slowly pulled Graham's boxers down and his cock sprang out and I took it between my lips and licked of a drop of precum and swirled my tongue over the head. "I've missed you babe."

"I've missed you to. But I'm glad were giving Anthony and Roland a lot of attention. We don't see them very often and this has sure been enjoyable."

Graham did the same to me. We put our robes and sandels on. We were going to have another robe and sandals to add to our collection when we got home. We walked downstairs to the outside patio. Anthony and Roland were already there. Laying naked on top of their robes. Anthony told us to go for a swim. He liked looking at our naked wet bodies. What a hot sexy guy Anthony is.

Graham Roland and me dove into the pool. We weren't going to do any competition. Just swim for fun and give Anthony a show at the same time. First Graham climbed out of the pool on the shallow end. He started shaking the water out of his hair which caused his balls and cock to flop around. Then he turned around and bent over so Anthony could see his hairy hole. He spread his cheeks apart and you could see his pink rosebud. I was looking at Anthony and it looked like he was drooling. He was definitely starting to chub up. Graham dove back into the pool and then Roland got out. He knew what his partner liked. He walked down to the end where Anthony was reclining. And gave him quite a show. Wetting a finger and sticking it in and out of his hole. Slowly stroking his cock to erection and then he dove into the pool from the deep end. Finally it was my turn and I climbed out of the pool on the shallow end. I moved so that my cock and balls would flop around. Anthony really seemed to like that. I turned and bent over so he could see my hairy hole. I could see Anthony between my legs when I bent over and he was playing with his cock and I thought I heard him panting. Then I dove back into the pool. We all swam a little more and then thought it was time to get out. We went to the rinse shower and rinsed the chlorine off and walked back to our loungers.

Anthony thanked us for a good show and now he said he was really horny and we should head to bed. He said he wanted us to pair off tonight in separate bedrooms. Anthony said he wanted to be with me in our bedroom. And Graham and Roland in the adjoining bedroom.

We make our way upstairs and all of walked into our bedroom. Graham through his robe down on a chair and Roland had his robe draped over his shoulders. They walked arm in arm into the adjoining bedroom. Graham looked back and I gave him a smile and wink. I saw him wink back at me. So I new everything was ok with my lover. They went into the adjoining bedroom and left the door open between the two bedrooms. Anthony told me we might switch partners in the night.

I was glad to be with Anthony. I really liked him. We laid down on the bed on top of the covers. Anthony told me how much Roland liked Graham. I was glad. I knew Graham liked Roland. Anthony then told me how much he liked me. I told I really liked him too. We laid on our sides facing each other. Anthony was very romantic and sexy. We kissed and our cocks rubbed and pressed against each other. We were feeling each other all over and making out. Anthony wet a couple of fingers and eased them into my hole while we were kissing and making out. I knew what he wanted to do. I told Anthony to lay on his back. I leaned over and took his thick head into my mouth. Licking over his pee slit and swirling my tongue all around. Paying special attention to the that sensitive spot on the back of the head. I felt his cock head expanding in my mouth as it got engorged with blood. His cock was stiffing up nicely. I slowly sucked his big thick eight incher down my throat. Anthony had his hands behind his head and a big smile on his face. I played with his big full balls while I kept deep throating his cock. I wanted to get him hard and wet and then I was going to sit down over his big hard shaft. I got off his cock. I didn't want him to cum yet. He looked at me, "is something wrong?"

"Nothings wrong. Everything is perfect. I just don't want you cumming yet."

Anthony saw me wet a couple of fingers and ease them into my hole. I think he knew what I was going to do. I straddled Anthony's mid section and lined my hole up with his big shaft that was sticking straight up. I felt his big thick flared head at my entrance. Anthony let me take control and he just laid there and enjoyed himself. I slowly slid the opening of my hole on his shaft. I felt his head pushing at my entrance. My hole opened and I slowly slid my hole down his thick hard shaft. His big thick cock filled me up. It felt good. I was facing Anthony as I slowly started moving up and down on his shaft. Anthony had his eyes closed and I think he was enjoying all the sensations. He opened his eyes and told me to bend down and he raised himself up and took the head of my cock in his mouth. Wow, what a rush that was. I didn't think Anthony was that flexible. I started going faster on his cock and I felt Anthony pushing up as I went down on him. He started sucking me faster. All my nerve endings were snapping and sparking with electricity. This felt so good. I could feel myself getting close with Anthony's excellent blowjob. I told him I was going to cum and he told me to shoot it out and give it all to him. That's all it took and my cock hardened and I blasted out a load into Anthony's waiting mouth and throat. My hole constricted on his cock and I felt Anthony flooding my hole with one of his big loads. We looked each other in the eyes and I could see the lust and contentment.

We laid back on the back with our sides touching and relaxed until our breathing got back to normal. I pulled the covers over us and we cuddled together and gave each other a good night kiss. It didn't take us long to fall asleep.

I never did hear Roland and Graham. But I was sure they were having a good time. Roland never did come to our bedroom. He stayed the night with Graham. I was would have to get the whole story from Graham tomorrow and what they did.

Anthony and I woke up at almost the same time. I felt him stirring and that finished waking me up. "Good morning he told me with a kiss."

"Good morning to you to." And I kissed him back.

We crawled out of bed. Anthony told me room service would bring our breakfast rather early this morning. He and Roland had an early flight out and had work to get done. I told Anthony that Graham and I had an early flight also. We wanted to get home early and rest before going back to work tomorrow.

Anthony and me walked into the bathroom. He got the water going in the shower and told me it was ready. I walked into the shower. We washed each other and jerked each other off in the shower. Anthony walked back to the other bedroom to see if Roland was awake. He walked back into my bedroom and told me that they were taking a shower. We put our robes on and went downstairs. Room service was just started to set up our breakfast in the dining room. We thanked them and I told Anthony I would go back upstairs and tell Graham and Roland breakfast was ready.

I ran upstairs and they were just putting their robes on. I told them breakfast was ready and we all walked downstairs to the dining room. Anthony had already served himself and was eating his breakfast.

We all loaded our plates with another great breakfast. Once we finished we all indulged on some fresh warmed danish rolls with our coffee. We each ate a couple danish.

Anthony then announced the he and Roland needed to finish packing and getting ready to leave.

We all walked upstairs. Graham and me finished our packing also and got dressed in our travel clothes. We carried our overnight bags and garment bags downstairs to the foyer. Anthony and Roland were already in the foyer. Anthony told Graham and me that he had called the front desk and had taken care of our room. He said there were no extra charges to the room. We kissed and hugged and looked around the condo one last time and then we walked to the lobby.

The chaffeur was in the lobby talking to the doorman. When he saw Anthony and Roland he took their bags and stowed them in the limousine. We walked out with Anthony and Roland and we hugged one more time and watched them leave. Our limousine should be arriving soon.

The doorman put our bags on a roll cart while we waited on our limousine. The time sure had went fast. The Preakness Stakes was okay, but I don't think I'd care to attend the race again. It helped having Anthony and Roland with us.

Soon the doorman told us that our limousine had arrived. The chaffeur walked in and loaded our bags into the limousine, opened the doors for us and we were leaving for home.

The chaffeur pulled up to our private jet. I saw TSA agent there waiting for us. We got of he limousine and the agent did her job and then we were boarding the jet. I saw our bags being stowed in the luggage hold. Our garment bags were stored in the front of the cabin in a special compartment.

We had the same flight crew as when we arrived. The steward asked us what we would like to drink. We told him just black coffee would be fine.

We drank our coffee and the pilot announced we would be taking off soon and to buckle our seatbelts.

The pilot said our flying time would be just over three hours. Soon we were airborned and on our way home. I was actually looking forward to getting home. I wouldn't tell Graham that. I was Graham in deep thought. I wondered what he was thinking about.

"What's up babe. You look like your in deep thought."

"Was just thinking about our weekend and how fast it went. It was great attending the Preakness. I sent my dad a couple of videos I had made of the race. I hope you enjoyed the weekend a little?"

"It was fine Graham. I had a good time. It was something different for me and it was enjoyable. I was glad Anthony and Roland could join us."

The steward came over and told us he would be serving an early lunch. We told him that was fine.

He took the pins out of our chairs so they could swivel and I saw him setting up the dining room area.

We had a light lunch. Just soup and sandwich. It was very good and just right after eating a big breakfast. Graham eat a couple more danish for dessert and I ate one.

We settled back into the sitting area and ordered a beer. I knew I was going to feel full after drinking a beer. But the cold beverage tasted good.

I saw the steward putting everything back in place. He put the pins into our chairs and said we would be landing soon.

Our flight was very smooth as well as the landing. Another special TSA agent was waiting for us and checked us when we deboarded the plane.

The steward helped us with our bags while we walked to the entrance. Graham and the steward waited for me while I brought my SUV around. The steward loaded our bags into the SUV. I tipped him and thanked him for wonderful service and he hoped we would be flying with them again soon.

We got into my SUV and we were on our way home. The drive seemed to go fast. Traffic was light and I was glad for that. Graham kept up a steady conversation and that helped me.

Soon I was pulling into the garage and we were taking our bags out of the SUV. Graham disarmed the security system and we walked into the kitchen. Mabel was gone so we put everything away in our bedroom and added the robes and sandals to our collection. We walked back downstairs and I poured Graham and me a glass of a full pitcher of refreshment from the frig.

I walked over to our answering machine and saw we had some messages. I pushed the button on the red light to hear our messages.

End of Chapter 13 - Preakness Stakes

Chapter 14 Coming Soon

If you would like to see the characters in the story, please read "My Alphabet Friends," and there are photos of characters at the end of each chapter. However, due to some problems the photos are not working at this time. I will be revising and editing all the chapters in My Alphabet Friends when I finish this series.

Your comments and suggestions are always welcome. I answer all emails I receive. I ask that you please put Nifty or the title of the story in the subject line. Then I'll know it's not spam. I am already working on Chapter 14. I hope you enjoy my story as much as I like writng it. Please email me at:

Next: Chapter 14

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