Bob's Holidays

By Francis Scott

Published on May 21, 2023


Bob's Holidays Chapter 12

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The following story is a work of fiction from the authors mind. It contains adult situations between consenting adults. If this offends you and is illegal in your area, WHY ARE YOU HERE? Any similarities to actual people or events is purely coincidental. This story does not promote safe sex. Please practice safe sex at all times. Don't put your life or someone else's in jeopardy.

If you haven't read my story, "My Alphabet Friends," I would recommend doing so. All characters in this series are from My Alphabet Friends. There are pictures of the characters at the end of each chapter. You will find, My Alphabet Friends, in Gay/Adult Friends.

Bob's Holidays

By Francis Scott

Chapter 12 - Mother's Day

I left the door open so I could hear the speaker when the delivery person came from the Italian Restaurant. Graham and I went over many things to consider going to the star's villa on the French Riviera. We thought being gone that far that we should plan on two weeks of vacation. Of course, we would have to see if that would work with the star and his manager.

I heard the speaker. Put my robe on and walked downstairs. I pressed the button and saw a delivery truck pull in from the Italian Restaurant. The chef had prepared enough food for ten people. I showed the delivery man where to set the food. I gave him a good tip. He thanked me and he left. I got everything arranged on a large tray. How I managed I didn't know. I poured Graham and me a couple glasses of refreshment and took everything upstairs to the sunroom. I'm glad I left the door open. With this big tray it made it easier to get into the sunroom. I set the tray down on the large round table.

Graham was already smacking his lips. If I didn't know better, I thought I saw him drooling. How could anyone be that hungry? We filled our plates with some great smelling food. The Italian Restaurant had made enough food for ten people. Well, maybe eight. The way Graham ate. The food was delicious. It was different kinds of pasta dishes. It was filling and I didn't eat that much. Graham looked like he was trying a little of everything. Graham finally had enough and he helped me carry everything downstairs to the kitchen. He poured us another glass of refreshment. My phone rang and I answered it. It more of our friends calling and thanking us for a wonderful party. They had really enjoyed themselves. I thanked them for coming and would be sure to let them know when we had another party.

Graham had put everything away while I was talking on the phone. "What should we do babe?"

"Good idea." We walked out arm in arm to the pool and set our glasses down on a little round table by the lounger we were using.

We were naked and didn't feel like putting anything on. We had towels to lay on. I got up and dove into the pool. Soon Graham joined me. I still felt full after that heavy lunch. We started swimming and soon were doing laps. No competition, but swimming for fun. We had our flip turns down pat. And that made it easy for swimming laps. I felt better when I finished and stayed down on the shallow end watching Graham doing a few more laps. I liked watching Graham's muscular butt raise out of the water while he was swimming. God he was hot and sexy. How did I ever get so lucky?

Soon Graham joined me down at the shallow end. It felt good to say in the water. Graham came over to me and we kissed and hugged and started making out. We didn't have sex anymore. We made love to each other, which was more satisfying and rewarding than just sex. Soon our hands were under the water fondling each other. And getting us aroused. We thought we'd be more comfortable on our lounger. We took each other's hands and walked out of the pool on the shallow end and over to our lounger. Our hardons were pointing the way. We laid down on our side in a sixty nine. Something we hadn't done in I don't remember how long. One of us usually lays on our back with the other one over us when we sixty nine. This was kind of nice and I was perfectly lined up with Graham's big hardon. I flicked out my tongue over his pee slit and I felt him shudder. Graham was sucking my head in and out and pulling out with precum with his tongue. We didn't have to say anything. We knew what the other liked. I continued licked and sucking on Graham's cock head. It was expanding with blood and flaring out and ready for action. I started sucking in some of his shaft. Going slow and easy. Graham was doing the same to me. This was just awesome. Their was no other way to describe it. I really liked this and we needed to do this side by side sixty nine more often. I eased a couple of fingers into Graham's hole and he did the same to me. The really got my juices boiling and I knew I was going to cum soon. One of Graham's fingers found my prostate and I couldn't hold back and shot out a big load down his throat. Graham soon followed and gave me one of his big delicious loads. We laid back next to each other panting and sweating and regaining our breathes.

"That was fantastic babe. We need to do this side by side sixty nine more often."

"I agree. I really liked it to."

"Have you anything special you want to do for the rest of the day?"

"Not really. I have everything I need right here next to me." I gave Graham a big kiss when he said that.

"I was checking on the internet. And if we fly direct from the airport here to France. That's a ten and half hour flight."

"Are you kidding?"

"Not at all. It's a long distance. I didn't check to see if the Riviera has an airport. I'm guessing they don't. And we will travel by car from the airport to their villa and I have no idea how far that is."

"What are you thinking?"

"I think we should take Friday off before the Saturday we had planned on leaving. We normally work a half day. Then we could leave early on Friday and arrive their late Friday or early Saturday. How does that sound to you?"

"I like that."

"I'm going to leave the manager a text message tomorrow. With the time difference, I don't want to be calling them late in the evening. And see if Friday works for them. I'm also going to go to the strip mall and order a half case of the wine they like and a have dozen of the candles. Both stores will probably throw in some extras. We can give the wine and candles as presents for inviting us."

"God I love you Bob. You think of everything. That will make great presents."

We didn't do much the rest of the day. Watched the news and weather and some sports on tv. Then turned in. We make out for I don't know how long. I know we were so tired, we just feel asleep.

Monday morning already. Going to be a busy day. We worked out with some of our friends. Cal joined us and was looking forward to going back to work fulltime. We jerked each other off in the shower. Dried each other off, got dressed and went upstairs for breakfast. Mabel was just finishing breakfast when we arrived. She said she had the dining set for us. We all got seated and ate another delicious Mabel breakfast. She had made omelettes. We finished our breakfast. Kissed Mabel and got into a group hug and kiss in the garage and soon we were gone to work.

I talked to Shirley about my two week vacation. She gave me one of her looks, but didn't say anything. She knew it wouldn't do any good and she couldn't change my mind.

I was going to take a little longer lunch today. I wanted to leave a message for the manager of the star about our travel plans. Also, order the wine and candles and have them gift wrapped. Then eat some lunch at the diner while I send my text message.

I drove to the strip mall. It looked busy. I went into the liquor store where I had ordered the wine. The owner recognized me and asked me how he could help me. I told I would like to order a half case of the white wine I had ordered before. He told me it would be his pleasure. He said my good friend was regularly ordering this wine from him and he was shipping it to him. The hotel still puts in regular orders for this white wine. He said a half case is six bottles, but he would include two more bottles free of charge. I asked him if I could have it gift wrapped and sent to my house. He told me of course. I paid him and he said the wine would be delivered in a couple of days. I then walked down to the boutique where I had ordered the candles. I was waited on by somebody different. I told the saleslady I wanted to order a dozen of the Lladro candles. I had ordered them before here. She asked me my name and looked up her records on the computer. Here you are. It seems a good friend of yours is ordering these candles regularly. And your hotel has started ordering some of these candles. Just a minute and I'll ask the owner something. She came back followed by the owner. The owner greeted me and thanked me for giving her more business. She asked me how many candles I wanted to order. I told her a dozen. She said she would include six more, free of charge for all the business I had generated for her. I asked her if the candles could be gift wrapped and sent to my house. She told me of course and they should be delivered in two or three days. I left the boutique and walked back to my car. That went fast. I was surprised the star was ordering wine and candles from my hometown. But I was glad he was.

I drove over to the diner. I knew I would be by myself. Monday was a difficult day for Graham to get away for lunch. It was still early. It went faster at the liquor store and the boutique than I thought it would. That was ok. It would give me more time to compose a good message to the manager/partner of the star.

Millie came over and asked me where Graham was. I told her he was having a busy day and couldn't get away. I asked her to bring me a black coffee and I would order lunch soon. I got out my cell phone and started composing my text message to the manager. I made a few changes and looked over my message a couple of times. I thought it looked good and included everything Graham and I had talked about. I pressed send and wondered how soon I would get a response.

Millie came with my coffee and we talked for a bit. I told her the special sounded good. She told me she'd be right back with the special. I drank my coffee was hoping for a reply to my text message. I didn't receive any messages while I ate my lunch. Probably tonight I would receive something. Millie had a few minutes so we talked some more while I finished my lunch. I paid the tab and gave Millie a tip and drove the short distance to the clinic.

As soon as I walked in both Shirley and Janice were on me that my first afternoon patient was waiting for me. I told them I let them know when I was ready. I put my cell phone down on my desk. Put on my lab coat and told Janice I was ready for my first afternoon patient. The rest of the afternoon went fast and soon I was on my way home.

I arrived home and parked in the garage. Graham's car wasn't in the garage. He would be coming home late. Was anxious to see if he could take a couple of weeks off from work. I'm sure he could work something out with Preston. And now with Mark and Irving working their, that should help.

I walked into the kitchen and I didn't see Mabel. She had left for the day. I peeked in the frig and she had something fixed and was in warming containers.

I went upstairs and stripped down naked. Grabbed a robe and went down to the kitchen. I poured myself a glass of the refreshment Mabel had made. It was really good. Some kind of citrus flavor. I tasted orange and mango and I didn't recognize the other flavors. I checked to make sure I had my cell phone in case I got a call or message from the star's manager. I was hoping the two weeks I mentioned would work out okay with them. Also, leaving on Friday, rather than Saturday. Since the flight was over ten hours.

I laid my robe on one of the loungers and set my glass on the little round table. It felt good to relax, but I missed Graham. I hoped he would get home soon. I was feeling horny and I didn't know why. Guess I really did miss Graham. I had grabbed the daily paper on my way out of the living room and started skimming through the paper. Nothing caught my eye. Mainly the same things you hear on the news and radio. Repeated over and over. I checked the sports and college team Graham and I like to follow weren't doing that well. Would have to try to watch more of their games.

I felt some warm lips on mine. I knew it wasn't Mabel. She had already left for the day. And lounging naked by the pool, I don't think she would come close. I must have dozed off. I opened my eyes and their stood my lover with a big smile on his face. "Did you just get home?"

"A few minutes ago. You looked so peaceful and irresistible I couldn't control myself and had to give you a kiss."

"I'm glad you did. I don't need to sleep now or I won't sleep tonight. Another long day at work?"

I noticed Graham had a tall glass of the refreshment. He laid down next to me on the lounger. His warm body pressed up to my side. It felt wonderful. "Do you want to eat or do some laps first?"

"Lets eat so it doesn't get to be too late. Then we can get in some laps. Did you hear anything from the star's manager?"

"I don't think so. I'll check my cell phone. No missed calls or messages?"

We got up and walked up to the kitchen and we worked together getting our dinner warmed and ready to eat.


Mabel had fixed roast chicken with stuffing. Mashed potatoes and fresh corn. She had fixed some kind of cobbler for dessert.

Graham and I ate in the breakfast nook. Everything was delicious as always. Nothing like a comfort food and a home cooked meal. We cleared the dishes and put the leftovers in the frig and loaded the dishwasher. I had made a pot of coffee when I got home. We each had a piece of the cobbler with a cup of coffee. It was a blueberry cobbler and it just melted in your mouth. I had a small piece of the cobber. Graham's piece was almost three times bigger than mine. And he finished eating his dessert before me. "Might have to eat some more of this good dessert before bed."

I put the rest of the cobbler back in the frig. Graham and I walked back down to the pool. We laid down next to each other. I told Graham I had ordered the wine and the candles and was told they would be delivered in two or three days.

I checked my phone again. But still no message from the star's manager. We decided to get some laps in, in the pool. Graham and I had a little competition. Even with all the food he ate, he beat my a head. I was wondering what my punishment would be since I lost. I couldn't wait to find out. We climbed out of he pool on the shallow end and walked back to our lounger.

I just laid down and I heard my phone beep for a message. I was hoping it was the star's manager messaging me. I picked up me phone and that's what it was. I read the text message to Graham. They had been to a party and that's why there was the delay in replying. He told me after talking with the star. The days we could take off for vacation would work out perfect for them. He would send his private plane for us and it would arrive Thursday afternoon. It would have to time to fuel for the long flight. Everything would be ready on the plane for us. For breakfast and lunch and probably an afternoon snack. Sleeping quarters would be ready for us on the plane, if we decided we wanted to take a nap. He concluded by saying they were looking forward to us spending two weeks with them. Also, to bring a couple of suits and some casual dress clothes. His chaffeur would pick us up at seven Saturday morning.

I read it again. And Graham and I were looking forward to having a longer vacation and spending two weeks with the star and his partner.

The next few days flew by at work. Thursday I received the wine and Friday I received the candles. There was a note with the wine. The owner said instead of two free bottles, he included six free bottles so we had a complete case of wine. The wine box was tastefully decorated with a card for us to fill out. There was also a note with the candles. The owner told me instead of six free candles, she included another dozen free of charge. The hotel and the star were giving her a lot of business and it was a thank you present to us. The candle boxes were very elegantly gift wrapped and looked great. It also had a card for us to fill out.

Friday when I got home early from work. I called Milo's to make dinner reservations. I thought Graham and I deserved a good dinner after a long week of work. I made reservations for seven. Martin was cordial and always his polite business self.

Graham arrived home just after five thirty and I told him about the dinner reservations. He liked that idea and said it would be nice to relax and have a good meal at Milo's.

We relaxed by the pool for a little while with a glass of refreshment. We didn't do any laps. Graham told me about some of their new investment clients. Another professional building would be going up with another dentist optomitrist gynecologist and office space. I was glad about a gynecologist coming in. I got tired of smelling fishy vaginas. I'm sure some of my regular patients would stay with me and a few would want to try out the new gynecologist. Also, during summer vacation. They would be constructing a new high school. The old high school was needing repairs and it would be more feasible to construct a new high school then continuing the repairs. And then another mall was coming in. It would be mainly all high end stores. The demand was here and the way our town was growing. A second mall would work. It might give a little competition to the strip mall. But that might help with the prices.

I checked the time on my cell phone and we agreed we should take a quick shower and get ready to go. I told Graham I would drive. I knew he was probably a little tired after another long day.

We got up off the lounger and went upstairs to shower. We washed each other and get a little chubbed up. But decided we would take care of that later. We decided on some of our tailor made clothes. Not a suit and tie, but some really classy looking dress clothes.

We got dressed and checked each other out in the mirror and thought we were pretty handsome devils. We climbed into my SUV and we were on our way to Milo's.

Traffic was light. Surprisingly for a Friday night. I saw the big lit sign for Milo's and found a good parking spot. We got out of my SUV and walked up together to the front door. Martin was right there opening the door for us. He welcomed us to Milo's and told us to follow him to our private dining room. Martin told us our waiter with be with us shortly.

I heard the door open and much to our surprise it was the same young man waiting on us when we were here last with the bodyguards and the caterers. He greeted us and told us he was glad to see us back at Milo's. We ordered a beer and a bottle of wine chilled with our dinner.

I looked at Graham and asked him if I should say anything about the last time we were here about the bodyguards. He said to play it cool for awhile and see if the waiter said anything about that time to us.

The waiter came with our beer. And just when he was ready to leave. He turned and told us that he was glad the other men weren't with us. I took that as my cue to apologize to him. I told him I was sorry about the bad behavior of the other men and that it would never happen again. He told us that he was very offended, but being only his second day working as a waiter, he didn't want to complain and make a bad situation worse. Again we thanked him for being so professional and that would never happen again. He left with a smile on his face. Graham and I had smiles on our faces too.

The beer tasted good. But the wine would be better. We had finished our beer and were waiting on our dinner. Soon the waiter came in and asked if we were ready for our specially prepared dinner by the chef. We told him we were ready. He cleared our beer glasses and come in with everything on a cart. He set the large silver covered tray in the center between Graham and me. Then four smaller covered trays. Which I assumed were our sides. He placed our plates and silverware and cloth napkins. Set up our chilled wine in a bucket between Graham and me. He took the cover off the large tray and it contained different pieces of steak. Cut in bite sized pieces for dipping in an au jus sauce. The other small trays had buttered potato balls. A vegetable medley. Steamed broccoli and cauliflower with a cheese sauce. And finally asparagus with a different cheese sauce. It looked and smelled out of this world. The waiter poured Graham and me a glass of the red wine. He told us to enjoy our dinner and he would be back in a few minutes to see if we needed anything.

Graham and me each had our own container of au jus sauce. I placed four pieces of different steak on my plate. With the potato balls broccoli and cauliflower asparagus and a couple of the buttered potato balls. Graham somehow managed to have his plated heaped with food. Everything was delicious. The au just was fantastic for dipping and the wine complimented our dinner. All Graham did was go mmmmmm and eat and mmmmmm and eat some more. I took my time and really enjoyed the dinner. The waiter came in and asked us how we were doing. I told him everything was excellent. Graham couldn't say anything. He had has mouth full of food. Would you like the extras put in containers so you can take them home? I told him that would be nice if it was possible. He told us anything was possible for us. I told him to come back in a couple of minutes when we finished eating.

The waiter returned. I noticed he seemed much more relaxed with just Graham and me and not the bodyguards or the caterers. He cleared the table and said he would have the leftovers containerized for us. I thanked him. He then wheeled in a dessert cart. Graham's eyes lit up like a Christmas tree. We both ordered black coffee.

Graham handed me a dessert plate and I noticed him eyeing up the dessert. He had a piece of pie and a danish. I told him I would have a cream filled danish. We just selected our dessert when the waiter came back with a carafe of black coffee and poured us each a cup and then he left.

The danish was very good. Just lightly warmed. It was light and fluffy and the cream center was excellent. Graham said his pie was good and now he was working on his danish and looking over the dessert cart again. I told Graham I would split an apple danish with him. He told me to splurge for a change and eat the whole apple danish. I agreed. Graham was eating a slice of a different pie and looking at some pudding. He ate a slice of blueberry pie with vanilla pudding. I was hoping the waiter would come back soon, so we could leave, before Graham really over did it.

I finished my apple danish and I felt stuffed. I hadn't felt this full in a long time. The waiter came in with all of our dinner in containers and bagged. He asked us if we would like an after dinner drink. We both declined and told him we had an excellent time and he was a good waiter. He seemed to like the compliment and it brought a smile to his face. We told him we were finished. Graham gave him a good sized tip and we told him we hoped he was working the next time we came. He thanked us for dining at Milo's and looked forward to our next time.

Martin thanked us for eating at Milo's and looked forward to our next visit. He opened the front doors for us and soon we were in the SUV and on our way home.Over the weekend we filled out the gift cards. Graham did the card for the wine. And I did the gift card for the candles. We started getting a few things ready for our vacation. I was looking forward to it. Graham didn't seem all that enthusiastic. "What's the matter babe. You don't seem that excited about going on vacation for a couple of weeks?"

"Just had a lot on my mind and have been really busy. Once we are on the plane it will sink in and I'll be relaxed and ready for a two week vacation in France."

We didn't do much of anything over the weekend. Stayed in and enjoyed each other. Made love multiple times and we worked together in the kitchen and managed to put a few things together for meals. We had the left overs from Milo's and the food Mabel at fixed. So all we really had to prepare was breakfast and we were both pretty good at that.

The next few days were busy at the house after work. Getting everything ready for our vacation. We worked out in the mornings with our friends and Holden came over on Tuesday and Thursday for our massages. Which we really needed. I was starting to get a little stressed that we wouldn't forget anything. Holden was able to relax me and worked on my stiff knotted muscles.

Thursday night we went to bed early. Graham set the alarm so we would be ready to go at seven. Everything was taken care of at our jobs for the two weeks we would be gone. So we didn't have to be conerned about that and enjoy our vacation. Mabel said she would still come every day to clean the house. Do dusting and be their when the gardener and pool cleaners came. And let in Xandro to check on our birds. We told her we would pay her extra for those two weeks. She said it wasn't necessary. Her regualar pay was sufficient. We checked once more to make sure we had everything packed for the two weeks. The gift boxes were in the foyer so we wouldn't forget them.

Soon the alarm went off at our regular six in the morning. We showered and dressed and packed the last of our toiletries and took our bags downstairs to the foyer. We made ourselves a quick breakfast.

We would probably be leaving, just as Mabel was arriving.

I heard the gates and saw the star's limousine pull in. Mabel was right behind him walking in. The chaffeur and Mable walked up to the fronts doors. We showed the chaffeur our bags and the gift boxes. We hugged and kissed Mabel and she told us to have a great and enjoyable vacation and send her photos if we could.

The chaffeur opened the back doors for us and we got in. He finished loading our bags and closed the trunk and we were on our way to the airport.

Graham and I kissed and hugged in the back of the limousine. My man was definitely more relaxed now and ready for a vacation. I poured us some orange juice. He tasted freshed squeezed. It was delicious. I remembered the manager telling us we would have breakfast on the plane. I mentioned that to Graham so we just drank a couple of glasses of juice.

It seemed like a quick jaunt to the airport. I wasn't sure about an over ten our flight. The longest I had been on a flight previous to this one, was four hours. Graham told me this would be his longest flight too.

The chaffeur pulled up on the side of the plane and opened the back doors for us. I could see people up in the observation area looking down at us. Probably wondering who we were and how we could have a full sized commercial airplane. The chaffeur loaded our luggage and garment bags. And then once we were onboard he brought up the gift boxes and the steward had a special place in the front of the plane to stow them.

I could watch the chaffeur pull the car up on the hydraulic lifts. I still liked watching that. He pressed a button and soon the limousine disappeared into the belly of the plane. I heard him come up the stairs to the back of the plane. Must have been his quarters when he was working for the star.

Soon the pilot came on and told us to buckle up. We would be taking off soon. I felt and saw the plane moving and taxiing to the runway we would be using. The steward told us quickly he would serve us our breakfast as soon as we reached our cruising altitude. It seemed like it took forever to get to the runway.

Soon the plane was up to speed and we were airborne and on our way to France.

Graham had connections and he had taken care of our passports for when we landed at the Charles de Gaulle airport in Paris and went through customs. We would then fly on one of the star's smaller jets to Nice and the chaffeur would drive to the villa which was about another ten hours. The star would have another limousine waiting for us at Nice and we would be chaffeured to the villa. It sounded easy. I just hoped everything worked out as planned.

I saw the steward get up and walk into the galley. Some good smells were coming from the galley. The pilot announced that we had reached our cruising altitude and speed. We could walk around the plane now. But told us when we were seated to be sure to have our seatbelts on.

The steward came out and told us breakfast was ready in the dining room. We walked in and the steward had set the table with some the star's china collection. I told him this was too extravagant for us. He told this was special instructions from the star.

Graham and I sat down and he removed the cover from the a large china platter. Their were omelettes. They looked and smelled delicious. The steward told us the star's personal chef and had made them and told him how to warm them for breakfast. We had juice coffee and toast with our omelettes. There were six large omelettes. The chef must of thought we were really hungry. I managed two omelettes with my juice coffee and one piece of toast. Graham managed to eat the other four. When we finished the steward came back and cleared the table and said he would bring out a tray of danish. Also, freshly made by the star's chef.

We went back to the sitting area. The steward brought out a tiered serving tray with assorted danish. He sat it on the table in the sitting area with a carafe of coffee and two coffee mugs for us. He told us to enjoy the danish. And if we needed anything to just let him know.

I told Graham that this was the same steward we had when we flew to Las Vegas. He told me the steward looked familiar.

We nibbled on the danish and drank coffee. Not really saying much. I told Graham we were going to need to get in some exercise once we arrived at the villa. A lot of eating without any exercise. And I was getting the full feeling from not working it off.

The flight so far was very smooth. No turbulence. We were cruising way above the clouds and when we looked out a window we couldn't see anything. Just clouds but no land or water.

I go the steward's attention and took the serving tray of danish our mugs and the carafe back to the galley. We told him we were full and didn't really want anything else right now. He asked us if we wanted a drink or a beer. We both decline and told him a glass of water would be good.

The steward came back almost immediately with our chilled glasses of water with a slice of lemon in each glass.

We thanked him and relaxed in the sitting area. I asked the steward if there was someplace onboard where we coult watch movies. He told me to follow him. He showed us our bedroom if we decided we wanted to rest for awhile and then further down the hallway, he opened a door and there was a mini theater room. He showed us how to operate the movie equipment and how to select different movies. He told us to enjoy our movie or movies and he would come back when lunch was ready. The steward asked us if we wanted anything to snack on while we watched the movie. Graham and I looked at each other and decided to had already ate enough, but thanked him. He left us to enjoy a movie.

The controls were a little different than ours, but we managed to figure them out. We soon had a good spy movie going. One we hadn't seen before. We stretched out on the theater chairs, sitting next to each other. Soon I felt Graham's hand rubbing over my bulge. I looked over and I noticed he had a nice size bulge in his pants too. I reached over and rubbed and squeezed Graham's bulge. That made him give out a low moan. Graham undid his belt and the top button of his pants. I opened his pants and pulled his zipper down. Reached in and pulled out his plump cock. It felt so good in my hand. This was something we hadn't done since we were teenagers. I undid my belt and the top button of pants. Graham pulled my zipper down and pulled out my chubbing cock. I reached over again to Graham's cock. He lifted his hips and I was able to wiggle his pants and underwear down. Releasing his cock and balls. I played with his balls for a bit. He was biting his lower lip. I stopped and then he reached over and I lifted my hips and he pulled my pants and underwear down. My cock flopped out and with my balls. He played with my balls. Rolling them around in his hand. Making me really horny.

Soon we were giving each other slow strokes and trying to pay attention to the movie at the same time.

I heard a knock on the door. Too late now. But I had a feeling the Steward had seen more than two men with their pants down. He walked in and smiled when he saw us. "I was going to ask you if you wanted me to get lunch ready. But it looks like you two are working on dessert first. Maybe you'd like some help?"

"A couple of helping hands would be nice."

"Maybe I'll give you two more than just helping hands."

The steward got down between Graham's legs and started sucking his cock. I could see his cock growing and getting big and thick. The steward reached over and was stroking me while sucking on Graham's cock. Then he switched and started sucking me and I was growing in his mouth. And he reached over and was stroking Graham.

"Why don't you take your clothes off and get comfortable with us?"

"I can't right now. As soon as I finish here I need to get your lunch started."

The steward kept switching back and forth from me to Graham and then Graham to me. He was getting me close and I thought Graham was getting close to. I told him I didn't want saliva or cum on my clothes. He pulled my dress slacks off and underwear and did the same to Graham. He was switching back and forth deep throating us now. I was right on the edge of cumming and I told him. He sucked me hard and fast down his throat while I pumped out a big load. I saw him swallow it all. Then as soon as he got off my cock he was on Graham's sucking out a big load. "That was enjoyable." I told the Steward.

"If you want more. Go to the bedroom to relax after lunch. And you'll get a lot more."

He left us with our pants literally around our ankles. Graham and I got dressed and watched the rest of the movie. The movie finished and Graham turned the sound system off and we were just getting ready to leave the theater room when the steward told us lunch was ready in the dining room.We followed the steward down the hallway and then we went into the dining room. I noticed a soup tureen with ladle on the table. Also a medium sized covered silver platter. The steward told us the chef had made a vegetable barley soup with sandwiches. He then went on to explain that we were having a light lunch, because the star had a big dinner planned and didin't want us full and not be able to enjoy dinner. He asked what we wanted to drink. I told him a tall glass of water and Graham said the same.

The soup was really good. You could tell it was home made. The sandwiches were also good and went well with the soup. The steward brought in a couple of tall glasses of ice water with a slice of lemon. He then left so we could enjoy our lunch.

Lunch was simple, but good. Graham and I talked and wondered what kind of a special dinner the star had planned for us. We finished and told the steward we were going to take a nap in the guest bedroom. Giving the steward a wink. He smiled at us and told us he would join us in a few minutes.

Graham and I got up from our chairs in the dining room and walked down the hallway to one of the guest bedrooms. We didn't know what to expect. Graham opened the door and we walked in. I thought we were in a bedroom in a five star hotel. It was very tastefully decorated. I saw some the candles that the star liked lit and placed around in different areas of the bedroom. It also had it's on en suite bathroom. A large dressed and closet. All very expensive wood and furniture.

Graham and I stripped each other and Graham hung our clothes up in the closet. We were both completely naked and laying on our sides kissing and rubbing our cocks together. Surprisingly, we were both getting hard again. Soon I heard a knock on the door and told the steward to come in. He came in. But he wasn't by himself. The chaffeur walked in with the steward. The steward told us he thought we wouldn't mind if the chaffeur joined us.

We watched while the steward and chaffeur stripped each other. By the time they got to their underwear, they were both hard. The chaffeur looked to be bigger than the three of us. The steward was close to Graham and my size. A good hefty seven inches. I thought the chaffeur was eight inches or slightly bigger. He had big low hanging balls. Muscular as well as the steward. It was hard to tell they muscled when they were wearing their uniforms.

They crawled onto the bed with us. We started out with the chaffeur with me and the steward with Graham. We got into sixty nines. I told the chaffeur to lay on his back and I would get over him. My cock and balls hanging over his face. He started sucking on my big balls, while I took his thick mushroom head between my lips and started sucking it and licking off his precum. I sucked his big thick mushroom head in and out of my mouth. He was moaning and really enjoying it. He was doing a good job on my balls and then went on my cock. Deep throating me to the base. I returned the favor to him. I think he was a thick eight inches. I managed to work his hard shaft down my throat and give his throat a massage with my throat muscles. That made him gasp and pant and then he went down again on my cock.

I managed to look out of the corner of my eye to Graham and the steward and they were really going at it. It would be fun when we switched. The steward looked like a pretty hot dude.

I started humping up into the chaffeur's mouth. He was really getting me hot and horny. I worked his hard shaft faster and faster from the tip to the base in my throat. I told him in kind of a mumbled jarbled tone that I was going to cum. He seemed to understand and sucked me harder. I soon shot out five or six long ropes of cum. Hitting the sides of his throat. That seemed to send him over the edge and I felt his cock swell in my throat and start pumping out a massive load. I wasn't sure if I could swallow it all. But I managed. We lay back on each other panting and gasping for air.

It looked like Graham and the steward were getting close. They were really going at it hot and heavy. I heard Graham breathing heavy. Even with his mouth full of cock. Graham spasmed and jerked and I knew he was cumming. The steward gave out a grunt and was filling my lover with a big load.

Graham and the steward laid back on the back after cumming. Once we all regained our normal breathing we paired off again. This time I had the steward and Graham had the chaffeur. The steward was a little spit fire and full energy. He was loaded and ready to go again. I knew it would take my longer to cum so soon.

I saw Graham and the chaffeur moved around into a sixty nine and they were already going at it. I was wondering how long it would take them to cum.

The steward's cock was rock hard in my mouth and slowly pulled him into my throat. He really liked that. I worked my throat muscles on his cock. He had my cock all the way down his throat. We started getting into a good rhythm. I thought the steward was already getting close to cumming. Those young guys can recharge fast. He had to be in his mid twenties. The chaffeur I guessed, was closer to our age, in our early thirties. I felt his cock thicken and throb hard in my throat. And soon felt his load hitting the back of my throat. It wasn't a big load. But it sure came fast. I was slower cumming this time. I knew it would take longer. The steward didn't seem to mind.

Graham and the chaffeur had a good rhythm going. Bobbing and each other's cocks. It looked liked Graham had all thick eight inches down his throat. They were sweating and breathing hard.

Soon I felt my cum churning in my balls. Felt it slowly working it's way up my shaft and soon I was pumping out a load in the steward's mouth. He swallowed it all down. He had kept his cock in my mouth the whole time. We laid back cuddled together watching Graham and the chaffeur.

I heard Graham give out a grunt and saw his boddy stiffen. I knew he was shooting a load. That seemed to excite the chaffeur and he came right after Graham. His thick cock swelling and shooting way down Graham's throat. Once they finished they laid back and cuddled up with us.

We all rested together and talked about how fun that was. The chaffeur and steward said they needed to leave and check our flight progress and get ready for landing in a little while.

I asked the steward about the bedding while he was getting dressed. He said not to worry about it. It would be taken care of after we landed.

Graham and I watched the chaffeur and Steward get dressed. They were two hot guys. They finished dressed and left the bedroom.

Graham and I snuggled together. And talked about how much fun that was. And totally unexpected.

We must have dozed off. I heard a knock on the door and I saw the steward come in. You need to get dressed and to the sitting area. We will be landing in about forty minutes. I thanked him and he left.

I nudged Graham and gave him the message. We crawled off the bed and found our clothes in the closet and got dressed. At least they weren't wrinkled and looked pretty good. We freshened ourselves in the bathroom and then walked out to the sitting area. We fastened our seatbelts.

We ordered a couple of beers from the steward and be brought them out to us in chilled mugs. He then told us about when we deboarded the plane. To follow him and the chaffeur and we would all be going through a special VIP section in customs. It would only take us a couple of minutes. Our luggage would be transferred to the smaller jet that would take us to Nice. Another limousine would be there to take us to the villa. I asked the steward how much longer until we would be landing. He said it was less than hour.

The beer tasted good after our exercise in the bedroom. Graham still looked a little flushed. But he had a lighter complexion than me. So it showed more on Graham. He looked so hot sexy and handsome sitting close to me.

The pilot came on and said we would be landing in our thirty minutes. To make sure we were in our seats and had our seatbelts fastened.

Our icy cold beer tasted good. We finished it and the steward took care of our empty beer mugs.

I could hear the landing gear being engaged and wing flaps being raised. I knew we would be landing soon. The landing was smooth and it looked like a large airport. We taxied to our spot and soon the front door was opened.

The steward and the chaffeur escorted us to customs. I told them I spoke some French if they would like me to go first. They told me it wasn't necessary, that the customs officials spoke perfect English.

Graham and I had our passports ready and we had no long to wait in. I spoke to the customs official in French and he seemed to like that. He stamped our passports and we were free to enter France. The steward and chaffeur directed us to the smaller waiting plane. Our luggage and garment bags had been transferred to the smaller plane. The steward told me our gifts were in a secured storage compartment in the front of the plane in the cabin. We thanked them and they thanked us and told us they hoped to see us again.

There was a different steward on the smaller plane. This plane looked miniature compared to the full size commerical plane we had just flown on. The smaller plane could seat eighteen people. Was still very lush and elegant inside and the leather oversized seats were very comfortable. The steward asked us if we would like something to drink. We would be taking off shortly. Graham and I both asked for a beer. The steward came back with the beer we liked in chilled mugs.

We sipped on our beer. It was a beer we liked. The star and his manager must have remembered this beer. The steward told us we would have just a light snack when we were airborne. The star had a special dinner planned for us.

Graham looked over to me with one of his looks. "What?"

"I didn't know you could speak French?"

"I know a little French. Took two years in high school. And some of my medical studies were in French from the Louis Pasteur Medical Institute."

"Good. It should make it easier for us while we are here in France."

"That's true. But we don't know if we will be leaving the villa."

We finished our beer just in time. The steward came out and told us we would be landing in about twenty minutes. He had a small snack tray with some mixed nuts and French cheese and bread. Bread is a standard at every meal in France.

We snacked a little and the steward cleared everything away. The pilot came on and told us to fasten our seatbelts, we would be landing.

Soon we were landing at the Nice airport. It was smaller, but looked like it could handle large commercial airplanes. It was another smooth landing and soon we were deboarding the plane. The steward and pilot thanked us for flying with them. A limousine was parked close to the plane and waiting for us. I saw our luggage and garment bags being stowed into the limousine. The steward handed us our gifts and we found a place in the back where we were seated for the gifts.

Soon everything was loaded into the limousine and everyone was situated and we were on our way to the villa. The chaffeur told us unfortunately it was dark out. But the drive to the villa was beautiful. There were a few street lights as we made our way to the villa. We were in the hills or small mountains. The road wound around. The chaffeur told us we were close to the front gates to the villa. Graham and I saw the gates up ahead. They were big iron gates. Reminded me of our gates at our house. The gates opened. Their was a guard posted at the gates. The chaffeur told us the drive in was long and there was sculpted and manicured gardens on both sides of the drive.

The drive in wound around and it was long. Probably because of all the turning the chaffeur had to do. We couldn't see much, but what we could make out was awesome. I could see a large building up ahead and the chaffeur told us were arriving to the villa and he would park at the main entrance.

I saw the star and his manager with some of the staff that worked in the villa waiting for us. The chaffeur pulled up right in front and walked around and opened our back doors for us. We walked up and greeted the star and his manager/partner. They kissed and hugged and told us how glad they were to see us. They asked us how our trip was and we told them excellent. No issues. The chaffeur was unloading our luggage and garment bags and was handing them to two young men. The gift boxes were set inside in the foyer.

We walked inside, following the star and his partner. The villa was something else from what I could see. The best way I could describe what I saw was opulent. "Let's go to the back and sit for a bit before we eat dinner. I want to hear all about your flight."

The head housekeeper was another young man. Very handsome, muscular and his tight uniform made his muscles ripple. He was carrying our gift boxes. I told him to set them down on the table. The asked, "what's this?"

"A couple of gifts to show our appreciation for inviting us to your French villa."

The star took one box and his partner took other two small boxes. The ripped off the paper like a little kid opening a Christmas present. His eyes got big when he saw a full case of the white wine. "This is really wonderful. Thank you so much." His partner had opened one of the boxes of candles and again they thanked us for the wonderful and thoughtful gifts.

We then told them about our flights and how I spoke some French, which seemed to help when we went through customs. Even though the officials spoke English.

The star told us he would show us around the villa tomorrow. It was easier to see everything when the sun was out. The yard was well lit and from what I could see. It looked like some beautiful gardens. The star told us we would be staying in the villa and not in the guest house. They had adjoining master bedrooms and we would be in the master bedroom connected to theirs.

We got up and the star told us to follow him. We went up a flight of stairs in grand staircase. It looked like the villa was three floors. The star and his partner took us to our bedroom and told us we might want to get freshened up before dinner. We thanked him and told him we would be ready for dinner in a few minutes.

Graham and I noticed all our clothes were put away for us in the walk in closet and the dresser drawers. Our suits were hanging in the walk in closet. All our toiletries had been laid out for us in the bathroom.

We freshened up quick in the bathroom and put on some other dressy casual clothes and walked out of the bedroom. The head housekeeper was there waiting for us and showed us downstairs to the dining room. We were on the third floor. Must be the floor of the bedrooms. I was tired when we arrived and didn't pay that much attention when we were shown to the bedroom. I thought we were on the second floor. Oh well, it wasn't important.

As we walked to the dining room, I hadn't seen so many chandeliers in Everything was very tastefully decorated. I noticed painting and pieces of art all over. We walked into the dining room and the star and his partner got up and greeted us. "Are you men feeling better now?" The star asked us.

"Much better. Thank you." We all sat down and the the kitchen staff brought out our dinner. It smelled heavenly. One of the kitchen staff took the cover off the big covered platter. It was boeuf bourguignon, a very popular dinner dish in France. I wasn't too crazy about the mushrooms. I had gotten sick on mushrooms when I was a little kid, but I thought I'd give it a shot. I'm sure they were fresh and would taste good. One of the staff served us and the meal was mouth watering. The best I had ever tasted. I thanked the star for such a wonderful dinner. I ate some mushrooms and the small little onions that are served with this meal.

Graham of course had his plate heaped and ate seconds. I was full after one helping. Everyone had finished eating and the star asked us if we wanted dessert. We all passed on dessert.

"I'm sure you guys are tired after your long flight. Why don't we relax down by the pool. There are robes put out in your room if want to change and then join us. I thought I'd have the head housekeeper open a bottle of that fantastic white wine and we could enjoy that by the pool. One of the staff will guide you to your room and show you your way back to the pool."

We all got up. The star and his partner were already wearing robes when we ate dinner. I saw them take a different path that must have went to the pool. Everything was lit so it was easy to find your way. One of the staff members told us to follow him. And we went upstairs to the bedroom. Just like the star said. Two plush robes were laid out on the bed. Graham and I stripped each other and hung our clothes in the closet. We put on the robes. They were very soft. Sandals were also there by the bed. We put the sandals and the staff man had us follow him down to the pool.

When we got to the pool. The star and his partner were already in the shallow end. The pool was quite large and beautifully decorated. With statues on the corners and very lush tropical plants all around. The star said, "put your robes on the loungers and join us."

Graham and I did just that. We put our robes on a lounger with our sandals and dove into the pool. I'm sure the star and his partner were watching our naked bodies. Our cocks and balls bouncing and flopping around and our naked asses when we dove in. We came up close to where the star and his partner were. The star handed us each a wine flute. The white wine had been chilled and Graham and I did like the white wine.

"Let's walk out and back to our loungers and enjoy the wine and some good conversation."

The star told us he always comes to his French villa when he finishes a tour and for his summer vacation. We told the star about our Cinco de Mayo party. He wished he could come to one of our parties but didn't want to risk being recognized and the jeopardize his privacy. We told him we understood. Other than that, we didn't really have much else to tell the star and his partner. I'm sure they weren't interested in our work.

The conversation lapsed for awhile and we enjoyed drinking the wine. He had an expensive taste to it, if that makes sense. But it didn't compare to cheaper wines. The head housekeeper brought down a charcuterie board. It was large with an assortment of different cheeses grapes crackers nuts and different rolled cold cuts. The board also included cheese knives.

The board was placed between the star and partner and Graham and me. I told Graham to fix me a couple of cracker with cheese and cold cuts. This was a great appetizer idea. Something to remember when we get home and see if the caterers can do something like this. Everyone nibbled on the big assortment on the charcuterie board. Everything tasted good with the wine.

I noticed Graham yawning. Which he hardly ever does. We told the star we thought we should head to bed. We ate dinner after eight. Which was late for us. But not late to eat dinner in France. Then a little swimming and some very delicious snacks. It was already after eleven. The star and his partner agreed with us and thought they would head to bed too. We all draped our robes over our shoulders and walked up to our bedrooms naked. The star gave me a wink and I knew what that meant.

We got settled into bed. And cuddled up together. We kept the door between the two bedrooms open. Soon I heard someone walking into our bedroom. It was the manager/partner of the star asked us if we were too tired to join them. He was naked and chubbed up. I wasn't tired. But I wasn't sure about Graham. I nudged him and whispered in his ear what the manager had told me. That seemed to wake Graham up and we walked back into the other bedroom with the manager.

The star was laying there naked with a night light on casting a dim glow on the bed. He was hard and motioned us to join him on the bed. I climbed on the bed between the star and his partner. Graham was on the other side of the star. The star started slowly jerking off Graham and me. His partner got down between my legs and was licking and sucking on my balls. God that felt good. I told the star I was getting close and didn't want to cum yet. So he backed off jerking me off and got down and started sucking on Graham's balls. We were both in heaven. Having our balls worked on. Soon they had us raise our legs to our chest and they put a pillow under each of our asses. Elevating us to the right level for fucking. Then moved from licking and sucking of our balls to our holes and started giving us excellent rim jobs. These guys were good and you could tell they had done this many times before. The manager had my hole wet and I saw his cock leaking copious amounts of precum he was using his precum as lube on his cock. He rubbed the head over my hole making me shudder. I saw the star already giving Graham a slow fuck. I felt the manager's cock ease into my hole. My hole grabbed his cock and he didn't have to do anything else as my hole slowly pulled him in. He told that felt fantastic. He then started slow fucking. His big flared cock head was continually rubbing over my prostate making it swell and making me horny. He really knew how to fuck. It was gentle yet firm and steady. I looked over at Graham and the star and it looked like the star was about ready to shoot in my lover's hole. I felt the manager's cock swell in my hole and start throbbing. Soon he was pumping a big load way up my hole. He just left it in me for a few minutes and until he went soft and he slowly slid out of my hole. He ran to the bathroom and came back with a warm washcloth and wiped me and himself off. I saw him hand the washcloth to the star and he did the same wiping off Graham and then himself.

The star said, "you guys haven't cum yet." He looked at his partner and told him they should do something about that. They switched places and soon the star was going down on me and taking my cock to my pubes. His partner was doing the same to Graham. I was still worked up from that good fucking so I knew I would cum fast. The star was doing a great job on my cock. Feeling my balls while he sucked me. He was bobbing up and down on my cock and going faster and faster. I started grabbing the sheets as my orgasm came closer and closer until I couldn't hold back any longer. I gave out a loud groan and shot a big load down the star's throat. He swallowed it all and told me it tasted delicious. He laid down next to me and we cuddled together. I saw Graham raising up off the bed and I knew he was cumming. The manager got off Graham and laid down next to him and they were cuddled together.

If I wasn't tired earlier. I sure was now and before I knew it I was sound asleep. The star winked over to his partner and soon they were in dreamland.

I woke up and was a little disorganized. Then I remembered where we were and Graham and I were still in the star's bed. I didn't see the star or his partner. They must have been showering.

Graham was stirring and reaching out for me. I snuggled up close to him and he gave me a big smile and kiss. "You rested babe?"

"I got in a good sleep. How about you?"

"I don't think I was as tired as you were, but I did sleep well. I think we should get up. The star and his partner are already up."

We crawled out of bed and went back into our bedroom. Graham and I showered together. We didn't fool around. We thought we'd get plenty of sex with the star and his partner and save ourselves for them. We dried each other off and put our plush robes on. I didn't know what the plan was for today. I'm sure we'd find out soon.

With our robes on we walked out into the hallway. I didn't see anyone around. I could see everything better now. This was quite a villa. Very tastefully decorated with a lot of art and glassware all around. As we walked out to the front foyer. I could hear talking. I saw the star and his partner talking to a man. It looked like a could be a gardener.

They spotted Graham and me. "Good morning gentlemen. I hope you slept well."

"We got in a much needed sleep."

"Breakfast is ready and why don't we go to the dining to eat. And then I'll tell you what I have planned for today."

We all sat down in the dining room. And had a very good breakfast. The star told Graham and me that he would like to give us a tour of his house and then go into Nice and see some of the sites. Then the rest of this week go on a Mediterrean cruis3 on his yacht. "That sounds wonderful."

"Good. Let's eat our breakfast and then I'll show you around. My partner is going to take care of getting a limousine ready and talk to the chaffeur about some sites to see in Nice."

We finished our breakfast and we told the star we needed to shower and then we'd be ready for the tour of his house. He told Graham and me that he needed to shower and get ready for the day.

Graham and I walked up to our bedroom followed by the star and his partner. I think they liked looking at our asses as we went upstairs. I was surprised we didn't all shower together. But Graham and I had a good time in the shower washing each other and then drying each other off. We put on some other casual sporty clothes. Clothes that were comfortable, but looked good.

We walked out into the hallway and we heard the door open for the star and his partner's bedroom. They were dressed in shorts and a nice pullover.

"You ready for a tour of my little house?"

We started on the third floor since that's where we were. The star showed us the bedrooms. All good size. Each with their own in suite bathroom. There were ten bedrooms in total. We then walked downstairs to the second floor. This had a large ballroom for parties and a large music room where the star could work on music. As were getting our tour of the house. The star told us the house was built in the 1920's and started out as an artists colony. He had bought it for a steal and had the whole house redone. There were painting all over and some very nice glass work. He told us he collected art and glassware. All the furniture and furnishings were of the Queen Anne period. We then went down to the first floor. There was a large gourmet kitchen with a big breakfast nook. The formal dining room which could seat twenty people. A sitting room. Library and study with the star's office. Also servant quarters were off from the gourmet kitchen. A door from the kitchen went to the six stall garage.

"Let's go outside so you can see my gardens and flower."

We went through a large living room to outside porch that went the whole length of the house. There were paths leading off from the porch. We started down one path. All the gardens were excellently groomed and his flowers were nice. He told us he collected different flowers. This path brought us to the pool and a large lounging area. There was a changing room and a guest house off to one side. The guest house was a minature replica of the main house with three floors but on a much smaller scale. The star told us the guest house had it's own pool on the back side. From the main pool you could see the Mediterrean Sea and had statues of the four seasons on each corner of the pool. The other paths wound around through the elaborate gardens. It was really quite spectacular. We finished back at the porch of the main house.

"This is really quite a place you have here. I can see why you want to have your summer vacations here."

"We like it and try to get here as often as we can. Let's go inside and see if everything is ready for the next part of your tour. The city of Nice."

I checked the time and the tour of the house and gardens was over two hours. But it was worth. This is truly a magnificent place.

The manager left us for a couple of minutes and came back and said everything was ready. We went to the front and a Roll Royce limousine was waiting for us. The chaffeur opened the back doors and Graham and I let the star and his partner get in first and then we joined them. The back of the limousine was huge and I saw an appetizer tray and some more of the white wine.

This was the first time for Graham and me in a Rolls Royce limousine. It was luxurious. I was surprised to see the star pass the appetizer tray to us. Everything tasted good and tasted even better with the white wine. The star told us we were going Monaco Monte Carlo and then Eze first. Depending on the time we would go to Gorges of Verdon and Fields of Lavender. I had only read about those places. Now I was getting a chance to see them in person. I was really looking forward to this.

We were in the hilly part of Nice and our drive took some time before we reached Monaco. I think because the road had so many curves. But it was a beautiful drive. We went by the casino and the palace. The star told us you need a special pass to enter the palace. Which he didn't have. We went to the exotic gardens and it was closed for just us. The caves were spectacular. The gardens were located in the hilly part of Monaco. Our guide gave us a wonderful tour in English. We thanked the tour guide and we left for Monte Carlo. In Monte Carlo we went by the famous casino and the the Matisse Museum. Again the museum was closed off just for us. Mainly to protect the star's identity. The star told us he had bought a couple of Matisse paintings from the museum. I asked the star about purchasing from a museum. I thought they only loaned out art. He told me he had connections with the director of the museum and it was an easy purchase. We took our time looking around the museum. The star seemed to have a good grasp of French. So between the two of us we could explain the history of museum to the star's partner and Graham.

When we left the museum. The chaffeur then took us to Eze. A hilltop town. It looked like a typical Medieval village. Narrow streets and cobblestones. Eze is know for it's fine perfume factories. We visited a couple and made a few purchases. In one perfume factory that made a perfume for us according to our specifications. I thought that was pretty cool and the perfume smelled terrific.

Once we had enough of Eze we thought we should head back. We were all getting tired. We would have to see the Gorges of Verdon and Fields of Lavender another day. Graham and I thanked the star and his partner for a wonderful time.

The chaffeur took his time going back to the villa. Gave us plenty of time to finish the appetizers and the bottle of wine. It was already getting dusk out. The time seemed to fly by as we visited three great villages.

I had a good idea why the star wanted to get back earlier to the villa. He had a noticeable bulge in his pants. That was okay. After all we did accept his invitation. Sex with these two men was great. Nobody was complaining.

We made it back to the villa safe and sound. And the star said why don't we get changed into our robes and meet at the pool. That sounded like a good idea to everybody.

We went to our bedrooms and Graham and I stripped out of our clothes and hung them up in the walkin closet. We put our robes and sandals on and walked down to the pool.

When we arrived at the pool. The star and his partner were already there. Lounging nude on top of their robes. It looked pretty inviting. The star told us one of the kitchen staff was bringing our dinner down to the pool. The staff from the kitchen brought down a large platter with smaller plates. He set the large platter on a large round table on the other side of the pool. And asked us if we wanted to be served. We all said sure. The large platter had roast duck and pheasant prepared in bite sized pieces. With small buttered potatoes and a vegetable medley. The staff person prepared our plates and brought them over to us. Covering the large platter. He poured us all another flute of the white wine.

The duck and pheasant were very good. The duck wasn't fat. It was very lean. And the pheasant was delicious. The wine made a good compliment to the two birds. My plate was pretty full, but I managed to eat it all. The other three men went back for seconds. The star looked at me and asked me if I didn't like the food. I told him one serving was plenty for me. I'm not a big eater. But the food was very good. I told the star I would just enjoy my wine and watch them eat.

While the rest of the guys continued eating. The star told us he had everything ready for our cruise for the rest of the week. Next week we could visit the places we weren't able to see this week. I told him that Graham and I were looking forward to the cruise.

The star told us he had everything worked out with his crew on the yacht, for some wonderful places to see. He thought we would really enjoy cruising on his yacht. We could relax and enjoy the views.

Everyone finished eating and the star told us we should probably retire early. So we were rested and ready for our first day of cruising tomorrow. I think he had some other plans for going to bed early. One of the kitchen staff came out and took the leftovers back to the kitchen. We all passed on dessert. I was surprised Graham didn't eat any dessert.

Everyone got up and we walked up to the bedrooms. Draped our robes over our shoulders and walked arm in arm upstairs. The star asked us if we wanted to join them before going to our bedroom. We told him sure.

We had a good couple of hours of sex and making out. I told the star I thought we should go to our bedroom and get some sleep so we were ready for tomorrow. He and his partner agreed with me and took our robes and walked into the adjoining master bedroom.

On the bed were two Gucci overnight bags. We opened the bags and they were filled with Gucci and Versace shirts shorts deck shoes and some sexy underwear. I didn't see any swimsuits and we forgot to pack a swimsuit. We probably wouldn't need swimsuits. That was sure nice of the star and his partner to do this.

We packed everything back into the overnight bags and crawled into bed together and snuggled. All the sex we were having was wearing us out. It didn't take us long to fall asleep.

I woke up to someone lightly knocking on our bedroom. I crawled out of bed and it was the manager. He told me breakfast was ready and then the star wanted to head to the marina and get our cruise underway. I told him we would be downstairs for breakfast shortly.I nudged Graham and he stirred and woke up. I gave him a good morning kiss and told him what the manager had told me. We went into the bathroom and freshened up a bit. Put our robes on and went down for breakfast.

The star and his partner were already eating. They were dressed and ready to go. The star told us we didn't need to rush to enjoy our breakfast and then shower and dress and then we would be ready to leave for the marina.

Breakfast was a typical Continental breakfast. Good and I liked the homemade danish the best. Graham had seconds of everything and soon we had all finished our breakfast. We thanked the star and his manager for our new clothes.

We went back upstairs to our bedroom. Showered and washed and dried each other. We thought we'd put something new on from our overnight bag. We put on a pair of the sexy underwear. Gucci shorts and shirts with Gucci deck shoes. And walked downstairs with our overnight bags.

The star had us turn around. You men looked fantastic. I could stare at you all day. But we need to get going. The chaffeur came in and took all of our overnight bags and stowed them in the limousines.

Our drive was slow to the marina with the winding and twisting road to the marina. We arrived at marina, but I didn't know which yacht was the stars. He pointed out the biggest one. The chaffeur took care of our overnight bags giving them to the crew on the yacht. We made our way to the yacht. It was big. The star told me a few things about his yacht while we were waiting. It is 76.2 feet. Can hold up to sixteen passengers. The owner's cabin three sleep cabins one VIP cabin where we would be staying and sleeping quarters for the crew. Also, the yacht has a remote control swimming platform jacuzzi barbeque and gym. It sounded like it had everything you would need for an enjoyable cruise.

Soon everything was loaded and the crew was ready for us. We all got on board and the star and manager started showing us around to all the things he had mentioned. The yacht was really well decked out. It looked like living on a small house. The upper deck where the jacuzzi and barbeque was also had a built in kitchen with a well stocked bar. The gym had it's own room and had all the latest exercise equipment. I was hoping Graham and I would get some time to use the gym.

Soon I felt the yacht moving and we were pulling out the slip and heading out to the Mediterrean Sea. We watched as we made our way to the sea. The star told us would be seeing some of the ancient villages high on the hillsides. Also, would catch a glimpe of his villa. We then would be going by the Baie de Agnes, Cap de Nice to the Citadelle, Promenade de Anglais, Villefranche-sur-mer and last St-Jean-Cap-Fenot. It sounded like a lot to see. But he reassured us that everything was close together.

The cruise was very enjoyable. We did some nude swimming in the Mediterrean Sea. The first for us swimming in the sea. The star told us not to be concerned about swimming nude. Nudity is accepted in France and many of the beaches were going by were nude beaches. Graham and I got in some exercise time with the star and his partner. The star had his chef on board and he was cranking out some delicious appetizers and meals for us. In the evening we would relax in the jacuzzi and look at the lights from different villages and the grand illuminated casino. Our cruise was coming to end and we thanked the star and his partner for a very enjoyable cruise. Graham and I had our fill of sex on the cruise. At least twice a day. Sometimes three times in a day.

We pulled back into the marina and the chaffeur was there waiting for us. He loaded our overnight bags into the limousine. Graham and I thanked the crew for an excellent time.

Soon we were on our way back to the villa. Once back at the villa the head housekeeper took care of our overnight bags. He told us dinner would be ready soon.

The next week we visited the Gorges of Verdon and the Fields of Lavender. We visited the Molinard Perfume Worshop and we made a special perfume for our mom's. It would be Mother's Day when we got back home and thought a specially made perfume in France would be a nice gift. We then went to a local vineyard for wine tasting. The wine tasted excellent to me. The star me told that he ordered wine from this vineyard. We purchased four bottles. Two for ourselves and one bottle each for our Mother's. Those places finished the rest of the week and it was already time to get packed and ready to leave for home. Two weeks had sure went fast. But it was loaded with all kinds of things which we appreciated and made sure we told the star and his partner many times.

Friday night we had great sex with the star and his partner. I think it was a going away present. The star tried to convince us again to live with them. He truly enjoyed our company and was going to be sad to see us leave. We told him to try to plan to stay with us when he had time. He said he would try to book some time with us in his busy schedule coming up. After his summer vacation in Nice.

We slept together Friday night. Saturday we were leaving early since the flight was over ten hours. We wanted to get back with time to relax and have Sunday also. Before heading back to work.

We were woke up. The star told us it was time to get up and get ready to leave. He had a sad look on his face. Graham and I tried to cheer him up by telling him what a great time we had and we would all get together soon. We all climbed out of bed and took a shower together. Washing each other was fun and made us all chub up. We jerked each other off and then dried each other. We went to our bedroom to get dressed for our flight. We were casual sporty comfortable clothes.

Graham and I brought all our bags downstairs with our garment bags. We joined the star and his partner in the dining room for breakfast. Breakfast was delicious as always. But now it was time to leave.

We all got up and walked to the foyer. We hugged and kissed and the star told us he couldn't go with us. It would be too hard for him to say goodbye. We said our goodbyes again. The chaffeur had our bags stowed in the limousine. We all hugged and kissed one more time. I thought I saw a tear in the star's eyes.

Graham and I got into the limousine and we were on our way to the airport. The drive to the airport seemed to go fast. I could see the airport up ahead. The small plane looked ready to go.

The chaffeur pulled beside the plane unloaded our bags. Handing them to the steward so he could stow everything on the plane. Our two bags with the presents for our mother's were stowed in a special compartment in the front of the plane.

We boarded the plane and the steward welcomed us. He was the same steward as before. He told us since this was a short flight. He had coffee and danish for us. We would have a full breakfast once we were on the large plane.

The pilot came on and told us to fasten our seatbelts. We would be taking off shortly. I felt the plane moving and being smaller we didn't have to use one of the major runways. Soon we were airborne and reaching our crusing altitude. The steward came out with out black coffee. He remembered and an assortment of danish. Handmade by the star's chef.

I put an apple danish on a small dessert plate. It was soft and tasted wonderful. I drank my coffee and ate my danish. Graham was on his second danish before I had even finished my first one. I set my plate down and sipped on my coffee. I knew it wouldn't take long before we would be landing.

The pilot came on and told us to fasten our seatbelts. We would be landing shortly. The steward came out and cleared the dishes and took the remaining danish back to the galley. Graham seemed a little disappointed.

The steward came out and told us he would direct us to the VIP customs in the airport and to our waiting airplane.

Soon we were landing at the much larger Charles de Gaulle airport. I saw our baggage being transported to the large plane along with our gifts. We followed the steward into the airport and to VIP customs. It only took us a couple of minutes to go through customs. The customs official in impeccable English asked us if we had a good time in France. I answered him in French that we had a wonderful time and would like to return again. That seemed to really please him that I spoke some French.

We left customs and the steward directed us to the large plane. He thanked us again for flying with them. We thanked him for his courtesy and help.

Graham and I boarded the large plane and the same steward was working. We took a seat in the sitting area. The steward told us that once we were airborne. He would be serving us breakfast. It was still early and breakfast sounded good.

We had a little wait until the plane was cleared for takeoff. We seemed to taxi for hours until we arrived at our runway. Finally the jet turbines were revving up and we had a smooth lift off. It took a few minutes before we reached our cruising altitude.

The steward came out and told us breakfast as almost ready. Also, he told us that he gave very good massages if we were interested. The steward said the chaffeur was better at massages than he was. But the chaffeur wasn't able to join us on our return flight.

The steward told us breakfast was ready. Breakfast was delicious and you could tell it was prepared by a chef. All the steward had to do was warm it up. Same for lunch. Graham and I took our time eating. It was so good. I knew Graham was waiting to see if there would be more danish for dessert. He was disappointed. Once we finished eating breakfast. The steward brought in a three tier dessert tray, loaded with different danish.

I ate a cream filled danish while I finished my coffee. Graham ate a couple of the apple danish while he finished his coffee. Once we finished in the dining room we told the steward we were going to rest. We had gotten up early and were a little tired. One of his massages would feel good after lunch.

Graham and I walked down to the guest bedroom. We closed the door and helped each other out of our clothes. Graham hung our clothes up in the closet and we left our sexy underwear on. A present from the star and his partner. It felt good to relax. I was tired from geting up early and rushing around to leave for the airport. Graham and I snuggled together. We didn't fool around. We thought that would happen soon enough with the steward after lunch.

We must have fallen asleep as I heard a knock on the door. The steward peeked his head in. Sorry to disturb you. "But I was wondering if I should get lunch ready?"

"What time is it?"

"It's going on one."

"Yes. Go ahead and get lunch ready. I'll wake Graham up and we will be out shortly."

The steward left. And I started kissing over Graham's bulge in his underwear. He stirred and I saw one eye open. "What time is it?"

"It's going on one. The steward was just hear and I told him to get lunch ready."

"You don't have to stop. That felt good."

"I think we will get plenty of attention from the steward after lunch. When he gives us our massages."

Graham moaned and groaned and we got out of bed. We splashed some water on our faces in the bathroom and then got dressed back in our same clothes.

We both walked out to the sitting area. The steward heard us and said that lunch was ready to be served in the dining room.

Graham and I got up and walked to the dining room. The steward finishing bringing in our lunch. He said the chef made a bigger lunch for us. And also dinner, that we could take with us when we deboarded the plane.

Lunch was good some kind of an Italian dish. I had no idea what it was. But it tasted good. Graham was heaping his plate with the food and had a couple of pieces of warmed garlic bread. I stayed with my one helping and one piece of garlic bread. We were served some that good white wine with our lunch. Everything was excellent. Graham and I finished our lunch and the steward asked us if we were ready for dessert. Graham of course said sure.

The steward rolled in a small dessert cart. There was a wide selection of different pies cookies cakes tarts and danish that I thought were probably left over from breakfast.

Graham loaded his dessert plate and poured us each another cup of coffee. I had a piece of blueberry pie and a cream filled danish. That was a lot for me. Definitely need to get back to our regular exercise routine.

We finished dessert and told the steward we were going back to the bedroom for our massages. He told us as soon as he had everything put away he would be in to give us our massages.

Graham and I walked into the bedroom. We stripped each other again and Graham hung our clothes in the closet. We put our sexy underwear on one of the chairs. I noticed the steward had laid out towels on the bed for us to lay on. A couple of candles were lit. And some nice easy listening music was playing. The plane must have a built in sound system. There was also a candle burner warming some oil. Obviously, the steward had done this before.

We got on each side of the bed and laid face down on our stomachs on the bed and waited for the steward.

Soon the bedroom door opened and the steward came in. "Looks like your ready for your massages. Who wants to go first?"

Graham and I looked at each other and Graham said Bob could go first.

I saw the steward looking us over with a smile on his face. He walked to where the oil was warming and took off his uniform and stayed in his bulging tighty whities with some sandals. I saw him take a bottle of oil out of the warm water and walked over to me. He poured some of the oil on my shoulders and down my back. He set the bottle on a nightstand and started massaging my shoulders neck and back. He was really good. Just as good as Holden I thought. And probably everything will get a good massage, just like Holden. He then poured oil on my arms and massaged my arms hands and fingers. Then my legs feet and toes. He then poured some oil on my ass cheeks and massaged the oil in squeezing and rubbing my ass cheeks. I felt the side of his hand run over my crack and it made me shudder and jerk when he did that. It felt good. I just wasn't expecting that. He started giving my ass cheeks and crack lots of attention. He pulled my cheeks apart exposing my hole and I felt some warm oil being dripped on my hole. He worked the oil into my hole with a couple of fingers and then three and finally four fingers. He really had me stretched. He motioned for me to turn over. I was already semi hard and he noticed and I saw him smile to himself.

I had felt my big balls hanging down and my chubbed cock slightly sticking out. The steward poured oil on my chest and worked it over my pecs and nips, making them hard. The massaged over my stomach naval and my abs. The then went back to the front of my arms hands and fingers. Then the front of my legs feet and toes. He was saving the best for last.

I looked over at Graham and he was closely watching everything taking place. He knew that he was next and what to expect.

The steward then poured oil on the head of my cock and I could feel it running down the side. I felt one of his hands slowly stroking my cock from the bast to the tip and the other hand was working my balls really good, geting them covered with the oil. This was really good. I was really enjoying this massage. I then saw the steward strip off his underwear. He was hard and sticking straight out. He got up on the bed and knee walked over to me and soon our two cocks were being fisted together and covered in oil. They slid together easily. I felt the steward's balls hanging down and rubbing over mine. That was really a hot feeling. He told me he was going to try to make us cum together at the same time. He kept slowly stroking our cocks together. The warm oil made our cocks slick and easy for stroking. I noticed the oil had an herbal smell. It was a plesant smell and actually kind of soothing if that was possible with massage oil. I put my hands behind my head and enjoyed us being fisted. He kept straddling me and fisting our cocks. I felt myself getting close. I coldn't tell if the steward was close. I started grunting and was getting close. He seemed to know that and started going faster. Soon I was shooting out long ropes of cum. He followed me hitting my chest and fast with his big powerful load. The steward got off me and he cleaned his cum off from me with the a washcloth. I don't know where the washcloth came from but he cleaned us both off.

The steward looked at Graham. "You ready?"

Graham nodded his head. I laid there and watched while the steward went through the same massage as me. Graham was loving it. He liked it the best when the steward stroked their two cocks together and managed to cum at the same time. Those young guys can recharge fast. The steward had another big load. They finished and the steward wiped them both off.

The steward got dressed in his uniform and checked the time. He said we should shower or get cleaned and dressed. We should be landing soon.

Graham and I crawled out of bed. Smiling and telling each other how good that was. We agreed it was almost as good Holden. Graham got the water going in the shower and we washed each other. Getting all the oil off and any cum tracks left on us. Dried each other off and got dressed back in the same clothes. Once dressed we walked out to the sitting area.

The pilot came on and announced we would be landing in about thirty minutes. Time flies when your having fun. I was wondering what the chaffeur's massages were like. The steward said he gave a better massage.

We fastened our seatbelts and didn't want anything else to drink. The steward asked us if we wanted something to drink.

Graham and I were ready to land and get back home. This long flight was finally coming to an end. I heard the landing gear and wind flaps being raised for landing.

Another very smooth landing and flight. The steward told us he would direct us to the VIP customs area and then we were on our own.

The plane taxied around to our slip. We deboarded and I saw our things being loaded in the limousine. It was the same limousine driver.

We followed the steward and he pointed out where we needed to go. VIP customs went fast and soon. We were thanking the steward and pilot for a very smooth flight. They hoped we would be flying with them again soon.

We waved back to them as we got into the back of the limousine. And we were on our way home. Graham and I sat close to each other. Kissing and comparing notes on what we liked best about our two week vacation. We both really enjoyed the cruise and all the different places we visited. Graham poured us each a cold beer. It tasted good. I had drank enough wine. A cold beer tasted much better.

The chaffeur called us on the phone in the limousine. He told us he wouldn't be flying back until Sunday. And if we wanted some company he would be glad to stay with us. He told us he would give us a couple of good massages. I told Graham what he said and we both told him sure. It would be nice to have him stay with us tonight.

We arrived at the house. I told the chaffeur how to open the gate and he drove in. Everything looked the same. Nothing out of place. Graham disarmed the security system and he opened the front doors for the chaffeur. I showed the chaffeur where our bags could go and to put the presents on the kitchen island. When we were upstairs I showed the chaffeur what bedroom he could use. The master bedroom adjoining ours.

Graham and I got changed and put robes on and naked underneath. I had told the chaffeur he would find a robe to wear in his closet. He walked into our bedroom when he was changed and had his robe.

We all walked down to the pool. The chaffeur told us we had a nice house. I told him it didn't compare to the star. He said the star mentioned your house many times and how much he liked relaxing here.

We laid our robes on the loungers and laid down naked on the loungers. Graham and me together. And the chaffeur on another lounger close to us. Graham got us all a cold beer. It felt good to relax after that long flight.

We talked with the chaffeur. He told us he had been working for the star for amost ten years. He enjoyed his work and it had a lot of fringe benefits. He would fly to Los Angeles tomorrow and leave the limousine at the house in Beverly Hills. Then fly back to the villa at Nice. He would be driving the Rolls Royce limousine at the villa.

I finished my beer and told the guys I was going to get dinner warmed. The chef had prepared dinner for us and the steward had packaged it for us. I walked into the kitchen and took the containers out of the fridge. It was more boeuf bourguignon with a au jus. I warmed it in the microwave and the au jus and fixed everything on a large tray for us.

I took everything out to the patio table and got it set and ready for three people. I told the guys dinner was ready. They drank beer with meal and I had a glass of refreshment that Mabel had made. The meal was excellent. The boeuf had been cut into bit size pieces and was delicious dipped into the au jus. Between the three of us we ate it all. I didn't know what we had for dessert. Graham helped me clear the table and we told the chaffeur we'd be right back. If he wanted another beer to grab one from the tiki bar by the pool.

I checked the frig and the freezer in the refrigerator. There was some frozen cheesecake. I pulled that out and Graham got out some dessert plates and forks. I cut the cheesecake into pieces and we took it out to the patio table.

I didn't know how cheesecake would taste with beer. But mine tasted good with the refreshment. It was a strawberry cheesecake. Very good and still frozen.

We finished dessert and I told Graham to take the chaffeur up to the sunroom and show him the massage room. I told them I would put everything away and load the dishwasher and be right up to the sunroom.

I saw Graham and the chaffeur walk up to the sunroom. The chaffeur couldn't believe we had a room like this in our house. He really liked the parrots. And said our sunroom rivaled anything that the star had in all his homes.

Graham showed the chaffeur our massage room with the two massage table. He said this room was perfect and he would start getting everything ready.

I finished in the kitchen and walked up to the sunroom. Graham told me the chaffeur really liked our sunroom and was getthing the massage room ready for us.

We had all stayed naked while we ate dinner and went to the sunroom. It was dark out. The parrots seemed glad to see us.

The chaffeur peeked his head out of the massage room and told us he was ready.

Graham and I got up from our lounger and walked into the massage room. He had candles lit making a very calm atmosphere. Soft music was playing and I saw he had oil warming. We laid down on the tables. Looking at each other. Graham told me to go first. He wanted to watch and see what happened. The chaffeur took out a warm bottle of oil from the water. It was a jasmine oil. With a great smell. He poured some oil on my shoulders and back and started working it in. He had strong hands and could really work my muscles. I could see what the steward was talking about. The chaffeur really did give a good massage.

The chaffeurs's massage was slow and very sensual. It was very enjoyable. I saw the chaffeur's big cock chubbing. I was wondering if I would feel it inside of me later. He took his time massaging my back side. He started spending a lot of time on my buttocks and over my hole. It was starting to get very erotic and I was moaning and squirming under his touch. I felt the chaffeur get up on the massage table and felt his long hard cock rubbing between my ass cheeks and over my hole. I could feel my hole trying to pull on his cock but since he never had the head at my hole. It couldn't pull his cock in. He then got off me and told me roll over on my front side. He oiled and massage my front side saving the best for last. He oiled my cock and started slow stroking me. I saw Graham watching the whole show. He was erect and leaking. The chaffeur bent down and started giving a slow but steady blowjob. Playing with my oiled balls. He took me all the way down his throat and then back to the tip. Up and down and up and down. It felt fantastic. He cupped my balls and eased a couple of oiled fingers into my hole. Picking up his speed sucking me. I could feel my cum churning in my balls and knew I was going to cum soon. Soon my cock went rigid and I was rocketing out a big load up into his throat. He keep sucking until I went soft in his mouth. He then pulled off. I told he hadn't cum. He said it was all about pleasing the both of us.

He looked over at Graham and told him it was his turn.

I just laid on the table panting and sweating and regaining my breathing after that big orgasm.

I saw the chaffeur doing the same to Graham. I heard Graham moan when the chaffeur took his all the way into his throat. Graham must have been really horny, because it didn't take him long to cum. I could see him pumping a big load into the chaffeur's mouth and throat. The chaffeur pulled off Graham when he went soft in his mouth. Graham laid back like me. Panting and sweating and regaining his normal breathing.

While we relaxed on the massage tables. The chaffeur put everything away and then started wiping the oil off me. And then he wiped the oil off Graham.

I told everyone I was tired and ready for bed. They agreed with me and we went downstairs and into our bedroom. We had the chaffeur between us. I told him now it was his turn to get off. Graham and I spit roasted the chaffeur. Then I was spit roasted and then Graham. I didn't think I could cum that much. But I wasn't disappointed. After all our sex. It didn't take long to fall asleep in each other's arms.

I woke up and saw the other guys stirring. The chaffeur asked me what time it was. I told him it was going on eight. He said he needed to leave soon. He had a lot of flying to do today. We crawled out of bed and went downstairs and made breakfast. The chaffeur watched us get breakfast ready. He told us he was a disaster in the kitchen. And didn't know how to fix anything.

When breakfast was finished we ate at the kitchen island. I put everything away while Graham and the chaffeur went upstairs to shower. I soon joined them. We had time for a three way jerk off in the shower. We dried each other off and the chaffeur got dressed and finished packing his overnight bag.

We all walked downstairs together. And kissed and hugged and we watched the chaffeur load his overnight bag into the back of the limousine and soon he left for the airport.

That left Graham and me. We finally had some alone time. It was fun having the chaffeur with us. And I was going to miss his massages. But Holden does a good job every Tuesday and Thursday.

I thought I'd check the messages on our land line. I had all our cell phone calls transferred to the land line. Mabel knew to call us on our cell phones if something important came up. Otherwise, she knew how to take care of our calls.

The red light was flashing. So I knew we had received calls. I started playing them back. Most of the calls were from our friends asking if we enjoyed our vacation and to call them when we got back. There was also a call from one of the bodyguards. He told me to call him if I felt like talking to him. I talked to Graham about that. Graham told me it was my call. If I wanted to talk to him or not. It was my decision.

Next Sunday was Mother's Day. I told Graham I was going to make luncheon reservations at Milo's. That way his parents wouldn't have a little shorter drive and my parents could join us at Milo's. Graham liked that idea.

We agreed to call our parents tomorrow on Monday. I told Graham I would call Milo's and make our lunch at noon next Sunday.

I told Graham I would call the bodyguard tomorrow. I could always say I was too tired to call over the weekend after our vacation.

Graham and I didn't do much on Sunday. We swam in the pool and got a little exercise. It just felt good to relax. We got in a lot of kissing and hugging and some making out on the lounger. We ate a good lunch. And I ordered delivery for dinner. We went to bed early and feel asleep right away.

Monday morning we worked out with some of our friends. They welcomed us back and asked us about our vacation. We had to be careful what we said. I didn't want to give away the star's identity. Mabel had a great breakfast ready for us. And she greeted Graham and me. We finished breakfast and all hugged and kissed in the garage. Cal told us he was back to his regular self and working full shifts now. We then left for work.

The staff at the clinic had bought a cake and ice cream as a welcoming back party. I thanked them all and was glad to be back to work. I gave Graham a call as it approached lunchtime. He told he would try to take a lunch break.

I walked over to the diner and Millie was on me in a flash. "So where have you been? I thought maybe you found a different place to go for your lunch?"

"No Millie. Just got back this weekend from a two week vacation."

"Ok. I guess I can believe you. What would you like?"

"I'll take a black coffee. Graham is going to join me for lunch."

I thought this was a perfect time to call my dad. And then Milo's after. I took my cell phone out of my pocket and called my dad. "Hi Robert. What a nice surprise. What's on your mind?"

"Graham and me want to invite you and mom to Milo's at noon on Sunday for Mother's Day. If you don't have something already planned?"

"No. I don't have anything planned. In fact, I was wondering what I was going to do for your mother on Mother's Day. That's a wonderful idea. You did say noon on Sunday at Milo's?"

"Yes dad. I can't wait to see the both of you Sunday."

"Thanks for the invitation. It still gives me a few days to figure out what to buy your mother. We'll see you next Sunday at noon at Milo's."

I was just going to call Milo's, when Graham came in. "How's you day going babe?"

"The office bought a cake and ice cream as a welcome back present and party."

"They must have talked to my staff at the clinic. The clinic did the same thing for me. I just called my dad and they are coming Sunday to Milo's for Mother's Day. Have you had a chance to call your parents?"

"No. I thought I'd do it now."

Millie came over and ignored me and asked Graham, "what would you like tall dark and handsome?"

Millie could still make Graham blush. And with Graham's fair complexion, he looked like a tomato. "I'll have a black coffee and the special." I told Millie I would have the special also.

Graham and me picked up our cell phones and made our calls. I called Milo's. "Hello this is Milo's, Martin speaking. How may I help you."

"Hello Martin. This is Bob. I would like to make reservations for Sunday, Mother's Day at noon for six people."

"No problem Bob. Consider it done. It's always a pleasure to have you Graham and your friends here at Milo's."

I thanked Martin and then ended my call. I was going to call the bodyguard after I got home from work.

I saw Graham on his phone. He looked like he was waiting for a reply. Finally I heard him talking. It sounded like he was talking to his father. He ended his call just as Millie was bringing our lunch specials.

"How did it go with your dad?"

"Dad was glad for the invitation. He didn't know what he was going to do for mom on Mother's Day. He said he would pick something up for her and give it to her on Mother's Day. They would be glad to join us and your parents."

We ate our lunch rather quickly. Graham and I needed to get back to work. We paid the bill and I gave Millie a tip and Graham told me he would probably be late getting home. He had two major meetings in the afternoon and wasn't sure how long they would last.

The afternoon went fast. I was glad. I was ready to get home. Even though the day went fast. I was still a little tired and wanted to relax.

I was the last one to leave the clinic. I left the cake and ice cream in our refrigerator and thought it would make a good snack tomorrow. I locked the clinic and set the alarm system.

It didn't take long to get home. Mabel was just getting ready to leave when I arrived. I wanted to ask her about the bodyguard calling and what he had to say. She told me that he wanted to talk to me or Graham and that it was important. I told him that you and Graham were on vacation. He asked me to be sure to tell you to call him as soon as you got back. I thanked Mabel for the information and then she left for the day.

I was thinking about what the bodyguard wanted to talk to me about as I changed clothes. I put on some sexy underwear the star had bought for us. It was a thong style jock. Wasn't too sure about that strap in the back between my two ass cheeks. It wasn't uncomfortable. Just a different kind of feeling.

I grabbed a towel and my cell phone and walked over to the pergola. I wanted to be in the shade. I called the bodyguard's number. I wasn't sure if he would be home or if they were working with a client. The phone rang and rang and rang. I was just ready to close the call when I heard, "Hello Bob, thanks for calling?"

"I noticed you left a message on my answering machine and had talked to my housekeeper."

"Yes. That's correct. My reason for calling was that I wanted to apologize for me and my buddies on our bad behavior at the restaurant. We talked alot about it after the incident and realized we were really out of line. I hope you accept my apology and we can still be friends and get together off and on."

"Graham and I also talked about the incident at Milo's. I felt I overreacted a bit. I accept your apology and I know Graham will too. In fact, Graham was the one that told me to call you back."

"That's great to hear. It's a big relief. We didn't want to lose you and Graham as good friends. I guess the next thing to ask is when we can get together?"

"Graham and I are still a little tired after our vacation. This coming weekend is Mother's Day. So it will after to be after this coming weekend."

"We are still working with a client for a few more days. I had a few minutes right now, so your call came at the perfect time. I'll check our calendar when I get time and give you call back and see what we can workout together."

"That sounds perfect. Will look forward to your call. I'll tell Graham about our conversation. Oh before I forget. What about the caterers? They seemed upset about the whole incident and haven't had any contact with us since we were at Milo's."

"They felt you overreacted and didn't like how the situation played out. I will call them and let them know about our conversation. That should settle the air with them."

"Ok. Thanks."

I realized I hadn't brought a glass of Mabel's good refreshment with me. I walked back up to the kitchen and poured myself a tall glass of refreshment with ice. It was some kind of citrus drink. It was refreshing.

I walked back down to the pergola. My sexy jock was feeling a little more comfortable. The strap in the back was making me aroused. Maybe that was the idea. I'd leave it on and see what Graham thought.

I was waiting for Graham to get home and then I would warm dinner for us. I thought I saw some shadows in the house. Probably Graham getting home and looking for me.

I was right and I saw Graham walking down naked with a towel draped around his shoulders. I saw him looking for me. "I'm over here."

He spotted me at the pergola and walked over. His cock and balls swinging and flopping around. He looked like one of those statues at the star's pool. Everything was perfect about my man. I couldn't have done better. I see he was carrying a tall glass of refreshement.

He put his towel on the lounger and laid down next to me. He gave me a long sensual kiss. "You look good in that sexy jock."

"Thanks. You look good with nothing on."

Graham told me that they picked up another two big clients with some major construction they wanted to do in our town and surrounding area." One project was to make an exit ramp from the main freeway to our town. They other projects Graham told me he couldn't mention at this time. He and Preston were working out the last major details.

I told Graham about my call to the bodyguard and what we talked about. Graham thought he would be fun to get together with them again. But not right away. I agreed with Graham and that was what I had told the bodyguard. "You getting hungry babe?"

"Yeah. For you."

"No. Really. You want me to get dinner ready?"

"Yeah. I'm starved. I'll help you."

We got up from the lounger and took our glasses and towels up to the house. We laid our towels on the back of a couple of kitchen island chairs. I dug everything out of the frig and we warmed up everything in the microwave. We decided to eat at the breakfast nook.

Mabel had made homemade lasagna with garlic bread and salad. Everything was delicious and Graham and me made a big dent in the food. We both passed on dessert. Graham told me he would have his dessert later. Graham poured us another glass of the refreshment and we watched the news and weather. Some college football came on after the news and we watched the game to the end. Graham and I received a couple of calls from our friends. Welcoming us back. We were tired after the movie and went upstairs to bed. We made out for I don't know how long. But I know when the alarm went off we were all curled up together.

The next few days went fast. I was busy at the clinic with patients that only wanted to see me and were rescheduled. Graham was busy getting everything finalized with the two big clients and putting in long hours at work.

Saturday we made sure our gift bags were ready with the wine and perfume. We hoped our moms would like the perfume. Graham and I weren't very good a mixing different fragrances and had a lot of help. We like the end result and the people that helped us thought we made some good choices. Since these were not brand name perfumes. We thought we would name the perfume after our mothers. Since it was a gift for Mother's Day. We also hoped our parents would like the wine. It was a favorite at the vineyard and the one we liked the most when we did the wine tasting.

I had went to the decorating store to see if our perfume and wine could be fixed into something special for our mothers. I was surprised and happy to see that Margaret had returned. We talked for a long time. And she really enjoyed her time in New York City. It was just the flying that bothered her. But it was getting a little easier. Margaret told me that Jenna was very happy with all the business she had generated at the New York City shop. Margaret said she was glad to be back in her hometown. It would be quite awhile before she would fly back to New York City. She had decorated our perfume and wine in a little box. She said because of the weight of the wine bottle. A nicely decorated box would be better than a paper bag. I thought both boxes looked great and I told her so. I paid Margaret for the gift wrapping and gave her a tip.

When Graham saw the gift boxes. He thought they would be perfect for our mothers. We left our gift boxes in the foyer and they would be ready for us to take to Milo's.

Saturday we didn't do much. Just relaxed around the house. I mentioned to Graham that we hadn't heard from the star or his partner. I thought it was a little strange. But maybe something happened and they weren't able to get through to us. And the time difference could be a factor.

Graham and I just relaxed Saturday and didn't do much of anything. Everything was in place for Mother's Day tomorrow at Milo's. I knew the chef would prepare something special for us.

We were lounging together by the pool. "You ready for some laps babe?"

"Yeah. Let's do it."

We both dove in and started swimming a few laps. Our flip turns were executed perfectly. Graham and I didn't do any competition. It was just nice to swim a few laps next to each other. After swimming our laps we climbed out of the shallow end and went back to our double lounger.

It was already later in the afternoon and my cell phone rang. I didn't recognize the number. I knew it was an international call. "Hello, this is Bob?"

"Hi Bob, this the star's manager. Sorry we haven't called before this. We had some unexpected rain and electrical storms here. So this was the first I was able to get through to call you guys. The star wanted me to tell you how much he enjoyed your company and was sad you couldn't stay longer or decide to live with us. But he understands. How was your flight? Your home. So it was must have been a good flight?"

"We were sad when it was time to leave you and the star. Please thank the star for Graham and me for his wonderful hospitality. The cruise was wonderful as was the tour of some interesting places. Our flight was smooth and no problems."

"I will be sure to tell the star what you told me. I'm glad you had a smooth flight. I will call again soon. We have a dinner party to get ready for."

I filled Graham in on my conversation with the manager.

We ordered delivery for dinner. Watched some tv and then went to bed. We started making out but we both nodded off and fell asleep in each other's arms.

We didn't set the alarm and it was nice to sleep in. It was after eight before we got out of bed. Graham and I decided to swim a few laps and them make breakfast.

We walked down to the pool naked. Wearing only sandals and carrying our towels. We kicked our sandals off and dove into the water. We got into a little competition swimming laps. The loser had to make breakfast. We were swimming neck to neck but finally Graham pulled ahead of me. I don't now how that happened.

We used the outside shower and Graham watched me in the kitchen making breakfast. Giving me a smirk which I knew what that meant. He was the winner in our swimming.

I finished our breakfast and we ate right at the kitchen island. Graham helped me put everything away and we went upstairs to take our morning shower.

Graham got the water going in the shower and turned all the shower heads on to massage. I climbed in next to him and we washed each other. The massaging water felt good. We got out of the shower and dried each other off. We still had some time before we needed to get ready to go to Milo's.

We went downstairs to the living room. Graham turned on the news and weather and I skimmed through the daily paper. There was a lot of advertising in the paper for Mother's Day. Florists restaurants boutiques were all running special prices. I saw Xandro had an ad in the paper to adopt a dog for Mother's Day.

It was getting time to get ready to go to Milo's. Graham had my clothes laid out on the bed for me. We decided not to wear suits, but some nice tailored dress clothes. We helped each other get dressed and checked ourselves out in the mirror. Did a few minor adjustments and splashed some cologne on and we were ready for Milo's.

We grabbed our presents from the foyer and walked into the garage. Graham and I looked at each other. Graham told me he would drive. The weather was nice and he thought I deserved a break from driving all the time. We got into Graham's Porsche and off we went to Milo's.

It didn't take us long in Graham's car to get to Milo's. Traffic was light. Everybody was probably where they wanted to be. I knew Milo's was having a Mother's Day buffet in the main dining room. I saw it advertised in the paper. We would be in a private dining room.

Graham pulled into the parking lot. It was pretty full. I was glad to see Milo's busy on Mother's Day. I didn't look for my dad's Mercedes and Graham didn't bother to look for his dad's Oldsmobile Cutlass Supreme. I grabbed our presents out of the back. Handed Graham his gift box and we walked up to the front doors. Martin was right there to open the doors for us and greeted us. He told us our parents were already here and waiting for us. They were having drinks or he might have said they were drinking wine. I wasn't sure.

Martin lead us back to the private dining room. He opened the door for us and we walked in our father's stood up and we greeted everyone and thanked them for coming. They were all drinking wine. The waiter poured Graham and me a glass of wine. We handed our Mother's Day presents to our mothers. They both really liked the gift box.

I was wondering in the back of my mind how long my parent's would stay. Everyone seemed to be getting along fine. My mother had her gifts opened first. She really liked the bottle of wine. And I told her the perfume was one of a kind. That I had help making at a perfume factory in Nice. She tried the perfume and said he was lovely and a very thoughtful gift.

Graham's mother opened her gifts and thanked Graham for the bottle of wine. He told his parents we had visited a wine tasting vineyard and agreed this wine was the best. She also tried her perfume and said it was perfect. I could tell Graham was happy.

We all talked for a bit and caught up on what everyone was doing. We had another glass of wine and the waiter asked us if we were ready for our lunch. We all agreed we were.

The waiter rolled in a serving cart and put a large platter in the center of the table. He moved the flowers and candles on the table to make room for the platter. He also set some smaller covered platters on the table. He took the cover off the large platter and we had a variety of seafood. I knew it would be good. The smaller covered platters had a variety of different side dishes.

The waiter served our mothers first. They both ate shrimp. Our dads and us ate lobster. There was one lobster cooked thermidor and I made sure I got that one. The other lobster along with the shrimp were for dipping in melted butter. The lunch was perfect and not too filing. The sides were good. We had ate our fill and the waiter cleared everything and then wheeled in a dessert cart.

Graham's eyes got as big a saucers when he saw the dessert. The waiter served us our dessert according to what we selected.

After eating dessert. I was filling full. We took our time and had more pleasant conversation. I was surprised my parents hadn't left. Graham and I told our parents that the meal was on the house. We would leave a tip for the waiter.

Graham's parents thanked us for inviting them to Milo's and his mother thanked Graham for the wonderful presents. They told us they needed to leave. They had a long drive home and the traffic was heavy on the freeway. My parents took that as their cue to leave. They thanks us also for inviting them to Milo's. My mother thanked me for the very thoughtful presents. We all got up and walked out. Martin opened the doors for us and we walked out to the parking lot. Our mothers gave us kisses on the cheek. And we shook hands with our fathers and we departed to our vehicles to leave.

When we got home. It didn't take us long to get out of our dress clothes and hang them up in the closet. We put robes on and went upstairs to the sunroom. The parrots started squaking when we entered the room. That must mean they were glad to see us. I cleaned and filled their water and food dishes. Graham poured us a couple of glasses of the white wine we liked.

We got on a double lounger close to the birds and talked about Mother's Day. We thought everyone was satisfied with the invitation to Milo's and our mothers liked their presents. So we felt this Mother's Day was a success.

End of Chapter 12 - Mother's Day

Chapter 1 Coming Soon

If you would like to see the characters in the story, please read "My Alphabet Friends," and there are photos of characters at the end of each chapter.

Your comments and suggestions are always welcome. I answer all emails I receive. I ask that you please put Nifty or the title of the story in the subject line. Then I'll know it's not spam. I am already working on Chapter 13. I hope you enjoy my story as much as I like writng it. Please email me at:

Next: Chapter 13

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