Bob's Holidays

By Francis Scott

Published on Apr 29, 2023


Bob's Holidays Chapter 11

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The following story is a work of fiction from the authors mind. It contains adult situations between consenting adults. If this offends you and is illegal in your area, WHY ARE YOU HERE? Any similarities to actual people or events is purely coincidental. This story does not promote safe sex. Please practice safe sex at all times. Don't put your life or someone else's in jeopardy.

If you haven't read my story, "My Alphabet Friends," I would recommend doing so. All characters in this series are from My Alphabet Friends. There are pictures of the characters at the end of each chapter. You will find, My Alphabet Friends, in Gay/Adult Friends.

Bob's Holidays

By Francis Scott

Chapter 11 - Cinco de Mayo

Steve and his friend were really enjoying our meal at the Italian Restaurant. The chef had prepared some kind of seafood with noodles and in a delicious sauce. We had a bottle of white wine with our meal.

Through our conversations I found out Steve's friends name was Freddy. Freddy was finishing an advance degree in social work. He was already working for the county as a social worker. With his advanced degree he would become the new director of social services for the county. The other social workers didn't have the education that Freddy did.

I noticed Steve and Freddy were quite chummy and I was glad to see that. They each had their own apartments and when when Steve's new house was ready. They were going to live together. I was happy for Steve.

We found out Freddy was a high school and college wrestler and football player. He definitely had the build. He was a big guy. A good conversationalist and seemed to really like Steve.

We finished our meal and the waiter asked us if we wanted an after dinner drink. We all asked for black coffee.

We finished our coffee and the guys thanked us again. They asked how much they owed for the meal. We told them the meals here for them were on the house. I told Steve and Freddy that a bunch of our friends come over early in the morning to workout. We have a lockerroom and gym in the basement. They were welcome to join us. We start working out at six and our housekeeper makes a big breakfast for all of us. We shower and change clothes downstairs for work and then eat breakfast and leave for work. Your welcome to join us if your interested. They told us they would think about it. They wouldn't have to pay a gym fee anymore if they worked out with us.

We got up to leave and Graham left a tip for the waiter. Steve and Freddy thanked us again as we walked out to the parking lot. We got into our vehicles and left for our homes.

We got home and stripped down and put robed on and went out to the pool. It was the weekend so Graham got us a couple of cold beers. I was still a little keyed up from the convocation. Graham said he enjoyed the convocation and of course he liked my speech the best. I told him I had received a text message from one of the caterers and told him I would call him back. "Go ahead and call him. Find out what's on their mind."

I found the text message and called the caterer. "Hi Bob. Thanks for getting back to me. We were wondering if next weekend would work for you and Graham. We'd like to visit you guys next weekend."

"Hold on. Graham is sitting right here I'll ask him. Babe what do you think about the caterers visiting next weekend? We don't have anything planned. Tell them sure. It would be fun to have them here for the weekend."

"Graham said sure, it would be fun having you guys here for the weekend."

"Great. We'll be their early Friday evening and won't have to leave until Sunday night."

"We have a surprise for you guys. But I'm not telling you about it till you get here. Next weekend will be fun."

I then told Bob I was going to call Dave and see how Cal was doing. We hadn't heard from Cal for a few days. I speed dialed Dave. "Hi Bob. I just got home from the hospital."

"That's why I'm calling. How is Cal doing?"

"His physical therapy is going well. It really hurt him the first couple of days, but Cal is not a quitter. The physical therapist showed Cal exercises he could do in his room. Cal is slowly getting his strength back in his legs and he can walk now on his own and no walker. Cal said he felt like a senior citizen using a walker. The doctor thought the way Cal was progressing he might be discharged later next week. His bandages are off and his doesn't feel any discomfort from the sprain. His arm fractured are healed and has good mobility in his arms and hands. He didn't seem to lose any strength in his arms or hands."

"That's good news. Can't wait to visit Cal at his house or your house. Sounds like that should be happening soon."

"Thanks for calling Bob. I'm just getting changed and going back over to visit Cal for a couple of hours."

"Tell him hi from Bob and Graham and we're glad to hear he might be discharged soon. And we will visit him when he gets home."

I told Graham what Dave told me about Cal. We finished our beer and then decided to do a few laps in the pool. Then watch a movie downstairs and take a hot sauna after and then go to bed.

I couldn't wait for the caterers to see our sauna. They were really going like it.

Graham and I did a few laps. Then we rinsed off in the outside shower. Put our robes on and went downstairs to watch a movie. I made popcorn in our popcorn popper and we each drank a chilled glass of coca cola. We don't drink coca cola or any other carbonated beverage very often, but it tasted good with the popcorn. Graham got the next movie ready in the Agatha Christie series. It was another black and white movie. Something we like the most. The movie ended and Graham got the radiator heating. Graham helped me take our glasses upstairs and I took the popcorn bowl. We loaded them in the dishwasher and then went back downstairs. I grabbed a couple of towels for us from the lockerroom for us to sit on. We walked into the sauna naked and it was feeling warm. I sat close to the valve to drip water on the rocks. You could hear the water fizzle and spit on the hot rocks and the steam started rising. I dripped water down a few times and we soon we had a nice hot steamy sauna going. The heat whether in the sauna or a shower always made me horny. I was soon feeling Graham up. He liked it. He just leaned against the wall and closed his eyes and gave out low moans every time I touched him. I liked feeling his sweaty body. He looked so hot with the light shining off his sweaty body. I had the timer going and I didn't want us in the sauna any longer than thirty minutes until we started getting more used to it. Then we could stay in longer. Soon our time was up. And so was Graham up. I had him so hard and horny. He begged me to stay in the sauna a little longer. I told him no. Thirty minutes was long enough. I turned off the radiator and we went into the shower in the lockerroom. Graham got the water hot and steamy. His hardon hadn't went down. I grabbed his hardon and told him I would take care of this as soon as we went to bed.

Graham led us to the bedroom with his hardon pointing the way. I really had him worked up and I was going to make love to him.

Graham crawled into bed and I got over the top of him. Kissing him and then his neck working down his chest and kissing around his nips and sucking and nibbling on them. Getting his nips hard. I then licked down the center of his chest to his navel and licked and kissed around it. It made Graham squirm and wiggle. He was ticklish around his navel. I then licked through his trimmed pubes and around the base of his cock. I licked up the back side of Graham's hard shaft. Sucking and nibbling on that thick vein that went up the back side. I licked right up to the his pee slit. Pulling out precum with me tongue. His precum tasted so good. I kissed his big thick flared head. Slowly sliding my lips over his head and sucking it in and out. Graham was giving out low gutteral moans. He had his eyes closed and his hands behind his head. His big shaft was sticking straight up. Then I slowly started sucking down his shaft opening my throat and feeling his cock slide all the way in. I wrapped my throat muscles around his cock and started sucking his cock with my throat muscles. Like little tiny fingers massaging the length of his cock. I wet a couple fingers and eased them into Graham's hole. Working them around and finding his prostate. Graham started thrusting into my mouth I knew he was getting close. I was going to try to make this last as long as I could. I eased off his cock and just concentrated and worked his hot hole. Rubbing and giving his prostate a good workout. That made Graham ooze copious amounts of precum. I licked off his precum and sucked more out. Then went back to deep throating him. Going slowly and driving my lover crazy. Graham told me to go faster he was getting close to cumming. But I kept up a nice slow easy pace. I was enjoying this, just as much as Graham. I liked the feel of his big hard shaft pulsing and throbbing in my throat. Suddenly I felt Graham shudder and spasm and felt his cum working it's way up his shaft and soon he was bathing the sides of my throat with another delicious big load. I kept milking his cock with my throat muscles. Getting every last drop. I pulled off Grahams's cock and pulled my fingers out of his hole. He was laying their panting and gasping for breath. "Wow babe. That was fantastic. I don't think I could match that."

"No problem lover. I wanted to give you pleasure and you can take care of me tomorrow morning. Let's get some shut eye now."

We curled up together with Graham kissing me and hugging me. We soon nodded off to dreamland.

I woke up and felt the most wonderful warm wet feeling between my legs. I looked over and didn't see Graham. I pulled the covers down and their was my man giving me the best blowjob I've ever had. "What a wonderful way to wake up." Graham's mouth was full of my cock and he could only mumble. I did like Graham, and closed my eyes and put my hands behind my head. This felt terrific. Graham was getting better and better each time. Graham took over and was licking and swirling his tongue around the head of my cock. Making me ooze precum. I felt him lick and suck out my precum. The he slowly sucking my cock into his mouth and I felt his throat open as my cock slowly slid down this throat. Graham was gagging or gasping for air. He definitely was getting better. I saw him lick a couple of fingers and ease them into my my hole. I felt his fingers working around him my hole and finding my prostate. That made me give out a grunt and moan. Graham couldn't wrap this throat muscles around my cock like I did. But his throat still felt good around my hard shaft. He started bobbing up and down and me and I felt my cock moving up and down in his throat. It felt amazing and I didn't know how long I could last. Graham didn't seem to mind. He kept going faster and faster up and down on my cock and fingering my ass in and out faster and faster. Continually rubbing over my prostate. I started moaning and thrusting into Graham and I tensed and spasmed and I started shooting out. Shot after shot down Graham's throat. Wow. He made me cum a lot. Graham eased his mouth off my cock and licked up the last few gobs of cum running down the side of the head of my cock. He pulled his fingers out and laid back. Sweating and panting.

We just laid there in a bed for a few minutes. Then we put on some flip flops and went downstairs to fix breakfast. We ate a good breakfast and then did some laps in the pool. Went upstairs and showered and went up to the sunroom naked. I told Graham a new Thai Restaurant opened close to the strip mall and was wondering if we should try it for lunch? "Sure why not. I just hope the food isn't too spicy. I know traditional Thai food is spicy."

"Well, let's try it and see if we like it or not."

Since we were naked, we didn't get too close to the birds. We didn't want them trying out our morsels. We laid on a lounger that was close to the birds. One of the parrots sounded like he was trying to mimic the sounds on the background music and doing a pretty good job. We watched the news in the sunroom and drank some bottled water. We thought we might try an alcoholic drink at the Thai Restaurant. I had my phone with me and I found the Thai Restaurant and touched the button to make a call. They answered and I asked them if I needed to make reservations. They said know. They weren't that busy.

Graham and I thought we should get ready to go. We put on some nice cargo shorts, a pull over dress shirt and some nice sandals. Graham said he was driving us to the restaurant and for me to give him directions. We arrived and the restaurant didn't look very busy. We walked in and the restaurant was decorated in authentic Thai decorations. It looked really nice. Their wasn't a host so we sat ourselves. Soon a young man came out and said he would be our waiter. He asked us if we would like something to drink. We told him we would like something that is Thai traditional. He told us Chai Thai is a traditional tea that is popular in all of Asia. We told him we would try it. He asked us if we wanted it hot or cold. I asked him how it was usually drunk. He told us most Thais drink it hot. We ordered a couple of glasses of hot tea.

The waiter came back with our tea. It smelled aromatic and had a distinct taste. It wasn't unpleasant, but I would need to acquire a taste for it. The waiter handed us menus and we told him we had no idea what to order. He recommended we try three traditional foods. They would prepare three small bowls of the traditional food and smaller bowls to serve ourselves. We told him to please not make it real spicy. He told us, no problem, he would tell the chef. The waiter came out with a tray with three large bowls and three small bowls. He said the traditioanl food was Massaman Curry, Pad Thai and Gaeng Jued. He pointed to each one as he said the names. I knew I would never remember the names and the ingredients. He said he told the chef not to make the food spicy. The waiter left us and told us to enjoy our meal. The food was really good. Graham liked it too. It had a little kick to it. But the spice was not overbearing. We ate it all and told the waiter the food and tea was very good and we would be back again. And tell our friends about this very unique restaurant. He thanked us. He paid the bill and gave him a nice sized tip and thanked him for his help.

We talked about the Thai Restaurant on the way home. We liked it. It was different. But would be a nice change once in awhile. The waiter was very helpful. We would definitely tell our friends about the restaurant. Graham and I didn't do much for the rest of the weekend. We took it easy and it was nice just being the two of us.

I had looked at the calendar over the weekend and Cinco de Mayo was only a month away. Graham and I walked about it on Sunday and decided to have a party. At least it was a few weeks away and we could plan for it.

We watched a movie Sunday night and we did have a cold beer. Then we went to bed after the movie.

Monday morning came around too fast. We worked out with the guys and Dave told us he would let us know when Cal was discharged from the hospital. Cal would be staying with Dave until he was able to return to work. That worked out good for Graham and me since Dave only lived a couple houses down from us.

At lunchtime I went to see Jenna at her store. I was curious to find out how Margaret was doing in New York City. Jenna greeted me as soon I entered the store. "Hi Bob. Good to see you. How's everything?"

"Everything is well. I came on a mission. I was wondering if you had talked to Margaret? She was very nervous about going to New York City. I had talked to her a couple of times before she left."

"I have talked to Margaret a couple of times. I know she was nervous about going to New York City. But I thought the experience would be good for her. Margaret is a natural and a customer magnet. I knew she would do a good job at our store in New York City."

"I don't think the work made her nervous going to New York City. Talking with her, I always felt it was something else."

"I think your right. I was able to put my finger on it. But the more I think about it. The more I think your right."

"I'm wondering if she was afraid of flying? I never asked her, because I didn't think of that till now."

"Now that I think about it Bob. I think you put your finger on it. Everytime I mentioned her tickets and the day she would be flying out, her voice would change and become waivering and unsteady. I think that was what she was nervous about. When I talk to her the next time I'm going to come out and ask her if that was why she was so nervous."

"Well. Thanks for the conversation Jenna. It was a pleasure."

"Graham and I were talking over the weekend and we are going to have a party for Cinco de Mayo. So please make a note on your calendar or your scheduling book. I think it falls on a Thursday, if that's the case. We wouldn't have the party until Saturday the seventh. Will be here to decorate for our party?"

"Probably not, but Margaret will see it in the scheduling book and will take care of it."

"How did Margaret sound on the phone when you talked to her?"

"She always sounds out of breath. She puts so much of herself into the decorating she is worn out by the time she finishes. Margaret told me she was busy and were doing decorating for some very high profile customers. She also said Anthony was very helpful and she was busy as soon as she arrived."

"Let me know what you find out the next time you talk to Margaret. I would like to know if she is afraid of flying."

"Will do Bob. Thanks for stopping by. I better get back to work."

"I need to walk to the diner for lunch. Thanks for your time Jenna."

I spent more time talking to Jenna than I had planned on. So I had to cut my lunch short. I had a black coffee and the special. I ate faster than I liked to and I paid the bill and left a tip for Millie. I think Millie was suprised I didn't stay very long in the diner.

While I walked back to the clinic. I thought I'd ask Margaret's sister if she knew if Margaret was afraid of flying.

The afternoon went fast and I almost finished with patients that had been rescheduled because of the storm.

I got home and was glad Margaret's sister was still there. I wanted to talk to her about Margaret. I asked her if she had a couple of minutes, I had something I wanted to ask her.

We walked out to the covered patio and sat down. Margaret's sister had a serious look on her face. "This has nothing to do about your housework. I have a question to ask you about Margaret and I hope you can help me."

"I'll do my best. Is Margaret in some kind of trouble?"

"No. Not at all. It's just that Jenna and I were wondering why Margaret was so nervous, and seemed scared to fly to New York City."

Margaret's sister got a serious look on her face. "I know exactly why Margaret was nervous about flying. This is just between you and me Bob. Our oldest brother was killed on an airplane that got into some very strong turbulence. The turbulence broke one of the wings and the plane spiraled out of control over the ocean. No bodies were every recovered and they never found the plane. Soon after that our parents were flying to Hawaii on vacation. Their plane also got into some strong turbulence. The pilot was able to fly out of the turbulence and they made a safe landing. But they were thinking of their oldest son. So that is why, not just Margaret, but our whole family is afraid of flying."

"I'm so sorry. But that does answer my question about Margaret. I'm going to call Jenna and tell her about what happened to your family and not to call Margaret in New York City."

I saw Margaret's sister wiping tears from her eyes. "I'm sorry for bringing up such painful memories. And you can leave if you want to. I don't want to keep you."

She got up and left the house.

As soon as she was gone, I picked up my cell phone and called Jenna.

"Hi Jenna. Just found out some information about Margaret and why she doesn't like flying. I then went on to explain why not just Margaret, but the whole family doesn't like flying. I recommended to Jenna not to call Margaret. She agreed with me. Jenna told me she would just make her routine phone calls and check on business." Jenna thanked me for calling.

Graham came home and I filled him in on my talk with Margaret's sister. I asked Graham if he knew the name of the Margaret's sister. He said he didn't remember Margaret mentioning her name. I said I didn't know her name either. I was going to ask her tomorrow morning when we ate breakfast.

I thought about it somemore. "I know where I can find her name. It's on the computer in the library/study room. She would have had to write her full name on the insurance form, since we pay her health insurance and pay into social security for her. I'm going to pull up the information on the computer and get her name."

Graham followed me into the library/study room. I booted up the computer. Then found the insurance folder. I scanned through. The first information was on Margaret and then I found her sister. "Bingo. Here it is. Her name is Mabel. Their parents must have had something about naming their children starting with the letter M."

"We can surprise her tomorrow morning by using her first name."

"The guys keep asking me when they can try out the sauna. I'm not sure when. This coming weekend the caterers are coming for the weekend."

Graham and I didn't do much for the rest of the day and the days were going by fast. Soon the caterers would be here and should be a fun and interesting weekend.

Mabel was surprised when I called her by her name. We talked a little more about her parents and brothers and sister. Her parents and brothers and sisters all had names that started with the letter M. I mentioned to Mabel that we were having some friends staying the weekend, if she could make some extra food. She told me she would be glad to and she'd make a couple of appetizer trays.

Graham and I were sticking to our refreshments during the week and holding off on our beer until the weekend. It was working out good. Mabel made some very delicious fruit drinks and the fruit punch was out of this world. Graham and I didn't complain at all. We easily adapted to beer on the weekends.

Friday was already here and the caterers had told me they would be coming this evening. Mabel had one guest room ready. Since it was only two men. What Mabel didn't know was that they would be sleeping with Graham and me. Or I at least hoped so.

It was nice working a half day on Friday. Graham did to. But usually made home it a little later to wrap up all the weeks work at the investment firm.

Graham had called me earlier and told me not to warm anything for lunch. He was picking up some food for us. I heard the kitchen door and Graham walked in. I hadn't even changed out of my work clothes. Graham was carrying a big bag of food. I could tell he had went to the deli. Everything from the deli was really good. "What did you get us babe?"

"It's a surprise. Let's change and then eat lunch."

We went arm in arm up to the bedroom and stripped out of our clothes and put jocks on. We had firmed up. Cutting out the beer had made a big difference. We had our gym bodies back. I could stand in front of the mirror and look at Graham all day.

We put some flip flops on and went downstairs to eat lunch. "Where should we eat?" I asked Graham.

"Let's eat outside."

"Go ahead outside and I'll bring everything out."

I managed to get everything on a large tray. Graham had purchased barbeque ribs. Something I indulge in rarely. But from the deli they are really lean and I like their barbeque sauce. Graham also purchased home made baked beans and potato salad. We were really getting the calories. We would need to do some laps in the pool. And hopefully tonight, get in a lot of sexercise with the caterers.

I put everything on the patio table under the covered part of the patio. Graham helped with the plates and silverware and I poured us each a glass of some very good fruit refreshment.

I ate more than I usually do. It tasted very good. And when you don't eat something you like for a long time. It always seems to taste better. Between Graham and me, we managed to eat all the deli food. I thanked my lover for being so thoughtful and bringing home lunch. I told him how delicious it was.

Graham helped me put everything away. We we grabbed a couple of our oversized towels and went down to the pool. We lounged for a few minutes and then dove in. We got in some laps and it felt good to burn off all those calories from lunch. Maybe a sauna later and sweat out the rest of the fat from the meal. That would be a good idea when the caterers get here. I'm sure they would like the sauna and take a sauna with us.

I had heard from Dave, and Cal was released from the hospital. I told Graham and we thought we should visit Dave and see how Cal was doing. We wouldn't be able to do that until next week with the caterers staying all weekend. We could always call Dave and talk to Cal on the phone until we could visit.

I thought I'd call right now. Graham said he wanted to talk to Cal too. I speed dialed Dave. He picked up on the first ring. "Hi Bob. Glad you called."

"I remembered you telling me that Cal was released from the hospital and would like to talk to Cal if he's available."

"He's sitting right here. I'll hand the phone over to him."

"Hi Bob. Thanks for calling."

"Glad to hear you were released from the hospital. I'm sure you glad to be out of the hospital now. How is the therapy going?"

"I don't need to see the therapist anymore. He showed me exercises I can do at home to keep strengthening my legs. I see the doctor next week and I hope he give me the go ahead that I can return to work. Sitting around is driving me crazy. I like being active."

"That's good news Cal. What about using the pool there at Dave's house?"

"That's part of my exercise program. The therapist wants me to use the pool at least twice a day. Plus some other exercises he wants me to do. I'm walking normal now and without any pain. But I can still feel the strength in my legs isn't where it should be."

"What about night time exercise with Dave?"

"Ha, ha, ha. That isn't any problem. That leg is getting plenty of exercise. Thanks for calling I better get some exercise in."

"Hold on. Graham wants to talk to you."

"Hey Cal. Glad to hear your home with Dave. Bet your glad to be out of the hospital?"

"That's for sure. I'll be happier when I can return to work. I have a doctor's appointment next week and I hope he will tell me I can go back to work."

"How's the therapy going. Or are you finished?"

"I'm finished with the therapist. But he wants me to use the pool at least twice a day. And showed me exercises I can do at home to strengthen my legs. I can walk around okay. But I still don't have the strength in my legs I like used to. I hope if I push my self the next few days, the rest of the strength in my legs will return."

"Keep up the exercising. Bob and I will visit you next week at Dave's. We'll call first to make sure your their. We have company this weekend, or we would visit. Good luck with appointment and I hope you return to work soon."

"Thanks Graham. I need to get busy here and exercise. I'm exercising as much as I can. I want to get that strength back. Talk to you guys soon."

I told Bob, "Cal sounded good on the phone. Knowing Cal like we do. He will push himself to return his strength in his legs."

"That's for sure. Cal likes being active so he will do everything he can to regain his strength."

Graham and I dove into the pool and did a few laps. After our big and heavy lunch. I wanted to burn off as many calories as possible. Even though we swam earlier, it still felt good to do some more laps. We were a little out of breath when we finished our laps. We climbed out of the pool and laid back down on our double lounger.

Graham and I were going to shower later and put on a different jock. Then check the frig and see what we would warm up for dinner. But not eat until the caterers arrived. We didn't know what time they would arrive. The caterer that called me, told me they would be here early evening.

It felt good relaxing in the sun by the pool. We decided not to drink any beer until the caterers arrived. I went up to the kitchen and poured Graham and me a glass of the fruit refreshment. It was refreshing and tasted good.

We dozed off and I woke up to the buzzer. I told Graham that must be the caterers. We hadn't showered or changed jocks.

We walked up and I pressed the button and I saw the caterers pull in. They parked on the side of the garage. I saw them take out a couple of overnight bags. Damn, did they look hot. We greeted them at the front door in our jocks. They were wearing tight jeans, white tshirts and sandals. You could see the ouline of their big cocks through their jeans. Where they cocks rubbed on their jeans, it left white marks. I forgot how big these guys were.

Graham will take you up to your room. Where there is closet space for your things. But I hope you'll want to sleep with us. That brought a smile to their faces. I'm going to get something ready for dinner.

I watched them go upstairs and Graham showed them the guest bedroom. They both looked at Graham. And Graham reassured them, you guys are sleeping with us. But you have closet space here in the guest bedroom for your things.

While I had dinner warming. I went back upstairs. Graham and I are going to take a shower. We were in the pool and want to rinse the chlorine off. Your welcome to join us if you want to.

That brought a big smile to their faces. We kissed and hugged and they stripped out of their clothes and followed Graham and me into our bedroom. Their big cocks and balls were swinging back and forth. I was wishing they were swinging in my mouth. I'm sure that would happen soon enough. Graham and I stripped off our jocks and we got into the shower. They liked our shower system. Graham got all the shower heads and jets going. The water felt good. The caterers rinsed Graham and me off. Then we rinsed off the caterers. We were all sporting hardons when we finished. We dried each other off and then went downstairs to eat dinner.

Dinner was good and we ate outside under the covered patio. The guys liked going around naked with us. They told us they had been looking forward to spending some time with us. We finished dinner and put everything away and then went upstairs to the bedroom.

Graham and I couldn't stop staring at the caterers. I forgot how hot they were. Those big uncock cocks were making my mouth water. One of the caterers was eight inches uncut with big hanging balls. The other caterer was nine inches and thick with big low hanging balls. He paired up with me while his buddy paired up with Graham. Only a couple of our friends were uncut and they were paired up with someone else. So it was a novelty for us get some uncock just for us. I told him to straddle my face. I was sucking his foreskin back and forth over the head. He was moaning and telling me how good it felt. I could feel his big cock getting hard in my mouth. Finally his foreskin stayed pulled back over his swollen head. It was flared out and he had a big pee slit. I could stick the tip of my tongue in his pee slit and pull out his precum. He started face fucking me. He couldn't take my slow sucking and playing with his cock any longer. I told him to slow down and make it last. I got off his cock and sucked on his balls to slow him down. I stuck a finger in his ass and he pushed back on my finger. That was a good sign. I'd have to remember that. He seemed to like having his balls played with. I thought he had simmered down and I want back and started deep throating his cock. He let out some loud groans. He did face fuck me. So I could go at my own pace. I kept a finger in his hole while I sucked him. He started rocking back and forth. So my finger would go deep in his hole and then his big cock would go all the way down my throat. He kept that up for a few minutes and then I could feel his ring constrict on my finger and his cock spasm and thicken and soon he was shooting out a big load way down my throat. I think some of it was shooting directly into my stomach. His load tasted good and I kept sucking until he want soft in my mouth. I cleaned off the last drops of cum and he laid back exhausted. We watched Graham and his buddy going at it. Graham was getting pounded by a big thick eight inch cock. He seemed to enjoy having his hole stretched. The caterer was bent down and sucking Graham's cock while he fucked him. They were really going at it. It was making me hot and horny watching them. The caterer with me must have noticed how horny I was. He reached over and started stroking my cock. He was doing a good job of fisting my cock and I told him I was getting close. He leaned over and took my cock in his mouth, just as I exploded. He swallowed down my load and I heard Graham and I knew he was cumming in the other caterer's mouth. The caterer was filling up my lover with a big load. We all laid back exhausted and panting for air. Finally we all regained our normal breathing. We got into a group snuggle and fell asleep.

We all woke up to sunlight coming in through the blinds. I looked over at the nightstand clock and it was almost eight. That was late for Graham and me. It looked like we were all sporting morning woodies. Nobody had to relieve their bladders so we got into a circle suck. That was pretty fun. Those big cocks were really a mouth full. This was really turning into a sex fest. But that was okay. The caterers told us they wanted to give us a morning fuck. I asked them if they could cum again so soon. They reassured us that they recharged fast.

The big nine incher got with Graham and the big fat eight incher got with me. He put a pillow under my ass to raise me to the right level. He started rimming me first. God he was good. Licking all around my hole. And lapping over my rosebud. Getting it all wet on the outside. He curled his tongue and started sticking it in and out of my hole. It really felt good. He then lubed a finger with his precum and eased it into my hole. My hole accepted his finger and pulled it in. He moved his finger around inside my hole and then slid in a second finger. His middle finger rubbed over my prostate and I groaned and oozed out copious amounts of precum that he licked off. He then slid in a third finger and was working them around. His fingers felt good but I was ready for something bigger. I felt his wet hard head rubbing around the outside of my hole and then I felt a push and it popped into my hole. My hole grabbed his cock and slowly pulled it in. He was moaning and telling how great my hole felt wrapped around his cock. He had never felt anything like that before. I told him to take his time. His cock felt good in my hole and wanted to feel it in me for as long as possible. The caterer was pretty flexible and was able to bend down and take my cock in his mouth. I felt him sucking out my precum and working my head with his lips and tongue. He started slow thrusting in and out. He was taking his time and being gentle. I appreciated that with that big monster cock of his. It could really do a number on my hole if he was rough and shoved his cock in me hard and fast. He was taking his time and sucking me at the same time. I looked over and Graham had his eyes closed. He only closed his eyes when he was really enjoying sex. Good for my lover. The caterer found my prostate with his big cock and the head was continually rubbing back and forth on it. It was making me horny and ooze precum. He seemed to like my precum. He kept sucking it out and swallowing it. I felt him bend down more and take my cock down his throat. He was really good at deep throating and fucking at the same time. He picked up his speed a little. I thought he might be getting close to cumming. I wasn't close yet. He just kept up a good rhythm of sucking and fucking and I was enjoying every minute of it. I don't know how long we kept it up. But soon I heard him grunting and giving out low guttural moans. I felt his cock swell in my ass and felt him pumping his load deep inside me. Feeling him cum put me over the edge and I flooding his mouth and throat with my cum. When I came it made my ring constrict on his cock and he told me it felt like I was milking him. He got off my cock and then I felt him slowly pull out of my hole. I felt empty after that big fat eight incher in my hole. I felt something warm and wet around my hole. He was licking off the cum that had oozed out of my hole. I told him to straddle me and feed me his cock. He knee walked over my chest and his cock was in front of my face. I licked and cleaned his cock off for him. He really liked that and oozed out a couple more gobs of cum for me to lick off. We laid back exhausted and panting. I saw Graham and his caterer laying there together. Once we regained our breathing. We took a shower and went downstairs to fix breakfast.

With four of us in the kitchen. Breakfast was ready fast. We ate at the breakfast nook. And then put everything away. "What should we do now?"

"Let's go down to the pool and get some laps in. Some exercise would be good after that big breakfast."

I went upstairs and grabbed some towels for us and joined he guys at the pool. The big nine incher was with Graham and the fat eight incher was with me. We laid on our loungers for a few minutes and then we all dove into the pool.

The weather was being a very comfortable temperature. Not too hot and not too cold. Just right. We got in a few laps and had a competition again. Those guys with those flip turns were able to out swim us every time. I told them they needed to show us how to do flip turns and then this would be a closer competition. We got on the shallow end and they showed how to maneuver into a flip turn and negotiate it. We followed their instructions. We were kind of awkward at first. But the more we tried the easier it got. We tried a few more laps and with us now able to do flip turns this competition was much closer. We thought we had done enough laps and climbed out of the pool and went back and laid on our loungers.

I had brought some sunscreen with me. And we each rubbed some over our backs and legs and laid down on our stomachs on the loungers. I tossed the bottle of sunscreen over to Graham and they rubbed it on each other also.

I was starting to feel toasted and told the caterer with me I thought we should turn over and rub sunscreen on our front. I had Graham toss the sunscreen back to me. I poured some in my hands and rubbed it over his chest. Getting his neck pecs nips abs and then rubbed sunscreen over his cock and balls. Don't want those sunburned. That would really hurt. He agreed with me. He was chubbing up by the time I finished. He then rubbed sunscreen on my chest and neck pecs nips abs and my cock and balls. I also was chubbing up by the time he finished. We spread out with our legs over each other absorbing the sun's rays. I saw Graham rubbing sunscreen on the caterer with him. They looked liked they were chubbed up to. We laid their until we felt we had enough sun. We all walked over to the outside shower and rinsed off the sunscreen and the chlorine from the pool. We walked over to the pergola which had loungers in the shade. I grabbed us a round of beer and it tasted good. Especially since Graham and I had cut way back on our beer consumption.

I gave Graham a wink and he knew what that meant. Graham and I have something new we want to show you guys. We hope you'll like it. We can take our beers with us. We all got up off the loungers and walked inside the house and then downstairs. I led everyone over by lockerroom and then showed the caterers the sauna. "Wow, this is a great addition. I've never seen a home sauna before. Does it work?"

"You bet it works. Do you guys want to try it out?"

"Sure. I used to take saunas regularly until the publice sauna started losing money and they had to close."

"I'll turn the radiator on and we can finish our beer while we are waiting."

We all went into the game room. And played pinball machines. Foosball and pool. We had a lot of fun while we waited for the radiator to get warm. I thought we had probably waited long enough. "I think the sauna should be ready."

We each grabbed a towel from the lockerroom and walked into the sauna. It was warm, but would get hot and steamy once I dripped water on the rocks. We spread out our towels on the top bench and sat close to each other. I sat close to the valve to control the steam. I dripped some water down and you could hear it pop and sizzle on the hot rocks and then the steam would rise. I did that about five times and then thought I'd check the steam level in the sauna. I set the timer for thirty minutes. That was long enough for all of us. It was steamy now in the sauna and we were all starting to sweat. We leaned back against the sauna wall and absorbed the steam. You could almost see the dirt and fat coming out of our pores. The caterers seemed to be really enjoying the sauna. Thirty minutes went fast and I soon told everyone that the time was up. The all mumbled groaned and complained a little. But I told them we could take another sauna later if we wanted to.

We got up and I turned the radiator off. And we went to the lockerroom to shower. Graham got the water going for us and we washing and cleaned each other. We got all the sweat off and I felt clean. Really clean. The other guys said they felt really clean too. We dried each other off and I asked the caterers if they liked Thai food. They said they had tried it once a long time ago and they liked it. They liked spicy food. I told a new Thai restaurant just opened and I could have some Thai food delivered. But I told them I was going to have them put the spices in separate containers and we could add as we wanted.

We went upstairs with our towels and Graham and the caterers went up to the sunroom. They hadn't seen our new addition to the family. The last two parrots I bought. I told them I was going to call the Thai restaurant and order some food and then I would join them in the sunroom.

Graham took the caterers up to the sunroom. They couldn't believe how tropical it looked. They said the plants and trees had really grown since they were here the last time. Graham pointed out our new mated pair of parrots. They couldn't believe how bright their colors were and how big they were. Graham showed them how to fill the food and water dishes and they thought that was a big deal doing that.

I called in the order and mentioned the spicies in separate containers. They told me that wasn't a problem and said it would take about thirty to forty minutes before they delivered the food. I gave them our address and my phone number and told them to press the button at the gate.

I walked upstairs to the sunroom and joined the guys. They were all grouped around the new parrots. "Do you like them?"

"I can't believe how big they are and those colors are brilliant."

"They are a mated pair. And are the largest of the macaws. Our scarlet macaws liked having their cousins move in. They talk back and forth. And a couple of the parrots can mimic some of the background music."

"The Thai food should be here in thirty to forty minutes. Should we have another beer while we are waiting?"

"Sure everyone said." I grabbed us all another beer. The second beer tasted good. But after cutting back on my beer consumption, I was starting to get a full feeling from the second beer. This would be my last beer. If Graham and the caterers wanted more beer that was fine.

We relaxed some more waiting on our food. I heard the speaker and walked up to the foyer with a towel wrapped around my waist. I pressed the button and I saw a van pull in with the name of the Thai Restaurant on the side. I opened the door for the delivery man. And told him to set the food on the kitchen island. I paid and gave him a tip and he left. I got the food organized on a tray and carried it up to the sunroom. We had one large round table in the sunroom and I set the tray on the table. Everyone pitched in and helped me. Soon we were all eating Thai food. The caterers really did like their Thai food spicy. There pouring different kinds of spices on their food. Graham and I used very little of the hot spices. The food was good. The same Graham and I had when we ate at the Thai Restaurant. The caterers said the food was very good. The food must of been good. It was soon all gone. They helped load the empties containers and dishes on the big tray and they followed me back down to the kitchen.

We decided on a movie now. Then a sauna and then bed.

Graham and I still had more movies to watch in the Agatha Christie series. So Graham got the next movie in the series started and put it on pause. I checked the time and it was still early. We must have ate dinner around four or four thirty. The nine inch caterer sat with me and the thick eight inch caterer sat with Graham. Graham started the movie and we all watched. The movie was pretty good and the the caterer with me told me to sit on his lap. I moved around and felt his big erection slide between my balls and poke up between my legs. This was really a different feeling. When I moved up and down my balls were nestled around his cock and he was like he was being slowly stroked by my balls.

I heard him giving out low groans. He told me that felt great having my balls wrapped around his cock. I played with his cock head while we watched the movie. He started leaking and I pulled off his precum with my fingers and licked it off. His precum was a little bitter and salty. I kept slowly moving up and down on his cock making my balls massage the length. I knew Graham and his caterer were up to something too. I could tell by how they were moving. The movie finished and the caterer asked me to give him a blowjob. I got down between his legs and took his big shaft into my mouth. I swirled my tongue around his head and sucked out his precum with my lips. Then slowly took his big cock into my mouth. Opened my throat and let it slide all the way in. My mouth and throat were full of cock. My throat muscles wrapped around his hard shaft and I thought he was going to cum right away. "Try to hold off as long as you can," I told him. He said he would try. I went slow massaging the length of his cock. I liked how it throbbed in my throat. His cock was smooth and I could only feel the big vein going down the back side of his cock. I used one of my hands to play with his big low hanging balls. I fondled them in my fingers and rolled them around. I could tell he liked having his balls played with. I then cupped his big balls and eased a couple of fingers in his hole. Then I started picking up my pace and was working the length of his shaft harder and faster. He was breathing heavy and starting to sweat. He started humping up in my mouth and I knew he was getting close. One of my fingers found his prostate and he gasped and jerked and I felt his cum hitting the sides of my throat. I thought he was shooting some of his cum directly into my stomach. He kept cumming and cumming. These guys really did recharge fast and have big loads. Finally he settled down and I slowly slid my mouth and throat off his cock. I milked out the last drops of cum. He just sat there and smiled at me. "That was the best blowjob I've ever hard. And I hope it isn't the last one."

I saw Graham riding the caterer that was with him. He was bouncing up and down on his thick shaft. It was really hot to watch. I told everyone I was going to turn the radiator on and we could take another sauna.

I got up and walked over to the valve and turned the radiator on. I went back and sat with my caterer while we waited for the radiator to heat. We sat tight next to each other. He started making out with me and soon was stroking my cock. He had me rock hard and when he started playing with my balls, I started leaking copious amounts of precum. He pulled some of my precum off and licked it off his fingers. And then used my precum to slick up my shaft so it could easily stroke me. He got me close in no time. I told him I was going to cum. He got down between my legs and took my shaft down to my pubes in one gulp. I couldn't control myself and started cumming in his mouth. He took all of my load and swallowed it down.

I told everyone the sauna should be ready. We got up from our theater chairs and walked into the sauna. We had grabbed towels from the locker room. Graham sat next to the radiator this time. And started making steam. It didn't take the sauna long to get hot and steamy. I told Graham to set the timer for thirty minutes. We sat on the top bench again on our towels. The caterers sat inbetween us. We were all a little chubbed but didn't do anything while we took our thirty minute sauna.

Once the time was up. The caterers asked us if we should take a dip in the pool. I said I would prefer if we showered first to get the sweat and dirt off before we went into the pool. We all climbed into the lockerroom shower and rinsed off. We helped each other rinsing off the sweat and grime. It was funny how dirty our pores were in such a short time.

We dried off and walked out to the pool. The outside light were set to a timer. And as soon as it was dusk they would come on. I turned on the lights inside the pool. Graham told me he had turned off the radiator. We laid our towels down on loungers and then dove into the pool. The water felt good after our sauna. I was still warm, but the water was cooling me down.

We did a few laps in the pool and practiced our flip turns and they seemed easy to do now. The caterers were good teachers. We did laps and finally climbed out of the pool and laid down on our towels. The thick eight inch caterer was with me. And the big nine inch caterer was with Graham. We had our arms around each other and legs draped over each other. The caterer told us how glad they were they could spend this weekend with us. Graham and I told them we had been looking forward to it.

I thought this was a good time to mention our Cinco de Mayo party, even though it was a few weeks away. I told them they were invited and we would probably order catering from their business. They told us they would be sure it mark it on their calendar and be here for the party.

"How about we if we all go in the jacuzzi. The hot water would feel good."

The guys liked that idea. I turned the jets and heater on and we climbed into the jacuzzi. The same caterers were next to us. We started getting cozy and were sitting closer and closer together. I felt a hand under the water rub over my cock. That brought it to attention right away. I didn the same to the caterer under the water. He was already hard and I saw a smile on his face. It looked like Graham and his caterer were up to something to. The caterer grabbed my cock under the water and squeezed it. That brought me to an instant hardon. We started slowly stroking each other under the water. I think Graham and his partner could tell we were up to something by looks on our faces. It felt good and we were really going to town on each other's cocks. The way he was expertly working my cock, I knew I would cum soon. He looked at me and said, "let's try to cum at the same time."

We kept up a good pace and I told him I was getting close. He said he was too. A few more strokes and we were both shooting out our loads. I could see long strings of cum swirling around in the water. I then remembered the delicious looking appetizers Mabel had made. It was still early enough to indulge on one of the trays. I climbed out and told them I would be right back. I came back with one of the appetizer trays and placed on a small table by the jacuzzi. Some appetizers when we get hungry.

I climbed back in and sat close to the caterer. He said, "ready for round two?" I told I could try it would take me awhile before I came again. He said, "that was okay. We had all night."

He said he wanted to get into a sixty nine with me and mimic my deep throating techniques to try on his partner. We climbed out of the jacuzzi and laid our towels on the side of he jacuzzi. He laid down on his back on the towels and I got over him. His big hardon was sticking straight up in anticipation. I got over him with my cock and balls hanging over his face. I started by swirling my tongue around his big flared head and sticking the tip of my tongue into his pee slit. He was already moaning. He then started doing he same thing to me. I reached down and felt his big full balls and played with them. Fondling them in my fingers and rolling them around. I started sucking his foreskin back and forth over the head until he was so hard the foreskin wouldn't move. I then slowly took his cock into my mouth and opened my throat and slowly pulled his cock down my throat with my throat muscles. He was trying to do the same thing to me. I reached further under his balls and eased a couple of fingers in his hole. That made his cock twitch and jerk in my throat. My throat muscles were wrapped around his shaft. Again, he was trying to do the same thing to me. My nose was buried in his manly musky smelling pubes. I liked his scent. I let my throat muscles take over and they were working the length of his shaft from the tip to the base. Up and down and up and down. I could feel his balls moving while I deep throated him. I didn't know if he was getting close or not. I didn't feel his balls pull up. So I thought he wasn't ready to cum yet. I started working my throat muscles faster on his shaft. He tried to say something but with his mouth and throat full of cock he just said something all jumbled and garbled. I felt his balls pulling up and now I new he was getting close. I slowed down my deep throating action. To see if I could make him last longer. His big cock filled my throat and I thought you could probably see a bulge in my throat where his cock was. He seemed to relax a bit, but his balls stayed pulled up. I went back to deep throating him faster and I felt his cock jerk and twitch in my throat and thicken. I didn't think it could get any bigger. But I think it grew an inch or more when he came. He blasted out another big load in my throat. It was hitting the sides of my throat with the force of his orgasm. I keep working his cock with my throat muscles. I felt his balls shrink. I was draining him. I pulled off and licked off the last gobs of cum. He was still working on my cock. He was doing a pretty good job. With a little more practice, he would have my technique down perfectly. He was getting me close and soon I shot out a load in his throat. I saw him swallow it down and like me, he licked off that last few drops of cum oozing out the head.

We sat together on the towels when we finished to applause. Graham and the caterer with him were applauding us. "That was a great show guys. You both really got into it."

"It was fulfilling and enjoyable."

"It looked like it was very full filling."

"How about you guys. You going to get into a sixty nine so we can watch you?"

"Not right now. We jerked each other off and tonight in bed we might try in a sixty nine. We're hungry right now."

We all walked over to our loungers and grabbed some appetizers. I got the guys a beer and I drank a bottled water. Beer was just getting too filling for me. The appetizers were really good. Again, Mabel was a better cook than her sister. She had a good variety of appetizers and they were all delicious.

We relaxed on the lounger eating the appetizers and drinking beer and me with my bottled water. We finished the appetizers and thought we should rinse off. We all walked over to the outside shower and rinsed off the chlorine and towel dried each other.

I wanted to watch the late news and weather so we went inside to the living room and I turned on the tv. Nothing interesting on the news. Just show natural disaster, shootings, the crime rate. I was thinking why don't they every show anything positive on the news? The news finished and the weather came on. The forecast looked like nice weather for the next few days. A comfortable temperture. Not hot like it had been with the storm.

Graham turned the tv off and we all walked arm in arm up to the bedroom. Our cocks were pointing the way.

We flopped down on the bed and got back into sixty nines. I couldn't believe how these guys could keep going and having so much sex and not get tired. I wasn't tired, but I knew I wasn't recharged. Graham and I were paired up with the same caterers as in the jacuzzi. We went through the same routine again. The caterer was doing a great job on my cock and was a fast learner. I was giving him one of my special blowjobs. We got into a rhythm. I saw Graham and his caterer going at it. Graham seemed to have a lot of energy and was really getting into it. I had to push myself to go through the motions. I was going to be worn out after this sixty nine. We both came at the same time which was pretty mind blowing. I didn't shoot much, but I didn't expect too. The caterer filled my mouth and throat with another big load. Then he told me to lay on my back and pull my legs up to my chest. He put a pillow under my hips and started giving me a great rim job. I looked over to Graham and they were still in a sixty nine. I felt the caterers big hard thick head pushing at the entrance to my hole. I was hoping he lubed himself. If he did, I didn't remember him doing it. His head popped into my hole and he slowly slid it all the way in until I felt his tight curly pubes rubbing my ass. I felt really full having that big thick nine incher way up my hole. He was continually rubbing over my prostate and making me horny and pull on his cock and constrict on it. That was driving him crazy and making him fuck me harder and faster. Soon he was shooting out another load. I couldn't believe he could cum that fast. His load wasn't as big as the one in the sixty nine, but I could still feel it when it shot up deep inside me.

It was our turn to watch Graham and the other caterer. Graham was getting fucked by the big thick eight incher. He seemed to like it and wondering how long they could go. They answered my question soon when the caterer gave out a loud grunt and was shooting way up my lover's hole. Graham was moaning and I could tell those were moans of pleasure. They were both really going at it. I was wondering if Graham was getting as tired as me.

Once they finished we all curled up together and didn't take us long to get to sleep.

We slept in Sunday morning. Graham and me were the last ones to get up. The caterers were already up. I didn't even know they had left the bed, I was so tired. The sex was great, but it was also tiring. I crawled out of bed and let Graham sleep. I went in the bathroom and splashed some water on my face. I thought the caterers might be in the bathroom. They weren't I went into the guest bedroom and all their things were still there.

I walked downstairs and thought they were probably out at the pool. But I heard talking and they were busy in the kitchen making breakfast. It smelled good and a cup of coffee was just what I needed. They poured me a cup and I sat at the kitchen island watching them fix breakfast. I thought I'd take a quick run upstairs and see if Graham woke up.

I ran up the stairs to our bedroom and peeked in the door. Graham looked so calm and peaceful in bed. He was still sleeping. I guess that answered my questions if all the sex was tiring him out.

I went downstairs and told the guys that Graham was still sleeping and keep something warm for him for breakfast.

We ate outside on the patio table. Weather was nice and so was the scenery. Those guys naked are really something. I'm sure glad they wanted to spend the weekend with us. I reminded them again about our Cinco de Mayo party and to be sure to mark it on the calendar. I thinking about the bodyguards. The bodyguards and the caterers would sure make some nice eye candy at the party.

Breakfast was just as good as it smelled. I fixed a plate for Graham and put in the microwave to warm when he was ready to eat. We all got everything put away and went upstairs to the sunroom. The caterers wanted to see the birds again. The birds seemed like they wanted to play. They kept cocking their heads to one side listening to us and trying to talk to us. I didn't understand parrot talk. But I could tell they were content. The caterers cleaned their food and water dishes and refilled them. The parrots must have been hungry. They ate their food and drank all their water.

We relaxed on a couple of loungers and listened to the background music. I thought Graham would be up by now. I told the guys I was going to check on Graham.

I walked down to our bedroom and I didn't see Graham. I checked the bathroom and he wasn't there either. I went downstairs and he was busy in the kitchen getting things out for breakfast. I gave him a good morning kiss and hug and told him I had plate ready for him in the microwave to warm. He warmed up his breakfast and I poured him some coffee and juice. We sat at the breakfast nook while he ate his breakfast.

"What's on the agenda today?"

"The caterers wanted to do some shopping at the mall. Maybe we can eat lunch at the mall?"

"Sounds good. Where are the caterers?"

"They are upstairs trying to talk to the parrots. They really like our birds."

"Let's go up and see when the caterers want to go to the mall."

We walked up to the sunroom. The caterers were busy in a sixty nine. Guess they couldn't wait for us. Graham and I quietly got on a lounger and watched them. They were really going at it. They were deep throating each other and I could see they were fingering each other's holes. We let them do their thing. This was better than watching porn on the computer.

Graham and I kept watching them. Finally I heard some loud groans and grunts and I knew they were cumming. By the looks of things. They both shot big loads. They licked each other clean and then laid back on their lounger.

Graham and I complimented them on a good show. They smiled at us and told us anytime. We asked them when they wanted to go to the mall. They told us when we were ready.

We said since everything was put away from breakfast. We might as well get ready to go. All of us walked arm in arm to the bedroom. Clothes were scattered all over the bedroom floor. It was a good thing Mabel wasn't working today or Graham and I would have since questions to answer. We all got into the shower and Graham had a comfortable temperature going. We washed each other and Mr. Nine Incher sat down on the shower seat. We all made a line in front of him. Graham was first. His partner second. And I was last. That big fat cock looked ready for action. I still couldn't believe how fast these guys recharged. Graham eased his hole down on the big flared head. I saw it stretch Graham's ring and saw it slowly slide in. Graham didn't grimace and didn't look like he was in any pain. Soon his hole had taken all nine inches. Then Graham started moving slowly up and down on the big cock. It looked like his ass muscles were holding onto the shaft and working it. I saw the caterer spasm and jerk and hump up into Graham's hole. I knew he was filling my lover with one of his big loads.

Graham got off and I could see some cum oozing out of Graham's hole. He rinsed himself off and I helped me. The other caterer got down on that big cock. He soon was bouncing up and down on it. You could tell he had done this before. You could see his big cock bouncing up and down and hitting his partner's chest. Precum was flying all over. It didn't take the caterer long to cum. Amazing. I could see his long thick cock hardening and the caterer riding him was moaning as his load shot way up his hole. He got off and cleaned himself off. I thought I saw Graham helping him. Now it was my turn to ride that bad boy. I had put some soap in my hole to help as lube. I straddled the caterer and my hole was lined up with the head of his cock. I eased my hole down over the head. I felt it stretching my ring, but it didn't hurt. My hole was pulling on his cock and I slowly slid down until I felt his pubes against my ass cheeks. I just sat their for a minute to get used to being so full. I then started slowly moving up and down on his cock. My ass muscles were gripping his shaft and it was like my ass muscles were stroking his cock. He was moaning and telling me how great it felt. He told me it would take him a few minutes to cum. I didn't care. His big cock felt good in my hole. I kept slow moving up and down on his cock. Soon I felt him stiffen and tremble and felt his hot cum hitting the sides of my hole. It didn't feel like a big load. I keep working his shaft and pulling out all of his load. Finally, I felt him getting soft and his cock slowly slid out of my hole. We rinsed ourselves off. Toweled each other off and went upstairs to get dressed and go to the Mall.

We all wore shorts and a nice pull over shirt. Jocks and sandals. We were ready for the Mall.

I drove over. I didn't think we would all fit in Graham's sports car. While driving to the Mall I asked the caterers what they were interested in buying. They needed some new uniforms for work. And some casual everyday kicking around clothes.

Graham and I knew the Mall pretty well and we told them we could help them find the stores that we thought they'd be interested in.

I drove into the Mall's expansive parking lot. It was divided by letters of the alphabet. I found a parking place close to the entrance. We got out and walked into the Mall. There was a uniform shop close to the entrance. We walked in there first and the caterers looked around. They found what they were looking for and asked the clerk if they had a changing room. She showed them where the changing rooms were and they each took a room to try on their new uniforms. The uniforms were white and to me, they looked like a chef's uniform. They came out and modeled for Graham and me. We thought the uniforms fit well. They each bought two uniforms.

Then they wanted to buy some casual, everyday clothes. I told them there was Levi's, Dockers, Tommy Hilfiger, Nautica, Zara. They weren't sure if they wanted to spend that much money. They asked about a JC Penney's or Walmart. I told them their was JC Penney's on the second floor. They said, "let's check it out. We don't need anything expensive for knocking around."

We took one of the escalators to the second floor. We had a little walk to get to JC Penney's. They had a big store in the mall. We found the men's section and they started looking around. They found what they were looking for and in their sizes. They tried on their everyday clothes and they looked good. I think anything they wore would look good on them. They seemed satisfied with their purchases and that was all they needed in the Mall.

We stopped at a coffee shop before we left the Mall. We had some good tasting Columbian coffee with a danish.

They loaded all their purchases in the back of my SUV and we headed home. They said they wanted to take a quick dip in the pool and then they would have to leave.

We got home and parked in the garage. They loaded their purchases in their car. Then we walked into the kitchen and went upstairs to shuck our clothes. I grabbed some towels for all of us and we walked out to the pool. The pool looked very inviting. We laid our towels on a couple of loungers and dove into the pool. The water felt great. I was a little warm after our time in the Mall.

We all did laps and we were able to keep up with the caterers. Once we had those flip turns down pat, we could give them some competition. We felt we had swam enough laps and laid down on the loungers. The eight inch caterer was with me and the nine inch caterer was with Graham. We had arms around each other and our legs drapped over each other. Soon we were making out and on our sides. Our hardons were hitting and rubbing together. I reached down and fisted our two cocks together and started stroking them. These guys were non-stop sex machines. I think they could go twenty four hours straight. But, I didn't want to find out. I kept fisting and stroking our cocks together. Finally the caterer laid over on back and I got over him in a sixty nine. My cock and balls were hanging over his face and he took my cock right down his throat. I took my time deep throating him cock. Slowly sucking and licking on his thick head and then pulling it in and opening my throat and taking it all the way down. His cock was thicker than his partner's. I think he was ready for this. I felt his cock harden and swell in my throat and felt volley after volley after hot cum bathing the sides of my throat. That was the fastest either one of them ever came. He started working my cock faster and soon I was shooting in his throat. Not a very big load, but I'm not a fast recharger either.

We looked over Graham and his partner. Graham was getting fucked by that big nine incher. He was taking it like a champ. He seemed to be started to work his hole on that big cock. They were both groaning. I heard the caterer give out a loud grunt and knew he was cumming. Graham stiffened and I saw him shoot way up to his face chest and the rest was running down the side of his hand. The caterer pulled out of Graham and licked him clean.

They looked over and saw us looking at them. "How did we do? Do you approve?"

"Whatever feels good. Do it."

The caterers told Graham and me they were going to rest for a couple of minutes and then shower and get ready to go. They had another big party to get ready for. I mentioned one more time our Cinco de Mayo party and they said they had it set on their phone and they'd be here. Just to give them the details once it got closer.

The caterers got up and we used the outside shower. Graham and I took our time drying them off. They were erect once we finished drying them. We gave them each a good blowjob. Sucking that foreskin back and forth over their big cock heads. They really liked that. We played with their balls and continued sucking until they shot in our mouths and down our throats. They said, "that's the best goodbye present we've had in a long time."

We all went upstairs and they finished their packing. They carried their overnight bags downstairs and thanked us for a great weekend and were looking forward to our Cinco de Mayo party. I told them before they left I always gave our guests a special goodbye present. I told them to drop their shorts and underwear. They looked at me kind of funny. I kissed them each on the head of their cocks and then they pulled their underwear and shorts back up. We got into a group hug and kiss and Graham and I watched them leave.

"I don't know about you babe, but I'm exhausted."

"I hear you. I feel the same way. I sure don't feel like cooking dinner. How about we order delivery?"

"That's music to my ears." I picked up my cell phone and call the Chinese restaurant. We hadn't eaten Chinese food for awhile. We had been hitting the Thai food pretty hard. They told me they would deliver in about thirty minutes.

"What should we do until our food arrives?"

"Let's go back out to the pool."

"I'm going up to the bedroom and grab a couple of robes for us and I'll be right back."

I watched Graham walk down to the pool. He always looks so hot. I ran upstairs and got a couple of our plush robes and brought them to the pool. We laid them on our lounger and dove into the pool. The water felt refreshing. We swam a few laps and did a good job on our flip turns. We climbed out and Graham grabbed us a couple of cold beers from the tiki bar. Surprisingly, this was the only beer we had drank all weekend. The beer tasted good, because it was really cold.

I heard speaker and put my robe on and went up to press the button for the gate. I saw a guy on a motorcycle pull in. He had our food in some kind of plastic container strapped to the back of his motorcycle. He walked up with our food to the front door. I opened the door for him and asked to put our food on the kitchen island. I paid him and left him a tip and he left. He was a nice looking young man, but didn't seem interested in me. Oh well, that was ok. I have my man and that's all I need.

I put some plates on a tray with our Chinese food. We had beer to drink. I brought the tray down to the pool and set it on a small table. We sat at the table and served ourselves. I was going to use the chopsticks included. Graham was still trying to get the hang of using chopsticks. I had showed him a couple of times how to hold the chopsticks. But he still ended up spearing his food with the chopsticks. I had brought a fork and knife for Graham.

We made a big dent in the Chinese food and thought we could snack on the rest. We were going to watch a movie downstairs in the theater room. Graham helped me take everything back to the kitchen. I told him to go downstairs and get a movie ready. I'd be down shortly. I found some containers for the left over Chinese food and stuck it in the frig. When I opened the frig, I saw the other appetizer tray. I had forgot about the second tray. Oh well, it would give Graham and me something to nibble on with the Chinese food. I found room in the frig for the left overs and went downstairs to join Graham.

I saw that Graham had the next Agatha Christie movie ready in the series. I sat down next to him and we put an arm around each other and Graham started the movie. This movie was also in black and white. It was good, but a long movie with an intermission. I told Graham I would get some snacks ready for us. I asked him what he wanted to drink. He said some of the good refreshment if any was left. Or a bottle of water. "We have bottled water in the small frig here in the theater room." I'll check and see what we have upstairs. I ran up the stairs and pulled out the snack tray. I made some room for some of the Chinese food. There was enough srefreshment for one glass. I poured Graham the last glass of refreshment. I had everything on the snack tray and carried his glass down to the theater room. Graham saw me and walked over and helped me. He took his refreshment and I sat the snack tray down on the wide arm of the theater chair. I grabbed myself a bottle of water from the frig.

Graham hit the pause to continue the movie. We nibbled on the snacks and Chinese food and soon the intermission was over and the movie continued. I reached over once in awhile get some more appetizers. I really liked them. Graham liked everything. That's why I put the snack tray close to him.

We kept nibbling and soon I saw Graham eating the last couple of pieces of appetizers. The movie ended and we were ready to call it a day. We were tired after our sexcapades with the caterers. They had worn us out and tomorrow was the beginning of another work week.

Graham turned off the theater system and we walked upstairs to the kitchen. I put the snack tray in the dishwasher and the silverware we used.

We walked upstairs. I didn't know who was holding the other tighter. The bed felt good and we snuggled together and soon were sound asleep.

The alarm woke us up. Already Monday morning. I was actually looking forward to work. I liked my job and I thought it would give me a chance to get rested. Felt pretty good and Graham and I made our way downstairs to workout. Dave was their and I wanted to ask him about Cal again. He said Cal was doing good. He was restless and couldn't wait to get back to work. Dave said Cal was going to try working out with us tomorrow morning. He was using the pool everyday. A couple of times a day and that was really helping the strength in his legs. "I'm planning on stopping over after work and talk to Cal for a few minutes. Remember, everyone. We are having a Cinco de Mayo party and Graham and I will soon be calling you with the details. We all got into a good workout. Showered. Jerking each other off. Dried each other off, got dressed and went upstairs for one of Mabel's good breakfast.

We could all smell breakfast as we walked up the stairs. Mabel had the table ready outside under the covered patio. She told us all to take a seat and she would bring out our breakfast. It looked like a buffet once she had all the food out. But we were good eaters and I knew there wouldn't be much left. We all dug in and that breakfast was really good. Mabel told me she was making two pitchers of her fruit punch. That stuff was really good.

We all finished breakfast and it was time to get to work. Everyone thanked Mabel for a great breakfast and we got together in the garage. We group hugged and kissed and took off for work.

My day was going well and it was already lunchtime. Graham told me he wouldn't be able to make it for lunch. I call Steve and he said he was having a busy day and wouldn't be able to leave for lunch. Oh well. I'll take some time to talk to Jenna before I got to the diner.

Lunchtime came around and I left a few minutes early. I wanted to talk to Jenna first and mention our Cinco de Mayo party. Graham and I had finalized the day and time. We would have the party on Saturday. Cinco de Mayo fell on Thursday. That wouldn't work for the party.

I walked over to J & M Decorators and walked in. A girl was working at the front counter and I told her I would like to talk to Jenna. She called back for Jenna.

Jenna walked out from the back and said, "hi Bob, what a pleasant surprise."

"Hi Jenna. I had some time and wanted to stop in and talk to you."

"Anything specific on your mind?"

"Yes. A couple of things. First, I was wondering how Margaret was doing? And second we are having our Cinco de Mayo party on the Saturday after May 5th. I'm hoping you can do the decorations?"

"That's a lot of questions." Smiling. "I have been in constant contact with Margaret. She sounded content and settled in. She told me work has been non stop. And she said she's booked at least a month ahead. I knew Margaret would do good in New York City, and she would work her wonders. Like I said before, she's a customer magnet. She has the perfect personality and her decorating skills, I hate to say it, are better than mine."

"I'm glad everything is going well for Margaret. And for you too. Margaret definitely has a great personality and the ability to talk to anyone."

"Now to answer your second question. I had Saturday marked tentatively as the day of your party. I will make the appointment permanent in my book. I already have some ideas I've been kicking around. I'm not sure if Margaret will be here to do the decorating or if me and my crew will do the decorating. Anyhow, it will get done and the ideas for the decorations are already in the works."

"That sounds perfect Jenna. I can't wait to see how you decorate for Cinco de Mayo. I'm on my way to lunch and then back to work. Always good talking to you and the next time you talk to Margaret give her our best from Graham and Bob."

"I'll do that Bob. And thanks for coming in."

I walked to the diner which was only a couple of blocks away. It was pretty busy. I ordered my regular black coffee and had the special. It seemed strange to be eating by myself. I had started our lists of friends to call for our Cinco de Mayo party. I will finish the lists when I get home today and start calling. I know Graham will be late since it's Monday. I finished my lunch and walked back to work. Millie was busy and didn't have time to talk.

The afternoon went fast and I emailed my list of friends to call to the computer at the house. I could double check the two lists and then print them out and start calling when I got home.

I was soon on my way home. I finished work just after five. I was caught up with all the patients that had to reschedule because of the storm. While I was driving home, I was thinking and wondering what kind of decorating ideas Jenna had for our party. I'm sure it would be something unique.

I pulled into the garage and didn't see Graham's car. I didn't expect to. I walked into the kitchen and Mabel had left for the day. The house seemed pretty quiet being in here by myself. No caterers and no Graham yet. I checked the frig and Mable had made two pitchers of her home made fruit punch. I couldn't wait to sample it. I ran upstairs and stripped off my work clothes and put on an old ratty jock. One that I liked. It was pretty much stretched out, but was super comfortable.

I walked back down to the kithcen and poured a large glass of the fruit punch and put a couple of cubes of ice in it and walked to the library/study room. I wanted to check my lists and see if I left anybody out or needed to make any changes and then print the two lists and start calling our friends. It was still a couple of weeks before the party. But I liked calling everyone early to give them time to plan to attend.

I took a big gulp of the fruit punch. I thought it tasted better this time, than the time before. It was good and I knew I would soon be pouring myself a second glass. I opened the email and started checking the lists. I hadn't left anybody out and had made the necessary changes. Adding Steve's partner the bodyguards and now the caterers. We were getting a nice sized group of friends. And everybody got along so well. I knew they would like the caterers. They had a lot to offer to our group. In more ways than one. I printed out the lists and took them with me and my fruit punch to the living room.

I turned on the tv and watched the early news and weather and started calling friends on Graham's list. It was going pretty smooth and I was lucky being able to talk directly to everyone. Everyone I called said they couldn't wait for the party. And they would be sure to mark it on their calendar and attend. I finished Graham's list and then started on mine. I was having good luck. I left a message for Cotton. Anthony and Roland wouldn't be able to come, they were in the middle of work and a big auction. Kendrick and John were coming as well as Brock. Steve was bringing his partner and he seemed glad about that. That went smoothly and that was everyone on our two lists. We were going to have a good turnout. When I called the caterers, I told them I wanted them doing our buffet and appetizers. They said they would do something extra special since it was for us and they definitely were coming to the party. Preston told me he would work something out for entertainment. And would take care of the waiters and bartenders. I thanked him for his help. I called the DJ and he marked it on his calendar. He said he wouldn't miss one of our parties. They were always the best and a lot of fun.

Graham still hadn't come home. He was having a long day. I would wait and eat dinner with him when he got home. I went down to the pool and relaxed. Graham would be surprised that everything was done for the party. It would be one less thing for him to have to deal with. He's been very busy and it was the least I could do to help out.

I thought I heard the sliding doors. I did and I saw my handsome hunk walking down to the pool and wearing a green jock from the St. Patrick's Day party. He filled it out nicely. He walked over to me and gave me a kiss and hug and then laid down next to me.

I told Graham all about the party. And how everything was in place. He didn't have to do anything. Just wait for two Saturdays until the party day. I asked him if he wanted a glass of Mabel's delicious fruit punch. He told me sure. I got up and went to the kitchen and poured Graham a tall glass of the fruit punch and put a little ice in so it was nice and cold. I came back down and handed the glass to Graham. "Thanks babe. This tastes better than the last time." I told Graham I thought the same thing.

We relaxed by the pool and decided to do a few laps. Graham and I decided to have a competition. The loser had to get dinner warmed and ready to eat. We started at the shallow end and we started out pretty even. Then I started to pull ahead of Graham and Graham said he couldn't do any more laps. I knew he was tired from a long day of work and it wasn't fair to have this competition. I told Graham I would get dinner ready and we could eat at the table under the covered part of the patio.

I took Graham's glass with me and refilled it and took him down to him. I had our dinner warming in the microwave. I got back to the kitchen when the the microwave buzzed. I put everything on a tray and poured myself another glass of the fruit punch. I told Graham dinner was ready and he walked up. We ate and had a good conversation about our upcoming party. Graham said he was going to be putting in some long days. He and Preston were working with some major clients and there were plans for some new investment projects. Some major ones according to Graham. He told me he wanted to surprise me when the everything was finalized. No hints or clues.

We didn't do much the rest of the day. We relaxed on the couch in the living room, watching the new and weather and started watching some Monday night football. But I saw Graham nodding off and we headed to bed.

We snuggled and cuddled together and I looked at Graham and he was already fast asleep.

The next few days went quickly. Graham was putting in long hours and tired when he got home. Cal joined us in the morning for our daily workout. He was looking good and seemed like the old Cal we knew. He said he was feeling good and next week he could start working half days. Cal did a lot of exercising on his legs. The treadmill and then weights. I saw him grimace and heard him groan a few times. I told him not to overdue it. Just a little at a time and soon his full strength would be back.

Friday when I got home from work. I was relaxing by the pool and waiting for Graham to get home when my cell phone rang. It was the manager and partner of our good friend the British star. "Hi. It's good to hear from you."

"The star is finishing his tour this weekend and then heading to his French Riviera villa and would like you and Graham to visit if you can get away."

"How soon will you be going to the villa?"

"Like is said, the star is finishing his tour this weekend. Then it will take a few days to wrap everything up. So we are planning on flying to the villa in a couple of weeks."

"Next Saturday we are having a Cinco de Mayo party. It would sure be nice if you guys could come. But I know it's not possible with the star's privacy issues. But after next weekend we will be free. And I will see how much time I can take off and will mention this to Graham and have him check to. Then I'll get back to you."

"That sounds perfect Bob. It would be fun to meet your friends and join you at your Cinco de Mayo party. But like you said, the privacy issue is important to the star. I'll wait to hear from you. I hope you and Graham can get away. I know that star is really looking forward to you guys joining us."

"We'll try to get away and as soon as I know for sure. I'll give you a call."

"Ok Bob. Will look forward to your call."

That was surprise. Graham and I are due for a vacation. Graham has been working hard and putting in long hours. He needs a vacation. We have to try and take the time off and go to the villa.

Graham made it home and joined me outside by the pool. He was naked with a robe draped over his shoulders. I told him about the phone call from the manager/partner of the British star. He said he was ready now for a vacation. In a few weeks everything should be back on pace and a vacation will be very welcome. I told Graham I was going to get it scheduled on my calendar at work so Shirley could schedule around my vacation.

Graham and I didn't do much. I knew Graham was tired. We ate dinner together and drank some delicious refreshemnt. Watched some tv and went to bed.

The next few days flew by. Shirley wasn't too happy about having to reschedule patients. But she knew better than to say anything. We had been busy at the clinic and now we were back to a regular schedule so the rescheduling shouldn't be a problem.

Jenna was busy finalizing the decorations for the Cinco de Mayo party. She was expecting the last shipment of decorations today and then they could start the decorating. She was going to decorate like a Mexican market. Very colorful and with some typical Mexican merchandise. The stage would be decorated with sombreros, Mexican flags and colorful pinatas. One market stall would have the buffet and the other market stall would be the bar. The bar would be stocked with Corona beer tequila and tequila mix. A few other brands of beer would be their and some other hard liquor. The buffet would be traditional Mexican food. Mole enchiladas burritos tacos tortillas and spicy cheese dip with tortilla chips. The waiters would have sombreros that were inverted and were serving trays. Sombreros would be given out at the entrance along with jocks with a big jalapeno pepper on the front.

Preston had everything worked out for entertainment. It would be a big surprise for Bob and Graham. It was the least he could do. He couldn't thank Graham enough for making him a co-owner of the investment firm. He was sure Bob had something to do with it. So anytime he could do something for Bob and Graham he made sure he would.

Graham and Bob had some good love making sessions over the next few days. They couldn't seem to get enough of each other. From what they heard. The bodyguards and the caterers were coming Friday night and staying the weekend. They thought they had better get some rest before they came. It would be a sex filled weekend.

Friday came around and Jenna and her crew had already been busy since Thursday getting the decorations done for the Cinco de Mayo party. I let her and her crew do their thing. I wasn't going to get in their way. I didn't even peek. I wanted to be surprised and I'm was sure I would be.

Friday when I got home early. A large truck was in the entrance. The truck looked familiar, but I couldn't place it. I walked in and Mabel told me Jenna and her crew had been working all day. I told her to fix them something for Jenna and her crewto eat and drink. When I peeked out the sliding glass doors. I was a group of men setting up a stage. That's where that truck was from. The In and Out Bar. It was the owner's portable stage with sound and lighting equipment.

I was sure Preston had something to do with that. I knew he was taking care of entertainment.

I sat in the living room so I could peek outside. I couldn't really see much with the reflection of the sun.

Graham told me he would be working late again. He and Preston were wrapping up some big investment contracts. Graham told me he was having Irving and Mark sit in on their meetings. He wanted them to get experience so they could start working on some of their big contracts.

I heard Jenna tap on the sliding doors that open to the outside patio. I opened the door and she told me they were close to finishing and were putting a few last minute touches on things. If I wanted to come out and take a look around. I walked out and it looked fantastic. How they come up with these ideas I had no clue. It looked like a typical Mexican market. Or at least what I thought a Mexican market would look like. Lots of bright colors. Using green white and red mostly. The colors of the Mexican flag. The DJ had his own little ranchito where he could get setup. Complete with an artificial red tile roof with adobe walls. As you walked down you felt like you were in a market. The buffet stall and bar stall were decorated with red tile roofs and some kind of styrofoam was used to make the adobe walls. Pinatas were hanging down in the corners of the stalls with souvenirs you would see in the market for tourists. Mexican flags were all over and some were strung together to make streamers. The stage was decorated with sombreros pinatas and Mexican flags. Overall, I was satisfied and I thought they did an excellent job of decorating. I told Jenna this was another outstanding decorating job. She had a large box by the entrance to the patio. That had sombreros for all our friends to wear. My special order jocks with a large jalapeno pepper on the front should be arriving. I noticed they had also decorated the roof on the pergola and put some decorations in the plants and on the palm trees. I watched as they finished and packed up the extra things. I thanked Jenna again and her crew and they loaded the rest of their things in the van and they left.

It was just after four. I was wondering how late Graham would be. He didn't give me a time. I don't think he knew for sure. I was hungry and checked out the frig. I found some things to warm. I went upstairs and changed while the microwave was warmed my late lunch.

I threw my work clothes in the hamper and found my St. Patrick's jock and put that on with some flip flops.

I went back to the kitchen and my lunch was ready. I put it on a plate with a glass of refreshment and went to the living room. I sat my food and drink down on the coffee table and I heard the speaker. Damn, I ran upstairs quick and threw a robe on and ran back downstairs and opened the gate. A delivery truck entered with a medium sized box. I signed for the box and thanked the driver. I took the box in and I could tell by the mailing address it was the specialty jocks I had ordered. I was anxious to see how they looked. I set the box in the living and ate my lunch. I put everything away and went back to the living room and opened the box. I pulled out one of the jocks and they were perfect. They were green white and red. Just like the colors of the Mexican flag with a big plastic jalapeno pepper hanging down in the front. I had ordered five dozen. I wanted to make sure we had enough and if some of the guys wanted an extra jock. There should be some available.

I set the jocks out by the box of sombreros. I noticed another large stall across from the DJ. This was where the guys could change out of their clothes and put the jocks on. There was enough room in the stall for both boxes. The sombreros and the jocks. Perfect. I noticed there were numbered wrist bands to wear to identify their clothes.

I turned the news on and watched it and then the weather. It looked like a nice weekend. Perfect weather for a party.

While I watched the weather, I heard the speaker again. I opened the gate and it looked like the bodyguard's van followed by the car I remembered the caterers drove. I was glad they were arriving at the same time. They parked on the side of the garage in the large parking area. I saw them take out overnight bags and talk. I think they were introducing themselves. I heard laughing and joking around it sounded like they were getting well acquainted. They all walked up to the front door and I opened it, wearing just my St. Patrick's Day jock and flip flops. "Hello guys. Glad you could make it. It looks like you all got acquainted?"

"We did." said one of the bodyguards. "These caterers are some hot dudes."

We got into a group hug and kiss. They asked me where Graham was. I told them he and Preston were busy finalizing some big investment contracts.

I told them to follow me and led them upstairs to the guest bedrooms. I told them they could pick whatever bedrooms they wanted. It should give them plenty of room for their clothes. I knew they would pick the bedrooms that were adjoined. I watched them as they put their things away in the dresser drawers and closet.

Once they had all finished they got comfortable in jocks, like me. I had put robes in the guest room closets. They put on flip flops and we all walked downstairs.

We out to the backyard so they could see the decorations. "This is awesome Bob? It really looks like a Mexican market."

We all walked around so they could take in everything. And they we wound up lounging by the pool. I grabbed a beer for all of us from the tiki bar. We talked some more and they told me how busy they have been with catering and the bodyguards with a big job they just finished.

I heard some noise and saw Graham walking around. He was wearing a jock and looking around. He walked to down to us and we all got up and gave him a kiss and hug. "I really like these decorations. They really make it look like an authenic Mexican market."

Graham got on the lounger with me. I got up and got him a beer. He looked a little tired, but I didn't say anything.

I mentioned to everyone that we should eat out tonight at Milo's. They all liked that idea. And told them I was going to call now and make reservations for us for seven. That would give us some time to relax and then get ready for eating out. I grabbed my cell phone off the table and called Milo's. "Hello, this Martin. How may I help you?"

"Hello Martin, Bob here. I would like to make reservation for eight people at seven this evening."

"No problem Bob. Consider it done and we will look forward to seeing you and Graham and your friends."

"Thanks Martin." I then disconnected. "It's all set guys for seven at Milo's."

We relaxed some more. Did a little swimming in the pool and then we thought we should get ready to go out and eat. We showered, using the outside shower and rinsing off the chlorine. We were all semi hard, but thought no fooling around until we got home. We put our robes on and went upstairs to get dressed for dinner.

Graham and I decided on some casual dress clothes that we had tailored made. We hadn't worn these clothes since we were with the star and his partner. It brought back memories. You could notice a bulge in the front of our dress pants, but we didn't care. We thought we looked pretty good. We walked out of our bedroom. And I heard noise downstairs.

Graham and I walked down to the foyer and living room and the guys were waiting for us. I told them I didn't think we could all fit in my SUV. We should probably use two vehicles. The caterers said they had a big car and could help out.

Graham me and two of the bodyguards would ride with us. The caterers and the other two bodyguards would go in their car. They were going to follow me, as they weren't exactly sure how to get to Milo's.

We all piled into the two vehicles and the caterers were following me. I arrived at Milo's with no problems. Traffic was light so we made good time. I parked and I saw the caterers park next to me. We all got out of our vehicles and walked up to the front doors. Martin was right there to let us in. I thought Martin was going to start hyperventilating when he saw the bodyguards and caterers. We followed Martin to our private dining room. Graham and I hadn't been in this dining room before. It was larger to hold more people. We got seated and I thought Martin's eyes were going to pop out of his head. He couldn't stop staring. "Maybe you can get our waiter for us Martin." That seemed to waken him out of his trance and he was gone to get our waiter.

Our waiter came in. He was nice looking young man. Probably college age and making some money for his studies. He seemed noticably nervous and I wondered what Martin had told him. He asked us in a rather shaky voice if we would like something to drink. We all ordered beer which made it easy for him. The waiter left and we all looked at each other and asked, "what was that all about? He was obviously nervous about something."

"I have no clue. Maybe he's nervous they're six hunky men sitting at the table."

That brought a smile to their faces and said they were going to have a little fun when he returned with our beer.

Soon the door opened to our dining room and the waiter came in with a tray of chilled beer mugs. I noticed a couple of the bodyguards sitting out a little ways from the table. The waiter was going around handing out our beers. When he got to the bodyguards sitting a little out from the table. They were noticeably rubbing a big bulge in their pants. The waiter almost spilled their beer when he handed their mugs to them. He was rattled again. With another nervous voice he told us our dinner would be served soon and left. I left as fast as he could.

The beer tasted good. But this was my second one and I was starting to feel full. Soon the waiter came back with a large tray that he set in the middle of the table. Then put some smaller trays on the table. He put down our place settings with some nice looking silverware. I noticed the waiter was trying to stay focused on his work and not look around. He asked us if we would like to be served. That got a smile from a couple of the bodyguards. One of the bodyguards spoke up, rubbing his growing bulge and told the waiter he could serve him first.

The waiter took the cover off the big platter. There was a standing rib roast with different beef tips. An au jus dipping sauce was on the table for the meat. Buttered potato balls. Fresh green salad and a vegetable medley. The bodyguard told the waiter he would take that big piece of meat. He always liked his meat big. I was getting really upset and I thought the two bodyguards were out of line. We were in a public restaurant and the owner of Milo's was a good friend and had went out of his way to make us feel comfortable in his restaurant. I thought I better take these two bodyguards aside and explain a few things to them. I asked the waiter to leave for a couple of minutes and then come back and finish serving. Graham knew I was upset. He could tell by my mannerisms.

Once the waiter left the dining room, everyone was looking at me. I was direct and to the point. I explained how we were special guests at Milo's and the owner was very nice to us. We don't have to pay for anything. Our meals and drinks are always on the house and that includes our friends. "I think it's way out of line for you two to behave and act the way you are in a public restaurant. I don't know if the waiter will want to work here again and I don't know what he's going to tell Martin and the owner is here. He deserves an apology when he comes back and I expect everyone to be on their best behavior and appreciate what we have here to eat and drink. And not take advantage of that poor waiter. I feel sorry for him. I hope he comes back and finishes our serving and waiting."

The bodyguards gave the waiter an apology and said they were sorry for being so out of line and would give the waiter an apology when he came back. Just then the door opened and the waiter came back in. The bodyguard that had been giving the waiter a bad time stood up and faced the waiter and told him he was sorry for his behavior and told him that he and his friends would be on their best behavior. They shook hands and the waiter looked better and finished serving us our dinner. We all ordered another beer except for me and I ordered a glass of the house red wine.

Once the waiter left. I thanked the bodyguards for apologizing and hoped this would never happen again in public. We had some good conversation and really enjoyed our dinner. The wine was good and tasted better than beer. The waiter came back to clear our dinner dishes and asked us if we would like dessert. We asked him what they had. He said they had a dessert cart prepared for us and he wheeled it in. We had coffee and sampled some of the different desserts on the cart.

Once we finished, we declined an after dinner drink and thanked the waiter for excellent service. I saw the bodyguards give the waiter, which looked like, a sizeable tip. I saw the waiters eyes get big and he smiled and thanked them. They shook hands and then we all left. Martin opened the door us and thanked us for coming to Milo's for dinner.

We got in our vehicles and drove home. I had told the caterers to park in the garage. That would give more parking space for tomorrow if it was needed. I figured most everyone would park in the vacant lot which was close to the house.

Once we got inside the house. The bodyguards said they had a surprise for me to make up for the bad behavior at the restaurant. They told us all to get naked and then head downstairs. What I didn't know they had talked to Graham and Graham had ran downstairs and turned on the radiator to the sauna. He was already back upstairs. We went to our bedrooms and stripped off our clothes and put some flip flops on walked out into the hallway. The other guys soon came out of the other bedrooms naked and told Graham and me to follow them. We went downstairs and grabbed towels from the lockerroom and went into a warm sauna.

We laid our towels on the top seating area. We were able to sit close together. It was a little cramped, but not uncomfortable. Graham was closet to the water valve and timer. I told him to set the timer for thirty minutes and he could start the steam. He started dripping water down on the rocks. You could see the steam rising. Soon the sauna was hot and steamy. I was glad I sitting at the opposite end between the caterers. I was still a little pissed with the bodyguards and I think they knew it.

Our thirty minutes was up and I was glad. I told the guys I was tired and was going to bed and would see them in the morning. Graham told me he would take care of everything. Turning off the radiator and putting the towels in laundry basket. The guys asked Graham if I was still mad. Graham said, "probably. Bob takes that kind of thing seriously. We've done a lot for the town. Bob, more than me. And when they want to give back something. Bob takes it very seriously. Don't worry. By tomorrow morning he'll be back to his regular self."

"I hope so," said one of the bodyguards. "I don't want Bob mad at us. He's been very good to us and I'd hate to lose his friendship."

"Don't worry about it. He will probably talk to me about it tonight in bed. And we'll get everything worked out."

We all went upstairs to bed. "I wish I could join you guys. But I need to be with my man and get him calmed down for the party tomorrow. You all have fun and enjoy yourself and I'll see you in the morning."

The bodyguards and caterers went out to the pool and enjoyed the pool and each other.

I heard Graham come into the bedroom. I was propped up and watching a movie on tv. "I thought you'd be asleep?"

"Too much on my mind to fall asleep."

"Want to talk about it?"

"Sure. Get naked and join me in bed and I'll tell you what I'm thinking." I watched Graham undress and just admired his body. He is so hot and sexy. He climbed in bed next to me. "Ok. So what have you all stirred up?"

"I appreciate the bodyguards apologizing to the waiter and giving him a tip. That was all real nice. My concern is if the waiter talked to Martin. Martin is like a walking newspaper. Martin would talk to the owner and then I think everything would go downhill fast. A ripple effect would start. The owner would talk to his friends. We probably wouldn't be allowed in Milo's anymore. The Italian Restaurant would cut us off. Soon our friends would find out and business people. We could see a decline in clients for you and patients for me. People would start avoiding us and on and on and on."

"Babe I think your blowing this out of proportion. The waiter isn't going to say anything to anybody."

"Are you sure about that? He might have already talked to Martin before the bodyguards apologized and gave him a tip."

"I doubt it. I don't think the waiter would do that."

"Well, we don't know for sure. Tomorrow morning I want to talk to everyone in the library/study room. Make sure everybody is clothed. Jenna and her crew are coming early to make sure nothings moved or came apart. They will give the decorations the once over."

"I'm going to tell the bodyguards and caterers about putting on clothes when they get up. I'll be right back."

Graham left and I thought about what Graham said. But I was still unsure. I couldn't see any reason why the waiter wouldn't talk to Martin and then Martin would talk to the owner.

Graham came back and told me they would be dressed when they got up. They were still concerned and said they would meet in the library/study room tomorrow morning for my meeting with them.

I turned off the tv and Graham cuddled up to me. I had a hard time falling asleep. Too many things on my mind. I was just hoping everything would be okay. Tomorrow I should know.

I must have fallen asleep. When I woke up sunshine was coming in through the curtains. I didn't see Graham. He was probably in the bathroom. I crawled out of bed and went to the bathroom. Graham wasn't there. He must be downstairs. I wasn't sure if I was ready to face the bodyguards and caterers yet. So I crawled back to bed. I heard Graham come in and he said breakfast was ready. I asked him if he would fix the bed table for me with a plate of fruit and juice. I wasn't ready to face everybody yet. Graham told me he would be right back.

Graham came back with the bed table. He had a plate of fruit and a glass of juice for me. "Thanks babe. Looks good."

"Everyone is concerned Bob about what you are going to say in your meeting. The bodyguards made a great breakfast. Everyone is dressed and packed and ready to leave. They are just waiting on you."

"They don't need to leave, but if that is the way they feel. Then so be it." I finished my breakfast and took a shower and got dressed. I walked out of the bedroom and went downstairs. "Is everybody ready to meet in the library/study room?"

We all gathered in the library/study room. I had rehearsed in my mind what I wanted to say. It would be short and to the point. Everyone took a seat on chairs and the sofa. I was standing. They were all looking at me with concern on their faces. "Ok. Let's get this over with. First, I'm very disappointed with the conduct of you guys at Milo's last night. I know you apologized to the waiter and give him a tip. Second, my concern is that the waiter talked to Martin. Martin is like a walking newspaper. He would go immediately to the owner and tell him what happened. Then a ripple effect would start. The owner would cut us off from coming to Milo's. He would talk to his friends. We wouldn't be allowed at the Italian Restaurant. Soon our friends and colleagues would find out. Graham and I would lose business and people would start avoiding us. I'm very concerned. You guys have anything you want to say?"

One of the bodyguards started talking. "Again, we are sorry for last night. I think we should go to Milo's and talk to the owner to make sure everything is okay. And explain we were responsible for the bad conduct and it nothing to do with you or Graham. Then we will leave. We won't come back for the party. I'll call Graham and tell what happened after we talked to the owner."

"Do you have the phone number for Milo's?"

"No. Could you or Graham give me the number?"

I gave the phone number to the bodyguard. And he said he was calling right now to Milo's to see if the owner was in or when he would be expected. We watched the bodyguard call Milo's. The bodyguard identified himself to Martin and Martin told him the owner was in all morning doing paperwork and he could see them.

The bodyguard passed the information on to everyone. They packed their overnight bags in their vehicles. Graham walked out with them. I stayed in the house. I saw them kiss and hug and I heard one of the bodyguards tell Graham he would call after they had talkt to the owner. And I saw them leave. Graham walked back in. "Well, that's over."

"I hope they can clear the air with the owner."

"One of the bodyguards told me he would call me after they talked to the owner of Milo's. He also said, he wasn't sure if they would every be back. The caterers agreed with the bodyguards."

"If that is the way they feel. Then it's probably better if they don't come here. They needed to understand that their actions could have serious consequences for us. And if they can't handle that. Then it is what it is."

Graham and I cleaned the kitchen and put everything away. I didn't eat anything else. I wasn't really hungry. I heard the speaker and Graham pressed the button for the gate. I saw Jenna's van pull in. She and the crew got out and walked up to the front door. Graham and I greeted them and they went to the backyard to check the decorations. It only took them about thirty minutes to check everything and then they were gone. We thanked Jenna again for an excellent decorating job.

The caterers followed the bodyguards van to Milo's. They were upset with themselves and with Bob. They felt Bob was taking this too serious and that probably nothing was ever said to Martin or the owner. They didn't know for sure, but would find out when they arrived at Milo's. They could tell my Martin's reaction if he knew what had happened. They saw the sign up ahead for Milo's and they parked. It looked like a few people were their for breakfast. They walked up to the front door. The caterers stayed behind since they were indirectly involved. Martin opened the doors for them and seemed like his regular self. Just wait here and I'll see if the owner can see you right now. They waited in the entrance for Martin to return. He soon walked back to them. "The owner can see you now. Follow me."

We followed Martin to a back hallway. We remembered the dining room was back here. Martin knocked on a door and deep bass voice said, "come in."

The four of us walked into the owner's office. The owner stood up and shook our hands. "Take a seat gentlemen. How can I help you? I don't need protection so what brings you here?" Obviously the owner didn't know anything about what happened last night, but we thought we'd better clear the air and explain Bob's concern. So I told the owner everything that had happened. Told him what Bob had told us and his concerns. The owner nodded his head off and on, but mostly just sat and listened until I finished.

The owner cleared his throat. "Well, that is quite a story. I appreciate you being honest and coming here and telling me about the incident last night. Nothing was or has been mentioned to me about last night. The only thing I heard was that one of the waiter's was really happy and I had received the largest tip ever. I appreciate you guys coming here telling me this. That shows responsibility on your part. I would like you to know your always welcome here at Milo's and since your friends of Bob and Graham, your meals will be on the house. You can reassure Bob and Graham that there will be no repercussions and like I told you men, this is the first I heard about anything happening last night. I do have a lot of paperwork to get done. So I need to cut this short. We all stood up and shook hands and the owner thanked us again for coming and being honest and up front with him.

We walked out of the office and Martin was right their to show us to the entrance. "Hope to see you guys here to eat at Milo's soon. Thank you for coming to Milo's."

We walked back to our van. The caterers got out and we talked about our conversation with the owner and what he told us. "What do you think we should do?"

"I know I don't want to be at the party. I'm not in a party mood. I don't know about you guys? I'm going to call Graham and tell him about our talk with the owner and tell him we won't be attending the party. What do you guys want to do?"

"Since Bob hired our caterering service. We have to be their. We told our staff that we would take care of the party and they could stay at the store. But I think we will deliver ourHiappetizers and then leave and not stay for the party. We're not real happy at this time with Bob and his overreaction."

"Ok. I'm going to call Graham right now."

"Hi. How did you talk go with the owner of Milo's?"

I told Graham how the owner didn't know anything about last night. He appreciated our honesty and being up front with him and we were always welcome at Milo's free of charge since we were friends of you and Bob. We have decided not to attend the party and the caterers will deliver their appetizers and then leave. They will not be staying for the party either."

"I'm glad to hear everything is good with the owner. However, I was hoping you guys would be here at the party. But I can understand your reluctance. Maybe next time. Thanks for calling and I'll pass the information on to Bob."

I told Bob what the bodyguard had told me. And he gave a big sigh of relief. I also told Bob that the bodyguards would not be coming to the party and the caterers would deliver their appetizers and then leave. They were not staying for party.

Bob just nodded his head in agreement and didn't say anything. I had no idea what he was thinking.

I heard the speaker and pressed the button for the gate. The DJ came in and I showed him where his spot was for setting up. He really liked the decorations and thought they looked pretty realistic. I showed him the sombreros and jocks. I didn't see Bob. I didn't know where he was.

Bob came downstairs and I told him the DJ was here and getting setup. Bob asked me about the waiters and bartenders. But I told them them hadn't arrived yet. Then he asked about the appetizers and I told him the caterers hadn't come yet, either.

I walked down to the pool and relaxed for a bit. I was glad the owner of Milo's hadn't heard about the bad behavior of the bodyguards. I was still pissed at the bodyguards and it would take some time for me to get over that. I was glad they weren't here for the party. Then I wouldn't see them and keep thinking about last night. Hopefully, I can enjoy this party. I heard the speaker and got up and walked to the foyer and pressed the button for the gate. It was the caterers with the appetizers. I started looking for Graham, but couldn't find him. I didn't really want to see or talk to the caterers. But it looked like I didn't have any choice. I opened the door for them and told them they could put the appetizers on the kitchen island. They had already been prepaid. I thanked them and they left. I was glad to see them go too. The least number of people I had around to remember last night, the better.

I talked to the DJ for a bit. He told me he had plenty of room and was already doing a couple of sound tests. He has some pre-recorded Mexican music to play. I checked the time and it was already after eleven thirty. I was wondering where the bartenders and waiters were. They should have been here by now. I started looking around for Graham to see if he got a call or knew what was happening with them.

I started walking around and found him way down the pool changing house. I asked Graham about the bartenders and waiters and said he hadn't heard anything. I asked him if I should call Preston, since he was taking care of the bartenders and waiters. Graham told me to wait a few more minutes and then he'd give Preston a call.

I heard the speaker again and now was wondering who was here. To my relief it was the bartenders and waiters. I let them in and showed them where the buffet was setup and where they could setup the bar. I told them mainly would be serving margaritas and Corona beer. I showed them where everything was for the bar. I saw Graham pressing the button for the gate. He told me the catered buffet was here. I was using the same caterers and they were back again to set up the buffet. I left and let Graham talk to them.

I heard the DJ playing some Mexican music. I was wondering if anyone knew how to dance to Mexican music.

The caterers left and I checked out the buffet. It looked good. I noticed the chilli was in separate ceramic containers. Good. I can't handle anything real spicy. It looked like enchiladas tamales tacos ground red beans with sour cream melted cheese with chili and tortilla chips tortillas mole machaca-shredded dried beef menudo-pork stew quesadillas both chicken and beef and guacamole. It was quite a spread and looked amazing. Almost looked too good to eat.

I showed one of the waiters where the room was for changing clothes. And the box of sombreros and the jocks. He changed right there in front of me and put on one of the jocks and a sombrero. The DJ had already changed into his jock and sombrero. The guard that we had used before at parties was now at the front gate and would only let in people on the printed guest list. Anybody else that showed, he would check with us first before he let them in.

Graham and I had changed earlier and were wearing the jocks with the jalapeno peppers on the front and our sombreros.

Guests were starting to arrive and I directed them to the changing room. They liked the sombreros and jocks. I saw some big jalapeno peppers flopping and swinging around. I was starting to feel better and getting into the feel of the party as more and more of our friends arrived.

I saw Graham mingling around and talking with different groups of guests. I had a bartender bring me a margarita. I wasn't going to drink any beer. Guests were already making a line at the buffet and filling their plates.

Some men were busy at the stage. Looked like they were getting the lighting and sound equipment set up.

I saw my brother and Jarvis. I walked over to them and asked them if they were staying the weekend. They told they planned to. I told them to use the master bedroom that adjoined to Graham and me. They said their things were already put away and in the second master bedroom. They told the food was delicious and the decorations were somthing else.

I saw Kendrick and John and walked over and talked with them. Kendrick was busy with his work and didn't like when he had to leave John. John was busy with his studies and still working as a houseboy for the resort. I saw Graham wandering around and got his attention. I motioned for him to come inside. We walked into the kitchen and we hadn't had any time to talk after my speech to the bodyguards this morning. I knew they had called Graham. But everything started happening fast for the party and I hadn't had a chance to talk with Graham. "So babe, do you think I did the right thing?"

"After you had explained everything to me. I was and am behind you one hundred percent. I think it makes a much better atmosphere not having the bodyguards or caterers here. Maybe they will want to join us at a future party or visit. That's up to them."

"Thank Graham. I'm glad to here that." We hugged and kissed and went back out to our party.

I was hearing a lot of jokes about the jocks and who had the biggest jalapeno pepper. Or the fattest jalapeno pepper and so on.

I saw Steve and Freddy. They were holding hands and talking to a group of our friends. Tyrell was here and was talking with Travis and Brody. I then saw Dave and Cal. I had to talk to them.

I walked over and they thanked for another great party. This was a good idea and they liked the decorations and really liked the food. I asked Cal how he was doing and he said he will be back to full time this coming week. He felt great and was ready to get busy.

I left them and walked over to Preston and Holden. I thanked them for the waiters and bartenders and our entertainment later. They told the foot was terrific. I noticed the waiters had sombreros that were turned upside down and were serving trays for the appetizers. I thought that was a really neat idea.

Some of the guys were trying to dance to the Mexican music. It was fun to watch them. I had no clue on how to dance to this music. I liked listening to the music and drinking my margaritas.

I checked the bar and the bartender their told me they were well stocked and didn't need anything. They had little swizzle sticks with the Mexican flag that they put in the margaritas. They put a lime wedge on the side of the glass of Corona beer.

I was thoroughly pissed and pounding the steering wheel all the way back to our place. I had wanted to go to Bob and Graham's party. We all did. Why did I have to fuck everything up? Bob and Graham didn't do anything wrong. They didn't deserve my stupid, bad behavior. What was wrong with me? What was I thinking? I'm going to have to give this time before I call Bob and apologize. I hope we can all be friends again. Shit. Shit. Shit.

The margaritas tasted good. This was the first time I had ever drank a margarita. I sampled some of the buffet food and it was flavorful and good. I even braved a little of the chili. Everyone told me the red sauce would be the mildest. I don't know about that. It still tasted hot to me.

It was starting to get dark out so I knew the entertainment would be starting soon. I looked for Graham so we could sit in our reserved places. I started walking around and everyone was telling me how good the food was and they liked the decorations. And the sombreros and jocks. I found Graham way over by the pergola. I walked over and asked him if we should get seated. The entertainment would probably be starting soon.

We walked back to the sitting area in front of the stage and took a seat in our reserved spot close to the front of the stage. Graham told me how everyone was thanking him for the good food and really liked the decoratations. I told Graham, I was told the same thing.

I started to see everyone getting seated. I saw a podium with a microphone set up center stage.

As soon as everyone was seated I saw Preston get up and walk up on the stage to the podium. Someone shouted out, "nice jalapeno pepper." Everyone started whistling and hooting and stamping their feet. Preston said, "you should see it when it's hard." That brought on more hooting and laughing and clapping. Then when everyone had settled down, Preston continued. "I'm glad to see such a good turnout for Bob and Graham's Cinco de Mayo party. I hope you all are enjoying yourselves?" Everyone hollered and clapped. Again once everyone had calmed down Preston continued. "It was my privilege to get the entertainment for tonight. It wasn't any easy task and took a lot of phone calls and pleading and arranging. But without further ado. I'd like to introduce the National Mexican Folklorico Dancers." Everyone applauded and someone quickly removed the podium and microphone from the stage. Soon the DJ started playing some Mexican music while the stage lights slowly came on and the curtain slowly opened."

On stage were six couples. Three men and three women in traditional Mexican clothes. They had their backs to us. Soon the music changed to El Jarabe Tapatio or the Mexican Hat Dance. They put their sombreros on the floor and they started dancing to the music around the sombreros. They were quite good. The women seemed big to me to be Mexican women and I was wondering what they thought about all of us in jocks and some guys were naked and making out. Anyhow the dancing was good. You could tell they had danced to this music alot. Once the music finished for the Mexican Hat Dance, everyone applauded and they bowed to the audience. Then the music changed a bit. It still had Mexican overtones, but a stronger beat and rhythm. More like a stripper beat. They group started dancing again to the music. And turned with their backs to us. The men were behind the women and suddenly they stripped off their blouses and big flowing skirts. The women started screaming and trying to cover themselves. And turned and faced us. Everyone was chuckling in the audience. Soon the men pulled off their bras and panties and wigs. They were the other three strippers. Everyone was clapping and laughing. The strippers jalapenos were really flopping and jiggling around as they danced to the music. They then bent over and in one fast move stripped off their jocks. Now you could see their real jalapenos flopping around. They did some very sensual and seductive dancing to the upbeat Mexican music. I saw some of our friends getting up and dancing to the music. More and more of our friends were getting naked watching the strippers. Finally the show finished to a standing ovation. The strippers came down into the audience. Irving and one of his stripper buddies came down to Graham and me. They slid our jocks off and started giving us wonderful blowjobs. Once we were hard and slick, then sat down over our hardons. They leaned back against on so we could stroke their big cocks. We all came almost at the same time. We thanked them for a great show and they started mingling around in the audience.

Everyone was up and mingling around. I saw a few mini orgies going on and more margaritas and coronas being drank. It looked like most of the buffet was finished. The waiters were still bringing around appetizers. It looked like a mini tortilla with different kinds of toppings. I stopped one of the waiters and asked him if the appetizers were hot and spicy. It pointed to one that wasn't. I tried it and it was really good. It had a bit of kick to it, but not overbearing. I didn't miss the bodyguards or the caterers. I didn't know what the caterers problem was, but if they didn't want to be here that was ok and I could handle that. They did do a good buffet and the appetizers were excellent.

Soon I noticed groups of friends starting to leave. Graham and I thanked them for coming and they told us we had another great party. They asked if they could take a couple of extra jocks. I told them for sure. I had ordered extra just for that reason. Kendrick and John walked over to us and told us that they had moved their things into one of the guest bedrooms. They hoped that was ok. We told them of course and glad they were spending the night. Brock and some of the guests that had come a long distance were staying at the hotel. Sam had given them a special rate since they were attending the party. Most of them had to fly out early and thought it would be better to stay at the hotel. Soon everyone had left and just Graham me Kendrick John Reggie and Jarvis were left. The DJ had shut down his equipment and told me he would be back tomorrow morning to back up his equipment. He thanked us for another great party. Preston told us before he left, that the stage crew would be here tomorrow morning to pack up everything and take it back to the In and Out Bar.

We were all looking tired. I checked the buffet and their wasn't really much left to put into containers. So we nibbled on the last remaining things. We fixed ourselves a margarita and went down to the pool and relaxed on loungers. We all lounged with our partners. The guys told us what a great party we had. The food was delicious and the decorations were over the top and the entertainment was exceptional. We thanked and told them we had a couple of special ladies that do our decorating for our parties and Preston had taken care of the entertainment.

We finished our margaritas and thought we would call it a night. We all walked arm in arm up to the bedrooms. Graham and I went off to our bedroom and left the door open. I saw Kendrick and John go into one of the guest bedrooms and they also left their door open. Reggie and Jarvis followed us into our bedroom and they went into the adjoining master bedroom the door open between the two bedrooms.

Graham and I had stayed naked after the sex with the strippers and we crawled into bed and started making out. Graham asked me how I felt about the bodyguards and caterers not being here for the party. I told Graham that was their deciision not to come to the party. I never told them the couldn't come. And once the party really got going. I forgot all about them and enjoyed myself.

Soon I heard some footsteps and saw Kendrick and John walking in. "Would you guys like some company. So saw your door was open."

"Of course. We pulled the sheet down and they got in bed with us. They were naked and their big cocks were hanging down. Just as we got comfortable I heard more footsteps and saw my brother and Jarvis walk in. "Have room for two more?"

"We sure do come in." They were naked too and erect. We got into a couple of three ways with Kendrick fucking me and John fucking Graham. My brother got over Graham and was feeding him his cock. And Jarvis got over me and I took his hard shaft down my throat. He was facing Kendrick so they could kiss and make out at the same time. I saw Reggie and John doing the same thing. It didn't take them long to cum. They must have been horny. When I got close to cumming Kendrick took my load down his throat. Then we moved around until everyone was sated and had been in a different position in a three. We fell asleep in a huddle.

When I woke up I didn't see Kendrick or John. My brother Jarvis and Graham were still sleeping. So I quietly got out of bed and put some old ratty sweats on and went downstairs.

Kendrick and John were busy making breakfast for everybody. They told me they would need to leave after breakfast. We kissed and hugged and I told them I would get the other guys woke up. So we could all eat breakfast together.

I ran back upstairs and the guys were stirring. We kissed and hugged and I told them Kendrick and John were making breakfast and it would soon be ready. They needed to leave early. Reggie told me, he and Jarvis would need to leave early too. The long drive and then work tomorrow.

We all walked back downstairs and Kendrick told us breakfast was ready. I told we could eat outside on the patio table. Kendrick and John hauled everything out to the patio table and we ate a great breakfast. We shared stories about the party yesterday. Everyone agreed the party was a success and a lot of fun.

We finished our breakfast and we all chipped in to put everything away.

All of us went upstairs to our bathroom and we squeezed into the shower and washed each other. Soon we were stroking and sucking each other off. We rinsed off our cum and then dried each other off.

Reggie and Jarvis went back to the second master bedroom to get dressed and pack their overnight bags. Kendrick and John did the same in the guest bedroom they stayed in.

Soon we were all together in the foyer and saying our goodbyes. Graham and I thanked them for coming. But right now we didn't know when we would be having another party. We watched them leave and the caterers van pulled in. I thought this would be interesting. I told Graham the caterers were here to pick up their things. I told him I was going upstairs and if he could help them. Graham told me no problem. I was just upstairs when I heard Graham open the door. The caterers didn't say much to Graham. Graham showed them where their things were located. They packed their things in some specially made boxes and left. Not saying goodbye or anything to Graham.

I came back downstairs and told Graham. If they never called to apologize for their rude behavior, we would go back to using the hotel for our parties and get togethers. Graham agreed with me. He said they might have said two words and then they left.

Just as the caterers left. A van pulled in from the In and Out Bar to load the stage and lighting and sound equipment. Right behind them was the DJ's van. We let them in and we all greeted each other. The DJ was done in about twenty minutes and thanked us again for a great party. It took the crew from the In and Out Bar longer to load everything. In just over an hour they were finished. We thanked them for the use of the portable stage. They thanked us and then left.

The house was quiet again. I thought by now I would have heard from the caterers and the bodyguards, but nothing. I wasn't going to stay by my phone waiting to hear from them. It was up to them to apologize. They were the ones that were out of line. Especially the bodyguards. The caterers really hadn't done anything. So I don't why they were pissed. Oh well. At least everyone that was here had a good time and it was easy to forget about the incident at Milo's.

Then it was just Jenna and her crew left to take down the decorations. Graham asked me, "what should we do while we wait?" I told Graham, "why don't we start planning our stay with the star and his partner. That's only a couple of weeks away and we need to let the manager know our decision so they can get everything ready for us."

The speaker rang and I pressed the button I saw Jenna's van pull in and she got out with three other people. We let them in and greeted them and I told Jenna her decorations were over the top and a great success. Everyone complimented us on the decorations. They got busy right away and soon they were loading decorations into the van. It always seemed that when they took the decorations down it went faster than when they put them up. Soon they had everything loaded in the van and we thanked Jenna and her crew again. We watched them leave.

It was going on lunchtime and I ordered food from the Italian Restaurant. They told me it would be about thirty to forty minutes until our food arrived.

Graham and I went up to the sunroom. I grabbed a table and pen to make notes and we started planning our stay with the star and his partner/manager.

End of Chapter 11 - Cinco de Mayo

Chapter 12 Coming Soon

If you would like to see the characters in the story, please read "My Alphabet Friends," and there are photos of characters at the end of each chapter.

Your comments and suggestions are always welcome. I answer all emails I receive. I ask that you please put Nifty or the title of the story in the subject line. Then I'll know it's not spam. I am already working on Chapter 12. I hope you enjoy my story as much as I like writng it. Please email me at:

Next: Chapter 12

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