Bob's Holidays

By Francis Scott

Published on Apr 10, 2023


Bob's Holidays Chapter 10

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The following story is a work of fiction from the authors mind. It contains adult situations between consenting adults. If this offends you and is illegal in your area, WHY ARE YOU HERE? Any similarities to actual people or events is purely coincidental. This story does not promote safe sex. Please practice safe sex at all times. Don't put your life or someone else's in jeopardy.

If you haven't read my story, "My Alphabet Friends," I would recommend doing so. All characters in this series are from My Alphabet Friends. There are pictures of the characters at the end of each chapter. You will find, My Alphabet Friends, in Gay/Adult Friends.

Bob's Holidays

By Francis Scott

Chapter 10 - National Teacher's Day

"Oh my god Dave. What happened?"

"Can you come to the hospital and then I can explain everything. I don't feel like talking on the phone."

"Of course. I'll be right there."

I talked to Shirley and told her about an emergency at the hospital and to cancel all my afternoon appointments. She didn't look happy. But when she saw the expression on my face. She told me she would take care of it.

I left the clinic quickly and made a fast trip to the hospital. I was lucky to find a parking place right away. I asked the nurse in emergency what room Cal was in. She told the room on the ICU floor.

As I entered the floor I saw Dave sitting on a bench in the hallway. He was close to Cal's room. When he saw me he got up and we hugged. "How come your not in Cal's room with him?"

"They told me only immediate family could be with Cal and only one person at a time."

"I don't know anything about Cal's family. He has never mentioned his parents or brothers or sisters."

"The only thing he told me a long time ago was that his parents were killed in an automobile accident. He never mentioned any brothers or sisters."

"You stay here Dave. I'm going into Cal's room. The staff here knows that I'm a doctor. I'll see what I can find out from his chart. And then I'll make a couple of calls and then you will be able to visit Cal."

"You wait here and I'll be right back."

I walked into Cal's room, not really certain what I would see. There was no life support connected to Cal. He was breathing on his own. It looked like he was taped around his chest. There were also inflatable casts on his legs and feet. He was in a coma. Obviously his body had shut down after his trauma and went into internal healing mode. I looked at his chart. He was in a head on collision. I was surprised there was no broken bones. Only sprains of muscles and fratures. But no breaks. He was very lucky. There was nothing I could do for Cal. So I thought I would made a couple of calls while I was in Cal's room. I called the Chief of Staff and explained Dave and Cal's situation. He told me he would make sure Dave had visition to see Cal. I then called Reeve and asked him if he could check in on Cal once in awhile when he wasn't busy and give me an update on his condition. He said that they weren't busy right now and he would check in on Cal. I thanked both of them. And then left Cal's room.

I sat down next to Dave and told him about my phone calls. I told him I would stay with him until he was notified he could visit Cal. I told him about the head on collision and he had no broken bones and was breathing on his own. No life support system. He was in a coma. All his vital signs were normal.

I saw the head nurse for this floor get off the phone and walk over to us. She knew me. She told Dave that he could visit Cal, but for only ten minutes at a time. And that he couldn't stay overnight in Cal's room.

The nurse left back to her station. I told Dave that if he didn't feel like going home. He was welcome to stay at our house. He thanked me and told me he had taken some time off from work. He would see how he felt later and maybe take me up on my offer. I told him there was nothing else I could do. We stood up and hugged and shook hands. I told him not to worry. Cal would wake up soon.

Cal was wondering why he couldn't see. He felt like he was floating. He remembered a little of the accident. He remembered a car coming fast at him head on. But then he couldn't remember anything else after that. The harder he tried the less he remembered. Then everything would go black. Why couldn't he open his eyes? The harder he tried the more tired he got and then would fall asleep. He thought he heard someone talking to him earlier or maybe talking on a telephone but he wasn't sure. He heard a door open and close and a familiar voice talking to him. But he couldn't say anything. Why couldn't he talk? This was very frustrating. I need to open my eyes and talk to this familiar voice.

Dave walked into Cal's room. He wasn't sure what to expect. With Cal being in ICU. But he was pleasantl surprised. Like Bob had said there was no life support connected. Just the regular monitors for vital signs. Cal looked peaceful sleeping on his own. He just wished he could wake up and come out of his coma. Dave sat next to Cal's bed holding one of his hands and telling him how much he missed him and loved him and wanted him back. Dave kept holding Cal's hand. He knew he would wake up. He had to. Cal was his world. If he last Cal. He knew it would be over for him to.

Making my escape from jail was easier than I thought it would be. I was the last of one of the drug lord's henchmen. Having a relative working in the prison helped. They wouldn't suspect anything. My cousin told where I could find a getaway car he had ready for me. He gave me a picture of the sheriff in the neighboring town. I was going to get rid of him first and that meddling doctor and his gay friend that had an investment firm. The Car was supposed to be rigged up special for me. When I reached a certain the accelertor would lock into position and keep accelerating. I would roll out the driver's door before the collision. My cousin told me the sheriff was driving around and also took the same route. So I knew where I could do the accident with the least amount of traffic.

I easily found the car and the keys where he told me they would be. The rest of my instructions were in the glove box. This was going easier than I thought. There was a few things the henchman didn't know. First his cousin didn't like him. In fact, none of the family liked him. He started getting in trouble before he was a teenager and it steadily continued going into more and more serious crimes. Second, the guard had made sure the car doors would lock when he reached the speed for the accelator to lock into place. Third, he wouldn't have his seatbelt on because he was going to roll out the driver's side door when the accelerator locked. Finally, he would be killed instantly when the collision took place. So that was why the henchman's escape was so easy.

The henchman was the last of the security for the drug lords. He had managed to escape when the bombing took place. Luckily a large piece of cement had protected him from being killed in that blast. Once the bombing had stopped he could crawl out from under the large piece of cement and make his getaway. He was gone and out of sight when the FBI Commander and his squad moved in. The henchman was able to get on a boat to the United States and that's how he was able to slowly manage to get back to his hometown. But unfortunately he was recognized and thrown into prison. Now he had escaped and would start taking out the people that got that all in trouble in the first place. Started with the sheriff and then the gay faggot doctor and his faggot lover. How sick and disgusting was that.

He got in the car and put the key in the ignition and was soon on his way to take out the sheriff. One other thing the henchman didn't know was that when the FBI Commander had alerted Cal about the drug lord moving into the area and his henchmen, and then Bob and Graham having body guards. He had a special meeting with the city council and the mayor about getting new heavily armored squad cars. The council and mayor approved it unanimously. Especially since it involved Bob and Graham. The city looked up to Bob and Graham. After all they had done for this city and the revenue that was being brought in. Cal ordered the specially made squad cars. They would have metal plating that could withstand high impact and bullet proof windows. It only took a week before the new squad cars arrived. The sheriff and his deputies called the new squad cars their tanks.

The henchman was cruising to the city. Listening to music and enjoying his freedom. He had the map out of the route the sheriff took every day from his cousin. His cousin knew the sheriff and his deputies had new squad cars. He wasn't going to alert the sheriff. He knew the sheriff might sustain a few minor injuries, but with their new cars they could withstand a high speed impact. He was getting close to the city and thought he would cruise around until he saw the sheriff's car patrolling the city. He spotted the sheriff and pulled over to the side and just listened to music and watched him. The sheriff should be pulling out to the edge of town and do some patrolling there. He saw the sheriff pull off and according to the map he was heading to the edge of town. This was what the henchman was waiting for. He would go in the opposite direction and then come back on the same road as the sheriff but from the opposite direction so he could wipe him out.

Everything was going to plan. He made his turn to drive onto the same highway as Cal. He thought he spotted the sheriff's car up ahead. It was him. It was time to start accelerating. Luckily, it was quiet on this highway and not any other cars were in sight. He started accelerating and going faster and faster, he felt the accelerator lock into position. He got on the same side of the highway as Cal. Cal didn't have time to swerve away. The henchman tried to open the driver's side door to roll out but it wouldn't budge. The damn door was stuck or jammed. He tried again but before he knew the collision happened. The henchman was killed instantly. Cal withstood the highspeed collision like it was designed to do. The high impact jolted Cal. He was wearing his seatbelt and the collision happened faster than he expected. Which was good. It kept him relaxed. The thrust caused him to hit his head on the dash. Knocking him out. After that everything was dark.

It took almost an hour before the police station realized Cal hadn't called in. The deputies started patrolling the route that Cal took. One of the deputies spotted an accident up ahead. And as he got closer he recognized Cal's squad car. He immedicately called the EMT's and told them to bring two ambulances and gave the directions. The deputy pulled over to the side and called a wrecker. He ran over to Cal's car and could see Cal slumped over with his head on the dash. He didn't see any blood. But he knew not to move Cal. That was EMT's job. He walked over to the other car and he could tell immediately the other driver was dead. His car was smashed like an accordian. He would need to use the jaws of life to get him out of the car. He was so tightly wedged in and he wasn't a pretty sight.

While the officer waited for the wrecker and the EMT's he got his jaws of life out of the back of his squad car. He started working on the car that was wrecked. He managed to get the driver's door cut so that the driver could be pulled out. Again he would wait for the EMT's to arrive and let them take the body out of the car. His face was so badly injured he was unrecognizable. The forensic doctor would be able to get an identity on him. There was nothing else the deputy could do until the emergency vehicles arrived.

He soon heard sirens and saw flashing lights approaching. He was glad the wrecker was with the two ambulances. He would need to pull the car apart from the front of Cal's squad car. The driver of the wrecker got a couple of chains fastened and was able to get the pulled off the front of the squad car. The EMT's took care of Cal first and he was loaded into the back of an ambulance and was on his way to hospital. Emergency had been notified and were waiting for their arrival. The second ambulance EMT's were able to drag the mutilated body out of the wrecked car and loaded into the back of the second ambulance. They would take the body to the county coroner and have a county forensic doctor examine the body and make an identication.

I opened the driver's door of Cal's cruiser and saw the keys in the ignition. I got the car started and pulled it over to the side of the road. I closed and locked his cruiser. I called dispatch and told them situation with Cal's squad car. I didn't want to leave it and if they could send someone to drive it back to the station. The said someone would come shortly to drive it back. Again I waited and waited and finally a deputy pulled up with another deputy inside. They got out and I told them what had happened. The second deputy got into Cal's cruiser and we drove back to the station. I would have along accident report to fill out. I wanted to do it and get it done while everything was fresh in my mind. I finished my report and left.

As Bob was driving home from the hospital, he noticed it was getting cloudy and it looked like storm clouds. He would check the weather when he got home. He pulled into the garage and walked into the kitchen. He startled Margaret's sister. "I didn't expect you home early Bob." Bob then explained what had happened and why he was home early. He told Margaret's sister he was going to change and then check the budget and pay some bills on the computer in the library/study room. "Do you want anything to drink Bob?"

A cold beer would taste good. This weather is still hot and humid. Bob went usptairs and changed into some old sweatpants and put a tshirt on and some flip flops. This felt more comfortable. He walked down to the library/study room and turned on the tv to the weather channel. I saw a cold beer sitting on his desk. He booted up his computer. Bob was usually the only one that used this computer. Graham did enough number crunching with his work and he was glad when Bob told him he would take care of monthly expenses and bills.

The weather channel mentioned a strong storm system moving into the area. It wasn't supposed to hit until late Thursday night, which was tomorrow, or Friday. Bob thought he better make a couple of calls. The weatherman said the weather front moving in with strong wind with a possibility of hail. The first call Bob made was to the construction company that did the sunroom. They had triple pane windows but the possibility of hail concerned Bob. The man he talked to had worked on the sunroom and said they could put a heavy duty tarp over the sunroom until the storm passed. Bob asked how soon they could put the tarp on. He told Bob he would put the request in now and it would be installed tomorrow morning. Then Bob called Xandro and asked him what should be done with the birds in the sunroom if the strong storm moves into town, with high winds and the chance of hail. Xandro told Bob he would think on it and then be over to the house tomorrow morning to move the birds. He asked Bob if had been in the sunroom. He told Bob that animals can sense a severe change in the weather. The macaws will start squaking and making a racquet if the weather is changing to the worse. Bob told Xandro he hadn't been to the sunroom, but would go up there in a little while, he some work to do.

Bob sat down at the desk and was going to check monthly expenses and then see if there were any bills to paid yet. As he was going through the regular things in the budget. One item stood out like a red flag. Beer. Between Graham and Bob, they were drinking over a case a of beer a week. Bob couldn't believe it. He knew he had been drinking more beer lately, because of the hot humid weather. But didn't realize they had been drinking that much beer. Suddenly the beer on his desk didn't look that appetizing. He would mention it to Graham when he got home and was going to have Margaret's sister start making them different refreshments they could start drinking. Ice tea, coffee, lemonade, etc. The weather came back on after some advertising. But it went on to the the forecast. It looked like a storm would be coming into the area. Bob paid a couple of bills online and then shutdown the computer. He took his last beer with him. No more beer till the weekend. They would only drink beer on the weekends, not during the work week.

Bob got up and walked upstairs to the sunroom. He could hear the birds before he opened the door. They were making a raquet and squaking like crazy. I guess Xandro knew what he was talking about. Bob filled their food and water dishes to see if that would calm them down. But they still kept up the noise. Bob turned up the background music a notch and that seemed to help a bit. He talked to the birds and told them they were going to be moved tomorrow and not to worry about the storm. It would pass and then they would be back in the sunroom. Bob took his empty beer glass downstairs to the kitchen. Margaret's sister took it and Bob told her about making them refreshments starting tomorrow. They were cutting out beer during the week and only drinking beer on the weekends.

She told Bob she was done for the day. And their dinner was in the frig. He thanked her and looked forward to a delicious refreshment tomorrow.

Bob was hoping someone from the hospital would have called with good news about Cal. But being in a coma is unpredictable. You never know when the patient will wake up.

Dave was a nervous wreck. He wished Cal would wake up. He sometimes lost track of time and a nurse would come in and tell he needed to leave for a few minutes. Dave was waiting for the doctor to make his rounds and give him a report on Cal. Then he thought he'd give Bob a call and see if it was still ok if stayed with them overnight.

Bob heard the kitchen door and his lover came in. They hugged and kissed. "How's Cal. Any change in his condition?"

"I haven't heard anything from the hospital. I did tell Dave that if he didn't want to stay at his place he was welcome here."

"That was a good idea."

"How was the weather driving home?"

"It was real dark out and windy."

"I checked the weather forecast when I got home. Strong winds with possibly hail moving in tomorrow night or Friday. Why don't you get changed and then I have a couple of things to pass on to you. I'll be down by the pool."

"Grab me a cold beer and I'll be down shortly."

Dave was still visiting Cal for ten minutes at a time. The doctor finally arrived and was checking Cal. He told Dave to wait outside till he finished his examination. Then he would talk to Dave. Dave was anxiously waiting for the doctor. Soon the door to Cal's room opened and the doctor came out. They stood talking. The doctor told Cal not to worry. He would come out of the coma, but it's hard to say when. It could be tomorrow or it could be next month. It's hard to say. His body is healing. I will do x-rays tomorrow on his fractures and see how they are healing. The swelling has went down on his muscle sprains. Cal is in good physical condition so that will help his recovery. Just be there for Cal and give him all the support you can. That's what he needs right now. I thanked the doctor and walked back into Cal's room. He looked the same. I held his hand and kiss his forehead and told him I much I missed him and that please wake up.

Graham came down in a sexy jock. I watched him walk down to the pool and I handed him his beer while he sat down next to me. "So babe. What' up? You said you had a couple of things you wanted to mention to me."

"Ok. First, with the possibility of strong storms moving in. I called the company that constructed the sunroom. They are going to install a heavy duty tarp tomorrow over the sunroom. Second, I called Xandro to see what I should do about the birds. He told me he would think on that and probably move them tomorrow morning. When I went to the sunroom they were squaking and making all kinds of raquet. Xandro told me that animals can sense changes in weather. Third, I got home a little early so I checked our monthly expenses and paid a couple of bills online. A red flag came up when I checked the monthly budget. We are drinking more than a case of beer each week. We need to cut back and restrict our beer drinking to the weekend. That much beer isn't healthy even with our working out every morning. I mentioned to Margaret's sister to start making us refreshments during the week to drink in place of beer. Lemonade, iced tea, coffee, water, etc."

"Graham just stared at me."

"What. Is everything ok?"

"Everything is perfect babe. Now I know why I love you so much. You did everything so thoroughly and efficiently. I agree about our beer consumption. We need to cut back. I didn't realize we were drinking that much beer. Refreshments are a good idea in place of beer. The weekend is perfect for drinking beer. Do you think we should check the house generator and make sure it's in working order in case the electricity goes off if we get severe weather?"

"I forgot about the generator. We should do that. Let's relax and finish our beer and then check it out. You know you really look sexy in that jock your wearing."

"I know. That's why I put it on."

"I just remembered something else. Should we have Owen install a sauna downstairs. We agreed on the open space next to the lockerroom."

"Give him a call and have him check the space and see if a sauna can be installed in that area. Also, we should probably wait first and see what happens with this storm. I'm sure Owen won't want to be going out if it's a strong storm."

We finished our beer and got up and walked out to the garage outside. The full house generator was installed next to the side of the garage in it's own little building. Not really that little a full house generator is good size. Taller than me. It can supply enough power for everything in the house for up to 500 hours at a time. Then it automatically shuts off and cools down and in thirty minutes it comes back on again. Or if power is restored to the house, it will automatically shut down.

We did a manual start and it seemed like it was running fine. We checked the full house generator every so often to make sure it was operating correctly and went through the safety features each time.

We turned the generator off and it was ready to go if we needed it. Margaret's sister knew about the generator and who to call if there was any problems.

We went back inside and decided to warm our dinner. I also saw a pitcher of iced tea in the frig. Graham and I worked together and soon had our dinner ready. Graham poured us each a glass of iced tea. He put a little ice in each glass with a slice of lemon. We put everything on a tray and carried it out to the covered patio table.

The weather was definitely changing. You could feel strong gusts of wind every once in awhile. But it was still hot and humid. It was dusk out. But with the dark storm clouds it looked like midnight outside. Now I wished we had a pool cover. I was wondering what kinds of stuff would fly into the pool. We ate our dinner and I told Graham. I thought I'd call the pool company and see about getting a pool cover. We finished eating and Graham and I took everything back to the kitchen. Graham finished getting everything put away in the kitchen while I called the pool company.

I did a speed dial to the pool company. The phone rang and rang and rang. I thought they had probably left for the day. Finally, a voice answered. "Crystal Pools, how may I help you?"

I identified myself to the man and told him why I was calling. He said they were getting flooded with requests for pool covers with the storm moving in. He told me he would put my request in and they would get to it as soon as they could. I asked him if I paid extra, if they could get the cover down sooner. He said that was what everybody calling was saying. He said he wished he could, but they would get to our request as soon as possible. I thanked him.

I told Graham the gist of the conversation. We thought we should store the loungers and table and chairs. There was enough room in the changing room by the pool to store everything. It took us awhile, but we managed to get everything stored the changing room. I put the cover on the barbeque and made sure it was secure. Everything looked ready for a storm. All windows on the house were triple pane glass and supposed to be storm proof. I guess we would find out. I hoped we didn't get a severe storm.

We went to the living room and Graham turned on the news. We drank our iced tea, which tasted pretty good. Not the same as beer. But much better for us. The news was on and the weather would follow.

The weatherman said the storm was slow moving and it was headed directly for our town. He said to protect your house like if it was tornado. Expect winds gusting to eighty or ninety miles per hour. The chance of hail was ninety percent. The weatherman couldn't predict how long the storm would last, just that it was slow moving. The weather finished and the weather channel put on a list of things to do to protect your house.

I told Graham I would drive him to work. I didn't want his car sitting out and getting hail damage. I had a covered carport on the side the of the clinic for the employees. So our vehicles should be protected.

We walked up to the sunroom. Mainly to check on the birds. The birds were highly agitated and making noise. You could tell they could sense something. We could see the wind from up here in sunroom and could hear it. The trees outside were bending with the wind.

I fed the birds and gave them some more water. That seemed to help a little. I was wondering what Xandro would do tomorrow to help the birds.

We went back downstairs and looked out the glass sliding doors to the backyard. The wind had really picked up since Graham got home. I heard my cell phone buzz. I picked it up and told Graham it was Dave. I was hoping he had some good news on Cal.

"Hi Dave. What's up? How's Cal?"

"Cal is the same. Still in the coma. I talked to the doctor and he told me that it was hard to say how long Cal would be in the coma. I wanted to see if your offer still stood. I would feel better if I could stay with guys. I need to go home first and get a few things and maybe one or two of you could go to my house. I won't feel comfortable right now being in the house alone."

"Of course we can do that. How soon are you leaving the hospital?"

"I'm going to say goodbye to Cal and then will be leaving for the house."

"Ok. We'll be to your house in twenty minutes."

"Thanks Bob. I appreciate it."

"Dave wants to spend the night here. He doesn't feel comfortable in house by himself right now. I told him we would be to his house in twenty minutes. To give him time to say goodbye to Cal and drive to is house. We'll go in the SUV."

We went upstairs and put some jeans on over our jocks. Kept the tshirt on and put on deck shoes. And we were ready to go.

I was glad we could go to the garage from the house and not have to go outside. We could hear the wind howling. We climbed into the SUV I opened the garage door and I drove to Dave's house which wasn't that far from our house. As I was pulling up. I saw Dave getting out of his car. We got out of the SUV and walked up to Dave's house with him. The wind was blowing hard. We went inside and told Dave we would wait for him. Dave found everything he wanted and put into an overnight bag. He came back out and said he was ready. I told him to follow us back to our house and he could park in the garage. I was glad we had a four stall garage.

We all got out of our vehicles and walked into the kitchen. Dave followed Graham and me. He had his overnight bag with him. I asked him where he wanted to sleep. With us or in a guest bedroom. "I'd prefer with you guys if that's okay. I don't really want to sound like a baby. But I don't really want to be by myself right now until I know Cal is ok."

"No problem. We understand. Let's go up to the bedroom and you get your things organized." We walked upstairs to the the master bedroom and Dave hung up some in the second master bedroom and put his toiletries in our bathroom. I told him to make himself comfortable. Graham and I stripped out of our shorts and tshirts and put on some flip flops. We were back to wearing our jocks. Dave stripped out of his pants and shirt and found a jock to put on. He slipped his boxers off and put his jock on. "That does feel better. I usually go around my house naked when it's just me and Cal."

"We go naked sometimes. But we like wearing jocks too."

We all went downstairs. I asked Dave if he had ate dinner. He said he ate a little at the hospital cafeteria and that was enough. He wasn't that hungry. I told him we had iced tea if he would like a glass. He said sure. I poured us all a glass of ice tea and we sat in the living room. We could watch the weather outside from the living room. The wind was still blowing hard. No rain yet. Graham turned on the tv.

"Dave looked over at me. I'm really worried about Cal, Bob. Do you thing he will come out of his coma?"

"Yes he will. I'm sure the doctor explained to you that a coma is unpredictable. You never know when the patient will wake up. It could be tommorrow, next week or next month. You just don't know. But remember that Cal is breathing on his own. He is being given pain medication for the fractures and sprained muscled. He's not on life support. So when he wakes up, he should be the Cal we all know."

"I know. It's just hard seeing him laying their in the hospital bed and not talking or making indication of hearing anybody."

"I know Dave. You just need to give Cal encouragement when you visit him and you need to be strong for him. The more he hears good things, the sooner he will wake up."

It looked like Dave had teary eyes. "Come here Dave and sit between Graham and me." Dave got up sat down between us. Graham and I put an arm around him to help him feel better. "Just try to think of all the good things you remember about Cal and try not to think of negative things."

"You guys are the best friends Cal and I could ask for." Looking at Graham and me in the eyes. "Just remember we are always here for you guys. We'll never let you down."

Graham turned on the tv so we all could watch the late news and weather. I was most concerned about the weather. The news was a repeat of the early news. Then the weather came. The weatherman was showing a map and you could see the storm moving into our area. We were just getting the edge of the storm. The weatherman said the full force of the storm should hit tomorrow morning around ten. How long it's going stay they couldn't predict at this time. The weatherman said the rain would start around noon tomorrow.

Graham and I needed to get up for work tomorrow and workout early. So we all decided to go to bed. Graham and I slid our jocks off. It was just a habit. We always slept together naked. "Sorry Dave. It's just habit for Graham and I to sleep naked. If that's a problem for you we can put our jocks back on."

I saw Dave actually smile. This was the first smile I had seen from him. "I see you guys naked every morning when we workout and when we have parties. So sleeping naked is no problem. That's the way I sleep too." And he shucked his jock off and threw it over on the floor with ours.

We all crawled into bed. Dave asked us if we would just hold him. He didn't want any sex. Graham and I put our arms around Dave and held him close to us. I could feel him shaking and trembling. "Dave it's going to be okay. You just need to relax. It's a waiting game on Cal right now. Just be glad he didn't have any serious injuries or was killed like the other driver."

That seemed to wake Dave up and make him come to his senses. "Your right Bob. I think I was having more self-pity than staying focused on the actual situation. Thanks for making me realize I need to be their for Cal."

We soon feel asleep. Graham was facing Dave and hugged him and I was behind Dave, pressed up tight to him and had my arms wrapped around him.

We all woke up to the alarm blaring. Graham shut it off. Dave told us that was the best sleep he had had in a long time. We were glad for him. We asked him if he was going to work out with us. He said for sure. We all ran downstairs naked. And got changed in our jocks. All the guys asked Dave how Cal was doing. Dave said Cal was doing pretty good and had no problem answering their questions and told them that Cal was in ICU because of being in a coma and having a light concussion. He was not on life support and had some fractures but no broken bones. And was bandaged for some muscle sprains, otherwise, he was doing ok. They all told Dave they supported him and gave him and Cal all the support they could.

We all got in a good workout. It seemed Dave was feeling better and I was glad to see that. We finished our workout and had some fun in the shower. Sucking and fucking each other. Dave really got into it. We dried each other off. Dave said he had a few days off from work and would stay back if that was ok. We told him no problem, and to take his time. We all got dressed and went upstairs to eat breakfast.

Margaret's sister had a good breakfast ready for us in the breakfast nook. She said it was too windy too eat outside. We ate our breakfast and I told Margaret's sister about the company coming to put a tarp on the sunroom. Xandro would be coming to move the birds and the pool company might come to put a cover on the the pool. I couldn't think of anything else. I told Margaret's sister if anybody else showed or up or called to give me a call. And to please fix us another refreshment.

We all met in the garage and kissed and hugged and left for work. Except for Dave who went back into the house and said he would be leaving soon to stay with Cal all day, depending on the weather.

Dave went upstairs for a bit to compose himself. He was still really worried about Cal. Once he felt better he went downstairs and told Margaret's sister he would be gone all day to the hospital. She told Dave not to worry. Cal would soon be okay. He managed to give her a smile and left for the hospital.

The forensic county doctor was finally able to find out who the mangled body was. His job now was to find any relatives and find out what they wanted done with the body. The forensic doctor found out he had a cousin that worked at the state maximum security prison. He thought that might be a good place to start.

Steve was staying busy at Bob's dads law firm. He was busy doing research on cases for court lawyers. It was the way you usually started in a law firm. Steve didn't mind. He was just happy to be able to land a job at such a prestigious law firm. He managed to find a nice two bedroom apartment to rent. He already had a house reserved for him when the new housing development finished. The apartment and new house was being paid by his parents as a graduation present. He thought they probably felt guilty for not attending his graduation and graduation party that Graham and Bob had for him. He stayed so busy and even took work home, that he had no social life. But he could deal with that and when things started calming down he could start looking for a boyfriend or a long term partner.

Irving and Mark were already starting to move up in the investment firm. Graham and Preston only heard good things about them from their supervisors. They told the supervisiors they wanted Irving and Mark to start working on one of their big investment jobs and minimal supervision to see how they could handle it.

Dave arrived at the hospital. The storm was moving in. The wind was gusting stronger. At least there wasn't any hail. It was still hot and humid so good conditions for a bad storm. He walked up to Cal's room and walked in. A nurse was just finishing putting some pain medication into Cal's IV. Dave asked the nurse if there was any change to Cal. She said she couldn't answer that question but the doctor would soon be making his rounds and he should ask the doctor. As soon as the nurse left, Dave moved a chair to the side of Cal's bed and took ahold of his hand, kissed Cal on the forehead and told him that he knew he could hear him talking. He told him to please wake up.

Bob made it to the clinic. The strong wind had broken off some limbs so it was a little tricky getting to work. He parked under the carport on the side of the clinic. He saw the rest of his staff's cars parked there. He walked into the clinic and Shirley stopped him right away. She said there was a lot of cancellations because of the weather and a chance of severe weather. She told Bob he had a handful of patients today. She said Quinton was the same with a light load of patients. Bob told Janice she could go to the hospital to work today if she wanted to. Since their work loads were light. She thanked Bob and told him she would head out soon to the hospital. If anything came up where she was needed, she told Bob to be sure to call her.

The morning went by fairly quickly and Bob was getting caught up on reports. He thought he would drive over to the diner. Even though it was close. He wanted to check the weather and then stop by the decorating store to see how Margaret was doing. He gave Graham a call and told Bob he would meet him for lunch.

Bob didn't want to walk to the diner. With the strong wind he thought he might get blown off the sidewalk. He got into his SUV and took off for the diner. It was only a couple of blocks away. But it seemed further with the wind. There were a couple of limbs down on the streets. It looked like dead limbs that had snapped off with the wind. He pulled up in front of the diner. It didn't look busy according to the parking space. He walked in and only one other couple was in the diner having lunch. He went to his favorite table and Millie came over. "This weather is sure messing up our business. And it looks like it's here to stay for awhile."

"What does the weatherman say, Millie?"

"Rain is supposed to start late this afternoon and with the warm humid weather, they are predicted large damaging hail."

"This is sure weird weather. I don't remember ever having weather like this when I was kid going to school here."

"It is weird weather. I lived here longer than you and I don't remember any weather like this either."

"Keep a close eye on the weather Millie and close early when the rain starts. I don't want you or anyone else getting hurt."

"Well, what would you like tall dark and handsome?"

"The usual Millie. Black coffee and the special. But hold the special. Graham is supposed to be joining me for lunch."

Millie took off for the kitchen and I saw Graham walk in. He walked over and sat down. "How was your drive to the diner?"

"A few limbs were down. The wind seems to be getting stronger and stronger."

"Millie was telling me they are forecasting rain with hail late this afternoon. Millie is bringing our coffee and the special."

"I was thinking about Steve. I know he's busy just starting at my dad's law firm. Depending on the weather this weekend. I thought about inviting him to go with us to Milo's and then the In and Out Bar after. We haven't been to the bar in a long time and I think Steve would like it. Who knows he might get lucky and hook up with someone."

"I like that idea. We've been in too much and hopefully the weather will ease up by the weekend. I'll let you call Steve and see what he has to say."

"I'm call the house while we wait on our food." I dialed the house and Margaret's sister picked up right away. "Hi Bob, wasn't expecting you to call."

"Has the company come to put a heavy duty tarp on the sunroom?"

"Yes. Your tarp is installed and Xandro said the birds would be okay in the sunroom with the tarp. Also, the pool company came and they are installing, as we speak, a cover on your pool."

"They are forecasting rain and hail later this afternoon. If the weather gets bad I want you to leave. You don't have to stay and wait for us."

"Ok Bob. I'll keep a close eye on the weather. I have the radio going in the kitchen to the weather and they are keeping me updated."

"Ok good. Just leave if the weather suddenly turns bad."

Millie brought our lunch and noticed she rubbed herself against Graham as she set his plate of food down in front of him. I had never seen Graham get that red before. I think he was red from the top of his head down to his toenails. It was hard not to laugh.

We ate our lunch and I noticed we were the only customers in the diner. I saw the cook, who is the owner, come out to change the sign on the door from open to closed. He told us the worst part of the storm was starting to move into the area. And he didn't want anyone taking any chances so he was closing early.

We finished our lunch and left for work. I told Graham if the weather was geting worse I was closing the clinic. Graham said they would close early too if the weather starting changing for the worse. I took a quick swing by to see how Margaret was doing. She was glued to the radio listening to the weather. She said they had some concellations that would be rescheduled later. She said business was good and Jenna wanted her to run the New York City for awhile for the experience. She said was wasn't so sure about that. I told her to be sure and close. The rain and hail was supposed to hit later this afternoon.

The wind seemed almost tornado strength to me. I could feel the wind in my heavy SUV. I was wondering how Graham was faring in his little sports car. I got back to the clinic dodging a few more fallen branches. I parked under the carport. I walked into the clinic and everyone was busy listening to the weather in Shirleys office. There was static on the radio and sometimes it was hard to hear. Shirley told me all the afternoon patients had cancelled. I told everyone. "Let's call it a day and leave. And told Shirley to leave a message on the phone system, if it was raining and hailing the clinic would be closed." I had a generator for the clinic so we could operate our equipment and the computers and lights would function. But if it was raining and hailing I didn't want anyone out in that kind of weather. We all quickly finished anything we were doing and soon the clinic was closed for the day and maybe the next few days.

I got home and Margaret's sister had left a note on the kitchen island that she left early. The weather didn't look promising and she wanted to be home when the worst of the storm hit. I couldn't blame her for that. That was why I was home early. I thought I'd give Dave a call and see if he was aware of the weather.

I walked up to the sunroom to check the tarp. He looked like it was heavy duty. The birds seemed tranquil and weren't making a racket. So the tarp must be doing it's job. I went back downstairs and saw the pool cover. It was perfect. I could see the palm trees really bending in the wind. I didn't see any rain or signs of hail. I put on the weather channel and then picked up my cell phone to call Dave.

Dave answered on the first ring. "Hi Bob, you startled me. I had dozed off. Cal was moved to a private room. Since he didn't have anything life threatening, they moved him to private room. Now I can visit as much as I want and for as long as I want."


"That's good news Dave. I called for a reason. Are you aware of the weather forecast?"

"No. What's up?"

"The worse of the storm is moving in. Strong wind with rain and hail is supposed to hit late this afternoon. I have the weather channel on now and you can see the storm slowly moving into this area. They are saying now the major part of the storm will be here in about thirty minutes. I wanted you to be aware. I knew you want to stay with Cal as much as you can. But you might want to head back here and wait out the storm here in the house. With your car safely in the garage."

"Thanks for the heads up. I will say my goodbyes to Cal and get back to your house soon."

Now I was wondering about Graham. I was wondering if they were wrapping up early today. I debated on whether I should call him or not. I thought I'd wait a few minutes and then if he didn't come home I'd give him a call.

I could hear the wind in the living room. The storm was moving in. I saw some rain drops on the glass sliding doors going to the covered patio. I didn't see any hail. According to the local news. It seemed our hometown was pretty well locked down. I was glad of that. I just hoped there wouldn't be any casualties.

I saw down in the living room. There was nothing else I could do right now. I teard the garage door to the kitchen and Dave walked in. I asked him if he saw Graham. He said no. I asked him how Cal was. He said no change. Still in the coma. The doctor said his fractures were healing and the swelling was going down on his sprains. He also said they reduced the dosage of Cal's pain medication. "I just wish he would come out of the coma." Dave also told me the wind was really strong driving back to the house and it was starting to rain. He said he didn't see or hear any hail.

Dave went upstairs and changed and came back in a jock like me and sat down next to me. "How you doing Dave?"

"It's tough. Cal is always so energetic and active and to see him lying in bed and not moving or talking is really hard to deal with. I wish he could come out of the coma."

I held Dave close to me and he seemed to like that. There was some fruit punch in the frig and I poured us each a glass. It was really good. It definitely wasn't canned fruit punch. This was really good and she must have made it from scratch. We watched the news and weather together. Not really saying much.

I heard the door to the kitchen open and saw Graham walk in. I got up and walked over and gave him a hug and kiss. Dave saw us hugging and kissing and I think it made him miss Cal more. I told Dave to come over and we got him into a hug and kiss with us. Dave seemed to feel better after that. Graham said it was getting really nasty outside. He said the wind was blowing hard and it was starting to hail. Just little tiny pellets. But enough you could hear it with the force of the wind. He said the town was pretty much shut down. And would stay that way until the storm passed through. Especially if it kept hailing.

I told Graham to go make himself comfortable and I would pour him a glass of this delicious fruit punch. In no time, Graham was back downstairs in a jock like Dave and me, and I handed him his fruit punch. He told me it really tasted good. We all sat together on the couch watching the weather. I was surprised the electrictiy hadn't went off as hard as the wind was blowing. We could hear the wind in the living room. And I could hear hail bouncing off the windows. Graham looked through the glass doors and saw the pool cover. He asked me about the tarp on the sunroom roof and the birds. I told him the tarp was installed and the birds seemed calm when I was in the sunroom earlier.

We kept our eyes glued to the tv and watched the weather. The storm system was big and covered a large area. It was a stationary storm and not moving. It was staying directly over our town and surrounding area. The weatherman said to stay inside and not leave your homes unless it was an emergency. We sure didn't plan on going anywhere. I was staying home until the storm passed. Even if the hail stopped the strong wind and heavy rain would make driving difficult. Even a short distance like to the clinic.

Dave was visibly upset. "What's wrong Dave?"

"I need to be with Cal as much as possible. When the hail stops I'm going to the hospital even in the heavy rain and strong wind."

"I don't think that's a good idea Dave. It's too easy to have car problems and it's not worth taking a chance. I know Cal wouldn't want you risking yourself for him. I know you want to leave. But right now the safest place for you is here with us. We won't be going anywhere until the storm starts settling down."

I went out to the kitchen and left Graham and Dave together watching the weather. I wanted to see what the housekeeper had fixed for dinner. I checked the frig and found the containers to warm. Whatever it was it smelled good and looked delicious. I warmed the food and when the buzzer went off on the microwave. I got everything ready on a large tray for us and brought it out to the living room and set the tray on the coffee table. "Dig in guys. I'm going to refill our glasses with fruit punch and will be right back."

When I got back I handed them their glasses and it looked like they had already made a big dent in the food. Graham was already eating seconds and I hadn't even prepared my plate yet. I fixed my plate and watched the weather with the guys. Not much change. The storm wasn't moving and staying right over us.

We finished dinner and put everything away. I said, "let's take a break from the weather and go up to the sunroom and see how the birds are doing."

We all walked up to the sunroom with Dave in the middle and our arms around him. He seemed to like that. I didn't hear the birds. We walked in and the birds seemed calm and content. I could hear the wind and it sounded like hail bouncing off the tarp. The tarp covered the roof and the glass sides of the sunroom. We relaxed for a couple of minutes and the birds seemed to like us being close to them. To squeezed together on a double lounger with Dave in the middle we were on each side of him.

I thought I saw Dave's bulge getting bigger and firmer. But I would like him make the first move. I wasn't sure how he was getting on without Cal. I told Graham and Dave I was going to call the hospital. I gave Reeve a call. "Hey Bob, good timing we aren't busy right now."

"I was wondering if you had a chance to check on Cal?"

"Actually I did while we were slow in emergency. I don't see any change. Cal is in a private room now. He did suffer a mild concussion but nothing serious. They have reduced his pain medication. And I looked at his x-rays and his fractures are healing. He's still in a coma and it's hard to say how long that will be."

"Thanks for the information Reeve. You busy in emergency with this horrible weather?"

"Not as busy as I thought we'd be. It seems most people are staying inside like they are instructed. We've been fortunate so far and we've had electricity. But the hospital has many generators to take care of the most important areas of the hospital. So we have nothing to worry about. The storm is strong here at the hospital and the hail is getting larger. The wind is still strong. We are hit and miss here in emergency. I thought we'd be busy. People are crazy and get out in this miserable weather."

"Thanked Reeve for the information. I'll pass it on to Dave. He's staying with us while Cal is in the hospital. He didn't want to be by himself. He seems to be adjusting and getting more comfortable with Graham and me. Any changes in Cal, be sure to call me."

"Ok Bob. Thanks for calling and taking care of Dave. I'll be to keep you informed on Cal's condition."

I walked to Graham and Dave and sat back down on the lounger next to Dave. I told Dave what Reeve told me. Dave didn't show much emotion and didn't seem bothered by the new. "How you feeling Dave? I'm concerned about you."

"I'm doing ok. And being with you guys has helped a lot. I wouldn't do good on my own right now."

I asked Graham and Dave if we should go downstairs and check the weather and see if there was any changes.

We all got up and Graham and I put our arms around Dave and we walked downstairs to the living room. Graham got the big screen tv on to the weather. Wow. The weather was looking worse. I didn't know if this was a good idea or not. The weatherman was advising people to stay inside. The worst of the storm was on the city right now. Gusts were up to a category 2 tornado. The hail was slowly increasing in size, but the weatherman thought that would start tapering off later. The rain was heavy and he said like tropical heavy rain. By no means to go outside or drive or walk anywhere.

That was depressing and a good reason to have a cold beer. But we all refrained. I was wondering how many other families were cuddled up together watching the wheather channel. And how many people had to work. I shouldn't think many. I just hoped everyone was safe and secure in their homes. I guess it was the doctor coming out in me.

Suddenly the lights started flickering and soon they went out. The generator kicked in and we soon had electricity all over the house. I checked everything to make sure it was working ok with the power from the generator. I walked back to the guys and we continued watching the weather channel.

You could hear the wind howling outside. I didn't hear any hail. I walked over to the doors that went out to the patio. I could believe what I saw. All the yard looked like it was covered in ice. The hail made a blanket of ice all over the ground. I was wondering how many plants and trees would be killed from the hail. I hoped all our planting wasn't in vain.

I told the guys to come and look at this. They were just as amazed as I was. I asked Graham and Dave if they wanted a refill on their fruit punch. They said sure. I walked out to the frig and grabbed the pitcher and brought it to the living room. I refilled our glasses. This fruit punch was really good and I was going to have the housekeeper make more.

"This is really getting kind of boring. The weatherman is just repeating the same forecast over and over. What should we do. Watch a movie or go to bed?"

Dave wasn't really interested in a movie we so all decided to call it a night and wait out the storm. There was really nothing else we could do. I think Dave was missing Cal and was looking for some action tonight. He was giving off those kind of vibes. I wasn't going to push him into something he didn't want to do. I'd let him make the first move.

We walked up to the bedroom, arm in arm. Once we entered the bedroom Dave stripped off his jock and crawled into the bed naked. Graham and I did the same and we each got on one side of Dave. Dave told us it had been a few days since he had had sex and was needing some action. He knew Cal wouldn't mind, since it was with you guys. Dave reached over and started fondling me and Graham. It didn't take us long to get hard. We saw Dave sprouting a good size boner. Dave was about the same size as us. Seven inches and thick. Dave went down on me. He was giving me a good blowjob when he suddenly pulled off. He told me he wanted to ride my cock. I wasn't one to object to that. I saw Dave use his precum as lube and get his hole ready for my hard shaft. Dave sat down on my cock facing away from me. I saw Graham start deep throating Dave. Dave was moaning and really riding my cock, once Graham started sucking him. I was wondering how long Dave could last since it had been a few days since he had cum. Dave was working his hole good on my cock. It felt wonderful. He would move around so my cock would hit all the right places in his hole. I knew my cock was rubbing over his prostate. I could tell by how he was moaning and moving his hole on me. Graham was really going to town sucking Dave's cock. He was deep throating him. Dave was moaning louder and riding me harder and faster. He must be close to cumming. I felt his body tremble and shake and saw him thrust up into Graham's mouth. I knew he was cumming. When Dave started cumming, it made his hole constrict on my cock. Making me start pumping out a load deep into Dave's hole. Graham got off Dave and Dave eased his hole off my cock. We all laid back on he bed panting and sweating after a good orgasm, except for my lover.

After my breathing got back to normal. Dave and I looked at Graham. Graham looked over at us. "What?"

"You didn't cum. Dave and I are going to care of that."

Dave moved over on his side and started giving Graham a blowjob. I got between my lover's legs and started rimming him and sucking on his balls. Rolling them around in mouth with my tongue. Graham was already moaning. He loved having his balls played with, just like me. I started really munching on his hole and sticking my tongue in and out. I worked some fingers into his hole finding his prostate and making him super horny. Even though I had just cum. I felt recharged and ready to go again. I rubbed my precum over my cock and eased it into Graham's hole. Dave was really working Graham's cock. I found Graham's prostate and made sure my cock gave it a good workout. I slowly thrust into my partner. Making love to him. I felt Graham shudder and I knew he was cumming in Dave's mouth. Knowing my Graham was cumming made my cum start churning in my balls and I felt it cumming up my shaft. Soon I was filling my lover with another good sized load. Graham looked satisfied, as well as Dave and me. We collapsed back on the bed. Tired after our sexercise and fell asleep.

Graham set the alarm and we all woke up to it blaring out an irritating ring. We crawled out of bed naked and I looked at the nightstand clock. It was just after seven thirty. I told everyone we should put something on if Margaret's sister was here. That would depend on the weather. I didn't hear the wind, but I was still waking up. I put some shorts and tshirt on and walked downstairs. I didn't see the housekeeper. I looked out the doors to the patio and the ice had all melted. The wind looked like it had died down, but it was still raining hard.

I heard the generator going so I knew the electricity went off.

I walked over and put on the news and weather channel. The storm was still hanging over our town. The storm had knocked out the main transformer to our town. Everyone was without electricity. They showed pictures of trees uprooted and scattered over the streets and main highway coming into town. There was some minor damage to some of the businesses and residential areas. But nothing major. The city would be out clearing the streets and the power company was already working on the transformer. I'm sure insurance agents were being notified.

I heard the guys coming downstairs. I gave them the lastest news and weather. Graham told us we should probably check the house and yard and make sure everything was ok and there wasn't any damage.

We were all naked and Dave looked at us and thanked us for a wonderful night. It was just what he needed. We all walked up to the sunroom. Everything looked ok. I didn't see any broken glass and the birds were calm and content. We then went back downstairs and checked the library/study room. No broken windows. No broken windows in the kitchen or the front looking out to the entrance. I opened the glass doors to the patio. I wasn't sure of the temperature. Especially all of us being naked. But it didn't seem that cold out. It was still raining heavy but the wind had died down and wasn't gusting anymore. It looked like the pool cover stayed in place and I didn't see much debris in the yard. We went back inside and I closed the doors to the patio.

The generator was still going. We kept the tv on to the news and weather. According to the lastest news report. They weren't sure how long it would take to get the main transformer for our town up and running.

I told Graham and Dave to go ahead and make breakfast. I was going to call the hospital. I called the Chief of Staff's number, but there was no answer. I then tried Reeve and he answered on the second ring. "Hi Bob. I hope you Graham and Dave are well and safe."

"Everyone is well here and the house withstood the storm. How's everything at the hospital?"

"Thank god we have generators". I'm sure you know the main transformer is down. We've been busy off and on. It has slowed down now. I stayed overnight at the hospital. Wasn't going to take a chance driving home. Quinton wasn't too happy, but he understood and didn't want me taking any chances."

"Any new information on Cal?"

"Not that I know of. I have checked in on him a couple of times and I know his attending doctor. The doctor sends me reports on the new hospital computer system. Cal is doing okay and getting stronger and healing. He's slowly getting weaned off the pain medication. He's still in a coma. But I think with his internal progress and fully recovered from the concussion and his fast internal healing, he will come out of the coma soon. I know we all hope so."

"Thanks for the information Reeve. I'll pass the information on to Dave. I know that will made Dave feel better. As soon as power comes back, I'm sure Dave will go to the hospital to be with Cal."

"Ok. You all take care and stay safe."

I went back to watching the news and the cleanup was going fast. According to the reporter, most of the streets were now passable. And they were helping some families that had trees down in their yards or big limbs on roofs or in their yards.

Once electricity was restored people could start leaving their homes.

Cal was feeling a little sore. He couldn't move or open his eyes. He didn't know why. He felt okay. What Cal didn't know was that his body wasn't quite ready yet for him to open his eyes and start talking. The internal healing process was going well, but wasn't to the point where his body was ready for him to become active.

I could tell Dave was restless. I told him to be patient. Once the electricity came back on then it would be safe to drive to the hospital.

We didn't do much I wanted to go outside, but it was still raining. I mentioned to Graham and Dave that we should go out this weekend. Go to Milo's Supper Club tomorrow night and then maybe go to the bar and listen to some music. Dave and Graham thought that was a good idea. I told them I was going to call Steve and see if he wanted to join us.

Graham helped me in the kitchen get dinner ready. Soon Dave came out and pitched in. We soon had a few things warming and we ate at the kitchen island. Nothing fancy, but it was filling. Margaret's sisters food always tastes good. We put everything away and finished the last of the fruit punch.

We all sat in the living room. The news hadn't changed much. Cleanup was still happening and they were working on the transformer to get it up and running. I picked up my cell phone and called Steve. "Hi Bob, what a nice surprise. I didn't expect to hear from you?"

"How you doing after this major storm?"

"It's pretty boring. I can't do anywork on the computer without electricity and can't go anywhere because they are clearing and cleaning the streets. Any special reason why you called?"

"Actually there is. Graham Dave and me are planning to go to Milo's Supper Club tomorrow night and then go to a bar close by to listen to some music. We were wondering if you'd like to join us?"

"You bet. It would be great to get out of this apartment. My social life is nil and to see something different would be terrific. You want me to meet you at Milo's?"

"No, I will be driving and I can pick you up. Just give me directions again on how to get to your apartment. We are thinking about leaving around seven. Text me directions and if there is any change in plans, I'll be sure to call you."

"Ok. Thanks Bob. Can't wait to get out of this apartment and join you guys for dinner tomorrow night."

I then called Milo's. "Hello this is Milo's, Martin speaking. How may I help you?"

"You sound very businessmanlike Martin."

"Oh, hi Bob. I didn't recognize your voice. How can I help you?"

"I wanted to make reservations for tomorrow night at seven. That is if we have electricity by then. How is the supper club after the major storm?"

"Actually, we fared pretty well here. Most of the storm missed us. We got a little rain and some wind. But not it's clearing here and we have a few customers."

"How's the highway? Is it passable?"

"The customers said the road was clear."

"Sounds good. Expect us tomorrow night at seven. Any changes I'll be sure to call you."

"Ok. Thanks Bob for calls Milo's and look forward to seeing you tomorrow night."

I told the guys about my call to Steve and Milo's. Now we all wished the electricity would come back on. "How about a movie downstairs?"

We all moaned and groaned after sitting for a long time in the living room and got up and walked downstairs. I got some popcorn ready while Graham found the next movie in the Agatha Christie series. Dave actually seemd to like watching a movie with us.

The popcorn was done and I put it into a big bowl. Dave sat down in the middle of the theater chair with Graham and me on each side of him. Dave was holding the popcorn bowl. Graham got the movie going and soon we were watching another good Agatha Christie movie.

The movie finished and Graham turned off the theater system. We got up and soon the lights flickered and I heard the generator stopped and we had electricity. We went back to the living to check the news and weather one last time before going to bed. The reporter said the transformer was repaired and electricity was coming back on in the city. We could see lights coming on throughout the city, while watching the news. I turned the tv off and we went back upstairs to go to bed.

We all made out for I don't know how long. Soon Graham and I spitroasted Dave. Then we spitroasted Graham and finally I was last. I wanted to go last and feel these guys inside me and make it last for awhile. They finally finished with me and I pulled the covers over us and we fell asleep.

I heard the alarm and shut it off. I was the closest to the nightstand. I jostled the other guys to wake them up and we crawled out of bed. Since it was Saturday, we had the house to ourselves. I ran into the bathroom and splashed some water on my face. I told the guys to rise and shine we needed to workout and check the weather. I was the first one downstairs and I turned on the weather. Forecast looked good. The storm was moving out and when I looked outside, it looked like a light mist was coming down. No wind and we had electricity.

The other guys joined me and we went downstairs to workout. We got in a short workout, but it was better than nothing. We showered downstairs and jerked each other off in the shower. Toweled each other and went upstairs to fix some breakfast.

Graham and Dave started getting breakfast ready. I was looking for my cell phone. I thought I heard it ringing. I found it in the living room. The company for the sunroom was calling. They told me they would be over later to remove the tarp. I walked out to the kitchen and told Graham about the sunroom company calling and being here later.

The guys fixed a good breakfast and a large pot of coffee. That would be our beverage today. I drank my juice with breakfast and saved a cup of coffee for later. Dave told us he was going to get changed and drive over to the hospital and spend the day with Cal. I reminded Dave about going out to eat tonight and the bar after. He said he would be back by six or maybe just a little earlier. We watched him walk upstairs to get ready to go to the hospital.

I helped Graham clean the kitchen and put everything away. We kissed and hugged. We hadn't had much time for just us the last few days with the storm and Dave staying here.

We finished in the kitchen and were just getting ready to go upstairs when Dave came down. We hugged and kissed him and told him to be strong for Cal and give him our love and support.

Dave left and Graham I went upstairs to put some clothes on. I expected the company for the sunroom to be here early this morning. I wasn't sure how long it would take them to remove the tarp. But I thought it probably came down faster than when it went up.

We got upstairs to put some clothes on when my cell phone rang again. It was the pool company. They told me they would be over soon to remove the pool cover and then check the pool and the pH level. We put some shorts and tshirts on with sandals and went back downstairs. We walked out onto the covered patio. The weather was pleasant. Not too warm or cool. Just right. I could see just a very fine mist coming down. I told Graham once the mist stops we should pull the furniture out of the changing house and get it setup again by the pool pergola and covered patio.

Graham mentioned to me, he was looking forward to going out tonight and eating at Milo's and then the In and Out Bar. It had been a long time since we had been to either place.

Dave arrived at the hospital and walked in. And walked up the stairs to Cal's room. It looked like the doctor was just leaving Cal's room. Dave tried to get the doctor's attention, but he was too slow and missed the doctor. He walked into Cal's room. And everything looked the same. Cal was still in a coma. The head nurse for the floor Cal was on came in and told Dave that Cal was slowly getting better. His fractures were healing nicely and he was completely off the pain medication now. The doctor felt Cal should be coming out of his coma soon. Dave thanked the nurse for the information and she left the room. Dave moved a chair close to Cal's bedside and held Cal's hand and kissed him on the forehead. Again he told Cal how much he missed him and hoped he would wake up soon. That he was healing and getting better every day.

Dave's stomach rumbling. He ate a big breakfast. Why was hungry again already. When he looked at his watch. Time had passed quickly and it was already lunchtime. No wonder his stomach was rumbling. He got up and whispered to call he was going down to the hospital cafeteria and eat something for lunch. I'll be back soon. "Why don't you get me something while your in the cafeteria. I feel hungry."

Graham thought he was hearing things. He looked over at Cal and his eyes were open and he was looking at Dave. Dave ran over to Cal with tears in his eyes. "I can't believe it. Your awake and talking."

"Of course I'm awake and talking. Why shouldn't I."

"You've been in a coma for a few days and I wasn't sure when you would wake up. I'm going to ring the nurse." Dave pressed the button for the nurse's station. The head nurse saw the light come on for Cal's room and came running over and entered the room. "What's the matter Dave?" Cal said, "nothing's the matter. Dave looks like he saw a ghost when he heard me talk and I was looking at him."

The nurse said, "thanks for ringing the nurse's station. I will get the attention of the doctor and he'll be right here."

The nurse left and Dave waited for the doctor to arrive. In just a few minutes their was a knock on the door and the doctor came. "The nurse told me you're back with us Cal."

"Yes doctor. Everything is looking at me funny. Dave told me I was in a coma and wasn't talking."

"That correct. I'm going to do a few quick checks to make sure everything is ok." The doctor did a few checks of Cal and everything seemed normal. "You do have some fractures to your legs and arms after the accident. You are taped for muscle sprains, mainly to your ribs. The swelling has come down and you are off the pain medication. How do you feel?"

Cal told the doctor he felt fine. No pain, but he couldn't move his arms or legs with the inflateable casts. The doctor told Cal they would keep him here in the private room until his fractures were healed. If you were home you would be active and move around and right now you need to stay calm and quiet until those fractures are completely healed. The doctor could tell Cal was disappointed. Cal didn't say anything else. Dave told the doctor he was going to the cafeteria for lunch and was wondering if could bring anything back for Cal. The doctor told Dave that Cal was not on a restricted diet and he would put in a request for the cateteria to bring lunch to Cal and they could eat together.

Dave told Cal he would be right back with his lunch. He kissed Cal and that brought a smile to Cal's face. Dave was so happy Cal was back and seeing Cal smile.

While Dave walked to the cafeteria he called Bob on his cell phone. Dave was almost dancing and humming to himself, he was so happy. "Hi Dave. You at the hospital?"

"I sure am and I have some great news. Cal is awake and the doctor gave him a good report. The doctor wants Cal to stay in the hospital until his fractures are completely healed. He thought if Cal left the hospital, he would be too active and would hinder his recovery."

"That's wonderful news Dave. Are you going to stay at the hospital or are you coming back to the house to go out to dinner with us?"

"I will be coming back to go out for dinner. They are giving Cal some sedatives so he doesn't try to start moving around and being active. The sedatives make him sleepy and the nurse told me they would give him more in the early evening so he would sleep all night."

"Great Dave. I'll tell Graham and look forward to seeing you later. Tell Cal hi from us and that we're glad he's awake and healing."

As soon as I got off the phone I heard the speaker. That was probably the sunroom company coming to take the tarp off. I pressed the button to open the gate and the sunroom company parked in the front. I noticed that they came in a service truck with some long ladders. I never really saw how they had the tarp tied down, because of the weather. I let them in and they went to the patio and started working from their. It looked like the mist had stopped. It was cloudy out, but no rain. I was glad for the workers.

I stayed out of the workers way. But peeked out the glass doors to see what they were doing. It looked like they had the tarp staked down on one side and had used some kind of elastic material around the perimeter to hold it in place. Whatever they did. It worked. I thought they would be done soon.

I heard the speaker again and opened the gate. The pool cleaning company came in and they went out to remove the pool cover and check the pool's pH. It didn't take them long to remove the cover and I saw them use a test kit to check the pH. It looked look they poured some chemicals into the pool. One of the workers came up to talk to me and ask me if I wanted the pool cover here or if they should take it back to their store. I told them we didn't really have room for the cover here so I would appreciate if they would take back and store it at their store. He also told me they had put some chemicals into the pool to get the pH level where it should be. The pool worker told me we shouldn't use the pool for at least four hours. They packed up the pool cover and were gone.

I saw the sunroom company worker's folding the tarp. One of the workers tapped on the glass doors to get my attention. I went out and talked with him. He asked me if we wanted to keep the tarp or if they should take it back to their store. I told him the same as the pool company. We don't really have any place to store it. I would appreciate it if you could take it to your store and keep it there. He told me no problem. They were finished and they didn't see any damage or cracks to the glass on the sunroom. I thanked the workers. They packed up the tarp and their ladders and were gone.

I didn't see Graham the whole time the workers were here. "Hey babe where are you?"

"I'm busy in the kitchen." Whatever Graham was doing it smelled good. I had forgot about lunch with the workers here. Graham told me lunch was ready.

I had had the pool workers help me put the patio furniture back out. They didn't seem to mind to help me.

Graham and I ate out on the covered patio. The weather was warm. But not hot and humid like before. I thought I saw some patches of blue sky. But I could have been hoping and imagining it. The food was good. Graham said this was the last of the leftovers. We finished and we worked together to put everything away and load the dishwasher.

"What should we do now?" I asked Graham.

"What about giving Dave a call and we visit Cal. If he isn't too tired. That's a great idea. I picked up my cell phone and called Dave. "Hi Bob, What's up?"

"Not much. We just finished lunch and thought about coming over to see Cal if he is up to it and not too tired."

"I'm sure Cal would be glad to see you guys. They don't start the sedative until later in the afternoon. Come on over and I won't tell Cal. I'll let it be a surprise. A few of the deputies have been over to see him and fill Cal in and what's been going on at the station."

"We'll see you guys in a few minutes."

Graham and I went upstairs and changed into some jeans, pull over shirts and sandals. And we went in my SUV. I didn't want Graham taking his car out incase there was still some limbs on the streets.

We got into the SUV and I headed over to the hospital. I took my time and wanted to see if there was much damage from the storm. The streets were clear of any trees or limbs. I saw some limbs down in some of the yards and one large tree was leaning on a garage. Otherwise it looked like the city had everything cleaned. I'm sure they did the streets first. Traffic was light but people were out and I saw stores open.

I pulled into the visitor parking area at the hospital. We walked in and I asked the receptionist what room Cal was in. She looked on her computer and told us. We walked up to Cal's room and knocked on the door. Then we went in. Cal's eyes got wide and a big smile formed on his face. "Well, it's about time you guys came over to see the invalid."

"Your looking good Cal. How do you feel?"

"I feel great. I'll feel better when I can leave and these inflateable casts come off."

"Has the doctor said how much longer you will have the casts?"

"Not yet. They do weekly x-rays to check the progress. They only thing they've told me is that the fractures are healing. I don't feel any pain and I'm not taking any pain medication. They do give me a sedative in the afternoon and more in the early evening. They told that would keep me calm so that I dont't move around when I'm sleeping."

"You know you will probably have some rehab when the casts come off. To get your leg muscles strong again and be able to walk."

"I've been thinking about that. But one thing at a time right now. So how have you guys been. Did the storm cause any damage at your house?"

"No damage. Everything was safe and secure. The house generator came on when the electricity went off."

The nurse came in and told us we would need to leave. She was going to give Cal his afternoon sedative. We took Cal's hand and squeezed it. We couldn't shake his hand. He smiled at us and thanked us again for visiting. Dave walked out of the room with his while the nurse gave Cal his sedative. Dave thanked us for coming and would be back later to go out for dinner.

When we got home we went up quick to check on the birds and see how they were doing now that the tarp was off. We walked in and they looked like they were sleeping. I refilled their food dish and water and they looked at us. Then went back to sleep. "I guess the birds are content?"

"Yeah. Looks that way." We went to our bedroom and stripped out of our clothes and got out what we were going to wear later for dinner. We put robes on and naked underneath and walked out to the pool. We had missed lounging by the pool. I checked the time and it was over five hours since the pool company had been here. I did a quick look around the yard. A few leaves here and there. But no limbs or branches in the yard.

I got up and dove into the pool. The water felt so good. I waved for Graham to join me. He got up dove and came up next to me. We kissed in the pool. Just leaned our head on the edge of the pool and looked around. Graham said, "we really have a nice house here."

"That's right babe. Because your here with me. It makes the house perfect." We kissed again and then did a few laps. We cleaned out of the pool and went back to our double lounger.

More sun was starting to peek out around the clouds. It looked like our storm was over and had moved out. Both Graham and I dozed off with our arms around each other. We wanted to be ready for this evening. Dinner and then the In and Out Bar.

I woke up and checked the time on my cell phone. We needed to start getting ready to go.

I had told Steve I would call him before we left. I thought I would call him now and let him know we were going to get ready to leave. I speed dialed Steve and he picked up. "Hi Bob, you guys on your way over to pick me up?"

"Not yet. But will be there soon. We need to shower and get dressed and then we will be there. Probably in about thirty minutes." We disconnected and I heard the front door. Dave came in and walked down to us. "How's Cal?"

"He's back to his old self. They have him sedated and he was coming in and out of sleep so I kissed him and told him I would see him tomorrow morning."

"That's good to hear. Graham and I are going to shower and get ready to go. Go ahead and do whatever you need to do. I told Steve we would be to his place in about thirty minutes."

Graham had woken up with all the talking and I told him we needed to shower and get ready to go. We climbed off the lounger and draped the robes over our shoulders and we all walked upstairs to the master bedroom.

Graham and I jumped in the shower to rinse off the chlorine. Soon Dave joined us. Dave was feeling frisky and jerked me and Graham off in the shower. Graham played with Dave's balls while I jerked him off. We rinsed off the cum and dried each other off. We all got dressed and looked like we were ready for dinner and then some fun at the In and Out Bar.

We still had about ten minutes before I needed to be to Steve's. So we got into my SUV. I took a different route to Steve's. I didn't see any limbs or branches down and the yards looked good. I pulled up in front of Steve's apartment building. He must have been waiting for us. He came right out and got in back with Dave.

I heard Steve and Dave talking about Cal. It was about a forty to fifty minute drive to Milo's depending on traffic. Traffic was heavy. Everyone wanted to get out after being cooped up in the house. I turned off on highway eight and could see the sign for Milo's up ahead. I pulled into a half full parking lot.

We got out of the SUV and walked up to the front doors. Martin was right there opening the doors for us. "Good evening Graham and Bob. And who is this young man with you?" "This is Dave, Martin."

We followed Martin back to a private dining room. We got seated and Martin told us our waiter would be right here. Dave said he had never been here before. This was really a swanky restaurant. We told him he and Cal should come here sometime. They have really good food and if you mention us. You will be seated in a private dining room and the meal will be on the house.

Our waiter came and greeted us and asked us if we would like a drink before dinner. Graham and I ordered a scotch and water on the rocks and Steve and Dave ordered beer. While we were waiting for our drinks, I asked Steve, "how is it going working for my father?"

"It's going ok. Not exactly what I expected. But textbooks can only teach you so much. The practical is much more beneficial. I'm doing research for the trial lawyers. They have been pleased with my work and I might start assisting one of the trial lawyers in court. I can hardly wait."

"I know my dad runs a pretty tight ship. So I'm sure they will gradually work you into being a trial lawyer if that is the direction you want to take."

The waiter brought our drinks. We talked some more and Dave and Steve asked Graham and me about the bar we were going to after our dinner. We didn't say anything. Other than it was going to be a surprise. We finished our drinks and I ordered a bottle of wine. Steve and Dave didn't seem too thrilled about wine. But wine is always good with the meal. I had no idea what we would be eating.

The waiter brought our wine out in a chilled wine bucket and set the stand next to me. I had the waiter fill each wine flute. I got up to make a toast. "Here's to two good very good friends. Dave and Steve. Also to Cal who is in our thoughts to recover quickly. And finally to the person I couldn't live without. He's my rock and support whenever I need it. He keeps me going and in the right direction. Graham you mean everything to me. I couldn't live without you." We all drank our glass of wine and I sat back down.

Soon the waiter came out with a huge silver covered tray and set it in the middle of the table. He then set down some covered side dishes and put our plates and silverware down for each of us. He poured us another flute of wine. He took the covers off the food. We had the very delicious sea food medley. With steamed vegetables and a tossed garden salad. The waiter prepared our plates for us. And soon we were enjoying a very delicious dinner.

I noticed Dave and Steve slowly sip on their wine. I couldn't tell if they like it or not. I stuck with shrimp lobster and a few scallops. I wasn't as daring as the other guys and didn't try everything on the big platter. It looked like Steve was giving Graham a run for his money on who could eat the most. I think Graham was surprised how Steve could shovel the food down. We finished our dinner and the waiter said he would be back with dessert.

The waiter cleared our plates and put down dessert forks. We finished the bottle of wine and I ordered a carafe of coffee. The waiter wheeled in a dessert cart with an insulated carafe of coffee. He poured us all a cup of coffee and told us to enjoy dessert. The cart was loaded with different pies cakes cookies filled donuts danish rolls and eclairs. Graham's face lit up like a Christmas tree when he saw all the different desserts. I told Graham I would take an eclair. Graham had two pieces of different pie. Steve and Dave both had filled donuts. My eclair was out of this world. The other guys said their dessert was very good.

We finished eating and I was stuffed. I didn't know if I could move. The waiter came and asked us if we would like an after dinner drink. We told him no, but thanked him. I gave the waiter a sizable tip and he thanked us all profusely. Dave and Steve looked at Graham and me. "Aren't you guys going to pay for this dinner?"

"No. Don't worry about it. All our meals here are on the house. And like I told you. If you plan to eat here, call me or Graham and we can call ahead and they will have a private dining room ready for you and your meal will be on the house." Both Dave and Steve thanked us for a wonderful meal and were not waiting to see what the bar with all about.

We got up and left the dining room. The waiter had the dining room door open for us. Dave and Steve followed Graham and me to the front door. Martin opened the door for us and I thanked him for everything.

We climbed in to the SUV. Graham in front with me. And Dave and Steve sitting together in the back. I pulled out of Milo's parking lot and drove the short distance to the In and Out Bar. It didn't look too busy yet. It was still a little early for the In and Out. We got out of the SUV and I didn't hear any music yet. We all walked up to the front door and walked in. There were a few tables occupied and a few men sitting at the bar. I recognized a couple of the bartenders. They had worked a couple of our parties. They seemed to recognize Graham and me.

We found a large table so we would have plenty of room. And one of the bartenders that I recognized walked over to us. "Your Bob and Graham?"

"That's us. I remember you from working at a couple of our parties."

"That right. You guy's parties rock. That was the most fun I've ever had bartending. Now, what can I get you men?"

We all ordered beer and the bartender told us he would be right back with our beer.

I noticed the bar starting to fill up. Dave and Steve looked at Graham and me. "What?"

"This is a gay bar. Isn't it?"

"Yes it is. Is that a problem?"

"No. Not at all. Was just surprised. I didn't know a gay bar exised in this area."

The waiter brought our beer. I heard the DJ testing his sound equipment and he was ready to start playing music. We sipped on our beer and looked around. We didn't know anybody at the bar.

Soon a large group of college age guys came in. Or they looked like they might have just graduated. The moved a couple of big tables together. Steve looked over and told us he knew most of those guys and he was going to join them for a bit.

We watched Steve walk over to talk to his college friends. His friends were just as suprised as Steve was that they were all gay. He was glad about it and thought maybe he could hook up with one of his college buddies. They got into a good conversation and I saw the beer flowing freely at their table.

The music started and it was just as good as always. I didn't know this DJ the In and Out Bar used. He wasn't the same DJ we used at our parties.

A few guys that were seated at the bar got out to the dance floor and started dancing. I saw Steve's group of friends with Steve get out on the dance floor and start dancing. They were good dancers.

We decided to join the group on the dance floor. Dave walked out to the dance floor with us. Dave started dancing with Steve's group of guys. Dave was a good dancer. Graham and I danced together. Graham was a better dancer than me. But it was fun to get out and have some fun. We had been staying in the house too much.

Graham and I walked back to the table and ordered another beer. Dave was still out on the dance floor dancing with the college guys.

We ordered a snack tray to have something to nibble on. Dave came back to the table. He was sweating and out of breath. "Those guys really know how to dance."

"You looked pretty good out there too. You're a good dancer."

We ordered another beer for Dave and Graham and Dave dug into the snack tray. I nibbled and picked away at it.

It looked like Steve would be staying with his college friends at the bar. That was okay for with us. I was glad to see him enjoying himself. If I knew my dad like I did. I knew they would be keeping Steve busy and probably not getting any free time. So this was good for Steve.

We finished the snack tray and ordered one more round of beer and then we were calling it a night and heading home.

I walked over to Steve's table. Steve introduced me to his friends and they were all friendly and talking a mile a minute. I got Steve by himself and asked him what his plans were for the rest of the night. He said he would be staying with his friends and thought he might be hooking up with one of his college buddies. They had already shared phone numbers and he was going to drive Steve back to his apartment and stay overnight. I congratulated Steve and I told him I hoped it worked out.

I walked back to our table and shared the information about Steve. We finished our beer and got up to leave. The college guys and Steve walked over to us and were glad to meet us. We told them we were heading home. We hoped they had a good evening and enjoyed themselves. They said they were haven't a great time and they didn't know how long they would be staying.

We walked out to the parking lot and it was pretty full of vehicles. You could hear the music outside. The evening was pretty nice. A comfortable temperature and it looked like it was cleared off. I could see stars out. We found my SUV and got in and drove us back home. We talked about our evening and had a good time. We were happy for Steve and hoped his friend would work out for him and maybe he could start a relationship.

Traffic was light driving home. So we made good time. I pulled into the garage and we walked into the kitchen.

It was after eleven thirty when we got home and we were tired. I walked upstairs and Graham and Dave followed me. We took our clothes off and put them away and we all crawled into bed naked.

We laid there cuddling together with Dave in the middle. I could feel my cock growing. I reached around Dave and felt his rock hard cock. Graham was rubbing his cock against Dave's. We decided to spitroast Dave again. He liked that. Graham fucked Dave while I fed Dave my cock. I was sitting over Dave's face so I was facing Graham. Graham and I kissed. Dave was doing a good job deep throating my cock and Graham was thrusting his length in and out of Dave's tight hot hole. We kept this up for what seemed a long time but was really only a few minutes until Graham was filling Dave's hole and I was filling Dave's mouth and throat. We enjoyed that and laid back on the bed panting and sweating. The only one that hadn't gotten off was Dave. So Graham and I went to work on Dave's cock and balls. We soon had him moaning and gasping as he shot out a load into Graham's waiting mouth. You could see Dave's chest and stomach moving as he came with shot after shot of his hot cum. He laid back exhausted. We snuggled up together and fell asleep.

Sunday morning we decided not to work out. We would probably do some laps in the pool. We went downstairs naked. And you could tell by looking at us we had just got out of bed. Graham and Dave made breakfast while I went outside to look around. I couldn't tell where they had staked the tarp to the sunroom. The pool looked clear and no debris. The pergola area was clear and no debris laying around their. I think we were pretty lucky we didn't have any damage during the storm. The plants and trees looked healthy and I didn't think the hail had damaged or killed any plants or trees. The gardener would know better than me when he came this next week to work.

Graham and Dave hollered down to me that breakfast was ready. They told me they were bringing breakfast up to the sunroom to eat up there. I helped carry some things to the sunroom. We sat at the big round table and I noticed the birds watching us. I gave them all a couple of pieces of my toast and they seemed to like that. If they didn't like something it would just lay in their food dish untouched. Or they would toss it out with their beak.

I looked around while we ate breakfast and everything looked okay. I didn't see any cracks in the glass or anything broken. When we finished eating, Graham and Dave walked around with me and we did a closer investigation and everything looked in good shape.

We carried everything back down to the kitchen. Dave helped us put everything away and told us he was going to get ready to go to the hospital. We told Dave we were heading out to the pool to lounge and do a few laps.

We dove into the pool and started doing some laps and get in a little exercise. Dave walked down all dressed and he told us he was heading over to the hospital. He would eat lunch with Cal so not to expect him back until early evening when they sedated Cal. We told to tell Cal hi from us and we hoped he was feeling better.

We went back to doing our laps. We got into a competition, but Graham and me were pretty evenly matched. Once we thought we had done enough laps we went into the jacuzzi to relax our muscles. Graham and I sat close and we kissed and hugged in the jacuzzi. It was just nice just being the two of us.

Graham and me didn't do much the rest of the day. We ordered some Chinese food for lunch. It was good as always. We watched some college football the rest of the day and limited ourselves to one cold beer and we made it last.

Dave arrived later and told us Cal was looking better. He had good color in his face. Cal said the doctor told him they would take x-rays tomorrow to see how his fractures were healing. The doctor they should be completely healed this coming week or by next week at the latest.

Dave grabbed a cold beer and Graham and I were drooling, but we controlled ourselves. We watched the late news and weather. The storm had moved out and it looked like nice weather was forecast for this coming week.

Graham turned the tv off and we all went upstairs to bed. Since tomorrow was a work day for all of us and Dave included. We got into a circle jerk and shot out some nice sized loads. We licked and cleaned each other off and cuddled together and went right to sleep.

The alarm woke us up and we hurried downstairst to workout. Some of the other guys were already there warming up and working out. We all wore jocks and talked about the storm. Nobody had suffered any storm damage. Just the electricity going off, but they could deal with that. We all finished our workout and squeezed into the shower and had a good suck in the shower. We dried each other off and got dressed and went upstairs for breakfast. Margaret's sister had breakfast ready for us outside on the patio table.

We had quite a spread of food and it wasn't long until it was all gone. We all thanked the housekeeper for a good breakfast and headed into the garage. We got into a group hug and kiss and headed to work. Dave told us he was working a half day so he could spend the afternoon and early evening with Cal. He told us he was going to move his things back to his house. He thought he could handle being by himself in his house now that Cal was okay.

Monday was going well. And I called Graham to see if could join me for lunch. He thought he could get away. I told Graham I was going to call Steve and see if he could join us for lunch. I was curious to find out what happened with him and his college friend.

I called Steve and we talked for a bit and then I asked him if he could join Graham and me for lunch. He said he thought he could get away and would be glad to join us at the diner.

I walked to the diner. It was nice to be able to be outside again. Everything looked like it was back to normal. I walked up to the diner and didn't see Graham or Steve's cars. I walked in and the diner was busy. Guess people were glad to be able to get out again. I was able to sit at my favorite table. Millie came over and I ordered a black coffee and told Graham was joining me and surprise. Millie gave me a funny look and went to get my coffee. I saw Graham and Steve walk in and walked over to the table. "Hi guys. Glad you were able to get away for lunch Steve."

"Actually, it was easier to get away than I thought it would be. I told your dad I was joining you and Graham for lunch and he told me to leave and have a good lunch."

Millie came back with my black coffee. I thought she was going to faint when she saw Steve. She looked at steve, "aren't you a cutie pie." Steve looked around. And I saw a smile on his face. Millie said, "oh I see we have another comedian here. I'm Millie and you are?" "I'm Steve and nice to make your acquaintance ma'am." "Oh my god what a polite young man. If only I was a few years younger. What you Steve and Graham like?"

"I'll take a black coffee," said Steve And Graham said he would have the same. "We all want the special," I told Millie."

Millie left blowing a kiss to Steve. I thought Steve was red right down to his toenails. "Millie is something else, Steve. She likes to flirt and she is always flirting with Graham and me."

I heard my phone buzz. Signaling I had a message. I looked at my cell phone and told Graham and Steve I had an invitation to the National Teacher's Day convocation at the univerisity auditorium and they want me to give a speech. Steve said, "I got the same message and they want me to give a speech too." Graham spoke up, "I heard Irving and Mark talking about National Teacher's Day too, and I think they are asked to give speeches too."

"Your lucky your not an alumni of the university Graham, or you would be asked to give a speech too." "That wouldn't happen. I not good at speeching in front of large groups of people. Small meetings are my forte not large groups."

Millie brought our lunch and sat Steve's plate down last being sure to lean down far enough so he could get a good view of her tits. I thought Steve was going to start on fire. I had never seen anybody that red before. "You okay Steve?"

"Yeah, I'll be fine. Just not used to that kind of attention."

We finished our lunch and thought we better get back to work. I told Steve I was going to confirm my presence at National Teacher's Day at the university. Steve said he had already confirmed his presence. Graham paid for lunch and I left a tip for Millie. Steve thanked us for inviting him to lunch and said we needed to do this again. When we got to the door to leave, Steve turned and blew a kiss to Millie. I thought I saw Millie going weak in the knees and had to hold herself up. Graham and I laughed as we left the diner.

We all went back to work. My afternoon was going to be busy. Shirley was busy rescheduling appointments that were canceled during the storm. I would probably work until at least six, maybe later.

I had a couple of minutes before my first afternoon patient. I got on my computer and sent an email to the university confirming my presence next Friday at the university auditorium. I got a reply back almost immediately thanking me for accepting their invitation to be a speaker.

Being busy, my afternoon went fast. When I finished my last patient everyone had left the clinic and I was the last one to leave. It was just after six. I checked the clinic and then locked it and drove home. I was surprised Graham hadn't called me. He was probably having a long day too. Monday's were a busy day for him. I was surprised he could get away for lunch.

Then I remembered I had forgot to ask Steve how the rest of the night went for him at the In and Out Bar and if he hooked up with his good college friend. Oh well, I could give him a call later at home.

I pulled into the garage and Graham's car wasn't there. He was having along busy day. But no beer for us until the weekend. I walked in and the housekeeper for gone for the day. I thought she probably would be gone. I went upstairs to change and saw the Dave had taken all his things. I hoped it worked out okay for him by himself at home.

I strippe off my work clothes and put a robe on and walked down to the kitchen. I wanted to see what kind of refreshment Margaret's sister had made. It looked good whatever it was. I poured myself a glass and added some ice. It taste like orange and mango. It was very good. I took glass of refreshment and walked down to the pool. I laid down naked on top of my robe. I had picked up the daily paper on the kitchen island and wanted to look it over. I notice a big full page about National Teacher's Day. It gave the history of the day and gave the time the ceremony would start at the university auditorium. He mentioned the grade school middle school and high school teachers would be attending. All alumni were invited to attend. The university faculty, of course, would be in attendance. I thought it sounded like they expected a good turnout. It was scheduled to start at two in the afternoon and hopefully be done by five or sooner.

I then remembered I should call Dave and find out what Cal's doctor said about the x-rays. I checked the time and it was after sixty thirty and I thought Dave should be home. I called Dave and he picked. "Hi Bob. I just got home. I'm glad you called."

"You sound like your out of breath."

"Like I said I just got home and rushed over to answer the phone. I had left it in the kitchen."

"You said you were glad I called. You have good news about Cal?"

"For sure. They did x-rays today and when the doctor came back with the results, Cal's fractures were healed and they were going to start therapy tomorrow. They had Cal sit up and I saw him grimacing, but I knew Cal is strong and a fighter so I knew he could bear it."

"That is good news. How you feeling. You going be okay in your house by yourself?"

"I'll be fine. With the good news today I feel much better and relaxed. I can work half days all this week so I can spend time with Cal. My boss has been very good about me taking time off. I never take time off so he told me I due."

"Glad to hear everything is going well for Cal and you. I'll be sure to let Graham know about Cal when he gets home. Ciao."

I was wondering if I should give Graham a call. He never gets home this late. I'll wait a few more minutes and if he doesn't arrive I'll call him.

I was just going to back out to the pool when I heard the kitchen door and my man walked in laughing. "What's so funny. I was thinking about Steve meeting Millie at the diner. I started cracking up all day. This last meeting went longer than expected. But we landed another big investment deal."

"That was pretty funny with Steve and Millie. I've never seen anybody get that red before. Did you hear anything from Irving and Mark about National Teacher's Day?"

"Actually I did they approached Preston and me and asked if they could work a half day next Friday. They were asked to attend the convocation and give speeches. Preston and I both agreed to their request. We thought we might go to the convocation too. Since we usually work a half day."

"I forgot to ask Steve how his night went at the In and Out Bar and if he hooked up with his college friend."

"While I get changed, why don't you give Steve a call and see if you can get any information from him. I'll be right back and get dinner ready for us while you talk to Steve."

"You sure your not too tired?"

"I'm never too tired for my man."

"Thanks. I'll give Steve a call."

I went into the living room while Graham went upstairs to change. I speed dialed Steve. "Hey Bob, what's up?"

"Not much. It's none of my business but Graham and me are curious about how your evening went at the In and Out Bar and if you were able to hook up with your college friend."

"I'm glad you asked. I know I can trust you guys. The night went great. We all stayed until the bar closed. My legs and feet hurt the next day from so much dancing. My good college friend and me exchanged phone numbers and he followed me back to my apartment. We talked a lot and caught up on what each of us had been doing. Then he came right out and asked me if I was gay. I honestly told him I was. He got a big smile on his face and said he always liked me more than a friend, but was afraid to approach me and lose me as a friend. So, needless to say. We caught for lost time. I think I might have found my partner. But we're taking things slow and a little at a time. But so far everything is going great and I'm really happy. We've agreed to get together on the weekends since both of us are really busy during the week with our work and see how we progress. That's where we stand right now."

"That's great news Steve. I'm so happy for you. It sounds like you might have found your man. I hope so for both of you. I think it's smart for both of you to take it slow and see how it progresses. But again I couldn't be happier for you. You sound so happy in your voice."

"I am happy. The happiest I've ever felt. He's going to the convocation next Friday to hear me speak and then we are going out after for a good lunch at the Italian Restaurant in the Mall and then maybe to the In and Out Bar for some dancing later. He's planning on staying the weekend with me."

"Well I need to get back to my man now. Look forward to next Friday and our speeches and meeting your friend."

"I'm looking forward to next Friday too. I have nothing to be ashamed of and will gladly introduce you to my friend. Talk to you soon."

I heard Graham in the kitchen, but I knew he had been listening to the conversation so I filled in the missing information for Graham. He was happy for Steve too. "Maybe we could all eat at the Italian Restaurant. If they went as our guests we could be seating in a private dining room and they wouldn't have to spend any money on the meal and drinks."

"We'll have to mention that to them next Friday."

"Well dinner is ready." We ate in the breakfast nook and Graham poured two glasses of that delicious refreshment. After we finished eating, Graham and met put everything away. And then I asked Graham to follow me downstairs.

We walked over to the lockerroom and next to the lockerroom was a big open area. "What do you think about this space for our sauna?"

"I think it's perfect. Have you checked with Owen yet?"

"No. I wanted to get your thoughts first before I called him."

"I think that space is perfect. Why don't you call him and maybe he can check out this area and see if it would work for a sauna."

We went back upstairs to the living room and Graham put the evening news on while I called Owen. "Hey Bob. Long time since I've heard from you. I thought guys forgot all about me."

"Not at all Owen. We have a project for you to check out for us. How is your work schedule looking?"

"You guys always seem to contact me at the best time. I just finished a job today. How soon would you like me to check out your project?"

"How does tomorrow after work sound? Around five thirty or six."

"That will work perfect for me. I'll come to your house at six."

"Don't eat dinner Owen. You can eat with Graham and me when you come over at six. Then we'll show you what we are thinking about."

"Ok. I'll see you guys at six tomorrow."

Graham and I didn't do much the rest of the day. Watched some tv and then went to bed.

The alarm woke us up and we went downstairs to workout. Dave was there and I asked him how he managed at his home by himself. He said he was fine. We all got in a good workout and went upstairs for breakfast. Margaret's sister told me Margaret was getting all nervous and jittery. Jenna would be having Margaret fly to the New York City store and work their for a month to get experience working in a large city with wealthy clients. Jenna would return back to our hometown and run her store here. The housekeeper told me she would appreciate if I could talk to Margaret about going to New York City. I told her I would talk to Margaret today during lunch time.

We all ate good hearty breakfast outside and went to the garage and hugged and kissed. Dave was working a half day and we wall went to work.

The morning was busy. I was still catching up on patients that had to reschedule because of the storm. Lunch time arrived and I lef the clinic a few minutes early. I thought I'd walk over to the decorating store first and then the diner.

I walked in and saw Margaret working in the back room. A girl in the front asked me I would like some help. I told her I would like to talk to Margaret. Margaret heard my voice and walked out to the front of the store. "Bob so nice to see you. What brings to the store?"

"You. I wanted to talk to you if you have a few minutes?"

"Sure follow me to the backroom. I had never been in the back of the store and I followed Margaret to a closed off office. We walked in and she closed the door behind her and sat down at the desk. I sat in front of the desk. "So what did you want to talk to me about?"

"About your trip to New York City. I don't want you fretting and getting all nervous. Jenna wouldn't have you work at the New York City store if she felt you couldn't handle it. Just think of the great experience it will be. You'll be working with wealthy clients and I know Anthony will be around to help as much as he can."

"I just want to do a good job. I'm comfortable here. I don't know how I'll do in a big city."

"You'll do fine. You'll be doing the same kind of work. Only on a larger scale and with some very distinguished clients. Don't worry Margaret. You're going with a lot of experience and Jenna has faith in you. Your going to do just fine."

"Thank for the pep talk Bob. You've made me feel better. I'll do the best I can. I guess that's all Jenna can ask."

"I know you can do it Margaret. Look how successful you've been here. You'll do the same their. I just know it."

"Thanks Bob. I better get back to work. We have a big decorating job we're getting ready for."

"Call me when you arrive in New York City and let me know how everything is going?"

"I'll do that Bob and thanks again. I feel much better."

I left and walked the two blocks to the diner. Graham was supposed to meet me. I walked in and had to sit at a different table. A couple was sitting at my favorite table. Graham hadn't arrived. I thought I saw him pull in and park. I was right. Graham walked in found me at a side table. "Hi babe. "How's your day going."

"Very smooth. Not like Mondays. I only have one meeting today and might even be able to leave a bit early. How about your day?"

"Busy getting caught up on my patients that had to reschedule because of the storm. But it's going ok." I then told Graham about my talk with Margaret. Graham told me if he had time he would stop by and talk to her too. Millie came over and asked us where our little hottie was. We told him he was busy working and couldn't get away for lunch. "That's too bad. I was going to give him my phone number and address." Graham and I snickered. We ordered black coffee and the special. We ate and didn't talk much. I reminded Graham that Owen was coming over to check the place by lockerroom for our sauna at six.

We ate our lunch and I paid the bill this time and Graham left the tip. We left and told each other how much we loved each other and went back to work.

The afternoon went ok. Was busy doing extra patients. But managed to get done at five thirty and leave for home. I pulled into the garage and saw Graham's car. He did finish earlier today. I walked into the kitchen and the housekeeper was just getting ready to leave. I thanked her and she left.

I didn't see Graham. "Hey babe, where are you?"

I saw a head peek up above the back of the sofa. "I was just taking it easy until you got home."

"I'm going upstairs to change."

"Do you need any help? Always."

We walked upstairs, arm in arm. Graham was already wearing a jock. We knew Owen wouldn't mind us going around in just jock. Graham slowly stripped me. He left my boxers for last. He squeezed my cock through my boxers getting me semi hard. "We don't have time to fool around right now. Owen will soon be here." Graham gave me that sad puppy dog face. He pulled my boxers down and kissed the head of my cock. I stepped out Iof my boxers. And Graham found a jock for me to put on. And I stepped into the jock and Graham pulled it up. I told Graham I would feel better if we put some shorts on and tshirts. We finished dressing and went downstairs.

I checked the frig to see what Margaret's sister had made and there was plenty of food for the three of us. I heard the speaker. Graham went over and pushed the button and we saw Owen drive in. He got out looking just hot and muscular as always. You could tell he did carpentry and construction work. He had the right build. He walked up to the front and I opened the door for Owen. He came in and we greeted him. Lets show you our idea and see what you think. And then we can eat after.

We went downstairs and I told Owen we would like to have a sauna installed and we showed him the area where we would like it. "I think a sauna would fit in that spot." Owen did some measuring and taking a closer look at the area. "You know that a sauna requires special permits because of the chance of fire. I would put special insulation around the outside of the sauna where it touches the wall. I think a sauna for eight to ten people would work in this space. What kind of heater are you thinking of. An electric heater for dry heat or a radiator where you use steam and have wet heat?"

"We hadn't thought about that. I think a radiator with steam would be good." Graham agreed with me. "That's a good choice. Those permits are easier to get. I have a friend that I've worked with for many years and he does the inspection and issues the permits for the city. I assume you want a cedar sauna?"

"Yes cedar would be good."

"Do you want a pre-built that I could install or do you want me to build your sauna from scratch."

"How good are the pre-built saunas?"

"I've installed a few of them and I haven't received any complaints. They are made of cedar and come in different sizes, depending on the number of people it holds."

"If you have a computer. I can show you what they look like. The hardware store keeps them in stock. So once I get the permits which should only take a day or two days at the most. I can then install your pre-built sauna."

"Ok. Follow us Owen and let's see what they look like on the computer." We went up to the library/study room and I booted up the computer. We pulled chairs around and Owen pulled up the saunas at the hardware store. They looked very well built. And Owen showed us the sauna that would fit in the area we had shown him. We liked it and told him that was the way we wanted to go. We told Owen we knew Wayde well and that to go ahead and purchase the sauna when you get the permits.

Owen said, "I'm hungry. What's for supper?"

"I'll surprise you Owen. Why don't you and Graham go out to the pergola and I'll bring our dinner out there when it's ready."

"You know you guys really have an outstanding backyard. It's a real tropical paradise."

"We like it. I saw Graham get Owen a beer and pour a glass of lemonade for himself. And they walked down to the pergola.

It didn't take long to get dinner warmed. I got out a big tray and put plates and silverware on the tray while the food was warming. I heard the microwave beep and I took the food out and put it on the tray. It looked like everything. I poured myself a glass of lemonade. And took the large tray to the pergola. I had put the pitcher of lemonade on the tray. I set it down on the table in the pergola. Graham and Owen prepared their plates. I asked Owen if he wanted another beer. He said sure. I walked over to the tiki bar and brought Owen another beer. It sure looked good. But the lemonade tasted good. We ate our dinner and Owen thought he should leave and make a phone call to his friend and get the permits started. Owen told us he would start the plumbing tomorrow for the radiator. They sold radiators, specially designed for saunas at the hardware store. We thanked Owen for the information and looked forward to a full operational sauna.

Graham and I went back to the library/study room and Graham flopped down on the couch and turned the tv on. I told him I was going to start preparing my speech for next Friday. I worked for about an hour on my speech. I thought I had a good start and could keep working on it, a little at time, and would soon have it ready.

The next few days went fast, being busy with extra patients. It took two days to get the permits for the sauna. That gave him enough time to get the plumbing down for the radiator. By Friday when I came home early. Working a half day, Margaret's sister told me Owen was busy finishing the installation on the sauna. She said he looked really nice and she liked the cedar smell.

I walked downstairs to see Owen and our sauna. Owen heard me coming downstairs. "What do you think Bob? I'm almost done and you will be able to use it."

I opened the door and looked in. There were two benches in an L-Shape with the radiator in front. It looked like it could easily hold ten people. "This looks fantastic Owen. How many people will this sauna hold?"

"Ten people comfortably. And twelve people if you sit tight together."

Owen was doing some tightening on the pipe to the radiator with a valve on the inside to let water down on the radiator. There was a hot water pipe going to the radiator to keep it hot. I noticed Owen had put some rocks on top of the radiator where the water would drip down and make steam. He also had sauna buckets and pails and a sand timer on a little shelf.

Owen walked over and told me it was good to go. He showed we were to turn on the hot water for the radiator and the valve for dripping water down on the rocks. Owen told me the radiator should be ready in thirty minutes to take a sauna. He also handed me the permits and said he gave the bills to Margaret's sister to enter into the computer. Graham and I had already worked out payment for the sauna. I saw the special insulation where the sauna butted against the lockerroom and the basement wall.

"Let's go upstairs. You want a beer before you leave?"

"Sure." We went outside and sat under the covered patio and I got Owen a beer and a bottle of water for me. We talked for a bit and Owen said he stayed busy with odd jobs for people, besides his regular work. He said he had cut back on his regular job and was working part-time, that gave him more time to do odd jobs which he really liked. He finished his beer and told me he should get going. I thanked him and we were anxious to use the sauna this weekend.

Owen left and I told the housekeeper I would be busy in the library/study room. If she needed anything that's where she could find me. I went upstairs and changed clothes. I put on old ratty sweat pants and tshirt and flip flops and went to the library/study room to work on my speech. My speech was coming along good and I would soon have it finished. Probably finish it this weekend. I just got up and Graham walked in with a bottle of water. We kissed and hugged and he asked me how my speech was coming along. I told him I would finish it this weekend and then I wanted to memorize it for next Friday.

I finished my speech over the weekend and prepared a crib sheet with just a list of the highlights I of my speech, I could use for reference if I needed to. I practiced in front of the mirror and thought I had it down pat.

The next few days went fast. It felt good getting back on a regular schedule. And being caught up with the rescheduled patients. Graham and I had used the sauna a couple of times and it worked like a charm. We really liked it and with the shower in the lockerroom. It worked out perfect. We took our sauna naked and sat on towels so we wouldn't stain the cedar benches for sitting.

Margaret left for New York City and both Graham and me had talked again with her before she left. She was still nervous. But I knew she would do a good job.

Friday arrived. The big day with the convocation for National Teacher's Day at the university auditorium. I worked a half day as usual and so did Graham. I took a quick shower when I got home and decided to wear a dark blue suit. I thought it looked appropriate. Graham decided on a black pin striped suit that was tailor made. We looked pretty sharp when we got dressed.

I made sure I had my crib notes with me and I had rehearsed my speech enough and I was ready. I had no idea what to expect at the university auditorium. All I knew was I was giving a speech.

It was time to leave and the housekeeper said she was glad to work for two such handsome men. We kissed her and walked into the garage.

We got into my SUV and soon I was parking at the university parking lot close to the auditorium. It was hard to tell how many people were already here. The parking lot was big. It reminded of the Mall parking lot. It was divided with different sections with letters of the alphabet.

We got out and walked into through the front doors. Someone was there to greet us. I didn't recognize the young lady. Probably a student at the university. She had some printouts in her hand. She asked us who we were and we told her our names. She told us to follow her. She showed Graham where he could sit in the general seating area. I followed the young girl up to the stage and was shown to my seat. It looked like the faculties from the different schools were seated to the back of the stage. There were long rows of chairs there. Then their was seating on both sides of the stage. I assumed for guest speakers. They had bleachers set up on the ground level for the audience. Also, you could sit in the stands if the the bleachers were full. I saw people filing in. And it was starting to fill up.

It looked like most of the faculty was seated. With the university and the local schools it was a large group of faculty. Guest speakers were arriving. Steve Reeve Irving and Mark were seated with me. On the other side were the mayor president of the university dean of students and the chief of staff from the hospital.

The bleachers were full and people were ushered to the stands. I couldn't believe the turn out. Wasn't anybody working today? Finally it looked like the last few stragglers were ushered to the stands and I saw the doors to the auditorium were closed. I waved to a few people I knew in the audience, including Graham.

The mayor got up and walked to the podium. "It's my honor to welcome this fine faculty to the university in honor of National Teacher's Day. If it wasn't for the education of this faculty, none of us would have the jobs we have today." The mayor got a nice round of applause. The mayor then introduced the president of the university. The president thanked everyone for attending this most important national day. He thanked everyone that was on the stage for taking time out of our busy schedules to be here today. The president then introduced the dean of students. The dean of students again thanked all the faculty for being here. He also mentioned that our guest speakers are all former alumni of the university and some of the finest students this university has produced. The dean of students then introduced the chief of staff for the school of medicine. The chief of staff walked up to the podium. "You may wonder why I'm here, but two of the guest speakers are doctors that graduated from this university and I couldn't be happier to see them here and hear their speeches." The president of the university walked to the podium. "Now it's my pleasure for us to hear our guest speakers. The first speaker excelled in his studies and graduated second in his class. He also broke state records when he took his bar exam. It's my pleasure to introduce Steve to you." Steve got up to thunderous applause as he walked to the podium. He looked very calm and collected and well prepared, just like a lawyer. I noticed tv cameras which I hadn't noticed before. They were directed on Steve.

Steve thanked everyone for attending this ceremony for the outstanding teachers in this town and university. He said one person had a very strong impact on him. Then Steve mentioned me. I hadn't really done anything special. Steve said if it wasn't for me he would have had a hard time finishing his studies. He also thanked me for mentioning me to his father. Now I work for the very famous law firm in this wonderful town. Steve finished with another applause.

The president went back to the podium and said the next speaker was also one of the top students in his class and works for the very prestigious investment firm in our town. Please welcome Irving. Irving walked up to the podium to applause. He thanked everyone in attendance. He especially thanked me. Again, I hadn't done anything. He thanked me for mentioning him to the owners of the investment firm and landing a job there as soon as he graduated. He finished his speech with more applause.

The president walked up to the podium. He said our next speaker was another top student in his class. I've only heard great things about him and how he is excelling, working emergency in our Regional Hospital. Please welcome Reeve. Reeve gave an interesting speech. Again thanking me for all my help. Again, I really didn't do much. Reeve mentioned how he had interned for a short time with me and the valuable information he learned. He then said how Bob had talked to the Chief of Staff and steered him into working in emergency. He said he loved working in emergency and was slowly working his way up to Chief of Emergency. Again, this only would have happened with Bob's help. He finished to a long applause.

The president walked to the podium again and said another top student that has excelled well. Please welcome Mark. Mark mentioned me also and how I had helped him to get a job at the investment firm in town. He said he couldn't thank Bob enough for all his help whe he was having a hard time. And to get such a job just after graduating was a dream come true. He thanked me again and walked to his seat to loud applause.

That left me to be the final speaker. I was surprised when the Chief of Staff stood up and walked to the podium. We have saved the best for last. Our last speaker was a top student in our school of medicine. Since his graduation internship and residency he has excelled in his practice. He has a the new wing in the hospital named after him. And he has set up a scholarship fund for low income students becoming doctors. It's my extreme pleasure to introduce Bob. I stood up to a standing ovation and walked to the podium. Everyone on the stage was standing up and applauding. I didn't expect that. "Please sit down everyone. I appreciate your respect." Slowly everyone sat back down. I acknowledged individual teacher's that made an impact on me. Ending with how the Chief of Staff had taken me under his wing and guided me in the right direction. I explained how I had been fortunate to come into a large amount of money and be able to give back to my hometown and community. I thank you for this wonderful convocation honoring some very important people that have made a difference in many a young man and woman's lives. I left the podium and walked back to my seat to another standing ovation.

I sat down and after the applause died down the president of the university walked up to the podium. "Ladies and gentlemen this concludes our special program for National Teacher's Day. Be sure to congratulate all our wonderful teachers here today and a special thank you to our guest speakers."

All the guest speakers got up and we went over to shake the hands of all the teachers and then the president of the university the dean of students the mayor and the Chief of Staff. I really enjoyed this convocation. It was better than I thought it would be. I found Steve and told him I was going to find Graham and we could head over to the Italian Restaurant.

I walked out into the audience and found Graham. I told him Steve would join us shortly. I saw Steve walk towards us with a very handsome muscular man. I was wondering if this was Steve's special friend. Steve introduced his friend to us and we all left for the Italian Restaurant. Steve was driving him and his friend to the restaurant and Graham and I got into my SUV and drove to the restaurant.

I found a parking spot in front of the restaurant from the parking lot. When we got out of the SUV, Steve pulled in right next to us. We all walked up to the front doors of the restaurant and a doorman opened the doors for us and welcomed us to the Italian Restaurant. I told him my name and that we had reservations. He got the attention of a waiter immediately and talked to him. The waiter us took us back to one of the private dining rooms. Steve and his friend were surprised. They didn't know this private dining rooms existed. "This is a little surprise for you and your friend Steve."

"This is great. Thanks. I didn't know these private dining rooms existed."

"Anytime you and your friend want to come here to eat, just call me or Graham and they will have a private dining room reserved for you and your meal will be on the house."

The waiter came in and asked us if we would like a drink before dinner. We all ordered beer. I told the waiter to bring a bottle of wine that will compliment our meal. We made pleasant conversation and I felt my phone buzz. I had a message. It was from the one of the caterers asking me when they could come to visit. I texted back I would get back to him soon. We were at a restaurant.

I was wondering how Margaret was doing and I need to talk to Jenna and see if she had any information on Maragaret.

Our drinks and we sipped on our beer while we waited for our meal.

End of Chapter 10 - National Teacher's Day

Chapter 11 Coming Soon

If you would like to see the characters in the story, please read "My Alphabet Friends," and there are photos of characters at the end of each chapter.

Your comments and suggestions are always welcome. I answer all emails I receive. I ask that you please put Nifty or the title of the story in the subject line. Then I'll know it's not spam. I am already working on Chapter 11. I hope you enjoy my story as much as I like writng it. Please email me at:

Next: Chapter 11

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