Bob's Holidays

By Francis Scott

Published on Oct 7, 2022


Bob's Holidays Chapter 1

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The following story is a work of fiction from the authors mind. It contains adult situations between consenting adults. If this offends you or is illegal in your area, WHY ARE YOU HERE? Any similarities to actual people or events is purely coincidental. This story does not promote safe sex. Please practice safe sex at all times. Don't put your life or someone else's in jeopardy.

If you haven't read my story, "My Alphabet Friends," I would recommend doing so. All characters in this series are from My Alphabet Friends. There are pictures of the characters at the end of each chapter. You will find, My Alphabet Friends, in Gay/Adult Friends.

Bob's Holidays

By Francis Scott

Chapter 1 - New Years Day

I was still reeling from the party the town had put on for me. It really took me by surprise. The best part, was Graham proposing to me. Now we were planning our wedding. And deciding where we were going to get married. Our state still didn't recognize same sex marriages.

My phone and Graham's was still constantly ringing. Well wishes and congratulating both of us. I was getting hundreds of emails every day. I was hoping it would slow down soon. I replied to every email I received. It took time and I was getting backed up. We finally put messages on our phones to send us emails, with our email addresses.

I still had a hard time comprehending how Graham and Preston had managed to pull off that surprise party for me, without my finding out. The stadium had been full, and chairs had been put on the sidelines for more people. The stadium was named in honor of Graham and me. I had the key to the city, presented to me by the mayor. Even the state governor had given a speech honoring me. There was a new street named for me in the industrial park. The hospital had added on a new wing to their medical center. That was also named in my honor. The medical student scholarship fund I had set up for four students, was now increased to eight students. I couldn't be happier.

Graham's and my hometown of around ten thousand, was now close to fifty thousand. The mill had increased production and added to new production lines. The housing developments were full. The new school could handle the increase of students with more families moving to town. The two new senior housing centers were full. The professional building was up and running. The housing development for mill workers was full. The other housing center was full. The new apartment complex was almost full of families and single people. My clinic was doing well and Quinton was working out well.

The backyard to Graham's and my house was spectacular. Zane and his crew had down an outstanding job. Graham told me that Zane put in some extra things at no extra cost. He wanted do to something special for me and Graham. The backyard looked like a tropical paradise. Between the sunroom and the new backyard, it was like being back in the Bahamas. The pool was huge with a jacuzzi on the end. The pergola and firepit was awesome. Zane had put in a grotto, which Graham and I liked a lot, it gave us a good romantic spot for some hot sex.

My phone beeped for a reminder. I looked at it and I had an appointment setup for next Friday after work to meet at the bank with Quinton and Reeve. They were going to find out I was the anonymous donor that helped with their house payments. Now that Reeve was working full time in emergency, the bank had set up a payment plan for them to pay me back. It was a no interest payment plan.

Reeve was working full time as their new doctor in emergency. According to Quinton he loved his work. The only thing he didn't like was his one week a month when he was oncall. But that was a small sacrifice to pay for doing something he really liked. The chief of staff had emailed me and told me that Reeve may soon become the head doctor in emergency. The present head doctor was going to be moving back to his hometown, it seems he was needed their. All the other emergency doctors told the chief of staff that Reeve would be the perfect doctor for lead position.

Bob and Graham were getting calls from all the guys. They wanted to see the new backyard. They had heard a lot of good things about it. They were wondering when they were going to be invited.

I saw Graham walking down to the pool where I was. We both had great even tans. He walked over to the tiki bar and grabbed us a couple of beers. And walked over to me and handed me my beer and gave me a kiss. He took a seat on the lounger next to me. Graham looked better every time I saw him. Our working out almost daily was paying off. He looked just as hot as he did in high school. I think he was more ripped now than high school. I could stare at my lover all day.

We drank our beer while fondling each other. It didn't take us long to have big hard boners. Graham looked at me. "What we going to do about this?" Pointing to his boner.

"I have a few ideas, but I'd like a hot sixty nine right now."

"Sounds good to me babe."

We moved around on our double lounger. His cock was pointed right at my mouth with his big balls hanging down. How could I resist not sucking on those big balls. I knew Graham loved that and would make him super horny. He worked his big cock down my throat. I wrapped my throat muscles around his cock and started massaging it. He pulled off my cock and was moaning. Then he went back down on me. Graham was getting better and better at deep throating and many times we could cum at the same time. I didn't know if that would happen this time, but I was hoping it would. We kept going, bobbing up and down on each other. We got a good rhythm going. I was getting close with Graham's hot mouth and throat on my cock. I could feel Graham getting harder in my throat and knew he was getting close. Soon his whole body shuddered and he started shooting down my throat. That was all it took and I started blasting out a big load hitting the back of Graham's throat. We kept sucking each other until we were drained. We flopped back on the lounger looking at each other and smiling.

We finished off our beer. We agreed to have one more since tomorrow was a work day. Tomorrow was Friday and I worked a half day. But Graham worked a full day. I got up and walked down to the tiki bar and brought us back two cold beers.

I handed Graham his beer and saw him staring straight ahead.

"Everything ok babe?"

"Everyhing is perfect. Was just thinking how lucky I am to have the love of my life. Was looking at the yard and I can't believe what an awesome job Zane did. I'm glad he noticed the security wall needed some work and was able to incorporate some of the rock and stone work into the wall. And then have the wall connected to the security system."

"I agree. I'm the luckiest man in the world to have my best friend and soulmate living with me in our house. Zane really did an outstanding job on our yard. We need to have all the guys over for a party soon. But with New Year's only a couple of weeks away. I think we should wait till after to have our party."

"I think so too. That will give us time to plan our party and get everything arranged. At least this year we don't have to have a New Year's party here. Since we are invited to the hotel and Preston's house for New Year's this year."

"I'm glad about that. I'm not a spoil sport. But I'm glad we don't have to have the New Year's party here. Our party for our new back yard will be enough"

We just layed here enjoying unseasonably warm weather. It's usually cooler in the evening this time of the year. But it's been staying warm in the evenings which is a pleasant change. Graham looked over at me, "you getting hungry?"

"I was thinking about warming up dinner. See what Margaret had prepared for us."

"I'll take care of it. You just relax and enjoy the weather. I'll bring everything down here for us, when I have it ready."

"Thanks. This is an unexpected treat."

I watched Graham walk up to the house. Liked his hot muscular ass. Actually, I liked looking at all of him. I couldn't get enough of him. Graham is perfect in every way possible.

I kept sipping on my beer while I waited for Graham to bring our dinner. A got a small round table situated by our lounger so we had a place to put our plates.

I was looking at the big yard. We were going to need another gardener. With the sunroom and now the finished yard. A couple of gardeners would be needed. Me and Graham had already had a plan worked out for the swimming pool and jacuzzi they would come once a week if the weather stayed warm. Then I remember Margaret saying something about having extra cleaning to do. But I don't remember all the details. I'll have to ask Graham when he comes back. I also want to visit Drake's grave this coming weekend. I'll see if Graham can work out the details. We can stay overnight and come home Sunday. The grave is located the next town over my brother's town. So it's a good four hour drive one way.

I saw Graham coming with a large tray. I walked up to him to help him, but he waved me off. He had everything under control. He set the tray of food down on the table by the lounger. The food looked and smelled delicious. We filled our plates and drank coffee with our dinner.

I thought now as the perfect time to mention going to Drake's grave over the weekend. And also ask Graham if he remembered what Margaret said about having extra cleaning to do.

"Babe, I'd like to visit Drake's grave this weekend."

"Ok. You've mentioned doing that many times. What days were you thinking?"

"I thought we could leave early Saturday morning and come back Sunday. That way we wouldn't have to rush around and make the long drive twice in one day."

"That's sounds like a good plan. I'll have my secretary find a nice place for us to stay overnight."

"Thanks. You're not upset that I want to visit Drake's grave?"

"No. Not at all. I think this is something you should do."

"Do you remember Margaret saying something about having extra cleaning to do and we should hire another housekeeper?"

"Yeah. She thought the new pool house would give her a lot more cleaning to do."

"We can take care of that. It shouldn't be that hard to clean. And when we have parties, the waiters can clean the pool house. Or we can all chip in and clean it before anyone leaves."

"We can tell Margaret tomorrow morning."

We finished our dinner and just relaxed a little more. We thought we'd take a dip in the pool after putting our dinner dishes away. Graham put everything away, while I grabbed us a couple of large beach towels.

We walked down together to the pool. We had an arm around each other. We were still discovering new things that had been included in our backyard. We laid our towels on a lounger and dove into the pool. The water was refreshing. We splashed and horsed around like two young kids. We finally ended up kissing and holding each other tight together. Our hardons were hitting and rubbing together. I had Graham sit on the edge of the pool and I got between his legs. And gave him the best blow job I could. I licked between his balls up to the tip of his cock. Graham loved that and was moaning loud. I would nibble on his big thick vein on the back side of his cock every time I went up and down on him. I sucked his big balls in one at a time. Swirled them around in my mouth with my tongue. Then licked and sucked up to his big thick flared head. I took him down to his pubes in one gulp. I thought his eyes were going to pop out. I wrapped my throat muscles around his cock and worked it good. He was soon gasping and grunting and I knew he was going to shoot. Soon his cock hardened and thickened in my throat and I felt his hot cum hitting the sides of my throat. I keep milking his cock with my throat muscles, getting out all the last gobs of cum.

"Wow, babe. It gets better every time. I don't think I can match that, but I sure going to give it my best shot on your cock."

We switched positions and Graham was in the pool and I was sitting on the edge with my legs spread wide for him. I sat purposely on the edge so my big balls were hanging down. He started sucking on my balls. One at a time. Rolling them around with his tongue and sucking them in and out. I was already moaning. I loved having my balls played with. Graham then licked between my balls up to the head of my cock. He licked and sucked out my precum. He kept licking the sides of my cock. My cock was so hard it was twitching and jerking with every lick of Graham's tongue. Graham was driving me crazy. He licked back up to the head. Stuck the tip of his tongue in my pee slit and pulled out some more precum. Then like I had done to him, he took me down in one gulp until his nose was buried in my pubes. Graham couldn't wrap his throat muscles around my cock like I did with his. Put he was able to make a good suction. I think being able to make my throat muscles wrap around a cock is what has kept our friends coming back all the time. I haven't said anything to Graham about this. Graham soon had me gasping and grunting. I felt my cock thicken in his throat and harden. My load started shooting out in Graham's throat. He kept swallowing and took it all. He squeezed out my last drops of cum and licked it off.

"That was fantastic love. I haven't shot a load like that in a long time."

Graham pulled himself up on the edge of the pool so we were sitting together. We kissed and could taste some left over cum from each other. We hugged and got up and went back to our double lounger.

We were really enjoying our finished backyard. We spent more time out in the backyard than in the sunroom. The sunroom was nice and we tried to spend some time up there for the birds. The birds liked company and they needed people around to stay healthy.

We decided to go in and watch a little tv and then go to bed. Graham found a good movie on. There wasn't any sports we wanted to watch. I fixed some popcorn and we snuggled together and watched the movie and ate our popcorn. Once the movie ended we headed upstairs and went to bed.

The alarm woke us up early and we headed downstairs to workout. Some of the guys that lived close to us came over to workout. Those that lived close to Preston and Holden worked out their. Sometimes Preston and the guys came over to workout, but not very often. We all got in a good workout. Sweating like crazy. We all fit in the shower with a little bumping and wiggling around. But nobody minded feeling someone else touching them. We washed each other and then fucked and sucked each other. What a great way to start the day. We dried each other off, dressed and went upstairs for breakfast.

Margaret heard a lot of voices downstairs, so she fixed a big breakfast. She set the outdoor patio table for us. We all came upstairs and greeted Margaret and went out to the patio. The guys really liked our backyard and asked us again when we were going to have a party to celebrate this fantastic yard. We told them soon, but not until after New Years.

Margaret brought our breakfast out and we all woofed it down, like it was our last meal. After working out, we had good appetites. We finised breakfast and thought we better head to work.

Graham told me he would get the arrangements done for our trip to see Drake's grave site. I liked Fridays. Worked only half a day. That reminded me I would meet with Reeve and Quinton next Friday at the bank. I had the appointment in my reminders, so I wouldn't forget.

Friday went quickly and before I knew it, I was on my way home. I was anxious for tomorrow and visit Drake's grave.

Margaret also worked a half day on Friday's. Something she liked. She appreciated having a long weekend. Graham and I felt it was the least we could do for her. She was a good housekeeper and almost like a second mother to us.

Graham and I had talked, and if we had enough time, we'd stop by Graham's parents and visit for a bit. Since Graham was getting along with his parents, we thought we'd take advantage if the opportunity arose.

I noticed a missed message on my phone. I had received the message on my way home from work. It was from Graham. He told me everything was ready for the weekend and he would give me all the details when he got home from work.

Since Margaret had left for the day. I stripped down and walked down to the pool and thought I'd read and get a little sun. I grabbed a cold beer from the tiki bar frig and relaxed on a pool lounger.

It felt nice to relax and enjoy the weather. This time of the year it could change fast and cool down. I missed Graham, but he would get home soon. I had got our overnight bags out and thought we could pack when he got home.

I was getting a little hungry so I walked up to the house and into the kitchen. I made myself a sandwich and went back to the pool. Finished my sandwich and nodded off.

I woke up to sounds coming from the house. It must be Graham. If it wasn't Graham, the alarm would have been going off. I just relaxed on my lounger and waited for my lover to come to the pool. Soon I heard the glass sliding doors open and Graham came walking down in his naked glory. He had a couple of cold beers with him. He looked a little tired. When he got to my lounger, he bent down and gave me a big kiss. He handed me my beer and then sat down next to me. We moved close to each other.

"How was your day babe?"

"It was long day. Meeting after meeting. Me and Preston got a lot accomplished. We have more investments coming. My secretary got everything ready for our weekend. She found a nice hotel just on the edge of town where Drake was from."

"Sounds perfect. I thought if we had time we might stop by and see your parents."

"I was thinking about that. It's been awhile since I've talked to my parents. That is a good idea. Let's try to make time so we can visit them."

"I want to leave early, so we can get settled into our room and then visit Graham's grave. Hopefully, we can do all of that in the morning. Then have a good lunch and visit your parents in the afternoon, after lunch."

"I like that. If we could spend most of the afternoon with my parents, that would be perfect."

"You getting hungry babe?"

"Yeah my stomach has been rumbling. Just had a quick bite to eat for lunch at work. All the meetings were taking up all my time."

"You just relax here and I'll get our dinner ready. Move one of the little tables over and we can eat right here by the pool."

I walked up to the kitchen and looked in the frig. Margaret did extra cooking as she usually does to carry us over for the weekend. I found something that looked delicious and warmed it for us. There was a large tossed salad in the frig and I thought we could have that with our dinner. I got out a large tray and fixed it with plates and silverware. I heard the microwave beep and took out our dinner and set it on the tray. I wasn't sure if Graham wanted another beer with dinner so I didn't bring any beverages. The tray was full and I looked like one of the waiters at the hotel bringing out food for guests.

I carried the large tray down and set it on the table. "What do you want to drink with dinner?"

"Another beer would be great."

"Ok." I walked over to the tiki bar and got us a couple more beers. We loaded our plates and washed our dinner down with a cold beer. We decided to head in and get our overnight bags ready and then stay in the bedroom and watch tv. I told Graham that I had called our friends and told them we wouldn't be working out tomorrow or Sunday mornings.

We headed upstairs to our master bedroom. We got our overnight bags ready for tomorrow morning. I told Graham I would drive there and he could drive us back.

We finished packing our overnight bags and laid on top of the bed. We weren't very tired, but we knew we were going to get up early. I had the alarm set. I wanted to leave by six. So that meant an early breakfast, shower and be on our way.

We laid together on the bed. Graham was flipping through the channels and found us a movie to watch.

We cuddled up together. Graham was yawning. I knew he was tired. He looked tired when he got home from work. I got over Graham and started kissing him. He put his hands behind his head. I kissed his pecs and nips. Nibbling on his hard nips. I saw Graham had his eyes closed. I kissed and licked down his chest to his navel and licked and kissed around it. Then over his abs. Tracing those grooves with my tongue. Then licked through his trimmed pubes and around the base of his hard shaft. I went down and licked and sucked on his big balls. Taking one in at a time and rolling it around with my tongue and sucking them in and out. Then licked up to the tip of Graham's hard cock. His big head was flared and ready for action. I sucked his head in and out. Tasting his sweet salty cum. Then slowly lowered my mouth down on his cock. Slowly taking it down my throat until my nose was in his trimmed pubes. Graham just laid there moaning. I wrapped my throat muscles around his cock and started massaging the length of his cock. Graham must have been ready. I felt him tense up and harden in my throat. He grunted a couple of times and he started shooting a nice sized load bathing the sides of my throat. I swallowed down his big load and kissed him. I turned the tv off and pulled the covers over us. Graham thanked me for making love to him. We cuddled up tight together and slowly nodded off to sleep.

The alarm went off startling us. We were still cuddled together just like when we went to sleep. I told Graham I would make us some breakfast if he wanted to shower and load the SUV with our overnight bags.

We crawled out of bed and I headed downstairs to fix breakfast. I heard Graham turn the shower on. I wanted to shower with him, but to save time and get an early start, I thought it would be better if I made our breakfast. Breakfast was almost finished when I saw Graham coming downstairs. We ate at the kitchen island. Graham told me he would clean the kitchen while I got ready to leave.

I ran upstairs and showered and dressed. Graham had our overnight bags. I didn't see him in the kitchen so I figured he was in the garage. He was loading our bags into the SUV. I armed the security system and we headed out on our long drive.

We were making good time leaving early. Not that many drivers out yet. We got to the junction of highway 6 and 8 and a semi had overturned, turning onto highway 6. The trailer was across both lanes of the highway and traffic was already starting to back up. That shot our early start. No idea how long we would be delayed. The police hadn't arrived and no wreckers to move the semi and trailer.

I told Graham I was going to check on the truck driver. It didn't look like any other vehicles were involved in the accident. I got out of my SUV and walked over to the cab. I talked to the driver and he seemed fine. The only problem was that the cab had upturned on the driver's side and with his seat belt on, he wasn't able to get out of the cab. While I was talking to the truck driver, I heard sirens and saw flashing lights.

Soon a highway patrol officer pulled up and an ambulance arrived. I talked to the officer and told him the truck driver seemed to be in good condition. I identified myself to the officer as a doctor. The officer said he would call a couple of wreckers to come and move the trailer and get the cab turned up so the driver could get out.

I walked back to the SUV and told Graham what was happening. It was just a waiting game now for the wreckers to arrive and then we could be back on our way. We waited and waited. Finally we saw a couple of big wreckers coming. They seemed to know what needed to be done. They fixed chains to the trailer and soon had it moved to the side of the road. One of the wreckers attached a cable to the cab and soon had it turned up in it's regular position. The driver was able to get out on his own. The EMT's told the driver they would need to take him to the hospital to be checked. It was just routine after an accident. The driver grumbled a little, but when the officer stepped in, he agreed to be taken to the hospital. The officer thanked me for checking on the the driver.

We got going again. Graham looked over at me, he had checked his watch. "How long do you think this took?"

"I would guess a hour, maybe longer."

"Less than thirty minutes."

"We still over two more hours before we get to the hotel."

"You'll soon be on the freeway and then we can make good time."

The rest of the drive went without any more incidents. I easily found the hotel where we were staying. It looked pretty nice and big for being in a small town.

Graham got out first and walked into the hotel to confirm his reservation for one night, two adults. He motioned for me to come in. I walked in and he showed me on the map where we would be located and where I should park. I went back out and parked on the side. I got our overnight bags out and saw Graham walking over. I followed him to our room. We had a small suite that was on the pool side of the hotel. We thought the room looked pretty good. It had a large living room with two bedrooms. A small bar was located on the side of the living room. It was nicely decorated and looked new.

They unpacked their overnight bags and checked the time. They had time to go to the gravesite. Then come back and change and eat lunch at the hotel or a restaurant. Then visit Graham's parents.

They freshend up a bit after unpacking and were going to wear the same clothes they came in.

Bob drove them to the cemetery and parked in the parking lot. He wasn't sure where to go. The cemetery looked big and spread out. They saw a worker mowing grass and got his attention. Bob told him the grave he was looking for. The worker told them to follow him. He brought them to Drake's grave and then he went back to his mowing. Bob had some white daisies and laid them on the headstone. He kneeled down and told Drake how much he missed him. What he was doing with his life and how Graham had come back into his life. And that they were planning on getting married. Bob had to wipe back a few tears. Drake was special and would always have a special place in his heart. He told Drake that he would come again after they were married. Bob told Graham he was ready to leave.

They slowly left Drake's grave. Graham put his arm around Bob and he didn't care who noticed. Bob told Graham he would drive them back to the hotel.

They got back to the hotel and changed into some sporty casual clothes. Graham called his parents and his mother answered. "Yes mom, we're in town and if you and dad were going to be home, we wanted to come over and visit."

"Of course Graham, you know you and Bob are always welcome. What a nice surprise. Do you want to eat lunch with us?"

"We're going to eat lunch here at the hotel and then we'll be over later."

"Ok Graham. I'll tell your dad you will be here in a little while. Bye and thanks for calling and coming over."

"We look forward to seeing you and dad."

"That sounded like it went well?"

"Mom said they wanted to see us and was glad that I had called."

"Do you want to eat lunch here in the hotel or go to a restaurant?"

"Let's go to a restaurant. We can eat dinner here at the hotel."

We took a shower together and jerked and sucked each other off. Got changed into some nice casual clothes. Graham said he would drive since he was familiar with the town. And find us a good restaurant.

He drove a couple of blocks from the hotel and a nice rustic looking restaurant appeared on my side of the street. Graham pulled into the parking lot. He said this restaurant has the best food. We got out and walked up to the restaurant. One of the waiters opened the door for us and we walked in. The restaurant was spacious on the inside. The restaurant wrapped around on the inside with a lot of seating. It wasn't real busy. Graham said they were busy at dinner time. There was a large fireplace and another fireplace with a huge rotisserie that was roasting chicken. I had never seen a rotisserie that big. We were seated at a table and our hostess told us our waiter with be with us shortly.

We didn't order drinks. Just a beer and looked over the menu. I wasn't sure if I wanted a big lunch. Save room for a nice dinner. We both agreed on having soup and sandwich for lunch. Our waiter brought the special to us. I told Graham having soup and sandwich made me think of the Main Street Diner. He told he agreed. Within a couple of minutes our waiter brought our soup and sandwich. We had homemade tomato soup with grilled cheese sandwiches. It was very good. Graham was right about the food tasting good. We finished our lunch and I paid for it and Graham left a tip.

Graham said he would drive. He knew a couple of shortcuts to his parent's and it wouldn't take us that long to get there.

We left the restaurant and Graham make a couple of turns and soon we were on a county road heading to his parent's house. It only took us about twenty minutes to arrive at their house.

We saw his parents sitting out on their front porch. I don't know if they were waiting for us or looking for us. But they seemed happy to see us. We greeted each other and we went inside for some fresh lemonade. It was really quite good. Graham's mother had been baking so we had to try some of her baked goods. They were delicious. I needed to hold back or I wouldn't have any room for dinner.

I didn't say too much. I let Graham and his parents do most of the talking. They caught up on what everyone had been doing. They promised to come down and visit for a weekend. Time passed quick and soon it was time to say our goodbyes. We wished them well and looked forward to them visiting.

Graham drove back to the hotel the same way that we had came. It took us again about twenty minutes to get back to the town and hotel.

It was going on six and we thought we should change and go down to the hotel restaurant and have dinner. I would have preferred going to the restaurant where we had lunch, but I didn't say anything to Graham. We helped each other get changed. It was fun feeling Graham's body as I took his clothes off and put fresh clothes on him. He seemed to enjoy doing the same thing to me. We soon were ready for dinner and we walked down to the hotel dining room.

The dining room was good size and very elegantly decorated. A host took us to a table. He asked us if we were going to eat off the buffet or if we would prefer menus. We agreed on menus. He brought menus to us and told us our waiter would soon be with us.

Most of the staff in the dining room looked young. Probably college age. Some really hot hunky guys. Graham told me there was branch of the university close and probably a lot of these young people were college students. Soon our waiter came over. He was young. Probably twenty or twenty one, handsome, and he looked like he worked out. You could see muscles under his dress clothes. He asked us if we would like a drink before we ordered dinner. We told him we would have a scotch and water on the rocks while we looked over the menu.

He left to bring our drinks. We looked over the menu and they had quite an extensive variety of dinners. They had a prime rib special that we both agreed on. Our waiter came back with our drinks and we both ordered prime rib. I told the waiter I would like mine as lean as possible with a baked potato. Graham had a baked potato with his prime rib also. I asked the waiter to bring a wine list.

He came back shortly with a wine list. I told him the wine I would like chilled with our dinner. Graham and I sipped on our drink. We both agreed it was nice to get out of the house and away from town for a couple of days. We thought we'd go down to the pool after dinner and relax down there.

Soon our waiter came back with a wine bucket and our chilled bottle of wine. Followed by our dinner. I thought I saw the waiter give me a wink and point at something. I looked under my dinner plate and their was a small note. I took the note out and stuck it in my pocket. Our dinner was delicious. We both enjoyed the prime rib and the wine. Graham told me he still liked the prime rib at Milo's better. I told him this was good, but not anything like at Milo's. We finished our dinner and our waiter cleared the table. He asked us if we wanted an after dinner drink. We told him we would have another scotch and water on the rocks.

I took the note out of my pocket. "What's that babe?"

"This note was under my dinner plate."

"What does the note say?"

"It says, my name is Michael and I'm your waiter. I'd like to get to know you guys more if your interested. Here's my cell phone number. I get off work at eight."

We looked at each other. "What do you think Graham?"

"I don't know. He looks pretty young, but he is hot and cute."

"When he comes back with our drinks, let's tell him we will be at the pool if he wantes to join us."

Soon our waiter came back with our drinks. "I read your note Michael. If your interested, we will be at the pool when you finish work."

"Thank you for reading my note. I never done anything like this before. But you guys seemed nice and I thought you might be interested in getting better acquainted. I'll join you guys at the pool when I finish work."

We finished our drink and had the bill put on our hotel tab. We left the dining room and gave Michael a wink as we left.

We went up to our room and we laughed. Thinking a young guy like Michael would be interested in us. We changed into some board shorts, grabbed towels and walked down to the pool.

The pool was large, bigger than we thought it would be. There were tropical plants and flowers decorating the pool area. There was a bar at the far end of the pool. A bartender came over and asked us if we would like something to drink. We declined and told him, maybe later.

"Do you think Michael will show up at eight when he finishes work?"

"He put the note under your dinner plate. He made the the first move. So I'm pretty sure he will show up here at the pool."

"What we doing to do? Invite him to our suite?"

"I think we should just wait and see what happens. He needs to show up first."

It was only a little after seven thirty. So it would be awhile before Michael would be here. We looked around the pool area. It didn't compare to our tropical paradise. Ours was more like a tropical lagoon. Zane had went out all on our backyard. It was nice here, but didn't come close to our backyard. "You ready for a swim?"

"I am if your are."

We got up from our loungers. There was just one other couple by the pool and they were busy making out. We dove into the water. It was a little cool but still refreshing. We did a few laps since we hadn't worked out in the morning. Pulled ourselves out of the pool and went back and laid on our loungers. We using our towels to dry off a bit. The bartender came back and asked us if we wanted anything to drink. We both agreed on a beer. Maybe some hard liquor when we went back to our room.

It was now approaching eight. We thought Michael would be showing up soon. We just laid on our loungers enjoying doing nothing and forgetting about work.

I had just closed my eyes, when I heard. "Hello, remember me?"

I opened my eyes. And there stood Michael next to my lounger. Damn did he look good. He was muscular and ripped and wearing one of the tiniest Speedos I had ever seen. I was wondering how he managed to fit everything into the skimpy Speedo. "Hello, Michael. Why don't you pull a lounger over and we can talk for awhile."

Michael pulled a lounger over by me. Graham had his eyes open and was giving me one of his smiles. I knew what that smile meant. I knew he felt like I did about Michael. Michael was a wet dream come true. "We just ordered a beer. Do you want anyting to drink? Our treat."

"I'll have whatever you guys are having."

The bartender brought our beers and I told him to bring one more for Michael. The bartender looked at Michael and seemed surprised to see him lounging with us.

Michael told us his father was the owner of the hotel. He wanted Michael to get experience working in all the different areas of the hotel before he became the owner. Michael was studying hotel management at the local branch of the university. "The bartender seemed surprised to see you lounging with us."

"We are not supposed to fraternize with the guests. But being the owner's son. Nobody is going to say anything. I have free reins of the hotel and I can come and go as I please."

The bartender came back and handed Michael his beer.

"You ready for a dip in the pool. Graham and I are going to go for another swim?"

"Sure." Michael set his beer down on one of the small round pool tables.

We all dove in. Michael dove in after Graham and me. He dove in right next to me. In fact he dove in so close to me that he brushed up against one of my legs. I could feel his big bulge rubbing my leg. That made me start to chub up. Michael apologized and I told not to worry about it. I thought I saw him snicker a bit. We horsed around in the pool since we were the only ones using it. Michael didn't have any inhibitions and he was continually rubbing himself against us. I think he knew what he was doing. Soon we all climbed out of the pool and went went to our loungers.

We finished our beer and the bartender came back and asked if we all would like another beer. We all agreed. I . I saw the bartender giving Michael some strange looks. We just laid on our loungers, not saying much and just relaxing. Graham and I looked at each other. We could almost tell what the other was thinking. We were wondering what Michael had up his sleeve. If he had some alterior motives. I guess we'd just have to wait and see. He was friendly, and muscular and a nice guy. So if he wanted to come to our room when we finished our beer that was fine with us.

Graham and I finished our beer and told Michael we were going back to our room. Michael told us it would look better if we all didn't leave together. Graham and I chugged down our last couple of swallows of beer and got up. We took our towels with us. We shook Michaels hand and wished him a great rest of the evening.

Michael knew what room Bob and Graham were in. He had checked it out earlier at the reservation desk. He really liked the two men. Something about them made him attracted to them. Michael liked male sex and was semi in the closet. Only his parents knew about him being gay and a few close friends. He usually was only with men a few years older than him. These guys looked to be at least ten years older than him. But he didn't care. He wanted to get to know them better.

Michael thought he had waited long enough. He took his towel and slowly made his way to Bob and Graham's room. He knocked on their door. Graham looked in the peephole and saw it was Michael. He let Michael in. Michael knew they were in one of the hotel's nicer suites. "We were just going to shower and get comfortable and probably have a drink. Do you want to join us?"

"You took the words right out of my mouth." We all stripped out of our swimsuits. Michaeal had a nice sized cock. A little bigger than Graham's and mine. We walked into the shower. Which easily could handle the three of us. We started lathering each other. We instantly got hardons. Michael liked all the attention he was getting from Graham and me. We couldn't keep our hands off his hot body. We gave him a good washing, not leaving anything out. Then Michael washed Graham and me. We agreed to dry off and head to the bed before doing anything else.

We dried each other off and Graham and Michael laid on the bed. I told them I was going to fix us drinks. I made three scotch and water on the rocks for us and brought the drinks into the bedroom. Graham and Michael were already in a sixty nine and going at it hot and furiously. I told them to slow down, I wanted in on the action too. They broke apart and I handed them their drinks. We had Michael in the middle with Graham and myself on his sides.

We sipped on our drinks. Our big hardons were leaking, we set our drinks down and I got down between Michaels legs and started sucking on his balls and down to his hole. He pulled his legs back. Graham got over Michael and started feeding Michael his leaking hardon. I could hear Michael slurping on Graham's cock. I started licking around Michaels's hole and sticking my tongue in and out. I wet a couple of fingers and eased them in. I found Michael's prostate and started rubbing over it. That made him moan on Graham's cock. I spit on my cock and got it wet and slick. I eased the head into Michael's hole. His hole could easily take my cock. He obviously had done this before. I was able to easily work my whole cock into his hole. My shaft was rubbing back and forth on his prostate. Graham was fucking Michael's mouth faster and I could tell he was getting close by the sounds he was making. I speeded up my fucking so I could cum with Graham. I started stroking Michael's big cock and he was leaking like a fountain. I told Graham to ease back onto Michael's cock. Graham was able to slide down on Michael's big cock and still keep his cock in Michael's mouth. We all said we were getting close. A three way orgasm at the same time would really be hot. We tried to time it so we could all cum together. I heard Graham give out a loud grunt and I knew he was shooting in Michael's mouth. I saw Michael's cock harden and I knew he was pumping a big load in Graham. That set me off and I filled Michael's hole with a nice sized load. Wow. We all came at the same time. We just stayed in that position until our cocks got soft and plopped out.

We laid back on the bed hugging each other. Enjoying our post orgasmic bliss. We finished out drinks. I asked Michael if he wanted another drink. He said he could have one more and then he would need to leave. He was sorry, but he couldn't take a chance staying overnight with us. Even though he told us he wanted to. I got up and made us another round of drinks. I brought them back and we sipped on our drinks and fondled each other. Michael got hard again. We set our drinks down and Graham started sucking on Michael's big balls. I licked around his thick head and pulled off his precum with my tongue. We already had Michael moaning. I slowly sucked down on his big cock. Taking him down my throat and wrapping my throat muscles around his cock. He let me take over and go at my own speed. Graham was busy sucking on each of Michaels's balls. Sucking them in one at a time and rolling them around with his tongue. My throat muscles keep up a steady massage on Michael's cock. He told me has going to cum. That made me go faster and faster. Soon he was humping my mouth and shooting another load down my throat. I swallowed his load and he told me he was drained. We finished our drinks and Michael said he needed to get going and put his swimsuit on and grabbed his towel and left. We were sorry to see him go, but we didn't want him to get into any problems with his father. He said goodbye and we watched him leave. I got up and locked the door.

I came back to bed and snuggled up with Graham. "What did you think about Michael?"

"It was fun. But I'd be surprised if we saw him again."

"We exchanged cell phone numbers and I told him if he was in our area he was always welcome at our home."

"Like it said. I'd be surprised if we see him again."

"What do you want to do the rest of the evening?"

"Let's see what's on the tv. And maybe have a nightcap."

"You check out the channels while if make us another drink."

Graham was busy flipping through the channels and found an old black and white movie that we hadn't seen. I brought our drinks in and we cuddled together and watched the movie. It had already started. But we'd still see most of it.

We sipped on our drinks and watched the movie. It felt nice having Graham's warm body next to mine. The movie was really pretty good and we watched it to the end. We were tired after our sexual episode with Michael, but not too tired for a little fun.

Graham told me he wanted to fuck me. He wanted to feel my hot hole wrapped around his cock. I laid back and pulled my legs back. He put an extra pillow under my hips and I was raised to the perfect position for Graham to make love to me. He ran to the bathroom and I saw him carrying a little tube of lube. He lubed around my hole and then started pushing it in with his fingers. He soon had three fingers in my hole and had me well stretched. He had managed to find my prostate and gave it a good workout. I saw Graham lube his cock. His cock looked rock hard and ready for action. I felt his thick head at my entrance. He eased it in slowly bending down and kissing me. My hardon was hitting his chest. Graham slowly eased the rest of his cock in, inch by inch, slowly and lovingly. I pulled on Graham's cock and that made him moan. I could flex my ass muscles and he really liked that. He started a slow in and out movement. He grabbed my hardon and started stroking me as he slowly fucked my tight hot hole. The head of his cock was giving my prostate a good workout. Graham knew where my prostate was and he found it every time he fucked me. I told him I was getting close so he started speeding up his thrusts. I told him I was cumming and he bent down and sucked my load down his throat, as I felt him spasm and start shooting way up my hole. A mutual orgasm was really the best.

I told Graham how much I loved him and told me the same. We needed to start planning our wedding. I told Graham, maybe our party for our new backyard would be the perfect time for our wedding reception. Graham liked the idea. Graham said he would start working on it and figure our a place for our wedding.

Graham turned the tv off and I pulled the covers over us. We kissed goodnight and snuggled together and fell asleep.

I woke up. I had no idea what time it was. It seemed weird to wake up without an alarm blaring. But it seemed nice. I was wrapped up in Graham's arms and he was still sleeping. I didn't want to wake him, so I just laid their and listened to his heart beat. He looked so calm and peaceful. I was the luckiest guy in the world to have someone like Graham in my life. My partner and soulmate. We had all day, so there was no hurry to get up and have breakfast. We didn't have to checkout until noon. The hotel served breakfast till nine and then had a brunch from ten to noon. Then the lunch hour started with a buffet or ordering off the menu.

I felt Graham stirring. Soon he was looking at me. "How long you been awake?"

"Not long. Just liked looking at you and watching you sleep. You looked so content and peaceful."

"I only look that way, because I'm with you. Do you know what time it is?"

"No idea. I didn't want to wake you. I know the sun is out. I can see it shining in through the blinds."

Graham rolled over on his side of the bed and looked at his watch. "It's just after nine. I don't remember the last time I slept in this late. We are always waking up to the alarm going off early and going downstairs to the gym and working out."

"What do you want to do for breakfast or lunch? You want to eat brunch here at the hotel? Brunch starts at ten."

"Since I'm the one driving us home, how about if we shower and dress and pack our bags. Check out and I know some good restaurants that serve breakfast until noon. I want to take a different route home. We are in no rush and we will go by a state park and maybe wander around the park for awhile today."

"That's an excellent idea. I like the way you think."

We crawled out of bed. Our cocks sticking straight out. We both had big morning woodies. We made our way into the bathroom and then the shower. The shower finished waking us up. We took turns stroking each other and then sucking each other off to mind blowing orgasms. We dried off and just put on some casual clothes, nothing fancy, especially if we were going to be walking around a state park for awhile.

We got our bags packed. Checked the room one more time, to be sure we hadn't forgot anything. We put our bags in the SUV and then walked down to the receptionist/reservation counter and checked out. We got in my SUV, it felt strange to be sitting on the passenger side. "Where to James?"

"Very funny passenger. Just wait and see."

We pulled out of the hotel parking lot and Graham went on a county road. We had only went a few miles when we came to a roadside restaurant. Nothing fancy, but the parking lot was full of cars. That's usually a good sign that the food is good. "Your going to like this restaurant Bob."

We walked in and it looked like the restaurant was full. We found a small table way in the back corner. It looked that the only table left. We got a few stares, probably beause we were not from the area. It looked like two waitresses were working. I got the attention of one of the waitresses and we asked for menus. She said they were still serving breakfast if we were interested. She brought our menus. We decided to have breakfast. Graham ordered the lumberjack special. I don't know how he can eat so much food. The lumberjack special included four pancakes, two waffles, sausage, bacon and two eggs with toast. I ordered two eggs with ham. The waitress brought our coffee and juice. We drank our coffee while we waited for our breakfast.

I saw our waitress walking towards our table with a large tray. Graham's breakfast was on two plates. It wouldn't all fit on one plate. My breakfast easily fit on one plate. Graham started woofing down his breakfast. I eat mine. It was very good. Graham said his was delicious between mouthfuls. I finished eating my breakfast before Graham and I just watched him. I sipped on my juice. He finally finished and said that was just right. I just shook my head. "I suppose you want dessert now?"

"I thinking of ordering some danish that would we could eat on our way."

"Go for it, if you want some."

The waitress came back to our table and Graham ordered two apple danish and two cream danish. She came back with our danish packaged and the bill. We paid at the counter and left her a nice tip. She worked hard and gave us good service for as busy as they were.

We left and took off on the same county road. We started coming into a thick forest. "We're getting close to the state park. Do you want to walk around the park for a little while?"

"Sure. I could use some exercise after that breakfast."

We started seeing signs for the state park. Graham pulled up to the entrance and a park ranger walked over to the car. Graham rolled down the window and told the park ranger we would like a day pass. "That will be twenty dollars." Graham paid the park ranger.

"I'll be back in just a minute with your day pass sticker and a map of the park."

"He came back with the sticker and told Graham just to lay the sticker on the dash where it would be visible." He then handed Graham a map of the park. We thanked him and followed the signs where we could park the car.

It was just after eleven, so we still had all day. We got out of the SUV. The air was so fresh. And you could smell the pine trees. There was a large lodge and we walked into the lodge first. There was a poster giving the history of the park. And another large poster in a glass case that was a map of the park. The park looked to be quite large and spread out. We compared our small map with the larger one and they were identical. We found a couple of trails we could walk on. One went by a small stream and the other went through a park of the forest that was marked as to the different names of plants and trees. There was a gift shop in the lodge with different souvenirs. Also, it looked like a small cafe. Their were a couple of rangers working.

We left the lodge and started out on the trail that went by the stream. The trail was paved so it made it easy for walking. We walked at a brisk pace to get some exercise. We could hear the stream up ahead, but didn't see it with the thick foliage. Soon we came to an area that was cleared and we could walk down to the stream. The stream was more like a river. It was beautiful and you could hear the running water. We walked along the edge of the stream for a few feet. There was a part of the stream that was calm and you could see fish jumping out of the water and a couple of turtles sunbathing on a log. We walked back up to the path and followed it around to where it connected to the other trail we wanted to walk on. The other trail was also paved. Their were little markers identifying the names of plants and trees. It was really quite interesting. I didn't realize their were that many different plants and trees. We met just a handful of other hikers. Otherwise, it was pretty quiet and peaceful. I asked Graham if there were any bears or wolves in the forest. He said he didn't think so. The park was enclosed, except for one area on the far end that was left open. We followed the trail to the end and it brought us back to the lodge. We walked into the lodge and thanked the rangers for a very knowledgeable walk. We told them we really enjoyed the trail with the markers identifying the different plants and trees. They told us that was one of the most popular trails. We left the lodge and walked back to the SUV.

We got back to the parking lot and noticed a flyer on the windshield. The flyer told of different events that would be happening at the park. Also, days where they give discounts. The hours thw park opened and closed was on the flyer. Also a big thank you for visiting the park and hoping we enjoyed our time and would come back again.

"That was nice."

We got into the car and made our way to the exit. The ranger waved at us and we waved back.

"I really enjoyed this Graham. We should come back again before the park is closed for the season."

We took off on the same county road. We passed through some very small towns and communities. And finally the county road connected to the state highway 8. I now recognized where we were. We were just past The Bigger One, and Milo's Supper Club. We only had two a hour and a half till we would be home. "Should we drive back and have lunch at Milo's?"

That was the wrong thing to say. Graham was always hungry. "I like that idea." Graham turned around and we headed back to Milo's. The parking lot was pretty empty. They got more business later in the day. We walked in and didn't see Martin. Some other waiter greeted us and took us back to a private dining room. I was wondering how he knew to take us to a private dining room. Graham looked at me and I just shrugged my shoulders. "How did you know to bring us to a private dining room."

"All the waiters and staff have been informed who you are, and we are to give you the best service we can."

We thanked the waiter and took a seat in a private dining room. He brought us menus, specially designed for the private dining room. Graham was looking over the menu and licking his lips and going, "mmmmmm", everytime he saw something he liked. Which to me seemed like everything on the menu. I don't know how he could even be hungry after his big breakfast. I decided on lobster and then just have a light dinner when we got home. Graham decided on the king size prime rib. Should I be surprised. No. The waiter asked us if we would like a before dinner drink. We both agree on a bottle of the house white wine chilled.

The waiter brought out our wine in a bucket on a stand and positioned it close to me. He poured us a glass of wine and told us our lunch would soon be here. I heard the door to our dining room and the waiter brought in our lunch. Two big silver covered platters. He set one platter down in front of each of us. He removed the covers. My lobster looked perfect. Graham was already digging in to his prime rib. The waiter left au jus dipping sauce for Graham. He put vegetables on our plates and told us to enjoy our lunch.

I really enjoyed my lobster taking my time and washing it down with a very fine bottle of white wine. Graham was already half done eating his prime rib. He looked like he was in an eating contest. "Graham there will be another day to eat."

"I know, but it's so good it want to eat it all before it gets cold."

I slowly finished my lobster and poured myself another glass of wine. Graham had barely touched his wine. He was so busy stuffing prime rib in his mouth. I couldn't resist. "You always like a big piece of meat in your mouth."

I thought Graham was going to spit out his roast beef. He was trying to eat and laugh at the same time. "Do you want me to choke to death? Don't say things like that when I'm eating."

"You never complain when your eating me."

I did it again and I thought this time Graham was going to choke. But he managed to get some air and swallow his prime rib. He finished his prime rib and chugged down his glass of white wine. I poured him another glass. "I suppose now your going to have dessert?"

"I've been thinking about it. I'll ask the waiter what they have for dessert when he clears our platters."

We enjoyed our wine and just relaxed after eating a big lunch. Our waiter knocked on the door and came in and was clearing our table onto a big tray. "What do you have for dessert?"

"We have strawberry shortcake, apple and blueberry pie a la mode. And peaches flambe a la mode."

"They all sound good. If I wasn't so full I'd probably try them all. I'll have the strawberry shortcake." The waiter looked at me and I just shook my head no.

The waiter took our lunch platters and we sipped on our wine. Graham had just finished his glass of wine when the waiter came back with his dessert. His dessert looked like another meal. It was arranged on a dinner plate. He had two layers with strawberries between each layer and another layer of strawberries over the top. Then it was covered with whipped cream. It looked a whole pint of whipping cream had been used. Graham asked if I wanted some. I told him know. I was full and just enjoying the wine. He easily ate all the dessert. The waiter came back and asked us if we would like anything else. We told him no. As always our meal was on the house. However, both Graham and I gave the waiter a tip. He really appreciated that and told us that we were always welcome and he hoped he was working the next time we came.

We got up and shook his hand and left. I was surprised with Graham. I thought he'd have a hard time moving. But he out to the car before me. We headed back on highway 8 until it joined highway 6 which would take us back to our hometown. When we got to the junction. We didn't see anything of the cab or trailer. No skid marks or scraps on the highway.

Graham made good time and soon we were pulling into our hometown. Graham passed in front of his investment firm and then took a swing by the clinic. Everything looked ok. Graham and Preston had a high tech security system in their building. They also had an armed guard that worked every evening. I also had a high tech security system at the clinic. But I didn't have a security guard. So far, I hand't had any problems and I didn't foresee any. I knew Cal and the deputies patrolled by the clinic every hour and I think they went by Graham's investment firm.

Finally, Graham made the last turn and we pulled in front of the gate. Graham pressed the button on my visor and the gate opened. He then pressed another button so a garage stall would open for my car. He pulled in and closed the garage door. The gate automatically closes when the sensor reads the car passing by.

Graham opened the back and we took our overnight bags out. I disarmed the security system and we walked into the kitchen. Everything looked just as was it did when we had left. We took our bags up to our bedroom and put our dirty clothes in the hamper and hung up the rest of the clothes in our separte closets. Graham used the walkin closet in the adjoing master bedroom. That gave him plenty of room and he used the big dresser in that bedroom also. He came back into my bedroom naked and looking just as hot as ever. I just finished putting the rest of the things away and was naked also. I walked over to Graham and gave him a big hug and kiss and told him I much I enjoyed our weekend.

"Let's go up to my sunroom." I liked when Graham said his sunroom. I had had that specially built for Graham. As soon as we walked in, the birds started squaking and making all kinds of noise. It must have been their way of telling us they were glad to see us. We had left plenty of food and water, so I knew they were not hungry. I turned some background music on. It was a nice tropical blend of sounds and music.

We relaxed and reflected on our week coming up. I had a lot of things going on. Graham and I had a fitting on Wednesday. We had morning suits tailored made at one of the high end stores in the new strip mall. We were having matching suits made with top hats. That would be good for the New Year's party at the hotel. We would come back and change for Preston's party. New Years eve was on Saturday so that worked out good. Friday at three I had a meeting at the bank with Reeve and Quinton. That should be interesting. Other than that, that was all that was happening. That was enough. Graham grabbed us a beer and we sat close to the birds. They seemed to like that.

We sat together on a double lounger. I saw Graham yawning. I felt the same way. "Why don't we turn in, when we finish our beer?"

"Yeah. I'm getting tired. All the fresh air really zonked me out."

We finished our beers. Said goodnight to the birds and walked to our bedroom. The bed looked pretty inviting. We made out for a good hour and feel asleep in each other's arms.

The next few days flew by. Graham and I were busy at work. We worked out in the mornings with some of the guys. That was always fun. I stopped at the diner a few times for lunch to talk with Millie. She was still calling me, "the celebrity."

Wednesday Graham and I went for our fitting. Our tailored morning suits fit perfect. The tailor said he had just a few minor adjustments to make and then they would be ready to be picked up on Friday. He asked us if we could come on Friday to pick up our suits and top hats. I told I would come by on Friday to pick up our suits. I worked a half day on Friday and I would have time to pick them up.

Friday morning went fast and soon we were all saying our goodbyes. I noticed Quinton was working only a half day too. Sometimes he worked a full day. "Your leaving early Quinton."

"Yeah. I have somethings to do and I need to be at the bank by three for a meeting. So I thought I'd work a half day."

I smiled to myself. If he and Reeve only knew what would happen at the bank.

We all left and I drove over to the tailors to pick up our suits. I pulled in and parked. Walked in and saw our suits hanging on a rack. The tailor walked over and told me they were ready. I thanked for a job well done. I took our suits and top hats and left his store."

I had a hanging rack in the back of my SUV and hung the suits and placed the top hots on the the back seat.

I got home and Margaret had already left for the day. She likes her half day Fridays and long weekends. I upstairs and stripped down. I put a jock on. Something I hadn't done for awhile. It was early just after one, so I had plenty of time before I needed to be to the bank.

I walked up to the sunroom and grabbed a beer out of the tiki bar and sat down by the birds. I saw them watching me. I put some food in their dish and some water in the other dish. They seemed content and weren't squaking like before.

I sipped on my beer and finished it. I left the birds and walked down to the kitchen. I thought I'd see what Margaret had fixed. I wasn't really hungry. So I fixed myself a sandwich and poured a cup of coffee. Walked out to the patio. The covered part, and sat down on a chair by the big patio table. Ate my sandwich and drank my coffee and looked out at our tropical paradise. I still couldn't believe all this was ours. Was invisioning our wedding reception with a couple of tents set up for the buffets. A DJ playing music and all our friends and family here.

I was hoping Graham was working on our wedding plans. I knew he would want to surprise me where we would have the wedding.

I finished my sandwich and coffee and thought I'd better shower and get ready to go to the bank.

I hopped in the shower. As soon as the warm water hit me I was rock hard. Something about being in the shower and the warm water always has that effect on me. I didn't really have time to take care of my hardon, so I washed and dried off. Went into my walkin closet to decide what I wanted to wear. I thought something more dressy would be fitting. I pulled out some dress pants and a dress shirt that went well with the pants. I got dressed and looked at myself in my floor length mirror. Not bad for a guy in his thirties. Checked the time and it was twenty minutes before three. I thought I better leave. I'd rather be a few minutes early, than a few minutes late.

I got in my SUV and drove to the bank. It was busy downtown. I couldn't believe how fast our small town was growing. There was a lot more traffic downtown than there used to be. I pulled up in front of the bank. We would be meeting with the bank president. So I made my way to his office.

The bank presidents secretary greeted me and told me he would soon be with me. She said he was meeting with Reeve and Quinton before I joined them.

Suddenly the secretary got a beep on her intercom and told me I could go in. I saw the bank president sitting at the head of his meeting table. Reeve and Quinton were seated on the back side next to the president and I sat on the front side next to the president. The bank president told me he had explained to Reeve and Quinton that their house was now paid off. But there was a debt to the anonymous beneficiary. The bank president said, "I would like you to meet your anonymous beneficiary." As he shook my hand. Both Reeve and Quinton's mouths flew open. They couldn't believe I was the one that had helped them pay off their house.

They thanked me profusely. The bank president broke in and told them now was the matter of paying off the difference I had loaned to pay the difference of their house. The bank president handed folders to all of us. The payment contract was enclosed. It showed the monthly payment and for how many months, interest free.

Reeve and Quinton couldn't believe the small amount of monthly payment and interest free. This monthly amount was much less than they had paid previously. The bank president also handed Reeve and Quinton their payment book. Reeve said, "we can double or triple payments?" The bank president said, "whatever you want to do. As long each payment is made on time."

Reeve and Quinton signed the bank copy of the payment agreement. I had my copy and was told I would receive a monthly statement showing that payments were made to my bank account online.

"Does anyone have any questions?" asked the bank president. Everyone shook their head no. Quinton spoke up, "Reeve and I would like to invite you and your wife and Graham and Bob for dinner. Our treat after this wonderful news. We all agreed to meet Reeve and Quinton at the Italian Restaurant in the Mall at seven. We all shook hands and left the bank.

Reeve and Quinton followed me out of the bank. They thanked me again and I told them it was my pleasure. I'm proud of how well both of you are doing. Your both fine professional doctors. I look forward to dinner tonight at the Italian Restaurnt. Graham and I will be there at seven sharp.

We took off. I drove home and I assumed that was what Reeve and Quinton had done. I was going to call the Italian Restaurant before we went there for dinner and explain what was happening. They said not to worry, they could take care of everything and nobody will be the wiser.

I stripped out of my clothes and put a jock on. I grabbed a beer from the patio kitchen and sat down by the pool. I put some sunscreen on. Didn't want to look like a cooked lobster. The beer tasted good. It was turning into a warm humid evening. Surprisingly we hadn't had any cool weather yet. But the weather could change fast this time of the year.

I was just going to relax here till Graham got home. I heard Graham walking down to me at the pool. I quickly grabbed him a beer and handed it to him. We kissed and laid down together on a lounger. I told Graham about picking up our suits and top hats. "I have them hanging in my walkin closet." I then told Graham about meeting with Reeve and Quinton at the bank. That went well. They invited us and the bank president and his wife for dinner at the Italian Restaurant at seven. I called the Italian Restaurant about what was happening at seven. They told me they would take care of everything." Graham liked the idea of eating at the Italian Restaurant, it had been awhile since we ate there.

We just relaxed at the pool. We didn't swim, but it was just nice being close together doing nothing. Graham told he had started working on our wedding. Once he had everything finalized he would let me know. He wanted to surprise me.

"Do you want another beer babe?"

"What time is it. It's just going on five thirty. We have plenty of time for another beer if you want me."

"Sure. Let's have one more."

I got up and got a couple more beers from the tiki bar. And brought them back for us. They were nice and cold. We always drank our beer in chilled glasses. We had glass chillers at each of the bars.

We put an arm around each other. It seemed Graham and I were getting closer every day. We could usually tell what the other as thinking and didn't really have to say anything. We liked almost all the same things. We were just compatible and made for each other.

We finished our beer and dozed off for a bit. I looked at my watch and it was after six. I jostled Graham and he woke up. I told him it was after six and we should probably start getting ready.

I put the empties away and took our glasses up to the kitchen. We then went upstairs and got in the shower. Just like always I got hard as soon as the water hit my body. We washed each other and jerked each other off. I liked feeling Graham's cock harden and thicken in my hand when he cums. We both shot out big loads hitting the shower wall. We rinsed the cum off and then dried each other off. We decided to wear something casual but dressy at the same time.

We got dressed and checked each other out. Graham looked just as hot as ever. He could wear rags and still look good. We got in the SUV and I drove us over to the Italian Restaurant. I was able to find a parking spot right in front of the restaurant and a doorman let us in. I asked him if the other guests had arrived yet. He said no. We told him we would wait here in front until the other's arrived. I didn't want them knowing we had anything to do with the dinner.

I saw Quinton and Reeve pull up followed by the bank president and his wife. They all walked in together. They saw us and we all greeted each other. The waiter took us back to a private dining room. I saw Quinton talking to the waiter and then saw him smiling. We took a seat and the waiter brought us menus that were only used in the private dining rooms. I saw the waiter talking to Quinton and Reeve again, probably explaining that the meal was on the house. The waiter asked us if we would like a drink before ordering our dinner. The bank president's wife ordered a glass of wine and the rest of us ordered scotch and water on the rocks.

We all thought the seafood sounded good. So we ordered to large seafood platters. Graham and I knew it was good. We had ordered it when we had been here before. We also ordered a bottle of white wine chilled to be brought with our dinner.

Just as we finished our drinks, two waiters came in with our dinner. Two huge platters were set on the table along with dinner plates, dinner rolls and vegetables were also set on the table. The other waiter had brought out our bottle of wine in a bucket on a stand. He poured us all a glass of wine. I got his attention and asked him to bring a bottle of chilled champagne when we finished our dinner.

The waiter took the covers off the platters. The seafood looked and smelled delicious. The bank president helped his wife first. Then the rest of us prepared our plates. It looked like a look of food, but knowing Graham. He would made a big dent in the food. Graham ate like a gentleman and was shoveling the food into his mouth like he usually does. The seafood was excellent and filling. I only had one serving. The other men had seconds and Graham of course, had thirds. The president's wife even had a second helping. We all thanked Quinton and Graham for inviting us to an excellent dinner.

We finished our dinner. And the two waiters came and cleared the table. The other waiter opened the champagne and poured us all a flute of champagne. I made a toast again thanking Quinton and Reeve for inviting us for dinner. We all stood and raised our glasses to Quinton and Reeve. They were beaming and couldn't be more pleased. We sat and chatted for awhile as we sipped on our champagne. One of the waiters came out and asked us if we would like dessert. Graham and the bank president both ordered strawberry shortcake. The rest of us just kept sipping on our champagne while they ate their dessert. We enjoyed our dinner and time together. But we decided it was time to leave. I saw Quinton and Reeve leave a tip for the two waiters and thanked them for good service and wonderful meal.

Graham and I smiled to ourselves. We were glad for Quinton and Reeve and that we could help them out a little. A dinner like this would have been very expensive for them. We all said our goodbyes in the parking lot and again thanked Quinton and Reeve for such a wonderful dinner.

I drove us home. "What did think about dinner Graham?"

"It was great as usual. I least there was plenty to eat. I was glad you had called ahead to the restaurant. Everything went smooth without a hitch. And I don't think Quinton or Reeve knew we had anything to do with it."

"It was an enjoyable dinner. What do you want to do now?"

Graham gave me one of his sexy grins and I knew what that meant. We ran upstairs to our bedroom and stripped our clothes off. We jumped into bed and started making out. I soon had Graham's legs up in the air and I started rimming Graham's hole. He didn't like getting fucked that much, but he didn't mind with me. I licked around his hole and stuck my tongue in and out. I played with his balls at the same time, I knew he liked that. I asked Graham to get the lube out of the nightstand. He handed me the lube and I lubed a couple of fingers. I eased my fingers into his hole and started working them around and stretching his hole. One of my fingers found Graham's prostate and it was making him spasm and jerk and leak copious amounts of precum. I eased my fingers out and started rubbing the head of my cock over his hole. I used my precum as lube and eased the head in. I heard Graham give a grunt and then I eased the rest of my cock in until my pubes were pressed against his ass cheeks. I just let my cock rest inside of his hole. We don't fuck that much and I didn't want Graham to have any discomfort. I slowly started easing out until just the head was in his hole. Then eased the rest back in. Starting to go in and out slowly. I could tell Graham was enjoying it. He was moaning and his moans were of pleasure and not pain. I started going a little faster and grabbed his cock and started stroking him. He told me he was getting close so I leaned down and took the head into my mouth. I picked up my pace and was fucking Graham faster. The head of my cock was giving his prostate a good workout. I felt Graham start cumming in my mouth. I swallowed down his load. After a couple more thrusts my cock hardened and thickened and I grunted and started filling my lover's hole with my hot lava. I left my cock in his hole until I went soft. I then pulled out.

I smiled at Graham as we held each other tight together. "What do you want to now?

"How about if we just stay here in bed and watch some tv until we get tired."

"I can't think of anything better. Do you want any popcorn?"

"No, I think I've had enough to eat."

I couldn't believe it. Graham was actually refusing food. That was a first.

Graham turned the tv on and started checking the channels. He found a college football game that was just starting the second half. We snuggled together and watched the game until it finished. We were tired when the game finished. Graham turned off the tv. And we stayed cuddled together and I pulled the covers over us. That was the way we went to sleep.

We woke up early Saturday morning with the alarm blaring. I shut the alarm off and we made our groggy ways downstairs to the gym. A few of the guys that lived close were already downstairs getting warmed up. They just had jocks on. We were naked and went to our lockers and put jocks on and joined the guys. We all get in a good workout. We talked about the New Years Eve party at Preston's and everyone was going. They said it should be a good party. We told them we had to go to the hotel party first and then we would go to Preston's later. We were sweating profusely by the time we finished working out. We got in the shower and Travis sat down on the seat. We all knew what that meant. He felt like fucking everyone. I wouldn't pass up an opportunity on his big cock. We all got fucked by Travis and then we sucked each other off. We were drained by the time we finished. We dried each other off, got dressed and made our way up to the kitchen.

I felt lazy and didn't feel like cooking. Graham Travis and Brody all fixed breakfast. We ate out on the patio table. Everyone was still complimenting us on our backyard and kept asking when we were going to have a party. We told them we thought a reception after our wedding would be a good party to have. But that was still a few weeks away.

We finished a big breakfast and everyone helped putting things away. The guys said they were going to leave and just rest and relax before the party tonight at Preston's.

We all kissed and hugged as they left. And told them we would be sure to be at the party.

Graham and I went upstairs and stripped down. We were going to go for a swim in the pool and then relax in the jacuzzi. We grabbed a couple of beach towels and walked downstairs. Our cocks and balls were swinging and swaying back and forth. We laid our towels on a double pool lounger. We dove in and did a few laps. We climbed out and walked over to the jacuzzi and I turned the jets on. The swirling warm water felt good on our muscles. Both Graham and I had pressed ourselves more than we usually do working out, and the water was almost therapeutic on our sore muscles. I told Graham we should talk to Holden at Preston's party and see about him giving us massages again. Especially since he's trained. That felt good before. Besides I like looking at his naked body when he gives us massages.

"Come on babe. You know nobody copares to you. Your a god in my eyes."

That seemed to satisfy Graham. We just shut our eyes and relaxed in the jacuzzi. Our jacuzzi was big and could easily hold twelve people.

I climbed out to check the time and it was already just after twelve. I climbed back in and got close to Graham. "It's just after twelve babe. You getting hungry for lunch?"

"Yeah, I am."

I already realized that was the wrong thing to say. Graham never refuses food. "Should I order some delivery. Maybe some Chinese?"

"That sound good. You know what I like."

"Maybe that hot delivery guy will bring our food. I forgot his name. But I'm sure he would recognize us and we would recognize him if he delivered our food."

"We could have him for dessert."

I just smiled and shook my head.

I got out of the jacuzzi again and walked over to where our towels were. I had my cell phone there. I called the Chinese restaurant and ordered our lunch. They told me it would be about twenty five to thirty minutes before they could deliver. I told them that wasn't a problem.

I got back into the jacuzzi and told Graham our lunch would be here in about twenty five to thirty minutes.

We just relaxed and didn't say much. Finally Graham said, "I have almost everything finished for our wedding."

That got my attention. "Care to give me a few details."

"Not till I have everything finalized. I want it to be a surprise."

"I better get out of the jacuzzi. Our lunch should be coming soon." I gave Graham a kiss and climbed out of the jacuzzi. I dried off and wrapped a towel around my waist. That was the way I was going to greet the delivery guy. I was hoping it would be the same kid we had from before.

I putzed around in the kitchen waiting for the speaker. Finally I heard the delivery person and I pressed the inside button to open the gate. I saw a delivery truck pull in. Must have a lot of deliveries. I saw an older man get out. Not what I was expecting at all. I waited in the kitchen for him to ring the doorbell. I heard the doorbell and walked over with my wallet. "Here's your order." "Thanks." I paid the delivery man and I watched him leave. I put our lunch in the kitchen and got some plates and silverware. I got everything arranged on a tray. I wasn't sure what Graham wanted to drink so I would hold on the beverages.

I carried the tray down to the pool and placed it on a small round table by one of the double loungers. "What do you want to drink?"

"I'll have a

Graham heaped up his plate and poured his beer into a chilled glass. I fixed my plate and also poured my beer into a chilled glass. The Chinese food tasted pretty good. We hadn't ordered from them for quite a while. "The food tastes good."

"Yeah, it does." I don't think Graham would refuse any food that was in front of him. We finished our lunch and I carried everything back up to the kitchen. Graham followed me and told me he was going to see if a game was on.

He went somewhere with our towels. I got everything put away. We had some leftovers which would be good for tomorrow. I saw Graham in the living room flipping through the sports channels.

I finished in the kitchen and brought us a couple more beers. Graham had a college football game on. We laid together on the couch and watched the game and drank our beer.

I came to half time. "Babe, do you think we should try on our morning suits while it's half time. Make sure they fit ok and our top hats."

"Ok. Let's do it."

We didn't like getting up. We liked laying together naked. We went upstairs and I got our suits out of my walkin closet. We got out our shoes, socks and belt we were going to wear with our suits. We dressed our bedroom. I helped Graham straighten his tie. God he looked good. Just like an English gentleman. I finished dressing and Graham ran into the other master bedroom and came back with his cell phone. He wanted to take a couple of pictures of us. The suits fit perfect and our top hats were perfect. We looked too respectable English gentlemen. We took our suits off and put them back on the hangers. I hung them back up in my walk in closet.

We went back downstairs to watch the second half of the game. When the game finished we would need to get dressed and go to the hotel for their New Year's Eve party. Then back home and change and go to Preston's New Year's Eve party. We had a full evening.

The second half was just getting started when we laid back down on the sofa together naked. I felt Graham's cock nestled between my ass cheeks. It felt good. But we weren't going to do anything right now. Maybe when we got to Preston's party.

The game finished and they decided they should get ready to go to the hotel. Since they were co-owners of the hotel, it was an obligation to be there, at least for a while.

They went upstairs and Bob got their suits out of his walkin closet. They started getting dressed. They had everything laid out on their bed. The tailor had done an excellent job of tailoring their suits. Their suits fit like a glove and the top hats were a nice finishing touch. They looked at each other in the mirror and thought they looked pretty hot.

They decided to go in the Porsche. Graham loved his car and he wouldn't part with it for anything. Bob held onto their top hats while Graham drove them to the hotel. The valets liked parking Graham's car. They got out and Bob handed Graham his top hat. They put their hats on and walked up to the front of the hotel. The doorman opened the front doors for them. They walked in and the lobby was decorated for New Years and they could hear the music in the banquet room. We walked into the banquet room. Everyone was dressed in tailored suits or tuxedos and the women were all wearing long evening gowns. We saw Sam and talked with him for a bit. Also, I noticed the jeweler here and we talked with him. There was a long buffet table set up and an bar on the opposite side. The banquet room was elegantly decorated and everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves. Sam told us these were all high end guests. Many were customers of the jeweler and many of the guests had been at the jewelery auction. He said the hotel was full and they had to put a few guests at one of the other hotels, much to their dismay.

The music was ok. Probably good for the guests. Most of them were older and this was the kind of music they liked. They were all socializing and seemed to be enjoying themselves. We mingled around and got many compliments on our morning suits. Sam was wearing a swallow tailed tuxedo and was looking pretty sharp. We were the only ones with morning suits on. We had a couple of drinks and a few appetizers. We would eat at Preston's party.

I checked my watch and it was approaching nine. I told Graham I thought we should say our goodbyes and leave. We walked around some more and told some of the guests that we needed to leave. We had another party to attend. Sam was a little disappointed we were leaving. He thought we'd stay the evening. We told we had been inviteed to another party and we needed to attend that party.

We slowly made our way out. The guests thanked us for having such a wonderful hotel. And they really enjoyed every time they stayed here. We managed to finally leave.

The valet brought Graham's car to the front for us. Graham paid the valet and he drove us home. We were glad to get out of the hotel. That was long enough for us. We wanted to be with people closer to our own age.

We got home and went upstairs and changed into some casual clothes. A little on the dressy side. We kissed and hugged and took our time. We wanted to have sex, but we thought we'd better hold off. We looked at ourselves in the floor length mirror and thought we looked ready for Preston's party.

Graham drove us to Preston and Holden's party. I think he wanted to show off his car. We pulled up to the gated community. The guard recognized us and let us in. We could see a lot of cars parked close to Preston's house. As we got closer to could hear the music. We had to park almost two blocks away. We got out and walked up to Preston's house. The music was much louder now. But better than the music at the hotel. The front door was open and we walked in. We saw a lot of our friends and some people I didn't know. Graham said they were employees at their investment firm.

The music was really good. Much better than at the hotel. We started mingling and talking to people we didn't know. There was a large buffet table set up. And waiters going around serving drinks and appetizers. I saw Preston and talked with him for a bit. He said the real party would start a little later. Some of their employees would be leaving and going to other parties. Rashona was going to take the ladies back to her house and they would have their own party their. I made my way over to the buffet and filled a small plate. I wanted to try the shrimp cocktail. Everything looked good. I saw Graham talking with a group of I assumed employees. I found Irving and Mark and talked with them. They told me the same thing as Preston, that the real party would start a little later once the employees had left and the ladies.

It was going on ten thirty and I same the employees saying their goodbyes to Graham and Preston and making their way out. I saw Rashona herding up the ladies to take back to her place. They didn't want to be around a bunch of drinking men.

Once the employees and their wives had left. And the other ladies left with Rashona, the party really started getting going. Guys were shedding clothes. The waiters had taken their shirts off. Some of the guys were skinny dipping in the pool. I heard Preston get on the microphone and said he would announce when it was close to twelve and he would start a count down. Graham and I walked down to the pool with a beer and sat on loungers. Just watching the guys. We didn't really feel like participating in any sexual activity, but it was fun watching.

We saw Tyrell, Cal and Travis over by the grotto and they were sitting their leaned back with their big hardons sticking straight up. They were fucking any guys that wanted to sit down on them. Some the guys sat down on each one of them. I didn't know how they could cum so much and so fast. Other guys were paired off and going in the house also a few groups were going in also. The skinny dippers were having a good time sitting on the edge of the pool and getting blowjobs. The music was great and many guys were dancing.

I heard Preston get everyone's attention that it was getting close to midnight and he was going to start the countdown soon. He said the waiters were coming around with champagne. We each grabbed a glass of champagne and walked up to the front close to where Preston was. We saw a lot of the other guys making their way up also. Some half dressed, some fully dressed, and some naked.

We made a semi circle around Preston. He had the microphone in his hand. Suddenly some light came on in the far part of his patio. He had a minature ball to drop, like they do in New York City. "Is everybody ready?"

"We all gave out a yell yeah."

"Here we go, 10...9...8...7...6...5...4...3...2...1...0 Happy New Year and the ball dropped."

We all cheered and clapped and drank our champagne. Graham and I gave each other a special hug and kiss. Soon everyone was hugging and kissing each other. I couldn't remember the last time I had so many cocks rubbing against me. It wasn't a problem. It was pretty nice. Finally we finished our champagne and everyone went back to what they were doing before the countdown. Graham and I went back to the buffet. Graham fixed himself another heaping plate. I ate few appetizers and some more shrimp cocktail.

The DJ had really picked up the beat on the music. I saw Mark and Irving dancing together. You could tell Mark had been dancing for a long time. He had all the moves down pat. Irving had a hard time keeping up with him. We finished our snacks and went over to where everyone was dancing. Graham and I started dancing to the music. We weren't that good, but we enjoyed the music.

Soon we started yawning and thought we'd head out. We didn't have far to drive, but we weren't sure about drunk drivers being out. We started saying our goodbyes to our friends. I saw Holden and walked over to him. I thanked him for a great party. "Graham and I would like to start getting massages again. Do you think you could work us into your busy schedule?"

"I'd be glad to give you guys massages. I give you a call tomorrow and let you know how my schedule looks and we can set up a time."

"Ok. Thanks Holden, we'll be home all day tomorrow. Will look forward to your call."

We finished saying our goodbyes to everybody and promised them we would be having a party soon to celebrate our new back yard.

We walked over to Graham's car. We left the gated community and Graham turned in the opposite direction of where he should have. "Graham, what you doing? You should have turned right now left."

"I'm not taking any chances with my car and drunk drivers. I'm taking all the back streets to our house and hopefully there will be less traffic and less chance of an accident."

I knew how much Graham loved his car and I could understand him not wanting to take any chances. We turned left and then we turned right and it seemed like he was doing my turning than driving to our house. We pulled up in front of the gate and he pushed the hidden button and the gate opened. We got parked in the garage and walked into the kitchen.

It seemed pretty quiet in the house after coming back from two parties. But we agreed we were ready to come home. We went upstairs and stripped out of our clothes. We were still a little wound up after coming back from Preston's party. So Graham put the tv on and I went downstairs and grabbed us a couple of beers in chilled glasses. I handed Graham his beer and we watched New Years in different countries.

It was kind of interesting watching New Years celebrated in other countries. Some of the countries had a little different customs. But most had magnificent fireworks displays.

I saw Graham yawning. I was getting tired too. He turned the tv off and we started making out passionately, like only two lovers know how to do. It felt so good the way he was feeling my body. Finally we just collapsed on each other and fell asleep.

We slept in Sunday morning. I hadn't set the alarm and we had told the guys we weren't working out. We would probably get in a swim later and that would be our exercise for today. Graham looked so content and peaceful. I didn't want to wake him. I got up and went downstairs to get breakfast started. I was going to make a big breakfast. I knew Graham would be hungry. I was about half done with breakfast when I heard Graham coming down the stairs. He was still rubbing his eyes and waking up. "Good morning sexy."

"Good morning to you too. Breakfast smells good." He walked over and gave me a good morning kiss and hug. I kissed and hugged him back. Our cock hitting and rubbing together.

"Why don't you grab the Sunday paper and sit out on the patio and I'll bring breakfast out when it's ready. It won't be long."

"Ok. Since your trying to get rid of me. That's exactly what I'll do."

I saw him walk over to the front door and walk outside. He was naked but did have flip flops on. He had to walk over to the gate to get the paper. We have a mailbox by the gate. You can't see in that well, unless your directly in front of the gate. I don't think Graham cared anyhow. I saw him come back in with the Sunday paper. He told me the front page was filled with accidents. People being careless with fireworks and a couple of bad car accidents. He walked out to the patio and I saw him sit down on a lounger and start reading the paper.

I finished breakfast and got everything ready for us on a big tray and took it out. Graham was licking his lips and fixing his plate in record time. I just watched. When he finished, I fixed my plate with what was left over. Which wasn't very much, but it would be enough for me. We were close to finishing eating breakfast when my cell phone rang. I was wondering who was calling. I looked at the display and it was Holden. I remembered he said he would call me today, after he looked at his schedule. "Hey Holden, how's the hangover?"

"I'm doing ok. How about your guys?"

"We're just finishing a late breakfast. What time did the party finish?"

"The last friends left a little after two. Nobody stayed over, which I was surprised about."

"Did you have a chance to check your schedule?"

"Yeah, that is why I'm calling. In fact, I'm getting ready to go to work to fill in for someone that called in sick. Probably has a bad hang over. Looking over my schedule, I'd be able to give you guys massages on Tuesday and Thursday of this coming week."

"Just a minute, let me run this by Graham." "Holden says he could give us massaged this coming Tuesday and Thursday."

"Both days sound good to me."

"Let's plan on both days. What time are you looking at?"

"I know you get home around five for five thirty. How about if we make it for six on both days?"

"That will work for us."

"Ok, I'll plan on seeing you guys this coming Tuesday at six, I better finish getting ready for work and leave."

"Thanks for calling Holden and we will be ready for a great massage Tuesday evening."

We didn't do much the rest of the day. We went for a swim and got a little exercise. Then we relaxed on the couch and watched college football.

The rest of the week went fast. We had our massages on Tuesday and Thursday in the spa in the sunroom. Holden was naked with us during our massages. We got into a good three way both days. That was fun. We hadn't been with Holden for quite awhile. He and Preston are partners so we don't like interferring in their relationship. Holden said he would be available Tuesday and Thursday of the next week also. We agreed to have massages again.

Thursday night Graham surprised me. He said he had everything arranged for our wedding. We would leave Friday after work. He would work a half day. And then we would return on Sunday. He said we could plan our reception after we got back. I didn't know that Graham already had everything in place for our receptions, when we returned on Sunday. Then he said we could plan our honeymoon.

We decided to be married in our matching morning suits. So we got our overnight bags packed and our suits in garment bags. Graham said he had a private jet for us. So we wouldn't have any security to go through.

I had no idea where we were going to be married. Graham was keeping it a surprise. I was excited and a little nervous, but this was something we wanted and had talked about a lot.

Friday morning went fast and I was already driving home. Graham's car was in the garage. I walked in and Graham was ready for our flight. I showered quick and changed and was ready to leave. Graham said a limousine would take us to the airport and to our private jet.

Soon the limousine came and the chaffeur loaded our overnight bags and carefully placed our suits on side hangers. We drove us to the airport and our private jet was waiting for us. Where were we going? I couldn't imagine. I would just have to wait and see.

End of Chapter 1 - New Years Day

Chapter 2 Coming Soon

If you would like to see the characters in the story, please read "My Alphabet Friends", and their are photos of characters at the end of each chapter.

Your comments and suggestions are always welcome. I answer all emails I receive. I ask that you please put Nifty or the title of the story in the subject line. Then I'll know it's not spam. I am already working on Chapter 2. I hope you enjoy my story as much as I like writng it. Please email me at:

Next: Chapter 2

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