
By BigJake003

Published on Apr 18, 1996



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Based on an incident from my college days. Feedback always appreciated. I'd also love to start dialogs with any other masculine married bi men out there!

Bobby The night wasn't going well. I'd been attracted to Michelle for a while and she had finally agreed to go out with me. But the object of my desires turned out to be a shallow bimbo most interested in her social standing. I suppose I should have been flattered that I was a big enough man on campus for her standards but her endless gossip and mindless giggle turned me off in a hurry. I dumped her at her dorm around ten after a little kissing and grabbing of tit and then headed for the bar for some solace.

After a few laughs and many beers later I headed back to my fraternity to crash. As I entered my room, my roommate told me I had gotten a phone call from my brother. We didn't have a phone in our room so I went down the hall to Bobby's. I asked Bobby if I could use the phone and he laughed, "Sure, just leave a dime!"

My brother was still awake as I expected and we made plans to get together later in the week. I got up to leave and found Bobby standing in my way. He reached out and put a hand on my hard stomach and said, "It sure is lonely here without Matt," referring to his roommate who was shacking up with his fiancee.

"I'm sure you can take care of yourself," I replied, not quite knowing what to make of this.

"You sure you don't want to stay?" asked Bobby as his hand moved from my stomach to my chest.

I decided this was definitely a come-on. And I wasn't quite sure what to do about it. At the time, I knew that the look of a hard-muscled guy was as pleasing to me as a curvaceous co-ed. But I had never acted on these thoughts and felt that maybe they'd just go away if I banged enough pussy.

But Bobby was definitely one of those muscular masculine guys I thought about and I had a bunch of beers in me so I hesitated rather than push him away.

"Come on, I won't make you do anything you're not ready for," he coaxed. Bobby had the reputation as a real lady-killer and had lots of women after him. I was really floored by his advance but also intrigued. I gave him a nervous little smile and he used his hand on my stomach to push me to the couch. "Mind if I take your shirt off?" he asked.

"Go ahead," I said. I worked out a lot and was proud of my body. I had tried out for linebacker and had made the team. I loved the game, especially all the hitting of other hard bodied guys. I certainly had the strength and size, but I proved to be a little on the slow side and I only made third string. I soon tired of all the practice and no playing time and quit. But I kept up the workouts. Bobby was undoubtedly impressed by my 48" chest and rock hard abs on my 6'2" 230 pound frame. Bobby took his time unbuttoning my shirt and running his fingers through my blond chest hair. He pulled the tails of my shirt out of my pants and sighed as his hands explored the ridges of my abdomen. The attention felt great, but I had to admit I felt pretty weird about the situation. Half of me wanted to run, while the other half was amazed by how hard my cock was becoming.

Bobby noticed the rising of my dick also. His hands moved to my crotch and I pulled away a little from his touch. He pulled back also and pulled his t-shirt over his head. Bobby was a lot smaller than me, about 5'8" and 160 pounds but he was in great shape. He ran a lot and had no fat on his body. He also kept himself strong and his well defined muscles were accentuated by nice fuzzy hair on his chest and abs. He squeezed his pec with his hand, showing me how hard it was and then did the same to mine. He played with my nipple, making it harden. He then slowly dropped his hand to my crotch again and gently stroked the outline of my cock. I didn't pull away this time.

He played his fingers around my cock and balls for a while, occasionally licking my chest, pulling the hair gently with his teeth. I was sitting back on the couch with him half kneeling on the floor in front of me. My arms were at my side. When he took my nipple in his teeth, I squirmed and placed my hand on the back of his head, feeling his short hair. After several minutes, he pulled away, looked me in the eye, and then wordlessly went for my belt. He undid it and then the top button of my pants. His face dropped to my crotch and he grabbed the zipper between his teeth and pulled. My raging hardon, still confined in the briefs I was wearing, popped out the fly of my pants.

By this time I was completely lost in the experience and so was Bobby. He gave a little animal noise as he saw the stain of pre-cum on my shorts. His lips ran along the fabric and I let out a low moan. Bobby sensing my readiness grabbed my pants and shorts and had them off of me in about 3 seconds. I was sprawled on the couch completely naked with Bobby between my knees, hungrily staring at my cock. "Suck it!" I ordered. And he did.

His mouth was incredibly warm and supple, moving in ways the girls I had known could never imagine. I ran my fingers through his hair and then dropped my hands to his shoulders. They were so broad and hard, I had never felt anything like them before. I felt his hard biceps. And then my hands found his chest. Nice and tight and furry. I always enjoyed playing with the breasts of the girls who had me in this position, but the feel of Bobby's chest turned me on even more. I could feel the strength of his whole body and his mouth as he drove me to the edge. It didn't take long for him to bring me to the brink, but he could tell how close I was and pulled back, giving the head of my cock some light licks.

"Don't tease me!" I begged, but he just smiled and let my ecstasy subside.

He then went back to work in earnest on my cock, using tongue, lips and hands. He brought me close several times, always slowing to prolong the game. Finally he felt me getting close and instead of slowing, he sped up the action. With a loud grunt I let loose a stream of cum that Bobby wanted so badly. The release was incredible, my legs shook with the power. He took it all, swallowing with a contented hum. He licked me until my cock began to soften. This guy was good.

As my lust was sated, my confusion returned. I was obviously excited by the encounter, but my head had a hard time accepting my feelings. Bobby stood up. Sometime during the past fifteen minutes, he had stripped naked. His rock hard cock thrust straight out from his tight jock body. He knelt on the couch next to me and brought his meat close to my face. I had never even seen a hard cock before and I was fascinated by its look. The angry purple head was drooling pre-cum which hung in a long stream from the slit. "Hold it," he whispered.

I kept staring, confused. "I'm not sure," I replied. He grabbed the back of my head rather roughly and tried to force his cock in my face. I reached up and pushed him away. I used a little more force than necessary and he toppled off the couch.

"Sorry," he said, a little startled.

I stood over him, fists pulled back. "I'm not one your faggots, you know," I said loudly with more than a trace of meanness. He just stared at me with a little bit f fear in his eyes as I pulled my pants back up and stormed back to my room.

I was confused by my response to him. It seemed as if I had no control over my actions. I knew I shouldn't have reacted so strongly but he had gone too far. I slept fitfully that night, disturbed by how such a great encounter had gone so ugly. Toward morning, I finally fell into dream sleep. My dreams all centered on Bobby and visions of his hard dripping cock were all around me.

The next morning I saw Bobby at breakfast in the dining room of the house.

He was leaving as I came in. I mumbled something like, "Good morning ... hey, sorry," but he just brushed by me and left. I realized then how much I had hurt him. I knew it was my problem but he was paying the price. But how could I make it up to him? My head told me I didn't want to sleep with him, but an apology seemed inadequate given the way I had taken advantage of him.

Over the next weeks I thought about it often. Bobby slowly warmed back up to me when he saw I wasn't holding a grudge and wasn't telling all the guys about what a faggot he was. But I could still tell he was hurt. My thoughts kept returning to the vision of his hard body and cock in front of my face. Especially that cock. My head despised it, but my meat stirred every time it I thought about it. One morning it was the center of my fantasy as I stroked my cock in the shower. I came hard that day.

My cock finally started convincing my head that maybe man to man sex wasn't as abhorrent as I thought. There was no question that Bobby was a real man and he sure seemed to like it! I was just about ready to try it and I hoped that Bobby hadn't changed his mind.

The opportunity arose late one Thursday night. My roommate Keith had brought a girl back to the room so I was in search of another bed. Bobby's roommate was with his girlfriend as usual so I headed for their room. Bobby was out for his late night run so I found the room empty. I stripped down to my jockstrap and hopped up into Matt's bunk and waited. Bobby came in from his run, breathing hard and dripping sweat. He pulled off his shirt without noticing me there. He pulled off his shorts and stood wearing just his jock as he admired his glistening body in the mirror.

"What you doing Bobby?" I asked.

He turned with a start and said, "Hey Jake, what the hell are you doing here?"

"Keith kicked me out tonight so I needed a place to crash. Besides," I said, my voice cracking slightly with my excitement, "I owe you one." Bobby's face was a mixture of puzzlement and hope as he stood looking up at me. I hopped down out of the bunk and Bobby smiled as he saw my hulking hairy form standing before him in nothing but a jockstrap.

"Yeah, you do" he said as he shoved my shoulder, his smile giving away his true feelings. I shoved him back and he grabbed me around the neck and tried to pull my leg out from under me. I grabbed his shoulders and we pushed against each other, shifting weight, trying to get an advantage over each other. We grunted as our bodies strained. I had 6 inches and 70 pounds over Bobby and could have taken him down at any time. But I enjoyed the feeling of his bulging muscles under my hands and the aroma of sweat coming off his body. Finally I got a hold of his strong thigh and lifted him off the ground and dropped him on his back onto the floor. I pressed my chest against his and pinned him, holding that leg in the air.

I smiled at him and then twisted around, offering the pouch of my jock to his face. His own crotch was in front of me and I breathed in his musky odor as I admired the way his hard cock stretched the flimsy fabric. My head didn't argue as I pressed my nose to the fabric and felt the warmth. I chewed the outline of his cock and wondered why I ever thought this was wrong. I pulled the jock aside and freed his cock. I stared at it a moment and then gently licked the head, tasting that sweet pre-cum. Bobby shuddered at the touch and hungrily ate my hard meat through my jockstrap.

I placed my lips around the head of his cock and slowly lowered them down the shaft. For the first time I felt the velvety hardness of a cock in my mouth and I liked it. I could feel all of Bobby's being throbbing in tune with his cock and I loved the feeling of power. I took as much of that hardness as I could, coming up frequently for air. Bobby didn't seemed to mind my inexperience as testified by the thrusting of his hips and his continued low moans. I gradually got more comfortable taking more of his dick for longer periods. I loved the feeling of my tongue against his warm silky shaft.

Bobby had pulled out my cock from its confines and was hungrily taking its full length in his hot mouth. We continued our heavy, sweaty 69 for ages.

My hands found the hardness of his thighs and I especially liked the feeling of his ripped quads. The feeling of his rough 2 day beard on my thighs was indescribable.

Bobby took me to the brink a few times, but he couldn't control me as well as he had before. My lust was tripled and more because of that slimy piece of sausage in my mouth. I could feel my balls contract and knew my orgasm was imminent. I could feel the thick liquid as it traveled up my shaft then shoot forth deep into Bobby's mouth. He moaned with pleasure at his reward and I could tell his impossibly hard cock was about to do the same. I wasn't sure about taking that cum in my mouth, so I pulled off and stroked the full length of his dick with my meaty hand. With a shudder, his cock erupted. I loved the sight of his cum spraying forth. As the eruptions slowed, I placed the tip of my tongue on the bead of cum hanging on his cockhead. I swirled that little pearl around my mouth and found the flavor not totally offensive. I licked the shaft of his cock clean and decided that I could develop a taste for the stuff.

We lay there a while catching our breath. I climbed off Bobby and sat on the floor. He sat up and licked the rest of his cum off my cheek. We leaned against each other, slowly exploring each others muscular bodies with our hands, not wanting the feelings to go away. I knew these pleasures would not be fleeting.

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