Bobby and Me

By Joe

Published on Jun 13, 2005


Part Three Of: Bobby And Me By: Joe ----------------------------------------------------------------------- If you're under 18 dont read this yadda yadda yadda...This is a true story...for the most part. I will exaggerate it and I will also change the name of the guy that I was with...He didnt want anyone to know really. Typical right? ----------------------------------------------------------------------

Joe hopped in his, can you guess it? Black mustang and put the key in the ignition. He buckled his seat belt and turned the car on. Immediately Marilyn Manson's The Fight Song started blaring and Joe put the car into gear and sped down his street off to yet another boring class on Psychology at San Diego State University.


Joe had been listening to his professor ramble on about split personalities, or at least he was supposed to. Immediately when he got into class he turned his lap top on and connected to the internet (Wireless gotta love it). He got on yahoo instant messenger and Instant Messaged his friend, Jamie who had moved to New York to go to some art school.

psychoxjoex : Jamie, I dreamt about him again. Bobby.

darknessfalls : You did? Ooh Do tell hun! I love hearing your stories about him.

So I told her exactly what happened. I started from the beginning. 10 minutes later I finished and she said:

darknessfalls : HOT!! :-P Damn Joe you get all the best dreams.

psychoxjoex : Oh puh-lease. I hate those dreams. They depress me, I wont ever see him again. And I'm sure everything isnt all that truthful in them. It is a dream afterall.

darknessfalls : Oh Hun, you cant think like that! You have to believe, one day your dreams just might come true.

psychoxjoex : Okay, sure. And I bet Santa Claus exists too, right?

darknessfalls : Lol, you're such a downer.

psychoxjoex : Thanks.

We rambled on and on for about 20 more minutes. My professor had noticed I wasnt paying attention and he said, "Joe. Please close your laptop. I would hate for you to fail this quiz..." The professor reached over to his desk and pulled a pile of papers off of the top of the desk. Many kids groaned, because they too, obviously had not been paying attention. He gave them to the first person and 2 minutes went by before Joe got his test.

"Great." He thought. "Just what I need. Another failed test." Joe sighed but the professor said something else. He didnt hear it, he was trying to remember what the professor had said. Someone had taken the empty seat next to Joe. Joe turned to see who the person was and his heart skipped 10 beats at least.

"What are you doing here?!" Joe whispered urgently

The guy looked at him and said "What are you talking about? I just transfered here. What is it to you anyway?" He paused, and looked Joe over. "Oh Shit! I remember you! You went to my high school didnt you?!" He stared at Joe with his icy blue eyes.

"Nevermind..." Joe said, thoroughly embarassed. "Yeah...I went to Redwood..." He blushed.

"Wait..Are you that faggot?" He asked Joe. Joe turned towards the guy and wanted to rip his head off just then.

"Look, Bobby. I dont care how hot you think you are, you have no right to call anybody a faggot.." He was cut off by Bobby

"I know man I know. I didnt mean it like that..Its a habit you pick up when all of your friends are Jocks, calling people Faggots. I have a few Lesbian friends, and I have a few Gay friends." That right there shocked Joe. He had to review that over in his mind. The Jock that he's always had a crush on has gay and lesbian friends. Did Joe miss something? Joe shook it off.

"Look. We're going to have to sit next to eachother for the whole year, so lets get some coffee after class and get to know eachother, what do you say?" Joe looked at bobby in disbelief

"Ehm...Excuse me?" But before Bobby could say anything the professor said "PENCILS DOWN! Give me your " Joe cursed under his breath then looked at Bobby "See what a huge distraction you are?!" He glared at bobby and picked up his stuff and turned to leave. Bobby grabbed his arm and said "Wait up man. We're going out for coffee right?" Joe sighed. No way he could get out of this one.


"Soooo..." Bobby said trying to break the silence.

"Why did you want to come to the coffee shop with me?" Joe finally asked.

"I just wanted to get to know you better..." Bobby said, hoping it would convince Joe.

"Bobby, we spent last semester going over how to detect a lie. Please. Save the lies for someone who cares okay?" Joe grabbed his coffee and made to leave. Once again, Bobby's arm found its way to Joe's arm. "Wait." Bobby sighed. "The real reason I asked you here is...I need a room mate for my apartment...I dont have enough money to pay for it..And well...I..Would rather share an apartment with someone I know a little bit rather than someone I dont know at all." Bobby said and released Joe's arm.

"I'm not really looking for an apartment or room mate.." Joe said. Well it would be good to get out of mom and dad's house, Joe thought. "Err. On second thought...Umm...I'll think about it. But you do have to know that I am Gay."

Bobby laughed. "I guessed that from the first day of Seventh Grade together." Joe blushed but sat back down. "Where exactly is the apartment?"

"Its not far from here actually. Do you want to see it?" Bobby asked.


Joe walked into a very well decorated house. "Who did you hire to do your house? Its very very nice." Joe commented.

Bobby smirked. "What?!" Joe demanded. "I decorated it myself." Bobby replied. Joe blushed "Sorry.." He muttered.

"Ehh. Its okay. My mom helped a little bit. But I did most of the work." Bobby threw the keys onto the counter and took his jacket off. He disappeared down the hall and came back out a second later. "Want a beer?" He asked. Joe shook his head. He was still in Awe that Bobby, the baseball jock could decorate this well.

"So you like how I decorated, huh?" Bobby laughed and went over to the fridge and retrieved 2 beers. He tossed one to joe. "I know you declined, but I can tell you need it."

Joe shrugged and opened the beer. He took a sip and wanted to spit it out. He just set it down on the counter and leaned up against the wall. "So what do you think?" Bobby asked. "I dont know, gee, take a look at my expression then tell me. It looks like professional work." Bobby laughed.

"Thanks man. That means alot." Bobby whiped away a fake tear and laughed again. "The rent is 1500 a month, the utilities we'll split when they come. Uhh...That should be about it...I guess you can move in whenever..." Bobby took a sip of his beer.

"Alright. How's this weekend?" Joe asked. "Thats perfect." Bobby said.

"Alright, well I had better go...Parents are going to start worrying..." Joe thanked Bobby for the beer and walked down the 3 flights of stairs down to his car. He looked back up and saw bobby standing in the window. Joe waved to him, and Bobby waved back. Joe got in his car, started the ignition and drove off to his house.


"I'm home!" Joe called after entering the front door. His mom rushed out of the kitchen and hugged him and kissed his cheek.

"WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN!?" She demanded. Joe just brushed her off.

"Please mom. You didnt miss me THAT much." Joe joked. She slapped his arm. "There is some Roast in the Microwave for you if you want it." Joe nodded and kissed her cheek. "Thanks mom." She went to her room and closed the door.

Joe walked into the kitchen and over to the Microwave and heated up his roast. He ate it then went up to his room. He closed the door, locked it, and turned on his Stereo. It was a bit too loud so he turned it down a bit. Joe walked over to his closet and put his trench coat on a hanger.

Joe grabbed his guitar and began playing along to Atreyu "Bleeding Hearts." When the song was over, Joe put the guitar back in the corner, pulled down his black blankets and got into bed. He closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep, still in his pants and shirt.

Sorry this one took so long, and totally sucked. But..Well...I do have other things to do in my life. Lol. I have to deal with the real "Bobby." He's not as easy to deal with as the story bobby... -_-. Haha. Just joking. He's a doll. Anyway, questions? Comments? Send them to

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