Bobby and Me

By Joe

Published on May 29, 2005


Part One Of: Bobby And Me By: Joe

If you're under 18 dont read this yadda yadda yadda...This is a true story...for the most part. I will exaggerate it and I will also change the name of the guy that I was with...He didnt want anyone to know really. Typical right?

My name is Joe. I made the mistake of telling a guy that I loved him one night. After that it took months for me to even get up the nerve to call him again. I am 6 foot 2 154 lbs with a cut 10 inch dick. I'm 18 and I still live at home with my parents, I'm doing the whole community college thing. I decided I wanted to stay the night at my Grandmother's who lived a few miles away, and only 2 minutes away from Bobby, the guy I said I love you to. Anyway, I had already planned that I would walk around the neighborhood...More specifically by his house. I dont know I guess I just needed to feel close to him again, you know? So when my grandparents went to sleep and locked their door, I grabbed my black trenchcoat, my ID Card incase I got stopped by a cop, and my cell phone incase something happens. Well on the inside of my Trench Coat there is a Dagger that I always keep there for protection. I'm not exactly the posterboy for popularity. All through high school I was the outsider. The one that listened to Heavy Metal and Punk Rock, who wore tight pants, who was considered weird. I guess you could call me a Goth, or a punk. Either one fit me.

You know how people stand at their windows and look out at the street at night sometimes? Thats what he was doing. I had on a trenchcoat, my arms crossed, and my hair blowing (Damn wind) so he could see my face. I walked by his house, he opened his window, and called out to me. Told me to hold on. It took most everything I had not to run away, to never look back. I stayed. We talked. We walked. I could tell he wanted something..but what I didnt know...Not until...He kissed my lips tenderly. I ended it before I got too attatched. I told him that I felt my grandma was waking up. He asked me how I knew, I replied "I just know...Look I'll talk to you some other time." He nodded and turned to his house and went inside. I sighed and closed my eyes for a second then turned and sprinted to my grandmother's house. Sure as shit she was up.

"Joe, is that you?" She asked.

"Yeah, Grandma, its me."

"What on earth were you doing outside?"

"I went for a quick walk. I couldnt sleep and thought maybe a walk would clear my head and make me tired."

"Oh Okay." She hugged me, kissed my forehead, and smiled "Goodnight Joseph. I'll talk to you in the morning."

I let out a sigh of relief and went into the guest room that had been made up for me. I pulled back the blanket and fell fast asleep. I dreamt about him that night. His short brown hair. His semi-tanned skin. His perfectly shaped pecs. His abs that were like a washboard when he flexed them. His icy blue eyes that you could just get lost in for hours on end. Even now shivers are running up my back when I picture him.

The next day I awoke suddenly by my sister jumping on the bed. Obviously my parents had come to get me. I looked at the clock and saw it was already Noon. I shrugged off the blanket and smiled at my sister. I picked her up and spun her around. She screamed "Stop! Stop! Stop!" I did as she asked and set her down and bent down and kissed her forehead "Whats up monkey?" I asked her with a smile then stuck my tongue out at her. She made an L with her finger and said "Looser!" Then giggled and ran off. I rolled my eyes and turned to the bed. I went over to it and started making that.

"Oh Sweety you dont have to make the bed! I'll do it!" My grandma said from behind me. I turn to face her and walk over to her and give her a hug and a kiss "Nah, its okay Grams. I know you have that whole problem with your heart and stress and whatnot. Its the least I can do for letting me stay the night!" I said and went back to making the bed. "I guess that walk last night did you some good?" I nodded and smiled at her. "It sure did Grams."

The bed was made and I went out to greet my parents, who were arguing as usual. I rolled my eyes and went into the kitchen that had never been remodeled since its creation in 1975. I took a cup from the cabinet and poured myself some coffee from the pot. I made the mistake of forgetting to put sugar and milk in it and when I drank it I almost wanted to spit up!! I went to the fridge and took out the milk and poured some into my coffee, then went to get the sugar. I pulled it down from the shelf it was on and poured an ample amount into my coffee. I stirred it up and took a sip. Yummy. Just how I liked it.

"Are you ready to go, Joe?" Mom asks

"Yeah, mom. Just let me finish my coffee, okay?" She nods and I finish off my coffee then rinse the cup. I gather up my things, which got spread around the house rather remarkably for my only being there for one night!! We went home and I did my homework. It would be a week before I saw him, Bobby, again.


I stayed the night at my grandma's again. This time I called Bobby and gave him warning that I would be coming over into that area. He seemed excited. I know I was. This time I also told my grandma there was a Party I was going to. I know, its mean of me to lie to a 68 year old lady, but I'm not out yet!! So at 8 PM I get in my Car and drive over to Bobby's house. I go up to his door and knock on it gently, he must have been in the living room because he heard me. I heard the distinct click of a lock being unlocked, then I saw the door knob turning. I took a deep breath and only let it out when I was confronted with his Angelic Face.

"Hey, whats up?" I asked him.

"Nada Mucha. Do you wanna come in?" He asked. I nodded and he stepped back and let me in. I heard him close the door and lock it behind me. "Go on into the living room, I'll be right in I have to go to the restroom" He said and walked up the stairs to the bathroom. I shrugged and chose a seat on the couch. I at first thought "Yeah totally cliche, dude. Just goes to the bathroom and He'll probably come out wearing something a bit more 'comfortable.'" I chuckled to myself and he came downstairs "What so funny?" He had indeed changed into something more comfortable, a pair of gym shorts and no shirt. That only made me laugh harder. He frowned "What?!" He asked more persistently. "Oh nothing. Just so cliche for someone to leave the room and come back wearing something a bit more 'comfortable' dont you think?" He laughed "Yeah I guess that IS funny. Look, Joe, I want to talk." Uh oh I thought. "Oh, what about Bobby?" He sat in the chair next to the couch. I sighed and looked over at him wondering why he didnt just sit next to me.

"Joe, I'm Not...I'm not gay." I was taken back by this at first and smiled "Oh I dont care if you're bi, as long as you wash your dick before we do anything." I laughed and he frowned "I'm not Bi either." That caught me by surprise there. "Infact you're the only guy I feel anything for at all.. In a sexual way that is." I blushed. I couldnt help it!! Here he was, the hottest guy from my old high school telling me that I was the only guy he felt anything for sexually!! "Oh...Well thats fine too...You see Bobby, I've liked you since High School. And, well, you already know how I feel about you!!!" He smiled and nodded.

He got up and sat next to me and put his hand on my thigh and moved in to kiss me. I opened my mouth and allowed the invasion by his tongue. Out tongues fought for control, but in the end I allowed him to win. We parted reluctantly. "Wow..." Was all he said. I smiled "You dont know how many times I've heard that out of a guy's mouth." I joked and kissed him again. This time my tongue won right away then I poked myself with something. "Ahh Fucking Christ." I said and reached into my coat and pulled out the Dagger. "I swear, you just cant win! You bring something along for protection and its the thing that ends up hurting you!" He laughed and so did I. I put it back in my Coat and I srugged my coat off and threw it on the chair he was once sitting in. I took off my skin tight black shirt and tossed that into the chair as well. "Now where were we?" I asked. He smiled and leaned in "Ah, yes..." I said and and allowed him to kiss me.

My mouth was practically BEGGING for his tongue to enter my mouth. I kept my eyes open and so did he. I looked into his deep blue eyes and he into my stoney gray eyes. We broke apart and smiled at one another. I undid my belt and slipped off my pants. My 10 inch cock was already starting to lengthen and it was easy to see that from my boxer briefs. Bobby took off his shorts too, and revealed the object I had so longed to see since High School--His 8 inch uncut cock. I leant in and kissed him and then bent down and nibbled on his left nipple. I began to lick his washboard stomach and...

Does Joe go for Bobby's Cock? You'll find out in part two of "Bobby And Me." Feel free to email me with any comments. My email is I really hope you did enjoy this story..I know I enjoyed writing it. If there are any grammatical or spelling errors, you have to forgive me as it is 3:46 AM Right now and I started it at 3 AM.

Next: Chapter 2

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