Bobby and Chris

By peliguin

Published on Jan 16, 2005


I have received many emails regarding my story of Bobby and Chris and. I appreciate your interest. I have included here many of the answers to your questions that you asked.

The most frequently asked question was: Is the story REALLY true?

Yes, everything I have written is the truth and actually happened. And it all did take place on one day, a Saturday morning and afternoon. I wrote the events in the order that they actually occurred. It is not a collection of scenes that happened over a period of time.

In a way, it is more of a journal than a made-up plot. I haven't got the brains to make up a sex story from scratch that would be readable and believable. All the domination and sex in the story happened exactly as stated. The only difference is the dialog. Naturally I don't remember word for word what was spoken by Chris or myself. But I do have a rough idea of our conversations. How could I ever forget? I remember distinctly how we both were dressed (or undressed) and what and where we did what we did.

Am I a writer, do I have a pen name, have I written other stories for Nifty or any on-line site, have I had any of my work published? Well guys I feel flattered that you would consider me an author of sorts. But no I have not written any stories on-line nor have I had anything published.

The reason that this story even got to Nifty was because Chris suggested that I do so. From time to time we would read stories on NIfty, many years after Chris and I first got together and we both thought that Nifty had a great site. I jokingly said to Chris one night, I wonder what those Nifty-readers would think if they knew about our adventures. He said it might be fun and why don't I write about that first Saturday that started our sexual relations. And so "Bobby and Chris" was born.

The story actually happened. It is not important to us that anyone believe it or not. It was not written to promote gay sex, master & slave relations or anything else. We have no ax to grind and do not make one red cent on the story. It was written to let others know that strange things do happen in life. Chris and I never started our relationship with a master and slave agenda. I thought I was straight when I awoke that Saturday morning. I had absolutely no idea I would (or could) do all those things to Chris. It was like a snow ball rolling down a mountain. Once I began to be the master there was no stopping me. Sexual and dominating thoughts just kept popping in my mind and they had to be carried out.

To answer your question about us being gay let me answer that by telling you a little of our background.

That Saturday morning was a first for Chris and I when we were both eighteen years old. Chris and his parents moved into the house across the street from me when he was nine and I was ten. Our ages are only a couple of months apart. Our families liked each other and did lots of things together (not sexual, get your mind out of the gutter :-) I didn't have too many close friends and neither did Chris so we became good buddies. We were in the Cub Scouts together for almost a year. We never joined the Boy Scouts but did camp out a lot on our own in the woods not too far from our homes.

We eventually went to the same high school, went to the same classes and gym and even graduated in the same class, not too long after that fabulous Saturday.. During those pre-high school and high school years we were almost inseparable. We biked, skate boarded, swam and camped together. Sometimes with other guys but most of the time it was just the two of us, although, one boy, Adam, whom we got "familiar: with later on, hung around with us regularly. Adam is straight and engaged to be married but I had fun dominating him, making him do sexual things to Chris and vice-versa. But it all ended when he got serious with his girl.

In high school we dated girls, usually Chris did not have a date and I would have to get my girl to find a girl for him. The only sexual things that happened occurred mainly in the car. The girls would give us a blow-job or hand-job, neither Chris nor I was interested in screwing them. In no way did I think I or Chris were gay even though we never tried to get into a girl's panties.

During sports and especially while wrestling I felt the urge to dominate Chris, not as a bully, but subduing him and controlling him. And that was about the time I sensed something strange about Chris. I am sure he let me win many times, as the loser always got roughed up and on a dare had to do whatever the winner wanted. I think is was because of those feelings that I got enough courage to do what I did on that Saturday. I was somewhat surprised that Chris let me do all those things to him, we never ever spoke of such things. But down deep inside of me I just knew he would do what he was told.

Even as I dominated Chris and did "gay" things to him or have him do things to me I did not consider myself gay. I kept telling myself, it is just guy-stuff. But that Saturday night when it was all over and I lay awake in my bed I could not sleep. I kept re-living everything that happened that day. I kept seeing Chris's cute face and body. For the past few years I often had pleasant dreams regarding Chris, but nothing about sex or master and slave.

But it was that night I realized that I was gay and accepted it. I also knew that I was to be a master and that Chris would be my slave. But more revealing to me was that deep down in my heart I really loved Chris and I believed he had feelings for me. So how could I reconcile on one hand being his lover and on the other a master who inflicted pain.

It was the next day, Sunday, that Chris and I took a stroll through the woods and spoke at length at what happened on Saturday. We talked openly and freely about all the things we did to each other. It was then that Chris admitted to me that he was gay and knew it for the last year. He said he never had gay sex with anyone but me and that he did not want anyone but me and he just wanted to please me at any cost.

I remember sitting him down and sat beside him. I told him that I too was gay and that I enjoyed being his master and that I truly loved him. We embraced and he cried on my shoulder as he told me he loved me. We broke into a deep passionate kiss. We both had no idea where our relationship was going only that we wanted it to continue. So how could we be truly lovers and slave and master at the same time. We had no answers.

As it turned out we both went to the same college and again we both graduated together. We both got jobs in the Advertising and Public Relations field even eventually working for the same company. And the strangest part of all this, at work, Chris is my boss!!! (I can tell you I have the most lenient boss in the world). We originally got an apartment and became roommates. Now we were roommates, friends, lovers, co-workers and a master and slave all wrapped up in one package, so to speak.

Well, we are now both twenty-nine years old. We have since bought a home together. Both our parents and some friends know of our gay relationship, but only a few know about the S&M. We live a "normal" life together. We have great times together, sexually and just as buddies and lovers. We, like everyone else, have our good days and bad days.

We are very active in our Master and Slave relationship. During the S&M activities it is all for real, no role-playing. Chris has learned to take extreme punishment and domination, including heavy pain, much water sports (almost every day), extreme scat, c&b torture, bondage, rough spankings and just about any sex imaginable. And he does most of the cooking and chores around the house while naked. Yet, we deeply love each other. I can't explain our relationship or what makes it work. It just does. I feel deep down in my gut that our relationship will go on and on, like the Energizer Bunny, and Chris says he feels the same way.

This is probably more than you wanted to know about Bobby and Chris. I know there will be some reading this and saying 'bullshit", things like this only happens in the movies not in real life. You can believe or don't believe, but what I wrote in the story and this letter are all true.

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