
Published on Dec 14, 2005


Bobby 2

By Bald Hairy Man.

This is an adult gay story for adult gay men. I this offends you, DON'T read it. This is a fantasy, not a sex manual. Play safely.

The next day was filled with activity. Planning a funeral is difficult under any circumstance, but planning one for a not well-liked murder victim is doubly difficult. Uncle Billy and my Aunt Sarah were a great help. Bobby was lost, but he took the lead from them. Sarah and I needed to go to the trailer to get some clothes for the body. Bobby didn't want to go back.

I called Officer Reynolds to see if that was all right. He said it was. Bobby's Dad had admitted to the murder. He said it was an accident, but he had killed her all right. There was nothing in the trailer of use to the Police. Reynolds said he would meet us at the trailer park and make sure we weren't bothered.

"Why would anyone bother us?" I asked.

"I'm afraid the Misty Acres Trailer Park is near the bottom of the Trailer park food chain," he replied. "Some people will be curious, other will be looking for something to take."

"I was there once," I said. "Pretty slim pickings."

"I'll bet that's not the way they see it at Misty Acres," Reynolds said. When we got there, I was glad he was there. I went to get Bobby's clothes and some personal things for him. Sarah went looking for her clothes. She was killed in the living room. Reynolds went in before us and covered the bloody sofa with a blanket.

The place was a wreck. I noticed the television was gone and some other electrical equipment had been obviously removed. The cable connection was ripped from the wall. The only neat area in the place was Bobby room. It was orderly and clean.

I put Bobby's clothes into a box, and looked for things he might need. He had a blue blazer and grey pants he could wear to the funeral. Aunt Sarah didn't have much luck in Bobby's mother's closet.

"Her tastes were . . . " she murmured. The closet was filled with polyester leopard prints. Everything was loud, cheap and worn. She was in a quandary. Office Reynolds came in and resolved the problem.

"Ma'am, I saw the body," he said. "It won't be an open coffin." Aunt Sarah settled for something clean. I made a call to Bobby and asked if there was anything he wanted.

"There's nothing in that place I want," he replied.

"No happy memories there?" I asked.


As we left, a young couple came up to us. "How's Bobby doing?" the man asked in a strong South West Virginia drawl.

"He's doing as well as can be expected," I said.

"When's the funeral?" he asked. I gave him the information. There was going to be grave side service the next day.

"We'll be there," he said. "I'm Bubba Malloy. Bobby's a nice guy."

"Bubba doesn't want to say it, but we're interested in the trailer, if Bobby wants to sell it," the woman said. "I'm Maggie Malloy. We could give him $3,000.00 now, and a couple thousand more later."

"We really need a place," Bubba said. "It ain`t much, but we've had some bad times. We're sharing a place with my sister."

I told them I'd talk to Bobby about it. We went by the funeral home and dropped off the clothes then I took Aunt Sarah home. I got back to my house by 3:00. There were two cars and a RV in front of the house. Bobby's relatives had arrived. They were a mixed bag.

An aunt was there. Aunt Ella was Bobby's mother's sister and it was clear they didn't get along. She was here because she had to be. She must have had the worst case of Baptist Church Lady I had even encountered. Fortunately she left after a half hour.

There were two young men, Denny and Rollo who were related to Bobby's father. They were good friends of Bobby. The rest of the group was made up of three men who were Billy's cousins. Two older ones, Alvis and Jud, were big bearded mountain men. They were dressed up in suits, but that clearly wasn't their normal attire. They were with a somewhat younger man named Cal. He was their nephew. The two groups of relatives didn't know each other. Bobby was the only connection.

It was a miss-matched group, but they seemed to get along well. Bobby use to spend his summers in the country and they were friends. Aunt Sarah appeared with her minister and they went over the details of the funeral. The minister was diplomatic and was really nice to Bobby. All of the men were polite and differential to her and she approved of them. The service would be at two the next afternoon.

After Aunt Sarah and the Minister left, the mood lightened considerably. Alvis and Cal went off to get some beer and pizza. I hadn't intended to entertain so many guys at the house, but Bobby looked so relieved to have friends near by, I let it go.

It got relaxed as the evening wore on. Usually being a non relative in a group of relations is uncomfortable, but not with this group. They were all out going and appreciated my helping Bobby out. No one drank too much, but the atmosphere did get casual. Somehow, after a while, I began to think these guys were more than just friends. The seemed really close. I don't know if Gaydar exists, but I sure felt some vibes. I offered to let them stay at the house for the night if they didn't mind sleeping on the floor.

Alvis and Jud had the RV and they had an extra bed in it. Cal could stay with them. That only left the two cousins, Denny and Rollo. Bobby said they could stay in his room, if I didn't mind. He winked at me, when he did that and I figured there wouldn't be much sleeping in that room.

Rollo was slim and wiry. He looked a bit like Bobby but he was a few years older and had dirty blond hair. He was an auto mechanic. Denny was a plump kid, the same age as Bobby. He looked as if he hadn't lost his baby fat yet. He worked in a Wal Mart.

I saw Uncle Billy looking at Jud's crotch. Jud wasn't a looker, but he something impressive packed between his legs. Billy glanced at me as I looked at Jud's crotch. He smiled. I got the feeling there might not be that much sleeping in my room either.

Alvis and Jud were retired loggers, but they did wood sculptures and apparently made quite a lot of money that way. They sure didn't look like artists. Both were in their later 60s, if not 70, but when Jud noticed me looking at his package, he rearranged his cock, so I could see the outline more clearly in his trousers. He was game. Cal was tall and lanky. They were all good ol' boys, but affable. Until I met Uncle Billy and Bobby, I had assumed being into man sex was an urban thing.

I though the group would divide in two, one older and one younger. To tell the truth, I was hoping for some time with Bobby, but I'm a big boy and figured he needed time with his friends. Things turned out differently.

Things began to get mixed up in the bathroom. My house is small and I only had a shower in my bedroom. The other bath had a tub. I warned the guys about limited hot water and they took it from there. "We can share!" Alvis said with a smile.

We were sitting in my bedroom, waiting for our turn. Rollo and Jud shared a shower. When Jud emerged from the shower, I saw he was indeed horse hung. He also was hard and not one bit embarrassed. I guess when you're hung like Jud you might as well flaunt it. Rollo came out of the shower, he was hard too. His cock was long and thin, much like Bobby's. It curved and almost touched his navel. He was uncut, but the skin was pulled and his almond-shaped head was exposed.

"I see you boys hit it off?" Alvis said.

"We sure did," Jud said.

Rollo was standing next to him. He reached out and stroked Jud's meat. "I'm not a size queen or anything," he said. "It's Jud's personality." Everyone laughed.

"And his good looks," Cal added.

I went in the shower next with Cal. He was a hairy, lanky man, his long cock hung from his thick pubic bush. "Billy said you guys hit it off last night," he said.

"That's one way to put it," I said. "Are all you men all playmates?"

"I guess you could say we experimented some when we were kids and never outgrew it," Cal said. "I got messed up when I was a teenager. Alvis and Jud straightened me out. I was afraid I was a fag and started drinking too much." He was soaping me up as he talked.

"How was that?"

"I was too straightlaced to admit I liked men," he explained. "I thought I'd outgrow it. My only vision of gay men was as effeminate, girly men. Alvis and Jud disabused me of that notion. They may not be pretty, but they are all man. They like man sex and weren't ashamed of it." At this point Cal sank to his knees and began to suck my cock.

"Hey, don't use up all the water!" Alvis cried. He looked in the curtain. "Boys, you don't need water to do that!" he was smiling. As we got out of the shower and Alvis, Denny and Bobby took our place. "Don't worry. We'll save lots of water." Alvis said. "Three in one!" In the bedroom, we joined Jud and Rollo.

"Rollo's having desert," Jud said. We joined them on the bed. Five minutes later all of us were in a puppy pile on the bed. Every way you turned there was a hard cock to lick or suck. If it was puppy pile, it was a pile of cock hounds. All seven of us were into cocks and no one was shy. I had never been in a situation where I didn't know exactly whose cock I was sucking.

It got a bit wild. Wild sex can only last so long. I think Rollo was the first to shoot off. His climax caused a chain reaction of orgasms. "Lap it up!" Alvis cried. "There's not enough water to shower again." I think I swallowed Jud's load and I think Cal took mine.

The group broke up, Alvis and Cal went to the RV, Bobby, Rollo and Denny went to Bobby's bedroom. Jud joined Billy and me in my bedroom. We were tired and fell asleep. I woke at 6:00 and went to the bathroom.

When I got back, Jud was awake. "Jump in, it's nice and warm in here," he said. I did a double take. It looked huge. I had seen it the night before, but hadn't focused on it.

Jud smiled. "It's just the equipment I was born with," he said. I got into the bed next to him. "I really appreciate you helping Bobby. He's a good kid, and Lord knows, the deck was stacked against him."

"I he's a good kid and a good worker too," I said. "He's an easy guy to help. He takes what comes along and goes with it. His folks must have bene a trip."

"Our family ain't pretty and we ain't too smart, but we aren't lazy and we ain't mean," Jud said. "Bobby's Daddy was mean and lazy. His momma was just plain stupid. Her only skill was getting on her back and getting fucked."

"Bobby's a smart kid," I said. I was stroking Jud's organ. Near the base my hand could get around the monster. He was uncut and there was a lot of skin. It formed a soft and flexible wrapping on the rock hard shaft. As it talked with Jud, Billy woke up and soon I felt his organ rubbing my ass crack. I shifted my leg a bit and his cock began to nudge at my hole. While I not much on bottoming, I was really relaxed and continued talking with Jud as Billy slowly eased into my ass.

"Does everyone in your family like man sex?" I asked

Jud chuckled. "Not everyone, but most of us are into it," he said. "We use to live in a hollow and Grand-daddy discovered you get fewer odd looking kids if you fuck your brothers or uncles than your sisters. We ain't great scientists, but we did figure that much out."

"We don't live in the hollow anymore, but it got to be a habit, I guess," Billy added. Billy was well hung, but his cock head was on the dark side of my sphincter and it felt pretty good. Actually it was really good. I hadn't expected that. He slipped a few more inches into my ass and I moaned.

"He's got a nice touch, doesn't he?" Jud asked. "You'd hardly know he's fucking you until he giving you CPR with his horse cock." Billy was way deep now and it was getting hard to sort out my feelings. He hit something that sent me to the moon. Jud slipped down and began sucking my cock as Billy massaged my ass.

Ten minutes later Billy pulled out and asked me if I wanted to try out Jud's monster. I wasn't sure I could take it, but my ass felt so empty. I was desperate to get it filled again. As it turned out, it was a rhetorical question anyway. Billy rolled me over so was ass was at Jud's meat.

Jud's cock was huge, but I wanted it badly. Anal wasn't my thing, but I craved Jud's organ. Billy had opened me up and my ass was well stretched. He nuzzled his cock head into my ass and I wiggled and twitched as he slowly penetrated me. I guess he had four or five inches in when the thrust forward and impaled me. I could hardly breathe.

Jud stayed perfectly still, until I got my breath. As soon as I did, he began to pump his member in small movements. I undulated my ass and suddenly his cock was in just the right place. His cock totally filled my ass. It was as if my ass was a shrink wrapped on his horse cock. I felt every movement he made. I could sense his blood throbbing.

He began making slow, deep thrusts. He would almost pull out, only leaving his cock he in, then he would slowly ram me. He picked up the pace until I didn't know where his cock stopped and my ass began. He reached a frenzied pace, then stopped dead. I feel only his ejaculating twitches and the sperm spewing from the slit. I was shooting too, but I had no sense of separation from Jud. We were a single ejaculating organism.

Next: Chapter 3

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