
Published on Aug 1, 2006


Bobby 6

By Bald Hairy Man.

This is an adult gay story for adult gay men. I this offends you, DON'T read it. This is a fantasy, not a sex manual. Play safely.

I was back in Fairfax for two days when Bobby called, "They got Conrad last night," he said.

"What do you mean?"

"The house invaders. He was out patrolling the neighborhood and ran into them. They beat him up really bad," he said. "A fractured skull, maybe brain damage."

"Where was Baskervill?"

"He had hurt his paw," Bobby said. "He was at home. It was stupid. Conrad should never have gone alone. I didn't know." I could tell Bobby was badly shaken up. "There was an article in the paper about neighborhood watches. Conrad's picture was on the front page. Who's going to run things now?"

We were silent. "I think it's going to be you," I said. "The neighbors trust you. You know everyone. I'll try to get back this weekend. The bad weather has put us behind schedule here, but I'll try to get back."

"They say the company is in trouble if your job is late?" he asked.

"Late penalties of $100,000.00 a day," I replied. "It will be either a triumph, or an abysmal failure. Harry hasn't exactly told me the details. There is no golden parachute for him. His house is on the line."

"I'll take care of things here," Bobby said. "Baskervill's here. I'm taking care of him. Connie's at the hospital full time. That dog's a hunter. If he found a trail, he wouldn't have given a shit about a hurt paw." I didn't get home that weekend, but I got the project back on schedule.

Next week, Bobby called and said things were better. Conrad would live, but there would be a lot of rehab in his future. Johnny, the redneck, and Jorge were filing in the gaps left by Conrad. Johnny was free during the day and when he walked his Doberman. He looked fearsome. Jorge's cousin Luis had joined the group. Jorge was small, but while Luis was the same height, he was built like a wrestler. He was more intimidating. Grady was a regular now. "Grady's sort of living at the house now," Bobby said. "He's helping a lot."

"Is he sleeping in the guest bedroom?" I asked.

"Once and a while," Bobby replied. We both laughed. There usually seemed to be a gap of three to four weeks between the attacks in our neighborhood. The house invaders struck in a wealthy suburban subdivision next. They attacked the wife of a retired Sate Senator. This got massive newspaper coverage. Our neighborhood was forgotten.

Bobby was sent up to help me in Fairfax for a week. He was sharing my room when Harry showed up. Harry looked disappointed when he saw Bobby. I think he was hoping for a night of recreation and release. Bobby and I had just gotten back from the job site and we were caked in dirt. I asked him in and introduced him to Bobby.

Harry had no gaydar at all and didn't guess Bobby was gay. Bobby went to the bath and I clued him in, "Bobby's a member of the club," I said. "You're more than welcome to stay."

"Is he all right?" Harry asked. "Trustworthy? Discrete?"

"All of the above," I said. When Bobby re entered the room he had stripped off his dirty clothes and was wearing only jockey shorts. Harry saw the potential.

"I need to shower," he said. "Does anyone need to use the head?"

"Go ahead," Harry answered. "A shower does sound good. It's been a sticky day." Bobby went back to the bath. A second or two later we heard the shower running.

Bobby was quick. In the trailer park there had been a water problem, so he wasn't one to waste hot water. "Who's next?" He had a towel loosely wrapped around his waist.

"Harry, why don't you go next," I said.

"No, you've been in the sun all day," Harry said. "I'll bring up the rear." I stripped naked and went into the bath. I wondered if Harry and Bobby would take the opportunity to get to know each other. When I returned, Harry was in his under shorts and Bobby had lost the towel. Bobby was at half staff. As I left the bath, Harry dropped his shorts and went to the shower, he was at half staff too.

Bobby was masculine, but almost pretty. Harry and I looked like old codgers with a young boy. Harry took a short shower and was back in the bedroom with us. Bobby was sitting on the edge of the bed, and he went right for Harry's cock. Harry sighed in relief when Bobby's mouth enveloped his protruding member. Harry was ripe.

I knew Bobby had learned much under Grady's tutelage. Bobby was more adventuresome and forward than he had been. I hadn't realized how far Harry had come. He was on the bed, sixty-nining with Bobby in no time at all. Not only was he obviously enjoying the young man's cock, he didn't mind being watched by me.

When Bobby's index finger strayed toward Harry's ass, Harry didn't object. Actually he shifted his legs a little to give Bobby better access. Harry had fucked me and enjoyed that, but he had shown no desire to take my cock up his ass. Bobby's cock was clearly a different matter. I wasn't sure Harry was ready for that, but he was considering the possibility.

"Hey guys, make room for me!" I said. They shifted and we formed a small ring, linked cock to mouth. Bobby and Harry were over the excitement of meeting a new man, and we had a nice, relaxed sucking session.

After fifteen minutes of sucking we had a cooling down period.

"You're so young," Harry said to Bobby, "I hope you don't mind us old guys."

"I like men, not boys," Bobby said. "Guys get more masculine as hey get older. I hadn't guessed you were into this sort of suff. Hank's not into kiss and tell."

"I'm new to this. I had no idea it would be . . ." Harry began to say.

"So fucking good?" Bobby said, completing the sentence. "Let me tell you one thing. The more you do it, the better it gets. I didn't know anything could feel so good."

"That's the way it seems to me," Harry replied. "I'd never tried anything like this before. So far, everything has been a success. "

"Do you like to fuck?" Bobby asked. Harry nodded.

"Me too," Bobby added. "At first I just pitched, but lately I've been catching and liking it."

"I enjoyed Hank's ass," Harry said. "I don't know if I could catch."

"Your ass is virgin?" Bobby asked. Harry nodded again. "You're only six inches away from losing it." Bobby said. "I really like topping."

Harry smiled as he looked at Bobby's dick. "Looks like seven inches to me," he said. Bobby laughed.

"There's one easy way to find out," Bobby said.

Harry looked at my cock and then Bobby's. You could almost see him thinking which cock would fit. It didn't take too long for Harry to make a choice. Bobby's organ was long and thin. I was much thicker. He opted for Bobby.

This was fine for me. I like to fuck, but I wasn't too sure I wanted to be the first to fuck my Boss. If it was good, I would have been fine, but if he didn't like it, I'd just as soon have Bobby's cock to be the first. Bobby was careful and considerate. He'd take his time.

Harry was both worried and excited. I remembered feeling that way when I was younger. I wanted to try things and experience more, but I was uneasy and almost afraid. The first time I was fucked was by a truck driver in the cab of his 18-wheeler. It wasn't a great success, but when I tried it again a few years later it was better.

Bobby had a good sized knob and he popped it into Harry's ass. Once it was in, the rest was easy. Harry was on his back with his legs on Bobby's shoulders. While he could have pushed in all the way, Bobby took his time. I told Harry to relax. When Bobby's cock head rubbed his prostate, Harry shivered. Bobby noticed and rubbed his gland over the nut several times.

Harry's had been half erect. It inflated like a balloon as Bobby's cock head made contact with his prostate. From then on there was no need to tell Harry to relax. Harry turned into a bottom pig. He loved it.

Bobby shot off after ten minutes and I took his place. Harry winced when my thick fuck tool popped his sphincter, but was fine after that. My thicker organ continuously maintained the pressure on his prostate. He went into a sexually induced trance. I had to slow up my thrusting twice when it looked as if it was too much for Harry.

Harry began to buck and I gave him a half dozen hard thrusts. We shot off together.

"Jesus!" Harry said. "What in hell happened?"

"I think you found a new sex organ," I said.

"My ass?" Harry asked."I thought fucking was good, but taking it in me the ass was . . ."

"I think it's the nut in your ass," Bobby said. "I didn't know it was there either. It sends you to the moon, doesn't?"

"You felt the same way?" Harry asked.

"Sometimes," Bobby said. "It depends on the cock. Sometimes it's good. Sometimes it's great. I think the size and shape of the cock make a difference."

"It's all a part of the joy of man sex," I said. "Every cock is a new experience." Harry's cock was still drooling cum, so I leaned over and sucked it.

"You're a fucking mind reader," Harry said as he continued to talk with Bobby. "How long have you guys been playing together? Were you to this when you met Hal?"

"Hal took me in after my Mom died about six months ago," Bobby said. "Dad shot her and it was a big mess. The trailer wasn't livable. Hal was the first guy I had sex with who wasn't a cousin. Or an Uncle. It was just messing around until I met Hal."

"What's the difference between messing around and sex?" Harry asked. I could tell he was amused.

"Attitude, I think," Bobby replied. "When we were kids, we pretended we didn't really like it. Everyone except my Uncle Jake, I think. We use to pretend a man's ass was just a substitute for a cunt. It was a race to see who could shoot off first. I liked sex, but had never bottomed. Hal did that. I was good. It's hard to enjoy something when you can't admit you like it." We talked for a while, but it was getting late and we went to sleep.

Bobby and I got back to Richmond the next weekend. Grady was at the house and had more than filled in the gaps in the neighborhood watch while we were gone. We went on a walk. I picked up Baskervill and the three of us wandered the streets. We went by George's place and he joined us with Fee Fee, the killer poodle. The dogs were very alert.

Jorge and Luis joined us later. Jorge spoke English well. Luis's English skills were more modest. Jorge translated for Luis. Strangely Luis seemed to understand Grady without any problem. We were chatting when Baskervill got a scent. A second or two later Fee Fee got excited. She began jumping up trying to get George's attention. Baskervill's excitement took the form of obsessive desire to follow the sent. Grady took Fee Fee and told George to call the police.

It was a dark area but the dogs didn't mind. Baskervill was normally a placid dog, but he was pulling hard. I wasn't sure if Fee Fee could follow sent as well as Baskervill, but she knew he was a master tracker. When we got to an over grown yard, the dogs got very excited.

"It's Lucy Patterson's house," Bobby whispered. The back gate was ajar.

"Should we wait for the police?" I asked.

"Shit no!" Grady said. He and the two Mexicans raced into the yard. Fee Fee was in the lead. We could see a dark figure leaving the house. Fee Fee wasn't going lose this one. Fee Fee distracted the man just long enough for a Mexican onslaught. Grady went into the house. The door was broken in. I was right behind him with Baskervill.

The kitchen had been trashed. Lucy was obsessively neat. I heard moaning from the living room. There was crashing up stairs. Grady ran up stairs with the dog. I looked for Lucy. By now I could hear police sirens. It is hard to say what happened next. It was that confused. I found Lucy, tied up and terrorized. Grady caught the man on the second floor, but the police tried to arrest Jorge and Luis. The man they had caught got away.

The Rescue Squad arrived and took Lucy to the hospital. By that time, all the neighbors were on the scene, and George went with Lucy to the hospital. Once the Police realized the mistake they made with Jorge and Luis, they apologized and were good. Unfortunately Grady's man refused to talk.

The detective in charge told me he thought the silent one had a record and they'd get some info from him whether he talked or not. The police said they'd talk to us the next morning. Jorge went home to his wife, but Luis came home with us for a beer.

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