
Published on Jul 7, 2006


Bobby 5

By Bald Hairy Man.

This is an adult gay story for adult gay men. I this offends you, DON'T read it. This is a fantasy, not a sex manual. Play safely.

The three of us clicked sexually and if I had any doubts about that, they were gone by the time I made breakfast. I ended up in Grady's very appreciative ass. His ass was firm and almost grasped my cock. It took only three or four minutes and I shot off.

I went off to make breakfast. When the food was ready, I went back to the bed room to get Grady and Bobby. Much to my surprise, Bobby was sitting on Grady's cock. The entire organ had vanished in Bobby's ass.

I was shocked. I hadn't guessed it would fit and I didn't expect to see Bobby so obviously enjoying it. Bobby wasn't much of a bottom, but Grady inspired him. Naked men can't hide sexual excitement and Bobby sported a cock so hard it looked as if it might explode. As I thought this, Bobby climaxed. There was cum everywhere, including the ceiling. As Bobby shot off, Grady began to shiver and twitch. Bobby was getting a full load in the ass.

Bobby fell forward into a bear hug. While they kissed, part of Grady's cock remained in Bobby's ass. It looked as if the slim boy was sitting on a telephone pole. The huge cock had stretched his hole as wide as it could be. I could see Grady was still ejaculating, his cock pulsed as cum spurted into Bobby's hole.

I watched as the two men cooled down. Grady finally lost his erection and his cock popped from Bobby's ass. Bobby's ass remained open for a few seconds and I was looking into his rectum. I had never seen an ass stay open before.

Breakfast was good. I didn't know how Grady and George were connected. "George and I are friends, old friends," Grady said. "He was the first man I fucked who enjoyed it. When I was younger, I was a crude country bumpkin. My idea of sex was to see how fast I could get off. George gave me lessons."

"Did George know the ropes?"

"Shit knew the ropes, and I think he may have invented and manufactured the ropes," Grady said. "He was gay, liked sex, didn't mind who knew it. What I knew about sex, I learned in rest stops and public parks. I'd never had sex on a bed before! "

"You liked it?"

"Did I mention George is almost double jointed?" Grady said. "I tied him in a ball, skewered him on my cock and gave him spin." We laughed. "George was a lot thinner then, he spun like a top and I climaxed on his last rotation. Eventually George fell in love with an interior designer and I moved on. We're still friends."

"No sex any more?" Bobby asked.

"Hardly any," Grady admitted. "Are you guys lovers? Daddy and son?"

"Friends," I said. "Friends who like sex."

"My favorite kind of friend, "Grady remarked. "Less baggage than a lover, and just as much fun sometimes. "

Grady left to go to the Police Station with George to pickup Fee Fee. Bobby and I chatted. "Grady turned you on, didn't he?" I asked.

"He did. He's a nice guy," Bobby replied. He was silent for a while. "Did it bother you?" he asked. "What we did?"

"No," I said. "Do you think it should?"

"You've been good to me," Bobby said. "I don't want to hurt you."

"You've played around with other men, so have I. It's never been a problem, has it?" I asked.

"No, but this was different," Bobby said. "It was more than sex. Did you notice?"

"You were turned on. I like him too," I said. "I don't think you can control what turns you on. Most of those things are hard wired into your mind. You can't control it. Sex, love and affection aren't the same thing. I've had great sex with guys I had no interest in and uninspired sex with guys I liked. There's nothing wrong with liking one and having sex with another."

"What about having sex with both?" Bobby asked.

"I don't think having sex with a person means you own them. You can share," I said. "There's enough of Grady to go around." Bobby smiled. I had a lot of time to think about this conversation. An hour later I got a call from my boss. Bill Jones, our most experienced superintendent had a massive heart attack and was out of commission for the next few months. My boss wanted me to replace him on a big job in Northern Virginia.

It meant a big promotion and a big raise. There was no way I could say no. The company had a hotel room for our superintendent near the site, so that night I went up to Fairfax to get ready. For the next four months I was in Fairfax working 16 hours a day. The project was big and complex. My boss was directly involved, and there was a lot to do in a short period of time.

My boss, Harry Landers, had been a distant figure in the executive offices. The men on the job sites rarely saw him. Most of us assumed he was a pencil pusher. I was surprised to discover how much he knew. He had last run a project ten or fifteen years earlier, but he was up to date on most things. At first I gave him my opinions carefully, but he soon respected my judgement. I had a lot of recent hands-on experience, and he had a lot of knowledge about big projects, so we worked well as a team.

I took care of dealing with the men. Harry felt having the company president deal with personnel problems was like using a tank to kill a fly. "I can fire a vice president easily enough," he said, "but men get humiliated when I step in. You've got a good way with the crew. Easy and casual, but when they don't produce, they sure know it."

I saw Harry in action when we had a concrete sub contractor who didn't seem to be able to get his concrete mixers to the site on time. The mixer would arrive two hours late, while I had a complete crew waiting, twiddling their thumbs. Harry had a heart to heart with the concrete company's president and the problems disappeared like magic. The president drove the truck the next morning. He arrived on time.

Harry would visit three times a week and spend all Monday at the site making sure the schedule was right. I'm good at scheduling, but Harry was a master. On one visit, Harry had a meeting on the project next morning at 8:00. Instead of going back to Richmond, he stayed with me. My room had two beds.

After work I had something quick to eat and went to my room. I'm up at 5:00 and at the site by 6:00, so I get to bed early. Harry went off to have dinner with the client.

It was a fancy hotel. By the end of the day, I was sweaty and coved in dirt. I had a clean pair of boots in my truck, so I didn't track mud into the hotel. The morning maid appreciated my efforts to keep the room clean. I asked her about laundry and she said she had an aunt who took in laundry. For $25.00 a week, she would take my laundry home and return it the next day. Construction is dirty work, but I don't like to be dirt incrusted at the beginning of the day.

When I got into the room, I'd strip, put my clothes into the laundry bag and shower. Normally I was naked in the room. I kept the air-conditioning set at 75 to 80 degrees. The site was so hot, I didn't like the room freezing. The contrast between the heat of the construction site and the room was too much. I was asleep when Harry got in from dinner. I was stark naked and only partially coved by a sheet. I was dead tired and frankly, I forgot he was coming.

I didn't hear him come in. When I woke the next morning, I was surprised to find a strange man in the room, then I remembered. He was naked too. I went to the bathroom and took a shower. He was still asleep.

He woke up while I was showering and went to the bath to piss while I was in the shower. "I hope you don't mind, but I really need to piss when I get up," he said. "A long piss is the normal way I start the day."

I laughed. "No problem. My equipment works the same way," I said. "Nature takes its course and you got to do what you got to do." Harry was in better shape than I had guessed. He was very tanned and I guessed he swam. He was toned due to regular exercise rather than weights. He was barrel chested with a narrow waist, and an impressive, uncut fire hose hung from between his legs. Harry had a thick bush and a full head of hair, but was otherwise hairless.

"You're a hairy one," he said as he looked me over. He took my place in the shower, we went to breakfast and got to the site at 6:30. The crew was impressed when the President showed up that early.

A week later Harry had to spend another night. This time he got in earlier. I was sitting in my boxers watching television. He stripped and went to the shower. He dried himself in full view. I wasn't positive, but I noticed his cock was a bit firm. It wasn't hard, but it wasn't quite soft.

Well-hung men usually don't mind showing off, and Harry was no exception. I guessed he wouldn't mind if I gave him a good looking over. I was right and as I studied his organ, it reacted. "You are fully equipped," I said. "Nice baby maker."

"It's done the trick," Harry said. "But, it's been in dry dock for the last ten years. Are you married, divorced?"

"Never had the pleasure," I said.

Harry smiled. "Well, the pleasures of marriage can be distinctly up and down," he said.

"I take it, you're in a lull?"

"More like a drought," he said. Harry was silent. "You have a room mate?"

"Yes," I said. "Bobby's a young guy. He's had some bad luck." I told him about Bobby and his problems.

Harry was getting hard. I didn't pretend I didn't notice.

"Sorry," Harry said. "It happens sometimes. My cock has a mind of it's own." He stepped closer, so his cock was almost in my face. I turned my head and licked it. Harry didn't say anything. I licked around the flared edge of his cock head. He liked that. When I took the entire head into my mouth, he oozed a glob of pre cum. He was ripe.

I sucked him for a good ten minutes. "I'm going to shoot!" he whispered. I kept on sucking as he shot volley after volley of cum into my mouth. He must have saved up for weeks.

"Thanks," he said and we both went to bed. Nothing changed in our relationship. It was as if nothing had happened. Two days later he came later in the day to meet with the client and came by the field office.

We worked out several problems and he made some calls. As he was leaving, he asked, "My meeting may run late tonight. Is it all right if I bunk with you again?"

"Sure," I said, "no problem."

He got close to me and said under his breath, "I can get another room, if you want. I don't want to impose."

I smiled at him, "You don't need to do that. I don't mind the company." He smiled and left. He knocked on my door at 9:00. He came in and told me about his meeting. He had been drinking some and was cheerful, but not drunk. As we talked, he stripped and went to the shower.

"I really enjoyed what happened the last time I was here," he said as he returned from the shower. "I was surprised how good it was."

"I liked it too," I said.

"What was I supposed to do?" he asked. "Was I supposed to blow you?"

I smiled. "That would be nice, but there are no hard and fast rules," I said. "It sure isn't a requirement. It depends on what you like."

"What if you don't know what you like?" Harry asked. "I've never done anything like that before. I take it you have?"

"I'm not as virginal as I might be," I said. "Are you an adventurous man?"

"I've been mostly straight laced until recently," Harry said. He looked at me. "To tell you the truth, I've been straight laced until last Monday with you. I've been successful in business and have a good family, but recently I've had a feeling I've missed something."

"Sex?" I asked.

"Physical pleasure," Harry replied. "Love, honor, respect I have. I've just never been able to let myself enjoy sex. I may be up tight, but compared to my wife I'm Hugh Hefner."

"Do you ever have sex just for fun?"

"I can truthfully say, that never happened until last Monday. I waited for marriage and had sex for procreation only," Harry said.

"Well, I'm not going to have your baby, if that what you want," I said.

Harry looked shocked, then he burst into laughter. "I barely know you, not to mention love you," he said.

"There's nothing wrong with a guy helping a buddy out," I said. "Friends helping friends, no string's fun is just fine with me."

"I'd like to try it sometime," Harry said, "It's just that I don't know what's right."

"I told you there aren't many rules," I said. "As long as you take no for an answer, it's all okay." Harry was silent. I remembered being fifteen when I had my first adult sex. I was scared, but more excited than scared. I could sense the same feelings in Harry. He was already at half staff. "Come over to my bed and let's see what we can work out?"

Harry came over and got on the bed. I stroked his cock. It took a while, but he touched mine. When it didn't bite him, he got into it. A few minutes later I was sucking his cock. Five minutes after that he was sucking mine. From then on it was easy.

"Are you okay?" I asked him during a lull.

"I am," he said. "It's not what I expected."

"No lightening bolts from heaven, or Devil swooping down to carry you off to hell?"

Harry looked at me oddly. "Are you a Baptist, by any chance?" he asked. We both laughed.

"Did you know damnation could feel so good?" I asked.

"No," Harry said. "I didn't know anything could feel so good." He looked at me, then asked, "Are there other things we could do?" I told him to lie still. I had a bottle of Corn Husker's lotion and coated his cock with it.

I quickly worked some lotion into my ass and straddled him. He was seven rock hard and thick inches. I sat on it and slowly impaled my self on it. Harry looked as if he was on his way to heaven. I was right behind him. It felt great. I began to gyrate on his pole, doing a little hula dance.

Harry was a quick study and by the end of the night he had explored just about every possible way to fuck me and to ring my chimes. I realized Harry and I were close to being perfectly compatible sexually. His cock fit my throat and ass. He could deep throat me without effort. I didn't fuck him, but I knew he would have let ms do it. I figured we had done enough for one night.

We got together every week or so. Harry never imposed. He was happy with what he got.

While I was in Fairfax, Bobby stayed in Richmond. My departure screwed up Conrad's neighborhood watch. No one other than Conrad was a leader of men. Bobby solved the problem by recruiting Grady to join the group.

Grady was a computer programer and he liked walking around the neighborhood after a day at his desk. After a month of walking, Grady toned up, Bobby said. I had a feeling Grady was spending a lot of time at my house with Bobby, but I was too busy with work and Harry to think about it.

I got back home for the first time after three weeks. When I drove up, the house looked different. The lawn and bushes weren't well maintained, they were manicured. When I got inside, the place was immaculate. There wasn't a spec of dust to be seen. The kitchen floor had a mirror finish. It had been polished and buffed.

The house was empty when I got in at 8:00 on Friday night, but Bobby arrived a few minutes later with a case of beer. "What happened here?" I asked. "It looks great."

"Grady likes things neat," Bobby replied. "He comes by and fixes things."

"It's really nice, but he doesn't need to do that," I said. The door opened and Grady entered the room.

"The stranger returns!" he proclaimed. He gave me a bear hug. "It's good to have you back." We all had a beer and they brought me up to date on the neighborhood situation. Nothing had happened recently, but Conrad thought it was about time. After Fee Fee chased the man, Conrad figured they would avoid the neighborhood until we let our guard down.

Bobby and I went to pick up Baskervill. Grady went to get Fee Fee. Baskervill and Fee Fee were pals, but they were all business on patrol. As a hound, Baskervill was a natural tracker. Somehow Fee Fee found trace of killer instinct in her ancestry. She wanted to finish off the man she almost caught the last time. We had an uneventful walk through the neighborhood.

When we got home, we had another beer and went to bed. I missed Bobby. Working 18 hours a day really cuts into your sex life. There had been nothing other than a weekly fling with Harry. When I got naked with Bobby and Grady my pent up sexual needs exploded. Much to my surprise, they were as hot for me as I was for them.

Bobby was different. He was a nice guy. I knew he liked sex with men, but had always been reserved. Bobby wasn't reserved anymore. He had always been willing when I was interested, but he never initiated sex. After three weeks with Grady, Bobby was comfortable with his sexuality.

I'm a masculine man, but Grady was turbo masculine, hyper masculine. Whatever God gave to men to make them men, Grady got double. Grady loved to pitch and he loved to catch. He was enthusiastic and vigorous. He wasn't ashamed or embarrassed of his sexual preferences.

It's hard to break away from the cliched images of gay men, and it was really hard for Bobby. Grady was all man and all gay. Bobby recognized this and felt comfortable. He was still a bit shy, but he seemed at ease with himself.

Bobby 5

By Bald Hairy Man.

This is an adult gay story for adult gay men. I this offends you, DON'T read it. This is a fantasy, not a sex manual. Play safely.

The three of us clicked sexually and if I had any doubts about that, they were gone by the time I made breakfast. I ended up in Grady's very appreciative ass. His ass was firm and almost grasped my cock. It took only three or four minutes and I shot off.

I went off to make breakfast. When the food was ready, I went back to the bed room to get Grady and Bobby. Much to my surprise, Bobby was sitting on Grady's cock. The entire organ had vanished in Bobby's ass.

I was shocked. I hadn't guessed it would fit and I didn't expect to see Bobby so obviously enjoying it. Bobby wasn't much of a bottom, but Grady inspired him. Naked men can't hide sexual excitement and Bobby sported a cock so hard it looked as if it might explode. As I thought this, Bobby climaxed. There was cum everywhere, including the ceiling. As Bobby shot off, Grady began to shiver and twitch. Bobby was getting a full load in the ass.

Bobby fell forward into a bear hug. While they kissed, part of Grady's cock remained in Bobby's ass. It looked as if the slim boy was sitting on a telephone pole. The huge cock had stretched his hole as wide as it could be. I could see Grady was still ejaculating, his cock pulsed as cum spurted into Bobby's hole.

I watched as the two men cooled down. Grady finally lost his erection and his cock popped from Bobby's ass. Bobby's ass remained open for a few seconds and I was looking into his rectum. I had never seen an ass stay open before.

Breakfast was good. I didn't know how Grady and George were connected. "George and I are friends, old friends," Grady said. "He was the first man I fucked who enjoyed it. When I was younger, I was a crude country bumpkin. My idea of sex was to see how fast I could get off. George gave me lessons."

"Did George know the ropes?"

"Shit knew the ropes, and I think he may have invented and manufactured the ropes," Grady said. "He was gay, liked sex, didn't mind who knew it. What I knew about sex, I learned in rest stops and public parks. I'd never had sex on a bed before! "

"You liked it?"

"Did I mention George is almost double jointed?" Grady said. "I tied him in a ball, skewered him on my cock and gave him spin." We laughed. "George was a lot thinner then, he spun like a top and I climaxed on his last rotation. Eventually George fell in love with an interior designer and I moved on. We're still friends."

"No sex any more?" Bobby asked.

"Hardly any," Grady admitted. "Are you guys lovers? Daddy and son?"

"Friends," I said. "Friends who like sex."

"My favorite kind of friend, "Grady remarked. "Less baggage than a lover, and just as much fun sometimes. "

Grady left to go to the Police Station with George to pickup Fee Fee. Bobby and I chatted. "Grady turned you on, didn't he?" I asked.

"He did. He's a nice guy," Bobby replied. He was silent for a while. "Did it bother you?" he asked. "What we did?"

"No," I said. "Do you think it should?"

"You've been good to me," Bobby said. "I don't want to hurt you."

"You've played around with other men, so have I. It's never been a problem, has it?" I asked.

"No, but this was different," Bobby said. "It was more than sex. Did you notice?"

"You were turned on. I like him too," I said. "I don't think you can control what turns you on. Most of those things are hard wired into your mind. You can't control it. Sex, love and affection aren't the same thing. I've had great sex with guys I had no interest in and uninspired sex with guys I liked. There's nothing wrong with liking one and having sex with another."

"What about having sex with both?" Bobby asked.

"I don't think having sex with a person means you own them. You can share," I said. "There's enough of Grady to go around." Bobby smiled. I had a lot of time to think about this conversation. An hour later I got a call from my boss. Bill Jones, our most experienced superintendent had a massive heart attack and was out of commission for the next few months. My boss wanted me to replace him on a big job in Northern Virginia.

It meant a big promotion and a big raise. There was no way I could say no. The company had a hotel room for our superintendent near the site, so that night I went up to Fairfax to get ready. For the next four months I was in Fairfax working 16 hours a day. The project was big and complex. My boss was directly involved, and there was a lot to do in a short period of time.

My boss, Harry Landers, had been a distant figure in the executive offices. The men on the job sites rarely saw him. Most of us assumed he was a pencil pusher. I was surprised to discover how much he knew. He had last run a project ten or fifteen years earlier, but he was up to date on most things. At first I gave him my opinions carefully, but he soon respected my judgement. I had a lot of recent hands-on experience, and he had a lot of knowledge about big projects, so we worked well as a team.

I took care of dealing with the men. Harry felt having the company president deal with personnel problems was like using a tank to kill a fly. "I can fire a vice president easily enough," he said, "but men get humiliated when I step in. You've got a good way with the crew. Easy and casual, but when they don't produce, they sure know it."

I saw Harry in action when we had a concrete sub contractor who didn't seem to be able to get his concrete mixers to the site on time. The mixer would arrive two hours late, while I had a complete crew waiting, twiddling their thumbs. Harry had a heart to heart with the concrete company's president and the problems disappeared like magic. The president drove the truck the next morning. He arrived on time.

Harry would visit three times a week and spend all Monday at the site making sure the schedule was right. I'm good at scheduling, but Harry was a master. On one visit, Harry had a meeting on the project next morning at 8:00. Instead of going back to Richmond, he stayed with me. My room had two beds.

After work I had something quick to eat and went to my room. I'm up at 5:00 and at the site by 6:00, so I get to bed early. Harry went off to have dinner with the client.

It was a fancy hotel. By the end of the day, I was sweaty and coved in dirt. I had a clean pair of boots in my truck, so I didn't track mud into the hotel. The morning maid appreciated my efforts to keep the room clean. I asked her about laundry and she said she had an aunt who took in laundry. For $25.00 a week, she would take my laundry home and return it the next day. Construction is dirty work, but I don't like to be dirt incrusted at the beginning of the day.

When I got into the room, I'd strip, put my clothes into the laundry bag and shower. Normally I was naked in the room. I kept the air-conditioning set at 75 to 80 degrees. The site was so hot, I didn't like the room freezing. The contrast between the heat of the construction site and the room was too much. I was asleep when Harry got in from dinner. I was stark naked and only partially coved by a sheet. I was dead tired and frankly, I forgot he was coming.

I didn't hear him come in. When I woke the next morning, I was surprised to find a strange man in the room, then I remembered. He was naked too. I went to the bathroom and took a shower. He was still asleep.

He woke up while I was showering and went to the bath to piss while I was in the shower. "I hope you don't mind, but I really need to piss when I get up," he said. "A long piss is the normal way I start the day."

I laughed. "No problem. My equipment works the same way," I said. "Nature takes its course and you got to do what you got to do." Harry was in better shape than I had guessed. He was very tanned and I guessed he swam. He was toned due to regular exercise rather than weights. He was barrel chested with a narrow waist, and an impressive, uncut fire hose hung from between his legs. Harry had a thick bush and a full head of hair, but was otherwise hairless.

"You're a hairy one," he said as he looked me over. He took my place in the shower, we went to breakfast and got to the site at 6:30. The crew was impressed when the President showed up that early.

A week later Harry had to spend another night. This time he got in earlier. I was sitting in my boxers watching television. He stripped and went to the shower. He dried himself in full view. I wasn't positive, but I noticed his cock was a bit firm. It wasn't hard, but it wasn't quite soft.

Well-hung men usually don't mind showing off, and Harry was no exception. I guessed he wouldn't mind if I gave him a good looking over. I was right and as I studied his organ, it reacted. "You are fully equipped," I said. "Nice baby maker."

"It's done the trick," Harry said. "But, it's been in dry dock for the last ten years. Are you married, divorced?"

"Never had the pleasure," I said.

Harry smiled. "Well, the pleasures of marriage can be distinctly up and down," he said.

"I take it, you're in a lull?"

"More like a drought," he said. Harry was silent. "You have a room mate?"

"Yes," I said. "Bobby's a young guy. He's had some bad luck." I told him about Bobby and his problems.

Harry was getting hard. I didn't pretend I didn't notice.

"Sorry," Harry said. "It happens sometimes. My cock has a mind of it's own." He stepped closer, so his cock was almost in my face. I turned my head and licked it. Harry didn't say anything. I licked around the flared edge of his cock head. He liked that. When I took the entire head into my mouth, he oozed a glob of pre cum. He was ripe.

I sucked him for a good ten minutes. "I'm going to shoot!" he whispered. I kept on sucking as he shot volley after volley of cum into my mouth. He must have saved up for weeks.

"Thanks," he said and we both went to bed. Nothing changed in our relationship. It was as if nothing had happened. Two days later he came later in the day to meet with the client and came by the field office.

We worked out several problems and he made some calls. As he was leaving, he asked, "My meeting may run late tonight. Is it all right if I bunk with you again?"

"Sure," I said, "no problem."

He got close to me and said under his breath, "I can get another room, if you want. I don't want to impose."

I smiled at him, "You don't need to do that. I don't mind the company." He smiled and left. He knocked on my door at 9:00. He came in and told me about his meeting. He had been drinking some and was cheerful, but not drunk. As we talked, he stripped and went to the shower.

"I really enjoyed what happened the last time I was here," he said as he returned from the shower. "I was surprised how good it was."

"I liked it too," I said.

"What was I supposed to do?" he asked. "Was I supposed to blow you?"

I smiled. "That would be nice, but there are no hard and fast rules," I said. "It sure isn't a requirement. It depends on what you like."

"What if you don't know what you like?" Harry asked. "I've never done anything like that before. I take it you have?"

"I'm not as virginal as I might be," I said. "Are you an adventurous man?"

"I've been mostly straight laced until recently," Harry said. He looked at me. "To tell you the truth, I've been straight laced until last Monday with you. I've been successful in business and have a good family, but recently I've had a feeling I've missed something."

"Sex?" I asked.

"Physical pleasure," Harry replied. "Love, honor, respect I have. I've just never been able to let myself enjoy sex. I may be up tight, but compared to my wife I'm Hugh Hefner."

"Do you ever have sex just for fun?"

"I can truthfully say, that never happened until last Monday. I waited for marriage and had sex for procreation only," Harry said.

"Well, I'm not going to have your baby, if that what you want," I said.

Harry looked shocked, then he burst into laughter. "I barely know you, not to mention love you," he said.

"There's nothing wrong with a guy helping a buddy out," I said. "Friends helping friends, no string's fun is just fine with me."

"I'd like to try it sometime," Harry said, "It's just that I don't know what's right."

"I told you there aren't many rules," I said. "As long as you take no for an answer, it's all okay." Harry was silent. I remembered being fifteen when I had my first adult sex. I was scared, but more excited than scared. I could sense the same feelings in Harry. He was already at half staff. "Come over to my bed and let's see what we can work out?"

Harry came over and got on the bed. I stroked his cock. It took a while, but he touched mine. When it didn't bite him, he got into it. A few minutes later I was sucking his cock. Five minutes after that he was sucking mine. From then on it was easy.

"Are you okay?" I asked him during a lull.

"I am," he said. "It's not what I expected."

"No lightening bolts from heaven, or Devil swooping down to carry you off to hell?"

Harry looked at me oddly. "Are you a Baptist, by any chance?" he asked. We both laughed.

"Did you know damnation could feel so good?" I asked.

"No," Harry said. "I didn't know anything could feel so good." He looked at me, then asked, "Are there other things we could do?" I told him to lie still. I had a bottle of Corn Husker's lotion and coated his cock with it.

I quickly worked some lotion into my ass and straddled him. He was seven rock hard and thick inches. I sat on it and slowly impaled my self on it. Harry looked as if he was on his way to heaven. I was right behind him. It felt great. I began to gyrate on his pole, doing a little hula dance.

Harry was a quick study and by the end of the night he had explored just about every possible way to fuck me and to ring my chimes. I realized Harry and I were close to being perfectly compatible sexually. His cock fit my throat and ass. He could deep throat me without effort. I didn't fuck him, but I knew he would have let ms do it. I figured we had done enough for one night.

We got together every week or so. Harry never imposed. He was happy with what he got.

While I was in Fairfax, Bobby stayed in Richmond. My departure screwed up Conrad's neighborhood watch. No one other than Conrad was a leader of men. Bobby solved the problem by recruiting Grady to join the group.

Grady was a computer programer and he liked walking around the neighborhood after a day at his desk. After a month of walking, Grady toned up, Bobby said. I had a feeling Grady was spending a lot of time at my house with Bobby, but I was too busy with work and Harry to think about it.

I got back home for the first time after three weeks. When I drove up, the house looked different. The lawn and bushes weren't well maintained, they were manicured. When I got inside, the place was immaculate. There wasn't a spec of dust to be seen. The kitchen floor had a mirror finish. It had been polished and buffed.

The house was empty when I got in at 8:00 on Friday night, but Bobby arrived a few minutes later with a case of beer. "What happened here?" I asked. "It looks great."

"Grady likes things neat," Bobby replied. "He comes by and fixes things."

"It's really nice, but he doesn't need to do that," I said. The door opened and Grady entered the room.

"The stranger returns!" he proclaimed. He gave me a bear hug. "It's good to have you back." We all had a beer and they brought me up to date on the neighborhood situation. Nothing had happened recently, but Conrad thought it was about time. After Fee Fee chased the man, Conrad figured they would avoid the neighborhood until we let our guard down.

Bobby and I went to pick up Baskervill. Grady went to get Fee Fee. Baskervill and Fee Fee were pals, but they were all business on patrol. As a hound, Baskervill was a natural tracker. Somehow Fee Fee found trace of killer instinct in her ancestry. She wanted to finish off the man she almost caught the last time. We had an uneventful walk through the neighborhood.

When we got home, we had another beer and went to bed. I missed Bobby. Working 18 hours a day really cuts into your sex life. There had been nothing other than a weekly fling with Harry. When I got naked with Bobby and Grady my pent up sexual needs exploded. Much to my surprise, they were as hot for me as I was for them.

Bobby was different. He was a nice guy. I knew he liked sex with men, but had always been reserved. Bobby wasn't reserved anymore. He had always been willing when I was interested, but he never initiated sex. After three weeks with Grady, Bobby was comfortable with his sexuality.

I'm a masculine man, but Grady was turbo masculine, hyper masculine. Whatever God gave to men to make them men, Grady got double. Grady loved to pitch and he loved to catch. He was enthusiastic and vigorous. He wasn't ashamed or embarrassed of his sexual preferences.

It's hard to break away from the cliched images of gay men, and it was really hard for Bobby. Grady was all man and all gay. Bobby recognized this and felt comfortable. He was still a bit shy, but he seemed at ease with himself.

Next: Chapter 6

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